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T U E S DAY, A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 2 1 w w w. t h e e d g e m a r k e t s.

c o m
ISSUE 171/2021

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T U E S DAY, A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 2 1 w w w. t h e e d g e m a r k e t s. c o m
ISSUE 171/2021

CEOMorningBrief HOME: Appellate court allows Grab to have merits of challenge against proposed
RM87m fine by MyCC heard p5
M3 Technologies shareholders reject private placement p7
WORLD: JPMorgan backs Super Soccer League with US$4.8 bil p13

PM announces
Microsoft partnership
under US$1b Bersama
Malaysia initiative
Report on Page 3.
M A L AY S I A | A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 2 1

Refinitiv Lipper Fund 2021

Awards 2021
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Malaysia not
PUTRAJAYA (April 19): Malaysia has not the United Kingdom (UK), which uses the
been ‘slow’ in carrying out its vaccination age chart.

being ‘slow’ in
exercise, National Covid-19 Immunisation However, the UK only opens vaccination
Programme Coordinating Minister Khairy registration once the recipients are eligible

its Covid-19
Jamaluddin said today. according to their respective age group, while
To date, a total of 1.14 million Covid-19 in Malaysia, registration is open to all at one

vaccine doses from the total 1.56 million re- go regardless of age or category.
ceived so far have been given, he said, adding He said to date, a total of 8.99 million indi-

exercise, says
that 701,812 individuals have received their viduals have registered for vaccination on the
first dose while 443,029 people have been MySejahtera application, with those aged 60

fully vaccinated with the required two doses. and above totalling 1.44 million, the disabled
On claims that Malaysia’s vaccination rate amounting to 136,798 people, while individu-
was slow despite having sufficient vaccine sup- als with chronic diseases totalled 2.03 million.
ply, Khairy said the government understands The state with the highest achievement
the people’s concerns, but they will still have Bernama ratio of vaccine registrations is Putrajaya with
to stick to their scheduled turns and phases. 98%, followed by Selangor and Kuala Lum-
“As informed before this, everyone has to Innovation Minister, told reporters this at a pur with 50%, Penang (45%) and Negeri
wait [for] their turn as scheduled as how the joint press conference with Health Minister Sembilan (44%).
first phase was for the frontliners, the second Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba on developments He also said Malaysia is due to receive
[is] for senior citizens and so forth.We have to concerning the programme. additional supplies of the Pfizer-BioNTech
stick to the phases according to the respective Khairy said Malaysia’s vaccination pro- vaccine totalling 128,700 doses on April 21,
categories,” he said. gramme follows scheduled phases, similar to followed by 36,270 doses on April 22 and a
Khairy, who is Science, Technology and the one adopted by other countries such as further 12,870 doses on April 23.

’Risk of infectivity only 0.003% after second dose of Covid-19 vaccine’

PUTRAJAYA (April 19): The risk of Cov- Bernama “When we tested, they were Covid-19
id-19 infectivity among the frontliners who positive,” he said.
have received both doses of the vaccine id-19 Immunisation Programme here today. On the findings of the Covid-19 2.0
jabs is at its lowest at just 0.003%, said Co- The media had previously reported that vaccine acceptance survey carried out
ordinating Minister of the National Cov- nine healthcare workers contracted Covid-19 from April 3-16, Dr Adham said 85% of
id-19 Immunisation Programme Khairy two weeks after receiving the second dose the 15,639 respondents were ready to re-
Jamaluddin. of the vaccine jab, while 31 other cases, also ceive the Covid-19 vaccine.
He said this showed the level of effective- involving healthcare workers, were detected “Only 10% of the respondents said they
ness of the Covid-19 vaccine, which means less than two weeks after getting the second were not sure whether or not to receive the
there is a better chance to either tackle the dose of the Covid-19 jab. vaccine, while the other five per cent did not
risk of infection and death or being admit- However, Health director-general Tan agree (to be vaccinated),” he said.
ted to the intensive care unit. Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah was quoted The survey, which was conducted on-
“If there are nine cases, namely those as saying that all of them did not suffer any line by the Ministry of Health, was aimed
who tested positive for Covid-19 after receiv- severe symptoms. at identifying the people’s views regard-
ing two doses of the vaccine jabs, not one of Khairy said that so far a total 272,019 ing their acceptance and rejection of the
them suffered any severe or mild symptoms. frontliners had received the second dose of Covid-19 vaccine, as well as the factors
“They only tested positive for Covid-19. vaccine jabs which were given under phase that influenced their decisions.
I think we can say that this vaccine is effec- one of the immunisation programme.
tive, with a low risk of infectivity,” he told a According to Dr Adham, all the nine
joint media conference with Health Minister healthcare workers who had received the Read also: Malaysia proposes mutual recog-
Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba on the latest de- second dose of the vaccine jabs did not know nition on vaccination certificate with Aus-
velopment with regard to the National Cov- they were Covid-19 positive. tralia, says Hishammuddin Click here


KUALA LUMPUR (April 19):The govern- “As we cement the Microsoft partner-
ment has announced its partnership with PM announces ship today, I hope this is just the first green
Microsoft under the Bersama Malaysia ini- shoots of a broader meadow of investments
tiative, which will see the hyperscaler estab- Microsoft in Malaysia, for Microsoft and other data
lish its first data centre region in Malaysia. players.
In a statement, Prime Minister Tan Sri partnership under “This significant investment from Micro-
Muhyiddin Yassin said the initiative will soft further fortifies Malaysia’s position as
see investments amounting to US$1 bil- US$1b Bersama a potential regional data hub and we stand
lion (RM4 billion) over the next five years. ever ready to welcome more such partner-
He said Microsoft’s data centre region Malaysia initiative ships as we work with our stakeholders to
will effectively consist of multiple data cen- continually improve Malaysia’s value prop-
tres, managing data from various countries. osition in this big data space,” he said.
“As I understand it, according to Inter- BY AHMAD NAQIB IDRIS The partnership is in line with Malay-
national Data Corporation, the ripple ef- sia’s MyDigital initiative and the Malaysia
fects of the data centre region investment Digital Economy Blueprint, which was un-
today could translate to US$6.90 of revenue partners, including the Malaysian Admin- veiled in February 2021.
generated in the local cloud ecosystem for istrative Modernisation and Management Under the blueprint, the government
every US$1 of Microsoft Malaysia’s cloud Planning Unit (MAMPU), Human Re- had said that it granted conditional approv-
revenue by 2024. sources Development Fund (HRDF), Pe- als to four cloud service providers (CSPs)
“It is estimated that it will help create tronas, Celcom and Grab. — hyperscalers Microsoft, Amazon, Google
19,000 jobs including 4,000 IT-related jobs These partnerships are expected to assist and local telecommunications giant Tele-
amongst its cloud users,” said the prime in skilling up to one million Malaysians by kom Malaysia Bhd.
minister. 2023, Muhyiddin said. Muhyiddin previously said these CSPs
He also welcomed the public-private The memorandums of understanding will invest between RM12 billion and RM15
partnerships formed by Microsoft and its for these partnerships will be signed today. billion over the next five years.

Malaysia Malaysia’s coronavirus curve showing nascent signs of upward climb

reports 2,078 6000

Daily new cases 7-day moving average

new Covid-19 5000


including 589 2000
from Sarawak 1000

BY SULHI KHALID Sept 1, 2020 April 19, 2021

KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): New 20,522. These included 228 patients in The sole religious centre cluster is
Covid-19 cases in the country dropped intensive care, of which 93 required res- Bayan Cenderawasih in Kedah. To date,
slightly to 2,078, from 2,195 yesterday, piratory help. the ministry has identified 1,534 Covid-19
with Sarawak accounting for 589 cases. The health ministry identified 14 new clusters, of which 1,194 have been declared
Selangor reported 457 cases, followed infection clusters, with six from education ended, leaving 340 active clusters.
by Kelantan with 290, Kuala Lumpur centres, four from community clusters, The clusters that reported the highest
with 153, Sabah with 125, and Johor three from workplaces, and one from a numbers of Covid-19 cases today were
with 115. religious centre. Sungai Duan (62 cases), Kampung Domis
All but 13 of the latest infections were The education centre clusters are Tan- (55) and Jalan Sulah 16 (42).
locally transmitted, Health director-gen- gok (Kelantan), Pulai Chondong (Kelan-
eral Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah tan), Jalan Tagasan (Sabah), Jalan Medan
said in a statement. Aliff (Johor), Jalan Weng (Kedah) and one Read also:
Eight Covid-19-related deaths were from a school/educational institution in
reported in the 24 hours as of noon today Jalan Hospital (Kelantan). 19 schools in Selangor’s Petaling
— three in Sarawak, two each in Selangor The community clusters are Sungai district to close after Covid-19 cases
and Sabah, and one in Kuala Lumpur. Duaan (Sarawak), Sungai Passin (Sar- detected Click here
A total of 1,402 new recoveries were awak), Sungai Selitut (Sarawak) and Jalan
reported, bringing total recoveries to Bandar Universiti (Perak).
355,224, or 94.2% of all cases. The workplace clusters are Jalan Ca- Covid-19: Kindies, childcare centres in
The number of active cases — which haya Baru (Johor), Cyber Park (Johor) Sarawak red zones to close for 14 days
carry transmission risks — stood at and Jalan Sulah 16 (Selangor). Click here


Rising Covid-19 cases, slow

vaccination efforts could lead to
pullback in market — CGS-CIMB
KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): CGS- BY SYAFIQAH SALIM Kuala Lumpur (38,642) and Sarawak
CIMB Research said concerns over the (34,590), according to data released by
rising number of Covid-19 cases, as well the Health Ministry.
as slower vaccination efforts, could lead Going forward, the CGS-CIMB ana-
to a pullback in the market. lysts said the research house is keeping its
In a strategy note today, it said the re- FBM KLCI target at 1,699 points (for-
cent increases in Covid-19 cases and the ward price-earnings of 15.2 times).
infectivity rate have raised concerns that At the closing bell today, the KLCI was
movements may be restricted in selected down 0.5% or 8.09 points to 1,600.29.
areas, and that the interstate travel ban The research house’s top three stock
would be prolonged. This, it said, could picks are Inari Amertron Bhd, Public
impact the pace of economic and corpo- Bank Bhd and Telekom Malaysia Bhd
rate earnings recovery. (TM).
“Latest statistics revealed that close “We like Inari as a proxy for rising de-
to 700,000 had received one dose of the mand for radio frequency (RF) chips on
Covid-19 vaccines, broadly meeting [the the back of 5G mobile network migration
target of] Phase 1 of the vaccination pro- and its new system-in-package capacity
gramme. However, the key test is Phase expansion at P34. We expect its RF di-
2, during which the government targets Based on the latest reported data as at vision to deliver an 85% y-o-y (year-on-
to vaccinate 9.4 million individuals over April 18, the United States recorded the year) sales growth in FY21 (financial year
five months. highest number of individuals who had 2021) ending June 30, 2021.
“To achieve this, we estimate the gov- had their second dose of the Covid-19 “Public Bank is our top pick among
ernment will need to raise the number of vaccine, with a total of 84.26 million peo- Malaysian banks as we believe it is the
shots per day, ensure sufficient vaccine ple being fully vaccinated. most defensive against the credit risk aris-
supplies are available, and that more in- After the US was India (16.48 million ing from the Covid-19 outbreak. Its credit
dividuals are registered and turn up for people), followed by the United Kingdom charge-off rate of 33bps (basis points) in
the vaccination. (9.93 million), Indonesia (5.91 million), FY20 was among the lowest in the sec-
“Any major delay in the execution of Germany (5.43 million), Japan (678,405), tor,” said the analysts.
the immunisation programme, coupled Singapore (535,864), Malaysia (443,029), They said TM is CGS-CIMB’s top
with the increase in Covid-19 cases, could Hong Kong (359,926 ) and South Ko- Malaysian telco pick due to the robust
dampen market sentiment and prompt rea (60,585). core earnings per share growth expect-
investors to profit-take on recovery stocks In Malaysia, Selangor registered the ed for its FY21, FY22 and FY23 by
given the potential earnings risk,” said highest number for a second dose of Cov- 15%/9%/21% y-o-y.
its analysts Ivy Ng Lee Fang and Nagu- id-19 injections with 63,166 people, fol- “Its FY21F EV/OpFCF (forecast en-
lan Ravi. lowed by Perak (48,822), Sabah (43,304), terprise value/operating free cash flow) is
also at a 21% discount to the Malaysian
Total vaccinated so far in selected countries mobile average,” the analysts added.
Inari closed one sen or 0.29% higher
Population Start date of at RM3.41 today, valuing the company
the vaccination at RM11.4 billion. Public Bank fell one
sen or 0.24% to settle at RM4.19, with
United Kingdom 9.93 mil 68.2 mil Dec 8, 2020 a market value of RM81.33 billion. TM,
United States 84.26 mil 332.91 mil Dec 14, 2020 meanwhile, rose six sen or 1.02% to close
Germany 5.42 mil 83.99 mil Dec 27, 2020 at RM5.96, giving it a market capitalisa-
tion of RM22.49 billion.
Singapore 535,864 5.89 mil Dec 30, 2020
It is worth noting that Malaysia’s daily
Indonesia 5.91 mil 276.36 mil Jan 13, 2021 new Covid-19 cases have stayed above
India 16.48 mil 1.393 bil Jan 16, 2021 the 2,000 mark for five straight days. The
Japan 678,405 126.05 mil Feb 17, 2021 country’s daily cases crossed the 2,000-
South Korea 60,585 51.3 mil Feb 26, 2021 mark last Thursday for the first time since
Hong Kong 359,926 7.55 mil Feb 28, 2021 March 6. Today, it reported 2,078 new
Malaysia 443,029 32.77 mil March 2, 2021
Active cases, which carry high trans-
0 20 40 60 80 100 (mil)
mission risk, surged to 20,522 today from
Number of individuals who have completed second dose of Covid-19 vaccine 17,575 last Thursday. The death toll due
Sources: Various news reports to coronavirus in Malaysia now stood at


Appellate court allows Grab to have

merits of challenge against proposed
RM87m fine by MyCC heard

PUTRAJAYA (April 19): A three-member

Court of Appeal bench today granted leave
to Grab Holdings Inc and its subsidiaries
GrabCar Sdn Bhd and MyTeksi Sdn Bhd
to have the merits of their judicial review
application against the proposed RM86.77
million fine by the Malaysia Competition
Commission (MyCC) heard.
Justice Datuk Hanipah Farikullah, who
led the bench, said there are merits in the
appeal based on the evidence and there
is an arguable case which can be argued
further in the substantive stage.
“This is not a frivolous and vexatious
application by the appellants. The High
Court judgement is set aside,” she said
in the unanimous decision.
Sitting with Justice Hanipah were Jus-
tices Datuk Hadhariah Syed Ismail and
Datuk Hamzah Hashim.
They directed the case be remitted to
the High Court on April 26 and for the
court to fix a hearing date.
Hanipah also ordered MyCC to pay
total costs of RM12,000 to the three com-
panies. ii) send notifications to all its drivers in also concerned over media reports in what
Grab is accused by MyCC of alleged- relation to the removal of the restrictive it calls “negative publicity” concerning the
ly “abusing its dominant position by im- clause via the short messaging system result of the proposed decision.
posing a restrictive clause on its drivers (SMS) for 12 consecutive weeks, com- Meanwhile, MyCC’s counsel Da-
which effectively prevented its drivers from mencing from the date of issuance of tuk Lim Chee Wee, who appeared with
promoting Grab’s current and potential the proposed decision. Kwan Will Sen, said the proposed decision
competitors on e-hailing platforms and Malik, who appeared with Shanti Kan- should not be treated as a final decision
in transit media advertising”. diah, Yvonne Lim, Khoo Suk Chyi and and hence, the appeal for a judicial review
However, the appellants’ counsel Datuk Nimraat Kaur, said the conditions are a by Grab should be dismissed.
Malik Imtiaz Sarwar contended that while violation of the principles of natural justice “There were cases where MyCC re-
they abide by MyCC’s power to investigate, as MyCC should not be imposing condi- scinded the earlier proposed decision after
prosecute and judge, the commission should tions which could lead to Grab being fined hearing the case, with the case of Maju
not impose conditions before the proposed RM15,000 a day, if it does not comply, Steel as one of them,” he said.
decision on the fine is imposed on them. before the proposed decision is delivered Lim also gave an undertaking that
Malik complained that before MyCC or made final. MyCC would not impose the conditions.
arrived at its proposed decision, there was “MyCC did not have the power to im- “By allowing a judicial review, it may
a RM15,000 daily penalty that could be pose a penalty that took effect upon the open the floodgates,” he warned.
imposed on Grab from the date of ser- issuance of the proposed decision,” he said. However, Malik argued that email
vice if it failed to comply with MyCC’s He said that Grab’s representatives had correspondence between his client and
directions. met MyCC to assist in its investigation, but MyCC showed they had to comply with
are concerned over biasness as according the two conditions imposed and hence,
Punitive penalty conditions imposed to the Competition Act 2010, fines and leave should be granted.
on Grab if it does not comply penalties issued would be used by MyCC Grab and its two subsidiaries sought
The directions issued by MyCC on Grab for its remuneration, expenses and also its the judicial review in the High Court in
and the two appellants are: employees. February last year following MyCC’s pro-
i) to permanently remove the restrictive Hence, it is concerned over possible posed fine. However, the application was
clause from the terms and conditions, biasness before MyCC hears its case, or dismissed as the court deemed the move
supplement terms of use and code of when the matter goes on appeal to the premature, given that the proposed deci-
conduct and; Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT). It is sion was not yet final.


Moody’s assigns
KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): Moody’s foster stability and support the country’s
Investors Service has assigned a senior unse- economic resiliency.

A3 rating to
cured rating of A3 to the proposed US dol- These conditions have generated a large
lar-denominated trust certificates (sukuks) pool of domestic savings over time, which

with maturities of 10 and 30 years to be anchors interest payments for the govern-
issued by Malaysia Wakala Sukuk Bhd, a ment and reduces its liquidity risk and re-

special purpose vehicle established by the liance on external financing.
Malaysian government. Balanced against these credit strengths

sovereign sukuks
In a statement today, Moody’s said the are the government’s narrow revenue base
A3 rating assigned to the sukuks are at the that limits fiscal flexibility and its relatively
same level as the long-term local-currency high debt burden and weak debt afforda-
and foreign-currency issuer ratings of the bility compared with its peers.
Malaysian government, as the sukuk hold- BY SURIN MURUGIAH Moody’s said political noise also has
ers will effectively be exposed to the Malay- the potential to distract the government
sian government’s senior unsecured credit from its policy priorities, particularly
risk, will not be exposed to the risk of per- longer-term reforms that may strengthen
formance of the portfolio assets relating to the credit profile over time.
the certificates, will not have any preferen- A change in Malaysia’s sovereign rating
tial claim or recourse over the trust assets will be automatically reflected in the trust
as certificate holders cannot sell or dispose certificate ratings of the issuer.
of any trust assets except as expressly pro- Moody’s said downward pressure on
vided for under the transaction documents, the rating would stem from a further weak-
and only have rights against the Malaysian ening in the government’s debt and debt
government, ranking pari passu with other affordability metrics, a sharp rise in con-
senior unsecured obligations as provided in tingent liabilities, and/or a softening of
the transaction documents. the commitment to medium-term fiscal
It said legal opinions have also confirmed consolidation that were to result in con-
legal, binding and enforceable obligations tinued deterioration in the government’s
for the Malaysian government. fiscal strength.
The proceeds of the sukuks will be used periodic distribution amounts due. “Volatile politics that undermined the
by the issuer to purchase a Wakala asset Moody’s also noted that its sukuk rat- credibility and effectiveness of institutions
pool consisting of vouchers representing ings do not express an opinion on the and threatened the stability of capital flows
travel entitlements on selected public trans- structure’s compliance with Shariah law. would also be credit negative.
port in Malaysia. The rating agency said Malaysia’s A3 rat- “In the context of the longer-term un-
The assets will be managed by the gov- ing is underpinned by its diversified, compet- certainty over global trade patterns and
ernment as the agent for the provision of itive and moderately large economy, strong supply chains, weaker medium-term
Wakala services on behalf of the issuer (act- medium-term growth potential compared growth prospects, including through
ing as trustee for the certificate holders). with peers, and ample natural resources. structurally lower investment, would ad-
The government will collect all returns It said credible and effective macroe- ditionally put downward pressure on the
on the portfolio assets against the relevant conomic policymaking institutions also rating,” it said.

Boustead sells
KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): Boustead ceeds will be used to pay for working cap-
Holdings Bhd is selling a 6.59-acre piece ital requirements, while RM19.6 million

Jalan Cochrane
of freehold land on Jalan Cochrane here to will be used to defray expenses associated
Sunway Bhd for RM233.39 million. with the sale.

land to Sunway
In a bourse filing, Boustead said its whol- “The proposed disposal also allows
ly-owned indirect subsidiary Mutiara Rini BHB Group to strengthen its liquidity and

for RM233m
Sdn Bhd had signed a sale and purchase cash flow position by raising total net cash
agreement with Sunway’s wholly-owned in- proceeds of approximately RM213.8 mil-
direct unit Sunway Rahman Putera Sdn Bhd. lion (net of estimated expenses), which will
According to the group, the land is va- be utilised for repayment of bank borrow-
cant with residential status, but has com- BY ARJUNA CHANDRAN SHANKAR ings and working capital,” it said.
mercial potential. It is around 100m from Following the sale, Boustead said its
the Cochrane MRT station and about 4km gearing ratio is expected to decline to
by road to the city centre, while MyTOWN using the proceeds from the sale to pare 1.36 times, from 1.39 times previously.
Shopping Centre and IKEA Cheras are also down its debts, provide some working cap- The group’s borrowings will also decline
close by. ital and defray any costs associated with to RM7.81 billion, from RM7.91 billion
Boustead noted that it was selling the land the sale. as of Dec 31, 2019 (FY19).
at a 6.1% or RM13.4 million premium over Specifically, it will be using RM101 Affin Hwang Investment Bank Bhd is
its market value of RM220 million.The sale million to repay bank borrowings, which the principal adviser for the proposed dis-
will result in a gain on disposal of RM54.1 is expected to result in an interest saving posal.
million or 2.67 sen per share. from the repayment of bank borrowings Shares in Boustead finished 1.7% or a
The Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera at RM4.5 million per annum. sen lower at 58 sen, valuing it at RM1.18
(LTAT)-controlled conglomerate will be RM112.8 million of the disposal’s pro- billion. It saw 2.15 million shares done.


