Daily Express-26Apr

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uk MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 75p


Cheaper wine BRAVERY
on way thanks OF MY
to Australia deal PAL KATE

As Cummings leak row envelops Government during Covid fight, MPs say...

By Sam Lister
Deputy Political Editor
BORIS Johnson has
been urged to “rise
above” attacks by his
former aide Dominic
Cummings and focus

on continuing to
deliver for the nation.
The Prime Minister
should not be distracted
by his ex-adviser’s bitter
assault and plough on in
winning the war against
Covid, senior Tories have
WE ARE BACK: 8,000 fans at
Former Conservative
leader Sir Iain Duncan
Smith said the public do
not want politicians to
Wembley for City cup glory

2 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021


Parts of the
submarine on
the seabed

Heartbreak as missing sub is discovered

THE missing Indonesian By News Reporter 1,300ft. There was
submarine has been enough oxygen on
found on the sea floor as it prepared to board to last till
off Bali, broken into conduct a torpedo drill, Saturday.
three pieces. was found 2,600ft Indonesia’s President
All 53 sailors on board beneath the sea’s Joko Widodo said: “All
were confirmed dead by surface by a rescue of us Indonesians
authorities. vehicle loaned from express our deep
The 44-year-old KRI Singapore. sorrow, especially to
Nanggala, which lost It had been built to the families of the
contact on Wednesday survive depths of submarine crew.” Grief...relatives hear news

By John Twomey ‘Promise more likely to face charges than
after promise Republican paramilitaries.
AN ARMY veteran facing trial over a has been Last week Johnny Mercer resigned
shooting in Northern Ireland 46 years broken’ as Minister for Veterans on the issue.
ago is seeking to take his case to the ...Dennis He will be in Belfast today to support
European Court of Human Rights. Hutchings former paratroopers A and C.
Lawyers for Dennis Hutchings say will take Mr Hutchings, 78, said yesterday:
his fight to “The Government has let us down. It
his prosecution is “discriminatory and Strasbourg
vexatious” and will urge the court to always has. Promise after promise has
halt the prosecution. been broken. We just can’t wait any
They accused ministers of betraying longer while the human rights of those
former soldiers who served during the The move was revealed as two who fought to protect this country’s
Troubles and claim politicians are ex-soldiers, known as A and C, are due security are trampled over. It’s time to
attempting to “whitewash” the IRA’s to go on trial in Belfast today for the let the courts decide.”
role out of the conflict. alleged murder of IRA terrorist Joe Mr Hutchings, who is seriously ill, is
Today the Overseas Operations Bill McCann. facing charges relating to the death of
is set to become law, protecting Dozens of similar prosecutions are John Cunningham in 1974 – despite
veterans who saw action on foreign expected, despite the Government being cleared three times.
soil from vexatious prosecution. vowing for years to protect Ulster Mr Cunningham, 27, who had a
But it does not extend to soldiers veterans, said Mr Hutchings’ lawyers, mental age of between six and 10, was
who fought the IRA in Ulster – which McCue & Partners. shot as he ran away from a patrol. Mr
Mr Hutchings’ lawyers say adds They added: “Kowtowing to those Hutchings, who was in command, is
another “discriminatory” layer. who would seek to whitewash the accused of attempted murder and
They have written to the IRA’s role in the history of the attempted grievous bodily harm. He is
Government seeking its consent to Troubles, it has failed to do so.” due to go on trial in October.
take his case to the court in Strasbourg. Former soldiers are up to 54 times JAMES WHALE: PAGE 13


If we’ve published anything factually contactable for advice at IPSO Gate
inaccurate, please contact the House, 1 Farringdon Street, EC4M FACEBOOK and Google By Martyn Landi has called for online sites to regulators and the
readers’ editor by email at 7LG. Website www.ipso.co.uk have been accused of be given legal responsibility government need to go to
expressletters Telephone: 0300123 2220, email
@express.co.uk or write to advice@ipso.co.uk. If you have a leaving scam adverts online same. Consumer group for preventing fake and greater lengths to prevent
Readers’ Editor, Daily Express at complaint concerning a potential after concerns were raised. Which? called on the fraudulent adverts from fraud from flourishing.”
One Canada Square, London E14 breach of the Code of Practice, we Research found that 34 Government to tackle the appearing on platforms, Facebook said: “Our
5AP and, once verified, will deal with your
we’ll correct it as soon complaint directly or per cent of people who issue in its upcoming rather than reacting to them teams disable billions of
as possible. The Daily IPSO can refer your notified Google after falling Online Safety Bill. once it was too late. fake accounts every year.”
Express and Sunday complaint to us. Please
Express are published go to victim to a con said it was The study also found 43 Adam French, of Which?, Google said: “We take
by Express Newspapers, a www.reachplc.com/how-to-complain still not taken down. per cent of fraud victims said: “Victims are action on potentially bad
subsidiary company of Reach PLC, where you can view our Complaints And 26 per cent of those said they did not report it to worryingly exposed to ads reported to us and these
which is a member of IPSO, the Policy and Procedure. A How To
Independent Press Standards Complain pack is also available by duped on Facebook said the the host platform. Which? scams. Tech giants, are manually reviewed.”
Organisation. We adhere to the writing to the Legal and Compliance
Editors’ Code Of Practice as Department, Reach PLC, One
enforced by IPSO, which is Canada Square, London E14 5AP. OPINION 12 TV 35 LETTERS 41 STARS 43 CITY 46 SPORT 48 PLUS PUZZLES PULLOUT
Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 3
Pictures: COLIN JACK

Mother of God...Adrian
Give me
in a rush
for a ride

nearly misses his bus

HE’S more used to rushing around chasing
“bent coppers”. But Line Of Duty’s Adrian
Dunbar shows he’s still a fit fella when it
comes to catching the bus.
Adrian, who plays AC-12 Supt Ted Hastings,
known for his “Mother of God” catchphrase,
in the hit BBC series, had to sprint to avoid
missing his ride near his home in north
London ahead of next Sunday’s finale.

EVERY Line Of Duty series has at spotted them. A chase ensued. Then
least one BIDSTOC moment. As fans an armed stand-off. Jo surrendered.
of its famous acronyms will tell you, Kate was less keen. Would she get
this stands for Blimey I Didn’t See shot after all? Fortunately, no.
That One Coming.
In almost every case it refers to the
MIKE WARD But a bombshell was to follow
sudden, brutal elimination of a Daily Express TV critic Under interrogation (almost 30
seemingly key character. minutes, a Line Of Duty record), the
In 2014, series two newcomer answer? Er, no. We’d heard gunshots truth emerged about Jo Davidson’s
Jessica Raine – fresh from Call The over last week’s closing titles and horrific family history.
Midwife – was rudely dispatched feared the worst. It seemed to explain how she’d Killed ...PC
from a jolly high hospital window in But both bullets had ended up in ended up the way she had. Jo con- Pilkington and
the 58th minute of episode one. PC Ryan Pilkington, who’d been fessed she’d killed Pilkington. Even chief suspect
In 2016, series three newby Daniel responsible for a BIDSTOC moment though she probably hadn’t, it meant DCI Davidson
Mays was fatally gunned down. in 2019, having cut the throat of Kate was off the hook.
Both had been expected to play Stephen Graham’s DS John Corbett. Then came live footage of Spanish
pivotal roles. Instead, to our aston- So had we spent the week fretting police raiding the home of ex-DCI
ishment, they’d been swiftly con- over nothing? Not quite. Horrid Marcus Thurwell (James Nesbitt).
signed to oblivion, much as an actor DCS Patricia Carmichael (Anna Ted Hastings was on tenterhooks.
would be now if they disagreed with Maxwell Martin), ordered Kate and Top brass were forcing him out, but
Meghan Markle on Twitter. Jo’s arrest. “Consider them armed this could be a key step towards
So the big question last night as and dangerous,” she’d declared. bringing down the bent cop net-
we braced ourselves for the penulti- work, allowing him to leave on a
mate part of series six, was: blimey, Bombshell high. But – blimey – Thurwell was
had they killed off Kate? dead. And Ted was left in despair.
Had Vicky McClure’s DI Kate Across town, Kate was accusing Jo “There’s only so much a man can
Fleming, until recently an AC-12 (Kelly Macdonald) of having tried to take!” he cried.
stalwart, become the latest victim of lure her to her death. Jo insisted I’m starting to know how he feels.
Gun drama...Vicky McClure writer Jed Mercurio’s make-their- anything bad she’d done had been
plays DI Kate Fleming jaws-hit-the-floor policy? The big forced upon her. A patrol car had OPINION: PAGE 12

4 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021


Political Commentator

IT may have escaped the notice of

inhabitants of the Westminster
bubble that the UK has been going
through some very tough times.

The British public has knuckled
down in the face of the Covid
pandemic, temporarily giving up
many freedoms for the greater good.
Key workers have meanwhile
heroically kept the NHS available,
the supermarkets stocked and the
economy ticking over.
More than 127,000 people have
lost their lives to Covid, and without
lockdowns and the vaccination
programme it would have been many
more. All this has been going on

during the Brexit endgame too.
The people have kept calm and
carried on. Thanks to them, above
all, we are now entering a new phase
in which we can hope to see social
and economic recovery gather pace.
And yet, over in Westminster,
self-indulgence appears to be the
order of the day. Different
Conservative factions have resumed
feuding and back-stabbing, while
Labour is seeking to hype the idea
of “Tory sleaze” being the biggest

problem facing the country.
Rather than focusing on the big
issues of recovery, civil liberties,
safeguarding against the return of
the pandemic and pressing ahead
with “levelling up” Britain, the Prime
Minister finds himself mired in rows
about the refurbishment of his
Downing Street flat and who leaked
news of a second lockdown.


These come hard on the heels of
further rows about one of his
predecessors lobbying for public
funds to be channelled into a
company that employed him (they
weren’t) and the PM assuring Sir
James Dyson that his employees
wouldn’t face tax penalties if they
helped out in a drive to secure more
ventilators. That the last of these
should be considered scandalous by
anybody at all beggars belief.
The breathless excitement in the
broadcast media indicates that it is
not only the politicians and their
aides who are in danger of getting
their priorities wrong.
Whether his critics like it or not,
Boris Johnson won a landslide
election victory on a mandate of
getting Brexit done and getting on
with levelling-up. While the first key
FROM PAGE ONE out of lockdown, the Government Tory MP said the public has wanted Tory donors to secretly
wants to focus on its plan to such a low opinion of Mr fund a revamp of his Downing
priority has been achieved, the waste time dealing with the create new jobs, level-up the Cummings after he flouted Street flat.
second was effectively put on hold. country, strike global trade deals, lockdown rules that he has a Tory MP Sir John Redwood
It is time for it to come to the fore.
“personal vendettas” of ousted
Mr Johnson has earned the right former advisers. invest in infrastructure and “credibility problem” and is said: “These opposition MPs who
to have a proper crack at it. He Writing in the Daily Express, rebuild the economy. viewed as “close to the bottom of are trying to make something of
would do well now to remind his he said the Government should A No 10 spokesman said: “The the pile”. it have got to put up or shut up.
courtiers that spreading opportunity “rise above” the “settling of Government is totally focused on The MP said: “Nobody is going “They have got no strong alle-
to all corners of the land must be scores” of ex-aides. delivering the people’s priorities to say Dominic Cummings is a gation. The Prime Minister said
their top priority. Not jostling for Sir Iain wrote: “This self- as we continue our vaccination really good bloke and wants the he paid for his own refurbish-
position in the pecking order. indulgent tit for tat risks calling programme and recover from best for Britain. ment, well that’s fine then. What’s
Labour, meanwhile, would do far into question the very effective- coronavirus – creating new jobs “They are going to say Dominic the story?”
better to address its own many ness of government at a critical and building back better.” Cummings got sacked and now International Trade Secretary
risible shortcomings than to fool time. And those in government he is trying to pay back the peo- Liz Truss dismissed Mr
itself that it can hitch a free ride
back to power on the back of Tory
should rise above it and do the Frustration ple who sacked him.” Cummings’s allegations as “tittle
job they were elected to do.” A briefing war erupted after it tattle” and said she had been
infighting. Some constructive The successful vaccination pro- The Prime Minister’s row with was alleged Mr Cummings was assured the rules for ministers
policies of its own would be a start. gramme and lockdown restric- Mr Cummings after days of the mole leaking private mes- had been followed.
The PM will no doubt be pressed claims about the access of busi- sages between the Prime Minister She said: “I have been assured
hard on the saga of the upgrade to
tions have seen Covid levels
his living quarters. If he learns one plummet. nessmen to top ministers has- and businessman Sir James that the rules have been fully
lesson from it, let it be that while Ministers are poised to sign a caused frustration among Dyson over tax rules. complied with and I know that he
informality and unconventional new deal with Pfizer for more Conservative backbenchers. The tycoon had been asked to has met the costs of the
approaches have generally served vaccines this autumn to “protect They believe the attacks are a help provide ventilators at the flat refurbishment. I absolutely
him well on political problems, they people over the winter and let us distraction at a time when the height of the Covid crisis. Mr believe and trust that the Prime
are not necessarily a good idea in enjoy Christmas”. Government is trying to keep the Cummings then made a series of Minister has done that.
personal finance. As the country moves through country on track to end Covid allegations about his former boss, “What people want to know is
the next phase of the roadmap restrictions in June. But a senior including claims that Mr Johnson that in line with the rules the

Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 5

Picture: LNP

Former Conservative
Party Leader
WITH the Government embroiled in
allegations of sleaze and facing calls
for enquiries, you might assume
these issues transfix the country.
Yet engaged as I and others are in
the local election campaign,
knocking on doors, I don’t hear
anything about it. The streets of
Westminster look, as they often do,
a thousand miles away from the
streets of the rest of the UK.
People know they have just been
through the worst year since the
Second World War – with three
lockdowns, schools closed and
people dying as a result of this silent
killer, coronavirus.
This, not Westminster arguments
about sleaze, is what has etched
itself into our shared psyche.
Thanks to the Government’s
successful vaccine rollout, we are
now being inoculated ahead of our
European neighbours. People, while
they grieve for loved ones who died,
can hope for a family holiday to put
this nightmare behind them.
I don’t say that the issues about
ministerial and Civil Service codes of
conduct aren’t important; they are.
The Government has in its hands
vast sums of taxpayers’ money and
has to be careful not to leave itself
open to the charge that it favoured
any business for personal financial
or political reasons.
But what we don’t need now, on
top of the Covid nightmare, is the
eruption of personal score-settling
by advisers, ex-advisers and some
ministers. This self-indulgent tit for
tat risks calling into question the
very effectiveness of government at
a critical time.

Those in government should rise
Should Boris Johnson just above it and do the job they were
ignore Cummings and get on with being PM? elected to do.
The public have watched in

Q YES: 0901 133 4440

horror the tragedy of the wrongly
The way we NO: 0901 133 4441 jailed postmasters unfold. After all,
who doesn’t know their local
were...Boris Yes text DXYES to 84988 No text DXNO to 84988 post office and respect those that
and Dominic Texts and calls cost 50p plus network access charge. You must have the bill payer’s permission. provide that service up and down
Vote closes at midnight tonight. The Daily Express may contact you by post, SMS and/or email with the country?
Cummings offers, goods or services that may be of interest to you. To stop receiving SMS messages please text
in 2019, Putting that right cuts straight
‘NSNOINFO’ to the originating number. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390. through to people beyond the
before feud
Westminster bubble.
It’s about their lives. It’s the sort
Prime Minister has met the cost Prime Minister, who I work very on the PM, the Tories are cur- rows about lobbying that led to of issue that’s rightly raised on
of this refurbishment. That has closely with, has consistently rently on 45 points to Labour’s the text messages between Sir doorsteps.
happened. through this crisis acted in the 36, according to the latest James Dyson and Mr Johnson That’s why, despite this new
“All the costs will be declared best interests of the country. Opinium poll. being revealed. provocation of threatened attacks
in line with the rules. That, as far “These noises off are simply Bookmaker Coral said its odds Mr Case will be asked on the judgement of the Prime
as I am concerned,, com- not helpful,
p , they are not con- on the Tories winning the next about “the effectiveness of the Minister by Dominic Cummings, it
seems to me that the Government
pletely answers rs that tributing to a positive general election remain relevant legislation and codes of should rise above it.
question.” future and they don’t unchanged at 4/7. conduct in ensuring government The man who broke the lockdown

Ministers are reflect what is
refle It comes as the country’s most business is conducted ethically rules and never apologised to the
braced for a actually going on
act senior civil servant is grilled and with propriety,” the British people, may not be the
fresh onslaughtt in Downing today by MPs over how busi- committee said. credible source some suppose he is.
from Mr Street.”
S nesses interact with the Either way, as the Prime Minister
Cummings Labour has Government. Conflicts said the other day, the big decisions
when he gives sseized on the Cabinet Secretary Simon Case the public face are urgent and
MPs investi-
to The odds on the cclaims made
by Mr Cum-
faces questions about the
collapsed lender Greensill
A spokesman said: “The com-
mittee will also look at specific
they look to the Government to get
these right.
the Tories winning the mings to con-
tin its attack
Capital’s links to the Government
when he appears before the
issues concerning the relationship
between Greensill, current and
Westminster and its personal
vendettas are not what they want the
response to the
next election on the Tories
abou the way
Public Administration and
Constitutional Affairs committee.
former ministers, and senior civil
Government to waste its time on.
The successful vaccine rollout has
month. the GoGovernment is Former Prime Minister David “This will include Lex put the UK on a glidepath to unlock
Cameron faced criticism after and get back to normal, while other
He is widely known to being run. Greensill’s exact role in Number countries struggle with new
have been criticall off Mr The
h party is demanding texting Chancellor Rishi Sunak 10, and potential conflicts of outbreaks of coronavirus.
Johnson’s delay in launching a ministers answer questions about directly on behalf of the com- interest for civil servants and That is what the public wants when
second lockdown in England the row in the House of pany, which he had a financial ministers.” they say the Government should do
when cases began rising last Commons today. interest in. its job and rise above Westminster.
autumn. Ms Truss added: “The But, despite continued attacks The revelations triggered the OPINION: PAGE 12

6 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021


What a win...crowds
flock back to Wembley
WEMBLEY Stadium played host to 8,000 By Dan Townend
fans yesterday as Manchester City beat
Tottenham Hotspur 1-0 to win the League were shared between NHS workers and
Cup – the UK’s most-attended outdoor local residents. Attendees had to take a
event for over a year. lateral flow test 24 hours before the final.
The showpiece final was part of a set The sight of fans filling a fraction of
of pilot events trialling the return of the 90,000-seater national stadium was a
audiences, doubling the number that welcome one. The FA Cup Final between
attended last week’s FA Cup semi-final Chelsea and Leicester will have a crowd
between Leicester and Southampton. of 21,000 on May 15. Wembley then hosts
The allocation for the Carabao- eight games in this summer’s Euros.
sponsored showdown gave each side’s
fans 2,000 tickets, while the other 4,000 SPORT: BACK PAGE

By Giles Sheldrick
Chief Reporter

PEOPLE in their 30s will be told to

come forward for their Covid jabs
within days as the world-beating
vaccination programme reaches a
new generation.
The move comes as the NHS out-

flanked Europe once again to
secure an extra 40 million doses of
the Pfizer shot – double the origi-
nal order.
Thirty-somethings are expected
to be invited for their injections at
the end of this week as the rollout
races on.
Today a new TV advertising cam-
paign headlined “Every vaccina-
tion gives us hope” will urge under-
50s to get the jab.

Protective Booster Hancock said: “The UK vaccina- cines – Pfizer, AstraZeneca

hopes... tion programme will go down in (Oxford) and Moderna.
It was originally thought those the Valneva history as a phenomenal national In all eight different vaccines,
aged between 35 and 39 would be plant in effort in the battle against Covid. some of which have not yet been
told to come forward in the second Livingston, “Vaccines are helping us get approved, have been ordered. They
half of May or June, with those West back to doing the things we have include 100 million AstraZeneca
aged 18 to 24 and 25 to 29 receiv- Lothian, missed. They protect you and those doses and seven million made by
ing theirs in July. provide an
around you. US company Moderna.
But the programme is ahead of “This campaign is a remarkable
time with 33.5 million people,
vaccine and poignant reminder of every- Vulnerable
more than half the UK population, top-up thing we’ve been through as a
receiving their first jab. country and everything we have to In addition there are 60 million
Some 12 million have also had a look forward to – as well as the doses each of Novavax and
second dose. thought to be an ideal annual negotiations with the company tireless efforts of our volunteers, GlaxoSmithKline/Sanofi Pasteur,
Around 46 per cent of those shot against Covid and potential in September and now has the NHS heroes and the British people. 50 million of CureVac and 30 mil-
aged between 40 and 49 have variants. option to buy 190 million doses by “Every vaccination gives us hope lion of Janssen (Johnson &
already received a protective shot. A third clinical trial has just 2025. and I urge everyone to take up Johnson).
Yesterday it emerged Britain had started and subject to regulatory Vaccination and lockdown have the offer of one when it comes, as A booster programme is likely to
outmanoeuvred Europe once more approval could be available before drastically reduced the death toll. we continue on the path back start in the autumn. It aims to give
and placed an “in principle” order the end of the year. As of yesterday a further 11 people to normality.” a third dose to 10.3 million
for a yearly booster shot. The company said it wants bilat- had died after testing positive, Britain was the first country to over-70s and care home residents
The French-Austrian vaccine, eral agreements with individual bringing the UK total to 127,428. order the Pfizer jab, months before and those deemed clinically
manufactured by pharmaceutical countries rather than a centralised There were 1,712 new cases. there was evidence it even worked. extremely vulnerable.
giant Valneva in Scotland, is order from the EU. Britain started Last night Health Secretary Matt It has already approved three vac- Another 4.3 million health and

Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 7


FOUR thousand volunteers are By Hanna Geissler
being recruited to test a new Health Reporter
coronavirus vaccine.
The jab, developed by Valneva candidate, or two doses
Valneva, is being manufactured of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab,
at the company’s Scottish site in which has already been
Livingston, West Lothian. approved.
It is the only inactivated, Participants aged 18 to 29 can
adjuvanted Covid-19 vaccine also be enrolled to receive the
– meaning it has an ingredient Valneva vaccine but they will
to create a stronger immune not be offered the Oxford/
response – in clinical AstraZeneca vaccine.
development in Europe. If the trials are successful,
Inactivated jabs have been Valneva aims to make
used over the last 100 years to submissions for approval in the
vaccinate billions of people – autumn. It says it can provide
including for seasonal flu, up to 250 million vaccine doses
hepatitis A, polio and rabies. to the UK and other countries
After positive safety results around the world.

from the first two phases of the
trial – which showed the study
vaccine dose was “well
tolerated with no safety Up to 100 million doses of the
concerns identified” – vaccine have been secured by
recruitment for the final phase the UK. Volunteers will be
of the study will start before the vaccinated at the beginning of
end of April. May. Some will be on the NHS
The study will run across 22 Covid-19 Vaccine Research
National Institute for Health Registry, which has over
Research (NIHR) sites in 480,000 sign-ups.

