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FOX from ABB

covers all your communication require-

ments in one system
The universal multiplexer FOX

FOX Manual "Units"

Part 1
4th Edition

ABB Control Units
1. COBUX 212, 213, 219, 223 &
COBUV 217, 218, 220, 224 [315]

FOX Manual
Part 1

1KHW001447R0001 Power Units

1. POSUS 106 [311]
2. POSUA 206 & BATMO [329]
3. POSUM 306 [344]

UBus Units
1. GECOD 371, 372 [002] 3
2. NTU 411, 412 [002]
3. EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 [002]
4. EXLIC 451 and SULIS 493 [002]
5. UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 [002]
6. UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 [343]

UBus Units
7. ISBUQ 141 [318]
8. ISBUT 110 [325]
9. TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR [332]

UBus Units 5
10. ALCAR 804 [002]
11. ETHUB 194 [002]
12. OTERM [002]
13. TEBIT [002]

UBus Units (Extract of FOX-U Manual) 6

14. NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 [002]
15. EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface Units [002]
FOX from ABB, covers all your communication
requirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)

COBUX 219, 223, 212, 213

COBUV 220, 224, 217, 218

Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [315]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB Ltd

Contents i
Safety 1
Referenced documents 1
Introduction 2
Functions 2
Common functions of the COBUX and COBUV 2
Conference function (COBUV only) 3
Functional versions 3
Definition of terms 5
Front panel 5
Architectural description 6
Block diagram 8
Descriptions 8
CPU block 8
Clock Supply and Synchronisation 8
Intra Unit Communication 9
Highway Access and DXC 9
NE Database 9
QX-interface 9
F-/Q1-interface 9
Q1-master interface 9
OSPF router 10
Alarm Interface 10
Metering Pulse Generator 10
1+1 Unit Protection Control 10
Diagnostics 10
Conference Processing (COBUV only) 10
Functional description 11
Clock supply & synchronisation PDH domain (PETS) 12
Timing sources and signals 12
Timing signal outputs 12
PLL and clock signals 13
Modes 14
Jitter transfer function 14
Intra unit communication 15
Overview 15
Hardware control 16
µC-LAN 16
ICN 17

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

NE MIB / PC memory card 17

Cross connect 18
Principles 18
Capacities 19
1+1 equipment protection 19
Metering pulse generator 19
Diagnostic function 19
Conference function (COBUV only) 21
Analogue Conference 21
Digital Conference (signalling) 22
Example 23
NE management and control 23
Handling of configuration data 24
Software Management 24
Fault Management 25
Interfaces for management communication 27
QX-interface: 27
F-interface: 28
Q1-(slave) interface: 28
Q1-master interface: 29
ECC over ATM 30
Bandwidth for the allocation of PDH and SDH ECCs 30
Alarm Interfaces 30
Alarm state outputs 30
Inputs for external alarm signals 31
Interfaces for timing signals 32
Installation 33
Prerequisites 33
Use of slots 34
Connections and cables 34
F- interface (9-pin submini D) 34
QX-interface (RJ-45 connector) 37
DIN 41 612 front connector 38
Q1-(slave) interface 40
Q1-master interface 40
Alarm interfaces 41
Synchronisation interfaces 42
Fixing the cables to the cable tray 45
Configuration and Operation 46
Overview 46
Setting basic parameters 47
Board 47
Communication IF 49
NE MCN parameters 52
Guidelines for the configuration of the NE MCN part 52

iv “Units” Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

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IP Router 58
Setting a conference (COBUV only!) 58
Name 59
Conference 59
Input attenuation 59
Noise suppression 60
Output attenuation 60
Setting diagnostics 60
Test set-up 60
Configuration of the diagnostic function 61
Enable diagnostics 62
Bit rate 62
Test signal (data) 62
Test pattern (signalling) 62
Error insertion 63
Cross connections for diagnostics 63
Download configuration or configuration changes 64
Setting 1+1 equipment protection for COBU<X> 64
Implementation 64
Switching criteria 66
Status/Maintenance functions 66
Board 67
Communication IF 72
NE MCN parameters 73
IP Router 73
IP Ping 73
Diagnostics 74
Operating states of the COBU<X> 87
COBU<X> start up 90
Cold/warm start up 90
Influence on traffic and services 90
Removal of operating COBU<X> 91
Setting Alarm Parameters 91
Summary of UCST default parameters 91
Board layer 91
Communication IF layer 91
SDH ECC layer 92
OSI DCN layer 92
PDH ECC layer 92
IP Router 92
Conference Parties layer (COBUV only) 92
Diagnostics layer 92
Unit alarms 92
Performance monitoring 93
Definition of terms 93
Filtered PM 93
Diagnostics 93

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 v

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Examples of COBU<X> PM 94
Unfiltered PM 95
Alarms and Notifications 96
Fault cause tables 96
Board Layer 96
Communication IF layer 99
SDH ECC layer 99
PDH ECC layer 99
Notifications 100
Notifications control unit board layer 100
Notifications NE unit board layer 101
Notifications IP router layer 103
Notifications OSI DCN layer 103
Maintenance 104
Unit top component and front panel view 104
General aspects 105
Inventory Management 105
Software Download 105
Upgrades 106
Exchange of the PC Card 107
PC Card Handling Precautions 107
PC Card exchange procedure 107

vi “Units” Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

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Figure 1: Released Control units/FOX applications 2

Figure 2: Front panel view of COBU<X> unit 6
Figure 3: Block diagram of COBU<X> unit 8
Figure 4: COBU<X> PDH clock supply and synchronisation block diagram 13
Figure 5: Timing sources sample dialogue 15
Figure 6: Communication structures vs. unit category 16
Figure 7: Principles of traffic channel diagnostics 21
Figure 8: Example of a conference party with 3 participants 22
Figure 9: Example for the signalling in a conference with 3 participants 23
Figure 10: Internal wiring of the alarm state relays 31
Figure 11: Internal wiring of the alarm inputs 32
Figure 12: Signal/pin layout for the F- interface connector 34
Figure 13: COBUX/C3.1-1 cable drawing 35
Figure 14: COBUX/C3.1-2 cable drawing 35
Figure 15: COBUX/C3.1-3 cable drawing 36
Figure 16: COBUX/C3.1-3 cable application drawing 36
Figure 17: Signal/pin layout for the QX-interface connector 37
Figure 18: COBUX/C2.1-1 cable drawing 37
Figure 19: COBUX/C2.1-2 cable drawing 38
Figure 20: Signal/pin layout for the DIN 41 612 connector 39
Figure 21: COBUX/C1.4 cable drawing 40
Figure 22: COBUX/C1.3 cable drawing 40
Figure 23: COBUX/C1.2 cable drawing 41
Figure 24: COBUX/C1.1-1 cable drawing 42
Figure 25: COBUX/C1.1-3 cable drawing 43
Figure 26: COBUX/C1.1-4 cable drawing 44
Figure 27: COBUX/C1.1-6 cable drawing 44
Figure 28: Fixing the cables to the cable tray (example for the FOX 515) 45
Figure 29: Unit Configuration Parameters - Board layer dialogue 47
Figure 30: Unit Configuration Parameters - Communication IF layer
dialogue 49
Figure 31: Flow chart configuration of the management communication 54
Figure 32: Unit Configuration Parameters – Conference Part. layer
dialogue 59
Figure 33: Unit Configuration Parameters – Diagnostics layer dialogue 61
Figure 34: Create Cross Connections dialogue 63
Figure 35: NE Configuration – Add Protecting Unit dialogue 65
Figure 36: Status/Maintenance - Board dialogue 67
Figure 37: State messages of COBU<X> 69
Figure 38: Status/Maintenance – Communication IF dialogue 72
Figure 39: Status/Maintenance – IP Router IP Ping Request dialogue 74
Figure 40: Summary of analysis and quality assessment functions 75
Figure 41: Diagnostics – No Status Available dialogue 76
Figure 42: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue 76
Figure 43: Test set-up for timeslot monitoring 78

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 vii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

Figure 44: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue Analysis of a n x 64

kbit/s test signal 79
Figure 45: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue Analysis of a n x 64
kbit/s test signal, AIS on signalling 80
Figure 46: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue Analysis of a 64
kbit/s test signal (data) 81
Figure 47: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue Analysis of a 64
kbit/s test signal (signalling) 81
Figure 48: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue Analysis of 2 Mbit/s
transparent test signals, no offset 82
Figure 49: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue Analysis of 2 Mbit/s
transparent test signals, with offset 83
Figure 50: Test set-up for delay measurements 84
Figure 51: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue 85
Figure 52: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue 85
Figure 53: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue 86
Figure 54: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue 86
Figure 55: Operating states and NE activities indicated via the unit LED 87
Figure 56: Operating states indicated via the Unit LED 89
Figure 57: COBU<X> - Performance Monitoring sample dialogue 93
Figure 58: COBU<X> - Performance Monitoring sample dialogue Events
presentation 94
Figure 59: COBU<X> - Performance Monitoring sample dialogue Ratio
presentation 95
Figure 60: Fault Causes and alarms of the Board Layer 96
Figure 61: Fault Causes and alarms of the Communication IF Layer 99
Figure 62: Fault Causes and alarms of the SDH ECC Layer 99
Figure 63: Fault Causes and alarms of the PDH ECC Layer 99
Figure 64: Notifications on the Control Unit Board Layer 100
Figure 65: Notifications on the NE Unit Board Layer (proxy function of the
COBU<X>) 101
Figure 66: Notifications on the IP Router Layer 103
Figure 67: Notifications on the OSI DCN Layer 103
Figure 68: COBU<X> top component side and front panel view 104
Figure 69: To remove the PC Memory Card 108
Figure 70: To insert the PC Memory Card 108

viii “Units” Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


For generic information on precautions and safety refer to [033].
Except for the standard precautions for ESD outlined in the installation
section when handling the unit, there are no special safety precautions to be
followed in installing and commissioning the COBUV and the COBUX units.

Referenced documents [033] 1KHW001445R0001 Precautions and safety

[301] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX 515 Installation Guide

[302] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX User Guide (R6)
[303] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX 512 Installation Guide
[401] 1KHW001446R0001 UCST/System Operation Basics (R6)
[402] 1KHW001446R0001 UCST Installation & Commissioning (R6)
[901] 1KHW001446R0001 FOX Management Communication
Networks (R6)
[914] 1KHW001446R0001 FOX EOC (Embedded Operation Channel)

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 1 of 108


Common functions of the The COBUX and COBUV are control units for the FOX 515/512 Multiservice
COBUX and COBUV Access Systems.
Please note, that not all control units are released for all FOX subracks
(refer to the table below).
With the UCST R6A the R5 and R4 control units are available for the FOX
system configuration. The control units are released for the FOX and
corresponding applications as follows:
Figure 1: Released Control units/FOX applications

Control Function Unit Release FOX

R5 R4 515 512
40HW 128HW 40HW 128HW

COBUX 223 219 213 212 R5, R4 R5, R4

COBUV 224 220 218 217 R5, R4 R5, R4

The functions common to all COBUX and COBUV control units are:
• Clock supply and synchronisation for the PDH domain (PETS) for the NE
• Integration of 2 external timing signals for the synchronisation of the NE
(1 PETS only and 1 SETS or PETS), 3 outputs with timing signals
synchronised to PETS and 1 output SETS locked or non SETS locked.
• NE database
• NE management/control to allow:
− Configuration of peripheral units
− Surveillance and alarm generation for peripheral units
− Provision of the NE fault list and NE alarm/event logbook
− Access for local and remote management communication with the
UCST (EM) via the following management interfaces:
− F-interface (external)
− QX-interface (external)
− Q1-interface (external)
− PDH and SDH ECC (internal)
− ECC over ATM, as PDH ECC (internal)
− Provision of the Q1-master interface (external) to manage a co-located
LEGACY FOX on the local Q-Bus via the management
communication of the FOX 515/512.
− Handling of data transactions for the database
(configuration download and upload, backup database)
− Software download for the embedded software (ESW)
− Autonomous restart of the NE after a power failure (no interaction by
EM required)
− Inventory management
• 1+1 equipment protection
• UBUS ↔ PBUS access
• UBUS digital cross connect

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The COBUX and COBUV provide a UBUS access capacity of

8 highways, each highway for traffic signals (signalling included)
− 31 x 64 kbit/s (depending on the unit as a bundle access for 31 TSs or
as n x 64 kbit/s TS access)
− the highways access in the slots of the subrack depends on the
FOX subrack.

The even numbered highways are reserved exclusively for signalling.

• PBUS access control
The COBUX and COBUV provide a PBUS access capacity (signalling
included) of up to 128 highways depending on the functional units, each
highway configurable for traffic signals
− 2 Mbit/s transparent or
− 31 x 64 kbit/s (depending on the unit as a bundle access for 31 TSs or
as n x 64 kbit/s TS access)
• Integrated central diagnostic function
• Integration of 4 external alarm sources in the NE fault management
• Capability to output the NE alarm status "Urgent Alarm" and "Non-urgent
Alarm" by means of:
− two pairs of change-over relay contacts
− optical LED indicators on the control unit front panel

• Generation of 12 kHz or 16 kHz metering pulses

Conference function (COBUV The COBUV control units also provide the possibility to create up to 21 bi-
only) and uni-directional conferences, each conference with up to 64 participants
(64 kbit/s traffic signals). The conferences also process the signalling
associated with the traffic signals.

Functional versions The UCST R6A supports 2 x 4 functional units for the COBU<X> control
unit, each with its corresponding R4 and R5 template:
• COBUX 223
− ATM, SDH and PDH functionality
− PBUS capacity (signalling included):
40 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 40 x VC-12 or 1280 x 64
− UBUS capacity (signalling included):
2 x 4 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 8 x 31 x 64 kbit/s
− OBUX 213 supports additionally:
− SW download for remote units (via local units))
− Compressed MIB (storage and transfer)

• COBUX 219
− ATM, SDH and PDH functionality
− PBUS capacity (signalling included):
128 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 128 x VC-12 or 4096 x
64 kbit/s
− UBUS capacity (signalling included):
2 x 4 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 8 x 31 x 64 kbit/s
− SW download for remote units (via local units)
− Compressed MIB (storage and transfer)

• COBUX 213
− SDH and PDH functionality

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 3 of 108


− PBUS capacity (signalling included):

40 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 40 x VC-12 or 1280 x 64
− UBUS capacity (signalling included):
2 x 4 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 8 x 31 x 64 kbit/s
− SW download for remote units (via local units)
• COBUX 212
− SDH and PDH functionality
− PBUS capacity (signalling included):
128 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 128 x VC-12 or 4096 x 64
− UBUS capacity (signalling included):
2 x 4 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 8 x 31 x 64 kbit/s
− SW download for remote units (via local units)

• COBUV 224
− ATM, SDH and PDH functionality
− PBUS capacity (signalling included):
40 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 40 x VC-12 or 1280 x 64
− UBUS capacity (signalling included):
2 x 4 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 8 x 31 x 64 kbit/s
− Conference function
− SW download for remote units (via local units)
− Compressed MIB (storage and transfer)

• COBUV 220
− ATM, SDH and PDH functionality
− PBUS capacity (signalling included):
128 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 128 x VC-12 or 4096 x 64
− UBUS capacity (signalling included):
2 x 4 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 8 x 31 x 64 kbit/s
− Conference function
− SW download for remote units (via local units)
− Compressed MIB (storage and transfer)

• COBUV 218
− SDH and PDH functionality
− PBUS capacity (signalling included):
40 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 40 x VC-12 or 1280 x 64
− UBUS capacity (signalling included):
2 x 4 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 8 x 31 x 64 kbit/s
− Conference function
− SW download for remote units (via local units)

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• COBUV 217
− SDH and PDH functionality
− PBUS capacity (signalling included):
128 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 128 x VC-12 or 4096 x 64
− UBUS capacity (signalling included):
2 x 4 highways each 2 Mbit/s equivalent to 8 x 31 x 64 kbit/s
− Conference function
− SW download for remote units (via local units)

The list above shows only the features that are different between the three
types of the control unit.
The hardware versions provided for the COBU<X> differ in the
implementation of the interfaces for synchronisation signals. The COBU<X>
templates and hardware
- COBUX 219, 223 & 212, 213: ROFBU 367 103/1 R2B
- COBUV 220, 224 & 217, 218: ROFBU 367 103/2 R1A
or more recent hardware provide the interfaces for synchronisation as
specified in this document (i.e. 120 Ω impedance for ESI-1 and ESO-4 and
galvanic isolation for ESO-1 and 4).

Definition of terms In this document, the generic names

• FOX is used to name the following systems released with the UCST R6A:
− FOX 515
− FOX 512

• legacy FOX is used to name the following systems:

− FOX-U/M (-U/E)

• COBU<X> is used to name the following control units and templates

released with the UCST R6A:
− COBUX 219 (R5)
− COBUX 223 (R5)
− COBUX 212 (R4)
− COBUX 213 (R4)
− COBUV 220 (R5)
− COBUV 224 (R5)
− COBUV 217 (R4)
− COBUV 218 (R4)

The FOX Manual [302] provide complementary information.

Front panel The front panel view below applies for all versions of the COBU<X>:

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 5 of 108


Figure 2: Front panel view of COBU<X> unit

Fixing screw
Pull-out handle

............ ...
............ ... Identification (HW) label
............ ...


(bicolor red-green) (red)
Optical Fault Indication
Traffic LED NA LED
(red) (yellow)

D-Sub 9-pin male connector (C3.1)

for the F-interface

RJ-45 8-contact female connector (C2.1)

for the QX-interface

DIN 41 612 connector type C,

2 x 32 contacts, male,
4 modules with coding

Q1-unit interface module (C1.4)

Q1-master interface module (C1.3)

Alarm interface module (C1.2)

Synchronisation interface module (C1.1)

- 2 x 2048 kHz clock input
- (3 + 1) x 2048 kHz clock output
Pull-out handle
Fixing screw

Architectural description
The COBU<X> function is implemented using the following functional
• CPU block with micro-controller, memory and peripheral logic
• Clock supply and synchronisation (PETS)
• Peripheral unit communication
• DXC and Highway Access
• NE Database
• Unit protection control
• OSPF Router (NE management communication)
• IS-IS Router (NE management communication)
• Metering Pulse Generator
• Diagnostics

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• Management interfaces
− F-Interface
− QX-interface
− Q1-(slave) interface
− Q1-master interface

• Alarm interface
• COBUV only: Conference processing
For more information on the functions, also refer to the paragraphs
"Functional and operational description".

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 7 of 108


Block diagram The figure below shows the functional block diagram of the COBU<X> unit:

Figure 3: Block diagram of COBU<X> unit

ESI clock signals 2048 kHz (PETS & SETS) Clock Signals for PBUS and UBUS
Clock Supply
and Clock signals from SETS
ESO clock signals 2048 kHz (PETS & SETS) Clock Bus Lines 1, 2, 3, 4

1+1 Unit
Master/Slave control
NE Database
Metering Pulse Metering Pulses

Peripheral Unit ICN
Qx-interface Communication Hardware Control

F F-interface OSPF Router

Q 1-(slave) UBUS UBUS
Q1-(slave) IF

Diagnostics Highway Access

Q1-master Q 1-master DXC
interface Conference
processing PBUS PBUS
Digital inputs

Relay contacts outputs Alarm Interfaces


Conference processing block: COBUV only

CPU block The CPU functional block controls and monitors all the other functional
blocks of the COBU<X>. The local CPU executes the COBUX program and
provides all the COBU<X> internal functions.

Clock Supply and The most important part of the Clock Supply and Synchronisation
Synchronisation functional block is a phase locked loop (PLL) which allows the PETS system
of the NE to synchronise on one of the PETS timing sources.
The Clock Supply and Synchronisation functional block provides the NE
internal interfaces for the NE synchronisation to the PETS timing sources
(used in conjunction with the PLL) and to allow the distribution of the clock
signals within the NE.
The control units provide the interfaces for the external timing signals ESI-
• Inputs:
− ESI-PDH: ESI-1 and 2
• Outputs:
− ESO-PDH: ESO-1 … 3

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The Clock Supply and Synchronisation functional block provides toggle or

frequency detectors for the most important clock signals that are used for
clock recovery and distribution.

Intra Unit Communication The Peripheral Unit Communication functional block provides the
interfaces that allow the COBU<X> to manage the peripheral units of the NE.
This includes the interfaces for the management communication with the
units and the control signals to monitor and reset the unit hardware.

Highway Access and DXC The Highway Access and DXC functional block provides the COBU<X>
access to the UBUS and PBUS highways. The implementation of the
highway access interfaces allows you to insert and remove a slave control
unit without disturbing the traffic signals on the UBUS and PBUS.
Additionally, the Highway Access and DXC functional block provides the
digital cross connect that allows the cross connection of traffic signals
The Highway Access and DXC functional block also handles the access of
the management communication (ECC) and diagnostic function to the

NE Database The NE Database functional block holds the MIB of the NE. The MIB is
physically implemented on a PC memory Card and has an assigned partition
on the card.
With platform release R6, configuration information is transferred and stored
in compressed format making a more efficient use of space in the PC
memory Card and reducing transfer time

QX-interface The QX-interface functional block provides the

• Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) which attaches the NE to a 10
BaseT Ethernet LAN.
• Physical LAN Signalling (PLS) and the Media Access Control (MAC) as
required by the QX-interface.

F-/Q1-interface The F-interface Q1-(slave) interface functional block provides the:

• Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) which handles the
data transmission over the F-interface and the Q1-(slave) interface.
• Transceivers which adapt the internal signals for RS-232 (F-interface)
and RS-485 (Q1-(slave) interface) transmission.
The F-interface Q1-(slave) interface share the same UART, thus it is only
possible to use one of the two interfaces at a time.

Q1-master interface The Q1-master interface functional block provides the:

• Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) which handles the
data transmission over the Q1-master interface.
• Transceivers which adapt the internal signals of the Q1-master interface
for the RS-485 transmission.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 9 of 108


The Q1-(master) interface doesn't share its hardware with other interfaces.

OSPF router The OSPF router functional block provides Version 2 OSPF routing
capabilities and the logical access to the internal PDH- and SDH ECC
management communication channels.
The OSPF router re-directs IP data packets for management communication
between the appropriate management interfaces (F-, QX-interfaces and a
number of PDH- and SDH-ECCs).

Alarm Interface The Alarm Interface functional block provides:

• 4 inputs which accept digital signals
• 2 outputs with change-over relay contacts

Metering Pulse Generator The Metering Pulse Generator functional block provides 12/16 kHz clock
signals and filters which create the required signal shape for the
corresponding metering pulses.
The Metering Pulse Generator feeds its signal to the FOX backplane.
Some of the units (e.g. SUBL<X>) switch this metering signal to their
subscriber line interfaces.
Other units (e.g. PHLC<x>) generate the metering pulses for their PSTN
interfaces locally, according to the metering information provided with the
signalling (CAS). However, they generate the local metering with the
frequency that is specified as a NE level parameter.

1+1 Unit Protection Control The 1+1 Unit Protection Control functional block provides software-
independent control circuits which recognise the active and the standby unit
and which control the switchover from the active to the standby unit.

Diagnostics The Diagnostics functional block provides a versatile pattern generator and
a test pattern analyser with interfaces to the Highway Access and DXC
functional block. The generator and analyser functions allow you to check
the traffic signal channels via the NE cross connect across the network.

Conference Processing The Conference Processing functional block processes the traffic signal
(COBUV only) data and the corresponding signalling information for conference circuits
between the traffic signals.
Only the COBUV unit provides the Conference Processing functional

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Functional description
The COBU<X> unit provides functions and processes, which affect the
services and operation of the NE.
Depending on the function or process the UCST provides the corresponding
menus and dialogues for their control on the NE or the unit level:
• Configuration and control on the NE level
− Synchronisation (PETS, ESI, ESO)
(NE Configuration → NE Timing Source)
The NE provides the corresponding alarms on the unit level!
− Implementation of redundant control unit
(NE Configuration → Add Protecting unit(s))
− Software Installation
(NE Configuration → Software Installation)
− Metering Pulses
(NE Configuration → Parameters)
− Inventory information retrieval
− Management Network
(Management Network → Set-up)
For the description of the configuration and (if applicable) operation of
these functions, refer to [302] and [401].
This document provides for these items additional functional and
operational descriptions on the unit level.
• Configuration and control on the COBU<X> unit level
− Communication IF
(Unit Configuration → Parameters)
− Management communication
(Unit Configuration → Parameters)
− Operation control for redundant control units
(Unit Configuration → Status/Maintenance)
− Conference function (COBUV only)
(Unit Configuration →Parameters)
− PETS and ESI, ESO alarms (alarms only!)
(Unit Configuration →Parameters)
For the description of the configuration and operation of these functions,
refer to the corresponding paragraphs in this document.
The documents [401] and [302] provide detailed information on the local
management access to the NE.
The document [901] provide detailed information on the configuration of
the Management Communication Network (MCN) with the FOX and on
the techniques of MCN implementation.
The paragraphs below provide functional and operational descriptions as
stated above and for the functions and processes that are not configurable.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 11 of 108


Clock supply &

synchronisation PDH
domain (PETS)
Timing sources and signals It is possible to configure the PETS system of the NE to synchronise to one
of the following timing sources:
• External 2048 kHz timing signals according ITU-T G.703
The PETS system uses the inputs (timing sources):
− ESI-1 (PDH and SDH)
− ESI-2 (PDH)
• Traffic signals 2048 kbit/s
The NE terminates or monitors the incoming (received) logical 2048 kbit/s
traffic signal according to ITU-T G.704. The traffic units extract the timing
and quality information from the incoming traffic signal and supply a
corresponding clock signal and the quality information (if applicable) to
the COBU<X>.
• Traffic signals n x 64 kbit/s
The incoming (received) traffic signal is a n x 64 kbit/s signal. The traffic
units extract the timing information from the incoming traffic signal and
supply a corresponding clock signal to the COBU<X>.
• Internal source
The COBU<X> (i.e. the entire system) synchronises to the timing signal
of the internal source.

Timing signal outputs The PETS system of the COBU<X> can provide timing signals via
corresponding interfaces and traffic interfaces that allow you to synchronise
other equipment to the PETS system of the NE:
• Timing signals for external equipment
The COBU<X> provides 3 interfaces according to ITU-T G.703, section
10 - 75 Ω case for 2048 kHz clock signals:
− ESO-1 (PDH)
− ESO-2 (PDH)
− ESO-3 (PDH)
It is possible to configure for each of the outputs whether it shall provide
its timing signal or not depending on the selected timing source. This
helps to prevent undefined synchronisation states such as
synchronisation loops in complex network structures.
• Structured 2 Mbit/s traffic signals (outgoing)
It is vital for meshed networks to avoid undefined synchronisation states
such as synchronisation loops. To control the use of the traffic signals for
synchronisation purposes it is possible to insert corresponding
information in the TS0 spare bits. The TS0 carries SSI or SSM data to
signal the neighbouring NEs the disposability of the timing information in
the traffic signal.
For additional information, refer to „Synchronisation Distribution“ in [302].
The SETS system of the NE provides its ESO timing signal via the
COBU<X> unit to external equipment. The COBU<X> does not process this
signal but provides just the signal interface.

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PLL and clock signals The central system clock supply and synchronisation for the PETS system is
a system function. It relies on a PLL that delivers a 32768 kHz reference
clock signal at the output of its VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator).
The PLL's phase detector operates at a frequency of 256 kHz.
Most of the NE internal PDH clock and frame synchronisation signals are
derived from the VCXO reference clock:
− 4096 kHz UBUS clock signals
− 8 kHz UBUS frame synchronisation signals
− 16384 kHz PBUS clock signal
− 2 kHz PBUS frame synchronisation signal
With terminated 2 Mbit/s traffic signals, the FOX operates internally in clock
and frame synchronism for both the transmit and the receive direction.
The figure below shows the block diagram of the PETS system clock supply
and synchronisation:

Figure 4: COBU<X> PDH clock supply and synchronisation

block diagram

ESI-1 (2048 kHz signal input)

ESI-2 (2048 kHz signal input) 2:1

Divider PETS locked Synchronisation

Divider MUX ESO-1 ... 3 (2048 kHz signals)
PDH-1 clock source
PDH-2 clock source PLL
PDH-3 clock source
PDH-4 clock source

Monitoring Internal Meter Pulse

ESI-1 (2048kHz signal input) Clock Metering

for the SETS system Signals Pulses


The figure shows only the PETS (PDH domain) aspect of the NE
For information on the SETS system and the interoperability
between SETS and PETS, refer to [302].

The 2 external ESI-1, ESI-2 interfaces (2048 kHz clock signals according
ITU-T G.703) and 4 internal PDH-1 … 3 clock bus lines with the clock
information extracted from incoming traffic signals provide clock signals of
the allocated timing sources. The signal frequency on the internal bus lines
is 256 kHz.
The configuration of the PETS system via the NE Timing sources menu
defines the allocation of the traffic unit interfaces to one of the internal clock

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bus lines. The traffic unit interface supplies its clock signal as long as the
received traffic signal satisfies the quality requirements.
If the traffic signal does not satisfy the quality requirements for timing
sources, the traffic unit disconnects the interface from the clock bus line. The
timing Signal Monitoring circuit of the COBU<X> detects the absence of the
corresponding clock signal. This forces the PETS system to select a new
timing source according the configured selection algorithm (priority table
based or quality level based).
The Signal Monitoring circuit monitors the presence or absence of timing
signals as follows:
− ESI-1, ESI-2: by means of signal frequency detectors
− PDH-1 … 4 : by means of signal toggle detectors
Failed timing sources create alarms.
For more information and the configuration of this selection process, refer to

Modes The FOX runs in one of two basic modes of synchronisation:

• Free-running:
The COBU<X> (i.e. the entire system) synchronises to the timing signal
of the internal source. The NE oscillates freely with respect to the traffic
signals and external timing sources.
This synchronisation mode corresponds to the timing source selection
„Internal“ source.
• Locked:
The COBU<X> (i.e. the entire system) synchronises to one of the six
timing sources (ESI-1, ESI-2, PDH-1 … 4).
The synchronisation mode is Locked if the PETS system is synchronised
to the timing source according to the timing source selection <Source
Name> (as allocated to the PDH-1 … 4 clock bus lines), ESI-1 and ESI-

Jitter transfer function In the „locked“ mode, the PLL generates a timing signal that follows the
frequency of the timing source. The jitter transfer function of the PLL defines
how the jitter in the timing source signal influences the jitter at the output of
the PLL.
The PLL can operate alternatively with one of two predefined jitter transfer
functions that provide the following characteristics:
• Type „wide band“ (PLL quality factor low Q)
If you select the clock extraction mode „Low Q" for the PETS system in
the Timing sources dialogue the jitter transfer function is of type „wide
band“ (low PLL quality factor Q).
The corresponding filter features a low Q, wide band filter with a cut off
frequency of 40 Hz (attenuating jitter above 40 Hz).
This filter is used for normal applications and public networks. The
requirement for the jitter transfer of 2 Mbit/s (G.703) signals is specified
by G.736.
This is the most commonly used setting.

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• Type „narrow band“ (PLL quality factor high Q)

If you select the clock extraction mode „High Q“ for the PETS system in
the Timing sources dialogue the jitter transfer function is of type „narrow
band“ (high PLL quality factor Q).
This filter is used for ONP (Open Network Provision) applications. To
avoid potential synchronisation problems (slips) in the public PDH
transmission network due to synchronisation processes in the private
networks, ONP specifies additional jitter filtering for frequencies below 40
As the ONP setting of the filter (high Q) results in a slower reacting PLL,
the high-Q filter is only recommended at the nodes connecting to the
public network, and when required by the public network operator.

Figure 5: Timing sources sample dialogue


Intra unit communication

Overview The COBU<X> controls the communication between the control unit and the
peripheral units in the subrack.
From the perspective of intra unit management communication, there exist 3
categories of peripheral units:
• Units with CPU for FOX and legacy FOX
• PBUS and ABUS/SBUS units (always have a CPU)
• Units without CPU (FOX and legacy FOX)
The table below shows what communication structure the COBU<X> uses
with which category of peripheral unit:

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Figure 6: Communication structures vs. unit category

Units µC-LAN ICN Hardware Control

with CPU for FOX X X
& legacy FOX
exclusive for FOX
without CPU for FOX X
& legacy FOX

Hardware control The Hardware Control controls the peripheral unit at the „hardware“ level
(i.e. independently of the units SW system and its state). The Hardware
Control of the COBU<X> supports the following functions:
• Check the presence of the peripheral unit
• Activate/deactivate the unit (UBUS, PBUS and ABUS/SBUS units)
• Reset the unit (UBUS, PBUS and ABUS/SBUS units)
• Turn On/Off the unit LED (UBUS, PBUS and ABUS/SBUS units)
• Read the unit alarm status (Units without CPU only)
• Read the unit Inventory Data
The Hardware Control enables the COBU<X> to control a peripheral unit
independently of whether the peripheral unit is properly working or not. This
allows the COBU<X> e.g. to deactivate a faulty peripheral unit and prevent
this unit from further bus accesses, which might disturb the bus systems on
the backplane and traffic signals.
The COBU<X> uses individual address lines to select and control each of
the slots and thus peripheral units.

µC-LAN The µC-LAN (micro-Controller Local Area Network) provides NE internal

management communication and allows the COBU<X> to manage the
following functions of units with a CPU if the units are compatible with the
FOX and legacy FOX:
• Peripheral unit configuration and fault management
− Configuration of the peripheral units
− Monitoring of the peripheral units
− Collection of the peripheral units alarms
− Software installation on peripheral and remote units

• Broadcasting of operational parameters

(COBU<X> → peripheral unit)
− Time and date information
− Synchronisation source that currently synchronises the system
− Metering pulse synchronisation message
− etc.

The µC-LAN uses a proprietary protocol stack. The physical layer of this
stack relies on asynchronous serial communication at the speed of
375 kbit/s. The communication is based on a master-slave principle where
the COBU<X> unit is always the master of the µC-LAN.

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ICN The ICN (Internal Communication Network) provides NE internal

management communication and allows the COBU<X> to manage the
following functions of units with a CPU if the units are not compatible with
the legacy FOX:
• Peripheral unit configuration and fault management
− Configuration of the peripheral units
− Monitoring of the peripheral units
− Collection of the peripheral units alarms
− Software installation on peripheral and remote units

• Broadcasting of operational parameters

− COBU<X> → peripheral unit
− Time and date information
− Synchronisation source that currently synchronises the system
− Metering pulse synchronisation message
− Communication of the quality level of allocated synchronisation
− etc.
• Exchange of data between redundant control units
Exchange or update of configuration data and fault management
information from one COBU<X> to the other unit:
− Configuration information to allow the COBU<X> to update its MIB
and to achieve MIB redundancy
− Status and alarm information

• Peripheral unit to peripheral unit communication

The communication of the ICN uses a proprietary protocol stack. The lower
layers of the stack rely on an HDLC synchronous bus with a speed of about
2 Mbit/s. The communication of the ICN is based on a multi-master principle.

NE MIB / PC memory card The NE configuration data and the ESW (Embedded SW) for the units
implemented in the NE make up the MIB (Management Information Base) of
the NE. The COBU<X> saves this data on the PC Memory Card of the
control unit.
The PC Flash card stores the data as follows:
• Configuration data of the NE.
The COBU<X> reserves 1.5 MBytes of the PC memory card for
configuration data.
• Application Download Software (APDSW)
The APDSW file(s) allow the COBU<X> to decompress and install the
ESW on the units.
• Files with compressed software code for the control unit and the other
peripheral units that support software download.
The COBU<X> reserves the remaining capacity of the PC memory card
for ESW and the APDSW (e.g. 6.5 MBytes for an 8 MByte PC memory
From release R6, configuration information is transferred and stored in
compressed format. The main benefits of this are:
− It makes a more efficient use of space in the PC memory Card
− It reduces transfer time (specially significant in ESW transfers)

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The PC memory card is a solid-state non-volatile storage media. The PC

memory card of the COBU<X> provides a total memory capacity of
8 MBytes to satisfy all the possible NE configurations. However, if higher
capacity is required a 16Mbytes card can be used.
Please note that:
• For proper operation, you must only use the PC memory card
type delivered with the COBU<X> e.g.:
− Intel Value Series 100, iMC008FLSC
− M-Systems, LDPC-FD - 08
• The COBU<X> supports only Type 1 form factor.

The PC memory card is an integral part of the control unit!

A COBU<X> without PC memory card is not operating (unit
failure). The NE signals this state via a steady active unit LED of
the control unit.

Although generally not recommended, it is possible to move the PC memory

card from one control unit to another control unit of the same type.
For instructions on how to do this, refer to [302] and the instructions for the
handling of the PC memory card at the end of this document.
Do not try to copy files to or remove files from the PC memory
card via file service functions of your PC or programs other than
the UCST!
Unpredictable system behaviour might result because of
inappropriate organisation or content.

Cross connect
Principles The cross connect circuit of the COBU<X> provides at the same time 2
• UBUS ↔ UBUS cross connections
Central logical cross connect for the UBUS.
From the point of view of the UBUS architecture, the COBU<X> provides
a central cross connect as it is required for the operation of the UBUS
units in the FOX.
• UBUS ↔ PBUS bridge
Distributed PBUS cross connect.
From the point of view of the PBUS architecture, the UBUS is now a
tributary to the PBUS and in that sense, the cross connect is now a part
of the decentralised PBUS cross connect of the FOX.
Therefore, any UBUS ↔ UBUS cross connection is established indirectly
over two levels (i.e. UBUS → PBUS → UBUS). This two level connection
demonstrates that the UBUS ↔ PBUS bridge is the first step of any UBUS
↔ UBUS cross connection.
The COBU<X> provides an additional access to the PBUS cross connect
that is reserved for the diagnostic function, the ECC management
communication channels, the digital conference (COBUV only) and other

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internal purposes. This PBUS access does not contribute to the specified
PBUS capacity.

Capacities The COBU<X> has the following traffic handling capacity for UBUS traffic
• In the direction UBUS → PBUS,
The COBU<X> unit can provide user traffic up to a capacity of 248 x
64kbit/s (with or without CAS).
• In the direction PBUS → UBUS,
The PBUS cross connect provides traffic signals for the UBUS. The
COBU<X> can pick individual timeslots carrying user traffic up to a total
capacity of 248 x 64kbit/s (with or without CAS) from all the PBUS lines
Please note that:
• As soon as you add a UBUS unit, the PBUS provides capacity
to carry the UBUS traffic.
• In contrast to the legacy FOX, it is not possible to double the
above mentioned user traffic capacity if you disable the CAS for
the UBUS traffic in the FOX.

Signal toggle detectors monitor the UBUS clock signals, the PBUS clock
signal and the PBUS data signals. If a clock or data signal fails, the fault
management system generates a corresponding alarm.
For additional information on these alarms, refer to the corresponding
paragraphs in the section "Alarms and Notifications".

1+1 equipment protection The 1+1 control unit protection relies on 2 COBU<X> with identical MIB and
hot standby of the inactive unit.
The active unit controls the NE and the management communication. The
inactive unit permanently updates its MIB and remains in hot standby mode.
For operational topics, refer to the corresponding paragraphs in the section
The implementation of redundant control units requires special
considerations for the cabling of the COBU<X> interfaces. For information
on the cabling, refer to [302] or [303].

Metering pulse generator The configuration of the metering pulses parameters (selection of the
metering pulse frequency, pulse duration and break duration) is an NE level
You can access the corresponding dialogue via NE Configuration →
For details, refer to [302].

Diagnostic function The COBU<X> control units provide a versatile diagnostic function for the
analysis of the traffic channels performance. The diagnostic function allows

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you to test transmission channels before the commissioning of payload

traffic and for maintenance purposes.
The test function is implemented by means of a pattern generator and a
pattern analyser which each access the channel under test from one end.
Both of the functions (the pattern generator and analyser) are implemented
on the control unit.
To test a channel you set up a uni- or bi-directional transmission path in the
network between the access point of the generator and analyser
respectively. If this channel uses the same interfaces and resources in the
network as your traffic signal, the test result accurately reflects the
performance of the traffic channel.
The access points to the traffic channel under test can be:
• on the same COBU<X> unit
• on 2 different COBU<X> units
• on the COBU<X> unit and an external measurement equipment
(providing it is compatible with the test signal and the testing method).
Due to standardised test signals, most external generators and analysers
can be used in conjunction with the complementary function of the
COBU<X> board.
The test signal is cross connected via a separate PBUS line between the
generator and/or the analyser of COBU<X> and the physical interface of the
NE to the network. The diagnostic function does not reduce the PBUS
capacity available for traffic signals.
The following figure illustrates the principles of traffic channel diagnostics:

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Figure 7: Principles of traffic channel diagnostics


PI Transmission Network PI



PI Transmission Network PI


Symbols and abbreviations:

Pattern Generator

Pattern Analyser

Cross Connect
PI: Physical Interface

For information on the configuration and application of the diagnostic

function, refer to the corresponding paragraphs in the sections
"Configuration" and "Operation".

Conference function The COBUV control unit provides conference functions for 64 kbit/s traffic
(COBUV only) signals. These signals mostly represent digitised voice signals. The
conference function also processes the signalling information accompanying
the traffic signals.
The cross connect allows you to create uni-directional and bi-directional
conference parties.
Each conference party consists of an analogue and a digital conference.

Analogue Conference For each participant the Analogue Conference circuit sums the contribution
of all the other participants (except of the participants own contribution) and
sends this signal back to the participants. However, with ordinary telephone
sets each participant hears its signal via the signal feedback provided in the
It is possible to specify per participant the following parameters:
• Attenuation for the traffic signal
− fed to the analogue conference circuit:
0 dB … 9 dB in steps of 3 dB
− received from the analogue conference circuit:
0 dB, 3 dB

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• Noise suppression for the traffic signal

Noise suppression in 3 steps (5th, 9th and 16th step) or no noise
suppression. The steps of noise suppression are specified as follows:
− 5th: Least noise suppression.
The "idle signal" pattern replaces the first 5 positive and negative
PCM codes generated during conversion of the traffic signal.
− 9th:
The "idle signal" pattern replaces the first 9 positive and negative
PCM codes generated during conversion of the traffic signal.
− 16th: Most noise suppression.
The "idle signal" pattern replaces the first 16 positive and negative
PCM codes generated during signal conversion of the traffic signal.

Digital Conference The Digital Conference performs a logical AND function between the
(signalling) signalling bits provided by all the participants of the conference.
For this purpose, the Digital Conference circuit processes the signalling
provided from and fed to the participants as follows:
• The Digital Conference circuit applies a bit wise AND function to the
signalling patterns received with the traffic signals from the participants of
the conference party.
• This newly created signalling pattern is sent together with the traffic
signal to all participants of the conference party.

Figure 8: Example of a conference party with 3 participants


Analogue Conference
+ sig.
B(t) + C
+ SB

x SC

(t )
SA (t)

SA (t) x
SB (t) x

C( B(t


S Subscriber
Digital Conference A (t) SC (
x S t)
B (t

C (t)

You can assign up to 64 participants to up to 21 conferences. To maintain a

reasonable signal-to-noise ratio in the conference it is recommended that
you assign not more than 8 participants to one conference.

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If one of the channels connected to a conference is faulty (channel gives an

AIS signal), its input signal is automatically replaced by the "idle signal". This
prevents the other channels in the conference from being disturbed. The
faulty participant receives an AIS signal.

Example The conference function of the COBUV allows you to set up conferences
where for example the idle subscribers of the conference receive a ringing
signal if one of the participants goes off-hook (like phone-phone mode with
e.g. the SUBL<X>).
You must define appropriate signalling patterns for the different states of the
participants to create the required resulting pattern with the AND function.
The table below shows the signalling bits for a conference party with 3
participants. Each participants has the following settings:
• Phone-Phone mode with 4-second or ground key ringing
• Signalling bits towards Exchange :
− On-hook = 0111
− Off-hook = 0011
− Ground = 0001

Figure 9: Example for the signalling in a conference with 3 participants

Time State Subscriber A Subscriber B Subscriber C

↓ Sig. towards Sig. from Sig. towards Sig. from Sig. towards Sig. from
Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange
abcd abcd
t1 Idle On-hook 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111
(On-hook) (On-hook) (On-hook)
t2 Subs. A seizes 0011 0011 0111 0011 0111 0011
the line (Off-hook) (On-hook) (On-hook)
t3 Subs. A rings 0001 0001 0111 0001 0111 0001
up all parties (Ground) (On-hook) (Ringing) (On-hook) (Ringing)
t4 Subs. B first 0001 0001 0011 0001 0111 0001
answers (Ground) (Off-hook) (Ringing) (On-hook) (Ringing)
t5 Subs. C last 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011
answers (Off-hook) (Off-hook) (Off-hook)

For information on the configuration and application of the diagnostic

function, refer to the corresponding paragraphs in the sections
"Configuration" and "Operation".

NE management and The NE Management/Control is an important system function that includes

control all types of unit. Depending on the function, each unit of the NE physically
contributes to the management functions (inventory management,
configuration management, software management, fault management and
performance monitoring).
The COBU<X> control unit has particular functions for the management of
the NE and the management communication:
• Loading the NE configuration and making the configuration effective in
the whole NE (configuration management)

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• Installation of delivered NE software on the peripheral units (software

• Monitoring of all the COBU<X> unit functions, collection and classification
of the failures and creation of triggers for consequent actions (fault
• Management of the NE configuration database and NE software
database (NE MIB management). Although important, this function is an
auxiliary function of the configuration and software management
• Management communication with the outside world to allow operation
and maintenance of the NE, i.e. support of all the provided management
The COBU<X> does not directly monitor the traffic functions of the other

Handling of configuration data The COBU<X> executes and controls the following processes for the
Configuration Download:
1) Download of configuration Data
The control unit receives the *.cfg file (via FTP session) from the EM
and stores the data on its PC memory card.
2) Update of the NE MIB
The control unit updates its NE MIB, i.e. updates the files on the PC
memory card in the directories, which are related to the slots and the
3) Update of the unit configuration
The control unit updates the peripheral units according to the new
configuration data (configuration changes).
4) Creation of new Upload.cfg file
The control unit prepares a new (Upload.cfg) file for a possible upload
to the EM on its PC memory card.

Software Management The COBU<X> executes and controls the following processes for the
Software Download:
1) Software Delivery
The software delivery adds new software (function controlled via the
Software Delivery dialogue). The control unit receives the compressed
software files (via FTP session) from the EM and stores them on its
PC memory card.
2) Configuration Download
The download provides configuration data for the Software Installation
on the units with ESW. The control unit receives the *.cfg file (via FTP
session) from the EM and stores the data on its PC memory card.

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3) Update of the NE MIB

The control unit updates its NE MIB, i.e. updates the files on the PC
memory card in the directories, which are related to the slots and the
4) Software Installation
The control unit installs the ESW according to the configuration data
on the peripheral units: The control unit transfers the compressed
software files to the peripheral units. Each peripheral unit then
decompresses the software file and installs the program code on its
program memory.
5) Creation of new Upload.cfg file
The control unit prepares a new (Upload.cfg) file for a possible upload
to the EM on its PC memory card.
Practically, the Configuration Download is a function that provides
at the same time the parameters for the unit configuration and the
parameters for the Software Installation on the units with ESW.

Fault Management The control unit contributes to the NE fault management with the following
processes and functions:
• Control/monitoring (collection of failures) for peripheral units with
defined configuration and compatible HW and SW for units
− Compatible with the FOX and legacy FOX:
The control unit polls each unit via the µC-LAN for unit status changes
(master-slave principle). The polling period is 100 ms. If the status
changes, the control unit requests detailed information.
If there is no reply or the answer is erroneous, the control unit controls
the unit via the Hardware Control interface.
− Not compatible with the legacy FOX:
The units communicate their unit status changes autonomously via
ICN to the control unit. If the status changes on a peripheral unit, the
control unit requests detailed information.
Additionally the control unit polls each peripheral unit for failures and
changes. The polling period is 2 s. This polling process allows a quick
detection of failures or changes of the subrack provisioning (e.g.
removed units).
If there is no reply or the answer is erroneous, the control unit controls
the unit via the Hardware Control interface.
− Units without CPU:
The control unit polls each unit via the Hardware Control interface.
The polling period is 100 ms.
With the polling the control unit reads the alarm status directly.
• Control/monitoring for peripheral units with undefined configuration
(no data registered in the NE MIB) or incompatible HW and SW:
The control unit polls the slots in the NE subrack without configured
peripheral units via the Hardware Control interface. The polling period is
2 s. Thus, the control unit detects missing or inserted units, but not
configured units.

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However, it is still possible to read the unit inventory data for all units
inserted in the subrack. For more information on the inventory
management, refer to [401].
• Logbook
The NE logbook is created in the volatile memory of the control unit. The
control unit collects the last 256 alarm status changes
(activation/deactivation) and NE notifications together with the
corresponding time/date and stores this information in the logbook.
If the control unit powers off or restarts, the content of the logbook is lost.
For more information on the logbook, refer to [401].
• Classification of failures and NE fault list
Depending on the severity defined for each NE fault cause, the control
unit creates an Urgent Alarm, a Non-urgent Alarm or just an entry to the
logbook. The NE fault list is a summary of the pending fault causes and
indicates the NE alarm state.
The NE fault list is permanently updated.
The control unit updates the optical fault indication and the state of the
alarm outputs. For more information on the fault indication and the fault
list, refer to [302] and [401].
• Monitoring of the 5 VDC supply
A dedicated monitor circuit permanently monitors the internal 5 V power
supply of the control unit for drop of the supply voltage. If the voltage
drops below 4.75 V, the control unit is reset. This mechanism avoids loss
of data and maintains data integrity even if the system voltage drops are
This reset causes the NE to restart autonomously after the 5 V supply
has recovered properly (cold start).
All traffic services of the NE are down until the control unit has recovered
its „active“ operating state.
• Monitoring of the control unit software
A watchdog circuit permanently monitors the processing of the control
unit software for failures. If the watchdog detects a software execution
failure, the control unit is reset.
This reset causes the NE to restart autonomously. The watchdog reset
does not affect the traffic services provided by the NE.

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Interfaces for management The control unit provides the following external and internal interfaces for
communication management communication:
• QX-interface
• F-interface
• Q1-(slave) interface
• Q1-master interface
• Internal access for
− ECC over ATM

For more information on "Management Communication", refer to

additional documents as follows:
• [401] provides detailed descriptions of the generic aspects of
the installation and the use of the UCST. These descriptions
include the following topics and functions:
− Installation of the UCST
− Commissioning your PC/computer for management
− Getting Started with UCST
− UCST System Administration
− Management Access to NEs
− Basic Configuration
− Configuring Units
− Cross Connections & Bus Usage
− Synchronisation
− UCST File and Data Services
− Maintenance and Diagnostic Functions
(The items represented with bold letters in the list above
contribute in particular to the UG COBU<X>).
• [901] provides detailed descriptions for the implementation of
MCN. These descriptions include the following topics:
− Implementation of FOX MCN with ECC
− OSPF Routing (FOX aspects)
− OSI routing (FOX aspects)
− Examples
− Maintenance and Diagnostic Functions
• [914] provides detailed descriptions for the implementation of
FOX MCN with the legacy EOC.
• [301] and [303] provide detailed descriptions for the cabling of the
management interfaces with redundant control units.

QX-interface: The QX-interface allows you to connect the FOX to an Ethernet LAN. The
UCST or UNEM can access each individual NE via its QX-interface and the
The QX-interface supports „local“ LAN connections and „remote“ LAN
connections. This means that the client (i.e. the UCST or UNEM) can reside
in a different IP subnetwork to the server (i.e. the FOX).
Since the QX-interface is a router interface, it is possible to access the ECC
network via the QX-interface.

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F-interface: The F-interface allows you to connect the FOX to the PC that runs the UCST
or to the WS that runs the UNEM software. The connection is possible either
directly between the PC/computer and the equipment or via PSTN.
The F-interface also allows remote access to a LAN/WAN and/or ECC
based management network. ECC based management access is possible
since the F-interface is a host interface of the router.
The direct ECC network access via the F-interface is provided only
if you use the DUN connection type UCST RAS direct on F to
establish the required route in the PC or WS towards the ECC

The F-interface provides the following possibilities for management

• Local (direct):
The host PC or WS is directly connected via its serial interface to the
FOX (via the null-modem cable as described in the paragraphs
"Installation"), i.e. the host is at the same location as the FOX.
• Remote via modem:
The host PC or WS is connected via the PSTN and modems to the FOX
(via the modem cable as described in the paragraphs "Installation"), i.e.
the host is remote with respect to the FOX location.
• Remote via ATU:
The host PC or WS is connected remotely to the FOX via the ATU. For
more information on this access, refer to the corresponding application
• Remote via legacy EOC network:
The host PC or WS is connected via the legacy EOC network (based on
the SIFOX unit) to the FOX.
For information on the implementation of the legacy EOC and the
required cables for the SIFOX unit, refer to [914]. The paragraph
"Installation" provides the description of the adapter cable for the F-
interface of the COBU<X>.
Please note that
• it is not possible to subtend the EOC access via the PSTN for
the FOX.
• the EOC is the management communication network for legacy
FOX with a slow throughput (9600 kbit/s) and thus not suited for
the FOX MCN.

Q1-(slave) interface: The Q1-(slave) interface of the NEs connects to the local Q-bus which links
the Q1-(slave) interfaces directly to the UCST (UNEM). The UCST (UNEM)
is the master on the bus and controls the communication.
Please note that it is not possible to access the ECC network via
the Q1-(slave) interface.
The Q1-(slave) interface of the COBU<X> provides the following possibilities
for management communication:

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• Local:
The UCST (UNEM) is locally connected via its serial interface to the Q-
bus as described in [901], i.e. the master UCST (UNEM) is at the same
location as FOX.
• Remote:
It is not possible for the UCST (UNEM) to access a FOX that has its Q1-
(slave) interface of its COBU<X> connected to a remote Q-bus via
modem or similar devices.
For detailed information on the possibilities of management access, refer
to [401].

Q1-master interface: The COBU<X> provides in addition to the Q1-(slave) interface the Q1-master
The Q1-master interface allows the FOX to provide the Q-bus interface of the
UCST (UNEM) for a remote Q-bus. The Q1-master interface of the FOX
drives the management communication on the local Q-bus for legacy FOX
and DSL Systems equipment.
It is not possible to subtend the Q1-(slave) interface of the FOX via the Q1-
master interface.

PDH ECC The PDH ECC interfaces are internal interfaces of the COBU<X> that allow
you to connect the router interfaces of the COBU<X> to the PDH ECC
The traffic handling capacity of the COBU<X>'s PDH ECC interface is as
• The OSPF router of the COBU<X> provides 32 internal interfaces for the
PDH ECC network.
This allows you to create up to 32 PDH ECCs per COBU<X>.
• The maximum bandwidth that you can allocate to all the PDH ECC
interfaces of a COBU<X> is 2048 kbit/s.
You can assign:
− n x 64 kbit/s up to 31 x 64 kbit/s (corresponding to 1984 kbit/s) per
PDH ECC transported via an E1 signal.
− 16 kbit/s in the TS0 of an E1 signal connected to a PDH ECC port.
Transmission of the ECC via TS0 uses no traffic signal bandwidth and
requires a LOMIF type 2 Mbit/s interface (2 Mbit/s mode set to
‘terminated’, Sa Mode set to ‘ECC’).

SDH ECC The SDH ECC interfaces are internal interfaces that allow you to connect the
router interfaces of the COBU<X> to the SDH ECC network.
The traffic handling capacity of the COBU<X>'s SDH ECC interface is as
• The OSPF router of the COBU<X> provides up to 8 internal interfaces
towards the SDH ECC network.
This allows you to create up to 8 SDH ECCs per COBU<X>.
• The maximum bandwidth that you can allocate to all the SDH ECC
interfaces of a COBU<X> is 2048 kbit/s.

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You can assign:

− 192 kbit/s (= 3 x 64 kbit/s) for the bytes D1 … D3 of the SDH overhead
channel connected to an SDH ECC port or
− 576 kbit/s (= 9 x 64 kbit/s) for the bytes D4 … D12 of the SDH
overhead channel connected to an SDH ECC port.

ECC over ATM The ATM ECC interfaces are internal interfaces that allow you to connect the
router interfaces of the COBU<X> to the ATM network.
ECC over ATM links must be cross connected to the COBU<X> unit via
PDH ECC links and the ATM part is done automatically provided that the
ATM port, VPI/VCI and bandwidth are defined.
The ECC traffic handling capacity of the different ATM units interfaces are as
• ATIOP provides two ECC interfaces per port.
• ACONV provides two ECC interfaces for each of its 14 IMA groups.
• Each ATM ECC link can support one of the following predefined
bandwidth capacities:
− 64 Kbit/s
− 192 Kbit/s
− 576 Kbit/s

• ECC over ATM is treated as CBR (Constant Bit Rate) traffic in order to
ensure the best throughput.
Bandwidth for the allocation It is not possible to allocate PDH and SDH ECCs independently from each
of PDH and SDH ECCs other. The bandwidth resource for ECCs applies at the same time for the
allocation of SDH and PDH ECCs:
The maximum bandwidth for all the PDH and SDH ECCs is 2048 kbit/s.

Alarm Interfaces
Alarm state outputs The outputs for the electrical indication of the NE alarm state are solid-state
„change-over relay contacts“:
• One output indicates the NE alarm status Urgent Alarm (UA)
• The other the alarm status Non-urgent Alarm (NA).
The 2 alarm outputs are permanently driven and are an active part of the NE
fault management. Two LED indicators on the COBU<X> front panel
indicate the 2 UA and NA NE alarm status optically.
Please note that:
• The NE alarm status is exclusive. This means that the NE has either
the UA or the NA alarm state at a time (or has no alarm at all).
• For equipment without power (e.g. after a power fail) the Urgent
Alarm output is active and the Non-urgent Alarm output is not active.
For more information on the fault management system of the FOX, refer to
Depending on the requirements of the external equipment, you can select
between 2 types of active alarm contacts:
• Active Open (AO)

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• Active Closed (AC)

The functional diagram below shows the internal wiring for the alarm state

Figure 10: Internal wiring of the alarm state relays





The diagram above shows the NE alarm state for power fail:
• The Urgent Alarm output is active
• The Non-urgent Alarm output is not active.

For information on the cabling of the alarm interfaces with protected control
units, refer depending on your FOX to [301] or [303].

Inputs for external alarm The COBU<X> provides inputs for 4 external alarm signals that you can
signals integrate into the NE fault management:
It is possible for each of the 4 alarm inputs to:
• enable or disabled the input
• configure the active signal level for the input to:
− active ground
− active open

The default setting is active ground.

You can assign a name to each external alarm (input). If you assign a name
the UCST (UNEM) uses this name for the alarm description in the fault
For the details on the configuration, refer to the corresponding paragraphs in
The functional diagram below shows the internal wiring for the inputs for
external alarm signals:

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 31 of 108


Figure 11: Internal wiring of the alarm inputs


Input <x> External

Alarm <x>
-UTF Contact

1) You should connect the alarm signal ground to the appropriate pin of
the alarm interface module on the front connector.
However, it is possible to omit this connection in low noise
environment and if there are low potential differences between the NE
and the equipment, that provides the alarm signal.
For a reliable operation, the external alarm contact (includes the external
wiring!) has to meet the following specifications:
1) Open contact: Leakage current ≤ 800 µA at +16 V
2) Closed contact: Residual voltage ≤ 8 V at 4 mA
For information on the cabling of the alarm interfaces with protected control
units, refer depending on your FOX to [301] or [303].

Interfaces for timing The interfaces for the ESI-1 and ESI-2 timing signals require hardware and
signals software (via UCST) configuration for the impedance of the signal
• Functional information on the interfaces for timing signals, refer to the
corresponding paragraphs in the functional description and in [302].
• Physical layout of the interfaces for timing signals, refer to the
corresponding paragraphs on installation below.
• Impedance configuration for the ESI-1 and ESI-2, refer to the paragraphs
on "Maintenance".
For information on the cabling of the interfaces for timing signals with
protected control units, refer depending on your FOX to [301] or [303].

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Prerequisites The implementation of the COBU<X> depend on the FOX subrack and the
control unit release:
• COBUX 219, 223 and COBUV 220, 224 require for operation and
− COBU<X> unit hardware
− FOX 515 or FOX 512 subrack
− Cobux_R5C ESW or a more recent version
− UCST R6A or a more recent version

• COBUX 212, 213 require for operation and configuration

− COBU<X> unit hardware
− FOX 515 or FOX 512 subrack
− Cobux_R4E ESW or a more recent version
− UCST R5C or a more recent version

• COBUV 217, 218 require for operation and configuration

− COBU<X> unit hardware
− FOX 515 and FOX 512 subrack
− Cobux_R4E ESW or a more recent version
− UCST R5C or a more recent version

Please note that:

• Keep unit in the ESD protection bag as long as the unit is not
inserted into the subrack.
• Before taking the unit out of its ESD protection bag, make sure
that you have not accumulated electro-static charges.

The COBU<X> unit requires hardware configuration for the input impedance
of the ESI-1 and ESI-2 for external 2048 kHz clock signals. Before you start
the installation of the COBU<X>, make sure that you know the required
setting of the impedance for the control units in the subrack.
The required impedance depends on the clock signal source, on the cabling
of the clock signals in the subrack and on the implementation of 1+1
protection for the control units.
For more information on this topic, refer to [302].
The COBU<X> provides a jumper to define either a 75 Ω termination (or 120
Ω termination for the ESI-1) or high impedance inputs for each ESI:
• Jumper X4700 for the ESI-1
• Jumper X4701 for the ESI-2
For details, refer to the corresponding paragraphs in the section
To avoid the alarm Wrong imp ext clk <x> it is essential that you
select an identical setting for both COBU<X> units in subracks with
redundant control units.

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Use of slots The insertion of units into the subrack requires the technique and the steps
as shown in [301] or [303].
Never use force to insert the unit into the subrack or to remove the
unit from the subrack!
Forcing insertion or extraction can damage the backplane and/or
unit connectors!

The implementation of equipment protection for the control units defines use
of slots in the NE subrack:
• NE without 1+1 equipment protection for the control unit
If you implement only one control unit in the NE, you must insert the
COBU<X> into slot 11.
No restrictions apply for the implementation of neighbouring units.
• NE with 1+1 equipment protection for the control unit
If you implement redundant control units in the NE, you must insert the
first COBU<X> into slot 11 (master slot for the default active unit) and a
second identical COBU<X> into slot 12 (slave slot for the default inactive
No restrictions apply for the implementation of neighbouring units.
For information on the cabling for the COBU<X> interfaces in NEs
with 1+1 equipment protection, refer depending on your FOX to
[301] or [303].

Connections and cables Depending on the local requirements and the NE configuration, the
COBU<X> requires connections and cables for all or only for a part of its
front panel interfaces.

F- interface (9-pin submini D) The F-interface uses a male D-Submini connector with 9 contacts.
The interface is of the type DTE according to the EIA 574 standard for the
signals and the pin layout.

Figure 12: Signal/pin layout for the F- interface connector

C3.1 2 RD
3 TD
NC 9

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COBUX/C3.1-1 cable The COBUX/C3.1-1 cable connects to the F- interface of the COBU<X>
directly to the serial interface of your PC/computer that runs the UCST. The
cable implements the null-modem function required for such a point-to-point

Figure 13: COBUX/C3.1-1 cable drawing

View A

C3.1 View A on side to connect View B on side to connect

COBUX/C3.1-2 cable The COBUX/C3.1.2 cable connects the F-interface of the COBU<X> to a
modem device. The cable implements no null-modem function.

Figure 14: COBUX/C3.1-2 cable drawing

View A

View B on side to connect

View A on side to connect

9 p. D-SUB
C3.1 contact nr.

9 pin D-SUB
25 pin D-SUB

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 35 of 108


COBUX/C3.1-3 cable The COBUX/C3.1-3 cable connects to the F- interface of the COBU<X> to
the EOC. The cable allows you to connect F-interface of the COBU<X> to
the standard EOC F-interface cable provided with the SIFOX.

Figure 15: COBUX/C3.1-3 cable drawing



25 pin D-Sub female

View A 9 pin D-Sub female View B on wire wrap side

View A on wire wrap side


Signal jumper

9 pin D-SUB
25 pin D-SUB

To connect the COBU<X> to the EOC you must connect the 25 pin
connector of the COBUX/C3.1-3 adapter cable to a standard SIFOX-EOC

Figure 16: COBUX/C3.1-3 cable application drawing

This part of the cable remains on the cable tray


Signal cable SIFOX - 4 EOC 1


Connects to the SIFOX

Adapter cables SIFOX EOC - COBUX


For more information on the implementation of the EOC with the COBU<X>,
refer to [302] and [901].

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QX-interface (RJ-45 connector) The QX-interface uses a shielded RJ-45 connector with 8 contacts.
The signals and the pin layout of the QX-interface are implemented
according to the ISO/IEC 8802-3 (1993) standard.

Figure 17: Signal/pin layout for the QX-interface connector

1 2 3 1 : TD+
4 5 6
7 8
2 : TD-
C2.1 3 : RD+
6 : RD-

4, 5, 7, 8 : not connected
and not used

COBUX/C2.1-1 cable The COBUX/C2.1-1 cable connects to the QX- interface of the COBU<X>
directly to the Ethernet interface of your PC/computer that runs the UCST.
The cable implements the null-modem function required for such a point-to-
point connection.

Figure 18: COBUX/C2.1-1 cable drawing


View B

Wiring: 1-3 (S) \

2-6 (gn) /
3-1 (r) \
6-2 (og) /
4-4 (w) \
5-5 (bl) /
7-7 (gb) \
8-8 (bn) /

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 37 of 108


COBUX/C2.1-2 cable The COBUX/C2.1-2 cable connects the QX-interface of the COBU<X> to a
hub. The cable implements no cross over functionality. This type of cable is
normally used to connect the COBU<X> to a LAN.

Figure 19: COBUX/C2.1-2 cable drawing

View A


Wiring: 1-1 (S) \

2-2 (gn) /
3-3 (r) \
6-6 (og) /
View B 4-4 (w) \
5-5 (bl) /
7-7 (gb) \
8-8 (bn) /

DIN 41 612 front connector This multi-purpose interface uses a male DIN 41 612 connector type C with
2 x 32 contacts.
The contacts of the 2 rows a and c are arranged in 4 modules with module
specific coding for the connectors. The 4 modules are allocated to signal
groups as follows (top down):
• Q1-(slave) interface
• Q1-master interface
• Alarm interfaces
• Interfaces for external 2048 kHz clock signals

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Figure 20: Signal/pin layout for the DIN 41 612 connector

Pin a b c
32 n.c. n.p. n.c. 
31 GND n.p. GND 
30 Q1_S_TX_A n.p. Q1_S_TX_B 
29 GND n.p. GND  Q1-(slave) interface
28 Q1_S_RX_A n.p. Q1_S_RX_B 
27 GND n.p. GND 
26 n.c. n.p. n.c. 
25 n.c. n.p. n.c. 
24 n.c. n.p. n.c. 
23 GND n.p. GND 
22 Q1_M_TX_A n.p. Q1_M_TX_B 
21 GND n.p. GND  Q1-master interface
20 Q1_M_RX_A n.p. Q1_M_RX_B 
19 GND n.p. GND 
18 Do not connect! n.p. n.c. 
17 n.c. (reserved) n.p. GND 
16 n.c. n.p. n.c. 
15 GND n.p. GND 
14 ALARM_IN_3 n.p. ALARM_IN_4 
13 ALARM_IN_1 n.p. ALARM_IN_2  Alarm Interfaces
12 n.c. n.p. n.c. 
11 UA_AO n.p. NA_AO 
10 UA_COM n.p. NA_COM 
9 UA_AC n.p. NA_AC 
8 n.c. n.p. n.c. 
7 ESI-1_75_signal n.p. ESI-2_75_signal 
6 ESI-1_75_screen n.p. ESI-2_75_screen 
ESI-1_120_signal_b 
5 ESI-1_120_signal_a n.p. ESO-4_120_signal_a  Synchronisation
4 ESO-1_75_signal n.p. ESO-2_75_signal  Interfaces
3 ESO-1_75_screen n.p. ESO-2_75_screen 
2 ESO-3_75_signal n.p. ESO-4_75_signal 
1 ESO-3_75_screen n.p. ESO-4_75_screen 
ESO-4_120_signal_b 

n.c.: not connected

n.p.: no pin
Please note that:
• You must never connect the pin 18a!
This pin carries a signal for future use.
• You must not connect the pin 17a!
This pin is reserved for future use.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 39 of 108


• The 120 Ω ESI and ESO interfaces are only available with the
COBU<X> hardware
− ROFBU 367 103/1 R2B (COBUX)
− ROFBU 367 103/2 R1A (COBUV)
or with more recent hardware.

Q1-(slave) interface
COBUX/C1.4 cable This cable connects to the Q1-(slave) interface. This interface provides the
NE standard management interface for the connection to a local Q-BUS.

Figure 21: COBUX/C1.4 cable drawing

View A on side to connect

View A
(The figures in brackets correspond
to the pin numbers of the
DIN 41 612 unit connector)


Q1-master interface
COBUX/C1.3 cable This cable connects to the Q1-master interface of the COBU<X> to the local
Q-Bus. This interface provides the bus master for the local Q-BUS.

Figure 22: COBUX/C1.3 cable drawing

View A on side to connect

View A
(The figures in brackets correspond
to the pin numbers of the
DIN 41 612 unit connector)

a c

(23) 1
(22) 2
C1.3 (21) 3
(20) 4
(19) 5
(18) 6
(17) 7

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Alarm interfaces
Cable COBUX/C1.2 This cable connects the signals of the COBU<X> alarm interface.

Figure 23: COBUX/C1.2 cable drawing

View A on side to connect

View A
(The figures in brackets correspond
to the pin numbers of the
DIN 41 612 unit connector)


Cable FANUV/C1.1-1 and The FANUV/C1.1-1/2 cables provide among other a connector for the C1.2
FANUV/C1.1-2 position in the COBU<X> connector frame. The connector connects the
FANUV alarm signal to the External Input-1 of the COBU<X>.
Please note:
• The FANUV/C1.1-1/2 cables exclusively connect the External
Input-1 (via pins 3a and 1c). No other pins are connected.
• If you want to connect additional alarm signals (for input or
output) you have the option to
− open the connector of the FANUV/C1.1 alarm signal cable
and connect your alarm signals to the corresponding signal
pins of the connector.
− integrate the FANUV alarm signal cable into a custom-made
alarm signal cable/connector.

For details of the FANUV/C1.1-1/2 cables, refer to the corresponding

paragraphs in [301].

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Synchronisation interfaces
COBUX/C1.1-1 cable This cable connects to the PETS synchronisation interfaces (all 75 Ω) of the
COBU<X> as follows:
• In 1: ESI-1/PETS (and the ESI-1/SETS 75 Ω option)
• Out 1: ESO-1/PETS
• Out 2: ESO-2/PETS
• Out 3: ESO-3/PETS

Figure 24: COBUX/C1.1-1 cable drawing

View A on side to connect

View A
(The figures in brackets correspond
to the pin numbers of the
DIN 41 612 unit connector)

ESI-1 (2 MHz In1)

ESO-1 (2 MHz Out1)

ESO-2 (2 MHz Out2)

ESO-3 (2 MHz Out3)

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COBUX/C1.1-3 cable This cable connects to the SETS and PETS synchronisation interfaces (all
75 Ω) of the COBU<X> as follows:
• In 1: ESI-1/PETS and ESI-1/SETS (75 Ω option)
• Out 1: ESO-1/PETS
• Out 2: ESO-2/PETS
• Out 4: ESO-4/SETS

Figure 25: COBUX/C1.1-3 cable drawing

View A on side to connect

View A
(The figures in brackets correspond
to the pin numbers of the
DIN 41 612 unit connector)

ESI-1 (2 MHz In1)

ESO-1 (2 MHz Out1)

ESO-2 (2 MHz Out2)

ESO-4 (2 MHz Out4)

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 43 of 108


COBUX/C1.1-4 cable This cable connects to the SETS and PETS synchronisation interfaces (all
75 Ω) of the COBU<X> as follows:
• In 1: ESI-1/PETS and ESI-1/SETS (75 Ω option)
• In 2: ESI-2/PETS
• Out 1: ESO-1/PETS
• Out 4: ESO-4/SETS

Figure 26: COBUX/C1.1-4 cable drawing

View A on side to connect

View A
(The figures in brackets correspond
to the pin numbers of the
DIN 41 612 unit connector)

ESI-1 (2 MHz In1)

ESI-2 (2 MHz In2)

ESO-1 (2 MHz Out1)

ESO-4 (2 MHz Out4)

COBUX/C1.1-6 cable This cable connects to the SETS (and ESI-1/PETS) synchronisation
interfaces (all 120 Ω) of the COBU<X> as follows:
• In 1: ESI-1/SETS and ESI-1/PETS (120 Ω option)
• Out 4: ESO-4/SETS (120 Ω option)

Figure 27: COBUX/C1.1-6 cable drawing

View A on side to connect

View A
(The figures in brackets correspond
to the pin numbers of the
DIN 41 612 unit connector)

ESI-1 (2 MHz In1)

C1.1 ESO-4 (2 MHz Out4)

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Fixing the cables to the The figure below illustrates the distances required between the front of the
cable tray cable tray and the connector to allow the correct attachment of the cables to
the cable tray.

Figure 28: Fixing the cables to the cable tray

(example for the FOX 515)

Synchronisation IF

Alarm IF


Q1-master IF


Q1-(slave) IF


Qx- IF



The cable route on the cable tray should follow approximately the
projection of the control unit slot on the cable tray.

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Configuration and Operation

Overview The COBU<X> provides parameters for traffic services and management
communication. All these parameters are grouped in functional layers that
are represented as tabs in the UCST dialogues.
With the UCST R6A all the COBU<X> provide 7 functional layers of
parameters for configuration. The COBUV has an additional layer for the
configuration of the conference parameters:
• COBU<X> basic parameters
− Board
The Board Layer provides the parameters for the configuration of the
− ESI (External Synchronisation Inputs) interfaces
− Inputs for external alarm signals
− Communication IF
The Communication IF Layer provides the parameters for the
configuration of the
− Access to the NE
− Serial interface (host address, F-interface)
− Ethernet interface (QX-interface)
− Q1-master gateway (Q1-master interface)
The parameters of this layer are at the same time basic parameters
for the NE and parameters in connection to the FOX MCN.
• NE MCN parameters (COBU<X> router)
The SDH ECC Layer provides the parameters for the configuration of
up to 8 SDH ECCs.
The OSI DCN Layer provides the parameters for the configuration of the
− CLNP functionality
− IS addresses for the NE
− OSI tunnel for the tunnelling of the IP routing
The PDH ECC Layer provides the parameters for the configuration of
up to 32 PDH ECCs. (It can also be used to cross connect ECC over
ATM links with COBU<X>).
− IP Router
The IP Router Layer provides the parameters for the configuration of the
− Router functionality
− Router interfaces
− OSPF areas
− External routes
− Virtual links
• COBU<X> special functions
− Conference Parties (COBUV only)
The Conference Layer provides the parameters for the configuration
of up to 64 conference parties.
− Diagnostics
The Diagnostic Layer provides the parameters for the configuration of the
− Diagnostic functionality
− Test pattern (rate, structure)
− Signalling bits
− Artificial error insertion

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Most of the COBU<X> functional layers define parameters for the NE that
are linked to the FOX MCN. It is only possible to set these parameters in
connection with the FOX MCN definitions. Accordingly, these layers are not
described in detail in this document.
However, the paragraph "Guidelines for the configuration of the NE MCN
part" under "NE MCN parameters" provide an overview and guidelines for
the configuration of the NE MCN part in the COBU<X>.
For detailed information on the FOX MCN configuration, refer to [901].

Setting basic parameters

Board The Board layer provides the parameters for the alarm interfaces and the
interfaces for the external timing signals.
Double click on the COBU<X> to open the Parameters… dialogue or click
on the COBU<X> and select the dialogue via the menu Unit Configuration
→ Parameters….
select the tab Board if not already selected.

Figure 29: Unit Configuration Parameters - Board layer dialogue


The following are settable parameters on the Board Layer:

• Synchronisation inputs ESI-1 and ESI-2
− Impedance (75/120 Ohm or 75 Ohm, high impedance)

• External alarms input 1 … 4

− State (enabled, disabled)
− Polarity (active open, active ground)
− Name (alarm name of up to 31 characters)

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Timing signals The ESI-1 and ESI-2 interfaces of the COBU<X> accept external 2048 kHz
timing signals according to ITU-T G.703.
It is possible to terminate each of the ESI timing signals with „high
impedance“ or „75/120 Ω“ and „75 Ω“ respectively on the COBU<X>:
• High impedance
Use this setting if
− you want to use an external termination for the timing signal
− you feed the external timing signal in parallel to redundant control
For more information on this topic, refer to [302].
• 75/120 Ω and 75 Ω impedance
Use this setting if
− you want have no external termination for the timing signal
− you feed the external timing signal separately to each of the
redundant control units.
For more information on this topic, refer to [302].
Please note that
• The ESI-1 interface provides pins for 75 Ω and 120 Ω timing
signals. If you select 75/120 Ω signal termination for the ESI-1
− pins for the 75 Ω ESI-1 signal provide the required 75 Ω
− pins for the 120 Ω ES-1 signal automatically provide the
required 120 Ω termination.
• The ESI-2 interface provides only 75 Ω (and high impedance)
timing signal termination.

The interfaces for the ESI-1 and ESI-2 timing signals require software
configuration (via the UCST) and hardware configuration (via jumpers) for
the signal termination.
The corresponding paragraphs in "Maintenance" provide the description for
the hardware configuration.
Mismatching settings between the hardware configuration and the
UCST configuration creates a corresponding alarm. For the
description of the alarm, refer to the paragraphs „Alarms and

External alarms To enable the monitoring for an external alarm

Select the Input <x> and
tag the box [Enabled] in the State column to enable the
monitoring for input <x>
select the active level from the Polarity column to define
the active level:
- active Ground
- active Open
specify <Alarm Name> in the Alarm Name column

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If you specify an Alarm Name for the external alarm, the fault management
system uses your name for the configuration of the alarm parameters and in
the NE alarm list and NE logbook.
If you do not specify such a name, the fault management uses the default
name External alarm <x>.

Communication IF The Communication IF layer provides the parameters for the Ethernet and
serial interface and if applicable for the Q1-master Gateway and the NE
access password.
The parameters of the Communication IF layer are at the same time basic
parameters for the NE and parameters in connection to the FOX MCN.
Double click on the COBU<X> to open the Parameters… dialogue or click
on the COBU<X> and select the dialogue via the menu Unit Configuration
→ Parameters….
select the tab Communication IF if not already selected.

Figure 30: Unit Configuration Parameters - Communication IF layer


The following are settable parameters on the Communication IF Layer:

• Host name (host name of up to 32 characters)
• NE password (password of up to 7 characters)
• Serial Interface
− IP Host Address (Node Id) (any valid IP address)
− HDLC Address (1 … 254)
− Default Speed (9600 … 115200)

• Ethernet Interface
− Enable the Ethernet interface
− IP Host Address (any valid IP address)
− Subnet Mask (any valid subnet mask)

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• Q1 Master Gateway
− State (enabled, disabled)
− TCP/IP Port (20736)

The Serial and Ethernet Interface layers define parameters for

the NE that are linked to the FOX MCN. After the initial
commissioning of the NE you must consider the FOX MCN
definitions when setting these parameters.
For a detailed description of the FOX MCN parameter configuration, refer to

Host name The UCST R6A does not use the parameter Host Name.
You can use the Host Name field for your NE related notes.

NE password The NE Password allows you to protect the access to the NE with a password.
To specify the NE Password
select the field New Entry and type in your password (max. 7
Confirmation and repeat your password.
You must specify the NE Password for the Management Network.
If the Management Network does not know the password, it is no
longer able to access the NE and reports a "Login error" (layer 7

To specify the NE Password in the Management Network you must select all
the Element Agents (from Management Network Parameters) that have the
corresponding NE in their list of Managed NEs.
Select then the corresponding NE and open the Modify Network Element
dialogue. Add the NE Password in the Password field.
For details on the configuration of the Element Agent and the Managed NEs,
refer to the corresponding paragraphs in [401].

Serial interface The Serial Interface provides parameters for the 2 basic types of NE access:
• Direct access
The UCST (UNEM) always uses the IP address to identify and access
the COBU<X>.
The IP Host Address (Node Id) is mandatory since it also defines the
Node Id of the NE.
• Access via HDLC tunnelling
The second set of parameters define the HDLC based communication
− HDLC Address
The UCST (UNEM) uses the HDLC address to access the NE via the
Q-bus and the legacy EOC.
− Data Speed
The Data Speed defines the speed for all HDLC based accesses (Q-
bus and legacy EOC, ATU).

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The parameter does not affect the speed for direct NE access via the
F-interface. With direct access the COBU<X> adapts the speed
automatically to the speed of the client interface (UCST (UNEM)).
For all the access types that use the HDLC address (Q-interface,
legacy EOC, ATU) it is essential that the speed setting in the
Communication IF dialogue corresponds exactly to the settings in
the RAS phonebook for the corresponding RAS connection!
If the speeds are not matching, the management communication fails!
If you change the Host IP Address in the NE configuration and
download that change to the NE, the NE restarts (warm start).
This restart is required to allow the NE to build up all the protocol
stacks on the new Host IP Address.
The (warm) restart does not affect the traffic and services of the
NE. However, the NE fault management is not available during the
restart phase.

Ethernet interface The Ethernet Interface parameters allow you to define the operation of the
QX-interface for IP:
• Enable
If the interface is enabled
− you must specify the parameters as described below.
− the COBU<X> monitors the QX-interface for signal integrity. If the
Ethernet signal fails the COBU<X> issues an alarm (if configured).
• IP Host Address
Any valid IP address. The address is required only if the QX-interface is
• Subnet Mask
Any valid Subnet mask. The mask is required only if the QX-interface is
The Ethernet Interface (QX-interface) provides 4 modes of
operation which you configure via the Communication IF and the
OSI DCN dialogue:
• Disabled (in Communication IF and OSI DCN dialogue)
• Enabled for TCP/IP (in Communication IF dialogue only)
• Enabled for CLNP (in OSI DCN dialogue only)
• Enabled for TCP/IP and CLNP
(in Communication IF and OSI DCN dialogue)
This means that the QX-interface can simultaneously carry TCP/IP
and CLNP traffic. This functionality of the QX-interface allows you
to transport the TCP/IP traffic and the CLNP traffic on the same
physical LAN.
For example, from the QX-interface to the UCST (UNEM) (=
TCP/IP traffic) and from the QX-interface to the STM-1 device (=
CLNP traffic) that provides the IP tunnel.

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Q1 master gateway The Q1 Master Gateway functionality of the COBU<X> allows you to use
the Q1-master interface of the NE to drive the local Q-bus.
• Enable
If checked the Q1 Master Gateway functionality of the COBU<X> is
• TCP/IP port
You can define the port number that the TCP/IP (layer 4) uses for this
service. The RFC 1060 regulates the use of the port numbers
− Ports 1 … 1023 are reserved for services according to RC 1060. You
should never use a number in this range for the TCP/IP port of the
− The operating system dynamically uses the ports 1024 … 5098. You
should not use a number in this range for the TCP/IP port of the
− The ports above 5098 (< 65535) are principally available for the
TCP/IP port. The default port number is 20736.
Normally you should not modify the TCP/IP port number!
Exceptional conditions in your management network might require
the change of the TCP/IP port number of the COBU<X>. Such a
condition might occur if a router or firewall in your management
network filters the default port number.
It is essential that the TCP/IP port number in the Communication IF
dialogue corresponds exactly to the corresponding setting in the
HDLC Router Parameters of the NE in the list of Managed NEs.
You access this parameter via the Management Network Set-up
If the port numbers do not match, the management communication fails!
For details on the configuration of the Element Agent and the Managed NEs,
refer to the corresponding paragraphs in [401].

NE MCN parameters
Guidelines for the configuration
of the NE MCN part
Introduction The configuration of the NE MCN (Management Communication Network)
parameters is complex and depends on the FOX MCN rather than on local
It is not possible to configure the NE MCN (Management Communication
Network) part of the COBU<X> without an overall planning of the FOX MCN
(Management Communication Network).
Thorough planning of your FOX MCN (Management
Communication Network) and the allocation of Node Ids and IP
addresses is essential for successful system commissioning!
A later change of the NE addresses requires a warm re-
initialisation of the NE. This leads to interruptions of the
management functions and to the loss of the logbook and
performance data!
For more information on the COBU<X> cold and warm starts, refer
to the paragraphs on the COBU<X> "Operation".