M3 Techologies (Asia) Bhd’s

Top 6 Shareholders
Dataprep sees Dataprep Holdings Bhd

Stake Stake
(Mil Shares) (%)
another sharp share 4

XOX Bhd 72.38 9.39 price surge despite

lack of catalyst
Lim Seng Boon 57.11 7.4 3
Voon Sze Lin 47.48 6.16
DGB Networks Sdn Bhd 25.6 3.32
Choong Yean Yaw 18.63 2.42 2 RM2.00
Voon Jye Wah 13.36 1.73
Compiled as at April 19, 2021
Sources: Bursa Malaysia/Bloomberg 1

KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): Dataprep

M3 Technologies Holdings Bhd saw another sharp increase
March 30, 2020 April 19, 2021
in its share price today, continuing its re-

shareholders bound after touching a one-month low of Compiled at 6:18pm on April 19, 2021
Source: Bloomberg
76 sen on April 14, amid high volatility.

reject private The counter, which was barely traded

prior to February, saw a spike in trading not been much going on with the company.

placement activity and its share price from Feb 11 However, some of its directors have
onwards, despite there not being a sub- been accumulating shares since last month.
stantial catalyst behind the stock’s surge. Independent non-executive director
Within a span of about one month, Nor Adha Yahya had acquired one mil-
BY ARJUNA CHANDRAN SHANKAR Dataprep surged over 2,000% to touch lion shares on March 29, after exercising a 20-year high of RM3.79 on March 15, his long term incentive plan (LTIP).
before subsequently plunging 80% over Datuk Abdul Aziz Ishak had also exercised
KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): M3 the following month to 76 sen. his LTIP, acquiring 300,000 shares on March
Technologies (Asia) Bhd’s sharehold- The sudden plunge had prompted Bur- 4, as well as Mohamad Sabir Sabri, who ac-
ers rejected the mobile solutions pro- sa Malaysia to issue a statement advising quired another 500,000 shares via the LTIP.
vider’s proposed private placement investors to exercise caution in the trading Some of its employees have also been
at an extraordinary general meeting of Dataprep shares. exercising the company’s employees’ share
today. The counter had since rebounded and options scheme, with a total of 14.69 million
The group said seven shareholders closed 44 sen or 29.9% higher at RM2.00, shares granted since early March this year.
controlling 146.1 million shares had with some 142.4 million shares traded. Its Meanwhile, its major shareholder Tan
rejected the resolution calling for the market capitalisation was RM1.23 billion. Sri Muhammad Ikmal Opat Abdullah —
placement, versus four shareholders Besides a proposed acquisition of a 51% the founder of Widad Business Group —
controlling 76.38 million shares who stake in multimedia hardware and compo- had disposed of a block of 11.11 million
voted in favour of the resolution. nent distributor RIDAA Associates Sdn Bhd shares on Feb 16, after acquiring the same
In terms of percentage of voted and a memorandum of collaboration with IT number of shares in October last year.
shares, 65.67% voted against the res- consulting and services provider company He had subsequently acquired 200,000
olution, while 34.33% was in favour. Asia Coding Centre Sdn Bhd for provision of Dataprep shares on March 1 from the open
Proposed on March 15, the pri- integrated solution technology for Covid-19 market, bringing his total stake in the com-
vate placement involved 232.15 mil- screening announced to the bourse, there has pany to 326.88 million shares or 54.24%.
lion shares or 30% of share capital to
raise RM9.82 million. Of that amount,
RM4.7 million was to be used for the
enhancement of the group’s i3Team- removed, and appoint new ones in their
Works, development of i3Desktop and Group of Artroniq stead.
marketing. Another RM4.54 million In a bourse filing, Artroniq said four
was to be used as working capital. shareholders shareholders — TeeYen Chong,Yeoh Guan
The group had completed another Fook, Lee Pei Mei and Chew Hun Seng
private placement on Jan 18, placing calls for EGM to — who claimed they collectively control
out 128.54 million shares or 20% of at least a 10% stake in the company, want
its share base at the time. remove board to remove non-executive chairman Steven
Had the latest placement gone Wong, executive director Choy Eng Lun,
through, M3 Technologies’ share cap- of directors and independent and non-executive direc-
ital would have increased to 1.01 bil- tors Tan Tian Wooi and Lam Kwan Siew
lion shares, from 773.82 billion shares from the group’s board via an extraordi-
currently. BY ARJUNA CHANDRAN SHANKAR nary general meeting (EGM).
M3 Technologies’ share price rose Artroniq said it received the notice of
0.5 sen or 11.11% to close at five sen intention from the four shareholders on
today, valuing the group at RM38.69 KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): A group April 16 to remove the directors and to
billion. The counter saw 25.21 mil- of Artroniq Bhd (formerly Plastrade Tech- call for this EGM, which is planned to be
lion shares traded. nology Bhd) shareholders wants to have held virtually on May 17 at 10am.
the company's entire board of directors CO N TI N UES O N PAGE 8



Ministry to MyJet Xpress

implement Airlines gets
housing project lion’s share of
worth RM6b ATR application
using Kenaf approval in 1Q21
Building System

ISKANDAR PUTERI (April 19): A He said the development of KBS tech- KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): Cargo air-
long-term housing project worth RM6 nology would have a positive impact on the line MyJet Xpress Airlines Sdn Bhd received
billion using the Kenaf Building System environment where kenaf plants absorbed the highest number of Air Traffic Rights
(KBS) will be implemented in the gov- 20 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per hec- (ATR) applications approval in the first
ernment’s effort to introduce the tech- tare and the use of the commodity-based quarter of the year (1Q21), said the Ma-
nology nationwide. building material in a house could store laysian Aviation Commission (Mavcom).
Plantation Industries and Commodi- 28 tonnes of CO2 per 1,000 square feet. MyJet Xpress’s affiliates and partners
ties Minister Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin “KBS is a good thermal insulation ma- are Neptune Capital Inc of Malaysia,
Aman Razali said the project, which is a terial that can save electricity, especially Airmark Aviation, My Indo Airlines of
collaboration between the National Kenaf for air conditioners for a long time, as the Indonesia.
and Tobacco Board (LKTN) and several main material is kenaf core which is light In a statement today, Mavcom said My-
agencies, will require two million tonnes of and environmentally friendly. JET Xpress got half of the 24 ATR approvals
kenaf and 20,000 hectares of kenaf plants “The important aspects of its remarka- given out for 1Q21, followed by Malaysia
within 10 years. ble durability are being eco-friendly, lighter, Airlines Bhd (six), AirAsia Group Bhd (four)
“It (this project) is now in the final cooling the environment and faster from and Raya Airways Sdn Bhd (two).
process of discussion. We will official- the construction management standpoint ATR applications in the quarter record-
ly announce this project in detail after than that of conventional methods,” he said. ed a 100% approval from the commission,
the discussions are finalised,” he told re- “The area under kenaf cultivation na- it said. Of the 24 applications, 21 were for
porters after witnessing the signing of a tionwide is 2,000 hectares with Pahang international routes, while the balance
memorandum of understanding (MoU) and Kelantan having the largest kenaf were for domestic routes. ATR applications
between LKTN and KPRJ Builders Sdn cultivation while Johor has an area of were down 51.7% from 43 in 4Q20, but
Bhd (KBSB) here today. 20 hectares cultivated by private small- up 33.33% from the 18 recorded in 1Q20.
Mohd Khairuddin said the ministry holders. No expiration of ATRs was recorded
planned to commercialise KBS technol- Under the MoU, LKTN and KBSB during the quarter due to the implemen-
ogy nationwide as it has the potential to will implement a pilot project based on tation of measures by the commission to
speed up the construction period and KBS technology, namely the construction facilitate the airlines’ administrative and
even save energy consumption and con- of 10 units of asnaf houses (each measur- regulatory challenges during the pandemic,
struction costs between 20% and 30% ing 660 square feet) totalling RM550,000 and to enable them to keep their current
compared to conventional methods. in Mersing. ATR portfolio active.

FROM PAGE 7 es to RM11.83 million, from RM2.23 price more than doubling from 50.5 sen at
They are also calling for any directors million the year before, even as revenue end-2020 to its all-time high of RM1.05 on
appointed between now and the EGM to climbed 43.3% to RM169.82 million from March 5, which earned it an unusual market
be removed as well, said Artroniq. RM118.5 million. activity query from the bourse regulator.
At the same time, the shareholders have As at July 21, 2020, Artroniq’s largest In response to the UMA, Artroniq said
put forth resolutions to appoint Rahimi Ram- shareholders included Heng Kear Huat it had been implementing changes such as
li,Tan Teck Khong, ChinYew Thong and An- with direct and indirect stakes of 22.84% monetising the assets of its manufacturing
drea Huong as the company's new directors. and 4.34% respectively, followed by Pua business, which had ceased in the third
“The company is seeking legal advice on Kong Hoi (21.19%) and Tee Han Seang quarter ended Sept 30, 2020 (3QFY20),
the above and further announcement will be (an 8.3% indirect stake). as well as other non-core assets. It was
made on the development thereof accord- Heng emerged as the largest shareholder also exploring options to identify suita-
ingly, if any,” Artroniq's bourse filing read. of Plastrade in January 2020.The company ble businesses and strategic acquisitions to
Artroniq makes compounds of power ca- changed its name to Artroniq last November. expand its business in the distribution of
bles and distributes ICT products. It has Shares in Atroniq closed 6% or three sen information and communication technol-
largely been loss-making for four consec- lower at 47 sen today, giving it a market cap- ogy (ICT) products and related activities.
utive years since the financial year ended italisation of RM135.80 million.The coun- The stock price later trended down-
Dec 31, 2017 (FY17). ter, which has been traded below 20 sen wards and sank to as low as 37.5 sen on
For FY20, the group widened its loss- for much of the last few years, saw its share March 31, before rebounding.


SRC appeal: Najib was entrusted with

dominion over the RM4b, says Sithambaram

PUTRAJAYA (April 19): Former prime

minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was
entrusted with full dominion over SRC
International Sdn Bhd and was there-
fore responsible for the funds totalling
RM4 billion from Retirement Fund Inc
(KWAP), the prosecution submitted
Ad hoc prosecutor Datuk V Sitham-
baram said at the Court of Appeal today
that the former premier was an agent and
a director of SRC, but pointed out that
Najib did not act in the best interest of the
shareholder of SRC, namely the Ministry
of Finance (MoF) Inc, and so by extension
the government of Malaysia.
Court of Appeal judge Justice Datuk
Abdul Karim Abdul Jalil, who led the
three-member bench, posed a question
to the prosecutor on who then had do-
minion over the rest of the funds, if only
RM42 million ended up in Najib’s per-
sonal accounts.
Sithambaram replied that as Najib ing position of power in SRC”. former premier as the advisor emeritus,
was entrusted with dominion over SRC, Sithambaram said there is no evidence prompting the SRC BOD to seek advice
therefore the RM4 billion funds were also to prove that this assertion is false, and and also implement any advice of the ad-
his responsibility as they were under his that this only fortifies the argument that visor emeritus.
control. the SRC board of directors (BOD) indeed The SRC BOD were also led into fol-
In his submission, Sithambaram said followed Najib’s signed instructions. lowing the “advice” from the former pre-
Najib had made incremental steps towards He claimed that it was more evident mier, as the memorandum and articles of
entrenching his position in SRC, entrust- that Najib was acting in accordance with association also provided Najib with the
ing himself with full control of the com- his own interest and not the government sole authority to hire and fire members
pany, including its assets. when he himself had signed all the share- of the board.
“SRC was formed with the approval holder instructions that were subsequently Najib’s cocktail of positions provided
of the appellant (Najib) and this in turn executed by the SRC BOD. him enormous leverage where he could
allowed his entrustment with dominion “RM42 million belonging to SRC were adapt and act in accordance to a certain
over the assets of SRC since its formation. credited into his personal accounts which position for his own gain, added the pros-
“These were deliberate and willful acts he then converted for his own use. ecutor.
of the appellant,” he added. “The appellant (Najib) cannot plead At the time, Najib held the positions
The SRC funds of RM4 billion origi- ignorance of the transactions that had tak- of prime minister, finance minister cum
nated from two separate loans from KWAP en place in his accounts to avoid criminal corporate representative on behalf of MoF
in 2011 and 2012. The funds were ini- liability. Inc as the sole shareholder, and advisor
tially intended to be utilised to develop “The responsibility for the activities in emeritus of SRC.
national energy projects but were instead the personal accounts of the appellant al- The hearing continues.
transferred out of the country almost im- ways lies with the appellant,” he said.
mediately after they were disbursed. Sithambaram added that evidence from
Apart from the RM42 million that went both Tan Sri Ismee Ismail and Datuk Sub- Read also:
into Najib’s personal accounts, the court oh Yassin, who were SRC chairman and
was previously told during this appeal that director respectively, coincided to show SRC appeal: MoF officers had no access
“no one knows” what happened to the that Najib had pushed certain articles to to 1MDB former unit SRC although
rest of it. be added into the memorandum and ar- MoF Inc owns it Click here
The prosecution today outlined that ticles of association in order to establish
through the former premier’s instruc- dominion over SRC from its initial for-
tions to SRC in the form of shareholder mation. SRC appeal: Court gives two extra days for
minutes, it could be seen that Najib had He added that one of these said arti- prosecution to complete their submissions
“enormous influence and an overarch- cles resulted in the appointment of the Click here



MAHB eyes RM1.3b investment to transform Subang Airport into regional hub
SEPANG (April 19): Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) is eyeing total investments
of RM1.3 billion for Subang Airport’s (SZB) regeneration development that will transform
it into an aviation hub in Asia Pacific. KLIA Aeropolis Sdn Bhd head Randhill Singh said
RM300 million will be needed for common infrastructures and RM1 billion for building
lettable facilities such as hangers, factories, maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO), as
well as workshops. “It is imperative for Malaysia to consolidate its position as a hub across
these segments, namely business and commercial aviation, helicopter ecosystem, air cargo
Magna Prima to dispose of commercial and e-commerce logistics, centre of aviation, new technologies, aerospace manufacturing
property in KL for RM56m and MRO in the region. Having one complementary ecosystem between KLIA and Subang
KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): Magna Prima Airport allows us to ensure that we have the leadership position in APAC,” he told a media
Bhd is selling a four-storey commercial briefing today. KLIA Aeropolis is MAHB’s unit tasked to undertake land development for
building in Kuala Lumpur for RM56 the airport operator’s network of airports nationwide. The five-year masterplan, which is
million, which the property developer expected to be completed by end-2025, will be financed via MAHB’s internal funds and
will use to help settle its debts. It said partnership with industry players. — Bernama
the property, located in Mukim Batu and
with its lower ground floor designated
for a supermarket, is being sold by its Homeritz shut plants and office in HLT Global to buy 2.55-acre leasehold
wholly-owned unit Everhall (M) Sdn Bhd Muar for seven days as more workers land in Kuala Langat for RM16.25m
to Cowboy (KL) Sdn Bhd. “The disposal test positive for Covid-19 KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): HLT Global
will release resources tied up in unutilized KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): After a seven- Bhd is buying a 2.55-acre leasehold land
property and realize the property at a fair day stoppage at one of its manufacturing in Kuala Langat, Selangor for RM16.25
market value whilst enhancing the group’s plants due to Covid-19 infections, Muar- million to boost its glove-dipping production
working capital,” Magna Prima said in a based Homeritz Corp Bhd today announced capacity. In a bourse filing, the group said
filing. A valuation report dated Dec 14 last a one-week suspension of operations across it is operating at peak production capacity
year valued the property at RM60 million. all its factories and administrative office. In and hopes the acquisition — a plot close
— by Sulhi Khalid/ a bourse filing today, the furniture maker to its existing factory premises — will raise
said the temporary closure is to minimise the its capacity by about 80%. It sees strong
risk of further spreading the virus within the demand for new glove-dipping lines, it said,
community. “The board of directors of the driven by the number of new entrants into
company wishes to inform that further to the the industry in the past year, as well as the
Covid-19 full screening for all its remaining expansion plan embarked on by existing
employees at factories and office located at rubber glove makers. The group intends to
Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Bakri, Muar, fund the cash buy, expected to be completed
Johor, there are employees who have tested by the third quarter of this year, via internal
positive for Covid-19. Following this, the funds. — by Justin Lim/
operations of these factories as well as its
AmFirst REIT’s 4Q net property income administrative office are implementing a
falls 33.72%, pays 1.42 sen DPU temporary stoppage from April 18 to 24,” the
KUALA LUMPUR (April 19): AmFIRST group said. Previously, it halted operations
Real Estate Investment Trust (AmFIRST for one of its manufacturing facilities
REIT) saw its net property income (NPI) for from April 13 to 19 following several
the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2021 cases of Covid-19 infections detected
(4QFY21) fell 33.72% to RM12.55 million among its factory workers. — by Justin Lim/
from RM18.93 million a year ago, due to
rental rebates given to tenants, lower
occupancy of Prima 9, as well as lower
monthly rental income from The Summit Company manager loses RM512,000 for purchase of non-existence bauxite AP
Hotel. Quarterly revenue fell 18% to KUANTAN (April 19): A company manager lodged a police report claiming to have lost
RM24.56 million from RM29.95 million, its RM512,000 after being deceived into buying an approved permit (AP) for bauxite that did
bourse filing showed. The group declared a not exist. Pahang Commercial Criminal Investigation head Supt Mohd Wazir Mohd Yusof
final income distribution per unit (DPU) of said the victim, aged 52, claimed he and three partners befriended a man in early 2017
1.42 sen per unit for the six-month period who claimed to be able to get them an AP for bauxite from Kuantan. On Jan 10, 2017, the
from Oct 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, which victim’s company agreed to buy the AP for RM450,000, and was asked to pay RM10,000
will be paid on May 28, 2021. For the full in legal fees. The suspect, aged 31, then asked for RM12,000 for permit renewal and
year ended March 31, 2021 (FY21), the RM20,000 for bauxite royalty. “The victim claimed he also lost RM20,000 after opening a
group’s NPI dropped 16.61% to RM63.85 new company, as advised by the suspect, to handle the bauxite export business, after one
million from RM76.56 million in FY20, of his partners disappeared,” Mohd Wazir said in a statement today. The victim lodged
while revenue fell 11.09% to RM107.3 the police report after feeling he had been cheated as he had yet to receive the AP after
million from RM120.68 million. — by Tan waiting for more than three years. — Bernama
Siew Mung/


Johor hopes
JOHOR BARU (April 19): Johor is hoping “At the national level, [according to the
for “positive news” from Prime Minister population ratio,] out of 100,000 people,

Tan Sri MuhyiddinYassin’s meeting with his about 450 people were found to be involved
Singaporean counterpart Lee Hsien Loong in drug abuse, but Mersing recorded about

scheduled for early next month, which is ex- 1,050 people [per 100,000].
pected to discuss the reopening of the border “We need to do something not only from

meeting next
between the two countries. the education point of view, but also other
Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Hasni Mo- factors that influence drug abuse and usage

month will bring

hammad said this is because the reopening among the younger generation in Mersing,”
of the border is an ongoing agenda of the he said.

‘positive news’
state government and that it would ensure Ayob Khan said most of those involved in
that those involved in crossing the border drug abuse in Mersing are fishermen.
from Johor, like workers, receive the Cov- “Most of the drugs used are syabu and
id-19 vaccine. methamphetamine. For fishermen, they may
“Therefore, we will also present to the Bernama use it for strength because they are at sea for
federal government standard operating pro- a long time. Our concern is that it involves
cedures (SOPs) for crossing the border.This Meanwhile, when asked to comment on teenagers, possibly influenced by parents,
will include limited movement. Although the problem of drug abuse, Hasni said that so children also follow,” he said.
they can cross the border, it does not mean based on the latest statistics from the Nation- He said the police had always conducted
that they can travel all over Singapore. al Anti-Drug Agency (AADK), the Mers- operations to eradicate the problem and at the
“If if it is for work, it means that they have ing district recorded the highest number of same time explained the importance of the
to move from Point A to Point B. So, there drug cases involving youths and teenagers Mekar Module developed together with UTM.
will be a mechanism that can be developed in the state. He hoped that it will help provide aware-
for us to [have] control [of this],” he told a He said the situation is worrying and ef- ness to students of the dangers of drug use
press conference after attending a Mekar forts should be made to address the issue. and involvement in criminal cases.
Kickstart Programme entitled “Child and
Adolescent Crime Awareness Module”, a
collaboration between Universiti Teknolo-
gi Malaysia (UTM) and the Johor police
here today. BERNAMA

Also present were Johor Police Chief Da-

tuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay and UTM
Vice Chancellor Prof Datuk Ts Dr Ahmad
Fauzi Ismail.
He said this when asked to comment on
the level of confidence of the state govern-
ment on reopening the border to the republic
as Covid-19 cases in the country are seen
to be increasing.
On April 12, Foreign Affairs Minister Da-
tuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said
the reopening of the border is expected to
be on the agenda of the meeting between
Muhyiddin and Lee early next month.

Rocketing chicken
KUALA TERENGGANU (April 19): He visited the market after receiving
The Ministry of Domestic Trade and complaints from the public that the price

price: Ministry
Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) today of chicken had increased by between 30
suggested that more approved permits and 40 sen since last week, and today it

suggests more
(APs) be issued for the import of chicken was being sold at RM10 per kilogramme.
to control the price increase. Prices of other items like meat and

APs be issued
Deputy Minister Datuk Rosol Wahid vegetables were also said to have gone
said to ensure this could be implemented, up and due to this, several traders were
his ministry will discuss the matter with asked to provide information on the pric-
the Ministry of Agriculture and Food In- es charged before further action could
dustries (MAFI) soonest possible. Bernama be taken.
“If wholesalers and poultry breeders Rosol also said that until yesterday, 42
are trying to take advantage of the situ- MAFI as the APs for importing chicken notices on chicken price increases had
ation by hiking up the price of chicken, come under the jurisdiction of MAFI, been issued to 25 wholesalers and 17
we can offer [APs] to interested compa- not KPDNHEP.” poultry breeders respectively.
nies. I believe this problem can be solved Rosol said this when met by reporters
by issuing more APs to import chicken. after surveying the prices and supply of
“The issuing of APs is a good sugges- basic necessities at the Chabang Tiga Mar- Read also: Hike in chicken price due to
tion and we will discuss the matter with ket, Kampung Hiliran Jejawi here today. higher feed costs, says Nanta Click here


JPMorgan backs Super Soccer League

with US$4.8 bil
LONDON/MADRID/MILAN (April 19): JP- BY DAVID HELLIER, RODRIGO ORIHUELA, pact of the Covid-19 pandemic has left many
Morgan Chase & Co is bankrolling the biggest DANIELE LEPIDO & FAREED SAHLOUL teams and leagues financially exposed. “There
upheaval of European soccer since the 1950s Bloomberg is a realization here in Europe that the current
in a 4 billion-euro (US$4.8 billion) bet that financing model for these bodies needs to be
has already drawn heavy criticism from fans, REUTERS revisited.”
domestic leagues and politicians. The US investment bank’s role is vital, as it
The US investment bank agreed to under- gives the Super League the financial cover to
write an initial 3.5-billion-euro investment to put billions of euros in guaranteed broadcast
help a group of the world’s richest soccer clubs rights on the line so the clubs can attempt to
set up a top-tier Super League, a figure that earn greater revenues via the new league.
will total 4 billion euros after additional pay-
ments and expenses, according to a person Powerful threat
familiar with the matter.The investment, cur- The idea that the top teams need their perfor-
rently financed by JPMorgan, may be offered mance in national competition to affirm their
to investors at a later date, the person added, status and power has come to look like an irrel-
asking not to be identified as the discussions evance, as the wealth gap with domestic peers
are still private. gradually widened. Surprise upsets in ties with
Six teams from England, three from Italy their income from the new competition with bottom-placed rivals have become rarer, help-
and three from Spain have signed up so far to poorer teams. That failed to placate national ing the bigger clubs’ case that such games can
play each other midweek in the new league leagues from England, Spain and Italy and soc- be a pointless distraction.
in a direct challenge to the prestigious UEFA cer governing bodies UEFA and FIFA, which That situation is partly one of soccer author-
Champions League. Alongside 15 permanent all hit back at the move, threatening the rebels ities’ own making. In recent years European
teams, another five would qualify to take part with legal action and ejection from domestic governing body UEFA changed the rules of
each year. leagues. the Champions League to favor teams from
The clubs have committed to remaining UEFA said it could ban Super League team the big five leagues. And the English Premier
part of the Super League for a set number of players from national teams that take part in League changed the distribution of overseas
years, according to people with knowledge of Euro and World Cup competitions. broadcast rights, also giving the big teams an
the agreement.That binding agreement was a advantage.
key driver behind JPMorgan’s investment, the Plans for a European Super League would be Even if the Super League plan is thwarted
people added. The financing from JPMorgan very damaging for football and we support football by its opponents, it represents a powerful threat
has been set at an interest rate of between 2% authorities in taking action. that could help the clubs win more concessions
and 3%, and set over a 23-year time frame, They would strike at the heart of the domestic from UEFA.
one of the people added. game, and will concern fans across the country. If it does go ahead, it won’t just signal the
A spokesperson for JPMorgan declined to (1/2) — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) April diminishing clout of the national leagues. It
comment.The European Super League did not 18, 2021 would also show how traditional media com-
respond in time for publication.The prospect Sent via TwitterWeb App panies such as Comcast Corp’s Sky and BT
of the most profound shakeup to European Group Plc — still the industry’s paymasters —
soccer since the precursor to the Champions JPMorgan’s links to landmark deals in the have diminishing power to dictate the shape of
League was established in 1955, sent shares in sport stretch back almost 20 years. In 2003, the industry.The super-clubs announced their
top teams Juventus Football Club S.p.A. and it advised the American Glazer family on its plan on Monday, before they’ve even held talks
Manchester United Plc soaring. purchase of Manchester United FC. It went with national broadcasters.
The move would free the clubs from games on to work on the club’s initial public offering BT said the move could damage the long-
against smaller teams that bring in lower in- almost a decade later. Manchester United has term health of UK soccer. The company is
come, and would award some of them perma- signed up as a founding member of the Super among those with most to lose in the short
nent membership, breaking with a principle of League, and its vice chairman Ed Woodward term, as it holds the current rights to Cham-
international soccer — that anyone can quali- is a former JPMorgan banker. pions League broadcasts in the UK.
fy, or fail to qualify — for the most prestigious In recent years, the bank advised Rocco The breakaway clubs may have been em-
competitions. Commisso, the Italian-American owner of Me- boldened by the possibility of using stream-
The approach has parallels with the US, diacom LLC, on his purchase of Serie A team ing technology to partly bypass established
where participation in the most lucrative bas- ACF Fiorentina, and US billionaire Dan Fried- broadcasters and show games direct to the
ketball, baseball and American football compe- kin on his takeover of AS Roma. It has also newer, younger and more Asian fan base that’s
titions is guaranteed for clubs that are already helped FC Internazionale Milano and Roma emerged in recent years.
members. Annual Champions League revenue sell bonds backed by future media revenue, and Documents outlining the proposal earlier
is around 3 billion euros (US$3.6 billion), a Spain’s Real Madrid raise funds to refurbish this year and seen by Bloomberg showed the Su-
fifth of the income of the US National Foot- its iconic Santiago Bernabeu stadium. per League plans to allow four regular season
ball League. “I’m not surprised that a bank like JPMor- games to be shown live on club apps and digital
gan is gearing up its European sports activi- platforms.This could be a major source of in-
Quick backlash ty,” said Nikhil Bahel of the sports investment come growth for the teams that are supported
The top clubs said they would share part of group Elysian ParkVentures. Bahel said the im- by millions of followers worldwide.


