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Team Angela

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When creating your assignment and typing up your answers do not include these questions.
I only need your answers to these questions on your assignments! Not the instructions and
questions posted below. If you include anything other than your answers on an assignment,
I will not be able to give you credit for it. Read this.

01. .025 points, A few sentences for each point, Note the word count change > According to
the documentary Catfish(2010) a. What is a Catfish? b. Who is the first Catfish? c. Why is
the Catfish called a catfish? In answering this question do not Google the term Catfish or
Wikipedia the term catfish. Use the documentary Catfish (2010), assigned for AR01F Q04
and be sure to explain and defend your response.

02. .025 points, At least 25 words, Note the word count change > Explain why and how a
Catfish, (as it is defined in the 2010 documentary Catfish) would both work as a good
locatable fact and not work as a good locatable fact for a sociologist like Jon Kleinberg and
his team wanting to document and measure the small world problem in the year 2011. I
introduced Kleinberg on AR01F. Be sure to read this question carefully, answer everything it
is asking you and explain and defend your response.

03. .025 points, At least 25 words > According to the little snippet of audio posted below,
what was the Jennicam and describe three features it shared with Facebook, the cyber
social networking site invented by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. In order to get credit for your
answer you must reference the audio documentary posted below and what you learned
about Facebook from the 2010 documentary Catfish, first assigned for AR01F.

● Click here and listen to "Act 2" of a 39-minute section of an audio documentary, How
We Talked Back Then (2000). A transcript of this audio documentary is here. Just
scroll down and look for "Act 2," The Internet" after you click on the link.

04. .025 points, At least 25 words > List three scene from Catfish (2010), first assigned for
AR01F, where someone was using a smartphone and explain whether or not that person
was using that smartphone in the way Charlene De Guzman depicted smartphone use in her
2013 short film I Forgot My Phone, archived here. Be sure to explain and defend your
response. You must specifically list three scenes or instances from Catfish (2010) in order to
get credit for your answer.

Digging a little deeper into social things that didn't exist until the late twentieth century

05. .025 points, At least 25 words > Listen very carefully to Sherry Turkle's now iconic 2012
talk, "Alone Together," archived here. What is her main thesis and do you think the
documentary Catfish (2010), first assigned for AR01F, supports or refutes it? Be sure to
reference both Turkle's talk specifically, as well as the documentary Catfish (2010) and, as
always, explain and defend your response.

06. .025 points, At least 25 words > Before we move forward, we have to acknowledge and
analyze how Catfishing became a social behavior circulated, discussed and analyzed by the
mass media around 2012, i.e., after the movie theatre release of Catfish (2010), the
documentary, first assigned for AR01F. (I happen to think the Catfish documentary was 100
per cent made up, a total product of MTV, the corporation that now produces Catfish, the TV
show. But whatever). Watch the trailer for the first season of Catfish the TV show here, as
well as twenty minutes or so of the first season of Catfish the TV show here and then add to
your definition for what a Catfish is from what you wrote for Q01, directly above. Be sure to
explain and defend your response.

07. .025 points, At least 25 words > According to Catfish (2010), first assigned for AR01F,
Nev, who lives in New York City, starts a romantic and cyber sexual relationship with a girl
named Megan, who lives in rural, upstate Michigan. All you have to do as your answer for
this question is detail for me where, when and how Nev comes to realize that Megan is the
cyber creation of a woman named Angela. Be as specific as possible in your answer and be
sure to reference the storyline of Catfish (2010).

08. .025 points, At least 25 words > Why, do you think, is Nev not romantically and
sexually attracted to Angela like he was to Megan? Choose one option from the list below
and explain why you chose that option over the others.

● Because Angela isn't as young as Megan

● Because Angela isn't as blond as Megan
● Because Angela isn't as thin as Megan
● Because Angela is married and Megan was unmarried, unattached
● Because Angela is a mother and Megan was childless
● Because Angela was the sole caregiver to her two stepsons who required a lot of
● Because Angela lied a lot to Nev and Nev assumed Megan was truthful

Remember, you must choose one of the above options in creating your response and
explain why you chose it. If you choose more than one you won't receive credit. And be
sure to back up your answer by referring to at least one scene from Catfish (2010), first
assigned for AR01F and to explain and defend your response.

09. .025 points, At least 135 words, Note the word count change > The documentary
Catfish (2010), first assigned for AR01F, is told from the perspective of Nev, (the person
who was tricked). Simply re-tell the entire story from the perspective of Angela (the person
who did the tricking) to explain how, specifically, she used Facebook to trick Nev. In order
to get credit for your answer you must specifically reference the documentary Catfish
(2010) at least three times, i.e., reference the three scenes you think best answers this
question. Be sure to also explain and defend your response.

10. .025 points, At least 25 words, Note the word count change > Re-watch Catfish (2010),
first assigned for AR01F, from around the 1'07 minute mark to the 1'09 minute mark to
review the Facebook community Angela created and maintained for Nev for almost a year.
Now, make the argument that this Facebook community *could* be considered what
sociologists call an "isolated community." I defined an isolated community for you below. Be
sure to explain and defend your response.

● In formal, scientific, academic sociology the official designation for an isolated

community refers to a settlement that is either a long distance from larger
settlements or lacks transportation links that are typical in more populated areas.
The word isolated describes a geographical area where a community is located over
350 km from the nearest service centre having year-round road access, scheduled
flights and good telephone services, but does have year-round road access. Note
that not all homes in an isolated community have to have phones and that flights
may be cancelled or delayed due to weather.
The possible "isolated community" Angela created for Nev

11. .025 points, At least 10 words, Note the word count change > How are isolated
communities whether they exist in cyberspace or real space relevant to the small world
problem. Need a quick definition for the small world problem? Click back to AR01F located
here or just use my quick definition posted below.

● The small world problem - The statistical idea that in the modern world every human
is physically, literally connected to one another by x degrees of other people. Modern
for the purposes of this definition would mean from the year 1900 forward to right

12. .025 points, At least 25 words, Note the word count change > Do you think Angela
could have created and maintained the isolated (and secret) community made for Nev
without the use of Facebook? Be sure to make your answer at least twenty-five words and
to explain and defend your response.

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