England, and two devolved Thomas Lingelbach,
administration sites in Scotland. chief executive officer of
It is open to healthy adults Valneva, said: “The world
who have not had a Covid-19 needs multiple vaccines and
vaccine yet. But unlike previous we believe that ours has
vaccine trials, those over 30 an important role to play –
who participate will not be including boosters or
given a placebo and will instead potential modifications to
receive either two doses of the address variants.”

social care workers may also
be included.
letter, 22 signatories, including
Prof Carl Heneghan, of Oxford d
PREGNANT women are 22
times more likely to die from
Covid-19 than other women, a
ttop medic claims.
Professor Aris Papageorghiou
ssaid his findings show that
pregnant and post-pregnant
By Chris Riches
1,400 pregnant women without
Covid, one died. But in 700
pregnant women with Covid, 11
died – with the majority of the
deaths said to be virus-related.
Evidence suggests two doses of University, and Daily Expresss women should be prioritised
w Prof Papageorghiou added:
any vaccine provides long-lasting columnist and cancer guru Proff ffor vaccinations. “Our study unequivocally
immunity but experts hope giving Karol Sikora, believe mandatory y Currently they have the jab as shows women who are pregnant
a third jab before the winter will face coverings, physical distancing
g normal with their age group
n and become infected with Covid
protect against another surge. and mass community testing g unless they have specific
u have worse outcomes.
Ruth Rankine, primary care should end. underlying health conditions.
u “Covid in a pregnant woman
director at the NHS Confederation, But Prof Stephen Reicher, of Stt increases complications that
said: “The remarkable efforts of so
many people across the NHS,
Andrews University, said: “We
have heard from these people
e Complications can lead to premature birth,
which is the No 1 contributor
including across primary care, have before. They were wrong then and Prof Papageorghiou said that to newborn death and long-
led to the overwhelming success of they are wrong now. mums-to-be having Covid
m term disability.
the vaccination campaign with “It seems remarkably insular to doubles the risk of premature
d “Pregnant women should
nearly two-thirds of UK adults hav- repeat the claim in a week where birth. It also raises the risk of
b constitute a high-risk group by
ing had at least one jab.” infections are their highest level ccomplications during pregnancy virtue of their pregnancy.”
The success of the programme ever worldwide and global deaths by more than 50 per cent,
b The Department of Health
comes as some scientists think passed the three million mark.” iincluding a fivefold higher risk said: “We are focused on saving
Britain should be set free from The vaccination programme of needing intensive care.
o lives and we follow the advice
lockdown restrictions and enjoy a started on December 8 when The professor, who is a foetal of the Joint Committee on
summer of liberty. Margaret Keenan, 91, received m
medicine expert at Oxford Vaccination and Immunisation
In England all legal limits on her Pfizer jab. University, studied more than
U to vaccinate the most
social contact will be removed by 2,000 pregnant women. Of
2 vulnerable first, based on age.”
June 21 at the earliest. In an open OPINION: PAGE 12 New campaign under way today

8 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021




BRITAIN is sending more than 600
pieces of urgently needed medical
THE Covid surge in India has left By Chris Riches equipment to India.
crematoriums so overwhelmed that grieving It comes as a devastating surge in
families are burning victims in their gardens. The offer came after Prime Minister Imran Covid-19 cases has overwhelmed the
The country announced a record 349,691 Khan prayed for the “speedy recovery of the country’s health services.
infections and 2,767 deaths in the past 24 Indian people affected by the virus”. The first of nine plane-loads of
life-saving kit – including ventilators
hours amid concerns their second wave In the past month, daily cases have gone and oxygen concentrators – will arrive
could spark a new world health crisis. up eight times and deaths by ten times in in New Delhi early tomorrow.
It is feared the huge number of infections India. People were arranging stretchers and It follows Foreign Office discussions
of the Indian variant could lead to deadly oxygen cylinders outside hospitals as they with the Indian government.
coronavirus mutations. desperately pleaded for authorities to take Further consignments are due to be
So far 132 cases of the variant have been patients in yesterday. despatched later this week.
detected in Britain – around half of which Atul Gogia, a doctor in New Delhi, said: For the fourth straight day on
are in London. “It’s very hectic, physically, mentally and Sunday, India set a global daily record
India was added to the UK’s travel “red emotionally. Everything is full, we are over- for new infections, with another
list” last Friday, prompting a last-minute pressed, staff are catching the disease. We do 349,691 confirmed cases.
scramble for flights to Heathrow. not have places in the emergency room.” It took the country’s total to more
In Delhi, one coronavirus victim was Saswati Sinha, an intensive care doctor in than 16.9 million, behind only the
dying every four minutes and in some states Kolkata, said: “We are already over- United States.
the government has allowed families to whelmed. All of our wards, all of our critical Boris Johnson, who was due to visit
cremate victims on their own land. care beds are already at capacity.” India this week before the latest
deadly wave forced him to cancel,
Experts accused India of complacency
Horrific after just 10,000 new cases a day last winter
said in a statement the UK would do
whatever it could to help the country.
led authorities to lift restrictions, allowing He added: “We stand side by side
Experts worry that India’s true death toll for the resumption of big gatherings. with India as a friend and partner
could be 10 times higher than the official In February overconfident Prime Minister during what is a deeply concerning
figure because of poor recording of data and Narendra Modi said his nation was “inspir- time in the fight against Covid-19.
mass ad hoc cremations. ing the world” with their Covid fight. “Vital medical equipment, including
And the situation could become even He said then: “In a country which is home hundreds of oxygen concentrators
worse, with senior virologists warning the to 18 per cent of the world population, that and ventilators, is now on its way from
second wave could soon reach a peak of country has saved humanity from a big the UK to India to support efforts to
500,000 infections a day. disaster by containing corona effectively.” prevent the tragic loss of life from this
Dr Shahid Jameel, director of biosciences Now one third of the world’s Covid-19 terrible virus.
at Ashoka University, said modelling infections are taking place in India. “We will continue to work closely
suggests that cases will keep rising in the Global health expert Dr Anant Bhan said: with the Indian government... I’m
next fortnight. “It’s not the virus variants and mutations determined to make sure that the UK
does everything it can to support the
He said: “You will find two, sometimes which are a key cause of the current rise. It’s international community in the global
three patients in one bed in some the variants of ineptitude and abdication of fight against (this) pandemic.”
government hospitals. I’ve never ever seen public health-thinking by our decision mak- The equipment includes 495 oxygen
anything like this.” ers. We should have been messaging concentrators, 120 non-invasive
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken clearly for people to take vaccines ventilators and 20 manual ventilators
said: “Our hearts go out to the Indian in January and February from surplus UK stocks. The
people in the midst of the horrific when cases were down.” Government said it was in contact
outbreak. At least 20 coronavirus with Indian authorities to establish
“We are working closely with the patients died overnight on what further assistance is required.
Indian government and we will Friday at New Delhi’s Jaipur
rapidly deploy support to India’s Golden Hospital when the
health care heroes.” “oxygen pressure was low”,
Pakistan has also offered to the hospital admitted. The
send medical supplies to its High Court in New Delhi, India in its battle against the devastating Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have quadru-
neighbouring country in a home to 26 million, has ruled surge. He said: “Thanks to the huge efforts of pled infection rates from the first wave,
gesture of solidarity. It that anyone restricting oxygen British manufacturers we’re better able to others have yet to even suffer the surge.
has offered venti- supplies to hospitals “will deliver ventilators to other countries. It means the colossal Indian figures could
lators, oxygen be hanged”. “But also possibly send therapeutics, dex- climb far higher once the whole country –
supply kits, PM Boris Johnson amethasone, other things. We’ll look at what with its population of more than 1.3 billion
digital has pledged to aid we can do to help.” – comes under pressure.
X-ray Mr Johnson cancelled a trip to New Delhi Prof James Naismith, of Oxford University,
machines Complacency... where he had hoped to secure millions of said: “Vaccination means we will not ever
and PPE. Dr Anant Bhan doses. While northern states such as Gujarat, see such scenes from Covid-19 here.”

Beer we go...Australia is on
the Up for Anzac celebrations
PUBS across Australia By News Reporter
were packed as crowds
gathered to celebrate not wearing masks,
Anzac Day with a few cheered the return of the
tinnies and a traditional loved coin-tossing game.
game of Two-up. Two-up is a gambling
Covid restrictions last game made popular by
year put a stop to the Australian soldiers during
custom as the country the First World War.
went into strict lockdown. Anzac Day is the only
But this year the streets day of the year that pubs
of Sydney buzzed again and clubs can legally hold
Flipping fantastic…a crowd watches Two-up players hurl coins in the air as spectators, who were the event. Last year…Anzac Day in Sydney was a low-key affair

Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 9



Tears...a boy
grieves for his
father as the
Covid victim’s
body burns at a
crematorium in
New Delhi

Miles apart...Sumita, right, is unable to help mum Namita

By Max McLean
A WOMAN living in London says she feels “angry and
frustrated” at being unable to help her unvaccinated
82-year-old mother in India as Covid-19 cases there soar.
Sumita Singha – an architect, author and non-executive
director at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
– moved to the UK from India in 1988.
The country is on the Government’s travel “red list”,
with non-residents
banned from the UK
and returning Britons
forced to quarantine.
Ms Singha’s mother
Namita lives in Delhi
with another daughter
in an apartment she has
not left for months.
She was recently
offered a Covid jab. But At risk...Namita and grandsons
the new wave of cases in
India convinced her family it was best for her to stay in
her flat to cut her risk of exposure.
“We can’t afford to let my mum get ill. I just feel very
sad (and) a bit unable to help her,” said Ms Singha, 56,
who stressed she was not speaking on behalf of the NHS.
“I feel sort of embarrassed because I’ve had the Covid
vaccination here.
“I work for the NHS, so it’s kind of ironic that I’ve got
the vaccination and I have means for regular testing, but
my own mum is not able to access all that.”

By Mark Jefferies Progress into a coma and read: “It’s mental
...Derek torture. I need a break. I want to be put
KATE GARRAWAY has described is back unconscious.”
feeling “achingly alone” the moment at home Another asked the TV and radio star
husband Derek Draper went into a after the to tell their two children – Darcy, 15,
coma and feared she would never hear virus and Billy, 11 – how much he loved them
caused and said: “I don’t think you realise how
him speak again. major
The Good Morning Britain presenter bad it is, it is unimaginable.
has spoken of “big ups and downs” damage
“I literally feel like I’m drowning and
since Derek, 53, was rushed into every breath is my last.
intensive care with Covid-19 in March “Please tell them both I love them.
last year, with fears initially that he The doctor says there’s no chance of me
would never recover. dying. I just have to keep going.”
He recently left hospital and is with the children, the family, our Kate returned to hosting GMB last
recuperating at home after major organ wonderful life. You saved me.” July after three months off when Derek
damage caused by the virus, but in a Mother-of-two Kate writes in The was first taken into hospital. She is
new book Kate, 53, describes the day Power Of Hope: “The line went dead. I juggling her work with caring for Derek
when he was put into an induced coma suddenly felt alone, achingly alone. I and receives support from specialists.
in April last year. didn’t know if I would ever hear Derek’s ● Kate Garraway: The Power Of Hope,
At the time her beloved husband told voice again.” is published by Bantam Press on
her: “You saved my life. And I don’t just She also details the worrying text Thursday.
mean now because I’m going into the messages he sent describing his pain
‘Achingly alone’...Kate shares the couple’s journey coma to help me. I mean, everything, when in hospital. One begged to be put THANKING MY LUCKY STARS: PAGES 18 & 19

10 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

Picture: SnapperSK

9LWDPLQ& Tragedy...
hole in the

SURWHFWV windscreen
where the
EDE\EUDLQ crashed

killing Jack

By Tom Campbell
GIVING unborn babies
vitamin C can prevent
them from losing their
memories in later life,
according to a study.
The vitamin ensures
babies’ brains develop
properly – even if their
oxygen supply is cut
short, say scientists.
Low oxygen in the
womb, known as chronic
foetal hypoxia, is one
of the most common
complications women
face during pregnancy.
Cambridge University One of
researchers found it life’s
reduces the number of guys...
nerve cells and Jack
connections in the
child’s brain.
Study author Professor
Dino Giussani said: “It’s

exciting to think we
might be able to protect
the brain health of an
unborn child by a simple
treatment that can be
given to the mother

during pregnancy.”
The research, funded
by The British Heart
Foundation and The
Medical Research
Council, was published
in The FASEB Journal.

By John Twomey
AN ambulance worker who had five ued to investigate the “tragic” and an incident, whereby an object of
shifts left until he retired for good has “difficult” incident. some description had gone through
been killed after an object struck his ations delivery director, said: “We He added in a statement: “We are and pierced the windscreen and one of
windscreen. don’t think this was malicious, we still thoroughly investigating this inci- the crew members was unconscious.
By Ben Mitchell Police said yesterday they were think this is a tragic accident.” dent and, although at an early stage, “The driver of the vehicle, who was
“satisfied” that the death of ambu- He added: “Jack was a remarkable we are satisfied that this was not a also injured, was able to get out
A WOMAN died after lance technician Jeremy “Jack” Daw, character. He was one of life’s good deliberate act despite some specula- and try and help Jack and started
being pulled unconscious 66, was not due to a “deliberate act”. guys and he will be sorely missed in tion on social media. life-saving treatment to try and resus-
from the sea. He had retired as a paramedic in and around Hereford.” “We are continuing to support the citate him.”
A passenger hovercraft November but rejoined West Midlands Messages of sympathy have poured victim’s family at this challenging time Jack served for 25 years in a light
was alerted to her Ambulance Service in January to help in from emergency services across the and would ask that they are given infantry regiment before becoming a
presence in the water off his colleagues during the winter wave country, he added. time to grieve. paramedic in 1992, his family said.
Southsea, Hampshire, of coronavirus. “Jack was a loving husband, a father They added that he was a keen
on Saturday afternoon,
but police said it was not
The unidentified object struck his and for us in the ambulance service, Unconscious metal detectorist and accomplished
ambulance at 8am on Saturday as he he was not just a colleague but a dear tour guide as well as being a “devoted
involved in the incident. and the driver were on their way to an friend as well.” “They would like to thank everyone husband, father, grandfather and
The 59-year-old was emergency. The driver, who was also A picture of the damaged vehicle for the support and well-wishes they great-grandfather”.
rescued by a lifeboat injured, tried to revive Jack. showed a large hole in the windscreen have received.” Speaking about the NHS chief executive Sir Simon
crew and taken to Other ambulances raced to the on the passenger side. incident, Mr Hudson said: “We had a Stevens said he “represented the
hospital, but died later. scene on the A49 outside Hereford Early reports that an object had 999 call where the crew responded on best” of the health service.
A Hampshire Police but Jack could not be saved. been thrown at the vehicle were dis- Saturday shortly before 8am. About a West Mercia Police are asking any-
spokesman said: “Next Nathan Hudson, West Midlands missed. Insp Chris Watson, of West minute after eight, we had a 999 call one who saw the incident or has dash-
of kin have been Ambulance Service’s emergency oper- Mercia Police, said the force contin- to say the crew had been involved in cam footage to contact them on 101.
informed and are being
supported by officers.
Police do not believe the

hovercraft to have been
involved in any way.”
The death is not being
treated as suspicious.
A Coastguard POLICE trying to find the By Tom Pilgrim of the baby’s mother. A able to find the mother. We’re
spokeswoman said it mother of a newborn baby police statement said: “The very concerned for her and
received “multiple 999 boy found in a park have a park in King’s Norton, baby boy was possibly only want to check she is doing
calls” and despatched a released footage of a woman Birmingham, at around hours old when he was OK, physically and mentally.
lifeboat and helicopter. they believe could help with 5.30pm on Thursday. found, clothed and wrapped “Giving birth is a big thing
Hovertravel, which their inquiries. The CCTV footage shows in a blanket, by a dog walker. and we’re concerned she will
runs services to the Isle West Midlands Police a woman walking along a “He is being cared for at need medical help.
of Wight from Southsea, shared the video online as nearby road just before hospital, where he is thought “If anyone recognises the
confirmed its Solent they continue to search for 5.10pm that afternoon. to be full-term, healthy and woman in the CCTV, please
Flyer craft was alerted the mother. The force said it was “very doing well. get in touch, she may hold
but said it was not The baby was discovered at concerned” for the welfare “Sadly we’ve still not been vital information.” CCTV... woman walking
involved in the incident.
Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 11

Pictures: PA

Anne’s salute to Anzac war heroes

By Tony Jones
Princess Anne marks Anzac
Anne at the Day yesterday, paying
Australian War tribute to the Australian and
Duke’s wish... Supporting role Memorial and, New Zealand military.
inset, with Sir Tim. It marks the brave soldiers

Below, laying a who died in the First World
wreath at the New War Gallipoli landings.
Zealand memorial Anne and her husband,

Vice Admiral Sir Tim
Laurence, attended two
commemorative services in

London on behalf of the
Royal Family.
They were among a
reduced number attending
By Paul Jeeves the Anzac Day dawn service
in central London.
PRINCE Charles is expected There the princess laid
to step into his late father’s wreaths at both the
shoes by accompanying the Australian and New Zealand
Queen to the State Opening War Memorials, and signed a
of Parliament next month. book of remembrance.
Following Prince Philip’s
death, he is to be designated Thanksgiving
the Queen’s official “consort”
and will join his mother for The couple then visited
the ceremony on May 11. Westminster Abbey for a
Charles, 72, will be the first service of commemoration
member of the Royal Family and thanksgiving.
Prince William, who
to assume duties to help was also present, said:
support his bereaved “The Anzac qualities of
95-year-old mother. endurance, courage,
Before the Duke of ingenuity, good humour and
Edinburgh died aged 99 on mateship are admired as
April 9, Charles visited him in fiercely as ever before.”
hospital and Prince Philip Thousands of Australian
gave emotional advice on how and New Zealand troops
to look after the Queen and died in the ill-fated 1915
lead the Royal Family. Gallipoli campaign.
It will not be the first time Allied forces launched an
the Prince of Wales has amphibious attack on the
accompanied the Queen to the strategically important
State Opening of Parliament, Turkish peninsula which was
having sat alongside his key to controlling the route
to the Black Sea and Russia.
mother many times since 1996. But the plan, backed by
A House of Lords source Winston Churchill, who
said: “It is a clear signal that was then first lord of the
the Queen does not want the admiralty, led to stalemate
crown to skip a generation and and withdrawal eight
that Prince Charles will start months later.
taking on an even bigger role.”

AN EXPLOSIVE new version By Paul Jeeves reissue of Finding Freedom will Charles and William are “trapped
of Prince Harry and Meghan’s aggravate the simmering tensions. in the system”.
biography Finding Freedom is set from official duties and move to A senior courtier is reported to Harry missed the Queen’s 95th
to fan the flames of their royal rift America last year. have said: “The Oprah interview birthday on Wednesday and is
even further. The new version, out on August detonated a bomb under the Royal believed to have met Charles and
Out this summer, it will tackle 5, is also expected to discuss their Family and most of them are still William only once.
their infamous Oprah Winfrey multi-million pound deals with reeling in shock. The book will Both were both badly wounded
interview. Netflix and Spotify, and their new not help.” by his decision to emigrate and
And it will include denials life in California. Another senior royal source pour his heart out on TV.
that Meghan bullied royal staff But it could also deal with the added: “After Oprah, what else is After the funeral William and
and cover the recent death and Queen’s decision to strip them of there to say?” Harry walked back to Windsor
funeral of Prince Philip. their royal patronages including Harry, 36, flew back to the US Castle. Later there was a face-to-
The first edition, by Omid Harry’s military roles. last Tuesday after the funeral – his face meeting within the grounds of
Scobie and Carolyn Durand, was Royal fans had hoped Harry and first trip back to Britain in a year. the castle between the brothers
published last August. his brother William would rebuild It was also the first time he had and Charles.
It painted a sugar-coated picture their fractured relationship after seen his family since making Harry missed his grandmother’s
of the Duke and Duchess of they were seen speaking at the explosive allegations about royal birthday, but wanted to get home
Sussex’s four years together lead- Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral this racism during the interview with to Meghan, 39, who is pregnant
Revelations...Meghan and Harry ing to their decision to withdraw month. But insiders fear the Oprah. He also claimed his father with their second child, a girl.