Citi planning new

(April 19): Citigroup Inc. is pushing ahead Global Times earlier reported the com-
to set up new investment banking and trad- pany plans to apply for stock and futures

China investment
ing operations in China after the lender trading license in China, without giving
announced it would be exiting retail bank- details.

bank within 18
ing in the world’s second-largest economy. The push for a licenses comes as Citi-
The NewYork-based bank plans to sub- group announced plans to exit retail bank-

months — source
mit an application for a securities license ing in China and other markets across Asia
to allow it to underwrite yuan-denominat- and Europe, Middle East and Africa.
ed shares and conduct trading for clients, The bank continues to explore opportu-
as well as a license for futures brokering nities to support clients in China, a Hong
within the next two months, said a person BY CATHY CHAN Kong-based spokesman said, declining to
familiar with the matter, who asked not Bloomberg comment when asked about the license
to named because the information is con- and hiring plans.
fidential. The aim is to get the businesses BLOOMBERG Citigroup is expanding in wealth man-
up and running in 12 to 18 months, the agement and last week announced plans to
person said. hire more than 300 relationship managers
A chief executive officer will soon be in Hong to double its assets by 2025. In
named for the business and 50 people will March, it said it would hire up to 1,700
be hired initially with a plan to grow to staff in the financial hub as it seeks to tap
about 100 over time, the person said. The growing links between the city and rising
bulk will be external hires but it will also affluence in southern mainland cities such
transfer bankers from other mainland busi- as Shenzhen.
nesses to fill the gap, the person said. The The bank serves close to 1,000 mul-
U.S. bank is a late entrant into China’s tinationals with operations in China and
securities market after the country lifted opens its $54 trillion financial market.They more than 350 local corporates. It has
foreign ownership restrictions and allowed have had limited success over the past dec- raised more than $30 billion for domestic
full control starting last year, as it was in ade with joint ventures, which in many cas- Chinese clients from global capital markets
process of unwinding a venture with Ori- es have been unprofitable. Goldman Sachs in the past 12 months, the spokesman said.
ent Securities Co. Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are Citigroup received a domestic custody
Foreign banks have aggressive plans to vying to become the first Wall Street bank license last year and already has licenses
expand in China — seeking to double or to achieve full ownership of securities op- to settle and underwrite bonds for clients
even triple their staffing — as the country erations on the mainland. in China.


Renesas says
to restore full
capacity at fire-
damaged chip
plant by end-May

TOKYO (April 19): Renesas Electron-

ics Corp, a major supplier of automotive
semiconductors, said on Monday it plans
to restore lost production capacity at its plant will still take around 70 days more, The company is also installing new fire
fire-damaged plant by end-May after re- Renesas Chief Executive Officer Hidetoshi extinguishing equipment in the factory to
starting production on Saturday. Shibata told an online press conference. deal with any similar fires in the future,
Renesas restarted the 300mm chip line The production halt was a blow to auto- Shibata said.
at its Naka plant northeast of Tokyo four makers around the world already struggling The Japanese government has called on
weeks after a fire caused by an electricity to find enough chips amid surging demand equipment makers to help Renesas restore
overload burned an area of 600 square me- from consumer electronics makers, forcing production, with industry ministry officials
ters (6,458 square feet), destroyed 23 ma- some such as Nissan Motor, Honda Mo- asking companies at home and overseas to
chines and filled the sensitive clean room tor to cut production as demand for cars provide parts and machinery to Renesas.
with smoke and soot. was rebounding from a pandemic slump.
Half of the Naka plant line’s capacity Renesas commands nearly a third of the
should be restored by the end of April, al- global market share for microcontroller Read also: HSBC top staff to hot desk after
though a ramp up to full production at the chips used in cars. scrapping executive floor Click here


Satellites, E-commerce
Thai billionaire
BANGKOK (April 19): Gulf Energy De-
velopment Pcl, Thailand’s biggest power “Intouch has a very strong business plat-

makes US$5.4 bil

producer by market value, offered to ac- form from mobile phones, satellites to
quire Intouch Holdings Pcl that control’s e-commerce that can add value to our en-

bid for telecom

the nation’s largest mobile phone operator ergy and infrastructure business,” Smith
for as much as 169 billion baht (US$5.4 Banomyong, Gulf Energy’s chief of asset

billion). management and investment, told report-
Intouch shares surged the most in more ers. “Digital technology is considered an-
than two years. other key infrastructure that all businesses
The Bangkok-based company, con- require now.”
trolled by billionaire Sarath Ratanavadi, BY ANUCHIT NGUYEN, YOOJUNG LEE Gulf Energy’s proposed acquisi-
offered to buy 2.6 billion shares, or about & MAX ZIMMERMAN tion of Intouch would be Thailand’s
81% of Intouch, that it doesn’t already Bloomberg third-biggest buyout deal, according to
own at 65 baht each, it said in an exchange data compiled by Bloomberg. Singapore
filing. The offer price is 11% higher than alyst at Phillip Securities (Thailand) Pcl. Telecommunications Ltd is the biggest
Intouch’s close on Friday. While Intouch Still, the sell-off in Gulf Energy showed shareholder of Intouch, after acquiring
shares jumped 7.7% on Monday, the most that some investors are concerned about 21% stake from Temasek Holdings Pte
at close since January 2019, Gulf Energy possible large borrowing to finance the in 2016, while Singtel also owns about
tumbled 1.5% to close at a five-month low. takeover, he said. 23% of Advanced Info, according to
Gulf Energy will also tender for 100% of Sarath, 56, Thailand’s second-richest stock exchange data.
Advanced Info Service Pcl, Thailand’s big- person, has expanded his 10-year-old en- Singtel views its stakes in Intouch and
gest mobile phone company controlled by ergy company into deep-sea port, tollway Advanced Info as strategic investments and
Intouch, at 122.86 baht each.The Advanced and telecommunication businesses as well the company believes in the long term out-
Info offering will be subject to Gulf Energy as power projects in Vietnam, Oman and look of the business, it said in an exchange
securing at least 50% of Intouch, it said. Germany. Acquisitions of Intouch and Ad- filing. The company is reviewing its strate-
With the acquisition of Intouch, Gulf vanced Info will generate long-term ben- gic options to ensure that shareholders of
Energy may be targeting rising demand efits from their potential and cash flows Intouch and Advanced Info get full bene-
for 5G services as a new source of growth, as Thailand’s leading telecommunication fit of the intrinsic value of the businesses,
according to Danai Tunyaphisitchai, an an- companies, Gulf Energy said. Singtel said.

Oaktree and
(April 19): Oaktree Capital Group has pro- turn that accrues to them, above and be-
posed funding a A$3 billion ($2.3 billion) yond the return of a normal shareholder,”

buyback by Australia’s Crown Resorts Ltd Gluskie said.
of its founder’s stake, setting up a clash Shares of Crown were up 0.5% at

in battle for
with rival Blackstone Group for the trou- A$11.97 in mid-session trading on Mon-
bled casino firm’s future. day, in line with the broader market, but

Australia’s Crown
Private equity giant Oaktree’s offer of ahead of Blackstone’s proposed purchase
a “structured instrument” to help Crown price of A$11.85 per share.
buy back James Packer’s 37% stake comes Oaktree, Blackstone and a represent-
just a month after Blackstone lobbed an ative for Packer declined to comment on
A$8 billion full takeover offer. BY BYRON KAYE Monday.
Crown did not specify what Oaktree Reuters A government-backed inquiry into
would receive under its proposal, which it Crown’s operations uncovered money
said it was considering, along with Black- dorse Blackstone’s approach, saying it laundering and dealings with tour opera-
stone’s offer. undervalues the company, pointing to tors linked to organised crime.
Billionaire Packer’s status as Crown’s Crown’s higher market capitalisation in The subsequent decision by the regu-
major shareholder has been under scru- early 2020 before the pandemic and reg- lator to withhold Crown’s Sydney gaming
tiny since an inquiry named his influence ulatory attention hammered its shares. licence was a major blow just ahead of the
as a factor when it in February declared Blackstone had a history of buying scheduled grand opening of the company’s
the company unfit for a Sydney casino casino companies and spinning off their A$2.2 billion waterside casino, apartment
licence, citing activities including money property assets profitably, and with Oak- and hotel tower.
laundering. tree’s help there was “no reason Crown
Oaktree’s approach to removing Packer couldn’t copy the strategy and do it them-
from the register would give Crown a way selves”, said Nathan Bell, portfolio man- Read also:
to resolve regulator concerns without sell- ager of Intelligent Investor, which has
ing the whole company at a price below Crown shares. Meituan seeks US$10 billion to fight
pre-coronavirus levels. Angus Gluskie, managing director of Alibaba in grocery arena
Packer, who left the Crown board in White Funds Management, which has “Chinese delivery giant Meituan is seeking
2018, has indicated he is willing to sell Crown shares, questioned the structure about US$10 billion from the sale of new
up his stake and has said he supports the of the Oaktree offer, which limits its expo- stock and convertible bonds as it doubles
board’s decision on an exit strategy. Packer sure but not other shareholders’. down on efforts to fight the likes of Alibaba
would walk away with around A$3 billion “There is obviously a reason Oaktree Group Holding Ltd in newer areas such as
under either proposal. doesn’t want some element of the business online groceries.”
Many investors have declined to en- or wants to receive some uplift in the re- Click here


New lithium giant emerges to feed

surging battery demand
(April 19): A planned $3.1 billion merger BY JAMES THORNHILL formally named, will have its headquar-
of two Australian miners is set to create one Bloomberg ters in Buenos Aires, but its primary share
of the world’s biggest producers of lithium listing will remain in Australia.
products key to meeting fast-growing glob- BLOOMBERG The deal gives the companies a geo-
al demand for electric vehicle batteries. graphically diversified set of assets. Oro-
The deal between Orocobre Ltd. and cobre sells lithium carbonate from its
Galaxy Resources Ltd. is the biggest min- Olaroz operation in Argentina, while Gal-
ing sector deal of the year so far, accord- axy has a mine in Australia and growth
ing to Bloomberg data, with shares of both projects in Canada and South America.
companies closing at the highest in three Lithium raw materials are most com-
years in Sydney. The merger would create monly extracted at brine operations
the world’s fifth-biggest producer of lithi- which pump liquid from underground
um chemicals, the refined form of the raw reservoirs into vast evaporation ponds,
materials that are used to make electric or in traditional hard rock mines. Chi-
vehicle batteries. na is the biggest player in electric ve-
Miners to battery makers have rushed hicle batteries, with the majority of the
to secure lithium supply amid expectations world’s production capacity, and has a
the EV frenzy will create a structural deficit stranglehold over processing of the re-
as soon as this year, and prices are already quired commodities.
roaring back after a three-year slump. Bat- Miners to battery The growth profile of the combined
tery demand is expected to surge tenfold by makers have rushed group’s existing assets put it on track to
2030, according to BloombergNEF, as the to secure lithium grab a 10% share of the lithium market
global clean-energy transition accelerates. supply amid over the next five to seven years, Perez
The new company “is going to be a expectations the EV de Solay said in an interview, backed by
globally relevant player in terms of lithi- “a strong balance sheet that will enable
um chemical production,” said Reg Spen-
frenzy will create a us not only to deliver those projects but
cer, head of mining research at Canaccord
structural deficit as to continue to grow.” Top global lithi-
Genuity Australia Ltd. He said that it could soon as this year. um producers currently include Socie-
grow to be number three producer by 2025 dad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA and
if all growth projects go ahead. Albemarle Corp.
The A$4 billion deal values Galaxy at
about A$3.53 a share, a 2.2% discount ing 45.8%. Orocobre was advised on the Argentina risk
to Friday’s close, and has the backing of deal by UBS AG, while Galaxy’s advis- Canaccord’s Spencer said there were risks
both company boards. Orocobre’s Chief er was Standard Chartered Plc. The deal in having the largest part of an operation in
Executive Officer Martin Perez de Solay is targeted for completion in mid August Argentina, given its history of geo-political
will head the new group. 2021. and financial volatility, although Oroco-
Orocobre will offer 0.569 of its shares bre’s local management team had so far
for every Galaxy share and will own 54.2% Diverse assets proven adept at navigating those risks.
of the merged company, with Galaxy hold- The merged group, which has yet to be “From Galaxy’s perspective, we were
looking for a partner which had deep
in-country Argentinian experience and
we’ve got that in Orocobre,” said Simon
Hay, Galaxy’s CEO, who will take on the
role of president of international business
in the new organization. The merger will
help to de-risk Galaxy’s Sal de Vida growth
project in the South American country,
he said.

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Baidu expects to supply self-driving

system to one million cars in three to
five years Click here

Tesla with ‘no one’ driving crashes in

Texas, killing two Click here


Danske CEO bows out over Dutch ABN

money laundering inquiry
AMSTERDAM/COPENHAGEN (April BY ANTHONY DEUTSCH & than a decade within credit risk at Barclays
19): Danske Bank’s chief executive officer NIKOLAJ SKYDSGAARD in London, indicating Danske “will take
(CEO) Chris Vogelzang, who was hired Reuters no chances”, Sydbank analyst Mikkel Emil
to help it recover from a multibillion-dol- Jensen said.
lar money laundering scandal, resigned on Denmark’s financial watchdog has told
Monday after Dutch authorities labelled him Vogelzang joins Danske it expects to approve him as new
as a suspect in a separate case at ABN Amro. a growing list of CEO.
Vogelzang said he was quitting after the European bank CEOs “Danske Bank works to underline,
Dutch prosecution service said it was in- to depart over the that there can be no doubt that anyone
vestigating three former board members past 18 months. there is anything but absolutely clean,” Per
at ABN. The Dutch bank also said it had Hansen, investment economist at Nord-
reached a €480 million (US$577 million) net, told Reuters.
settlement over systematic failures to tackle Egeriis told Reuters he regretted Vog-
money laundering. elzang’s exit and that he plans to pursue
“I am very surprised by the decision BLOOMBERG his predecessor’s strategy.
by the Dutch authorities,” Vogelzang said,
adding his status as a suspect did not imply Billions laundered
that he would be charged. In the Netherlands, several inquiries have
Vogelzang joins a growing list of Euro- been looking into suspected money laun-
pean bank CEOs to depart over the past dering, with investigators estimating some
18 months. Italy’s UniCredit, Swiss banks €13 billion was laundered each year between
UBS and Credit Suisse, Germany’s Com- 2004 and 2014, a sum equivalent to roughly
merzbank, and Britain’s Lloyds Banking 2% of Dutch gross domestic product.
Group have all announced leadership ABN, which was bailed out during the
changes since the start of 2020. financial crisis and is 56%-owned by the
And Danske’s former CEO, Thomas Dutch state, said it had agreed to pay a fine
Borgen, stepped down in September 2018, of €300 million and €180 million as disgorge-
also over money laundering missteps. ment reflecting “the seriousness, scope, and
Prosecutors in the Netherlands are inves- Chris Vogelzang duration of the identified shortcomings”.
tigating the failure of bank boards to catch Prosecutors in September 2019 alleged
illicit money trails, targeting executives who “Given the special situation Danske it failed to spot accounts involved in money
have since landed top jobs elsewhere. Bank is in and the intense scrutiny the laundering, end relations with suspicious
While the prosecutors did not name bank is under... I do not want speculations clients, and report such transactions.
the three individuals, they said they had about my person to get in the way of the While the bank failed as a whole as a
been identified as suspects “effectively re- continued development of Danske Bank,” gatekeeper, three former executives “pre-
sponsible” for breaking the Dutch money Vogelzang said in a statement. sumably are effectively responsible for the
laundering act. Danske is still under investigation in violation of the Anti-Money Laundering
ABN’s former CEO Gerrit Zalm, a several countries, including the United and Counter Terrorism Financing Act”,
long-time Dutch finance minister, also States, over some €200 billion (US$246 prosecutors said in a statement.
stepped down from the board of Den- billion) of suspicious transactions that Although the executives are suspects,
mark’s largest bank and confirmed to passed through the bank’s tiny Estonian “this does not necessarily entail that they
Dutch broadcaster NOS that he was one branch between 2007 and 2015. will be prosecuted”, they added.
of the individuals being targeted. DutchmanVogelzang, who took the helm Among examples cited by prosecutors
The investigation into anti-money laun- of Danske in June 2019 with a mandate to was an ABN client with the lowest risk clas-
dering failures at ABN began a year after steer it through the money laundering affair, sification, who opened 192 bank accounts
fellow Dutch bank ING paid a record fine will be replaced by Carsten Egeriis. for 49 companies between 2014 and 2018.
of €775 million to settle a similar case. “It is super unfortunate that it’s once The client committed fiscal fraud, receiv-
Although the ING settlement stated again money laundering that this is re- ing almost €200,000 from tax authorities,
that no managers would be prosecuted, a lated to. It’s almost embarrassing,” Jyske which was transferred and withdrawn.
Dutch court in December ordered a crim- Bank analyst Anders Haulund Vollesen Since ING’s fine, leading Dutch banks
inal investigation into the role of former told Reuters. have invested heavily in increasing their
ING CEO Ralph Hamers, who is now the While Vogelzang has made strides in capacity to detect money laundering.
top executive at Swiss bank UBS. cleaning up Danske, he would “not get to “This settlement marks the end of a
Hamers has said in media interviews see the fruits of his labour”, Haulund said. painful and disappointing episode for ABN
he always acted in good conscience during Analysts viewed Danske’s choice of Amro,” its CEO Robert Swaak said.
10 years at ING and that he is confident Egeriis, 44, as a safe bet based on his ex- ABN has dedicated more than 3,000
that the case will “turn out well”, while perience within compliance and risk. new employees to regulatory monitoring,
UBS chairman Axel Weber said he has “full Egeriis joined Danske in 2017 as head adding staff for the first time after years
confidence” in his ability to lead the bank. of risk management after working for more of job cuts.


Historic oil glut amassed during

pandemic has almost gone

(April 19): The unprecedented oil invento-

ry glut that amassed during the coronavirus
pandemic is almost gone, underpinning a
price recovery that’s rescuing producers but
vexing consumers.
Barely a fifth of the surplus that flooded
into the storage tanks of developed econ-
omies when oil demand crashed last year
remained as of February, according to the
International Energy Agency. Since then, the
lingering remnants have been whittled away
as supplies hoarded at sea plunge and a key
depot in South Africa is depleted.
The re-balancing comes as OPEC and
its allies keep vast swathes of production
off-line and a tentative economic recovery
rekindles global fuel demand. It’s propping subsided in late February to 1.28 billion For the 23-nation OPEC+ coalition led
international crude prices near $67 a barrel, barrels — a level seen before coronavirus by Saudi Arabia and Russia, the decline is a
a boon for producers yet an increasing con- erupted — and continue to hover there, ac- vindication of the bold strategy they adopted
cern for motorists and governments wary cording to the Energy Information Admin- a year ago. The alliance slashed output by
of inflation. istration. Last week, stockpiles in the East 10 million barrels a day last April — rough-
“Commercial oil inventories across the Coast fell to their lowest in at least 30 years. ly 10% of global supplies — and is now in
OECD are already back down to their five- “We’re starting to see refinery runs pick the process of carefully restoring some of
year average,” said Ed Morse, head of com- up in the U.S., which will be good for po- the halted barrels.
modities research at Citigroup Inc. “What’s tential crude stock draws,” said Mercedes The Organization of Petroleum Export-
left of the surplus is almost entirely concen- McKay, a senior analyst at consultants FGE. ing Countries has consistently said its key
trated in China, which has been building a There have also been declines inside the objective is to normalize swollen inventories,
permanent petroleum reserve.” nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the though it’s unclear whether the cartel will
The process isn’t quite complete. A con- warren of salt caverns used to store oil for open the taps once that’s achieved. In the
siderable overhang appears to remain off emergency use. Traders and oil companies past, the lure of high prices has prompted
the coast of China’s Shandong province, were allowed to temporarily park oversupply the group to keep production tight even af-
though this may have accumulated to feed there by former President Trump, and in re- ter reaching its stockpile target.
new refineries, according to consultants IHS cent months have quietly removed about 21
Markit Ltd. million barrels from the location, according Mixed blessing
Working off the remainder of the global to people familiar with the matter. To consuming nations the great de-stocking
excess may take some more time, as OPEC+ The oil surplus that gathered on the is less of a blessing. Drivers in California are
is reviving some halted supplies and new world’s seas is also diminishing. Ships were already reckoning with paying almost US$4
virus outbreaks in India and Brazil threat- turned into makeshift floating depots when for a gallon of gasoline, data from the AAA
en demand. onshore facilities grew scarce last year, but auto club shows. India, a major importer,
Still, the end of the glut at least appears the volumes have plunged, according to IHS has complained about the financial pain of
to be in sight. Markit Ltd. resurgent prices.
Oil inventories in developed economies They’ve tumbled about by 27% in the For better or worse, the re-balancing
stood just 57 million barrels above their past two weeks to 50.7 million barrels, the should continue. As demand picks up fur-
2015-2019 average as of February, down lowest in a year, IHS analystsYen Ling Song ther, global inventories will decline at a rate
from a peak of 249 million in July, the IEA and Fotios Katsoulas estimate. of 2.2 million barrels a day in the second
estimates. A particularly vivid symbol is the drain- half, propelling Brent crude to US$74 a
It’s a stark turnaround from a year ago, ing of crude storage tanks at the logistical- barrel or even higher, Citigroup predicts.
when lockdowns crushed world fuel demand ly-critical Saldanha Bay hub on the west “Gasoline sales are ripping in the U.S.,”
by 20% and trading giant Gunvor Group coast of South Africa. It’s a popular location said Morse. “Demand across all products
Ltd. fretted that storage space for oil would for traders, allowing them the flexibility to will hit record levels in the third quarter,
soon run out. quickly send cargoes to different geograph- pushed up by demand for transport fuels
ical markets. and petrochemical feed-stocks.”
Stockpile slump Inventories at the terminal are set to fall
In the U.S., the inventory pile-up has effec- to 24.5 million barrels, the lowest in a year,
tively cleared already. according to ship tracking data monitored Read also: Banks face growing pressure to
Total stockpiles of crude and products by Bloomberg. phase out fossil-fuel lending Click here