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Prerequisites The key issue for the successful configuration of the COBU<X> is a
circumspect and visionary planning of the management communication and
the corresponding networks
• Structures (domains, areas, LANs)
• Identifiers and addresses (domains, areas, LANs, NEs)
• Interconnections
• External accesses
• etc.
Such a planning of the management communication creates network
designs that should include and consider the
• Physical view of the MCN including the
− AS(s) (Autonomous System(s)) with Id(s)
− Network elements (FOX and other vendor products)
− LANs
− Physical links
− MAC addresses of the COBU<X> (natively given per COBU<X>)

• OSPF/IP view of the MCN including the

− OSPF Areas with area Ids
− IP LANs (and the RS-485 buses = Q-buses)
− Network elements with
− Node Ids
− IP addresses of interfaces
• OSI view of the MCN
− OSI Areas
− OSI LANs (including the SDH LANs)
− Network elements with Ids
− OSI addressing

• Rules for the allocation of names and addresses for all the networks and
network elements (areas, node Id of the routers, QX-interfaces, tunnels,
ECC links etc.) for all the views.
For examples of such network views, refer to [901].

Guidelines MCN parameter If such network views exist and the network administration has defined the
implementation basic network addresses, it is easy to update the current network with new
The integration of a new NE to the MCN requires then the
• Physical integration of the NE into the MCN
• Allocation of the NE to the appropriate OSPF area and/or OSI domain
• Definition of the management access for the NE (links, LAN and interfaces).
• Allocation of the appropriate IP and NSAP addresses to the
corresponding devices:
− New NE
− Existing Devices if affected (e.g. External Routes etc.)

This preliminary work creates a set of parameters for the new NE and
presumably other devices (UCST (UNEM), neighbouring NEs etc.). Normally
the network administrator responsible provides the corresponding addresses
and parameters.

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The configuration of the NE as described in this chapter is then a matter of

entering parameters.
The flow chart below shows the basic decisions and steps for the
configuration of the management communication part of the COBU<X>.

Figure 31: Flow chart configuration of the management communication

01. MCN Planning

- Networks
- Addresses
- etc.

02. Design of the MC

parameters for
the NE

11. Physical
Implementation of
the NE
Commissioning of the NE

12. Configuration of
Communication IF
- Node Id

MC access no
via the local IFs only
No routing
yes OSI DCN yes

21. Configuration of

22. Configuration of
- IP Tunnelling


IP Routing yes

31. Configuration of

Static no 32. Enable Router

(set default
? values)

13. Add ECCs for 33. Add

static routes if - Areas
required - External Route
- Virtual Links

14. Add Static Routes 34. Configure the

Connectivity of
the router IFs

15. Cross Connect

(if applicable)

16. Configuration
to the NE

03. Update of the

- EM(S) database
- Network Plans

Please note that:

• The flow chart shows all the steps for the configuration of the
NE MC interface.
• For modifications of the NE MC it is possible that you run only a
part of the full flow chart.
• Do not forget to update the network plans after each

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• ECC over ATM links are configured as PDH ECC links in the
COBU<X> unit. Additionally, it is required to configure the
selected ECC link on the corresponding ATM unit.
The above flow chart shows 4 levels of MCN design and NE configuration:
Network Administration:
0 Planning and MCN design/administration

Equipment Commissioning:
1 Basic MC parameters and other configuration of the NE
2 Parameters for the OSI/DCN and CLNP routing
3 Parameters for the OSPF and IP routing

0 Planning and MCN design/administration
01 Design of the MCN and documentation of the corresponding networks
and NEs. The design includes the reservation of the IP and NSAP
addresses for all the devices. The planning must consider future
modifications and expansions of the MCN.
02 Conceptual implementation of the NE in the MCN and allocation of the
required MC parameters to the NE according to the network planning.
The conceptual part of the NE MCN implementation is a typical task of
the network administration.
03 Update of the UCST (UNEM) operating system and database. Update
of the MCN documentation.
To access the new NE you must update the Management Network of
your UCST (UNEM). The access requires probably a new Element
Agent, a new entry for Managed NEs, etc.
For more information on the configuration of the UCST Management
Network, refer to [401].
The operating system of the PC/WS that runs the UCST (UNEM)
might require:
a) Update of the TCP/IP settings of your PC/WS
For more information on this topic with the UCST, refer to chapter
„Commissioning your PC/computer for UCST“ in the chapter
„Installation procedures“ in [401].
b) Update of the route table of the PC/WS
If you configure the Element Agent (UCST Management Network) the
UCST will automatically add the required routes to the route table of
your PC/WS.

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1 Basic MC parameters and other configuration of the NE

11 Physical implementation of the NE
Here you physically install and connect the management interfaces of
the NE to the corresponding MCN or transmission paths.
Probably only the physical management interfaces of the NE (F-
interface, QX-interface, Q1-<X> interface) require separate installation.
12 Configuration of the Communication IF
The configuration of the future Node Id (IP address of the F-interface),
the operation of the QX-interface (and if applicable the corresponding
IP address and subnet mask) are mandatory.
Configure the Q1-master interface if required.
13 Configuration of SDH/PDC ECCs (if required for Static Routes)
This configuration is only required if you do not plan to operate the IP
router but instead link the NE to the MCN by means of a Static Route
via an ECC.
14 Implementation of Static Routes
You can only configure Static Routes if you disable the dynamic router
(OSPF) and instead link the NE to the MCN by means of a Static
The implementation of Static Routes only is possible if the IP
router is disabled!

15 Cross Connections of the SDH/PDH ECCs to their physical links

The Cross Connect dialogue of the UCST allows you to link the ECCs
to the corresponding physical interfaces (traffic units of the NE). The
internal ECC interfaces appear when you select the COBU<X> unit
with the appropriate connection type for cross connection. The link
side for the cross connection must provide a matching number of TSs.
For more information on cross connecting, refer to [401].
Make sure that the ECC link access layer of the control units uses
on both sides the same timeslot(s) of a structured physical 2 Mbit/s
link for cross connection.

16 Download of the Configuration to the NE

You must load the new or the changed configuration to the NE. This
configuration download normally is a local management access since
only this new (updated) configuration enables the integration of the
NE in the MCN.
For more information on the configuration download, refer to [401].
After the download, you might have to change the operating
parameters of your PC/computer (e.g. IP addresses of the RAS
modem or of the Ethernet interface).
Your Element Agent must manage the NE with the updated
communication parameters.

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2 Parameters for the OSI/DCN and CLNP routing

21 Configuration of the SDH ECC(s) for the OSI DCN
Essentially, you must name your ECC(s) and select the corresponding
bandwidth for the SDH ECC(s) according to the MCN planning.
22 Configuration of the CLNP and IP Tunnelling
This configuration enables the CLNP routing and the tunnelling of IP
management communication traffic via OSI DCNs.
Typically, the network administration provides the required NSAP and
IP Tunnel addresses.

3 Parameters for the OSPF and IP routing

31 Configuration of the PDH ECC(s) for the IP router
Essentially, you must name and configure the bandwidth of the PDH
ECC(s) according to the MCN planning.
32 Enable the IP Router and set the Default values
The setting of the default values is appropriate if you want to
reconfigure the IP router from scratch. The command clears all
existing parameters, areas, links and settings of the interface
33 Implementation of additional Areas, Links and Routes
Here you can create the appropriate OSPF environment for the router
(e.g. areas other than the backbone area) and add external links to
other AS (Autonomous Systems) or add Virtual Links for "lost" OSPF
Typically, the network administration provides the required router Ids
and addresses.
34 Configuration of the Connectivity of the Router IFs
The connectivity of the interfaces with the router allows you to control
the OSPF mode of the interface, e.g. blocking the flooding of LSAs via
the Qx to a LAN.

The order of the layers in the Unit Configuration Parameters dialogue of

the COBU<X> provides a good guideline for the configuration of the
communication parameters.

SDH ECC The SDH ECC layer provides the parameters for the configuration of
capacity and properties of the SDH ECC.
The SDH ECC layer defines parameters for the NE that are linked
to the FOX MCN. It is only possible to set these parameters in
connection with the FOX MCN definitions.

For a detailed description of the FOX MCN parameter configuration, refer to


OSI DCN The OSI DCN layer provides the parameters for the configuration of the OSI
addresses of the IS (Intermediate System) and the configuration of the IP
tunnel for the IP traffic.

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The OSI DCN layer defines parameters for the NE that are linked
to the FOX MCN. It is only possible to set these parameters in
connection with the FOX MCN definitions.
For a detailed description of the FOX MCN parameter configuration, refer to

PDH ECC The PDH ECC layer provides the parameters for the configuration of
capacity and properties of the PDH ECC.
They are also when configuring ECC links over ATM (please refer to every
respective ATM unit Manual for details about configuring ECC over ATM
The PDH ECC layer defines parameters for the NE that are linked
to the FOX MCN. It is only possible to set these parameters in
connection with the FOX MCN definitions.

For a detailed description of the FOX MCN parameter configuration, refer to


IP Router The IP Router layer provides context sensitive dialogues that provide the
parameters for the COBU<X> operation with and without a dynamic IP
The IP Router layer defines parameters for the NE that are linked
to the FOX MCN. It is only possible to set these parameters in
connection with the FOX MCN definitions.

For a detailed description of the FOX MCN parameter configuration, refer to


Setting a conference The COBUV control unit provides conference functions for 64 kbit/s traffic
(COBUV only!) signals. These signals mostly represent digitised voice signals. The
conference function also processes the signalling information accompanying
the traffic signals.
The cross connect allows you to create uni-directional and bi-directional
conference parties.
This feature is only available with the COBUV!

You can assign up to 64 participants to up to 21 conference parties. To

maintain a reasonable signal-to-noise ratio in the conference it is
recommended that you assign not more than 8 participants to one
conference. It is possible to configure the following parameters per
participant of a conference party:
Double click on the COBUV to open the Parameters… dialogue or click on
the COBUV and select the dialogue via the menu Unit Configuration →
select the tab Conference Part. if not already selected.

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Figure 32: Unit Configuration Parameters – Conference Part. layer


The 2nd conference party in the dialogue above has been enabled
for demonstration purposes.

The following are settable parameters on the Conference Part(ies) Layer:

• Name (16 characters max.)
• State (enabled/disabled)
• Conference (No Conference, Conference <x>, x = 1 … 21)
• Input Attenuation (0 dB … 9 dB in steps of 3 dB)
• Noise Suppression (No suppression, 5th, 9th and 16th step)
• Output Attenuation (0 dB, 3 dB)

Name You can specify a name of up to 16 characters for each participant (subunit).

Conference The COBUV supports a maximum of 21 conference parties. You can

allocate each of the Conference Participants (subunits) to any of the
To maintain a reasonable signal to noise ratio for the conference
signal you should not allocate more than 8 participants (subunits)
to a Conference.

Input attenuation The attenuation at the input of the conference allows levelling of the
individual signals provided by the subunits.

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Noise suppression The noise suppression allows squelching the noise at the input of the
conference in the case of no signal provided by a noisy channel. The steps
of the noise suppression are as follows:
5th: Least noise suppression.
The "idle signal" pattern replaces the first 5 positive and negative
PCM codes generated during conversion of the traffic signal.
9th: Medium noise suppression.
The "idle signal" pattern replaces the first 9 positive and negative
PCM codes generated during conversion of the traffic signal.
16th: Most noise suppression.
The "idle signal" pattern replaces the first 16 positive and negative
PCM codes generated during signal conversion of the traffic signal.
If one of the channels connected to a conference is faulty (channel gives an
AIS signal), its input signal is automatically replaced by the "idle signal". This
prevents the other channels in the conference from being disturbed. The
faulty participant gets an AIS signal.
The conference function of the COBUV allows you to set up for example
conferences where the idle subscribers of the conference get a ringing
signal if one of the participants goes off hook (like phone-phone mode with
SUBL<X>). For this purpose the signalling provided from and fed to the
participants is processed as follows:
• The COBUV applies a bit wise AND function to the signalling patterns
received with the traffic signals from the participants of the conference
• This newly created signalling pattern is sent together with the traffic
signal to all participants of the conference party.
You need to define appropriate signalling patterns for the different states of
the participants to create the required resulting pattern with the AND
For more information on this topic, refer to the paragraph "Diagnostic
function" in the section "Functional descriptions".

Output attenuation The attenuation at the output of the conference allows the attenuation of the
signals provided by the conference for the participants.

Setting diagnostics
Test set-up The test set-up requires a Pattern Generator, which generates the test
signal, and a corresponding Pattern Analyser which analyses the received
The test signal is a fixed bit pattern or a pseudo random bit pattern. You can
configure the test signal as an n x 64 kbit/s (1 ≤ n ≤ 31) signal assigned to a
corresponding number of timeslots or as a transparent 2 Mbit/s data stream.
The COBU<X> provides both functions:
• The Pattern Generator of the COBU<X> provides its test signal for cross
connection to the PBUS.
Depending on the test signal the cross connection is on the 64 kbit/s, the
n x 64 kbit/s or on the 2 Mbit/s traffic signal level.

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It is possible to feed this signal via the network to any other COBU<X>
(not for delay measurements) or to loop it back to the originating
COBU<X> for the analysis.
• The Pattern Analyser of the COBU<X> receives its test signal via the
PBUS cross connect.
The Pattern Analyser only is available if you enable the Pattern
Generator and monitors the incoming signal for the signal configured for
the Pattern Generator.
The Pattern Generator is available for configuration on the Diagnostics tab
of the COBU<X> Unit Configuration… → Parameters menu.
To access the Pattern Analyser you must select the Diagnostics tab in the
Unit Configuration… → Status/Maintenance menu of the COBU<X>.
The following paragraphs describe the configuration of the Pattern
Generator and the test signal respectively.

Configuration of the Double click on the COBU<X> to open the Parameters… dialogue or click
diagnostic function on the COBUV and select the dialogue via the menu Unit Configuration →
select the tab Diagnostics if not already selected.

Figure 33: Unit Configuration Parameters – Diagnostics layer


The following are settable parameters on the Diagnostics Layer:

• Enable Diagnostics (enabled/disabled)
• Bit Rate (2 Mbit/s Transparent, n x 64 kbit/s, n = 1 … 31)
• Test Signal (data) (8-bit pattern, PRBS 211-1, 215-1, 220-1)
• Pattern Offset (No offset, offset of +1… +7 bits)
• Test Pattern (Signalling) (bits a , b , c, d)
• Insert Error (1 s-1) (enable/disable)

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Enable diagnostics You must enable the Diagnostics functions to enable the Pattern Generator
and/or the Pattern Analyser.

Bit rate It is possible to define the following bit rates and signal types for the test
• Test signal for structured traffic channels:
n x 64 kbit/s (n = 1..31) corresponding to 64 kbit/s … 1984 kbit/s
• Test signal for transparent 2 Mbit/s traffic channels:
2048 kbit/s
The test signal is always unframed at the access point of the pattern
generator. However, the test signal is framed at the physical interface for the
cross connection depending on its mode of operation.
The bit rate setting applies to both the Pattern Generator and the Pattern

Test signal (data) It is possible to program the following test signals (data):
• 8 bits for the fixed bit pattern signal
If you select the fixed 8-bit pattern option you can define the bit pattern in
a separate field.
If the fixed 8-bit pattern is injected as a transparent 2048 kbit/s test signal
you can define an offset to compensate an eventual shift of the pattern
sequence between the Pattern Generator and the Pattern Analyser.
The shift compensation is bit-wise from 0 bits up to 7 bits.
• PRBS (Pseudo Random Bit Sequence) with a sequence length of
− 2 -1 bits
− 2 -1 bits
− 2 -1 bits

The longest sequence length allows the measurement of delays between

the Pattern Generator and the Pattern Analyser interfaces.
The UCST provides no other options for PRBS data signals.

The test signal is always unframed at the pattern generator output.

Depending on the mode of operation it will be framed in the physical
interface when it is cross connected to the channel for diagnostic.

Test pattern (signalling) It is possible to define a 4-bit pattern for the signalling associated with the
test signal.
The dialogue provides a separate field to define the 4 bits of the signalling.
Please note that:
• If you define all "1" for the signalling bits the bit pattern
corresponds to AIS. The Pattern Analyser monitors this
condition with „AIS on Signalling“ (refer to the corresponding
paragraphs in "Operation").
• You should never use the pattern 0000 to avoid problems for
the multi-frame synchronisation on the 2 Mbit/s links.

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Error insertion It is possible to inject an artificial bit error rate of 1 bit error per second into
the test signal. This allows you to verify the test set-up.

Cross connections for To make the diagnostic functions work you must cross connect the Pattern
diagnostics Generator and Pattern Analyser interfaces to corresponding data channels
and physical interfaces respectively.
Select the menu NE Configuration → Cross Connections… to open the
corresponding dialogue and
press [Create] to create the required connections
for the diagnostic function.

Figure 34: Create Cross Connections dialogue


Create the cross connections for the diagnostics function as required for
your test set-up.
Depending on the test signal and your test set-up, you must select the
parameters for your cross connections as follows:
• Input
The Input device is the COBU<X> in slot 11 (even if you have a
redundant control unit)
The subunit in the Input field is Diagnostics. This subunit is available
only if the structure of the test signal matches the signal type in the Type
• Signal Type
To allow cross connections for the diagnostics function the signal Type
must match the test signal specified for the Pattern Generator:
− P0 (64 kbit/s, n = 1)
− P0_nc (n x 64 kbit/s, n = 2 … 31)
− P12 (2 Mbit/s transparent)
The UCST only displays Input and Output subunits that support the
signal type in the Type field.

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• Direction
If you select a Bi-directional cross connection, the Pattern Generator
and the Analyser are connected to the same Output device with one
cross connection.
If you select unidirectional cross connections, you must separately
connect the Pattern Generator and the Pattern Analyser with 2 cross
connections to their respective Output devices.
• Output
The Output device is a subunit that supports the signal type in the Type field.
The statements logically apply if you select the COBU<X> as the
Output device.
For more information on cross connections, refer to [401].

Download configuration or You must configure the NE by means of a full or partial download of the
configuration changes updated configuration data.
The paragraphs "Diagnostics" under "Status/Maintenance functions"
provides detailed descriptions of the diagnostic function application.

Setting 1+1 equipment

protection for COBU<X>
Implementation The 1+1 equipment protection for the control unit requires 2 slots in the NE
• Slot 11 is the master slot
• Slot 12 is the slave slot
The COBU<X> in the master slot is active by default (normal operating
If the NE is configured for 1+1 equipment protection and two fault-free
control units are fitted, the control unit in the slot 11 becomes active after the
NE start-up. The unit in the slot 12 starts up as the standby unit.
To implement 1+1 equipment protection in the FOX 515/512 proceed as
• Plug the redundant COBU<X> unit into the slave slot (i.e. 12).
The hardware of the redundant control unit must:
− be compatible with the configured functional unit (= hardware and
ESW) and the installed COBUX ESW.
− provide a PC memory card of equal or higher capacity than the PC
memory card of the active COBU<X> (independent of the slot).
There are no requirements for the configuration and ESW provided
with the new control unit.
• Update the NE configuration as follows:
Click (select) slot 11 to select the default COBU<X>.
select menu NE Configuration → Add Protecting Unit to open the
corresponding dialogue.

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Figure 35: NE Configuration – Add Protecting Unit dialogue


Select Add Protecting Unit to create the backup COBU<X> in

slot 12.
The UCST adds the protecting unit
in the default slave slot (slot 12).
Update the NE via partial or full download.
Please note that:
• It takes some time for the control units to update the database
of the new control unit. The update includes the ESW. Once the
management information base of the inactive unit is
synchronised to the active unit, both control units have exactly
the same configuration.
Consequently the:
− input impedance settings for the external 2048 kHz clock
inputs must be identical on both control units (identical
jumper positions for both units).
− Node Id (Serial Interface IP Host address) as well as the IP
address of the QX-interface (Ethernet Interface IP Host
Address) are the same for both units.
• The inactive control unit monitors its timing signal inputs
independently of the active unit. This allows the COBU<X> to
alarm missing timing signals on the slave unit.
• Two control units require redundant cabling for their external
interfaces. [301] and [303] provide the corresponding Cabling
guidelines in the chapter „Installation procedures“.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 65 of 108


The automatic synchronisation of the MIB database can fail, e.g. if the
redundant COBU<X> runs software (ESW) which is no longer available after
the update of the database. This is possible if the redundant COBU<X> has
started up with an ESW that is not resident in the database of the master
If the automatic synchronisation of the MIB database fails, the NE
creates a corresponding alarm and activates the traffic LED
indicator of the redundant COBU<X>.
To conclude the update of the redundant COBU<X> MIB you must
manually synchronise the MIB.
For information on the manual synchronisation of the MIB, refer to the
paragraph "Board" in the chapter "Status/Maintenance functions".

Switching criteria There are 2 processes that can trigger the standby control unit to become
the active control unit of the NE:
• Autonomous performance monitor for the control unit
The following events are the switching criteria for the autonomous
monitoring process:
− loss of the local reference clock onboard generated (sensed from the
− software execution failure (watch dog)
• Manual operation control
You can force the switchover via a manual switch command.
For information on the manual switch command, refer to the
corresponding paragraphs in "Operation".
For information on the restart process of the slave unit, refer to the
paragraph "Board" in the chapter "Status/Maintenance functions".

Status/Maintenance The COBU<X> provides Status/Maintenance functions in correspondence

functions to the parameter layers for configuration:
• Board
Available only for NEs with redundant control units!
• Communication IF
• IP Router
• Diagnostics
The Status/Maintenance functions for Diagnostics require that you enable
the Pattern Generator of the COBU<X>.
The Status/Maintenance functions require management
communication between the UCST and the NE.
If the management communication is not established the UCST
(UNEM) requests you to connect your UCST (UNEM) to the NE
before it opens the corresponding Maintenance/Status dialogue.

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Board To access the Status/Maintenance functions of the board layer

click (select) slot 11 to select the default COBU<X>.
select the menu NE Configuration → Status/Maintenance to open the
corresponding dialogue.
select the tab Board if the tab is not already selected.
press [Get] to initialise the parameters with the
current NE values.
The board layer is only available for NEs with redundant control

Figure 36: Status/Maintenance - Board dialogue


The Board layer provides status and command functions as follows:

• Status
− Active COBUX (= COBU<X>)
Indicates which slot contains the active control unit.
The slot is either 11 or 12.
− Redundant COBUX (= COBU<X>) State
Displays a message that describes the current state of the redundant
control unit.
• Control
− Update redundant COBUX (= COBU<X>)
This command allows you to manually update the MIB of the slave
control unit.
− Switch Master ↔ Slave
This command allows you to manually switch from the current active
control unit to the standby control unit.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 67 of 108


Status The Status field provides 2 windows for status indication:

• Active COBUX (= COBU<X>)
This window displays the slot number of the currently active COBU<X>
(COBUX <k>) control unit.
Note: The <k> stands here for the slot number: k = 11, 12.
• Redundant COBUX (= COBU<X>) State
This window displays messages as follows:

page 68 of 108 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

State Message Possible causes (condition) Active alarms Effect

1 Slave Control Unit database is Redundant (slave) COBU<X> is fully No alarm is related to this state
synchronised to Master Control synchronised with the active (master)
Unit database COBU<X>.

2 Slave Control Unit starting up... The redundant COBU<X> is starting up No alarm is related to this state If a hardware or software problem is
because of a detected, the active unit keeps

- Power reset running, providing the functions that
the unit is still able to provide.
- Software reboot.
There is no switchover to the
redundant unit.

3 Slave Control Unit database Synchronisation of the redundant COBU<X> No alarm is related to this state If a hardware or software problem is
synchronisation in progress... is done after a detected, the active unit keeps
- Reboot of the redundant COBU<X> running, providing the functions that
the unit is still able to provide.
- Change of configuration
There is no switchover to the
- New delivery of application software 1)
redundant unit.
Figure 37:

4 Slave Control Unit position not The redundant control unit (or the master - COBUX <12> Board Unit Not No control unit protection is available.
equipped control unit) is not equipped in the subrack. Available (HW not available) If a hardware or software problem is

COBUX <11> Board Unit Not detected on the active unit, the active
Available (HW not available) unit keeps running providing the

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

functions that the unit is still able to

5 Slave control unit not - You use COBUV HW in combination - COBUX <11> Board / Protecting Unit If a hardware or software problem is
synchronised to Master Control with COBUX HW or vice versa. Database Synchronisation Problem detected, the active unit keeps
Unit database because - The slave unit hardware and software - COBUX <12> Board / Flash Card running, providing the functions that
synchronisation process failed are either incompatible or the hardware Storage Capacity Problem the unit is still able to provide.
(wrong or faulty or software is faulty. There is no switchover to the
- COBUX <11> Board / Network element 1)
board/hardware/software) redundant unit.
- The size of the flash card of the SW Installation Error
redundant COBU<X> unit is smaller
State messages of COBU<X>

than the one on the master COBU<X>

(Storage capacity problem alarm is active).

6 Slave Control Unit database is not A software upgrade of the master has been - COBUX <11> Board / Protecting Unit If a hardware or software problem is
synchronised to Master Control done. The upgrade of the slave unit is not Database Synchronisation Problem detected, the active unit keeps
Unit database due to different done automatically in this case. - COBUX<11> Board / Network element running, providing the functions that
software versions The upgrade of the slave must be forced SW Installation Error the unit is still able to provide.
manually. There is no switchover to the
redundant unit.

7 Invalid data or Unit not available - NE is not manageable Not applicable.

- The UCST/UNEM has no access to the NE
or the NE is not operational.

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© ABB Ltd

If the active unit is removed, the redundant unit will take over the
control of the NE, but eventually with
- other configuration
- other COBUX ESW
compared to the previously active control unit.

State 6 becomes active if the ESW of the active (master) control

unit and the standby (slave) control unit are not of the same
This is a standard situation after a COBU<X> ESW update. After
the update and with the NE configuration updated for the
installation of the new ESW the
• active COBU<X> runs the new ESW
• the standby COBU<X> still runs the old ESW but has the new
ESW and the updated configuration ready for use (the
COBU<X> waits for a restart).
This constellation allows for a test period with the new ESW and
the standby COBU<X> ready to take over system control with the
old ESW.
If the test is successful, you must restart the redundant COBU<X>
with the [Update Redundant COBUX] button.

Redundancy control The Redundancy control field provides 2 context sensitive buttons for
• [Update Redundant COBUX] button
This command allows you to restart the synchronisation of the
management information base
This button only becomes active if the redundant unit is in state 5 and 6
as described above.
• [Switch Master <-> Slave] button
This command allows you to switchover from the active unit to the
standby unit upon operator’s request. This function is only used for
maintenance purposes.

Switchover between master The paragraphs below describe the switchover process and its impact on the
and slave traffic functions and traffic signals.
• The criteria for autonomous switching between master to slave are:
− loss of the local reference clock onboard generated (sensed from the
− software execution failure (watchdog)

Additionally it is possible to initiate the switchover via the manual

switchover command. The autonomous and the manually initiated
switchover are the same for the switchover process.
• After the switchover
The unit that just became active starts up with a warm start (visible
control unit operating states are „NE Configuration“ and „Active“).

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• Consequences and influence on

− traffic and synchronisation
The warm start of the new active COBU<X> affects the traffic and NE
synchronisation as follows:
− Insertion of one 0-bit in the traffic from the PBUS.
Depending on the traffic signal and the evaluation of errors, this
corresponds to a 1-bit slip or a short burst of errors.
− Short interruption of the UBUS traffic.
− SETS and PETS timing signals not affected
However, the source selection algorithm for the PETS system is
frozen during start up.
− NE management control and communication
The NE management and control is not available for a couple of seconds
(i.e. time required to reach the active state). This includes the loss of:
− Management communication between the NE and the UCST.
− NE alarm and notification history stored in the NE logbook. This
loss is because the NE logbook is volatile data that is not mirrored
in the standby control unit.
− Status information (i.e. the status data accessed via the menu
Unit configuration → Status/Maintenance...). This is because the
status information is volatile data that is not mirrored in the standby
control unit.
− Performance data (i.e. the performance data accessed via the
menu Unit configuration → Performance Monitoring...). This is
because the PM creates volatile data that is not mirrored in the
standby control unit.
− Management access via the QX-interface
If you connect the QX-interfaces of the active and standby control unit
of an NE with 1+1 equipment protection to the Ethernet LAN, the
following effect occurs after a switchover of the control units:
The UCST (UNEM) is not able to connect to the new active unit since
the corresponding entry in the IP address resolution table of the PC
or WS still points to the MAC address of the old active unit. It is not
possible to avoid this conflict since each physical LAN interface must
have a unique layer 2 address (the QX-interface of each COBU<X>
has its own MAC address).
The conflict is resolved
− if you update the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) table via the
MS-DOS ARP command (UCST)
− automatically after a while (max. 300 s) when the PC or WS
updates the table.

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Communication IF To access the Status/Maintenance functions of the communication IF layer

click (select) slot 11 to select the default COBU<X>.
select the menu NE Configuration → Status/Maintenance to open the
corresponding dialogue.
select the tab Communication IF if the tab is not already selected.
press [Get] to initialise the parameters with the
current NE values.

Figure 38: Status/Maintenance – Communication IF dialogue


The Communication IF layer provides status and functions as follows:

• Status type
− System MAC Address
displays the MAC address of the active COBU<X> unit.
− QX Connectivity status
displays the status of the current state of the QX-interface. The status
can be
− unknown (if the UCST (UNEM) is not connected to the NE)
− connection error (if the interface is not connected or faulty)
− ok
• Counter type
− Rx MAC Frame Errors
This counter displays the number of received MAC frames with errors.
It is possible to reset the counter to zero via the [Reset] button.

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NE MCN parameters
SDH ECC The Status/Maintenance functions of the SDH ECC layer provides the status
and maintenance functions for the SDH ECC functions of the NE.
The SDH ECC parameters of the NE that are linked to the FOX
MCN. It is only possible to understand and analyse these
parameters in connection with the FOX MCN definitions.

For a detailed description of the COBU<X> MCN parameter status and

maintenance functions, refer to [901].

OSI DCN The Status/Maintenance functions of the OSI DCN layer provides the status
and maintenance functions for the OSI DCN functions of the NE.
The OSI DCN parameters of the NE that are linked to the FOX
MCN. It is only possible to understand and analyse these
parameters in connection with the FOX MCN definitions.

For a detailed description of the COBU<X> MCN parameter status and

maintenance functions, refer to [901].
The Status/Maintenance functions of the PDH ECC layer provides the status
and maintenance functions for the PDH ECC functions of the NE.
When ECC over ATM links have been configured, their status (up / down
and its IP peer address) can also be checked like any other PDH ECC link.

The PDH ECC parameters of the NE that are linked to the FOX
MCN. It is only possible to understand and analyse these
parameters in connection with the FOX MCN definitions.

For a detailed description of the COBU<X> MCN parameter status and

maintenance functions, refer to [901].

IP Router The Status/Maintenance functions of the IP router layer provides the status
and maintenance functions for the IP router functions of the NE.
The IP router parameters of the NE that are linked to the FOX
MCN. It is only possible to understand and analyse these
parameters in connection with the FOX MCN definitions.

For a detailed description of the COBU<X> MCN parameter status and

maintenance functions, refer to [901].

IP Ping The IP router Status/Maintenance dialogue also provides a ping function for
IP addresses.
This function can be useful for debugging purposes during the initial NE
commissioning. The IP Ping function allows you to check the availability of
links and devices on IP layer.
To access the IP Ping function

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 73 of 108


click (select) slot 11 to select the default COBU<X>.

select the menu NE Configuration → Status/Maintenance to open the
corresponding dialogue.
select the tab IP Router if the tab is not already selected.
press [Ping…] to call the IP Ping Request
dialogue and initialise the
parameters with the current
specify the IP address of the Destination.
Number of Request for the IP Ping attempts. The
maximum number of consecutive
request is 10.
Size of Packet for the requests. The maximum
size of the packets is <10000.
press [Ping] to start the sequence of attempts.
Depending on the network and the
number of attempts, you must wait
a couple of seconds for the result.

Figure 39: Status/Maintenance – IP Router IP Ping Request



The Response indicates the:

• Number of submitted requests and the number of echoes for the
• Minimum and maximum time between request and response [ms].
• Calculated mean time for a response [ms].

Overview of the analysis The Status/maintenance dialogue for the diagnostic interface of the
COBU<X> allows you to monitor the integrity of the test signals in selected
timeslots and to analyse the corresponding signalling as well as delay

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The Performance monitoring dialogue provided for the COBU<X> also

allows performance monitoring for the test signal of the diagnostic function.
For more information on the performance monitoring, refer to the
corresponding paragraphs.
The integrated Diagnostics function together with the corresponding
Performance monitoring provides the following analysis and quality
assessment functions:

Figure 40: Summary of analysis and quality assessment functions

Analyses and quality assessments Test signal

8-bit pattern PRBS

Display of TX and RX test signal bit pattern 9 (9) 1)

Display of TX and RX signalling bit pattern (9) 2) (9) 2)

Anomalies on RX signal: 9 9
- AIS on data
- AIS on signalling
- Failure on signalling

Error insertion: 9 9
- 1 bit error/second

Performance monitoring: 9 9
- only near end PM
filtered mode according to ITU-T-G.821

Signal delay between access points: - 9 3)

- Function is only possible with Pseudo
Random Bit Sequence 220 – 1.
- Pattern generator and Analyser must
reside in the same COBU<X>.
- Delay from pattern generator output to
pattern analyser input is directly displayed
in µs.

Notes: TX relates to the pattern generator output

RX relates to the pattern analyser input
Due to the random bit sequence of the test signal there will be no
pattern visible for error free transmission and transmission with
random errors. If the channel gets interrupted or gets into a similar
stable condition, you will see the corresponding bit pattern.
For 64 kbit/s test signals only.
PRBS 220 – 1 only.
You only can start the Diagnostic Maintenance/Status if you have
enabled and configured the Diagnostic function in the Unit
Configuration menu.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 75 of 108


The test signal configured for the Pattern Generator must match
the purpose of your analysis.

Open the Diagnostics dialogue To access the Status/Maintenance functions of the Diagnostics layer
click (select) slot 11 to select the default COBU<X>.
select the menu NE Configuration → Status/Maintenance to open the
corresponding dialogue.
select the tab Diagnostics if the tab is not already selected.
If the Diagnostic function is not yet enabled the UCST warns with the

Figure 41: Diagnostics – No Status Available dialogue


Enable the Diagnostic function and configure the Pattern Generator for the
required test signal via the Unit Configuration… → Status/Maintenance
menu of the COBU<X>.
For more information on the configuration of the Pattern Generator, refer to
the corresponding paragraphs in "Configuration".
Now you can open an active Diagnostic dialogue:

Figure 42: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue


The Diagnostics layer provides status and control functions as follows:

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• Timeslot Monitoring
− Selection of the monitored test signal/timeslot
Depending on the bandwidth of the test signal the selection is
− Data or Signalling for 64 kbit/s test signals
− Number of the timeslot for all other test signals (n x 64 kbit/s and
2 Mbit/s)
− Signalling Pattern
− Tx: Transmitted bit pattern of the selected test signal
- Data or signalling bits for 64 kbit/s test signals
- Data bits for all other test signals
− Rx: Received bit pattern of the selected test signal
- Data or signalling bits for 64 kbit/s test signals
- Data bits for all other test signals
− Anomalies of the received test signal
The diagnostic functions monitors the received signals for the
following anomalies:
− AIS on Data
− AIS on Signalling
− Failure on Signalling
− [Get] button to update the display of parameters
• Delay measurement
− Display field for measured delay [µs].
− [Start] / [Stop] buttons to control the delay measurement and [Get]
button to freeze and display the measured delay.
The paragraphs below describe the application of the Diagnostic functions
• Timeslot monitoring
• Delay measurements

Timeslot monitoring The Timeslot Monitoring function allows 2 test set ups:
A) Pattern Generator and Analyser are on the same COBU<X>.
The test signal of the Pattern Generator is looped back locally or via
the transmission network to the same COBU<X> unit for the analysis
(refer to the set-up A) in the figure below.
This set-up also allows measurements of test signal delays.
B) Pattern Generator and Analyser are on different COBU<X>s.
The test signal of the Pattern Generator is transmitted via the
transmission network to some remote COBU<X> unit for the analysis
(refer to the set-up B) in the figure below).
This set-up also does not allow measurements of test signal delays.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 77 of 108


Figure 43: Test set-up for timeslot monitoring


PI Transmission Network PI



PI Transmission Network PI


Symbols and abbreviations:

Pattern Generator

Pattern Analyser

Cross Connect
PI: Physical Interface

The analyser circuit of the COBU<X> monitors the received signals as

• Comparison of the generated (sent Tx) and analysed (received Rx) test
signal on an individual timeslot (diagnostic channel) base.
• Comparison of the generated and analysed signalling pattern. If the
analysis shows a misalignment, the dialogue reports the anomaly „Failure
on Signalling“.
• If the analysis detects AIS the dialogue reports the anomalies „AIS on
Data“ and/or „AIS on Signalling“.

Please note that:

• The analysis might require new or modified cross connections
in the NE and the transmission network.
• You can ignore “AIS on Signalling“ and „Failure on Signalling“ if
your test set-up does not support signalling (e.g. transparent
2 Mbit/s test signals).
Examples of timeslot monitoring
1) Application of the diagnostic function for n x 64 kbit/s channels
The bit pattern of the signals sent and received in n x 64 kbit/s channels
are both displayed while the signalling bits received are analysed for
"AIS" and "Failure of Signalling".

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It is possible to use 8-bit patterns or PRBS as test signals. With RBPS

test signals, the pattern of the test signal will not be visible until the
received signal produces a stable bit pattern (e.g. AIS).
The Pattern Generator is configured as follows:
− Test signal (data): 8-bit pattern "01101010"
− Test Pattern (signalling): 4-bit pattern "1011"
− Bit rate: 832 kbit/s (n = 13)
For the analysis
select the Timeslot for the monitoring. It is possible to
select any timeslot among the n
timeslots for the analysis (here the
6th timeslot out of 13 possible
press [Get] to read the current result of the

Figure 44: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue

Analysis of a n x 64 kbit/s test signal

The resulting values show no failures:

− Matching bit patterns
− No anomalies
The Pattern Generator is now configured for AIS on signalling:
− Test signal (data): 8-bit pattern "01101010"
− Test Pattern (signalling): 4-bit pattern "1111"
− Bit rate: 832 kbit/s (n = 13)
The analysis reports the AIS as follows.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 79 of 108


Figure 45: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue

Analysis of a n x 64 kbit/s test signal, AIS on signalling

2) Application of the diagnostic function for 64 kbit/s channels

If the bandwidth of the test signal is just 64 kbit/s, you can select between
the display of the bit patterns of the test signals and the corresponding
patterns of the signalling bits.
It is possible to use 8-bit patterns or PRBS as test signals. With RBPS
test signals, the pattern of the test signal will not be visible until the
received signals produces a stable bit pattern (e.g. AIS).
The Pattern Generator is configured as follows:
− Test signal (data): 8-bit pattern "01101010"
− Test Pattern (signalling): 4-bit pattern "1011"
− Bit rate: 64 kbit/s (n = 1)
For the analysis
select the test signal for the monitoring. It is possible to
select test signal data or
The Tx and Rx bit pattern
correspond to the selected test
signal (data or signalling).
press [Get] to read the current result of the

page 80 of 108 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Figure 46: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue

Analysis of a 64 kbit/s test signal (data)

Figure 47: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue

Analysis of a 64 kbit/s test signal (signalling)

3) Application of the diagnostic function for 2 Mbit/s transparent

It is possible to use 8-bit patterns or PRBS as test signals. With RBPS
test signals, the pattern of the test signal will not be visible until the
received signals produces a stable bit pattern (e.g. AIS).
If test signals with 8-bit patterns are injected into a 2 Mbit/s transparent
channel, you can set an offset to compensate the phase shift between
the patterns sent and received.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 81 of 108


There is no signalling information processed (transparent mode).

The Pattern Generator is configured as follows:

− Test signal (data): 8-bit pattern "01101010"
− Pattern Offset: +2 bits
− Test Pattern (signalling): not relevant
− Bit rate: 2 Mbit/s transparent
For the analysis
select the Timeslot for the monitoring. It is possible to
select any timeslot among the 32
timeslots for the analysis (here the
32nd timeslot out of 32 possible
press [Get] to read the current result of the

Figure 48: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue

Analysis of 2 Mbit/s transparent test signals, no offset

The resulting values show no failures:

− Matching bit patterns but the received pattern shifted by 2 bits to the
− No anomalies
The Pattern Generator is now configured for AIS on signalling:
− Test signal (data): 8-bit pattern "01101010"
− Pattern Offset: +2 bits
− Test Pattern (signalling): not relevant
− Bit rate: 2 Mbit/s transparent

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The analysis reports the transmitted and received data bit patterns

Figure 49: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue

Analysis of 2 Mbit/s transparent test signals, with offset


Please note that:

• The bit positions in the Tx and Rx pattern display an "X" if the
corresponding bits are not stable (e.g. if the analyser receives a
regular PRBS or an unstable 8-bit pattern).
• The loss of sequence synchronisation is not shown for PRBS.
For the analysis you must use the performance monitoring
functions (refer to the paragraphs on Performance Monitoring
• The insertion of bit errors is normally not visible. The bit error is
only visible if you sample the test signal when the Pattern
Generator inserts the bit error.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 83 of 108


Delay measurements: The measurement of delays requires a test set-up as follows:

• Test signal: PRBS 220 - 1 (only!).
• The Pattern Generator and Analyser must be on the same COBU<X>.
(Refer to the figure below. The set-up corresponds to the set-up A) for
timeslot monitoring).
This set-up also allows timeslot monitoring with the test signal PRBS 220 - 1.

Figure 50: Test set-up for delay measurements


PI Transmission Network PI


Symbols and abbreviations:

Pattern Generator

Pattern Analyser

Cross Connect
PI: Physical Interface

Please note that:

• The diagnostic function evaluates the delay between the
internal COBU<X> interfaces of the Pattern Generator and
• The analysis might require new or modified cross connections
in the NE and the transmission network.
• You can ignore the timeslot monitoring for the delay

Examples of delay measurements

1) Application of the delay measurement for n x 64 kbit/s channels
The Pattern Generator is configured as follows:
− Test signal (data): PRBS 220 - 1
− Test Pattern (signalling): not relevant
− Bit rate: 832 kbit/s (n = 13)

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Figure 51: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue


For the analysis

press [Start] to start the measurement of the
delay. The UCST indicates this
permanently ongoing process with
the status indication working….

Figure 52: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue


Press [Get] to freeze the measurement and

display the current value. The
UCST indicates the delay in
[Stop] to stop the measuring process.

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Figure 53: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue


The measured delay for the structured test signal is 625 µs. This
corresponds to a delay of 10 multi-frames of a G.704 structured 2 Mbit/s
traffic signal.
2) Application of the delay measurement for 2 Mbit/s transparent
The Pattern Generator is configured as follows:
− Test signal (data): PRBS 220 - 1
− Test Pattern (signalling): not relevant
− Bit rate: 2 Mbit/s transparent

Figure 54: Status/Maintenance – Diagnostics dialogue


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The measured delay for the unstructured test signal is 62.5 µs. This
corresponds to a delay of 1 multi-frame of a G.704 structured 2 Mbit/s
traffic signal.

Operating states of the On site, you can read the operating state of the control unit by reading the
COBU<X> unit LED optical fault indicator from the NE. The COBU<X> unit LED is a
bicolour red/green LED indicator:
• The red colour indicates operating states that are specific to the control
• The green colour indicates activities that are specific to the NE level.
The figure below shows the signalling of the unit LED:

Figure 55: Operating states and NE activities indicated via the unit

Unit states with red LED indication:

LED red Unit state





NE activity with green LED indication:

LED green NE activity

NE Configuration
in progress



It is possible to distinguish between 6 different operating states (five without

1+1 equipment protection) for the COBU<X> when the control unit is
implemented in the subrack and properly powered:
• Booting
The initial software installation is progressing on the control unit. The
Booting state is characterised by a fast (2.5 Hz) red flashing of the unit LED.

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The COBU<X> is not able to provide management communication as

long as it is in the Booting state.
A software delivery cannot force the control unit to the Booting state.
• Waiting
The control unit is waiting for configuration. The Waiting state lasts as
long as the COBU<X> has no configuration.
The Waiting state is characterised by a slow (0.6 Hz) red/green flashing
of the unit LED (because of the superposition of the 0.6 Hz red flashing
frequency and the steady green of the NE activity).
The COBU<X> can only provide the „point to point“ type of management
communication. This means that the F-, Q1- and QX-interfaces are all
available for „point to point“ management communication with the EM
based on the default Host IP addresses.
The UCST can locally access the NE at any time for a full configuration
download or for inventory.
For more information on the management access, refer to [401] and
• NE Configuration
The installation of ESW (software installation) and/or configuration of the
peripheral units are progressing. The NE Configuration state is
characterised by a fast (2.5 Hz) green flashing unit LED. The unit LED
flashes until the control unit has completed the configuration of the NE.
As long as the control unit is in the NE Configuration state, it is not able
to provide additional management communication paths. If no
management communication path was active at the time the COBU<X>
entered the NE Configuration state it is not possible to access the NE in
this state
If the NE reconfigures because of a full or partial download, the
COBU<X> enters the NE Configuration state again until the
reconfiguration is complete.
A software delivery does not force the control unit to the NE
Configuration state.
To avoid inconsistency of the MIB you should not interrupt the
power supply for the control unit when the control unit is in the NE
Configuration state.

• Active
The internal resources (e.g. the power supply) are available and the
COBU<X> controls the NE. The Active state is characterised by a
constantly active green unit LED.
The COBU<X> provides the management communication paths
according to the defined configuration.
You can use all the management functions (Configuration Management,
Performance Monitoring, Fault Management and Software Management).

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• Failure
The control unit has failed and is not operating. The unit is either
− faulty or
− the ESW and the unit hardware are not compatible or
− the installation of the COBU<X> ESW has failed (PC memory card
missing, card faulty or without COBU<X> program code).
• Standby
The control unit is waiting to take over the control of the NE. The Standby
operation state is only possible for the slave unit in an NE with 1+1
equipment protection for the control unit.
The figure below shows 2 examples of possible NE start-ups as sequence
charts for the COBU<X> states. The charts indicate the corresponding
operation states that the COBU<X> takes during the NE start up:

Figure 56: Operating states indicated via the Unit LED

COBUX is active

COBUX is configuring
COBUX is wait ing the NE

COBUX is configuring the

NE , COBUX configuration
is being inst alled

COBUX is configuring t he COBUX is configuring the

NE, COBUX configurat ion NE , COBUX configuration
is not yet available is not yet available

COBUX is configuring COBUX is configuring

t he NE the NE

Software is being Software is being

inst alled on COBUX inst alled on COBUX

Check of COBUX Check of COBUX

software software

Red Green unit LED Red Green unit LED

Please note that:

• The unit LED superposes the indication of the unit state and the
NE activity.
• If the states and activities require red ON at the same time as
green ON then the visible result is red ON.

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COBU<X> start up
Cold/warm start up Depending on the originating event the COBU<X> can perform a cold or
warm start up:
• Events that provoke a cold start up
− Power up (power up of the NE, insertion of the COBU<X>)
− Keyboard Reset (reset button inside the COBU<X>)

• Events that provoke a warm start up

− Watchdog Restart
− SW Restart:
− ESW update
− Change of configuration for NE IP-addresses
− Change of configuration for the OSI DCN
− Change of configuration for the IP Router

Influence on traffic and A cold or warm start up of the COBU<X> affects the traffic and services of
services the NE as follows:
• Cold start up (transient phase)
− Interruption of the
− UBUS and PBUS traffic
− SDH-through connected traffic
− Conference circuits (COBUV only)
− Management Communication
− PETS becomes inactive
− Reset and reconfiguration of the peripheral units
− No reporting of failures
− Loss of NE data after a cold start up:
− Faults/Log Book...
− PM data (diagnostic function)
− Time and date
• Warm start up (transient phase)
− Interruption of the Management Communication
− PETS becomes inactive
− No reporting of failures
− Loss of NE data after a warm start up because of a WD restart:
− Faults/Log Book...
− PM data (diagnostic function)
− Time and date
− Loss of data after warm start up because of a SW restart
− Faults/Log Book...
− PM data (diagnostic function)
Please note that:
• Although the PETS system is inactive, it still provides its timing
signals. However, the PETS source selection is frozen during
start up.
• No reporting of failures means that the NE fault list is not
updated during the start up. However, the COBU<X> updates
the fault list after the start up.

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Removal of operating The removal of the only operating COBU<X> from a FOX subrack affects
COBU<X> traffic and services of the NE as follows:
• Interruption of the
− UBUS and PBUS traffic
− Conference circuits (COBUV only)
− Management Communication

• SDH through-connected traffic is not interrupted!

• ATM through-connected traffic is not interrupted
• PETS fails
The SLIM1/2 and SLID1 units can provide protection for the PETS clock
signal in case of a COBU<X> failure. Continuing operation of all cross-
connections in the same subrack is supported if a SLIM1/2 or SLID1 is
installed in slot 12. It will then act as a redundant COBU<X> as far as the
timing sources are concerned.
• No reporting of failures
The interruption of the local management communication may
affect other NEs if the stopped NE provides important
management communication functions for the MCN.

Setting Alarm Parameters The COBU<X> provides 4 layers with alarms:

• Board layer
• Communication IF layer
• SDH ECC layer
• PDH ECC layer
Procedures for setting the alarm parameters (reporting options, severity,
persistence, etc.) are described in [302].
For a detailed description of the COBU<X> alarms, refer to the paragraphs
“Alarms and Notifications”.

Summary of UCST default

Board layer Default parameters for
- Synchronisation Inputs:
- - ESI-1 : 75/120 Ohms
- ESI-2 : 75 Ohms
- External Alarms (each of the 4 inputs):
- State : enabled
- Polarity : active Ground
- Alarm Name : none

Communication IF layer Default parameters for

- Host Name : none
- NE Password : none
- Serial Interface:
- IP Host Address (Node Id) :
- HDLC Address : 1
- Default Speed : 19200 bit/s

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- Ethernet Interface:
- State : enabled
- IP Host Address (Node Id) :
- Subnet Mask :
- Q1-Master Gateway:
- State : disabled
- IP Host Address (Node Id) :
- TCP/IP Port : 20736

SDH ECC layer Default parameters for all 8 subunits

- Name : none
- State : disabled

OSI DCN layer Default parameters for

- CLNP : disabled
- QX-interface : disabled
- IP Tunnelling : disabled

PDH ECC layer Default parameters for all 32 subunits

- Name : none
- State : disabled

IP Router Default parameters for

- Dynamic Router : disabled
- Router interfaces:
- QX-interface : no connectivity
- F15(Q1) interface : no connectivity
- Static Routes : none

Conference Parties layer

(COBUV only) Default parameters for all 64 subunits
- Name : none
- State : disabled

Diagnostics layer Default parameters for

- Diagnostics : disabled
- Test signal
- Bit Rate : 2 Mbit/s Transparent
- Test Signal (data) : 8-bit pattern
- Pattern : 00000000
- Pattern Offset : No Offset
- Test Pattern (Signalling) : 1111
- Error Insertion : Off

Unit alarms Settable parameters per alarm and subunit

(all layers):
- Report option : monitored (MON)
- Severity : urgent or non urgent
- Time filters
- Persist Time : 2.5 s
- Absent Time : 10 s

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Performance monitoring
Definition of terms The performance monitoring available for the COBU<X> allows you to
monitor the performance and quality of the transmission path configured for
the test signal.
For the definition of terms and a detailed description of the generic aspects
of the FOX performance monitoring, refer to [902].
The COBU<X> supports Performance Monitoring (PM) as follows:
• Diagnostics layer
− filtered PM (near end only)

The description below outlines the unit specific aspects of PM.

Please note that Performance Monitoring is always running!

Filtered PM
Diagnostics To access the Performance Monitoring for the COBU<X>
click (select) slot 11 to select the default COBU<X>.
select the menu NE Configuration → Performance Monitoring… to
open the corresponding dialogue.

Figure 57: COBU<X> - Performance Monitoring sample dialogue


The Diagnostics layer in the filtered mode monitors the following

• ET (Elapsed Time)
• Bit Errors

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• ES
• SES (Severely Monitored Seconds)
• UT (Unavailable Time)
Please note that the Diagnostic functions of the COBU<X> allow
performance monitoring for the test signal
• according to ITU-T G.821 (filtered mode only)
• for the near end only

Examples of COBU<X> PM The Pattern Generator uses the option Bit error insertion of 1 error per
second into the test signal (data).
1) Display of 15 min. intervals events presentation

Figure 58: COBU<X> - Performance Monitoring sample dialogue

Events presentation


The bit error count (Bit Error) and the errored seconds (ES) error
correspond to the inserted bit errors of 1 error per second:
− Number of Bit Errors
If the interval is completed the count is exactly 900 errors which
corresponds to interval length15 x 60 s = 900 s. Accordingly the count
corresponds to the interval length for uncompleted intervals.
− Number of ES
If the interval is completed the number of ES is exactly 900 s which
corresponds to an interval length of 15 x 60 s = 900 s. Accordingly,
the count is less for uncompleted intervals.

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2) Display of 15 min. intervals ratio presentation

Figure 59: COBU<X> - Performance Monitoring sample dialogue

Ratio presentation


For details on filtered performance monitoring, refer to [902].

Unfiltered PM Not available.

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Alarms and Notifications

The FOX alarm system processes failures. The failures are locally indicated
via the front panel LEDs of the unit and the alarm LEDs of the COBU<X> (if
After the NE fault management system has activated or deactivated an
alarm it updates the
• Unit and traffic failure indicator LED(s) of the affected unit(s) including the
− The unit LED indicates a unit alarm if the unit no longer responds
normally or if the unit self-test has terminated with errors.
− The traffic LED indicates an SbU alarm if at least one of the SbUs is in
the alarm state.
• optical NE alarm status LED indicators for
− the Urgent Alarm
− and Non-urgent Alarms
of the COBU<X> control unit (active unit only)
• electrical NE alarm status outputs (solid state relays on the COBU<X>) for
− the Urgent Alarm
− and Non-urgent Alarms
of the COBU<X> control unit (active unit only)
• NE logbook
• NE fault list with the NE alarm status summary
For the definition of terms (Defects, Fault Causes, Failures etc.) and details
of the FOX fault handling and alarm system, refer to the chapter
"Diagnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling" in [302].

Fault cause tables

Board Layer The upper left (unit) red fault indicator LED is lit in the case of a failure on the
unit level.

Figure 60: Fault Causes and alarms of the Board Layer

Board layer D.S. = Default Severity NA = Non-urgent alarm UA = urgent alarm

Fault cause
Localisation Generic alarm text D.S. Description
Board Unit not available UA This alarm indicates the complete failure of the unit. Hardware and/or
software problems can create the complete unit failure:
- The ESW running on the unit is not compatible with the unit HW
(ROFBU 367 103 …).
- The configuration is not compatible with the ESW running on the unit.
- The CRC of the serial EEPROM with the inventory data and the
MAC address of the COBU<X> is wrong (refer to notifications).
To reset the alarm you must eliminate the failure. With the exception
of some ESW based failures, the elimination of the failure requires
manual intervention.
Board / PBUS Clock Loss of Signal UA This alarm becomes active after the loss of the PBUS clock or PBUS
frame synchronisation signal generated on the control unit.
This alarm is cleared if the monitor circuit detects a proper PBUS
clock and PBUS frame synchronisation signal.

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Board layer D.S. = Default Severity NA = Non-urgent alarm UA = urgent alarm

Fault cause
Localisation Generic alarm text D.S. Description
Board / UBUS Clock Loss of Signal UA This alarm becomes active after the loss of the UBUS clock signal
generated on the control unit.
This alarm is cleared if the monitor circuit detects a proper UBUS
clock signal.
Board / Network Real Time Lost UA This alarm becomes active after the loss of the NE System Time (set
Element via the UCST). The NE System Time is always lost after an NE cold
start or a watchdog reset.
This alarm is cleared if you set the NE System Time via the UCST.
Board / Standby Clock Loss of Signal UA This alarm is only applicable for NEs with 1+1 control unit protection!
This alarm becomes active after the loss of the reference clock signal
for the PDH domain that the standby control unit generates.
This alarm is cleared if the monitor circuit detects a proper reference
clock signal for the PDH domain from the standby control unit.
Board / ESI-<k> Loss of Signal UA This alarm is only applicable if the NE configuration defines the ESI-
<k> as a timing source (k = 1, 2)!
This alarm becomes active after the loss of the 2048 kHz clock signal
on the ESI-<k>.
This alarm is cleared if the monitor circuit detects a proper 2048 kHz
clock signal on the ESI-<k>.
Board / ESI-<k> Impedance Mismatch UA This alarm becomes active if the hardware definition (k = 1: jumper
X4700; k = 2: X4701) and the NE configuration for the impedance of
the 2048 kHz ESI-<k> clock signal do not match.
This alarm is cleared if the hardware setting and the configuration for
the impedance of the ESI-<k> clock signal do match.
Board / Clock Source Loss of Signal UA This alarm is only applicable if the NE configuration defines the PDH-
PDH-<k> <k> clock bus line as a timing source (k = 1, 2, 4)!
This alarm becomes active if the signal on the internal clock bus line
<k> fails.
This alarm is cleared if the monitor circuit detects a proper clock signal
on the internal clock bus line <k>.
Board / Clock Source Loss of Signal UA This alarm is only applicable if the NE configuration defines the PDH-3
PDH-3 clock bus line as a timing source (e.g. for the NE timing mode PETS
is locked to SETS)!
This alarm becomes active if the signal on the internal clock bus line 3
fails (signal sources: traffic unit or SETS for the NE timing mode PETS
locked to SETS).
This alarm is cleared if the monitor circuit detects a proper clock signal
on the internal clock bus line 3.
Board / External Alarm Active UA This alarm is only applicable if the NE configuration has the External
Input-<k> Alarm Input <k> enabled (k = 1, 2, 3, 4).
This alarm becomes active if the COBU<X> detects an active alarm
condition (according to the NE configuration) on the alarm input <k>.
This alarm is cleared if the COBU<X> detects an inactive alarm
condition (according to the NE configuration) on the alarm input <k>.
Board / PBUS Data Loss of Signal UA This alarm is set if the monitoring circuit detects the loss of any of the
PBUS signals on the PBUS line to which the COBU<X> is writing.
This alarm is cleared if the monitoring circuit detects a proper PBUS
signal on all the PBUS lines to which the COBU<X> is writing.
Board / Maintenance Function Active NA This alarm becomes active if you apply a test function for the NE
Synchronisation timing system.
This alarm is cleared if there is no test function active for the E timing

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Board layer D.S. = Default Severity NA = Non-urgent alarm UA = urgent alarm

Fault cause
Localisation Generic alarm text D.S. Description
Board / Connection Maintenance Function Active NA This alarm becomes active if you force a test function (other than the
NE timing functions) for a COBU<X> function that uses protected
cross connections (e.g. protection of the diagnostic function).
This alarm is cleared if the corresponding test function becomes
Board / Network SW Installation Error UA This alarm becomes active in the case of an incompatibility between
Element the SW installation and NE implementation:
- One or more units are running an ESW that does not correspond to
the ESW defined in the configuration (SW installation).
- One or more files with ESW is (are) not available on the PC
memory card for the immediate or scheduled installation of the
- One or more APDSW files is (are) not available on the PC memory
card for the immediate or scheduled installation of the ESW.
- There is no ESW configured for one or more units with SW
download (SW installation none).
The NE Log book may provide more details on the missing files or ESW.
This alarm is cleared if all conditions above are meet.
Board / Protecting Database Synchronisation UA This alarm becomes active if files or the MIB of the standby control
Unit Problem unit does not match the corresponding elements of the active unit:
- One or more of the ESW or APDSW files are not available on the
slave (redundant) control unit.
- The database of the slave (redundant) control unit is not updated.
For more information refer to the corresponding notifications in the
Log book.
Board / Flash Card Storage Capacity Problem UA This alarm becomes active if the PC memory card of the slave
(redundant) control unit has a smaller capacity than the PC memory
card of the active unit.
This alarm is cleared if the PC memory card of the slave (redundant)
control unit has the same or a higher capacity than the PC memory
card of the active unit.
Board / Flash Card Almost Full UA This alarm becomes active if the remaining capacity of the PC
memory card is less than 3 x 10 bytes. The COBU<X> calculates
the remaining capacity over the configuration segment (1.5 Mbytes)
and the segment that is reserved for ESW (normally 6.5 Mbytes).
Thus, if the ESW segment is full but the capacity remaining in the
configuration segment is still larger than 3 x 10 bytes the alarm
becomes not active.
This alarm is cleared if the remaining capacity on the PC memory card
exceeds 3 x 10 bytes.

Please note that:

• It is possible to assign a name to each of the inputs for external
alarms. If you allocate a name, the fault management system
uses this name for the alarm instead of the default name
External Input <k>.
• If the access circuit operates on the local clock the output traffic
signal is suppressed (FUTURE OPTION).

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Communication IF layer The lower left (traffic) red fault indicator LED is lit in the case of a failure on
the Communication IF layer level.

Figure 61: Fault Causes and alarms of the Communication IF Layer

Communication IF layer D.S. = Default Severity NA = Non-urgent alarm UA = urgent alarm

Fault cause
Localisation Generic alarm text D.S. Description
Communication IF / Loss of Signal NA This alarm is only applicable if the NE configuration enables the QX-
Qx Interface interface of the control unit.
This alarm becomes active if there is no signal on the QX-interface
available (e.g. because there is no/a wrong cable connected, the
cable is not correctly terminated etc.). The function of this alarm
corresponds to the LED status indicators on the signal inputs of hubs.
This alarm is cleared if the QX-interface receives a correct Ethernet

Please note that:

• This alarm is only available with the COBU<X> hardware
− ROFBU 367 103/1 R2B (COBUX)
− ROFBU 367 103/2 R1A (COBUV)
and more recent hardware.

SDH ECC layer The lower left (traffic) red fault indicator LED is lit in the case of a failure on
the SDH ECC layer level.

Figure 62: Fault Causes and alarms of the SDH ECC Layer

SDH ECC layer D.S. = Default Severity NA = Non-urgent alarm UA = urgent alarm
Fault cause
Localisation Generic alarm text D.S. Description
SDH ECC-<k> Link Down NA This alarm becomes active if the corresponding SDH ECC link <k> is
not available (the layer 2 (LAPD/Q.921) fails).
This alarm is cleared if the SDH ECC layer 2 becomes available.

PDH ECC layer The lower left (traffic) red fault indicator LED is lit in the case of a failure on
the PDH ECC layer level.

Figure 63: Fault Causes and alarms of the PDH ECC Layer

PDH ECC layer D.S. = Default Severity NA = Non-urgent alarm UA = urgent alarm
Fault cause
Localisation Generic alarm text D.S. Description
PDH ECC-<k> Link Down NA This alarm becomes active if the PDH ECC is not available (the layer
2 (PPP) fails). The PDH ECC provides an AIS signal on the layer 1.
This alarm is cleared if the ECC layer 2 is available (i.e. PPP

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Notifications The NE fault management system provides a series of Notifications for

selected events that help you to correlate NE internal events and possible
failures associated to these events.
For more information on the principles of the NE fault management and
notifications, refer to [302].
The COBU<X> creates Notifications as follows:
• on the control unit layer
• as a proxy on the NE unit layer for all the units with SW download
• on the IP router layer
• on the OSI DCN layer
Complementary comments help you to understand the notifications and to
initialise appropriate maintenance.

Notifications control unit The COBU<X> creates notifications on the control unit board layer for the
board layer NE logbook as the follows:

Figure 64: Notifications on the Control Unit Board Layer

Notifications Descriptions

Control Unit Layer

Active unit: Power up Power up of the active COBU<X>.

Active unit: Watchdog restart This restart means that an active process of the active COBU<X> failed to
provide its trigger signal in time to the watchdog circuit.
This reset message is typical for the recovery of the COBU<X> SW system
after a process failure. The watchdog mechanism allows the COBU<X> to
recover after an abnormal ("unknown") behaviour of the COBUX ESW.

Active unit: Manual restart This notification reports a restart of the active COBU<X> triggered via the
corresponding switch circuit on the COBU<X>.
This switch circuit is not accessible from outside and is not used for operation
and maintenance.

Active unit: SW restart This notification reports a restart of the active COBU<X> because of a reset
of the COBU<X> SW system (e.g. after the installation of new COBUX ESW).

Standby unit: Switch to active This notification reports the restart of the new active COBU<X> after the
switchover of the control units.

Standby unit: Power up Power up of the slave COBU<X>

Standby unit: Watchdog restart This restart means that an active process of the slave COBU<X> failed to
provide its trigger signal in time to the watchdog circuit.

This reset message is typical for the recovery of the COBU<X> SW system
after a process failure. The watchdog mechanism allows the COBU<X> to
recover after an abnormal ("unknown") behaviour of the COBUX ESW.

Standby unit: Manual restart This notification reports a restart of the slave COBU<X> triggered via the
corresponding switch circuit on the COBU<X>.

This switch circuit is not accessible from outside and is not used for operation
and maintenance.

Standby unit: SW restart This notification reports the restart of the slave COBU<X> because of a reset

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Notifications Descriptions

Control Unit Layer

of the COBU<X> SW system (e.g. after the installation of new COBUX ESW).

Active unit: Switch to standby This notification reports the restart of the new slave COBU<X> after the
switchover of the control units.

NE time set by EM The UCST (UNEM) has updated the NE System Time.

Full download completed The UCST (UNEM) has successfully completed a full download of
configuration data to the NE.

Partial download completed The UCST (UNEM) has successfully completed a partial download of
configuration data to the NE.

Partial download aborted The UCST (UNEM) has aborted an ongoing partial download.

Serial EEPROM corrupted The CRC check on the data in the serial EEPROM returns a wrong value.
Checked data are the data block with the COBU<X> inventory data and the
system data block (with e.g. the COBU<X> MAC address).

Update of slave unit SW failed The update of the ESW files on the slave COBU<X> failed.

Update of slave unit config failed The update of the MIB (with the configuration data) of the slave COBU<X>

Slave unit flash card to small Refer to the descriptions of the corresponding alarm.

Flash card almost full Refer to the descriptions of the corresponding alarm.
3.3V on board power supply low or fail The monitor circuit of the COBU<X> has reported a too low voltage level or a
failed supply for the local 3.3-volt power supply. Among other circuits, this
supply powers the PBUS access circuits and consequently the UBUS cross
The COBU<X> processor does not depend on the 3.3-volt power supply.

Notifications NE unit board The COBU<X> generates notifications as a proxy for all the units with SW
layer download in the subrack. This means that the notifications carry the correct
unit/subunit designation although created by the COBU<X>.
The COBU<X> creates notifications on the NE unit board layer for the NE
logbook as follows:

Figure 65: Notifications on the NE Unit Board Layer

(proxy function of the COBU<X>)

Notifications Descriptions

NE Unit Board Layer (proxy)

Unit SW installed The ESW for the <Unit/Subunit> unit has been successfully installed.

Unit SW delivered to subrack unit The ESW for the remote unit (CPE) has been successfully delivered to the
local (host) unit in the NE subrack.

SW installation reverted The installation of new ESW was not successful. The previous unit ESW has
been reinstalled (= ESW installation reverted).

The COBU<X> starts the reverted installation of the ESW if the

corresponding watchdog does not receive the expected number of trigger
signals within the reference time (e.g. 5 trigger signals within 300 s) from the
unit process.

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Notifications Descriptions

NE Unit Board Layer (proxy)

Reverted installation is only possible if the previous

- ESW is still available on the PC memory card.

- Configuration data is still available
(Please note: A full download clears all old configuration data!)

Therefore, reverted installation of the ESW is mainly applicable after

scheduled installation of ESW.

HW fault during installation The installation process has failed because of a hardware failure. Such a
hardware failure occurs e.g. if the APDSW is not able to erase the units flash
program memory.

Incompatibility during SW inst. The notification signals an incompatibility between the unit hardware and
selected ESW.
This check compares the <Unit/Subunit> unit board ID and HW key with the
list of compatible units (ROFBU) indicated in the ESW file code.

This check is only possible during the installation of the ESW.

File error during installation Notification no longer supported. The underlying events trigger notifications
that are more specific (Apdsw…, unit software file…).

Apdsw file not found The COBUX SW is not able to find an APDSW file.

Apdsw file corrupt The check of the selected APDSW file reports a corrupted file.

Apdsw revision out of date The selected APDSW is not able to handle the flash memory of the unit
because the flash memory is a recent build unknown to the APDSW.

Unit software file not found The COBUX SW is not able to find the file with the ESW configured for the
<Unit/Subunit> unit.

Unit software file corrupt The check of the selected ESW file reports a corrupted file.

Software Installation set to none The COBUX SW found the <Unit/Subunit> unit without configuration for ESW
installation (= none). This notification only applies for units with SW
Invalid software installation configuration The UCST (UNEM) provides configuration data for the ESW installation for
the <Unit/Subunit> unit with no or incomplete path for the ESW file.

Configuration refused The COBUX SW is not able to configure the unit as requested by the
configuration data in the MIB.

Restart of not responding unit The COBUX SW tries to restart the <Unit/Subunit> unit that is presently not
responding to communication attempts.

Restart of not initialized unit The COBUX SW restarts the <Unit/Subunit> unit since the unit has set its
unit-not-initialised flag.
Restart due to database error The COBUX SW found a corrupted database on the <Unit/Subunit> unit and
has restarted the unit.

page 102 of 108 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Notifications IP router layer The COBU<X> creates notifications on the IP router layer for the NE logbook
as follows:

Figure 66: Notifications on the IP Router Layer

Notifications Descriptions

IP Router Layer
RX IP congestion in the last 20 s This notification signals that the OSPF router has registered a congestion for its
receive path(s) within the last 20 seconds.
TX IP congestion in the last 20 s This notification signals that the OSPF router has registered a congestion for its send
path(s) within the last 20 seconds.

Routing Information DB overload This notification signals that the routing table of the OSPF router contains now routing
information for more than 512 systems (mainly NEs).
This notification warns you that the OSPF router capacity might become critical for
the processing of the IP traffic (= management communication).

Notifications OSI DCN layer The COBU<X> creates notifications on the OSI DCN layer for the NE
logbook as follows:

Figure 67: Notifications on the OSI DCN Layer

Notifications Descriptions


Manual Area Address dropped This notification indicates that the OSI DCN layer has dropped a Manual Area
Address from its list of computed area addresses.

CLNP congestion in the last 20 s This notification signals that the OSI DCN layer experienced congestion for CLNP
within the last 20 seconds.

Neighbour change in the last 20 s This notification signals that the OSI DCN layer
- has discovered a new neighbour

- has lost an old neighbour

- never reached a neighbour

via an operational point-to-point link (SDH ECC via DCC) within the last 20 seconds.

Routing Information DB overload This notification signals that the routing tables contain routing information more than

- 150 IS (Intermediate Systems) or

- 512 systems (mainly NEs) in total.

This notification warns you that the capacity of the OSI DCN layer and the OSPF
router might become critical for the processing of the management communication.

LSP DB overload This notification signals the overload of the LSP (Link State Protocol) database and
that the LSP database is in the waiting state now.

Tunnel RDB change in the last 20 s This notification signals that

- a route has been deleted

- a new route has been added

from/to the tunnel RDB (Router DataBase) within the last 20 seconds.
IP address Already exists in the Tunnel RDB This notification indicates that the OSI tunnel routing protocol has learned a new IP
address that exists already in the tunnel RDB (Router DataBase).

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 103 of 108


Unit top component and The figure below shows the top component side of the COBU<X> control
front panel view unit as well as the front panel:

Figure 68: COBU<X> top component side and front panel view




T HI 75 HI

Description of the shown components:

- X4700 Selects the input impedance for the external 2048 kHz timing
signals at the ESI-1 input:
Select the position „T“ for a 75 Ω or 120 Ω input impedance.
Depending on the selected pins on the front connector the
impedance for the ESI-1 signal is automatically adjusted to 75 Ω
or 120 Ω.
Select the position „HI“ for a high input impedance.
- X4701 Selects the input impedance for the external 2048 kHz timing
signals at the ESI-2 input:
Select the position „75“ for a 75 Ω input impedance.
Select the position „HI“ for a high input impedance.
- X1400 Connector and installation gear for the PC memory card, with
integrated ejection mechanism.
- D902 Memory circuit (One Time Programmable ROM) with the
COBU<X> boot loader program.

page 104 of 108 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Please note that:

• The 120 Ω ESI and ESO interfaces are only available with the
COBU<X> hardware
− ROFBU 367 103/1 R2B (COBUX)
− ROFBU 367 103/2 R1A (COBUV)
or with more recent hardware.
• The COBU<X> versions without the 120 Ω ESI and ESO option
provide with both jumpers X4700 and X4701 the „75“ and "HI"

General aspects The COBU<X> requires no preventive maintenance. However, the delivery
of new ESW might require the implementation of the PC memory card with a
higher capacity.
If configured functions fail or self-tests detect failures, the fault
management system activates the unit LED of the COBU<X>.
Replace this control unit and send it back to the factory for repair.
Local repair is not possible.

The COBU<X> provides the following facilities for maintenance:

• Inventory Management
• Software Download
• PC memory card

It is highly recommended that you store the NE configuration in a

safe place. Normally the file system of the UCST (UNEM) has a
copy of the NE configuration.
You can use this backup to restore the configuration in the event of
a failure of a control unit in an NE without unit protection.

Inventory Management It is possible to read the inventory data of the COBU<X> via the UCST
For more information on inventory, refer to the paragraph „Inventory
Management“ in [302].

Software Download It is possible to remotely update the COBU<X> ESW via software download.
For the requirements and installation of the ESW on your PC/computer, refer
to [402]. For the description of the software download, refer to [302].
The installation of new COBU<X> ESW does not affect the traffic
However, during the start up (warm start up) of the control unit the
management functions are not available until the control unit reaches
„active“ state again. This means for example that the COBU<X> is
not able to support the NE fault management during this phase.
For details on the influence of a warm COBU<X> start up, refer to
the corresponding paragraphs in "Configuration and Operation".

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 105 of 108


Upgrades You can upgrade your existing COBU<X> to new functional unit(s) described
with your new UCST (UNEM) release if the new functional unit is compatible
with your hardware and you have the required ESW.
You can check the compatibility between your hardware and the ESW via
the FOX Inventory function and the corresponding data in the release
The upgrade of systems with the LOMIF from the R2 ESW to more recent ESW
requires special attention.
Upgrading the LOMIF can destroy the synchronisation via 2 Mbit/s
interfaces if the
• transmitting LOMIF subunits operate in the SSI mode and the
• upgrade also includes the upgrade of the COBU<X> ESW to
R3 or R4!
Please note that this warning applies for R2 to ≥ R3 ESW
upgrades only. Upgrades from R3 releases are not affected.
If you do not upgrade the COBU<X> ESW (to R3 or R4), there is
no risk of loss of synchronisation by upgrading the LOMIF.
For detailed information on the background of this system behaviour, refer to
the paragraphs "Upgrades and NE functions" in [302].
When upgrading the COBU<X> from R2 to R3 or R4 consider:
• In networks with synchronisation control via the Sa5-bit and with traffic
via LOMIF subunits, an uncontrolled upgrade could lead to the
interruption of the synchronisation if you just update the unit ESW.
• To avoid interruptions of the synchronisation while upgrading the
COBU<X> (to R3 or R4) proceed as follows:
− Connect your PC/computer running the new UCST (≥ R4) to the NE
that you want to upgrade.
− Upload the NE configuration.
− Open the Menu NE Configuration → Timing Sources and select the
tab PETS.
If there was a QL = 15 allocated to a PETS source it is now show QL
= 14 (you do not need to change any parameter, the new UCST does
this for you).
− Press [Ok] to safe the configuration and quit.
This initialises all the parameters of the timing system. In particular it sets
the QL to 14 for all the timing sources that previously had the QL = 15.
− Download the configuration to the NE via a partial or a full download.
− Now you can update the ESW and the functional units as described in
For detailed information on the upgrade procedures for the FOX core
(control units) and traffic units, refer to the paragraphs "Upgrade
procedures" in [302].

page 106 of 108 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Exchange of the PC Card

PC Card Handling Precautions
Disregarding the precautions as specified below may lead to the
loss of data or damage to equipment.
• Keep the card dry.
• Keep the connector area free from dust and dirt.
• Do not touch the terminals of the card.
• Do not bend the card.
• Do not store the card in a high temperature or high humidity
• Do not use force to remove or insert the card (follow the steps
as specified in the next paragraph).
• Do not remove the card from the control unit as long as the
control unit is powered.
• Do not try to insert a card if the connectors do not match.

The COBU<X> and the PC Cards are electro static sensitive

When manipulating the COBU<X> and PC Cards follow the safety
rules that apply for the handling of electro static sensitive devices.
Make sure that you discharge electro-static charges before you
touch the PC Cards or remove the COBU<X> unit from its
protection bag or the subrack!

PC Card exchange procedure The exchange of the PC Card requires actions on

• NE level
COBU<X> removal from and re-insertion into the FOX subrack.
For the procedural description of the unit removal from and re-insertion
into the FOX subrack, refer to [302].
• COBU<X> level
The exchange of the PC Card on the COBU<X> unit.
The paragraphs below describe the exchange of the PC memory card on
the unit level.
To avoid problems while removing and re-inserting the PC memory card
proceed as follows:
0) Remove the COBU<X> from the FOX subrack (proceed as described
in [302]).
1) Put your forefinger on the card holder frame while taking care not to
touch the terminals.
2) Press with your thumb on the card ejector handle as shown in the
figure below.
Do not force!

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 107 of 108


Figure 69: To remove the PC Memory Card


3) Adhere to the precautions for the handling of the PC memory cards.

4) Insert the PC memory card into the card frame as shown in the figure
Do not force. The slot is protected against wrong-way insertion.

Figure 70: To insert the PC Memory Card


Push the PC Card down until the card ejector handle springs out.
5) Insert the COBU<X> in the FOX subrack (proceed as described in

page 108 of 108 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

FOX from ABB, covers all your communication re-
quirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)


Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [311]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB Ltd

Contents i
About this Document 1
Safety 1
Referenced ABB documents 1
Introduction 2
Front Panel 2
Architecture 3
Block Diagram 3
Description 3
DC/DC converter 3
Synchronisation 3
Monitoring interface 3
Installation 4
Prerequisites 4
Slots 4
Connections and Cables 4
Special considerations 4
Configuration 5
Setting Parameters 5
Setting Alarm Severities 5
Configuration and Operation 5
Status/Maintenance 5
Diagnostics 5
Alarms and Notifications 6
Alarms 6
Board layer 6
Notifications 6
Maintenance 7
Fuse position 7
Inventory 7
FW Download 7
Test points 7

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd


Figure 1: Front Panel 2

Figure 2: Block Diagram 3
Figure 3: View component side POSUS 7

iv FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


About this Document

Safety Except for the standard precautions for ESD outlined in the installations
section when handling the unit, there are no special safety precautions to
be followed in installing and configuring the POSUS.

Referenced ABB docu- [302] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX User Guide (R6)


1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 1 of 7


The POSUS is the power supply unit for the FOX multiplexers (FOX 515,
FOX 512 etc.) using 1 slot in the subrack. It provides a regulated +/-5V dc
power to all other units in the subrack.
Parallel operation with load sharing of up to 5 POSUS units is possible to
increase the power and to provide redundancy (protection).

Front Panel Figure 1: Front Panel

Fixing Screw
Pull-out hande



Fixing Screw

page 2 of 7 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001



Block Diagram Figure 2: Block Diagram


DC Synchronisation
Galvanic 4096 kHz
separation Interface
GND / M_GND to Backplane
DC Fail signal
+5V 0V -5V Monitoring

VCC (+5V)
GND Output

-VCC (--5V)


DC/DC converter The input voltage is chopped, stepped down, rectified, and stabilised to
provide the output voltages +5 V and –5 V.

Synchronisation The clock frequency of the converter is synchronised to 4096 kHz supplied
by the COBU<X>. As a result, any parasitic signals in the spectrum are
limited to the frequencies of n x 8 kHz and the in-band noise of the A/D
conversion is rendered ineffective.

Monitoring interface It is possible to read inventory data from the POSUS via the UCST and
The POSUS monitors both outputs and generates an "Output power fail"
signal if one or both outputs drops below 4.75 V.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 3 of 7


Prerequisites The implementation of the POSUS requires the UCST V3.x or higher (32-
bit version for Windows 95 or Windows NT).
Please note that:
• Keep unit in the ESD protection bag as long as the unit is not
inserted into the subrack.
• Before taking the unit out of its ESD protection bag, make
sure that you have not accumulated electro-static charges.

An external fuse (10A) of the -48Vdc input is required for the


Slots The POSUS uses 1 slot in the subrack. It can be inserted in all slots ex-
cept 11.
The slot 12 is not available in subracks with protection of the control unit.
You are NOT allowed to insert the POSUS in a slot if the slot
immediately to the right is equipped with a SUB<XX> unit.

Connections and Cables There are no connections or cables on the front panel of the POSUS.

Special considerations It is NOT allowed to insert an SUB<XX> unit in the slot immediately right of
the POSUS.

page 4 of 7 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Setting Parameters There are no settable parameters on the POSUS.

Setting Alarm Severities The procedures for setting the alarm parameters (Report options and Se-
verities) are described in [302].
For details on the alarms provided, refer to the paragraphs in "Alarms and

Configuration and Operation

Status/Maintenance The POSUS has no UCST controllable Status/Maintenance functions.

Diagnostics The POSUS has no UCST controllable Diagnostics functions.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 5 of 7


Alarms and Notifications

Board layer The POSUS can activate or clear alarms on the board layer (depending on
the unit alarm configuration) as follows:

Tab. 1: POSUS alarm list of the Board Layer

Alarm Text Default Severity Active Description

Board Layer
Hardware fault UA Unit Unit self test failed
Output voltage UA Unit Output +5V and/or -5V power supply out of range
(voltages to low):
- The POSUS generates the Output power fail
signal if one or both outputs drops to ≤ 4.5 V. The
failure is cleared if the voltage recovers to ≥ 4.75
V. The hysteresis for the fail signal ON/OFF is ≥
0,05 V.
- The Output power fail signal is generated even in
parallel operation of several POSUS units with
redundancy, e.g. a failure of one POSUS is indi-
cated even if the rail voltages on the backplane
are OK.

Please note:
• Alarms with the report option NMON and or the severity Log
Book Only can not create an alarm on the NE level!
• The front panel LED is powered via the +5V from the +Vcc
rail on the backplane. If the +Vcc supply fails, the LED re-
mains dark.

The POSUS has no other alarm layer.

Notifications The POSUS does not create notifications.

page 6 of 7 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Other than reading of inventory data, there are no other maintenance fa-
cilities for the POSUS.

Figure 3: View component side POSUS


Barcode label

Fuse position There are no replaceable fuses on the POSUS.

Inventory It is possible to read inventory data from the POSUS via the UCST and
For a description of the inventory function, refer to [302].

FW Download FW download for the POSUS FW is not supported.

