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University of Santo Tomas CHE 216L:

Faculty of Engineering PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY FOR

Department of Chemical Engineering ENGINEERS 1 LABORATORY
Post-Lab Written Report
Date Performed: 5/2020
Name: MUNGCAL, Christian Job Oliver M.
Date Submitted: 5/2020
Section: 2CHEA Group No: 6 Instructor: Ma’am Rose Mardie Pacia



The term that used to describe the heaviness of a fluid being flow in a particular surface can be
measured through Viscosity. Informally speaking, viscosity is the quantity that describes the fluid’s
resistance to flow [1]. A fluid that flows in a surface can be resisted through the friction that is caused by
the surface that affects the motion of the fluid. It can be described as a resistance of a fluid to flow. That
friction caused by the surface can be experienced by the molecules inside the fluid, this is because of the
molecular interaction between the fluid and the surface or object.

A viscosity of a liquid and gas can be affected by the temperature in its surroundings. Looking closer
through the fluid’s molecules, when the temperature is increased, the molecules move faster –their speed
also increases and as a result, they spend less time with their neighbors” [2]. Hence, when the temperature
increases, the average of the intermolecular forces decreases. But this case is only applicable to the liquid
state since as a gaseous state, the frequency of the intermolecular collision increases at higher
temperature. Therefore, the viscosity of a gas is increases at higher temperature.

For the fluid to flow on any surface, force is required or needed in order to gain velocity at any
circumstances. For instance, different types of fluids with different viscosities are being pushed by the same
force that applied to them, we can notice that some fluid flows slower than the other one –that is because
it has more viscosity than the rest of the fluid. In this experiment, a viscosity of a certain type of liquid
substance will be measured in order to determine its relativity to other liquid substances that have different
viscosity. Viscosity can be represented by the symbol of η or can be called as “eta”. Formally speaking, the
definition of viscosity can be expressed as the ratio of the shearing stress to the velocity gradient in a fluid.

Equation 1.1. Viscosity general equation.

It can also be related to Newton's Equation, stating that the shear of the fluid is directly proportional
to the force that applied and inversely proportional to its viscosity. The SI unit of viscosity is the Pascal
second (Pa s). But the most common unit used for viscosity is dyne second per square centimeter (dyne
s/cm2), or known as Poise (p), named after Jean Poiseuille, a French physiologist. A ten poise is equal to
one pascal second hence, the centipoise and millipascal second are equal.
Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance

1 Pa s = 10 P
1000 mPa s = 10 P
1 mPa s = 0.01 P
1 mPa s = 1 cP
Equation 1.2. A sample conversion between pascal (Pa) and poise (P).

There are two different quantity measurements of viscosity, dynamic and kinematic viscosity.
Dynamic viscosity of Absolute viscosity measures the ratio of the shear stress to the shear rate of the fluid.
It is the measure of internal resistance and is the tangential force per unit area required to move in a surface
with respect to another surface [3].

Equation 1.3. Dynamic viscosity equation.

Wherein the τ is the shear stress and the γ is the shear rate. The dynamic viscosity can be expressed
in a metric CGS (centimeter-gram-second) system as^3, dyne s/cm^2 or poise (P) where 1 poise is
equal to 1 unit of each CGS. It can be expressed relatively to the Poiseuille's law:

𝑑𝑝𝑔𝑟 4
Equation 1.4. Dynamic viscosity equation relative to Poiseuille’s law.

Wherein the dp is he pressure drop across the tube (g/cm 2), the g is the acceleration due to gravity
(cm/s2), the v is the volume delivered per unit time (mL/s), r is the radius of the tube (cm), and the L as the
length of the tube (cm).

The kinematic viscosity, on the other hand, is the ratio of the absolute viscosity of a fluid to the
density of the fluid. It can be obtained by dividing the absolute viscosity (μ) to its density (ρ). By the
definition, it is the ratio of the viscous forces to the inertial force on the liquid. It is analogous to diffusivity
of mass and heat, being the diffusivity of momentum. A kinematic viscosity can be expressed:

Equation. 1.5. Kinematic viscosity equation.


Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance

Other ways to determine the viscosity of the liquid substance is by the ratio of the solution ( η) to the
pure solvent (ηo), which also serves as a reference liquid and can be expressed in different equations [4]:

1. Relative viscosity
η𝑟 =

2. Specific viscosity
η − η𝑜
η𝑠𝑝 = = η𝑟 − 1

3. Inherent viscosity
ln η𝑟
η𝑖 =

4. Intrinsic viscosity
[η] = lim
𝑐→0 𝑐

In this experiment, the relative viscosity equation is only needed to measure the viscosity. In the
virtual laboratory, the pressure of the liquid is proportional to its density, the terms g, r, v, and L in the
dynamic viscosity equation are just the same for both liquids, we can omit them from the equation. Leaving
the p as the density and t as the time flow, the relative viscosity equation can now be expressed as:

𝜇1 𝑝1 𝑡2
𝜇2 𝑝2 𝑡2
Equation 1.6. Modified relative viscosity equation.

Furthermore, the objective of this experiment is to measure the relative and absolute viscosities of
the given liquid substances. Also, to determine the effect of temperature and the nature of the samples on
their measured viscosities.


The Liquid substances that are used in the Virtual Lab Experiment (VLE) are Water, Toluene,
Nitrobenzene, and Glycerol. The materials used and seen in the VLE are: Ostwald Viscometer, beaker,
stopwatch, pipette, thermometer, iron stand, iron clamp, and stirring rod.

The VLE comes in two parts: first is the determination of relative viscosities of the liquid substances
and the temperature dependence of viscosity of a Glycerol. For the first part, a water was first selected as
a liquid sample and placed it in an Ostwald Viscometer. Then after that, the start button was clicked and


Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance

the water inside the viscometer started to flow down. The stopwatch was stopped after the liquid reached
on the label D in the viscometer. The flow time to reach the label D was noted. The procedure was repeated
for Toluene and Nitrobenzene.

For the second part of the VLE, the glycerol was put in the graduated cylinder. With five (5) different
temperatures, the time flow of the glycerol to flow in a graduated cylinder was observed and determined.
The time flow was determined by clicking the virtual stopwatch’s start and stop. The stopwatch started to
countdown when the glycerol flowed through the first point and was stopped after it reached the second
point. The procedure was repeated five times and then it was observed and noted.

Figure 1.1. VLE Set-up for the Determination of Relative Viscosities.

Figure 1.2. VLE Set-up for the Measuring the Viscosity of Glycerol.


Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance


Table 1.1. Determination of the Viscosities of Given Liquid Substances.

Liquid Mass (g) Density (g/cm3) Flow Time (sec)

i ii Mean
Water 25.06 1.002 40.17 40.27 40.22
Toluene 21.55 0.862 35.38 35.48 35.43
Nitrobenzene 30.01 1.200 66.31 66.19 66.25

From this, we can observe that Nitrobenzene, that has 66.25 secs mean of flow time, took longer to
reach in labeled D on the set-up than Toluene that has 35.43 secs and Water that has 40 secs.

Table 1.2. Absolute Viscosities of Organic Liquids

Liquid (g) Density (g/cm3) Time Flow Mean (s) Viscosity (cP)
Water 1.002 40.22 0.8007
Toluene 0.862 35.43 0.6068
Nitrobenzene 1.200 66.25 1.5795

By applying the modified relative viscosity,

𝜇1 𝑝1 𝑡2
𝜇2 𝑝2 𝑡2

The Toluene’s relative viscosity,

𝜇 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑒 𝜌1𝑡1 ( )(35.43 𝑠)
= = 𝑐𝑚3 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟓𝟖
𝜇 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝜌2𝑡2 𝑔
(1.002 )(40.22)
The Nitrobenzene’s relative viscosity,
𝜇 𝑜𝑓 𝑁𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑧𝑒𝑛𝑒 𝜌1𝑡1 ( 3 )(66.25 𝑠)
= = 𝑐𝑚 = 𝟏. 𝟗𝟕𝟑
𝜇 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝜌2𝑡2 𝑔
(1.002 3 )(40.22)

Table 1.3. Temperature Dependence of Viscosity of a Glycerol.