The ‘metaverse’ bet: Crypto-rich investors

snap up virtual real estate


(April 19): What do you do with a $69 mil-

lion artwork that doesn’t physically exist?
That’s the question faced by the Singa-
pore-based investor calling himself Metak-
ovan, who made headlines last month when
he bought the digital artwork “Everydays:
The First 5000 Days” by the American
artist Beeple at Christie’s.
The work is a non-fungible token (NFT)
— a new type of virtual asset that has its
ownership status and authenticity verified
by blockchain. NFTs have exploded in pop-
ularity in 2021, with prices skyrocketing.
Metakovan, real name Vignesh Sundare-
san, plans to put the artwork on display in
four virtual world environments. He is work-
ing with architects to design gallery complex-
es that the public can enter via web browsers
or virtual reality technology. Metakovan, real name Vignesh Sundaresan, plans to put the artwork on display in four virtual world
But art is just one part of a new economy environments. He is working with architects to design gallery complexes that the public can enter via
web browsers or virtual reality technology.
of blockchain-based virtual worlds where
land, buildings, avatars and even names can
be bought and sold as NFTs, often fetching square metres sold for $572,000 on April
hundreds of thousands of dollars. In these 11, which the platform said was a record.
environments, referred to as the metaverse, Art is just one part Another Decentraland plot sold for
people can wander around with friends, visit of a new economy $283,567 on March 21, according to Non-
virtual buildings and attend virtual events. of blockchain-based, while Somnium Space said
Metakovan’s plans are an ambitious un- virtual worlds where an estate on its platform fetched more than
dertaking, but he says he is the world’s big- land, buildings, $500,000 on March 16.
gest NFT investor. His collection of NFTs Metaverse enthusiasts compare the rush
and other crypto assets, the Metapurse fund,
avatars and even to buy virtual land to the scramble for do-
is valued at $189 million, according to Non-
names can be bought main names in the early days of the inter-, a site that aggregates sales and sold as NFTs. net. There are currently a few thousand
history data from NFT marketplaces. unique landowners on each of the main
“The current Cambrian explosion of blockchain-based platforms.
NFTs that you see is all about acquisition Their theory is that as more people con-
— people want to buy up NFTs, gobble as real estate could one day fetch millions of gregate in these environments, plots of land
many of them as they can,” said Anand Ven- dollars, he added. in central locations will be highly sought-af-
kateswaran, aka Twobadour, who runs the Investors caution, however, that while ter because of the amount of visitor traffic.
Metapurse fund with Metakovan. big money is flowing into NFTs, the mar- “All of virtual land and these virtual spac-
“But it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The ket could represent a price bubble, with the es are basically real estate on which experi-
real explosion will happen when they’re risk of major losses if the hype dies down. ences will start to centre, on which attention
able to ... experience these NFTs as they There could also be prime opportunities will start to focus,” Twobadour said.
were intended. If it’s a plot of virtual land, for fraudsters in a market where many par- “That’s where all of the attention is and
you ought to move around in it, have an ticipants operate under pseudonyms. that’s monetisable in a million different
immersive experience in it.” ways.”
In what will be one of the biggest names A plot of virtual land: $500k+ So far, it’s a relatively small number
to join the party, videogame maker Atari The NFT frenzy has heightened interest in of people driving up land prices on these
told Reuters it planned to launch its own blockchain-based online environments.The worlds.
blockchain-based virtual world and would best known are Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, In Decentraland there were 334 buyers
soon announce details. Somnium Space and The Sandbox, where in March, sending monthly land sales vol-
Online environments are going to be virtual real estate prices are hitting new highs. umes past $4 million, from $767,400 in
“very very big”, regardless of fluctua- Decentraland has seen more than $50 February with 184 buyers and $246,134
tions in the price of bitcoin, said Frederic million in total sales, including land, avatars, in January with 111 buyers, according to
Chesnais, head of Atari’s blockchain divi- usernames and wearables like virtual outfits.
sion and the company’s former CEO. NFT A patch of land measuring 41,216 virtual CO N TI N U ES O N PAG E 20


Britain to
LONDON (April 19): Britain stepped up Last week, the European Central Bank
efforts on Monday to look at the case for a said it was studying an electronic form of

look closer at
digital pound in response to the challenge cash to complement banknotes and coins
posed by cryptocurencies such as bitcoin, but any launch was still several years away.

creating digital
and outlined plans to make its financial
market more attractive after Brexit. Dark trading

“We’re launching a new taskforce be- Since Britain’s departure from the Europe-
tween the Treasury and the Bank of Eng- an Union’s orbit on Dec. 31, the financial
land to coordinate exploratory work on sector has faced restrictions on serving EU
a potential central bank digital currency customers, and the British government is
(CBDC),” Britain’s finance minister Ri- BY DAVID MILLIKEN & HUW JONES seeking to make London a more attractive
shi Sunak told a financial industry con- Reuters global financial centre.
ference. The government will propose removing
“Alongside this we will set up a new REUTERS restrictions inherited from the EU, includ-
financial market infrastructure ‘sandbox’ ing on who can trade shares in London and
for firms innovating with technologies the double volume cap.
like distributed ledger technologies,” he This would help Britain attract more
added. “dark” or anonymous trading by big in-
The BoE said that it and the govern- vestors after Amsterdam toppled London
ment had not yet made a decision on as Europe’s top share trading centre in
whether to introduce a CBDC in the January.
UK, and that it would engage widely “The consultation process aims to deliv-
with stakeholders on the benefits, risks er a rulebook that is fair, outcomes-based
and practicalities of doing so. and supports competitiveness, whilst en-
Any digital currency would be de- suring the UK maintains the highest reg-
signed to exist alongside physical cash ulatory standards,” Sunak said.
and existing bank deposits, rather than Britain will also propose changes to pro-
to replace them, the central bank said. China is a front-runner to launch a spectuses, a document companies must
The taskforce will monitor develop- CBDC, which could help authorities publish when listing on an exchange or
ments overseas to ensure the UK remains modernise financial systems, meet the issuing new shares.
at the forefront of global innovation on threat from cryptocurrencies and speed The aim would be to ensure the rules
digital currencies, it added. up domestic and international payments. are “not overly burdensome”, Sunak said.

FROM PAG E 19 ets and merchandise as NFTs. “Do I think most people will use virtu-
An NFT investor called Whale Shark, “We’re going to have several well-known al worlds? Probably not, but I think a lot
whose collection was valued at more than global festivals all doing stages, and when of people will and I think NFTs are a big
$20 million by in Febru- we get to that point we expect hundreds part of that growth,” he said.
ary, said he spent 200 of the cryptocurrency of thousands or even millions of people,” “Actually walking around with another
Ether on land in Cryptovoxels and anoth- Hamilton said. person in a virtual space and looking at
er 200 in The Sandbox in 2018 and 2019. Last year, American rapper Travis Scott art together is a really nice way to spend
Those estates cost around $60,000 each drew an audience of 27.7 million visitors time,” he added.
back then but are now worth more than to five concerts within Fortnite, the pop- Whale Shark said the vast majority of
$400,000 apiece, he added, speaking on ular online game owned by Epic Games. NFTs had no commercial viability, and
condition of anonymity. expects only a small number to emerge
Some virtual worlds have their own Is ‘crypto winter’ coming? as winners.
cryptocurrencies: Decentraland’s MANA Sebastien Borget, co-founder of The But some investors such as Austral-
has skyrocketed more than 3500% over the Sandbox, described the commercial ac- ia-based Mateen Soudagar, aka DCL Blog-
past year, according to Coinbase. tivity within virtual worlds as a new nation ger, have little interest in moving back into
forming and said the NFT-based economy real-world investments.
Virtual festival, anyone? would outgrow the real-world one within Soudagar says he has made millions of
Some early virtual land investors who a decade. dollars through cryptocurrency and NFTs,
bought in early are now selling to compa- There are, however, many in the fledg- but rather than cash out, he keeps around
nies, said Samuel Hamilton, community and ling industry who warn of dangers ahead 75% of his money in crypto assets and
events lead at the Decentraland Foundation. for investors. reckons many of his peers do the same.
Atari, ahead of its plans to open its own “I expect that there’ll be a crypto winter Other than upgrading his laptop, he hasn’t
blockchain-based world, has licensed a retro in the next couple of months, the whole changed his lifestyle.
arcade within Decentraland and is due to NFT boom will explode and then all the “If you’re a believer in the movement
open a casino, while an area called “Crypto value will absolutely collapse,” said Ben then you think that the world will move
Valley” is home to various crypto companies. Nolan, founder of the virtual world Cryp- into this space,” he said. “So when you’re
Decentraland has hosted a virtual fash- tovoxels. putting it into fiat you’re going backwards.”
ion exhibition in collaboration with Adidas, “Doing NFTs as an investment or as a
where designs were auctioned as NFTs. It way to make money is really ill-advised.”
is also attracting interest from musicians However he does see a future for virtual Read also: Why is Bitcoin tumbling and
who can perform in the space, selling tick- worlds and NFTs. what is the outlook for prices? Click here


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MESTRON HOLDINGS BHD 89.2 0.030 0.340 54.55 308.3 World equity indices
DAGANG NEXCHANGE BHD 80.2 -0.010 0.800 255.56 1863.8 (%) (%)
PUC BHD 77.4 0.030 0.125 -21.88 111.1 DOW JONES 34,200.67 164.68 0.48 INDONESIA 6,052.54 -33.72 -0.55
FINTEC GLOBAL BHD 68.6 -0.005 0.045 -43.75 155.0 S&P 500 4,185.47 15.05 0.36 JAPAN 29,685.37 2.00 0.01
SERSOL BHD 66.3 0.045 0.300 53.85 64.6 NASDAQ 100 14,041.91 15.72 0.11 KOREA 3,198.84 0.22 0.01
QES GROUP BHD 66.1 0.025 0.630 113.56 525.5 FTSE 100 7,028.80 9.27 0.13 PHILIPPINES 6,459.76 -35.05 -0.54
RUBBEREX CORP M BHD 64.6 0.000 1.470 5.00 1219.3 AUSTRALIA 7,065.64 2.18 0.03 SINGAPORE 3,212.62 10.86 0.34
HB GLOBAL LTD 63.2 0.030 0.305 110.34 171.3 CHINA 3,477.55 50.93 1.49 TAIWAN 17,263.28 104.47 0.61
TRIVE PROPERTY GROUP BHD 61.2 0.000 0.085 -37.33 89.5 HONG KONG 29,106.15 136.44 0.47 THAILAND 1,572.78 23.82 1.54
JAG BHD 58.6 0.045 0.475 75.93 244.5 INDIA 47,788.11 -1043.92 -2.14 VIETNAM 1,260.58 21.87 1.77
Data as compiled on Apr 19, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Apr 19, 2021 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BHD 0.400 158.06 313424.8 175.86 120.9 EDUSPEC HOLDINGS BHD 0.015 -25.00 2079.2 -25.00 33.4
SASBADI HOLDINGS BHD 0.205 32.26 258894.7 36.67 85.9 MTOUCHE TECHNOLOGY BHD 0.020 -20.00 25797.9 -73.33 26.5
PUC BHD 0.125 31.58 77365.5 -21.88 111.1 PRICEWORTH INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.020 -20.00 1531.9 -33.33 90.1
DATAPREP HOLDINGS BHD 2.000 29.87 142394.7 1011.11 1234.6 DAYA MATERIALS BHD 0.020 -20.00 15709.5 33.33 40.9
COMPUGATES HOLDINGS BHD 0.025 25.00 418.7 25.00 76.7 FOCUS DYNAMICS GROUP BHD 0.125 -16.67 419392.4 -80.77 787.3
UCREST BHD 0.435 24.29 323887.3 180.65 266.3 VSOLAR GROUP BHD 0.025 -16.67 3488.4 -37.50 70.5
PERAK CORP BHD 0.470 22.08 1130.7 38.24 47.0 THETA EDGE BHD 0.750 -15.25 2879.5 -1.96 80.4
CENSOF HOLDINGS BHD 0.380 20.63 27290.9 43.40 209.9 TALAM TRANSFORM BHD 0.030 -14.29 335.3 0.00 128.9
SERSOL BHD 0.300 17.65 66298.7 53.85 64.6 TIGER SYNERGY BHD 0.065 -13.33 31276.7 -45.83 95.5
SEALINK INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.370 17.46 50470.2 94.74 185.0 MLABS SYSTEMS BHD 0.035 -12.50 2360.1 -56.25 42.1
INNOPRISE PLANTATIONS BHD 1.250 16.82 3609.9 6.84 598.6 NEXGRAM HOLDINGS BHD 0.040 -11.11 7040.7 -11.11 110.2
KEY ASIC BHD 0.175 16.67 309501.8 118.75 207.3 MNC WIRELESS BHD 0.040 -11.11 663.3 -11.11 70.4
GRAND CENTRAL ENTERPRISES BHD 0.390 16.42 4.5 4.00 76.8 AIRASIA X BHD 0.080 -11.11 37628.5 6.67 331.9
SC ESTATE BUILDER BHD 0.110 15.79 14215.3 83.33 114.2 MACPIE BHD 0.080 -11.11 91015.0 -66.32 75.7
KEY ALLIANCE GROUP BHD 0.040 14.29 5332.2 -20.00 94.2 SCOMI ENERGY SERVICES BHD 0.090 -10.00 1355.3 -5.26 42.1
NATIONWIDE EXPRESS HOLDINGS 0.235 11.90 1809.9 -38.16 29.0 FINTEC GLOBAL BHD 0.045 -10.00 68581.9 -43.75 155.0
GOLDEN PHAROS BHD 0.245 11.36 992.7 0.00 33.8 KERJAYA PROSPEK PROPERTY BHD 1.110 -9.76 14874.9 42.31 444.2
M3 TECHNOLOGIES ASIA BHD 0.050 11.11 25212.9 -23.08 38.6 SENTORIA GROUP BHD 0.185 -9.76 3445.2 32.14 103.2
COMPLETE LOGISTIC SERVICES BHD 1.410 11.02 5083.8 101.43 181.4 BERJAYA LAND BHD 0.290 -9.38 15306.4 52.63 1426.9
HB GLOBAL LTD 0.305 10.91 63165.2 110.34 171.3 JADI IMAGING HOLDINGS BHD 0.105 -8.7 10403.3 0 110.5
Data as compiled on Apr 19, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Apr 19, 2021 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO 14.400 0.600 1747.9 2.27 4111.6 MALAYSIAN PACIFIC INDUSTRIES 39.080 -0.500 59.1 50.54 7772.9
DATAPREP HOLDINGS BHD 2.000 0.460 142394.7 1011.11 1234.6 KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BHD 21.900 -0.260 303.1 -7.52 23620.3
BLD PLANTATION BHD 9.500 0.300 4.3 14.46 888.3 PETRONAS DAGANGAN BHD 20.020 -0.240 103.7 -6.45 19888.9
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BHD 0.400 0.245 313424.8 175.86 120.9 CARLSBERG BREWERY MALAYSIA 22.880 -0.220 174.7 -1.55 6995.5
LOTTE CHEMICAL TITAN HOLDING 2.730 0.210 19475.0 -1.44 6205.2 NESTLE MALAYSIA BHD 136.300 -0.200 9.6 -1.87 31962.4
KESM INDUSTRIES BHD 12.300 0.200 31.9 -9.43 529.1 AEON CREDIT SERVICE M BHD 12.740 -0.160 20.0 6.17 3252.6
INNOPRISE PLANTATIONS BHD 1.250 0.180 3609.9 6.84 598.6 MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS 6.180 -0.150 1562.4 4.39 10253.8
GREATECH TECHNOLOGY BHD 6.120 0.170 3295.3 34.51 7662.2 MISC BHD 6.680 -0.140 1707.4 -2.77 29817.8
FRASER & NEAVE HOLDINGS BHD 30.160 0.160 16.5 -5.99 11062.0 THETA EDGE BHD 0.750 -0.135 2879.5 -1.96 80.4
TIME DOTCOM BHD 13.860 0.140 182.4 6.11 8381.3 UWC BHD 6.140 -0.130 2072.8 25.31 6757.9
COMPLETE LOGISTIC SERVICES 1.410 0.140 5083.8 101.43 181.4 GENTING BHD 4.760 -0.120 16333.0 8.52 18328.7
SUPERMAX CORP BHD 5.440 0.130 46864.0 -9.48 14240.0 HAP SENG CONSOLIDATED BHD 8.150 -0.120 128.1 -5.23 20290.8
CHEETAH HOLDINGS BHD 1.670 0.130 3665.6 227.45 191.8 KERJAYA PROSPEK PROPERTY BHD 1.110 -0.120 14874.9 42.31 444.2
PANASONIC MANUFACTURING 31.500 0.100 2.3 2.27 1913.5 ORIENTAL INTEREST BHD 2.600 -0.120 10.5 35.42 402.6
TONG HERR RESOURCES BHD 2.790 0.100 82.2 19.74 428.3 7-ELEVEN MALAYSIA HOLDINGS 1.500 -0.110 292.8 10.29 1689.5
CHIN WELL HOLDINGS BHD 1.360 0.100 796.4 21.43 391.6 TOP GLOVE CORP BHD 5.460 -0.110 38332.2 -10.78 43702.3
UMW HOLDINGS BHD 3.390 0.100 662.8 -0.29 3960.5 IJM CORP BHD 1.910 -0.100 8309.5 10.40 6906.2
ANCOM BHD 1.480 0.100 2131.5 45.10 357.8 MEGA FIRST CORP BHD 7.070 -0.100 614.3 2.46 3348.9
AJINOMOTO MALAYSIA BHD 16.000 0.100 11.9 -0.12 972.8 DUTCH LADY MILK INDUSTRIES 35.380 -0.100 2.2 -5.65 2264.3
GETS GLOBAL BHD 2.510 0.100 614.6 22.44 712.8 ALLIANZ MALAYSIA BHD 13.3 -0.1 90.3 -10.01 2356.3
Data as compiled on Apr 19, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Apr 19, 2021 Source: Bloomberg
M A L AY S I A | A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 2 1

Presented by

in adversity
W2 Presented by



t the start of 2020, when global markets were not looking portantly, a major factor was the quick thinking and decisive meas-
too good, the thinking then among many fund managers ures by fund managers to manage the risks and ride the volatilty.
was that it would be tough to bring in returns that matched So, what was expected to be a washout year turned out to be an
those of previous years. extraordinary one for our fund managers. For the Refinitiv Lipper
Indeed, when the global markets crashed in March as Fund Awards 2021 in collaboration with The Edge, most of the win-
the Covid-19 pandemic heightened and what started as a health ning funds outperformed, with Public Mutual standing out again
crisis quickly snowballed into an economic one, the worst of times as the biggest winner.
seemed inevitable. What of this year? There is certainly optimism that 2021 will be
But in a year of multiple black swans, the fund management in- a year of recovery, but be that as it may, challenges remain as we are
dustry has shown great resilience, thanks to global monetary easing not quite out of the woods yet.
which brought about a big turnaround in equity markets. More im- To all the winners, we say, “Congratulations”. — By Anna Taing

Winners list
GROUP AWARD WINNERS Equity Malaysia (Malaysia) Areca equityTrust
DURATION: 3 YEARS Equity Malaysia (Islamic) Hong Leong Dana Makmur
Equity Malaysia (Provident) AmMalaysia Equity
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid-Cap (Malaysia) Public Strategic SmallCap
Best Bond Group (Provident) AmFunds Management Bhd
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid-Cap (Islamic) Public Islamic Opportunities
Best Equity Group (Malaysia) Public Mutual Bhd
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid-Cap (Provident) Maybank Malaysia SmallCap
Best Equity Group (Islamic) Kenanga Investors Bhd
Equity Malaysia Diversified (Provident) Hong Leong Growth
Best Equity Group (Provident) Hong Leong Asset Management Bhd
Equity Asia-Pacific (Malaysia) PB China Pacific Equity
Best Mixed Assets Group (Malaysia) Public Mutual Bhd
Equity Asia-Pacific (Provident) PB Islamic Asia Strategic Sector
Best Mixed Assets Group (Islamic) Public Mutual Bhd
Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Malaysia) Pheim Asia Ex-Japan
Best Mixed Assets Group (Provident) Kenanga Investors Bhd
Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Islamic) Public Islamic Asia Leaders Equity
Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Provident) Hong Leong Asia-Pacific Dividend
EDITORIAL FUND AWARD WINNERS Equity Global (Malaysia) PB Global Equity
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DURATION: 3 YEARS Equity Malaysia Income (Islamic) Public Islamic Savings
MANAGING EDITOR AWARD FUND Equity Malaysia Income (Provident) Hong Leong Dividend
Bond MYR (Malaysia) AmanahRaya Unit Trust Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia Public Growth Balanced
KUEK SER KWANG ZHE, Bond MYR (Islamic) AmanahRaya Syariah Trust (Malaysia)
Bond MYR (Provident) AmDynamic Bond Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia (Islamic) Kenanga SyariahEXTRA
PATHMA SUBRAMANIAM Equity Malaysia (Malaysia) Areca equityTrust Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia Kenanga SyariahEXTRA
Equity Malaysia (Islamic) Hong Leong Dana Makmur (Provident)
TAN ZHAI YUN Equity Malaysia (Provident) Hong Leong Dana Makmur Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Global (Malaysia) United Bond & Equity Strategic Trust
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid-Cap (Malaysia) Public Emerging Opportunities Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Global (Provident) Affin Hwang Select Balanced
IRIANI AMIRUDIN, CHUI YEE MUN Equity Malaysia Small & Mid-Cap (Islamic) Public Islamic Opportunities Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Malaysia) PB Mixed Asset Conservative
OOI INN LEONG Equity Malaysia Small & Mid-Cap (Provident) Kenanga OA Inv-Kenanga Growth Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Islamic) Public Ehsan Mixed Asset Conservative
Opportunities Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Provident) Public Ehsan Mixed Asset Conservative
ASSISTANT CHIEF COPY EDITORS Equity Malaysia Diversified (Provident) Public Strategic Growth Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Malaysia) Public Tactical Allocation
Equity Asean (Malaysia) United ASEAN Discovery Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Islamic) Public Islamic Asia Tactical Allocation
SENIOR COPY EDITORS Equity Asia-Pacific (Malaysia) KAF Jade Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Provident) Public Islamic Asia Tactical Allocation
Equity Asia-Pacific (Provident) PB Islamic Asia Strategic Sector
Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Malaysia) Pheim Asia Ex-Japan FUND AWARD WINNERS
ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Islamic) Public Islamic Asia Leaders Equity DURATION: 10 YEARS
LEE WAN YEE Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Provident) Hong Leong Asia-Pacific Dividend AWARD FUND
RAJITA SIVAN, Equity Global (Malaysia) PB Global Equity
Bond MYR (Malaysia) KAF Bond
Equity Global (Islamic) Public Islamic Global Equity
Bond MYR (Islamic) PB Islamic Bond
ADVERTISING & MARKETING Equity Malaysia Income (Malaysia) Areca Dividend Income
Bond MYR (Provident) Maybank Malaysia Income
Equity Malaysia Income (Islamic) Public Islamic Savings
SHARON TEH (012) 313 9056 Equity Malaysia (Malaysia) Areca equityTrust
GENERAL MANAGER Equity Malaysia Income (Provident) AmDividend Income
FONG LAI KUAN (012) 386 2831 Equity Malaysia (Islamic) Affin Hwang Aiiman Growth
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia Public Growth Balanced
SENIOR SALES MANAGERS Equity Malaysia (Provident) AmMalaysia Equity
GEETHA PERUMAL (016) 250 8640 (Malaysia)
GREGORY THU (012) 376 0614 Equity Malaysia Small & Mid-Cap (Provident) KAF Vision
SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia (Islamic) Kenanga SyariahEXTRA
Equity Malaysia Income (Islamic) Manulife Investment Al-Fauzan
EVON SEAH (016) 973 8699 Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia Kenanga SyariahEXTRA
KENNY LIM (014) 334 2733 Equity Malaysia Income (Provident) AmDividend Income
SHAFINA SYAHRIR (017) 281 4787 (Provident)
SHANNON LEONG (012) 677 5345 Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Global (Malaysia) Public Strategic Balanced Equity Malaysia Diversified (Provident) Affin Hwang Select Opportunity
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Global (Provident) Affin Hwang Select Balanced Equity Asia-Pacific (Malaysia) PB China Pacific Equity
BRYAN ANG (012) 317 8473
KHAIRUL ADZMAN (012) 619 5091 Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Malaysia) United Income Plus Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Malaysia) Pheim Asia Ex-Japan
NICHOLAS HONG (012) 768 0881
YVETTE ERIN (016) 273 0856 Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Islamic) Public Ehsan Mixed Asset Conservative Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Islamic) Public Islamic Asia Leaders Equity
Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Provident) Public Ehsan Mixed Asset Conservative Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan (Provident) Principal Asia Titans
LORRAINE CHAN Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Malaysia) Public Tactical Allocation Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia Dana Makmur Pheim
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Islamic) Public Islamic Asia Tactical Allocation (Islamic)
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Provident) RHB Thematic Growth
CORPORATE Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia Dana Makmur Pheim
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER FUND AWARD WINNERS Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Provident) Eastspring Investments Dana al-Islah
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Malaysia) InterPac Dynamic Equity
LETTERS AND CRITICISM. Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Islamic) Eastspring Investments Dana Dinamik
PHONE (03) 7721 8000 Bond MYR (Malaysia) AmanahRaya Unit Trust
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Provident) Manulife Investment-HW Flexi
EMAIL Bond MYR (Islamic) AmanahRaya Syariah Trust
PSEUDONYMS ARE ALLOWED BUT Bond MYR (Provident) AmDynamic Bond Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Global (Malaysia) Pheim Emerging Companies Balanced
W4 Presented by