Test points There are no test points on the POSUS.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 7 of 7

FOX from ABB, covers all your communication re-
quirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)



Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [329]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB Ltd

Contents i
About this Document 1
Safety and precautions 1
Referenced ABB documents 1
Introduction 2
Definition of terms 2
POSUA front panel 3
Architectural Description 5
Block diagram 5
Description 6
AC/DC conversion 6
Battery protection switch 7
DC/DC conversion 7
Synchronisation 8
Operation control and monitoring 8
BATMO functions 8
Functional Description 9
POSUA AC/DC conversion 9
POSUA DC/DC conversion 9
POSUA system functions 9
Installation 10
Prerequisites 10
Battery backup 10
Slots for POSUA 10
Connections and Cables 10
POSUA mains cable 11
BATMO - POSUA cable 12
Installing and commissioning the POSUA 12
Subrack 12
Voltage selector switch 13
Mains cable 14
POSUA – BATMO cable 14
Removing the POSUA 14
Installation of the BATMO structure 15
Assembling the BATMO structure 15

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

Installation of the BATMO structure 19

Installation of the POSUA - BATMO cable 21
Installation of the battery connection cables 24
Installation of the batteries 24
BATMO battery block 26
Connecting BATMO to POSUA 27
Cover the BATMO structure 28
Replacement of batteries 29
Configuration 30
Setting Parameters 30
Setting Alarm Severities 30
Summary of default UCST parameters 30
Unit parameters 30
Unit alarms 30
Operation 30
Status/Maintenance 30
Diagnostics 30
Alarms and Notifications 31
Alarms 31
Board layer 31
Notifications 31
Maintenance 32
Views of component sides 32
Replacement of fuses 33
Inventory 33
FW Download 33
Test points 33

iv FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd


Figure 1: Front Panel 3

Figure 2: Dimensions of the BATMO structure 4
Figure 3: POSUA block diagram 5
Figure 4: BATMO block diagram (including connection to POSUA) 6
Figure 5: POSUA mains cable POSUA/C1.1 11
Figure 6: BATMO - POSUA cable POSUA/C1.2 12
Figure 7: Mains voltage selector switch 13
Figure 8: Mechanical parts of the BATMO construction set 16
Figure 9: Assemble the BATMO panel D and bottom shelf A 17
Figure 10: Assemble the BATMO panel E and bottom shelf A 18
Figure 11: BATMO assembly 19
Figure 12: BATMO wall/cabinet installation 20
Figure 13: BATMO rear with POSUA - BATMO cable 22
Figure 14: Fixing the POSUA - BATMO cable with tyraps 23
Figure 15: Installation of the battery connection cables 24
Figure 16: Insert the batteries into the BATMO structure 25
Figure 17: Connecting the BATMO battery block 27
Figure 18: Cover of the BATMO structure 28
Figure 19: View of the POSUA component side 32

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 v


About this Document

Safety and precautions In addition for the standard precautions for ESD outlined in the installations
section when handling the unit, there are safety precautions to be followed
in installing and configuring the POSUA and BATMO.
The POSUA uses local mains power for operation. Read and apply the
precautions on system access and safety in [303] or [703] and follow the
local legislation for the installation and operation of mains powered equip-
Dangerous voltages!
Mains voltage of 115 VAC or 230 VAC is a danger to life.
Local AC/DC converters are dangerous to staff, third party per-
sons and can damage the equipment if not installed and oper-
ated properly.

The batteries installed with the BATMO contain hazardous material. Read
and apply the precautions on system access and hazardous material in
[303] or [703] and follow the local legislation for the operation and mainte-
nance of batteries.
Batteries contain hazardous material!
Batteries, which are not installed, operated and handled accord-
ing to the manufacturer's instructions or transported, stocked,
disposed or operated outside specified conditions, can
• create corrosion
• emit hazardous gas
• break
• explode
• create a danger to the environment

Locally purchased batteries do not necessarily match the specifications

provided with this documentation. For technical data, installation, operation
and maintenance of the batteries read and follow the instructions provided
with your batteries.
Before you install and operate locally purchased batteries with the
POSUA, check your batteries for compatibility with the POSUA.

Referenced ABB docu- [302] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX User Guide (R6)

ments [311] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units - POSUS
[344] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units - POSUM

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 1 of 34


The POSUA unit provides AC/DC power conversion for the FOX 512. It
uses 2 slots in the subrack. The POSUA allows the FOX 512 equipment to
operate directly from the mains (115 VAC or 230 VAC). The POSUA in-
cludes an interface for an external battery, which provides backup for the
equipment power supply.
The implementation of the external battery backup requires the BATMO
battery package option. The BATMO provides the structure and electrical
infrastructure for the backup batteries. The backup battery consists of 4
maintenance-free lead-acid batteries 12 VDC each.

Definition of terms In this document, the generic name

• POSUA is used to name the POSUA 206 unit and template released
with the UCST R4E:
• BATMO is used for the battery package system including the connec-
tion cable. BATMO does not include the batteries.
The manual refers to 2 mains voltage ranges for the POSUA:
• 115 VAC range
The 115 VAC mains voltage range includes the following current mains
− 110 VAC ±10 % (-10 % … -14 % with reduced power)
− 115 VAC -14% … +10%
− 120 VAC -14% … +10%
• 230 VAC range
The 230 VAC mains voltage range includes the following current mains
− 220 VAC -14% … +10%
− 230 VAC -14% … +10%
− 240 VAC -14% … +10%

page 2 of 34 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


POSUA front panel Figure 1: Front Panel

Fixing screw

Pull-out handle

Product label

Fault indicator LED

1: Unit LED

Disconnect the
mains cable before
you remove the unit

Battery interface

Mains plug:
- phase conductor
- zero conductor
- protective ground

115 / 230 V
50 / 60 Hz

Mains voltage
selector switch

Default setting:
230 VAC
A tape seals the
default setting

Fixing screw

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 3 of 34


BATMO Figure 2: Dimensions of the BATMO structure





Please note that the weight of the battery structure with the batteries is
approximately 33 kg!
The POSUA feeds simultaneously the external battery and the FOX 512
units. When connecting the external battery, the battery drains all the
power from the POSUA. Thus, connecting the backup battery to an operat-
ing system is normally not hitless and creates a system reset.

page 4 of 34 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Architectural Description
Block diagram The POSUA is implemented using the following functional blocks
• AC/DC conversion for mains voltage to the primary voltage and battery
charging circuit
• Battery protection switch
• DC/DC conversion for the primary voltage to the secondary +/- VCC
supply (±5 VDC)
• Unit operation control and inventory

Figure 3: POSUA block diagram

Mains voltage selector

230 / 115 VAC

Apparatus Plug Backplane connector
230/115 V F1


F2 Filter
Battery Interface
Plug Fail Signals



protection switch



Fail Signals
DC -5V


Unit LED

Operation control
Power Fail HW Control



Inventory interface

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 5 of 34


The BATMO option consists of the structure for the 4 batteries and the in-
stallation material for the batteries including the connection cable POSUA-
BATMO. The maintenance-free lead-acid batteries are not a part of the
BATMO option.
The BATMO provides the following functional blocks
• Facilities to install 4 lead-acid batteries
• Temperature sensor
• PTC fuse
• Connection cable POSUA-BATMO

Figure 4: BATMO block diagram

(including connection to POSUA)


Temperature (Bat.Detect) Battery
Interface Plug

+ 12 VDC
PTC Fuse
+ 12 VDC

+ 12 VDC

+ 12 VDC


AC/DC conversion The AC/DC converter reads the setting of the Voltage Selector Switch to
generate the proper primary voltage from the mains. The F1 fuse protects
the POSUA, the equipment and the power supply from a defective AC/DC
converter circuit.
The setting of the selector switch must match your mains voltage. If not
and the selector switch is set to
• 230 VAC with a 115 VAC mains supply, the converter will not operate.
• 125 VAC with a 230 VAC mains supply, the protecting fuse in the AC cir-
cuit will blow.
It is not possible to exclude damages and reduced reliability of the con-
verter after such event!
Please note that it is not possible to operate the POSUA from a DC power
The POSUA checks for the presence of the temperature sensor in the
TSENSE circuit. If the sensor is

page 6 of 34 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


• present, the output of the AC/DC converter provides a temperature

controlled voltage for battery charging. The voltage is -54.3 VDC at
20 °C ambient.
• not present, the output provides a constant primary voltage of -51 VDC
over the specified ambient temperature range.
The AC/DC converter monitors the primary voltage for failure and gener-
ates a corresponding failure signal. This signal signals at the same time
mains failure and failure of the primary voltage.
The output of the AC/DC converter feeds simultaneously (if applicable) the
• UTF-rail of the subrack
• DC/DC converter of the POSUA.
• external backup battery (requires the BATMO option).
The primary power from the AC/DC converter or from the battery interface
runs via the F2 fuse and a filter circuit to the backplane (-48 VDC rail).
This fuse prevents the equipment from damage in the case of a short cir-
cuit on the backplane or on a unit, particularly if the battery feeds the
The filter removes high frequency noise from the power supply.
The AC/DC converter and battery interfaces do not allow concurrent op-
eration with another POSUA or the power supply via the subrack's power

Battery protection switch The battery charging circuit includes the Battery Protection Switch. This
switch prevents the equipment from draining power from a low battery, e.g.
after a prolonged mains failure or a continuing mains failure.
The switch interrupts the circuit if the local DC/DC converter shuts down
due to low input voltage. This condition can arise after a prolonged mains
failure when the battery voltage UTFP drops below the threshold voltage for
DC/DC converter operation.
The protection switch closes again as soon as the local DC/DC converter
resumes its operation. However, this requires the availability of the mains.

DC/DC conversion The local DC/DC converter chops, steps down, rectifies, and stabilises the
primary voltage from the AC/DC converter or the battery to provide the +5
VDC and –5 VDC power supply.
The DC/DC converter monitors both signals for failures and generates a
corresponding failure signal. This signal signals simultaneously failure of
the local +VCC and failure of the local -VCC power supply.
The DC/DC converter stops operation when the input voltage (UTF/UTFP)
falls below the threshold voltage. It resumes operation if the input voltage
exceeds the threshold voltage for operation.
The DC/DC converter allows concurrent operation with a POSUS or
POSUM for the protection of the +/-VCC power supply.
Please contact ABB for more information on the POSUS and POSUM con-

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Synchronisation The clock frequencies of the AC/DC and DC/DC converters are not syn-
chronised to the timing signals of the equipment.

Operation control and moni- It is possible to read inventory data from the POSUA via the UCST and
toring UNEM.
The POSUA monitors the failure signals of the converters and generates
the corresponding failure signals for the control unit. The control block ac-
tivates the local Unit Failure LED if one of the failure signals becomes ac-

BATMO functions The BATMO provides the facilities to install 4 maintenance-free lead-acid
batteries. This includes the corresponding cabling to connect the 4 batter-
ies to a -48 VDC power block.
The POSUA drives the Temperature Sensor in the BATMO via the
POSUA-BATMO connection cable (TSENSE). This allows the POSUA to
control the charging at the local temperature of the batteries.
The PTC fuse protects the batteries and the external equipment from
short circuits on the BATMO power interface, the POSUA-BATMO connec-
tion cable and other external access points. If a short circuit happens out-
side the BATMO power interface, the power of the short circuit switches
the PTC resistors instantly to high resistance and thus interrupts the short
circuit within a fraction of a second.
This process is revertible. To return to low resistance you must interrupt
the circuit via the PTC resistors and re-connect the circuit again. During
the connectionless time the PTC resistors return to low resistance. For full
recovery the PTC needs a minute of connectionless time.
The POSUA-BATMO cable provides all signal and power connections for
the battery/temperature sensing and the power supply. Via its shield, the
cable connects the BATMO structure to the equipment ground of the FOX

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Functional Description
POSUA AC/DC conversion The POSUA provides AC/DC conversion of the mains power to the internal
primary voltage of nominally -48 VDC for the FOX 512. This function in-
• AC/DC conversion form 115 VAC or 230 VAC mains is supported.
• Interface for temperature controlled battery charging for an external
backup battery (BATMO option).
• Load sharing between the system internal power requirements and the
battery charging.
• High capacity and efficiency of power conversion.
• Interfaces for 3-pin mains cable with apparatus plug and battery cable
are available on the POSUA front panel.
• The backup of the POSUA AC/DC power conversion is possible via the
external battery backup (BATMO option).
• Protection switch which prevents the system and DC/DC converters
from draining power from an empty battery.

POSUA DC/DC conversion The POSUA provides DC/DC conversion from the primary voltage to the
internal supply +/- 5 VDC supply voltages. This function includes:
• Power sources for the DC/DC conversion are the POSUA AC/DC con-
verter and the external backup battery.
• High efficiency of power conversion
• The backup of the POSUA DC/DC power conversion is possible via an
additional POSUS or POSUM unit.

POSUA system functions The POSUA conforms to the FOX system functions. The POSUA
• provides or generates all system supply voltages.
• supports the FOX inventory function.
• The POSUA alarm system conforms to the FOX standard.
• The POSUA conforms to the FOX EMC standard.

BATMO The BATMO option provides functions as follows:

• Structure for the installation of an external backup battery for ground,
wall or cabinet installation.
• The BATMO wall installation practice is compatible with the wall instal-
lation of the FOX 512.
• The BATMO structure accepts maintenance-free lead-acid batteries
with a capacity of up to 17 Ah.
• The temperature sensor for temperature controlled battery charging is
integrated with the BATMO structure.

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POSUA The implementation of the POSUA requires the UCST R4E or a higher
Please note that:
• Keep the unit in its ESD protection bag until the unit is re-
quired to be inserted into the subrack.
• Before taking the unit out of its ESD protection bag, make
sure that you have not accumulated electro-static charges.

Battery backup The implementation of battery backup requires the

• BATMO battery package including the
− structure that allows for the installation of the external batteries and
which provides the sensor for the temperature controlled battery
The BATMO structure is delivered as a construction kit either
packed in a separate box or packed with the FOX 512. The installa-
tion of the BATMO option requires several steps.
− cable set with the cables for the serial interconnection of the batter-
ies and the combined power and signal cable to connect the
BATMO with the POSUA battery interface.
• Four maintenance-free lead-acid batteries. The batteries are not in-
cluded with the BATMO package and need to be ordered separately.

For recommended batteries, refer to ABB.

These batteries are electrically matched to the POSUA and me-
chanically fit the BATMO structure and connection cables. The
batteries allow operation in the upright and horizontal position.

Slots for POSUA The POSUA uses 2 slots in the subrack. It can be inserted in the slots 5 …
8 and 12 of the FOX 512 subrack.
The slot 12 is not available in subracks with protection of the control unit.

Connections and Cables The POSUA front panel has interfaces for the connection of 2 cables:
• Socket to connect the mains cable.
• Socket to connect the POSUA-BATMO cable.

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POSUA mains cable The mains interface requires a specially shielded cable to preserve the
EMC protection of the equipment. The cable has no connector at the
mains end to allow the installation to your local mains connector.
Please note that the use of a standard grade 3-pin mains cable
degrades the EMC performance of the equipment.

The figure below shows the required signal to pin assignment for the
mains cable.

Figure 5: POSUA mains cable POSUA/C1.1


1 2

1 Phase lead (brown)

2 Neutral lead (blue)
3 Protective ground (yellow and green)

Dangerous voltages!
Mains voltage of 115 VAC or 230 VAC is a danger to life.
Please note that:
• It is mandatory to connect the conductors of the POSUA
mains cable as indicated in the figure above to the corre-
sponding conductors of your local mains.
• Wrong cable connections or operation without protective
ground are dangerous to staff, third party persons and can
damage the equipment.

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BATMO - POSUA cable A 3-wire cable connects the battery interface of the POSUA with the bat-
tery in the BATMO structure. The cable is specially shielded to preserve
the EMC protection of the equipment.

Figure 6: BATMO - POSUA cable POSUA/C1.2


3 1



1 -48 VDC (blue)

2 0 VDC (+48 VDC) (yellow and green)
3 TSENSE (brown)
A Connects to the subrack's grounding bar
B Connects to the BATMO construction

The cable has encoded connectors to prevent the connection of incom-

patible interfaces. It is possible to connect the POSUA end (and thus the
battery) of this cable to the power supply terminal block on the FOX 512

Installing and commission-

ing the POSUA
Subrack Before you connect any cable to the POSUA insert the unit in the selected
slot (preferred slot is slot 12) and fix the POSUA firmly with the upper and
lower fixing screws (for the position of screws, refer to the figure in the
paragraph "Definition of terms").
For the description of proper unit insertion, refer to the corresponding
paragraphs in [303] or [703].
It is mandatory to connect the subrack to suitable protective
The protecting earth of the mains interface is not a substitute for
the subrack grounding which is required for equipment operation.
For proper and safe operation the system requires both the
subrack grounding and the mains protective earth!
For details of grounding the FOX 512, refer to the corresponding
paragraphs in [303] or [703].

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Voltage selector switch Before you connect the mains cable or power the equipment, verify that
the POSUA voltage selector switch on the front panel indicates the volt-
age which matches your mains voltage best.
Please note that your mains voltage must match one of the 2
voltage ranges (115 VAC or 230 VAC).
Selecting the wrong voltage range
• can damage or destroy the POSUA, if your mains voltage is
above the selected range.
• will prevent operation of the POSUA, if your mains voltage is
below the selected range.

Upon delivery the selector switch is set to 230 VAC. A transparent tape
seals this selector setting.
If the setting of the voltage selector switch does not match the voltage
range of your mains voltage, change the switch over to the position that
matches your mains voltage. To do this you must break the selector seal-
ing tape:

Figure 7: Mains voltage selector switch

115 V --> 230 V

voltage range

230 V --> 115 V

Please note that depending on your POSUA hardware version

the voltage selector switch has inverted positions (compared to
the figure above) for the 115 V and the 230 V voltage selection!

For detailed information on voltage ranges and POSUA performance, refer

to ABB.

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Mains cable Before you install and connect the mains cable to the POSUA, check if the
• POSUA is fully inserted in the subrack.
• upper and lower screws fixing screws are tightened.
• mains voltage selector switch is correctly set for your local mains volt-
age (for more information, refer to the previous paragraph).
• protective ground connector of the POSUA mains cable is properly
connected to the mains protective ground.
• the subrack is properly connected to the system ground.
To install and connect the mains cable.
• fix the POSUA mains cable with the conductive part of the cable shield
to the cable clamp as described in [303].
• plug the apparatus plug of the mains cable to the corresponding
POSUA connector.
Dangerous voltages!
Mains voltage of 115 VAC or 230 VAC is a danger to life.
Please note that:
• Wrong cable connections or operation without protective
ground and system ground are dangerous to staff, third party
persons and can damage the equipment.
• Never connect a powered mains cable to a POSUA outside
the subrack. Plug in the mains cable only after the POSUA
fits firmly in the subrack and the fixing screws secure the unit.

POSUA – BATMO cable Before you connect the POSUA – BATMO cable, the following require-
ments must be met
• The POSUA is commissioned and mains powered as described in the
paragraphs above.
• The BATMO option is installed and equipped with batteries as de-
scribed in the paragraphs “Installation of the BATMO structure” and
“Installation of the batteries”.
If both requirements are met you can connect the POSUA – BATMO cable.

Removing the POSUA To remove the POSUA from the subrack proceed as follows:
• Unplug the POSUA – BATMO cable from the POSUA.
• Unplug the mains cable from the POSUA.
• If required release the mains cable from the cable clamp. If applicable
release the POSUA – BATMO cable.
• Unscrew the upper and lower POSUA fixing screws.
• Remove the unit from the subrack.

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For a detailed description of the procedure to remove units from the

subrack, refer to [303] or [703].

Dangerous voltages!
Mains voltage of 115 VAC or 230 VAC is a danger to life.
Please note that:
• Wrong cable connections or operation without protective
ground and system ground are dangerous to staff, third party
persons and can damage the equipment.
• Always unplug the mains cable before you remove the
POSUA from the subrack! Never remove the POSUA from the
subrack, with the mains cable connected.

Installation of the BATMO The installation of the BATMO option for battery backup requires several
structure steps:
• Assembling the BATMO construction set
• Installation of the BATMO structure
• Installation of the batteries
• Connecting the BATMO to the POSUA
For a detailed description of these steps, refer to the paragraphs below.

Assembling the BATMO The BATMO construction set is delivered with the following parts and ca-
structure bles:
A BATMO base shelf
B BATMO middle shelf
C BATMO top which provides the connector sockets and interfaces
for the battery block and the POSUA - BATMO connection cable.
D BATMO left side panel
E BATMO right side panel
F Front Cover for the BATMO structure
K Cable set including
− 1 POSUA - BATMO cable
− 2 Battery block - BATMO connection cables
− 3 Connection cables for the battery block
S A set of screws
− 8 self-threading screws to fix the top and base shelf to the
BATMO side panels.
− 2 screws (M4) to fix the front cover of the BATMO structure
For the identification of the parts A through F, refer to the assembly draw-
ing below.

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Figure 8: Mechanical parts of the BATMO construction set



Please note that screws (S) and cables (K) are not shown in the
figure above. A corresponding cable drawing in previous para-
graphs shows details of the BATMO - POSUA cable

To assemble the BATMO structure proceed as follows (refer to the figure

• Hold the left side panel D in the upright position, the panel's edge with
the mounting flange is at the rear. The flange must be oriented to the
outside (left). Watch for the keyhole orientation (narrow part of the hole
is up).
• Turn and place the bottom shelf A as shown in the figure below. The
side with the 3 horizontal slots must be in front of you.
• Move (11) the shelf A and its 3 left side flanges above the 3 flange lo-
cators at the bottom of the panel.
• Insert (12) all 3 flanges simultaneously into the locators by moving the
shelf A downwards while keeping the shelf perpendicular to the panel.
This operation might require some strength.

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Figure 9: Assemble the BATMO panel D and bottom shelf A



• Now move (13) the right side panel E (the panel's edge with the mount-
ing flange is at the rear) in the upright position close to the opposite
side of the shelf A / panel D assembly (refer to the figure below). The
flange must be oriented to the outside (right). Watch for the keyhole
orientation (narrow part of the hole is up).
• Locate the shelf A and its 3 left side flanges above the 3 flange loca-
tors at the bottom of the right side panel.
• Insert (14) all 3 flanges simultaneously into the locators by moving the
shelf A downwards while keeping the shelf perpendicular to the panel.
This operation might require some strength.

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Figure 10: Assemble the BATMO panel E and bottom shelf A


• Place the assembly on a level base and check the assembly for correct
• Turn the middle shelf B as shown in the figure below. The side with the
central flange (middle, down) must be in front of you.
• Move the shelf B with the 3 flanges of each side from the top to the 3
flange locators located in the middle of the left and right side panel.
• Insert all 6 flanges simultaneously into the locators by moving (21, 22)
the shelf B downwards while keeping the shelf perpendicular to the
panel assembly. This operation might require some strength.
• Check the assembly for correct fit.
• Turn the top C as shown in the figure below. To assemble the top, pro-
ceed (31, 32) the same way as for the middle shelf B.
• Check the assembly for correct fit.
• Fix the bottom shelf and the BATMO top with 4 four self-threading
screws (41, 42, 51, 52) as shown in the figure below.

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Figure 11: BATMO assembly


42 31 52


41 11, 12 51
13, 14

The BATMO structure is now ready for installation.

Installation of the BATMO The BATMO structure allows for installation on the floor, on walls or in
structure cabinets. To select the installation site and method please consider:
The battery structure with installed lead-acid batteries weighs
approximately 33 kg!
When selecting the BATMO installation site and method consider
the weight and possible external influences (vibrations etc.) that
might affect the durability of the installation.

The BATMO must be installed close to the subrack with the

POSUA. The length of the POSUA - BATMO cable is 2.5 m.
It is possible to store excess cable in the BATMO construction.

It is good installation practice to follow the steps for the installation of the
FOX in the order described below.
To install the BATMO …

… on the floor: The BATMO installation on the floor requires no additional installation at
this level.

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Move the BATMO structure close to its final position and start the installa-
tion of the POSUA - BATMO cable.

… on walls / in cabinets: The BATMO structure is fixed by means of 4 screws on the wall or in the
cabinet. The screws must fit to the 4 keyholes in the flanges of the BATMO
side panels.

Figure 12: BATMO wall/cabinet installation

min. 30

min. 116

Depending on the nature of the wall/back panel, you must select the ap-
propriate type of screws and method to anchor the screws. It is also possi-
ble to fix the BATMO structure on C-shaped rails.
Please note that the vertical distance between the BATMO keyholes
matches the vertical distance of the fixing holes in the FOX 512 wall-
mounting adapter. This layout allows for the installation of the NE and
BATMO on the same C-shaped rails.
The keyholes of the side panels accept
• screws with a diameter of 6 mm
• screw heads and washers each with a diameter of less than 14 mm.
To install the BATMO structure proceed as follows:

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• Locate the BATMO installation position by using the BATMO structure

and mark the position for one of the fixing screws (if applicable).
Leave sufficient space above the upper edge and/or the lower edge of
the BATMO structure to install the BATMO on and remove the BATMO
from its fixing screws (refer to figure above).
Provide additional room at the bottom or top (whatever applies) and if
applicable at the sides for the POSUA - BATMO cable.
• Locate the position for the remaining three screws according to the
template in the figure above.
• Prepare the wall/back panel according to the selected method for all
the 4 screws:
− drill holes for wall-plugs, install the wall-plugs for the selected type
of screws.
− drill holes for the selected type of wood-screws.
− locate and fix the C-rail adapters with the screws within the C-
shaped rails.
• Screw in the screws to fix the BATMO structure. Leave a space of ap-
proximately 3 mm between the screw and the wall or C-rail adapter
(whatever applies).
• This BATMO installation is provisional. Do not tighten the screws now.
Use washers for the final BATMO installation!

Installation of the POSUA - Before you install the batteries you must lay out the POSUA - BATMO
BATMO cable cable. The BATMO allows for storing the excess cable within the BATMO
To lay out and install the POSUA - BATMO cable proceed as follows:
• Locate the BATMO at its final position.
• Lay out the cable from the POSUA to the BATMO.
You must not plug the cable plug to the corresponding POSUA socket.
The uncovered shield allows you to locate the cable precisely in the
cable clamp of the FOX 512.
• Select the BATMO top or bottom shelf (rear) as the cable access point.
Mark the access point on the cable.
• Remove the BATMO structure from its current position (e.g. walls, cor-
ners) for convenient rear access.
• Fix the cable near the BATMO access point (e.g. (1) in the figure be-
low) and according the mark on the cable.
• Lead the cable inside the rear of the BATMO structure as shown in the
figure below until the unshielded part of the cable matches with the
mushroom shaped flange at the rear of the BATMO top (3).
If the cable is too long (e.g. cable with access from the top) you might
use the BATMO rear to loop the excess cable (2).

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Figure 13: BATMO rear with POSUA - BATMO cable


• Fix the part of the cable with the uncovered shield to the mushroom
shaped flange (3) at the rear of the BATMO top (refer to the figure
Select a suitable tyrap and tighten the tyrap for a firm contact between
the shield and the flange (for details, refer to the figure below).
• Pass the cable tail from behind and through the space at the top of the
BATMO structure. The BATMO side plug is now at the BATMO front.
• Plug the BATMO side plug from front into the corresponding socket in
the BATMO structure (5) (refer to the figure above).
• Bend the cable from the socket backwards and pass it behind the cen-
tral flange of the BATMO top (4) (refer to the figure above).
• Re-locate the BATMO structure for final installation
− on the floor
− on the wall / in the cabinet

Place the washers between the screw heads and the BATMO side
panels. Now tighten the screws for the final installation.
• Check the cable layout to the socket on the POSUA front panel.

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Align and arrange the cable until it fits the layout.

• Fix the cable where applicable.
• Unplug the cable from the POSUA socket.
The BATMO structure is now ready for the installation of the batteries.
Please note that it is also possible to start with the cable layout
from the BATMO structure. If you do so, it normally means that
you do not want to use the BATMO facility to store excess cable.

Figure 14: Fixing the POSUA - BATMO cable with tyraps

1 Tyrap (width ca. 5mm)

2 Mushroom shaped fastening bow
3 POSUA - BATMO cable

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Installation of the battery con- Before you install the batteries, you must plug the 2 battery connection
nection cables cables to the corresponding sockets on the BATMO. The cables are parts
of the BATMO package.
Check the colour of the cables:
• blue cable: connected at the left BATMO side (negative potential)
• red cable: connected at the right BATMO side (positive potential)

Figure 15: Installation of the battery connection cables


The BATMO is now ready for the installation of the batteries.

Installation of the batteries Before you install the batteries

Make sure that after the installation of the BATMO structure and
the POSUA - BATMO cable the
• POSUA - BATMO cable is
− unplugged from the POSUA
− plugged to the BATMO socket.
• The battery connection cables (blue, red) are plugged to the
corresponding BATMO sockets (refer to the figure above).

To install the batteries, proceed as follows (refer to the figure below):

• Turn the battery B1 into the position that is shown in the figure below
and insert the battery into the BATMO structure.

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While inserting the battery watch for the position of the POSUA -
BATMO cable and the blue connection cable which must remain out-
side the BATMO.
Insert the battery until it is blocked at the BATMO rear.
• Turn the battery B2 into the position that is shown in the figure below
and insert the battery into the BATMO structure.
While inserting the battery watch for the position of the POSUA -
BATMO cable and the red connection cable which must remain outside
the BATMO.
Insert the battery until it is blocked at the BATMO rear.
• Insert the batteries B3 and B4 as shown in the figure below.

Figure 16: Insert the batteries into the BATMO structure



Careful dangerous currents!

Batteries can provide high currents which could cause injury!
Avoid short circuiting the battery terminals at any time. Beware of
waring metallic braclets and watchstraps.

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BATMO battery block The BATMO package contains all the cables that are required to connect
the battery block.
The battery terminals are screw type terminals with the M5 nuts on the
batteries. The corresponding (M5 hexagonal head) screws, lock washers
and washers are provided with the batteries. The hexagonal screws have
slots for philips head screwdrivers. You can use a corresponding screw-
driver or a wrench (no. 8) to tighten the screws.
Careful dangerous currents!
Batteries can provide high currents which could cause injury!
Avoid short circuiting the battery terminals with your tools or the
battery cables.

To connect the individual batteries proceed as follows (for details, refer to

the figure below):
• Connect the red cable (positive BATMO terminal right (1)) to the posi-
tive terminal of the B1 battery top left (1)!
Screw the crimping lug via the lock washer and washer to the positive
battery terminal.
Store the cable inside the BATMO structure.
• Connect the blue cable (negative BATMO terminal left (2)) to the nega-
tive terminal of the B2 battery top right (2)!
Screw the crimping lug via the lock washer and washer to the negative
battery terminal.
Store the cable inside the BATMO structure.
• Connect (3) the negative terminal of the B1 battery with the positive
terminal of the B3 battery.
Screw the crimping lugs via the lock washers and washers to the bat-
tery terminals as shown in the figure below.
• Connect (4) the negative terminal of the B3 battery with the positive
terminal of the B2 battery.
Screw the crimping lugs via the lock washers and washers to the bat-
tery terminals as shown in the figure below.
• Connect (5) the negative terminal of the B3 battery with the positive
terminal of the B4 battery.
Screw the crimping lugs via the lock washers and washers to the bat-
tery terminals as shown in the figure below.

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Figure 17: Connecting the BATMO battery block




Careful dangerous currents!

Batteries can provide high currents which could cause injury!
Avoid short circuiting the battery terminals at any time. Beware of
waring metallic braclets and watchstraps.

Now the BATMO and batteries are ready for the connection to the

Connecting BATMO to When you connect the battery to the POSUA you should power the
POSUA POSUA. As long as the DC/DC converter of the POSUA is not operating
the battery protection switch is open and prevents the system from drain-
ing current from the battery.
If the POSUA is not mains powered when you connect the
BATMO battery, the FOX 512 can not start up even if the batter-
ies are fully charged!
To close the battery protection switch the POSUA must first be
powered via mains!

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For mains powering of the POSUA, refer to the paragraphs "Installing and
commissioning the POSUA" in this manual.

Cover the BATMO structure If all the installation or maintenance is finished, you must close the BATMO
cover (again). To close the BATMO structure proceed as follows (refer to
the figure below):
• Insert (1) all 3 flanges at the bottom of the BATMO front cover into the
corresponding slots in the BATMO bottom shelf.
To insert, move the front cover horizontally with the flanges in front of
the slots towards the BATMO structure until all 3 flanges fit their slots.
• While still pressing the flanges towards the BATMO, turn the outer
edge of the cover up and inward (2) until the cover closes the BATMO
• Fix (3) the cover with the 2 (M4) screws provided with the screw set.

Figure 18: Cover of the BATMO structure

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Replacement of batteries The replacement of the batteries requires the removal of all 4 batteries and
the installation of 4 new batteries.
Batteries contain hazardous materials! Uncontrolled disposal is a
danger to the environment.
• Do not dismantle batteries.
• Do not incinerate batteries or its parts.
• If the battery is broken, collect all the broken parts in a man-
ner that avoids skin contact and inhalation. Place all of the
parts of the component in a suitable container for disposal.
• Dispose of the batteries in accordance with local toxic waste
legislation or in accordance with the recommendations of the
component manufacturer (for example, some types of battery
require special disposal precautions).

To remove the old batteries proceed in the reverse order of the installation
• Check whether mains is available to power the system. If not, the re-
placement of the batteries interrupts the system service.
• Unplug the POSUA - BATMO cable from the POSUA socket.
• Remove the front cover from the BATMO structure.
• Remove the crimping lugs and cables from the batteries. Keep all the
cables for the installation of the new batteries.
• Remove the batteries from the BATMO structure.
To install new batteries follow the steps described in the paragraphs
"Installation of the batteries".
If the POSUA is not mains powered when you connect the new
BATMO battery, the FOX 512 can not start up even if the batter-
ies are fully charged!
To close the battery protection switch the POSUA must first be
powered via mains!

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Setting Parameters There are no settable parameters on the POSUA.

Setting Alarm Severities The procedures for setting the alarm parameters (Report options and Se-
verities) are described in [302] or [702].
For details on the alarms provided, refer to the paragraphs in "Alarms and

Summary of default UCST

Unit parameters Software settable parameters : None
Selector switch for mains voltage : 230 VAC

Unit alarms Parameters per alarm of the board layer:

- Report options : monitored (MON)
- Severity : urgent (UA)
- Time filters
- Persist time : 0.1 s
- Absent time : 0.1 s

Status/Maintenance The POSUA has no UCST controllable Status/Maintenance functions.

Diagnostics The POSUA has no UCST controllable Diagnostics functions.

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Alarms and Notifications

Board layer The POSUA can activate or clear alarms on the board layer (depending on
the unit alarm configuration) as follows:

Tab. 1: POSUA alarm list of the Board Layer

Alarm Text Default Active Description

Sever- LED
Board Layer ity

Hardware fault UA Unit Unit self test failed

Primary voltage failure UA Unit The POSUA generates the Primary voltage failure
signal if the AC/DC converter generates no DC power.
Possible reasons for the failure are:
- Mains failure (mains cable not connected)
- F1 mains fuse blown
- Mains voltage selector switch set to 230 VAC range
while the nominal mains voltage is 115 VAC
- Failure of the AC/DC converter

The alarm is cleared if none of the above conditions

Secondary voltage fail- UA Unit The POSUA generates the Secondary voltage fail-
ure ure signal if the +5 VDC and/or -5 VDC of the POSUA
DC/DC converter are missing or out of tolerance (volt-
ages to low):
The POSUA generates the Secondary voltage fail-
ure signal even in parallel operation with a POSUS or
POSUM unit, e.g. the failure of the POSUA is indi-
cated even if the rail voltages on the backplane are
The alarm is cleared if the +5 VDC and -5 VDC of the
POSUA DC/DC converter are available within speci-
fied range.

Please note:
• Alarms with the report option NMON and/or the severity Log
Book Only cannot create an alarm on the NE level !
• The front panel LED is powered via the +5 VDC from the +Vcc
rail on the backplane. If the +Vcc supply fails, the LED does
not light up.

The POSUA has no other alarm layer.

For details of the FOX alarm system, refer to [302] or [702].


1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 31 of 34


The POSUA does not generate notifications.

Views of component sides Figure 19: View of the POSUA component side





F1: Mains (230/115 VAC) fuse: 250 V T 2.5 AH

F2: Primary voltage (-48 VDC) fuse: 250 V T 4 AH
PC: Protective cover
For information on the protected circuits, refer to the POSUA block dia-
gram and corresponding descriptions in the paragraph "Architectural De-

page 32 of 34 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Replacement of fuses To replace the fuses you must remove the POSUA from the NE subrack.
Before you remove the POSUA disconnect the mains cable (and if appli-
cable the POSUA – BATMO cable) from the POSUA. Proceed as de-
scribed in the paragraph “Removing the POSUA”.
Dangerous voltages!
Mains voltage of 115 VAC or 230 VAC is a danger to life.
Always unplug the mains cable before you remove the
POSUA from the subrack! Never remove the POSUA from the
subrack, with the mains cable connected.

To replace the fuses proceed as follows:

• F1 fuse (mains)
To replace the F1 (mains) fuse you must remove the protective cover
(PC) from the POSUA component side. Unscrew the four screws and
remove the cover from its pods.
Replace a blown F1 fuse with a new fuse that matches the specifica-
tions for the F1 fuse given above.
After the replacement re-install the protective cover and screw the
cover with the four screws to the pods.
• F2 fuse (primary voltage)
The F2 fuse is directly accessible. Replace a blown F2 fuse with a new
fuse that matches the specifications for the F2 fuse given above.
Before you re-install and power the POSUA eliminate the cause for the
blown fuse(s).
To install and power the POSUA, proceed as described in the paragraphs
“Installing and commissioning the POSUA”.

Inventory It is possible to read inventory data from the POSUA via the UCST and
For a description of the inventory function, refer to [302].

FW Download FW Download is not applicable. The POSUA has no local software sys-

Test points There are no test points on the POSUA.

BATMO Other than replacing batteries, there are no other maintenance facilities for
the BATMO.
The lifetime of the batteries depends on the battery type, the charging cy-
cles and the environmental conditions (temperature). Under normal oper-
ating conditions you can expect up to 4 years of battery lifetime. For de-
tailed information on the lifetime of your batteries, consult the technical
specifications of your battery type.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 33 of 34


To limit the loss of the nominal backup capacity, it is recommended that

you change the batteries well before the theoretical battery lifetime ex-
For more information on battery lifetime and expected backup capacity, re-
fer to ABB.
For the replacement procedure, refer to the corresponding paragraphs in
"Installation of the batteries".

page 34 of 34 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

FOX from ABB, covers all your communication re-
quirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)


Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [344]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB

Contents i
About this Document 1
Safety 1
Referenced ABB documents 1
Introduction 2
Summary 2
Definition of terms 2
Front Panel 3
Architecture 4
Block Diagram 4
Description 4
DC/DC converter 4
Monitoring interface 4
Installation 5
Prerequisites 5
Slots 5
Connections and Cables 5
Special considerations 5
Configuration and Operation 6
Setting Parameters 6
Status/Maintenance 6
Setting Alarm Parameters 6
Summary of default UCST parameters 6
Unit parameters 6
Unit alarms 6
Failures, Alarms and Notifications 7
Failure indication 7
Fault cause tables 7
Board Layer 7
Notifications 7
Maintenance 8
Inventory 8
FW Download 8

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd


Figure 1: Front Panel 3

Figure 2: POSUM Block Diagram 4
Figure 3: View component side POSUM 8

iv FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


About this Document

Safety Except for the standard precautions for ESD outlined in the installations
section when handling the unit, there are no special safety precautions to
be followed in installing and configuring the POSUM.

Referenced ABB docu- [302] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX User Guide (R6)


1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 1 of 8


Summary The POSUM is a power converter unit for the FOX Multi-Service Access
Systems (FOX 515, FOX 512 etc.) using 1 slot in the subrack.
It provides a regulated +/-5 VDC power to all the other units in the subrack.
The POSUM provides the same functions for the power supply of the FOX
subrack as the POSUS power converter unit but provides more power with
a higher efficiency of conversion.
It is possible to operate at the same time POSUM and POSUS units in the
same subrack.

Definition of terms In this document, the generic names

• POSUM is used to name the POSUM 306 initially released with the
• FOX is used to name the
− FOX 515
− FOX 512

page 2 of 8 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Front Panel Figure 1: Front Panel

Fixing Screw
Pull-out handel

Product Label

Fault indication LED

1: Unit LED

Fixing Screw

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 3 of 8


Block Diagram Figure 2: POSUM Block Diagram

-39.5 ... -75 V


Galvanic DC
to Backplane
Fail signal Inventory
+5V 0V -5V

+VCC (+5 V)

GND Output
-V CC (-5 V)


Please note that the galvanic separation of the electrical GND

and M_GND does not meet a specific requirement.
The galvanic separation is due to the POSUM circuit implemen-

DC/DC converter The input voltage is chopped, stepped down, rectified, and stabilised to
provide the output voltages +5 VDC and –5 VDC.

Monitoring interface It is possible to read inventory data from the POSUM via the UCST and
The POSUM monitors both outputs and generates an "Output power fail"
signal if one or both outputs drops below 4.75 V.

page 4 of 8 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Prerequisites The implementation of the POSUM requires the UCST 5B or a higher ver-
Please note that:
• Keep unit in the ESD protection bag as long as the unit is not
inserted into the subrack.
• Before taking the unit out of its ESD protection bag, make
sure that you have not accumulated electro-static charges.

An external fuse (10 A slow blow) of the -48 VDC input is required
for the subrack.

Slots The POSUM uses 1 slot in the subrack. It can be inserted in all slots ex-
cept 11.
The slot 12 is not available in subracks with protection of the control unit.
You are NOT allowed to insert the POSUM in a slot if the slot
immediately to the right is equipped with a SUB<XX> unit.

Connections and Cables There are no connections or cables on the front panel of the POSUM.

Special considerations It is NOT allowed to insert an SUB<XX> unit in the slot immediately right of
the POSUM.
Parallel operation with load sharing of up to 5 POSUM units is possible to
• increase the amount of converted power
The power provisioning capabilities of the FOX subrack (max. 10 A) al-
low the implementation of up to 4 fully loaded POSUM in the FOX
• provide redundancy (protection).
It is possible to share the converted power (corresponding to the ca-
pacity of up to 4 POSUM) among up to 5 POSUM units. If the FOX
units drain the maximum power (corresponding to the capacity of 4 fully
loaded POSUM), the implementation of the 5th unit allows a 4+1 pro-
tection for the power conversion.
It is possible to mix POSUS and POSUM units in the FOX subrack with to-
tally up to 5 units. If you want to implement redundancy in configurations
with mixed POSUS and POSUM units, you must implement 2 POSUS to
backup a POSUM unit.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 5 of 8


Configuration and Operation

Setting Parameters There are no settable parameters on the POSUM.

Status/Maintenance The POSUM has no UCST controllable Status/Maintenance functions.

The POSUM has no UCST controllable Diagnostics functions.

Setting Alarm Parameters The procedures for setting the alarm parameters (Report options and Se-
verities) are described in [302].
For details on the alarms provided, refer to the paragraphs in "Alarms and

Summary of default UCST

Unit parameters No settable parameters

Unit alarms Parameters per alarm of the board layer:

- Report options : monitored (MON)
- Severity : urgent (UA)
- Time filters (fixed values)
- Persist time : 0.1 s
- Absent time : 0.1 s

page 6 of 8 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Failures, Alarms and Notifications

Failure indication The FOX alarm system processes failures. The failures are locally indi-
cated via the front panel LEDs of the unit and the alarm LEDs of the
COBU<X> (if applicable).
The POSUM front panel has 1 LED: The LED indicates a unit failure if the
unit no longer responds normally.
For the definition of terms (Defects, Fault Causes, Failures etc.) and de-
tails of the FOX fault handling and alarm system, refer to the chapter "Di-
agnostics, Fault and Alarm Handling" in [302].

Fault cause tables

Board Layer The upper red fault indicator LED is lit in the case of a failure on the unit level.

Tab. 1: Fault Causes and alarms of the Board Layer

Board Layer
Fault Cause D.S. Description
Localisation Generic Alarm Text
Unit Not Available UA This alarm indicates the complete failure of the unit. Hardware
and/or software problems can create the complete unit failure:
- No hardware available (empty slot)
- The unit does not respond (unit failed)
- Wrong hardware in the slot (with respect to the NE configura-
To reset the alarm you must eliminate the failure. The elimination
of the failure requires manual intervention.
Secondary Voltage UA Output +5 VDC and/or -5 VDC power supply out of range (voltages
Failure to low):
- The POSUM generates the Output power fail signal if one or
both outputs drops to ≤ 4.5 V. The failure is cleared if the
voltage recovers to ≥ 4.85 V. The hysteresis for the fail signal
ON/OFF is ≥ 0,05 V.
- The Output power fail signal is generated even in parallel
operation of several POSUM units with redundancy, e.g. a
failure of one POSUM is indicated even if the rail voltages on
the backplane are OK.

D.S. Default Severity

Please note:
• Alarms with the report option NMON and or the severity Log
Book Only can not create an alarm on the NE level!
• The front panel LED is powered via the +5 V from the +Vcc
rail on the backplane. If the +Vcc supply fails, the LED re-
mains dark.
The POSUM has no other alarm layer.

Notifications The POSUM does not create notifications.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 7 of 8


Other than reading of inventory data, there are no other maintenance fa-
cilities for the POSUM.

Figure 3: View component side POSUM

Inventory There are no user replaceable fuses on the POSUM.

It is possible to read inventory data from the POSUM via the UCST and
For a description of the inventory function, refer to [302].

FW Download Not applicable.

The POSUM has no ESW.

page 8 of 8 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


1 GECOD 371, 372

1.1 Application

The GECOD unit (G.703 CODirectional) is a data interface board for 8 full-duplex 64 kbit/s
channels. The interfaces conform to the CCITT recommendation G.703, Section 1.2.1, Blue
Book, «Electrical characteristics of 64 kbit/s codirectional interface». It is suitable for connecting,
for example, multiplexers of the 0th order (MXB), baseband modems, primary group modems,
or data adaptation units of multiplexers of the 1st order (MUX-2, MXA).

Depending on the application, two hardware versions are available:

• GECOD 371 without 1+1 operation and

• GECOD 372 with 1+1 operation.

The only difference between the two is the software, the technical specification is identical.

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FOX-U / FOX515 GECOD 371, 372 ABB

Front Panel

Fig. 1.1: GECOD front panel

• 8 Channels with 4-wire interfaces
• Synchronous or plesionchronous operation
• Octet transparent transmission
• Access to four 2 Mbit/s highways
• Free selection of the time slot
• Four test loops per channel
• No transmission of external control signals
• 1+1 operation, redundancy on the 64 kbit/s level

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ABB GECOD 371, 372 FOX-U / FOX515

1.2 Design

Block Diagram Fig. 1.2: Block diagram

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FOX-U / FOX515 GECOD 371, 372 ABB

The GECOD unit comprises the following function blocks:

• Four-wire interfaces
• Line receiver and line transmitter
• FOCO data processing blocks
• EPIC interface controller
• GECOD microprocessor control
• Clock extraction circuit

Four-wire interfaces

The four-wire interfaces are equipped with one transformer each for the upstream (from the
tributary) and the downstream (to the tributary) direction. Due to the electrical (galvanic) isola-
tion this circuit is immune to longitudinal parasitic voltages and ground potential differences (be-
tween the tributary and FOX-U).

Line receiver and line transmitter

Here the bipolar input signal is converted to HCMOS level. This block also comprises the termi-
nation networks and the overvoltage protection elements.

FOCO data processing blocks

In the upstream direction the 64 kbit/s signals are converted to 2 Mbit/s signals in IOM-2 format
(IOM = ISDN oriented modular). With respect to the system clock the plesiochronous input data
are intercepted by a 16-bit buffer.

The following functions are also implemented in FOCO:

Upstream direction (from the tributary)

- 128 kHz and 8 kHz digital clock recovery from the 4096 kHz clock for internal use.
- Decoding of the pos./neg. data.
- Buffering and insertion of the data in the IOM frame, based on the 1-bit place address.
- In plesiochronous mode, repetition or elimination of a complete octet (slip) as soon as
the phase margin is reached.
- Detection of signal failure and failure of the word clock.
- Insertion of the AIS in alarm condition.
- Transmission of alarm messages to the EPIC interface controller.

Downstream direction (to the tributary)

- Buffering of the correct octet from the IOM frame.

- Coding according to G.703, 64 kbit/s, codirectional.
- Output of the pos./neg. data (HCMOS level).
- Insertion of the AIS with or without word clock.

EPIC interface controller

In EPIC the bus and time slots are selected jointly for both transmission directions:

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ABB GECOD 371, 372 FOX-U / FOX515

Upstream and downstream direction:

It accepts the incoming data from both directions and stores them. The frame start is marked
with an 8 kHz synchronization pulse.

Downstream direction:

Towards the tributary the EPIC uses a separate time slot (the so-called monitor channel) to con-
trol the dialogue with FOCO for programming the operating parameters when the channel is put
into service and for periodic polling of the alarm states, or for checking the configuration settings
during operation.

Microprocessor control

The microcontroller receives its instructions from the software stored in ROM. The individual
data channels are also controlled by this software and their alarm state is interrogated cyclically.
Transmission alarm messages are reported to the CENCA central unit and the lower red «Tribu-
tary» LED on the front panel of this unit lights.

In the GECOD block diagram (Fig. 1.2), between the FOCO and EPIC blocks, there is an inter-
nal bus connection labelled «IOM-2» (ISDN oriented modular interface, revision 2). This serial
interface, which is also mentioned in the FOCO description, has been developed and standard-
ized for telecommunications integrated circuits. In addition to the data connections in both direc-
tions this interface has control connections. The data and control channels are transmitted in
time division multiplexing mode.

Clock extraction circuit

With this circuit it is possible to supply the CENCA central control unit with a 250 kHz signal that
is in synchronism with the clock of a tributary. This allows the entire network to be synchronized
using this clock.

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FOX-U / FOX515 GECOD 371, 372 ABB

1.3 Configuration

The GECOD unit is automatically initialized when it is plugged in or power is switched on. The
microprocessor control of the GECOD receives the configuration data from the CENCA data
base and sets the corresponding parameters in FOCO and EPIC. The assignment of the chan-
nels to the time slots is explained in the CENCA description under «Connection points» and
«Connections». The parameters can be modified and read in the UCST masks. These masks
are located in the branch: «Objects → Units».

Setting Parameters


Select: the desired subunit

Press: «PARAM»

Fig. 1.3: for GECOD 371

• Monitoring of octet timing

The input octet timing is not monitored and not alarmed.

The input octet timing is monitored and alarmed.

• Consequent action in case of loss of input signal

Output octet timing is not removed in case of loss of input signal.

E Output octet timing is removed in case of loss of input signal.

10/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB GECOD 371, 372 FOX-U / FOX515

Fig. 1.4: forGECOD372

• Optical indication of slips

(Consequent action in case of octet slips occur)

In case octet slips occur LED at front of unit shows no indication

In case octet slips occur LED at front is blinking

Setting Diagnostics


Select: the desired subunit

Press: «DIAGN»

Fig. 1.5:

• The following loopback functions can be defined.

- Local loopback 3b:

The signal from the local DTE is looped back to the local DTE.

AIS is sent onward to the remote DTE.

- Network loopback 2b:

1KHW001447R0001 11/144
FOX-U / FOX515 GECOD 371, 372 ABB

The signal from the remote DTE is looped back to the remote DTE.

AIS is sent to the local DTE.

- Loopbacks 3b' and 2b':

The signal from the local DTE is looped back to the local DTE, and the signal from the
remote DTE is looped back to the remote DTE.

- None:
No loopback is activated.

• Output signal AIS octet timing removed

The 64 kbit/s G.703 signal contains byte timing information. It is possible to remove or
include byte timing on the AIS signal when the «Network loopback 2b» is activated. This
can be used to inform the DTE of the loop activation.

Octet timing removed

Byte timing is removed.

Byte timing is included in AIS signal.

To activate loops

See STEP 16 of the UCST Description (Operation Manual Part 1).

Summary of GECOD Loops

Fig. 1.6:

Monitoring Performance

It is possible to monitor the performance of the GECOD, when the UCST is connected to the
FOX-U, by accessing their slip counters.


Select: the required channel to be monitored

Press: «STATUS»

Fig. 1.7:

12/144 1KHW001447R0001
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Press: «GET» to display the number of octet slips.

Press: «RESET» to reset the slip counters to 0.

Setting Alarm categories

The necessary procedures for setting the alarm categories are described in “Setting the unit
alarm categories” in STEP 2 of the UCST Manual.

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FOX-U / FOX515 GECOD 371, 372 ABB

1.4 Alarms

Alarms are indicated by the front panel LED. At the same time the alarm is reported to the
CENCA central control unit.

Alarm indication

On the front panel there are two LEDs:

• The upper LED is controlled by the CENCA central control unit via a separate line, for
example when GECOD no longer responds normally or if the GECOD self-test termi-
nated with errors.

• The lower LED signals the tributary alarm if at least one of the channels is in the alarm
state (input signal failure or octet clock failure).

Tributary alarms

• Failure of the 64 kbit/s input signal

- An alarm is triggered if fewer than 13 rising edges of the rectified input signal are
detected in two consecutive double frames (250 µs).

- The alarm is reset if at least 13 edges occur in a double frame.

If the input signal fails, an AIS is inserted into the data time slot in place of
the data. On request the word clock of the output signal can also be
switched off (feedback to the tributary), however, the data transmission to
the tributary remains active!

• 8 kHz octet clock failure

- An alarm is triggered if no violation of the bipolarity rule is detected in three con-

secutive octets.

- The alarm is reset as soon as a violation occurs. However, only the violation
pairs that are exactly 125 µs (1 octet) apart are evaluated (i.e. used for synchro-
nizing the internal counters).

In the event of an octet clock failure an AIS is also inserted into the data time slot,
the tributary alarm LED is activated, and the CENCA central unit is informed.

The word clock monitoring can be switched off. If, however, the word clock still ex-
ists, it is used to insert the word-aligned data into the channel time slot.

14/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB GECOD 371, 372 FOX-U / FOX515

Alarm Text

SbU No. Text Meaning

0 0 Hardware fault Unit self test fail

1-8 0 Hardware fault Subunit self test fail
1 Loss of Signal G.703 64 kbit/s input missing.
2 Loss of Octet Octet Byte timing of G.703 64 kbit/s
input missing.
3 Test loop active Local loopback 3b activated.
(Signal from local DTE looped back to local DTE.
* 4 Ch D disturbed bits abcd=1111 (AIS) for «Default» TS
* 5 Ch R disturbed bits abcd=1111 (AIS) for «Reserve» TS
* 6 Remote Ch D fail bitsabcd=xx10(RA) for «Default» TS
* 7 Remote Ch R fail bitsabcd=xx10(RA) for «Reserve» TS
* 8 Transm. disturbed bits abcd=1111 (AIS) for «Default» TS
bits abcd=1111 (AIS) for «Reserve» TS

Alarms are only applicable for GECOD 372 (with 1+1 function) for subunits with «Super-
vised», «1+1», or «1+1 Reversible» mode of operation as defined from the «SUBUNIT»,

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FOX-U / FOX515 GECOD 371, 372 ABB

1.5 Interfaces

The GECOD 371 and 372 feature 8 full-duplex data interfaces for 64 kbit/s channels. These
conform to the CCITT recommendation G.703, Section 1.2.1, Blue Book, «Electrical character-
istics of 64 kbit/s codirectional interface». Each interface is 4-wire, pair balanced, and the nomi-
nal impedance is 120 Ω. The front access connector has 48 pins (3 x 16). The balanced con-
nection lines are normally individually screened and all screens are grounded. The ground is
obtained from the subrack (frame ground). The signal ground and the subrack ground are
routed separately on this unit, but they can be interconnected with two zero-ohm resistors or

16/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB GECOD 371, 372 FOX-U / FOX515

1.6 Technical data

Bit rate 64 kbit/s, codirectional

Impedance 120 Ω balanced
Code According to Fig. 4/G.703
Data bit: “0” = “1010”
Data bit: “1” = “1100”
Bipolar code (sign of the blocks is alternating), violation in
block 8 (last bit of the octet), i.e. block 8 has the same
polarity as block 7.
Data signalling rate 256 kbaud
Pulse amplitude at the
output, RL = 120 Ω 1.0 +/- 0.1 V
Admissible line
attenuation at 128 kHz 0 to 3 dB
Max. signal transit time
64 kbit/s → 2048 kbit/s 625 µs
2048 kbit/s → 64 kbit/s 250 µs

Maximum line lengths

For an admissible line attenuation of 3 dB, (measured at 128 kHz) and for cable type CPS 8.04
A-PE-T from Cossonay, the recommended maximum line length is 300 m. However, proper op-
eration is ensured with a line attenuation of up to 6 dB between two GECOD. In this case the
maximum line length is 600 m with the same cable type.

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FOX-U / FOX515 GECOD 371, 372 ABB

1.7 EPROM Position

To facilitate the upgrading of the GECOD software, the position of the EPROM is shown in Fig-
ure 1.8.

Fig. 1.8: The GECOD 371 and GECOD 372 units

18/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB GECOD 371, 372 FOX-U / FOX515

1.8 Installation

GECOD cable 3.3514.114/..

Wire wrap Side

1KHW001447R0001 19/144

2 NTU 411, 421

2.1 Application

The NTU 01 (Network Terminating Unit) unit is designed for data transmission for the following
two applications:

• Together with the unit SULIC (in FOX-U) the NTU (at the DTE - Data terminal equip-
ment) represents a transmission interface with remote power supply from SULIC, with
full integration into the FOX-U operating and maintenance system.

• Two NTU units used as modems form a point-to-point data transmission. In this applica-
tion, power for the NTUs is supplied locally.

The NTU units are available in two versions:

- NTU 411 in a plastic housing and

- NTU 421 in an aluminium housing.

The technical data for the two versions are identical.

The NTU is equipped with a U interface for the connection NTU ↔ NTU or NTU ↔ SU-
LIC and with the interfaces V.24/V.28 and X.21/V.11 in accordance with CCITT recom-
mendations for data terminal equipment. The interfaces allow transmissions at bit rates
of 600bit/s to 128kbit/s.

For the V.35 interface an adapter in accordance with CCITT recommendation V.35 (Red
Book) is available. This can be plugged only into the NTU featuring the aluminium hous-

1KHW001447R0001 20/144
ABB NTU 411, 421 FOX-U / FOX515

Front Panel

Fig. 2.1: NTU 411 and NTU 421 units


• U interface (2B1Q transmission code)

• V.24/V.28 interface for 600 bit/s to 38.4 kbit/s, synchronous and asynchronous
• X.21/V.11 interface:
- for 600 bit/s to 56 kbit/s (with X.21 functions)
- for 64 kbit/s and 128 kbit/s (V11, transparent transmission without end-to-end signal-
• V.35 interface (as an adapter) for 600 bit/s to 128 kbit/s
• Remote operation as a remotely powered modem with the SULIC unit in FOX-U.
• Operation as modem for point-to-point connections.
• V.110 / X.30 compatible for bitrates ≤ 38.4 kbit/s for NTU SW 1.3 or higher (Table 5 /
v.110 and Table 1-2 /X.30)

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FOX-U / FOX515 NTU 411, 421 ABB

2.2 Design

Block Diagram

Fig. 2.2: Block diagram

The NTU comprises the following function blocks:

• Front-end with U interface
• IECQ Block
• ICC Block
• ITAC Block
• ASIC Block
• µP-control

22/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB NTU 411, 421 FOX-U / FOX515

• V.24/V.28 interface
• X.21/V.11 interface
• V.35 interface adapter (option)
• Power supply

Front-end with U interface

A 2-wire line (Ua/Ub), which leads to the second NTU or to the unit SULIC is connected to this
interface. For the transmission the signal is encoded in 2B1Q. The line bit rate is 160 kbit/s,
containing two B channels of 64 kbit/s, a D channel of 16 kbit/s, with data for maintenance func-

The 2-wire to 4-wire conversion is achieved using a simple, purely passive hybrid circuit in the
front-end. The hybrid circuit consists of a transformer for isolation (2 kV), DC extraction and im-
pedance matching, as well as a resistive network and a sensitive overvoltage protection.

IECQ Block

The IECQ block uses echo cancelling techniques and adaptive matching to the current line. Fur-
ther it contains a digital PLL, which synchronizes to the U interface, a IOM-2 channel for the
transmission of data to the ASIC, ICC and ITAC blocks as well as a circuit for test loops 3a &

ICC Block

The ICC block allows the µP-control access to the D and B1 channels. Configuration data is re-
ceived and status messages are sent to SULIC via the D channel. The ICC can access the B1
channel in case of transparent transmission (64 kbit/s and 128 kbit/s) and can control loop 2b in
the remote NTU using a serial bit pattern.

ITAC Block

The ITAC converts the data bit rate into a synchronous data stream of 64 kbit/s (B1 channel).
With X.21 the data is packed and evaluated in a frame according to X.30, with V.24 according to
V.110. It supports the tasks of the control lines at bit rates 600 bit/s to 56 kbit/s. The transmis-
sion of the 64 kbit/s rate is transparent.

ASIC Block

For the transmission of a bit rate of 128 kbit/s the ASIC component provides the second B
channel in the transmit direction and merges the two B channels in the receive direction into a
128 kbit/s signal.


The µP-control monitors the functions of the ICC, ITAC and ASIC blocks, controls the indicators
ERROR and TEST and processes the settings of the DIP switches. It communicates with SULIC
via the D channel and receives the configuration data from it. For all of these tasks the µP-
control has its own unit specific software.

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V.24/V.28 interface

It supports bit rates of 600 bit/s up to 38.4 kbit/s. For this interface the following settings are
possible using DIP switches: 7 or 8 data bits, start bit, stop bit, parity, the bit rate as well as
asynchronous and synchronous mode.

X.21/V.11 interface

This interface can be used for transmission bit rates of 600 bit/s up to 56 kbit/s. With the bit
rates 64 kbit/s and 128 kbit/s, only the data lines R and T, as well as the transmit clock S are

V.35 interface adapter (option)

As an option an interface adapter is available, which adapts the interface to V.35.

Power supply

There are two ways of supplying power to the NTU unit. Via the local power supply Uext +5.5 V
via the separate power connector, or by remote power supply via the U interface. The DC volt-
age is extracted either via the U interface or the hybrid circuit in the front-end and converted to
the internal power supply voltage of +5 V within the DC/DC converter.

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2.3 Configuration

The NTU unit can be applied in two ways and accordingly there are two configuration possibili-

• Two NTU units form a point-to-point connection and operate as modems for data
transmission. For this application the configuration can be done locally and manually
by means of the three DIP switches.

• Connected to the unit SULIC (in FOX-U) NTU forms a remote data transmission inter-
face for FOX-U. In this application NTU is powered remotely from SULIC and can be
remotely configured from FOX-U via SULIC.

Manual configuration

On the NTU unit there are three dip switches for the local configuration. When the correspond-
ing switch is set to local configuration, the configuration of the NTU can be performed locally.

The following settings are possible:

DIP switch S1:

- Master/Slave mode
- Local or remote configuration
- Normal mode/Self test
- Normal mode/Diagnostics
- Extracting one stop bit every 4 or 8 bits
- 7 or 8 data bits
- 1 or 2 stop bits
- Parity/No parity

DIP switch S2:

- Interface V.24, X.21 or V.35
- Synchronous or asynchronous transmission
- Bit rates 600 bit/s to 128 kbit/s

DIP switch S3:

- On dip switch S3 the status of interface lines 105, 106, 107, 108 or C and 109 or
I can be set.

On the NTU 421 with an aluminium housing, these switches are accessible from the front. On
the NTU 411 in the plastic housing, access is possible only after opening of the housing.

DIP switch settings

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Switch positions: 0 = open, switch in upper position

1 = closed, switch in lower position
X = 1 or0

Remark: The switches in Figure 2.3 are all shown in the open «0» position.

Switch S1

DIP-Sw.1,2: 00 = LT-Mode (Master), Clock source internal

01 = TE - Mode (Slave)

Remarks: With the NTU application for point-to-point connection: NTU ↔ NTU, one NTU is con-
figured as «Master», the other one as «Slave».

For the operation with FOX-U (SULIC) the TE-mode (Slave) must always be set.

DIP-Sw. 3: 0 = NTU locally configured by DIP switch

1 = NTU remotely configured via D channel

DIP-Sw. 4: 0 = Normal operating mode

1 = Self test

DIP-Sw. 5: 0 = Normal operating mode

1 = TxD/T and RxD/R used for diagnostics

DIP-Sw. 6: 0 = max. 1 out of 8 stop bits eliminated

1 = max. 1 out of 4 stop bits eliminated

(Adaptation of transmission rate in asynchronous mode, max. 2.5% «overspeed»)

DIP-Sw. 7: 0 = 7 bit data

1 = 8 bit data

DIP-Sw. 8: 0 = 1 stop bit

1 = 2 stop bits

DIP-Sw. 9: 0 = no parity
1 = parity on

DIP-Sw.10: 0 = Normal operating mode

1 = 10 second timeout of RTS/C is blokked when in point to multi-
point mode of operation.

Switch S2

DIP-Sw. 1,2: 00 = V.24

10 = X.21

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01 = V.35

DIP-Sw. 3: 0 = synchronous
1 = asynchronous

DIP-Sw. 4...7 0000 = 0.6 kbit/s

1000 = 1.2 kbit/s
0100 = 2.4 kbit/s
1100 = 4.8 kbit/s
0010 = 9.6 kbit/s
1010 = 19.2 kbit/s
0110 = 38.4 kbit/s
1110 = 48 kbit/s
0001 = 56 kbit/s
1001 = 64 kbit/s
0101 = 128 kbit/s
1101 = spare
0011 = spare
1011 = spare
0111 = spare
1111 = spare

DIP-Sw. 8: X = spare (switch contact not used)

Switch S3

DIP-Sw. 1: 0 = RTS/105 from DTE interface (105 controlled from DTE)

1 = RTS/105 «ON» (permanently switched on)

DIP-Sw. 2,3: 00 = CTS/106 from X, delayed by 24 bits (106 controlled from re-
ceived X bit and delayed by 24 bits)
10 = CTS/106 from D channel (point to multipoint) (106 controlled by
SULIC via D channel in multipoint mode)
01 = RTS/106 from 105 delayed by 20 ms (106 controlled from 105
and delayed by 20ms)
11 = RTS/106 from DTR/108 (106 controlled from 108)

DIP-Sw. 4: 0 = DSR/107 from remote NTU (107 controlled from 108 remote)
1 = DSR/107 «ON» (107 switched on permanently)

DIP-Sw. 5: 0 = DTR/108 from DTE interface (108 or C controlled from DTE)

1 1 = DTR/108 «ON» (108 or C switched on permanently)

DIP-Sw. 6: 0 = DCD/109 from remote NTU (109 or I controlled from 105 re-
1 = DCD/109 «ON» (109 switched on permanently)

Example for the manual configuration

Interface V.24/V.28, Bit rate: 19.2 kbit/s, asynchronous mode

Switch S1 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 0... internal clock source
2 1... on «Slave»
3 0... on manual configuration

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4 0... on normal operating mode

5 0... on normal operating mode
6 0... 1 out of 8 stop bits eliminated
7 1... 8 data bits
8 0... 1 stop bit
9 0... without parity bit
10 DIP-switch position unimportant

Switch S2 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 0... V.24
2 0... V.24
3 0... synchronous mode
4 1... bit rate: 19.2 kbit/s
5 0... “
6 1... “
7 0... “
8 DIP-switch position unimportant

Switch S3 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 1 RTS/105 switched on permanently
2 0 CTS/106 controlled by received X bit
3 0 CTS/106 controlled by received X bit
4 1 DSR/107 switched on permanently
5 1 DTR/108 switched on permanently
6 1 DCD/109 switched on permanently

X.21/V.11 interface, Bit rate: 38.4 kbit/s, synchronous mode

Switch S1 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 0 internal clock source
2 1 on «Slave»
3 0 on manual configuration
4 0 on normal operating mode
5 0 on normal operating mode
6 DIP-switch position unimportant
7 DIP-switch position unimportant
8 DIP-switch position unimportant
9 DIP-switch position unimportant
10 DIP-switch position unimportant

Switch S2 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 0 X.21
2 0 X.21
3 0 synchronous mode
4 0 bit rate: 38.4 kbit/s
5 1 “
6 1 “
7 0 “
8 DIP-switch position unimportant

Switch S3 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 DIP-switch position unimportant
2 DIP-switch position unimportant
3 DIP-switch position unimportant
4 DIP-switch position unimportant
5 1 C switched on permanently

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6 1 I switched on permanently

Interface X.21/V.11, Bit rate: 64 kbit/s, synchronous mode

Switch S1 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 0 internal clock source
2 1 on «Slave»
3 0 on manual configuration
4 0 on normal operating mode
5 0 on normal operating mode
6 DIP-switch position unimportant
7 DIP-switch position unimportant
8 DIP-switch position unimportant
9 DIP-switch position unimportant
10 DIP-switch position unimportant

Switch S2 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 0 V.11
2 0 V.11
3 0 synchronous mode
4 1 bit rate: 64 kbit/s
5 0 “
6 0 “
7 1 “
8 DIP-switch position unimportant

Switch S3 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 DIP-switch position unimportant
2 DIP-switch position unimportant
3 DIP-switch position unimportant
4 DIP-switch position unimportant
5 DIP-switch position unimportant
6 DIP-switch position unimportant

Interface V.35, Bit rate: 38.4 kbit/s, synchronous mode (option with adapter)

Switch S1 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 0 internal clock source
2 1 on «Slave»
3 0 on manual configuration
4 0 on normal operating mode
5 0 on normal operating mode
6 DIP-switch position unimportant
7 DIP-switch position unimportant
8 DIP-switch position unimportant
9 DIP-switch position unimportant
10 DIP-switch position unimportant

Switch S2 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 0... V.35
2 0... V.35
3 0... synchronous mode
4 1 bit rate: 38.4 kbit/s
5 0 “
6 0 “

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7 1 “
8 DIP-switch position unimportant

Switch S3 DIP-Sw: Position:

1 1... RTS/105 switched on permanently
2 0... CTS/106 controlled by received X bit
3 0... CTS/106 controlled by received X bit
4 1... DSR/107 switched on permanently
5 1... DTR/108 switched on permanently
6 1... DCD/109 switched on permanently

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2.4 Remote Configuration

If the NTU is connected to FOX-U via SULIC, its configuration takes place from FOX-U. Thereby
it is important that the DIP-switch settings on switch S1 are as follows:

DIP-Sw: Position:
1 0... Internal clock source
2 1... TE - Mode ( Slave)
3 1... Remote configuration via D channel
4 0... Normal operating mode

The remaining DIP switches on switches S1 to S3 can be left in any position.

After switching on FOX-U, the unit SULIC is automatically initialized. The NTU, which is re-
motely powered via the line from SULIC, is switched on and initialized.

The ųP-control of the SULIC unit takes over the configuration data from the CENCA data base
and sets them in SULIC and via the D channel in the NTU. The configuration parameters of the
NTU can be set and read in the UCST masks. These masks can be found in the branch «Ob-
jects → Units → Subunits».

“NTU Configuration” UCST mask

The “NTU Configuration” UCST mask is shown in Figure 2.3. In the block “DCE Interface” (Data
Circuit terminating Equipment) the V.24 interface is marked. The operating bit rate must be
given in the block «Bit rate».

The operating mode «Asynchronous» is activated in the block «Transmission». In this operating
mode further parameters must be set. These are: data bits, stop bits and stop bits eliminated.
The marked parameters correspond with the V.24 interface.

The NTU itself does not perform a «parity check». However, space can be reserved for it in the
transmission frame, when «parity enabled» is marked.

The interface lines must be specified in the block “Interchange Circuits”. There are the following

• RTS (Request to send) or designated also as line 105. «Always ON» (permanently
switched on) is marked.

• CTS (Clear to send) or designated also as line 106. «Remote X bit» (controlled by
received X bit) is marked.

• DSR (Data Set Ready) or designated also as line 107. «Always ON» (permanently
switched on) is marked.

• DTR (Data Terminal Ready) or designated also as line 108. «Always ON» (perma-
nently switched on) is marked.

• DCD (Data Channel Received Line Signal Detector = Receiving signal level) or des-
ignated also as line 109. «Always ON» (permanently switched on) is marked.

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Fig. 2.3:

The NTU configuration data can be read on this mask. It is shown in Figure 2.4.

Fig. 2.4:

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2.5 LED indicator on the unit

There are three light emitting diodes (LED) on the unit for indicating the operational, test and
error states.

• When the necessary supply voltage is made available to the NTU, the green «ON» LED
is illuminated.

• When a local test loop 2b or 3a (ref. block diagram Fig 2.2) is implemented, the yellow
«TEST» LED is illuminated. It will be illuminated also, if a test loop 4b in the NTU, or 3a
in the SULIC unit, is implemented from SULIC unit.

• The yellow «TEST» LED flashes, as long as a test loop 2b or 3a is implemented in the
remote NTU (but only at bit rates ≤ 38.4kbit/s).

• The red «ERRor» LED flashes in case of an error in the transmission (interrupt or line
short circuit), short circuit on the interface or loss of frame synchronization within the

The output lines of both the X.21/V.11 and the V.24/V.28 interfaces are protected
against short circuit by a current limiting circuit. The circuit is activated when a
short circuit occurs and limits the current of the affected line, switches on the red
«ERRor» LED and activates the «Short on NTU-DTE» alarm via SULIC.

Since the input lines are not monitored, a short circuit on the input will not cause
the red «ERRor» LED to light or trigger an alarm via SULIC.

• The red «ERRor» LED flashes slowly with an error in the remote NTU (short circuit on
the interface or loss of frame synchronization, but only at bit rates < 38.4 kbit/s).

• The red «ERRor» LED flashes quickly, when the IECQ-block detects frame jumps or if
the asynchronous transmission rate is too high.

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2.6 NTU test

The NTU offers a local self test, a function test with remotely controlled testloop in the remote
NTU, as well as a remotely controlled test loop from FOX-U via SULIC. In the NTU there are
three possibilities for looping: 2b, 3a and 4b have been envisaged. Their designation corre-
sponds with CCITT recommendation X.150. They are located as shown in the block diagram
Figure 4.2, and the inserted test loops are shown in Figure 4.5.

Fig. 2.5: Test Loops

NTU self test

With DIP-Sw 4 (S1) in position 1, the NTU is set to test mode. The local loop 3a is set and the
connection to the DTE in ITAC is interrupted and loop 2b is closed. The µP-control sends a test
pattern to ITAC and compares it with the looped back signal.

After switching on DIP-Sw 4, the LEDs «ERR» and «TEST» are illuminated. The self test is suc-
cessful if the LED «ERR» is turned off after a maximum of 1 second. Subsequently DIP-SW 4
must be reset to position 0.

The remotely controlled test loops

The NTU allows the test loop 2b to be set up in the remote NTU by the DTE via the interface.
The test loop 4b can be set from FOX-U via SULIC. The loop commands depend on the bit rate
and the interface used.

Remote loops are controlled and supervised by the following propriatery use of the E-bits of the
V.110 /X.30 frame:

E1: remote loop 2b command from DTE line 141

E2: status of loop 2b at the remote NTU
E3: status of loop 3a at the remote NTU
E6: error condition at the remote NTU

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NTUs with SW 1.3 or higher can be configured to use the E-Bits of the V.110
/X.30 frame according to Table 5 /V.110 or Table 1-2 / X.30 for bitrates ≤ 38.4

This is required for interworking with equipment using V.110 / X.30. In such a
case, transmission of the remote loop 2b command from DTE line 141, status of
loop 2b and loop 3a at the remote NTU and error condition at remote NTU is not

V24/V.28 interface

The loop 2b is controlled in the ITAC block of the remote NTU via the V.24 interface (Interface
line 140). The data of the local NTU as well as the control signals, are looped back in the re-
mote NTU. Using an interface test device, both NTUs as well as the connection can be checked

The loop 3a is controlled in the IECQ block of the local NTU via the V.24 interface (Interface
line 141). The data and control signals are looped back in the local NTU.

With the loop 4b in IECQ the channels 2B+D on the U interface are looped back. This loop is
controlled and checked from FOX-U via SULIC.
An active loop will always be indicated by the interface line 142 (=ON).

X.21/V.11 interface

The loop 2b in the ITAC block of the remote NTU is controlled by signalling t = 00110011 and c
= OFF in the local NTU. The looped-back data and control signals can be checked at the
X.21/V.11 interface.

At the local NTU, the loop 3a in the IECQ block can be set by signalling t = 00001111 and c =
OFF. The looped-back data and control signals can be checked at the X.21/V.11 interface.

When the local loop 3a is set, at bit rates of 48 kbit/s and 56 kbit/s the following actions has to
be observed :
• In the application mode NTU ↔ NTU the «TEST» LED does not flash on the remote

• In the application mode NTU ↔ SULIC ↔ SULIC ↔ NTU the «TEST» LED does not
flash on the remote NTU.

The loop 4b is controlled from FOX-U via SULIC and allows the channels 2B+D on the U inter-
face to be checked.

X.21/V.11 Interface, bit rates 64 kbit/s and 128 kbit/s

For synchronous data transmission at bit rates of 64 kbit/s and 128 kbit/s the same control pro-
cedure is used as for lower bitrates.
The loop 2b in the IECQ block of the remote NTU can be controlled from the local NTU. The
looped back data can be checked at the X.21/V.11 interface. TheX.21/V.11 interface at the re-
mote NTU will set r = 0 and i = OFF when the loop is active.

At the local NTU, the loop 3a can be set. The looped back data and control signals are made
available for checking at the X.21/V.11 interface.

When the local loop 3a is set, the following actions have to be observed :

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• In the application mode NTU ↔ NTU the «TEST» LED does not flash on the remote

• In the application mode NTU ↔ SULIC ↔ SULIC ↔ NTU the «TEST» LED does not
flash on the remote NTU.

With the loop 4b the channels 2B+D are looped back to SULIC. The loop is controlled from

V.35 interface (with adapter)

Regarding loop 2b the same conditions apply for the V.35 interface at bit rates ≤ 38.4 kbit/s as
for the V.24/V.28 interface. At the higher bit rates of 48, 56, 64 and 128 kbit/s the loop 2b
cannot be set in the remote NTU.

At bit rates ≤ 38.4 kbit/s for the loop 3a the same conditions apply as for the V.24/V.28 inter-
face. For the bit rates of 48, 56, 64 and 128 kbit/s the following actions have to be observed:

• In the application mode NTU ↔ NTU the «TEST» LED does not flash on the remote

• In the application mode NTU ↔ SULIC ↔ SULIC ↔ NTU the «TEST» LED does not
flash on the remote NTU.

The loop 4b is controlled from FOX-U via SULIC over the D channel. Thereby the channels
2B+D in the NTU are looped back to SULIC.

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2.7 Interfaces

The NTU unit has three interfaces:

• The U interface in the direction of transmission in accordance with Swiss PTT 840.68 and
ANSI T1.601 1992.

• The V.24/V.28 interface in the direction of the DTE in accordance with CCITT recommen-
dations V.24 and V.110 respectively (Blue Book).

• The X.21/V. 11 interface in the direction of the DTE in accordance with CCITT recommen-
dations X.21 and X.30 respectively (Blue Book).

The two interfaces in direction of the DTE cannot be controlled simultaneously.

The V.35 interface (option) corresponds to CCITT recommendation V.35 (blue book) and can
be retrofitted using a plug-in adapter in the slots for the V.24/V.28 and X.21/V.11 interfaces.

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2.8 Technical data

U Interface

Line bit rate 160 kbit/s

Max. usable bit rate 2 x 64 kbit/s
Line code 2B1Q
Max. line attenuation 37 dB at 80 kHz.
Max. line resistance 300 Ω. /48 V or 1200 Ω.196 V
Type of plug RJ-11, 6-pin/4 pins assigned

V24/V28 interface

Bit rates 600 bit/s to 38.4 kbit/s, synchronous and asynchronous

Signals: from DTE TxD (103), RTS (105), DTR (108), RL(140), LL (141)
to DTE RxD (104), CTS (106), DSR (107), DCD (109), TC (114), RC (115),
TI (142)
Electrical Parameters in accordance with V.28
Phase relationship in accordance with V.110
Type of plug ITT-Cannon DA-25P-A191-A197 25-pin, to ISO 2110

X.21/V.11 interface

Bit rates 600 bit/s to 56 kbit/s, synchronous

Signals: from DTE T, C,
ToDTE R, S, I,
Electrical Parameters in accordance with V.11
Phase relationship in accordance with X.30
Type of plug ITT-Cannon DA-15P-A191-A197 15-pin, to ISO 4903

X.21/V.11 interface for ≥ 64 kbit/s

Bit rates 64 kbit/s to 128 kbit/s, synchronous

Signals: from DTE T,
to DTE R, S,
Electrical Parameters in accordance with V.11
Type of plug TT-Cannon DA-15P-A191-A197 15-pin, to ISO 4903

According to CCITT, the X.21 interface is specified for synchronous operation

only. In NTU, however, it can also be configured for asynchronous operation;

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whereby the control lines C and I can also be used. However, if the interface is to
function in accordance with X.20, the control line C must be configured as «Al-
ways ON». The use of bit patterns on the loops then no longer functions.

V.35 interface

Bit rates 0.6 up to 38.4 kbit/s, synchronous and asynchronous

48, 56, 64 and 128 kbit/s synchronous only.

Signals at bit rates up to 38.3 kbit/s:

from DTE TxD (103), RTS (105), RL (140), LL (141)
to DTE RxD (104), CTS (106), DSR (107), DCD (109), TC (114), RC (115),
TI (142)

Signals at bit rates 48, 56, 64 and 128 kbit/s:

from DTE TxD (103), RTS (105), LL (141),
to DTE RxD (104), CTS (106), DSR (107), DCD (109), TI (142)

Electrical Parameters in accordance with V.35

Type of plug V.35 plug from AMP
34-pin, to ISO 2593

Power Supply

When used with FOX-U the NTU power is supplied via SULIC. The 48 V or 96 V supply voltage
fed from SULIC via the U interface is converted and stabilized to the internal supply voltage of
+5.0 V DC by the DC/DC converter.

It is possible to feed the NTU locally from an external power supply. This is primarily used with
the application NTU ↔ NTU. However, when employing the NTU ↔ FOX-U (SULIC) mode, the
NTU can be powered externally, if for example, the transmission line is electrically isolated for
safety reasons.

Remote Supply Voltage 33 V DC to 96 V DC via U interface

Local Supply Voltage + 5.5 V DC +/- 0.1 V
Power Consumption Running mode < 1.4 W
Current Consumption from Uext Running mode < 220 mA at Uext = + 5.5 V


Aluminium housing, L x W x H 254x196x42 mm

Plastic housing, L x W x H 165x162x35 mm


Aluminium housing approx. 700 g

Plastic housing approx. 980 g

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Maximum cable lengths

U interface

The permissible cable length depends on properties of the cables. The attenuation must not be
greater than 37 dB at 80 kHz and the resistance not greater 300 Ω at 48 V, or 1200 Ω at 96 V
remote supply.
When the NTU is fed from the local power supply, only the attenuation limits the permissible ca-
ble length.

For lines with no interference, the following ranges are possible:

Wire Remote supply voltage NTU with

Diameter: 48 V: 96 V: local supply:

0.4 mm 1.0 km 4.3 km 4.8 km

0.6 mm 2.4 km 8.8 km 8.8 km
0.8 mm 4.3 km 11.5 km 11.5 km

V.24/V.28 interface

Permissible cable length 15 m

X.21/V.11 interface

Permissible cable length several 100 m, which depends on the bit rate and the properties of
the DTE's connected. The NTU should be installed in the vicinity of
the DTE. A shorter cable length results in a higher degree of error
free operation.

X.21/V.11 interface for ≥ 64 kbit/s

Permissible cable length several 100 m, which depends on the bit rate and the properties of
the DTE's connected. The NTU should be installed in the vicinity of
the DTE. A shorter cable length results in a higher degree of error
free operation.

V.35 interface

Permissible cable length 15 m

Ordering data

For initial orders, as well as for ordering spares, the following order numbers should be used:

Symbol and Designation: Part number:

NTU 411, plastic housing 3.3564.411/..

NTU 421, aluminium housing 3.3564.421/..

40/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB NTU 411, 421 FOX-U / FOX515

NTU V.35 adapter 3.3572.039/01

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2.9 EPROM Position

To facilitate the upgrading of the NTU software, the position of the EPROM is shown in Figure

Fig. 2.6: NTU unit

Signal cable for NTU


A normal telephone exchange cable with a miniature telephone connector is connected to this
interface. The connector has 6 pins but only 4 pins are fitted and only the a/b wires are con-
nected. The location of the connected pins is shown below.

Connector type RJ-11; 6 pins, 4 pins equipped

Cable type e.g. Cossonay U 72 MP 1x2/0.4-0.9

42/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB NTU 411, 421 FOX-U / FOX515

Pin locations on the connector of the V.24/V.28 interface

Connection side

Pin locations on the connector of theX.21/V.11 interface

Connection side

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FOX-U / FOX515 NTU 411, 421 ABB

Pin locations on the V.35 interface connector

Connection side

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3 EXBAT 401 and


3.1 Application

EXBAT interfaces the FOX-U to an ISDN exchange. It offers 8 base rate accesses with the ter-
nary code 4B3T. Each of the 8 interfaces can be connected to the U interface of the ISDN ex-
change via a wire pair of up to 8 km length (for 0.6 mm wire). They offer full duplex data trans-
mission via the two B channels and signalling via the D channel.

In the 2 Mbit/s systems the two B channels and the D channel are transmitted transparently us-
ing 3 consecutive time slots.

EXBAT is normally used in conjunction with SUBAT which offers 4 U interfaces for basic rate
accesses for subscriber terminals. With EXBAT and SUBAT the U interface can be prolonged
(similar as telephone lines can be prolonged with EXLAN and SUBLA) and ISDN services can
be provided also to remotely sited subscribers via access networks with FOX-U.

