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1.1 Background and Problems

Language is very important for our live. Without language we

cannot communicate well with someone else. Beside our national language bahasa

Indonesia we also have to learn about English because English is one of the

important languages in the world.

In learning English the important thing that we have to learn about

how to make a good sentence in English. According to Quirk in his book A

university Grammar of English (1973:12) there are five elements of sentence, they

are subject, verb, complement, object, and adverbial.

Verb mostly refers to action or state, infinitive is the base of a verb.

Infinitive is one of the three non-finite verbal forms. The other two are the past-

and present-participle forms, where the present-participle form is also the gerund

form. In English, a verb's infinitive is its unmarked form, such as be, do, have, or

sit, often introduced by the particle to. When this particle is absent, the infinitive

is said to be a bare infinitive; when it is present, it is generally considered to be a

part of the infinitive, then known as the full infinitive (or to-infinitive). Infinitive

has many functions as parts of sentence elements, so that I am interested to

analyze about infinitive.

1.2 Scope of Discussion

Based on the background, the topic that will be discuss in this

paper is about infinitive. Infinitive can be analysed from many points of view. So

it is important to make a limitation. the point that will be discuss in this paper is

about the uses and the functions of infinitive clause.

1.3 Aims

We have aims in everything we do and also in writing this paper.

In writing a scientific paper, there are three aims that have to be achieved. They

are ; general aim, specific aim, and academic aim.

The general aim of writing this paper is to train myself in making a

scientific writing by appliying the theories that I have learned from English

Department, Faculty of letter, Warmadewa University.

The specific aim of writing this paper is to get detail information

about the uses and the functions of infinitive.

The academic aim of writing this paper is to fulfill one of the

recruirements to get S1 degree at English Department, Faculty of letter,

Warmadewa University.

1.4 Theoritical Basis

In making scientific paper, we must analyze the data base on the

relevant theory that can support the writing. The theory that is used in this paper is

taken from A University Grammar of English written by Randolph Quirk and

Sidney Greenbaum (1973). Thay stated that:

The finite clause always contains a subject as well as a predicate,

except in the case of commands and ellipsis. As nearly all
independent clauses (in discursive English, though not in ‘lock
language’ : 7.66) are finite clauses. In contrast, non finite clauses
can be constructed without a subject, and usually are. The four
classes of non-finite verb phrase serve to distinguish four classes of
non finite clause : infinitive with to, infinitive without to, -ing
participle and –ed participle. (Quirk. 1973 : 310)

1.5 Methodology

Methodology is the way that is used in solving the problem or

something. Methodology includes the procedure of understanding of object

observed. There are three kinds of methodology in this writing, they are: data

sources, data collection and data analysis.

Data source is a source that supports the writing and it must be

related to the topic. The data source for this paper are collected from some novels.

In getting complete information about Infinitive, here I used library

research method. The data are collecting the data source. Novel was read

carefully, the data are selected by quoting the data which are relevant to the topic.

After the data have been collected, the data would be classified

based on the scope of discussion. And the result would be analyzed by appropiate

theories that are shown in the theoritical basis.



2.1 The Definition Of Infinitive Clauses

2.2 The Functions of Infivinitive Clauses

2.2.1 To-infinite

2.2.2 Bare infinitive

2.3 The Uses of Infinitive

2.3.1 The infinitive as subject

2.3.2 The infinitive as object or complement of the verb

2.3.3 Verb + how/what/when/where/which/why + infinitive

2.3.4 The infinitive after verb or verb + object

2.3.5 The infinitive after verb and object

2.3.6 The infinitive after verbs of knowing and thinking

2.3.7 The bare infinitive after verbs and expressions

2.3.8 The infinitive used as a connective link

2.3.9 The infinitive used to replace a relative clause

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