UNIT 3 Report

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At the end of this unit, the students are expected to be able to:

1. mention the social function of report genre;

2. skim the general ideas through the generic structure of report;
3. scan the specific ideas through the generic structure of report;
4. make sentences using synonyms;
5. identify and use modals in sentences;
6. write sentence in passive voice;
7. write sentence using adverb;
8. identify the conjunctions in report and use them in other reports;
9. identify the sentence structures commonly used in report and use
them in other reports; and
10. identify the noun phrases and use them in the other reports.

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FOCUS 1: Giraffe

Activity 1: Pre-Reading Activity

Answer the following questions below.
1. What is the tallest living animal in the world?
2. What mammals have the longest neck?
3. Have you ever seen it?
4. Where did you see it?

Activity 2: While-Reading Activity

While reading the text, answer the questions below.
1. What is the Latin name of giraffe?
2. Where do giraffes usually live?
3. Is their primary food acacia leaves?
4. Which animals prey the giraffe?
5. How do the male giraffes establish social hierarchies?

The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed
ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest
ruminant. Its species name refers to its camel-like shape and its
leopard-like coloring. Its chief distinguishing characteristics are its
extremely long neck and legs, its horn-like ossicones, and its
distinctive coat patterns. It is classified under the family Giraffidae,
along with its closest extant relative, the okapi. The nine subspecies
are distinguished by their coat patterns.
The giraffe’s scattered range extends from Chad in the north to
South Africa in the south and from Niger in the west to Somalia in
the east. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs, grasslands, and open
woodlands. Their primary food source is acacia leaves, which they
browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. Giraffes are
preyed on by lions; their calves are also targeted by leopards, spotted
hyenas, and African wild dogs. Adult giraffes do not have strong
social bonds, though they do gather in loose aggregations if they
happen to be moving in the same general direction. Males establish

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social hierarchies through “necking”, which are combat bouts where

the neck is used as a weapon. Dominant males gain mating access to
females, which bear the sole responsibility for raising the young.

Taken from: https://www.sekolahbahasainggris.co.id/contoh-report-text/

Activity 3: Post-Reading Activity
Answer the following questions by reading the relevant paragraph only.
1. What makes different between camel and giraffe?
2. Where do the giraffes scatter?
3. What is giraffes’ primary food source?
4. Are giraffes preyed by lions?
5. What will adult giraffes do if they have to move in same general
6. How do male giraffes establish social hierarchies?
7. Which one is responsible for raising the young?
8. What does the word their in second paragraph third line refers to?
Activity 4: Synonym
Find the word in the text which has the same meaning as the following
1. Characterized by chewing again what has been swallowed.
2. Living or growing on land instead of in water or air.
3. A large flat area of land with grass and very few trees especially in
Africa or South America.
4. Hunted or killed by another animal for food.
5. An animal that only eats plants.

Look at the sentences below on the way they define giraffe.

The giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) are African even-toed ungulate

mammals, the tallest living terrestrial animals and the largest ruminants.

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The formula

Things Verb of Definition

defined being
The giraffes are African even-toed ungulate mammals, the
tallest living terrestrial animals and the largest

Define something you know best using the same structure.

1. Herbivores are animals that only eat plants.

2. Carnivores are …………………………………………………

3. …………………………………………………………………..

4. …………………………………………………………………..

5. …………………………………………………………………..

6. …………………………………………………………………

Activity 5: Modal
Sentences with modality: must, will, can, may (probability and ability)
Pay attention to the following sentence taken from the text.

The height of acacia leaves will not be a problem from giraffe

Modal must, will, can and may can also mean probability or ability. Can in
the above sentence means ability, but others can also mean probability.
Pay attention to the following sentence below.

modal verb + base verb

May/Might/Could/Must + base verb

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 Most people may have dinner at 7:00 pm.
 Domestic cats may also eat rice.
 Too much working will cause stress.

Write sentences with modals which mean probability or ability.

1. To build such a huge apartment will need a lot of money.

2. …………………………………….…….

3. …………………………………….…….

4. …………………………………….…….

5. ………………………………………......

6. ……………………………………………

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Activity 1: Pre-reading Activity

You are going to read a text about school. Before doing it, read these
questions below.
1. What is a place in which people go to learn about topics such as
reading, writing, and mathematics?
2. Do you go to school everyday?
3. What do you know about people who involve to hold the education
system and process?

