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Management Information System

Project: Plan and Database Design for LMS

BBA IV-A (Evening)

Muhammad Umar Afzal 2192032

Saad 2192015
Ayesha Bibi 2192006
Irsa Akhtar 2192031

Introduction:............................................................................................................................................... 2
Need for LMS:.............................................................................................................................................2
Development Model:...................................................................................................................................3
Our Microservices Achitecture:...................................................................................................................4
Tools and Techniques:.................................................................................................................................5
User Interface:.............................................................................................................................................7
1. Faculty User Interface:....................................................................................................................7
2. Student User Interface:....................................................................................................................7
Database Model:..........................................................................................................................................8
Budget: …...……………………………………………………………………………………….………13
Our Project Management: .........................................................................................................................14

1. System Development Life cycle
2. Micro services Architecture
3. User Interface Diagrams
4. Database Tables
5. Database Diagrams

A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration,
documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of educational courses, training
programs, or learning and development programs. The learning management system is a concept
of e-learning. In this era, e-learning becomes essential for everyone in order to avoid physical
classes and lectures. LMSs are focused on online learning delivery but support a range of uses,
acting as a platform for online content, including courses, both asynchronous based and
synchronous based. An LMS may offer classroom management for instructor-led training or a
flipped classroom, used in higher education, but not in the corporate space. Every institute needs
LMS for their institute. LMS helps both faculty and student of university or college. It provides
an online classroom for an instructor to deliver their lecture to students take quizzes and
assignments also upload recorded lectures. Students have the facility to check their classes and
quizzes schedule and have access to uploaded lectures by the instructor. LMS help everyone in
COVID-19 to continue their studies from home.

We have designed a data base for learning Management System of our university. Our LMS
system keeps complete record of our departments, students, faculty and programs offered. Now
in this part of our project we are going to answer different queries from the technical aspect of
deploying our LMS application.

In this report we are going to explore different technical avenues like the hardware, software
and networking components required to successfully deploying such a system. It is to note that
the technical information mentioned is best of our knowledge and verified and cross referenced
by the sources mentioned by our teacher.


Keeping in mind the current situation of COVID we are going to make the LMS for the National
University of Modern Languages (NUML) in order to facilitate the students and faculty of the
university. Faculty can take online classes, give assignments, take quizzes and upload video
recorded lectures. And Students can take online classes and watch video lectures. Let’s see how
we will able to achieve our goal. Furthermore the new trend of digitalization has made it
necessary for every organization to have their portals and easy to use online system. This will not
only speed up the processes but also will result in effective outcomes and better data handling.

System development Lifecycle (SDLC) will be used by our team to develop and maintain the
desired Learning Management System. Through each step we will get closer to finally achieving
our goal to develop an effective and easy to use LMS.

1. Planning:
Initial Planning will be done for the need reorganization and to determine our capabilities as well
as resources. This step will also determine the selection of our measures, programs, hardware
and software we will be using for the development of LMS.

2. Analysis:
In this step, we are going to gather all the requirements from our faculty and students by using
the interview technique and also gather information from some institutes who already own their
LMS through observation and interview technique

3. System Design:
The requirements specifications from the requirement analysis phase are going to study in this
phase and the design system is preparing which will help us define the hardware system and
requirements of the system to describe the overall architecture of the system.

4. Implementation:
Now with all requirements and specifications are we will implement them and divide our system
into small units and develop small units of the system which will help us to develop more
feasible unit, furthermore these units are tested which is also called unit testing. The units
developed before are going to integrate after their testing. When every unit is integrated
successfully then the whole system is going to test for any fault and failures. We will do black
box, grey box and white box testing here. All failures and faults will resolve here. After testing
and resolving the faults our LMS is ready for deployment. We will deploy our LMS in our

5. Maintenance:
When we will deploy our LMS into campus some issues or errors may arise from client side. We
will be ready in advance with a backup to fix those issues and with latest changes better version
of LMS will be deployed regularly. Our main focus will be keeping things updated to resolve
any issues in it.


As we are running a local network and our website and database is in AWS servers so we would
need a good high speed reliable corporate internet connection to establish a good connection with
our cloud servers. According to our research we have figured we are going to use Nayatel’s top
of the line corporate connection. It would provide us 35 MB/s of bandwidth speed and up to 2
terabyte of volume. That we believe would be enough to maintain the good connection with
AWS servers. The AWS EC2 instance that we have selected, the r6g.xlarge provides us with Up
to 4,750 MB/s of bandwidth.