12 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

Britain is ready to
boom thanks to
One Canada Square, London E14 5AP
Tel: 020 8612 7000 (outside UK: +44 20 8612 7000)

Forget the tittle tattle,

just look at the facts
a Brexit bounce
OES anyone take seriously the spiteful
threats from divisive Downing Street
aide Dominic Cummings? Or lose sleep
over the substance of leaked texts?
As Liz Truss says, it is all just tittle tattle.
The only person to whom it matters is
Labour leader Keir Starmer, who is
desperate to concoct a story of Government


sleaze to cover his own failings.
That’s the same Keir Starmer who was
happy to clamour for ventilators, along with
PPE, at the height of the first lockdown but

MOOD of frenzied
now sees something dubious in the Prime excitement now grips
Minister’s efforts to urgently secure such Westminster. As embit-
equipment with help from industrialists like tered former aide
James Dyson. Dominic Cummings
What really matters to people is when pours his vitriol on the
they will get their vaccinations, when they Prime Minister, the air is thick
will see the end of Covid restrictions, and with claims of chaos and sleaze.
Leaking, plotting, feuding and
whether they will have a job as we come demanding inquiries seem to be
out of lockdown. the current favourite enthusi-
So far, the vaccine roll-out has been asms of the political class.
an astonishing success, the economy Yet these colourful antics
is looking set fair to bounce back from appear to have had little impact
the pandemic, and there are already on public opinion. In fact, one
welcome signs of levelling up around the poll yesterday showed the
country. Tories have extended their lead
Boris Johnson must not let himself get over Labour to 11 points. That
side-tracked by petty nonsense but must could be because, despite the
stick to the task of governing. headline-grabbing furore, voters
believe the Government is
Summer smiles ahead? doing a decent job on combat-
ting the Covid pandemic and
promoting economic recovery.
BIG DEAL: International Trade Secretary Liz Truss with Australian Trade Minister Dan Tehan last week

ITH more than half of the population The vaccine programme has
having already had a first dose of been a phenomenal success, far border would be an insur-

Leo McKinstry
Covid vaccine, the good news just beyond anything achieved by mountable stumbling block.
keeps coming. other European countries. With Such misplaced negativity illus-
Those over 45 can already book their jab around half of the population trates how the Europhiles have
and, with millions more doses secured, having received at least one allowed their judgment to be
vaccinations will be offered to Britons in dose, the country is moving Daily Express columnist warped by anti-British ideology.
their 30s within days as the roll-out ramps towards normality again. Yet the facts keep contradict-
At the same time, post-Covid ing their dogma. As with the
up again. prosperity beckons. According would be wrecked as surely as promising. A recent survey vaccines and economic growth,
The effectiveness of the vaccines has been to the IMF, Britain will enjoy our healthcare. The Remainers’ showed one in three German Britain is triumphing as a nego-
proved to such an extent that many experts the fastest expansion of any narrative of despair featured businesses plans to increase tiator of trade deals.
want to see an end of all Covid restrictions, major developed nation over meltdown at our ports because their investment in Britain.

including masks and social distancing, by the next two years, reaching 5.3 of border checks and vaccine Financial giant Goldman Sachs
June 21. per cent this year and 5.1 per shortages because of our exclu- has just announced it is to open
We only need to look at the crisis in India cent next. sion from the EU’s scheme. a new office in Birmingham,
to see the perils of declaring victory over But the sclerotic Brussels explaining “we see this as a tre- ITH the formidable

the pandemic too soon, but the light at the empire is the one in real trou- mendous opportunity to enhance Liz Truss at the
end of the tunnel is coming into sharper ble, as Britain forges ahead. our UK presence and continued helm as Trade
focus and it looks like a glorious British What we can see now is not a delivery for global clients”, Secretary, the Government has
NDEED, the economic post-Brexit decline, but a Brexit words that confound all the secured agreements worth
summer. revival is already here, bounce. “Forecasts of unmiti- bleak warnings from the pro- £900billion since Brexit.
At this rate, thanks to our brilliant helped by the vaccine roll- gated gloom have been wrong EU brigade about Britain’s Last week saw a major break-
scientists, the summer solstice will not only out. The Office for National and deceitful,” writes Wolfgang post-Brexit isolation. through in talks with Australia
be the longest day, but the happiest. Statistics reported last week Münchau, director of specialist In the same vein, Guillame for a £19billion deal, which
that growth in February was a news service Eurointelligence. Faury, head of the mighty could boost our exports by
One last acronym duty healthy 0.4 per cent, while
unemployment actually fell in
Contrary to the grim Airbus conglomerate, declared another £900million. “It shows
Remainer propaganda about recently that “we want to grow what we can do outside the
the first two months of the year. dwindling trade and paralysed in the UK”, having been reas- EU,” Ms Truss rightly said.

MG! So, ex-AC12 DI Kate survived last
week’s shoot-out cliffhanger and it was In an interview published at the docks, British exports to the EU sured by our trade deal with the The EU lumbers on, pulled
weekend, Ben Broadbent, the recovered in February by EU. down by federalist ideology and
the OCG man left dead, only for an Deputy Governor of the Bank £3.7billion to £11.6billion, That deal is due to be for- bureaucracy. Typically, the
ARU to be sent after Kate and her MIT of England, bullishly predicted close to last year’s £12billion mally ratified by the European Commission last week pub-
DCI Jo by the nasty DCS. “very rapid growth at least over monthly average. Similarly, a Parliament tomorrow, making a lished a 108-page document on
Then followed a grilling of the DCI, for the next couple of quarters”. vast exodus of financial services mockery of eager Remainer its plans for digital regulation.
the DIR, but we’re still left waiting for H to It was not meant to be like jobs to Europe never happened. speculation that the current dis- In contrast, from the vaccines
be unmasked as the arch-acronym. this. An army of experts kept Other indicators are just as pute over the Northern Irish to international deals, Britain
If you’re not a fan of TV’s Line Of Duty telling us the coronavirus and has demonstrated how to

‘The sclerotic Brussels empire is

you won’t have a clue. Brexit would leave us a bat- exploit our post-Brexit flexibil-
Even if you are, you’re probably still lost. tered, broken island. Cut off ity, harnessing our talent for

the one that is in real trouble’

QED, we’ll all have to wait until next from the protective embrace of innovation to our entrepreneur-
the EU, it was argued our trade ial spirit for a bright future.
week’s nail-biting finale. OK?

James Whale
Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 13


Football’s only
goal is money 3URWHFWWKH1+6E\
YOU know how people say never
talk about something you don’t
know about?
Well, I’ve made a living out of it
and I’m afraid I can’t really resist
sticking my oar in about this
flipping football fiasco.
I don’t follow football as I’ve

never really been that interested Pictures:BPM; GETTY
in spectator sport, but I know

Mr Mercer,
HESE days you can’t write a
lots of people do and most of the column without menacing
arguments seem to go back to music in the background and
their memories of the old days,
a deep gravelly voice intoning

I salute you
whatever that means, and how
this new Super League would the word “lockdown”. I’ve
have killed off the little clubs. done my time self-isolating, as
I thought they had already we all have, and I don’t think a national
gone but one thing I don’t lockdown can or should happen again.
understand is how the grossly But a word to the wise, Boris: the WELL done Johnny Mercer.
overpaid guys get so much. other night I was out in Soho in the The defence minister,
Because, let’s face it, the centre of London and there was a most who quit last week, didn’t
girls don’t get paid anywhere amazing atmosphere. I was sitting with like the way veterans are
near as much. There’s no parity my friend, Nanny, outside a little Italian being treated. Johnny
in football. restaurant and there was no social dis- had a number of tours in
Football is an entertainment Afghanistan: he was a
tancing, not much mask wearing and real soldier and has now
business, not a sport. So let’s everybody was happy and smiley.
not confuse the two. And the turned to politics and
There were a lot of police hanging is trying to make a
stars want to get as much as around and people with the words
they can but the amount of difference.
money all these guys seem to
“Covid Marshal” written on their high- He’s highlighted the
get is unbelievable. vis jackets. But even if they had been ridiculous way some MPs
Apparently it’s our national ordered to clear the crowds, there were and civil servants
sport. I couldn’t care less. simply too many people. behave, feeling that
Leave them to it and if you I’ve had two jabs and most of my they are in some way
don’t like it or what they’re doing friends have had at least one. And we superior to the rest of
don’t watch it. Easily solved. can’t shut down the economy again but us. They are not.
here is my suggestion for what it’s worth. They are simply
The main reason for closing every- members of the public

■ OH dear. Nanny has thing down was to protect the who decide they want to
just phoned. I had NHS. But to protect it from be public servants. That
to hold the phone means to serve us.
what? In my view, bad man- I think a lot of Members
away from my ear agement and the inability to
as she was of Parliament on all sides
tell the politicians what of the House forget this.
screaming like they need to do has con-
a banshee. Well done, Johnny.
tributed to the greatest These guys need to wake
I wondered what risk. Similarly, in trying to
was going on. up. The way they tried to
Somebody must improve it, politicians have sack you before you had
surely have had a messed up the NHS. the chance to resign was
catastrophe. In fact It’s free at the point of use, just rude.
they had, but it was and that must never change, And the issue that
hedgehogs she is worried but in the 21st century a lot of Johnny resigned over –
about – and rightly so. sensible adjustments do need to be the treatment of
I love hedgehogs but apparently made. Because, if, God forbid, we have veterans, particularly
there is an epidemic of nutty another crisis like this, it is clear the sys- those who served in
gardeners with electric strimmers. tem might not be able to cope. Northern Ireland – does
Those prats like to have stripey need to be addressed and
While those Nightingale hospitals can today, not tomorrow.
lawns and then go round the edges be rebuilt easily enough, we don’t have
in the long grass with a strimmer. enough staff to run them. The NHS must
Nanny tells me there have been be better staffed for the next tragedy.
several cases of hedgehogs with

There is no doubt it is the greatest I’VE just been chatting to my friend Timmy from friends to see if they agree, because I’m
severe facial injuries as a result of health system in the world, but that
the stupid strimming brigade. from Timmy’s World on TV. He’s known as thinking of giving it a try.
You might want your garden doesn’t mean it is perfect. the celebrity hairdresser, in case any of you So if anybody needs to speak to me before
looking pristine, but spare a Politicians have failed to make tough are still in need after lockdown. midday, forget it. My vocal cords are resting.
thought for our little prickly friends decisions because they’re frightened of a Anyway Timmy is also a singer and is Some people have even said maybe I should
doing the gardeners an enormous public backlash. rehearsing with a guy who was in Phantom Of rest my voice from 7pm. I’ve pointed out that’s
amount of good eating the slugs. They need to grab the NHS by the The Opera. He has been told if you want to get when I’m on the radio, but maybe they knew
Remember: check, check, check neck, shake it vigorously, change the the best out of your voice you shouldn’t speak that. Best of luck, all those that are joining the
before you cut. system and then put in the money it until midday. So I’ve been canvassing opinion stay-silent-till-midday gang.
needs. I thank you.


CLIMATE change, climate change. I’m At the moment, unless of course you bring the rest of the world carries on as usual. getting rid of the enormous amount of
fed up with hearing about it. The climate down the price of electric cars, solar panels Politicians surely need to make every waste, stopping people dropping litter
has always changed – though I accept and all the rest of it, until you address the country adhere to what we are going to do. and locking up the graffiti artists messing
mankind and our technology advances are problems of China, America and other large Then I would be on board with you up the centre of towns and cities would be
not helping. nations where the populations are double or right away because I agree we need to save a start.
I cannot believe that this Government is treble our own, what is the point? the planet. Eventually, if mankind And let’s stop buying everything from
pushing harder than anywhere else to If we got rid of all our fossil fuel, our diesel continues to reproduce the way we are China. I’m told even the test and trace
become carbon neutral. This will cost a lot of and petrol cars and took away our log doing, the planet will probably kick us off system equipment is coming from China.
money for a lot of people who can’t afford it. burners, it would make no difference at all if like dogs’ fleas. But cleaning the planet up, Politicians, you have got to wake up.

14 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

Horror...for star Ashley



Liz Truss is

confident in

baby dies talks with

Dan Tehan,
By Sherna Noah
THE eight-month-old By Sam Lister
daughter of former Deputy Political Editor
footballer and Ex On
The Beach star Ashley CHEAPER Australian wine will be on
Cain has died from an the supermarket shelves once the
aggressive form of Government signs a trade deal with
leukaemia. the nation.
Azaylia Diamond International Trade Secretary Liz
Cain was diagnosed
when she was just
Truss said the agreement will help
eight weeks old. UK shoppers by lowering the prices
A fundraiser to help of imports.
her reached more than And it will fuel growth by creating
£1.5million. jobs as the number of exports
Posting an image of increase, including in premium items
his daughter in his such as cars and Scottish whisky.
arms, Ashley, 30, who Ms Truss dismissed claims that
played for Coventry Australia will do five times better out
City, wrote on of the deal than the UK as “very according to the Government. And
Instagram: “Rest In defeatist” and “pessimistic”. Ms Truss insisted the deal will protect
Paradise Princess. She said it was based on a “static British farmers from unfair competi-
“I will always hold analysis” of the position now but tion from Australian counterparts.
you in my heart until I the world will be “very different She told BBC’s The Andrew Marr
can hold you again in in 2030”.
heaven.” Azaylia’s
Show yesterday: “I can absolutely
promise we are not going to lower
mother, Safiyya
Vorajee, wrote: “You Protect our excellent food standards in order
are my angel, my to do this trade deal.
heartbeat, my soul. The minister added: “Of course, “But what we will do through
“RIP my precious what we need to do is encourage this trade deal is to make sure
baby, you will more British businesses to export. we get fantastic British products
always be with me “Currently, only one in 10 British into Australia at a much cheaper
like a handprint on businesses export. I want to get more price – whether it’s whisky or cars –
my heart.” of them doing that. which will drive jobs and growth
In November, the “So, it’s not a fixed prediction. We across Britain.
couple made a plea for can change the way we do things. “It also gives us access to a
people to register as a “But actually bringing products in fantastic, fast-growing part of the ing parts of the world.” Ms Truss and to be signed off by respective
stem cell donor after from Australia at more affordable world, the Asia-Pacific. Australian trade minister Dan Tehan parliaments.
being told their prices is great for British consumers – “We’re expecting 66 per cent of vowed last Friday to “enter a sprint” Australia was the UK’s fifth largest
daughter required a whether it is wine or other Australian
transplant, which led
the world’s middle-classes to be there to the finish in talks after making trading partner in 2019, with total
products.” by 2030. significant progress in the latest round trade between the nations that year
to 41,000 people
applying within An ambitious free trade agreement “So this is all about creating new of negotiations. worth £18.8billion.
48 hours. could increase UK exports to jobs and growth for the future and An agreement is expected to be
Australia by up to £900million, hitching Britain to the fastest-grow- finalised in June and will then need LEO McKINSTRY: PAGE 12

16 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

JLYHFDVK A PLAN to start charging tourists
who visit the balcony where
By News Reporter owned. Courts found in their
favour. The Casa di Giulietta is a

WRFKDULW\ Romeo is said to have wooed

Juliet has been thrown out.
The iconic courtyard in Verona,
featured in William Shakespeare’s
to the romantic heroine. Verona
mayor Federico Sboarina wanted
to install turnstiles and make
visitors book online to boost
renovated 14th-century home
that belonged to the Cappello
family, possibly the inspiration for
the Capulets in Romeo and Juliet.
By Ian Fletcher
famous 1597 play, is one of the Covid safety. The protruding balcony was
AT least 1.6 million charity few free tourist hotspots in Italy. He said: “We can no longer added in the 20th century.
donors have cancelled their It was also in the 2010 film allow overcrowding.” Around three million
direct debits to a good cause Letters to Juliet in which Amanda But the plan was blocked by holidaymakers visit every year
since the pandemic started. Seyfried plays one of the women B&B and gift shop owners who – some even rub the right breast
The figure is forecast to That’s where art thou...Verona balcony who answers letters left by people said the courtyard is not publicly of a Juliet statue for good luck.
rise to 2.2 million this year
and into 2022 as financial
hardship continues.
The Covid-19 Support
Fund, launched a year ago by
the insurance and savings
industry to help charities,
commissioned the survey.
It found 40 per cent of
Life behind Barbies... By Stian Alexander
THIS prison cell looks dazzling in bright
pink after being spruced up as part of a
radical initiative.
Female inmates at HMP Peterborough,
charities expect a fall in Cambs, were allowed to choose colour
donations, as giving by the schemes for their cells to make them
public plummets. more “homely”.
The survey also reveals And one prisoner transformed her bleak
that the way people give may grey room by redecorating it in “Barbie
change. Of those who do still pink”, complete with pink curtains,
intend to donate, one in 10 bedsheets, pillow and laundry bag.
plans to give to smaller Managers at the jail were praised for
charities. The same number the initiative in a report by Her Majesty’s
wants to volunteer. Chief Inspector of Prisons, Charlie Taylor.
The survey questioned It said: “Women were able to personalise
2,000 consumers and 25 their cells, which they appreciated, and
many we saw were painted in bright
charities. colours, which women said made them feel
Colm Holmes, chair of the more homely.”
Covid-19 Support Fund
governance committee and a
director at Aviva, said: “Our
findings suggest charities could The inmates have also been issued
face a funding shortfall going with pedometers to help them stay fit
into 2022 which could have after the pandemic forced the closure of
serious repercussions on those the prison gym.
who depend on them. The report said: “PE staff had made
“Keeping charities afloat in efforts to offset the lack of structured
these tough times is crucial.” exercise by offering women advice on
in-cell fitness and nutrition on request,
Decline as well as some yoga in the mother and
baby unit.
“Weight management was important to
Among the beneficiaries a number of women we spoke to, and the
of the £100million raised by prison encouraged them by issuing
the support fund is pedometers. PE staff visited units each
Streets2Home, a charity week to allow women to weigh
based in Harlow, Essex, themselves.”
which runs a day centre for Inspectors visited the 396-capacity
homeless people in the privately run jail, which shares a site with
community to rest, make a men’s prison, last month.
friends and get assistance. Three-quarters of the women said they
Chief executive Kerrie suffered mental health issues, but only 15
Eastman said: “Whilst it’s Jailhouse shock... per cent found it easy to see a mental
difficult to predict what the pink cell at HMP health worker, it was said.
next year will bring, we are Peterborough
anticipating a fall in donations
from the public post-pandemic.

“Many of our supporters
are local people and small A LOVELORN police sergeant has By Chris Riches
businesses who have and will been kicked out – for sending his
continue to suffer the decline estranged wife links to their favour- hearing before Chief Constable
in the economy. ite romantic songs. Darren Martland – he was dismissed
“But we have been fortunate Cheshire Police’s Sgt Stuart Berry, for two counts of gross misconduct.
41, was under a family court non- Mr Martland said afterwards: “It is

to benefit from the Covid-19
Support Fund. The funds molestation order banning him con- my view the behaviour of Sgt Berry
we received allowed us to tacting his ex for a year. has fallen so far below
continue supporting those in But drunkenly brows- the expectation of a serv-
need with essential services. ing YouTube, the officer ing police officer.”
Gee Cook, chief executive of found “songs that meant Deputy Chief Con-
New Routes, a refugee charity something to him and stable Julie Cooke added:

in Norwich, said: “We have his wife” and sent her “It is essential people
noticed the impact that the three links. have both confidence
prolonged crisis is having on He also breached the and trust in the service
people’s ability to give. ban by emailing her after we deliver.”
“Large businesses are in a hearing she had taken At the police hearing,
position to really help plug their marital home off Punishment... Preston Oliver King, defending,
the market. magistrates’ court said Sgt Berry was “cour-

this funding gap. Our grant
came via the Covid-19 At Preston magistrates’ teous and polite” during
Support Fund, and was court last week, the former corporal the messaging. But while drunkenly
massively important for us and UN peacekeeper was given 18 browsing YouTube, he came across
at a time when other sources months’ community service, a songs “from happier” times.
of funding dried up.” 12-week curfew and ordered to pay Sgt Berry, who was in the force for
£540 in costs and victim’s surcharge. 18 years, is appealing against his
Last Thursday – after a disciplinary criminal conviction for harassment.

Pictures: GREG MCLAUGHLIN/PICTUREEXCLUSIVE.COM Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 17

KXUWE\ New twist to the end of the rainbow
MXQNIRRG Striking... the
tornado is
illuminated by
By William Janes the rainbow
EVEN small amounts of
junk food can leave
children stunted with
weaker bones,
researchers have found.
Tests on mice showed
that fare high in fat
and sugar with lots of
additives damaged
growth plates.
Made of cartilage, the
plates are found at the
end of long bones, such
as those in arms and legs
and are areas of growth
in youngsters.
Previous studies say
around half of children
eat junk food every day.
Prof Efrat Monsonego-
Ornan, of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem,
said: “Even in reduced
amounts, the ultra-
processed foods can
have a negative impact
on skeletal growth.
“Even if we reduce
fats, carbs, nitrates, and
other known harmful
substances, these foods
still possess damaging
attributes. Every part of SOMEWHERE over the By Frances Millar
the body is prone to it.” rainbow... there’s a giant
The study was tornado and its heading this expecting it to be quite so
published in Bone way. spectacular. There is
Research. This may look like a scene definitely an adrenaline rush
from movie The Wizard Of that kicks in. It always starts

Oz but this isn’t Kansas... out with a lot of waiting and
it’s a striking image of wild anticipation.
Texan weather. “Then the storm revs up in
Storm chaser Greg a hurry and everything clicks

ZRPHQV McLaughlin, 40, from Tulsa

in Oklahoma, travelled 650
miles to capture the moment
into high gear almost
instantly. I also have to drive
and navigate to keep up.

EDFNSDLQ a cluster of twisters ripped

across the town of Vernon.
And he had his camera
“I am operating around
hundreds of other storm
chasers and it is quite a
ready last Friday when a circus. I am almost always
By Joe Morgan rainbow lit up the stormy worn out the day following a
skies. He said: “I wasn’t big storm chase.”
WOMEN who suffer
chronic back pain are
more likely to die young

without proper
treatment, warns a study.
Both sexes are equally
affected by the problem,
with around 80 per cent
of adults reporting it in
their lifetimes, but
findings suggest only

women face a higher risk
of premature death.
Scientists say older
women are more likely
to suffer, limiting
activities which can lead
to weight gain or worsen
chronic conditions.
Often the issue is
treated with dangerous HALF of Britons may be suffering By Hanna Geissler ness due to poor sleep, while nearly
opioids, when massage, from hay fever, including sneezing, half of workers said it affected their
chiropractic care and itchy eyes and runny noses – almost of the majority of pollen driven concentration. Yet 44 per cent had
acupuncture are effective double the previous estimates. hay fever symptoms. never discussed their hay fever
alternatives. A poll found that 49 per cent had “Furthermore, with warmer with a doctor.
Dr Eric Roseen, symptoms and more than a third of weather, pollen counts can be high However the blossom didn’t
assistant professor at the them – 37 per cent – had only as a response to high atmos- put off Samantha Gibson and
Boston University become afflicted in the last five pheric levels of carbon diox- daughter Rosie, three, who
School of Medicine, said: years. ide.” It polled 7,000 people in went to the Tai Haku
“I hope this study will Charity Allergy UK said the partnership with Kleenex to Cherry Tree Orchard in
lead to a better increase could be linked to climate mark the start of Allergy Northumberland yesterday.
understanding of the change and rising temperatures. Awareness Week. Met Office forecaster
long-term impacts of Amena Warner, at Allergy UK, More than a third of Martin Bowles said: “Over
back pain.” said: “There is evidence that cli- sufferers are con- the next few days tem-
The study’s findings mate change, with increasing tem- cerned about peratures are going to
were published in the peratures, may contribute to spending time out- be dropping a bit to
Journal of General extending the grass pollen season doors, almost two 59F in the South and
Internal Medicine. In the pink...Samantha and Rosie enjoy blossom in the UK. Grass pollen is the cause thirds report tired- 53F in the North.”
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Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 21
Pictures: BNPS/SWNS

Reunited...Harry’s war medal

By Mark Reynolds
THE miraculous survival of a
First World War soldier has been
discovered after his medal was
bought on eBay.
Adam Simpson-York, 35,
researched Pte Harry Risings
after buying his British War Trench
Medal for £32. footage...
He found a “statement of Chris shot
wounds” telling how the soldier his scenes,
was shot in the chest on the left, in the
Western Front in April 1917, specially-
during the Second Battle of the constructed
Scarpe. Pte Rising’s report said: set built
“I suddenly fell and remember in his
nothing more parents’
for a time. The back
garden, right
bullet had
through the

That’s Somme garden makeover

left chest and
out of the
Adam, left,
tracked down
Pte Rising’s A STUDENT filmmaker has shown his By Sarah Lumley supportive – I think it means a lot to her
great-granddaughter Sharon commitment to his craft – by digging an that I’m keeping our family history alive,
Field, 55, to give her the medal. authentic First World War trench in his my great-grandfather’s aren’t forgotten, and telling her grandfather’s story.
She said: “I feel proud and parents’ back garden. and keep getting told. Sadly, my great- “I’m very much a perfectionist when it
Chris Richards, 22, who starred as an grandfather passed away in the early comes to set-building and design, and
honoured to now have it in my 1980s, before I was born, so I never got to
extra in 2019’s blockbuster, 1917, decided historical accuracy is also very important
possession and to be able to to combine his degree in film production meet him. to me.”
hand it down to my children.” at the University of Winchester in Hants “But I hope he would have been proud He added: “It was quite the undertaking.
Adam has bought more than with his passion for military history. of what I’m doing. This project has made We did it all using hand tools, just as it
20 medals and hopes to return Chris wrote, directed and starred in his me feel very close to him.” would have been done at the time, to
them to family members. short film Crossed Lines: The Story of the Chris and his brother spent three days make it more authentic.
Sharon said she knew of Pte Signallers, which is based on the role constructing the trench and braved wind, “It makes you realise what strenuous
Rising’s army career, but had played by signallers in the Great War – rain, and even a brief spell of snow. work it was.”
no idea about him being shot. one of whom was his great-grandfather, He said: “My mum was a bit concerned Chris also filled his trench with hired
She said: “What Adam does Private Lewis Blackman. when I first told her what I wanted to do military equipment, including ammunition
is such a lovely thing and I am Chris, from St Albans, Herts, said: “It’s – as she kind of sees the garden as a bit crates, food tins, a Lee-Enfield rifle, and a
so grateful.” very important to me that stories such as of a haven for her. But she’s been really First World War field telephone.