Public Mutual biggest winner

with 34 awards


ublic Mutual Bhd dominated the

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2021,
bagging three group and 31 indi-
vidual awards — the greatest num-
ber of awards won by a fund man-
agement company — retaining
its winning streak for three years running.
The fund house clinched the Best Equity
Malaysia, Best Mixed Assets Malaysia and
Best Mixed Assets Malaysia (Islamic) group
awards, despite stormy market conditions
and global economic volatility caused chief-
ly by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Its CEO Yeoh Kim Hong attributes the
stellar performance to the funds’ holdings
of fundamentally sound companies with
positive long-term growth prospects that
displayed resilience during the pandem-
ic-led downturn.
The companies in their portfolios had
subsequently staged a strong rebound in
2020, following buying interest in quality
companies as sentiment improved, she says.
“The group award for an asset class is
conferred on the fund house with the best
overall ranking as derived from its eligi-
ble funds’ standings within their respec-
tive fund categories. Under the Best Equity
(Malaysia) group award, Public Mutual had
seven domestic and 13 foreign conventional
equity funds evaluated across the categories
of Equity — Malaysia, Asean, Asia-Pacific
ex-Japan, Asia-Pacific and Global.
“Under the Best Mixed Assets (Malaysia)
group award, we had four domestic funds
and seven foreign funds evaluated against
their peer funds, while we had three do-
mestic funds and one regional fund eval-
uated for the Best Mixed Assets (Malaysia Other funds, such as the Public Ehsan
FUND PB China Pacific Equity
Islamic) group award. Mixed Asset Conservative fund and the
“The performances of our funds in these
AWARD Equity Asia Pacific — Public Islamic Asia Tactical Allocation
three group categories were lifted by their Malaysia (5 and 10 years) fund, also benefited from holdings in the
investments in technology, e-commerce and FUND SIZE RM221.76 million technology, healthcare and e-commerce
healthcare stocks, which benefited from the Our equity funds RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 35.64 sectors.
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
accelerated adoption of digital solutions, had to weather 5 years 86.87 The pandemic has accelerated the adop-
owing to social distancing measures and the sharp 10 years 166.09 tion of technology solutions for both cor-
increased demand for medical care and correction in the porations and consumers to accommodate
personal protective equipment amid the equity markets the movement restrictions and physical
Covid-19 pandemic.”
FUND PB Global Equity distancing measures globally.
at the start of the
The firm’s overarching philosophy of pandemic as well AWARD Equity Global — Malaysia As such, the firm rebalanced its equity
fundamental-based investing has ensured as the subsequent (3 and 5 years) investments accordingly into the domestic
that their funds deliver consistent returns FUND SIZE RM139.33 million and foreign technology, e-commerce and in-
periods of
over the long term, Yeoh says. ternet sectors, which are poised to benefit
This strategy saw to it that three of its elevated volatility RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 37.09 from these structural changes, says Yeoh.
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
funds — PB China Pacific Equity, Public throughout the “In addition, our funds have increased
5 years 67.85
Tactical Allocation and Public Islamic Asia year.” exposure to selected healthcare stocks to
Leaders — won Lipper fund awards for five > Yeoh 10 years NA capitalise on the increased demand for
consecutive years. healthcare services, medical equipment and
PB China Pacific Equity fund’s perfor- personal protective equipment such as rub-
mance was underpinned by its holdings of FUND PB Islamic Asia Strategic ber gloves. The technology and healthcare
selected China internet and Taiwan tech- Sector sectors outperformed strongly relative to
nology stocks that benefit from the long- AWARD Equity Asia Pacific — the broader markets in the past year.
term structural growth of the internet and Provident (3 and 5 years) “As lockdown restrictions gradually eased
e-commerce, 5G and data centre segments. FUND SIZE RM51.27 million and prospects for a recovery in economic
The Public Tactical Allocation fund was RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 40.64
activities improved amid positive news on
tactically positioned in selected US tech- ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) Covid-19 vaccines in 4Q2020, our funds were
5 years 80.88
nology software and healthcare companies, subsequently repositioned into selected re-
10 years 133.07
which benefited from the country’s accom- covery plays in the financial, basic materials,
modative monetary and fiscal policies as industrial, services, leisure and consumer
well as the sectors’ long-term structural FUND PB Islamic Bond sectors, which were anticipated to benefit
growth prospects. AWARD Bond MYR — Islamic from the restarting of business activities
The performance of the Public Islamic Asia (10 years) and a rebound in consumer spending.”
Leaders fund, on the other hand, was under- FUND SIZE RM1.51 billion These strategies enabled Public Mutual’s
pinned by its focus on regional market leaders RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 19.72
fund managers to navigate the challenging
in the technology and e-commerce sectors, ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) market conditions in 2020 and outperform
5 years 32.40
particularly investments in electric vehicle their peers over the period.
supply chains, which are capitalising on the 10 years 71.10 On the fixed income front, the PB Islam-
increased focus on clean energy. CO N T I N U E S O N PAG E W 6
W6 Presented by


‘Hold a diversified portfolio for the long term’

asset funds, which invest in a portfolio of tained a long portfolio duration for most of
ic Bond fund won the 10-year award in the both equities and bonds, exhibited lower 2020 on expectations of interest rate cuts as
Bond MYR–Malaysia Islamic category with volatility of returns compared with the eq- central banks globally reduced policy rates
a return of 71.1% over the review period. uity funds, which are generally positioned to mitigate the adverse economic impact
“The fund adopted a longer-duration in growth industries such as e-commerce, brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.
portfolio to capitalise on falling bond yields internet and technology. This allowed our funds to capitalise on the
in the first half of 2020. It also focused its “The performance of these funds was lower bond yields in 2020.
investments on sukuk issued by the Malay- underpinned by contributions from their “The funds also focused their invest-
sian government as well as infrastructure bond/sukuk portfolios, as yields were com- ments on bonds with sound credit fun-
sukuk with sound credit fundamentals,” pressed in the first half of last year. damentals and resilient business models,
explains Yeoh. “Our bond funds, which are mainly in- which enabled us to avoid adverse credit
The fund house’s balanced and mixed vested in the Malaysian bond market, main- events amid slowing global and domestic
growth,” she says.
While there were opportunities aplenty,
there were nerve-wracking challenges to
FUND PB Mixed Asset FUND Public Islamic Global Equity contend with, Yeoh adds. “Our equity funds
Conservative AWARD Equity Global — Islamic had to weather the sharp correction in the
AWARD Mixed Asset MYR (3 years) equity markets at the start of the pandemic
Conservative (5 years) FUND SIZE RM344.43 million as well as the subsequent periods of elevat-
FUND SIZE RM80.59 million ed volatility throughout the year.
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 48.82 By adhering to
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) “Nevertheless, by adhering to our funda-
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 19.84 5 years NA our fundamental
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) mental investment approach of selecting
5 years 33.50 10 years NA investment stocks that have resilient earnings, strong
10 years NA approach of financial positions and proven manage-
selecting stocks ment records, our funds were able to nav-
FUND Public Islamic Opportunities
FUND Public Ehsan Mixed Asset that have resilient igate such challenging periods,” she says.
Conservative AWARD Equity Malaysia Small & earnings, strong On the fixed income front, the most chal-
AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Mid Cap — Islamic financial positions lenging situation faced by fund managers
Conservative — Islamic (3 and 5 years) and proven in 2020 was the uncertainties pertaining
(3 and 5 years) FUND SIZE RM1.02 billion to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Mixed Asset MYR RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 33.81 “Thus, our strategy was to avoid bond/
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) records, our sukuk issuers that could be adversely af-
Conservative — Provident 5 years 50.66 funds were able
(3 and 5 years) 10 years 164.61 fected by the contraction in economic ac-
to navigate such tivities while seeking to preserve credit
FUND SIZE RM346.35 million
challenging quality by focusing on issuers in sectors
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) FUND Public Islamic Savings periods.” such as finance, telecommunications and
5 years 42.61
AWARD Equity Malaysia Income — > Yeoh utilities,” Yeoh explains.
10 years NA In view of continued global policy re-
Islamic (3 and 5 years)
FUND SIZE RM350.50 million sponses as well as the progressive rollout
FUND Public Emerging of vaccinations worldwide, she says gradual
Opportunities ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) recovery in the global economy and firmer
5 years 29.78
AWARD Equity Malaysia Small & financial markets are expected.
10 years NA “Against this backdrop, we may revisit
Mid Cap (3 years)
selected sectors and markets that are poised
FUND SIZE RM110.54 million
to benefit from the reopening of economic
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 53.95 FUND Public Strategic Balanced
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) sectors and rebalance our equity exposure
5 years NA AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Balanced
10 years NA - Global (3 years)
The equity funds are expected to con-
FUND SIZE RM35.43 mil tinue to focus on stocks that demonstrate
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 29.24 long-term sustainable growth, as they will
FUND Public Growth Balanced ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years NA be better positioned to weather the ups and
AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Balanced
(3 and 5 years)
10 years NA downs of the markets and provide consist-
ent returns over the long term.
FUND SIZE RM13.41 million
“Given the prospect of intermittent rises
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 25.16 FUND Public Strategic Growth
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) in global bond yields in 2021 as market par-
5 years 42.02 AWARD Equity Malaysia Diversified ticipants gauge whether global economic
10 years NA — Provident (3 years) growth and inflation could accelerate more
FUND SIZE RM186.58 mil quickly than anticipated this year, our bond
FUND Public Islamic Asia Leaders
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 39.73 funds will maintain a defensive positioning
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
Equity 5 years 58.22 and focus on quality issuers at better pric-
AWARD Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 10 years NA ing, while rebalancing on an ongoing basis
— Islamic (3, 5 and 10 years)
to capitalise on opportunities arising from
shifts in yield curves,” she says.
FUND Public Strategic SmallCap Considering the persisting volatility,
FUND SIZE RM2.03 billion
AWARD Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Yeoh recommends that investors maintain
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 43.99 a well-diversified portfolio consisting of
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) Cap (5 years)
5 years 79.94 domestic, regional and global equity funds
FUND SIZE RM526.55 million
10 years 128.92 as well as fixed income funds.
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 20.70
“It is crucial that investors adopt Ring-
FUND Public Islamic Asia Tactical
git Cost Averaging, which will help them
10 years NA
remain disciplined in investing for their
long-term financial goals and remove the
AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Flexible
FUND Public Tactical Allocation emotional component when investing dur-
— Islamic (3 and 5 years)
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible
ing market highs and lows.
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible AWARD
(3 and 5 years)
“As the market goes through cycles and
— Provident (5 years)
is subject to short-term volatility, inves-
FUND SIZE RM1.33 billion FUND SIZE RM633.73 million
tors are advised to hold their unit trust
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 38.63 RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 40.28 investments over the long-term period of
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 71.29 5 years 78.01 five years or more to allow time for their
10 years NA 10 years NA investments to grow,” says Yeoh. E
W8 Presented by


AmInvest overcomes pandemic hurdles

en route to group victory

B Y O L I V E R C H R I S T OP H E R G O M E Z still in play, he is hopeful the vaccination
drive will be successful.
m F u n d s M a n a ge m e nt B h d “Newly elected US President Joe Biden
(AmInvest) emerged as a group also brings the expectation of a return to
winner at the Refinitiv Lipper What we need to some predictability to the country’s in-
Fund Awards 2021. In fact, the do is keep a level ternational relationships. In any event,
fund management firm, helmed head and maintain improvements are expected to be gradual.
by CEO Goh Wee Peng and chief “Our funds generally adopt concerted
rationality when
investment officer (CIO) Wong Yew Joe, bet- strategies, and we expect the equity markets
tered its 2020 performance despite a year [black swan] to continue their recovery, while the bond
of Covid-19-enforced lockdowns. events do strike.” market will still be supported by continued
AmInvest won in the Best Bond Group > Goh accommodative monetary policies until
(Provident) category and took home a further economic normalcy is achieved.”
six individual awards (an improvement on Meanwhile, Goh says the pandemic high-
the one group and three individual awards lighted the need for the investment com-
from last year). The group’s improved per- munity to be able to identify black swan
formance came at a time when the economy events, although, to be fair, the precise tim-
and markets were rocked by the pandemic ing of these events is almost impossible to
and the lockdowns. determine. “What we need to do is keep a
According to Goh, while the pandemic level head and maintain rationality when
was not the first crisis the firm had faced, these events do strike,” she adds.
this time around, AmInvest offices were Like Wong, Goh is closely monitoring the
empty and lacked the usual rush to study,
formulate and implement strategies to
manage the market volatility, with most FUND AmDynamic Bond
of the team having to work from home. AWARD Bond MYR - Provident
“While selling pressure was strong, the (3 and 5 years)
commitment of massive stimulus measures FUND SIZE RM186.08 million
by governments around the world main- We engaged FUND MANAGER Kho Hock Khoon
tained some [degree] of stability in March RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 24.73
in active and ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
2020,” she says. 5 years 36.75
“Our general investment stance was al- tactical trading
strategies based 10 years 80.63
ready moderately defensive on the back of
the bleak economic outlook in 2020. We were on prevailing
also mindful, however, that an overly pes- market valuations FUND AmMalaysia Equity
simistic investment stance would risk our and outlook to AWARD Equity Malaysia - Provident
missing out on any swift market recovery. generate alpha.” (5 and 10 years)
“In addition to managing a more balanced > Wong FUND SIZE RM8.33 million
risk exposure, we were closely monitoring FUND MANAGER Wong Yew Joe
the redemption patterns of the mutual RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 43.80
funds, as we had expected the volatility to ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 63.02
spur investors to redeem the investments. 10 years 148.55
“In hindsight, however, redemptions were
more manageable than expected, which
reflected investors’ sense that there was FUND AmDividend Income
more value in the market after the initial AWARD Equity Malaysia Income -
selling pressure.” Provident (3 and 10 years)
For his part, Wong recounts that the Despite the selling pressure on bonds FUND SIZE RM19.99 million
early divergence in the economic data and in 2Q2020, which spooked most bond fund FUND MANAGER Andrew Seah Saik Weng
market direction was a reflection that in- managers, Wong and his team were com- RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 24.61
vestors were eager to look beyond 2020, mitted to maintaining a high portfolio ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 35.48
even though the immediate risks (global duration and took some material trad-
10 years 106.6
lockdowns and economic shutdowns) pre- ing positions in long-tenure government
sented a bleak outlook. bonds that boosted alpha returns through-
Wong and his team had also anticipated out the year. country’s trajectory towards herd immu-
support in the form of massive fiscal and The two other funds — AmMalaysia Eq- nity and, to that end, cites the availability
monetary stimulus, which provided liquid- uity and AmDividend Income — won two and efficacy of vaccines to be paramount.
ity to the markets. “We viewed the selling individual awards each. “These funds ben- She says: “Looking at the pace of inoc-
pressure in most asset classes during the efited from active trading positions in rub- ulation in many countries and the confi-
second quarter of 2020 to have substantially ber gloves, a sector winner from 2020. In dence in the vaccines’ efficacies based on
priced in the downside risk,” he explains. addition, the portfolio stability was under- test results, we are more confident of a
At that point, it was a matter of looking pinned by a selection of dividend-yielding global recovery in the latter part of 2021,
for signs that the pandemic would eventu- and less volatile stocks in the larger and and perhaps slightly later for our own lo-
ally wear out — something that Wong ad- mid-cap segments,” Wong says. cal economy.
mits took some faith on his part. But one He attributes this year’s strong perfor- “The biggest risks right now have to
year on, from the first Movement Control mance to the firm’s overarching investment do with just how long the vaccines’ effec-
Order (MCO), Wong and his team have been philosophy. “We adopt a combination of tiveness will last, and the extent to which
vindicated. top-down (macroeconomic views, trends multiple inoculations will be necessary to
Speaking on the firm’s overall fixed in- and themes) and bottom-up (sector, stock achieve herd immunity.”
come performance, Wong says he and his and credit selection, and relative valuation) Meanwhile, Goh expects investors to
team held fast to their convictions through- approaches. continue to shift into riskier asset classes
out 2020 and remained consistent in their “With these views, we deployed high such as equities, in line with the econom-
approach to be selective on credit exposure. conviction structural and tactical strategies. ic recovery theme for this year. Global in-
“We engaged in active and tactical trad- For fixed income funds, the fund manager terest rate policies are expected to remain
ing strategies based on prevailing market continuously adds value by actively man- accommodative, and steep yield curves are
valuations and outlook to generate alpha,” aging duration and yield curve positions.” likely to benefit the banking sector, she
he says. AmDynamic Bond picked up two Looking ahead, Wong anticipates the says. “We also think the technology sector,
individual awards in the three- and five- broad economic recovery to be an anchor despite its rich valuations, will continue to
year returns categories for ringgit-denom- investment theme for this year. While the show upside potential, especially those at
inated bonds. downside risk of delayed herd immunity is the forefront of technology.” E
APRIL 19, 2021 W9
W10 Presented by


Kenanga Investors wins two group awards

B Y TA N Z H A I Y U N provide the best exposure to these structural
growth themes.”
enanga Investors Bhd won two group Last year was an exciting one for Kenanga as
awards and five individual awards at the fund house launched its first exchange-traded
the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2021, funds (ETFs) through leveraged and inverse ETFs.
outperforming its record last year “Throughout the year, the ETFs have helped
and emerging as the winner with the clients optimise and diversify their portfolios to
third highest number of total awards better reflect their outlook for domestic markets
this year (tied with AmFunds Management Bhd). with a greater degree of flexibility while being
Kenanga won the group awards for Best cost efficient,” says De Alwis.
Equity Malaysia (Islamic) and Best Mixed As- The fund house also launched the third
set Malaysia (Provident). Under the individual tranche of the Kenanga AUD Alternative In-
awards, it clinched the Best Mixed Asset MYR come Fund Series, which allows its clients to
Balanced (Islamic) and Best Mixed Asset MYR diversify their investments in the Aussie dollar.
Balanced (Provident) awards for the three- and “We launched several debts and equity wrap-
five-year categories. Kenanga also won the Best pers, which have proven to be popular among
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Cap (Provident) our high-net-worth clients during the current
for the three-year category. low interest rate and volatile environment,”
This success can be attributed to the fund says De Alwis.
house’s commitment to improvement and In February this year, Kenanga acquired
sustainability, says CEO and executive director i-VCAP Management Sdn Bhd,a shariah-compli-
Ismitz Matthew De Alwis. ant investment management services provider
“In 2020, we experienced one of the most primarily focused on Islamic ETFs.
volatile market conditions ever; it is testament This acquisition reflects Kenanga’s interest
to our capabilities as an asset and wealth man- in Islamic investment products, especially in
ager to receive recognition for our performance relation to sustainable and responsible invest-
last year,” he says. ments. An area of significant potential is the
“The firm’s investment strategy of bottom-up development of waqf, an Islamic philanthrop-
stock picking,coupled with a stringent risk man- ic-based vehicle for social development, public
agement framework, guided us as we navigated good and wealth distribution, says De Alwis.
the complexities of the investment universe. “There will be efforts to increase the level of
This enabled us to produce superior returns to sustainable waqf assets through fund manage-
the index in the medium to long term.” ment or capital raising in sectors such as health-
Despite the volatility in the market, there care, education and community development.”
was no change to the fund house’s investment In line with the Securities Commission’s Is-
philosophy or strategy last year. lamic Fund and Wealth Management Blueprint
“We follow a comprehensive research pro- and the waqf featured-fund framework,the fund
cess, from understanding industry dynamics house launched a waqf-themed fund in April.
to individual company business models and “The fund will provide opportunities for all
drivers of return on equity,” says chief invest- Malaysians to invest with professional fund
ment officer Lee Sook Yee.The fund house also managers while contributing to societal and
practises dynamic asset allocation according community development throughout the coun-
to market conditions. try,” says De Alwis.
“While timing the market is notoriously
difficult, we aim to practise good risk manage-
ment by judiciously scaling back exposure when
risk abounds and further downside is likely, out extreme volatility, both during the sell-off
FUND Kenanga SyariahEXTRA
and increasing exposure when conditions are in March and the equally sharp rebound in AWARD Mixed asset MYR Balanced
favourable. Notwithstanding, our stock-pick- subsequent months.As such, the key challenge – Islamic (3 and 5 years)
ing approach is still the main driver of alpha.” was to refrain from panic selling while still ad- Mixed asset MYR Balanced
The two winning funds — Kenanga Syariah- hering to good risk management principles in The firm’s – Provident (3 and 5 years)
EXTRA and Kenanga OA Inv-Kenanga Growth reducing exposure to stocks that were funda- investment FUND SIZE RM120.65 million
Opportunities — benefited from the fund house’s mentally impaired.” strategy of FUND MANAGER Low Pei Yee
bottom-up stock selection in small- and mid- In the first half of 2020, the fund house held bottom-up stock RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 40.29
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
cap counters, she adds. Many of these coun- a higher-than-usual portion of cash. Unprece- picking, coupled 5 years 62.78
ters exhibited strong, market-beating earnings dented levels of fiscal and monetary stimulus in with a stringent 10 years 119.79
growth in the past few years, including in 2020. the second half of the year prompted the fund
risk management
A key call that the investment team made last house to rebalance and increase investments.
year was to overweight the tech and healthcare “Throughout this time, trading activity and framework, guided FUND Kenanga OA Inv-Kenanga
sectors.As Kenanga is benchmark agnostic, the fund turnover were higher than [in] normal us as we navigated Growth Opportunities
heavier positioning in these two sectors and un- years, as the fund [managers] sought to take ad- the complexities AWARD Equity Malaysia Small & Mid
derweight in other sectors like financials and vantage of the extreme market volatility.Overall, of the investment Cap — Provident (3 years)
consumer led to the outperformance, says Lee. our investment levels have stayed fairly high on universe. This FUND SIZE RM336.26 million
“Despite the demand shock arising from the average during the year in sectors that continued enabled us to FUND MANAGER Low Pei Yee
pandemic in the first part of the year, structural to enjoy earnings expansion, thus minimising produce superior RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 50.81
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
trends such as 5G, electric vehicles, artificial in- the low-yielding ‘cash drag’,” says Lee. returns to the 5 years 63.62
telligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and e-com- index in the 10 years 156.80
merce continued to gain traction and, in some BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD medium to long
cases, were even accelerated by the pandemic.” Given the global economic recovery expected
The outperformance is also due to the selec- this year, Kenanga will adopt a balanced ap- Another upcoming venture is the launch of a
tion of key companies best positioned to grow proach with a barbell strategy, centred on the > Matthew De new multi-functional digital platform to address
within each theme, she adds. Additionally, an two themes of recovery and structural growth, Alwis the needs of Kenanga’s clients, advisers, opera-
overweight in rubber glove companies contrib- observes De Alwis. tions and reconciliation teams through a variety
uted to the performance. To benefit from the economic recovery, the of financial and investment services, he adds.
Despite the stellar performance, navigating fund house has increased exposure to cyclical “We are planning to utilise this digital plat-
2020 was challenging due to the volatile market. sectors such as consumer discretionary, finan- form as a gateway accessible from multiple de-
“The financial market was ironically ‘bless- cials, energy and commodities. Meanwhile, the vices for multiple products such as unit trusts,
ed’ by the central banks’ liquidity management structural growth trends include 5G proliferation, financial planning, private retirement schemes
and monetary injection, much of which have automation,IoT,renewable energy and trade di- and actively managed portfolios. This digital
found their way to the stock markets, boosting version,which are expected to accelerate,he adds. initiative is another piece in our over-arch-
record-high trading volume and stock price re- “Therefore, we will continue to invest in ing customer experience agenda by allowing
flation,” says De Alwis. technology, electronics manufacturing ser- straight-through processing to save on res-
“However, the reflation story was not with- vices and the renewable energy space, which ources,” says De Alwis. E
W12 Presented by


