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Who are leaders?

A good leader is never a leader unless everyone follows him. And what makes people follow?
It’s an inspiration. People will only follow if they feel connected with leader’s vision. His vision
must inspire them and give them hopes. People have followed great leaders and walked with
them because they were inspired by their personalities. They were inspired by their vision of a
better future.
A good leader needs to communicate. Or else people would never know about him. Humankind
developed languages to communicate. Because that is how we bind together. Communication
keeps us together. If there was no way to say things we think, we would have died of loneliness.
And for good leadership, it is essential that people believe in your vision. And for that, they need
to understand it. So how they understand? You explain it to them. Not only that, but you also
need to keep motivating them for the same purpose.
Here is some qualities that define good leadership

Good leadership is the reflection of good decisions. A leader needs to decide for the people that follow
him. Therefore, he has to be a good decision-maker. Otherwise, the implications of bad decisions will
take his support that he gets from the people. He won’t be able to inspire people. Also, his decisions
decide the fate of many. He has the responsibility on his shoulders that needs to be carried out.
Good leaders know the value of time. The leader understands the value of time and how things can
change within a few minutes. A good decision is bound to be proved bad if it is not taken on the correct
time. Thus, a leader not only carries the pressure of making a decision but also of making it at the right
time. Also, when they motivate others, they motivate them to do the work on time. Because after the
right time, things can go wrong.

Now, that we know what are the qualities that define good leadership, we hope we will become a better
one. Because the world needs good leaders. A good leader is worth more than a thousand followers.
They should be valued and cherished.

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