By John Besley that this is the “decisive decade” to avoid the
worst of the climate crisis as he outlined tar-
that Russia’s notorious military intelligence
agency, the GRU, blew up a Czech arms
MI6 has begun monitoring large industrial gets for the US to halve its emissions by 2030. factory, killing two.
countries to ensure they uphold their climate The MI6 chief said Vladimir Putin’s regime C said: “When you get that pattern of reck-
change commitments, its chief has revealed. is top of his concerns. The Russian president less behaviour, you then look at what is hap-
Richard Moore said the Secret Intelligence last week pulled back almost 100,000 pening around Ukraine and it worries
Service is “green spying” on the world’s troops from the Ukraine border, just us. It is why we have co-ordinated so
biggest polluters to support what he calls the as an invasion looked imminent. closely with our allies to make sure
“foremost international foreign policy agenda C revealed that Britain and the US we are getting firm messages back to
item for this country and the planet”. had warned Putin a significant toll President Putin.
Mr Moore, known in Whitehall as C, told would be exacted if the invasion “Russia is a declining power
Times Radio: “Where people sign up to went ahead. He said: “The Russians economically and demographically.
commitments on climate change, it is perhaps are in absolutely no doubt of where The treatment of Alexei Navalny saw
our job to make sure what they are really ryone to come on board and to play fair, then the UK stands.” thousands of protesters on the
doing reflects what they have signed up to. occasionally check to make sure they are.” Last week it was revealed streets. It shows that there is
“As somebody used to say, ‘trust, but ver- His comments come just days after US a deal of disaffection
ify’. On climate change, where you need eve- President Joe Biden warned world leaders Climate pledge...Joe Biden with Mr Putin.”

22 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021


How a clapped-out tractor

By Emma Gray

Y SISTER swept in on a breeze of
glamour and scent. Caroline is a
blonde bombshell, sophisticated
and tastefully dressed, but hardy
as they come. She can lamb a
sheep as well as anyone. She’s not
a farmer (she has more sense) but had been
a godsend to me in the weeks after I had
broken my back when my parents’ quad
bike overturned while I was herding sheep
for them.
Caroline and my other sister, Elizabeth –
respectively three and seven years younger
than me – are my greatest friends. Growing
up on the family farm, we were always full
Following a series
of mischief. We also fought like cat and dog;
to this day, I still bear the scars of some of
the vicious battles we got ourselves into.
of setbacks, a new
“Are you living on cereal?” Caroline had
stepped through the front door and into the
kitchen, where she was confronted with all
the bowls in the sink. “And have you got all
farming project, a
the dogs in the house?” She sniffed at the
distinct aroma of work dogs. It was true, I
had let things slip since my accident.
handsome Scottish
fireman and an
NEW LIFE: Emma with baby
Len and, below, Fallowlees
Farm in remote Northumberland
I HAD left hospital on a sunny June day
wearing a corset brace from my neck to my
hips. I stayed at my parents’ farm while I
mechanical failure
healed and got used to the brace, and one of
the first jobs I did on my arrival was ring up
and cancel all my forthcoming contractual
combine to bring
work shepherding. I hated doing it. I felt
guilty and unreliable.
Even worse, it meant I had zero income
the change of luck
until I was able to work again. I was used to
getting by on very little, but this was sup-
posed to be one of my most profitable times
Emma richly
of the year. I had my lambing money, of
course, but I’d been planning to invest it in
things for the farm rather than fritter it away
just existing.
deserves in our
final extract from
A FTER a few weeks I was
at last allowed back to
Fallowlees, the National
Trust farm in Northumberland
where I’d taken the tenancy
two years earlier aged 23,
becoming Britain’s youngest
‘Are you
living on
cereal? And have
you got the dogs
Tinder? It’s a new dat-
ing app. Now you have
mobile reception up
her memoir
Scotland rugby top, I was reminded of Mel first date. I had entered into a farming part-
Gibson in the film Braveheart. “Ping a mes- nership with John and Rosalind Murray. The
sage,” Caroline said. I had nothing to lose. farm was called Healey Mill and was a
solo shepherdess. I was in the house? It here it’ll be so much 25-minute drive away, near the village of
delighted to be home.
Restricted by my brace, I was true, I had easier. It doesn’t take a
I would, effectively, be in charge of it with
couldn’t bend down or pick let things slip’ Until recently, recep- 240 acres of ground at my disposal, rent-
anything up but I was mobile. tion at Fallowlees had been free, in return for looking after 200 ewes. I
This lack of structure gave me a lot so poor I had to rely on a would need to stay on at Fallowlees but that
of time for contemplation about where temperamental satellite, which suited me. My heart was jumping as I saw
I was going and what I wanted. My dreams only worked on nice days and when NOVEMBER 5, Guy Fawkes Night, was the new place laid out in front of me. I had
seemed so outrageously big, so unreachable. the swallows weren’t perched on top of it. chilly and mizzly – a typical autumnal my own steading, a cattle shed and some
As well as giving up contract work, I The arrival of 3G had revolutionised my Northumberland day. Some of the leaves sheep pens set firmly in concrete.
wanted to be better at competing with dogs life. Well, it had made me feel less isolated. remained on the trees, but they would all be But the land was the real jewel in the
at trials, I wanted to improve the appear- I downloaded the app. It couldn’t do any gone in the next big storm. It’s this time of crown. The terrain consisted mostly of roll-
ance of Fallowlees – to get rid of junk, to harm, I reasoned. I didn’t have to do any- year when the farming calendar really ing hills, with some rougher land. Some of
keep it tidy – and, finally, I really wanted thing about it if I didn’t want to. begins for me. Sheep mated on Bonfire the fields were edged by trees, others were
someone to share it all with. I thought of By that afternoon, it had already pro- Night start lambing on April Fools’ Day, the almost arable. It was, in short, the perfect
how the year had panned out up until now duced results: “Look, I’ve matched with this traditional start for upland farms. “In with a land for schooling sheepdogs. I knew I could
– breaking up with Dan, my dog Bill’s death, guy, a firefighter from Galashiels.” bang, out like a fool,” the old saying goes. really turn my dogs into something here.
the attack on my sheep, and now this. Caroline took the phone from me. After a long text flirtation, I was finally Ewan would meet me at Healey Mill,
Perhaps I wasn’t cut out for this life after “Mmmm, looks nice. But you know, being in going to meet the firefighter I had met on where he would hopefully be wowed by my
all? Now Caroline told me: “You really the fire service is the most lied-about occu- Tinder. Ewan Irvine had volunteered to give new tractor-trailer combo as well as my
should try dating again. There are loads of pation on Tinder.” me a hand moving my flock to a new farm. amazing organisational skills. Then he would
options these days. Have you heard of With his blue and white face paint and So today, rather weirdly, was going to be our help me with a job that was hard on my own

Pictures: GLEN MINIKIN Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 23


helped me find true love

ONE of my dreams – back when I was
recovering from my broken back – was
to make an income breeding, training
and selling sheepdogs. I knew there
was a gap in the market. By the time
I went to Skipton, a world-renowned
auction for working sheepdogs, with
my dog Megan in February 2020, I had
won national trials as well as competed
in the World Sheepdog Trials.
Three days before the auction, an
American who followed me online
offered me £10,000 for Megan.
It was a great offer. But he added,
“It’s this or nothing. If you turn it down
and take her to auction, I won’t be
bidding.” Ten thousand pounds was a
lot of money. But I had pitched the idea
of selling a dog at auction to the
producers of the BBC Two series This
Farming Life and I was committed to
The next day Meg was lame. She
couldn’t even put her foot to the floor. The
vet gave her a 50-50 chance for the sale. I
was kicking myself for not taking the offer.
But the next day Meg was almost sound,
and the day after that, auction day, you
couldn’t tell she had been lame.
“And for the last time... £18,000,” said
the auctioneer. The hammer fell. It was
a new world record. And for a dog that I
had trained! I was totally stunned.
Meg was sold to a big cattle and sheep
HAPPY FAMILIES rancher in Oklahoma. As I felt a random
AT LAST: Emma raindrop drip off my nose, I reflected that
Gray, husband she was off to a better climate.
Ewan and their
son Len with two
prize sheepdogs

STUNNED: Emma with

her record-breaking
sheepdog Megan

– to colour (or raddle) the tups (rams). Ewan from his toolkit (also in the back of his car). Ewan asked lots of questions about my our son Len was born, my biggest challenge
assured me he would be happy to help; it This was my kind of man! The tractor (which work. He seemed genuinely interested. Dare yet. Everyone – myself included – assumed
would be an experience if nothing else. had turned out to be not quite as impressive I hope that there might be a future for us? that as I was so maternal with animals, I
In truth, I would rather have met him on as I’d hoped) released her grip and we left would be a natural mother. But after a diffi-
neutral ground, but with my work and his the sheep and trailer with a bewildered cult birth I didn’t get that lightning bolt of
shift pattern, we both realised it might be farmer as Ewan ran me across to Healey overwhelming love. That took longer. A
the only way we’d manage a date. Mill to borrow another tractor. So much for sheep in the same situation would have
In some ways, I felt I already knew Ewan. the capable, organised farmer he had been rejected her offspring outright.
He was divorced and had two young chil- supposed to meet. As I installed myself in I had imagined going straight back to
dren who lived with their mother, and whom the passenger seat, I realised what a mess I work, lambing with baby in tow. What an
he saw regularly. He seemed confident must look. My face felt flushed from BY THE time Ewan asked me to marry him, idiot I was. Gradually, with Ewan’s help, I
but also self-effacing, always a the exertion, my hands were cov- there was only one answer. Yes! We were kicked the baby blues. Spring turned into
good sign, and I often found ‘We ered in grease, my nicely blow- married in the registry office in Kelso, close summer and life was sweet again.
myself smiling when reading
his texts. married in dried hair was now in a man-
gled ponytail.
to my parents’ house, and had a big party Today I can’t imagine life without my little
back at Fallowlees. Ewan looked very fetch- helper.
I saw the best of him Kelso, with all “I’m so sorry. And thank ing in his kilt.
● Copyright © Emma Gray
when my yellow goddess
broke down en-route to our families you! But honest, this is my
life all over,” I sighed.
It was wonderful to have all our nearest and
dearest together in the place that had been my 2021. Extracted from My
Healey Mill and I couldn’t together. Ewan But at the end of the mainstay. I had grown up here. I had arrived as Farming Life by Emma Gray,
looked very
unlink the trailer. Ewan afternoon, the job com- a naive 23-year-old and I was now 32. published on Thursday by
came to rescue me. He pleted, I realised I hadn’t Little did our friends know, but I had been Sphere at £16.99. For free
donned a pair of overalls
from the boot of his car (how
fetching in his laughed so much in ages.
My stomach was hurting. As
drinking orange juice all night. Ewan and I
had only told our families about the baby,
UK delivery, call Express
Bookshop on 01872 562310
organised) and gave the tractor kilt’ well as joining in my laughter given I was just a few weeks’ pregnant. I was or order via www.
tow a hefty bang with a hammer – often at his own expense – induced on the evening of April 9, 2019, and expressbookshop.co.uk

24 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

Picture: SWNS
JUST follow the instructions from left to seconds for the BEGINNER task. answers can
right, starting with the number given to
reach an answer at the end of the row. Set
your own 30-second challenge: for the very
young or arithmetically rusty, you have 30
For a greater challenge, try BEGINNER and be found in the
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gymnasts should try INTERMEDIATE
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t Is it a bunny or a bug?
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I’d hedge your bets...
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MORE PUZZLES – PULLOUT WHEN bush comes to shove, neighbours
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         Susan Sanderson, 75, kept the funny
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Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 25

SIR Tom Jones remembers providing
all-important assistance to late pal Elvis
Presley when the King of Rock ’n’ Roll
attempted to squeeze into a pair of tight-
fitting leather trousers.
“They were North
Beach Leather, which were
hard to get up,” says Sir
Tom, pictured. Explaining
it fell to himself and Elvis’s
bodyguard Red West to
pull them up on Presley’s FORMER Sex Pistols front- By Mark Jefferies
behalf, the Welshman man John Lydon says he
recalls: “Red looked up at has been left “quite sui- Lydon, who has suffered
me and said, ‘If you told somebody this, cidal” caring for his wife. vision problems since a
they wouldn’t believe you.’” Nora Forster – who he childhood battle with men-
Musing on his own leather trouser- affectionately calls Babbie – ingitis, won’t leave 78-year-
wearing days, meanwhile, Sir Tom wisely suffers from Alzheimer’s. old Nora’s side to visit the
clarifies: “An 80-year-old man in leather And Lydon admitted optician, even though his
pants? I don’t think that would cut it.” there are moments that are eyesight is deteriorating.
“overwhelmingly sad” and He told the Sunday
“full of rage”, Times: “What I have is
AFTER taking aim at fellow British rock But the former punk star, floaters. Sometimes it is
veteran Sir Mick Jagger’s “weirdly fake 65, said he won’t let himself black dots that float around
American” singing accent, Jethro Tull wallow for too long because inside my eye; the others
frontman Ian Anderson, 73, adds: “And he knows he needs to be look like hair strands so I’m
there are other people who also sing in there for her. Lydon said: constantly thinking my hair
ridiculous American accents, like Elton “Things are what they are, is in my eye but it’s not.
John. It doesn’t sound that way at all when “There’s no way I can
he speaks to you, he just puts on this silly take a day out and leave
voice to sing it.” Babbie alone just on some
I fear prickly Sir Elton will not take kindly selfish problem.”
to such mockery. The Anarchy In The
UK hitmaker knows
things can only get
MONTHS after making headlines with her worse for Nora but
controversial behind-the-scenes memoir on he’s determined to
life among the Tory hierarchy, Sasha Swire do the best he can.
remarks of current political hostilities: He said: “I know
“Who are the dumb people in Number 10 it’s going to deterio-
who thought it clever to take on Dominic rate into something
Cummings?” really, really terrible,
The wife of former MP Sir Hugo Swire, but we’re facing it with
Sasha warns: “A maverick, yes... but let me a sense of dignity. It
tell you, he’s a whole lot cleverer than a lot would be easy enough to
of them there. He also knows where all the run away and say, ‘Oh, it’s
bodies are buried. I’d make peace with and you have to take that not my responsibility;
him... pronto!” and accept it and, sadly I’ve things aren’t the same’.
got to say, almost enjoy it “When I make a commit-
for the experience. ment it’s forever and I
ALMOST 45 years since the first Star Wars
film premiered, Luke Skywalker actor Mark
“You don’t have those stand by that and I’m very
Hamill points out that hairy franchise moments [of despair] for proud to do the best I can
favourite Chewbacca, very long. But there can be for her.
pictured, could have accidents and you’ve just “We’ve been together
ended up adopting a got to deal with it and get now 45 years. We’re not
rather different look. on with it. going to change anything.
With the late Peter “Just take it as it is and “You know, what’s an ill-
Mayhew in the outfit at keep yourself intact men- ness between true friends,
the time, Hamill, 69, True love...the tally and be proud of what man and wife, lovers, what-
recalls: “Studio execs couple, inset you’re doing. ever you want to call it?
expressed deep concern in 1986, have “Life must continue to “We are a proper pair of
that Chewie didn’t wear been together the absolute; you must fight people who love and adore
any pants and suggested for 45 years for life to the bitter end.” each other.”
he wear a pair of lederhosen.”
Mercifully, director George Lucas
ensured Chewbacca was spared this
sartorial fate.

FRISKY writer and socialite Kathy Lette,

62, claims her strict domestic regime has
fallen by the wayside more than a year into
the pandemic. “I finally got up the courage
Rollers star Les ‘struggled with demons’
THE widow of Bay City Rollers star By Mark Jefferies
to fire myself from cleaning my house,” she Les McKeown has paid an emotional
playfully announces. “Not only did I catch and John Dingwall
tribute to him but admitted they had
myself drinking heavily on the job... I had some hard times in their relationship. began dating in the Seventies as
a lousy attitude.” Peko Keiko said the singer was “Rollermania” was sweeping the
Having split from lawyer husband a “good husband” but “struggled country with hits like Bye Bye Baby
Geoffrey Robertson after 27 years – and with his demons”. and Give A Little Love.
these days known to be romancing a Les died last Tuesday from a Peko also revealed Les arranged a
mystery younger beau – glamorous Kathy suspected heart attack aged 65. surprise wedding.
adds: “Who cares about a clean house when Peko, originally from Japan, said: She added: “Les woke me up and
you’ve got a dirty mind?” “Les was a good husband but, of said, ‘Peko, wake up, come on, we are
course, everybody has ups and downs. going to get married today.’
We had lots of good times and hard “He kept saying, ‘Come on, get
MISCHIEVOUSLY posting a photo of elderly times. I went everywhere to the going.’ Les kept insisting and told me
mother Brenda’s empty gin bottles on Twitter, concerts with our son. that he had already taken my passport
comedy star Julian Clary, 61, concludes: “Les struggled with his own and registered for us to marry at
“A peek inside my mother’s recycling box demons. His dying is a terrible shock Chelsea town hall. We got married that
reveals the key to her sunny disposition.” Happy couple...Les McKeown and Peko in 1983 but now he is in peace.” The pair day and we kept it a secret.”

26 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

The Crusader Fighting for your rights By MAISHA FROST

Positive result after Covid tests fiasco AGNES Kegl was one of many
people who paid medical firms for
“In all it has cost almost £800.
“The company was difficult to con-
been removed. A Department of
Health and Social Care spokesper-
thought ‘approved’ meant ‘recom-
mended’. I know the authorities
private Covid tests, but received tact and sent confusing emails. I’m son said: “We do not endorse or are under pressure from demand.
the kits and results either late or a single mother and I just can’t recommend any particular private Even so, if people pay for a service
not at all, and who are up in arms afford to lose such a lot of money.” test provider for quarantine test but do not get it they should get the
after struggling to get a refund. A Facebook group cites similar packages. money they are owed.”
Rules require people to get two experiences with some testing “All private providers of Covid- 001Doctor.uk did not respond to
tests on day 2 and day 8 after companies. 19 tests must meet the minimum Crusader’s request to refund Agnes,
returning from overseas. Agnes claims one part of required standards and are so she started a chargeback process
Approved providers feature on 001Doctor.uk promised her a reviewed by the independent through her debit card and bank
the Department of Health and refund while another refused. United Kingdom Accreditation Monzo.
Social Care’s website which is 001Doctor.uk has now paused tak- Service (UKAS). Chargebacks are voluntary for
where marketing manager and ing orders. A recent check revealed “The list of approved private test banks and can be disputed by the
mum Agnes found 001Doctor.uk. it remained on the Government’s suppliers is published on gov.uk seller. At first Agnes understood she
She complained to Crusader approved list for tests. The com- and continually updated to ensure had little hope and would have to
after paying £364 for kits for her- pany also confirmed this on its site. those listed are meeting the wait several months to hear.
self and her son just before return- However both appear to have since required standards.” Agnes said: “I But following Crusader’s inter-
ing to the UK last month from her vention her difficulties were
family’s home in Europe. acknowledged. She said: “My bank
SCAMS offering mobility scooters online at unfeasibly

Agnes said the first kits never is now supporting me over reim-
turned up and the second ones cheap prices continue to rip off consumers. We’re hearing bursement. Thank you Crusader.”
were five days late. “We were left now from victims caught out after being frustrated at having to 001Doctor.uk also confirmed it
facing indefinite quarantine until wait longer to have an operation to fix an ankle or hip. had “reviewed” her request and
KIT CONFUSION: Agnes Kegl I bought a new set,” she added. was now processing her refund.
If you want help with a problem or wish to applaud good service, we will do our best to help. We can’t always promise a reply but please contact The Crusader, Daily Express, One
Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP. Email: crusader@express.co.uk. Only send document copies, not originals. ALWAYS INCLUDE YOUR PHONE NUMBER, thank you.