Typical applications of the EXBAT, SUBAT are as follows:

Application as U interface repeater

Fig. 3.1: Application prolonging of U interface

Another application of EXBAT exists in conjunction with a FITL (Fiber In The Loop) system
where the FOX-U is used as a channel bank. In this application the FOX-U adapts and multi-
plexes the U-interfaces from an ISDN exchange to a 2 Mbit/s system. This 2 Mbit/s signal is fed
into the FITL system where it is transmitted and distributed to the subscribers.

Channel Bank in FITL system

Fig. 3.2: Application with a FITL system

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The maximum permissible attenuation on the U interface is 32 dB at 40 kHz (in accordance with

This results in a maximum line length with 0.4 mm diameter wire of typically 4 km. With 0.8 mm
diameter wire, up to 10 km can be reached.

Channel capacities

A FOX-U subrack can be equipped with maximum 10 EXBAT units to provide 80 ISDN connec-
tions. Up to 10 ISDN channels can be transmitted in a 2 Mbit/s signal.

If more than 7 EXBAT are equipped a second POSUP is required.

In the case of SUBAT a maximum of 13 units can be equipped in a FOX-U to provide 52 ISDN
connections. Up to 10 ISDN channels can be transmitted in a 2 Mbit/s signal.

Front Panel

Fig. 3.3: EXBAT, SUBAT Front Panel View


The main features of the EXBAT unit are:

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• 8 ISDN basic rate accesses for exchange side with 4B3T code (according to FTZ-1
TR 220)

• optional scrambler/descrambler (according to CCITT V.29) individually settable for

each of the 8 interfaces

• monitoring of remote power from ISDN exchange for switching on/off on SUBAT

• activation of short circuit on the U-interfaces to simulate short circuits detected by


• clock extraction from the U-interface can be used as synchronisation source for the

• divers diagnostical functions

• self test

The main features of the SUBAT unit are:

• 4 IDSN basic rate accesses for subscriber side

• optional scrambler/descrambler (according to CCITT V.29) individually settable for

each of the 4 interfaces

• switching on/off of remote supply on SUBAT according to remote supply from ISDN
exchange detected by EXBAT

• detection of short circuit on SUBAT's U-interfaces for activation of short circuit on

EXBAT's U-interfaces

• divers diagnostical functions

• self test

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3.2 Design

Block Diagram of EXBAT

Fig. 3.4: Block diagram of EXBAT

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Block Diagram of SUBAT

Fig. 3.5: Block diagram of SUBAT

EXBAT/SUBAT consist of the following function blocks:

• U-interface
• Micro Controller


Common functions of EXBAT and SUBAT

The 2 wire U-interface from the ISDN exchange (EXBAT) or from the subscriber (SUBAT) is gal-
vanically isolated for up to 500 VAC. Therefore it is insensitive to any ground differences along

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FOX-U / FOX515 EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 ABB

the U-interface. Furthermore the connection to the a/b wires is polarity insensitive for trouble
free installation.

A hybrid transformer converts the 2 wire U-interface into a 4 wire TX / RX signal which is con-
nected to the IECT block for further processing.

Remote supply system

In SUBAT a DC/DC converter is built in for remotely supplying the NT1 units at the subscriber's
end. The remote supply's current is limited to 45 mA, the remote supply's voltage is 96 V, sym-
metrically fed in the 2 wires of the U-interface. In case of a short circuit on the subscriber line
the power is switched off. In regular time intervals SUBAT tries to apply the power again until
the short circuit is removed.

In EXBAT the remote supply from the U-interface of the ISDN exchange is detected. During the
time that the remote supply from the ISDN exchange is off, the EXBAT instructs the SUBAT to
turn off its remote powering to the NT1, too.

If SUBAT detects a short circuit on the subscriber line EXBAT simulates a short circuit on the U-


The IECT converts the binary signals of the FOX-U internal highway to/from the ternary signals
with the 4B3T code used on the U-interface. In EXBAT the timing is extracted from the U-
interface, and can be used as a source for synchronisation of the FOX-U.

The U-interface contains the following data coded in ternary (+, 0, and -) signals of 120 kBaud.

• two B channels for user data each with 64 kbit/s,

• one D channel for user signalling with 16 kbit/s, and
• one auxiliary channel used for transmitting frame synchronisation status information and
loop activation commands with 16 kbit/s.

This 160 kbit/s signal is mapped into 3 consecutive 64 kbit/s TS of a 2 Mbit/s signal of the IOM

The input signals from the U-interface are passed thru an adaptive echo canceller that continu-
ously adapts to any gradual and sudden changes in the echoes on the 2 wire line. Gradual
changes are mainly caused by temperature variations and aging factors. Sudden changes are
mainly caused by installation procedures causing changes to the line characteristics.


Accommodation of slight time differences

On its 8 (4) inputs, the EXBAT (SUBAT) must be able to adjust the receivers on 8 different
phases of the frame-clock.

SPLIT is an ASIC and contains elastic buffers that allow ISDN channels with slightly different
timing to be multiplexed on a 2 Mbit/s G703 signal. The elastic buffer used is 2 frames long al-
lowing controlled slips to accommodate any differences in the timing.

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ABB EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 FOX-U / FOX515

If the frames are received too fast, then the SPLIT will accumulate 2 Frames, and when the
buffers overflow, it will skip an entire frame and cause a negative slip in order to get back in

If the frames are received too slow, then the SPLIT will double read an entire frame and cause a
positive slip in order to get back in synchronisation.

In EXBAT both positive and negative slips are accumulated in a slip counter that are accessible
via the UCST.

Multiplex/demultiplex function

The SPLIT multiplexes / demultiplexes 8 (4) ISDN channels to/from a 2 Mbit/s internal port (des-
ignated port 0 on the block diagram).

Further functions

A second 2 Mbit/s (port 1) is used as a control line for setting and reading the following options:

• scrambling,
• connection of extracted timing onto the FOX-U internal clock buses,
• setting and reading of the A and E status bits,
• reading the controlled slips
• AIS detection


Each of the ISDN channels can be transmitted across a FOX-U network with an optional scram-
bling/descrambling algorithm. This option scrambles the outgoing signal to the U-interface, and
des-crambles the incoming signal from the U-interface. An AIS-Detector is put before the de-
scrambler. This allows to differentiate AIS from a valid signal. All intermediate AIS-Signals gen-
erated by transmission equipments between EXBAT and SUBAT are detected by the units.

When the scrambling/descrambling function is enabled on one of the units EXBAT or SUBAT, it
is mandatory that on the unit on the other end scrambling is also enabled. This can be done via
the UCST.


This block is responsible for the interface between the internal highways (CENCA matrix) and

Micro Controller

The Micro Controller initializes and controls the EPIC, SPLIT, and IECT. As well, it allows the
unit to communicate with the CENCA for exchanging configuration and alarm data.


Activation and deactivation procedures:

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The activation of the U-interface is a procedure of initializing the U-interface for transparent full
duplex data transmission on the 2 wire line. This includes the recognition of the synchronisation
pattern, as well as stable running of the adaptive echo canceller. This procedure is initiated by
both the LT (ISDN exchange) and the NT (NT1).

Cold start activation takes max. 15 seconds, warm start max. 600 ms!

The deactivation of the U-interface is an orderly disconnection procedure. This procedure is

only initiated by the LT (ISDN exchange).

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ABB EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 FOX-U / FOX515

3.3 Configuration

The EXBAT and SUBAT units are automatically initialized when power is switched on (i.e. when
they are plugged into the subrack). The micro controller obtains the configuration data from the
CENCA database and sets these parameters into the various blocks of EXBAT/SUBAT.

It is only possible to configure the EXBAT/SUBAT with SW using the UCST and its various
masks described below:

These masks are located in the branch: «Objects → units».

Setting EXBAT, SUBAT Parameters


Select: the desired Subunit

Press: «PARAM»

Fig. 3.6:

• Mode of Operation

Each of the EXBAT, SUBAT subunits can be programmed for scrambler/descrambler operation

This option scrambles the incoming signal to the CENCA crossconnect matrix and descramblers
the outgoing signal from the CENCA matrix.

An AIS-Detector is before the descrambler. The AIS-Signal is shown in the «STATUS» Menu.

The AIS Detection on EXBAT, SUBAT is always enabled!

• All intermediate AIS-Signals generated by transmission equipments between EXBAT

and SUBAT are detected by EXBAT.
• AIS on the U-interface is not detected as an AIS when it is scrambled.

The scrambler/descrambler can be disabled to make it possible for the EXBAT to intemperate
with far end equipment, or with measurement equipment that don't offer this facility.

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Normally the scrambler is enabled to prevent a user data of all ones from being alarmed by in-
termediate equipment as an AIS signal.

• Scrambler operation Mode

Enabled by marking the field with «X»

If an EXBAT subunit is programmed for scrambler operation, then the corresponding far
end channel in the SUBAT or PCM2-FA must also be programmed for scrambler opera-
tion mode (or vice versa).

If an EXBAT subunit is programmed with the scrambler operation mode disabled, then
the corresponding far end channel in the SUBAT or PCM2-FA must also be programmed
for the scrambler operation mode disabled (or vice versa).

Setting EXBAT and SUBAT Diagnostics


Select: the desired subunit

Press: «DIAGN»

Fig. 3.7: EXBAT

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Fig. 5.8: SUBAT

The following diagnostic configurations can be defined from the UCST.

• Test Mode

- IEC-T send single pulses:

Sends single pulses to the test equipment connected to the U-interface for
measuring the output signal parameters

- IEC-T in test mode:

Sends the U-interface synchronization word (Baker-code) to the test equip-
ment connected to the U-interface for measuring the output signal parame-

- IEC-T in NT-TE1 mode, only for EXBAT (by the ISDN exchange):
Allows loop 2 normally activated in the NT1 to be activated in the EXBAT.
This loops the signal back to the U-interface, testing the line, and the U-
interface on the EXBAT from the exchange.

- IEC-T in LT mode, only for SUBAT:

Set IECT into LT-mode

- Start test (close loop 3), only for EXBAT:

A self test is defined to test EXBAT HW and SW. A signal generated by EX-
BAT is looped back and compared.

The results of this test are displayed in the «TEST MODE STATUS» MENU.
The lower LED lights when test fails.

- Start test (close loop 1), only for SUBAT:

A self test is defined to test SUBAT Hw and SW. A signal generated by
SUBAT is looped back and compared.

The results of this test are displayed in the «TEST MODE STATUS» MENU.
The lower LED lights when test fails.

- None:
No diagnostics configuration is defined

To activate loops

See STEP 16 of the UCST Description (Operation Manual Part 1).

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Activation of loopbacks from ISDN exchange

The following loopback functions can be activated from the ISDN exchange using the E-bit.

• Loop 4
The data B1, B2 and D channels from the ISDN exchange is looped back to
the ISDN exchange in the SUBAT. The data is transparently transmitted to
the NT1.

The only indication of this loop from the EXBAT is the AIL indication in

• Loop 2
The received 2B+D data in the NT1 is looped back to the ISDN exchange.
The data is transparently transmitted to the ISDN equipment connected to the

There is no indication of this loop from the EXBAT.

Summary of EXBAT and SUBAT loops

Fig. 3.9:

• Activated by ISDN exchange

- Normally in NT1
- in EXBAT when EXBAT is in «IEC-T in NT-TE1» test mode

Monitoring Status and self test results

When the UCST is connected to the FOX-U, the status of EXBAT/ SUBAT and the self test re-
sults can be inspected and displayed.


Select: the desired subunit to be monitored

Press: «STATUS»

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Fig. 3.10:


Select: one of the choices listed

Press: «EDIT»

To obtain the status from the various MENUs:

Press: «GET»

To get actual datas from the unit.

Fig. 3.11: EXBAT

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FOX-U / FOX515 EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 ABB

Fig. 3.12: SUBAT

PCM-IOM Interface-upstream:

Requests or indications from NT-1, SUBAT or PCM-2FA to EXBAT (in the direction of ex-

Name Code Meaning

TIM 0000 Enable timing:

Request for timing signals from EXBAT.

DA 0001 Deactivation acknowledge:

Indication that the NT1 U-interface is being deactivated.

RSYU 0100 Resynchronizing Indication:

Indication of lost synchronization on U-interface.

ARU 1000 Activation Request:

Indication of a received wake up signal and request for activation.

AIU 1100 Activation Indication:

Indication that the transmission with the NT1 is synchronized

DIU 1111 Deactivation Indication:

Indication that U-interface deactivation procedure is finished.

1101 IECT is reset

0101 singlegle pulse test active

0110 Test pattern test active

PCM-IOM Interface-downstream:

Requests or indications from ISDN exchange, EXBAT or PCM-2FA to SUBAT (in the direction
of NT-1).

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Name Code Meaning

DR 0000 Deactivation Request:

The ISDN exchange requests the deactivation of the SUBAT U-

RSYD 0100 Resynchronizing Indication:

EXBAT has a Loss of Synch on U-interface

ARN 1000 Activation Request:

EXBAT is synchronized.

AR2 1010 Activation Request Loop 4:

Loop 4 (in SUBAT) requested by ISDN exchange.

AIN 1100 Activation Indication:

Transmission with the ISDN exchange is synchronized.

AIL 1110 Activation indication Loop 4:

Loop 4 (in SUBAT) is active

DID 1111 Deactivation Indication:

The ISDN U-interface deactivation procedure is finished.

1101 IECT is reset

0101 Single pulse test active

0110 Test pattern test active

Activation Procedure from NT1:

Order of status indication: TIM, ARU, RSYD, ARN, AIU, AIN

Activation procedure is successful when: AIU and AIN are displayed

Activation Procedure from ISDN switch:

Order of status indication: RSYD, ARU, ARN, AIU, AIN

Activation procedure is successful when: AIU and AIN are displayed

Deactivation Procedure from ISDN switch:

Order of status indication: DR, DA, DIU, DID

Activation procedure is successful when: DIU and DID are displayed

Loop 4 command from ISDN switch:

Order of status indication: RSYD, ARU, AR2, AIU, AIL

Loop 4 command is successful when: AIU and AIL are displayed

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FOX-U / FOX515 EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 ABB

• U-Interface:

- Short circuit:
U-interface at SUBAT or PCM-2FA has a short circuit, and short cir-
cuit simulation on U-interface of EXBAT is active

- Supply Voltage:
Remote power from ISDN is faulty (either EXBAT is not receiving
power from the exchange or SUBAT is not supplying power to the U-

• Frame slip counters (only in EXBAT):

- Positive slips:
Frame from U-interface is double read as the IECT is running too fast.

- Negative slips:
Frame from U-interface is skipped as the IECT is running too slow.

Slip counters are automatically set to «0» when:

- Subunit is enabled (before U-interface is activated)

- U-interface is deactivated

• AIS:

- B1:
AIS detected in B1 channel from the transmission end
(i.e. 2 Mbit/s signal)

- B2:
AIS detected in B2 channel from the transmission end
(i.e. 2 Mbit/s signal)

- D:
AIS detected in D channel from the transmission end
(i.e. 2 Mbit/s signal)

Fig. 3.13: EXBAT

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This menu displays the results of the EXBAT self test defined in the «DIAGNOSTICS» MENU:
by marking the «Start test (CLOSE LOOP 3)».

Fig. 3.14: SUBAT

This menu displays the result of the SUBAT defined in the «DIAGNOS-TICS» MENU: by mark-
ing the «START TEST (CLOSE LOOP 1)».

Test Result:

- Test running:
The self test is not yet finished

- Test ok:
Test is successfully completed without faults

- Error: loop 3 open (only for EXBAT):

Loop 3 is open (could not be activated)

- Error loop 1 open (only for SUBAT):

Loop 1 is open (could not be activated)

- Error in channel B1:

Received data is different from the sent data

- Error in channel B2:

Received data is different from the sent data

- Test Loop 3 closed (only for EXBAT):

Loop 3 is closed (active)

- Test Loop 1 closed (only for SUBAT):

Loop 1 is closed (active)

Setting Connection Points and Network Connections

Masks for connection points and Network connections are opened by selecting the branch “Ob-
jects” → «Connection points», and «Connections» respectively. The general details of the vari-
ous fields are described in the UCST manual.

The EXBAT can be used in two main applications described below:

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• direct interconnection of a SUBAT with an EXBAT

• connection of SUBAT or EXBAT with MEGIF (e.g. for FITL application)

SUBAT-EXBAT direct interconnection

Each subunit of the EXBAT and SUBAT uses 3 consecutive TSs.

• In the «Connection Points» mask,

- the TS Count is automatically set to «3» for both EXBAT and SUBAT chan-

- a subunit is selected

- .an available highway with sufficient free consecutive TSs is selected

- the first TS in the consecutive group of three is defined

- the information is loaded to the configuration table by pressing the «Create»


• In the «Connections» mask,

- each EXBAT channel is interconnected with a SUBAT channel as described

in the UCST Description (Operation Manual Part1).

Connection of SUBAT or EXBAT with MEG IF

Each subunit of the EXBAT and SUBAT uses 3 consecutive TSs. Therefore the connection
points of MEGIF that will be connected to SUBAT/EXBAT have to be created also with TS-
Count = 3.

• In the «Connection Points» mask,

- the TS Count is automatically set to «3» for EXBAT channels.

- the TS Count must be set to «3» for MEGIF subunit that connects to the EX-

- an available highway with sufficient free consecutive TSs is selected for each
of the subunits
- the information is loaded to the configuration table by pressing the «Create»

• In the «Connections» mask,

- each EXBAT or SUBAT subunit is interconnected with the MEGIF subunit set
with TS Count=3 as described in the UCST manual.

Setting Alarm Categories

The necessary procedures for setting the alarm categories are described in «Setting the unit
alarm categories)) in STEP 2 of the UCST Description (Operation Manual Part 1).

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3.4 Alarms

All alarms are displayed locally via the LEDs on the front panel of the unit.

Simultaneously, all the alarms are transmitted to the CENCA and are available via the UCST.

Alarm Indication

On the front panel there are two LEDs:

• the upper LED lights when the

- EXBAT/SUBAT-CENCA communication is faulty, or
- EXBAT/SUBAT self test failed

• The lower LED lights if at least one channel has an active urgent alarm

Alarm Text

SbU/Alarm No. Text Meaning

0 0 Hardware Fault: Self test of unit failed

*0 1 Loss rem. power DC/DC converter for NT1 remote powering failed

1-8 (4) 0 Hardware Fault: Self test of subunit failed

1-8 (4) 1 No deactivation: U-interface deactivation procedure still not suc-

cessfully completed after 2 seconds

1-8 (4) 2 No activation: U-interface activation procedure still not success-

fully completed after 31 seconds

1-8 (4) 3 Synch loss: Loss of synchronization on the U-interface for

more than 6 seconds when line is in active state

1-8 (4) 4 No act. far end: Remote U-interface activation procedure still not
successfully completed after 31 seconds

1-8 (4) 5 No deact. far end: Remote U-interface deactivation procedure still
not successfully completed after 2 seconds

1-8 (4) 6 Synch loss far end: Remote Loss of synchronization on the U-
interface for mor than 6 seconds

*1-4 7 Overload U-int. Short circuit on DC power path

* Only valid for SUBAT

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FOX-U / FOX515 EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 ABB

3.5 Technical data

EXBAT comprises 8 full-duplex and SUBAT 4 full-duplex, 2 wire U-interfaces, corresponding to

FTZ 1 TR 220 and ETSI DTR/ ZM-3002 standards. The interfaces connect to ISDN exchanges
using 4B3T coding. (UKO). The front access connector is a 32-pole male type. The 2 wire pairs
within the building are generally screened individually with all screens connected to earth.

U-Interface General parameters

Method of transmission 2 wire with adaptive echo

Transmission code 4B3T
Line attenuation 32 dB at 40 kHz
Line Cross sections 0.4 mm to 1.0 mm
Echo Attenuation >16dB (12.5kHz to 50kHz)
Symmetrical attenuation >40dB(20kHz to 150kHz)
Polarity of a/b not important
Capacitance a/b 1.36 uF
Isolation of a or b to earth 500 V, 50 Hz, 1 minute
A-bit delay (delay of remote
power transfer) 100 ms to 200 ms
Jitter 62.5 us by 4.096 MHz
Delay 2 Frames
Scrambler / descrambler V.29
AIS recognition <4bits=0 in 256 frames

Parameters for EXBAT

DC characteristics (only EXBAT) Ua/b I

0Vto18V <10 µA
18Vto28V <5 mA
28Vto100V 1...5 mA
Remote power detection Udet
(only EXBAT) 25 V to 40 V
Short circuit simulation
(only EXBAT) >55 mA indefinite for
3 sec for Ua/b>Udet

Remote power (only for SUBAT)

Voltage (I = 0...45 mA) 92 ...99 V

Max. voltage against earth 55 V
Max. short circuit current 50 mA
Respond time for current limitation Max. 10 ms
Switch off time in case of a
short circuit <1,8 s (for power supply)
Max. time up to next trial
to switch on power supply 16,8 s

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Maximum Length of Line

The permissible length of the line depends on the line properties. The attenuation shall not be
greater than 32 dB at 40 kHz.

The lines must have all loading coils removed.

Typical distances are listed below, valid for SUBAT and EXBAT:

Wire diameter (mm) Line length (km)

0.4 4.2
0.6 8.0
0.8 10.5

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FOX-U / FOX515 EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 ABB

3.6 EPROM Position

Fig. 3.15: Location of EPROM for SUBAT and EXBAT

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3.7 Installation

EXBAT, SUBAT cable 3.3514.118/..

Wire wrap side

* For EXBAT only!

FOX-U must have -48V connected to up either directly (connected in parallel with UP1
and / or UP2) or via optional fuse unit COBOX.

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4 EXLIC 451 and


4.1 Application

The FOX-U connects to an ISDN exchange via EXLIC with 8 basic rate access-U-interfaces
with the 2B1Q code.

The FOX-U connects to NT1s via SULIS with 8 basic rate access-U-interfaces with the 2B1Q

The ISDN terminals connect to a NT1.

The ISDN exchange and the NT1s are connected to the FOX-U via a wire pair up to 8 km length
(for 0.6 mm wire) called the U-inter-face. The U-interface offers full duplex data transmission via
two B channels and signalling via the D channel. The SULIS provides remote powering to the

With EXLIC and SULIS the U-interface can be prolonged (similar as telephone lines can be pro-
longed with EXLAN and SUBLA) and ISDN services can be provided also to remotely sited sub-
scribers via access networks with FOX-U.

Typical applications of the EXLIC, SULIS are shown below.

Application as a U-interface repeater

Fig. 4.1: Application prolonging of U-interface

Up to 16 km can be spanned between the NT1 and the ISDN exchange using the FOX-U
equipped with EXLIC and SULIS units connected back to back. The EXLIC interfaces to the
ISDN exchange in effect simulating the NT1. The SULIS interfaces to the NT1 in effect simulat-
ing the ISDN exchange.

RISS (Remote ISDN Subscriber System) application for prolonging the U-interface via a
transmission network

Fig. 4.2: Application prolonging of U-interface

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ABB EXLIC 451 and SULIS 393 FOX-U / FOX515

For longer distances, any PCM transmission medium can be placed in between the EXLICs and
SULISs. Each ISDN channel (2B+D) is transparently transmitted using 3 consecutive 64 kbit/s
PCM TSs of a 2 Mbit/s G.703 signal. Optionally, the FOX-U can be configured to transmit two
2B+D channels over 5 consecutive TSs.

Channel Bank in FITL (Fiber In The Loop) system

Fig. 4.3: Application with a FITL system

The FOX-U equipped with EXLICs can be use as a channel bank. In this application the FOX-U
adapts and multiplexes the U-inter-faces from an ISDN exchange to a 2 Mbit/s system. This 2
Mbit/s signal is fed into the FITL system where it is transmitted and distributed to the subscrib-

Channel capacities of FOX-U

The number of ISDN channels that can be equipped on a FOX-U subrack is basically lim-
ited by the powering capacity of the two POSUP power supply cards. One POSUP can
power up to 5 EXLIC and for SULIS. Two POSUPs can power up to 10 EXLIC and/or SU-
LIS. It does not significantly matter if the SbUs are in use (activated) or if they are dis-

Repeater application

For the ISDN repeater application, the FOX-U subrack can be equipped with maximum 5 EX-
LICs and 5 SULISs for repeatering a total of 40 ISDN lines.

RISS application

For the RISS application, the FOX-U subrack on the exchange side can be equipped with maxi-
mum 10 EXLICs and 4 MEGIFs. The FOX-U subrack on the subscriber side can be equipped
with maximum 10 SULISs and 4 MEGIFs. This provides up to 80 ISDN channels over eight 2
Mbit/s signals. Up to 12 ISDN channels can be transmitted on a 2 Mbit/s signal.

Channel capacities of FOX-U/M

The number of ISDN channels that can be equipped on a FOX-U/M subrack is basically limited
by the number of slots available (5 slots).

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A MIPOS in addition to the INTOS is required for powering, if more than 2 ISDN
cards are equipped!

Repeater application

For the ISDN repeater application, the FOX-U/M subrack can be equipped with maximum 2 EX-
LICs and 2 SULISs for repeatering a total of 16 ISDN lines. The INTOS can supply the required
power, and MIPOS can be installed as a redundant power supply.

RISS application

For the RISS application, the FOX-U/M subrack on the exchange side can be equipped with
maximum 3 EXLICs and 1 MEGIF. The FOX-U/M subrack on the subscriber side can be
equipped with maximum 3 SULISs and 1 MEGIFs. This provides up to 24 ISDN channels over
two 2 Mbit/s signals. Up to 12 ISDN channels can be transmitted on a 2 Mbit/s signal.

Front Panel

Fig. 4.4: EXLIC, SULIS Front Panel View

• 8 Interfaces with 2B1Q code according to ANSI T1.601/1992
• 2B+D transparently transmitted using 3 or optionally 2 1/2 TSs
• remote powering of NT1s by SULIS
• clock extraction from the U-interfaces for synchronisation of FOX-U

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4.2 Design of EXLIC

Block Diagram of EXLIC

Fig. 4.5: Block diagram of EXLIC

EXLIC consists of the following function blocks:

• U-interface
• IECQ (ISDN Echo Cancellation Circuit for 2B1Q code)
• EPIC (Extended PCS Interface Controller)
• Micro Controller


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The 2 wire subscriber line interface from the ISDN exchange (EXLIC) is galvanically isolated for
up to 500 VAC. Therefore it is insensitive to any ground along the U-interface. Furthermore the
connection to the a/b wires is polarity insensitive ensuring trouble free installation.

A hybrid transformer converts the 2 wire U-interface into a 4 wire TX/RX signal which is con-
nected to the IECQ block for further processing.

The remote powering on the U-interface from the ISDN exchange is detected. During the time
that the remote powering from the ISDN exchange is off, the EXLIC instructs the SULIS to also
turn off its remote powering to the NT1.


The IECQ converts the binary signals of the FOX-U internal highway to/from the 2B1Q code
used on the U-interface. The timing from the U-interface is extracted, and can be used as a
source for synchronisation of the FOX-U.

The U-interface contains the following data signals:

• two B channels for user data each with 64 kbit/s,

• one D channel for user signalling with 16 kbit/s, and
• one auxiliary M channel used for transmitting frame synchronisation status information
and loop activation commands with 16 kbit/s.

This 160 kbit/s signal is mapped into 3 consecutive 64 kbit/s TSs of a 2 Mbit/s signal or the sig-
nals from 2 SbUs can be mapped into 5 consecutive 64 kbit/s TSs. This option is settable via
the UCST Parameter of SbU 0 (Grouping of TSs).

The input signals from the U-interface are passed thru an adaptive echo canceller that continu-
ously adapts to any gradual and sudden changes in the echoes on the 2 wire line. Gradual
changes are mainly caused by temperature variations and aging factors. Sudden changes are
mainly caused by installation procedures causing changes to the line characteristics.


Accommodation of frame timing differences

On its 8 inputs, the EXLIC must be able to adjust the receivers on 8 different phases of the

SPLIT is an ASIC containing elastic buffers that allow ISDN channels with slightly different tim-
ing to be multiplexed on a 2 Mbit/s G703 signal. The elastic buffer used is 2 frames long allow-
ing controlled slips to accommodate any differences in the timing.

If the frames are received too fast, then the SPLIT will accumulate 2 frames, and when the buff-
ers overflow, it will skip an entire frame and cause a negative slip in order to get back in syn-

If the frames are received too slow, then the SPLIT will double read an entire frame and cause a
positive slip in order to get back in synchronisation.

Multiplex / demultiplex function

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The SPLIT multiplexes / demultiplexes 8 ISDN channels to/from a 2 Mbit/s internal port (desig-
nated port 0 on the block diagram).

Further functions

A second 2 Mbit/s (port 1) is used as a control line for setting and reading the following options:

• connection of extracted timing onto the FOX-U internal clock buses,

• setting and reading of the A and E status bits,
• AIS detection


The IDEC is used to access information in the maintenance channel.


EPIC (Extended PCM Interface Controller) is responsible for the interface between the internal
highways (CENCA matrix) and SPLIT. Here the data of the U-interface are allocated TSs of the
internal PCM highways. Control and maintenance functions between the micro-controller and
the IECQ are carried on a separate S channel.

Micro Controller

The Micro Controller initializes and controls the EPIC, SPLIT, and IECQ. As well, it allows the
EXLIC to communicate with the CENCA for exchanging configuration and alarm data.

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4.3 Design of SULIS

Block Diagram of SULIS

Fig. 4.6: Block diagram of SULIS

SULIS consists of the following function blocks:

• Two-wire U-interface with protection circuit and hybrid circuit.

• Current limitation
• Microcontroller

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• µC-LAN interface
• DC / DC converter
• Changeover switch for 48 V / 96 V


Two-wire U-interface with protection circuit and hybrid circuit

A two-wire line (Ua/Ub), leading to the NT1, is connected to this interface. The interface is
safeguarded against overvoltage by a protective circuit.

The conversion 2-wire ↔ 4-wire is done using a hybrid circuit. The hybrid circuit consists of a
passive network and a transformer for adaptation of the impedance. The remote power supply
for the remote NT1 is fed into the line side of the transformer.

DC/DC Converter for remote powering

In SULIS a DC/DC converter is built in for remotely supplying the NT1 units at the subscriber's
end. The remote supply's voltage is symmetrically fed in the 2 wires of the U-interface.

The DC/DC converter electrically isolates the remote power supply from the UBUS and pro-
duces either a single -48V or a balanced +48V supply, as selected by the change over switch

The remote powering is not derived from the POSUP: It must be separately pro-
vided from a 48 V supply connected to the Up connection on the FOX-U subrack.

Current limiting

In this block the supply current for the NT1 (individually for each line) is monitored and limited to
a maximum of 46 mA. When this value is exceeded, the block sends the signal «Current limit»
to the microcontroller. This responds with the signal «Power off» and cuts off remote power for
this channel. At regular intervals, remote power is again applied. When the short circuit has dis-
appeared, the remote power supply remains on.

Changeover switch 48V or 96V

On the upper left of the printed circuit board of the SULIS unit, there is a changeover switch for
selecting the remote power supply. The remote power supply is selected as 48 V or 96 V and
applies to all 8 channels simultaneously. It is possible to switch off the remote power supply in-
dividually for each channel by means of software.

Switch positions

The position of the switch on the printed circuit board is shown in Figure 4.7

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Fig. 4.7: SULIS printed circuit board


This block offers the following functions:

• U-interface
• Echo cancelling
• IOM-2 channel
• Switching of test loop 1a

For the duplex transmission of data to the NT1 via the U-interface, the signal is encoded in
2B1Q code. The line bit rate of 160 kbit/s contains two B channels of 64 kbit/s each, a D chan-
nel of 16 kbit/s and a maintenance M channel of 16 kbit/s used for transmitting frame synchroni-
sation information and loop activation commands.

The echoes generated on the transmission path are compensated by the echo cancelling pro-
cedure and impedance adaptation to the line.

The IOM-2 channel is an internal interface, developed and standardized to serve the link be-
tween the highly integrated Telecom IC's. The clock frequency of IECQ is synchronized to sys-
tem clock of FOX-U by means of a PLL.

To carry out a function test, the test loop 1a activated by the ISDN exchange can be inserted in
the IECQ block.

This loops the 2B+D channels back to the ISDN exchange.


The IDEC block is used to access information in the auxiliary M channel and use it appropriately
for auxiliary signalling for the U-interface.


In this block the incoming data from both transmission routes are buffered and inserted into the
selected time slots and highways (per channel). The EPIC is controlled via its address/data bus
by the microcontroller. The beginning of the frame is marked by an 8 kHz synchronization pulse.

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In the reverse direction, the signal is extracted from the PCM frame and transmitted to the IECQ


The microcontroller initializes all complex integrated circuits of the SULIS unit.

It controls the EPIC block which connects the appropriate time slots from the highways on to the
IOM-2 bus.

The microcontroller has access to the data of the S channel via the IECQ block. It communi-
cates throught this channel with the remote EXLIC.

In the IECQ block, the microcontroller controls the maintenance functions (test loop and error

It reads the slot number which determines the position of SULIS within FOX-U.

The microcontroller runs under the control of the local, card-specific ROM software. The chan-
nels are cyclically scanned to monitor their alarm status.

Any transmission alarm messages are passed on to the central control card CENCA, and simul-
taneously the lower red «signal» LED is illuminated on the front panel.

µC-LAN interface
SULIS communicates with CENCA via the µC-LAN interface and the «control signals» line. The
configuration data is exchanged and the alarm messages are sent to CENCA.

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4.4 Description of functions common to both EXLIC and SULIS


Two POSUPs must be used to power up to a maximum of 80 ISDN channels (80 EXLIC and/or
SULIS SbUs). This means that when the FOX-U is equipped with more than 40 ISDN channels,
the second POSUP can not be used as a redundant hot stand-by power supply card.

• The following points should be noted:

- SbUs that are disabled do not consume significantly less power than the
SbUs that are enabled.

- U-interfaces that are activated and in use (transparent) do not consume sig-
nificantly more power than U-interfaces that are deactivated and not transmit-
ting data.

- Remote powering of the NT1s from the SULIS are provided by external 48V
source connected to the UF terminal on the FOX-U subrack.


Synchronization of EXLIC

The FOX-U containing the EXLIC must be synchronized from the ISDN exchange. Up to two
EXLIC SbUs transmitting user data can be defined as one of the 4 clock sources for the FOX-U
provided that it can be guaranteed that the SbUs stay permanently active (not turned off). Oth-
erwise, the FOX-U must be either synchronized to the ISDN exchange via a dedicated 2 MHz
clock signal from the exchange, or via a dedicated data data channel that is always active.

Synchronization of SULIS

The FOX-U containing the SULIS must be synchronized from the corresponding FOX-U on the
exchange side.

U-interface maintenance (M channel)

Each 2B+D basic access ISDN channel has an maintenance 16 kbit/s channel «M» that is used
for the following signalling:

• Activation and deactivation of the U-interfaces

• Control of U-interface when Loss of Synchronization and Loss of Signal has been de-
• Loopback activation
• Transmission of Signal degradation information
• Transmission of remote powering status of ISDN exchange

Activation and deactivation procedures

The activation of the U-interface is a procedure of initializing the U-interface for transparent full
duplex data transmission on the 2 wire line. This includes the recognition of the synchronization

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pattern, as well as stable running of the adaptive echo canceller. This procedure is initiated by
both the NT1 or by the ISDN exchange.

Cold start activation (after power up) takes up to max. 15 seconds. Warm start activation (after
normal deactivation) takes up to max. 600 ms.

The deactivation of the U-interface is an orderly disconnection procedure. This procedure is ini-
tiated only by the ISDN exchange.

Activation by NT1:

When the activation takes place from the NT1 then after «wake up» of the U-interface on the
SULIS side, «wake up» of the U-interface on the EXLIC side is immediately carried out. Both
connections are activated but are not transparent until both are synchronized and the appropri-
ate command is sent by the NT1.

Activation of the EXLIC U-interface is not possible if the NT1 does not have a TE (ISDN
Terminal) connected to its S interface.

Activation by ISDN exchange:

When the activation takes place from the ISDN exchange then after «wake up» of the U-
interface on the EXLIC side, «wake up» of the U-interface on the SULIS side is immediately car-
ried out. The U-interface to the EXLIC must first be synchronized and the appropriate command
must be sent by the NT1. Only then is the SULIS U-interface activated and transparent.

Activation of the SULIS U-interface is not possible if the NT1 does not have a TE (ISDN
Terminal) connected to its S interface.

Deactivation by ISDN exchange:

Deactivation is always triggered by the ISDN exchange.

Control of U-interface when Loss of Synchronization and Loss of Signal at either ISDN
exchange side or at the NT1 has been detected.

Loss of Synchronization and Loss of Signal causes deactivation of EXLIC U-interface and SU-
LIS U-interface.

Loopback activation

The following loopback can be activated only from the ISDN exchange using the S channel:

Loop Loc. Channels Loop activation command

1a SULIS 2B+D LBBD Address 2

2 NT1 2B+D LBBD Address 0
21 NT1 B1 LB1 Address 0
21 NT1 B2 LB2 Address 0

All loops are transparent, meaning that the signal being looped back continues to be transmit-

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Fig. 4.8

Transmission of Signal degradation information

• The ISDN exchange can request Corrupt (inverted) CRCs from the EXLIC in order to
test its NEBE (Near End Block Error) counter. It does this via command MONO:RCC
The TE must be connected.!

• FEBE (Far End Block Error) bit is set to «0» by the EXLIC to notify the ISDN exchange
that it has detected Block Errors on its received signal from the ISDN exchange.

• FEBE (Far End Block Error) bit is set to «0» by the SULIS to notify the NT1 that it has
detected Block Errors on its received signal from the NT1.

Fig. 4.9:

Transmission of status of remote powering from ISDN exchange

The EXLIC monitors the remote powering from the ISDN exchange and informs the far end SU-
LIS to regenerate the same conditions. This regeneration takes up to 1 second.

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4.5 Configuration of EXLIC/SULIS

The EXLIC and SULIS units are automatically initialized when power is switched on (i.e. when
they are plugged into the subrack). The micro controller obtains the configuration data from the
CENCA database and sets these parameters into the various blocks of the units.

It is only possible to configure the EXLIC and SULIS with SW using the UCST and its various
masks described below:

These masks are located in the branch: «Objects → units».

Setting EXLIC, SULIS Parameters


Select: theSbU 0
Press: «PARAM»

Fig. 4.10:

• Grouping of SbUs

Each subunits normally requires 3 consecutive 64kb/s TSs of an internal FOX-U highway.

Two TS are required for the two 64kb/s B channels for user data, and one TS is required for
the 16kb/s D channel for signalling.

Two subunits can however be grouped so that their signalling D channel share a common
TS. As a result, only 5 consecutive TS are required for the 2 SbUs.

- Mark with «X» in the appropriate place to group the SbUs.

Both EXLIC and its corresponding SULIS at the far end must be programmed with the
same option!

Monitoring Status of EXLIC and SULIS

When the UCST is connected to the FOX-U, the status of EXLIC and SULIS can be inspected
and displayed.


Select: the desired SbU to be monitored

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Press: «STATUS»

The «STATUS» MENU displays the status of the commands and indications that are ex-
changed between the EXLIC and the SULIS in order to control the U interface on each side.

Commands from the SULIS are sent upstream, and they are received as indications on the EX-

Commands from the EXLIC are sent downstream, and they are received as indications on the

NT1…..U-int. . .SULIS……..EXLIC…..U-int……ISDN exchange

commands - upstream → indications

indications ← downstream - commands

Fig. 4.11: «STATUS» MASK for EXLIC

During normal fault-free operation, the «STATUS» MENU shows either:

- lasting «TRANS» status for both upstream and downstream to indicate that U
interfaces are activated and synchronized for transparent transmission of
user data on the 2B+D channels, or

- lasting «DEAC» status for both upstream and downstream to indicate that the
U interfaces are deactivated.

During faulty operation, the «STATUS» MENU shows combinations of lasting «START»,
«ACT», or «LOS» status, indicating that the activation, deactivation procedures are locked up
and are not successfully completed.

• PCM-Status Upstream
Displays the status of the commands from SULIS to EXLIC (in the direction of the ISDN ex-

Name Meaning

START The activation procedure was started for both U interfaces but not termi-

ACT The SULIC U interface is activated but not transparent.

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TRANS The SULIC U interface is transparent (i.e. it is ready for transmitting user data
in the 2B+D channel)

DEAC The SULIC U interface is deactivated. This state is necessary to ready the
SULIS U interface for the next activation.

LOS The SULIS has Loss of Synchronization or a Loss of received signal from the
NT1, but the U interface is not deactivated.

• PCM-Status Downstream
Displays the status of the commands from EXLIC to SULIS (in the direction of the NT1)

Name Meaning

START The activation procedure was started for both U interfaces but not termi-

ACT This is not applicable as the ACT command is only in the upstream direction.

TRANS The EXLIC U interface is transparent (i.e. it is ready for transmitting user data
in the 2B+D channel)

DEAC The EXLIC U interface is deactivated. This state is necessary to ready the
EXLIC U interface for the next activation. This also starts the deactivation
procedure for the SULIS U interface.

LOS The EXLIC has a Loss of Synchronization from the ISDN exchange, but the
U interface is not deactivated.

• U-Interface
Displays if U interface is remotely powered by the ISDN exchange.

Name Meaning

No supply The ISDN exchange is not remotely powering the U interface

Monitoring Additional Status information of SULIS

Fig. 4.12: «STATUS» MASK for SULIS

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• U-Interface
Displays the status of the U-Interface of SULIS

Name Meaning

Loop 1 a Loop 1 a in SULIS looping the signal back to the ISDN exchange is activated
by the ISDN exchange. The signal is at the same time transparently transmit-
ted to the NT1.

Short circuit The U interface is shorted.

No supply The ISDN exchange has switched off the remote power to the U interface.
The EXLIC detects this state and informs the SULIS which in turn regener-
ates this state.

• Remote Supply
Displays the status of the remote powering

Name Meaning

96 V The SULIS is remotely powering the NT1 with 96 V

48 V The SULIS is remotely powering the NT1 with 48 V

No supply The DC/DC converter on the SULIS used for remote powering the NT1 is de-
fect, or the 48 V source to the DC/DC converter on the Up connector on the
FOX-U is missing or faulty.

• SULIS Mode
NTU Not applicable
ISDN The SULIS operates with an NT1

• PCM Status

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See description of «STATUS» MASK for EXLIC. The upstream and downstream PCM
Status can be displayed from either the SULIS or the EXLIC. They both display the identical

Setting Connection points and Network connections

Masks for connection points and network connections are opened by selecting the branch «Ob-
jects» → «Connection points», and «Connections» respectively. The general details of the vari-
ous fields are described in the UCST manual.

The EXLIC can be used in two main applications described below:

• direct interconnection of a EXLIC with an SULIS (repeater)

• connection of SULIS with an EXLIC via MEGIF / TUNOP / or LECO.

EXLIC/SULIS direct interconnection

Each SbU of the EXLIC and SULIS use 3 consecutive TSs as follows:

TSn Bits 7..0 B1 Channel 64 kbit/s

TSn+1 Bits 7..0 B2 Channel 64 kbit/s
TSn+2 Bits 7,6 D Channel 16 kbit/s
TSn+2 Bits 5,4 M Channel 16 kbit/s
TSn+2 Bits 3..0 1111

The 2B+D channels are transparently transmitted.

The M channel is used internally.

Optionally two SbUs of the EXLIC and SULIS can share 5 consecutive TSs as follows:

For the first SbU:

TSn Bits 7..0 B1 Channel 64 kbit/s

TSn+1 Bits 7..0 B2 Channel 64 kbit/s
TSn+4 Bits 7,6 D Channel 16 kbit/s
TSn+4 Bits 5,4 M Channel 16 kbit/s

For the second SbU:

TSn+2 Bits 7..0 B1 Channel 64 kbit/s

TSn+3 Bits 7..0 B2 Channel 64 kbit/s
TSn+4 Bits 3,2 D Channel 16 kbit/s
TSn+4 Bits 1,0 M Channel 16 kbit/s

The 2B+D channels are transparently transmitted.

The M channel is used internally.

• In the «Connection Points» mask,

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- the TS Count is automatically set to «3» for ungrouped SbUs and «5» for
grouped SbUs.

- a channel (subunit) is selected

- an available highway with sufficient free consecutive TSs is selected

- the first TS in the consecutive group of three is defined

- the information is loaded to the table by pressing the «Create» button.

• In the «Connections» mask,

- each EXLIC channel is interconnected with a SULIS channel as described in

the UCST manual.

EXLIC/SULIS connection via Transmission units

Same as above but the transmission units must be programmed for either a TSC=3 or 5, and
CAS must be (in MEGIF) disabled.

Setting Alarm Categories

The necessary procedures for setting the alarm categories are described in “Setting the unit
alarm categories” in STEP 2 of the UCST Description (Operation Manual Part 1).

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4.6 Alarms

All alarms are displayed locally via the LEDs on the front panel of the module.

Simultaneously, all the alarms are transmitted to the CENCA and are available via the UCST.

Alarm Indication

On the front panel there are two LEDs:

• The upper LED lights when the

- EXLIC or SULIS-CENCA communication is faulty, or

- EXLIC or SULIS self test failed

• The lower LED lights if at least one channel has an urgent active alarm

Alarm Text

SbU No. Text Meaning

0 0 Hardware Fault Self test of unit failed

0 1 Loss rem. Power The DC/DC converter on the SULIS used for re-
mote powering theNT1 is defect, or the 48V
source to the DC/DC converter on the Up con-
nector on the FOX-U is missing or faulty, (only for

1-8 0 Hardware Fault Not applicable as there is no self test facility.

1-8 1 Sub.side not act Activation procedure not successfully completed

after 30 seconds. Probable cause is that the TE
connected to the NT1 (ISDN terminal) or the NT1
is faulty.

1-8 2 Not transparent ISDN ↔ NT1 connection not transparent. Prob-

able cause is problems with activation / deactiva-
tion procedures. This can be because of faulty
functioning of the echo cancellers or because the
line characteristics do not meet the required

1-8 3 Synch loss:exch. Loss of Synchronization or Loss of Signal on the

EXLIC U-interface when line is activated.

1-8 4 Synch loss:sub. Loss of Synchronization or Loss of Signal on the

SULIS U-interface when line is activated.

1-8 5 Act. controller. The activation procedure is monitored every 200

ms. An alarm is activated when a fault is de-

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tected, and cleared after 1 minute when the fault

is cleared.

1-8 6 Monitor ch no Rx: Some of the facilities such as loop-back and

block error transmission are handled internally in
the IECQ via a monitor channel provided it is
functioning correctly. This alarm is activated
when this monitor channel doesn't receive any
data, and cleared after 1 minute when data are
again detected.

1-8 7 U not deactive: When a SbU is enabled, its U-inter-face is auto-

matically deactivated within 1 minute to ensure
that it is a correct state for subsequent activation.
When a newly enabled SbU is incorrectly not in
the deactive state as indicated by this alarm, it
must be disabled and re enabled.

1-8 8 Overload of U: The remote powering circuitry is overloaded due

to shorting of the U-interface. (only for SULIS)

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4.7 Technical data

EXLIC and SULIS possess 8 full-duplex, 2 wire U-interfaces, corresponding to ETSI ETR 080
Annex A and ANSI T1.601-1992 Standards using 2B1Q coding. The front access connector is a
32-pole male type. The 2 wire pairs within the building are generally screened individually with
all screens connected to earth.


Method of transmission 2 wire with adaptive echo cancelling

Transmission code 2B1Q
Line termination 135 Ohms
Line Baud rate 80 kBaud
Average signal power 13.5 dBm
Line attenuation 36 dB at 40 kHz (ETR 080)

Line Cross sections 0.4 mm to 1.0 mm

Return loss >20dB(10to25kHz)
Slope: 20 dB/decade
25 to 250 kHz
1 to 10 kHz
Longitudinal conversion loss >55 dB (1 to 40 kHz)

Polarity of a/b not important

Capacitance a/b 1.36 µF
Isolation of a or b to earth 500 V, 50 Hz, 1 minute (EXLIC)
1500 V, 50 Hz, 1 minute (SULIS)

DC characteristics Ua/b I
0Vto18V <10 µA
18Vto28V <5mA
28Vto100V 1mA to 5mA

Remote power detection Udet

(EXLIC) 25 V to 40 V

A-bit delay (delay of remote

power transfer) 100 ms to 200 ms
Jitter 62.5 µs by 4.096 MHz

Delay 2 Frames
AIS recognition >4 bits=0 in 256 frames upstream

Remote powering (SULIS) 48 V or 96 V +2%/-8%

Max. voltage of a or b wire to earth:+/-50V

Max. continuous power rating 1,7 W (per channel)

Current limiting 46+/-4 mA
Retention time on short circuit 1s
Max. time for restoration 32s
Max permissable line resistance 2x150 Ohms at 48 V
2x600 Ohms at 96 V

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Transparency of Maintenance overhead bits («M channel») thru FOX-U

Transparency of bits mean that the bit that is read is the same value as the bit that is sent, but
with an added delay of up to 150ms max..

The 2B + D and all maintenance overhead bits of the «M channel», except those listed below,
are transmitted transparently thru the FOX-U with an added delay of up to 150ms.

Downstream (LT → NT1)

bit meaning comment

ACT=«1» upstream is looped back downstream. (EXLIC sends ACT=1 to

NT1 before it receives it from LT in order to ensure that the TE is ready for
ACT Layer 1 is transparent Layer 2 data from LT. This is to compensate for the 150ms delay intro-
duced by the EXLIC in reading the ACT bit from the LT). LT begins trans-
mitting layer 2 messages 24ms after looping ACT bit back to TE.

DEA bit is not used in order to avoid the 150ms delay that would result by
DEA Start of deactivation the EXLIC reading the DEA bit from the LT. Instead, the DR command
from the LT is used.
Errored data received by
FEBE FEBE bit is set by SULIS when errored data is received from the NT1.
UOA U only activation Not supported by FOX-U. SULIS sends permanent UOA=1 to NT1.

Upstream (LT ← NT1)

bit meaning comment

EXLIC sends the UAI command to LT only after it receives ACT=1 from
TE. This ensures that the LT does not time out due to the 150ms delay
that is introduced by the SULIS in reading the ACT bit from the NT1.
ACT Layer 1 is transparent NOTE: This means that activation with «ACT bit ignored by the ex-
change» (i.e. using AR0 command) and activation without TE is not pos-

Errored data received by

FEBE FEBE bit is set by EXLIC when errored data is received from LT.
CSO cold start only by NT1 Not supported by FOX-U. EXLIC sends permanent CSO=0 to LT.
SAI S/T is activated Not supported by FOX-U. EXLIC sends permanent SAI=1 to LT.

Transparency of addressing of commands from ISDN exchange thru FOX-U

All addresses from ISDN are transmitted transparently thru the FOX-U as follows:

• Address 0 (for NT1) is transmitted transparently.

• Address 1 (for EXLIC) is transmitted transparently and recognized by the EXLIC.

• Address 2 (for SULIS) is transmitted transparently and recognized by the SULIS.

• Addresses 3...6 sent downstream are decremented by «2» and transmitted transparently as

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ABB EXLIC 451 and SULIS 393 FOX-U / FOX515

• Addresses 1...4 returned upstream are incremented by «2» and transmitted transparently as

Delays thru FOX-U

• Max. delay between command sent from LT answer from FOX-U is 180ms.

• Max. delay between command sent from LT and answer from NT1 is 360ms.

• During this time, the EXLIC does not send any HOLD message to the LT, and messages
from other equipment downstream are not transmitted thru the FOX-U.

Maximum Length of Line for EXLIC and SULIS

The permissible length of the line depends on the line properties. The attenuation shall not be
greater than 36 dB at 40 kHz (ETSI). The transmission performance conforms with that defined
in ETR 080.

The lines must have all loading coils removed.

For lines with no interference, the following typical ranges can be expected:

Wire dia (mm) Line length (km)

0.4 4.8
0.6 8.8
0.8 11.5

The remote powering voltage must be set to 96 V!

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FOX-U / FOX515 EXLIC 451 and SULIS 393 ABB

4.8 EPROM Position

Fig. 4.13: Location of EPROM for EXLIC and SULIS

92/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB EXLIC 451 and SULIS 393 FOX-U / FOX515

4.9 Installation

EXLIC, SULIS 3.3514.118/..

FOX-U must have -48 V connected to UF either directly (connected in parallel with
UP1 and/or UP2) or via optional fuse unit COBOX!

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5 UNIDA 431, 432, 433,

434, 435

5.1 Application

For UNIDA with bitrates 128 kbit/s or higher and with CAS operation, CENCA must be
FW 2.5 or higher!


With the greatly increasing requirement for applications using data transmission, the need to
support a wide range of DTEs with many different data interfaces and data rates is evident.

Subrate multiplexing

In order to utilize the transmission facilities optimally, it is necessary to provide a subrate multi-
plexing function, allowing asynchronous as well as synchronous channels with low data rates to
share a 64kbit/s time slot.

nx64 kbit/s

On the other hand, for high data rate channels, it is necessary to provide a timeslot bundeling
function allowing one channel with nx64 kbit/s to use «n» consecutive 64 kbit/s timeslots.


For channels requiring automatic switchover to backup transmission facilities for automatic fault
recovery, a 1+1 end to end path protection switching must be provided.

Performance monitoring

Certain channels, especially those using leased lines, require a proactive fault management fa-
cility that continually monitors the quality of service without having to disrupt the service. The
performance monitoring function provides an additional 64 kbit/s timeslot per channel for per-
formance measurements to G.826.

The 1+1 function can be combined with the performance monitoring function to provide chan-
nels with very high reliability when required.

Point to multipoint

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ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

A point to multipoint master/slave polling functionality is required for multidrop circuits.

Framed / unframed signals

Operation over framed G.704 2 Mbit/s signals (with CAS option), as well as unframed G.703 2
Mbit/s signals are required in order to guarantee interworking with other equipment.


Co-directional and contra-directional operation is required to ensure that various synchroniza-

tion modes can be used.

The UNIDA can only derive its own timing requirements from the FOX-U. It can
NOT be used as one of the timing source for the FOX-U!


The Universal Data Access unit (UNIDA) for FOX-U supports all the above requirements. It is
available in 5 versions with the following DTE interfaces:

Version SbUs Interface Data rates

UNIDA 433 4 X.24/V.11 48, 56, nx64kbit/s (n=1-31) sync
0.6kbit/s..38.4kbit/s sync/async (X.30)
UNIDA 434 2 V.36 RS-449 48, 56, nx64kbit/s (n=1-31) sync
0.6kbit/s..38.4kbit/s sync/async (V.110)
UNIDA 435 4 V.36 RS-449 (1) 48, 56, nx64kbit/s (n=1-31) sync
(1) 0.6kbit/s...38.4kbit/s sync/async (V.110)
UNIDA 432 4 V.35 48, 56, nx64kbit/s (n=1-31) sync
0.6kbit/s...38.4kbit/s sync/async (V.110)
UNIDA 431 4 V24/V.28 RS-232 0...0.3kbit/s transp (V.110)
0.6kbit/s...38.4kbit/s sync/async (V.110)

(1) Circuits 140, 141, and 142 used for loop activation/status from/to DTE are
not supported by UNIDA 435!

With CAS option, only up to 30 timeslots (n=1-30) are available for user data on a 2 Mbit/s sig-

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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

Front Panel

Fig. 5.1: UNIDA front panel

• Interworking with SULIC/NTU.
• Various synchronization possibilities.
• Various options described below.


• Subrate multiplexing acc. to I.460 is available as an option for all types of DTE inter-
faces. Two subrate multiplexers are provided on each UNIDA allowing two groups of
multiplexed channels to be routed on two different directions (TSs).

• 1+1 end to end path protection switching option.

• End to end performance monitoring option ace. to G.826 using an additional TS. Per-
formance monitoring can be used with all bitrates, up to 1920 kbit/s. The performance
monitoring TS contains the following signal elements:

- signalling (Similar to CAS)

- CRC4 (local and remote end)
- remote loop activation
- remote loop status request
- Path Identifier (PI)
- far end receive failure (alarms that appear at the far end are transferred)

• Point to multipoint master/slave operation option using RTS/C control lines from slave
DTEs, compatible with NTU/SULIC.

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ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

Updating units with options

All the above options must be ordered separately.

Units can be updated with all options except the performance monitoring option in the field via a
Firmware update (i.e. change of EPROM mounted on a Socket).

Updating units with performance monitoring option

The following UNIDAs can be updated with the performance monitoring option in the field via a
Firmware update:

UNIDA 431, 434, 435 with HW Build status G.01 (displayed on the Id label on the unit front
panel) or higher.

UNIDA 432, 433 with HW Build status G.02 or higher.

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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

5.2 Design

Block Diagram

Fig. 5.2: UNIDA Block diagram

UNIDA consists of the following function blocks:

• DCE interface line receivers and drivers

• ITAC (Siemens ISDN Terminal Adapter Circuit)
• Micro processor

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ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

5.3 Functions

All UNIDA versions can support the following functions which are selectable individually for
each of the SbUs.

The optional functions that are required must be specified at the time of ordering!

Optional functions

Subrate multiplexing
• 1+1 end to end path protection switching
• Point to multipoint master/slave polling operation using RTS/C control lines from slave
• Performance Monitoring to G.826

Normal functions

• Diagnostics loops

Subrate multiplexing option (I.460)

There are 2 optional subrate multiplexers/demultiplexers available on the UNIDA. Each subrate
multiplexer/demultiplexer allows the SbUs on one unit to share one 64 kbit/s TS as illustrated

Fig. 5.3: Subrate MUX/DEMUX

Each subrate multiplexer can multiplex/demultiplex up to four 0...19.2 kbit/s signals to/from one
64 kbit/s TS.

This allows the signals of SbUs on a UNIDA unit to be multiplexed and routed on up to two dif-
ferent TSs.

Each of the two TSs has 8 bits available to be used by the SbUs depending on their bit rates as

bit rate bits used

0...300 bit/s transparent 1 or 2

0.6 kbit/s....4.8kbit/s sync/async 1

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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

9.6 kbit/s sync/async 2

19.2 kbit/s sync/async 4

The 8 bits of a time slot can be used by signals of different Sbus with different subrates accord-
ing to the number of bits they use. Hence the following examples of subrate signals can be mul-
tiplexed into one timeslot of 64 kbit/s:

2 x 19.2 kbit/s
1 x 19.2 kbit/s and 2 x 9.6 kbit/s
1 x 19.2 kbit/s and 1 x 9.6 kbit/s and 2 x 4.8 kbit/s (or less)
4 x 9.6 kbit/s
3 x 9.6 kbit/s and 1 x 4.8 kbit/s (or less)
2 x 9.6 kbit/s and 2 x 4.8 kbit/s (or less)
1 x 9.6 kbit/s and 3 x 4.8 kbit/s (or less)
4 x 4.8 kbit/s (or less)

Sbus that are configured for subrate multiplexing MUST NOT be configured for the following:

• point to multipoint operation

• bit rate > 19.2 kbit/s

1+1 option

3 types of 1+1 operation are supported.

• Supervision
• 1+1
• 1+1 reversible

These are described in Operation Manual Part 1, Guidelines.

Sbus configured for 1+1 operation MUST be also configured for one of the following:

• CAS enabled or
• Performance Monitoring (PM)

1+1 with CAS TS

This function is described in Operation Manual Part 1, Guidelines.

1+1 with PM TS

The operation of this mode is similar to that for 1+1 with CAS except that bits abcd of the PM TS
are used instead of bits abcd of the CAS TS.

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ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

In addition, the following additional switch-over/alarm criteria are available:

• BER: Excessive Bit Error Ratio (BER) (optional)

When the BER criteria is used, it is defined for one of the following selectable BERs.

- ≥ 10-4
- ≥ 10-5
- ≥ 10-6

Point to multipoint option

In this mode of operation, a master DTE can communicate with several slave DTEs using a
master slave polling protocol as described in Operation Manual Part 2, description of SULIC,
and Operation Manual Part 1, Guidelines.
SbUs that are configured for point to multipoint operation MUST NOT be configured for any of
the following:
Performance Monitoring
Subrate multiplexing

Performance monitoring option

SbUs that are configured for Performance Monitoring MUST NOT be configured for the follow-

• CAS (since the CAS bits abed are included in the PM TS)
• maximum bit rate = 1984 kbit/s (31x64 kbit/s).


In addition to the TS(s) for the user data, a separate TS referred to as the PM TS is required.

The PM TS is automatically designated by the UCST as the TS following the TS(s) used for the
data (i.e. TS (n+1) on the same internal highway as the n TS(s) used for the user data).

This allows the continual in-service performance monitoring of the end to end path. The quality
of the transmission can then be calculated according to G.826. This standard is similar to the
G.821 standard, but it is specified for 2 Mbit/s or higher rates and is related to block errors
rather than bit errors.

The price that must be paid for the performance monitoring function is the addi-
tional 64 kbit/s bandwidth required by the PM TS!

The PM TS operates in a multiframe mode that allows the following information to be transmit-

• CAS bits abcd for the end to end signalling between the local and far end DTEs, as well
as the signalling (bit c) used for the end to end 1 +1 mode of operation.

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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

• PI Path Identifier.
Up to 15 ASCII characters (i.e. letters, numbers, punctuation marks) as defined by the
operator using the UCST can be used to mark both the local and the far end DTE. This
ensures that two correct operating DTE connected together can be alarmed if their PIs
do not match.

• FERF Far End Receive Failure.

When the received PM TS has the following faults....


- LOF PM: Loss of PM Multiframe
- PI mismatch: PI received from far end SbU is not the ame as the PI for the local
- EBER D+R: Excessive BER on Default and Reserve
- channels
- EBER D: Excessive BER on Default channel
- EBER R: Excessive BER on Reserve channel

….then the SbU notifies the far end SbU with a FERF alarm.

The far end activates its Remote PM alarm.

• FEBE Far End Block Error.

When the received PM TS has a CRC failure, then the SbU notifies the far end SbU with
a FEBE alarm.

• RL Remote Loop 2b command.

Allows the remote loop command from the far end DTE or UCST to be transmitted (for
all data rates).

• RLS Remote Loop Status.

Allows the SbU with an active loop 2b to notify the far end DTE.


SbUs that are configured for CAS operation MUST NOT be configured for performance monitor-
ing function.

The CAS TS is used to transmit the end to end signalling between the local DTE and far end
DTE, as well as the signalling used for the end to end 1+1 mode of operation.

The CAS TS is automatically designated as a TS on the next internal highway following the one
used for the user data. This is described in detail in Operation Manual Part 1, configuration of
FOX-U, Step 3 «Setting the connection points» and in the Guidelines.

The advantages of using CAS as opposed to the PM TS are the following:

• a reduction of the bandwidth required. The CAS TS that is transmitted to the far end is
shared by up to 30 other channels.
• compatibility with other equipment which use CAS.

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ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

Test Loops

4 types of test loops described in the following section “Setting UNIDA diagnostics” are avail-
able. Depending on the interface and the bitrates, these loops can be set and activated from the

UCST (A) (UCST connected to the local FOX-U),

UCST (B) (UCST connected to the far end FOX-U),
DTE (A) (local DTE), or
DTE (B) (far end DTE)

Loop Place Bitrates Activation

3c local all UCST (A), DTE (A)

3b local all UCST (A)
2b local all UCST (A), UCST (B), DTE (B)
2b far end all UCST (A), UCST (B), DTE (A)

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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

5.4 Hardware Configuration

DCE interface line receivers and drivers

The UNIDA is equipped with 2 plug on modules.

Both plug on modules have to be the same type.

Fig. 5.4: Location of plug on modules


The plug on modules for UNIDA 433 (X.24) UNIDA 434 (V.36), and UNIDA 435 (V.36 with no
140/141/142 signalling lines) contain a DIP SWas described below.

The DIP switch is located on the bottom side of the modules.

The following operating modes can be set «ON» or «OFF»:

The default values are «ON» for all options.

• Line termination of 103(TD)/SD/T, 105(RTS)/RS/C and 113(TC)/TT/X input lines:

- low imp. This default setting results in a better impedance matching to the
DTE (125 Ohms) and thus optimize UNIDAs performance for cor-
rectly reading input signals that are degraded due to extreme harsh
environments (noisy long lines with high data rates).

- high imp. This setting results in a considerable decrease of the DTE's power

• dc offset of 105(RTS)/RS/C input line:

104/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

- offset This default setting ensures that the UNIDA can detect a short cir-
cuit between the a and b wires of 105(RTS)/RS/C input line as
«OFF» (<-0.3V).

- no offset This setting ensures that the 105(RTS)/RS/C input line is dc sym-

Fig. 5.5: DIP SW for UNIDA 433 (X.24)

DIP-SW Circuit «ON» «OFF»

1 T SbU 1 or 3 low imp. high imp.

2 C SbU 1 or 3 low imp. high imp.
3+4* C SbU 1 or 3 offset no offset
5 X SbU 1 or 3 low imp. high imp.

6 T SbU 2 or 4 low imp. high imp.

7 C SbU 2 or 4 low imp. high imp.
8+9* C SbU 2 or 4 offset no offset
10 X SbU 2 or 4 low imp. high imp.

* Both DIP-SWs must be in the same position!

Fig. 5.6: DIP SW for UNIDA 434 (V.36)

DIP-SW Circuit «ON» «OFF»

1 103/SD SbU 1 or 2 low imp. high imp.

2 113/TT SbU 1 or 2 low imp. high imp.
3+4* 105/RS SbU 1 or 2 offset no offset

*Both DIP-SWs must be in the same position!

Fig. 5.7: DIP SW for UNIDA 435

(V.36 without 140/141/142 signalling lines)

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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

DIP-SW Circuit «ON» «OFF»

1 103/SD SbU 1 or 3 low imp. high imp.

2 113/TT SbU 1 or 3 low imp. high imp.
3+4* 105/RS SbU 1 or 3 offset no offset
5 not used
6 103/SD SbU 2 or 4 low imp. high imp.
7 113/TT SbU 2 or 4 low imp. high imp.
8+9* 105/RS SbU 2 or 4 offset no offset
10 not used

Both DIP-SWs must be in the same position!

To remove plug on module

Fig. 5.8: To remove

To insert plug on module

Fig. 5.9: To insert

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ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

5.5 Configuration

The UNIDA is automatically initialized when power is switched on (i.e. when it is plugged into
the FOX-U subrack). The microcontroller obtains the configuration data from the CENCA data-
base and sets these parameters into the various functional blocks of UNIDA.

It is only possible to configure the UNIDA with the UCST and/or UNEM using the various masks
described below:

These masks are located in the branch: «Objects» → «Units».

The hierarchy structure of the masks is shown below as well as a brief description of their func-
tion. The details are found in the relevant parts of the UCST Manual.

SbU 0 deals with functions that are common to all the SbUs SbU 1-4 deal with functions that are
SbU specific.

Setting UNIDA Parameters for SbU 0


Select: SbU 0 to define the following general parameters:

• optional functions that must be supported by one or more Sbu

• the use of Subrate Multiplexers

Press: «PARAM»

Fig 5.10:


Select: one of the listed parameters
Press: «EDIT»

Optional UNIDA functions

Fig. 5.11:

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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

The following optional parameters must be set for the unit (SbU 0) if one or more of the SbUs
on the units require the option.

These options MUST be enabled for each SbU individually using the various
MASKs described later, (i.e. «SUBRATE MULTIPLEXERS» MASK, and «OPERA-

• Subrate multiplexer
This option allows two or more SbUs on the unit to share one TS.

• 1+1
This option allows one or more SbUs on the unit to be configured for one of the following
1+1 modes of operation as described in chapter 2 «1+1 mode of operation»:
- Supervised
- 1+1
- 1+1 reversible

• Point to multipoint
This option allows one or more SbUs on the unit to be configured for point to multipoint
operation as described in Operation Manual Part2, description SULIC, and Operation
Manual Part 1, Guidelines.

• Performance Monitoring
This option allows one or more SbUs on the unit to be configured with a PM TS used to
calculate performance values according to G.826.

UNIDA Version must have FW1.1 or higher!

Special limitations of UNIDA versions with FW1.1

- for bitrates <64kbit/s the 1 +1 modes of operation using BER as the switching criteria
MUST NOT be used.

Subrate multiplexing

Fig. 5.12:

108/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

Bit rates for the SbUs must be set to the required values using the «INTERFACE»
MASK described later, before the «SUBRATE MULTIPLEXER» MASK can be used!

Normally each SbU uses one 64kb/s TS.

The UNIDA however allows up to 4 SbUs (depending on their bitrates) to share a 64kb/s TS.

How the subunits are multiplexed into the 8 bit TS depends on the number of bits required by
each of the SbUs. This is shown in the following table:

SbUs with bitrates require bit(s)

0...0.3kb/s async 2
0.6kb/s…4.8kb/s sync/async 1
9.6kb/s sync/async 2
19.2kb/s sync/async 4

The allocation of the individual bits of each TS A or B to the SbU signals to be multiplexed is

- automatically allocated by the UCST, or

- allocated by the user

In order to allow SbUs on one unit to have different network connections defined (different paths
or destinations) they need to use different TSs. For this purpose, the UNIDA has 2 subrate mul-
tiplexers (A and B). Each use a separate TS (TS(A) and TS(B) respectively).

2 x 4.8kb/s and 2 x 9.6kb/s on TS(A) or
2 x 9.6kb/&s and 1 x 19.2kb/s on TS(A) or
2 x 19.2kb/s on TS(A) and 2 x 19.2kb/s on TS(B)

• Parameters
The operator can define which subrate multiplexer to use individually for each SbU:

- A: for TS(A) or
- B: for TS(B) or
- None: for operation without subrate multiplexer

When the SbU operates with the point to multipoint mode function, the subrate multiplex-
ing cannot be used.

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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

In order to allow SbUs to be configured for point to multipoint operation, the subrate mul-
tiplexer function must be individually disabled.

• Channel allocation mode

- Automatic
bits are allocated by UCST to the default allocation

This option setting ensures that the far end UNIDA and the local UNIDA have
the same allocation!

- User defined
bits are allocated by the operator

This option allows the allocation to be matched to the allocation of the far end
equipment to ensure proper interworking with UNIDA compatible equipment at
the far end!

Setting UNIDA Parameters forSbUs 1-4


Select: the desired SbU 1-4

Press: «PARAM»

Fig. 5.13:


Select: one of the listed parameters

Press: «EDIT»


Fig. 5.14:

110/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

The operator can define the following basic interface options for the SbU:

• Bit rate
The desired bit rate is selected to match the transmission speed of the DTE.

• Transmission
The desired transmission mode sync or async is selected to match the transmission
mode of the DTE.

• Asynchronous Transmission format to match the format of the DTE

- Data bits: 7 or 8
- Stop bits: 1 or 2
- Signalling rate range:
Used to adapt the data rate of the incoming data from the DTE to the internal
sampling rate of the UNIDA. When the data rate of the incoming signal from the
DTE is too high, then 1 or 2 stop bits from every 8 bytes are eliminated.

- basic range (-2.5% to 1%) to eliminate 1 stop bit every 8 bytes. This range is pre-
ferred as it results in lower distortion

- extended range (-2.5% to 2.3%) to eliminate 1 stop bits every 4 bytes.

- Parity bit:
use can be defined by marking the field with «X» to match setting of DTE.

The format is selected to match the format used by the DTE.

• Terminology

- ITU (CCITT): V.36 or V.24

- EIA: RS-449 or RS-232

This selection causes the appropriate terminology to be displayed in subsequent


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FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

V.36 RS-449 V.24 R-S232 X.24/V

103 SD 103 TD T
105 RS 105 RTS C
-- -- 108 DTR
106 CS 106 CTS
107 DM 107 DSR
109 RR 109 DCD I
113 TT 113 -- X

• Transmit (TX) timing

The operator can define various TX synchronization modes for SbUs with data rates
>64kb/s sync. The TX synchronization defines the sampling rate that the UNIDA uses to
read the TX DATA line from the DTE.

- Internal (fix): B/F/X/113/TT is configured as output from UNIDA, and

is derived from the FOX-U synchronization source
(usually from a 2Mb/s received signal)

- Int. (phase adaptive): B/F/X/113/TT is configured as input from UNIDA. Tim-

ing is derived from the TX DATA line received from the
DTE and from the FOX-U synchronization source. This
option is used for relatively long lines and high bitrates
where the signal delay is of the same order of magni-
tude as the bit width.

- External (from DTE): B/F/X/113/TT is configured as input from UNIDA. This

option is only supported by interfaces with datarates
greater than or equal to 64kb/s sync. For the X.24 in-
terface, the B/F/X line MUST be configured as an input
(i.e. Byte/Frame timing disabled).

Fig. 5.15: TX/RX Timing

• V.110 56kb/s interface can be defined

- with signalling (according to V.110 Table 7c), the following handshaking is

transmitted to the far end:

112/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

108 (DTR) → 107 (DSR)

105 (RTS) → 109 (CD)
Frame sync condition → 106 (CTS)

- without signalling (according to V.110 Table 7b)

X.24 synchronization

Fig. 5.16: X.24 Modes MENU

The operator can define various RX synchronization modes for SbUs with X.24 interface
(UNIDA 433) with data rates ≥ 64kb/s sync.

• Rx byte/frame timing circuit

No signal(B/F): the B/F/X line is configured as an input to the UNIDA, and

used for the TX synchronization.

Byte timing(B): the B/F/X line is configured as an output to the DTE, and sig-
nals the last bit of each data byte sent to the DTE on the RX
DATA line. This option is the one that is normally required by
the DTE.

Frame timing(F): the B/F/X line is configured as an output to the DTE, and sig-
nals the beginning of each frame of data bytes sent to the
DTE on the RX DATA line. This option is used whenever re-
quired by the DTE.

DTE Handshaking protocols

Fig. 5.17: for UNIDA 431 V.24/RS-232 (EIA Term.)

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Depending on the interface and application used, the operator can define the following hand-
shaking protocols for the SbU as illustrated below.

Fig. 5.18: Protocol

• From DTE
- 105(RTS)/RS/C and 108(DTR):

The operator can individually define the signalling lines 105(RTS)/RS/C and
108(DTR) from the DTE to be:

- From DTE: Controlled from the DTE

- ON: Permanently set to a logic «0» by the SbU
- OFF: Permanently set to a logic «1» by the SbU

- 105(RTS)/RS/C to bit a:

105(RTS)/RS/C transmitted by signalling bit «a» to the far end for bit rates ≥ 64

- Limit 105(RTS)/RS/C ON state to 10s:

105(RTS)/RS/C automatically turned OFF after 10 seconds to ensure that a de-

fect DTE does not inadvertently block the access of other DTEs in a point to mul-
tipoint operation.

In normal operation 105(RTS)/RS/C is used by the SbU as an indication that the

DTE is ready to transmit data. 105(RTS)/RS/C is transmitted to the remote DTE
and received as CD(109)/RR/I.

In point to multipoint operation, 105(RTS)/RS/C is used by the UNIDA to allow

the sending DTE access for transmission. For further information about point to
multipoint operation, see Operation Manual Part 2, description of SULIC, and
Operation Manual Part 1, Guidelines.

108(DTR) is used to inform the UNIDA that the DTE is fault free and in operation.

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• To DTE
The operator can define the signalling lines 106(CTS)/CS, 107(DSR)/DM, and
109(CD)/RR/I to the DTE to be derived in various ways:

- 106(CTS)/CS derived from:

- Local 105(RTS)/RS:
looped back from the 105(RTS)/RS line from the local


- From bit X:
Controlled by the remote SbU via the sync loss alarm criteria. As long as the re-
mote SbU has no synchronization failure, then the UCST is in the ON condition,
and the local DTE can transmit data. It is used in point to point applications. It is
not possible to use for bit rates of 64kb/s or higher.

- ON: Always on
- OFF: Always off

106(CTS)/CS is used as an answer to 105(RTS)/RS. It is used to inform the

DTE that it can start to send data.

- 107(DSR)/DM derived from:

- Locally controlled:
Looped back from 108(DTR).

- Remotely controlled:
Controlled via the 108(DTR) from the far end

- ON: Always on
- OFF: Always off

107(DSR)/DM informs the DTE that the remote DTE is in fault free operation.

- 109(CD)/RR/I derived from:

- Local 105/RS/C:
Looped back from the 105(RTS)/RS/C line from the local DTE

- Remote 105/RS/C:
Controlled from the 105(RTS/RS/C) from the far end DTE.

- ON: Always on
- OFF: Always off

109(CD)/RR/I is used to ready the DTE for receiving data from the SbU.

- Integration of bit a:

The signalling 105(RTS)/RS/C from the DTE is transmitted to the far end using
bit «a» in the CAS or PM TS. Bit «a» is then received at the far end UNIDA, and
used to generate signalling 109(DCD)/RR/I for the far end DTE. In order to filter
out faults caused by intermittent noise, the UNIDA can be configured to ignore or

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filter out any changes to bit «a» that last less than 3 consecutive frames. For
CAS operation, this is 6ms.

• Delay from 105(RTS)/RS/C to 106(CTS)/CS or 109(CD)/RR/I

- 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 ms, 8 UI, 24 UI, 56 UI

(UI = unit interval = bit width)

- Delay only OFF → ON,

- Delay both transitions (OFF → ON and ON → OFF)

Error Handling

Fig. 5.19: for UNIDA 431 V.24/RS-232 (EIATerm.)

The operator can define the following options for the SbU:

• Supervision
(Supervision of 113(TC)/TT/X can not be disabled).

- Supervision of signal 103(TD)/SD/T:

Supervision of 103(TD)/SD/T is enabled by marking the field with «X».

Only for channels with synchronous operation!

- No Action if 103(TD)/SD/T or 113(TC)/TT/X missing:

when disabled: missing signal(s) cause the following
- 103 = AIS or T= «1» or«0»
- bit (a b c d) = «1111»(CAS or PM)
- bit SA(108) and SB(105) = forV.110
- bit S(C) = 1 for X.30

when enabled: faulty 113(TC)/TT/X causes the following

- 113(TC)/TT/X is replaced by the internal timing signal
- 113(TC)/TT/X is faulty when at least 4xn slips are
counted within a 2.5 second interval.
(i.e. this corresponds to a BER of +/- 200 x 10 E-6)

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• Optical Indication of slip

Each slip causes the LED on the front of the UNIDA to momentarily turn on. This
can be however disabled.

- Enable: by marking the field with «X».

• In case of downstream alarm (only for X.24) When T and/or X is missing:

- T: can be set to «0» or «1»

• If AIS in downstream signalling channel.

If AIS is detected in the TS that is transmitted from the network (far end DTE) the
following reactions can be defined:

CAS or Performance Monitoring MUST be enabled because the criteria is

an network generated AIS in the signalling bits abcd!

AIS from DTE is not monitored and thus can not be detected.

- Signal delays:
- 106(CTS)/CS and 107(DSR)/DM
OFF or 10s
- 109(DCD)/RR/I:
OFF or 1s or 10s

- X24 signal states: (outputs from SbU)

- Signal R:
«0» or «1»
- Signal B/F:
Active (free) or Fix OFF «1»

Operation Mode

Fig. 5.20:

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The operator can define the following options for the SbU:

• Mode
Each SbU must be configured for one of the following modes of operation, as explained
in Chapter 2 «1+1 mode of operation»

- Normal: 1+1 and Point to multipoint functions not enabled

- Supervised: 1+1 reserve line supervised for alarms only

CAS or Performance Monitoring MUST be enabled and SbU 0 MUST be config-

ured for 1 +1.

- 1+1:
CAS or Performance Monitoring MUST be enabled and SbU 0 MUST be config-
ured for 1 +1.

- 1+1 reversible:
CAS or Performance Monitoring MUST be enabled and SbU 0 MUST be config-
ured for 1 +1.

- Point to multipoint:
CAS and Performance Monitoring and subrate multiplexing function MUST be dis-
abled, and SbU 0 MUST be configured for point to multipoint.

UNIDA connected to the Master DTE and UNIDA connected to the last Slave DTE
can have their interchange circuits set as required for the particular application!

UNIDAs connected to the intermediate Slave DTEs MUST have 105(RTS)/RS/C

set to «From DTE» in the «INTERCHANGE CIRCUITS)) MASK:

All the other interchange circuits can be set as required for the particular applica-

- PM time slot active

Performance Monitoring option enabled.

CAS MUST be enabled!

• 1+1 / Supervised options (switching/alarm criteria) for PM TS

- Bit error ratio (BER)
When BER is selected as the switching criteria, it must be further defined:
- BER ≥: 10-4, 10-5 or10-6

For bit rates <64 kbit/s the G.826 values displayed are not valid for UNIDA FW 1.1 or

This means that for 1+1 operation, the BER switching criteria MUST NOT be used.

• Path Identifier
Performance Monitoring MUST be enabled.

- A text can be entered to identify a path. For example, «Bern " Zurich»
- Alarm if: PI mismatch alarm can be enabled by marking the field with an «X».

• G.826 Performance monitoring

Performance Monitoring MUST be enabled

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- Start date/time:
enter desired date/time for starting the test.

If the entered date / time have already expired at the time of down loading, then
performance monitoring starts immediately after the download.

Press: «NOW» to start performance monitoring immediately after a download.

- Monitoring Duration/interval:
Select desired interval (1,5,10,15,30 minutes 1,2,4,8,16 hours 1,2,3,4,5,6 days
1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,20,24 weeks)

- Monitoring mode:
Single: for one time only
Repetitive: to repeat

- Monitored Path:
Downstream: to monitor the received signal from far end UNIDA
Upstream: to monitor the transmitted signal to far end UNIDA by requesting
the test results from far end UNIDA (using the FERF and FEBE

Test Loop Options

Fig. 5.21:

The operator can define the following options for test loops:

• Loop Activation from

Loops can be activated only from UCST.

Loops can be activated only from the DTE. This option is only possible to set when
there are no loops defined by the UCST.

- Allow activation from remote system:

Loop activation from UCST connected directly to far end FOX-U or from far end DTE
is enabled by marking the field with an «X».

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- E-bit usage:
For SbUs with data rates ≤ 38.4 kbit/s, the E-bit usage can be set for one of the fol-

- Proprietary: (UNIDA/SULIC)
Must be set in the following cases:
To enable loop commands/status to be transmitted from/to far end DTE
when Performance Monitoring (PM TS) is not used.

- According to V.110:
Must be set in the following case:
To guarantee compatibility with far end V.110/X.30 DTE for normal E-bit
usage according to Table 5/V.110 / Table 1-2/X.30 (bit rates ≤ 38.4
kbit/s). This guarantees the transition of the following information.
- Rate repetition information
- Multiframe information

• X.24 interface states if test loop active

- Signal B/F: active or OFF for loop 2b
- Signal R: 0,1, or 0101 for loop 2b
- Signal T: 0,1, or 0101 for loop 3c

Setting UNIDA Diagnostics


Select: the desired SbU 1-4

Press: «DIAGN»

Fig. 5.22:

This mask allows the setting (defining) of the following test loops:

The «Test Loop Options» MASK must be set for UCST loop activation.

It is not possible to loop back individual sub multiplexed SbUs. (i.e. SbUs configured with the
subrate multiplexing function to share a TS).

Only the TS or group of TSs (n TSs) can be looped back.

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• 3b:
To test the following:


- DTE interface on SbU
- DTE cable

When the SbU interface parameter «Transmit (TX) timing» is set to «External (from
DTE)» then loop 3b is only possible with UNIDA version FW1.1 or higher.

The following are looped:

- TS(s) used for data and

- signalling bits abed

• 3c:
To test the following:

- DTE interface on SbU

- DTE cable

The following signals are looped:

- 103(TD)/SD/T → 104(RD)/RD/R
- 105(RTS)/RS//C → 109(CD)/RR/I
- 113(TC)/TT/X → 115(RC)RT/S

• 2b:
To test the following:

- SbU internal interface to UBUS (CENCA matrix)

- transmission link to far end FOX-U
- far end SbU
- far end DTE cable
- far end DTE

The following are looped:

- TS(s) used for data and

- signalling bits abed

• 2b remote:
loop 2b in the far end SbU

To activate loops

See in the UCST Description (Operation Manual Part 1).

Activation of loops from DTE

The following loopback functions can be activated from the DTE.

With V36/V35/V24 interface, control lines 140/141 are used.

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With X24 interface, an internally generated pattern on the data line is used as specified by X21.

The option «loop activation device from DTE» must be set in the «Test Loops Options» MASK.
With this option set, it is no longer possible to activate loops from the UCST.

• 3c
Line 141 or appropriate pattern on the X24 interface from the local DTE is used to acti-
vate this loop.

Activation of loops from far end DTE (loop 2b)

There are 3 ways to transmit loop commands/status from/to the far end DTE. This must be de-
fined by the operator for each SbU individually.

• Proprietary use of E bits in the V.110/X.30 frame (for bit rates ≤ 38.4 kbit/s)
• X21 loop pattern on the user data (for X.24 interface of UNIDA 433)

The X.21 loop pattern is not transmitted to the far end. It is detected by the local UNIDA
and the loop command is transmitted to the far end UNIDA using the proprietary use of
the E-bits in the X.30 frame.