Hong Leong Asset Management

bags eight awards


ong Leong Asset Management Bhd

(HLAM) continued its winning streak,
taking home eight awards at the Ref-
initiv Lipper Fund Awards 2021.It won
the Best Equity Group (Provident)
award for the second year running.
Hong Leong Dana Makmur won the Best
Equity Malaysia (Islamic) awards for the three-
and five-year categories and Best Equity Malay-
sia (Provident) award for the three-year cate-
gory. Hong Leong Asia-Pacific Dividend Fund
bagged the Best Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan
(Provident) awards in the three-year and five-
year categories.
Hong Leong Growth walked away with the
Best Equity Malaysia Diversified (Provident)
award in the five-year category while Hong Leong
Dividend won the Best Equity Malaysia Income
(Provident) award in the five-year category.
HLAM CEO Hoo See Kheng says over the past
years,the company’s funds have performed well
despite the many uncertainties and challenging
macro events. He believes that being consistent
in their investment approach and strategy was
the key to attaining long-term and sustainable
fund returns that met clients’ expectations.
“A competent and highly motivated invest-
ment team is also critical in ensuring that the
investment process is well executed to deliver
the desired fund performance,” he says. environment that tends to lead to very diver- FUND Hong Leong Dana Makmur
Last year was certainly an unprecedented gent prospects among different industries and AWARD Equity Malaysia — Islamic
and eventful period. All asset classes experi- sectors,” he says. (3 and 5 years)
enced a correction when global economies Hoo adds that the team found itself in Equity Malaysia —
were forced to enter into a lockdown.The world We stuck closely uncharted waters last year with very little Provident (3 years)
saw negative oil prices, Covid-19 outbreaks, the historical context to refer to. “However, we FUND SIZE RM19.40 million
to our belief that
rise in retail investors’ participation in global are of the view that when a company’s fun- RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 55.00
equity markets and the unexpected change of a bottom-up damentals and outlook remain intact, the ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
stock picking 5 years 82.71
government in Malaysia. stock price will eventually reflect the compa-
strategy is the 10 years 149.86
“Against a challenging investment landscape ny’s intrinsic value. We also maintained our
that was very dynamic and evolving almost on ideal investment discipline in assessing the valuation of the
a monthly basis,we battened down the hatches approach and company at all times, carefully weighing the FUND Hong Leong Asia-Pacific
and made even greater efforts to look for invest- were constantly potential upside against the downside risks Dividend
ment opportunities and identify companies that on the lookout for before investing in it. AWARD Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan
were possibly mispriced by investors. opportunities. “Again, we stuck closely to our belief that a — Provident (3 and 5 years)
“Despite the logistical difficulties caused by > Hoo bottom-up stock picking strategy is the ideal FUND SIZE RM46.24 million
the lockdown,we persevered to establish regular investment approach and were constantly on RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 63.26
engagement with the management of various the lookout for opportunities. ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 98.00
companies, an exercise which was more rele- “As such, the funds were well invested
vant due to the rapidly changing economic and throughout the whole year, even during the 10 years 94.64
geopolitical climate,” says Hoo. sharp decline in March. We took advantage of
“As the Covid-19-related recession and the the severe price dislocations to establish posi- FUND Hong Leong Dividend
economic recovery that followed had vastly tions in well-managed companies that were AWARD Equity Malaysia Income —
divergent impacts across different sectors and trading at very attractive valuations,” he says. Provident (5 years)
companies, we believe that a thorough under- For instance, the firm invested in select- FUND SIZE RM112.06 million
standing of the company’s fundamentals and ed export stocks, particularly companies in RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 35.39
a precise appraisal of the company’s outlook the technology and manufacturing sectors, to ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 79.37
were critical in driving HLAM’s fund outper- capitalise on the shift in consumers’ spend-
10 years 151.07
formance,” he adds. ing habits. These stocks benefited the firm’s
The stellar fund performance is a testament award-winning funds last year.
to HLAM’s belief that a bottom-up stock-pick- As for 2021, Hoo says the firm is positive on FUND Hong Leong Growth
ing strategy is the ideal investment approach the outlook for equities. The current vaccine AWARD Equity Malaysia Diversified
for the local market. This strategy has stood rollout has proven to be very effective against — Provident (5 years)
the test of time and will continue to be highly Covid-19 and he expects life to gradually return FUND SIZE RM200.54 million
effective in creating sustainable performances to pre-pandemic times. RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 33.26
for the funds, says Hoo. “The generous fiscal stimulus and accommo- ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 65.27
“Although we acknowledged that much of dative monetary policies by the central bank is
10 years 113.32
what happened in 2020 was highly unusual,we expected to continue to support equity valua-
did not see the need to change our investment tions. For our funds,we prefer the export sector
approach, which has served us well in the past. as we expect it to benefit from the improving risks to look out for, but the likelihood is low at
“In fact, using the same active fund man- external demand.” the moment,” he says.
agement and high conviction approach has Recent global economic data points to a ro- Over the next 12 months,Hoo expects interest
proven to be very effective for us. We intensi- bust economic recovery, says Hoo. “We believe rates to stay low domestically and globally. He
fied our research efforts to capitalise on some the risk to the economic recovery is a resurgence believes that savers would seek out investment
of the buying opportunities that were present of the pandemic, although the likelihood ap- opportunities that can give better returns than
in the midst of extreme volatility. pears low at the moment due to the rollout of the current deposit rates. “Investment products
“We believe having a deep understanding the vaccine,which is showing promising results. such as unit trusts with consistent and proven
of the company and knowledge of its business “Higher-than-expected inflation leading to performance track records would continue to
outlook is critical, particularly in an economic tighter monetary conditions is also one of the do well in the coming year.” E
d by


The first half of last

in a year of black swan events
The toughest decision:

year was one of the B Y T H E W E A LT H T E A M varying intensities, in their in recent history. But this would
most unique investment   email responses to Wealth. But Cut losses, reserve cash mean selling into the downward
experiences we have year of triple black witnessing a crisis unfold was The market last year was a tale trend at depressed prices.
had. Malaysian investors swan events is how definitely not fun, even for an of two halves as funds that had “In hindsight,we made some
were faced with one of Gan Eng Peng, sen- experienced fund manager who invested in mainly the glove and mistakes.But that was a prudent
the fastest collapses in ior director at Affin has gone through various up and semiconductor sectors performed decision. Cutting losses, some-
asset prices, economic Hwang Asset Man- down cycles. better than their peers.But other times at a deep level, were coun-
activity as well as a agement Bhd, depicts “Experiencing market turmoil real challenges lay in their deci- ter-intuitive to our wealth gener-
change in government, 2020.They were the Covid-19 pan- is never pleasant,” says Kenanga sions to cut losses, reserve cash ation goal.But because of that,we
with unknown policy demic,the collapse of the Pakatan Investors Bhd CIO Lee Sook Yee. and rebalance their portfolios. more than made up for the losses
directions. We had a Harapan government and crude “We had been through previ- KAF’s Chue recalls how hard incurred during the early part of
health, economic and oil prices falling into negative ter- ous crises like the 1997/98 Asian it was to cut losses and raise cash the year by subsequently turning
political crisis all at the ritory — the first time in history. financial crisis and the global last year.The award-winning KAF to a risk-on mode.”
same time.” > Gan “The first half of last year was financial crisis a decade later. Vision Fund,which mainly invests After all, making losses was
one of the most unique invest- “There was also the European in local small and mid-cap com- almost unavoidable as various
ment experiences we have ever sovereign debt crisis in 2009, the panies,was up 54.3% at end-2020. events took place at great speed
had. Malaysian investors were US taper tantrum in 2013 and the But it suffered a loss of more than last year. “Events were happen-
faced with one of the fastest col- global trade spats in 2018. The 20% at one point. ing faster than what the market
lapses in asset prices, economic list goes on. “We were able to cut our loss- could digest.And the usual tools
activity as well as a change in “But this crisis was different. es and limit our funds to dou- of looking at markets did not
government,with unknown pol- What surprised us last year was ble-digit losses in general.It gave work,” says Gan.
icy directions. We had a health, the speed and ferocity of both us a solid enough base to mount a For Kenanga Investors CEO
economic and political crisis all the selldown and the subsequent strong comeback later that year,” Ismitz Matthew De Alwis, the
at the same time,” says Gan. rebound.” he explains. imminent challenge was not just
Local markets were in turmoil A keyword in Lee’s response, Various award-winning fund to sell, but to hold on to stocks
while fund managers’ eyes were however, is “rebound”. Markets managers mention that raising before selling them at the right
glued to the screen.At least, that quickly clawed back ground in cash and cutting losses earlier time.“We made some tough calls
was the case for Chue Kwok Yan, the second half of last year, and on was the key to their outper- to not panic sell during the sharp
chief investment officer (CIO) so did the performance of var- formance in 2020. Danny Wong, drop at the beginning of last year.
at KAF Investment Funds Bhd. ious funds that had been well CEO of Areca Capital Sdn Bhd, When the market is in turmoil,
“We were stuck in front of the positioned during the market raised cash in February last year the hardest thing to do, some-
computer screen.When we were meltdown. and reduced the equity market times, is to not do anything and
We were able to cut our away from our desks, our eyes In the case of Kenanga Inves- exposure of its funds to about stick to your strategy,” he says.
losses and limit our funds were glued to the phone. Battery tors, most of its equity funds fell 50%,which is way below the nor- The next challenge was then
to double-digit losses in life on our mobile devices was by 18% to 33% last year compared mal level. to add on to those stocks that the
general. It gave us a solid impaired over that period. And with 2019. But these funds were RHB Asset Management Sdn fund house still held a convic-
enough base to mount a probably the life expectancy of up 9% to 43% at year end, which Bhd did the same. And it was a tion in during the market crash,
strong comeback later that our team members shortened more than recouped their loss- tough call, says CEO Eliza Ong. he adds.
year.” > Chue too,” he quips. es in the first half of the year, “The decision to reduce equity Dr Tan Chong Koay, found-
Working from home com- says Lee. exposure significantly is very un- er and chief strategist of Pheim
pounded the challenges that Many of the other winners at common to equity funds. Never- Asset Management Sdn Bhd,
Chue and his team were facing. the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards theless, it had to be swiftly done concurs with De Alwis’ second
They struggled to replicate the 2021 staged a comeback in the in these unprecedented circum- point. Bargain-hunting during
smooth communication they second half of 2020 and ended stances to protect asset values.” a depressed market is wise, but
had when working together in the year with positive returns. The decision to cut losses was hard to execute.
the same office. “It was an emo- More importantly, these funds also based on instinct that comes “Buying shares in a major
tional and stressful period — an generated impressive returns with extensive experience, says crash takes a lot of courage as
experience difficult to put into over the longer period of three, Affin Hwang’s Gan. “When we we would be acting against the
words,” he says. five and 10 years. were faced with an unknown fu- majority of investors.We cannot
CEOs and CIOs of other fund The question then, is how did ture, we followed our basic in-
houses that manage billions in they do it? What are the crucial stinct of preserving clients’ cap-
investors’ money express the lessons fund managers learnt ital.We knew we were going into
same experience, though in from these unprecedented events. the fastest and deepest recession

The lesson learnt here,

really, is that a deep and
sharp pullback in the
equity market triggered
by a crisis is usually a
great opportunity to
invest. The crisis will
pass, and the market
will eventually rebound
as investors are always
forward looking.” > Lee
t d by


ESG investing on the rise

everal trends have accelerated and affected many parts of the globe in recent considerations when undertaking investment
emerged stronger since the Covid-19 years have drawn more attention to the need decisions is still a challenge for us. And it is
pandemic wreaked havoc on the world. for us to do more to protect the environment. expected to be a gradual process,” she says.
Environmental, social and governance We increasingly realise that we must all do our Ismitz Matthew De Alwis, CEO of Kenanga
(ESG) investing is one of them. part in engaging in and promoting sustainable Investors Bhd, agrees. “The first problem
Ahmad Najib Nazlan, executive director practices to preserve the earth for future we encounter is ensuring the quality and
and CEO of Maybank Asset Management generations.” accuracy of information. Financial data of listed
Sdn Bhd, says ESG-related data were very The election of Joe Biden as US president companies are checked by auditing firms. But
helpful last year in helping the firm discover has been another boost for the ESG investing non-financial data are not endorsed by third
companies that are resilient in facing economic trend, says Tan. “Biden won the 2020 US parties in many cases. The rules of disclosures
and market adversity. “Companies with high presidential election partly on the Green New vary. And the conversion and standardisation
ESG scores have experienced lower cuts in Deal campaign platform. The election win has of disclosure guidelines still need to be
earnings growth compared with those with given him and other governments the political developed,” he says.
lower scores. Furthermore, we found that in the will to push the ESG agenda forward after a Moreover, it is hard to analyse and evaluate “Ideally, we want to sell
long run, high ESG-ranked companies tend to lull over the last four years. This agenda has vast amounts of ESG data even when they are shares at their highest
outperform conventional companies at lower existed since the Obama administration,” he available. There is also a lack of standardisation point, when they are
volatility.” adds. of reported data by companies and quick overvalued. This is not an
As at Dec 31, 2020, the MSCI World Socially “It has also given the ESG investing trend accessibility to this data by fund houses, says easy call. But having good
Responsible Investing (SRI) Index generated fresh impetus in the investment space today.” De Alwis. research and extensive
10.4% per annum, while the MSCI All Country However, the trend has its own set of “We will continue to work towards investment experience
World Index (ACWI) was lower at 9.7%. The challenges. Yeoh Kim Hong — CEO of Public observing ESG data standards locally and certainly helps.” > Tan
volatility of the former at 13.4% was also lower Mutual Bhd, the biggest winner at the Refinitiv internationally. There are no fixed rules on how
than the latter at 14.2%. Lipper Fund Awards 2021 — says the differing fund managers must include ESG factors into
Dr Tan Chong Koay, founder and chief quality of ESG information disclosed by their investment decisions. But we selectively
strategist of Pheim Asset Management Sdn companies is one of them. This is despite consider methodologies such as norms-based
Bhd, says the rise of ESG is due to a growing an increased level of disclosure made by screening, negative screening and positive or
awareness of environmental issues among the companies. best-in-class screening, among others, in our
public. “The extreme weather phenomena that “The inclusion of environmental and social investment processes,” he says. E

be sure that we would be buying Dec 31,2020 throughout the crisis, though
shares at the lowest price, and 116.26 with a certain rebalancing of the
prices can go lower.This may lead portfolio and rejigging of strate-
us to underperform, at least tem- 114.34 gy,” she says.
porarily,” says Tan. Governments and central
Another significant chal- 100 102.42 banks globally took unprecedent-
lenge for Pheim was when cli- ed measures to rescue their econ-
ents rushed in,wanting to redeem omies and markets, resulting in
their capital when the market abundant liquidity, which sped Unlike previous crises
was in a free fall. Fund managers 80 up the global stock market recov- like the Asian financial
would have to sell shares for cash ery after March last year. While crisis and global financial
to meet these redemptions, even investors were shocked by the crisis, certain sectors
if they felt that they should hold MSCI All Country sharp pullback in markets, they may look cheap in terms
on to those shares or buy more. S&P 500 Index World Index FBM KLCI were equally surprised by the swift
60 of their valuations after
“We were lucky that many of Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 31 recovery that followed. p
prices collapsed last year,
our clients followed our advice not
ot 2020 “Many investors were reluc- but it may not be the right
to redeem when the market wass tant to put their money to work ttime for investors to enter
depressed,” says Tan. peaked at RM23.76 before losingg Covid-19 pandemic, is different nt during the early stage of the mar- stocks in these sectors
In fact, many award-winningg almost half its value by the end d from a typical economic or finan- n- ket recovery. Instead, they pre- until the virus can be
fund houses have thanked their irr of last year. cial crisis where [the share prices]
s] ferred to hang on for a deeper stopped from spreading
clients for trusting them duringg “This is despite brokers beingg of all sectors benefit from fiscal pol-
oll- plunge,” says Lee. further.” > Ong
the market meltdown.Just as Are- e- very bullish on the stock, with h icies introduced by the governmentnt “The deeper correction,howev-
ca’s Wong rightly sums it up. some saying that it would go be- e- and interest rate cuts,” she says.. er, did not materialise.And most
“Even if a fund has ample cash h yond RM30. We received manyy “Unlike previous crises like the
he investors realised later that mar-
holdings,the fund manager’s abil- l- comments from our stakeholders rs Asian financial crisis and global al kets were looking towards a re-
ity to use the cash is restrained iiff and brokers asking why we want- t- financial crisis, certain sectors rs covery instead.
there is a huge amount of outflows
wss ed to sell Supermax shares at such h may look cheap in terms of their ir “The lesson learnt here,really,
due to client redemptions.An in- n- a time. However, we were proven n valuations after prices collapsed ed is that a deep and sharp pullback
formed client base that believess right when its share price fell near-
r- last year, but it may not be the he in the equity market triggered by
in the fund manager’s ability iss ly 50% from its peak,” says Tan. right time for investors to enter er a crisis is usually a great opportu-
important,” he says. Meanwhile,a similar scenarioo stocks in those sectors yet. In- n- nity to invest.The crisis will pass
played out at Top Glove Corp Bhd, d, vestors would have to wait until tiil and the market will eventually
Key lessons from 2020 which almost overtook Malayan n there is a clear sign that the virus
us rebound as investors are always
Take profit with discipline and d Banking Bhd as the company with h can be stopped from spreading ng forward looking.”
do not be too greedy — this wass the largest market capitalisation n further or effective vaccines are re Juliana Ramli, equity fund
a key lesson for Pheim’s Tan in n on Bursa Malaysia. widely available. manager at Eastspring Al-Wara’
2020. While he invested in glove vee “A similar situation can be seenn “On the other hand, certain n Investments Bhd, says, “Do not
stocks last year, he sold some ooff in Top Glove. Some brokers said d sectors that are expected to ben- n- be fearful to bargain hunt when
them during the latter part of thee that in a bull-case scenario, its ts efit from the pandemic have con- n--
n stocks are sold down to very cheap
year to lock in healthy profits. Inn share price could go up to RM70 or or tinued to perform strongly. [In- n- levels. Instead, we continued to
hindsight,he made the right move. e. even RM100.This was far higher er stead of a synchronised recovery rryy focus on our investment process Even if a fund has ample
“Ideally,we want to sell sharess than its peak of RM29.30.This is a in all sectors], certain sectors in n and followed through with a dis- cash holdings, the fund
at their highest point,when theyy classic case of people being overlyy the economy may recover more re ciplined,medium-term approach. manager’s ability to use
are overvalued.This is not an easyy optimistic,” says Tan. slowly than others.” “Teamwork and open com- the cash is restrained if
call,but having good research and d Meanwhile, the crucial lesson n Kenanga Investors’ Lee con- n- munication between team there is a huge amount
extensive investment experiencee RHB Asset Management’s Ongg curs with Ong’s view. The key ey members are equally impor- of outflows due to client
certainly helps,” says Tan. learnt is that each crisis is differ-
r- lesson is to spot the right oppor- rr-- tant to provide the necessary redemptions. An informed
For instance,Pheim sold somee ent and that investors should stayy tunities and stay invested in the he support during stressful times. client base that believes in
of its positions in Supermax Corp p calm to spot the right opportuni- i- market. “Investors should keep ep p And the ability to adapt to sud- the fund manager’s ability
Bhd at RM21.55 per share.The stockk ties. “A health crisis, such as thee their cool and remain invested ed
ed den changes is key.” E is important.” > Wong
W16 Presented by


Affin Hwang bags four awards

B Y VA N E SSA G O M E S “Our cash levels ranged from near zero to growth stocks. These are companies that offer
over 30% to reflect the changing market condi- structural growth potential, strong business
ffin Hwang Asset Management Bhd tions. We believe the rapid decision-making in moats and a healthy balance sheet,” he says.
(AHAM) won four awards at the Re- portfolio repositioning was critical to market “What also helped us was our focus on fun-
finitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2021. For We had one outperformance.” damentals and not letting periods of extreme
the fourth year running, its Affin Looking at the current economic climate, market sentiment cloud our judgement,which
of the biggest
Hwang Select Opportunity Fund won he says the firm believes monetary conditions was not easy. But we viewed it as opportunities
the award for Best Equity Malaysia tactical asset will again be a key driver of asset prices in 2021, for mispricing to occur. This allowed us to po-
Diversified (Provident) in the 10-year category. allocation followed by domestic politics. sition and lock in returns at attractive prices.”
Other funds in the limelight were the Affin changes in Touching on the Affin Hwang Aiiman Growth Looking ahead, Akmal says the firm will
Hwang Aiiman Growth Fund for Best Equity 2020 since the Fund, Akmal Hassan, managing director of maintain its investment strategy in 2021, fo-
Malaysia (Islamic) in the 10-year category and credit crisis. AIIMAN Asset Management Sdn Bhd, says the cusing on three main themes: Covid-19 recov-
Affin Hwang Select Balanced Fund for Best Majoror portfolio fund did most of its rebalancing in ery plays, trade divergence beneficiaries and
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — Global (Provident) nges
changes 1Q2020 and 4Q2020, where the first technology stocks. As the economy gradually
in the three- and five-year categories. were e made … rebalancing involved increasing reopens with vaccination gaining traction, the
Gan Eng Peng, senior director of equity at lthcare an
healthcare nd
and its cash positions before the sell- market will factor in greater optimism into beat-
AHAM, says it is an honour to be recognised by hnology
technology down to protect the fund and pro- en-down sectors, such as consumer and retail,
the industry standard. He attributes the success vide ammunition to capitalise financial and commodities, he says.
were e the majoor
of the Select Opportunity fund to the quality on opportunities. The second re- He notes that the growing presence of and
and cohesion of its enlarged investment team, formance
performance balancing was done to accommo- reliance on technology is a structural trend
which was critical to navigating a modern in- ers..“
drivers..“ date post-pandemic beneficiaries whose adoption has been accelerated by the
vestment climate. an
> Gan once it became clearer that pandemic.Thus, he believes that the sector will
He says the fund’s portfolio significantly there was light at the continue to be an important part of the firm’s
shrank in terms of the number of positions and end of the tunnel. portfolios over the long term.
sector exposure to reflect the narrow breadth “The fund took a Meanwhile,David Loh,senior portfolio man-
of the market run. Contrarian strategies did barbell approach, ager at AHAM, says the Affin Hwang Select Bal-
not work, he adds, as the winning positions with significant po- anced Fund’s equity allocation was highly agile
kept surging. sitions in defensive last year due to the many unpredictable events
“We had one of the biggest tactical asset al- companies to an- such as the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan
location changes in 2020 since the credit crisis. chor the portfo- government and the Covid-19 outbreak.
Major portfolio changes were made as econom- lio.This was then “We went into capital protection mode early
ically sensitive and political stocks were out of balanced by posi- on by raising cash levels to above 20%, in antic-
favour, while healthcare and technology were tions in what we ipation of a major market correction,” he says,
the major performance drivers,” says Gan. deem as quality adding that it started deploying cash again