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Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 27


on parents
By Vicky Shaw
THE growing size of
inheritances means
people’s wealth is likely
to be determined by
EXCLUSIVE their parents’ assets
By Emma Dunn rather than their own
earnings, a think tank
A WOMAN who saved her husband’s has revealed.
life by donating a kidney insists he Inheritances have
saved her too – after doctors found been growing since the
she had a deadly heart condition 1970s, said the Institute
during the operation. for Fiscal Studies (IFS).
Elaine Geekie, 45, had agreed It believes they will
to give a kidney to husband Mike, 63, soar compared with
when his failed due to Type other sources of income
2 diabetes. – widening the gap
But she almost died during the between rich and poor.
surgery after an unknown heart The number of people
expecting to receive an
problem was discovered during inheritance has grown
the procedure. from 72 per cent of
Elaine, a funeral director from those born in the 1960s
Aberdeen, said: “In a way, Mike has to 81 per cent of those
saved me too. Without going through in the 1980s.
the op, I might never have known David Sturrock, of the
about my heart. IFS, said: “The
“It was scary that my heart almost increasing levels of
failed me while I was on the table, but wealth held by older
I have no regrets. generations and the
“When we found out Mike’s kidney lack of income growth
was failing I knew I wanted to see if I for younger generations
was a match. are together driving an
“I wanted to do what I could to save inter-generational
him and help him have a life again. economic divide.”
“These trends also
Amazing mean inheritances are
set to become more
Top op...Mike important, which has
“It was so difficult to see him so ill. and Elaine worrying consequences
Giving him a kidney really was an recover in for social mobility.”
amazing thing I could do. hospital
“I feel so privileged I could.”
Mike said: “I can’t thank my wife
enough for all she has done for me.
“She’s quite literally saved my life
life-changing for Mike – who can now
go on walks with his dogs again.
big day. Although the operation was a
success, Mike had to be rushed back
Earth crust
and made my quality of life so
much better.
“Almost losing her was terri-
Elaine insists had it not been for the
procedure, she might never have
known about her heart condition.
into hospital a few days later as his
testicular cord had wrapped around
the kidney.
500m years
fying. I am so relieved she
pulled through and we’re both
here to tell the tale.”
She is now undergoing tests to find
out what it is and has been put on
beta blockers.
After removing the cord, Mike was
able to recover and is now back to
good health.
out of date
House inspector Mike was Mike had been told he needed Elaine said: “His colour has By Mark Waghorn
told he had a failing kidney the transplant just a few months returned and he can take the dogs for
and needed a transplant in before the pair were due to be a walk. I’ve got my husband back and EARTH’S crust is 500
order to survive. married. it feels amazing. million years older than
After discovering his wife He had already had his hernia “I feel so proud of him and I know previously thought,
was a match, the couple went removed a year previously, in he is proud of me for donating my scientists say.
ahead with the surgery at Royal June 2019, and desperately kidney. It formed 3.7 billion
Edinburgh Hospital. needed a new organ to survive. “But to me it was the least I could years ago, meaning our
The transplant proved to be They were still able to have do.” world was ready to host
their wedding, but admitted Mike added: “I don’t think I realised life much earlier.
Marriage...the couple on their it was a huge weight on quite how bad I was. The discovery may
wedding day, before the surgery their shoulders on their “I am so proud of my wife.” even help in the hunt
for alien life on other
planets and moons.

Professor Desiree
Roerdink, a geochemist
at Norway’s University
of Bergen, said: “That is
a huge time period. It
has implications for the
way we think about how
Picture: SWNS

A BREAST cancer patient has EXCLUSIVE a patient would have had to spend life evolved.
become the first person in the UK to By Paul Jeeves around four hours in a clinical setting. “We don’t really know
receive a life-saving chemotherapy Jean, from Rochdale, added: “I was if it is possible that life
drug in the comfort of her home. diagnosed in November and was could have developed at
initiative is being overseen by The travelling to Oldham for treatments. the same time on land.
Retired store manager Jean Woods,
Christie NHS Foundation Trust in “This was once every three weeks But then that land has
74, has pioneered a treatment which
Manchester – the first cancer centre in but recently it has been once a week.” to be there.”
could soon be rolled out to thousands
the UK to offer it. The breast cancer treatment is the Scientists previously
– with a 30-minute injection instead
Up to 250 of its patients from the latest homecare offering from The thought the crust was
of a four-hour intravenous drip.
The grandmother of seven, who had
local area and Cheshire could now be Christie – which now has 5,000 3.2 billion years old.
eligible to help pilot the treatment They came up with
her first dose last week, said: “I’m patients receiving chemotherapy in the new age after
called Phesgo – a combination of this way for various conditions.
thrilled I’ll now be able to have my analysing core samples
Herceptin (Trastuzumab) and Perjeta Outreach manager Stephanie
treatment at home once every three of barite – a mineral
(Pertuzumab), two of the most Hechter said: “The service has proved
weeks. It will be much more used for drilling oil and
effective drugs for breast cancer. to be ideal during the pandemic.
convenient and a lot less stressful. gas wells – from three
Patients will no longer need to “Patients can be treated while
“You know the nurse will come at a continents.
undertake arduous hospital trips with shielding and it reduces footfall at The
particular time and can then get on
each dose and clinical observation The date was unveiled
with the rest of the day.” Christie. They find it convenient and it at the European
afterwards taking less time. Previously, saves them long journeys and waits.” First...Jean with nurse Ellie Heaton Geosciences Union.
The breast cancer homecare

28 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

Pictures: SOLENT

Crying fowl
at fine threat
By Andy Robinson
AN ANIMAL centre
faces a £2,500 fine if it
can’t keep its geese
and cockerels quiet.
The Happy Pants
Ranch, which cares for
350 rescued or special-
needs animals in
Sittingbourne, Kent,
received a warning from

Swale Borough Council
over it animals’ “anti-
social manner” which
had upset locals.
Owner Amey James,
36, said: “We’re trying
to do good things here.”


     By Mark Reynolds

A CENTENARIAN separated from
her family because of Covid was
astonished after 788 birthday cards
dropped through her letter box.
After a Facebook plea by Helen
Maxwell-Lefroy’s carer went viral,
her 100th birthday was greeted with
messages from around the world.
Helen’s care home received cards
from the Queen and well-wishers
from as far as Canada, Abu Dhabi
and Australia.
The bumper postbag was the
brainchild of Laura Sheldrake, who
knew Helen would have no family
visits on her birthday due to lock-

down restrictions.
Laura, 33, said Helen could not Best wishes...Helen with her 788
believe she was so popular. cards, top, and as a teenager, above
The companionship leader at
St Catherine’s View care home in Helen is a distant relative of Pride
Winchester, Hants, added: “She just and Prejudice author Jane Austen and
kept saying, ‘They can’t all be for me’. spent much of her life writing about
“She was overwhelmed, especially and giving lectures on the novelist.
by the cards from schoolchildren as She was part of the Jane Austen
they had drawn them for her. Society and helped others produce
“She absolutely loved looking books about the writer.
through all the cards.” Helen’s niece Caroline Mackenzie,
Laura said Helen, who has demen- who lives in France, said: “She is an
tia, was at first shocked to see the
      number 100 on the cards and
important person for us, her nieces
and nephews and their children.
   remarked: “I thought I was 50.” “Her bookshelves were always full
But she went through every one, of cards and photos and she would
     reading some herself and having oth- share snippets of information about
ers read out loud to her. our lives, weaving our stories in with
On behalf of our loyal readers, we’ve partnered The care home marked the mile- those of other Lefroys, connecting us
with one of the UK’s most trusted energy stone with a Victorian-style tea party. with our ppast and the future.”
switching brands to create the Express Energy
Campaign - built with our readers in mind and
designed to find you the best new deals, we could Happy memories...
save you up to a huge £216* on your energy bill. Helen, second from
right, with her brother
      and sisters


 " #  ""# #""!!$

Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 29

Get in touch!


Meet the
Issy loves
getting out
in the surf

silver surfers
Surfing is soaring in the British Isles and not just among the young.
Here three women explain why they’ve taken to the waves in midlife

I’VE WAVED Surfing
brings great
GOODBYE TO benefits

Issy Galbraith, 64, lives in
Tyninghame, East Lothian
Until about five years ago I’d
never known depression or
anxiety. My mum died when I
was seven, I left home at 14,
and raised both my children Shonagh,
31, and Fraser, 26, as a single mum. I’ve
grown up strong, resilient and
independent, never letting anything get


me down.
I returned to
work, as a
home care
Angie McLeman, 54, Ciara, had attended the Michelle Harris, 58, is a mum of NEW LIFE
manager, too Michelle’s a
is an occupational same surfing camp 12 two. She lives in Ware, Herts, and CAP
soon following
therapist. She lives in months before me and surfed away two-and-a-half stone changed
Use hard
major surgery woman
return at
Dunbar, East Lothian, we’ve surfed together All my working life I’ve
and ended up
with husband Garry, 66, ever since. Use hard
been a sensible return at
on long-term
and daughters, Christie, She’s brilliant accountant, crunching
sick leave.
22, and Amy, 20 company and numbers and bringing up
I couldn’t
Like many motivation as neither of my two children, James, now 25, and
sleep, worried WELL
Surfing mums, I us wants to let the other Vicky, 28. But in the last year I’ve
helped Issy would one down. undergone a complete
everything and
recover patiently hold It’s a lovely transformation.
entered a
the coats while my connection as is I’ve lost weight, bought a camper
children did various PALS chatting over a post-
Angie and van, dyed my hair purple, had a
spiral. I felt numb and barely left the
activities, including Ciara hit surf cup of tea by her tattoo and am selling my home so I
house. I tried meditating but there was
learning to surf on our the beach car. Like many working can relocate to the South Coast to
too much going on in my head.
local beach. The thought parents I felt quite spend the rest of my days surfing.
I despaired of ever feeling well again. com) in Newquay to try various
of having a go myself overwhelmed by It all started four years ago, on a
Finally, I was referred to Groundswell activities. I was still convinced surfing
never entered my head. lockdown – trying to balance home and family holiday in Bude, Cornwall,
Scotland (groundswellcommunity.org), was out of the question and had to
Four years ago, my youngest work, master new technology and when I booked a surfing lesson for
a new surfing therapy for women who be coaxed into it. After 20 minutes
daughter Amy went on a Coast to Coast support the children – but having Ciara James, as a treat. He was on such
have experienced trauma. practice on the sand we were in the
surfing holiday (c2csurfschool.com) to there to listen and offer quiet and wise a high afterwards. I thought ‘I need
We started off with outdoor yoga, water with boards. Getting up on to
the Hebrides with her best friend’s reflections helped so much. a piece of that’ but, as a bigger
talking and having walks along the my knees on the board felt amazing.
family and returned begging for me to As well as being great fun, surfing lady, I thought there was no way it
beach before finally getting wetsuits on There was just a sea of smiles –
go with her the following year. brings an enormous sense of calm, while would happen.
and heading into the sea. I spent most every single person was beaming
At first I was horrified, but I realised sunrise or sunset surfs make it extra The following summer, on holiday
of my time underneath the surfboard, and laughing regardless of ability.
that if I didn’t push myself out of my magical. You clear your mind of rubbish in Newquay, I enviously watched a
giggling like a child. I returned every spare weekend
comfort zone in my 50s, I never would. I and focus purely on the waves. group of women learning to
It was the key that opened the door for more lessons. Riding a wave
was the oldest on the trip by 20 years bodyboard and thought it looked so
to my recovery. I found the sound of the properly, for the first time, was
and while my fitness and stamina weren’t Best friend, fellow surfer, mum of much better than just sitting reading
waves so cathartic. Catching a wave is exhilarating. Surfing is brilliant
great, I was determined to keep up. two and archaeologist, Ciara Strachan, a book, as I was.
brilliant but even just wading through exercise and really works your core
By the end of the trip I had the 53, says: I signed up for lessons with Rob
them with your board, feeling the force muscles.
technique but not the fitness to see it I really treasure the close friendship Barber’s bodyboarding school
of the sea, is incredible. I’ve lost two-and-a-half stone so
through. I returned home exhausted but with Angie that surfing has brought me. (bodyboard-school.com). It was so
I either sit or kneel on the board. I’m far, thanks to my passion for surfing.
determined to continue. I started yoga It’s like being children again, looking much fun I went on his body-boarding
still working on standing up, and I You can swim out further and stay
classes to help with my balance and out for good waves, grabbing our holiday to Portugal the following
love swirling into the surf. It may up for longer if there is less of you, so
strength, and the first time I got up on toys and going out to play year.
not work for everyone but I’m walking more and
the board was phenomenal. until we’re too tired to My daughter Vicky and I then
it’s totally changed my way eating healthily ready for
Then I discovered a school mum, carry on. enrolled on a Women + Waves
of being. my next course in May.
weekend (womenandwavessociety.

32 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

Get in touch!

Could cat fat be

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Pampered Pets
Q My 18-year-old cat has developed a
swollen abdomen. I am not sure if he
is just fat or if it’s something more
Both of these diseases are routinely
included in vaccines and I wonder if they
are needed any more?
serious. I don’t want to put him through
the stress of a vet visit if it’s nothing to
worry about.
A If ever we needed reminding,
vaccines are incredibly effective in
controlling disease outbreaks.

A It could just be an accumulation

of fat in the abdomen. If this is so,
he will look overweight elsewhere,
I am old enough to have seen
epidemics of feline panleukopenia and
canine distemper in my early career.
particularly between the legs, which The highly contagious virus canine
often wobble as the cat walks. He would distemper was subsequently brought
also be well in himself, eating well, not under control by a massive vaccination
losing weight anywhere else, and campaign. All dog rescue services joined
urinating normally. in, having previously advised vaccination
I recommend a trip to the vet because after rehoming. Vaccinating dogs before
an accurate diagnosis is very important rehoming made a huge difference.
so you can decide on a treatment plan. I also saw what happens if the
A physical examination by your vet is number of vaccinated animals drops
the first important step, as it should below herd immunity levels. There was
suggest some likely diagnoses and any a major outbreak in the 70s of feline
further investigations that might be panleukopenia, an incredibly infectious
required. If your cat is overweight all disease that’s almost 100 per cent lethal.
that will be required is a diet. I remember long queues of anxious
From a disease point of view, an owners getting their cats a booster. A
enlargement of one of the abdominal new virus (parvovirus) caused havoc
organs – commonly, for example, the around then too, racing through UK
liver – can cause abdominal swelling, as dogs that had never encountered the
well as some abdominal tumours. virus before.
The other main cause of swelling is Affected dogs often required intensive
fluid in the abdomen, and there are a intravenous treatment and in spite of
number of possible reasons for this. this, many died. Vaccination has greatly
Your vet would want to identify the reduced this risk.
nature of any fluid by sampling it which Vaccines against canine distemper
is a straightforward procedure. and feline panleukopenia are important
To diagnose possible causes, blood core vaccines. Although your vet has not
samples and urine analysis are seen cases, that could quickly change if
necessary, and ideally an abdominal vaccine numbers drop. Isolated
ultrasound examination. distemper cases have been reported in
Knowing what you’re dealing with is the UK recently, and illegal importation
far better than being unsure and the of puppies is another risk. Vaccination is
resulting worry that this causes. still very important for our pets.
● David Grant MBE was a vet at the

Q My vet has been qualified for a few

years but she is yet to see a case of
RSPCA Harmsworth Animal Hospital.
Email questions to him at
canine distemper or feline panleukopenia. pamperedpets@express.co.uk










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Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 35


ONIGHT at 8pm we quizmaster John Humphrys’ final (“renowned restaurateur Gary common-sense things, budgeting-
have the final of this show. So yes, it’s the last time he’ll Usher”), a do-it-yourself expert wise, and yet still can’t balance the
year’s MASTERMIND Mike Ward be handing a lovely glass bowl to (“doyenne of DIY, Eve books. That would make it
(BBC2). The specialist a deserving winner. Humphreys”) and a cleaning genuinely helpful.
subjects, reassuringly, previews Unless, of course, he gets himself expert (“Peachy Clean will be “Let’s hope it’s not just people
are Shackleton’s a job at a fairground. showing us how to bring order who keep buying silly stuff that
Antarctic expedition of 1914-17, tonight’s TV Also at 8pm, this time on to chaos”). they don’t need, where any old
Cole Porter, the Vienna Secession, Channel 4, we have HOW TO And yes, I do know what you’re ninny could tell them what the
Jimmy Carter, Flanders and SAVE A GRAND IN 24 HOURS, all thinking. You’re all thinking: answer is…”
Swann, and the films of David Porter wrote Who Wants To Be A a new series that promises to show “Gosh, fancy being christened Elsewhere tonight, ITV’s latest
Cronenberg. Millionaire? and that former US us how to cut costs across the Peachy Clean and then growing five-night crime thriller
I say “reassuringly” because, call President Jimmy Carter used to board – on shopping, cooking, up to be an expert on cleaning – VIEWPOINT (9pm) stars Noel
me old-fashioned, but I expect a grow peanuts, but mostly these are cleaning, you name it. it’s almost as though it were Clarke as a surveillance cop, spying
Mastermind final to contain an hefty, challenging topics. I say “us”. What it’s actually written in the stars…” on a suspect from a flat directly
awful lot of questions I couldn’t And rightly so. I’d rather that doing is focusing on the finances Yes, I was thinking that myself. opposite. It may sound like a story
possibly answer myself – surely than have a champion who’s got of a different household each But I was also thinking: “Let’s with somewhat limited scope but
that’s the point? Here, we have six there by specialising in, say, the hits week, bringing in various experts hope this show visits households take my advice and stick with it.
subjects which pretty much of Haircut 100. to help cut their bills. who represent a real challenge, It soon develops into something
guarantee this. I do know Cole Also, this is Mastermind Specifically, there’s a food expert who’ve already done all the satisfyingly tangled and intense.

PICKS OF THE DAY DID YOU KNOW? During his early life John Humphrys
Film: Bullitt, ITV4, 9pm had a bout of whooping cough and, concerned that he
Steve McQueen (left) did better work
would be known as ‘Dismal Desmond’, his mother
in his tragically shortened career but opted to use his middle name John instead.
this is one of the films that helped
make him a screen icon. He’s at his
deadpan best as the maverick cop
who’s assigned to protect a key
government witness against a crime
syndicate. Director Peter Yates gives
it more, in terms of urban reality, than
the predictable script deserves, and
Frank P Keller won an Oscar for
editing the famous San Francisco
car-bouncing hill chase. But it’s
always McQueen’s movie. He’s
snappy and cynical and his
performance is complemented by the
assured support of Robert Vaughn as
a sleazy politician, whose interference
gets under the cool cop’s skin.

Climate: Greta Thunberg:

A Year To Change The
World, BBC1, 9pm
The pandemic reveals the
enormity of the challenge
that climate change
poses, as the drop in
emissions during
lockdown proves far from
enough to get the world
back on track. Greta (left)
explores new measures
to reduce the level of Health: Baby Surgeons: Delivering Miracles, C4, 9pm
emissions further, visiting
a tree plantation and Following patients and staff at one of the UK’s leading
learning about a machine fetal medicine units, This episode follows three
that sucks carbon dioxide expectant mothers navigating complex pregnancies.
out of the air. She also Randika’s dwarfism makes giving birth a difficult
explains the choices that proposition (above), while Ann-Marie is carrying twins,
members of the public one of which has selective growth restriction,
can make to reduce their jeopardising the survival chances of both babies, and
environmental impact. Becky’s unborn baby has a rare lung tumour.

Soap: Coronation Street,

ITV, 7.30pm/8.30pm
Dev meets up with
Corey’s dad Stefan (Paul
Opacic, right) but it’s soon
clear that Stefan couldn’t
care less what his son
gets up to. Meanwhile,
Sharon sets her plan in
motion and Chesney acts
as a peacemaker. In the
second episode, Corey
Documentary: Alan Titchmarsh: Spring Into Summer, reveals that Dev had a
ITV, 8pm word with his dad and
Asha’s no longer welcome
Genial host Alan Titchmarsh is joined by legendary to stay, leaving the
model Twiggy (above, with the presenter), who pays youngster furious.
tribute to the Great British seaside, while respected Elsewhere, Sharon steals
horticulturist David Domoney selects some of the very from Gail as the pressure
best garden furniture to help people entertain and mounts and George
enjoy this summer at home. Plus, Alan goes behind disapproves of Todd’s
the scenes at one of the UK’s leading farm parks. business methods.
Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 41

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/dailyexpress TODAY: Monday
The Daily Express, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP ● twitter:
Email: expressletters@express.co.uk (include your full name, address and telephone number) @daily_express April 26, 2021