Activity 2: While-reading Activity

While reading the passage, answer the questions below.
1. What does the first paragraph talk about?
2. In which paragraph can you find the teachers’ responsibility?
3. Which paragraph contains the discussion about curriculum?
4. What is the writer’s purpose of writing the text?

Schools are formal institutions where education process is held for
children. In modern era, schools become important for parents who
concern about their children development. Schools are expected to give
enlightenment and create better generation. Education at school is believed
to change people’s future. It becomes priority for some people to reach their
In the schools, there are many people who involve to hold the
education system and process, such as teachers, headmaster,
administration staffs, and the other roles that likely exist. It can be varied
due to the school’s need or preference. Teachers have responsibility to teach
the students. They are in charge to deliver the materials, shape the students
behavior, and so on. They have many interactions with the students.
Meanwhile, the headmaster is the leader of the school. Headmaster is the
person who is responsible to make and take decision for the school. In
addition, the administration staffs help the teacher and headmaster to deal
with documentation or operational things.

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Materials which are delivered are based on curriculum. Curriculum

is a set of program and plan to run the education process. It also contains
the goals of the education process. The curriculum can be from the
government or it is set by the school itself. Mostly in many countries in the
world, the schools use curriculum from the government. Usually, the
curriculum is the response toward the current condition or problems faced
by the country. Meanwhile, the schools which make their own curriculum
believe on certain philosophy or idealism of what education should be like
and the schools want to give education which is in line with the students’
Taken from https://www.kakakpintar.id/contoh-report-text-tentang-

Activity 3: Post reading Activity

1. What do people believe about educating children at school?
2. Who are involved in the education system and process at school?
3. Do the teachers have multiple or single task at school?
4. What are their tasks?
5. What does the word they in part 2 line 4 refer to?
6. Can the curriculum be set by the school?
7. What kind of curriculum does the school make?
8. Is the curriculum made by the school based on the students’ need?

Activity 4: Complete the following diagram!



……………… ……………… ………………

……….. ……….. ………..

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Activity 5: Conjunction
Ideas in sentences may be combined logically through conjunctions to
make addition, contrast, sequence, cause and effect, alternative, or
concession. In fact there are two types of conjunction: internal and external.
Internal conjunctions (underlined and bold) connect ideas in two different
sentences, whereas external conjunctions (underlined and italic) connect
ideas within a sentence, between main clause and sub clause or between
two paratactic clauses.

List of conjunctions
Logical Mostly occur at the Mostly occur between
meaning beginning of sentences clauses
Contrast however but
yet while
but whereas
on the other hand
Addition in addition and
Cause and therefore so (that)
effect as a result and therefore
as a consequence
Concession - although

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Combine the two sentences in each number using both types of

Example: Lions are carnivores, but Bulls are herbivores.
1. Relaxation can be difficult to learn. Some people do seek help.
2. Regular exercises will make people healthy. Many people like to do
3. Teachers don't like it when you read while they are teaching.
Teachers especially don't like it when you talk while they are
4. Hunter likes heavy metal music. Hunter enjoys hip-hop tunes also.
5. The governor decided to pardon the criminal. The criminal had not
been proven guilty.

Activity 6: Passive Voice

Formula of passive voice

Be + Past Participle (-ed/-en)

1. Education will change people’s future

People’s future will be changed by education.
2. Materials which are delivered are based on curriculum.

Rewrite the following passage in the passive.

1. Our school is organizing a contest. The teachers will choose the best
project about the environment. The students must include pictures and
drawings in their projects. The students will also have to do all the
writing themselves. The school will give the winner a set of
A contest is being organized by our school.

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2. My uncle painted this picture. Someone has offered him a lot of money
for it. He will deliver the painting tomorrow. When they give him the
money, he will tell them the truth. He painted it one night while he was

Activity 7: Adverb
Adverb is a word that qualifies a verb. Adverb also modifies an adjective.
Adverbs are often formed by adding suffix –ly to an adjective.