For this reason, E-bit usage option set in the «TEST LOOP OPTIONS» MENU must be
set for «proprietary».

• 2b
Line 140 or appropriate pattern on the X24 interface from the remote DTE is used to ac-
tivate this loop. To enable the transmission of the signalling from line 140 to the far end,
the «loop activation device E-bits usage proprietary)) setting must be set in the «Test
Loops Option» MASK when the Performance Monitoring is not enabled.

Activation of the remote loop 2b in point to multipoint operation

Special care must be taken when activating loop 2b in the UNIDAs connected in a point to mul-
tipoint circuit. Not more than one remote loop should be activated at the same time.

From UNIDA connected to the Master DTE:

Loop 2b can be activated in one of the UNIDAs connected to a Slave DTE (either from the Mas-
ter DTE or from the UCST) provided a connection with the Slave DTE is in effect. This means
that the Slave DTE must have been polled by the Master DTE and it must have answered by
setting its 105(RTS)/RS/C line «ON».

The UNIDA connected to the last Slave DTE can be configured to have its 105(RTS)/RS/C line
set to «ON» permanently in the «INTERCHANGE CIRCUITS» MASK so that loop 2b can be set
with out having to poll it first.

From UNIDA connected to a Slave DTE:

Loop 2b can be activated in the UNIDA connected to the Master DTE (either from one of the
Slave DTEs or from the UCST) provided a connection with the Master DTE is in effect. This
means that the Slave DTE must set its 105(RTS)/RS/C line «ON» and all other intermediate
Slave DTEs towards the Master DTE must have their 105(RTS)/RS/C lines «OFF».

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The loop 2b in the UNIDA connected to the Master DTE is displayed in the «TEST LOOPS
STATUS» MASK of all the other UNIDAs.

10 second timeout

When connection with the Master DTE is interrupted due to RTS turning «OFF» (after the 10
second time out expires), the loop 2b is also interrupted. To prevent the 10 second timeout, dis-
able the «Limit 105(RTS)/RS/C ON state to 10s» option in the “INTERCHANGE CIRCUITS”

Summary of UNIDA loops

Fig. 5.23: Summary of Loops

Monitoring UNIDA Performance and Status for SbU 0

It is possible to display various status and performance information of the UNIDA when the
UCST is connected to the FOX-U.


Select: SbU 0
Press: «STATUS»

Fig. 5.24:


Select: the desired function

Press: «EDIT»

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Optional functions

Fig. 5.25:

This mask displays all the optional functions that are supported by the UNIDA.

Press: «GET» to get current information.

Monitoring UNIDA Performance and Status for SbU 1-4

It is possible to display various status and performance information of the UNIDA SbUs when
the UCST is connected to the FOX-U.


Select: the desired SbU 1-4

Press: «STATUS»

Fig. 5.26:


Select: the desired function

Press: «EDIT»

DTE Handshaking Status

Fig. 5.27: forX.24/V.11

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Fig. 5.28: for RS-232 (EIA Terminology)

Depending on the interface used and which terminology option is set, the signalling lines are
displayed with their status.

Press: «GET» to display the status of the signalling lines.

Test Loop Status

Fig. 5.29:

The active loop is displayed and colour coded red.

The text «Network loop 2b command sent» is displayed when the loop command from the far
end is received.

Slip Counters (for data rates >64 kbit/s)

Fig. 5.30:

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Press: «GET» to display the number of frame slips

Press: «RESET» to reset the slip counters to 0.

Performance monitoring options and values

Fig. 5.31:

The performance of either the local UNIDA SbU or the remote UNIDA SbU can be dis-

When the local SbU is monitored, then the criteria for calculating performance is the CRC in the

When the far end SbU is monitored, then the criteria for calculating performance is the FEBE
(Far End Block Error count) which is the EB value at the far end.

During loopbacks, the following limitations apply:

During local loopback 3c and 2b:

- The downstream path is not monitored for bitrates ≥ 64kbit/s and the
G.826 values displayed are not valid.

During local loopback 3b:

- The downstream and upstream paths are not monitored and the
G.826 values displayed are not valid.
- For bit rates < 64 kbit/s the G.826 values displayed are not valid for
UNIDA FW 1.1 or less.
This means that for 1+1 operation, the BER switching criteria MUST
NOT be used.

Definition of ITU-T G.826 terminology

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ITU-G.826 is the international ITU-T (formerly CCITT) recommendations for Error Performance
Parameters and Objectives for international constant bit rate digital paths at or above the pri-
mary rate (2Mb/s).

The following definitions are used.

Start time / monitoring duration and the monitored path

Are defined in the «Operation mode» mask (Parameters) are displayed.

The Measured Times, Performance Events and Ratios as defined for G.826 are displayed.
These definitions are explained in the beginning of this chapter.

Press «GET» to get current values

Press: «START» to start the performance monitoring immediately.

Measured time

• ET Elapsed Time: ET=AT+UT

• AT Available Time:
Starts with 10 consecutive ESs or error free seconds (included in AT) and

Ends with 10 consecutive SESs (not included in AT).

• UT Unavailable Time:
Starts with 10 consecutive SESs (included in UT) and

Ends with 10 consecutive ESs or error free seconds, (not included in UT).


Event values are used to calculate the ratios.

• EB Errored Block:
A block with one or more bit errors.
1 block = 64 x n bits (where n= 1-31 as specified by the bit rate of the SbU). (i.e.
1000 Blocks/see)

• BBE Background Block Error:

An EB occurring only as part of an ES (not in SESs)

This is to differentiate between temporary noise problems, and permanent equip-

ment degradation.

Temporary noise problems tend to cause high number of EBs that occur in clus-
ters. This results in SESs and thus also in EB values that are considerably higher
than BBE values.

Permanent equipment degradation tend to cause less EBs but spread out more
overtime. This results in ESs and also in EB values that are the same order of
magnitude as BBE values.

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• ES Errored Second:
second with one or more EBs but less than 30% of the blocks errored.

• SES Severely Errored Seconds:

second with more than 30% of the blocks errored or with a defect Signal (PM AIS,
LOF PM, LOF V.110 /X.30)

-= Block with no error
D= EB due to permanent Degradation
N= EB due to temporary Noise



BBE, ES and SES are only counted at AT.


Ratio values are calculated using the above Event values over the UCST settable monitoring
duration (interval). The longer this interval is, the more meaningful and more useful the resulting
ratios become.

• BBER BBE Ratio:

The ratio of BBEs to total blocks in AT not including blocks during SES.

• ESR ES Ratio:
The ratio of ES to AT

• SESR SES Ratio:

The ratio of SES to AT

PM Information

Fig. 5.32:

The following PM information as defined in the «Operation Mode» MASK (Parameters) are dis-
played. This is only available for UCST versions higher than CST Version 2.2.

• Received path identifier

• Far end status
The following appropriate alarm text is displayed.

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The meaning of the alarm text is explained in the following part “Setting UNIDA alarm catego-

- Loss PM sync (LOF PM)
- PI mismatch
- Excessive bit error ratio channel D
- Excessive bit error ratio channel R
- Excessive bit error ratio channel D + R
- No failure

Press: «GET» to get current values

1+1 Status

Fig. 5.33:

The status of the «Default» and «Reserve» TSs are displayed with the following text:

Text Meaning

«Active»: TS(s) are used both in the TX and RX direction

«Stand-by»: TS(s) are used only in the TX direction.

«Faulty (BER > limit)»: TS(s) have BER > value as defined in the «Operation Mode» MASK
(1+1 .Supervised options)

«Faulty (AIS)»: TS(s) have all bits set to «1» (AIS)

Press: «GET» to display the current status.

Setting Connection Points and Network connections

Masks for connection points and network connections are opened by selecting the branch «Ob-
jects» «Connection points», and «Connections» respectively. The general details of three
various fields are described in FOX-U Operation Manual Part 1, UCST Description.

Special limitations

When the PM TS is used with the performance monitoring option, the following limitations
MUST be met in order for the G.826 values to be valid.

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for bitrates ≥ 128kbit/s (n=2...30)

the TS bundle used to define the connection point MUST be defined to start with TS1. This
means that each UNIDA SbU with PM and n>2 must access different highways on the CENCA

The UCST warns the user by faulty configuration for 1+1 operation
the TS bundle used by the Reserve channel MUST be LOWER than the TS bundle used by the
Default channel.

The UCST warns the user by faulty configuration

For UNIDAs in slots 1-8, the ordering of TS bundle from LOWER to HIGHER is as follows:

TS1/HW1, TS1/HW3, TS1/HW5, TS1/HW7,

TS1/HW2, TS1/HW4, TS1/HW6, TS1/HW8,
TS2/HW1, TS2/HW3, TS2/HW5, TS2/HW7,
TS2/HW2, TS2/HW4, TS2/HW6, TS2/HW8,

For UNIDAs in slots 10-17, the ordering of TS bundle from LOWER to HIGHER is as follows:

TS1/HW9, TS1/HW11, TS1/HW13, TS1/HW15,

TS1/HW10, TS1/HW12, TS1/HW14, TS1/HW16,
TS2/HW9, TS2/HW11, TS2/HW13, TS2/HW15,
TS2/HW10, TS2/HW12, TS2/HW13, TS2/HW16,

for bitrates <64kbit/s

the TS bundle used to define the connection point MUST be defined to start with TS15 or lower.
The subsequent network connection can connect to any connection points without any limita-
tions, (i.e. the TS bundle for the 2 Mbit/s interface can start with any TS number.

The UCST 2.4a does NOT warn the user by faulty configuration!

Setting UNIDA alarm categories

The necessary procedures for setting the alarm categories are described in “Setting the unit
alarm categories” in STEP 2 of the UCST Manual.

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5.6 Alarms

All alarms are displayed locally via the LEDs on the front panel of the unit.
Simultaneously, all the alarms are transmitted to the CENCA and are available via the UCST.

Alarm Indication
On the front panel there are 2 LEDs:
• the upper LED lights when the
- UNIDA-CENCA communication is faulty, or
- UNIDA self test failed
• the lower LED lights when
- at least one channel has an active alarm, or
- optionally (via UCST setting) blinks to indicate that a controlled slip has occurred
Alarm text
Alarm name Alarm description
Unit Not Available The alarm indicates the complete failure of
the unit. Hardware and/or Software prob-
lems can create the complete unit failure:
- no hardware available (empty slot)
- the unit does not respond (unit failed)
- wrong hardware in the slot (with the re-
spect to the NE configuration)
- Unit with no or incompatible ESW
Option Not Available Configuration Error A configuration has been downloaded to the
UNIDA with options that are not available in
this UNIDA. NOTE: optional functions must
be separately ordered.
Hardware failure Subunit self test fail
No of Data Signal T Loss of input signal from DTE for sync. Data
No of Timing Signal X Loss of input timing from DTE for sync. Data
Maintenance Function Active One of the diagnostic loops are active
V.110/X.30 Loss of Frame Loss of V.110 frame
V.110/X.30 Remote Loss of Frame Loss of V.110 frame at far end
PM Timeslot AIS received AIS in PM TS
PM Timeslot Loss of Frame Loss of PM Multiframe
Remote PM alarm AIS in PM TS at far end or Loss of Multi-
frame at far end or the PI of the of the local
Sbu and the PI of the far end Sbu are not
the same
Trace Identifier Mismatch Transmitted TTI from remote and expected
TTI are not the same.
PI mismatch The PI of the local SbU and the PI of the far
end SbU are not the same.
Working Signal Failure Bits abcd=1111 (AIS) or PM AIS or LOS PM
Sync or Ber> Limit for «Default» TS
Protecting Signal Failure Bits abcd=1111 (AIS) or PM AIS or LOS PM
Sync or Ber> Limit for «Reserve» TS
Working Remote Defect Indication Bits abcd=xx10 (RA) or PM AIS or LOS PM
Sync or Ber> Limit for «Default» TS
Protecting Remote Defect Indication Bits abcd=xx10 (RA) or PM AIS or LOS PM
Sync or Ber> Limit for «Reserve» TS
Transmission Failure Bits abcd=1111 (AIS) or PM AIS or LOS PM
Sync or Ber> Limit for «Default» TS.
Bits abcd=1111 (AIS) or PM AIS or LOS PM
Sync or Ber> Limit for «Reserve» TS

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5.7 Technical Data

Line termination

Low impedance option for V.36 103/SD, 113/TT 125 Ohms +/-10%
105/RS 22 kOhms

High impedance option for V.36 103/TD 3.9 kOhms

113/TT 22 kOhms
105/RS 22 kOhms

Low impedance option for X.24 T, C, X 125 Ohms+/-10%

High impedance option for X.24 T 3.9 kOhms

C «on» 2.5 kOhms
C «off» 22 kOhms
X 22 kOhms

n x 64kbit/s

Jitter signal delay Ajpp </= 50ns (f=20Hz……1000kHz)

Signal delay 500µs

Maximum Length of line

The permissible length of the line to the DTE depends on the interface used.

At the maximal data rate, the following distances can be bridged.

Interface Distance

X.24 and V.36 with no 140/141/142 lines 1 km

V.36, V.35 and V.24 15 m

132/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

5.8 EPROM Position

Fig. 5.34: Location of EPROM for UNIDA

1KHW001447R0001 133/144
FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

5.9 Installation


The following prefabricated UNIDA/DTE cable types are available with or without DTE connec-

Each cable type has the following components:

• 1 female UNIDA connector to connect to the UNIDA front panel connector

• shielded cable with the appropriate number of twisted pairs
• female DTE connector (optional) to mount on a distribution frame, or to connect di-
rectly to the DTE

Each SbU requires a separate cable.

UNIDA version DTE connector Ordering Nr. Max Length

UNIDA 433 X.24 15 pin ISO 4903 no 3.3514.137/XX 1km

UNIDA 433 X.24 DTE connector 3.3514.142/XX 1km

UNIDA 434 V.36 37 pin ISO 4902 no 3.3514.138/XX 15m

UNIDA 434 V.36 DTE connector 3.3514.143/XX 15m

UNIDA 435 V.36 37 pin ISO 4902 no 3.3514.139/XX 1km

UNIDA 435 V.36 DTE connector 3.3514.144/XX 1km

UNIDA 432 V.35 34 pin ISO 2593 no 3.3514.136/XX 15m

UNIDA 432 V.35 DTE connector 3.3514.141/XX 15m

UNIDA 431 V.24 25 pin ISO 2110 no 3.3514.135/XX 15m

UNIDA 431 V.24 DTE connector 3.3514.140/XX 15m

The length of the cable is specified by XX (i.e. XX=05 is for a 5 meter cable)

Female UNIDA connector

The connector on the UNIDA front panel is a 96 pin male connector built for AXE (Erics-
son/RIFA) mechanics. It is similar to the DIN 41612 connectors used on other FOX-U units with
the added feature of connecting each SbUs separately.

The pin numbering on the UNIDA connector is from top to bottom!

The 4 smaller female mating connectors are not mechanically keyed, so the visual coding
(indentation that marks pin 8a, and the label containing the SbU number) must be used to
ensure that they are properly inserted to the UNIDA front panel connector!

Fig. 5.35: Pin-Definition of the 21-pin connector (wire wrap side)

134/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

For UNIDA 433, UNIDA 435, UNIDA 432 and UNIDA 431 SbUs

21 pin female connector ordering number:3.3562.739/01 per SbU.

For UNIDA 434 SbUs

42 pin female connector ordering number:3.3562.739/02 per SbU. (2 x 21-pin female connec-
tors in a housing)

Shielded cable
A separate shielded bundle cable is used for each SbU.

1KHW001447R0001 135/144
FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

Pin assignment for UNIDA 433 cable 3.3514.137/..

Fig. 5.36: Front panel 96-pin UNIDA connector (X.24/V.11)

Fig. 5.37: X.24/V.11 21-pin connector (UNIDA side)

View of wire wrap side

136/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

Fig. 7.38: X.24/V11 15-pin connector (DTE side)

View of wire wrap side or solder side

Pin assignment for UNIDA 434 cable 3.3514.138/..

Fig. 5.39: Frontpanel 96-pin UNIDA connector (X.24/V.11 & V.10 & V.36/RS-449)

1KHW001447R0001 137/144
FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

Fig. 5.40: V.36/RS-449 2x21-pin connector (UNIDA side) 106, 107, 109 = V.11

View of wire wrap side

Fig. 5.41: V.36/RS-449 37-pin connector (DTE side) 106, 107, 109 = V.11

View of wire wrap side or solder side

138/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

Pin assignment for UNIDA 435 cable 3.3514.139/..

Fig. 7.42:Frontpanel 96-pin UNIDA connector (V.36/RS-449) (without loop activation from DTE)

Fig. 5.43: V.36/RS-449 21-pin connector (UNIDA side) 106, 107, 109 = V.11

View of wire wrap side

1KHW001447R0001 139/144
FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

Fig. 5.44: V.36/RS-449 37-pin connector (DTE side) 106, 107, 109 = V.11

View of wire wrap side or solder side

Pin assignment for UNIDA 432 cable 3.3514.136/..

Fig. 5.45: Frontpanel, 96-pin UNIDA connector (V.35)

140/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

Fig. 5.46: V.35-21-pin connector (UNIDA side)

View of wire wrap side

1KHW001447R0001 141/144
FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

Fig. 5.47: V.35 - 34-pin connector (DTE side)

View of wire wrap side or solder side

142/144 1KHW001447R0001
ABB UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 FOX-U / FOX515

Pin assignment for UNIDA 431 cable 3.3514.135/..

Fig. 5.48: Frontpanel 96-pin

UNIDA connector (V.24/V.28/RS-232-E)

1KHW001447R0001 143/144
FOX-U / FOX515 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ABB

Fig. 5.49: V.24/V.28/RS-232-E 21-pin connector (UNIDA side)

View of wire wrap side

Fig. 5.50: V.24/V.28/RS-232-E 25/26-pin (DTE side)

View of wire wrap side or solder side

144/144 1KHW001447R0001
FOX from ABB, covers all your communication
requirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)

UNIDA 436, 437, 438

UNIDA 436, 437, 438

Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [343]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB Ltd

Contents i
Precautions and safety 1
Referenced documents 1
Introduction 2
Overview 2
UNIDA 436 2
UNIDA 437 2
UNIDA 438 2
UNIDA 436 3
Application 3
Design 3
Block diagram 3
Functions 3
Standard functions 3
Optional function combinations 3
Configuration 4
Setting the UNIDA 436 parameters 4
Setting alarm parameters 8
Operation 8
Status and performance monitoring 8
Test loops 8
Documentation 8
UNIDA 437 9
Application 9
Design 9
Functions 9
Configuration 9
Operation 9
Documentation 9
UNIDA 438 10
Application 10
Design 10
Block diagram 10
Functions 10
Standard functions 10
Optional functions 10
Scrambler function 11
Option combinations 11

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

Configuration 13
Operation 13
Documentation 13

iv FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Precautions and safety

For generic information on precautions and safety refer to [033].

Referenced documents
[033] 1KHW001445R0001 Precautions and safety
[002] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units - UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434,
[302] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX User Guide (R6)

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 1 of 13

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Overview The cards UNIDA 436, UNIDA 437 and UNIDA 438 are modified versions of
UNIDA 432 and UNIDA 433. They offer streamlined or added functionality.
The hardware used is identical. The embedded software (ESW) has been
The following description of the cards contains only the functional
differences and their impact to the configuration procedure. For the correct
application and a good understanding of how these cards work, we strongly
recommend to read the section on UNIDA in [002] “Units” Part 1.

UNIDA 436 This is a modified UNIDA 433 card. It offers four X.24/V.11 ports. Subrate
operation and therefore subrate multiplexing have been removed.

UNIDA 437 This is a modified UNIDA 432 card. It offers four V.35 ports. Subrate
operation and subrate multiplexing have been removed.

UNIDA 438 This is a modified UNIDA 436 card. It offers four X.24/V.11 ports. Subrate
operation and subrate multiplexing have been removed. A scrambler
according to ITU-T V.38 has been added.

page 2 of 13 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Application The UNIDA 436 card offers four data transmission interfaces X.24/V.11
which can be operated at all Nx64 kbit/s rates from n = 1 to 31. This card
provides a more cost-effective solution than the UNIDA 433 where subrate
operation is not required.
Block diagram The block diagram of the UNIDA 436 is identical with that of the UNIDA 433
except for the functional blocks «Bit rate adaptation V.110/X.30 <64kbit/s»
(ITAC, Siemens ISDN Terminal Adapter Circuit) and «Subrate
MUX/DEMUX». These have been removed.

+/- 5 Vdc

Plug-in module
DCE interface

Port 1

Bit rate adaptation Nx64 kbit/s

Highway time slot assignment

Front panel connector

Port 2
DCE interface

Port 3

Port 4

Plug-in module

UNIDA 436 consists of the following main function blocks:

• DCE interface (line receivers and drivers)
• Bit rate adaptation Nx64 kbit/s, highway time slot assignment and loop
insertion (ASIC «UNIRAC»)
• Microprocessor and RAM/ROM

Functions As already mentioned, the UNIDA 436 does not offer subrate operation and
subrate multiplexing. The following functions are supported:

Standard functions • CAS

• Diagnostic loops

Optional function • No option

combinations • 1+1 path protection
• Point to multipoint
• Performance monitoring according to G.826
• Performance monitoring and 1+1 path protection

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 3 of 13

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Configuration The manual of UNIDA in [002] is based on UCST 2.5d. The document
presented here shows the configuration dialogues as used in UCST R5A.
The layout of the windows has been modified. The parameters and their
function remained unchanged.
For a complete description of the configuration details (including the function
of each parameter) please refer also to [002].

Setting the UNIDA 436 From the main menu select «NE Configuration» and «Parameters...» to get
parameters to the first configuration dialogue.


For configuring the optional functions press «Edit»


The option «Subrate multiplexer» is not supported and can

therefore not be activated.
After setting the desired optional functions press «OK» and the dialogue
«Unit Configuration Parameters» appears. Select the tag «Traffic». The
default width of the columns has been modfied to show all columns except

page 4 of 13 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd


To configure the interface parameters press the button in the column



Subrate operation is not supported. The selection for «Bit rate»

shows the values for 64 kbit/s and upwards only.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 5 of 13

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Set the relevant interface parameters and press OK. The dialogue «Traffic»
Press the pull down menu in the column «X.24 Modes» and select the mode
suitable for your application.

To configure the interchange circuits press the button in the column

«Interchange Circuits».


After setting the parameters press «OK». The Traffic dialogue reappears.
Press the button in the column «Error Handling».


page 6 of 13 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

After setting the parameters press «OK». The dialogue «Traffic» reappears.
Press the button in the column «Operation Mode».


«Mode» can be set depending on the CAS mode and the optional functions
selected in the dialogue «Board – Optional functions».
After pressing «OK» the dialogue «Traffic» reappears. Press the button in
the columns «Test Loop Options» for setting the signal parameters during
the active loops.


The configuration process for one port is now completed. Repeat the
process for the remaining ports.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 7 of 13

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Setting alarm parameters Procedures for setting the alarm parameters (blocking, severity, persistence,
etc.) are described in [302].

Status and performance Status and performance monitoring data are retrieved via the menu «Unit
monitoring Configuration – Status/Maintenance». Via the tab «Board» the «Optional
functions» status can be obtained. The tab «Traffic» shows buttons in the
columns of all ports that are enabled. Via these buttons the corresponding
data can be retrieved.


Test loops Test loops can be activated via the menu «Unit Configuration – Diagnostic
Parameters». The graphic representation has been modified.


Documentation The following chapters of the document [002] are valid also for UNIDA 436:
• Alarms
• Technical Data (except for subrate multiplexing)
• EPROM Position
• Installation

page 8 of 13 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Application The UNIDA 437 card offers four data transmission interfaces V.35 which can
be operated at all Nx64 kbit/s rates from n = 1 to 31. This card provides a
more cost-effective solution than UNIDA 432 where subrate operation is not

Design As for UNIDA 436.

Functions As for UNIDA 436.

Configuration The structure of the configuration process is identical to the one for
UNIDA 436. The dialogue for «X.24 modes» does not exist. The dialogues
for the remaining items are adapted to signals and functions of the V.35
interface where required.

Operation As for UNIDA 436.

Documentation As for UNIDA 436.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 9 of 13

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Application Like the UNIDA 433, the UNIDA 438 card offers four data interfaces
X.24/V.11 which can be operated at all Nx64 kbit/s rates from n = 1 to 31. In
addition, each port is fitted with a data scrambler/descrambler, a loop
command detection circuit and an AIS detection circuit. The
scrambler/descrambler can be activated individually for each port.
The scrambler option makes independent AIS supervision of an intervening
transmission network possible, if neither CAS nor PM is active. This is
particularly useful if the transmission network uses 64 kbit/s G.703 channels.

Block diagram The block diagram of UNIDA 438 is identical to that of the UNIDA 436 with
the exception of the DCE interface. Each plug-in module contains
• Line drivers and receivers
• Self-synchronising scrambler/descrambler using the generating
polynomial 1 + x-18 + x-23 according to ITU-T V.38.
• Loop command detection
• AIS detection
The block diagram below shows one half of a plug-in module. Control lines
are not indicated. The switches for the scrambler option are controlled via
the configuration.

Plug-in module

Scrambler Data
Data Line
Loop command

Data Line Data
AIS detection

Standard functions • CAS
• Diagnostic loops

Optional functions • Point to multipoint

• Performance monitoring

1+1 path protection is not available with UNIDA 438.

page 10 of 13 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Scrambler function The scrambler function allows to distinguish between a transmission network
failure (AIS) and a long sequence of binary ones at the DCE input port.
The scrambler modifies the incoming data from the DCE in a way that the
length of any sequence of consecutive binary ones at its output is limited. At
the remote end the descrambler restores the signal to its original state
before delivering it to the DTE. Under no circumstances can the local DTE or
the situation between that DTE and its DCE (e.g. missing cable) lead to an
AIS condition in the scrambled signal path. This can only be caused by a
failure in that path itself. The AIS detection circuit analyses the scrambled
signal and reports such a condition to the management system.
The diagram below shows the path from the local to the remote DTE only.
The return path is identical. The remote DCE can be another UNIDA or a
non-ABB product that supports the scrambler function.

local DCE DCE remote

scrambled signal path
Nx64 conversion

Nx64 conversion



Data Data

DTE TDM transmission path DTE


AIS detector
Option combinations Option combinations created with standard and optional functions without
using the scrambler are explained and described in [002].
The following table shows all possible option combinations for UNIDA 438.
Combinations not shown are not supported. Two additional columns list
whether a network failure detection is possible and the respective alarm that
is generated.

CAS Performance Point to Scrambler Network failure Alarm

Monitoring Multipoint detection
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- On Yes «AIS received »
-- -- On -- -- --
-- -- On On Yes «AIS received»
-- On -- -- Yes «PM AIS»
On -- -- -- -- --
On -- -- On Yes (Note) «AIS received »

R must be set to «1» in the configuration dialogue «Error handling».

Fault detection and consequent actions if the scrambler is disabled are as

described in [002].

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 11 of 13

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Fault detection and consequent actions if the scrambler is enabled are as

• The AIS detection circuit recognises an AIS condition upon receiving a
sequence of 256 consecutive binary ones.
• Consequent actions of UNIDA
− R is set to «0» or «1» according to the configuration
− I is set to «Off» with a delay according to the configuration
− B/F is set to «Active» or «Off» according to the configuration
− The alarm «AIS received» is set to «On»

• The AIS detection circuit recognises a normal condition upon receiving a

sequence of 256 bits containing at least 16 binary zeros.
• Consequent actions of UNIDA:
− R is set to data
− I is set to «On»
− B/F is set to «Active»
− The alarm «AIS received» is set to «Off»

page 12 of 13 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 © ABB Ltd

Configuration The structure of the configuration process is identical to the one for UNIDA
The only additional item to be configured is the scrambler. It can be enabled
or disabled in the dialogue «Traffic – Interface»:


«Sampling Slope»
The transmit timing mode «Internal (phase adaptive)» is not supported if
the scrambler is enabled. The slope of the signal S that is used to sample
the incoming data can be selected instead. This allows to shift the
sampling time by half a bit length.

Operation As for UNIDA 436

Documentation As for UNIDA 436

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 13 of 13

FOX from ABB, covers all your communi-
cation requirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)


Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [318]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH 5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB Ltd
© ABB Ltd

Contents i
About this Document 1
Safety 1
Referenced ABB documents 1
Introduction 2
Front panel 2
Architectural Description 3
Block Diagram 3
Description of Block Diagram 4
Functional Description 6
Guidelines for commissioning and operation 6
Configuration 6
Synchronisation 6
General information 7
Installation 8
Prerequisites 8
Slots 8
Connections and Cables 8
Fixing the cables to the cable tray 10
Configuration and Operation 11
Defining the Units 11
Configuration of the ISBUQ in FOX 515 11
Configuration of the ISBUQ in the FOX-U/MFOX-U 12
Setting the User Port Parameters 12
ISDN-BA layer 12
IC-channel layer 14
Description of Activation and deactivation procedures 14
Status functions 15
Terminology of "lock" and "shutdown" 15
Displaying Status/Maintenance 17
Buttons in the status dialogue 18
Displaying the BA status 20
Diagnostics and Maintenance 21
Quick Test: Quick Loopback Test 21
Quick Test: Activation Test 22
Loopbacks ... 22
To activate / de-activate the testloops 23
Loopback information 23

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

To display active loopbacks 23

Performance test 24
How to run a Performance Test 25
How to stop a Performance Test 26
Alarm and Log Text 27
Board alarms 27
User Port alarms or ISDN-BA alarms 28
Setting Cross Connections to PCONV/PCON2 31
UBUS Expert Mode 31
Bus usage tool 32
How to check the assigned highways for one ISBUQ 32
ISBUQ in the FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U 33
UBUS Access for ISBUQ. 33
ISBUQ in the FOX 515 33
Maintenance 34
Inventory data 35
ISBUQ units in the FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U 35
ISBUQ units in the FOX 515 35
Installation of unit SW of the ISBUQ 35
CENCA removed from the FOX subrack 36
Active CENCA in the FOX subrack 36
ISBUQ in the FOX 515 36

iv “Units” Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd


Figure 1: Front View of the ISBUQ 2

Figure 2: Block Diagram of the ISBUQ 3
Figure 3: Front view of front panel connector X1. 8
Figure 4: Back (wire side) view of the ISBUQ cable ISBUQ/C1.1 9
Figure 5: Side view of cable tray and cable 10
Figure 6: Fully equipped FOX 515 subrack for ISDN 11
Figure 7: ISDN-BA layer 12
Figure 8: Copy of parameters dialogue 14
Figure 9: IC-channel Dialogue 14
Figure 10: Status/Maintenance Dialogue 17
Figure 11: ISDN-BA Status Dialogue 20
Figure 12: Quick Tests dialogue for Quick Loopback Test 21
Figure 13: Quick Tests dialogue for Activation Test 22
Figure 14: Loopbacks dialogue 22
Figure 15: Graphical overview Performance Test: Loopback set in NT1. 24
Figure 16: Performance Loopback Test dialogue 25
Figure 17: Alarm Configuration dialogue for Board layer 27
Figure 18: Alarm Configuration dialogue for User Port 28
Figure 19: Create First point dialogue 32
Figure 20: Correct TS assignment for ISBUQ 33
Figure 21: Unit ISBUQ component side 34
Figure 22: Example of the detailed inventory data of the ISBUQ 35

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 v

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

About this Document

Safety There are no special safety precautions to be followed in installing and
configuring the ISBUQ.

Referenced ABB docu- [002] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX-U/FOX515 Data units

ments [302] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual R6
[325] 1KHW001447R0001 Description unit ISBUT
[902] 1KHW001447R0001 Network Functions FOX

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 page 1 of 36

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

The ISBUQ 141 is referred to as the ISBUQ in this document.
The ISBUQ (ISDN Basic access U interface 2B1Q) is an ISDN linecard
used in V5.x applications where the access to the Exchange is established
via V5.1 or V5.2 interfaces. The unit has eight U interfaces using 2B1Q
coding, and uses 1 slot in the FOX subrack.

Front panel Figure 1: Front View of the ISBUQ

Fixing screw
Pull-out handle



Fault indication red LED (Unit)

Fault indication red LED (SbU)

Connector X1

Fixing screw

page 2 of 36 “Units” Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Architectural Description
The ISBUQ consists of the following function blocks:
• Two-wire U interface with protection and hybrid circuit
• Current limitation
• Line driver
• Data transfer block
• UBUS Interface
• CPU: Microcontroller with memory and peripheral logic
• uC-LAN interface
• DC / DC power converter

Block Diagram Figure 2: Block Diagram of the ISBUQ


Line Driver Data Transfer
8 BA


CPU Unit


Power Converter Power

Fault indication (Unit) Fault indication (SbU)

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 page 3 of 36

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Description of Block Dia-

The ISBUQ is implemented with the following blocks:
• Over Voltage Protection
This block provides protection against lightning surges (with external
gas discharge tubes) and ESD.
• Hybrid
The hybrid converts the 2-wire U interface into a 4-wire interface with
separated transmit and receive paths.
The hybrid circuit consists of a passive network and a transformer for
adaptation of the impedance. The remote power supply for the remote
NT1 is fed to the line side of the transformer.
• Line Driver
This block offers the following functions:
− U interface
− Echo cancelling
− Switching of test loop 1
For the duplex transmission of data to the NT1 via the U interface, the
signal is encoded with 2B1Q code. The line bit rate of 160 kbit/s con-
tains two B channels of 64 kbit/s each, a D channel of 16 kbit/s and a
maintenance M channel of 16 kbit/s used to transmit frame synchroni-
sation information and loop activation commands.
The echoes generated on the transmission path are compensated by
the echo cancelling procedure and adaptation to the line impedance.
To carry out a function test, the test loop 1 activated by the Element
Manager can be inserted in the IEC-Q block. This loops the 2B+D
channels back to the V5 exchange.
• Current limiting
In this block the supply current for the NT1 (individually for each line) is
monitored and limited to a maximum of 46 mA. If this value is ex-
ceeded, the block sends the signal «Current limit» to the microcontrol-
ler which cuts off remote power for this channel. At regular intervals,
the microcontroller applies remote power again. If the excessive current
stops drops, the remote power supply remains on.
• Data transfer and UBUS Interface blocks
The data transfer block builds up the two B channels of each SbU for
the UBUS interface, and processes the D channel of all eight SbUs into
the IC channel.
In this block the incoming data from both B-channels are buffered and
inserted into the selected time slots (per subscriber).
In the reverse direction, the signal is extracted from the PCM frame and
transmitted to the Line Driver block via the Data Transfer block.
• Microcontroller with memory and peripheral logic
The microcontroller initialises all the the complex integrated circuits of
the unit. It controls the UBUS interface block which connects the ap-
propriate time slots from the highways via the data transfer block to the
line driver.

page 4 of 36 “Units” Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

In the line driver block, the microcontroller controls the activation of

ISDN BA layer 1 and the maintenance functions (test loop and error
counters). The microcontroller runs the local, card specific software
stored in the local FLASH EPROM. This SW can be downloaded from
the UCST/UNEM if the ISBUQ is operated in the FOX 515.
The channels are cyclically scanned to monitor their alarm status. Any
transmission alarm messages are passed on to the central control
cards CENCA/COBU<x>. Simultaneously the lower red "traffic" LED on
the front panel is switched on.
The ISBUQ communicates with the CENCA / COBU<x> via the µC-
LAN interface and control signal lines. Configuration data is exchanged
and the alarm messages are sent to CENCA/COBU<x>.
A flash EPROM for the unit SW, the EEPROM for the inventory man-
agement data (IVM), and the RAM for the unit's configuration data are
also part of the microprocessor block.
• DC/DC power converter for remote powering
An integrated DC/DC converter supplies the power for the NT1 units.
The remote supply’s voltage is symmetrically fed to the 2 wires of the U
The remote powering derives directly from the battery and not from the
POSUP or POSUS power supply units. The DC/DC converter electri-
cally isolates the remote power supply from the battery and produces a
balanced ±48V supply.
In the FOX-U subrack the power for the converter is provided via
the UF connection point at the back of the subrack.

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 page 5 of 36

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Functional Description
The ISBUQ (ISDN Basic access U interface 2B1Q) is an ISDN linecard
used in V5.x applications. The unit has 8 U interfaces using 2B1Q coding.
• The ISBUQ offers 8 U interfaces per unit.
• All U interfaces are accessible from the front panel.
• The remote power feeding on the U interfaces is individually settable
for all 8 U interfaces.
• There are no hardware settable options on the unit.
• The full range of status information is available from UCST/UNEM:
− activation status of U interface
− loopbacks status
− remote power feeding status
− NT1 status
− status of user port administrative and operational state
• The following range of port blocking requests are settable from the
− lock
− shutdown
− unlock
• There is a full range of diagnostics loop activation of the U interface
from the UCST/UNEM:
− on the ISBUQ (loop 1)
− on up to 6 IEs (repeaters, loop 1A) and
− on the NT1 (loop 2)
• The following tests are executable from the UCST/UNEM:
− Performance Test for loopbacks 1, 1A and 2
− Quick loopback test
− Activation test
• Performance Monitoring is supported.
• The DS is configurable as Permanent Activated.
• There is a fault indication (LED) on the front panel.
• The Inventory management data is stored on the unit.
• The unit SW is downloadable in the FOX 515.

Guidelines for commission- Be sure to follow these guidelines:

ing and operation

Configuration Crossconnect the IC-channel directly after creating the crossconnection of

the eight user ports.

Synchronisation Synchronise the NE with the ISBUQ to the V5 exchange via a dedicated 2
MHz clock signal from the exchange, or via a 2 Mbit/s signal from the ex-

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General information

− An SbU that is disabled does not consume significantly less power

than an SbU that is enabled.
− Any U interface that is activated and in use (transparent) does not
consume significantly more power than a U interface that is deacti-
vated and not transmitting data.
− Remote powering of the NT1s via the ISBUQ is directly provided by
the -48V source (connected to the UF terminal on the FOX-U

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Prerequisites UCST version 4A or higher
(32 bit version for Windows 95, 98 and NT4 SP6).
Keep the unit in the ESD protection bag as long as the unit is not
plugged into the subrack.
Before removing the unit from its ESD protection bag, make sure
that you haven’t accumulated electro-static charges.

Slots The ISBUQ takes up one slot in a FOX subrack.

The ISBUQ takes up one slot in a FOX subrack and can be inserted in any
slots except
FOX 515 and FOX 512: slot 11 (reserved for the central unit)
• FOX-U/M and FOX-U: slots 9, 18 and 19 (reserved for the central unit
and the power units)

Connections and Cables The pin assignment of the front panel connector X1 is shown in figure 3.
Latching clips MUST be used to secure the cable to the front
panel connector properly.

Figure 3: Front view of front panel connector X1.


SbU 8
For cable
latching clip Ub
SbU 7

Ub .
SbU 6

SbU 5

SbU 4

SbU 3

SbU 2

For cable
latching clip
SbU 1

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The cable ISBUQ/C1.1 connecting to connector X1 connects all eight U in-

terfaces of the ISBUQ.

Figure 4: Back (wire side) view of the ISBUQ cable ISBUQ/C1.1

View B A


View A

View A
32 bn
r SbU 8
31 Ua
28 gn
27 r
Ua SbU 7
24 og Ub
Ua SbU 6
21 bl
20 Ub
Ua SbU 5
17 bn
16 Ub
w SbU 4
13 gn
12 w
Ua SbU 3
9 og Ub
8 w
Ua SbU 2
5 bl Ub
w SbU 1
4 Ua
bottom 2

Please note:
• The ISBUQ cable is an open-ended twisted pair bundle. It
must be properly connected to your own distribution frame.
• The ISBUQ and ISBUT use the same cable type.

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Fixing the cables to the The cable must be attached to the cable tray and the grounding bar as
cable tray shown in the figure below.
Refer to the FOX Manual [302] for additional information.

Figure 5: Side view of cable tray and cable

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Configuration and Operation

The ISBUQ is automatically initialised on power up or when the unit is
plugged into the subrack. The unit obtains its configuration data from the
Network connections with the CENCA and cross connections with the
COBU<x> based NEs, the assignment of the channels to the TSs of a
transmission link are established as described in [002] and [302].

Defining the Units

Configuration of the ISBUQ in To determine the slot designation of the various units you should use the
FOX 515 generic templates for system design provided by ABB.
To configure the ISBUQ in the UCST/UNEM double-click on the desired
slot and select Isbuq141.cdu from the list.
The unit description "V5ISDN-BA2B1Q R3" means
− V5ISDN: V5 ISDN application
− BA: Basic Access
− 2B1Q: Line code is 2B1Q
− R3: 3rd release of ISBUQ function unit

The template below shows a recommended example for a fully equipped

FOX 515 subrack for ISDN.

Figure 6: Fully equipped FOX 515 subrack for ISDN

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Configuration of the ISBUQ in The label on the unit front panel conforms to the FOX 515 labelling con-
the FOX-U/MFOX-U cept.
Due to this, the corresponding UCST template (*.cdu) can NOT be read
from the label as you normally can with UBUS units.
The UCST template (∗.cdu) corresponding to the installed unit defines the
range of functions. Therefore see also the release notes. The ∗.cdu de-
fines the ESW which must be installed on the ISBUQ.
In a FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U you cannot download the ESW by the
UCST/UNEM (SW download is NOT supported in FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U).
Therefore all ISBUQs delivered are commissioned with the unit SW when
they leave ABB. The installed SW version is indicated on a label on the
ISBUQ PBA or can be read out by the Inventory function of the
If you have to change the SW for any reason then you must configure the
ISBUQ in a FOX 515 and deliver/install the unit SW for the unit. The SW
remains resident on the ISBUQ even if it is unpowered and/or you move
the unit to a FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U.
You may also use the copy-PROM procedure as described in the para-
graphs on Unit SW installation at the end of this chapter.

Setting the User Port Pa- This section will guide you through all the steps necessary to configure the
rameters ISBUQ.
The User Port parameters are settable individually for all eight

Double click on an ISBUQ unit to open the Unit Configuration Parame-

ters Dialogue for the selected ISBUQ.
ISDN-BA layer Figure 7: ISDN-BA layer

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• Name
Default entries are "User Port-<x>". You can edit these names up to a
maximum of 16 characters. Enter e.g. the MDF connection point or the
subscriber's telephone number.
This entry is not mandatory but helps to keep clarity for the commis-
• State
Here you must enable all ISDN user ports you will use on the ISBUQ.
Please note that from UCST R5 per default all user ports are
NOT enabled.
If you enable the first user port then the UCST activates the IC-channel.
The following window appears:

Confirm with Yes.

The power feeding is switched off if a user port is disabled.
• Power Feed
The ISBUQ provides remote power feeding for one regenerator, the
NT1, and a restricted mode of power feeding at the S interface.
The power feeding is also active if a subscriber has no cross-
connections or if no NT is connected to the line.
The power feeding is independent of the status of the BA. Even if the
subscriber is locked, the power feeding remains active.
• DS Permanent Activation
If enabled then the Digital Section remains activated also if the sub-
scriber is onhook. This allows a shorter set-up time for a call.
If enabled the status in the Status/Maintenance dialogue is displayed
as "DS activated".
Copying parameters
It is possible to copy the parameters of any SbU to other SbUs using the
[Copy] button.

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Figure 8: Copy of parameters dialogue

First, select the subscriber with the master parameters. Then select all the
subscribers which should have the same settings and press the [OK] but-

IC-channel layer Figure 9: IC-channel Dialogue

The IC-channel is automatically activates as soon as the first user port of

an ISBUQ is enabled.
Description of Activation The activation of the U interface is a procedure to initialise the U interface
and deactivation proce- for Layer 1 for transparent full duplex data transmission on the 2-wire line.
dures This includes the recognition of the synchronisation pattern, as well as
stable running of the adaptive echo canceller. This procedure is initiated
either by the NT1 or by the LE (V5 Exchange).
Coldstart activation (after power up) takes up to 15 seconds max. Warm-
start activation (after normal deactivation) takes up to 600ms max. If a
subscriber has the option DS Permanent Activation enabled then a few ms
are used to activate the BA.
The deactivation of the U interface is an orderly disconnection procedure
to permit the NT1 and any regenerators to be returned to a low power con-

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sumption mode and reduce intrasystem crosstalk to other systems. This

procedure is initiated only by the LE.
Activation by the NT1:
If the NT1 initiates the activation (originating call) then after the "wake up" of
the U interface the connections are activated but only become transparent if
synchronised and if the appropriate command is sent by the NT1.
Activation of the U interface is not possible if the NT1 has no TE (ISDN
Terminal) connected to its S interface.
Activation by the LE:
If the LE initiates the activation (terminating call) then the ISBUQ sends its
"wake up" via the U interface to the NT1. After synchronisation of the NT1,
the U interface is active and transparent.
Activation of the U interface is not possible if:
− the NT1 has no TE (ISDN Terminal) connected to its S interface, or
− the U interface is not terminated on a NT1.

Deactivation by the LE:

Deactivation is always initiated by the LE.
The following fault conditions at the LE or at the NT1 side causes a deacti-
vation of U interface:
− LFA (Loss of Frame Alignment)
− LOS (Loss of Signal)
− Loss of remote power at NT1 (results in an LFA/LOS).

Status functions
Terminology of "lock" and "Lock" and "Shutdown" are operator requests to block ports generated via
"shutdown" the UCST/UNEM and sent from the AN to the LE (V5 Exchange).
− Immediate port blocking via the "Lock" request is used for urgent
port maintenance or in the case of failures or unacceptable error
− Deferred port blocking via the "Shutdown" request is used for non-
urgent port maintenance. The LE waits until an ongoing call is ter-
minated before putting the port into the blocked state.
Port blocking is used during start-up, for user port maintenance, and in the
case of failures. When a port is blocked, originating calls are no longer
possible and terminating calls are treated by the LE (V5 Exchange) as if
the port was out of service (according to the national protocol).
The LE does not accept immediate port blocking via "Lock" request in the
case of active calls, calls being set up or cleared down.
A "blocked" port is deactivated unless its type of service requires perma-
nent activation.
You need to coordinate the unblocking ports at both sides. The LE puts
the port into the operational state when it accepts an unblocking request
from UCST.
The LE can "disable" ports or properly speaking logically disconnects the
subscribers from the exchange due to various reasons such as:
− AN fault
− Blocking by LE because of excessive error rate, fault, or for man-
agement reasons.

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Some explanations about administrative and operational state according to

ETS 300 376-1, Annex A:
− The “locked” / “enabled” state means that the port has been locked
by the management system of the AN and that there are no local
fault conditions.
− In the “locked” state the operational state attribute reflects AN inter-
nal failures, i.e. “enabled” means no AN fault and “disabled” means
AN fault regardless of any knowledge about the LE side.
− However, in the “unlocked” state the operational state attribute is
changed from “enabled” to “disabled” due to AN fault or blocking by
the LE.
The use of administrative and operational state combinations can be seen
as a means to report as much detail as possible about the user port status.
Thus, a user port can be in the following different states:
“locked” / “disabled”
“locked” / “enabled”
“shutting down”
“unlocked” / “disabled”
“unlocked” / “enabled”
whereas only the user ports in the states “unlocked” / “enabled” are really
unblocked on the V5 interface. In all the other states, the associated user
port is either blocked or considered as blocked.

Administrative Operational Cause / Meaning

State State
(AN forced) (LE forced)
Locked Disabled The User Port is blocked by LE due to a request by UCST and
there are faults in the AN
Locked Enabled Port is blocked by LE due to a request by UCST and there are
no faults in the AN
Shutting down ---- Port will be blocked by LE whenever the ongoing call is termi-
nated due to a request by UCST
Unlocked Disabled Port is blocked by LE because of excessive error rates, fault, LE
management reasons, or faults in the AN
Unlocked Enabled Port is operational on the V5 interface.

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Displaying Select an ISBUQ unit and select Unit Configuration →

Status/Maintenance Status/Maintenance... to open the Status/Maintenance Dialogue.

Figure 10: Status/Maintenance Dialogue

In this dialogue subscriber 1 is activated, which means he has an ongoing

• SbU Name:
Here appears the ISDN-BA number followed by the subscriber's name
you defined in the Parameter menu.
• State:
Possible states are: Enabled; not enabled.
This shows the status you defined previously in the Parameter section.
• Activation State:
Possible states are: deactivated; BA activated; DS activated;
BA activated / LOS at TE.
Shows deactivated if the subscriber is onhook or BA activated if he is
• Administrative State:
Possible states are: unlocked; locked; shutting down.
This shows the NE state of a subscriber. The NE state is the state in-
fluenced by the NE itself and not by the exchange.
The ISBUQ can ask the exchange to lock selected subscribers for
maintenance or other purposes. This is done via the [Shutdown] button
in this mask. The actual state of the specific subscriber is displayed in
the administrative state.
• Operational state:
Possible states are: enabled; disabled.

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This shows the state as defined and forced from the exchange.
Buttons in the status dialogue On the right side of the Status/Maintenance dialogue, you'll find several
• [Get...]:
If you click on this button, the EM requests an update of the status field
from the NE. If you are no longer connected, it automatically estab-
lishes a connection to the NE.
• [Shutdown]:
This button allows you to initiate a controlled shutdown of a selected
subscriber. The AN asks the LE to block a subscriber and as soon as
the LE gives the permission, the NE locks the subscriber. That means it
is always the responsibility of the LE to lock a subscriber. If a sub-
scriber is off-hook and you request a shutdown then the status mes-
sage shutting down is shown until the LE permits the locking of the
• [Lock]:
If you lock a selected subscriber then the subscriber will be locked imme-
diately even if the subscriber is off-hook. The LE is not asked first.
Locking a port causes on going calls to be interrupted.

• [Unlock]:
The UCST can ask to bring a subscriber previously locked back to nor-
mal mode of operation.
• [BA Status ...]:
See paragraphs Displaying the BA status.
• [Quick Tests ...]:
Allows you to run a quick loopback or an activation test to check the
For further details please refer to the section "Diagnostics and Mainte-
nance" in this document.
• [Loopbacks ...]:
Allows you to set a loop either in the ISBUQ, the repeater(s) or the
For further details please refer to the section "Diagnostics and Mainte-
nance" in this document.
• [Status Cmd...]:
Allows you to switch on or off the remote power feeding.
This [Status Cmd...] process is much faster than to modify the power
feed parameter and download it to the FOX.

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Displaying the BA status From the Status/Maintenance Dialogue

Select a User Port and then press the button [BA Status...]

Figure 11: ISDN-BA Status Dialogue

Press [Get] to refresh the dialogue with the latest Status.

• Activation Status
This dialogue displays the states of layer 1 communication of the U in-
− "DS activated":
when the Digital Section between the ISBUQ and the NT1 are acti-
− "BA activated":
when the Basic Access ISBUQ, NT1, and TE are activated
− "BA activated / LOS at TE":
when the U interface is in state "BA activated" but with the TE dis-
connected or faulty.
− "Deactivated":
when the U interface is deactivated (idle).
• Loop back status
Active diagnostic loops are indicated with a marked field.
− Loop 1: Loop set in ISBUQ
− Loop 1A: Loop set in one of the repeaters
− Loop 2: Loop set in NT1
• Power feeding / NT1 Status
The following NT1 status (as generated and sent by the NT1) can be
− "Power feeding" status indicates if there is remote powering on the
U interface (operational) or not (shutdown).
− "Primary power supply (PS1)" status indicates that the NT1 is locally
− "Secondary power supply (PS2)" status indicates that the NT1 is lo-
cally powered by a secondary power supply.
− "NT1 in test mode (NTM)" status indicates that the NT1 is in a test
mode. The NT1 is considered to be in test mode when the D chan-
nel or either one of the B channels is involved in a locally initiated

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maintenance action. When in test mode, the NT1 may be unavail-

able for service.
− "Cold start only indication (CSO)" status indicates that the NT1 does
not meet or support activation time requirements for "warm start".

Diagnostics and Mainte- The user port must be locked first before you can run quick tests
nance or apply loopbacks.
If not locked, the following dialogue shows up:

You have first to stop a running performance test if you want to

use the Quick tests on a specific user port.

Quick Test: Quick Loopback The Quick Loopback Test verifies the digital section between the AN and
Test the NT1 by checking whether it is possible to engage and release the NT1
loopback (loopback 2).
Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and push the [Quick Test ...] but-
ton. The following dialogue appears:

Figure 12: Quick Tests dialogue for Quick Loopback Test

First, click on the [Get] button to activate the dialogue and to get the latest
test result.
To start a new test click on the [Start Test] button. The test lasts about 5 s
(average time) but may last up to 15 s.
The result is not shown automatically. You have to press the
[Get] button to display the test result.
The possible test results are: pass; failed

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Quick Test: Activation Test The Activation Test verifies the basic access between the AN and the TE.
The BA is considered as faultless if the AN management can activate the
DS and the TE.
Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and push the [Quick Test ...] but-
ton. The same dialogue as with the Quick Loopback Test appears. Use the
Test Selection to select the Activation test:

Figure 13: Quick Tests dialogue for Activation Test

First, click on the [Get] button to activate the dialogue window and to get
the latest test result.
To start a new test press the [Start Test] button. The test lasts about 5 s
(average time) but may also last up to 15 s.
The result is not shown automatically. You have to press the
[Get] button to display the test result.
The possible test results are: pass; failed

Loopbacks ... The Loopback... dialogue allows you to set loopbacks either in the ISBUQ
itself, in the repeater(s) or in the NT1.
Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and click on the [Loopbacks ...]
button. The following dialogue appears:

Figure 14: Loopbacks dialogue

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The colours of the switch-boxes have the following meaning:

yellow: Switch is undefined since no [Get] has been applied
green: The testloop is not active
red: The testloop is active

The testloops loop the signal as follows:

• Loop 1
Loops the U interface on the ISBUQ from the exchange back to the ex-
• Loop 1A
Loops the U interface at the subscriber side of the repeater back to the
exchange. If there are several repeaters in the subscriber line then you
have to select the address of the repeater.
• Loop 2
Loops the 2 C and D channels in the NT1 back to the exchange.

To activate / de-activate the Mark / unmark the testloop to be activated / deactivated.

For Loop 1A on Repeater, select appropriate repeater address.
For IEs (repeater) implemented with EXLIC/SULIS you must use
address 2.
Press [Set] to send the testloop activate / de-activate command to the

Loopback information Active loopbacks appear with red switch-boxes after you press [GET].
You can have only one loopback active at a time. Before the
loopback becomes active, you must first de-activate any existing
active loopback.
Active loopbacks are neither alarmed nor indicated via the lower
LED on the front panel.
Loopbacks are not treated as a configuration parameter, and are
thus not stored in the configuration. They are permanent until
you de-activate them. A power reset of the ISBUQ unit (by
ISBUQ extraction and insertion or subrack power down) auto-
matically de-activates all loops.

To display active loopbacks Press [Get].

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Performance test With the Performance Test you can determine the quality of a Digital Sec-
tion. The test sends a bit pattern according to O.152 towards the NT or the
repeater. Since the loopback either in the NT or the repeater mirrors the
bit-pattern back to the pattern test equipment located on the ISBUQ it is
possible to count the bit errors during a specific time.

Figure 15: Graphical overview Performance Test:

Loopback set in NT1.

Loop Location
(1 or 1a or 2)

Loop U Highway


The Performance Test may be executed with loopbacks 1, 1A and 2. (The

test with loopback 1 is not that convenient since it is within the unit).
You must specify the loopback location and the test duration prior to start-
ing the test.
A user port must be locked first before you can run a Perform-
ance Test.
You can run a performance test on one subscriber only at a time.

The result shows the bit-error count divided by the totally number of sent
bits. The totally amount of sent bits is 128kbit/s x time (exactly 131072bit/s
x time).
To check the Performance test setup you can apply an artificial bit-error
insertion. This function inserts about one bit-error per second. If you en-
able the bit-error insertion and leave the test running for one minute then
the result will be (for a line without any additional errors):
BER = 7.6 E-6
You can calculate the number of errors within those 60 seconds as fol-
7.6 E-6 [errors/bit] ∗ 60[s] ∗ 131'072[bit/s] = 60 [errors]

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How to run a Performance


− Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and select your user port.

− Then click on the [Loopbacks...] button.
− Press the [Get] button to activate the dialogue.
− Select your loopback, e.g. loopback 2.
− Press the [Set] button. To check the actual status press the [Get]
button again.
− To enable the performance test button press the [Get] button again
− Press on the Performance Test [Test...] button.
The following dialogue appears:
Figure 16: Performance Loopback Test dialogue

− Press [Get] to activate the dialogue.

The Location shows you the location of the active loopback.
The Test State displays the actual state of the test. It can be running,
idle or test aborted.
The Test Result displays the last available result. An optimal sub-
scriber line has zero bit-errors (BER: 0 E0). If the result is worse than
zero bit-errors then you must decide whether to use the line or not.
Here you can set the Duration of a test. The default value is one
minute. The possible values are:

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If you want to insert artificial errors then activate the box Insert Error
(1 s ). This inserts one error per second.
− Press [Start Test] to start the Performance Test.
The result is not shown automatically. You have to press the
[Get] button to display the test result.
With the units EXLIC and SULIS as repeaters this performance
test may fail since EXLIC/SULIS transfers the two B-channels
separately as 2 x 64 kbit/s and not as 128 kbit/s.

How to stop a Performance The Performance Test stops automatically as soon as the Duration time
Test defined in the Settings dialogue elapses.
You can also interrupt a Performance Test at any time with the [Stop Test]
button. The Test Status will then be test aborted.

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Alarm and Log Text

Select a unit and then open the menu Unit Configuration → Alarms....
The dialogue shown below will appear.
Any alarm can be configured as monitored or not monitored with the Re-
port Option entry. With the button [MON] you enable the monitoring of all
alarms. With the button [NMON] you disable the monitoring of all alarms.
The procedures for setting alarm severities are described in the FOX man-
ual [302]. Note that any alarms defined as urgent or non-urgent will acti-
vate the red unit LED on the front panel of the unit.
The Persist Time defines the minimum time a failure has to be present be-
fore the alarm is generated. The Absent Time defines the time a failure
has to be absent before the alarm is cleared.

Board alarms
Figure 17: Alarm Configuration dialogue for Board layer

The meaning of the board alarms is as follows:

Alarm Text Default Description

Board Layer
Unit Not Available UA This alarm occurs if the configuration applied by the EM does not fit the HW
installed in the subrack e.g. if the template and the SW are different.
• Check and correct the configuration of the ISBUQ.
• Check also the correct delivery and installation of the unit SW.
• Replace the ISBUQ unit.
Internal DC/DC Converter UA This alarm occurs if the remote power supply fails. The internal DC/DC
Power Failure converter on the ISBUQ which provides remote powering of the NT1 is
faulty, overloaded or operating out of specification.
• Replace the ISBUQ.

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Alarm Text Default Description

Board Layer
It also could be that there is not sufficient power from the battery source for
the load required by all the U interfaces
• Check the power supply of the subrack.

IC-channel Communica- UA This alarm occurs if the layer2 of the internal communication channel be-
tion Error tween the ISBUQ and PCON<x> could not be established. This error mes-
sage is always on if the ISBUQ does not have any crossconnections to-
wards the PCON<x>.
• Check if the crossconnections are made properly. If the ISBUQ is in
another network element, check the wiring and the configuration of the

User Port alarms or You can define the User Port alarm settings individually for all eight sub-
ISDN-BA alarms scribers. To set the alarms select ISDN-BA<x> or All in the Alarm Con-
figuration dialogue.

Figure 18: Alarm Configuration dialogue for User Port

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The meaning of the User Port alarms is as follows:

Alarm Text Default Description

PSTN Layer
Hardware Failure UA This alarm shows that a subscriber circuit on the ISBUQ is out of order.
• Replace the ISBUQ.
Power Feeding Failure NA This alarm indicates any faulty conditions on the U interface. Maybe the wiring
of the U interface has a short circuit.
• Check the wiring of the U interface for short circuits. If this is not not suc-
cessful change the NT1.
DS LOS/LFA NA (Loss Of Signal / Loss of Frame Alignment in Digital Section)
• This alarm is generated if the DS or the whole BA has been activated and
then deactivated. The deactivation occurred due to a LOS/LFA in the DS.
• Check the wiring of the U interface for short circuits. If this is not not suc-
cessful change the NT1.
T LOS/LFA NA (Loss Of Signal / Loss of Frame Alignment in Terminal)
• This alarm is generated if the BA has been activated but a LOS/LFA oc-
curred in the terminal.
• Check if the terminal (phone) is connected correctly to the NT1.
ISDN Layer 1 NA • This alarm is generated if it is not possible to activate the DS. Normally
this error occurs after the LOS/LFA in DS error has been on.
• Check the U interface wiring or the NT1.
Near End Unacceptable NA (Unacceptable performance on U Interface at the near end)
Performance • This alarm is generated if the number of errored seconds (ES) or the
number of severely errored seconds (SES), counted in the time interval
T1, crosses the set threshold for unacceptable performance.
• The alarm is cleared if the number of (ES) or the number of (SES),
counted in the time interval T1, crosses the reset threshold for unaccept-
able performance.
• When the user port is configured as DS Permanent Activation enabled,
the performance is evaluated according to G.826. The default values are:
T1: 15 minutes, set thresholds: ES = 120, SES = 15, reset thresholds: ES
= 0, SES = 0
• When the user port is configured as DS Permanent Activation disabled,
the performance is evaluated by a proprietary procedure. The default val-
ues are: T1: 1 minute, set thresholds: ES = 6 , SES = 2, reset thresholds:
ES = 3, SES = 1. The alarm is set after 10 continuous intervals T1 with ES
≥ 6 or SES ≥ 2 and the alarm is reset after 10 continuous intervals T1 with
ES ≤ 3 or SES ≤ 1.

• Check the wiring of the U interface and remove interfering signal sources.
Near End Degraded NA (Degraded performance on U Interface at the near end)
Performance • This alarm is generated if the number of errored seconds (ES) or the
number of severely errored seconds (SES), counted in the time interval
T2, crosses the set threshold for degraded performance.
• The alarm is cleared if the number of (ES) or the number of (SES),
counted in the time interval T2, crosses the reset threshold for degraded
• The default values are: T2: 24 hours, set thresholds: ES = 2600, SES =
650, reset thresholds: ES = 0, SES = 0

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 page 29 of 36

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Alarm Text Default Description

PSTN Layer
• Check the wiring of the U interface and remove interfering signal sources.
Far End Unacceptable NA (Unacceptable performance on U Interface at the far end.)
Performance • This alarm is generated if the errors, detected at the far end, meet the
same conditions as described above for the near end.
• Check the wiring of the U interface and remove interfering signal sources.
Far End Degraded NA (Degraded performance on U Interface at the far end)
Performance • This alarm is generated if the errors, detected at the far end, meet the
same conditions as described above for the near end.
• Check the wiring of the U interface and remove any interfering signal
Remote Defect Indica- This alarm is not relevant for ISBUQ. It is supported with ISBUT only.
B- or D-Channel AIS This alarm is not relevant for ISBUQ. It is supported with ISBUT only.
Maintenance Function NA This alarm is generated if the ISBUQ is running any maintenance actions e.g.
Active a loopback on at least one subscriber.
• Check the configuration of the ISBUT for any unwanted maintenance

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ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Setting Cross Connections to PCONV/PCON2

Proceed ISBUQ unit by ISBUQ unit.
First create the cross connections for the eight User Ports. Then
create the cross connection for the IC-channel.
Do this two steps for each ISBUQ unit after the other.
An ISBUQ can only access two FOX internal UBUS highways. If you cre-
ate the cross-connections under control of the UCST then the UCST
checks the use of the UBUS highways and stops creating crossconnec-
tions as soon as more than two highways are required. The following mes-
sage shows up:

What to do?
To avoid this limitation you must ensure that ISBUQ uses two highways
only. That means you must create the connection points and crossconnec-
tions on the UBUS highways manually. This is achieved with the UBUS
Expert Mode.
If the above message appears then delete the ISBUQ unit in your configu-
ration and re-add it again. Then proceed with the configuration as de-
scribed in the paragraphs "UBUS Expert Mode".

UBUS Expert Mode This mode is activated if you select the box UBUS expert mode within the
Create Cross Connection dialogue.
If the UBUS expert mode box is activated the following dialogue appears
after pressing the [Create] button:

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 page 31 of 36

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Figure 19: Create First point dialogue

This dialogue allows you to select a highway and a timeslot for a specific
connection point. In our example we assign the User Port-1 of ISBUQ <2>
to highway 5 since highway 5 has enough free timeslots. You can see this
in the column Timeslots [1..31] usage. Proceed the same way with the
User Ports <2 .. 8> and the IC-channel.
The automatic crossconnection procedure would fill up the high-
way 1 and highway 2, each of which has spare timeslots for 1
ISBUQ User Port only. The crossconnection for the 3rd to 8th
ISBUQ User Ports and the IC channel will be assigned automati-
cally to highway 5 ⇒ the violation of the 2 highway rule is per-
Check your configuration with the Bus usage tool.

Bus usage tool The Bus Usage Tool allows you to check the connection points of all ex-
isting cross connections of the NE.

How to check the assigned Open the NE Configuration → Bus usage....dialogue. You see in the
highways for one ISBUQ UBUS folder all 16 highways. For each highway you also see the active
connection points . In one column (Timeslot [1..31] Usage) you have a
summary of the time slots used. TS used are marked with a "+".
In the next columns (Connection Points <x>) you can check the subscrib-
ers assigned to the time slots.
Verify that all the TSs of one ISBUQ are assigned to no more than two
UBUS highways.
The following figure shows correct ISBUQ timeslot assignment

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ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Figure 20: Correct TS assignment for ISBUQ

Correct timeslot usage: In the dialogue above all 17 TSs (16 plus 1) of the
ISBUQ are on highway number 5.
If you have to delete a Connection Point then you have to disable
the related User Port in the Unit Configuration Parameter dia-
logue. You may also delete and re-add the whole unit. It is not
sufficient to just delete the related crossconnection!
ISBUQ in the FOX-
UBUS Access for ISBUQ. With UCST R4A you no longer have to set connection points
prior to setting the cross connections.
When the ISBUQ is installed in a FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U subrack, then the
corresponding traffic data are provided via the 2Mbit/s ports of MEGIF,
LECA2 or TUN<xy>. The SbUs of the ISBUQ must be cross connected to
the TSs on the 2Mbit/s port. The 2Mbit/s port must then be connected to a
PCONV or PCON2 in a FOX 515 over a 2 Mbit/s network. The 2 Mbit/s
access points are "terminated" within this part of the network.

ISBUQ in the FOX 515 In the FOX 515, connection points are automatically created at the time the
cross connections are defined. Define the cross connections for all eight
SbUs of an ISBUQ unit whether they are used or not.
Proceed ISBUQ unit by ISBUQ unit.
First create the cross connections for all the User Ports before
you create the cross connection for the IC-channel of the ISBUQ.
• Please contact ABB for details on V5-applications!

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 page 33 of 36

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Under normal use, there are no components on the ISBUQ unit that you
need to access.

Figure 21: Unit ISBUQ component side

D3903: Socket for Copy PROM for Boot Loader SW.

X3900: Jumper to activate Copy PROM "cpy".
X4401: Jumper to prevent unit reset by CENCA

The following maintenance facilities are available for ISBUQ:

• Inventory data
• Unit SW Download

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ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

Inventory data For a description of the inventory function, refer to [302].

ISBUQ units in the FOX- You can read the standard inventory data from the ISBUQ via the
− Unit Name and Type
− HW-Key
− SW Version

ISBUQ units in the FOX 515 You can read the standard and the detailed inventory data from the ISBUQ
via the UCST/UNEM.

Figure 22: Example of the detailed inventory data of the ISBUQ

Installation of unit SW of
ISBUQ in FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U It is possible to update the unit SW of the ISBUQ units installed in the
FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U by inserting a jumper to activate a copy PROM on the
ISBUQ unit and an EPROM containing the unit SW update into the socket
on the unit.
There are 2 ways possible to update the unit SW:
• with the CENCA removed from the FOX subrack (i.e. using a spare
powered up subrack), and
• with the CENCA remaining in the FOX subrack (i.e. no spare subrack

1KHW001447R0001 “Units” Part 1 page 35 of 36

ABB ISBUQ 130, 141 © ABB Ltd

CENCA removed from the This method is recommended since it provides positive feedback (periodic
FOX subrack flashing of LED as described below) if the procedure has been successful.
The position of the jumper to activate the "copy PROM" and the socket for
the copy PROM are shown in the figure of the ISBUQ component side.
− remove the ISBUQ to be updated from the subrack
− insert jumper X3900 to activate the copy PROM.
− carefully insert the copy PROM into the socket while respecting the
proper orientation (indicated by the notch of the IC)
− insert the ISBUQ into a powered spare subrack (with
POSUP/POSUS) or a powered FOX-U/M without a CENCA
− after a few seconds, the red LED on the ISBUQ front panel flashes
a few times
− a few seconds later it flashes a second time
− after about 30 seconds the LED will flash periodically indicating the
end of the programming sequence
− remove the ISBUQ from the spare subrack
− remove the jumper X3900
− remove the copy PROM from its socket
− re-insert the ISBUQ into the original subrack
You can use the jumper and EPROM containing the Unit SW to update
other ISBUQ units.

Active CENCA in the FOX


− The position of the jumper to activate the "copy PROM" and the
socket for the copy PROM are shown in the figure of the ISBUQ
component side.
− remove the ISBUQ to be updated from the subrack
− insert jumper X3900 to activate the copy PROM.
− insert jumper X4401 to prevent the CENCA from resetting the
ISBUQ during the unit SW update procedure
− carefully insert the copy PROM into the socket while respecting the
proper orientation (indicated by the notch of the IC)
− re-insert the ISBUQ into the subrack
− wait a minimum of 40 seconds to allow the programming sequence
to terminate
− remove the ISBUQ from the subrack
− remove the jumper X3900
− remove the jumper X4401
− remove the copy PROM from its socket
− re-insert the ISBUQ into the subrack
− check if the unit SW update has been successful by using the Inven-
tory feature of FOX-U/M(E)FOX-U as described in [002].
You can use the jumper and EPROM containing the unit SW to update
other ISBUQ units.

ISBUQ in the FOX 515 You can update the unit SW of the ISBUQ units installed in FOX 515 with
the standard SW download procedure described in [302].
Since the ISBUQ is a UBUS unit, the installation of the Unit SW
takes up to approx. 3 minutes.

page 36 of 36 “Units” Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

FOX from ABB, covers all your communication re-
quirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)


Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
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ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [325]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB
© ABB Ltd

Contents i
About this document 1
Safety 1
Referenced ABB documents 1
Introduction 2
Front panel 3
Architectural Description 4
Block Diagram 4
Description of the Block Diagram 5
Functional Description 7
V5 and Digital Leased Line related Functional Description 7
V5 specific Functional Description 7
Digital Leased Line specific Functional Description 7
Limitation if you use the ISBUT in the FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U 8
V5 specific guidelines for commissioning and operation 8
Configuration 8
Synchronisation 8
Digital Leased Line specific guidelines for commissioning and operation 8
General guideline 8
What you should do if you encounter many alarms or unwanted testloops on an
How to avoid that situation 8
How to get rid of an unwanted loop 9
Installation 9
Prerequisites 9
Slots 9
Connections and Cables 9
Fixing the cables to the cable tray 12
V5: Configuration and Operation 13
Defining the Units 13
Configuration of the ISBUT in FOX 515 13
Configuration of the ISBUT in the FOX-U/M FOX-U 14
Setting the User Port Parameters 14
Copying parameters 16
Setting the IC-channel Parameters 16
Description of the IC-channel 17
Description of Activation and deactivation procedures 17
Status functions 18

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

Terminology of "lock" and "shutdown" 18

Displaying Status/Maintenance (V5 specific) 20
Buttons in the status dialogue 21
Displaying the BA status 22
Diagnostics and Maintenance 23
Quick Test: Quick Loopback Test 23
Quick Test: Activation Test 23
Loopbacks ... 24
To activate / de-activate the loopbacks 25
Loopback information 25
To display active loopbacks 25
Performance test 26
How to run a Performance Test 26
How to stop a Performance Test 28
Status Command 28
Digital Leased Line: Configuration and Operation 29
Defining the Units 29
Configuration of the ISBUT in FOX 515 29
Configuration of the ISBUT in the FOX-U/M FOX-U 29
Setting the User Port Parameters 30
Copying parameters 33
Setting the IC-channel Parameters 34
Displaying Status/Maintenance 34
Buttons in the status dialogue 36
Displaying the BA status 36
Loopbacks ... 37
To activate / de-activate the loopbacks 40
To display active loopbacks 40
Performance test 40
How to run a Performance Test 41
How to stop a Performance Test 42
Status Command 43
Alarm and Log Text 44
Board alarms 44
User Port alarms 45
Setting Cross Connections 48
"The two highway rule" 48
UBUS Expert Mode 48
Bus usage tool 50
How to check the assigned highways for one ISBUT 50
ISBUT in the FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U 51
UBUS Access for ISBUT 51
ISBUT in the FOX 515 51
Maintenance 53
Inventory data 54
ISBUT units in the FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U 54
ISBUT units in the FOX 515 54
Installation of unit SW of the ISBUT 54

iv FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd


CENCA removed from the FOX subrack 55
Active CENCA in the FOX subrack 55
ISBUT in the FOX 515 55

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 v

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd


Figure 1: Front View of the ISBUT 3

Figure 2: Block Diagram of the ISBUT 4
Figure 3: Front view of front panel connector X1. 10
Figure 4: Back (wire side) view of the ISBUT cable ISBUT/C1.1 11
Figure 5: Principal side view of the cable tray and the cable 12
Figure 6: Fully equipped FOX 515 subrack for ISDN 13
Figure 7: Unit Configuration Parameters Dialogue 15
Figure 8: Copy of parameters dialogue 16
Figure 9: IC-channel dialogue 16
Figure 10: Status/Maintenance Dialogue 20
Figure 11: ISDN-BA Status Dialogue 22
Figure 12: Quick Tests dialogue for Quick Loopback Test 23
Figure 13: Quick Tests dialogue for Activation Test 24
Figure 14: Loopbacks dialogue 24
Figure 15: Graphical overview Performance Test: Loopback set in NT1. 26
Figure 16: Performance Loopback Test dialogue 27
Figure 17: Fully equipped FOX 515 subrack for ISDN 29
Figure 18: 1st part of the Unit Configuration Parameters Dialogue for Digital
Leased Line application 31
Figure 19: 2nd part of the Unit Configuration Parameters Dialogue for Digital
Leased Line application 31
Figure 20: Copy of parameters dialogue 33
Figure 21: Unit Configuration Parameters Æ IC-channel Dialogue for pure
Digital Leased Line application 34
Figure 22: Status/Maintenance Dialogue 35
Figure 23: Digital Leased Line BA Status Dialogue 37
Figure 24: Loopbacks dialogue for user ports with the D* channel: 39
Figure 25: Loopbacks dialogue for user ports without the D* channel: 39
Figure 26: Graphical overview Performance Test: Loopback set in NT1. 40
Figure 27: Performance Loopback Test dialogue 41
Figure 28: Alarm Configuration dialogue for the Board level 44
Figure 29: Alarm Configuration dialogue for the User Port level 45
Figure 30: Create First point dialogue 49
Figure 31: Correct TS assignment for ISBUT on internal Highway 5 50
Figure 32: Example of ISBUT-PCON2 cross connections for one entire ISBUT 52
Figure 33: Unit ISBUT component side 53
Figure 34: Example of the detailed inventory data of the ISBUT 54

vi FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

© ABB Ltd

About this document

Safety There are no special safety precautions to be followed in installing and
configuring the ISBUT.

Referenced ABB docu- [002] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units - Data Units
ments [302] 1KHW000994R030 FOX User Guide (R6)
[902] 1KHW000995R020 Network Functions FOX
[325] 1KHW000992P303 FOX Manual Units - ISBUT

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 1 of 56


The ISBUT (ISDN Basic access U interface 4B3T) is an ISDN BA unit
used in the following applications:
• V5.x applications where the access to the ISDN exchange is estab-
lished via V5.1 or V5.2 interfaces or
• "Festverbindung" where an ISBUT user port interworks over a leased
line network with a remote ISDN user port.
The unit has eight U interfaces using 4B3T coding. Each U interface fea-
tures remote-power feeding for the NT1, the NT64K and one repeater.
The ISBUT is designed as a UBUS unit. You can use the ISBUT in the
FOX-U/M, the FOX-U and the FOX 515.
The ISBUT uses one slot in the FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U/1500 subrack. It has
been specially designed for V5.x and "Festverbindung" applications.
The ISBUT does not support interoperation with the EXBAT unit.
The ISBUT 110 is supported from the UCST R4C and any newer versions.
The ISBUT 110 is referred to as the ISBUT in this document.
The term Festverbindung is usually called Digital Leased Line mode in
this document.
This document covers both the V5 and the Digital Leased Line mode of
operation. Some chapters are specific for one of those modes. You should
read the "general information" chapters and the mode specific chapters
according to your intended use of the ISBUT.

page 2 of 56 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Front panel Figure 1: Front View of the ISBUT

Fixing screw
Pull-out handle


Fault indication red LED (Unit)

Fault indication red LED (SbU)

Connector X1

Fixing screw

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 3 of 56


Architectural Description
The ISBUT consists of the following function blocks:
• Two-wire U interface with protection and hybrid circuit
• Current limitation
• Line driver
• Data transfer block
• UBUS Interface
• CPU: Microcontroller with memory and peripheral logic
• Peripheral Unit Communication (uC-LAN interface)
• DC / DC power converter
• Inventory management (IVM)

Block Diagram Figure 2: Block Diagram of the ISBUT


Line Driver Data Transfer
8 BA


CPU Unit


Power Converter Power

Fault indication (Unit) Fault indication (SbU)

page 4 of 56 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Description of the Block The ISBUT is implemented with the following blocks:
• Over Voltage Protection
This block provides protection against lightning surges (with external
gas discharge tubes) and ESD.
• Hybrid
The hybrid converts the 2-wire U interface into a 4-wire interface with
separated transmit and receive paths.
The hybrid circuit consists of a passive network and a transformer for
adaptation of the impedance. The remote power supply for the remote
NT1 is fed to the line side of the transformer.
• Line Driver
This block offers the following functions:
− U interface
− Echo cancelling
− Switching of test loop 1

For the duplex transmission of data to the NT1 via the U interface, the
signal is encoded with 4B3T code. The line bit rate of 160 kbit/s con-
tains two B channels of 64 kbit/s each, a D channel of 16 kbit/s and a
maintenance M channel of 16 kbit/s used to transmit frame synchroni-
sation information and loop activation commands.
The echoes generated on the transmission path are compensated by
the echo cancelling procedure and adaptation to the line impedance.
To carry out a function test, the loopback 1 activated by the Element
Manager can be inserted in this line driver block. This loops the 2B+D
channels back to the transmission network (backplane).
• Current limiting
In this block the supply current for the NT1 (individually for each line) is
monitored and limited. If this value is exceeded, the block sends the
signal «Current limit» to the microcontroller, which cuts off remote
power for this channel. At regular intervals, the microcontroller applies
remote power again. If the excessive current drops, the remote power
supply remains on.
• Data transfer and UBUS Interface blocks
The data transfer block builds up the two B and the D channels of each
SbU for the UBUS interface. In V5 mode of operation, this block proc-
esses the D channel of all eight SbUs into the IC channel.
In this block the incoming data from both B-channels are buffered and
inserted into the selected time slots (per subscriber).
In the reverse direction, the signal is extracted from the PCM frame and
transmitted to the Line Driver block via the Data Transfer block.
This block also does the Scrambling/Descrambling and the AIS detec-
tion function.
• Microcontroller with memory and peripheral logic
The microcontroller initialises all the complex integrated circuits of the
unit. It controls the UBUS interface block, which connects the appropri-
ate time slots from the highways via the data transfer block to the line

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 5 of 56


In the line driver block, the microcontroller controls the activation of

ISDN BA layer 1 and the maintenance functions (test loop and error
counters). The microcontroller runs the local, card specific software
stored in the local FLASH EPROM. This SW can be downloaded from
the UCST/UNEM if the ISBUT is operated in the FOX 515.
The channels are cyclically scanned to monitor their alarm status. Any
transmission alarm messages are passed on to the central control
cards CENCA/COBU<x>. Simultaneously the lower red "traffic" LED on
the front panel is switched on.
The ISBUT communicates with the CENCA / COBU<x> via the µC-LAN
interface and control signal lines. Configuration data is exchanged and
the alarm messages are sent to the CENCA/COBU<x>.
A flash EPROM for the unit SW, the EEPROM for the inventory man-
agement data (IVM), and the RAM for the unit's configuration data are
also part of the microprocessor block.
• DC/DC power converter for remote powering
An integrated DC/DC converter supplies the power for the NT1 units.
The remote supply’s voltage is symmetrically fed to the 2 wires of the U
The remote powering derives directly from the battery. The DC/DC con-
verter electrically isolates the remote power supply from the battery and
produces a balanced ±48V supply.
In the FOX-U subrack the power for the converter is provided via
the UF connection point at the back of the subrack.

page 6 of 56 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Functional Description
V5 and Digital Leased Line The ISBUT (ISDN Basic access U interface 4B3T) is an ISDN linecard
related Functional Descrip- used in V5.x and Digital Leased Line applications.

• The ISBUT offers 8 U interfaces per unit.

• You can configure each interface individually for V5 or Digital Leased
Line applications.
• All U interfaces are accessible from the front panel.
• The remote power feeding on the U interfaces is individually settable
for all eight U interfaces.
• There are no hardware settable options on the unit.
• The full range of status information is available from UCST/UNEM:
− activation status of U interface
− loopbacks status
− remote power feeding status
− NT1 status
− status of user port administrative and operational state
• There is a full range of diagnostics loop activation of the U interface
from the UCST/UNEM:
− on the ISBUT (loop 1)
− on one repeater (loop 1A) and
− on the NT1 (loop 2)
• You can build one repeater with the EXBAT/SUBAT.

V5 specific Functional De-

• The following range of port blocking requests are settable from the
− lock
− shutdown
− unlock
• The following tests are executable from the UCST/UNEM:
− Performance Test for loopbacks 1, 1A and 2
− Quick loopback test
− Activation test
• Performance Monitoring is supported.
• There is a fault indication (LED) on the front panel.
• The Inventory management data is stored on the unit.
• The unit SW is downloadable in the FOX 515.

Digital Leased Line specific The ISBUT supports

Functional Description

• Standard-Festverbindung Digital 64U

• Standard-Festverbindung Digital 64S
• Standard-Festverbindung Digital 64S2
• Standard-Festverbindung Digital S01/TS01
• Standard-Festverbindung Digital S02/TS02

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 7 of 56


• The ISBUT interworks with the PCM2FA equipment.

• In all Digital Leased Line modes you can set a loopback in the near
end. In the Digital S01/TS01 and Digital S02/TS02 modes the far end
loopbacks are also settable.
• The following test is executable from the UCST/UNEM:
− Performance Test for any loopbacks in the near end and the far

Limitation if you use the In a FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U you can use a maximum numbers of 8 ISBUT
ISBUT in the FOX-U/M(E) units.
This limitation is due to the limited size of the configuration memory on the
The UCST does not warn you if you configure more than 8
ISBUT units.

V5 specific guidelines for

commissioning and opera-
Configuration Cross connect the IC-channel directly after creating the cross connection
of the eight user ports.

Synchronisation Synchronise the NE with the ISBUT to the V5 exchange via a dedicated 2
MHz clock signal from the exchange, or via a 2 Mbit/s E1signal from the

Digital Leased Line specific

guidelines for commission-
ing and operation

General guideline Disable the CAS in the Unit Configuration Parameters for the
GECOD if the GECOD interworks directly with a PCM2FA.

What you should do if you If you update the Least Line Submode of an ISBUT which runs already in a
encounter many alarms or Digital Leased Line application then it may happen that there are a lot of
unwanted testloops on an alarms showing on or any loopbacks are unintendently activated.
This misbehaviour is caused since during the reconfiguration process one
of the both ISBUTs receives undefined information in the D-channel be-
cause the second ISBUT is not updated yet.
The same behaviour, a lot of alarms or unwanted loops, is produced if you
crossconnect a B-channel with a D-channel.

How to avoid that situation If you have to change the Least Line Submode of an already running
ISBUT application then
• Delete the Cross-Connections to the appropriate ISBUT unnits in both
• Update the ISBUT configuration, e.g. the Least Line Submode.

page 8 of 56 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


• Create the Cross-Connections in both NEs

How to get rid of an unwanted

• Activate and Deactivate from the far end UCST that faulty loopback.
• If you have external connections with the GECOD then you must inter-
rupt a link for a while.