‘Sorry’ isn’t enough after ON THIS DAY

this appalling injustice Letter of the day
WHAT a brilliant outcome of this Picture: GETTY
court case to clear the names of
these totally innocent people
(“JUSTICE: Years of hell end for
victims of Post Office scandal”,
Sky’s vested
April 24).
It has taken 16 years and all the
while the Post Office has stood atop
of its pedestal. All branded as
interests in
thieves, some serving prison
sentences and some have since
passed away and what have the post
office said? “Sorry”.
blocking ESL
Is that it then, end of story? For
destroying these people’s lives they PROPOSALS for a new European Super
League have been universally condemned
need to feel the full weight of the
(“Damage has been done.. now it’s our job 39 years ago (1982)
law. Plus who were the idiots who We announced that the Royal
said the Horizon program was to win back supporters’ trust”, April 23). Marines had recaptured
performing perfectly? Are they Leading the charge was the high priest and South Georgia in the Falkland
going to be prosecuted? Publish self-appointed shop steward of all football Islands after overwhelming
their names and let the country see related matters, Gary Neville. the small Argentine garrison
how they cope with the shame. He seems to have championed the views of there while Argentina’s
Mick Horsman, many football supporters and opined the plan Foreign Minister Costa
York to be founded on greed. His sentiments were Mendez said the country was
underscored by all those at Sky Sports. now “technically at war” with
Innocent staff persecuted In the early 1990s Sky TV split the Football
League and helped create the Premier League.
Great Britain.
Two weeks later an invasion
by callous Post Office Would a new Super League not significantly force followed and the 22
Marines on the island were
impact on a TV company with contractual
THE long-running saga of the Post obligations to the Premier League? forced to surrender.
Office scandal has finally come to Ivor Heard,
an end with the good name and Wynyard, Co Durham 59 years ago (1962)
reputation of all those postmasters OPINIONATED: Sky Sports football pundit Gary Neville The US rocket Ranger IV
and postmistresses being restored. landed on the Moon but
An apology from the Post Office due to a technical fault
cannot possibly be enough for the in aid to China (“UK aid to China as family left ‘heartbroken’”, April away with it elsewhere in the world. failed to send back any
appalling way in which they slashed to £1m”, April 22)? 23). The group epitomised an era of It’s time we got tougher with this pictures. The mission’s aim
persecuted these blameless, They are the second largest youth innocence and I have fond lot. had been to transmit TV
hardworking people even after economy in the world and have memories of their concerts in the Tony Moore, pictures of the lunar
their own space programme. 1970s, when we knew how to enjoy Preston surface but all power on the
doubts over the competence of the rocket failed. The Russians
IT system had been revealed. Given the fiasco over Covid-19 ourselves without artificial additives.
were the first to land an
Nothing less than a root and China should be paying the rest of There was no woke nor cancel Imagine HMS Prince Philip object on the Moon in 1959.
branch investigation into those the world’s nations for the damage
done to the economies and should
cultures and we didn’t sue each
other with “I’m offended” with HMS Queen Elizabeth
responsible followed by appropriate 28 years ago (1993)
action will start to provide closure be subjected to massive sanctions litigation, just getting on with I HAVE been reading with interest The Government announced
for this most widespread case of a on world trade. gigging, no strings attached. the suggestion of naming a Royal Britain was officially out of
miscarriage of justice in our history. Peter Smith, A big hit for the band was Bye Navy ship HMS Duke Of Edinburgh recession after the economy
Roger Hopkins, Worthing, W Sussex Bye Baby, so we say our final (April 19). We generally refer to the grew by 0.2 per cent. But
Eastbourne, E Sussex goodbyes to a Bay City Roller who Duke of Edinburgh as Prince Philip, Chancellor Norman Lamont
Scottish independence is leaves behind him a musical legacy so why not simply name the ship never recovered from Black
Boris has gift of the jab a genuine risk to security of golden days. HMS Prince Philip? Wednesday when the pound
crashed out of the European
David Fleming,
so let’s give some to India I AM very concerned by the Downham Market, Norfolk
Just imagine HMS Prince Philip
escorting HMS Queen Elizabeth Exchange Rate Mechanism
prospect of an independent on her future deployments. at a loss of £3.14billion and
WHAT are you waiting for, Boris?
India is overcome by Covid-19 Scotland, either in the near or Arrest and convict these Alan Reeve, resigned a month later.
In his speech he famously
(“India reeling from surge of cases”,
April 23).
distant future (“Sturgeon promises
Scotland will be Oz – but it’s a hooligans into Extinction Heanor, Derbys accused John Major of being
in office but not in power.
While I feel it’s right that we cut yellow brick lie”, April 23). THE time has come to take a stand Forecast looks bright for
back on overseas aid it surely
doesn’t mean that we have given
Two sure outcomes from this are
the removal of Trident, our last and
against those who breach the code
of conduct for peaceful protest. new Met Office computer BIRTHDAYS
up caring about people. We have vital line of defence, and secondly I refer to the hooligans of UNLESS your correspondent is The Vow actor
more than enough vaccines and it’s a largely undefended border on our Extinction Rebellion who receiving different weather forecasts Channing
high time we sent some to India. beautiful island that is wide open constantly break the rules in his home city (Letters, April 23), I Tatum is 41.
Teresa Gunter, to the North Sea and our enemies. (“Extinction Rebellion protesters really can’t understand why he He also works
Wollaton, Notts Luke Pollard, attack HSBC headquarters with laments that the new billion-pound behind the
Sittingbourne, Kent mallets in Earth Day stunt”, computer will enable the Met Office camera.
Hypocritical EU does not April 22). to get it wrong twice as quickly. Donald
deserve our tourism cash Bye Bye Les, you were an This bunch are only bent on I have found that the weather Trump’s wife
Melania is 51.
I WILL not be going on a European
amazing rock ’n’ Roller causing trouble and it’s time the
Government redefined what
forecasts are more accurate these
days than they ever have been, and She played
peaceful protest is and brought in herself in
holiday this year or next, staycation I WAS sorry to hear of Les are seldom, if ever, wrong.
is the way to go (“Spain boosts McKeown passing away (“Bay City legislation that will put these idiots Peter Lakin,
summer holiday hopes”, April 23). Rollers singer dies suddenly at 65 behind bars. They would not get Leicester Duran Duran
For all that the EU has thrown drummer
at us since Brexit, it now has the
audacity to want UK tourists to HAVE YOU OVERINDULGED IN POST-LOCKDOWN DRINKING? Roger Taylor
is 61. He quit
holiday abroad. the group from
Yes No
PRUE Leith, that knocking back half GOOD grief, kick up the backside I
This is the same EU that took its did we not needed to go sober. 1986 to 1994.
I hear what a dozen bottles of the Citizen Khan
eye off the ball with vaccines, neck enough It was shameful,
you’re saying cold stuff four nights a creator Adil
pilloried the UK for “hogging” booze during lockdown dozens of empty bottles
(“Prue: I have a rum week has a terrible Ray is 47. He
them and tried to commandeer all effect on your waistline. to sink a battleship? of every drink you can
paunch after freedom sometimes
production for itself. cocktails”, April 23). Still, it’s worth it to be Have we not sickened think of. It was at that
Graham Roberts, presents
Every chance we get able to properly ourselves of the demon moment I knew enough Good Morning
Rotherham, S Yorks we light up our fire pit, socialise with friends, drink and had enough was enough. I haven’t Britain.
instead of those to last us a lifetime? had a drink since. The
China should be paying us, crack open a few beers
with a couple of friends interminable Zoom quiz I know I have. One weight has dropped off TODAY’S GIGGLE
not the other way around and we really put the nights during lockdown. look at our recycling and I feel great. Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
Because they’d crack each
world to rights. Stuart Benson, bins last month was Cheryl Cody,
WHY on earth are we, the British The only problem is Nottingham enough to give me the Oxford other up.
taxpayers, paying almost £1million
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his old pal Sailor Sam is hard at work
inside. “You’re not going out in all
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He sets off feeling very gay, while I put on the last touches.” The boathouse door is open wide,
And by the river makes his way. © Express Newspapers 2021 And Sailor Sam he finds inside.

Chicken and vegetable pie

Using good quality ready-made pastry makes this pie particularly easy to make.
You can use leftover chicken rrather than fillets if preferred. Serves 8. Cancer June 22 – July 23 Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20
You can never seem to please Getting involved in a community
INGREDIENTS METHOD someone you work with. Their criticism fundraiser will add interest and excitement
1) Preheat the oven to 220C . In a saucepan, is preventing you from getting anything to your routine. Conversations and
500g skinless, boneless combine chicken, carrots, peas and celery. Add done. The more they find faults, the more activities will keep you interested. There’s
chicken breast fillets, cubed water to cover and boil for 15 minutes. Remove inadequate you feel. Working with them is more scope for expanding your horizons
4 carrots, sliced or cubed from heat, drain and set aside. starting to have a negative impact on you. through taking someone up on an idea.
2) In a heavy-based saucepan over a medium 0905 789 3704** 0905 789 3710**
150g frozen garden peas heat, cook the onion in butter until soft and
3 to 4 stalks celery, sliced translucent. Stir in flour, salt, pepper and celery
75g butter
seed. Slowly stir in chicken stock and milk.
Simmer over medium-low heat until thick.
Leo July 24 – Aug 23 Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19
1 onion, chopped Remove from heat and set aside. A friend’s romantic obsession is Time will be well spent thinking
3) Line a 23cm pie dish with pastry, reserving starting to annoy you. Their refusal to think about the future and in particular who you
5 tbsps plain flour some to cover. about anything else makes it impossible to want to share it with. Someone who you’ve
1/2 tsp salt 4) Place the chicken mixture in the bottom of plan anything. This is wreaking havoc on been seeing a lot of recently seems to
1/4 tsp black pepper the prepared pie dish. Pour the hot liquid your social life when the projects they are think they have won your heart but you still
mixture over. Cover with top pastry, seal edges pulling out of are things you usually do. value your independence too.
1/4 tsp celery seed and cut away excess pastry. Make several small 0905 789 3705** 0905 789 3711**
400ml chicken stock slits in the top to allow steam to escape.
5) Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35
150ml milk minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23 Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20
1 packet shop-bought puff or and the filling is bubbling.
6) Serve with fresh vegetables and mashed A senior colleague is impatient You’re doing too much for others.
flaky pastry potatoes. in their need to get answers from you. Someone you’re helping out is taking this
You are being pressured into making a for granted and they aren’t showing you
decision that does not feel right. You will the respect you deserve. When you aren’t
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ALAN’S TIP OF THE DAY: Start hardening off any tender young plants. Stand them outside on fine starting to feel that it is time to call it a day. looking elsewhere for easier targets.
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Firms put
A MASSIVE £5.33billion was
BUSINESS leaders collected from inheritance
are replacing tax by the Government in
suppliers that do not the last financial year.
share their ethical That is up from
values, a study By Henry Saker-Clark
BOXING CLEVER: £5.12billion the year before,
suggests. Gousto delivered despite the total amount
Research by SOARING pandemic demand saw meal
53 million raked in from taxes falling
services giant kit business Gousto more than double
meal kits nearly eight per cent.
Sodexo indicated its sales last year. It was not far off the peak
bosses believe the The firm gained market share from in inheritance tax receipts
pandemic has had a supermarkets in 2020, delivering of £5.4billion in 2018/19.
profound impact on 53 million meals to customers’ doors. Sean McCann, chartered
procurement Founder Timo Boldt said Covid financial planner at NFU
decisions. restrictions had a positive impact on Mutual, said: “It’s no
Two-thirds of more demand. However, he does not expect surprise to see the
than 250 senior this to reverse as restrictions ease. Government collecting more
managers surveyed from inheritance tax as the
The British business’s founder added:
said that, in the last standard tax-free allowance
year, they’ve started “We had incredibly positive growth
prior to the pandemic so can see that of £325,000 hasn’t changed
replacing suppliers for 12 years.
that do not live up to continuing even as things ease.
their diversity and
inclusion values, or
“Like anyone, we are really happy to
see hospitality reopen and don’t expect
environmental a major shift – we are still looking at “Since then, the amount
policies. hundreds of millions of meals being of inheritance tax HMRC
Sean Haley, of eaten at home across the UK. collects has more than
Sodexo, said: “It is “There have been really strong signs doubled. However, the
often said that you with new customers over the past year average UK house price has
can tell a great deal sticking as well, recognising the increased 60.7 per cent
about someone by convenience and value of Gousto.” since 2009, so a £325,000
the company they Revenues jumped 129 per cent to house in 2009 would now be
keep. This is also £189million in 2020. worth around £522,275.”
true for businesses. The firm posted its first full-year In the March Budget,
centre in December. Gousto expects to technology used at its distribution sites.
“As our research Chancellor Rishi Sunak
shows, the ability to profit, with underlying earnings of double its delivery capacity again by Mr Boldt added: “It is undoubtedly
£18.2million for the period. 2022 with new distribution centres in very early but it is easy to see that confirmed he was freezing
demonstrate a inheritance tax allowances
positive social Mr Boldt said the strong growth Essex and Cheshire. opportunity.”
continued into 2021, with more than It also expects to double its work- “We are really proud of our technol- for five years, which is
impact is a expected to raise almost
responsibility that 25 million meals sold in the first three force of around 1,000 employees. ogy platform and our focus is utilising
£1billion in extra tax.
extends beyond months. The group believes demand More than a fifth of current staff are that to ensure we have the best proposi- By 2026, the £325,000
your own business has been bolstered by its value proposi- in technology roles and Mr Boldt tion possible for customers. tax-free allowance will have
to the organisations tion, amid investment to keep pricing believes this will be a major opportu- “But we know that if we are getting remained at that level for 17
with which you below that of its major rivals. nity for the business. this completely right, then there might years, “meaning more and
choose to partner.” It pumped funding into boosting He said Gousto is looking at the be licensing opportunities further more people will be caught
capacity, launching a second fulfilment licensing potential for the automation down the line.” in the net,” McCann said.

THE NHS, financial and IT days. It will create a “major Indians as the Government’s SMALLER companies say it medium-sized businesses are Chirag Shah, chief executive
companies could miss out disincentive” for staff to addition of India to the red will take an average of a year most confident about recov- of Nucleus Commercial
on highly skilled workers come, said the report by city list came at too short notice. for their business to make up ering while younger owners Finance, said: “While the
because of the inclusion of law firm Bates Wells. “The Government needs for lost revenue due to the are more optimistic about trepidations of the pandemic
India on the Government’s Spokesman Chetal Patel to review the ban regularly pandemic, research suggests. making up lost revenue. and subsequent restrictions
“red list” for travel, a report said: “The UK is potentially and lift it as soon as it is safe. However, a survey of 500 Smaller companies in will have lasting effects for
has suggested. missing out on highly skilled Indians comprise 42 per cent small to medium-sized firms London and the South-east many British businesses,
Even those exempted from workers who are effectively of those applying for health (SMEs) found one in five are most  optimistic about it’s  encouraging to see such
the ban on travel from India banned from coming. and care worker visas. feared they may never their recovery. optimism among SMEs
because they are essential “We’ve had multinational “To stem the flow of work- recover. North-west and South about their projected
workers will still be forced to clients having to put a halt ers when the NHS is severely Nucleus Commercial Fin- -west firms are the least opti- finances as they return to
quarantine in a hotel for 10 on the start dates for some understaffed is problematic.” ance said its study indicated mistic, the report showed. business as usual.”


IT has been a dire time for the high
street and Primark owner Associated
British Foods has certainly faced
Primark still impressive despite store closures
Primark is the group’s biggest these disappointing numbers is quite an closures. The grocery division saw reasons ABF feels comfortable
division. That’s why total group impressive business. operating profits rise six per cent to re-starting the dividend. It announced
revenues fell 18 per cent at the half year Demand for Primark’s recently £199million in the first half. The an interim dividend of 6.2p per share
to £6.3billion. With Primark stores re-opened stores has been business is enjoying higher and the prospective yield for the next 12
closed for over half the trading period, phenomenal. The group is so confident supermarket sales because of the months is 1.8 per cent.
that isn’t a surprise. in the outlook for Primark, it feels able to pandemic. Twinings and Ovaltine have The outlook for ABF in the short term
Large shops come with a lot of costs repay £121million received from job been very good performers. is mixed. But its competitive retail
that can’t be flexed. So the drop in retention schemes. That’s even more Performance from the food product and diversified interests means
revenue saw an even more dramatic fall remarkable when you consider businesses is expected to soften in the we think it’s well placed longer-term.
in operating profits. These declined 46 Primark’s lack of online offering. latter part of the year. That’s probably
ABF also has an eclectic mix of food because as the vaccine roll out “This article is designed for investors who make
SOPHIE LUND-YATES per cent to £369million. ABF also their own decisions without advice, if unsure
EQUITY ANALYST expects Primark closures and social businesses. These have been a real continues, spending will normalise. whether an investment is right for you, you
Hargreaves Lansdown distancing to knock £700million off asset because they’ve offset some of These businesses offer a back-up shouldseek advice. Shares can rise and fall in
www.hl.co.uk sales in the second half. But underneath the profit and cash outflow caused by source of income. They are one of the value so you could get back less than you invest.”

50 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 RUGBY UNION: CHAMPIONSHIP


1924: The FA Cup final
between Newcastle and FRAME
Aston Villa at Wembley Owen Farrell
was the first all-ticket beats Ealing
affair. defenders
in Saracens’
2001: Scotland defender ON THIS DATE IN SPORTING HISTORY heavy win
Colin Hendry was banned
for six international 2013: Former Pakistan and 2017: Joey Barton was
matches and fined £4,500 Essex bowler Danish banned for 18 months for
for elbowing San Marino Kaneria lost his appeal breaking betting rules.
substitute Nicola Albani in against a life ban after 2018: Arsene Wenger’s last
the throat during a World being found guilty of European home game in
Cup qualifier at Hampden. spot-fixing. charge of Arsenal ended in
It turned out to be his 51st a 1-1 draw with Atletico
and last cap. Madrid after the Gunners
conceded a late equaliser
2005: The Royal & Ancient in the Europa League
Golf Club voted in principle semi-final second leg.
to allow women to compete
in The Open Championship. 2020: England paceman
Jofra Archer finally found
2008: Tottenham signed his missing World Cup
Croatia midfielder Luka winner’s medal after
Modric from Dinamo “going mad” looking for
Zagreb for a deal worth it following a recent house
around £16.5million. JUST TICKET: 1924 move.

1. Who scored with an overhead kick to give Chelsea a 1-0 win in the Champions League at Atletico Madrid?
2. Which British tennis player was runner-up in the men’s doubles at this year‘s Australian Open with his partner Rajeev Ram?
3. Who scored the goal that gave Aston Villa a 1-0 Premier League win at Leeds?

No need to
4. Who scored both of Bath’s tries in their 23-22 Gallagher Premiership win at Northampton Saints?
5. Which Jamaican sprinter won three gold medals at the 1970 Commonwealth Games?
6. Who retired as Australia cricket captain after their Ashes defeat in 2015?
7. Which American city has a basketball team known as the Heat?
8. Which British modern pentathlete won the inaugural women’s event at the 2000 Olympics?
9. What is Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola’s first name?
10. What is the women’s equivalent of golf’s Ryder Cup called?
Clarke. 7 Miami. 8 Steph Cook. 9 Josep. 10 Solheim Cup. By Alex Spink

worry over
ANSWERS: 1 Olivier Giroud. 2 Joe Salisbury. 3 Anwar El Ghazi. 4 Zach Mercer. 5 Don Quarrie. 6 Michael
assured Saracens’ stars will be
primed and ready to deliver for
SHOP the British & Irish Lions despite
playing second division club
Head coach Gatland was absent

Magnification Sarries six

from StoneX Stadium where the
strongest Championship side ever
selected handed leaders Ealing a
five-try beating.
But Sarries director of rugby
Mark McCall insisted he had no
Phenomenal 20 to 100 times need to worry about players
magnification, measuring just 18cm who were way off for England in

the Six Nations due to a lack of


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“Our players won’t be
+ £4.99 P&P
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eye-piece dioptre adjustment pledged after Maro Itoje, Jamie the Lions. “Fingers crossed they starter against New Zealand last
to suit your own eyesight plus George, Elliot Daly, the Vunipola can finish their domestic season time round.
fold-down rubber eyecups for brothers and Owen Farrell with a couple of really meaningful “That ability to play as many
use with spectacles. combined to see off Ealing. matches,” he said. positions as he can will benefit
Ideal for wildlife and ultra long “Our players are getting more “There will be crowds by then Elliot,” said McCall.
distance viewing and rubber- rugby than the Welsh, Scottish too. They’ll be the biggest matches “He has incredible flexibility.
armoured for durability.
Binoculars can be attached to
and Irish – they’re hardly playing we’ve played.” He’s also playing well.”
any tripod if desired. at all. Look at them and see if Daly’s contribution at outside- George North’s injury might yet
Complete with case, neck they’re undercooked. We don’t centre was the most eye-catching. open the door for the Englishman.
strap, lens dustcaps, tripod worry about that.” It was against Championship SARACENS - Tries: Lewington, Koch (2), Davies,
adapter, polishing cloth and There was certainly no doubting opposition, but he was back Tompkins. Cons: Farrell (4). Pens: Farrell (5).
10 year guarantee. their attitude and application as playing with the freedom, EALING - Tries: Penalty, Buckley. Con: Johnston.

 they ran hot in avenging two

pre-season losses to their
confidence and eye for a gap Pens: Willis (2).

QTY TOTAL London rivals. Farrell kicked 23
points and Daly bossed the Umaga creates buzz for England call
midfield as Saracens moved to JACOB UMAGA helped Wasps bury WASPS 39 BATH 29
within five points of top spot with the memory of their surrender at
I enclose a cheque for £ made payable to Trans-World Trading Offer DX718. a game in hand. minute for a head-on-head challenge
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Please write your name and address on the back of your cheque. Billy Vunipola suffered sore ribs play-off hopes. on Ben Morris. Wasps were trailing
Or please debit my… Visa   MasterCard Maestro card but McCall played down the The fly-half put himself back on 29-25, and hit back with tries from
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RUGBY UNION: LIONS BLOW FOR STARS Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 51


EMILY SCARRATT knows her ENGLAND 10 FRANCE 6 what is next? What else can they
England team were far from By Alex Spink do to mix up the game?” won his second
perfect as they completed a hat- The two nations meet again in European Tour title in THE BIG PICTURE
trick of women’s Six Nations titles. Alphonsi insisting they had work France this Friday, and Scarratt the Gran Canaria
The 95-cap Red Roses skipper to do ahead of next year’s said: “The aim was to win the Six Lopesan Open.
lifted the trophy after England World Cup. She said: “They need Nations and we managed that. The South African
ground out victory over France at a plan B. If plan A is not working, It certainly wasn’t a perfect left-hander, 21, carded
Twickenham Stoop. performance but a flawless closing 63
But the world’s No.1 CHAMPAGNE sometimes it doesn’t to finish 25 under par.
ranked side managed LIFE: England need big flamboyant German Max
just one try, through lift the trophy scorelines. Kieffer, who lost a
Poppy Cleall, and had “We had to dig in play-off in Austria a
to tackle their hearts and a lot of our week earlier, finished
out to keep Les Bleus defence was unreal. three shots adrift after
at bay as their set piece “You could see the a 62, with an eagle
went to pot. desire of the girls to and seven birdies. ROLL WITH IT:
The performance left not let them over our Carlos Correa
England legend Maggie try line.”
CRICKET of Houston

equalled Chris Gayle’s
IPL record of scoring
36 runs in an over as
Chennai Super Kings
beat Royal Challengers
made a winning return
The India star was to the track in his quest since a head-on road

dropped on 0 before to complete a miracle accident in 2017.
smashing Harshal Olympic comeback. He tweeted: “Wanna
Patel for four straight The British sprinter, thank everybody who’s
sixes – one of which 35, won his 100m in been on this journey
was off a no-ball – 10.40sec at a windy with me so far.”
followed by a two, Dagenham. But he is well short
six and four in a final It was his first run in of the qualifying time
over worth 37 in total. two years and second for Tokyo of 10.05sec.
Injury puts Wales star’s place in doubt
GEORGE NORTH’S Lions By Alex Spink
hopes hang in the balance A FEAST OF COURGETTES, TOMATOES
after he suffered a serious we are actually dealing with.”
knee injury a fortnight before North now faces a race against AND SNACK-SIZED CUCUMBERS
the squad is named.
And Joe Launchbury looks
certain to be ruled out of the
time to prove his fitness.
England second row
Launchbury was in agony after
Outdoor Veg Collection
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twisting his knee. tackle Jonathan Joseph in
Wales star North, so Wasps’ win over Bath
impressive moving from yesterday, and his hopes of SAVE
wing to centre in his
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triumph, was expected
finally making the British &
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2013 and 2017 look shattered.
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But he collapsed top locks in Europe and he’s
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him while playing for are gutted for him.
Ospreys in their “It just doesn’t look like a
36-14 win over short-term injury. It was a gut-
Cardiff Blues in the wrenching moment.”
Rainbow Cup on Lions bosses will today meet
Saturday. with Premiership chiefs to try
Ospreys head to find a solution to the vexed
coach Toby Booth issue of player release for the
said: “You always training camp in Jersey and
worry when warm-up match with Japan on
people get June 26.
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That makes it complete with an offer of
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PAIN “We’ll know
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52 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 SNOOKER: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP


Hameed shows he’s no Has-been

It was like
By Hector Nunns
FORGOTTEN England Keogh centuries saw MARK WILLIAMS believes he can
opener Haseeb Hameed
ROUND-UP Northants chase down box clever all the way to a fourth
had a record-breaking day He also set a new record Glamorgan to win by world title.
to earn Nottinghamshire of 635 balls faced. seven wickets. Yorkshire The Welshman, 46, is through to

being in the
a draw from their County Matt Parkinson took needed an hour to take the quarter-finals of the Betfred
Championship match seven wickets as the four Sussex wickets. World Championship after 29 years
with Worcestershire. Lancashire beat Kent by Durham and Derbyshire on tour.
Hameed batted all day an innings and five runs played out a draw while Wily three-time winner Williams
as Notts closed on 236-0. while Rob Yates’ century a last-wicket stand by tied old rival John Higgins up in
His 114 made it two tons helped Warwickshire to Gloucestershire’s Josh knots with snooker’s equivalent of

ring with
in a match for the second a win by seven wickets Shaw and Dominic the rope-a-dope at the weekend.
time in his career after over Essex. Ricardo Goodman frustrated A bamboozled four-time
111 in the first innings. Vasconcelos and Rob Hampshire. champion, Higgins felt his 13-7
defeat was “like being in a ring with
COUNTY CRICKET SCOREBOARDS Floyd Mayweather – I got my head
jabbed near clean off, he is so

LV= COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP - Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire Lamb 125, L Wood 119, J J
GROUP 1 (New Road): Worcestershire 436 Bohannon 87, D J Vilas 53). Kent clever”.
Durham v Derbyshire (Emirates (145.1 overs; J D Libby 117, J 169 (50.3 overs; Z Crawley 60; T E And former schoolboy amateur
Leach 84, A S Joseph 61, D K H Bailey 4-46) and 351 (138.0 overs;
Riverside): Durham 475 (147.4
overs; D G Bedingham 257, J T A Mitchell 59, E Barnard 58; L A D J Bell-Drummond 114, J M Cox boxer Williams, who was unbeaten
Burnham 75; S Conners 5-83) Patterson-White 4-114). 80; M W Parkinson 7-126). in 12 fights before turning to
and 175-2dec. (44.5 overs; A Z Nottinghamshire 276 (104.4 Lancashire (22pts) beat Kent (2pts) snooker, admits he has grown up
Lees 78no, D G Bedingham overs; Haseeb Hameed 111, T J by an innings and 5 runs. Glamorgan
53no). Derbyshire 267 (83.1 Moores 62) and 236-0dec. v Northamptonshire (Northampton): admiring the most canny exponents
(109.0 overs; Haseeb Hameed of a sweet science.
overs; W L Madsen 76, H R Glamorgan 407 (113.1 overs; C B
114no, B T Slater 114no). Cooke 136, D L Lloyd 65, K S
Hosein 63; C Rushworth 6-58) Worcestershire (15pts) drew with Carlson 54) and 311-5dec. (82.0 He said: “Years ago I boxed as a
and 280-5 (97.0 overs; W L
Madsen 74, M J J Critchley 69).
Nottinghamshire (12pts). overs; N J Selman 69, K S Carlson junior, but I still love watching it.
GROUP 2 59, C B Cooke 57no, W T Root 56). The Billy Joe Saunders fight coming
Durham (14pts) drew with
Hampshire v Gloucestershire Northamptonshire 364 (105.0 break of 80 or 100, it creates
Derbyshire (11pts). Essex v
Warwickshire (Edgbaston): Essex
295 (89.5 overs; N L J Browne
68, P I Walter 66, R N ten
(The Ageas Bowl): Hampshire 470
(144.1 overs; T P Alsop 149, I G
Holland 114, L A Dawson 65, J M
overs; A M Rossington 76, G K Berg
69no, W D Parnell 54) and 357-3
(72.4 overs; R Vasconcelos 185no,
up should be great, I’ll be glued to
that and all the big ones really.
“You have the different styles.
pressure on their safety. There is no
holding back and, if they go in, I can
❑ foot in his first Crucible
quarter-final for six years.
Vince 52; R F Higgins 4-78, D J R I Keogh 126). Northamptonshire be dangerous.
Doeschate 56; O P Stone 4-89, O Worrall 4-75). Gloucestershire (22pts) beat Glamorgan (7pts) by 7 The heavyweight division gets the The 2005 champion has not
J Hannon-Dalby 4-73) and 244 “It does feel on the table like I am
320 (132.1 overs; R F Higgins wickets. Yorkshire v Sussex (Hove):
most attention, with the big got past the second round since
(94.0 overs; S R Harmer 82no, D 73, J R Bracey 65, K C Brathwaite Yorkshire 150 (50.5 overs) and 305 21 again, that’s the way and the
W Lawrence 55; C N Miles 4-70). 60; Mohammad Abbas 4-41) and (103.4 overs; G S Ballance 74, A punchers and the knockouts. finishing runner-up in 2015.
speed I am playing at. I was quick
Warwickshire 284 (111.1 overs; 197-9 (97.0 overs; B T J Wheal Lyth 66; J J Carson 5-85). Sussex “But I used to love the era with The Magician was in superb
D R Briggs 66no; S R Harmer 4-59). Hampshire (12pts) drew 221 (76.3 overs; T J Haines 86; S A back then, and I wanted to get back
Naseem Hamed, who had a bit of form for most of the first two
4-89) and 256-3 (80.4 overs; R M with Gloucestershire (11pts). Patterson 4-26, D Olivier 4-61) and to that.
Yates 120no, S R Hain 60, G H GROUP 3 186 (69.5 overs; D M Bess 6-53). flair and skill, and also Chris Eubank sessions against 21-year-old
“That’s the way I won
Vihari 52). Warwickshire (21pts) Lancashire v Kent (Canterbury): Yorkshire (19pts) beat Sussex (4pts)
for his real boxing skills. Masters champion Yan Bingtao.
beat Essex (5pts) by 7 wickets. Lancashire 525 (167.2 overs; D J by 48 runs. tournaments then.”
“With me on the table, a lot of But the Chinese prospect
Meanwhile, Scotland’s Anthony
shots I go for might look crazy, but kept himself in the contest by
McGill admits he is sweating on
somewhere there is an element of fighting back from 8-2 down to
GARDENING today’s final player Covid test after
putting the white where I don’t 10-6 adrift at the close of play.
knocking out defending and six-time
leave much on. Three-time winner Mark Selby
world champion Ronnie O’Sullivan
“It’s not quite as erratic as it leads former Masters champion
on Friday.
looks, and there is thought and
method behind it.
World No.1 Judd Trump failed a
Mark Allen 9-6 overnight ahead
of their final session.
test at January’s Masters and
“And even the crazier shots can They were unable
Lilium Regale put opponents under pressure
sometimes, because
they know if they
had to withdraw after being
made favourite to scoop the
£200,000 first prize.
The stakes are even higher at
to complete the
eight frames and
were hauled off
miss then I’m early before
the Crucible, with £500,000 as
going to go for it, evening play.
well as a first world title up for
literally grabs.
anything. McGill said: “It would be
“If you get one heart-breaking for that to
and make a happen to anyone.”

ELBOW Williams, right, greets

Higgins at the Crucible
HIM OUT before going on to win

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FOOTBALL: SKY BET CHAMPIONSHIP Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 53


Hull wait for return of
* Watford secured
automatic promotion by
beating Millwall.
fans to pop open corks
* Swansea’s draw with GRANT McCANN plans to put the
Reading confirmed their promotion champagne on ice until
FLY ME TO place in play-offs with Hull’s supporters return. third-placed side were pegged back
THE MOON: Brentford, Bournemouth The Tigers booked an instant return in a 3-3 draw.
Manager Xisco and Barnsley, while the Joey Barton admitted Bristol
revels in that
to the Championship after Josh
Royals miss out. Magennis and Mallik Wilks scored Rovers deserved to be relegated after
promotion * Wycombe are all but
feeling as do in a 2-1 victory at Lincoln. their demotion was confirmed with a
down after defeat at Cardiff Boss McCann, above, said: “It’s a 1-0 defeat at play-off chasing
happy fans left them needing a 13-goal
around the shame the fans weren’t there to see Portsmouth. “Some teams do not
pond, below
swing in goal difference to deserve to go down but I think we
have any survival chance. that. Hopefully soon we can get
together and have a proper party.” do,” said Barton.
LEAGUE ONE Peterborough, 1-0 winners at Swindon were also relegated after
Charlton, will join Hull in the second four goals from Will Grigg fired MK
Hull have been promoted
tier if they beat Doncaster tomorrow. Dons to a 5-0 victory. Caretaker
while Peterborough are
guaranteed a play-off Sunderland striker Charlie Wyke Robins boss Tommy Wright said: “It’s
place. But Bristol Rovers scored twice against Accrington to a very tame way to get relegated. It
and Swindon are down. take his season’s tally to 30 but his could have been 10.”
Cheltenham, Cambridge
and Bolton are guaranteed GRIMSBY and Southend, LEAGUE TWO boss Paul Hurst. “But
a play-off spot. the bottom two clubs, we’re in the fight.”
kept their hopes of Tranmere, with three Southend manager Phil
staying in the Football matches remaining. Brown said: “There is a lot

Rocket Men bring

League alive with 2-1 wins Southend, who go to of support for this club.”
over Oldham and Leyton Barrow on Saturday, are Cheltenham beat
Orient respectively. five points adrift having Colchester 1-0 to go top.
Grimsby are six points played a game more. Boss Michael Duff said: “I
behind third-from bottom “It is a mammoth ask told the players there is
Barrow, who lost 1-0 at for us still,” said Grimsby no coming off it now.”

back Taylor years

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cavorting around the pond, a lone WATFORD 1 talisman Troy Deeney will be 33
in June. But scratch beneath the

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AYEW: Talisman side’s first goal for Jamal Cooper gambled by GRAHAM THOMAS

FOOTBALL: PREMIER LEAGUE Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 55

Main picture: OLI SCARFF


Wood nods in to seal his

first top-flight hat-trick on
a perfect day for Burnley
THE 60



was harshly
sent off for





We’re going to have to
look at these crazy rules



Source: Opta
Aston Villa

Man United Man City Burnley Chelsea
THE only saving graces for after turning past Conor Coady. before the break as he
Wolves were that it could have WOLVES 0 The Clarets doubled their lead completed his first Premier
been a lot worse and their fans in the 21st minute after Dwight League hat-trick. The striker PEREIRA WILLOCK FODEN
were not there to see it. BURNLEY 4 McNeil was alert enough to nip had a free header inside the six- West Brom Newcastle Man City
Molineux legend and record By James Nursey in and intercept Adama Traore’s yard box from McNeil’s corner
scorer Steve Bull was present – lay-off on the edge of his box to in the 44th minute. SALAH WOOD McGOLDRICK
and he could not hide his suffered a fractured skull. But Semedo. Burnley wrapped things up Liverpool Burnley Sheffield Utd
despair as he put his head in his last summer’s big-money buys – McNeil then simply rolled the when Romain Saiss lost
hands in the directors’ box. Fabio Silva for £35million and ball across goal for Wood to tap possession and Wood teed up
Bull clearly could not Nelson Semedo for £27m – in his second. Westwood to lash in from the SETTING THE BENCH MARK
stomach the lack of energy and have not improved the side. Traore’s frustrations nearly edge of the box five minutes Against Newcastle on Saturday, Liverpool’s James
desire in the home side, which And it would be natural for boiled over when he pushed from time. Milner made his 159th appearance as a substitute in the
was noticeable. manager Nuno Espirito Santo, Jack Cork in the face amid a WOLVES (3-4-1-2): Patricio 4; Saiss 5, Coady 5, Premier League, overtaking Peter Crouch as the all-time
But battling Burnley were the linked with Tottenham, to melee after Daniel Podence Boly 5; Semedo 2 (Silva 58, 6), Neves 5 (Vitinha 69, record holder for sub appearances in the competition.
exact opposite and got their question whether he has taken went down injured. 6), Dendoncker 5, Ait-Nouri 3; Podence 5 (Gibbs-White TOP-10 PLAYERS WITH MOST SUB APPEARANCES IN PL:
69, 6); Traore 6, Silva 3.
reward by racing into a 3-0 half- Wolves as far as they can go. The Wolves flier escaped with James Milner 159 Carlton Cole 129
time lead. Wood opened the scoring in a booking despite VAR BURNLEY (4-4-2): Pope 7; Lowton 7, Tarkowski
Chris Wood was the the 15th minute with a low reviewing the footage. Wood
7, Mee 8, Taylor 7; Brownhill 7, Westwood 7, Cork 7, Peter Crouch 158 Joe Cole 123
McNeil 8; Vydra 7 (Rodriguez 73), Wood 9. Goals:
hero for the visitors, his finish into the far corner effectively sealed the win Wood 15, 21, 44, Westwood 85. Jermain Defoe 149 Theo Walcott 123
hat-trick taking his Shane Long 148 Nwankwo Kanu 118
recent tally to six goals in
as many games.
Nuno: I will not allow that again Shola Ameobi 142 Ryan Giggs 110

Ashley Westwood
added a fourth late FUMING Wolves boss Nuno defending, not the right we usually over-run our THINGS WE LEARNT IN
on when Wood
turned provider as
Espirito Santo warned
there must never be a
decisions in the right moments
when we were under pressure.
opponents. The game is about
that hard work and Burnley ran
Burnley secured repeat of yesterday’s “We didn’t have movement, more.” 1 After a run of eight defeats in 10 league
their biggest top- horror show. everybody was without Burnley hat-trick hero Chris games, Newcastle have lost just one of their
flight away win
since 1965.
After the biggest mobility. We didn’t have Wood, left, said: “It was a game past eight in the Premier League (W2 D5).
home defeat of his possession. we knew we had to take on and
It lifts Sean four-year Molineux “There were many mistakes be on the front foot, and we 2 Since beating Spurs and Liverpool back to
Dyche’s side to
14th and away
reign, Nuno said: “We had that you shouldn’t make. started off very well as a team. back in January/February, Brighton have
a very bad performance. “We will stick together like “We knew our position was in won only two of their past 11 games in the
from lingering Today was clearly the path we always do.” our hands and that was the competition (D4 L5).
relegation danger. that we should not take and Burnley’s players out-ran main thing. We wanted to keep
Wolves have I will not allow it. their Wolves counterparts by it that way and this has made it 3 Manchester United are unbeaten in 24 PL
been rocked by the “I am disappointed with 6km and Nuno added: “That a little bit easier now but there away games with only Arsenal having a longer
absence of their star many parts. There were disappoints me a lot. One of our are still five tough games to go
striker Raul Jimenez too many things – bad characteristics is and we will see where we lie.” run (27 from April 2003-September 2004).
since November after he

No need for a rebuild insists Klopp FOX CUBS ALL GROWN UP NOW
JURGEN KLOPP denied his LIVERPOOL 1 NEWCASTLE 1 so we’ll all of a sudden
Liverpool side need play well again. But each confident his side will the race for a top-four spot. seen the control in the team,
rebuilding after they were equaliser. Asked if this is a player in the world needs not falter this time in Rodgers, right, said: “It’s the maturity. They’re
lucky to escape with a point long-term decline even when momentum, needs their bid for Champions definitely a different improving all the time
from this embarrassing late players such as Virgil van Dijk positive feedback. League football. feel this season but it and at a good level.”
capitulation. and Jordan Henderson “We have to They stumbled doesn’t make it any LEICESTER (probable):
An inept final 15 minutes return, Klopp replied: “No, become again a very, badly last season but easier. It’s just Schmeichel; Fofana, Evans,
entertain Palace Soyuncu; Castagne, Ndidi,
ended with two high balls no. The long-term solutions very tricky team to play experience. Tielemans, Ricardo, Maddison;
into the box and two goals are fine but the short-term against, an angry team in tonight knowing “Last year, a lot of Vardy, Iheanacho.
for Newcastle, Callum we have to think about. a positive football way.” victory would see the players hadn’t had PALACE (probable): Guaita; Ward,
Wilson’s disallowed by VAR “I know it’s not as simple DAVID MADDOCK them extend their the experience of being Kouyate, Cahill, Van Aanholt; Ayew,
for an incidental handball as the season is over and JOe 90: Willock after lead over Chelsea consistently up there, so it Milivojevic, Riedewald, Eze; Zaha, Benteke.
before Joe Willock struck the some defenders come back, stoppage-time goal and West Ham in was a great learning process. DAVE ARMITAGE

56 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 FOOTBALL: PREMIER LEAGUE

WEST BROM’S unlikely escape
plot took a sickening twist as they
threw away two crucial points right
Villa sub’s last-gasp leveller Matheus Pereira curled a 20-yard
free kick inches over the bar.
But in the 23rd minute they got
at the death. their reward when Ezri Konsa
Defender Kyle Bartley hesitated
for the briefest of moments and
allowed Aston Villa substitute Keinan
By Dave Armitage
least be spared the indignity of
pushes rivals closer to drop fouled Ainsley Maitland-Niles in the
box. Pereira stepped up and made
no mistake, converting a powerful
Davis to poke home an equaliser. being relegated at Molineux, their penalty to level things up.
How crucial that will be only time survival will still be hanging by a to deal with an Ollie Watkins header the worst possible start when they They nearly went in front
will tell. But with Albion now nine thread by the time they leave there. knocked back into the mix. fell behind to a ninth-minute immediately after when Okay
points adrift of safety it looks like They were all set for their third Bartley took it on his chest, penalty but managed to rectify that Yokuslu powered a header just wide
they will have to win all of their win in four games as the clock seemed to feel Sam Johnstone by getting themselves level – also and Pereira crashed a free-kick
remaining five games to have the clicked into stoppage time would deal with it and, from the penalty spot – midway against the bar.
faintest chance of avoiding the drop. but there was one last in that split-second of through the first half. Konsa screwed a header onto his
Sam Allardyce, right, and his side bitter twist. They were indecision, Davis poked When referee Stuart Attwell own post and was then rescued by
are not in the last chance saloon yet leading thanks to a Tyrone out his foot and popped pointed to the spot after Semi Ajayi Emiliano Martinez, who also tipped
– but they have certainly taken up a Mings own-goal two the ball over the keeper. sent Ross Barkley tumbling in the over a Pereira effort.
seat in the beer garden. By the time minutes into the second half Allardyce’s face said it all box, the odds looked stacked ASTON VILLA (4-2-3-1): Martinez 8; El Mohamady 6,
lockdown is fully lifted it is almost – the unfortunate Villa as he threw something into against Allardyce’s men. Konsa 6, Mings 6, Targett 7; Luiz 6 (Ramsey 78); McGinn
certain that last orders will have defender diverting home Mbaye the dugout in anger and frustration. Anwar El Ghazi sent Johnstone 7; Traore 6 (Wesley 90), Barkley 7 (Davis 82), El Ghazi 7;
Watkins 7. Goals: El Ghazi 9 pen, Davis 90.
been called on their brief stay in the Diagne’s cross-turned-shot into the He is proud of his record of never the wrong way from the spot.
Premier League. net with his studs. having been relegated, but that is But credit to the visitors, they set WEST BROM (4-4-2): Johnstone 8; Furlong 7, Bartley 6,
Ajayi 7, Townsend 7; Yokuslu 8, Maitland-Niles 7(O’Shea 86),
Their next stop is a trip to rivals The Baggies looked good value something that looks to be on about repairing the damage and Gallagher 7, Pereira 8; Robinson 6 (Phillips 67, 6), Diagne 7.
Wolves and, though they will at for all three points when they failed limited time. The Baggies got off to came close to equalising when Goals: Pereira 23 pen, Mings 47 og.


Allardyce to
Davis hits
the ball over
keeper Sam
stay strong
Johnstone SAM ALLARDYCE refused to throw in
to equalise the towel, despite his West Brom
late on side’s latest setback.
The Baggies boss said: “All we can
do is continue to try and win every
game. The defeats have been close
to draws and the draws have been
close to victories.
“When I arrived we found it
difficult to compete at this level, we
have done now consistently for 10 or
12 matches, but unfortunately we
haven’t won enough.
“You can imagine how we feel. The
HOW THEY STAND three points were so vital to us and
P W D L F A Pts when you are that close it hurts.
Man City 33 24 5 4 69 24 77 “Pressure can get to you in those
Man Utd 33 19 10 4 64 35 67 situations and the mistake we made
Leicester 32 18 5 9 58 37 59 got them the equaliser. We can’t
Chelsea 33 16 10 7 51 31 58 afford drawn or lost games.
West Ham 33 16 7 10 53 43 55 “People thought we would go
Liverpool 33 15 9 9 55 39 54
Tottenham 33 15 8 10 56 38 53 under, but we didn’t. But for their
Everton 32 15 7 10 44 40 52 goalkeeper we could have won this
Leeds 33 14 5 14 50 50 47 much earlier.
Arsenal 33 13 7 13 44 37 46 “But I can’t be too critical. The
Aston Villa 32 13 6 13 46 37 45 lads gave everything.”
ASTON VILLA v WEST BROM Wolves 33 11 8 14 32 45 41 Villa boss Dean Smith says he’s
70 POSSESSION % 30 Crystal Palace 31 10 8 13 33 52 38
11 SHOTS ON TARGET 4 considering coaching non-contact
Burnley 33 9 9 15 30 45 36
7 SHOTS OFF TARGET 5 Southampton 32 10 6 16 40 58 36
football next season following West
6 BLOCKED SHOTS 1 Newcastle 33 9 9 15 36 54 36 Brom’s penalty.
11 CORNERS 4 Smith said: “I’m still wondering
14 FOULS 9 Brighton 33 7 13 13 33 39 34
0 YELLOW CARDS 2 Fulham 33 5 12 16 25 43 27 why that was given. It looks like a
0 RED CARDS 0 West Brom 33 5 10 18 30 64 25 toe touches his heel. The referee
Source: Opta Sheff Utd (R) 33 5 2 26 18 56 17 must have some eyes to see that.”