Time to pass between the two points (sec)
Temperature (°C)
I ii Mean
61.8 0.49 0.47 0.48
50 1.15 1.13 1.14
42.4 1.57 1.53 1.55
35.5 2.47 2.53 2.5
26.5 4.25 4.23 4.24


Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance



Temperature (°C)





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Flow time (sec)

Figure 1.3. A plot of Flow time vs Temperature of Glycerol

Based on Table 1.3. and Figure 1.1., it shows that as the temperature decreases, the flow time of
glycerol to flow into the graduated cylinder increases, thus we can observe that the temperature is inversely
proportional to the time flow of the fluid. The higher the temperature is, the slower the glycerol to flow.


1. How would you explain the difference in the viscosities of toluene and nitrobenzene relative to
that water? What factors bring out about such differences?

Relatively to the water as a reference liquid, the first factor that need to consider is their difference
in terms of their density. Based on the data we’ve gathered, the higher the density of the compound is, the
higher its viscosity as it measures the “heaviness” of the fluid itself. Second, their difference mainly lies on
the temperature of the surroundings. The viscosity of the compound is inversely proportional to the
temperature [5]. Third, their molecular weight since the nitrobenzene has a higher molecular weight
compare toluene, we can see that it has a more viscosity than the toluene.

2. Explain the plot of flow time vs temperature.

The graph of flow time vs temperature indicates that the higher the temperature of the liquid
substance is, the faster it will flow –less time it will take to flow in a certain object. The temperature as said
in the previous question, it is one of the factors that can bring out the differences between the two liquids.


Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance

At higher temperature, the molecules tend to move faster thus, it will take a shorter time to flow than when
it is at lower temperature.

3. What could be the effect of trapped bubbles in the viscometer during the run on (a) the measured
time? (b) the relative viscosities? Explain your answer.

Trapped bubbles in the viscometer can cause an error that may reflect an inaccuracy in the data
results. They can cause an unusual friction which results to disturb the flow of fluid in the viscometer. Thus,
it could also affect the time since it is directly proportional to the viscosity based on the equation of;
𝜇1 𝑝1 𝑡2
𝜇2 𝑝2 𝑡2
and since the formula is relative viscosity, we can make an assumption from this that when the measured
time is faster in which caused by the trapped bubbles, the viscosity will be smaller than usual.

4. Why is it necessary to measure the viscosity of a liquid (or a gas)? Give practical examples where
such physical property is needed.

It is necessary to measure the viscosity of any substance particularly in the field of chemical
engineering as it has many aspects in which viscosity is being used as a data. Measuring the viscosity can
give us an ability to determine the exact material needed in a certain situation –how it should work, behave,
what structure must undergo in this process, and so on [5].

For an instance, a substance that has a high viscosity that can be used in real life situations e.g.
Ketchup, Toothpaste, Syrup, etc. and if we do not know their viscosity before, it would be too difficult to
make a right material for them to pump out from their container or it will pump too much because we don’t
know the “heaviness” of the fluid in it. In plant design, viscosity plays a huge role as it can affect the design
transportation and the production of the process of any liquids. It can also be used to utilize in some food
industry in which it can help with its production –the efficiency and cost effectiveness. In public utility,
viscosity can help to determine a right material for the water to flow smoothly.

5. Suggest other experimental method by which the viscosity of liquid substance may be determined.

The first method in which viscosity of a liquid substance can be measured is by pouring them in a
slant surface—considering the angle inclined and its friction [6]. From there, we can determine their
viscosity in which how fast they will go down to the bottom from top. If the liquid goes down quickly, the
viscosity is smaller. If the liquid goes down slowly, the viscosity is larger.

The second method is by dropping a marble into the liquid substance that is being contain in a closed
pack jar [7]. From there, we can observe in which marbles sink to the bottom of each jar quickly or slowly.
How fast the marble will go down to the bottom can determine the viscosity of the liquid substance of it. If


Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance

the marble goes down quickly, the viscosity of the liquid substance is smaller, while the marble that goes
down slowly has a viscosity larger than the other one.

6. Is the method in this experiment applicable for gases? If not, suggest an experimental method by
which the viscosity of gases may be determined.

This experiment can only be used to measure the viscosity of a liquid substance. To measure the
viscosity of a gas, two factors that must be in the experiment and that is the pressure and temperature. By
applying the kinetic theory of gases, we can determine the molecular diameter of the gases that flows in
the setup below in which the flow of rate of gas is being monitor in a capillary tube that has a constant
pressure differential [8]. The said experiment can also apply the Poiseuille’s Equation which is similar to
the current experiment.

