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Group Management Plan

Driving Question: What is dangerous in our world today? What might go so wrong that our

world would change drastically?

1. How do you keep students on task so they don't waste time?

For our unit, we intend to implement a daily log for students to help them stay on

track with their responsibilities. This form, Project Management Log of Daily

Tasks, can be seen below.This form, Project Management Log of Daily Tasks,

can be seen below. This form will be completed by the recorder of the group.

2. How will you make sure groups are making adequate progress towards project

goals? How do you make sure groups/students don't fall through the cracks?

a. Our unit implements several assignments, both individual and collaborative that

will be submitted throughout the unit rather than all together at the end. This will

be our main indicator of tracking student progress.

b. We intend to make sure groups/students don’t fall through the cracks by having

group meetings weekly with each group to address concerns and offer counsel.

Students will self regulate when they would, as a group, like to speak with their

teacher, but they are required to find time during the week to have a conversation.

During these conversations, if I discover that a group is falling behind, I will help

them make a game plan in order to catch up.

3. How do you make sure all group members are pulling their weight?

a. We can make sure all group members are contributing by assigning group rating

assignments throughout the unit to check in with students. These group rating
feedback forms will also be completed via a Google Form. This form will be

displayed as a QR code for quick access.

Google Form:

Project Management Log of Daily Tasks

Team Name: ___________________________________________________________________

Team Members : ____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

Today’s Task Who is Final Due Date for Status? Done

Date Responsible Assignment/Task

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