Prerequisites UCST R4C or higher should be installed on a PC/computer running one of
the operation systems Windows 95 ©, Windows 98 © or Windows NT ©.
Keep the unit in the ESD protection bag as long as the unit is not
plugged into the subrack.
Before removing the unit from its ESD protection bag, make sure
that you are earthed.

Slots The ISBUT takes up one slot in a FOX subrack and can be inserted in all
slots except:
− For the FOX 515 with the COBUX: slot 11
(reserved for the COBUX)
− For the FOX 515 with the COBUQ: slot 11
(reserved for the COBUQ) and slots 17-21 (no UBUS access)
− For the FOX-U: slot 9
(reserved for the CENCA), and slots 18/19 (reserved for the PO-
− For the FOX-U/M: slot 9
(reserved for the CENCA)

Connections and Cables The pin assignment of the front panel connector X1 is shown in figure 3.

Latching clips MUST be used to secure the cable to the front

panel connector properly.

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Figure 3: Front view of front panel connector X1.

SbU 8
For cable
latching clips Ub
SbU 7

Ub .
SbU 6

SbU 5
X1 Ua

SbU 4
SbU 3
SbU 2

SbU 1

Note: All even pads of the a-row are connected on the ISBUT to M_GND.

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The ISBUT cable connecting to connector X1 connects all eight U inter-

faces of the ISBUT.

Figure 4: Back (wire side) view of the ISBUT cable ISBUT/C1.1

Connection side of the connector

32 bn Ub
31 r SbU 8
28 gn
27 r
Ua SbU 7
24 og Ub
23 r
Ua SbU 6
20 bl Ub
19 r
Ua SbU 5
16 bn Ub
15 w
Ua SbU 4
12 gn Ub
11 w
Ua SbU 3
8 og
7 Ub
Ua SbU 2
4 bl Ub
3 w SbU 1

Please note:
• The cable ISBUT is an open-ended twisted pair bundle. It
must be properly connected to your own distribution frame.
• The ISBUQ and ISBUT use the same cable type.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 11 of 56


Fixing the cables to the The cable must be attached to the cable tray and the grounding bar as
cable tray shown in the figure below.
Refer to the FOX Manual R6 [302] for additional information.

Figure 5: Principal side view of the cable tray and the cable

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V5: Configuration and Operation

You should read this chapter only if you intend to use the ISBUT
within a V5 application. For Digital Leased Line (or "Festver-
bindung") applications please read the next chapter Digital
Leased Line: Configuration and Operation!
The ISBUT is automatically initialised on power up or when the unit is
plugged into the subrack. The unit obtains its configuration data from the
Network connections with the CENCA and cross connections with the
COBU<x> based NEs, the assignment of the channels to the TSs of a
transmission link are established as described in [002] and [302].

Defining the Units

Configuration of the ISBUT in To determine the slot designation of the various units you should use the
FOX 515 generic templates for system design.
To configure the ISBUT in the UCST/UNEM double-click on the desired
slot and select ISBUT110.cdu from the list.
The unit description "V5ISDN-BA4B3T" tells you that the ISBUT is the
ISDN linecard with the 4B3T linecode.
The template below shows a recommended example for a fully equipped
FOX 515 subrack for ISDN.

Figure 6: Fully equipped FOX 515 subrack for ISDN

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 13 of 56


Configuration of the ISBUT in The label on the unit front panel conforms to the FOX 515 labelling con-
the FOX-U/M FOX-U cept.
Due to this, the corresponding UCST template (*.cdu) can NOT be read
from the label as you normally can with UBUS units.
The UCST template (∗.cdu) corresponding to the installed unit defines the
range of functions. Therefore, see also the release notes. The ∗.cdu de-
fines the unit SW that must be installed on the ISBUT.
In a FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U you cannot download the unit SW by the
UCST/UNEM (SW download is NOT supported in FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U).
Therefore, all ISBUTs delivered are commissioned with the unit SW when
they leave ABB. The installed SW version is indicated on a label on the
ISBUT PBA or can be read out by the Inventory function of the
If you have to change the SW for any reason then you must configure the
ISBUT in a FOX 515 and deliver/install the unit SW for the unit. The SW
remains resident on the ISBUT even if it is unpowered and/or you move
the unit to a FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U.
You may also use the copy-PROM procedure as described in the para-
graphs on Unit SW installation at the end of this chapter.
Please note that you eventually have to convert the unit in the
UCST if you want to modify the SW.

Setting the User Port Pa- This section will guide you through all the steps necessary to configure the
rameters ISBUT for the V5.x mode of operation.
The User Port parameters are settable individually for all eight
User Ports.
You can have a mixed configuration of V5 and Digital Leased
Line User Ports on the same ISBUT.
The ISBUT has the same configuration for V5.1 and V5.2 con-
figuration. Therefore, you don't have to distinguish between
these two application modes when you configure the ISBUT.

Double click on an ISBUT unit to open the Unit Configuration Parame-

ters Dialogue for the selected ISBUT.

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Figure 7: Unit Configuration Parameters Dialogue

• Name
Default entries are "User Port-<x>". You can edit these names up to a
maximum of 16 characters. E.g. enter the MDF connection point or the
subscriber's telephone number.
This entry is not mandatory but helps to keep clarity for the commis-
• State
Disable the SbUs that have no connection to NT1's. If a SbU is dis-
abled it will not appear in the Cross-Connection mask.
The power feeding is switched off if a subscriber is disabled.
• Power Feed
The ISBUT provides remote power feeding for one regenerator, the
NT1, and a restricted mode of power feeding at the S interface.
The power feeding is also active if a subscriber has no cross-
connections or if no NT is connected to the line.
The power feeding is independent of the status of the BA. Even if the
subscriber is locked, the power feeding remains active.
• Mode of Operation
Here you have to select either V5 or Digital leased line. Select V5 for
V5 applications.
• Leased Line Submode
This is only relevant for Digital leased line mode of operation.
• Leased Line Activation
This is only relevant for Digital leased line mode of operation.
• Scrambling
This is only relevant for Digital leased line mode of operation.

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• AIS Detection
This is only relevant for Digital leased line mode of operation.

Copying parameters It is possible to copy the parameters of any SbU to other SbUs using the
[Copy] button.

Figure 8: Copy of parameters dialogue

First, select the subscriber with the master parameters. Then select all the
subscribers, which should have the same settings and press the [OK] but-

Setting the IC-channel Pa- Figure 9: IC-channel dialogue


There is only one parameter related to the IC channel: You can enable or
disable the IC channel.

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You must have the IC-channel enabled if at least one user port is
configured in the V5 mode of operation.
If your current ISBUT configuration has no V5 user ports and you
enable a first V5 user port then the ISBUT also asks you to en-
able the IC-channel:

Description of the IC- What is an IC-channel? (FOX specific)

The IC-channel is a FOX internal communication channel between the
ISBUT or ISBUQ and the PCON<x>. It is a 64 kbit/s timeslot carrying the
Ds (ISDN signalling protocol), the p-data and the f-data.
All IC-channels of all ISBUTs belonging to one V5.x interface are mapped
on PCON<x> into one, two or three communication paths (c-path).
Each ISBUT has its own IC-channel.
All subscribers on one ISBUT share one IC-channel.

Description of Activation The activation of the U interface is a procedure to initialise the U interface
and deactivation proce- for Layer 1 for transparent full duplex data transmission on the 2-wire line.
dures This includes the recognition of the synchronisation pattern, as well as
stable running of the adaptive echo canceller. This procedure is initiated
either by the NT1 or by the LE (V5 Exchange).
Coldstart activation (after power up) takes up to 1,5 seconds maximum.
Warmstart activation (after normal deactivation) takes up to 420 ms maxi-
mum. These times are valid only if no regenarator is in use.
Note: With ISBUT there is no DS Permanent Activation functionality such
as that available with the ISBUQ 130.
The deactivation of the U interface is an orderly disconnection procedure
to permit the NT1 and any regenerators to be returned to a low power con-
sumption mode and reduce intrasystem crosstalk to other systems. This
procedure is initiated only by the LE.
Activation by the NT1:
If the NT1 initiates the activation (originating call) then after the "wake up"
of the U interface the connections are activated but only become transpar-
ent if synchronised and if the appropriate command is sent by the NT1.
Activation of the U interface is not possible if the NT1 has no TE (ISDN
Terminal) connected to its S interface.
Activation by the LE:
If the LE initiates the activation (terminating call) then the ISBUT sends its
"wake up" via the U interface to the NT1. After synchronisation of the NT1,
the U interface is active and transparent.
Activation of the U interface is not possible if:

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 17 of 56


− the NT1 has no TE (ISDN Terminal) connected to its S interface, or

− the U interface is not terminated on a NT1.
Deactivation by the LE:
Deactivation is always initiated by the LE.
The following fault conditions at the LE or at the NT1 side causes a deacti-
vation of the U interface:
− LFA (Loss of Frame Alignment)
− LOS (Loss of Signal)
− Loss of remote power at NT1 (results in an LFA/LOS).

Status functions
Terminology of "lock" and
"shutdown" User ports of a V5 interface, which is not in service, are set to the
state unlocked/disabled and remain in this state independently
of failure or management conditions.
Therefore, the user port states on the PCON<x> and on the line-
cards may diverge if the V5 interface is not in service.

"Lock" and "Shutdown" are operator requests to block ports generated via
the UCST/UNEM and sent from the AN to the LE (V5 Exchange).
− Immediate port blocking via the "Lock" request is used for urgent
port maintenance or in the case of failures or unacceptable error
− Deferred port blocking via the "Shutdown" request is used for non-
urgent port maintenance. The LE waits until an ongoing call is ter-
minated before putting the port into the blocked state.
Port blocking is used during start-up, for user port maintenance, and in the
case of failures. When a port is blocked, originating calls are no longer
possible and terminating calls are treated by the LE (V5 Exchange) as if
the port was out of service (according to the national protocol).
A "blocked" port is deactivated unless its type of service requires perma-
nent activation.
You need to co-ordinate the unblocking ports at both sides. The LE puts
the port into the operational state when it accepts an unblocking request
from UCST.
The LE can "disable" ports or properly speaking logically disconnects the
subscribers from the exchange due to various reasons such as:
− AN fault
− Blocking by the LE because of excessive error rate, fault, or for
management reasons.

Some explanations about administrative and operational state according to

ETS 300 376-1, Annex A:
− The “locked” / “enabled” state means that the port has been locked
by the management system of the AN and that there are no local
fault conditions.

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− In the “locked” state the operational state attribute reflects AN inter-

nal failures, i.e. “enabled” means no AN fault and “disabled” means
AN fault regardless of any knowledge about the LE side.
− However, in the “unlocked” state the operational state attribute is
changed from “enabled” to “disabled” due to AN fault or blocking by
the LE.
The use of administrative and operational state combinations can be
seen as a means to report as much detail as possible about the user
port status. Thus, a user port can be in the following different states:
“locked” / “disabled”
“locked” / “enabled”
“shutting down”
“unlocked” / “disabled”
“unlocked” / “enabled”
whereas only the user ports in the states “unlocked” / “enabled” are really
unblocked on the V5 interface. In all the other states, the associated user
port is either blocked or considered as blocked.

Administrative Operational Cause / Meaning

State State
(AN forced) (LE forced)
Locked Disabled The User Port is blocked by LE due to a request by UCST
and there are faults in the AN
Locked Enabled Port is blocked by LE due to a request by UCST and there
are no faults in the AN
Shutting down ---- Port will be blocked by LE whenever the ongoing call is
terminated due to a request by UCST
Unlocked Disabled Port is blocked by LE because of excessive error rates,
fault, LE management reasons, or faults in the AN
Unlocked Enabled Port is operational on the V5 interface.

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Displaying Select an ISBUT unit and select Unit Configuration →

Status/Maintenance (V5 spe- Status/Maintenance... to open the Status/Maintenance Dialogue.
Figure 10: Status/Maintenance Dialogue

• SbU Name:
Here appears the subscriber's name you defined in the Parameter
• State:
Possible states are: Enabled; not enabled.
This shows the status you defined previously in the Parameter section.
• Activation State:
Possible states are: deactivated; BA activated; DS activated.
Shows deactivated if the whole Basic Access is deactivated.
Shows BA activated if the whole Basic Access is activated.
Shows DS activated if the Digital Section is activated.
• Administrative State:
Possible states are: unlocked; locked; shutting down.
This shows the NE state of a subscriber. The NE state is the state in-
fluenced by the NE itself and not by the exchange.
The ISBUT can ask the exchange to lock selected subscribers for
maintenance or other purposes. This is done via the [Shutdown] button
in this mask. The actual state of the specific subscriber is displayed in
the administrative state.

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• Operational state:
Possible states are: enabled; disabled.
This shows the state as defined and forced from the exchange.
• Mode of Operation:
Possible states are: V5; Digital Leased Line.
Here appears the mode of operation you defined in the Parameter

Buttons in the status dialogue On the right side of the Status/Maintenance dialogue, you'll find several
buttons. Select a subscriber to activate the buttons.
• [Get...]:
If you click on this button, the EM requests an update of the status field
from the NE. If you are no longer connected, it automatically estab-
lishes a connection to the NE.
• [Shutdown]:
This button allows you to initiate a controlled shutdown of a selected
subscriber. The AN asks the LE to block a subscriber and as soon as
the LE gives the permission, the NE locks the subscriber. That means it
is always the responsibility of the LE to lock a subscriber. If a sub-
scriber is off-hook and you request a shutdown then the status mes-
sage shutting down is shown until the LE permits the locking of the
• [Lock]:
If you lock a selected subscriber then the subscriber will be locked im-
mediately even if the subscriber is off-hook. The LE is not asked first.
Locking a port causes on going calls to be interrupted.

• [Unlock]:
The UCST can ask to bring a subscriber previously locked back to nor-
mal mode of operation.
• [BA Status ...]:
See paragraphs Displaying the BA status.
• [Quick Tests ...]:
This button allows you to run a quick loopback or an activation test to
check the BA.
For further details please refer to the section "Diagnostics and Mainte-
nance" in this document.
• [Loopbacks ...]:
This button allows you to set a loop either in the ISBUT, the repeater(s)
or the NT1.
For further details please refer to the section "Diagnostics and Mainte-
nance" in this document.
• [Status Cmd ...]:
This button opens a status window for the remote power feeding.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 21 of 56


For further details please refer to the section "Diagnostics and Mainte-
nance" in this document.
Displaying the BA status From the Status/Maintenance Dialogue
Select a User Port and then press the button [BA Status...]

Figure 11: ISDN-BA Status Dialogue

Press [Get] to refresh the dialogue with the latest Status.

• Loop back status
Active diagnostic loops are indicated with a marked field.
− Loop 1: Loop set in the ISBUT
− Loop 1A: Loop set in the repeater
− Loop 2: Loop set in the NT1
• Power feeding
− "Power feeding" status indicates if there is remote powering on the
U interface (operational) or not (shutdown).
• Activation Status
This dialogue displays the states of layer 1 communication of the U in-
− "DS activated":
when the Digital Section between the ISBUT and the NT1 is acti-
− "BA activated":
when the Basic Access ISBUT, NT1, and TE is activated
− "Deactivated":
when the U interface is deactivated (idle).

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Diagnostics and Mainte-

The user port must be locked first before you can run quick tests
or apply loopbacks.
If not locked, the following dialogue appears:

You have first to stop a running performance test if you want to

use the Quick tests on a specific user port.

Quick Test: Quick Loopback The Quick Loopback Test verifies the digital section between the AN and
Test the NT1 by checking whether it is possible to engage and release the NT1
loopback (loopback 2).
Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and push the [Quick Test ...] but-
ton. The following dialogue appears:

Figure 12: Quick Tests dialogue for Quick Loopback Test

First, click on the [Get] button to activate the dialogue and to get the latest
test result.
To start a new test click on the [Start Test] button. The test lasts about 5 s
(average time) but may last up to 15 s.
The result is not shown automatically. You have to press the
[Get] button to display the test result.
The possible test results are: running, pass; fail

Quick Test: Activation Test The Activation Test verifies the basic access between the AN and the TE.
The BA is considered as faultless if the AN management can activate the
DS and the TE.
Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and press the [Quick Test ...] but-
ton. The same dialogue as with the Quick Loopback Test appears. Use the
Test Selection to select the Activation test:

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 23 of 56


Figure 13: Quick Tests dialogue for Activation Test

First, click on the [Get] button to activate the dialogue window and to get
the latest test result.
To start a new test press the [Start Test] button. The test lasts about 5 s
(average time) but may also last up to 15 s.
The result is not shown automatically. You have to press the
[Get] button to display the test result.
The possible test results are: running, pass; fail

Loopbacks ... The Loopback... dialogue allows you to set a loopback either in the ISBUT
itself, in the repeater or in the NT1.
Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and click on the [Loopbacks ...]
button. The following dialogue appears:

Figure 14: Loopbacks dialogue

The colours of the switch-boxes have the following meaning:

yellow: Switch is undefined since no [Get] has been applied
green: The loopback is not active
red: The loopback is active
The loopbacks loop the signal as follows:

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• Loop 1
Loops the U interface on the ISBUT from the exchange back to the ex-
• Loop 1A
Loops the U interface at the subscriber side of the repeater back to the
exchange. With the 4B3T line code only one repeater is possible.
• Loop 2
Loops the 2 B and D channels in the NT1 back to the exchange.

To activate / de-activate the Mark / unmark the loopback to be activated / deactivated.

Press [Set] to send the loopback activate / de-activate command to the
user port.

Loopback information Active loopbacks appear with red switch-boxes after you press [GET].
You can have only one loopback active at a time. Before a loop-
back becomes active, you must first de-activate any existing ac-
tive loopback.
Active loopbacks are alarmed and indicated via the lower LED on
the front panel.
Loopbacks are not treated as a configuration parameter, and are
thus not stored in the configuration. They are permanent until
you de-activate them. A power reset of the ISBUT unit (by ISBUT
extraction and insertion or subrack power down) automatically
de-activates all loops.

To display active loopbacks Press the [Get] button.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 25 of 56


Performance test With the Performance Test you can determine the quality of a Digital Sec-
tion. The test sends a bit pattern according to O.152 towards the NT or the
repeater. Since the loopback either in the NT or the repeater mirrors the
bit-pattern back to the pattern test equipment located on the ISBUT it is
possible to count the bit errors during a specific time.

Figure 15: Graphical overview Performance Test:

Loopback set in NT1.

Loop Location


Loop U Highway



The Performance Test may be executed with loopbacks 1, 1A and 2. (The

test with loopback 1 is not that useful since it is within the unit).
You must specify the loopback location and the test duration prior to start-
ing the test.
A user port must be locked first before you can run a Perform-
ance Test.
You can run a performance test on one subscriber only at a time.
The result shows the bit-error count divided by the total number of sent
bits. The total amount of sent bits is 128kbit/s x time.
To check the Performance test set-up you can apply an artificial bit-error
insertion. This function inserts about one bit-error per second. If you en-
able the bit-error insertion and leave the test running e.g. for one minute
then the result will be (for a line without any additional errors):
BER = 7.8 E-6
You can calculate the number of errors within those 60 seconds as fol-
7.8 E-6 [errors/bit] ∗ 60[s] ∗ 128'000[bit/s] = 60 [errors]

How to run a Performance

• Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and select your user port.
• Then click on the [Loopbacks...] button.
• Press the [Get] button to activate the dialogue.
• Select your loopback, e.g. loopback 2.
• Press the [Set] button. To check the actual status press the [Get] button
• To enable the performance test button press the [Get] button again

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• Press on the Performance Test [Test...] button.

The following dialogue appears:
Figure 16: Performance Loopback Test dialogue

− Press [Get] to activate the dialogue.

The Location shows you the location of the active loopback. (Don't
mind about the entry "Far End", it has no meaning).
The Test State displays the actual state of the test. It can be run-
ning, idle or test aborted.
The Test Result displays the last available result. An optimum sub-
scriber line has zero bit-errors (BER: 0 E0). If the result is worse
than zero bit-errors then you must decide whether to use the line or
Here you can set the Duration of a test. The default value is one
minute. The possible values are:

If you want to insert artificial errors then activate the box Insert Error
(1 s ). This inserts one error per second.

− Press [Start Test] to start the Performance Test.

The result is not shown automatically. You have to press the

[Get] button to display the test result.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 27 of 56


With the EXBAT and SUBAT units as repeaters this performance

test may fail since EXBAT/SUBAT transfers the two B-channels
separately as 2 x 64 kbit/s and not as 128 kbit/s.
How to stop a Performance The Performance Test stops automatically as soon as the Duration time
Test defined in the Settings dialogue elapses.
You can also interrupt a Performance Test at any time with the [Stop Test]
button. The Test Status will then be test aborted.

Status Command With the Status Command button you can check the status of the remote
power feeding for the selected V5 subscriber. You also can change the
status for maintenance needs.
Select your subscriber and then press the [Status Cmd...] button. The fol-
lowing dialogue appears:

If you want to change the remote power feeding for maintenance purpose
then you can click on the ; box and press the [Set] button.
This changes the power feeding just for maintenance purpose. It
does not modify the configuration. Therefore, as soon as you
download the configuration the former power feeding mode takes
over again.
As soon as you modify the Power Feeding status in this dialogue
the ISBUT activates the alarm Maintenance Act for this specific
If you switch off the remote power then the service will be out of
You will reset the NT1 if you remove the remote power feeding.

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Digital Leased Line: Configuration and Operation

You should read this chapter only if you intend to use the ISBUT
within a Digital Leased Line (or "Festverbindung") application.
For V5 applications please read the former chapter V5: Configu-
ration and Operation!
The ISBUT is automatically initialised on power up or when the unit is
plugged into the subrack. The unit obtains its configuration data from the
Network connections with the CENCA and cross connections with the
COBU<x> based NEs, the assignment of the channels to the TSs of a
transmission link are established as described in [002] and [302].

Defining the Units

Configuration of the ISBUT in To determine the slot designation of the various units you should use the
FOX 515 generic templates for system design.
To configure the ISBUT in the UCST/UNEM double-click on the appropri-
ate slot and select ISBUT110.cdu from the list.
The unit description "V5ISDN-BA4B3T" tells you that the ISBUT is the
ISDN linecard with the 4B3T linecode.
The template below shows a recommended example for a fully equipped
FOX 515 subrack for ISDN.

Figure 17: Fully equipped FOX 515 subrack for ISDN

Configuration of the ISBUT in The label on the unit front panel conforms to the FOX 515 labelling con-

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 29 of 56


Due to this, the corresponding UCST template (*.cdu) can NOT be read
from the label as you normally can with UBUS units.
The UCST template (∗.cdu) corresponding to the installed unit defines the
range of functions. Therefore see also the release notes. The ∗.cdu de-
fines the unit SW that must be installed on the ISBUT.
In a FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U you cannot download the ESW using the
UCST/UNEM (SW download is NOT supported in the FOX-U/M(E) FOX-
U). Therefore all ISBUTs delivered are commissioned with the unit SW
when they leave ABB. The installed SW version is indicated on a label on
the ISBUT PBA or can be read through the Inventory function of the
If you have to change the SW for any reason then you must configure the
ISBUT in a FOX 515 and deliver/install the unit SW for the unit. The SW
remains resident on the ISBUT even if it is unpowered and/or you move
the unit to a FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U.
You may also use the copy-PROM procedure as described in the para-
graphs on Unit SW installation at the end of this chapter.
Please note that you eventually have to convert the unit in the
UCST if you want to modify the SW.

Setting the User Port Pa- This section will guide you through all the steps necessary to configure the
rameters ISBUT for the Digital Leased Line mode of operation.
The User Port parameters are settable individually for all eight
User Ports.
You can have a mixed configuration of V5 and Digital Leased
Line User Ports for on the same ISBUT.
Double click on an ISBUT unit to open the Unit Configuration Parame-
ters Dialogue for the selected ISBUT.
Select the Mode of Operation "Digital Leased Line" for the required sub-

page 30 of 56 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Figure 18: 1st part of the Unit Configuration Parameters Dialogue

for Digital Leased Line application

Figure 19: 2nd part of the Unit Configuration Parameters Dialogue

for Digital Leased Line application

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 31 of 56


• Name
Default entries are "User Port-<x>". You can edit these names up to a
maximum of 16 characters. Enter e.g. the MDF connection point or the
subscriber's telephone number.
This entry is not mandatory but helps to keep clarity for the commis-
• State
Disable the SbUs that have no connection to NT1s. If a SbU is disabled
it will not appear in the Cross-Connection mask.
The power feeding is switched off if a subscriber is disabled.
• Power Feed
The ISBUT provides remote power feeding for one regenerator, the
NT1, and a restricted mode of power feeding at the S interface.
The power feeding is also active if a subscriber has no cross-
connections or if no NT is connected to the line.
The power feeding is independent of the status of the BA. Even if the
subscriber is deactivated, the power feeding remains active.
• Mode of Operation
Here you have to select either V5 or Digital leased line. Select Digital
Leased line for "Festverbindung" applications.
• Leased Line Submode
In this mask you define the requested leased Line mode and the trans-
mission capacity:

UCST selection Mode of Digital Leased Line Transmission bit-


B1 + B2 + D* Standard-Festverbindung Digital 192 kbit/s

B1 + D* Standard-Festverbindung Digital 128 kbit/s
B1 + B2 Standard-Festverbindung Digital 64U 128 kbit/s
Standard-Festverbindung Digital 64S2 128 kbit/s
B1 only Standard-Festverbindung Digital 64U 64 kbit/s
Standard-Festverbindung Digital 64S 64 kbit/s

• Leased Line Activation

Here you select the mode of the activation of the DS:
As soon as you download a configuration to the FOX, the ISBUT tries
to establish an activation of the whole leased line.
If the activation attempt is not successful then the ISBUT tries to acti-
vate the leased line permanently until it is successful.
The FOX signals the alarm ISDN layer 1 if after 16 s it can't establish
the activation of the leased line.

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On Request:
The leased line remains deactivated until you start the activation with
the UCST/UNEM. If you start this procedure then the ISBUT makes
one attempt to activate the line.
If this activation procedure is not successful, then the FOX generates
an alarm ISDN layer 1. This alarm disappears if you manually deacti-
vate the activation process via the UCST / UNEM.
The TE can also activate the leased line.
• Scrambling
Here you can enable or disable the scrambling function.
The scrambling procedure prevents the B1 and the B2 channels from
carrying all logical "1" information.
If you enable the scrambling function you can configure another pa-
rameter: AIS detection.
• AIS Detection
AIS detection is available only if the Scrambling is enabled.
If you enable AIS detection then an alarm AIS of B- or D is generated
as soon as the ISBUT detects an AIS signal on either the B channel(s)
or the D channel.
In the "Standard-Festverbindung Digital S02/TS02" and the "Stan-
dard-Festverbindung Digital 64U" the ISBUT cannot distinguish an
AIS between the two B-channels. The alarm is set if both B1 and B2
have AIS.
The ISBUT detects the AIS in the D* channel if the service bits S1 ..
S4, the E bit and the A bit are set to "1".
As long as you are running a maintenance function (e.g. test loops or
performance monitoring) the AIS detection is automatically switched

Copying parameters It is possible to copy the parameters of any SbU to other SbUs using the
[Copy] button.

Figure 20: Copy of parameters dialogue

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First, select the subscriber with the master parameters. Then select all the
subscribers which should have the same settings and press the [OK] but-
Setting the IC-channel Pa- There is only one parameter related to the IC channel: you can enable or
rameters disable the IC channel.
The IC-channel is V5 specific. If your ISBUT has all enabled subscribers
configured in the Digital Leased Line mode of operation then the UCST /
UNEM asks you to disable the IC-channel:

If your configuration has no V5 user ports and then you enable a first V5
user port, the ISBUT also asks you to enable the IC-channel.

Figure 21: Unit Configuration Parameters Æ IC-channel Dialogue

for pure Digital Leased Line application

Displaying Select an ISBUT unit and select Unit Configuration →

Status/Maintenance Status/Maintenance... to open the Status/Maintenance Dialogue.

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Figure 22: Status/Maintenance Dialogue

In this dialogue subscriber 1 and 8 have the DS activated. This means

they have an NT connected to their line.
• SbU Name:
Here appears the subscriber's name you defined in the Parameter
• State:
Possible states are: Enabled; not enabled.
This shows the status you defined previously in the Parameter section.
• Activation State:
Possible states are: deactivated; BA activated; DS activated.
This shows deactivated if the BA is not active and BA activated if the
BA is active. This should be the normal state if the user port is config-
ured as permanent activated.
If it shows DS activated then the TE is not connected to the NT1.
• Administrative State:
This state is V5 specific and always empty in the Digital Leased Line
mode of operation.
• Operational state:
This state is V5 specific and always empty in the Digital Leased Line
mode of operation.
• Mode of Operation:
Possible states are: V5; Digital Leased Line.
Here appears the mode of operation you defined in the Parameter

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Buttons in the status dialogue On the right side of the Status/Maintenance dialogue, you'll find several
buttons. Select a subscriber to activate the buttons.
• [Get...]:
If you click on this button, the EM requests an update of the status field
from the NE. If you are no longer connected, it automatically estab-
lishes a connection to the NE.
• [Shutdown]:
This button is V5 specific and therefore greyed out if a subscriber is in
the Digital Leased Line mode of operation.
• [Lock]:
This button is V5 specific and therefore greyed out if a subscriber is in
the Digital Leased Line mode of operation.
• [Unlock]:
This button is V5 specific and therefore greyed out if a subscriber is in
the Digital Leased Line mode of operation.
• [BA Status ...]:
See paragraphs Displaying the BA status.
• [Quick Tests ...]:
This button is V5 specific and therefore greyed out if a subscriber is in
the Digital Leased Line mode of operation.
• [Loopbacks ...]:
This button allows you to set a loop either in the ISBUT, the repeater(s)
or the NT1.
For further details please refer to the section "Diagnostics and Mainte-
nance" in this document.
• [Status Cmd ...]:
This button opens a status window with information about the following
− remote power feeding
− Leased Line Activation
− Scrambling
− AIS Detection
For further details please refer to the section "Diagnostics and Mainte-
nance" in this document.

Displaying the BA status From the Status/Maintenance Dialogue

Select a User Port and then press the [BA Status...] button

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Figure 23: Digital Leased Line BA Status Dialogue

Press [Get] to refresh the dialogue with the latest Status.

• Loop back status
In the Loop Location field you can see where the loop is set. Possible
entries are:
− Empty
− Loop 1 Far End; Loop 1a Far End; Loop 2 Far End
− Loop 1 Near End; Loop 1a Near End; Loop 2 Near End

In the Loop activated by field the system tells you who activated the
loop back.
Possible entries are:
− Empty
− Near End; Far End
• Power feeding
The following power feeding states can are possible:
− operational: remote power feeding is on
− shutdown: remote power feeding is off
• Activation State
The following activation states can are possible:
− DS activated
− deactivated
− BA activated

• Digital Leased Line

This dialogue tells you if the Scrambling and the AIS detection pa-
rameters are enabled or disabled.

Loopbacks ... The Loopback... dialogue allows you to set loopbacks either
− in the near end
− in the far end
of the Digital Leased Line network.
You can set the far end loopbacks only if you have the D* chan-
nel configured for that specific user port.
You can have only one active loopback per Digital Leased Line

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If you have an active loopback and you want to activate another

loopback you must disable the first loopback before activating
the second loopback.
If you set a loopback then the Scrambling function is automati-
cally switched off until the loopback is switched off again.
Active loopbacks are alarmed (Maintenance Act.) and indicated
via the lower red LED on the front panel.
Loopbacks are not treated as a configuration parameter, and are
thus not stored in the configuration. They are permanent until
you de-activate them. A power reset of the ISBUT unit (by ISBUT
extraction and insertion or subrack power down) automatically
de-activates all loops.
If a loopback was initiated by the far end equipment then the ISBUT dis-
plays the notification "Loop under control by far end" in the loopbacks dia-
logue (detail only shown below):

You cannot clear a loopback which is under the control of the far
If the near end has an active loopback and the far end equipment sends
the request to activate a second loopback then the first loopback remains
active and the second loopback is suppressed.
If the far end equipment is a PCM2FA then this equipment continuously
sends the loopback request. As soon as the near end ISBUT removes its
first loopback, the second loopback initiated from the PCM2FA will take
Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and click on the [Loopbacks ...]
The dialogue of the Loopbacks in the UCST / UNEM depends of the mode
of operation of the user port.

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Figure 24: Loopbacks dialogue for user ports with the D* channel:

Figure 25: Loopbacks dialogue for user ports without the D* chan-

The colours of the switch-boxes have the following meaning:

yellow: Switch is undefined since no [Get] has been applied
green: The loopback is not active
red: The loopback is active
The loopbacks loop the signal as follows:
• Loop 1
Loops the U interface in the LT.
• Loop 1A
Loops the U interface at the subscriber side of the repeater back to the
LT. With the line code 4B3T only one repeater is allowed.
• Loop 2
Loops the 2 B and D channels in the NT1 back to the LT.

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To activate / de-activate the Mark / unmark the loopback to be activated / deactivated.

Press [Set] to send the loopback activate / de-activate command to the
user port. This loopback activation may last several seconds. For this rea-
son the following notification appears:

To display active loopbacks To display and check the correct settings of the testloops press the [Get]

Performance test With the Performance Test you can determine the quality of a Digital Sec-
tion. The test sends a bit pattern according to O.152 towards the NT or the
repeater. Since the loopback in either the TE, the NT or the repeater mir-
rors the bit-pattern back to the pattern test equipment located on the
ISBUT it is possible to count the bit errors during a specific time.

Figure 26: Graphical overview Performance Test:

Loopback set in NT1.

Loop Location


Loop U Highway



You need to have a loopback to run a performance test. This loopback

may be located either in the near or the far end.
With some equipment like the NT64K you can apply a loopback at the
NT64K itself without the control of the UCST / UNEM. In this case you can
also run the performance loopback test.
To check for an existing loopback e.g. in the NT64K you enable
an artificial error insertion in the Performance Loopback Test dia-
logue. If the test result remains "BER: 0 E 0" then no loopback is
set in the NT64K.
You must specify the loopback location and the test duration before start-
ing the test.
You can run a performance test on one subscriber per ISBUT
only at a time.

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The result shows the bit-error count divided by the total number of sent
bits. The total amount of sent bits is 128kbit/s x time.
To check the Performance test set-up you can apply an artificial bit-error
insertion. This function inserts about one bit-error per second. If you en-
able the bit-error insertion and leave the test running e.g. for one minute
then the result will be (for a line without any additional errors):
BER = 7.8 E-6
You can calculate the number of errors within those 60 seconds as fol-
7.8 E-6 [errors/bit] ∗ 60[s] ∗ 128'000[bit/s] = 60 [errors]

How to run a Performance

• Open the Status/Maintenance dialogue and select your user port.
• Then click on the [Loopbacks...] button.
• Press the [Get] button to activate the dialogue.
• Select your loopback, e.g. loopback 2.
• Press the [Set] button. To check the actual status press the [Get] button
• To enable the performance test button press the [Get] button again
• Press on the Performance Test [Test...] button.
The following dialogue appears:

Figure 27: Performance Loopback Test dialogue

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• Press [Get] to activate the dialogue and to get the latest results.
The Location shows you the location of the active loopback.
The Test State displays the actual state of the test. It can be running,
idle or test aborted.
The Test Result displays the last available result. An optimal sub-
scriber line has zero bit-errors (BER: 0 E0). If the result is worse than
zero bit-errors then you must decide whether to use the line or not.
Here you can set the Duration of a test. The default value is one
minute. The possible values are:

Here you can set the Direction of a test. Select Near End for a near
end test or Far End for a far end test.
If you want to insert artificial errors then activate the box Insert Error
(1 s ). This inserts one error per second.
• Press [Start Test] to start the Performance Test.

The result is not shown automatically. You have to press the

[Get] button to display the test result.
You can run a performance test with a loopback initiated by the
far end equipment.
Be careful that you don't disturb any ongoing far end mainte-
nance tests.
You can run a performance test with an external loopback not
controlled by the UCST / UNEM. As an example the NT64K may
have its own locally settable loopbacks.
With the EXBAT and SUBAT units as repeater this performance
test may fail since EXBAT/SUBAT transfers the two B-channels
separately as 2 x 64 kbit/s and not as 128 kbit/s.

How to stop a Performance The Performance Test stops automatically as soon as the Duration time
Test defined in the Settings dialogue elapses.
You can also interrupt a Performance Test at any time with the [Stop Test]
button. The Test Status will then be test aborted.

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Status Command With the Status Command button you can check the actual status of differ-
ent parameters.
Select your subscriber and then press the [Status Cmd...] button. The fol-
lowing dialogue appears:

Power Feed:
The field is ticked if the remote power is on.
Leased Line Active:
The field is ticked if the BA is activated.
The field is ticked if the Scrambling is active
AIS detection:
This field is ticked if the AIS detection is enabled.
For further information please refer to the document Technical Description
chapter Digital Leased Line related Functional Description.
You can also change the status for maintenance needs. This functionality
is intended for temporary maintenance use only.
If you want to change a status for maintenance purposes then you can
click on the ; or … box and press the [Set] button.
This changes the status just for maintenance purposes. It does
not modify the configuration. Therefore as soon as you download
the configuration the former status takes over again.
As soon as you modify any status in this dialogue the ISBUT ac-
tivates the alarm Maintenance Act for this specific subscriber.
For Permanent Leased Line Activation:
If you deactivate a Digital Leased Line then the TE and the far
end equipment are unable to activate the line themselves. You
must activate the line again.
For On Request Leased Line Activation:
The Digital Leased Line will set as deactivated. The TE and the
far end equipment are able to activate the line again.
In this situation the ISBUT doesn't set the Maintenance Act.

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Alarm and Log Text

This section is valid for both V5 and Digital Leased Line modes of opera-
Select a unit and then open the menu Unit Configuration → Alarms....
The dialogue shown below will appear.
Any alarm can be configured as monitored or not monitored with the Re-
port Option entry. With the [MON] button you enable the monitoring of all
alarms. With the [NMON] button you disable the monitoring of all alarms.
The procedures for setting alarm severities are described in the FOX Man-
ual R6 [302]. Note that any alarms defined as urgent or non-urgent will ac-
tivate the red unit LED on the front panel of the unit.
The Persist Time defines the minimum time a failure has to be present be-
fore the alarm is generated. The Absent Time defines the time a failure
has to be absent before the alarm is cleared.

Board alarms Figure 28: Alarm Configuration dialogue for the Board level

• Hardware fault
This alarm is generated if the configuration applied by the EM does not
fit the HW installed in the subrack e.g. if the UCST template and the in-
stalled unit SW don't match.
⇒ Check and correct the configuration of the ISBUT. Also check the
correct delivery and installation of the unit SW.
⇒ If not successful then replace the ISBUT.
• Power sup. fault
This alarm occurs if the remote power supply fails. The internal DC/DC
converter on the ISBUT which provides remote powering of the NT1 is
faulty, overloaded or operating out of specification.

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⇒ Change the ISBUT.

It also could be that there is not sufficient power from the battery source
for the load required by all the U interfaces.
⇒ Check the power supply of the subrack.
• IC-chan fault
This alarm is V5 specific. If you have all the subscribers of an ISBUT
configured in the Digital Leased Line mode of operation and this alarm
appears then you should disable the IC-channel of that ISBUT.
This alarm occurs if the layer 2 of the internal communication channel
between the ISBUT and PCON<x> could not be established. This error
message is always on if the ISBUT does not have any crossconnec-
tions towards the PCON<x>.
⇒ Check if the crossconnections are made properly. If the ISBUT is
another network element, check the wiring and the configuration
of the connections.

User Port alarms You can define the User Port alarm settings individually for all eight sub-
scribers. To set the alarms select user-port <x> or All in the Alarm Con-
figuration dialogue.

Figure 29: Alarm Configuration dialogue for the User Port level

• Hardware fault
This alarm shows that a subscriber line interface on the ISBUT is out of
⇒ Change the ISBUT.
• Power feeding

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This alarm indicates any faulty conditions on the U interface. Maybe the
wiring of the U interface has a short circuit.
⇒ Check the wiring of the U interface for short circuits. If this is not
successful change the NT1.
(Loss Of Signal / Loss of Frame Alignment in Digital Section)
This alarm is generated if the DS or the whole BA has been activated
and then deactivated. The deactivation occurred due to a LOS/LFA in
the DS.
⇒ Check the U interface wiring or the NT1.
• LOS/LFA in T
(Loss Of Signal / Loss of Frame Alignment in Terminal)
This alarm is generated if the BA has been activated but a LOS/LFA
occurred in the terminal.
⇒ Check if the terminal (phone) is connected correctly to the NT1.
• ISDN layer 1
This alarm is generated if it is not possible to activate the DS. Normally
this error occurs after the LOS/LFA in DS error has been on.
⇒ Check the U interface wiring or the NT1.
• Remote alarm
This alarm is generated by the ISBUT if the far end equipment activates
the Remote alarm indication bit (bit 3) in the D* channel.
⇒ Check the far end equipment.
• AIS of B- or D
This alarm is generated if the ISBUT detects an AIS state in either one
of the B-channels or the D* channel.
In the "Standard-Festverbindung Digital S02/TS02" and the
"Standard-Festverbindung Digital 64U" the ISBUT cannot distin-
guish an AIS between the two B-channels. The alarm is set if
both B1 and B2 have AIS.
The ISBUT detects the AIS in the D* channel if the service bits
S1 .. S4, the E bit and the A bit are set to "1".
As long as you are running a maintenance function (e.g. test
loops or performance monitoring) the AIS detection is automati-
cally switched off.
⇒ Check the far end equipment, the wiring and the transmission
• Maintenance Act
This alarm is generated if the ISBUT is running any maintenance ac-
tions e.g. a loopback on at least one subscriber.
⇒ Check the configuration of the ISBUT for any unwanted
maintenance actions.
The following alarms are generated only if the user port is in the Digital
Leased Line mode of operation with Permanent Leased Line Activation.

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The timers and default values used to calculate the performance are fixed.
You cannot modify them.
• Unacpt Perf Near
Unacceptable performance on U Interface at the near end.
This alarm is generated if the number of errored seconds (ES) or the
number of severely errored seconds (SES), counted in the time interval
T1, crosses the set threshold for unacceptable performance.
The alarm is cleared if the number of (ES) or the number of (SES),
counted in the time interval T1, crosses the reset threshold for unac-
ceptable performance.
When the user port is configured as DS Permanent Activation enabled,
the performance is evaluated according to G.826. The default values
are: T1: 15 minutes, set thresholds: ES = 120, SES = 15, reset thresh-
olds: ES = 0, SES = 0
When the user port is configured as DS Permanent Activation disabled,
the performance is evaluated by a proprietary procedure. The default
values are: T1: 1 minute, set thresholds: ES = 6 , SES = 2, reset
thresholds: ES = 3, SES = 1. The alarm is set after 10 continuous inter-
vals T1 with ES ≥ 6 or SES ≥ 2 and the alarm is reset after 10 continu-
ous intervals T1 with ES ≤ 3 or SES ≤ 1.
⇒ Check the wiring of the U interface and remove interfering signal
• Degrad Perf Near
(Degraded performance on U Interface at the near end)
This alarm is generated if the number of errored seconds (ES) or the
number of severely errored seconds (SES), counted in the time interval
T2, crosses the set threshold for degraded performance.
The alarm is cleared if the number of (ES) or the number of (SES),
counted in the time interval T2, crosses the reset threshold for de-
graded performance.
The default values are: T2: 24 hours, set thresholds: ES = 2600, SES =
650, reset thresholds: ES = 0, SES = 0
⇒ Check the wiring of the U interface and remove interfering signal
• Unacpt Perf Far
Unacceptable performance on U Interface at the far end.
This alarm is generated if the errors, detected at the far end, meet the
same conditions as described above for the near end.
⇒ Check the wiring of the U interface and remove interfering signal
• Degrad Perf Far
(Degraded performance on U Interface at the far)
This alarm is generated if the errors, detected at the far end, meet the
same conditions as described above for the near end.
⇒ Check the wiring of the U interface and remove any interfering
signal sources.

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Setting Cross Connections

Proceed ISBUT unit by ISBUT unit.
For V5 applications: First create the cross connections for the
eight User Ports. Then create the cross connection for the IC-

"The two highway rule" An ISBUT can only access two FOX internal UBUS highways. If you create
the cross-connections under control of the UCST then the UCST checks
the use of the UBUS highways and stops creating crossconnections as
soon as more than two highways are required. The following message ap-

What to do?
To avoid this limitation you must ensure that ISBUT uses two internal
UBUS highways only. That means you must create the connection points
and crossconnections on the UBUS highways manually. This is achieved
with the UBUS Expert Mode.
If the above message appears then delete the ISBUT unit in your configu-
ration and re-add it again. You may have to configure the whole V5 ISDN
part for this ISBUT again. Then proceed with the configuration as de-
scribed in the paragraphs "UBUS Expert Mode".

UBUS Expert Mode This mode is activated if you select the box UBUS expert mode within the
Create Cross Connection dialogue.
If the UBUS expert mode box is activated the following dialogue appears
after you press the [Create] button:

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Figure 30: Create First point dialogue

This dialogue allows you to select the highway and the timeslot for a spe-
cific connection point. In our example, we assign the User Port-1 of ISBUT
<2> to highway 5 timeslot 1 since highway 5 has enough free timeslots.
You can see this in the column Timeslots [1..31] usage. The Timeslots
marked with an "+" are already occupied, the timeslots marked with "=" are
Proceed the same way with the other User Ports and for V5 applications
with the IC-channel as well.
The automatic crossconnection procedure would fill up the high-
way 1 and highway 2, each of which has spare timeslots for 1
ISBUT User Port only. The crossconnection for the 3rd to 8th
ISBUT User Ports and the IC channel will be assigned automati-
cally to highway 5 ⇒ the violation of the 2 highway rule!
You can check your configuration with the Bus usage tool in the

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Bus usage tool The Bus Usage Tool allows you to check the connection points of all the
existing cross connections of the NE.

How to check the assigned Open the NE Configuration → Bus usage... dialogue. You see in the
highways for one ISBUT UBUS folder all 16 highways. For each highway you also see the active
connection points. In one column (Timeslot [1..31] Usage) you have a
summary of the time slots used. TS used are marked with a "+".
In the next columns (Connection Points <x>) you can check the subscrib-
ers assigned to the time slots.
Verify that all the TSs of one ISBUT are assigned to no more than two
UBUS highways.
The following figure shows correct ISBUT timeslot assignment

Figure 31: Correct TS assignment for ISBUT on internal Highway 5

Correct timeslot usage for the ISBUT: In the dialogue above all 17 TSs (16
plus 1) of the ISBUT are on highway number 5.
If you have to delete a Connection Point then you have to disable
the related User Port in the Unit Configuration Parameter dia-
logue. You may also delete and re-add the whole unit. It is not
sufficient to just delete the related crossconnection!

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ISBUT in the FOX-U/M(E)

UBUS Access for ISBUT
From UCST R4A you no longer have to set connection points
prior to setting the cross connections.
When the ISBUT is installed in a FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U subrack, then the
corresponding traffic data are provided via the 2Mbit/s ports of the MEGIF,
LECA2 or TUN<xy>. The SbUs of the ISBUT must be cross-connected to
the TSs on the 2Mbit/s port.
ISBUT in the FOX 515 In the FOX 515, connection points are automatically created at the time the
cross connections are defined. Define the cross connections for all eight
SbUs of an ISBUT unit whether they are used or not.
If you use the ISBUT within a V5 application please read the following
Proceed ISBUT unit by ISBUT unit.
For a V5 application only: First create the cross connections for
the User Ports before you create the cross connection for the IC-
channel of an ISBUT.
• You must configure PCONV/PCON2.
• You must configure the cross connection for the eight SbUs (1-8) on
the ISBUT to the PCONV/PCON2 using Nx64kbit/s Type, Bi-directional
and without Protection.
• You must configure the cross connection for the IC-Channel on the
ISBUT to the C-channel on the PCONV using 64kbit/s Type, Bi-
directional and without Protection.

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Figure 32: Example of ISBUT-PCON2 cross connections for one en-

tire ISBUT

• The PCONV must be configured appropriately with respect to the V5 in-

terface, V5 Link Access, and the 2 Mbit/s ports (first two ports inte-
grated on PCONV and any additional ports on a LOMIF).
• Ensure that the FOX 515 is synchronised to the V5 Exchange.

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Under normal use, there are no components on the ISBUT unit that you
need to access.

Figure 33: Unit ISBUT component side

D3903: Socket for Copy PROM for Boot Loader SW.

X3900: Jumper to activate Copy PROM "cpy".
X4401: Jumper to prevent unit reset by CENCA

The following maintenance facilities are available for the ISBUT:

• Inventory data
• Unit SW Download

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Inventory data For a description of the inventory function, refer to [302].

ISBUT units in the FOX- You can read the standard inventory data from the ISBUT via the
• Unit Name and Type
• HW-Key
• SW Version

ISBUT units in the FOX 515 You can read the standard and the detailed inventory data from the ISBUT
via the UCST/UNEM.

Figure 34: Example of the detailed inventory data of the ISBUT

Installation of unit SW of
ISBUT in FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U Any ISBUT delivered from ABB has the latest unit software already in-
However, it is possible to update the unit SW of the ISBUT units installed
in the FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U. What you need is a copy-PROM with the new
unit software and a jumper. Insert the copy-PROM in the DIL40 socket on
the ISBUT and apply the jumper to the "Cpy" connector right next to the
DIL40 socket.
There are two ways possible to update the unit SW:
• with the CENCA removed from the FOX subrack (i.e. using a spare
powered up subrack), and

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• with the CENCA remaining in the FOX subrack (i.e. no spare subrack
CENCA removed from the This method is recommended since it provides positive feedback (periodic
FOX subrack flashing of LED as described below) if the procedure has been successful.
The position of the jumper to activate the "copy PROM" and the socket for
the copy PROM are shown in the figure of the ISBUT component side.
− remove the ISBUT to be updated from the subrack
− insert jumper X3900 to activate the copy PROM.
− carefully insert the copy PROM into the socket while respecting the
proper orientation (indicated by the notch of the IC)
− insert the ISBUT into a powered spare subrack (with
POSUP/POSUS) or a powered FOX-U/M without a CENCA
− after a few seconds, the red LED on the ISBUT front panel flashes a
few times
− a few seconds later it flashes a second time
− after about 30 seconds the LED will flash periodically indicating the
end of the programming sequence
− remove the ISBUT from the spare subrack
− remove the jumper X3900
− remove the copy PROM from its socket
− re-insert the ISBUT into the original subrack
You can use the jumper and EPROM containing the Unit SW to update
other ISBUT units.

Active CENCA in the FOX

− The position of the jumper to activate the "copy PROM" and the
socket for the copy PROM are shown in the figure of the ISBUT
component side.
− remove the ISBUT to be updated from the subrack
− insert jumper X3900 to activate the copy PROM.
− insert jumper X4401 to prevent the CENCA from resetting the
ISBUT during the unit SW update procedure
− carefully insert the copy PROM into the socket while respecting the
proper orientation (indicated by the notch of the IC)
− re-insert the ISBUT into the subrack
− wait a minimum of 40 seconds to allow the programming sequence
to terminate
− remove the ISBUT from the subrack
− remove the jumper X3900
− remove the jumper X4401
− remove the copy PROM from its socket
− re-insert the ISBUT into the subrack
− check if the unit SW update has been successful by using the Inven-
tory feature of FOX-U/M(E) FOX-U as described in [002].
You can use the jumper and EPROM containing the unit SW to update
other ISBUT units.

ISBUT in the FOX 515 You can update the unit SW of the ISBUT units installed in the FOX 515
with the standard SW download and installation procedure described in
The installation of the ISBUT unit SW takes up to approximately
4 minutes.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 55 of 56


page 56 of 56 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

FOX from ABB, covers all your communication re-
quirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)

TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR

TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR

Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [332]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB LtdABB

Contents i
About this document 1
Safety 1
TUNOR desktop unit 1
ABB document references 1
Introduction 2
View of units 3
Architectural Description 4
Block diagram of the TUNOL 5
Description of the TUNOL 6
SIGUM Block 6
ACFA Block 6
Switch Matrix 6
DMX 8 6
TUCC Block 6
Optical Receiver 6
Optical Transmitter 6
2 Mbit/s G.703-IF 6
V.11-OHC Interface 6
Signals between V.11 OHC and DTE 7
V.11 OHC Synchronization 7
Asynchronous («TUNOL local») 7
Synchronous (Master TUNOL) («TUNOL local») 7
Synchronous (Master DTE) («T local») 7
Synchronous (Slave) («TUNOL remote») 7
Plesiochronous («T,R local») 8
OHC circuit 8
Clock circuit 8
µP-Control 8
Power supply 8
Block diagram of TUNOR 9
Description of TUNOR 9
2 Mbit/s G.703-IF 10
2 Mbit/s V.11-IF 10
Functional Description 11
2 Mbit/s Interfaces 11
Optical Interface 11
UBUS Interfaces 11
Possible functions and parameters 11

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

Management functions 11
Installation 12
Prerequisites 12
Allowed slots in the subrack 12
Hardware settable options of TUNOL 12
Hardware settable options of TUNOR 13
Connections and cables 14
FC/PC optical cables 14
G.703 120 Ohm cable for TUNOL 14
G.703 75 Ohm cable for TUNOL 14
Alarm Relay cable for TUNOL 15
V.11 OHC cable for TUNOL 15
Cables for TUNOR 16
G.703 120 Ohm cable for TUNOR 16
G.703 75 Ohm cable for TUNOR 16
V.11 cable for TUNOR 17
Alarm Relay outputs on TUNOR 17
Fixing the TUNOL cables to the cable tray 18
Configuration of TUNOL/TUNOR 19
Operation without COBUx 19
Operation with COBUx 19
Configuration template 19
Mode of operation of TUNOL 299 19
TUNOL parameter setting 20
Unit Configuration Parameters 21
Unit Configuration Parameters 27
Setting Alarm Parameters 31
Operation 32
Status/Maintenance 32
To activate test loops for TUNOL and TUNOR 33
To display test loops for TUNOL and TUNOR 34
Diagnostics Parameters 37
Parameter Browser 40
Alarms 41
Alarm indication on TUNOL 41
Reaction to Faults on Board Alarms 41
Reaction to Faults on P12 Alarms 42
Alarm relay outputs on TUNOL 42
Alarm indication on TUNOR 42
Alarm relay output on TUNOR 43
TUNOL Board alarm text 43
TUNOL P12 alarm text 47
Maintenance 49
Inventory data 50
Upgrades 50

iv FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

Figure 1: Front panel view of the TUNOL 286 and 299 card 3
Figure 2: Front view of TUNOR 3
Figure 3: Rear view of TUNOR 3
Figure 4: Functional block diagram of the TUNOL unit 5
Figure 5: Functional block diagram of TUNOR unit 9
Figure 6: The positions of jumpers on the TUNOL card 13
Figure 7: Cable connection G.703, 120 Ohm 14
Figure 8: Cable connection G.703, 75 Ohm 14
Figure 9: Cable connection for Alarm Relay cable 15
Figure 10: Cable connection for V.11 OHC cable for TUNOL 15
Figure 11: TUNOR back panel with the signal cables 16
Figure 12: G.703, 120 Ohm cable for TUNOR 16
Figure 13: G.703, 75 Ohm cable for TUNOR 16
Figure 14: V.11 cable for TUNOR 17
Figure 15: Alarm Relay outputs on the back panel of TUNOR 17
Figure 16: side view of cable tray with the cables 18
Figure 17: General TUNOL Mode dialogue 19
Figure 18: Signal paths of the TUNOL unit 20
Figure 19: Unit Configuration Parameters – Board dialogue 21
Figure 20: Cross Connect 2 Mb/s dialogue 21
Figure 21: Port Configuration dialogue 22
Figure 22: Port Configuration dialogue (for TUNOL 286) 23
Figure 23: TUNOR Configuration dialogue 23
Figure 24: Unit Configuration Parameters – Traffic dialogue 25
Figure 25: Traffic 1: PDH Routing Table dialogue 26
Figure 26: General TUNOL Mode dialogue 26
Figure 27: Unit Configuration Parameters – Board dialogue 27
Figure 28: Overhead Channel dialogue 28
Figure 29: Overhead Channel dialogue (for TUNOL 286) 30
Figure 30: Alarm Configuration dialogue 31
Figure 31: Status/Maintenance dialogue 32
Figure 32: TUNOR Status dialogue 32
Figure 33: Test Loops dialogue 33
Figure 34: Status/Maintenance dialogue 34
Figure 35: Optical Remote Port Status dialogue 34
Figure 36: Test Loops dialogue 35
Figure 37: P12 dialogue 36
Figure 38: Status/Maintenance dialogue (for TUNOL 286) 36
Figure 39: ALS Manual Restart dialogue 37
Figure 40: Diagnostics Parameters dialogue 37
Figure 41: UBUS Tributary Loops dialogue 38
Figure 42: Summary of TUNOL Loops 39
Figure 43: Summary of TUNOR Loops 39
Figure 44: Parameter Browser – Board dialogue 40
Figure 45: Side view of the TUNOL unit 49
Figure 46: Top view of the desktop unit 49

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 v

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

About this document

Caution – laser beam
The TUNOL and TUNOR use a Semiconductor Laser as an opti-
cal Transmitter. To prevent injuries, the laser beam must never
be pointed into the eyes.

TUNOR desktop unit

Caution – hazardous voltage inside
The TUNOR desktop unit must not be opened when the 230 VAC
power cable is connected.

ABB document references [302] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX User Guide (R6)

[401] 1KHW001446R0001 UCST/System Operation Basics

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 1 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

The TUNOL 286, TUNOL 299 and TUNOR allow the optical transmission
of up to four 2 Mbit/s signals over a pair of optical fibres, one for the trans-
mission and one for the receiving direction. The optical fibre can be of sin-
gle mode or multimode type.
The TUNOL 286 and TUNOL 299 are the cards that occupy 1 slot in a
FOX subrack
TUNOR is the desktop version of the TUNOL in an aluminium housing with
a built in mains power supply.
The following description is valid for the TUNOL 299 and TUNOR with the
ESW version R2 and Configuration Software Tool UCST, version R5C.
These units are supported in FOX 515/512 subrack as well as in FOX-
UFOX-U/M subrack.
The TUNOL 286 card with the ESW version R3 has been introduced with
the UCST version R5C. It has two additional functions and the following
The operation of TUNOL 286 with TUNOR desktop unit at the far
end is not supported. Only the same unit TUNOL 286 can be
used at the far end.
TUNOL 286 is not supported in FOX-UFOX-U/M subrack.

page 2 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

View of units The following figures show a front panel view of the TUNOL 286, TUNOL
299 units and both views of the TUNOR desktop unit.

Figure 1: Front panel view of the TUNOL 286 and 299 card

Fixing screw

Pull-out handle

Unit label

«Card» LED
«Signal» LED


Optical Port


Alarm Relay output

V.11 OHC

2 Mbit/s G.703

Fixing screw

Figure 2: Front view of TUNOR



Figure 3: Rear view of TUNOR





1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 3 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Architectural Description
The main function of the TUNOL/TUNOR is the transmission of up to four
2 Mbit/s signals over the optical fibre. The TUNOL unit and the TUNOR
desktop unit have similar internal structure, they differ only in the details
concerning their application in a FOX subrack and as a desktop unit.
The unit TUNOL consists of the following functional blocks:
• ACFA frame synchronisation block
• Switch Matrix
• DMX8
• Optical Receiver
• Optical Transmitter
• µP-Control
• 2 Mbit/s G.703 - IF
• V.11 - OHC Interface
• OHC circuit
• Clock circuit
• Power supply

page 4 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001



Block diagram of the

Card LED
µP - Control circuit
Signal LED

optical CODER
electrical TUCC LTL

FOX Manual Units, Part 1


8 Mbit/s


Clk 1
TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR

electrical TELEMETRY

Switch Matrix

2 Mbit/s 2 Mbit/s LTL
G.703 G.703-IF
2 Mbit/s 2 Mbit/s
G.703 G.703-IF
Figure 4: Functional block diagram of the TUNOL unit

2 Mbit/s
2 Mbit/s
G.703 G.703-IF

2 Mbit/s 2 Mbit/s
G.703 G.703-IF
(-48 V)
+/-5 V
OHC circuit DC Fuse
© ABB Ltd

page 5 of 50
,R,C,I,S Interface
ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Description of the TUNOL

SIGUM Block SIGUM assigns the internal 2 Mbit/s- Highways to the Block ACFA for the
transmission of Speech, Data and Signalling, and if activated, inserts the
CAS-multiframe structure.

ACFA Block ACFA specifies the bits of the multiframe structure, reads and evaluates
them in the opposite direction (Multiframe Synchronisation, CRC4-Bits,

Switch Matrix The four 2 Mbit/s signals from four ACFAs, and the four 2 Mbit/s signals
from four G.703 Interfaces lead to the Switch Matrix where the application
specific switching is performed.

DMX 8 The four 2 Mbit/s signals passed through the switch matrix are multiplexed
into a 8 Mbit/s signal and encoded in HDB3. In the reverse direction the
signal is decoded and demultiplexed.

TUCC Block Within this block, for the optical transmission, the HDB3 DMX8-signal is
encoded into a MCMI-signal and a telemetry channel is added. In the re-
verse direction after decoding from MCMI to HDB3, possible conflicts in
the coding are identified and utilised for the calculation of the bit error rate

Optical Receiver The PIN-Diode is connected to the front panel optical connector via a pig-
tail. It converts the optical signal into an electrical signal. After rege-
neration and clock extraction the signal is passed onto the block TUCC.

Optical Transmitter A 1330 nm Laser diode is used. The laser diode is connected to the front
panel optical connector via a pigtail.

2 Mbit/s G.703-IF The G.703-IF adapts the G.703 signal to the switch matrix. The signal is
transformer coupled in accordance with the G.703 requirement.
Jumpers allow selection of symmetrical 120 Ohms or asymmetrical 75
Ohms line terminations.

V.11-OHC Interface The V.11-OHC couples and adapts the V.11 signal to the switch matrix.
Jumpers allow selection of 100 Ohms termination of the input T and C
lines for matching the line for optimizing signal transfer, or left untermi-
nated (with the high input impedance of the line receivers -few kOhms) for
minimizing power consumption.
The transparent telemetry channel which is available for the optical port
can be used in one of the following ways:
• As an internal maintenance channel that allows:
− the alarms from the remote TUNOP, TUNOS, TUNOL or TUNOF to
be displayed via the local TUNOL, and
− loops in the remote TUNOP, TUNOS, TUNOL, or TUNOF to be ac-
tivated from the local TUNOL

page 6 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

• As an external V.11 OHC overhead channel that allows:

− external equipment with V.11 interface to be connected and trans-
mitted to the remote TUNOP, TUNOS, TUNOL, TUNOF, and
− loops in the remote TUNOP, TUNOS, TUNOL, TUNOF to be acti-
vated from the local TUNOL.
The transparent telemetry channel of the TUNOL 286 can only
be used as an external V.11 OHC channel.
Signals between V.11 OHC
and DTE The following signals are used between the V.11 OHC and DTE:
T TX Data DTE to V.11 OHC
C Control DTE to V.11 OHC
R RX Data V.11 OHC to DTE
I Indication V.11 OHC to DTE
S TX clock V.11 OHC to DTE
The T input on one side is transmitted to the other side and is available as
the R output.
The C input on one side is transmitted to the other side and is available as
the I output.

V.11 OHC Synchronization The following 5 modes of V.11 OHC synchronization are available:
• Asynchronous
• Synchronous (Master TUNOL)
• Synchronous (Master DTE)
• Synchronous (Slave)
• Plesiochronous
bitrate Signals transmitted Clock source and Comment
kbit/s S C/I

Asynchronous («TUNOL 0-9.6 no yes asynchronous

0-9.6 no no asynchronous (for partyline
operation compatability with

Synchronous (Master 64/128 yes no DTE uses clock on S line from

TUNOL) («TUNOL local») V.11 OHC. The S line derives
timing from FOX.

Synchronous (Master DTE) 64/128 no no V.11 OHC uses the extracted

(«T local») clock from the T line from the

Synchronous (Slave) 64/128 yes no DTE uses clock on the S line. The
(«TUNOL remote») S line derives timing from far end

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 7 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Plesiochronous («T,R local») 64/128 no no Transmission from DTE «A» to

DTE «B» is determined by the DTE
«A» internal clock extracted from
the T line.
Transmission from DTE «B» to DTE
«A» is determined by DTE «B» in-
ternal clock extracted from the T

OHC circuit The overhead channel circuit determines how the V.11 signal is processed
depending on its bitrate, clock source, and modes of operation.

Clock circuit The clock circuit generates the 65,536 MHz system clock for the PLL, and
the 16,896 MHz clock for the DMX.

µP-Control The processor controls all processes within the unit like configuration,
communication with the central card CENCA, as well as the periodical
status scanning of major function blocks.

Power supply The unit is supplied with -48 VDC via the UTT connection on the FOX. The -
48 VDC voltage is fuse protected, converted and stabilized in the DC/DC
converter to ±5 VDC.

page 8 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Block diagram of TUNOR Figure 5: Functional block diagram of TUNOR unit

230 VAC or
110 VAC

-48 VDC

+/-5 V
(fixed configured)
Switch matrix

4x2 Mbit/s
µP - Control


8 Mbit/s




G.703 - IF
G.703 - IF

G.703 - IF

G.703 - IF

V.11 - IF
V.11 - IF

V.11 - IF

V.11 - IF


Front Panel



2 Mbit/s

2 Mbit/s

2 Mbit/s

2 Mbit/s




Description of TUNOR The block diagram of TUNOR is similar to the block diagram of the
TUNOL, with the following differences:
• DIP swith block is included for manual configuration of TUNOR/TUNOR
• V24 interface for software (PC) configuration of TUNOR/TUNOR ap-
plications (O&M).
• Control of Front Panel LEDs

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 9 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

• Relay output for urgent alarms

• Fixed configuration of Switch Matrix. E12/1-4 is connected to DMX8/1-4
• 2 Mbit/s V.11 interface for each of the four E12 signals
• ISDN PRA interface for E12/1.
• Power Module for converting 230VAC or 110 VAC and/or -48VDC to +/-
The 230 VAC or 110 VAC supply is a backup for the 48 VDC supply. If
both supplies are present, power is drawn from the 230 VAC or 110 VAC
source. If the 230 VAC or 110 VAC source fails, the switch over to 48 VDC
takes place without interruption or bit errors.
• No external V.11 OHC interface supported.
• No interface to UBUS supported.

2 Mbit/s G.703-IF The G.703-IF adapts the G.703 signal to the switch matrix which is fixed
configured to connect E12/1-4 to DMX8/1-4 respectively.
The impedance is selectable between 75 and 120 Ohms by using different
cables. This means that no configuration or strapping is required to select
the impedance.

2 Mbit/s V.11-IF For data applications such as high speed data links to a computer main-
frame, a 2048 kbit/s V.11 interface is provided.
Bitrate 2048 kbit/s
Circuits supported T transmit
R receive
S signal element timing
G signal ground
X external clock signal
Electrical characteristics according to V.11 (symmetrical)
circuits T and X are terminated
with 100 Ω, circuits R and S
must be terminated in DTE.
This interface has to be used in point to point applications as no hand-
shaking circuits C and I are supported.

page 10 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Functional Description
2 Mbit/s Interfaces All four interfaces are identical and allow connection to four G.703 signals.
Every interface can be individually terminated by jumpers for 75 Ohms
asymmetrical or 120 Ohms symmetrical.

Optical Interface The optical interface is directionally separated. There are two optical con-
nectors on the front panel of the card, one for the optical receiver (= input)
and one for the optical transmitter (= output). It is possible to connect di-
rectly the optical input with the optical output for measuring purposes, be-
cause the maximum output signal level is lower than the maximum allowed
input signal level.

UBUS Interfaces The four 2 Mbit/s signals for transmission can be connected not only to the
front panel interfaces, but also to the UBUS interfaces on the reverse side
of the card. These interfaces connect to the internal highways of the CO-
BUx matrix and also allow the signal selection for optical transmission.

Possible functions and The TUNOL unit has a built-in switch matrix for the 2 Mbit/s signals from
parameters the front panel interfaces and UBUS interfaces. This allows the application
specific configurations.
TUNOR has two types of interfaces: G.703 and V.11. They can be config-
ured individually for each interface.
The port 1 on the TUNOR can also be configured for PRA functionality (2
Mbit/s ISDN).

Management functions The TUNOL card is configured and managed by COBUx control unit in the
FOX subrack.
The TUNOR card is also configured and managed by COBUx via the
TUNOL. If two desktop units TUNOL are used, they can both be config-
ured either by DIP switches or via PC interface.
There are alarm indicating LEDs on TUNOL and TUNOR units. The de-
tailed description of indicated alarms is listed in the chapter: Operation.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 11 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Please note that:
• Keep the card in the ESD protective bag until it is required to
be inserted into the subrack.
• Before you remove the card from the ESD protective bag, be
sure that your body is complete discharged.

Allowed slots in the The TUNOL card occupies 1 slot in the FOX 515 subrack and can be in-
subrack serted in any slot except slots 11 and 21.

Hardware settable options Before the TUNOL card is inserted into the subrack, the following options
of TUNOL can be checked and if necessary set by the jumpers on the card:
• 2 Mbit/s G.703 termination
The G.703 interface of the four external 2 Mbit/s signals E12/1, E12/2,
E12/3 and E12/4 can be individually configured for the following:
− 120 Ohms symmetrical wires
− 75 Ohms asymmetrical (coax)
The front panel connector is the same for both versions.
• V.11-OHC termination
The input signals T and C of the V.11 OHC interface can be individually
configured for the following terminations:
− Terminated with 100 Ohms to match the line for optimal signal re-
− Un-terminated to minimize power consumption.

page 12 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Figure 6: The positions of jumpers on the TUNOL card

Term 100 Ohm

Open C

Term 100 Ohm

Open T

120 Ohm
120 Ohm
75 Ohm

RX 75 Ohm TX E12/4

RX TX E12/3

RX TX E12/2

RX TX E12/1

for future application

Hardware settable options The only hardware settable option for TUNOR is via the DIP-SW on the
of TUNOR TUNOR back panel.
For TUNOL/TUNOR operation, the DIP-SW must be set to "Slave" as
shown below (All 4 switches to the top).

1 2 3 4

For TUNOR/TUNOR operation, the DIP-SW of one TUNOR must be set to

"Master" and the second to "Slave" (Master = all 4 switches to the bottom).
The selection of impedance 75/120 Ohm is made by using different ca-
bles. No configuration by software or hardware is necessary.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 13 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Connections and cables

FC/PC optical cables Two fibre cables with FC/PC connectors are connected to the TUNOL front
panel and to the TUNOR back panel. The order of the connectors on the
TUNOL from top to bottom is:
Port: Transmitter
Order No. of the cable is: 3.3553.745/.. FC/PC optical cable.

G.703 120 Ohm cable for

Figure 7: Cable connection G.703, 120 Ohm

Pin assignement for E12/x

2 Mbit/s 120 Ohm cable, wire wrap a b c
b1 2
E12/2 or E12/4 input a1 3
b2 4
output a2 5
b1 6
input a1 gn 7
E12/1 or E12/3
b2 w 8
output a2


Side view from TUNOL

Order No. of the cable is: 3.3514.176/.. G.703 120 Ohm cable.
G.703 75 Ohm cable for
Figure 8: Cable connection G.703, 75 Ohm

Pin assignement for E12/x a b c

2 Mbit/s 75 Ohm cable, wire wrap side

s1 2
E12/2 3
E12/4 s2 4

s1 6
1 input
E12/1 7
E12/3 s2 8
32 a2

E12/1 Side view from TUNOL

Order No. of the cable is: 3.3514.177/.. G.703 75 Ohm cable.

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ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Alarm Relay cable for TUNOL Figure 9: Cable connection for Alarm Relay cable

Pin assignement for Alarm Relay

output cable, wire wrap side a b c

Relay alarm 2
t t w
open 3
bl 4
common 5
og 6
close 7


Position of relay shown in the

alarm free (normal) situation
Side view from TUNOL


Order No. of the cable is: 3.3514.148/.. Alarm Relay output cable.

V.11 OHC cable for TUNOL Figure 10: Cable connection for V.11 OHC cable for TUNOL

Wire wrap side

a b c
S (b) r 2
S (a) bn
I (b) w 3
I (a) gn
R (b) w 4
R (a)
C (b) w 6
C (a)
T (b) w 7
1 T (a)
bn (r) 8
Sig Ground

TUNOL side view Tx = input

Order No. of the cable is: 3.3514.178/.. V.11 OHC cable.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 15 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Cables for TUNOR Figure 11: TUNOR back panel with the signal cables

4 3 2 1 1 c

G.703 120 Ohm cable for

Figure 12: G.703, 120 Ohm cable for TUNOR

Wire wrap side

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

c og
b w

Order No. of the cable is: 3.3515.068/03..(3 metres) G.703, 120 Ohm ca-
ble for TUNOR.

G.703 75 Ohm cable for

Figure 13: G.703, 75 Ohm cable for TUNOR

Wire wrap side

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Order No. of the cable is: 3.3515.069/03..(3 metres) G.703, 75 Ohm cable
for TUNOR.

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ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

V.11 cable for TUNOR Figure 14: V.11 cable for TUNOR

Wire wrap side

w/bl R
w/og X
7 6 5 3 2 1

r G
bn S
bl T

Order No. of the cable is: 3.3515.070/03..(3 metres) G.703, 75 Ohm cable
for TUNOR.

Alarm Relay outputs on Figure 15: Alarm Relay outputs on the back panel of TUNOR

0 0 0
0 0 0

Common Normally Normally

closed open

8 Mbit/s Alarms 0 0 0
2 Mbit/s Alarms 0 0 0

Position of relay shown in the alarm free (normal) situation.




Order No. of the cable is: 3.3514.131/06..(6 metres) Alarm Relay cable for

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 17 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Fixing the TUNOL cables to Signal cables must be attached to the cable tray as illustrated below. For
the cable tray more information, please, refer to [302].

Figure 16: side view of cable tray with the cables

G.703, E12/1 and E12/2


G.703, E12/3 and E12/4


V.11 OHC

Alarm Relay

page 18 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Configuration of TUNOL/TUNOR
TUNOL is automatically initialized when it is powered (ie. inserted into a
powered up FOX subrack).

Operation without COBUx On power up, the microprocessor control of the TUNOL reads in the con-
figuration data stored in an EPROM on the TUNOL, and confi-gures the
TUNOL accordingly.

Operation with COBUx When there is a COBUx installed, after power on, the TUNOL com-pares
the configuration data stored in an EPROM with the configura-tion data
stored in the COBUx data base, and if different, the EPROM is overwritten,
and the TUNOL is reconfigured accordingly.
The card can be configured with the UCST only via the COBUx control
The parameters, status, diagnostics and alarms can be set and read in the
UCST masks as described in the UCST Manual. These masks are found
under the «OBJECTS», «UNITS» MENU.

Configuration template If there are more TUNOL cards to be fitted in the same FOX subrack and
their configuration is similar, to save the time needed for their configura-
tion, you can use (instead of the original TUNOL card file) a preconfigured
card file with the basic parameters and functions, which can be modified
as necessary
To create such a universal TUNOL template and save it, use the function:
Save As....which is under Unit Configuration in the main menu. You can
use the file name for instance: TUNOLpreconf. This file will be placed in
the Data file (of the UCST) near to the TUNOL 299. ocu file. By creating
the new TUNOL card you can use it as described below with "Mode of op-
eration"....already selected.

Mode of operation of When the TUNOL 299 is first defined, click on the slot of the subrack,
TUNOL 299 where the TUNOL is to be placed. In the UCST main menu click on NE
Configuration and Add Unit(s)... The list of units appears. Doubleclick on
the required TUNOL 299 to open the General TUNOL Mode dialogue.
This menu appears only by creating the new TUNOL 299 card.

Figure 17: General TUNOL Mode dialogue

The General TUNOL Mode dialogue (Fig 16) appears not, if the
TUNOL 286 card is configured, because on the remote side only
the identical card TUNOL 286 can be connected. No other card
is supported.

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TUNOL parameter setting For better understanding of the configuration procedure the TUNOL func-
tional diagram with only the signal paths is illustrated below.

Figure 18: Signal paths of the TUNOL unit

Port 1

E 12/1 E 12/2 E 12/3 E 12/4

G.703 G.703 G.703 G.703
8 Mbit/s


1 2 3 4

Subunit 0
Cross-Connect 2
Subunit 1-4 1 2 3 4

to UBUS (2 Mbit/s)

• Four 2 Mbit/s signals (SbU1-4) SBU = Subunit

Each of the four 2 Mbit/s signals designated UBUS 1, UBUS 2, UBUS

3, and UBUS 4 are internally connected to the internal highways of the
COBUx matrix, and thus not accessible.
• 8 Mbit/s DMX
The 8 Mbit/s DMX multiplexes/demultiplexes four 2 Mbit/s G.703 tribu-
taries to/from an 8 Mbit/s G.703 signal. The 8 Mbit/s G.703 signal is in-
ternal, and thus not accessible.
• 8 Mbit/s optical port
The 8 Mbit/s optical port does the necessary electrical/optical and the
optical/electrical signal conversion to/from DMX.
• Cross-connect 2 Mbit/s matrix
This matrix allows the cross connections of the following signals:
− the four 2 Mbit/s tributaries UBUS 1 - UBUS 4 (SbU 1-4)
− the four 2 Mbit/s tributaries of DMX (SbU 0)
the four externally accessible 2 Mbit/s tributaries E12/1, E12/2,
E12/3 and E12/4 (SbU 0)

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Unit Configuration Parame- In the main menu click on Unit Configuration and Parameters... The
ters Unit Configuration Parameters – Board dialogue appears.

Figure 19: Unit Configuration Parameters – Board dialogue

Select Cross Connect 2 Mb/s and press the button Edit. The Cross Con-
nect 2 Mb/s dialogue appears.

Figure 20: Cross Connect 2 Mb/s dialogue

This dialogue allows you to define the cross connection of the following

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• four 2 Mbit/s tributaries contained in the 8 Mbit/s signal from DMX

(DMX 1-4)
• four 2 Mbit/s signals connected to the internal highway of the COBUx
matrix (UBUS 1-4) corresponding to SbU 1-4.
• four externally accessible 2 Mbit/s signals (E12/1-4)
Mark the desired connection in the schematic shown in the dialogue by
clicking the appropriate circle. A circle without a dot indicates no
connection. A circle with a dot indicates a connection. The
bottom row of circles are parking places for the dots.
On completion press OK. The dialogue Unit Configuration Para-meters –
Board appears again. Select: Port Configuration and press the button Edit.
The Port Configuration dialogue appears.

Figure 21: Port Configuration dialogue


This dialogue allows the following parameters to be set independently for

each port:
• E12 ports monitored
for disabling the monitoring of the external 2 Mbit/s signals when not
used (ie. not connected)
• Optical port monitored
for disabling the monitoring of the optical signal when not used (ie. not
• Laser ON
for turning the Laser «off» when not used (ie. not connected) or during

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If the card TUNOL 286 is configured, because of additional func-

tions, the modified Port Configuration dialogue appears.

Figure 22: Port Configuration dialogue (for TUNOL 286)

On completion press OK. The dialogue Unit Configuration Para-meters –

Board appears again. Select: TUNOR Configuration and press the button
Edit. The TUNOR Configuration dialogue appears.

Figure 23: TUNOR Configuration dialogue

The four 2 Mbit/s signals (E12/1, E12/2, E12/3, and E12/4), can be config-
ured individually for the following interfaces:
− V.11 master (2 Mbit/s V.11 Contra-directional)

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The RX clock «S» (output to the DTE) is controlled by TUNOR and

is used to clock both the TX and RX data. The length of the cable to
the DTE must be less than 10 m.
This is used only for TUNOR-TUNOR applications and only on one
of the TUNORs. The far end TUNOR must be configured as «V.11
− V.11 slave (2 Mbit/s V.11 Contra-directional)
The RX clock «S» (output to the DTE) is controlled by TUNOR and
is used to clock both the TX and RX data. The length of the cable to
the DTE must be less than 10 m.
For TUNOR-TUNOR applications, the far end TUNOR must be con-
figured as «V.11 master».
The TUNOL does not support a 2 Mbit/s V.11 interface. For TUNOL-
TUNOR applications, (2 Mbit/s V.11 on TUNOR and 2 Mbit/s G.703
on TUNOL) it must be ensured that the 2 Mbit/s Cross Connect ma-
trix of the TUNOL is configured so that the 2 Mbit/s G.703 E12 sig-
nal is not connected to the COBUx matrix (UBUS) as the COBUx
matrix is not transparent for TS0.
− V.11 plesio (2 Mbit/s V.11 Co-directional)
The RX clock «S» (output to the DTE) is controlled by TUNOR and
is used to clock the RX data.
The «X» clock from the DTE must be 2048 kHz ±50ppm.
The phase and frequency of the TX data from the DTE can differ
from the RX data within the allowed tolerance of ±50ppm..
The length of the cable to the DTE is limited by its attenuation and
the presence of interferences. For long interconnection cables, the
RX clock «S» may be looped back in the DTE to the TX clock «X».
− G.703 (2 Mbit/s Transparent/Plesiochronous)
The selection of 75/120 Ohm is done by using different cables.
No configuration by software or jumpers inside the TUNOR is nec-
− PRA (2 Mbit/s ISDN)
PRA functionality is restricted to port 1.
The 2Mbit/s signal is transparent for TSs 1....31. TS0 is terminated
and regenerated according to ITU G.704.
The RX and TX clocks are assumed to be synchronous. That
means, the RX clock must be looped back to the TX clock at the
Terminal equipment.
The following signals can be monitored:
− Port 1 (2 Mbit/s on E12/1) (only for G.703 and PRA)
− Port 2 (2 Mbit/s on E12/2) (only for G.703)
− Port 3 (2 Mbit/s on E12/3) (only for G.703)
− Port 4 (2 Mbit/s on E12/4) (only for G.703)
− Optical Port (8 Mbit/s)
− Management Channel (internal telemetry channel)
Signals that are not used (not connected) are alarmed unless the
monitoring for that signal is disabled.

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After setting the desired parameters press OK. The dialogue Unit Configu-
ration Parameters – Board appears again. Select the tag: Traffic. The Unit
Configuration Parameters - Traffic dialogue appears.

Figure 24: Unit Configuration Parameters – Traffic dialogue

In this dialogue the additional parameters of the UBUS signal interfaces:

SbU 1...SbU 4 have to be configured.
− Name
A name of up to 16 characters can be entered. This will help to iden-
tify a connection during configuration of cross connections.
− State
The state of the SbU can be enabled or disabled. If the SbUs have
no signal, they should be disabled to avoid them from alarming
(Loss of Signal).
By the application using highway access, if activated, the CAS-
multiframe structure will be inserted and TS16 is used for signalling
of the 30 PCM channels
− Routing Table
For a FOX network to be able to operate error free, it must operate
with a pre-defined synchronization plan that ensures that all the
FOXs in the network operate with the same clock (synchronously).
This clock can be transmitted to other FOXs in the network using
the 2 Mbit/s signals.
To prevent the entire network from losing the synchronization if one
link in the network fails, each FOX can be programmed with up to 7
back-up timing sources that are automatically switched in a pre-
programmed order of priority.
To prevent timing conflicts in the FOX network when one of the
FOXs switches to a backup timing source, each 2 Mbit/s output sig-
nal containing the timing to be transmitted onward can be tagged as
"Do not use" depending on its timing source.

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Click on the Routing Table in the Unit Configuration Parameters –

Traffic dialogue. The Traffic 1: PDH Routing Table dialogue ap-

Figure 25: Traffic 1: PDH Routing Table dialogue

Select the desired timing sources in this dialogue.

2 Mbit/s signal tagged "Do not use" as timing source, forces the re-
ceiving FOX using this signal as a timing source to switch over to
another timing source to prevent possible timing conflicts.
Click on OK to come back into the Unit Configuration Parameters – Traffic
dialogue, then once again OK. Main menu appears, the configuration of
TUNOL – TUNOR parameters is completed.
The TUNOL can be connected at the far end, to another TUNOL. The con-
figuration is in this case similar to the TUNOL – TUNOR configuration with
the additional configuration of the V.11 overhead Channel.
In the UCST main menu click on NE Configuration and Add Unit(s)... The
list of units appears. Doubleclick on the required TUNOL 299 to open the
General TUNOL Mode dialogue.
This menu appears only by creating the new TUNOL 299 card.

Figure 26: General TUNOL Mode dialogue

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Select: Operation with TUNOL....and click on OK. The main menu appears
once again.