In past the devices that were used have hard disk in which magnetic disks were present but now
microchips are used. Now these devices have Solid State drive. Solid state drive is used to store
the data with the help of using flash memory. Now the work is done quickly. We can download
or store data in seconds. That’s why the software’s we used do the work quickly. We can use
General instance because it is cheap but it’s not on the data base and have very less features.
Memory is very less and we needed the memory more because we have designed the LMS and
the main purpose of the LMS is that teachers can upload their lectures and students are able to
upload their assignments on it. General is not able to handle the workload. The General instances
provide us the less hard disk like 1.7 GB, 3.75 GB, 7.5GB, and 15GB. We have used R6g.xlarge
because its RAM is 32 GIB which will make our work effective. The AWS charged amount
according to the storage we used per month. They charged Rs 20.98 per GB in a month and we
used 2000 GB volume 43200 seconds in one month we will be charged Rs 698.18.


Here are some tools and techniques we are going to use during development

 JavaScript
 jQuery
 React Js
 Bootstrap
 Ajax
 MySQL Workbench
 Xampp
 Visual Studio Code

1. HTML:
HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language which is building block of any website. We will use
HTML5 in our project because HTML5 have the audio and video tag which will help us to make
LMS more our frontend and backend there will be different HTML pages for

instructor and students like view courses, watch lecture, take online class, register course,
account page and many other pages. These pages will be created in html.

2. JavaScript:
JavaScript is a scripting language which will help us to dynamically update content, add
animations and validations. JavaScript is abbreviated as JS. We will use JavaScript in our front-
end website for animations and validation of the form like signup form or login form. We will
use JavaScript for navigation bar to show mobile navigation bar in mobile screen and hide
desktop navigation bar. We will use JavaScript for calendar date picker and show courses tables
on clicking course button.

3. jQuery:
We will use JavaScript’s library jQuery for HTML DOM tree traversal, event handling and CSS
animations more easily. We will use jQuery to hide data we don’t want to show at that instance
but on an event the data will appear. When student goes to the video lecture page when it plays
the video automatically video notes will going to show below the video.

4. React Js:
React Js is an open source Front-end JavaScript library for building UI components. We will use
react Js for front-end development of LMS. We will create the front-end components in react Js.
Frontend is divided in different section and every section is a component these components will
be created in react Js. The main slider, about us, display courses, footer, result, navigation bar
will be created in react Js and these component will be render to form a page.

5. CSS:
CSS is use for styling the HTML web pages. We will use CSS in our project for styling
elements. In our project every element of the website will be design by CSS. Font colors,
background colors, buttons, paragraphs, body, heading, anchor tabs, hyperlinks, buttons hover
everything in going to design with CSS.

6. Bootstrap:
Bootstrap is famous CSS framework for making websites responsive. Responsive means that our
LMS will perfectly open in different platform and devices like android mobiles, iPhones, iPad,
iPad Pro and in tablets. LMS website will work on all devices in arranged manner. Bootstrap
provides us built-in classes to make page responsive. It uses grid system for the page. The page
is divided into twelve columns by using class “Col-12”. There are different classes for different
screens. For large screen we use col-lg-12 this means display twelve columns on large screen.
Like this there is more class for medium, small, extra small screens named as col-md, col-sm,
col-xs. These classes make our screen responsive.

7. Ajax:
Ajax is basically a website development technique which we use on client side to make our
product asynchronous that means Ajax sends HTTP request from client without reloading page
and fetch data from server side. We will use Ajax in forms. In Sign up form when student add an

email address if this address is already use the system will tell the user that he or she cannot use
this email address as it is already registered before without refreshing the page. Same like this
the system will act same for other input fields like username, password length, available courses,
section etc.

8. MySQL:
MySQL is a database which we are going to use in our LMS to store data of faculty and students
because it is fully managed high-performance and secure database. We will create the database
and create the corresponding tables in it. Like table for the student, instructor, courses, enrolled
student, registered courses, courses chapter and many more.

9. MySQL Workbench:
MySQL Workbench is tool for database architect, developers and database analyst. We will use
MySQL workbench for creation you our database. All tables are created in workbench using
SQL queries.