THIGH’S NOT LIMIT FOR MBAPPE Blades will go down fighting

PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN EURO ROUND-UP with Real Betis on DAVID McGoldrick’s SHEFFIELD UTD 1 BRIGHTON 0 showed we’re not giving
expect Kylian Mbappe to be Saturday, Hazard caught goal in this scrappy game up – we’re not going to
boss Mauricio Pochettino futures to play for. While
fit to face Manchester City the eye in a late cameo. will have no material be an easy ride.”
in the Champions League is banking on the striker Real boss Zinedine Zidane Paul Heckingbottom has
effect on the outcome of Brighton had the
semi-finals. being OK. He said: “Kylian said: “He played with spark Sheffield United’s season
done a great job [as
better chances but found
The France star, suffered a dead leg and with energy. He feels beyond late pride. caretaker], he has said red-and-white stripes
right, scored twice but was calm.” very good.” But the striker said he he’s not going to be flinging bodies on the
before limping Fit-again Arsenal’s Europa League hoped it sent a message manager next season. line.
out of the 3-1 Eden Hazard is semi-final foes Villarreal, to their next manager. “The new manager is Boss Graham Potter
Ligue 1 win at pushing to start managed by Unai Emery, Just a fifth win of this probably watching. We said: “We have to stay in
Metz with a thigh for Real Madrid blew a lead to lose 2-1 to relegation season came all want to stay here and the moment and think
injury. But despite against his former Barcelona. Manchester courtesy of the 33-year- we’re all fighting for that. about the next thing. It’s
the injury casting club Chelsea in United’s opponents Roma old’s seventh league goal “Brighton are a good easier said than done
doubt over his availability tomorrow’s semi-final. lost 3-2 to lowly Cagliari. of the campaign and he team and play some because they’re human.”
for Wednesday’s first leg, Although Real drew 0-0 IAN WINROW McGOLDRICK: Vow said: “We have our good football but we GIDEON BROOKS

FOOTBALL: PREMIER LEAGUE Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 57


KALVIN’S Phillips keeps Fernandes

quiet while, below, Maguire
FIRST IN gets the better of Harrison
Protests no
problem for
21 FOULS 11
Source: Opta

the players
claims Ole
such a determination to finish the
season strong.”
United face Roma in the Europa
League semi-finals on Thursday
hoping to go one better than last
year, then Liverpool at Old Trafford
on Sunday – and Solskjaer insists
they will not be distracted.
He said: “The Europa League
disappointment from last season
still sticks in their minds and
hearts. We are focused on Roma
and Liverpool in between. I’m not
worried about that at all. We have
focused on the game, every single
one, although, of course, it was a
difficult week.”
Leeds ended
United’s five-match
winning league
run to leave
Manchester City
just two wins away
from the title.
“I think our fitness
has been really good and in the
second-half we looked strong,”
said Solskjaer, above.
“We missed that spark. A draw
is disappointing because we

Leeds teach ‘elite’

wanted to put pressure on City.”
LEEDS 0 Leeds remain unbeaten at home
against the ‘Big Six’ and their
MANCHESTER UTD 0 manager Marcelo Bielsa said: “The
way in which we administer the
By David Anderson different periods in the game has
THAT’S another one in the eye for been improving and the capacity
for the players to go up against

a big lesson again

one of the so-called Big Six.
Leeds dented Liverpool’s top-four these very good players has also
hopes last Monday and now they increased aggressively.
have frustrated Manchester United “We can impose ourselves over
to all but end their faint title chances. the opposing defence and avoid
Throw in a win at champions-elect being overcome by attackers of
Manchester City and a draw with the highest level.”
Chelsea, and Leeds’ form underlies


the sheer arrogance of the Big Six to flat opening. Leeds claimed a when he shot wide from Aaron
feel they should be in a different penalty when Jack Harrison’s cross Wan-Bissaka’s cross.
league to the likes of the Whites. hit Luke Shaw’s left arm, but VAR Mason Greenwood had an effort
The visitors, like Liverpool last must go to Leeds and they nullified rivals Liverpool 28 hours later. It Mike Dean ruled his limb was not in saved by Meslier and one-time
week, certainly did not look like the visitors to end their five-match says it all about this game that an unnatural position. Leeds target Dan James took too
they belong among Europe’s elite winning run in the league. perhaps the best moment of action Stuart Dallas mustered the first long over a good chance and was
such has been Leeds’ progress Kalvin Phillips did a real number came when Harry Maguire called effort on target with a left-foot shot denied by Alioski.
under Marcelo Bielsa. on Bruno Fernandes to snuff out his Fred “a f***** idiot” in the second after good work by Phillips, but it Leeds did have opportunities and
Yes, this no-score bore will not huge threat, while Pascal Struijk and half and Scott McTominay had to was straight at Dean Henderson. Helder Costa’s shot was deflected
live long in the memory, but this Ezgjan Alioski impressed in Leeds’ quieten things down. United threatened twice just off Wan-Bissaka on to the roof of
fixture between two such fierce new mean defence. Solskjaer took heart from before half-time when Marcus the net before Mateusz Klich’s weak
rivals is the sort of game punters The upshot of Leeds’ shut-out dominating Leeds at home in the Rashford’s dipping 25-yard free- effort was saved.
around the world love to see. against Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side second half, which is a rare feat. kick was pushed over by Illan LEEDS (4-1-4-1): Meslier 6; Ayling 6, Llorente 6, Struijk 7,
This was yet another match that is that City are just two wins away But that felt a bit like clutching at Meslier and Maguire missed with a Alioski 7; Phillips 8; Costa 6 (Klich 72), Dallas 6, Roberts 5
suffered badly without fans to inject from a third title in four years. straws and the bottom line is the free header from the corner. (Koch 77), Harrison 6 (Poveda 68, 6); Bamford 5.
some passion into it and there was It could all be over next Sunday if visitors just were not good enough. With Phillips as his shadow, MAN UTD (4-2-3-1): Henderson 6; Wan-Bissaka 7, Lindelof
6, Maguire 6, Shaw 7; Fred 6 (Van de Beek 89), McTominay 5;
too much of a lazy Sunday City beat Crystal Palace on Maguire scuffed an early Fernandes was restricted, but he Greenwood 6, Fernandes 6, James 5 (Pogba 76); Rashford 6
afternoon feel to it. Credit for that Saturday and United lose to bitter Fernandes free-kick over during a still missed arguably the best chance (Cavani 86).


TIMO WERNER has unfinished
business in the Champions
and Werner was criticised for his
I have reached it again. I can
show everybody I can do it not
at halfway point
League. only with one team but with
decision in his homeland. precious away goal as
Last year, the Germany Now he has reached the two, two years in a row. German side won 2-1
they were pipped by yesterday. Chelsea’s
forward opted not to play for semi-final with his new club who “It makes me proud and more
Bayern Munich in former Bayern player
RB Leipzig in the latter stages face Real Madrid tomorrow, and hungry to make it to the final.
the first leg of their Melanie Leupolz,
when the competition restarted his matchwinner in this game And maybe to win.
after he completed his Women’s Champions above, cancelled out
strengthened Chelsea’s chances “To reach the final is the
£48million move to Chelsea League semi-final. Sydney Lohmann’s
of a top-four finish. dream of every kid.”
early so he could take part in On Saturday, West Ham had Emma Hayes’ team opener but Hanna Glas
Werner said: “Last year I had are looking to reach the
their pre-season. a lot of criticism for that in Fabian Balbuena controversially scored after the break.
Leipzig then beat Atletico sent off for his clash with Ben final for the first time Hayes said: “We’ve
Germany because it is not often
Madrid but went out to Paris you’re in the quarter-finals of Chilwell in Chelsea’s win. and it is all to play for got an away goal and
WERNER: Hungry for glory Saint-Germain in the semi-finals the Champions League. But now TONY BANKS heading into the second it’s half-time.”
leg on Sunday after the IAN WINROW

58 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 FOOTBALL: CARABAO CUP FINAL

It took only 7,773
fans for Wembley
to feel alive again
IT MAKES a difference
raising a trophy to Neil
supporters rather than
COMMENT After losing 1-0 to Manchester United in the fourth round
There have been as defending champions in October 2016 – his first season
many more deafening in charge at Manchester City – Pep Guardiola’s side has
noises at this ground was the European
Super League, it was lifted the trophy in every season since.
but as Fernandinho
only right they were at
lifted the Carabao Cup 2018 Man City 3-0 v Arsenal
the season’s first
the roar was back at
showpiece. 2019 Man City 0-0 v Chelsea. City won 4-3 on pens
The knock-on effects
And you didn’t have of the popular uprising 2020 Man City 2-1 v Aston Villa
to be a Manchester continue – ‘Fans 1,
City fan for it to sound 2021 Man City 1-0 v Tottenham
Greedy Pigs 0’ – read
wonderful. one banner smuggled
Blue Moon ringing into the Spurs section
around Wembley is
nothing out of the
from where emanated
the hearty strains of JOY AND City enjoy making it four in
a row but Heung-Min Son,
ordinary after a
Carabao Cup final, but
‘we want Levy out’
before kick-off.
DESPAIR below, breaks down in tears
human beings singing But this was a final
it and not just a and after so long
soundtrack felt extra locked out the lucky
special after a season fans let in were there to
of silence. enjoy it. The Spurs
Kyle Walker had an fans, starved of these
audience to dance for, occasions in recent
Pep Guardiola years, dusted off their
someone to wave to… full back catalogue of MAN CITY v TOTTENHAM
this was professional songs and chants and 62 POSSESSION % 38
football set against its released a new one 4 SHOTS ON TARGET 1
proper backdrop and it 10 SHOTS OFF TARGET 1
with ‘Ryan Mason 7 BLOCKED SHOTS 0
felt so much better. – he’s one of our own’ 8 CORNERS 3
The first game back to take in the change of 11 FOULS 11
with fans of both clubs management. 2 YELLOW CARDS 1
present was elevated To be frank, they had 0 RED CARDS 0
by the intensity and Source: Opta
hardly anything to
excitement they cheer but they carried
brought with them. on anyway. Real,
There may have been devoted, one-eyed,
only 7,773 inside illogical, emotional
Wembley but the fans. They’re not always
stadium felt alive again. perfect but it’s good to
Throaty, raw, energised. have them back.
At the end of a week Hopefully, this is the
in which supporters precursor to greater
helped topple the numbers at the FA Cup
tower of avarice that final and the Euros.

City fans make
presence felt


BLUE: Aymeric
THE VIEW FROM THE STANDS Laporte heads the
winning goal
Manchester City and Tottenham had 2,000 fans each
at Wembley yesterday and, at the end of a week
dominated by the European Super League fiasco, we
asked a representative from each club:
1. What was your view on your team being in the ESL?
2. Are protests the right thing to do and how happy
IT COULD have been won by
a freak breakaway goal or on
the lottery of penalty kicks.
Pep’s worthy winners are
are you being back watching live football? A fully-fit Harry Kane might
RAY, 70, Spurs fan who saw first game v Wolves in 1967
1. I can understand why Spurs and Arsenal went for it, they
were worried about being left behind. But what is the point
have conjured some match-
changing moment to turn the
balance of play on its head.
By Matthew Dunn
the identity of their
lauded by their supporters
of even playing sport if it doesn’t matter if you win or lose? Instead, Pep Guardiola matchwinner.
2. It has p***** me off but how can you knock Daniel Levy, earned the right to lift his But as extra-time loomed, half-time. But the winner was of City’s supporters at one end
ENIC and Joe Lewis? A new stadium and Champions fourth League Cup the same Aymeric Laporte arrived at the one of 21 efforts on Tottenham’s of the famous stadium seemed
League final. But I understand why fans are angry. I had a way as he did the rest – purely far post to head in a free-kick goal, with only two at the other like a magnet to the ball as
brush with death three years ago so not a lot gets to me. on sporting merit. impeccably delivered by Kevin end. Mourinho-style statistics, Guardiola’s side demonstrated
Manchester City got to fill the De Bruyne after a tired foul one might cruelly conclude. once again that, when they are
ANTHONY, 66, Manchester City fan for 54 years
1. I didn’t think City would ultimately join and I wasn’t Wembley air with champagne by Serge Aurier on Raheem However, no buses were functioning like a well-honed
surprised they were the first to pull out. Sheikh Mansour bubbles and dance with the cup Sterling. being parked at Wembley this unit, they are in a “super”
has been so kind to the east of Manchester and been great in front of long-missed fans Laporte was lucky still to be time. It was clear Ryan Mason’s league of their own.
for the club, so they know their fans and understand. because they had been by far on the pitch given he probably team had been told to go out As soon as Spurs got 40 yards
2. I understand why fans at other clubs have protested the better team. should already have been and play, but City simply had from their own line, some
because they didn’t want it. It has not taken any gloss off.
I’m happy to be here. The only real surprise – booked before he was shown a not allowed it. For the opening invisible force seemed to push
perhaps even to himself – was yellow card on the stroke of half in particular, the presence them backwards again as City

FOOTBALL: CARABAO CUP FINAL Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021 59

(4-3-3) By Matthew Dunn
Was alert to Lo Celso shot Like a demented whack-a-
after break and maintained mole, he kept popping up.
his concentration well. And an inch-perfect assist.
One down Strong when he needed to Offered powerful simplicity
be and made sure he won his in midfield which kept the
battles comfortably enough. tide pouring forward.

and now DIAS 6 MAHREZ

Lucky not to be booked early Licensed to drift, he

for Paris but other than that he never tormented from all angles –
really looked troubled. just could not find target.
Got himself booked after so Pace and invention. Possibly
everyone, so it’s great to many near misses, was in the should have done better with
share it with them. There right place to score the goal. early chances.
was some good noise. The
reason why we do it is for CANCELO 6 FODEN 8
them.” Unlucky with the If he lights up Wembley all
Matchwinner Laporte deliberately-placed shot summer like he did here,
branded it the ideal just before the break. England have a Euro chance.
response to the FA Cup
semi-final defeat by GUNDOGAN 6 SUBSTITUTES
“It’s very special for us Often the quiet link man and Rodri (Fernandinho 83);
when he got his chance he Silva (De Bruyne 87).
after we lost to get
shinned it badly wide.
confidence and keep
going,” he said. “In the
last two months we have
been so good. We have to TOTTENHAM
keep this rhythm, to win
more titles.” PLAYER ANALYSIS
Guardiola warned Paris (4-3-3)
Saint-German he now has
them in his sights. The
dominant Stretched every sinew to Not played much of late
performance keep Manchester City at bay under Mourinho and seemed
– and an for as long as he could. rusty and sluggish.
return from AURIER 5 HOJBJERG 6
injury by Really struggled defensively Drifted left to try to combat
Kevin De and conceded the free-kick De Bruyne unsuccessfully
Bruyne - teed for the goal. Careless. and wasted best chance.
City up perfectly
for the first leg of their DIER 7 MOURA 6
Champions League Old-fashioned backs-to-the- Threatened to get into his
semi-final in Paris on wall defending but could not stride a couple of times but
Wednesday night. pass out of the press. Spurs needed much more.
“We’re really happy to
win the first title and ALDERWEIRELD 7 KANE 6
four in a row in this Joined Dier in some stalwart Touches and vision justified
competition,” said the City defending. Not pretty but his inclusion. Might have
manager, above. kept the game alive. made difference if totally fit.
“We are in the
Champions League REGUILON 5 SON 6
semi-final for only the Seems to have tailed off in Sloppy touches and none of
second time, we always form recently and the final the individual brilliance that
had one eye on that but we continued that trend. would have troubled City.
take every game seriously
– otherwise you can’t win LO CELSO 6 SUBSTITUTES
four in a row. Good effort after the break Bale (Moura 67) 5; Sissoko
“We’ve won the first might have made difference (Lo Celso 67) 6; Alli (Hojbjerg
one, we’re close to a but easily bypassed. 84); Bergwijn (Aurier 90).
second one [Premier
League title] and now we BOOKED – MAN CITY: Laporte, Fernandinho.
go to Paris for another TOTTENHAM: Reguilon
one. The way we played GOAL – MAN CITY: Laporte 82.
today was fantastic.”

dictated play in and around World Cup-winning goalkeeper trophy in 2008 and played in
their opponents’ penalty area
for vast swathes of the game.
Riyad Mahrez was a decent
in Hugo Lloris, kept Foden,
Sterling and the rest of City
from rattling up a cricket score.
the Spurs team who lost the
2015 final.
Barely four years after his
Mason: It hurts but I’m proud
finish away from being at his In fact, the sustained playing career ended with a TOTTENHAM caretaker of manager Jose Mourinho. days. That is something to be
tormenting best. deadlock seemed so unlikely, fractured skull, was fate going manager Ryan Mason “It hurts and it is normal proud of. We tried but it
Sergio Reguilon, presented you began to wonder if one of to offer up some sort of apology revealed the dressing room they are hurting because it wasn’t enough and that is
with a prized ham by Jose those unbelievable upsets was by making it third time lucky was desolate after his side’s shows they care,” said tough to take.”
Mourinho for the way he about to be served up. You could for such a likeable young man? Carabao Cup final heartache. former Spurs and Hull Tottenham must now turn
defended against City in the feel in the air how desperately Emphatically, no. Mason, 29, had targeted midfielder Mason, who their attention to securing
league, was making a pig’s ear Spurs fans wanted it. An enterprising Giovani Spurs’ first trophy in 13 retired from playing after Champions League
of keeping the irrepressible Kane, a passenger in the 2019 Lo Celso effort just after the years in just his second game fracturing his skull in 2017. qualification via the
Phil Foden at bay. Even Sterling, Champions League final after break which was neatly saved in charge but they left “They gave everything, Premier League.
short on form, was back in his injury, looked fit enough despite and a horrible confusion when Wembley empty-handed absolutely 100 percent. “We now have to pick
element and could have had a his latest knock to play a Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg broke again after Aymeric “Manchester City are a ourselves up because we still
hat-trick before the game had significant part. Could he finally through soon after to waste Laporte’s late winner. great side, an incredible have some huge games left
got started properly. get the silverware he craved? Spurs’ best chance saw silverware However, he was proud of team, but I think our group to play,” added Mason, who
Only the back-to-the-wall Spurs’ interim head coach again slip through their fingers. his outgunned team after a of players gave everything has been put in charge for
defending of Eric Dier and Toby Mason, 29, was in the stands Ominously, Manchester City stressful build-up that considering what they have the rest of the season.
Alderweireld, together with a the last time the club won a are just getting started. started with the sacking had to deal with in seven NEIL SQUIRES
60 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021


OLE GUNNAR SOLSKJAER claims he and By David Anderson
his Manchester United players will not be 1,000 supporters had demonstrated
affected by the supporters’ protests outside Old Trafford on Saturday.
against the Glazers.
“I’m really happy with the boys’
Fans paid for a plane to trail a banner
reading “2bn stolen – Glazers out” over focus,” said the United boss. “They have
Elland Road yesterday after more than TURN TO PAGE 57, COLUMN 5


with the

Pep joy at
lifting Cup
By 10pt Byline
By Neil Squires
PEP GUARDIOLA said playing
in front of fans for the first time
since last March made landing his
fourth straight League Cup at
Wembley all the more emotional.
Aymeric Laporte’s 82nd-minute
header saw Manchester City defeat
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content of UK
Newspapers in
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2 Daily Express Monday, April 26, 2021

Puzzles £500
1 Second-year university or high-school student, 1 Solid waxy derivative of animal fats such as lard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
especially in North America (9) and tallow and vegetable fats such as shea
5 Common name for a prefrontal leucotomy, butter, used in cosmetics etc. (7,4)
originated by Portuguese neurologist António 2 Currency unit of Serbia worth one hundredth of
a dinar (4)
Egas Moniz in 1935 (8)
3 Prosper ___, French author of the 1845 novella 9 10
9 Amelia ___, US aviator who made the first solo Carmen (1845), on which Bizet’s opera was
female flight across the Atlantic in 1932 (7) based (7)
10 Largest island of the French overseas territory 4 Metallic element discovered in 1843 by Swedish
of Guadeloupe, in the eastern Lesser Antilles in chemist Carl Gustaf Mosander, who named it
the Caribbean Sea (5-5) terbia (6) 11 12
11 US actor Oscar-nominated for his roles in Born 5 Gradual reduction in the severity of the
on the Fourth of July (1989), Jerry symptoms of a disease (5)
13 14
Maguire (1996) and Magnolia (1999) (3,6) 6 Any herbaceous Eurasian plant of the genus
12 Threshing tool consisting of a free-swinging that includes mangle-wurzel (or mangold) (4)
7 Sobriquet of the son and heir apparent of King 15 16 17
metal or wooden bar (swingle or swiple) Edward III (1312-77), thought to derive from the
attached to a long handle (5) armour he wore (3,5,6)
13 Imperial unit of length divided in medieval times 18
8 and 35 Across US director of films including
into three barleycorns or twelve poppyseeds (4) Mean Streets (1973) and The
15 See 21 Irishman (2019) (6,8) 19 20
17 Exercise-related transient abdominal pain 11 1957 John Osborne play whose protagonist is
(ETAP), especially associated with running (6) music-hall comedian Archie Rice (3,11) 21
19 Coastal region of western Galway dominated by 14 Fine smooth cotton thread named after a city in
the Twelve Bens (or Pins) mountains; described northern France, used especially for hosiery
and gloves (5)
by Oscar Wilde ‘a savage beauty’ (9)
16 Edible round-bodied flatfish of the Black, Baltic
21 and 15 First president of Germany (1919-25), and Mediterranean seas and the NE Atlantic;
known at that time as the Weimar Republic (9,5) 22 23 24
Scophthalmus maximus (6)
22 Decay of timber resulting from fungi such as 17 and 20 Main mountain system of Mexico,
Serpula lacrymans consuming its cellulose and extending from the US border in the north to the 25 26 27
hemicellulose (3,3) Guatemalan border in the south (6,5)
23 Any of several trees of the genus Populus in the 18 Instrument for measuring the radius of the 28 29 30
willow family (Salicaceae), especially the curvature of a concave or convex surface,
European P. tremula (5) originally used by opticians when making
lenses (11) 31 32
27 Muse of history in Greek mythology, sometimes
20 See 17
referred to as ‘the Proclaimer’ (4)
24 Canadian dish of French fries covered with 33 34
28 Hickory tree of the southern US cultivated for its cheese curds and gravy, originating in Quebec
smooth edible nuts; Carya illinoinensis, family in the 1950s (7)
Juglandaceae (5) 25 Hill in East Sussex on which the Battle of
29 Large capital or uncial lettering, as used in Hastings took place in 1066 (6)
ancient manuscripts, calligraphy etc. (9) 26 Extinct Zebra species of southern Africa; 35 36
33 British mathematician who will appear on new brown-coated with white legs and white stripes
£50 notes from June 23 2021 (4,6) on the head and neck (6)
34 Rainbow bridge in Norse mythology that 30 Second-longest river of Italy, rising near the
connects the realm of the Aesir gods (Asgard) border with Austria and Switzerland and flowing
south-east to the Adriatic (5)
with the world of humanity (Midgard) (7)
35 See 8 Down
31 Penultimate book of the New Testament, written
by ‘a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of ADDRESS
36 Rod-shaped strands of pasta similar in length to James’ (4)
spaghetti and vermicelli but much thinner,
known in Italian as capellini (5,4)
32 Ninth letter of the Greek alphabet, derived from
the Phoenician letter yodh (‘hand’) (4)


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squares to reveal the mystery word.
3 26 25 6 13 26 24 6 1 26
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C 6 4 16 26 26 5 3
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4 21


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Jape, Sum, Berserk, Order, Transit, Treat. Down: Ratify, £100 Winner (April 12): Hearne Bay, A L F A L F A
Gambit, Congeal, Parka, Plod, Marquess, Byte, Desk, V Richards, York. Kent. F L O O D H U A S C A R A N
Venomous, Most, Owned, Swaddle, Snatch, Ferret.

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