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A financial article news letter by – FINANZA – The finance club of IMT – DCP, Ghaziabad
March 08, 2011 Volume I Edition: II


"normal downturn" but not the "near collapse" of

the global economic system that took place.

Suspects include financial enemies in Middle

Eastern states, Islamic terrorists, hostile
members of the Chinese military, or government

Financial Terrorism
and organized crime groups in Russia,
Venezuela or Iran. Chinese military officials
Suspected in ’08 publicly have suggested using economic warfare
against the U.S.
Economic Crash
In an interview with The Times, Mr. Freeman
Source: The Washington Times said his report provided enough theoretical
evidence for an economic warfare attack that
Dated: March 01, 2011
further forensic study was warranted.
Evidence outlined in a Pentagon contractor
report suggests that financial subversion carried "The new battle space is the economy," he said.
out by unknown parties, such as terrorists or "We spend hundreds of billions of dollars on
hostile nations, contributed to the 2008 weapons systems each year. But a relatively
economic crash by covertly using vulnerabilities small amount of money focused against our
in the U.S. financial system. financial markets through leveraged derivatives
or cyber efforts can result in trillions of dollars in
The unclassified 2009 report "Economic
losses. And, the perpetrators can remain
Warfare: Risks and Responses" by financial
analyst Kevin D. Freeman, a copy of which was
obtained by The Washington Times, states that "This is the equivalent of box cutters on an
"a three-phased attack was planned and is in the airplane," Mr. Freeman said.
process against the United States economy."
Paul Bracken, a Yale University professor who
While economic analysts and a final report from has studied economic warfare, said he saw "no
the federal government's Financial Crisis Inquiry convincing evidence that 'outside forces'
Commission blame the crash on such economic colluded to bring about the 2008 crisis."
factors as high-risk mortgage lending practices
and poor federal regulation and supervision, the "There were outside players in the market" for
Pentagon contractor adds a new element: unregulated credit default swaps, Mr. Bracken
"outside forces," a factor the commission did not said in an e-mail. "Foreign banks and hedge
examine. funds play the shorts all the time too. But
suggestions of an organized targeted attack for
"There is sufficient justification to question strategic reasons don't seem to me to be
whether outside forces triggered, capitalized plausible."
upon or magnified the economic difficulties of
2008," the report says, explaining that those Regardless of the report's findings, U.S. officials
domestic economic factors would have caused a and outside analysts said the Pentagon, the
Treasury Department and U.S. intelligence
agencies are not aggressively studying the The report concluded that the evidence of an
threats to the United States posed by economic attack is strong enough that "financial terrorism
warfare and financial terrorism. may have cost the global economy as much as
$50 trillion."
"Nobody wants to go there," one official said.
Because of secrecy surrounding global banking
A copy of the report also was provided to the and finance, finding the exact identities of the
recently concluded Financial Crisis Inquiry attackers will be difficult.
Commission, but the commission also declined
to address the possibility of economic warfare in But U.S. opponents in Russia who could wage
its final report. economic warfare include elements of the
former KGB intelligence and political police who
Officials, who spoke on the condition of regard the economy as a "logical extension of
anonymity, said senior Pentagon policymakers, the Cold War," the report says.
including Michael Vickers, an assistant defense
secretary in charge of special operations, Asked by The Times who he thought to be the
blocked further study, saying the Pentagon was most likely behind the financial attacks, Mr.
not the appropriate agency to assess economic Freeman said: "Unfortunately, the two major
warfare and financial terrorism risks. strategic threats, radical jihadists and the
Chinese, are among the best positioned in the
Mr. Vickers declined to be interviewed but, economic battle space."
through a spokesman, said he did not say
economic warfare was not an area for the Also, the report lists as suspects advocates of
Pentagon to study, and that he did not block Islamic law, who have publicly called for
further study. opposition to capitalism as a way to promote
what they regard as the superiority of Islam.
Mr. Vickers is awaiting Senate confirmation on
his promotion to be undersecretary of defense Further Pentagon Low Intensity Conflict office
for intelligence. research into possible economic warfare or
financial terrorism being behind the economic
Despite his skepticism of the report, Mr. Bracken collapse by the Pentagon's Special Operations
