Comprehensive Local Juvenile Intervention Program: Outcome 1. Reduced The No. of Out School Children

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Republic of the Philippines

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Province of Maguindanao
Municipality of Buldon
Barangay Dinganen


Expected Results Indicator Baseline Year Geographic Area Component Responsible Budget
(Output, Outcome) intervention and Fund
2021 2022 2023
Outcome 1.
Reduced the No. of
Out School Children
1.1 No. of parents were 35 Parents 11 20 35 Sitio Central-Y1 BCPC BLGU(lead) 50,000
Conduct an orientation were orientated on the Oriented Sitio Upper-Y2 Orientation, MSSD(support) Y1 10,000
on proper parenting and rights of their children (BLGU 2019) Sitio Riverside-Y3 Brgy. MLGU(Support) Y2 20,000
orientation on the rights and proper parenting Barangay Dinganen Assembly and PTA (Support) Y3 20,000
of the children School MEd (Support)
1.2 Passed an ordinance 35 out of 2 Barangay Dinganen Information BLGU(lead) 20,000
Proposed and create an against child labor and school Ordinance - - Dissemination MSSD(support)
ordinance against child ordinance against child children Passed thru Barangay MLGU(Support)
labor and ordinance exploitation (BLGU 2019) and Assembly, PTA (Support)
against child 2 Ordinance Approved Public Posting MEd (Support)
exploitation passed and 11 and IEC
1.3 No. of out school 35 Out of 11 20 35 Barangay Dinganen Financial BLGU(lead) 300,000
Out of school children children reduced School Assistance and MSSD(support) Y1
enrolled and child labor Children were Livelihood MLGU(Support) 100,000
reduced out of school Program for PTA (Support) Y2
due to low the Parents MEd (Support) 100,000
living Y3
condition 100,000

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Republic of the Philippines
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Province of Maguindanao
Municipality of Buldon
Barangay Dinganen

Outcome 2
Reduced the No. child
2.1 No. of Parents with the 35 Parents 11 20 35 Barangay Dinganen Counseling BLGU(Lead) 5,000
Reduced the number of laboring children were Orientations MSSD(support)
Child labor cases within undergone counseling counseled And Barangay MLGU(Support)
the Barangay for the rights of the Assemblies
children and for their
responsibility as
2.2 Parents with laboring 35 parents 11 20 35 Barangay Dinganen Livelihood BLGU(Lead) 30,000
Parents were trained for children undergone trained Programs MSSD(support)
livelihood program livelihood training MLGU(Support)

Outcome 3
Reduced the No. of
children involved in

3.1 Children with their 6 parents and 6 - - Barangay Dinganen Counselling BLGU(Lead) 1,000
Reduced the No. of parents undergone children MSSD(support)
children involved in counselling and undergone
thief within the informed about the counselling
Barangay laws on CCL
3.2 Parents undergone 6 parents 6 - - Barangay Dinganen Livelihood BLGU(Lead) 100,000
Parents of whose livelihood program Program LGU(Support)
children were involved NGO(Support)
in thief undergone
livelihood program

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Republic of the Philippines
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Province of Maguindanao
Municipality of Buldon
Barangay Dinganen

3.3 Each family received 6 Family 6 - - Barangay Dinganen Cash BLGU(Lead) 180,000
Cash Assistance for the an amount to start their received cash Assistance LGU(Support)
Family of each children own business and used assistance MSSD(Support)
involved in thief the livelihood training
they've undergone
Outcome 4
Reduced the number
of children who smoke
Conducted (IEC) Conducted IEC Every 4 School and 7 4 Schools 4 4 Barangay Dinganen IEC- BLGU(Lead) 30,000
Education Information School and Sitio within Sitio were and 7 Sitio Scho Scho Information LGU(Support) Y1 10,000
Campaign on the effects the Barangay informed on ols ols Eduaction MSSD(Support) Y2 10,000
of smoking the effects of and 7 and 7 Campaign Y3 10,000
smoking Sitio Sitio
Proposed,Create and Passed an Ordinance 1 Ordinance 1 - - Barangay Dinganen Newly enacted BLGU(lead) 1,000
Passed an Ordinance Prohibiting Children Passed Ordinance
prohibiting children Smoking Cigarettes information
smoking cigarettes dissemination
on Barangay
twice a year

Prepared by: Approved By:


Barangay Secretary Barangay Chairman/ABC President

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