Figure 1.2. Experimental Setup for the Viscosity of Gases.


Based on the data that we have gathered for the first part of VLE, we can conclude that the
nitrobenzene has more viscosity than toluene and water. For the second part of VLE, the temperature of
glycerol is inversely proportional to its flow of time. Increasing the temperature, the glycerol moves slowly
hence, the time flow is decreasing.

Stated in the Answers to Questions Section, there are some factors that can be considered in
determining the viscosity of a particular liquid substance. First is its molecular weight, the nitrobenzene’s
molecular weight is 123.11 g/gmol while the toluene has 92.14 g/gmol and water has 18 g/gmol. The higher
the molecular weight, the higher its viscosity is. Second is its density, the nitrobenzene has 1.2 g/cm 3 while
the toluene has 0.862 g/cm3. From there we can conclude that the higher the density of a liquid substance,
the higher its viscosity since having such a high density the fluid moves slowly at a surface depending on
how the force is pushing the fluid.


Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance

We are able to determine the relative and absolute viscosity of nitrobenzene and toluene. Since we
only obtained the density and the flow of time of a liquid substance, we can use the Equation 1.6. and use
water as a reference liquid in determining their absolute viscosity and relative viscosity. The nitrobenzene
has much higher absolute viscosity which is 1.5795 cP compared to water that has 0.8007 cP and toluene
that has 0.6068 cP. In relative viscosity, the nitrobenzene was computed to have 1.973 ratio while the
toluene has 0.758 ratio. From there, the nitrobenzene’s value for absolute and relative viscosity has
doubled in value compared to toluene.

For the second part of VLE, we are able to determine the effect of temperature in measuring
viscosity. As stated in introduction and in Figure 1.3., the fluid moves slower as the temperature increases.
From there, we can conclude that at higher temperature, the viscosity of the liquid substance is increasing
given that the molecular interchange is increasing at higher temperature, there is a strong cohesive force
between the fluid and the surface.

Given that the experiment was performed in the virtual laboratory, the only possible error that can
be obtained from the data result is the human error. Since we can only obtain the data by clicking the virtual
stopwatch from the sites, there is a possibility that we get inaccurate data since the fluid moves faster in
both part 1 and part 2 of the VLE. To further improve in getting the data in this experiment, having many
trials and getting their means is the best choice to obtain a near accurate data. Since the time flow is only
measured in this experiment, getting the data result is difficult and must need a precise click on the virtual

1. The Physics Hypertextbook. (n.d.). Viscosity. [online] Retrieved May 8, 2020 from
2. Wen, C. (2019, June 6). Viscosity. [online] Retrieved May 8, 2020 from
3. Engineering ToolBox, (2003). Absolute, Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity. [online] Retrieved May
8, from
4. Viscosity. (n.d.). Retrieved May 8, 2020 from
5. AZO Materials. (n.d.). Viscosity Factors – What Affects Viscosity? Retrieved April 21, 2020, from
6. CSC Scientific Company, Inc. (2019). Viscosity Testing. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from


Experiment #1: Viscosity of Liquid Substance

7. The Sci Guys. (2014, June 3). The Sci Guys: Science at Home - SE2 - EP7: Viscosity of Liquids
[Video]. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from
8. Cool Science Experiments. (n.d.). Viscosity of a Liquid Science Experiment. Retrieved April 21,
2020, from
9. Viscosity of gases: Estimation of molecular diameter. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2020, from Viscosity.pdf


A. Calculation for the absolute viscosity of Toluene

𝜌1𝑡1 ( ) (35.43 𝑠)
𝜇 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑒 = (𝜇 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟) = (0.8007 𝑐𝑃) 𝑐𝑚3 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟎𝟔𝟖
𝜌2𝑡2 𝑔
(1.002 3 ) (40.22)
B. Calculation for the absolute viscosity of Nitrobenzene
𝜌1𝑡1 ( 3 ) (66.25 𝑠)
𝜇 𝑜𝑓 𝑁𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑧𝑒𝑛𝑒 = (𝜇 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟) = (0.8007 𝑐𝑃) 𝑐𝑚 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟕𝟗𝟓
𝜌2𝑡2 𝑔
(1.002 3 ) (40.22)


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