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TICKET-IN – Week 12

NAME: Francisco José Gómez Vigoya CODE: 191816 GROUP: 30

1. Play the video from 0:00 to 10:27 and fill out the chart below with key information

Voluntourism: When You Take More Than You Leave Behind

What do people understand by Why did she decide to become a What obstacles did she have to
volunteering? volunteer? overcome?
Altruistic activities or services Because she was wondering about She did not know much about
provided for certain communities the possibilities she could take African’s history, economy,
for no financial gain after graduating and she decided to politics or culture. Also the
take plan of an idea that was why stereotypes she had about the
not to go to Africa to save the poverty, dirt but she was meant
world. to change it.

What did she discover in Ghana? How did she and her volunteering What was children’s reaction
companions deal with that when volunteers came back?
A different mentality and a It seems that nobody was listening Seem so happy and they were
different perspective of the to them for receiving help for the hoping that they would never
people, how the education children leave the place anymore
system was working, and how
some children of the orphan
foundation have real parents.

2. Play the second part of the video (14:37- 17:32) and answer the following questions:

What problems do volunteering What does she recommend in What questions should people
organizations have? order to be a volunteer? ask themselves before
They do not know enough about We have to think critically and take What kind of transferable skills
the environment, about the steps to improve ourselves before do we have to offer, who is the
culture of the organizations we make a positive contribution to one giving
the wider world

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