Unit Configuration Parame- In the main menu click on Unit Configuration and Parameters... The Unit
ters Configuration Parameters – Board dialogue appears.

Figure 27: Unit Configuration Parameters – Board dialogue

Select Overhead Channel and press the button Edit. The Overhead
Channel dialogue appears.

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Figure 28: Overhead Channel dialogue

This dialogue allows the operator to configure the V.11 OHC for the follow-
• Connections
for configuring the OHC Cross Connect
− «Service Channel Partyline»
for configuring the OHC Cross connect for partyline mode of opera-
for setting the OHC monitoring options and reactions to alarms
− «Service Channel Monitored»
the input signal from the OHC Cross Connect is monitored for loss
of frame, and alarmed with the «SC/x:LOF» alarm.
128 kbit/s signals are transmitted transparently without any frame.
When «Service Channel Monitored» is selected (enabled), the «T-
Monitored» option is also automatically enabled. The «T-Monitored»
option can be separately disabled.
− «T-Monitored»
the input signal T from the V.11 interface is monitored for loss of
signal, and alarmed with the «SC/x:Loss of T» alarm.

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Except for asynchronous signals, the T input is also monitored for

more than 33 consequtive «1s» or «0s» and alarmed with «SC/x:T
cont on» alarm.
− «T=1(@Timeout Partyline)»
For «Service Channel Partyline» connections, when T is a «0» (ac-
tive) for more than 10 seconds, it is disconnected from the OHC out-
put and replaced by consecutive «1s» and alarmed with «SC/x:T
cont on» alarm.
• Mode
for defining how the TUNOL telemetry channel is used
− «Service Channel»
for using the telemetry channel as an external V.11 OHC.
− «EOC»
for using the telemetry channel to transmit the in-band maintenance
channel of the FOX.
The FOXs at the peripheral of the FOX network which terminate the
EOC (ie. last links) can use the OHC channel to transmit the EOC
with the following benefits:
1) SIFOX does not need to be installed in the peripheral FOX
2) OHC is transmitted in the 8 Mbit/s optical signal without
using any of the user data bandwidth.
− «Operation with TUNOP»
for using the telemetry channel as an internal maintenance channel
used for displaying alarms from the remote TUNOS, TUNOP or
The external V.11 interface is disconnected from the OHC Cross
connect when set for «operation with TUNOP» mode.
• Bitrate
for defining the bitrate of the DTE
• R Default
for defining the replacement (default) signal for the output R when there
is a «SC/x:LOF» alarm (or when I = OFF for asynchronous operation).
− «1»
replacement by «1»
− «0»
replacement by «0»
− «Free running»
no replacement
• Clock Source
for defining the clock source of the V.11 OHC interface (for data rates
64 kbit/s or greater)
− «T,R local»
− «TUNOL local»
Asynchronous and/or Synchronous (Master TUNOL)
− «TUNOL remote»

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Synchronous (Slave)
− «T local»
Synchronous (Master DTE)
By the connection of TUNOL with TUNOL, TUNOF, or TUNOS all other
unit parameter are configured in the same way as in the connection of
TUNOL with TUNOR (mentioned before).
If you select in the dialogue: General TUNOL Mode in Fig. 24 the "Opera-
tion with TUNOP", the Overhead Channel dialogue does not appear, be-
cause the unit has no front panel access to this channel.
In the case you configure the TUNOL 286 card, the General
TUNOL Mode dialogue does not appear. The following dialogue
for Overhead Channel with preconfigured parameters appears

Figure 29: Overhead Channel dialogue (for TUNOL 286)

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Setting Alarm Parameters Explanations and procedures for setting the alarm parameters are de-
scribed in [302]. In the main UCST menu click on the slot with the TUNOL
card, then Unit Configuration and Alarms... The Alarm Configuration dia-
logue appears.

Figure 30: Alarm Configuration dialogue

This dialogue consists of two alarm layers: Board Layer and P12 Layer.
The Alarm Parameters are preconfigured in both layers. They can be read
and if necessary, can be modified. Click on the ▼ field (drop down list) to
read or modify the Alarm Parameters.

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Status/Maintenance The Status/Maintenance menu allows you to read the various operational
data and to define the diagnostics loops. This status information together
with the reading of alarms can help you to locate faults. Click on the unit in
the main menu, then: Unit Configuration and Status/Maintenance. The
dialogue Status/Maintenance appears.

Figure 31: Status/Maintenance dialogue

Select: TUNOR Status (if TUNOL – TUNOR connection is configured) and

press: Edit. The dialogue TUNOR Status appears.

Figure 32: TUNOR Status dialogue

To read the status press the button: Get. Press the button: OK to come
back into dialogue in Fig. 30. Select: Test Loops and press: Edit. The dia-
logue Test Loops appears.

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Figure 33: Test Loops dialogue

The following loops are available when TUNOL 299 is configured for «Op-
eration with TUNOR».
− 8 Mbit/s Remote Loopback towards fibre
The 8 Mbit/s optical signal received at the remote TUNOR is con-
verted into an electrical signal, looped back, reconverted into an op-
tical signal, and sent back on the optical fibre. The 2 Mbit/s tributar-
ies receive no AIS but the signal as in normal operation.
− 8 Mbit/s Remote Loopback towards E12
The outgoing 8 Mbit/s electrical signal of the remote TUNOR is
looped back to the 2 Mbit/s E12 side. The optical Port transmits the
looped signal on to the optical fibre, and the optical received signal
is blocked.
− 2 Mbit/s Remote Loopback towards fibre
The 2 Mbit/s tributary received from the fibre at the remote TUNOR
is looped back to the fibre. The 2 Mbit/s tributary is transmitted
transparently on to the E12 output.
− 2 Mbit/s Remote Loopback towards E12
The incoming 2 Mbit/s electrical signal of the remote TUNOR is
looped back to the 2 Mbit/s E12 side. The 2 Mbit/s tributary is trans-
mitted transparently on to the fibre.

To activate test loops for Press the desired loop and «SET»
UCST must be connected to FOX.

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To display test loops for Press: «GET»

UCST must be connected to FOX.
When TUNOL is configured for "Operation with TUNOP", the
Status/Maintenance dialogue appears as follows:

Figure 34: Status/Maintenance dialogue

Select: Optical Remote Port Status and press: Edit. The dialogue Optical
Remote Port Status appears.

Figure 35: Optical Remote Port Status dialogue

To read the status press the button: Get. Press the button: OK to come
back into dialogue in Fig. 33. Select: Test Loops and press: Edit. The dia-
logue Test Loops appears.

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Figure 36: Test Loops dialogue

This dialogue allows the following loops to be defined:

• 8 Mbit/s Loopback
The 8 Mbit/s optical signal received at the local TUNOL is converted
into an electrical signal, looped back, reconverted into an optical signal,
and sent back on the optical fibre. The 2 Mbit/s tributaries receive no
AIS but the signal as in normal operation.
• 8 Mbit/s Remote Loopback
The loop described above is defined in the remote TUNOL.
• Internal Highway
The outgoing 8 Mbit/s electrical signal of the local TUNOL is looped
back to the 2 Mbit/s tributary side. The optical Port transmits the looped
signal on to the optical fibre, and the optical received signal is blocked.
• 2 Mbit/s E12
The 2 Mb/s external signal received on the front panel connector is
looped back to the front panel connector.
Press OK in the Test Loops dialogue to come back into the dialogue
"Status/Maintenance", illustrated in Fig. 33. Click on the tag: P12 to read
the additional status information. This dialogue is identical for TUNOL con-
figured for operation with every allowed remote unit.

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Figure 37: P12 dialogue

This dialogue allows to enable or disable the unused Subunits to avoid the
activation of invalid alarms. The Frame Slip Counters can be read if there
are any transmission problems.
By configuration of the TUNOL 286 card the following
Status/Maintenance dialogue appears:

Figure 38: Status/Maintenance dialogue (for TUNOL 286)

Click on ALS Manual Restart and press Edit for reading and changing the
status of ALS Manual Restart. The ALS Manual Restart dialogue ap-

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Figure 39: ALS Manual Restart dialogue

Diagnostics Parameters Press "Close" to come back into the main menu. Click on the unit in the
main menu, then: Unit Configuration and Diagnostics Parame-ters... The
dialogue Diagnostics Parameters appears.

Figure 40: Diagnostics Parameters dialogue

This dialogue is used for the definition of tributary loops in TUNOL. Click
on the field: Tributary Loops of the required SbU. The UBUS Tributary
Loops dialogue appears.

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Figure 41: UBUS Tributary Loops dialogue

This dialogue allows the following loops to be defined.

• 2 Mbit/s Loopback
The 2 Mbit/s G.703 signal received from the COBUx matrix is looped
back to the COBUx matrix.
• 64 kbit/s Timeslot Loopback
An individual TS defined in the menu is looped back to the customer
equipment. When CAS is enabled, the signalling is also looped back.
The IDLE pattern defined in the menu is sent on the TS on the 2 Mbit/s
G.703 output signal.
− Internal loop of TS:
Define TS to be looped back.
− Idle pattern:
Define as desired. (MSB =Most Significant Bit)
Only possible for 1 Subunit (2 Mbit/s port) at a time.
Only possible when Subunit (2 Mbit/s port) has no alarms.

To activate loops for SbU 1-4 press the desired loop or select the TS and
make the "partial download" procedure. To cancel the loop press the de-
sired loop to open it and make the "partial download" again.
For better understanding the TUNOL and TUNOR loops are illustrated be-

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Figure 42: Summary of TUNOL Loops

Tributary 2 Mbit/s loops


2 E O
64 kbit/s O E
Time slot * 2
Loopback 2 Mbit/s 8 Mbit/s 8 Mbit/s
Cross- Loopback Remote Loopback
2 Mbit/s Loopback

2 Mbit/s E12/1
2 Mbit/s E12/2

2 Mbit/s E12/3

2 Mbit/s E12/4

Figure 43: Summary of TUNOR Loops

Tributary 2 Mbit/s loops

8 Mbit/s 8 Mbit/s
Loopback Remote Loopback

(Loop 2)

(Loop 2) E

(Loop 3)

2 Mbit/s E12/1

2 Mbit/s E12/2

2 Mbit/s E12/3

2 Mbit/s E12/4
(Loop 3)

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Parameter Browser It is possible to read the configuration of the card at any time. In the main
menu click on the board, then Unit Configuration and finally Parameter
Browser. The dialogue Parameter Browser – Board appears.

Figure 44: Parameter Browser – Board dialogue

Other configuration parameters can be read by clicking the tag: Traffic.

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Alarm indication on TUNOL On the front panel there are two LEDs.
• The upper «card» LED indicates the fault status of the unit. It is con-
trolled via a separate line from the central card COBUx.
It lights when:
− TUNOL is not responding normally
− the self test of TUNOL is not completed successfully
− TUNOL has been plugged in to the wrong slot in the FOX subrack
• The lower «Signal» LED is activated by TUNOL if any faults are de-
tected on the 2 Mbit/s and/or 8 Mbit/s signals.

Reaction to Faults on Board Alarm lower Alarm sent AIS sent to

Alarms LED to far end 2 Mbit/s
lights tribs.
Unit not Available
Maintenance Function Active
Optical Port Laser Degraded X X
P22 Remote Defect Indication
P22 BER > 1E-5 X X
P22 BER > 1E-3 X X X
Optical Port Loss of Signal X X X
DMX Remote Defect Indication X
DMX AIS Received X X X
DMX Loss of Frame X X X
E12-X Loss of Signal X X
E12-X Maintenance Function Active
Service Channel AIS Received X
Service Channel Loss of Signal X
Service Channel Loss of Frame X
Remote Power Failure
Optical Port Remote Maintenance Func-
tion Active
Optical Port Remote Laser Degraded
HMC Timeout X
E12-X Remote Loss of Signal
E12-X Remote Maintenance Function
PRA Remote Loss of Frame
PRA Remote AIS Received
PRA Remote Defect Indication
PRA Remote CRC4
PRA Remote Configuration Error
P22 BER > 1E-9 ▲ X
Optical Port Laser Shutdown ▲ X
Optical Port Manual Laser Restart ▲

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The Alarms marked with ▲ appear only by the configuration of

TUNOL 286.
Reaction to Faults on P12 Alarm lower Alarm sent AIS on Clock
Alarms LED to far end all TSs extracion
lights blocked
Remote Loss of CAS MF X
Remote Loss of Frame X
Remote Loss of Clock X X
Maintenance Function active (1)
BER > 1E-3 X X X X
Loss of CAS MF X X
Non CRC4 Interworking
Loss of CRC MF X X X
AIS received X X X X
Loss of Frame X X X X
Hardware Failure X X
(1) Only by 2 Mbit/s loopback

Alarm relay outputs on An earth free relay contact is available from the TUNOL front panel. The
TUNOL pin designations and cable description is found in the «Installation» chap-
The relay is connected in parallel with the lower front panel LED, and is
activated whenever the lower LED lights.

Alarm indication on TUNOR TUNOR monitors the input signals and its own functions. It detects func-
tion related faults and indicates these as alarm information using the LEDs
on the front panel. The following alarms are indicated (from left to right):
• «ON» (green) Powered and in operation
• OPTICAL-IF «S-LOSS» (red) Loss of optical input signal or a
BER >10E-5
• OPTICAL-IF «LASER» (yellow) Laser degradation on optical
output signal by >2 dB
• OPTICAL-IF «LOOP» (red) One of the 8 Mbit/s Loops is
active (Loop 2 or 3). Flashes
during active loop on remote
• 2 Mbit/s- IF «S-LOSS» (red) Loss of 2 Mbit/s G.703 input
signal (only for G.703 interface
and PRA)
• 2 Mbit/s -IF «F-LOSS» (yellow) Loss of G.704 frame
alignment (synchronization
error) on the 2 Mbit/s G.703
input signal (only for PRA
• 2 Mbit/s- IF «LOOP» (red) One of the 2 Mbit/s Loops is
active (Loop 2 or 3). Flashes
during active loop on remote

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The alarms are displayed via the UCST provided that the UCST is con-
nected to the FOX on the TUNOL side.
Alarm relay output on 2 earth free relay contacts are available from the TUNOR front panel one
TUNOR for 2 Mbit/s alarms, and the other for 8 Mbit/s alarms.
The pin designations are found in the «Installation» chapter.

TUNOL Board alarm text No. Text Alarm Meaning

0 Unit not Available (UA) This alarm indicates the complete
of the unit. Hardware and/or
failure of the unit. Hardware and/or
software problems can create the
complete unit failure:

- No hardware available (empty slot).

- The unit does not respond (unit
- Wrong hardware in the slot
(with respect to the NE

To reset the alarm, you must eliminate

the failure. With the exception of the
ESW based failure, the elimination of
failure requires the manual interven-

1 Maintenance
Function Active (NA) This alarm appears if something has
manually changed, for example:
Diagnostic loops are active.

2 Optical Port Laser

Degraded (NA) The power to the transmit laser is
sufficiently low that there is a possibility
of malfunction 40% (2 dB) power

3 P22 Remote Defect

Indication (NA) Indicates one or more alarms on the
2 Mbit/signal received at the remote

4 P22 BER > 1E-5 (NA) The received 2 Mbit/s signal has
BER > 10-5.

5 P22 BER > 1E-3 (UA) The received 2 Mbit/s signal has
BER > 10-3.

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ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

6 Optical Port Loss of

Signal (UA) Loss of optical input.

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ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

No. Text Alarm Meaning

7 DMX Remote Defect
Indication (NA) One of the following alarms is active on
the remote DMX:
- AIS received
- Loss of frame
- Loss of signal

8 DMX AIS received (Log book

only) DMX receives an AIS signal from
the optical receiver.

9 DMX Loss of
Frame (UA) The DMX receives an 8 Mbit/s signal
from the optical receiver from which the
sync. word cannot be detected.

10 E12-X Loss of
Signal (UA) The 2 Mbit/s tributary accessible from
front panel is missing.

11 E12-X Maintenance
Function active (NA) Indicates that the 2 Mbit/s lopp-
back or TS loopback is activated.

12 Service Channel
AIS received (NA) The service channel receives AIS.

13 Service Channel
Loss of Signal (UA) Service Channel signal is missing.

14 Service Channel
Loss of Frame (UA) The Service Channel from the op-
tical line has Loss of Frame.

15 Remote Power
Failure (UA) This alarm is issued imediately
after a loss of supply power on
TUNOR. It remains active until the
8 Mbit/s framed signal from
TUNOR has been detected.

16 Optical Port Remote

Function Active (NA) Loop 2 or Loop 3 on the optical unit is
activ. port of the remote unit is active.

17 Optical Port Remote

Laser Degraded (NA) Indicates a power drop > 2 dB on
laser diode of remote unit.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 45 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

No. Text Alarm Meaning

18 HMC Timeout (UA) Local alarm of TUNOL whenever
the communication with the
remote TUNOR is not possible.

19 E12-X Remote
Loss of Signal (UA) Loss of Tx signal on the input
of the remote unit.

20 E12-X Remote
Function active (NA) Indicates a loop 2 or loop 3 on any
of the 2 Mbit/s ports.

21 PRA Remote
Loss of Frame (UA) Loss of G.704 multiframe upstream or
downstream (only on channel 1 and
when PRA is enabled).

22 PRA Remote AIS

Received (NA) Detection of AIS upstream or
downstream (only on channel 1
and when PRA is enabled).

23 PRA Remote
Defect Indication (NA) Indicates an alarm condition on
the remote unit (if PRA is enabled).

24 PRA Remote
CRC4 (NA) CRC4 errors have been detected
in the G.704 multiframe.

25 PRA Remote Con-

figuration Error (UA) Used EPROM allows not PRA
mode of operation.

26 P22 BER > 1E-9 (NA) The received 2 Mbit/s signal has
BER > 10-9.

27 Optical Port Laser

Shutdown (UA) Laser is inactive for security

28 Optical Port Ma-

nual Laser Restart (NA) The laser has been started
through the maintenance

page 46 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

TUNOL P12 alarm text No. Text Alarm Meaning

0 Remote Loss
of CAS MF (NA) Indicates one of the following
alarms on the 2 Mbit/s tributary
received at the remote unit:
- Loss of CAS MF
- Loss of CRC MF (when CAS
is enabled).

1 Remote Loss
of Frame (NA) Indicates one of the following
alarms on the 2 Mbit/s tributary
received at the remote unit:
- BER ≥ 1E-3
- Loss of CRC MF (when CAS
is enabled
- AIS received
- Loss of Frame
- Lossof Signal
- HW Fail

2 Remote Loss of
Clock (NA) Bit Sa5 is set to mark the 2 Mbit/s
tributary received as unsuitable for
timing extraction. Indication that the
remote FOX has switched over to
another timing source, and set bit Sa5
according to its "TIMING SOURCE
ALARM MASK" MENU. Refer to the
"Setting MEGIF Parameters" for a more
detailed Explanation.

3 Maintenance
Function Active (NA) Indicates that the 2 Mbit/s Loopback or
TS loopback is Activated.

4 BER > 1E-3 (UA) Bit error rate in the synchronisation word
is ≥10-3 of the 2 Mbit/s received signal.

5 Loss of CAS MF (UA) Loss of Multiframe synchronization

of the 2 Mbit/s received signal.

6 Non CRC4
Interworking (Log book
only) CRC4 function is disabled due toLoss of
CRC MF for > 400 ms. This suggests that
the remote equipment does not support
the CRC4 function. The Loss of CRC MF
alarm is cleared.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 47 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

7 Loss of CRC MF (UA) Excessive CRC error rate on the

2 Mbit/s received signal.

8 AIS Received (Log

only) AIS on the 2 Mbit/s received Signal.

9 Loss of Frame (UA) Loss of frame synchronization of

the 2 Mbit/s received signal.

10 Hardware Failure (UA) Subunit self test failed.

page 48 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

There are no components on the card and in the desktop unit which re-
quire maintenance

Figure 45: Side view of the TUNOL unit



Figure 46: Top view of the desktop unit



For simplifying the card handling, the "Inventory data" function has been

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 49 of 50

ABB TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR © ABB Ltd

Inventory data Inventory data from the card can be read via UCST/UNEM. Please, refer to
[401] for the description of the inventory function.

Upgrades You can upgrade your existing TUNOL card and desktop unit to a new
functional unit described with your new UCST release if the new functional
unit is compatible with your hardware and you have the corresponding
software licence.
You can check the compatibility between your hardware and the ESW via
the FOX Inventory data function.

page 50 of 50 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

FOX from ABB, covers all your communication
requirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)


Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [002]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB Ltd


Overview ..................................................................................................1

Unit Design ...............................................................................................4

Introduction.............................................................................................. 6

Device Configuration ................................................................................7


Unit Configuration...................................................................................17

Alarms ....................................................................................................19

Technical data ........................................................................................20

EEPROM and Fuse Position ..................................................................24

Installation ..............................................................................................25

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 i


ALCAR 804 (N4BC)


Feature Description ALCAR (Alarm Card) is the alarm acquisition unit of the FOX-U /
FOX 515 system. It enables external equipment to be monitored
over a FOX-U / FOX 515 network using UCST and UNEM. The key
features of ALCAR are:
• 24 binary alarm inputs
• 4 binary command outputs
• Looping of binary inputs to command outputs
• 4 ports for serial communication
The 24 binary alarm inputs are grouped into 2 galvanically isolated
current loops with 8 inputs each and 8 voltage inputs (that are all
galvanically isolated). For the operation with potential free alarm
outputs the voltage inputs can be driven by the on-board auxiliary
power supply. The alarm state information can be displayed in
UCST or UNEM. For continuous alarm monitoring however, UNEM
must be used.

The 4 command outputs can be switched either manually from

UCST or UNEM, or be linked to an alarm input. In the latter case a
state change of an alarm input will cause the command output to

For serial communication ALCAR does not offer any access to the
internal 2 Mbit/s highways. Data can be transmitted over the 4 serial
ports in two ways:

• With dedicated software it is possible to transmit request

telegrams to the external device and receive a response from
there, all in-band over the EOC. The telegram size may be up to
294 bytes in both directions.

• Fully transparent serial communication with transmission rates

up to 19.2 kbit/s is possible over an external point-multipoint or
data party line channel. This usage is intended for device
management software that does not feature device addressing.
In such cases the required access control for the external
devices can be done via ALCAR.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 1 of 33


Application Example ALCAR was designed to enable external equipment with binary
alarm output to be monitored over a FOX-U / FOX 515 network
using UCST and UNEM and to offer thus the integration of the
external devices into one overall alarm monitoring system.

The example below shows a small FOX-U / FOX 515-Network with

various external devices. The binary alarm outputs of the
multiplexers (‘MUX’), the exchange (‘PABX’) and the power line
carrier device ETL541 are connected to the alarm inputs of ALCAR.

On the ETL541 detailed alarm information can be requested over a

serial interface. When an alarm state of the device is indicated (e.g.
in UNEM) by the binary alarm output, the operator can switch a
connection to the corresponding serial port and start the
management software MMI500 for the ETL541. From the MMI500
he can then send a telegram to request the complete alarm
information from the device.

Fig. 1.1: Alarm Monitoring with ALCAR

Master station

Binary Binary
CST Serial
Win MMI500



Binary Binary Binary


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Front Panel Fig. 1.2 : Front panel view

Fixing screw

Pull-out handle

Unit label

"Card" LED

D-SUB 25-pin female connector

for 4 RS232 port interface

Command Outputs

Voltage Inputs/ Aux.24 V Supply

Current Loop 2

Current Loop 1

Fixing screw

Features • Accepts 24 binary alarm inputs for further processing by the

UCST/UNEM. The alarm inputs are arranged in three groups
of 8. Group 1 and 2 directly accept potential free contacts.
Group 3 are galvanically isolated voltage inputs accepting the
nominal voltages 24 / 48 VDC.
• An auxiliary voltage output (24 VDC) allows to enable above
group 3 inputs to be configured for potential free contacts.
• Output of 4 commands in the form of relay contacts.
• Looping of binary inputs to command outputs.
• Remote connection to 4 peripheral DTE through the EOC
(Embedded Operation Channel) using the RS232 serial
interface ports.
• Transparent looping of the serial data from RS232 port 1
(DTE) to either port 2, 3 or 4 (DCE).

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Unit Design

Block diagram Fig. 1.3 : Block diagram of ALCAR

RS-232 Port
5 V Card
Interfaces Supply

Output &
Relay Control

Aux. 24V Supply µC-LAN

Latch Address
M emories

Slot Select
Loop 2 &
Inputs Latch

Current Power
Loop 1 Supply
Inputs Latch 48 V

ALCAR comprises the following function blocks:

• 2 current loop alarm input groups
• Voltage alarm inputs group
• Auxiliary 24 VDC power supply
• Command outputs
• 4 RS232 serial data interface ports
• Power supply for relays, auxiliary source and current loops
• Microprocessor control

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Current loop alarm inputs Current loop alarm inputs consist of two groups of 8 binary alarm
inputs that are galvanically isolated. These current loop inputs
accept potential free contacts as alarm conditions.
For the further processing by the UCST/UNEM, each single input
can be configured for alarm condition indication in case of open or
closed contact.
Voltage alarm inputs The voltage alarm inputs consist of a group of 8 galvanically
isolated binary alarm inputs accepting the nominal voltages
24 / 48 VDC.
For the further processing by the UCST/UNEM, each single input
can be configured for alarm condition indication in case of nominal
0 V or 24 / 48 VDC.
Auxiliary power supply The galvanically isolated auxiliary voltage supply output (24 VDC) is
provided to enable above voltage alarm inputs to be externally
configured for potential free contacts.
Command outputs The command outputs consist of 4 relays equipped with two
change-over contacts. One contact is used for the binary command
output, the other is used for feedback so that the correct switching
condition can be monitored.
The change-over contact allows to configure the command output
as normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) condition depending
on which pin is wired in pair with the common pin (C).
The command outputs allow simple remote control functions to be
performed via the EOC and the management-software UCST. The
commands can be configured as latched or pulsed with a
configurable pulse duration.
It is also possible to link one or more of the above 24 binary inputs
to each command.
RS232 serial interface ports This block is composed of four galvanically isolated RS232 serial
data interface ports configured as DCE. These four serial ports can
be used for remote connection of up to 4 peripheral DTE through
the EOC (Embedded Operation Channel) of the FOX-U / FOX 515.
For this purpose each data interface can be addressed from the
UCST, but only one of the four interfaces can be active at a time.
An additional feature allows to loop the serial data from port 1 to
either port 2, 3 or 4. This allows to connect an external DCE to
port 1 (acting as DTE) and switch the communication to up to three
DTEs via ALCAR. In such a configuration the RX, TX, RTS and
CTS signals are transparently looped from the DTE port to the DCE
port so that the communication speed and parameters are not
influenced by ALCAR.
The four ports are power supplied in pairs (port 1 & 3 and port
2 & 4) from two twin output 5 V DC/DC converters.
Power Supply The power supply for relays, auxiliary source and current loops
consists of a DC/DC converter with wide range input powered by
UTT. The converter has 4 galvanically isolated outputs. Two outputs,
with nominal 15 VDC, supply the two current loop groups, and two
outputs, with nominal 24 VDC, supply the relays and the auxiliary
power output. The input of this DC/DC converter is protected by a
200 mA / 250 V slow blow fuse placed on ALCAR next to the
backplane connector.
The 24 VDC auxiliary power output is monitored: if its voltage falls
below 20 VDC an alarm will be indicated.

Microprocessor Control The processor controls all processes within the unit such as
configuration, communication with the control unit (CENCA /
COBUx), the periodical status scanning and the control of the major
function blocks.

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What is a ‘Device’ ? ALCAR was designed to facilitate the integration of external

equipment into the FOX-U / FOX 515 alarm monitoring system. In
order to offer an easy way to map the information of these external
devices onto UCST, a new object called ‘Device’ was added, that is
exclusively used for ALCAR. A ‘Device’ corresponds to an external
device, that is connected to ALCAR. For every device the name,
location and a unique ID is to be defined. Once all devices with
their properties are defined and the inputs and outputs are
assigned, any action for alarm monitoring or command output
switching applies directly to the device.

Devices ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’

The dialog shows the list of all external devices, that have been
configured for this FOX-U / FOX 515 with ID, name, location and, if
UCST is connected, their actual alarm state. They appear in
ascending order of their ID.

Fig. 1.4:

• ‘Alarm Monitoring’ allows disabling of the alarm monitoring of

the selected device. This may be helpful if equipment is being
• ‘New…’ opens the dialog ‘Configure Device’ for the definition of
new devices
• ‘Configuration…’ opens the dialog ‘Configure Device’ to change
the configuration of the selected device
• ‘Remove’ deletes the selected device from the list. Any
configuration data for this device will be lost.
• ‘Alarm/Commands…’ see: Operation
• ‘Get Status’ refreshes the actual alarm state indication, if UCST
is connected to the NE.

page 6 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Device Configuration

Configure Device ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Configuration…’

Fig. 1.5:


• ‘Name’: A 16 character long name can be entered in this text

• ‘Location’: A 16 character long location can be entered in this
text field
• ‘ID’: A device identification number between 1 and 127 has to be
entered. This identification number must be different for all
devices connected to the same FOX-U / FOX 515.

Alarm/Command Template

An Alarm/Command Template is a text file that contains a list of all

alarms and commands that are predefined for a device type. If there
is an application program to access the device over the serial port
its name is also stored in this file, as well as the ‘Device Info’ text, a
short description of the device type. The template files have the
extension .aac (Alcar Alarm/Command Template) and are stored at
the same location as the CDU-Files.

• ‘Select File’: this drop down list contains the names of the
available Alarm/Command Template Files. If you want to
generate a new template file you can simply type its name into
the text field of the drop-down list.
• ‘Edit’: opens the dialog ‘Edit Alarm/Command Template’.
• ‘Device Info’: shows additional information about the device type.
To edit this text you must enter the dialog ‘Edit Alarm/Command
Template’ by the ‘Edit ‘ button.

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The buttons ‘Assign Commands’ and ‘Assign Alarms’ open the

dialogs for the assignment of the alarms and commands appearing
in the Alarm/Command Template to the inputs and outputs on the
ALCAR unit.
Please Note: Due to the internal data structure of ALCAR the
assignment of at least one alarm or command is mandatory.
Otherwise the device information entered in the dialog (except
changes made in the Alarm/Command Template) will be lost. In this
case, a warning message will appear.

Serial Application

• ‘Application’: This text field shows the name of the application

that is used to access the device over the serial port. It cannot
be edited but is defined in the Alarm/Command Template
• ‘Configure Port’: opens the dialog for the assignment and
configuration of a serial port for the device.

Edit Alarm/Command Template ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Configuration…’/ ‘Edit…’

The dialog ‘Edit Alarms/Commands Template’ lets you edit the

template file containing the list of alarms and commands for a
specific device type.

Fig. 1.6:

Alarm Definitions

For each alarm input the following items are defined:

• ID: This number is assigned automatically
• Alarm Text: A 16-character long alarm text can be assigned
• Severity: One of the following 5 severity classes can be selected
from the drop-down list: Urgent, Non Urgent, AIS, Tributary,

Please note: Input states with the severity class ‘Indication’ will
not be treated as alarms, i.e. they will not generate alarm

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messages for UCST or UNEM, nor generate entries in the alarm

log book. Their state will only be displayed in the dialog
• Alarm State: two options that define the alarm representation of
an input can be chosen from the drop-down list: ‘Contact Open’
defines the open state of the alarm contact as alarm state.
‘Contact Closed’ defines the closed state of the contact as alarm

Command Definitions

For each command output the following items are defined:

• ID: This number is assigned automatically

• Command Text: A 16-character long text can be assigned to
describe the command
• NO-State: An 8-character long text can be assigned to describe
the state of the command output that corresponds to the NO
(Normally Open) contact.
• NC-State: An 8-character long text can be assigned to describe
the state of the command output that corresponds to the NC
(Normally Closed) contact.

Serial Application
If there is an application program to access the device by a serial
port, its name (8 characters without extension, extension .exe is
assumed) has to be entered here. The application itself has to be
located in a directory that is entered in the path variable of DOS
(you can check this by entering the command ‘PATH’ at the DOS-
prompt) or in the UCST directory.

Device Info
A short description of the device type (up to 32 characters) can be
entered here.

Assign Command Outputs ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Configuration…’/ ‘Assign


The dialog ‘Assign Command Outputs’ lets you assign commands

listed in the Alarm/Command Template to a command output on an
ALCAR unit.

Command List
Contains all the commands that are predefined for this device type


• ‘Assign’ assigns the selected command from the command list to

the output (‘Command Output’) on the ALCAR unit (‘ALCAR in
Slot’) displayed in the drop-down lists above. At the same time
the parameters of the command (Logbook Entries, Output Mode,
Duration) are set to the values indicated by the respective fields.
• ‘Remove’ removes the selected command from the list ‘Assigned

Fig. 1.7:

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 9 of 33


Logbook Entries

ALCAR offers the possibility to generate logbook entries of

command output transitions. If this feature is enabled, any transition
of a relay (NO to NC, NC to NO) of the command will be registered
with timestamp in the logbook of UCST.

Output Mode

Command outputs can be configured as ‘latched’ or ‘pulsed’:

• ‘Latched’: the output keeps the state it is set to

• ‘Pulsed’: when switched, the relay state will change from NC to
NO and back to NC after the defined duration of the pulse


The pulse duration can range from 0.25 to 31.75 seconds in steps
of 0.25 seconds. For the output mode ‘latched’ the duration has no

Assigned Commands

This list contains all assigned commands with the selected


Assign Alarm Inputs ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Configuration…’/ ‘Assign


The dialog ‘Assign Alarm Inputs’ lets you assign alarms listed in the
Alarm/Command Template to an alarm input on an ALCAR unit.

Fig. 1.8:

page 10 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Alarm List

Contains all alarms with their severity class and alarm states (i.e. by
which state of the contact an alarm is represented) that are
predefined for this device type


• ‘Assign’ assigns the selected alarm from the alarm list to the
input (‘Alarm Input’) on the ALCAR unit (‘ALCAR in Slot’)
displayed in the drop-down lists above.
• ‘Remove’ removes the selected alarm from the list ‘Assigned

Command Links

Alarm inputs can be linked to command outputs, which means that

the state change of an alarm will cause a state change of a
command output. The button ‘Command Links’ opens the dialog
‘Link Alarms/Commands’, where a link to the selected alarm input
can be configured.

Assigned Alarms

This list contains all assigned alarms with ID, text, severity class,
alarm state (contact state that represents an alarm), slot, input
number and command links (i.e. if there are any command outputs
linked to the alarm).

Link Alarms/Commands ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Configuration…’/ ‘Assign

Alarms… / ‘Command Links…’

Any command output located on the same card can be linked to a

specific alarm. The output relay will change its state from NC to NO
at the occurrence of a linked alarm. If the command is configured as
‘pulsed’ the relay will change back to NC after the defined pulse
duration, otherwise it will keep its state until the alarm disappears.
Commands that are linked to an alarm can no longer be switched
It is possible to link several (i.e. up to 4) commands to an alarm and
to have links from several alarms to the same command output. In

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 11 of 33


the latter case the states of the alarms will be logically OR-
connected to determine the state of command output.

Fig. 1.9:

Link Alarm

The list shows all commands, that can be linked to the alarm of
which the name is displayed in the title of the field.

Link / UnLink

If you press ‘Link’ the selected command will be linked to the alarm
and the button text will change to UnLink.

page 12 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Serial Communication: ALCAR offers two ways to transmit data over the serial ports:
• Over the EOC: With dedicated software, that has the required
DDE Interface (DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange - is a standard
software interface of Windows that is used to exchange data
between application programs) it is possible to transmit request
telegrams over the EOC to the ALCAR device and to receive a
response from there. The telegram size may be up to 294 bytes
in both directions.
The transmission time for request and response is in the range
of seconds. Therefore the throughput is low.

• External: Over an external point-multipoint or data party line

channel serial data can be transmitted with transmission rates of
up to 19.2 kbit/s. In this operation mode the external channel is
connected to port 1 of ALCAR and looped to port 2, 3 or 4. This
feature allows a controlled access to the connected devices
even if the management software does not allow device
addressing. The serial communication to the device will be
established and interrupted from UCST.

Configure Port ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Configuration…’ Configure


Fig. 1.10:

Serial Port

With the drop down lists ‘ALCAR in Slot’ and ‘Serial Port’ a free port
for the device can be selected on an ALCAR.


If the port is accessed by EOC the transmission rate, the number of

data bits, the parity bit and the number of stop bits are to be
defined. Note: Over an external channel (Data Path: External)
transmission is transparent, i.e. the port settings have no


Opens the dialog ‘Serial Data Path’.

Serial Data Path ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Configuration…’ Configure

Port…’ / ‘Path…‘

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 13 of 33


Fig. 1.11:

With the buttons in the field ‘Data Path’ the user defines, if the serial
port is accessed over the EOC or over an external channel.

A connection over EOC can only be preconfigured. It will be fully

established when the button ‘Switch Connection’ in the dialog
‘Alarms/Commands’ is pressed. For more details see the respective
chapter below.

If ‘External’ is selected, the ‘Path’ has to be defined if more than one

ALCAR are used.

Fig. 1.12:

Slot 4
#1 #2

Slot 5

Slot 6

#5 #4 #3

The picture shows a configuration with 5 devices connected to an

external point-multipoint channel, which is in this example
implemented with SIFOX and an additional EOC. To have the
possibility to connect more than 3 devices to the channel, 2
ALCARs are set up in a chain. The point-multipoint channel coming
from SIFOX is connected by an external cable to port 1 on the
ALCAR in slot 5. Port 2 of this ALCAR is connected to port 1 of the
ALCAR in slot 6. When the serial port to one of the devices #3, #4
or #5 is configured, it must be indicated that the point-multipoint
channel is looped through the ALCAR in slot 5. For this, the
parameter ‘Through’ in the list ‘External Data Path for all Ports’ must
be set to ‘Yes’ for the ALCAR in slot 5.

page 14 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001



Alarms/Commands ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Alarms/Commands…‘

Fig. 1.13:


In this field the information of the selected device are displayed


With the buttons ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ the user can switch between
all devices that are defined for this FOX-U / FOX 515. The devices
are sorted by their ID.


This is the list of all alarms of the device that are connected to an
ALCAR. In the column ‘Alarm State’ the actual state of the alarm
input is displayed. The column will be empty, if UCST is not

• ‘Show active alarms only’: This option allows to display only the
alarms, that are in an active state. It is not selectable if UCST is
not connected.
• ‘Refresh’: With this button, the ‘Alarm State’ in the Alarm List can
be set up-to-date. It is not selectable if UCST is not connected.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 15 of 33



This is the list of all commands of the device that are connected to
an ALCAR. In the column ‘State’ the state of the command output is
displayed. The column will be empty, if UCST is not connected.
‘Log’ indicates if transitions of the output are registered in the
logbook and ‘#Links’ indicates the number of alarm inputs that are
linked to this command.

• ‘Get’: With this button the ‘State’ in the Command List is set to
the actual state of the corresponding output relay.
• ‘Change’: This button opens the dialog ‘Command’ to change
the state of the command output. It is not selectable if UCST is
not connected.

Serial Application

• ‘Start App’: starts the application program that is used to access

the external device over the serial port.
• ‘Switch Connection’: establishes the connection to the serial port
that is assigned to the device.
• ‘Cut Connection’: interrupts the connection.

Please note: If the EOC was configured to access this port, the
connection will be cut automatically when leaving the dialog.

Command ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameters…’ / ‘Alarms/Commands…‘ /


Fig. 1.14:

The dialog shows the command with the current state and the
designated (new) state. To set the output to the new state, press
‘Change State’ and a dialog with a request for confirmation will
appear. After this confirmation the output will change its state.

page 16 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Unit Configuration

Serial Port Loops ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Diagnostics Parameter… ‘

For the testing of the serial communication data can be looped back
in direction of the DTE or in direction of the µC-LAN, i.e. towards the
EOC. From the DTE side a modem tester can be used for testing,
on the µC-LAN side request telegrams sent from the dedicated
software over the EOC will be sent back as response.

From the 8 configurable loops only one can be set at a time.

Please Note:

• Unlike other cards ALCAR will not generate an alarm if a test

loop is switched.
• Since the four µC-LAN Loops are physically identical, switching
one of them will loop back the data of all ports. The display of the
loop states is therefore incorrect in this release.
• With DTE-Loops transmission is plesiochronous. Therefore
character slips may occur.

Fig. 1.15:

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 17 of 33


Unit Parameters ‘Unit Configuration’ / ’Parameter Browser…‘

All card specific information such as to which devices the alarm

inputs of the selected ALCAR unit are assigned is displayed
concisely in this dialog.

It displays the settings for the current loops 1 and 2, the voltage
inputs, the command outputs and the 4 serial ports.

Fig. 1.16:

page 18 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001



ALCAR Alarm Concept Alarms generated by the ALCAR unit itself (such as ‘Hardware
Fault’ in the case of unit self test fail) are treated the same way as
for any other FOX-U / FOX 515 interface card.

Alarms of external devices are displayed in a separate dialog. This

is the same dialog that is used for ALCAR configuration. The dialog
is opened by selecting any ALCAR in the rack with ‘Unit
Configuration’ / ‘Parameters…’ followed by pressing the button

Alarm indication Alarm states of the ALCAR unit will induce a message to be sent to
the control unit.

Alarm Text SbU No. Text Meaning

0 0 Hardware Fault Unit self test fail.
0 1 CmdOut HW Fail Physical state of one or seve-
ral relays does not
correspond to the nominal
(logical) state.
Possible causes: relay
defecti-ve, on-board fuse
0 2 Aux Supply Fault Auxiliary Power Supply does
not work properly. .
Possible causes: short circuit
at the output, on-board fuse

A short circuit at the output

causes some components on
the unit to heat up and should
therefore be interrupted.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 19 of 33


Technical data

Binary input/output interface

Input Sampling and Filtering Sample Period : 100 ms
Evaluation Period : 1 s (10 Samples)
Transition Alarm Inactive to Active : 50% ‘active’ samples
Transition Alarm Active to Inactive : 80% ‘inactive’ samples

Current loops Auxiliary power supply : 15 VDC ± 10%

Nominal switching level : ≥ 3 mAON
≤ 1 mAOFF
Short circuit current : 5 mA ± 10%
Nominal loop impedance : ≤ 2 kΩ ON
≥ 20 kΩ OFF
Galvanic isolation : - all inputs to GND with opto-
- auxiliary power supply for the
two groups of 8 to GND and to
each other
Voltage inputs Nominal input voltage range : -57,6 V ... + 7,2 V signal LOW
+18 V ... + 57,6 V signal HIGH
Nominal input current : ≤ 0.2 mA signal LOW
3 mA ... 10 mA signal HIGH
Overvoltage withstand : IEC 870-3 Class 1
96 VAC / 1 s
96 VDC / 1 s
- 60 VDC / 1 min
Galvanic isolation : all inputs to GND with opto-
couplers and to each other
Auxiliary power supply output Output voltage : 24 VDC ± 10%
Load current : ≤ 50 mA
Withstand to permanent short circuit without influence to the other
circuitry. Yet permanent short circuit causes heating up of some
components on the unit.
Galvanic isolation : input to output and output to GND
Command output Output : passive with relay contact
Type of relay : monostable
# of contacts per output : 1 change-over contact
Output switch voltage : ≤ 60 VDC
Output switch current : 5 mA ... 0.5 A
Galvanic isolation : all interfaces to GND and to each

page 20 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


RS232 serial data interfaces Electrical properties : according EIA/TIA-232-E and

ITU-T V.28
Function : according EIA/TIA-232-E and
ITU-T V.24
Whereby only the following functions are supported :

ITU-T EIA/TIA Function D-SUB 25

V.24 232-E Con.

Port 1 102 AB Signal Common (SG1) 7

DCE / DTE interface 103 BA Transmitted Data (TD1) 2
104 BB Received Data (RD1) 3
105 CA Request to send (RTS1) 4
106 CB Clear to send (CTS1) 5

Port 2 102 AB Signal Common (SG2) 13

DCE interface 103 BA Transmitted Data (TD2) 9
104 BB Received Data (RD2) 10
105 CA Request to send (RTS2) 11
106 CB Clear to send (CTS2) 12

Port 3 102 AB Signal Common (SG3) 19

DCE interface 103 BA Transmitted Data (TD3) 15
104 BB Received Data (RD3) 16
105 CA Request to send (RTS3) 17
106 CB Clear to send (CTS3) 18

Port 4 102 AB Signal Common (SG4) 25

DCE interface 103 BA Transmitted Data (TD4) 24
104 BB Received Data (RD4) 23
105 CA Request to send (RTS4) 22
106 CB Clear to send (CTS4) 21
-- -- Frame Ground 1

Flow control : RTS and CTS are not internally

hardware looped so that flow
control is possible

Galvanic isolation : all ports to GND and to each other

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 21 of 33


EMC/EMI Specifications

Emission Conducted and radiated emission according to EN 50081-1 meet

the requirements of EN 55022 Class B

Interference immunity Surge Impulse 1.2 / 50 µs. (42Ω source impedance)

(no error allowed during phenomena) IEC 1000-4-5 Class 3 1) : DM : 1.0 kV
CM : 2.0 kV
For RS232 interfaces only applicable for transmission rates ≤ 1200 bit/s

Fast Transient Bursts

IEC 1000-4-4 Level 4 : 2.0 kV

Conducted electromagnetic field interference (0.15 to 80 MHz)

IEC 1000-4-6 Level 3 : CM : 10 V (rms)

Radiated electromagnetic field interference (80 MHz to 1 GHz)

amplitude modulated
IEC 1000-4-3 Level 3 : 10 V/m
Radiated electromagnetic field interference (900 MHz ± 5MHz)
pulse modulated
ENV 50204 : 10 V/m

Interference withstand HF disturbance 1 MHz (400/s; 2s)

(errors allowed during phenomena) IEC 870-3 : DM : 0.5 kV
CM : 1.0 kV
IEC 1000-4-2 : contact discharge : 4 kV
air discharge : 8 kV

Galvanic isolation Insulation test voltage

IEC 255-5 : 0.5 kVAC/1min
Insulation resistance
IEC 255-5 : ≥ 100 MΩ at 0.5 kV

page 22 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Power consumption unit not initialized

+ 5V : 215 mA
- 48V : 0.1 mA
unit initialized, no alarm input or command output active:
+ 5V : 215 mA
- 48V : 15 mA
unit initialized, all alarm inputs and command outputs active:
+ 5V : 215 mA
- 48V : 85 mA

Weight 410 g

Unit width 1 slot

Ordering data The following order number apply for ordering of ALCAR :
Identification/Designation Article No.
ALCAR 804 (N4BC), Alarm Card 1KHL015008R1

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 23 of 33


EEPROM and Fuse Position

For easy recognition, the position of the 200 mA / 250 V slow blow
fuse that protects the -48 V input supplied from UTT is shown in
Figure 1.17.

To upgrade the ALCAR software the Flash-EEPROM can be

changed. Its position is given in Figure 1.17.

Fig. 1.17: Flash-EEPROM and fuse position on ALCAR


page 24 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001



Introduction The following prefabricated ALCAR cable types are available:

Identification/Designation Article No. Length

V9UD I/O CABLE ALARM 3.0M 1KHL015088R0003 3m

V9UD I/O CABLE ALARM 5.0M 1KHL015088R0005 5m
V9UD I/O CABLE ALARM 10.0M 1KHL015088R0010 10 m
V9UD I/O CABLE ALARM 20.0M 1KHL015088R0020 20 m

V9UC CABLE 4XRS232 3.5M 1KHL015078R0001 3.5 m

Binary I/O interface The connector on ALCAR front panel is a 96 pin male connector.
It is similar to the DIN 41612 connector with a supplementary
feature that allows to separately connect:
• current loops group 1
• current loops group 2
• voltage inputs group and the auxiliary power supply output
• command outputs.

Each of the above groups requires a separate V9UD binary I/O


DO NOT plug into a current loop group a cable intended for

Warning connection to the voltage input group or the command
output group because this can damage the unit.

NOTE: FOX-U / FOX 515 must have -48 VDC connected to

UTT either directly (connected in parallel with UP1
and/or UP2) or via optional fuse unit COBOX.

The pinout for the 96 pin male connector of the binary I/O
interface is shown in Figure 1.18.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 25 of 33


Fig. 1.18: Pinout of the ALCAR binary I/O interface

a b c

02 OUT1.C
OUT4.NC 08
OUT4.NO IN3.8 -
IN3.7 + 10 IN3.8 +
IN3.7 -
VAUX+ IN3.6 -
VAUX- IN3.5 + IN3.6 +
IN3.5 -
IN3.4 -
IN3.3 + IN3.4 +
IN3.3 -
IN3.2 -
IN3.1 + 16 IN3.2 +
IN3.1 - RET2
IN2.7 + 18 IN2.8
IN2.5 IN2.6
IN2.3 IN2.4
IN2.1 24 IN2.2
IN1.7 26 IN1.8
IN1.5 IN1.6
IN1.3 IN1.4
IN1.1 32 IN1.2

NOTE: The pin numbering on the ALCAR connector is from

top to bottom.

page 26 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


The V9UC cable has a 21 pin connector on one end. The other
end is open so that the single cores can be fixed into a contact
strip. Figure 1.19 shows the core distribution on the 21 pin
connector of V9UC cable.

Fig. 1.19: Core distribution on the 21 pin connector of the V9UC

cable (wire wrap side).

a b c
bu 02 buye

gr wh wh
wh ye bugn
buwh wh
wh bubn
bn 08 bugy

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 27 of 33


4xRS232 interface For the four RS232 interfaces the connector on ALCAR front
panel is a D-SUB 25 pin female connector. The distribution of the
four ports signals on the mating connector of the V9UC cable is
shown in Figure 1.20. The pinout has been chosen in a way that if
only one RS232 interface port is used (which has to be port 1), a
normal RS232 interface cable can be used for the connection to
the DTE. If more than one port is needed, the special
prefabricated V9UC 4xRS232 interface cable must be used.

Fig. 1.20: V9UC 4xRS232 interface cable connector to ALCAR

(wire wrap side)

13 pk SG2
SG4 pk 25
12 ye CTS2
CTS4 ye 24
11 bn RTS2
RTS4 bn 23
10 gn RD2
RD4 gn 22
9 wh TD2
TD4 wh 21
7 pk SG1
SG3 pk 19
CTS3 ye 18
5 ye CTS1
RTS3 bn 17
4 bn RTS1
RD3 gn 16
3 gn RD1
TD3 wh 15
2 wh TD1
1 Screening

page 28 of 33 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Fig. 1.21: RS232 interface V9UC cable connector to DTE (wire

wrap side), “x” stands for 1 - 4, which indicates the
signals of the ALCAR RS232 port concerned.

SGx pk 7
CTSx ye 5
RTSx bn 4
RDx gn 3
TDx wh 2
Screening 1

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 Page 29 of 33

FOX from ABB, covers all your communication
requirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)


Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [336]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB Ltd

Contents i
Precautions and safety 1
Referenced documents 1
Introduction 2
Front panel 3
Architectural Description 4
Block Diagram 4
Description 4
Ethernet LAN Interfaces 4
Signal transformers 4
Switch block 4
Inventory management block 5
DC/DC converter 5
UBUS access 5
Functional Description 6
Ethernet LAN Interfaces 6
UBUS Interface 6
Installation 7
Prerequisites 7
Allowed Slots in the Subrack 7
Pin Location on the Connectors and Cables 7
Fixing the Cable to the Cable Tray 8
Configuration 9
Operation 9
Alarms and Notifications 10
Alarm Text 10
Board Layer (SbU0) 10
Notifications 10
Maintenance 11
Inventory data 11
Software Download 11
Upgrades 11

1KHW001447R0001 "Units" Part 1 iii

ABB Contents © ABB Ltd

Figure 1: Front panel view of the ETHUB unit 3
Figure 2: Functional block diagram of the ETHUB unit 4
Figure 3: Signal and pin assignment of the LAN fix wired interface on ETHUB 7
Figure 4: ETHUB/C1.1-1 … /C1.4-1 ETHUB/C2.1-1 cable drawing (straight) 7
Figure 5: ETHUB/C1.1-2 … /C1.4-2 ETHUB/C2.1-2 cable drawing (crossed) 8
Figure 6: Side view of the FOX 515 cable tray and cable 8
Figure 7: Side view of the ETHUB unit 11

iv FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Precautions and safety

For generic information on precautions and safety refer to [033].
There are no special precautions to be followed when installing and
operating the ETHUB.

Referenced documents

[301] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX 515 Installation Guide (R6)

[302] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX User Guide (R6)
[303] 1KHW001445R0001 FOX 512 Installation Guide (R6)
[315] 1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units - COBUX 212, 213, 219,
223 & COBUV 217, 218, 220, 224

[401] 1KHW001446R0001 UCST/System Operation Basics (R6)

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 1 of 11


ETHUB The ETHUB unit, inserted into the FOX 515/512 subrack, allows you to
easily implement LANs which connect the COBU<X>/COBUQ, the LEMU6
and LAWA4 units via their Ethernet interfaces. In contrast to an external hub
the ETHUB needs no additional infrastructure such as a power supply,
because it is mechanically integrated into the FOX 515/512 subrack and
powered via the subrack.
The interfaces of the ETHUB are compatible with third party equipment,
which use 10BaseT or 100BaseTX Ethernet interfaces.
To provide a better performance than a standard hub circuit, the ETHUB
relies on a layer-2 switch for the hub function.
The ETHUB has 5 interfaces 10BaseT/100BaseTX. One of the interfaces
has a pushbutton switch, which allows you to change the Rx and Tx signal
lines. Interchanging the signal lines makes it easier to cascade units since
you do not need crossed cables.
The ETHUB uses 1 slot in a FOX subrack. The ETHUB works fully
autonomously (does not require a control unit) but depends on the power
supply of the subrack.
However, the control unit assigns the slot position of the ETHUB within the
subrack and can read the inventory data from the unit. The ETHUB can
provide information on unit hardware and power supply failures for the host
NE alarm system.
For detailed information of the installation and operation of the
• FOX and the related control units, refer to [301], [302], [303] and [315].
• UCST and system operation basics (configuration, Status/Maintenance
functions), refer to [401].
The ETHUB 194 is available from the UCST R4E with patch 2.
In this document, the generic name ETHUB is used to name the

page 2 of 11 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Front panel The figure below shows the front panel view of the ETHUB unit.

Figure 1: Front panel view of the ETHUB unit

Fixing screw

Pull-out handle

Unit LED (red)

Push buttonswitch

LAN interface 5

LAN interface 4

LAN interface 3

LAN interface 2

LAN interface 1

Pull-out handle

Fixing screw

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 3 of 11


Architectural Description
The main function of the ETHUB is to switch the data frames between the 5
identical interfaces. All the functions such as a high-speed non-blocking
switch system including transceivers, media access controllers, address
management and switch controller are integrated in one CMOS device.
Only a few external components complete the ETHUB function. The unit
consists of the following functional blocks:
• Five RJ-45 connectors providing the LAN interfaces.
• Five signal transformers.
• Switch block.
• Two SSRAM (Synchronous Static RAM) for storing the addresses and
• Inventory management block.
• DC/DC converter.
• UBUS access (power and control signals only).

Block Diagram Figure 2: Functional block diagram of the ETHUB unit


Transformer management
5 block
RJ-45 Transformer UBUS
with DC-DC access
Switch converter
Ethernet block
interface Transformer



Ethernet LAN Interfaces All five Ethernet interfaces are identical. All the interfaces can be used to
access 10BaseT or 100BaseTX LANs. A pushbutton switch allows you to
interchange the Rx and TX lines of the fifth interface.

Signal transformers The signal transformers of the interfaces provide controlled EMC properties
and protection for the Switch block (CMOS device).

Switch block The switch block represents the main function of the ETHUB. One CMOS
device contains all the circuits and functions needed for the layer-2 switch.

page 4 of 11 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


SSRAM The two SSRAMs are one of the few external components. They are directly
connected to the Switch Block and are used as memory for the switching

Inventory management block The Inventory Management Block provides the standard inventory data of
the unit. The data is factory-programmed during manufacturing. For
information and identification of the unit it is possible to read the inventory
data by means of the UCST.

DC/DC converter The local DC/DC converter converts the power supplied via the backplane
(UBUS interface) to 3.3 VDC used by the unit circuits.

UBUS access The unit uses a reduced UBUS access which allows the
• unit to obtain the power for operation.
• host control unit to read the unit inventory data and failure signals.
The host control unit can generate ETHUB alarms for the NE alarm system if
configured accordingly.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 5 of 11


Functional Description
Ethernet LAN Interfaces According to the layer-2 switch function, all the Ethernet interfaces are equal.
The pushbutton switch exchanges the Rx and Tx lines of the 5th Ethernet
interface. This feature is useful since it allows you to cascade two ETHUB
units with a "straight" cable.
The implemented "Auto-Negotiation" procedure allows the switch to connect
any interface to a 10BaseT or a 100BaseTX LAN. If mixed speeds are used
on the Ethernet interfaces, the switch supports the "translation" of the data

UBUS Interface The FOX 515/512 subrack supplies the ETHUB with power from its power
supply via the UBUS interface.
The ETHUB unit requires no other unit for its operation. ETHUB operation
does not even need a control unit in the subrack.

LED There is a single red LED on the ETHUB front panel. This red LED indicates
• a failure of the ETHUB unit (unit hardware, local 3.3 VDC power supply).
• that the unit occupies a wrong slot in the subrack.

page 6 of 11 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Please note:
• Keep the unit in the ESD protective bag when not used.
• Before you remove the unit from its ESD protective bag, be
sure that your body is completely discharged.

Allowed Slots in the The ETHUB unit uses 1 slot in the FOX 515/512 subrack. The ETHUB can
Subrack be operated in any slot of the subrack except for slot 11 (and slot 12 for
systems with redundant control units), which is (are) reserved for the
COBU<X>/COBUQ control unit(s).

Pin Location on the To connect the LAN interface of the ETHUB to the PC, a standard straight
Connectors and Cables Ethernet cable with RJ-45, 8-contact male connector on both sides is used
(the same type of cable which connects the COBU<X>/COBUQ control units
to the LAN).

Figure 3: Signal and pin assignment of the LAN fix wired interface on

1 2 3 1 : Rx+ input
4 5 6
7 8
2 : Rx- input
3 :Tx+ output
6 :Tx- output

4, 5, 7, 8 : terminated,
but not used

Figure 4: ETHUB/C1.1-1 … /C1.4-1

ETHUB/C2.1-1 cable drawing (straight)

View A

Ethernet straight
Wiring: 1-1 (S) \
2-2 (gn) /
3-3 (r) \
6-6 (og) /
View B 4-4 (w) \
5-5 (bl) /
7-7 (gb) \
8-8 (bn) /

To connect the LAN interface of the ETHUB with an another HUB or

SWITCH, a standard "crossed" cable must be used (or a straight cable via
the 5th interface if the pushbutton switch is set to interchange the Rx and Tx

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 7 of 11


Figure 5: ETHUB/C1.1-2 … /C1.4-2

ETHUB/C2.1-2 cable drawing (crossed)

Ethernet crossed

View B

Wiring: 1-3 (S) \

2-6 (gn) /
3-1 (r) \
6-2 (og) /
4-4 (w) \
5-5 (bl) /
7-7 (gb) \
8-8 (bn) /

Both types of cables with the shields adapted for the FOX 515/512 subrack
grounding bar are available from ABB.

Fixing the Cable to the The open cable shields must be connected with the FOX 515/512 grounding
Cable Tray bar and should be fixed to the cable tray or the corresponding device of the
FOX 512.
The figure below shows the cable/cable tray assembly of the FOX 515 (For
additional information, refer to [301]).

Figure 6: Side view of the FOX 515 cable tray and cable



Hub IF


<y> 120


page 8 of 11 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


The open cable length <X> between the cable fixing point on the cable tray
and the Ethernet connector depends on the connected hub interface.
The cable route on the cable tray should follow approximately the
projection of the control unit slot on the cable tray.

With the FOX 512 the cable tray functionality is implemented differently and
depends on the type of installation (rack-, wall-mounted).
For more information on fixing the cables to the FOX 512, refer to [303].

The ETHUB has no UCST/UNEM controllable parameters. The basic
function is determined in the device by the internal connections (Switch
block) and the variable parameters are set by Auto-Negotiation procedure.
The only UCST/UNEM controlled configuration is the
• slot assignment for the ETHUB (ethub 194.ocu).
• configuration of the system parameters for the board layer alarms.

The ETHUB has no UCST controllable Status/Maintenance functions.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 9 of 11


Alarms and Notifications

Alarm Text
Board Layer (SbU0) The ETHUB can activate or clear alarms on the board layer (depending on
the unit alarm configuration) as follows:

Tab. 1: ETHUB 194 alarm list of the Board Layer

Alarm Text Default Active Description

Severity LED
Board Layer
Hardware fault UA Unit This alarm becomes active if the control unit gets no response from the
This alarm is cleared if the ETHUB responds to the requests of the
control unit
3V Power failure UA Unit This alarm becomes active if the local 3.3 VDC power conversion has
This alarm is cleared if the 3.3 VDC power supply is available.

Please note that it is possible to change the report option for any
alarm and/or to assign a different severity (Urgent, Non Urgent,
Log Book Only).
The ETHUB has no other alarm layers.

Notifications There are no notifications for the ETHUB unit.

page 10 of 11 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


There are no components on the unit, which require maintenance.
To simplify the unit identification, the Inventory Data function is implemented.
The inventory data can be read via the UCST/UNEM. Please, refer to [401]
for the description of the inventory function.
To complete the information of the unit the side view drawing is added.

Figure 7: Side view of the ETHUB unit

The following maintenance facility is available for the ETHUB (operation via
• Inventory data

Inventory data It is possible to read inventory data from the ETHUB via the UCST/UNEM.
For a description of the inventory function, refer to [401].

Software Download The ETHUB does not support the download of ESW (local FW). The ETHUB
operates an independent local chip set.

Upgrades There are no upgrades for the ETHUB available or planned.

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 11 of 11

FOX from ABB, covers all your communication
requirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)

OTERM 800, 802

OTERM 800, 802

Copyright and Confidentiality: Copyright in this document vests in ABB Ltd. This document contains
confidential information which is the property of ABB. It must be held in
confidence by the recipient and may not be used for any purposes
except those specifically authorised by contract or otherwise in writing
by ABB. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or any of
its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [002]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2005 by ABB Ltd


Application................................................................................................................ 4

Unit design................................................................................................................ 6

Configuration............................................................................................................ 8

Hardware Configuration ........................................................................................ 19

Alarms ..................................................................................................................... 20

Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 23

Technical data ........................................................................................................ 24

Position of EEPROMs ............................................................................................ 29

page 3 of 21 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


OTERM 800 (N4BA), 802 (N4BB)


The OTERM unit (Optical Terminal) contains an optical interface

that is compatible with the FOX 20 / FOX 6Plus standard and a
galvanically separated RS232 interface.
The optical interface works at a transmission rate of 2 Mbit/s and
can be connected to the following devices:

• FOX 20
• FOX 6Plus
• NSD70D
• REL561, REL551, REL316
• Any device conforming to IEC 60870-5-1, Format Class 1.2,
initial status “light on”.

OTERM also has a general purpose addressing mode and a

dedicated teleprotection channel addressing mode for use with the
FOX 20 / FOX 6Plus Teleprotection Interface N3BC.

Two HW versions can be distinguished:

• OTERM 800 (N4BA) is equipped with a high power transmitter

diode (LED) and FC/PC-connectors. It can be used with both
single-mode and multi-mode fibers
• OTERM 802 (N4BB) is equipped with price optimized optical
devices and ST-connectors. It can only be used with multi-mode

page 4 of 21 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Front Panel Fig. 2.1: Front panel view

Fixing screw

Pull-out handle

Unit label

"Card" LED
"Tributary" LED

D-SUB 25-pin female connector

for Local Port RS232 interface



Fixing screw

Features • Optical interface 1300 nm for single- and multi-mode fiber

working with synchronous (2 Mbit/s) or asynchronous (9.6,
19.2 or 64 kBd) transmission
• RS232 interface compatible with FOX 20 / FOX 6Plus family
• Cross Connect for RS232 signals providing partyline
• RS232 Local port TX data monitoring with timeout circuit
• Channel addressing protection against wrong routing for
teleprotection or general purpose channel
• Access to four 2 Mbit/s DXC highways

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Unit design

Block diagram Fig. 2.2 : Block diagram

LEDs Microprocessor Control

FW OTERM µP #1 Watchdog

RS232 Local Port I/O Asynchronous Data Interface

Cross Processing Controller
µP #2 3b'

Data Processing
optical (ASIC) (ASIC) 3b

2b 3b'

Clock bus 1,2
electrical Supply +5, -5V

The OTERM comprises the following function blocks:

• Optical Transmitter
• Optical Receiver
• RS232 Local Port
• Input / Output Cross Connect
• Multiplexed Data Processing
• Asynchronous Data Processing
• EPIC Interface Controller
• Microprocessor Control

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Optical Transmitter The transmitters for both types operate at a wavelength of 1300 nm
and generate intensity modulated optical signal.

OTERM 800 (N4BA) is equipped with a high power transmitter

diode (LED) and FC/PC-connectors. It can be used with both
single-mode and multi-mode fibers.

OTERM 802 (N4BB) is equipped with price optimized optical

devices and ST-connectors. It can only be used with multi-mode

Optical receiver The PIN-diode of the optical receiver converts the optical signal into
an electrical one. After regeneration the signal is passed on to the
input/output Cross Connect.

RS232 Local Port The RS232 is a galvanically separated interface for asynchronous
data transmission. The data is routed to a Cross-Connect Matrix
that allows party line functions.
The coding of RTS/DCD signals is compatible with the FOX20 /
FOX 6Plus family.
The interface provides a RTS/CTS loop with hardware-
programmable delay.

I/O Cross Connect Connections between I/O and processing devices.

Multiplexed Data Processing This block is composed of two ASICs and memories. It performs the
format conversion between PCM standard framing and the FOX 20
and FOX 6Plus specific frame. Additionally, channel addressing,
synchronization and RS232 local port monitoring are implemented
in this block.

Asynchronous Data Processing The processor codes asynchronous data (prDIN EN 60870 or
standard 1-Start/8-Data/1-Parity/1-Stop bits) of various baud rates
(9.6, 19.2 or 64.0 kBd) into a synchronous frame and sends them
via the EPIC to the PCM highways.

EPIC The EPIC (Enhanced PCM Interface Controller) is the flexible

connection between the IOM-2 Interface and the PCM Highways. It
allows the selection of highway and time slot for each channel of the
OTERM. The programming of the EPIC is done by the

Microprocessor Control The processor controls all processes within the unit such as
configuration, communication with the central card CENCA and the
periodical status scanning of major function blocks.
A watchdog monitors the microcontroller and the +5V power supply.
If the watchdog detects a fault, the OTERM unit is reinitialized.

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General The OTERM unit is automatically initialized when it is plugged into

the subrack or power is switched on. The microprocessor control
receives the configuration data from the control unit
(CENCA/COBUx) database and sets the corresponding

The parameters can be read and modified in the UCST masks.

These, with the exception of ‘Operation Mode’ which is explained
below, are located in the menu ‘Unit Configuration’.

The structure of the masks is shown with a description of their


Operation Mode Depending on the device the OTERM unit is optically connected
to, one out of three operating modes has to be selected. Some
features depend on the connected device and are therefore not
available in all operation modes. In the following feature
description, there is an indication for which operation mode they
are available. The feature 'LED Control' does not depend on the
operation mode but on the hardware version (OTERM 800 /
OTERM 802).

The dialog 'Operation Mode' appears automatically after an

OTERM unit has been created in the menu ‘NE Configuration’ /
‘Add Unit(s) …’.
The operation mode can't be changed later on. To change the
operation mode, the unit must be deleted and recreated with the
new operation mode.

Fig. 2.3: Dialog 'Operation Mode'

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

• 'FOX 20': OTERM is optically connected to a FOX 20


• 'FOX 6Plus and Compatibles': OTERM is optically connected

to one of the following devices:
– FOX 6Plus
– NSD70D
– REL561, REL551, REL 316

• 'Asynchronous Optical Transmission': OTERM is optically

connected to a device conforming to the DIN-standard for
asynchronous optical transmission (prDIN EN 60870)
This operation mode will usually be referred to as
'Asynchronous Operation Mode'.

Important: When working with the Asynchronous Mode, the

setting of the jumpers on the board must be changed
accordingly. Please see Fig. 2.21 for the correct settings.

Enable / Disable of Subunits ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Traffic’

(SbU) Per default all subunits are disabled. Enable the subunits that will
be connected to the cross-connect matrix.
– FOX 20 Mode

Fig. 2.4a:

– FOX 6Plus Mode

Fig. 2.4b:

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

– Asynchronous Operation

Fig. 2.4c:

LED Control 'Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters…’ / ‘Board’ / ‘LED Control'

Used for the Operation Modes: The LED output can be turned on or off. With OTERM 800 (N4BA)
the OTX level can be lowered for shorter transmission lines to
– FOX 20
avoid saturation of the receiver diode.
– FOX 6Plus
– Asynchronous

Fig. 2.5a: 'LED Control'-Dialog for OTERM 800 (N4BA)

Fig. 2.5b: 'LED Control'-Dialog for OTERM 802 (N4BB)

• Operational: Output LED is ON
• Power Down: Output LED is OFF

OTX Level (OTERM 800 only)

• High: High power output
• Low: Low power output

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

RS232 Setup 'Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters…’ / ‘Board’ / ‘RS232 Setup’

Used for the Operation Modes:
RS232 Setup includes the features RS232 Cross Connect, RS232
– FOX 20 Timeout and RTS Transmission. As for FOX 20 and FOX 6Plus
– FOX 6Plus there is a dedicated channel for RS232 data in the optical output
– Asynchronous signal, there are differences in the Cross Connect to the
Asynchronous Operation Mode. The behavior of RS232 Timeout
and RTS Transmission however are identical for all three
Operation Modes.

RS232 Cross Connect for FOX 20 and FOX 6Plus

The Cross Connect includes inputs and outputs for the RS232
channel on the optical port (referred to as FOX 6Plus or FOX 20),
two independent highway accesses via EPIC (RS232_1 and
RS232_2) and the Local Port.

In the FOX 20 transmission frame RS232 data is transmitted in

Channel 9. If in RS232 Cross Connect there is any connection to
or from the optical port for FOX 20, channel 9 is no longer
available as normal data channel and SbU 9 must be disabled in
the UCST.

Fig. 2.6: Dataflow in the RS232 Cross Connect Matrix for FOX 20
and FOX 6Plus Operation Modes
Optical Port Local Port




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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Fig. 2.7: RS232 Setup Dialog for the FOX 6Plus Operation Mode
(similar for FOX 20)

RS232 Cross Connect for Asynchronous Operation Mode

In asynchronous operation mode the Cross-Connect includes

inputs and outputs for two independent highway accesses via
EPIC (RS232_1 and RS232_2) and the Local Port.

Fig. 2.8: RS232 Setup for the Operation Mode Asynchronous

Optical Transmission
Local Port


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Fig. 2.9: RS232 Setup for the Operation Mode Asynchronous

Optical Transmission

RS232 Timeout

In order to prevent a defective communication device from

blocking a RS232 party line, the RS232 Timeout function can be

• 'Enabled': Party will be disconnected from the partyline if TXD

is active for more than 10 seconds. If TXD is again
deactivated for at least 1 ms, the party will be reconnected to
the partyline.
• 'Disabled': No particular action if TXD is active for more than
10 seconds.

RTS Transmission

When RTS is inactive, the RTS-signal is transmitted in the data

channel. In partyline service this would block the communication
channel for all parties. Therefore, RTS Transmission can be

• 'Enabled': RTS signal is transmitted (only possible for point-to-

point connections)

• ''Disabled': RTS signal is not transmitted (must be selected for

partyline connections)

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

8 kHz RX-Clock Monitoring 'Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters…’ / ‘Board’ / '8kHz RX-Clock

Used for the Operation Mode:
– FOX 6Plus The 8 kHz RX-Clock is monitored on OTERM during operation.
For devices working without 8 kHz Clock, this function has to be
disabled to avoid Operational Blocking.

• Select 'Enabled' if OTERM is optically connected to one of the

following devices:
– FOX 6Plus
– NSD70D

• Select 'Disabled' if OTERM is optically connected to one of

the following devices:
– REL561, REL551

Fig. 2.10: Dialog '8 kHz RX-Clock Monitoring'

Channel 21 Usage 'Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters…’ / ‘Board’ / 'Channel 21 Usage'

Used for the Operation Mode:
With FOX 20 the channel 21 can either be used as Remote Alarm
– FOX 20 Channel or as general purpose data channel.

Fig. 2.11: Dialog 'Channel 21 Usage'

• 'Remote Alarm Channel': Channel 21 is used to read and

write remote alarm states

• 'Data Channel': Channel 21 is used as a general purpose data


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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Channel Addressing 'Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters…’ / ‘Traffic’ / ‘Teleprotection

Used for the Operation Modes:
– FOX 20 • OTERM includes a general purpose addressing mode and a
– FOX 6Plus dedicated teleprotection channel addressing mode to be used
with the FOX 20 / FOX 6Plus Teleprotection Interface N3BC.
In case of an address mismatch of the local and the remote
station addresses, an address mismatch alarm is generated
and the corresponding channel is blocked on OTERM (for
details see alarm descriptions).

Fig. 2.12: Dialog 'Channel Addressing'

• Select 'Teleprotection Channel Addressing' if the FOX 20 /

FOX 6Plus Teleprotection Interface N3BC is used. Local and
remote station address can be from 1 to 254
CAS must be OFF for each channel using this addressing

• Select 'Channel Associated Addressing' to address arbitrary

channels and transmit the channel address in the CAS
channel. Local and remote station address can be from 1 to
CAS must be ON for each channel using this addressing

Transmission Baud Rate 'Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters…’ / ‘Traffic’ / ‘Transmission

Baud Rate’
the Operation Modes:
– Asynchronous For the Operation Mode Asynchronous Optical Transmission the
baud rate for the optical interface can be selected from the drop
down list:

• 9.6 kbaud
• 19.2 kbaud
• 64 kbaud

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Fig. 2.13: Dialog 'Transmission Baud Rate'

Test Loops ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Diagnostics Parameters...’ / …

FOX 20 and FOX 6Plus Operation Modes

Data can be looped back in both directions at the level of the

multiplexed signal including all subunits (Loops 2b and 3b',
implemented in the ASIC) and at the level of each single subunit
(Loops 2b' and 3b, implemented in the EPIC).
In connection with a FOX 6Plus, an additional loop can be
switched in the remote device.

Fig. 2.14: Test loops for FOX 20 and FOX 6Plus Operation Mode

Remote Multiplexed data EPIC

FOX 6Plus processing SbU n
SbU 0
SbU 2
2b SbU 1
3b' Highways
FOX 6Plus

Optical path

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Fig 2.15: … / ‘Board’ / ‘General Test Loops’ in FOX 6Plus

Operation Mode

Fig 2.16: … / ‘Board’ / ‘General Test Loops’ in FOX 20 Operation


Fig 2.17: … / ‘Traffic’ / ‘Specific Test Loops’ in FOX 6Plus and

FOX 20 Operation Mode

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Asynchronous Operation Modes

Data can be looped back in both directions at the level of the

multiplexed signal including all subunits (Loops 2b and 3b',
implemented in the ASIC respectively in the second
microcontroller) and at the level of each single subunit (Loops 2b'
and 3b implemented in the EPIC). Loops 2b' and 3b can only be
switched for the subunits 2 and 3 (Highway accesses of RS232

Fig. 2.18: Test loops in Asynchronous Operation Mode

Multiplexed data EPIC
SbU 3
SbU 0
SbU 2
3b' Highways

Optical path

Fig 2.19: … / ‘Board’ / ‘General Test Loops’ in Asynchronous

Operation Mode

Fig 2.20: … / ‘Traffic’ / ‘Specific Test Loops’ in SbU 2 and 3 in

Asynchronous Operation Mode

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Hardware Configuration

Figure 2.21 shows jumpers that have to be set to configure the

hardware according to the 'Operation Mode' software setting.

Operation Mode Jumper Positions Factory

FOX 20 / FOX 6Plus SA, SB, SC, SD, SE X
and Compatibles
Asynchronous Optical AA, AB, AC, AD, AE

Figure 2.21: Jumper positions on OTERM

Jumpers for synchronous (FOX 20, FOX 6Plus) or
asynchronous optical operation


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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd


For alarm indication there is an LED on the front panel of OTERM

and simultaneously a message is sent to the control unit. OTERM
contains several special functions for FOX 6Plus and FOX 20
compatibility. Therefore the list of error possibilities and fault
messages is long.

Alarm indication There are two LEDs for alarm indication on the front panel

The upper 'card' LED indicates the fault status of the unit. It is
activated by control unit at the occurrence of one of the following
alarms: OTERM not responding normally, OTERM self test not
completed successfully, OTERM plugged into the wrong slot.
The lower 'tributary' LED will be activated by the microprocessor if
any fault is detected

Alarm status and fault OTERM handles several kinds of signals and alarms states that
messages are divided into two groups: General (‘Board’) alarms and ‘Traffic’
(channel specific) alarms.

Board Alarms
Alarm a b c d e f
Loss of Incoming Signal * X X X X X
Operational Blocking (OB) * X X X X X
REM-Alarm received * X X
RS-232 Time-out X X X
Testloop 2b active X X
Testloop 3b’ active X
Remote loop active * X X
General HW Fail X

The table above lists the reactions of OTERM at the occurrence of

an alarm. Explanation:
a : 'Tributary' LED illuminated.
b : An alarm message is sent to the remote end.
c : Data '00' sent to all tributaries.
d : Local port RS232 is deactivated.
e : Clock bus is disabled.
f : Control unit (CENCA/COBUx) is informed.
Note that alarm messages with * are disabled in asynchronous

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Traffic Alarms
Alarm situation a b c
TP Address Mismatch * X X X
CA Address Mismatch * X X X
Invalid Address * X X X
Testloop 2b’ active X
Testloop 3b active X

a : 'Tributary' LED illuminated.

b : An alarm message is sent to the remote end.
c : Control unit (CENCA/COBUx) is informed.

Alarm Text SbU No. Text Meaning

0 0 Hardware fault Unit self test fail
0 1 Oper Blocking Synchronization of receiver
can’t be done correctly. If OB
is active, the problem could
be :
• Bit Error Ratio (BER) to
• No signal at receiver
• Asynchronicity
• No 8kHz signaling in
received data. This can
occur with FOX 6Plus
compatible devices not
requiring 8 kHz clock
(REL561 and REL551).
Alarm Text SbU No. Text Meaning
0 2 Loss Inc Signal Loss of Incoming Signal
(LIS). Criterion to activate
this alarm is the Bit Error
Ratio (BER) of MCMI-coded
incoming data. If BER > 10-3,
LIS is activated.
0 3 Test Loop 2b The transmitted data is
looped back into RX data for
See Fig. 2.14 and 2.18 to
see location of loops
0 4 Test Loop 3b’ The received data is looped
back to the transmission path
See Fig. 2.14 and 2.18 to
see location of loops
0 5 Remote Loop The transmitted data is
looped back in the remote
device (FOX 6Plus).

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

0 6 Remote Alarm The remote device is in

alarm state. This can occur in
the following cases:
• Optical link between
OTERM and remote
terminal is interrupted.
• Optical transmitter of
OTERM is not correctly
programmed (High
Power, Low Power,
Power Down).
• Another local alarm is
active on the remote
0 7 Serv Chl Loop For future use only. This
alarm is disabled.
0 8 RS232 Timeout This alarm can occur only if
programmation of OTERM
parameter „RS232 Timeout“
is enabled.
The input signal TX Data (pin
2 of D-SUB25) from RS232
local port is active (>3V) for
more of 10 seconds. The port
input is then disabled until
input signal is deactivated
(<3V) for more than 1 ms.
0 9 Wrong CDU-File This alarm is disabled.

Alarm Text SbU No. Text Meaning

1-n 0 TP Addr Mismatch The teleprotection channel
addresses of local and
remote station do not
correspond. The receive data
buffer is blocked and the last
correct state is kept.
1-n 1 CA Addr Mismatch The channel-associated
addresses of local and
remote station do not
correspond. The data in the
channel is set to '0'.
1-n 2 Invalid Addr The receive address in the
TP or CAA channel is not a
valid address (e.g. '00'). This
can occur if the link between
the stations was cut in the
PCM network.
1-n 3 Test Loop 2b’ Data coming from PCM
highways is looped back in
interface controller EPIC.
1-n 4 Test Loop 3b Data coming from interface
(optical, etc.) is looped back
in the interface controller

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd


Optical The optical interface is available in two versions. The OTERM 800
(N4BA) has a high efficiency LED transmitter to be coupled with
single or multi-mode fiber and a high sensitivity receiver. The
OTERM 802 (N4BB) is optimized for a short distance link with
multi-mode fiber.
Optical receiver can be programmed (with jumpers) for
synchronous or asynchronous operation mode.
In synchronous mode, the data framing is compatible with
FOX 6Plus and FOX 20 optical interfaces. For the optical
transmission, the 2 Mbit/s multiplexed data are MCMI encoded.
In asynchronous mode, the data signal is simply electric to optic
converted in accordance with IEC 60870-5-1, Format Class 1.2,
initial status “light on”.