agreed that financial warfare needs to be and was blocked, Mr. Freeman said.
studied, and he noted that the U.S. government
is only starting to address the issue. The Pentagon report states that the evidence of
financial subversion revealed that the first two
"We are in an era like the 1950s where phases of an attack on the U.S. economy took
technological innovation is transforming the tools place from 2007 to 2009 and "based on recent
of coercion and war," he said. "We tend not to global market activity, it appears that the
see this, and look at information warfare, predicted Phase III may be underway right now."
financial warfare, precision strike, [weapons of
mass destruction], etc. as separate silos. It's The report states that federal authorities must
their parallel co-evolution that leads to further investigate two significant events in the
interesting options, like counter-elite targeting. months leading up to the financial crisis.
And no one is really looking at this in an overall
'systems' way. Diplomacy is way behind here." The first phase of the economic attack, the
report said, was the escalation of oil prices by
Mr. Freeman wrote the report for the Pentagon's speculators from 2007 to mid-2008 that
Irregular Warfare Support Program, part of the coincided with the housing finance crisis.
Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office,
which examines unconventional warfare In the second phase, the stock market collapsed
scenarios. by what the report called a "bear raid" from
unidentified sources on Bear Stearns, Lehman
"The preponderance of evidence that cannot be Brothers and other Wall Street firms.
easily dismissed demands a thorough and
immediate study be commenced," the report "This produced a complete collapse in credit
says. "Ignoring the likelihood of this very real availability and almost started a global
threat ensures a catastrophic event." depression," Mr. Freeman said.
The third phase is what Mr. Freeman states in "The reality of the situation today is that foreign-
the report was the main source of the economic based hedge funds perpetrating bear raid
system's vulnerability. "We have taken on strategies could do so virtually unmonitored and
massive public debt as the government was the unregulated on behalf of enemies of the United
only party who could access capital markets in States," the report says.
late 2008 and early 2009," he said, placing the
U.S. dollar's global reserve currency status at "Only recently have defense and intelligence
grave risk. agencies begun to consider this very real
possibility of what amounts to financial terrorism
"This is the 'end game' if the goal is to destroy and-or economic warfare."
America," Mr. Freeman said, noting that in his
view China's military "has been advocating the As for Chinese involvement in economic
potential for an economic attack on the U.S. for sabotage, the decline in the world economy may
12 years or longer as evidenced by the have hurt Beijing through a decline in purchases
publication of the book Unrestricted Warfare in of Chinese goods.
Treasury spokeswoman Marti Adams had no
Additional evidence provided by Mr. Freeman immediate comment on the report but said her
includes the statement in 2008 by Treasury department's views on the causes of the
Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. that the economic crash were well known.
Russians had approached the Chinese with a
plan to dump its holdings of bonds by the
federally backed mortgage companies Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac.

Among the financial instruments that may have

been used in the economic warfare scenario are
credit default swaps, unregulated and
untraceable contracts by which a buyer pays the
seller a fee and in exchange is paid off in a bond
or a loan. The report said credit default swaps
are "ideal bear-raid tools" and "have the power
to determine the financial viability of companies."

Another economic warfare tool that was linked in

the report to the 2008 crash is what is called
"naked short-selling" of stock, defined as short-
selling financial shares without borrowing them.

The report said that 30 percent to 70 percent of

the decline in stock share values for two
companies that were attacked, Bear Stearns
and Lehman Brothers, were results of failed
trades from naked short-selling.

The collapse in September 2008 of Lehman

Brothers, the fourth-largest U.S. investment
bank, was the most significant event in the
crash, causing an immediate credit freeze and
stock market crash, the report says.

In a section of who was behind the collapse, the

report says determining the actors is difficult
because of banking and financial trading

We would love to hear back from you please mail us your comments or ideas at:
fin flash is an initiative of ‘Finanza’ the finance club of IMT, Ghaziabad (DCP).
This article was originally printed in ‘The Washington Post’ dated March 01, 2011.

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