Pheim Asset Management garners six awards

B Y IRIANI AMIRUDIN portunities. They can earn good returns by par- FUND Pheim Asia Ex Japan
ticipating in the market when most shares are AWARD Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan
heim Asset Management Sdn Bhd took being offered at big discounts. Our experience — Malaysia
home six awards at this year’s Refini- and track record speak for themselves. We have (3, 5 and 10 years)
tiv Lipper Fund Awards. For the sixth been able to do well during many crises,” he says. FUND SIZE RM10.30 million
consecutive year,Dana Makmur Pheim We believe in With cash in hand, the fund house picked FUND MANAGER Pheim Asset Management
swept the award for Best Mixed Asset up many stocks at attractive valuations from
trimming our Sdn Bhd
MYR Balanced (Islamic) in the 10-year March to May, which led to the outperformance
category.The fund also took home the award for equity exposure of Pheim’s funds last year. RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 22.48
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
Best Mixed Asset MYR Balanced (Provident) in near market “The decision by our investment team to buy 5 years 44.01
the 10-year category. peaks to preserve glove company shares early [was the right move]. 10 years 49.65
The Pheim Asia Ex-Japan fund grabbed the capital. This For instance, the shares of Supermax went up
awards for Best Equity Asia-Pacific ex-Japan in philosophy works by more than 1,000% in less than three months, FUND Pheim Emerging
the three-, five- and 10-year categories,whereas well in the volatile outperforming giant conglomerates such as Am-
the Pheim Emerging Companies Balanced fund Asian market in, Microsoft,Apple and Tesla,” says Tan.
won the Best Mixed Asset MYR Balanced-Global the long run.“ In anticipation of an economic recovery world-
in the 10-year category. wide in 2021, the US markets have been breaking
AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Balanced
> Tan - Global (10 years)
Dr Tan Chong Koay,founder and chief strate- new highs. While this bodes well for investors,
gist of Pheim,says these achievements are mainlyy Tan believes there is a need to be cautious in view FUND SIZE RM17.90 million
due to its investment philosophy hy of never being of heightened
heighte volatility inflicted by the Covid-19 FUND MANAGER Pheim Asset Management
fully invested at all times. pandemic and the resurfacing of the US-China Sdn Bhd
“We believe in trimming ourr equity exposure trade and political tensions. RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 20.61
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
near market peaks to preserve capital.This phi- Tan an
and his team will leverage an active asset 5 years 33.92
losophy works well in the volatileile Asian market allocation strategy to manoeuvre market uncer- 10 years 77.00
in the long run.When the market ket continued to tainties. T The fund will also combine value and
break new highs around January ry 2020,we raised growth in investing strategies by investing in com-
cash and reduced equity exposure, re,as we thought panies tha
that have healthy growth rates and good FUND Dana Makmur Pheim
the valuations were too high and nd risky,” he says. management and are undervalued.
managem AWARDS Mixed Asset MYR Balanced
When the Dow Jones Industrial trial Average col- Pheim is positioning itself appropriately - Malaysia — Islamic
lapsed in March last year,however,
ver,the per- through sector rotation, Tan says. This will al- (10 years)
formance of Pheim’s funds stilll took a low the fund house to identify and invest Mixed Asset MYR Balanced
hit and was at its historical low..It
It was in ccompanies that have temporarily been - Malaysia — Provident
a challenging period for Tan and nd his affected by the pandemic, and are thus (10 years)
team, but they knew that it woulduld be expected to recover strongly.
ex FUND SIZE RM205.20 million
temporary. Other key risks that investors should FUND MANAGER Pheim Asset Management
Tan is thankful for the trust of its beware of include high government debt
be Sdn Bhd
investors,as they did not redeem their levels worldwide, the threat of rising
le RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 25.46
capital when markets were depressed.
essed. inflation as well as heightened social
in ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 51.24
“We are doing our best to educate
ucate inequality that can increase political
10 years 143.08
investors that crises can presentt op- rrisk, says Tan. E
Presented by

when the risk-reward ratio looked favourable to maintain a loose monetary and fiscal policy FUND Affin Hwang Aiiman Growth
after the FBM KLCI plunged below 1,300 points. stance to ensure a sustainable economic re- AWARD Equity Malaysia - Islamic
“We were able to pick up many quality names bound from the trough last year as downside (10 years)
at distressed valuations. This rebalancing pro- risks remain. FUND SIZE (AS AT RM330.40 million
We went into cess was repeated throughout the year due to “In the near term,rising yields will inevitably DEC 31, 2020)

the constant change in the lockdown stance to weigh on ringgit bonds. We remain focused on FUND MANAGER Akmal Hassan
capital protection Lee Pak Seng
combat Covid-19.” credit quality and have a shorter duration posi-
mode early on by On the fund’s fixed-income strategy,Ahmad tioning for the fixed-income portion to protect RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 28.00
raising cash levels Raziq Ab Rahman, senior portfolio manager at our holdings from rising yields,” he says. E
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 46.30
to above 20%, in AHAM, says the fund’s allocation was main- 10 years 129.00
anticipation of tained at around 40% throughout last year.The
a major market firm took a more defensive stance during the
start of the pandemic by shortening duration
FUND Affin Hwang Select
correction … We
and then gradually increasing duration Balanced
were able to
once it became clear that Bank Negara AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Balanced
pick up
Malaysia would cut interest rates. - Global — Provident
many In the near term, rising (3 and 5 years)
quality Looking ahead,Loh says the dissipat-
yields will inevitably FUND SIZE (AS AT RM272.30 million
ing risk of strict lockdowns, thanks to
names at weigh on ringgit bonds. DEC 31, 2020)
the gradual rollout of vaccines, coupled FUND MANAGER David Loh
distressed with the unprecedented scale of stim- We remain focused on
valuations.“ Ahmad Raziq Ab Rahman
ulus measures, should drive a synchro- credit quality and have
> Loh RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 26.30
nised global recovery. This bodes well a shorter duration ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 49.70
for corporate earnings, which positioning for the
are a key driver for equity 10 years 113.00
markets. portion to
On fixed income, Ah- protect our FUND Affin Hwang Select
mad Raziq says the out- holdings Opportunity
look for global growth from AWARD Equity Malaysia Diversified
and inflation is being - Provident (10 years)
reshaped by the vac- FUND SIZE RM585.10 million
cine rollouts and fiscal yields..“
> Raziq FUND MANAGER Gan Eng Peng
stimulus. Central banks RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 7.00
and governments around ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
the world are expected 5 years 39.10
10 years 129.00

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Disclaimer: This print advertisement has been prepared solely for informational purposes and does not constitute (1) an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or financial instrument
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Investors should note that income from such investments, if any, may fluctuate and that each investment’s price/value may rise or fall. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.

Investors should be aware of the risks involved when investing in any investments. Please seek clarification on potential risks that may arise prior to any decision made to invest in any investments.

The Securities Commission Malaysia takes no responsibility for the contents of this print advertisement and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from this print advertisement.

Humanising Financial Services.

W18 Presented by


Areca continues winning streak

reca Dividend Incom Income
ty M
al aysi
sia Incomeme
(3 years))
02 mil
annyy Wo

B Y K U E K S E R K WA N G Z H E global financial crisis,2011 European sovereign debt RETURN
FOR PERIODS 3 years 72.64
NDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
crisis and 2014-2016 commodity price shocks.The 5 yearrs
years NA
reca Capital Sdn Bhd bagged four firm adjusted its funds’ equity exposure during 10 years
years NA
awards at the Refinitiv Lipper Fund these periods to way below its average level of 50%.
Awards 2021. This was the fourth “We then saw a very steep selldown in March We ddecided
ecided to o FUND Areca equityTrust
time in a row that the fund house last year, during which the price of every asset rreact
eactt sw
i tly to
swiftly AWARD Equity Malaysia
was taking home the awards for class just fell off the cliff. In hindsight, raising the conditions. We (3, 5 and 10 years)
Best Equity Malaysia in the three-, cash earlier was one of the right calls we made. temporarily raised our FUND SIZE RM267.77 million
five- and 10-year categories. It also achieved “We only started to deploy cash after prices cash level when the
a first by clinching the award for Best Equity fell drastically and we raised our invested cash
pandemic had not yet co-managed with UOB
Malaysia Income in the three-year category. level to about 90%.We also picked the right sec-
Areca equityTrust provided investors with a tors that turned out to be the winners last year, raised alarm bells in Asset Management
return of 33.84% over one year. In the last three including technology and healthcare,” he says. the broader investing RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 68.72
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
and five years,it generated a return of 68.72% and Technology plays an important p part
art in community.” y 5 years 141.83
141.83%, respectively. Areca Dividend Income, managing clients’ expectations, leading ding to > Wong g 10 years 298.92
launched in February 2017, recorded a return of the outperformance of its funds.
72.64% for the three-year category.The defining Wong says some investors tend to want to The fund house’s investment philosophy is
factor that contributed to Areca Capital’s out- redeem their units and withdraw cash sh from based on the premise that the price movements
performance is its agile investment approach their funds when markets are down. But ut Areca of financia
financial assets are driven by a combina-
and accurate anticipation of market conditions. Capital relied on technology to quickly ly reach tion of liquidity,
liqu risk appetite and the intrinsic
Danny Wong, CEO of Areca Capital, says the out to its clients, providing them with market value of th
the underlying assets. In addition, it
firm started to sell down its equity holdings in nvested.
updates and convincing them to stay invested. seeks to optimise
opt its investment results based
January last year and raised its cash position “Even if fund managers reduced exposure osure to on the in
interplay of these factors.
before the Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc the market by selling down and raising cashsh levels, Areca Capital also pursues an
on global economies and markets, much ear- they could be restrained by how much cash ash they active investment strategy that
lier than some of its peers. have when clients start redeeming their eir units, emphasises the appropriate asset
“We decided to react swiftly to the conditions. thus creating continuous outflows from m funds. allocation for fast-changing mar-
We temporarily raised our cash level when the “This is where technology came in n useful. ket conditions and market cycles.
pandemic had not yet raised alarm bells in the We quickly issued updates to our investorstors via “Moving forward,we will con-
broader investing community,” he explains. WhatsApp,Zoom webinars and phone calls. lls.We tinue to apply the same investing
Wong says that was not the first time the firm also issued video recordings to our investors
stors formula that we have been using.
had acted decisively to cut market exposure by within the first day or two when the market sell- We have gone through crises, and
raising cash levels. Areca Capital had done the off started.This way,we managed to convince
nce o investment approach has been
same in other uncertain times, such as the 2008 them to keep their money with our funds.” s.” proven to work well,” states Wong. E

KAF Investment Funds bags three awards

B Y CHUI YEE MUN FUND KAF BondG through the highly challenging period last year.
AWARD Bond MYRG(10 years) “Talent is the firm’s most valuable asset.And
AF Investment Funds Bhd (KAF) FUND SIZE RM266.07 million we believe in the diversity of our people,who, in
emerged as a winner at this year’s Re- FUND MANAGER Zarina Muhammad turn, bring to the table different views and in-
finitiv Lipper Fund Awards with three We had to discard RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 18.53 sights from their various experiences and back-
winning funds. our previous ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) grounds.This is critical during periods of uncer-
5 years 32.23
KAF Bond won the Best Bond MYR views and biases, tainty,when we are required to adapt quickly to
10 years 118.16
(Malaysia) award in the 10-year cate- as the pandemic a fast-changing environment,” he says.
gory,while KAF Jade won the award for the Best As a result,the firm decided to hold more cash
caused some
Equity Asia Pacific (Malaysia) in the three-year FUND KAF Jade as it reacted to the pandemic.It started to invest
category. KAF Vision won the award for the Best abrupt changes more aggressively and traded more actively in the
AWARD Equity Asia Pacific —
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Cap (Provident) in to business Malaysia (3 years) market. “We were getting better by reacting to
the 10-year category. fundamentals. FUND SIZE RM20.27 million the ebb and flow of markets. It was like dancing
Chue Kwok Yan, chief investment officer at We evaluated FUND MANAGER Tan Gan Leong to the tune of the pandemic,” says Chue.
KAF, attributes the firm’s win to a shift in mind- anew quickly and RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 41.34 As a result, its three award-winning funds
set when facing the market meltdown last year spotted plenty ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) ended last year with returns ranging from 6% to
5 years 75.65
triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. of mispricing 60% despite suffering a drop of more than 20%
10 years 83.92
“Last year was awash with challenging sit- opportunities.” at the beginning of last year.
uations. Market values were shrinking fast and > Chue Chue has a positive outlook on the global
sharp drops in prices caught everyone by surprise. FUND KAF Vision economy and markets this year on the back of
We knew we had to do something ething and reacted AWARD Equity Malaysia Small & Mid loose monetary policy adopted by central banks
to market conditions to safeguarduard our portfolios. Cap - Provident (10 years) globally.Fiscal support provided by governments
But we were always one step p behind. FUND SIZE RM64.52 million is also expected to be strong.
“However, our mentality changed when we FUND MANAGER Tan Gan Leong “The low interest rate environment should
started to see the market selldown
down as an oppor-r RETURNS FOR PER
PERIODS 3 years 36.63
prompt return-sensitive investors to seek high-
tunity instead of adversity. Thathat was when we ENDED DEC 31, 202
2020 (%) er performance. We think the asset manage-
5 years 49.37
could better anticipate the market,” says Chue. ment industry should be able to benefit from
It is only human to turn defensive
ensive when things 10 years 218.47 this with a growth in overall assets under
go wrong suddenly.A mindset change is therefore management,” he says.
critical during crises. “It allowed
wed us to extricate growth prospe
prospects, given favourable econom- The rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine is another
ourselves from the uncomfortabletable decisions ic conditions.
conditio But the pandemic upended boost to market performance. “The recovery is
that had to be made to turn around that pplan. already taking hold globally and locally, in tan-
the portfolio performance,” he says. ““We had to discard our previous dem with inoculations,even though this will be
Nimble and adaptable aree two views and biases, as the pandemic
view an ongoing process. Globally, funds are already
keywords that also contributed ed to caused some abrupt changes to busi-
cau rotating into assets that would benefit from the
the firm’s outperformance. Chue hue ness fundamentals. We evaluated
ne reopening of economies.The local market is no
and his team were expecting ng a anew quickly and spotted plenty of
an different,” he says.
relatively uneventful 2020.They hey mispricing opportunities,” he says.
m “The key risk, at least for us, is the muta-
were positioning themselvess to Chue also leveraged the tion of the virus, rendering existing vaccines
invest in companies with better tter sstrength of his team to ride ineffective.” E
Presented by

UOB takes home three awards

FUND United Asean Discovery
AWARD Equity Asean – Malaysia
(3 years)
FUND SIZE RM40.74 million
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)

B Y PAT H M A S U B R A M A N I A M “When governments signalled that they were 5 years 81.69
undertaking unprecedented fiscal and monetary 10 years NA
n unwavering bottom-up,fundamen- policies, the funds took advantage of the equity
tals-driven and structured team-based market weakness to accumulate and were able FUND United Income Plus
approach helped UOB Asset Manage- We aare
re flexi
b e in to benefit from the swift rebound that followed.” AWARD Mixed Asset MYR
ment (M) Bhd win three awards at the recognising
g th
a Sticking to their conviction was the “biggest Conservative (3 years)
Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2021. different styles challenge” in the face of hostile market condi- FUND SIZE RM79.39 million
The awards are the Best Mixed Asset may work better tions, she says. “Always do your homework and RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 20.58
MYR Conservative (won by United Income Plus at different times. know the company that you have invested in. If ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 28.20
Fund) and Best Equity Asean (Malaysia) (won by This flexibility the market turns hostile, you can count on the
United Asean Discovery Fund) in the three-year strength of the businesses that you have invested 10 years NA
allows us to pick
category, and Best Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — in. In some cases,we believe that the company’s
Global (Malaysia) in the five-year category (won an optimal style competitive position has been enhanced.” FUND United Bond & Equity
by United Bond & Equity Strategic Trust). in achieving Lim says the funds benefited from the sharp rise Strategic Trust
CEO Lim Suet Ling says security selection has h investment
the i in the stock prices of glove manufacturers,which AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Balanced
been a significant contributor to the funds’ out- objective for our saw supernormal profits during the pandemic. – Global (5 years)
performance historically and was a key factor in clients.” But the performance of the funds was attributed FUND SIZE RM10.45 million
the awards. “We are flexible in recognising that > Lim to much more than just the glove manufacturers. RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 22.40
different styles may work better at different times. “One of the big contributors to the funds’ perfor- ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 39.60
This flexibility allows us to pick an optimal style in mance in recent years has been the positioning in
10 years NA
achieving the investment objective for our clients. the technology sector.The Covid-19 pandemic did
“For example, in the second half of 2020, we two main things for the technology sector — first,
started rotating from a growth-biased style to a it accelerated the digitalisation trend and second, “Apart from strong demand for products,these
more balanced approach to include value.The investors flocked to the technology sector as it was companies have also benefited from trade diver-
positive news on Covid-19 vaccines towards relatively resilient amid a global recession.” sion as a result of the US-China trade tensions.”
the end of last year triggered a rotation from The funds’ earlier positioning in technology In the light of the current economic uncer-
growth to value.The funds benefited from the resulted in significant outperformance,she adds. tainties, the fund house will continue to use the
positioning in some value sectors such as “For United Income Plus Fund,we have exposure bottom-up approach to investing and contin-
healthcare and healthcare services.” to many of the leading technology names in the ue to focus on finding opportunities to invest
Despite the selldown in equity markets world. For United Bond & Equity Strategic Trust, in quality businesses irrespective of economic
globally in March 2020 amid pandemic we have exposure to global semiconductor and conditions, says Lim.
fears, the team held on to their many leading technology names. For the United “Besides looking at security selection to un-
convictions as they believed that busi- Asean Discovery Fund,we have exposure derpin outperformance,we will also manage the
nesses would be able to withstand the to manufacturers in the tech- asset allocation actively to optimise the funds’
shock from the pandemic, says Lim. nology supply chain. returns,” she says. E
W20 Presented by


From left: AmanahRaya Investment Management senior From left: Eastspring Investments Bhd CEO Raymond Tang with Eastspring Al-Wara’ Investments
portfolio manager Ivan Koo Von Siong, portfolio manager Bhd equities fund manager Juliana Ramli, fixed income fund manager Mohd Umar Mohd Marzuki,
Syakirah Karim, credit analyst Adib Asilah Acryl Sani and head of investments Tan Ming Han, CEO Khadijah Sairah Ibrahim and senior fixed income fund
managing director and CEO Roszali Ramlee manager Chow Kim Seng

From left: AmFunds Management Bhd (AmInvest) head of fixed income Raymond Lew Wei Chien, CIO Wong Yew Joe, CEO Goh Wee Peng, head of equities Andrew Seah
Saik Weng and senior vice-president of fixed income Kho Hock Khoon

Public Mutual Bhd CEO Yeoh Kim Hong (on yellow stool) and the team. Two key figures in this 2019 photo are CIO Lum Ming Jang (seated, on Yeoh’s right) and head of
equity Chiang Kang Pey (seated, on Yeoh’s left)
Presented by

Inter-Pacific Asset Management Sdn Bhd CEO Datuk Dr Nazri Khan Adam Khan (centre) and the team

From left: Kenanga Investors Bhd executive director and CEO Ismitz Matthew De Alwis,
portfolio manager Syarifah Hidayatul Akmal Syed Mustaffa, CIO Lee Sook Yee, portfolio Principal Asset Management CEO Munirah Khairuddin (left) and
manager Low Pei Yee and head of equities Christopher Kok Keng Fai CIO Patrick Chang

Pheim Asset Management founder and chief strategist Dr Tan Chong Koay (in batik shirt) and the team
W22 Presented by


Principal Asset Management wins one award


rincipal Asset Management Bhd

(formerly known as CIMB-Principal
Asset Management Bhd) took home
an individual fund award at the Ref-
initiv Lipper Fund Awards 2021.
The fund management firm rode
through an unprecedented year of Covid-19-en-
forced economic lockdowns to bag an award
in the Equity Asia Pacific ex-Japan (Provident)
universe in the 10-year returns category for its
Principal Asia Titans fund. It returned just shy
of 140% during the period under review.
CEO Munirah Khairuddin attributes Princi-
pal’s success to its fund management process,
coupled with its global expertise and capabil-
ities. “Our team’s local and regional market
understanding also created real value for our
clients,” she says.
One of the most prominent fund manage-
ment firms in the world, US-based Principal
has had a presence in Malaysia for some years
now. One advantage in having a regional team, One of the more notable calls we made was to invest
according to Munirah, is being able to leverage
into new economy sectors such as e-commerce
on each other’s deep local insights to facili-
tate channel checks and stock reads through a companies. With the lockdown restrictions in place,
cross-fertilisation of ideas, coupled with Princi- we deduced it would accelerate the trend for people
pal’s own fundamental, momentum and value to use digital means for personal shopping.”
(FMV) model. > Munirah
Despite the market crash in the first half
of 2020, the clincher for Principal came about
because of its trust in the long-term process, as
well as the strategies and processes that Mu- Ultimately, it was faith in the processes, business continuity,” says Munirah.
nirah and her team had in place up to that point. as well as the strength to hold fast through “One of the challenges we faced, just like
“Our investment philosophy is simple.We be- even unforeseen global disasters, that allowed other companies, was trying to operate safely
lieve consistent alpha is generated when we achieve Principal to thrive even as the entire economy and economically at the time. Thankfully, we
thought leadership through early identification of ground to a halt. were able to do so via technology and various
long-term growth prospects of companies. “The pandemic has caused widespread digital platforms.”
“We focus on both absolute and total returns, concern and economic hardship for consum- The firm then engaged in continuous dia-
rigorous research,independent thinking,paired ers, businesses and communities throughout logue with its customers through a combination
with decisive action, as well as a focus on low the world. In March last year, we spent the of educational content, webinars, relationship
volatility and high alpha, all of which are un- bulk of our time responding to the effects calls as well as social media activity, as a means
constrained by benchmark [indices].” of the pandemic on our own workforce and to build their confidence and reassure them

RHB’s fund wins first Refinitiv Lipper award

B Y TA N Z H A I Y U N The pandemic presented a challenging mar- the lack of companies that could offer growth
ket for the fund house to navigate last year, de- in earnings,” she adds.
HB Asset Management Sdn Bhd’s spite the recovery that occurred following the Cash flow issues in companies due to col-
RHB Thematic Growth Fund won sharp dip in March 2020. lapsed demand and uncertainties
the award for Best Mixed Asset MYR “Markets have recovered well from the lows in the economy contributed to
Asset allocation
Flexible (Provident) in the three-year in March 2020 despite the severe impact of RHB Asset Management’s de-
category at the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Covid-19 on the global markets. Equity markets contributed cision to not be fully invested
Awards 2021. It was the first Refini- throughout the world have continued to climb to the fund’s in the market last year.
tiv Lipper award for the fund, which invests in higher, aided by stimulus packages announced performance as Additionally, the fund
securities of Malaysian companies that bene- by various governments and aggressive cuts in the fund was not house avoided under-
fit from evolving domestic and global trends. interest rates by central banks,” says Ong. fully invested weighted sectors that
Eliza Ong, CEO of RHB Asset Management, “It was challenging to make fundamental in 2020 due had been negatively im-
attributes the success to good sector selection. investment decisions at that point, as most to the lack of pacted by Covid-19.This
“We took the view early on that the demand in valuations had peaked while earnings visibility companies minimised the neg-
the healthcare sector, especially for exporters, remained weak. The possibility of more down- that could ative impact from
would rise exponentially and lead to higher side risks as well as ongoing external concerns offer these sectors.The
selling prices of their products and hence, prof- like trade tensions remained.” fund house also
growth in
itability for these companies. Against this backdrop, the RHB Thematic actively traded
“The fund took an overweight view of this Growth Fund successfully generated a return earnings.” and rebalanced
sector in as early as March 2020. The Covid-19 of 49.44% by end-2020. This was possible be- > Ong its portfolio by
pandemic that led to lockdowns in many parts cause the fund house focused on stocks with increasing the
of the world further fuelled demand in the earnings growth, as it believed that only sectors weightage of
healthcare and related sectors,which delivered that could deliver growth could outperform the healthcare-re-
strong earnings growth.” market, says Ong. lated sectors and
The fund house capitalised on the mispricing “Growth investments outperformed val- decreasing that of
between price and valuation by combining ue investments significantly in the first nine sectors with neg-
bottom-up stock picks with top-down consid- months of 2020 as earnings from healthcare-re- ative earnings or
erations, says Ong, adding that this strategy lated sectors beat expectations.Asset allocation those that had cash
allowed the fund to generate consistent and also contributed to the fund’s performance as flow issues.
superior returns over the medium to long term. the fund was not fully invested in 2020 due to Moving forward,
Presented by

Awards methodology
FUND Principal Asia Titans
AWARD Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan
– Provident (10 years)
FUND SIZE (AS AT RM90.50 million
FEB 28, 2021)
FUND MANAGER Jeffrey Chong
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 74.99
10 years 139.22

through the challenging times of 2020.