Adjective + ly Adverb
sad ly sadly
happy ly happily
quick ly quickly

Circle the adverbs and adverbial phrases in each sentence. Underline the
verb that the adverb or adverb phrase modifies.
1. Alexandra practiced soccer frequently.
2. Jeffrey always wanted to be an astronaut.
3. Aaron’s father sang the song loudly.
4. The small girl eagerly licked her ice cream cone.
5. My parents will arrive tomorrow.
6. We skied on the tallest mountain.
7. Alice fell into the rabbit hole.
8. We expect rain all week.
9. The angry bear in the forest growled menacingly.
10. The captain quickly boarded the boat anchored in the harbor.
11. The show will begin soon.
12. The sneaky snake slithered swiftly and silently.
13. Jessica and Ashleigh are reading their books in the yard.
14. My next-door neighbors often visit their grandmothers.
15. Janie and her friend play hopscotch on the sidewalk.

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Activity 8: Exercise on Report

Skimming and scanning
Read the text quickly and answer questions 1-4 based on the following
Basically, robot is a machine. But what makes it special is that robot
is a programmable machine by computer to do a series of actions which is
used for some purposes. The idea of creating robot is to help human make
easy life.
Nowadays, the kinds and the specification of robots are various.
There are robots for war, robot to work, robot to secure, and so on. Robot
can be used to overcome the limit of human being in doing something and
usually it refers to something dangerous. For example, to understand the
whole solar system outside the earth, robot can be created and programmed
for a specific duty to get any information such as collects the data about any
materials in Mars.
Robot can do this easily and better than human because robot only
needs one energy source such as atomic battery while human still need
water, food, and oxygen to be survived on the alien lands. Thus, robot is
perhaps the most important modern technology creature after machine and
computer to help human get better life.
Even though, there are still some debates about the existence of
some robots in which they are considered as something bad, such as soldier
robots. Perhaps this case is easy to be understood by watching Robocop
movie in which robot has no heart, moral, desire and perspective to
understand human as the way human does.

Taken from: https://gudangpelajaran.com/contoh-report

text/#Contoh_Report_Text_Tentang_Teknologi_Modern_Robot with

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the text about?
2. What is the content of first paragraph?
3. Which paragraph tells about the types of robot?
4. What does paragraph three tell about?
5. Which part of the text tells about the bad side of robot?
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Choose the best answer.

6. What is the text about?
a. machine
b. robots
c. robocop
d. types of robot

7. How many types of robot mentioned in the text?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

8. What kind of energy that robot needs for surviving on the alien lands?
a. ion
b. solar
c. atomic battery
d. food

9. The following is one of the robot functions in overcoming the limit of

human being in doing something and usually it refers to something
dangerous, except …
a. understanding the whole solar system outside the earth
b. creating and programming for a specific duty to get any information
c. calculating the mass of atom
d. collecting the data about any materials in Mars

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FOCUS 3: Cendrawasih, the Bird of Paradise

Activity 1: Pre-Reading Activity

You are going to read a text about Cendrawasih, the Bird of Paradise.
Before doing that, answer the following questions.
1. Mention some animals in Indonesia that are almost extinct.
2. Can you mention the origin of the animals that you mention?
3. Do you know where Cendrawasih can be found?
4. What will be the possible cause of the Cendrawasih extinction?

Read the text below.

Cendrawasih, the Bird of Paradise

Papua is not only blessed with beautiful

nature and rich natural resources. This most
eastern province of Indonesia also has exquisite
fauna and one of them is Cendrawasih Bird. The bird which has a mix of
more than three vibrant colors on their feathers are originated from this
island. Its exceptional beauty makes Cendrawasih named "The Bird of
Paradise" by the British people, who previously refused to believe in its
existence because of their beauty. Cendrawasih was used as a beautiful
Indonesian gift for the Kings in 1522 after the European acknowledged the
bird’s existence.
There are 41 Cendrawasih species in Indonesia, with 37 species
living in Papua. Some of its types are named based on their main colors,
like Cendrawasih Kuning Kecil, Cendrawasih Kuning Besar, and
Cendrawasih Merah. For instance, Cendrawasih Kuning Kecil and
Cendrawasih Kuning Besar have a dominant “kuning” or yellow color on
their feathers, thus the names. Beside their majestic appearance,
Cendrawasih is also gifted with the beautiful voice and mesmerizing
dancing. Cendrawasih Parotia, the bird which is mainly colored in black
with a hint of light blue, shows off its amazing dance during mating season.
Cendrawasih has a high smelling sensitivity and sharp ears, so any parfume
and noise can disturb their existence.