10. Xampp:
Xampp is an open source cross-platform web server solution. It mainly provide us Apache HTTP
server which is use during development on local servers.

11. Visual Studio Code:

Visual studio code is a development tool. We will use visual studio code as coding platform for
our website. Its Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code
completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.

1. Faculty User Interface:
Our Faculty User Interface will look like this. Faculty Navigation Bar will include the link of
Dashboard, Calendar, Announcements, Courses, Messages and Forum

2. Student User Interface:
Student User Interface will look like this prototype. Students UI will include the links of courses,
video lectures, classes and result pages. In main page the links of other pages will be in
navigation bar. The students will have access to check course , their material , video lectures,
join course, check result, submit assignment, see latest news from university, register them self
for LMS if they are student of the university through their unique registration number, login
through their unique email and password, attend live class and comment during live session.

We will use the MySQL database for LMS in which we can able to save the data of instructor,
Students, courses, courses chapter details, registered student data and some other data. MySQL is
basically the most popular open source Amazon RDS and relational database makes it easier to
operate, set up, and scale the deployments in the cloud. With the help of Amazon RDS we can
deploy MySQL servers in minute with the hardware capacity which is resizable and cost-
efficient. MySQL also frees us to focus on the application development by managing the
database administration task that are time consuming which includes software patching,
monitoring, backups, replication and scaling.

Amazon RDS supports 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 8.0 community addition versions of MySQL which
means that the applications, code, and tools that we are already using today can be used with
Amazon RDS.

In universities we need the server that can handle large amount of data and also have backups.

Amazon RDS provides two SSD-backed storage our for MySQL database. General purpose
storage provides the storage that is cost-effective for medium or small sizes workloads.
Provisioned IOPs delivers the consistent performance of up to 40,000 IOs per second in high

performance OLTP applications. As our requirements increases for the storage we can also
provision additional storage.

Amazon RDS for MySQL database instances are pre-configured with settings and parameters for
the server type that we have selected R6g. Database parameters provides fine tunings and control
for our MySQL database.

MySQL provides high availabilities and also read replicas Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments
provide high availability and durability and Amazon RDS read replicas. So we think it is the
most effective database, it also takes just few clicks to connect to production ready MySQL
database in minutes.

1. NUML Campuses table:

Departments PHD Holders Affiliation Campus

Management 20 HEC Islamabad
sciences campus
Engineering 18 HEC Islamabad
Department campus
Languages 21 HEC Islamabad
Department campus
Psychology 15 National Islamabad
Department healthcare campus


Departments PHD Holders Affiliation Campus

Management 20 HEC Islamabad
sciences campus
Engineering 18 HEC Islamabad
Department campus
Languages 21 HEC Islamabad
Department campus
Psychology 15 National Islamabad
Department healthcare campus

3. Department of Management Sciences

Degree Fee Duration Department

BBA 50000 4 YEARS Management
MBA 40000 2 YEARS Management
BSAF 45000 4 YEARS Management
4. BBA Tables

Courses Enrolled Teacher Classes
Students SYS ID
MIS 22 130 BBA-4
Communication 24 560 BBA-4
Marketing 22 450 BBA-4
HRM 21 200 BBA-4
Economics 20 300 BBA-4

Classes Strength Average Degree

BBA-1 100 B BBA
BBA-2 89 A BBA
BBA-3 90 C BBA
BBA-4 81 A BBA

5. MIS Table

Students Assignments Marks Attendance Course

ABC 2 50 100% MIS
DEF 2 70 100% MIS
GHI 2 80 100% MIS
JKL 1 100 90% MIS
MNO 3 90 85% MIS


Student ID Degree City Phone No Students

910 BBA Rwp 001-000211 ABC
100 BBA Isb 1234-507891 DEF
210 BBA Lhr 0202-022020 GHI
7. 520 BBA Rwp 0101-050267 JKL
720 BBA Rwp 0909-010201 MNO

Signup Table

Username Email Name Password ID
abc001 ABC 00000 100
def001 DEF 11111 910
ghi001 GHI 22222 210
jkl001 JKL 33333 520
mno001 MNO 44444 720
pkr001 PQR 55555 130
stu001 STU 6666 560
vwx001 VWX 7777 450
yza001 YZA 8888 200
bcd001 BCD 9999 300

8. Faculty Data

System ID Name Phone No City Department

130 Sir 0011220033 Islamabad Management
560 Sir 1 2233445566 Islamabad Management
450 Madam 4455667788 Islamabad Management
200 Sir 3 1133446677 Islamabad Management
300 Madam 2 0088776644 Islamabad Management

9. Database Diagram

This is the database schema of our learning management system. In which we are able to store
the data of students and detailed data about their enrolled courses. The instructors have also their
unique profiles and they are also able to create new courses, upload lectures, and check details
about enrolled students. The courses table has all the detail about offer courses and their material
will also save in the database so students can easily watch video lectures at any time.