“Of course, being active managers, Principal
could not have come out on top without some
quick thinking and shrewd foresight right at
the start of the pandemic.
“One of the more notable calls we made was
to invest into new economy sectors such as
e-commerce companies.With the lockdown re-
strictions in place,we deduced it would acceler-
ate the trend for people to use digital means for
personal shopping, where, previously, it would
have taken much more time to break out of tra-
ditional shopping habits, in malls, for example. The awards methodology and guidelines for the
“The opportunity was there for most e-com-
merce companies to incentivise customers to
Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards are provided below:
shop online while stuck at home. As a result,
these companies were able to capture market GENERAL METHODOLOGY
share much faster than expected.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, as at February 2021, Criteria (cumulative) in the respective asset classes are eligible for a group
the fund’s top holdings included Tencent Hold- • Funds registered for sale in the respective country as at award. Small fund family groups will need to have at least
ings Ltd, SEA Ltd and Alibaba Group Holding the end of the calendar year of the respective evaluation three distinct portfolios in one of the asset classes – equity,
Ltd. There were also semiconductor and tech- year. bond or mixed-asset.
nology companies such as Taiwan Semicon- • At least 36 months of performance history as at the end The lowest average decile rank of the three years’
ductor Manufacturing Co Ltd and Samsung of the calendar year of the respective evaluation year. Consistent Return measure of the eligible funds per asset
Electronics Co Ltd. • Lipper Global Classifications with at least 10 distinct class and group will determine the asset class group
Munirah is hopeful that the economy will portfolios based on the primary share class definition, award winner over the three-year period. In cases of
recover and, with it, the fortunes of Principal excluding residual classifications, institutional and identical results, the lower average percentile rank will
and its investors will continue to improve. other non-retail funds; private, closed-end, determine the winner.
“Our winning fund is likely to invest more exchange-traded, insurance and linked funds.
broadly relative to last year.The fund will be less • Asset classes: equity, bond, mixed-asset, commodity Overall group award
concentrated.We expect more companies to do and alternatives. Absolute return funds screen over all An overall group award will be given to the best large and
well, as we anticipate a synchronised global re- asset types except real estate. small group separately. Large fund family groups with at
covery is likely to follow,” she concludes. E least five equity, five bond and three mixed-asset portfolios
Fund classification awards are eligible for an overall group award. Small fund family
The currency for the calculation corresponds to the currency groups will need to have at least three equity, three bond
of the country for which the awards are calculated and relies and three mixed-asset portfolios.
on monthly data. Classification averages are calculated with An overall group award will be given to the group with
all eligible share classes for each eligible classification. the lowest average decile ranking of its respective asset
The calculation periods extend over 36, 60 and 120 class results based on the methodology described above.
months. The highest Lipper Leader for Consistent Return In cases of identical results, the lower average percentile
(Effective Return) value within each eligible classification rank will determine the winner. No asset class and/or
determines the fund classification winner over three, five overall group awards are handed out if there are fewer
FUND RHB Thematic Growth or 10 years. For a detailed explanation, please review the than three competing companies.
AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Flexible – Lipper Leader methodology document. Asset class and overall group awards are given to
Provident (3 years) the company that is responsible for establishing the
FUND SIZE RM69.91 million Asset class group awards fund by appointing the fund management company, and
FUND MANAGER Mike Lai Teck Voon Asset class group awards will be given to the best large and promoting and/or distributing the fund, the brand of the
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 41.90 small groups separately. Large fund family groups with at fund and the product range. This company is also referred
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) least five equity, five bond or three mixed-asset portfolios to as the promoter or sponsor company.
5 years 64.26
10 years 132.48
RHB Asset Management believes that an eco-
nomic recovery is underway.The rollout of Cov- Asia Global Islamic
id-19 vaccines and easing of movement restric- • Because of the small market size, the Asian countries will • All Islamic funds globally within Lipper Global
tions will contribute to an improved economy not make a distinction between large and small groups for Classifications with at least five distinct mutual
by the second half of 2021, Ong observes. the single asset class and overall group awards. funds over the respective time frame.
“We deployed [funds] into cyclical stocks and • To be eligible for an asset class group award, the groups • Calculation currency is the US dollar.
value stocks by the fourth quarter of 2020 and will need to have at least three distinct portfolios in one • No distinction between large and small groups for
continued to do so in the beginning of 2021.” of the asset classes: equity, bond or mixed-asset. the single asset class and overall group awards.
The fund house may change its investing • To be eligible for an overall group award, the groups • To be eligible for an asset class group award, the
style going forward, she adds. “Although the will need to have at least three equity, three bond and groups will need to have at least three distinct
growth investing style outperformed value three mixed-asset funds. portfolios in one of the asset classes: equity, bond
investing due to the scarcity of sectors that • Classification awards will be handed out to or mixed-asset.
could offer earnings growth in 2020,we believe classifications with at least five distinct portfolios. • To be eligible for an overall group award, the
that the cyclical and value investment styles • Malaysia: The regular universe excludes the Employees groups will need to have at least three equity,
will outperform growth investing in 2021 or Provident Fund-approved and Islamic funds. Separate three bond and three mixed-asset funds.
post-Covid-19.” classification and group awards will be handed out to • The calculation periods are until the end of
The fund house believes that growth outper- Islamic and EPF-approved funds within classifications November of the respective evaluation year.
formance has peaked. Sectors with low price-to- meeting the aforementioned criteria.
book ratios and strong earnings revisions will
be its preferred picks for 2021. E For a detailed explanation, please read the Lipper Leaders methodology document at
W24 Presented by


Manulife Investment
Management bags two awards

B Y JOTHAM LIM and rational was a challenge in a panicked “Companies with sound balance sheets
market, particularly when dealing with mul- and strong management are likely to with-
anulife Investment Manage- tiple uncertainties due to the far-reaching stand the challenging economic conditions
ment (M) Bhd nabbed two fund impact of the pandemic, he says. of last year. One example would be the tele-
awards at the Refinitiv Lipper To address this issue, the team had to be One advantage in communications sector, and even alternative
Fund Awards 2021. disciplined in adhering to their investment having g a regional
g industries such as the glove sector, which
Manulife Investment-HW fundamentals and not let periods of extreme team is that we are enjoying stro
strong earnings that
Flexi won the award for Best market sentiments affect their investment leverage each could potenti
potentially translate into
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Provident) in the decisions. “When it became clearer that the better dividend
divid payouts later,”
other’s deep
10-year category,which saw a return of 143.96%, pandemic was turning into a black swan says Chon
while Manulife Investment Al-Fauzan took event, we decided to drastically adjust our local insights forr Moving into 2021, he
home the award for Best Equity Malaysia In- strategy — first by prioritising the return of channel
h l checks
h ks highlights a shift in invest-
come (Islamic) in the 10-year category, with capital,” says Chong. and sector or ment focus — from prioritis-
a return of 80.64%. “This involved locking in gains in holdings stock read- ing companies
compan with earnings
CEO Jason Chong attributes the funds’ that had priced in earnings growth. In addi- throughs.” certainty las
last year to prioritis-
success to a dynamic investment team that tion to that, the cash would allow us to pick > Chong ing those with
wit strong earnings
is active in sharing ideas and quick in deci- and choose fundamentally strong companies growth momentum. “We
sion-making, which allowed them to adapt at beaten-down prices and valuations.” will look
lo for stocks that
to rapidly shifting market conditions. “We For Manulife Investment-HW Flexi, Chong offer strong earnings
work as a team, and no idea is too small or points out that the rebalancing exercises were recovery and growth
too big,” he says. concentrated in the first and fourth quarters in the light of an an-
“One advantage in having a regional team of last year. 1Q2020 involved increasing its ticipated economic
is that we leverage each other’s deep local in- cash position before the market selldown to recovery, resump-
sights for channel checks and sector or stock protect the fund’s position while providing tion
t of economic
read-throughs. A climate of transparency ammunition to capitalise on bargain-hunt- activities and po-
and trust in the regional team allows for a ing opportunities. tential reopening
cross-fertilisation of ideas.” In 4Q2020, the team rebalanced the port- of borders. Un-
Chong describes 2020 as a tumultuous year folio to support post-pandemic beneficiaries der such circum-
in which they witnessed not only extreme once it became clear that there was light at stances, compa-
swings in share prices but also investor sen- the end of the tunnel when it came to the nies that did not
timent and emotions as well. Remaining calm pandemic. fare well in 2020

Two awards for Maybank Asset Management

B Y JOTHAM LIM their fund management strategies, which He says that due to the decision to position
allowed them to look at opportunities in dis- MMI to be nimble and agile early on, the in-
aybank Asset Management Sdn located markets. vestment team managed their liquidity well
Bhd once again landed a win- “Due to our proactive engagements, we and kept cash at a minimum during the sell-
ning spot at the Refinitiv Lip- were able to turn ‘defensive’ early on. When off — opting to capture new opportunities in
per Fund Awards 2021, with two the markets were dislocated, we were ready Due to our the bond market instead.
fund awards this year. to go on the offensive and capitalise on those proactive As for MMSC, Ahmad Najib explains that
Maybank Malaysia Income opportunities at attractive valuations,” he adds. engagements, the team conducted several rebalancing ex-
(MMI) took home the award for Best Bond However, Ahmad Najib highlights that we were able to ercises towards the second half of 2020, as
MYR (Provident) in the 10-year category, with it was challenging to make contrarian calls turn ‘defensive’ the market shifted away from the health-
a return of 116.77% over the period. Maybank and persist with that view while managing early on.When care sector. However, since the fund got into
Malaysia SmallCap (MMSC) won the award investors’ expectations. He says that when the markets the sector early, the team was able to raise a
for Best Equity Malaysia Small and Mid-Cap the team decided to position MMI defensive- were dislocated, significant amount of cash and took
(Provident) in the five-year category, with a ly, investors were concerned about a laggard we were ready profit from that strategy.
return of 76.61% over the period. performance. to go on the Moving forward, he expects
CEO Ahmad Najib Nazlan says making con- “Moving into 2020, the market was ex- a global growth recovery this
offensive and
trarian calls in its investment strategy enabled pecting GDP performance to be better at 4.8% year. But he foresees a vola-
both MMI and MMSC to outperform their in- compared with 4.7% in 2019 on a potential capitalise tile market, with fiscal poli-
dustry peers. “For MMI, we turned defensive meaningful resolution to the US-China trade on those cies playing an increasingly
in January 2020 and decided to have higher war. Hence, having a defensive call may have opportunities critical role in supporting
levels of cash to allow us to be agile in case of dragged our performance compared with our at attractive growth.
any market events due to the uncertainties peers,” he adds. valuations.” “For MMI, given the cur-
surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to However, as it turned out, 2020 saw a con- > Ahmad Najib rent volatile situation in the
that stance, during the sell-off in March, we traction in GDP. bond markets, we will be
were able to add positions and benefit from “Similarly with MMSC, when we decid- positioned defen-
the wild swings. ed to increase positions in healthcare and sively in the
“For MMSC, we had a very strong convic- technology, investors questioned our stance near term
tion in the healthcare sector after news of the as they were unsure about our view. Despite by reduc-
virus broke out in China heading into 2020. the immense pressure from our investors, ing our
That conviction was vital as it contributed very we maintained our call,” says Ahmad Najib. ‘govvies’,
positively to the portfolio. Those healthcare “We continued to engage with and com-
names were small-cap stocks when we invest- municate our strategies to our investors and
ed, but have now increased their market cap.” provided clarity and justifications for our
Ahmad Najib points to the investment calls. When the sell-off happened, it was chal-
team’s agility, teamwork and leadership as lenging to stick to our conviction. But we did
being key contributors to the success of the not panic and instead, focused on the funda-
two funds. He says that from the onset of the mentals as well as the long-term objectives of
pandemic and lockdowns, the team mobilised the funds. As a result, we were able to deliver
daily virtual meetings to discuss and plan better returns to our investors.”
Presented by

AmanahRaya Investment
Management wins four awards

Flexi FUND AmanahRaya Unit Trust
AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Flexible manahRaya Investment Man- AWARD Bond MYR (3 and 5 years)
– Provident (10 years) agement Sdn Bhd (ARIM) FUND SIZE RM112.00 million
FUND SIZE RM349.45 million took home four fund awards FUND MANAGER Ivan Koo Von Siong
FUND MANAGER Affin Hwang Asset at this year’s Refinitiv Lip-
Management Bhd per Fund Awards. Amanah- RETURNS FOR THE 3 years 23.82
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 24.84 Raya Unit Trust snagged the DEC 31, 2020 (%) 5 years 35.46
ENDED DEC 31, 2020(%) awards for Best Bond (MYR) in the three-
5 years 54.10 10 years 65.50
and five-year categories while Amanah-
10 years 143.96
Raya Syariah Trust won the awards for
Best Bond MYR (Islamic) in the three- FUND AmanahRaya Syariah Trust
FUND Manulife Investment and five-year categories. AWARD Bond MYR - Islamic
Al-Fauzan Managing director and CEO Roszali (3 and 5 years)
AWARD Equity Malaysia Income – Ramlee attributes the achievements to FUND SIZE RM912.00 million
Islamic (10 years) the team’s investment strategy, which FUND MANAGER Ivan Koo Von Siong
FUND SIZE RM429.15 million is a blend of both active and passive ap- RETURNS FOR THE 3 years 26.93
proaches. “Our fixed-income investment PERIODS ENDED
FUND MANAGER Manulife Investment DEC 31, 2020 (%) 5 years 39.43
team has the belief that the market is
Management (M) Bhd 10 years 69.79
not always efficient. We pursue active
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 5.51 strategies in market segments where we
ENDED DEC 31, 2020(%)
5 years 15.35 hold a strong alpha conviction. Howev- Roszali says that moving forward,
10 years 80.64 er, passive strategies are adopted when fixed-income investors should brace for
there is an absence of such a strong lower returns this year. “The market will
are likely to emerge as winners,” he says. conviction,” he says. likely undergo a recovery in the next 12
“Apart from positioning in such ‘econom- Asset allocation is another key to months, with interest rates normalis-
Our asset
ic reopening’ stocks, we continue to look for ARIM’s outperformance. “It is impor- ing, but a full recovery may take slight-
opportunities to invest in stocks that will tant to diversify our investments amid allocation ly longer.”
benefit from long-term structural investment market volatility. Our asset allocation decisions consider The fund house may reduce its portfo-
themes such as digitalisation, climate change decisions consider prevailing market prevailing market lio durations and be slightly overweight
and globalisation.” E conditions to avoid underperformance. conditions to avoid in cash, he adds. “The wider fiscal defi-
And they capture various opportunities underperformance. cit of the Malaysian government and
during market up cycles,” says Roszali. And they oversupply of government bonds are key
Fundamental analysis conducted by capture various risks that fixed-income investors should
ARIM’s investment team is equally vital opportunities keep in mind.” E

to the firm’s win, he adds. Such anal- during market up

ysis covers macroeconomics, interest cycles.”
rate view, sector analysis and credit
> Roszali
evaluation, which all play an essential
part in producing superior investment
FUND Maybank Malaysia Income Roszali is particularly proud of the
AWARD Bond MYR – Provident firm’s active investment approach that
(10 years) played out well in last year’s market
FUND SIZE RM80.83 million turmoil. For instance, he and his team
FUND MANAGER Maybank Asset actively rebalanced their investment
Management Sdn Bhd portfolios last year according to their
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 17.24 outlook for interest rates. As a result,
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%)
5 years 26.57
they extended the investment portfolio
duration and overweight sukuk holdings
10 years 116.77
prior to the central bank’s interest rate
cuts last year.
FUND Maybank Malaysia “Our fund manager and credit team
SmallCap actively discussed and managed the
AWARD Equity Malaysia Small & Mid portfolio over time. And the portfolio’s
Cap – Provident (5 years) turnover ratio of two of our award-win-
FUND SIZE RM23.99 million ning funds were 2.56 times and 2.79
FUND MANAGER Maybank Asset times last year. We believe our active
Management Sdn Bhd investment approach contributed to
RETURNS FOR PERIODS 3 years 40.20 our outperformance,” he says.
ENDED DEC 31, 2020 (%) In March last year, the AmanahRaya
5 years 76.61
Syariah Trust fund suffered about 2% to
10 years 137.75
3% downside, but it took less than four
weeks to recover the losses. The fund’s
or government-guaranteed bond holdings. returns also ended up higher at the end
We will also cut our duration and be very of the year, says Roszali.
mindful of adding longer-duration positions. “Like our peers, our fund suffered
In the longer term, we are still positive on during the market sell-off in March last
Malaysian fixed income and will be nimble, year. But we were one of the first to re-
depending on the market conditions,” says cover when the market turned around,”
Ahmad Najib. he adds.
“For MMSC, within the same thesis of ex- In terms of the increasing impor-
pected global growth recovery, we have taken tance of the environmental, social and
some profit from our high conviction ideas corporate governance (ESG) factor in
last year and increased our position in some investing, AmanahRaya is currently
recovery themes. And we will be positioned a developing its strategies for the firm’s
bit more defensively in this current volatili- fixed-income and equity investments.
ty to ensure we have more agility to capture Nevertheless, the firm has already in-
potential opportunities that arise from new cluded several ESG-compliant sukuk in
ideas in 2021.” E its portfolios.
W26 Presented by


Eastspring Investments takes home two awards

B Y CHUI YEE MUN sector,” says fixed income fund manager Chow FUND Eastspring Investments
Kim Seng. Dana Dinamik
astspring Investments Bhd bagged two Despite extremely challenging market con- AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Flexible
awards at the Refinitiv Lipper Fund ditions last year, Dana Dinamik and Dana — Islamic (10 years)
Awards 2021. Eastspring Investments al-Islah generated returns of 14.77% and 12.05% FUND SIZE RM167.36 million
Dana Dinamik won the award for Best Prices may respectively. Over a 10-year period, they pro- FUND MANAGER Juliana Ramli
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Islamic) in overshoot vided investors with returns of 129.51% and Chow Kim Seng
the 10-year category while Eastspring sometimes 58.44% respectively. RETURNS FOR THE 3 years 14.56
Investments Dana al-Islah won the award for Juliana attributes the fund house’s overall PERIODS ENDED
and become DEC 31, 2020 (%) 5 years 30.74
Best Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Provident), expensive. We success to its disciplined and research-driven 10 years 129.51
also in the 10-year category. were disciplined in investment approach. “We derive intrinsic
Juliana Ramli, equity fund manager of East- value based on valuation, growth and cash
taking profit and FUND Eastspring Investments
spring Al-Wara’ Investments Bhd, says Dana flow analysis, and we have a quality bias for
Dinamik (a balanced fund) outperformed its continued to look companies with a strong balance sheet, good Dana al-Islah
peers by being overweight on equities last year. for undervalued earnings visibility and sound management,” AWARD Mixed Asset MYR
Its allocation to the glove, semiconductor and stocks.” she adds. Conservative— Provident
telecommunications sectors also contributed > Juliana “Security mispricing driven by greed and (10 years)
to the fund’s success. fear is an enduring phenomenon,which can be FUND SIZE RM23.28 million
“We shifted our portfolio towards cycli- successfully exploi
exploited through our long-term FUND MANAGER Chow Kim Seng
cal and recovery plays towards the end d of the investment approa
approach. Value is also created by Juliana Ramli
year by making a quick switch to overweight cyclical extremities in interest rates and cred- RETURNS FOR THE 3 years 17.07
the financial sectors. We also continued ued to it markets. Or ther
there are shifts in investor risk PERIODS ENDED
DEC 31, 2020 (%) 5 years 25.95
focus on stocks that generate alpha. That
hat was s
perception under specifi c market conditions 10 years 58.44
when the economic reopening theme became ecame that result in the m
mispricing of assets relative
stronger on the back of more positive vaccine
accine to their fundamen
news,” she says. Eastspring will
wi continue to remain fo- with the rolling out of Covid-19 vaccines. Re-
“Prices may overshoot sometimes and be- cused and stay ahead
ahe of the curve despite the covery plays remain the main theme this year
come expensive.We were disciplined in taking team working from home, says Juliana. “The in the equity market, but selection is impor-
profit and continued to look for undervalued
valued team continues to meet
m online regularly while tant as valuations may overshoot fundamen-
stocks.” adapting to th
the movement restrictions. tals, says Juliana.
Interestingly, Dana al-Islah, which ch is We have als
also stepped up our investor On the fixed income side, she expects bond
another balanced fund, adopted a slightly tly communication efforts to keep them
communi yields to reverse in a relatively volatile envi-
different investment strategy last year to abreast oof the market updates and ronment as markets return to pre-pandemic
achieve outperformance. “The fund was their p
portfolios.” performance. “Pockets of trading opportuni-
overweight on fixed income during the Moving forward, the fund
Mo ties are expected to present themselves amid
earlier part of the year before it gradually
ally house expects a recovery this
hou market volatility. We will also see a recovery
increased its allocation to equities. It also year as the global and local
ye in credit as lockdowns are gradually lifted in
benefited from the allocation to the glove love eeconomy gradually reopens the near future,” she says. E

Inter-Pacific Asset Management

wins award for best mixed asset fund

B Y JOTHAM LIM fixed-income securities and money market FUND InterPac Dynamic Equity
instruments to meet its objectives over the AWARD Mixed Asset MYR Flexible
nter-Pacific Asset Management Sdn Bhd’s medium to long term. — Malaysia (10 years)
(InterPac) InterPac Dynamic Equity fund Nazri points out that one of the largest
won the award for Best Mixed Asset MYR hurdles his team had to overcome last year
FUND SIZE RM3.99 million
We took a FUND MANAGER Inter-Pacific Asset
Flexible (Malaysia) in the 10-year category. was the uncertainty caused by the Covid-19
The fund generated a total return of 55.15% calculated risk outbreak. “The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) Management Sdn Bhd
during the period. in managing hit its historical high in 2020 — an indication RETURNS FOR THE 3 years -1.89
CEO Datuk Dr Nazri Khan says the team’s our investment that global market players were on hold, due DEC 31, 2020 (%) 5 years 41.62
dynamic and tactical investment strategy, activities, which is to a fear of uncertainty. However, to us, we saw 10 years 55.15
as well as a combination of well-executed a combination of opportunities in the situation. We made the
fundamental and technical analysis, were fundamental and uncommon decision to be more proactive by
key contributors to the fund’s success. “Com- technical analysis.” allocating assets to technology, consumer and and to display proper leadership and moti-
pared with the traditional approach of buy- > Nazri healthcare stocks,” he says. vate everyone on the team.
ing stocks at low prices and d selling them at Our major concern
“Our con was to maintain our Despite the challenges, Nazri is bullish
their peak, we took a calculated
ated risk in man- positive returns andan retain investors. There on the outlook for the next 12 months. He
aging our investment activities,
vities, which is a were times when w we faced difficulties as the points out that the FBM KLCI has breached
combination of fundamental tal and technical market experienced
experience minor corrections. How- the 1,600-point threshold — indicating a
analysis. This non-traditional
onal strategy has ever, it has not affected
e our overall strong per- V-shaped economic recovery.
set us apart from our peers by a large margin. formance as we h have policies to minimise “The pandemic should be over soon, es-
“Through fundamental analysis, we iden- risks and secure early profits.” pecially after the rollout of the vaccination
tify and determine the valuee and growth rate Nazri says tha
that as CEO, it was not easy programmes. Governments around the world
of the stock. Technical analysis
lysis allows us to to execute the trading
t plans. There were are vaccinating their people in stages, which
understand market behaviour iour and capture times when the team had to go the extra is a key factor in reopening business activ-
opportunities at the right time according to mile and be more innovative in discovering ities, especially in the tourism and aviation
developments in trends.” investment opportunities in the midst sectors,” he says.
According to the information
mation of unce
uncertainty. “Understanding this gives us an advan-
on the fund, InterPac Dynamic
namic Hence,
Hen he highlights the im- tage in positioning ourselves in promising
Equity seeks to maximise cap- porta
portance of being accountable shariah-compliant stock selections with great
ital gains by investing princi-
inci- as the
th leader of the investment potential at an early stage, in order to garner
pally in local stocks. It hasas a team — to be proactive and
tea the maximum potential returns. We are op-
flexible asset allocation strat-
trat- firm in making decisions
fir timistic and look forward to more positive
egy that enables it to investt in that will benefit everyone
th developments in the market.” E

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