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Unfortunately, nowadays Cendrawasih are categorized as

endangered species. Its beauty leads to the high demand for poaching but
Mamberamo Foja, Merauke, Wamena and Jaya Wijaya districts are
several tourism destinations to witness this beautiful creature in Papua.

Taken from: https://www.indonesia.travel/uk/en/destinations/maluku-

papua/jayapura/cendrawasih-the-bird-of-paradise. 29 Aug 2018

Activity 2: While-Reading Activity

While reading the text, answer the questions below.
1. What is the text about?
2. What information can you find from paragraph 1?
3. Which part is the identification of the text?
4. Which part is description of the text?

Activity 3: Post-Reading
Answer the following questions!
1. Why is Cendrawasih called as the bird of paradise?
2. How many Cendrawasih species are there in Indonesia?
3. How many species of Cendrawasih live in Papua?
4. Mention some Cedrawasih names based on the color.
5. Does Cendrawasih have beautiful voice?
6. When does Cendrawasih show off its amazing dance?
7. What can disturb the Cendrawasih’s existence?

Activity 4: Synonym
Find the words in the text which have the same meaning as the
following terms!
1. Very beautiful fauna
2. Very bright in color
3. Large and impressively beautiful
4. The action of animals coming together to breed
5. Put the animal at risk or in danger

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Activity 5: Pre- and Post- Modifiers

Look at the sentences below.
Cendrawasih has a high smelling sensitivity and sharp ears,...
................ the bird which mainly colored in black with a hint of light
a beautiful Indonesian gift for the Kings in 1522
A wonderful small old black American car parked in the garage

The following words are modifiers of nouns that can be classified as pre-
and post- modifiers.
Pre-modifiers Head
Nationality modifiers





Noun Qualifiers

A high smelling sensitivity

colored in
The bird
black with a
hint of light
Indo- for the Kings
A Beautiful gift
nesian in 1522
wonder- Ame- parked in
A small Old black car
ful rican the garage

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Write down other noun phrases containing pre- and post- modifiers in the

Pre-modifiers Head






Noun Qualifiers

Describe your campus by using noun phrases containing pre- and post-
1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________

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Activity 6: Grammar Practice

Choose the correct answer!
1. Modern art is on display at the Guggenhein Museum, a building
with an unusually design.

2. Heart attacks are fatally in 75 percent of occurrences.


3. A baboon’s arms appear as lengthily as its legs.


4. Americans are destroying rapidly wetlands, faster than an acre

every two minutes.

5. Only recently have Gooden’s industrially designers and engineers

been able to optimize Watertred’s unusual tread patterns for mass

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences!

1. …… manipulate with their feet as well as with their hands, it is difficult

for them to stand upright.
a. Apes can, however,
b. Apes are able to
c. Despite the ability of apes
d. Although apes can

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2. On the average, a healthy heart …… to pump five tablespoons of blood

with every beat.
a. must
b. ought
c. can
d. should

3. Static electricity ……. one cloud to another or between clouds and the
ground creates lightning.
a. flows from
b. the flow from
c. flowing from
d. is flowing from

4. The Kilauea volcano …… on the eastern slope of the larger Mauna Loa
a. has situated
b. situating
c. is situated
d. to situate

5. Small sailboats can easily capsize …… they are not handled carefully.
a. if
b. which
c. but
d. so

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1. Report is a factual text which presents information about living and
non-living things generally.
2. The generic structure of report text:
a. General classification
It states classification general aspect of animal, plant, public
place, things, etc. which will be discussed in general.
b. Description
It describes what the phenomenon under discussion involves:
parts, behaviors, qualities, functions, habits, and etc.
3. The language features:
a. Spatial relation
b. Logical relation
c. Temporal relation
d. Reference items: he, she, they, it
e. Conjunctions: addition (and, also, as well, etc.), comparison
(than, rather than, whereas, etc.), time (after, before, until, as
soon as, etc.), consequence (so, thus, hence, etc.)
f. Sentence patterns  passive voice: be + V3
g. Noun phrases
h. Verb phrases: adverb + verb
i. Adjective phrase: adverb + adjective
g. Parallel structure: S + conjunction + S
NP + conjunction + NP
N + conjunction + N
V + conjunction + V
Adj + conjunction + Adj

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