There are some types of equipment we need during development.

The highly scalable cloud DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM (DNS) is Amazon Route 53. It is a
designed to give businesses all around the world an extremely reliable and cost effective way to
route the users to their application through which they translate the names like into their numeric IP addresses. IP address is like an address of the
computer on the internet, then computer use those addresses to connect with each other. It also
connects users request effectively to the infrastructure running in amazon instances Ec2, and it is
also used to route the users outside of AWS. Amazon Route 53 is useful in many ways through

the help of Amazon Route 53 we can also route the traffic by configuring DNS health checks, it
is also used in monitoring the health of our application.

1. Dell PowerEdge T40 Server

Dell PowerEdge T40 Server, BTX Intel Xeon E-2224G 3.5GHz, 8GB 2666MT/s DDR4,
1TB 7.2K RPM SATA. We will need three of these servers.
 PowerEdge T40 Server, BTX
 Intel Xeon E-2224G 3.5GHz, 8M cache, 4C/4T, turbo (71W)
 1TB 7.2K RPM SATA 6Gbps Entry 3.5in Cabled Hard Drive
 8x DVD+/-RW 9.5mm Optical Disk Drive

2. Dell PowerEdge R510

Dell PowerEdge R510 8 Bays 3.5 Server - 2X Intel Xeon L5640 2.26GHz 6 Core - 16GB DDR3
REG Memory - Dell H700 512MB Raid Controller - 24TB (8X 3TB SAS New HDD) - 2X 750w
PSU – Rails. We will need two servers


 Dell PowerEdge R510 8 Bays 3.5 Server

 2x Intel Xeon L5640 2.26GHz 6 Core
 Dell H700 512MB Raid Controller
 24TB (8x 3TB SAS NEW HDD)

3. Domain:
We have to buy domain name for our website. There are many options to buy DNS but go daddy
is providing cheap domains as compared to others.

 “.com” domain price = $14 for two year plan.

After exploring all the points now are going to find out the estimated budget we want to
complete our project. Estimated initial cost is 350,000 Pkr. This is the cost of first month of
operations. It also includes the onetime costs of Local Area Network Components. These
onetime costs would not need to occur every month so our monthly running cost would be
240,000 pkr. It does not include Routers, Switches and other LAN components cost. The budget
will include all the necessary costs involved in Building the LMS. Detailed budget is discussed

Product Name No. of pieces Amount(Rupees)

Per month

Server Rg6.xlarge 4 Piece 730.001x40.75

Storage Amazon elastic block 2000GB 20.98x2000

storage =41960

Internet Nayatell Corporation 1850GB 35900

Package 35Mbps

Router Linksys AC5400 1 Piece 50265.00

Switch Netgear’s 6S108 2 Piece 43563.00

Cable CAT-6 100 ft. 4500

DNS Amazon web services Million Queries 33.51


Database and Amazon MySQL Apache is free open 132,000

Webserver software Apache source whereas we
use db.r5.xlarge for


Jira is the software used in project management. It is web based. Jira do the tracking of issues.
The work is done on these errors which Jira tracks. Jira is used for task monitoring, progress
reporting, task assignment and workflow management. Software developers used this Jira
software. This works for both smaller and larger teams. When project manager software will
used properly it will help us in delivering projects on time. This is specially designed for
software development members or teams. In each course of Jira there are all the relevant projects
and details of the tasks in which the team members work on the collaborative comments and
feedbacks. Hence all team members have visibility on the whole project. With the help of Jira,
we can get high level views about the whole project. Now the project managers can easily
provide the tools that they need to adapt the project and make sure that things are getting done on
time. Project manager software like Jira core will surely help us in making sure that the plans
that we are making are converting into task and projects that will actually get done.


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