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Marielle Ruby D.

Duran BSOA

Office Administration General Internship LT Midterm

Emerging Technologies and Innovations have a great impact on our society,

especially during this time of pandemic. When technologies have not yet

developed during this time, for sure we have nothing to do and just wait until the

day that this pandemic will end and we can again continue our normal lives.

Technology helps us to continue what we used to do before the pandemic

started even if it is just from the comfort of our homes. We can still continue our

classes with the use of our computers and internet, technologies makes it easier

for companies to record, store their datas, reducing manual labor and errors,

businesses still continue to serve their customers in the midst of this pandemic

through online, and we can now apply for online jobs, that we do not need to

go out everyday, risking our safety for we can just do our tasks in the comfort of

our homes. Survival is going to go not with the strongest or the most intelligent

but to those who are most adaptable, if we do not know and learn how to be

adaptable in this new normal that we are experiencing right now, it will just give

us stress and anxiety. The new version of work will be all about the use of

technology but it will also be about humans and how we handle it.
In this new normal where we conduct our internship online, through this

experience, I learned that I can adapt in accomplishing the training even just

with the help of the internet and technology. This helps me to develop my time

management and learn how to prioritize tasks that I need to accomplish as soon

as possible. I know that these strengths I figured out with myself will be very

beneficial to me and to my future job if it will be a work from home set-up. I

know that this experience helps me to develop myself by also applying it to

other things and tasks that I also need to do for a day and not only with the

tasks regarding my school work. It does have a positive bearing in my practicum

experience because I can adapt with the online tasks the company has

assigned us to do, I can apply the time management skills and how to prioritize

things that I discovered in myself during this new type of internship. My thoughts

about this internship internship in general is that it is very useful to us students for

this trains us on how to do remote work that we can totally apply on the work

that we will have in the future especially during this times that almost all jobs are

done online and wherever you are, you can perform the job that was given to

you as long as you have sufficient technology for you to be able to perform it

successfully. In this experience, I got to be self-motivated, able to avoid

distractions while doing the tasks, become more organized and balanced, and
develop my knowledge in using different softwares in the computer. I know that

as days passed by and we are doing our internship training, I will be able to

discover more of my skills that I never thought I have and I can. For sure my

perspective in using electronic devices and working from home will change, if

before I find it hard and impossible to do, now I will be able to finally adapt in

that kind of set up and will find comfort in doing it. For I can also do some of my

personal matters during breaktime at work when I am at home unlike if I am

really inside the office for my duty.

As of today almost all jobs are becoming technology jobs, we need to be more

intentional about how training and education matches to actual tasks and jobs.

The future will be different and we can’t keep doing things, the same old way, a

new world needs to emerge and it is hard to keep up with change, for change

is speeding up. That is why as long as we have an opportunity to improve

ourselves to be able to adapt in the changing world, we need to take the

training that we have, especially this internship training seriously because this will

really help us know what we need to do in the real world of technology jobs. The

new version of work will be about technology but it will also be about humans,

so keep getting better, stay motivated and stay focused, the best advances in
technology and the best capabilities of people coming together, that is the

new version of work. Self-awareness, creativity, empathy, and trust are really the

best factors that help define one’s future success.

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