RS232 port OTERM is equipped with a RS232 port with DSUB-25 pin
connector on the front panel. The interface is galvanically isolated
and Pin 1 of the connector is connected to the chassis ground
(frame ground) for cable shielding.
The electrical interface is according to the V.28 (EIA-TIA 232E)

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Technical data

Optical interface Wavelength: : 1300 nm

of OTERM 800 (N4BA) Optical transmit element : LED
Optical receiving element : PIN diode
Fiber type : Single-mode (SM) (10/125 µm)
Multi-mode (MM) (50/125 µm)
Multi-mode (MM) (62.5/125 µm)
Optical connector : FC/PC

OTERM 800 (N4BA) in Optical code : Modified Code Mark Inversion

synchronous operation mode (MCMI)
Optical transmission rate : 4096 kbaud
Programming Low Power High Power
Average transmitted optical power
(T=25 °C) point "S" MM (50/125 µm) -26...-20dBm ≥ -16 dBm
Receiver sensitivity
(BER 10-9, 25°C) point "R" ≤ -40 dBm ≤ -40 dBm
Max. average optical received power -20 dBm -20 dBm
Power ratio MM 14 dB 24 dB
SM 8 dB 20 dB
Margin (temperature, aging) 4 dB 6 dB
Permissible optical attenuation MM 0...10 dB 6...18 dB
SM 0...4 dB 3...14 dB
Range MM (1.0 dB/km incl. splices) 0...10 km
SM (0.47 dB/km incl. splices) 0...8.5 km 8...30 km

OTERM 800 (N4BA) in Optical code : Non Return to Zero (NRZ)

asynchronous operation mode
Optical transmission rate : 50 ...64000 baud
Programming Low Power High Power
Average transmitted optical power
(T=25 °C) MM (50/125 µm) -26...-20dBm ≥ -16 dBm
SM(9/125 µm) -- ≥ -20 dBm
Receiver sensitivity (BER 10-9, 25°C) ≤ -33 dBm ≤ -33 dBm
Max. average optical received power -18 dBm -18 dBm
Power ratio MM 7 dB 17 dB
SM -- 13 dB
Margin (temperature, aging) 3 dB 6 dB
Permissible optical attenuation MM 0...4 dB 3...11 dB
SM -- 0...7 dB
Range MM (1.0 dB/km incl. splices) 0...4 km 4...11 km
SM (0.47 dB/km incl. splices) -- 0...15 km

Optical interface Wavelength: : 1300 nm

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

of OTERM 802 (N4BB) Optical transmit element : LED

Optical receiving element : integrated module with PIN diode
Fiber type : Multi-mode (MM) (50/125 µm)
Multi-mode (MM) (62.5/125 µm)
Optical connector : ST

OTERM 802 (N4BB) in Optical code : Modified Code Mark Inversion

synchronous operation mode (MCMI)
Optical transmission rate : 4096 kbaud
Average transmitted optical power
(T=25 °C) point "S" MM (50/125 µm) ≥ -22 dBm
MM (62.5/125 µm) ≥ -19 dBm
Receiver sensitivity point "R" (BER 10-9, 25°C) ≤ -33 dBm
Max. average optical received power -16 dBm
Power ratio 50/125 µm 11 dB
62.5/125 µm 14 dB
Margin (temperature, aging) 3 dB
Permissible optical 50/125 µm 0...8 dB
attenuation 62.5/125 µm 0...11 dB
Range 50/125 µm (1.0 dB/km incl. splices) 0...8 km
62.5/125 µm (1.0 dB/km incl. splices) 0...11 km

OTERM 802 (N4BB) in Optical code : Non Return to Zero (NRZ)

asynchronous operation mode
Optical transmission rate : 50 ...64000 baud
Average transmitted. MM (50/125 µm) ≥ -22 dBm
optical power (T=25 °C) MM (62.5/125 µm) ≥ -19 dBm
Receiver sensitivity (BER 10-9, 25°C) ≤ -27 dBm
Max. average optical received power -16 dBm
Power ratio 50/125 µm 5 dB
62.5/125 µm 8 dB
Margin (temperature, aging) 3 dB
Permissible optical 50/125 µm 0...2 dB
attenuation 62.5/125 µm 0...5 dB
Range 50/125 µm (1.0 dB/km incl. splices) 0...2 km
62.5/125 µm (1.0 dB/km incl. splices) 0...5 km

Clock extraction Jitter acceptance : according ITU-T Rec. G.823

Jitter transfer function : according ITU-T Rec. G.921

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

RS232 Interface DCE Interface

Electrical properties : according EIA/TIA-232-E and
ITU-T V.28
Function : according EIA/TIA-232-E and
ITU-T V.24.
Whereby only the following
functions are supported :

ITU-T EIA/TIA Function D-SUB25

V.24 232-E Con.
102 AB Signal Common (S-GND) 7
103 BA Transmitted Data (TXD) 2
104 BB Received Data (RXD) 3
105 CA Request to send (RTS) 4
106 CB Clear to send (CTS) 5
109 CF Received Line Signal Detector (DCD) 8
-- -- Shield Ground 1

RTS Transmission : coded and transmitted in the

same 64 kbit/s time slot as the
data. Coding is compatible with
FOX 6Plus and FOX 20 N3BD
RTS - CTS loop delay : nominal 2.5 ms, adjustable with
Mode of transmission : duplex, asynchronous,
Transmission rate; max
isochronous distortion : with RTS ≤ 9.6 kbit/s δ < 20%
without RTS ≤ 9.6 kbit/s δ < 16%
Isolation test voltage : IEC 255-4 0.5 kVAC/1min
Isolation resistance : ≥ 100 MΩ

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Interference immunity Impulse 1.2/50 µs. IEC 870-3 : DM: 0.3 kV

(without transmission error) CM: 0.5 kV

HF 1 Mhz/2s. IEC 870-3 : DM: 0.2 kV

CM: 0.3 kV

Fast transients : 0.5 kV

IEC 801-4 Class 2.
Evaluation criterion 1

AC 50 Hz Induction IEC 870-3 : CM : 25 V (rms)

HF-Coupling IEC 801-6 : CM : 10 V (rms)

(0.15 to 80 MHz)
Electromagnetic field : 10 V/m
IEC 801-3 Draft 4 Level 3
(80 to 300 MHz)
Interference withstand Impulse 1.2/50 µs. : DM: 1.0 kV
(transmission errors during IEC 870-3 Class 2 CM: 2.5 kV
test allowed)
HF 1 Mhz/2s. IEC 870-3 : DM : 0.5 kV
CM : 1.0 kV

Fast transients : 1.0 kV

IEC 801-4 Class 3
Evaluation criterion 2

ESD IEC 801-2 Level 3 : Contact : 6kV

Air : 8 kV

Power consumption unit OTERM 800 (N4BA)

unit not initialized
+ 5V : 450 mA
- 5V : 15 mA
unit initialized :
high level optical output :
+ 5V : 450 mA
- 5V : 15 mA
unit initialized :
low level optical output :
+ 5V : 380 mA
- 5V : 15 mA
unit OTERM 802 (N4BB)
unit not initialized :
+ 5V : 430 mA
- 5V : 8 mA
unit initialized :
+ 5V : 430 mA
- 5V : 8 mA
Weight both models : 320 g

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Optical impairment It is important that strict cleanliness be observed when working

with OTERM and optical plugs. Soiled plugs increase losses and
lead to system disturbance and failure. Contact surfaces of plugs
must not be touched or cleaned with unsuitable material.
Cleaning agent for optical plugs As a cleaning agent the chemically pure Isopropanol is suitable.
Ordering data The following order numbers apply for ordering of OTERM :
Identification/Designation Article No.
OTERM 800 (N4BA), Optical terminal HENF209703R11
OTERM 802 (N4BB), Optical terminal MM No more available

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ABB OTERM 800, 802 © ABB Ltd

Position of EEPROMs

In order to facilitate the upgrading of the software, the position of

the EEPROMs is shown below.

Figure 2.22: OTERM unit


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FOX from ABB, covers all your communication
requirements in one system.

FOX Manual Units, Part 1

(4th Edition)


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its contents disclosed by the recipient to any third party, without the
prior written agreement of ABB.

Disclaimer: ABB has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however
ABB accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the
information contained herein and gives no other warranty or
undertaking as to its accuracy.

ABB reserves the right to amend this document at any time without
prior notice.

Document number: 1KW001447R0001 / Ref [002]

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
Switzerland © January 2007 by ABB Ltd


Application ..................................................................................................................5
Application Examples ................................................................................................6
Block Diagram / Unit design ....................................................................................10

Operation Fundamentals .........................................................................................12

Teleprotection .......................................................................................................................................12
Signal transmission.......................................................................................................................... 12
Input signal processing .................................................................................................................... 12
Operating modes ............................................................................................................................. 13
Networking facilities and Command Cross Connect ....................................................................... 13
TX command acknowledge.............................................................................................................. 14
Channel monitoring and 1+1 path protection................................................................................... 14
Loop tests and propagation delay measurement ............................................................................ 14
Trip Counter ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Event Recorder.....................................................................................................................................15
General ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Time reference ................................................................................................................................. 15
Binary Signals .......................................................................................................................................17
General ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Cross Connect Possibilities ............................................................................................................. 17
Path Protection................................................................................................................................. 17
Data Transmission ........................................................................................................................... 17
Interconnection with FOX20/FOX 6Plus Binary Interface N3BH ..................................................... 17
Configuration ............................................................................................................18
Diagnostics ...............................................................................................................30
Events description ................................................................................................................................36
Teleprotection Command Events .................................................................................................... 36
TEBIT System Events ...................................................................................................................... 37
Alarms .......................................................................................................................40
Board Alarms ........................................................................................................................................40
Traffic Alarms........................................................................................................................................41

Technical data...........................................................................................................42
Teleprotection Interface ........................................................................................................................42
Command Inputs.............................................................................................................................. 42
Command Outputs........................................................................................................................... 42
Auxiliary Relay Outputs.................................................................................................................... 42
Binary Inputs .................................................................................................................................... 42
Binary Outputs ................................................................................................................................. 43
Auxiliary Power Supply Output .............................................................................................................43
GPS Input for an unmodulated (i.e. DC-Level shift) IRIG-B signal.................................................. 43
Binary signal transmission ....................................................................................................................43
EMC ......................................................................................................................................................44

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Immunity: Equipment Level ..............................................................................................................44

Immunity: Binary Interface and GPS Input .......................................................................................44
Immunity: Auxiliary Power Supply ....................................................................................................44
Isolation: Teleprotection Interface ....................................................................................................45
Isolation: Binary Interface.................................................................................................................45
Isolation: Auxiliary Power Supply .....................................................................................................45
Isolation: GPS Input..........................................................................................................................45
Special Teleprotection Data ................................................................................................................. 46
EEPROM Position .................................................................................................... 50
Installation ................................................................................................................ 51

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TEBIT 805 (N4BD)

Authorized and properly trained personnel only is admitted

DANGER to carry out programming, installation, commissioning,
maintenance, troubleshooting and work of the equipment.

The Teleprotection and Binary Unit (TEBIT) combines two different
possibilities of signal transmission, the very high reliable
teleprotection command transmission and the simple transmission of
any binary signals.
Signal processing and transmission are completely separated for both
teleprotection and binary command transmission.
TEBIT contains 4 independent teleprotection command in- and output
circuits, which can be assigned flexible to two teleprotection subunits
(SbU1 and SbU2). Up to 4 commands are transmitted simultaneously
through one 64 kbit/s channel.
The teleprotection interface of TEBIT complies with IEC 60834-1
allowing the following protection schemes:
• Permissive tripping (under- / overreaching)
• Intertripping (transfer tripping)
• Blocking / Unblocking
• T-off (normal or inverse)
Transmission-speed, -security and -dependability can be chosen in
two steps to optimize the transmission either for speed or security.
The transmission path of each command is monitored by cyclic loop
tests. Failures are reported and may be indicated with relay contacts.
All events on TEBIT are stored in an event recorder. In order to have
the recorded events in a fixed time relation on both transmitting and
receiving side, the stations are time-synchronized. For highest
accuracy TEBIT allows synchronization to the GPS (Global
Positioning System).
Additionally TEBIT contains 8 binary in- and outputs, which allow
remote transmission of any binary contact information. Similar to the
teleprotection commands these binary commands can be assigned
flexible to the two subunits SbU3, SbU4. 8 binary signals are
multiplexed into one 64 kbit/s channel.
This Binary interface is not designed to carry any trip commands. The
interface is optimized for fast transmission and is not protected by an
additional communication protocol. Therefore an AIS signal
automatically leads to a binary “1” signal.
The binary signal transmission allows Drop and Insert as well as
Point-Multipoint connections on single contact level.

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Application Examples

1. Teleprotection
The following example shows the teleprotection signals P1..P5 of a high voltage transmission line with
4 stations.

Fig. 3.1: Application example teleprotection

P2 P4 P5





P1, P2 P2, P3, P4 P4, P5 P1, P3, P5

Due to the drop & insert feature of TEBIT, only one 64 kbit/s channel is required to transmit the 5
teleprotection signals P1..P5. With speed optimization we get the following propagation delay times T0 :

Signal P1 (A-D) Delay T0 < 8ms (2 intermediate TEBIT)

Signal P2 (A-B) Delay T0 < 5ms (no intermediate TEBIT)
Signal P3 (B-D) Delay T0 < 6.5ms (1 intermediate TEBIT)
Signal P4 (B-C) Delay T0 < 5ms (no intermediate TEBIT)
Signal P5 (C-D) Delay T0 < 5ms (no intermediate TEBIT)

(Each intermediate station adds approx. 1.5 ms delay with speed optimization and approx. 2.5 ms with
security optimization)

As an alternative, a separate 64 kbit/s channel can be used for the signal P1 that links the terminal
stations A and D. By doing this, the signal will be passed through intermediate stations, reducing the
overall transmission delay for P1 to 5 ms.

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2. Binary

Fig. 3.2: Application example binary signal transmission

B1 B1 B1

B2 B5 B6



B1, B2, B3, B4 B1, B2, B5 B1, B3, B5 B1, B4, B6

This example shows the binary signals B1.. B6, which are transmitted between 4 stations. Signal B1 is
to be transmitted to each station, therefore this B1 is configured in point-multipoint mode. Signals B2,
B3, B4 drop each at a different station. Signal B5 and B6 are re-inserted in binary channel 2 in order to
have 4 binary channel spare.

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Front Panel Fig. 3.3: Front panel view

Fixing screw

Pull-out handle

Unit label

Card LED

Tributary LED


Binary interface
connector X2

20 1








Teleprotection interface
connector X2



a c

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Features Teleprotection

• Up to four bi-directional commands per 64 kbit/s time slot with

Cross-Connect and Drop & Insert facilities for each command
• Security, Dependability and Transmission Speed programmable
according to individual requirements
• High security against inadvertent rerouting with 8 bit command
• Reliable transmission with 1+1 path protection on 64 kbit/s level
• Continuous performance monitoring of each command channel
with selective alarming
• Four inputs, software configurable from 24 to 250VDC
• Possibility to maintain T-off
• Two auxiliary relays that can be freely allocated
• All inputs and outputs are galvanically isolated and with EMC
immunity for harsh environment
• Alarm output either with auxiliary relays or binary outputs
• Non volatile event recorder and trip counter
• Possibility to measure the trip propagation delay time

Binary Signals

• Eight opto-coupler inputs 24 to 60 VDC

• Eight solid state relay outputs
• All inputs and outputs galvanically isolated
• Up to eight bi-directional binary signals per 64 kbit/s time slot with
Cross-Connect and Drop & Insert facilities for each binary signal
• Point-to-Multipoint operation
• Transmission of slow data up to 20 baud
• Galvanically isolated 24 V auxiliary supply

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Block Diagram / Unit design

Fig. 3.4: Block diagram

TPI3- Teleprotection UBUS
TPI4+ Input Interface Connection

TPO2- Input Signal
4 4 Processing
TPO3- (Protection)
Output Interface Frame De- /Encoding
TPO4- Ack[1...4] Trip Command
4 Cross-Connect
Output Signal Cross Connect

Channel Monitoring
RY1 C 1+1 Switching

UBUS (Backplane Data Bus)

RY1 NO Prot[1...4] Output Signal
RY1 NC Processing
2 (Protection)
RY2 NC Alarm[1...4]

Output Signal
8 8 (Binary)
Binary Output Microcontroller
Interface interface
BOUT8- Input Signal
8 Latch

Binary Input

RAM Micro
IRIG+ Controller
IRIG- Decoder
IRIG-B Input

Vaux+ DC 5V
Event Program
Vaux- Recorder Memory

TEBIT is designed as a standard 6U FOX-U / FOX 515 interface with single module width. All settings
are made software controlled by the universal configuration software tool (UCST)

The customer interface is located at the front, whereas teleprotection and binary signals have different
connectors. Teleprotection signals are connected with a shielded cable, with a D-connector on
equipment side and a robust 22-pole terminal block on customer side. The binary signals are
connected with a cable fitted with a 37-pole Sub-D connector on one and single wires for MDF
connection on the other side.

TEBIT comprises the following function blocks:

• Teleprotection I/O interface

• Binary I/O interface
• Auxiliary relays
• Auxiliary power supply
• IRIG-B time synchronization
• Signal processing
• Microprocessor Control

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Teleprotection I/O interface The teleprotection I/O interface is an EMC robust interface
comprising 4 independent in- and outputs, which are galvanically
isolated against earth and each other.
The inputs do not need any hardware configuration. They are
designed to handle the complete input voltage range. Every input
contains an electronical circuitry with its major part, the ASIC ‘BICA’.
‘BICA’ converts the input voltage into a pulse width modulated signal
(PWM). These PWM signals are fed via opto-couplers to the signal
processing part where they are evaluated.
The outputs are connected to solid-state relays (Power MOSFET),
which are protected against reversal polarity. In order to protect the
output transistor from over-load, the load current is monitored. In
case of a short-circuit the output is disabled.
Binary I/O interface The binary interface contains 8 galvanically isolated in- and outputs.

) Note: This Binary interface is not intended to carry any trip

The inputs don’t need any hardware configuration either. As the
voltage range is not extremely high the input circuitry comprises of
simple opto-couplers.
The outputs are realized by low power solid state relays. A
protection against reversal polarity is implemented. The binary
outputs can be used to give out Command Alarms or Acknowledge
Auxiliary relays TEBIT contains 2 electromechanical relays. Each relay has got a
change–over contact. The relay contact galvanically isolated against
earth and to each other. These 2 relays are normally intended to
give out alarm states, but can also be configured to give out trip
commands or binary signals.
Auxiliary power supply The galvanically isolated auxiliary voltage supply is provided to allow
dry contact to be connected to either the binary or teleprotection
IRIG-B time synchronization TEBIT contains an Event Recorder. In order to have an accurate
time reference a GPS receiver can be connected to TEBIT. TEBIT
supports the standardized IRIG-B protocol. The evaluation is
performed in IRIG-B decoder, which is part of PLD ‘TEBI’. The IRIG-
B input is realized by an opto-coupler circuitry. This polarized input
supports a wide range of input voltage including TTL.
Signal processing The processing of teleprotection signals is done in the PLD ’TEBI’,
which is the central part of TEBIT. Due to hardware based signal
processing all 4 commands can be processed in parallel by which a
rapid and autonomous processing is secured for each command
signal. Not only the command in- and output evaluation but also the
teleprotection- and output crossconnect is performed in PLD ‘TEBI’.
The binary signal processing is split up between μController and
PLD. The digital pre-filtering is done in the PLD; the μC controls the
cross-connect and output.
Transmission channel assignment and control of UBUS connection
is part of PLD ‘TEBI’ too.
Microprocessor Control The processor controls all processes within the unit such as
configuration and communication with the central card. Moreover
the processor monitors all events on the card and records them in
an Event Recorder. The data are stored in a non-volatile RAM.

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Operation Fundamentals

Signal transmission
The teleprotection signal transmission is based on the safety frame concept (SFC), which ABB uses for
many years for fast and extremely reliable transmission of teleprotection data.

The safety frame consists of 32 bits whereas 8 bits are used for synchronization. The frame evaluation
is bit-oriented and thus completely independent on the byte synchronization of the G.704 2 Mbit/s data
frame. The frame structure is extremely secure. Its concept avoids any shifting of data or wrong
synchronization even during erroneous transmission. The concept of 8 distributed synchronization bits
together with some checks on data integrity allows to check immediately each frame for correct
transmission on the receiver side. Furthermore, the frame contains 8 bits for frame addressing, 15 bits
for teleprotection command coding and 1 bit to transfer service data. The frame duration is 0.5 ms.
Following figure shows the bit allocation.

Fig. 3.5: Teleprotection transmission frame

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 S

Synchronization bit
Frame address
Code word containing the teleprotection commands
S Service bit


In order to recognize and in this way to prevent a false routing of teleprotection data in digital
transmission network each transmission frame contains 8 addressing bits. These 8 bits allow an
address range from 1…254. (00, FF is not allowed). The address is checked each frame. If there is a
false address the frame is discarded. After detection of an address failures an alarm is raised and the
command outputs are blocked.

Command coding

For the transmission of command and loop test information a special 15-bit block code with a hamming
distance of d=7 is used. The block code principle allows a simultaneous transmission of teleprotection-
and loop test commands. During the transmission of the loop test command the hamming distance is
reduced to d=6 for that individual transmission frame.

Service bit

The service bit provides a serial data channel with a transmission capacity of max. 2000 bit/s. This
serial data channel is used by the μController to transmit reference time and remote alarm information.

Input signal processing

The teleprotection inputs are able to work within the complete possible input voltage range from
24…250 VDC without any hardware stripping. This is possible by converting the input voltage in a pulse
width modulated (PWM) signal. The duty-cycle of the PWM is measured, which gives an indication for
the presence of a command signal. As the duty-cycle decreases when the voltage increases the power
dissipation at the inputs is relative low even with input voltages at the upper voltage range. In order to
ensure a proper conducting of the output contacts of the connected protection relay, the input current
sinks a higher current during a short time of the rising edge of the input command.

A pre-filtering is implemented in order to prevent short spikes to be transmitted as teleprotection

commands. Depending on the operation mode the TX command is set active only after multiple receipt
of a PWM signal corresponding to a signal level high as the input threshold.

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Moreover the input signal duration can be monitored. Command duration of > 5s will then initiate an
alarm condition.

Operating modes
In order to fulfil the requirements for different teleprotection schemes, transmission can be optimized
either for speed or security. Propagation delay, dependability and security are influenced by these
settings. For details please refer to the technical data.

With speed optimization an output command is activated after evaluation of 2 frames, whereas with
security optimization 4 frames have to be identical before an output command is activated. Furthermore
there is a difference between both operation modes also on TX side. With speed optimization an active
TX command is sent after evaluation of 2 PWM periods of ASIC ‘BICA’ and with security optimization a
TX command is activated only after 4 PWM periods. A BICA period may vary between 0.5 and 1.0 ms
depending on the component: typical is 0.7 ms.

Networking facilities and Command Cross Connect

The teleprotection command cross connect works on single-command level and supports a high degree
of flexibility regarding different operation possibilities, which are:

Simple Point-to-Point set-up of up to 4 commands in one direction

Fig. 3.6: Point-to-Point set-up of up to 4 commands in one direction


1 1
2 SbU1;2 SbU1;2 2
3 3
4 4

Point-to-Point set-up into two directions

Fig. 3.7: Point-to-Point set-up into two direction


1 1
2 SbU1;2 TEBIT "B" SbU1;2 2
3 SbU1 SbU2 3
4 4

Drop-off and Insert

Fig. 3.8: Point-to-Point set-up into two direction


1 1 1 1
SbU1;2 SbU1;2
X 2
1 2 3 4
4 4 4 4

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Fig. 3.9: Point-to-Point set-up into two direction

1 1 1 1
2 SbU1;2 2 2 SbU1;2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4

1 2 3 4

Normal 'T' Inverse 'T'

1 >1
4 &
>1 1
& 4


Out1 In1
Out4 In 4

TX command acknowledge
TEBIT has the possibility to acknowledge an incoming trip. The signal “Command Ack” is an exact copy
of the command signal and can be connected to an output circuit according to the possibilities of the
output cross connect matrix.

Channel monitoring and 1+1 path protection

The received data are monitored continuously for block code errors. Depending on the operation mode
a data bloc contains either 2 (speed optimization) or 4 (security optimization) frames. A block is faulty if
at least one incorrect frame as been detected. Block errors are counted. A block error rate (BLER) of
> 10-2 generates a non-urgent alarm.

A very fast 1+1 protection switching has been implemented to meet the requirements for teleprotection.
It switches if there are more than 50% faulty receive frames during a time period of 4 ms. 1+1 switching
for binary signals is different and much slower!

Loop tests and propagation delay measurement

The correct operation of the complete teleprotection command channel is checked periodically. For that
purpose each terminal station sends a test pattern, which is acknowledged by the partner station. This
Loop test is repeated automatically every minute. The loop tests are carried independently for each of
the 4 commands.

Together with the loop test the propagation delay between the two terminal TEBIT stations is measured
and monitored. This measurement is based on equal propagation delay in both directions. Delay
coming from command in- and output circuitry is not measured, but typical values are included in the
delay time indication. The time stability of the transmission path is monitored. Deviations of more than
0,5 ms between two measurements are recorded in the event recorder.

Trip Counter
For every command there is a volatile trip counter that counts up to 99 trip commands. The counters
can be monitored and set to zero by the user interface UCST. The exceeding of 99 trips causes an
event-recorder entry (i.e. when the trip counter changes from 99 to 01).

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Event Recorder
TEBIT provides an internal non-volatile event recorder for both card specific and teleprotection events.
Dependent on the available time reference, events are recorded with a precision of a few milliseconds,
thus providing an accurate log of all trip commands, system failures etc.

The event recorder can be viewed with configurable filters via UCST.

Time reference
In order to evaluate recorded events, both transmitting and receiving station have to be in a fixed time
relationship. For this purpose TEBIT contains certain facilities to synchronize the time reference of the
event recorders. Time can be taken from the following sources:

• Global Positioning System (GPS)

• Remote TEBIT on SbU1
• Remote TEBIT on SbU2
• Network element time
• None (internal microcontroller clock)

The following examples show three typical time synchronization set-ups.

Synchronization to GPS in all stations

The highest accuracy is achieved if all TEBITs in the network are synchronized directly to GPS. In this
case the propagation delay between the station does not influence the accuracy. The time is exactly the
same on all TEBITs.

Fig. 3.10: Synchronization to GPS in all stations


Receiver Receiver Receiver


Time Master Time Master Time Master


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Synchronization to GPS only in the central station

All TEBIT event recorders have GPS as there time base, but only the central station is in exact time
synchronization to GPS. The subsequent stations have a time deviation, which corresponds to the
propagation delay of the communication channel.

Fig. 3.11: Synchronization to GPS only in the central station



SbU1 SbU1 SbU2 SbU1 Time Slave

Time Master Time Slave


Synchronization to Network Element Time

If there is no GPS receiver available all TEBITs are synchronized to one time master station. In this
case all the TEBITs are synchronous to one master clock, but also as for the above example there is a
time difference between the individual TEBITs. This time difference is equals to propagation delay of
the communication channel.

Fig. 3.12: Synchronization to Network Element Time

SbU1 SbU1 SbU2 SbU1 Time Slave

Time Master Time Slave


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Binary Signals
In addition to the teleprotection signal transmission, binary signals such status indication or tax
impulses can be transmitted through the binary interface. The binary signal transmission is a second,
separate function. It is completely decoupled from the teleprotection command transmission using both
separate data interfaces and separate transmission subunits. The requirements for secure transmission
are not as high as for teleprotection signaling; nevertheless a build-in signal filtering ensures a reliable
communication even under disturbed conditions i.e. bit errors in the communication channel.

Cross Connect Possibilities

The binary signal cross connect offers the following possibilities on single–signal level
• Point-to Point
• Drop & Insert
• “Wired-Or” Omnibus

Path Protection
For binary signal transmission reversible and non-reversible 1+1 switching are based on the FOX-U /
FOX 515 standard 1+1 function using CAS. The switchover time is about 100 ms.

Data Transmission
The binary interface can be used to transmit slow data such as tax pulses at a rate up to 20 baud.

Interconnection with FOX20/FOX 6Plus Binary Interface N3BH

As both interface units use the same data structure, a direct co-operation between FOX20/FOX 6Plus
Binary Interface N3BH on one side and TEBIT Binary Interface on the other side is possible.

Fig. 3.13: Interconnection TEBIT with FOX6Plus N3BC


FOX 6Plus

1 1

) Note: TEBIT teleprotection interfaces cannot be connected to

FOX6 Plus teleprotection interfaces!

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General TEBIT is automatically initialized when power is switched on (i.e.

when it is plugged into the subrack). The microcontroller obtains the
configuration data from control unit (CENCA/COBUx) database and
sets these parameters into the various functional blocks of TEBIT

All parameters on TEBIT including teleprotection in- and output

parameters are set software controlled using UCST and/or UNEM.
Subsequent the various masks are described.

These masks are located in the menu: ‘Unit Configuration’.

The structure of the masks is shown below as well as a brief

description of their function. The details can be found in the relevant
parts of the UCST Manual.

The ‘Board’ sheet deals with all basic functions concerning

Teleprotection and Binary interface and cross-connect.

The ‘Traffic’ sheet deal with transmission parameters of SbU 1-4.

Note: It is recommended to perform the configuration in the sequence as
given afterwards.

Enable / Disable of Subunits ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Traffic’

Per default all subunits are enabled. Disable the subunits that are
not connected to the cross-connect matrix.
CAS configuration:
• Teleprotection: don’t care, dependent on transmission cards
• Binary Signal: with 1+1 operation CAS must be ‘On’,

Note: SbU1 and SbU2 are used for Teleprotection transmission only
SbU3 and SbU4 are used for Binary signal transmission only

Fig. 3.14:

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Binary Signal Cross Connect ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Board’ / 'Binary Signal
Cross Connect’'

The cross-connection of the 8 binary signals between 3 possible

signal sources resp. sinks is configured in this mask. TEBIT
allows a very flexible cross-connection of the individual signals
between the 3 ports, including point-multipoint or data omnibus

Fig. 3.15:

• Port selection
First of all, select the 2 ports to be cross-connected. Any
combinations of the 3 port ‘Local Port’, ‘SbU3’, ‘SbU4’, except
connections between the same port, are possible.
• Connection
Select from the signal list on both sides those signals that are to
be connected. Pressing ‘Connect’ executes the connection.
The table ‘Switched Connections’ shows the configured
‘OR-wired’ point-multipoint and data omnibus connections are
If several signals on one side are connected to the same signal
on the other, the connection is of ‘OR-type’
Repeat the above step to perform connections between other
• Disconnection
From table ‘Switched Connections’ select the signal that are to
be disconnected and press ‘Disconnect’

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Teleprotection Commands: ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Board’ / 'Teleprotection

Input Settings Commands: Input Settings’'

TEBIT allows all input settings to be configured using the following


Fig. 3.16:

• Nominal Input Voltage

The drop down list ‘Nominal Input Voltage’ shows the possible
settings, which are 24, 48, 60, 110, 125, 220 or 250 V. Select the
appropriate ‘Nominal Voltage’ for each input circuit.
• Cmd Duration Monitoring
For each input circuit a command duration monitoring can be
enabled. If the Cmd Duration Monitoring is ‘On’ a TX command is
omitted and an alarm state is activated when the command
duration exceeds 5 s.

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Teleprotection Commands: ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Board’ / 'Teleprotection

Output Settings Commands: Output Setting’'

Within this mask both the command and the alarm output
parameters are selected.

Fig. 3.17:

• State in Alarm Case

If the command output is in alarm condition it can be chosen
whether the output shall go into the ‘Idle’ state (contact open) or
into the ‘Last Valid State’ before the failure occurred.
• Command Prolongation
A received command can be prolonged. A drop down list gives
several possibilities in the range from 0 to 1000 ms. Select an
appropriate value. Standard prolongation time is 20 ms.
• Alarm Delay
If a faulty condition occurs the command output goes into the
alarm state. The alarm state is signaled by an ‘Alarm Signal’.
This Alarm Signal is fed out via the Output Cross Connect. The
‘Alarm Delay’ defines how much time elapses between
occurrence of the alarm state and output of the Alarm Signal.
The drop down list gives several possibilities for this delay time in
the range from 0 to 15 s. Standard delay time is 1 s.
• Mode
The Alarm Signal can be given out either as a continuous signal,
(‘Latched’) or as a single pulse (‘Pulsed’).

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• Pulse Duration
In the pulsed alarm output mode the pulse duration can be
chosen. A drop down list gives several possibilities in range from
50 to 1000 ms. Standard pulse duration is 200 ms.
• Alarm State
The ‘Alarm State’ defines the logical state of the alarm signal
under alarm condition. It can be chosen between logical ‘1’ i.e.
‘Output Open’ or logical ‘0’ i.e. ‘Output Closed’

Teleprotection Commands: ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Board’ / 'Teleprotection

Cross Connect Command Cross Connect'

TEBIT contains a sub-rate multiplexer on single command level.

The Teleprotection Command Cross Connect matrix offers
powerful possibilities to established teleprotection network
solutions. Besides simple point-to-point configurations, many
sophisticated network solutions, including T-Operation as well as
Drop & Insert, are possible. The user can choose between
different ‘Preconfigurations’ or set up the connections individually
by means of the buttons within the cross connects matrix itself.

In addition to the cross-connect, Multiple Output connection can

be configured in this mask too.

Fig. 3.18:

• Preconfiguration
From a drop down list several predefined applications can be
chosen, which are
- Point-to-Point with 4 commands in one direction
- T- Operation with 1, 2, 3 or 4 commands
- Inverse T-Operation with 1, 2, 3 or 4 commands

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• Individual configuration
Individual configurations are possible just by clicking on either
the connection points or the blocks at the output line. The blocks
at the output line have got three states:
- simple through connection [ I ]
- OR connection [ ≥1 ]
- AND connection [ & ]
‘OR’ resp. ‘AND’ connections are necessary if there are more
than one signal input per output line.

Note: Not all connections are possible. If so, the ‘OK’ button is grayed
indicating that the chosen connections are not allowed.

• Multiple Output
If not all outputs are occupied these outputs can be used for
other signals to establish multiple outputs. Please refer to Fig.
3.23 for an example

Application examples of Teleprotection Networking Solutions

Afterwards there are a few representative examples of typical Teleprotection Networking Solutions.

1. Point-to-Point transmission of 4 command in one direction

Preconfiguration according to Fig. 3.18

2. Point-to-Point set-up with 2 commands into two directions

Fig. 3.19:

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3. T-operation (T-off) with 1 command

Fig. 3.20:

4. Inverse T-off with 2 commands

Fig. 3.21:

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5. Drop Off and Insert with Cmd 1, Cmd2; Cmd 3, Cmd4 in Transit
Fig. 3.22:

6. Simple Point-to-Point connection with 1 command given out to 4 outputs (Multiple Output)
Fig. 3.23:

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Output Configuration ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Board’ / 'Output Cross


The output cross connect matrix assigns the output signals

coming from ‘Binary Cross Connect’ and ‘Teleprotection Cross
Connect’ to output circuits. In addition to the binary and
teleprotection signals the ‘Command Alarm Signals’ and the
‘Command Acknowledge Signal’ can be assigned to output
circuits too.

Fig. 3.24:

• TPO (Teleprotection Output)

The TPOs are the solid-state power outputs capable to control
line protection terminals. They are normally used for
teleprotection application, but can also be used for Binary or
Acknowledge Signals, if there is a demand for more power.
• BOUT(Binary Output)
The BOUTs are low voltage and low power sold-state outputs
and intended to give out other control signals than teleprotection
commands, including Alarm and Acknowledge Signals.
• Aux (Auxiliary Relay)
The AUX outputs are robust electromechanical relays with one
changeover contact. They can be used for any of TEBIT’s
signals, but they are especially intended to be used as Alarm
outputs. Up to 4 Command Alarm Signals can be ‘Wired-Or’
connected to 1 Auxiliary Relay output building a Common Alarm

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Note: In order to have a Wired-Or alarm connection it is necessary to
configure the ‘Alarm State’ to ‘Output Open’.

Teleprotection Commands: ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Board’ / 'Teleprotection

Automatic Loop Test Commands: Automatic Loop Test Settings'

In order to ensure correct operation, all command paths can be

monitored automatically. A loop test command is sent to the
partner station every minute, answered with an acknowledge

Fig. 3.25:

• Automatic Loop Test

Per default the loop test is enabled. Normally the automatic loop
test stays enabled except when a command is not connected to
a partner station.

Time Reference ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Board’ / ‘Time Reference’

The ‘Time Reference’ defines the source to synchronize the real

time clock of the Event Recorder. To follow the time sequence of
events on both transmit and receive side it is necessary that both
side are synchronized to the same time reference.

Fig. 3.26:

• Source
There are 4 different sources that can be used to synchronize
the TEBIT event recorder time. To choose a source, click on the
source and give a priority to that source by selecting the priority
from the drop down list ‘Priority’.
If a source shall be disabled priority ‘None’ is to be selected.

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Note: It is recommended to use a correct time reference (preferably GPS),
so that all events could be merged properly in the database of other
management systems.

Note: After each power interruption the network element date and time
should be re-entered externally (UCST/UNEM) if the event recorder
uses this time reference.

Note: If all sources are configured with priority ‘None’ TEBIT’s clock is free
running controlled from the mircrocontroller quartz.

Teleprotection Transmission ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Traffic’ / ‘Teleprotection

Parameters (SbU1, SbU2) Command Parameters’

The transmission parameters define the channel addressing and

teleprotection operation modes i.e. transmission optimized ‘For
Speed’ or ‘For Security’

Note: Transmission parameters, i.e. Addressing and Transmission
Optimization, are applied to the complete bundle of 4 teleprotection
Fig. 3.27:

• RX, TX Address
To prevent wrong tripping due to routing failures in the
telecommunication network, an 8 bit address signal is
implemented to the teleprotection signal. Both TX address of the
transmitting unit and RX address of the receiving unit must
correspond otherwise the channel is blocked and an alarm

Note: RX and TX should not have the same address in order to recognize
loops in the transmission network. Be sure that your address is unique
in the network.
To choose the address either scroll the drop down list or type it
directly into the field RX- or TX Address. The allowed address
range is from 1…254
• Optimize Transmission
This parameter is set according to the teleprotection scheme
- Permissive tripping (under- / overreaching) → ‘For Speed’
- Intertripping (direct transfer tripping) → ‘For Security’
- Blocking / Unblocking → ‘For Speed’

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Path Protection Operation ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Parameters...’ / ‘Traffic’ / ‘Mode’

Mode SbUs 1-4
TEBIT supports path protection facilities. From a drop down list,
one of the 3 operation modes can be chosen.

Fig. 3.28:

• Normal
No 1+1 path protection
• 1+1
1+1 path protection with Default and Reserve time slot. Both
transmission paths are entitled on the same rights, i.e. a switch--
over to the reserve path will not be change back to default path
after recovery.
• 1 + 1 Reversible
1+1 path protection with Default and Reserve time slot. The
Default time slot is the main transmission path, i.e. a switchover
to the reserve path will switch back to default as soon it is
available again.

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Board Diagnostics ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Diagnostics Parameters...’ / ‘Board’

Diagnostic functions concerning the lowest transmission level i.e.

Teleprotection - and Binary Signal transmission are configured
under ‘Board’.

Fig. 3.29:

Teleprotection Command ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Diagnostics Parameters...’ / ‘Board’

Local Test Loops ‘Teleprotection Command Local Test Loops’

Each Teleprotection Command Input can be looped back locally

to one output as stated by the output configuration.

Fig. 3.30:

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Binary Signal Test Loops ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Diagnostics Parameters...’ / ‘Board’ / ‘Binary
Signal Test Loops’

On single binary signal level different test loops can be switched

as indicated below.

Note: Single signal test loops are switched by clicking on the switch symbols
on the left. With the switch symbol on the right, all signals of a port
can be switched at.
Fig. 3.31:

• Local Port (3b’)

Each Binary Signal Input may be looped back locally to one
output according to the output configuration.
• Subunit 3; 4 (2b)
Each received Binary Signal coming from SbU 3; 4 can be
looped into internal highway direction (UBUS).

Test Loops SbU 1-4 ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Diagnostics Parameters...’ / ‘Traffic’

The complete 64 kbit/s signal can be looped back either into

direction TEBIT cross-connect (3b) or internal highway (2b’)

Fig. 3.32:

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Board Status ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Status/Maintenance…’ / ‘Board’

For maintenance and trouble shooting there are 4 very powerful


Fig. 3.33:

Binary Signal States ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Status/Maintenance…’ / ‘Board’ / ‘Binary

Signal States’

By clicking ‘Get’ the current state of all binary signal occurring in

the binary cross-connect matrix is sampled and displayed in this

Fig. 3.34 :

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Manual Loop Test and ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Status/Maintenance…’ / ‘Board’ / ‘Loop Test
Propagation Delay
Measurement A click on button ‘Loop Test’ starts a manual loop test.
A successful loop test results in an indication of the point-to-point
transmission delay time, which is measured during the loop test.
If the loop test fails the text ‘fail’ appears.
If a loop test has not yet been executed, ‘---‘ is indicated.

Fig. 3.35:

Trip Counter ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Status/Maintenance…’ / ‘Board’ / ‘Trip


TEBIT contains four separate counters for both transmitted and

received commands. The counters have a range from 0...99. A
click on ‘Get’ starts an up-load of all counter values. The counters
may be reset individually or jointly.

Fig. 3. 36:

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 33 of 55


Event Recorder ‘Unit Configuration’ / ‘Status/Maintenance…’ / ‘Board’ / ‘Event


TEBIT stores in a non-volatile RAM two different categories of

events: the Teleprotection Command and the System Events.
These two categories are stored in two different memory sections
and are presented under UCST with two different lists. Division
into two categories results in separate event recorders. This
prevents an overwriting of the very important Teleprotection
Command Events by a toggling System Event (alarm). The
defined events are manifold. Later on a summary of all events can
be found. Different types of filters help with interpretation of the
event lists.

Note: It is possible to export the event list into Microsoft Excel the following
Select the commands to be copied. Then press ‘Ctrl’, ‘C’ to copy the
data into the clipboard. Open an Excel sheet and ‘paste’ the event list
into that sheet.
Fig. 3.37:

• Teleprotection Command Events

All events that are related directly to teleprotection command
transmission or -output are recorded here. For details refer to the
event description
• # Events to Get
Defines the number of events to up-load. The number may be
chosen either from the drop down list or may be typed directly
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into the corresponding field. Possible inputs are in the range from
• Get
Click on this button to execute the up-load of the events
• Filter 1
In order to present only events related to one command on the
screen, one of the filters may be selected:
- None
- Prot. Cmd 1
- Prot. Cmd 2
- Prot. Cmd 3
- Prot. Cmd 4
• Filter 2
A second filter allows to present only events of the following type:
- None
- Command TX
- Command RX
- Alarms
- Delay
• TEBIT System Events
All events that are related to the TEBIT system are recorded
here. For details refer to the event description
• Filter
In order to present only events related to a certain sub unit
(SbU), one of the filters may be selected:
- None
- Board
- Traffic
- ‘SbU 1’
- ‘SbU 2’
- ‘SbU 3’
- ‘SbU 4’
• Clear Cmd Events
Click on the button to clear the command event recorder
• Clear System Events
Click on the button to clear the system event recorder

Note: After a new installation (TEBIT unit just plugged in) it is recommended
to clear both event recorders in order to prevent the recorder from
storing events that are not related to the current equipment.
• Date and Time
Each time events are up-loaded the current TEBIT system date
and time is indicated as well.

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Events description
Teleprotection Command Events
Event Recorder Text Cmd Description Associated Card Alarm

TX Command Active: On Cmd 1-4 Every time a teleprotection None

TX Command Active: Off command input (TX) or output
(RX) changes its state, the
RX Command Active: On corresponding event is recorded.
RX Command Active: Off

TX Command Counter Reset Cmd 1-4 A counter reset event is recorded None
TX Command Counter Overflow when the respective counter is
reset by UCST. A counter
RX Command Counter Reset overflow event is recorded when
RX Command Counter Overflow the corresponding counter
overflows 99: the counter is then
set to 1.

TX Command Timeout: On Cmd 1-4 For those cmds that have the Board: "Cmd X Timeout"
TX Command Timeout: Off Command Duration Monitoring
option enabled, the 'Timeout: On'
event is recorded when the
corresponding command input
(TX) is active for more than 5
seconds. As soon as the input
returns inactive, 'Timeout: Off' is

RX Command TPO Overload: On Cmd 1-4 'TPO Overload: On' is recorded Board: "TPO X Overload"
RX Command TPO Overload: Off when the corresponding cmd's
output is overloaded.

Loop Test Fail: On Cmd 1-4 When a cmd's loop test execution Board: "LoopTest X Fail"
Loop Test Fail: Off has failed "Loop Test Fail: On" is
recorded. As soon as a result is
again available, "Loop Test Fail:
Off" is recorded. Note: this applies
for manually requested as well as
for automatically executed Loop

Local Test Loop (3b’) active: On Cmd 1-4 Every time a cmd local test loop Board: "Test Loop 3b'TP"
Local Test Loop (3b’) active: Off (3b') switch is changed from
UCST, the corresponding event
for that cmd is recorded.

Remote Alarm: On Cmd 1-4 For each cmd, every time the Board: "Cmd X Rem
Remote Alarm: Off remote alarm for that cmd Alarm"
changes its state, the
corresponding event is recorded.

Cmd HW Fault: BICA On Cmd 1-4 For each cmd, these are the two Board: "Cmd X HW Fail"
Cmd HW Fault: BICA Off possible events recorded from the
cmd input and cmd output
Cmd HW Fault: TPO On hardware monitoring.
Cmd HW Fault: TPO Off

Cmd Alarm: On Cmd 1-4 For each cmd, every time the cmd None
Cmd Alarm: Off alarm for that cmd changes its
state, the corresponding event is

Transmission Delay Change (Old): Cmd 1-4 When the measured propagation None
x.xx ms delay on a cmd's loop test
Transmission Delay Change execution differs of more than 0.5

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(New): x.xx ms ms from the previously measured

for that cmd, two events are
recorded: the second one shows
the actual measured propagation
delay; the first one shows the
previously measured propagation

Attention: The propagation time

values are shown.

TEBIT System Events

Event Recorder Text SbU Description Associated Alarm

Card Reboot Board This event is recorded at the None

beginning of the unit initialization.

Card Configuration Completed Board This event is recorded at the end None
of the unit initialization.

Database Integrity Check Started Board These events are recorded at the None
Database Integrity Check beginning and the ending of the
Completed corresponding BIST, when it is
Full BIST Execution Started executed.
Full BIST Execution Completed
Internal FW Error BIST Started
Internal FW Error BIST Completed

Card HW Fault (BIST) Internal Board This event is recorded when BIST Board: "Hardware Fault"
Error: X reports an error. Hereby the X
stands for: 0: No Error
1: uC Fail
2: ROM Fail
3: Ext. RAM Fail
8: Serial EEPROM Fail
9: GLUE Fail

Realtime Source Lost: GPS Board These events are recorded when Board: "Realtime Lost" On
Realtime Source Lost: SbU2 the corresponding time source
Remote that was in use for real time
Realtime Source Lost: SbU1 synchronization has been
Remote unavailable for ≥ 10 s
Realtime Source Lost: NE
Realtime Source Lost: On

Realtime Source Changed: GPS Board These events are recorded when Board: "Realtime Lost" Off
Realtime Source Changed: SbU2 time synchronization switches to
Remote another source.
Realtime Source Changed: SbU1
Realtime Source Changed: NE

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GPS Signal Lost: On Board "GPS Signal Lost: On" is Board: "GPS Signal Lost"
GPS Signal Lost: Off recorded when there is a priority
assigned to GPS time and no
valid GPS IRIG-B signal is

Teleprotection Event Recorder Board An "Event Recorder Reset" event None

Reset is recorded when the respective
System Event Recorder Reset event recorder is reset by UCST.

Relay X HW Fault: On Board "Relay X HW Fault: On" is Board: "Relay X Fail"

Relay X HW Fault: Off recorded when the actual state of
relay X does not correspond to
the state it should have been set
by the configuration.

Aux. Power Supply Fail: On Board "Aux. Power Supply Fail: On" is Board: "Aux Supply Fail"
Aux. Power Supply Fail: Off recorded when the voltage of the
auxiliary power supply falls below
the specified voltage.

Test Loop 3b’ Binary Signal: On Board "Test Loop 3b’ Binary Signal: On" Board: "Test Loop 3b'BS"
Test Loop 3b’ Binary Signal: Off is recorded when at least one (of
eight) local port binary signal test
loop (3b') is switched on from

Transmission interrupted: On SbU 1-2 "Transmission interrupted: On" is SbU1-2: "Trans Interrupt"
Transmission interrupted: Off recorded when the corresponding
teleprotection SbU has lost

Address Mismatch: On / X SbU 1-2 X stands for the address received SbU1-2: "Addr Mismatch"
Address Mismatch: Off by the corresponding SbU.

Block Error Rate > 1E-2: On SbU 1-2 "Block Error Rate > 1E-2: On" is SbU1-2: "BlkER > 1E-2"
Block Error Rate > 1E-2: Off recorded when the corresponding
teleprotection SbU presents a
Block Error Rate greater than 1E-

Transmission disturbed: On SbU 1-4 In 1+1 operation mode SbU1-4: "Trans Disturbed"
Transmission disturbed: Off "Transmission disturbed: On" is
recorded when the default and the
reserve channel for the
corresponding SbU is disturbed.

Ch D disturbed: On SbU 1-4 In 1+1 operation mode "Ch D SbU1-4: "Ch D Disturbed"
Ch D disturbed: Off disturbed: On" is recorded when
the default channel for the
corresponding SbU is disturbed.

Ch R disturbed: On SbU 1-4 In 1+1 operation mode "Ch R SbU1-4: "Ch R Disturbed"
Ch R disturbed: Off disturbed: On" is recorded when
the reserve channel for the
corresponding SbU is disturbed.

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Remote Alarm Ch D: On SbU 3-4 In 1+1 operation mode, for binary SbU3-4: "Rem Alarm Ch
Remote Alarm Ch D: Off signal transmission SbUs, D"
"Remote Alarm Ch D: On" is
recorded when the remote unit
send an alarm for the default
channel of the corresponding

Remote Alarm Ch R: On SbU 3-4 In 1+1 operation mode, for binary SbU3-4: "Rem Alarm Ch
Remote Alarm Ch R: Off signal transmission SbUs, D"
"Remote Alarm Ch R: On" is
recorded when the remote unit
send an alarm for the reserve
channel of the corresponding

Test Loop 3b: On SbU 1-4 Every time a test loop (3b) switch SbU1-4: "Test Loop 3b"
Test Loop 3b: Off is changed from UCST, the
corresponding event for that SbU
is recorded.

Test Loop 2b’: On SbU 1-4 Every time a test loop (2b') switch SbU1-4: "Test Loop 2b'"
Test Loop 2b’: Off is changed from UCST, the
corresponding event for that SbU
is recorded.

Test Loop 2b: On SbU 3-4 "Test Loop 2b: On" is recorded SbU3-4: "Test Loop 2b"
Test Loop 2b: Off when at least one (of eight) binary
signal test loops (2b) for the
corresponding SbU is switched on
from UCST.

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All alarms are displayed locally with the LEDs on the front panel of
the unit.

Simultaneously all the alarms are transmitted to control unit and

are displayed on UCST / UNEM.

Alarm indication On the front panel are two LEDs.

The upper ‘card’ LED indicates the fault status of the unit. It will be
activated by the NE’s control unit at the occurrence of one of the
following events: TEBIT is not responding normally, TEBIT self
test is not completed successfully, TEBIT plugged into the wrong

The lower ‘tributary’ LED will be activated by the TEBIT if any fault
is detected.

Board Alarms
Nr Alarm Activating Event Actions
0 Hardware fault Self test failed UA, Cmd 1.. 4 Alarm active
1 Real time lost No valid real time source available NA
2 GPS Signal lost No valid GPS input signal NA
3 Aux Supply Fail Short circuit or failure of auxiliary UA
power supply
4 Test loop 3b'TP Teleprotection Cmd Test Loop 3b’ NA
5 Test loop 3b'BS Binary Signal Test Loop 3b’ switched NA
6 Relay 1 Fail Relay 1 failure UA
7 Relay 2 Fail Relay 2 failure UA
8 Cmd 1 HW Fail Cmd 1 Input or Output HW failure UA
9 TPO 1 Overload Cmd 1 Output overloaded UA, Cmd 1 Alarm active, Cmd 1 Remote
Alarm active
10 Cmd 1 Timeout Input Cmd 1 Input active for > 5s UA, Cmd 1 Remote Alarm active, Cmd 1
transmission suppressed
11 Cmd 1 Remote Remote Alarm for Cmd 1 UA
12 LoopTest 1 Fail Loop Test for Cmd 1 failed UA, Cmd 1Alarm active, Cmd 1 Remote
Alarm active
13 Cmd 2 HW Fail Cmd 2 Input or Output HW failure UA
14 TPO 2 Overload Cmd 2 Output overloaded UA, Cmd 2Alarm active, Cmd 2 Remote
Alarm active
15 Cmd 2 Timeout Input Cmd 2 Input active for > 5s UA, Cmd 2 Remote Alarm active, Cmd 2
transmission suppressed
16 Cmd 2 Remote Remote Alarm for Cmd 2 UA
17 LoopTest 2 Fail Loop Test for Cmd 2 failed UA, Cmd 2Alarm active, Cmd 2 Remote
Alarm active
18 Cmd 3 HW Fail Cmd 3 Input or Output HW failure UA
19 TPO 3 Overload Cmd 3 Output overloaded UA, Cmd 3Alarm active, Cmd 3 Remote
Alarm active
20 Cmd 3 Timeout Input Cmd 3 Input active for > 5s UA, Cmd 3 Remote Alarm active, Cmd 3
transmission suppressed
21 Cmd 3 Remote Remote Alarm for Cmd 3 UA
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22 LoopTest 3 Fail Loop Test for Cmd 3 failed UA, Cmd 3 Alarm active, Cmd 3 Remote
Alarm active
23 Cmd 4 HW Fail Cmd 4 Input or Output HW failure UA
24 TPO 4 Overload Cmd 4 Output overloaded UA, Cmd 4 Alarm active, Cmd 4 Remote
Alarm active
25 Cmd 4 Timeout Input Cmd 4 Input active for > 5s UA, Cmd 4 Remote Alarm active, Cmd 4
transmission suppressed
26 Cmd 4 Remote Remote Alarm for Cmd 4 UA
27 LoopTest 4 Fail Loop Test for Cmd 4 failed UA, Cmd 4Alarm active, Cmd 4 Remote
Alarm active

Traffic Alarms
Nr Alarm SbU Activating Event Actions
0 Trans Interrupt 1, 2 Loss of teleprotection data frame UA, Cmd Alarm active, Cmd Remote
synchronization, AIS received Alarm active for concerned Cmds
1 Addr Mismatch 1, 2 Wrong address received UA, Cmd Alarm active, Cmd Remote
Alarm active for concerned Cmds
2 BlkER > 1E-2 1, 2 Block Error rate > 1E-2 NA, Cmd Remote Alarm active for
concerned Cmds
3 Ch D disturbed 1-4 Default channel disturbed NA, Cmd Remote Alarm active for
concerned Cmds
4 Ch R disturbed 1-4 Reserve channel disturbed NA, Cmd Remote Alarm active for
concerned Cmds
5 Remote Alarm Ch 3, 4 Default channel disturbed on remote NA
D side
6 Remote Alarm Ch 3, 4 Reserve channel disturbed on remote NA
R side
7 Trans Disturbed 3, 4 Default and reserve channel UA
8 Test loop 2b' 1-4 Test loop 2b' switched NA
9 Test loop 3b 1-4 Test loop 3b switched NA
10 Test loop 2b 1-4 Test loop 2b switched NA

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 41 of 55


Technical data

Teleprotection Interface
Complies IEC 60834-1 Ed.2
Command Inputs
Number 4
Nominal Voltages Configurable with UCST (24, 48, 60, 110, 125, 220, 250 VDC)
Selectable in 7 ranges Operation threshold (trip detection)
24 V Min 8 VDC
48 V Min 36 VDC
60 V Min 45 VDC
110 V Min 83 VDC
125 V Min 94 VDC
220 V Min 165 VDC
250 V Min 188 VDC
Polarity Reversal Protection 400 VDC
Command Outputs
Number 4
Circuit Solid-State Relay (Power MOSFET); Normally Open
Trip Command 250 VDC, ≤ 2 A; Duty cycle: ratio Ton / Toff ≤ 1/3; Ton ≤ 5 min
Continuous Command 250 VDC, ≤ 1 A
Current Limiting typ. 2,6 A
Capacitive Cable Discharge
Short-Circuit turn off after 1 ms (Max Load Capacity CL < 2600/UN [µF])
Polarity Reversal Protection 400 VDC
Auxiliary Relay Outputs
Number 2
Circuit Monostable electromechanical relay; 1 change-over contact
Switched Voltage 16... 250 V (AC od. DC)
Switched Power 150 W
Switched Current ≤ 10 A for 100 ms max. (Current Inrush Peak)
≤ 50 A for 1 ms max.
≤ 2 A Continuous Current
≤ 0.6 A Break Current
Cut-In Delay typ. 10 ms
Bounce Time typ. 1 ms
Drop-Out Delay typ. 4 ms
Binary Inputs
Complies IEC 60870-3
Number 8
Nominal Voltages (24, 48, 60) VDC broadband; i.e. no configuration required
Input Voltage Range “LOW” -72 V... +9 V
“HIGH” +18 V... +72 V
Input Current “LOW” ≤ 1.5 mA
“HIGH” 2.5 mA... 12.5 mA
Over Voltage Withstand IEC 120 V (AC/DC) / 1 s
60870-3 Class 2 - 75 VDC / 1 min

Note: The input state is defined for the given HIGH and LOW voltage ranges only. The
range between the HIGH and LOW value is not defined

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Binary Outputs
Complies IEC 60870-3
Number 8
Circuit Solid-State Relay; Normally Open
Nominal Voltages (24, 48, 60) VDC
Switching Current ≤ 0,5 A 100 ms max. (Current Inrush Peak)
≤ 0,2 A Continuous Current
ON resistance ≤ 12 ohms
Over Voltage Withstand IEC 870-3 120 V (AC/DC) / 1 s
Class 2 - 75 VDC / 1 min

Auxiliary Power Supply Output

Output Voltage 24 V +5% -20%
Load Current ≤ 40 mA Continuous
short-circuit protected

GPS Input for an unmodulated (i.e. DC-Level shift) IRIG-B signal

Universal voltage input, TTL compatible up to 24 V
Input Voltage Ranges “LOW” -30 V... +0,8 V
“HIGH” +2 V... +30 V

Binary signal transmission

Transmission time T0 1 simple point-to-point link 6.5…11.5 ms (typ. 9 ms)
per station to transit (64 kbit/s cross-connect) ≤ 0.5 ms
per station to transit (Binary signal cross- 3…5 ms (typ. 4 ms)
Isochronous distortion ≤ ± 5 ms
Data filter No transmission of pulses with a duration of ≤ 1 ms
Guarantied transmission of pulses with a duration of ≥ 4 ms

Excluding line propagation delay (≈5μs/km)
1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 43 of 55

Immunity: Equipment Level

Criterion B: (Temporary degradation of performance, but basic function is guarantied)

ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Class 4 Contact: 8,0 kV
Air: 15,0 kV
Criterion A: (Normal performance within the specification limits)
Electromagnetic HF-Field IEC 61000-4-3 Class 3 10 V/m
80 MHz to 1 GHz amplitude modulated
Immunity: Teleprotection Interface
Criterion B:
Surge 1,2 / 50 (8/20) μs IEC 61000-4-5 Class 4 DM: 2,0 kV
Remark: Source Impedance: 42 Ω
CM: 4,0 kV
Surge 1,2 / 50 μs (0,5 Joule) IEC 60255-5 Class 3 DM: 5,0 kV
(IEC 60834-1) CM: 5,0 kV
Fast Transient 5 / 50 ns, 5 kHz IEC 61000-4-4 Class 4 2,0 kV
IEC 61000-4-4 Class X 4,0 kV 1)
HF 1 MHz / 2 s IEC 61000-4-12 Class 3 DM: 1,0 kV
(IEC 60255-22-1) CM: 2,5 kV
Criterion A:
High Frequency 0,15 to 80 MHz IEC 61000-4-6 Class 3 CM: 10 Vrms

Immunity: Binary Interface and GPS Input

Criterion B:
Surge 1,2 / 50 (8/20) μs IEC 61000-4-5 Class 3 DM: 1,0 kV
Remark: Source Impedance 42 Ω
CM: 2,0 kV
Fast Transient 5 / 50 ns IEC 61000-4-4 Class 4 2,0 kV
HF 1 MHz / 2 s IEC 61000-4-12 Class 3 DM: 1,0 kV
CM: 2,5 kV
Criterion A:
High Frequency 0,15 to 80 MHz IEC 61000-4-6 Class 3 CM: 10 Vrms

Immunity: Auxiliary Power Supply

Criterion B:
Surge 1,2 / 50 (8/20) μs IEC 61000-4-5 Class 3 DM: 1,0 kV
Remark: Source Impedance 42 Ω
CM: 2,0 kV
Fast Transient 5 / 50 ns IEC 61000-4-4 Class 4 2,0 kV
HF 1 MHz / 2 s IEC 61000-4-12 Class 3 DM: 1,0 kV
CM: 2,5 kV
Criterion A:

Temporary loss of command transmission, no damage, no unwanted command

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High Frequency 0,15 to 80 MHz IEC 61000-4-6 Class 3 CM: 10 Vrms

Isolation: Teleprotection Interface
Protection circuits to each other 3000 Vrms 1 min
Protection circuits to earth 2500 Vrms 1 min
Isolation resistance measured at 500 VDC IEC60255-5 ≥ 100 MOhm
Isolation: Binary Interface
Binary circuits to each other, to electronic and to earth 1000 Vrms 1 min
Isolation resistance measured at 500 VDC IEC60255-5 ≥ 100 MOhm
Isolation: Auxiliary Power Supply
Output to input and to earth 500 Vrms 1 min
Isolation resistance measured at 500 VDC IEC60255-5 ≥ 100 MOhm
Isolation: GPS Input
Input and to earth 500 Vrms 1 min
Isolation resistance measured at 500 VDC IEC60255-5 ≥ 100 MOhm

Power consumption Auxiliary power supply: without load

+ 5V : < 400 mA

Auxiliary power supply: rated load

+ 5V : < 600 mA

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 45 of 55


Special Teleprotection Data

Transmission delay time Resolution ± 0.25 ms
measurement (Loop Test) Max. error ± 1 ms

Switch-over time 1+1 path 2.5…5 ms

protection (Teleprotection) typ. 3.5 ms

Operation mode ‘Speed Optimized’

Recommended for use with teleprotection schemes: Permissive tripping (under- / overreaching)
Blocking / Unblocking

Delay Times for point to point transmission (excluding line propagation delay):

min. typ. max.

Input voltage 24..125V 220/250V 24..125V 220/250V 24..125V 220/250V

Trip Immunity Time 0.5 ms 1.4 ms 0.7 ms 1.6 ms 1.0 ms 1.8 ms

Transmission Delay Time 1.9 ms 1.9 ms 2.4 ms 2.4 ms 3.1 ms 3.1 ms

Propagation Delay Time 2.4 ms 3.3 ms 3.1 ms 4.0 ms 4.1 ms 4.9 ms

Note: For 220/250V longer Trip Immunity Times are applied because of measurement requirements

Propagation Delay Time simple point-to-point link < 5 ms 3

T0 2 < 15 ms (typ. 12 ms) 4
per station to transit (64 kbit/s cross-connect) ≤ 0.5 ms
per station to transit (TEBIT cmd cross- ≤ 1.5 ms
TX data filter No transmission of pulses with a duration of: ≤ 1 ms
Guarantied transmission of pulses with a duration of: ≥ 2 ms

Excluding line propagation delay (≈5μs/km)
With solid state relay
With electro-mechanical relay

page 46 of 55 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


Security 5
Fig. 3.38: Probability of Unwanted Command (Puc) versus Bit Error Rate (BER)


1.0E-45 Puc
1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06

Fig. 3.39: Probability of Missing Command (Pmc) versus Bit Error Rate (BER).

1.00E-02 Pmc Tac<1T0
1.00E-03 Pmc Tac<1.3T0

1.00E-04 Pmc Tac<1.5T0

1.00E-05 Pmc Tac<2T0
1.0E-01 1.0E-02 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 1.0E-07

Remark: Measured with bit errors introduced at the G.704 framed 2 Mbit/s signal.

Due to AIS insertion the system is blocked with a bit error rate > 5*10-4 (no
command transmission)

Operation mode ‘Security Optimized’

Recommended for use with teleprotection schemes: Intertripping (direct transfer tripping)

Measured on 64 kbit/s

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 47 of 55


Delay Times for point to point transmission (excluding line propagation delay):

min. typ. max.

Input voltage 24..125V 220/250V 24..125V 220/250V 24..125V 220/250V

Trip Immunity Time 1.5 ms 2.4 ms 2.1 ms 3.0 ms 3.0 ms 4.8 ms

Transmission Delay Time 3.0 ms 3.0 ms 3.6 ms 3.6 ms 3.8 ms 3.8 ms

Propagation Delay Time 4.5 ms 5.4 ms 5.7 ms 6.6 ms 6.8 ms 7.8 ms

Note: For 220/250V longer Trip Immunity Times are applied because of measurements requirements.

Propagation Delay Time simple point-to-point link < 8 ms 7

T0 6 < 18 ms (typ. 15 ms) 8
per station to transit (64 kbit/s cross-connect) ≤ 0.5 ms
per station to transit (TEBIT cmd cross- ≤ 2.5 ms
TX data filter No transmission of pulses with a duration of: ≤ 1 ms
Guarantied transmission of pulses with a duration of: ≥ 2 ms

Security 9
Fig. 3.40: Probability of Unwanted Command (Puc) versus Bit Error Rate (BER)


1.0E-84 Puc
1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06

Fig. 3.41: Probability of Missing Command (Pmc) versus Bit Error Rate (BER)

Excluding line propagation delay (≈5μs/km)
With solid-state relay
With electro-mechanical relay
Measured on 64 kbit/s channel
page 48 of 55 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001

Pmc Tac<1T0
Pmc Tac<1.3T0

1.00E-04 Pmc Tac<1.5T0
1.00E-05 Pmc Tac<2T0
1.0E-01 1.0E-02 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 1.0E-07


Remark: Measured with bit errors introduced at the G.704 framed 2 Mbit/s signal.

Due to AIS insertion the system is blocked with a bit error rate > 5*10-4 (no
command transmission)

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 49 of 55


EEPROM Position

To upgrade the TEBIT firmware the Flash-EEPROM (A2) can be

changed. Its position is given in the figure below.

Note: The EEPROM is an IC in PLCC-32 housing mounted in a

socket, which can be removed. For this action a special PLCC-
remover is necessary.

Fig. 3.42:


page 50 of 55 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001



Cables The following TEBIT cable types are available:

Identification/Designation Article No. Length

Teleprotection V9UK CABLE PROT 3.5M 1KHL015600R0003 3.5 m

Binary V9UI CABLE BIN 3.5M 1KHL015582R0003 3.5 m

V9UI CABLE BIN 5.0M 1KHL015582R0005 5m
V9UI CABLE BIN 10M 1KHL015582R0010 10 m
V9UI CABLE BIN 20M 1KHL015582R0020 20 m

Teleprotection interface The connector on the TEBIT front panel is a male connector of
type “D” according to DIN 41612. To fulfill the requirements for
doubled insulation between the individual teleprotection circuit
this connector has both a special pinning and additional holes to
increase the creeping distance.
Using one cable of type V9UK performs interfacing to the external
teleprotection circuits. V9UK comprises on one side a female “D”
connector in a standard FOX-U /FOX 515 cable connector
housing and on the other side a 22-pole screw terminal block.
This terminal block is to be clipped onto an grounded DIN rail.

Authorized and properly trained personnel only is admitted

DANGER to carry out programming, installation, commissioning,
maintenance, troubleshooting and work of the equipment.


The mounting rail of V9UK terminal block must be
connected to protection earth through a copper wire of
≥ 2.5 mm2

Neither removing nor inserting of the front plate connector

CAUTION X2 permitted during power-up of the equipment. Preceding
to plugging in and out the connector the circuit breaker is to
be switched OFF.

Fig. 3.43: Pin-out of the TEBIT Teleprotection interface connector X2

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 51 of 55


Front view

TPI4+ --


-- TPI3-

TPI2+ --


-- TPI1-

TPO4+ --


-- TPO3-

TPO2+ --


-- TPO1-




a c
a c

page 52 of 55 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


External Connections with cable V9UK

Fig. 3. 44: Pin-out of the teleprotection interface cable V9UK

The terminal designation is as follows:

Terminal No. Signal Meaning

1 TPI1+ Teleprotection input #1, positive terminal
2 TPI1- Teleprotection input #1, negative terminal
3 TPI2+ Teleprotection input #2, positive terminal
4 TPI2- Teleprotection input #2, negative terminal
5 TPI3+ Teleprotection input #3, positive terminal
6 TPI3- Teleprotection input #3, negative terminal
7 TPI4+ Teleprotection input #4, positive terminal
8 TPI4- Teleprotection input #4, negative terminal
9 TPO1+ Teleprotection output #1, positive terminal
10 TPO1- Teleprotection output #1, negative terminal
11 TPO2+ Teleprotection output #2, positive terminal
12 TPO2- Teleprotection output #2, negative terminal
13 TPO3+ Teleprotection output #3, positive terminal
14 TPO3- Teleprotection output #3, negative terminal
15 TPO4+ Teleprotection output #4, positive terminal
16 TPO4- Teleprotection output #4, negative terminal
17 RLY1C Auxiliary relay #1, common contact
18 RLY1NO Auxiliary relay #1, normally open contact
19 RLY1NC Auxiliary relay #1, normally closed contact
20 RLY2C Auxiliary relay #2, common contact
21 RLY2NO Auxiliary relay #2, normally open contact
22 RLY2NC Auxiliary relay #2, normally closed contact
GNYE PE Protection earth

Profile of wires to be connected to the screw terminals of cable V9UK

0.2…4 mm2 solid wire 0.2…2.5 mm2 flexible wire

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 53 of 55


Binary interface The connector on TEBIT front panel is a 37-pole female

connector of type “Sub-D”.
Using one cable of type V9UI performs interfacing to external
equipment. V9UI contains on one side a male “Sub-D” connector
and on the other side open twisted pairs. These twisted pairs are
to be connected to cable strips.

Fig. 3.45: Pin-out of the TEBIT Binary interface connector X3

Front view

BOUT8+ 19
BOUT7+ 18
BOUT6+ 17
BOUT5+ 16
BOUT4+ 15
BOUT3+ 14
BOUT2+ 13
BOUT1+ 12
IRIG+ 11
VAUX+ 10
BIN7+ 27
1 BIN5+ 25
BIN3+ 23
BIN2+ 22
Shield 20

page 54 of 55 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 1KHW001447R0001


External Connections with cable V9UI

The wire designation is as follows:

Wire Color Signal X3 Meaning

pair contact
1 BU BIN1+ 2 Input #1, positive terminal
WH BIN1- 20 Input #1, negative terminal
2 YE BIN2+ 3 Input #2, positive terminal
WH BIN2- 21 Input #2, negative terminal
3 GN BIN3+ 4 Input #3, positive terminal
WH BIN3- 22 Input #3, negative terminal
4 BN BIN4+ 5 Input #4, positive terminal
WH BIN4- 23 Input #4, negative terminal
5 GY BIN5+ 6 Input #5, positive terminal
WH BIN5- 24 Input #5, negative terminal
6 BUWH BIN6+ 7 Input #6, positive terminal
WH BIN6- 25 Input #6, negative terminal
7 BUYE BIN7+ 8 Input #7, positive terminal
WH BIN7- 26 Input #7, negative terminal
8 BUGN BIN8+ 9 Input #8, positive terminal
WH BIN8- 27 Input #8, negative terminal
9 BUBN VAUX+ 10 Output auxiliary supply voltage (24V), positive terminal
WH VAUX- 28 Output auxiliary supply voltage (24V), negative terminal
10 BUGY IRIG-B+ 11 Time sync. input for GPS receiver, positive terminal
WH IRIG-B- 29 Time sync. input for GPS receiver, negative terminal
11 YEWH BOUT1+ 12 Output #1, positive terminal
WH BOUT1- 30 Output #1, negative terminal
12 YEGN BOUT2+ 13 Output #2, positive terminal
WH BOUT2- 31 Output #2, negative terminal
13 YEBN BOUT3+ 14 Output #3, positive terminal
WH BOUT3- 32 Output #3, negative terminal
14 YEGY BOUT4+ 15 Output #4, positive terminal
WH BOUT4- 33 Output #4, negative terminal
15 GNWH BOUT5+ 16 Output #5, positive terminal
WH BOUT5- 34 Output #5, negative terminal
16 GNBN BOUT6+ 17 Output #6, positive terminal
WH BOUT6- 35 Output #6, negative terminal
17 GNGY BOUT7+ 18 Output #7, positive terminal
WH BOUT7- 36 Output #7, negative terminal
18 BNWH BOUT8+ 19 Output #8, positive terminal
WH BOUT8- 37 Output #8, negative terminal
19 BNGY -- NC Not connected
WH -- NC Not connected
20 GYWH -- NC Not connected
WH -- NC Not connected

1KHW001447R0001 FOX Manual Units, Part 1 page 55 of 55

FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems

NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and

NEMGE 315, 316 

The units NEMCA and NEMGE are different in terms of the settable
input/output levels, otherwise the units are identical. The following
description is valid for both units the unit name NEMCA is used
because it is the standard version.

NEMCA: Standard version

NEMGE: Version for high input levels

The NEMCA unit allows 8 interfaces for voice, with a telephony

bandwidth of 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz including signalling, to be con-
nected. 2 signalling channels M → E and M’ → E’ are assigned to
each voice channel (2-wire or 4-wire selectable by hardware). This
unit is designed mainly for inter-exchange connections. However,
terminal equipment can also be connected, e.g. party line sub-
scriber sets, modems coded in analog mode for data transmission,
etc. The NEMCA, when fitted in a FOX-U equipped with CENCA
211, allows conference circuits to be formed.

Every interface can be configured individually for operation with or

without CAS. Signalling can be transmitted either in the multiframe
(TS16) or in a second information time slot of the 2 Mbit/s signal.
This is of use if, for example, the connection must be fed via a cross
connect without multiframe structure.

Depending on the application, four versions are available:

• NEMCA 301 (out of production)

• NEMCA 311 with the «normal» channel connection, without 1+1
• NEMCA 312 with the «normal» channel connection and 1+1
• NEMGE 315 with the «normal» channel connection, without 1+1
• NEMGE 316 with the «normal» channel connection and 1+1

The technical data is identical for both versions 311 and 312
respectively 315 and 316.

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-1 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems

The NEMCA 312 and NEMGE 316 offers, in addition to the «nor-
mal» channel connection, a «monitored» channel connection and a
«1+1» channel connection . In the «1+1» mode, two separate chan-
nel connections are set up in parallel and both are monitored. If a
connection is interrupted, a changeover to the standby link is made
automatically; the failure of the connection is indicated by an alarm.

Front Panel Fig. 1.1: NEMCA front panel

Fixing screw

Pull-out handle

Unit label

«Card» LED
«Signal» LED

Front-mounted, 2 x 32 pin multipoint

connector, a and c are used

Fixing screw

Operation Manual 1-2 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

Features • 8 AF interfaces individually configurable for voice and signalling

• 4-wire (the two directions isolated) or 2-wire (duplex), selectable
using jumpers, balanced
• Conversion of the analog signal to a digital 64 kbit/s signal (and
vice versa)
• Software-controlled level adjustment
• Software-controlled programming of test loops
• Access to two 2 Mbit/s highways
• Free selection of the time slot
• Formation of conference circuits
• Operation with expanded monitoring
• «1+1» operation

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-3 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
a2 Subunit 1 PCM Clock signals


Block Diagram

Operation Manual
FOX-U / FOX 515

EPIC Highways
4-wire LEDs
NI / I µ P-
Control SSEL_
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316


Fig. 1.2: Block diagram

+5 V

E +5V -5 V


E’ +5V Latch

- 120V

Front panel

ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
Communication Systems
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

NEMCA consists of the following functional blocks:

• Voice channels with SICOFI

• Inputs and outputs for signalling
• Demultiplexer / buffer for signalling
• Multiplexing and demultiplexing circuit EPIC
• Control processor µP

Voice channel circuits with The received and transmitted voice signals are electrically isolated
SICOFI from the unit by transformers. The components for overvoltage pro-
tection and for the impedance adaptation are situated between the
transformer and the SICOFI. A changeover between the 2-wire and
4-wire mode can be made using jumpers. In the 2-wire mode
(duplex connection to the exchange), the interface is located at the
4-wire input (a2, b2, see Fig. 1.2). The analog signal is digitized in
the SICOFI (and decoded in the reverse direction). Level adjust-
ments can be made under software control in the SICOFI. The digi-
tized voice signals are reformatted in SICOFI and transmitted via
the internal IOM-2 bus to EPIC for multiplexing.

Inputs and outputs for sig- 2 signalling channels per direction are assigned to every voice
nalling channel: E&M and E’&M’. A wire is used per signalling channel and
direction (i.e. 4 signalling wires per voice channel):

Transmit : M and/or M’
Receive : E and/or E’

The voltage -UTT is fed into the signalling inputs M and M’ via a
resistor (see Fig. 1.2). Depending on the state of the M and M’ con-
tacts (closed - open) which are outside of FOX-U (e.g. in the
exchange), the voltage on the M and M’ wires is modified.

After the conversion of these voltages by the Schmitt triggers into

the required logic levels, they are passed to the SICOFI chip as sig-
nalling bits.

The signalling states in the transmit direction (from the exchange

M, M’):

Signalling state : Coding :

High-impedance interface (-48 V) Signalling bit = 1
Earth potential Signalling bit = 0

To ensure correct functioning, a common earth return to the

exchange is required (the offset must be smaller than 2 V). This
connection is established via the subrack ground.

For more details, refer to application note:

«E&M Signalling with NEMCA» 3.2900.018/21

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-5 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems

Demultiplexer / buffer for In the receive direction, the signalling bits from the SICOFI are fed
signalling via the IOM-2 bus to the demultiplexer/buffer (DeMUX/latch). After
demultiplexing and buffering, the switching elements for E and E’
are controlled accordingly.

The signalling states in the receive direction (to the exchange E, E’)
are coded as follows:

State : Response of the interface :

Signalling bit = 1 Switch open
Signalling bit = 0 Switch closed = earth potential

Multiplexing and demulti- In this block, the voice channels and the signalling are multiplexed.
plexing circuit EPIC A time slot is arbitrarily assigned to each voice channel. The time
slot for the signalling channel is coupled to the allocation of the TS
for the voice channel. The EPIC has access to two 2 Mbit/s high-
ways, each with 32 time slots. The time slot programming is real-
ized according to the commands via the µprocessor control. In the
reverse direction, the signals are demultiplexed in the EPIC from
various time slots into the voice and signalling channels.

µprocessor control This controls the NEMCA using the locally installed, unit-specific
software. This SW is stored on the NEMCA unit in a PROM. The
µprocessor control receives the configuration parameters from the
central control card CENCA via the communication bus µC LAN.
Using the received data, the µP programs the SICOFI and the

A check on the contents of all configuration registers is carried out

periodically (self-test). If an error is detected, the value is reset and
subsequently checked. If it is not possible to overwrite the faulty
register with the correct value, the «Card» LED lights and an alarm
message is triggered.

When the unit is plugged into the subrack, an automatic «reset» of

the entire unit is initiated.

SICOFI, EPIC and IOM are registered trademarks of Siemens Ltd

Operation Manual 1-6 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

Hardware Configuration

4-wire/2-wire changeover This option setting is a part of the system configuration and it is
done manually. Each of the 8 interfaces can be switched individu-
ally to 4-wire or 2-wire mode. Two jumpers are provided for each
interface. Both must always be in the same position. The NEMCA
unit is shown in Figure 1.6; the two positions are designated with
«4» and «2». All interfaces in the diagram are set to the 4-wire

In the 2-wire mode, the line is connected to the connector pins des-
ignated a2 and b2.


After switching on, NEMCA is initialized automatically. The µP con-

troller of NEMCA receives the configuration data from the CENCA
data base and sets it in the SICOFI and EPIC. The allocation of the
channels to the time slots is explained in the description of the
CENCA under «Connection Point» and «Connection». The parame-
ters can be written and read in the UCST masks. These masks are
located in the branch: «Objects → units».


Select: the desired subunit
Press: «PARAM»

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-7 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems

Fig. 1.3:

• Interface
This option must be set first with hardware straps on the unit, as
described in the FOX-U Operation Manual (technical documen-
tation cards and functions).
- 2wire:
The NEMCA, NEMGE is hardware configured (with straps on
the unit) for 2W operation.
- 4wire:
The NEMCA, NEMGE is hardware configured (with straps on
the unit) for 4W operation.
• Level
By defining the relative input signal level at one end of the
FOX-U network, and the relative output signal level required at
the other end, both relative to the zero reference point (0 dBr),
an attenuation (or gain) of the signal transmitted across the
FOX-U network can be set as desired.
- Output:
The relative level of the output (RX) signal from the NEMCA,
- Input:
The relative level of the input (TX) signal to the NEMCA, NEMGE.
• Mode of operation
Outgoing and incoming Trunk lines

The use of the two bits «a» and «b» in TS16 have different
meaning whether they are transmitted from the calling exchange
A (forward direction), or from the called exchange B (backward
Transmission line and transmission equipment faults cause the
transmission of AIS (states a=1, and b=1).

Operation Manual 1-8 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

It is important that such faults clear the connection in the forward

direction (incoming end) so as to not tie up other exchanges
towards the called telephone.
It is also important that such faults block or busy the connection
in the backward direction (outgoing end) so that it is not used
again until the fault is corrected.
Each of the voice and related signalling lines between the
exchanges (trunk lines) are doubled, and designated as «incom-
ing» and «outgoing».
The calling exchange A uses the lines designated as «outgo-
ing». On the called exchange B side, these lines are designated
as «incoming».
The unit can provide such automatic signalling in case of trans-
mission fault when configured as following:

- Incoming
On the incoming end, the NEMCA, NEMGE configured as
«incoming» provides the following 700 ms clear forward
signal pulse to free the called exchange B:

- outputs E and E’ are opened (-48V) (derived from bits a

and b respectively) when AIS is received on the 2 Mbit/s
- outputs E and E’ are forced to 0V for 700 ms and then
opened, 12.5 seconds after AIS is received on the 2
Mbit/s input.
- outputs E and E’ are freed (derived from bits a and b
respectively) 400 ms after AIS is cleared on the 2 Mbit/s
- Outgoing
On the outgoing end, the NEMCA, NEMGE configured as
«outgoing» provides the following blocking signal to block
the calling exchange A:

- outputs E and E’ are opened (-48V) (derived from bits a

and b respectively) when AIS is received on the 2 Mbit/s
- outputs E and E’ are forced to 0V, 12.5 seconds after
AIS is received on the 2 Mbit/s input.
- outputs E and E’ are freed (derived from bits a and b
respectively) 400 ms after AIS is cleared on the 2 Mbit/s
- Transparent
This setting is used if the trunk line is used in an application
that does not require the manipulation of the signalling bits as
described above. An example is when the channel is used to
transmit data using an analog modem.

- Output lines E and E’ are always derived from bits a and b


ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-9 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems

Select: the desired subunit
Press: «DIAGN»

Fig. 1.4:

• Test loop:
- D-D Loopback:
This loopback allows the maintenance personnel to loop the
64 kbit/s received signal back to the remote station. The loop-
back is on the analogue circuit of the NEMCA, NEMGE.

The signal from the remote end is transmitted to the local

NEMCA, NEMGE output. The output level will change to:

+ 5.7 dBr / 4-wire operation

- 0.5 dBr / 2-wire operation

- A-A Loopback (only for 4 W operation):

This loopback, allows the maintenance personnel to loop the
local incoming analog signal back to the customer premise
equipment. The loopback is on the digital circuit of the

The Default signal as defined in step 9 is generated towards

to the far end.

- None:
No loopback activated.

Only the voice signal is looped, the signalization is not looped.

To activate loops See Operation Manual Part 1, UCST Description STEP 16.

Operation Manual 1-10 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

Summary of NEMCA, NEMGE Fig. 1.5:

Loops NEMCA,

D-D Loopback

2 Mbit/s
A-A Loopback

analog digital
side side

Setting Alarm Categories The necessary procedures for setting the alarm categories are
described in «Setting the unit alarm categories» in STEP 2 of the
UCST Description (Operation Manual Part 1).

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-11 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems


Every alarm is reported to the central control card CENCA.

Alarm indication The «card» and «signal» LEDs are located on the front panel.

• The «card» LED is switched on by the central control card

CENCA via a separate line when:

- CENCA - NEMCA communication fails.

- Self-test of NEMCA could not be terminated successfully.

- NEMCA does not have the correct version of the unit-specific


- NEMCA is not plugged into the correct slot.

• The «signal» LED lights in the event of a transmission fault, for

example, in 1+1 mode, if one of the two signals is interrupted or

Alarm messages to the • Incorrect position of the 2-wire/4-wire jumpers.

• Test loop switched on because normal operation is not possible.

• When configured for the 1+1 mode, the alarm messages are
expanded accordingly.

The inputs on the interface to the exchange are not monitored.

Alarm Text SbU No. Text Meaning

0 0 Hardware fault Unit self test fail

1-8 0 Hardware fault Subunit self test fail

1 Switch 2/4 W Hardware jumpers on NEMCA are

different from Software setting.

2 Test loop active A-A Loopback activated. Signal

from local CPE (Customer Premise
Equipment) is looped back to local

* 3 Ch D disturbed bits abcd=1111 (AIS)

for «Default» TS

* 4 Ch R disturbed bits abcd=1111 (AIS)

for «Reserve» TS

Operation Manual 1-12 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

SbU No. Text Meaning

* 5 Remote alarm Ch D bits abcd=xx10 (RA)

for «Default» TS

* 6 Remote alarm Ch R bits abcd=xx10 (RA)

for «Reserve» TS

* 7 Trans. disturbed bits abcd=1111 (AIS)

for «Default» TS
bits abcd=1111 (AIS)
for «Reserve» TS

* Alarms are only applicable for NEMCA 312 or NEMGE 316 (with
1+1 function) for subunits with «Supervised», «1+1», or «1+1
Reversible» mode of operation as defined from the «SUB-


The front-mounted connector of the NEMCA has 64 pins (2x32, a

and c lines are used). This corresponds to 8 interfaces, each with 8
lines. Every interface consists of balanced voice lines (2-wire or
4-wire) and 4 lines for signalling. A ground wire is not provided. To
ensure correct functioning of the signalling, a common earth return
from the exchange to the NEMCA unit is required. This connection
is established via the subrack ground (the offset must be smaller
than 4 V).

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-13 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems

Technical data

Basic standards CCITT recommendations: G.711, G.712, Basic requirements of the

Swiss PTT: V.D.19, issue June 1992, 692.01, Book I.S, version 1/3,
Berne 5.1989, 692.07, Book VII.E, Version 1/2, Berne 25.7.1978
and the specification: «Schnittstellenanpassung für E&M-Signali-
sierung» (SAP SZ), Hasler Ltd., Version 14.11.1984

Analog interface Coding : A Law according to CCITT G.711

Level (with UCST software, adjustable in 0.5 dB steps)

Level range 4-wire for NEMCA:
- Input : +7.5 to -16.0 dBr
- Output : +7.0 to -16.5 dBr
(Note: Output level of +6.5 and
+7.0 dBr reduced characteristics,
see level-dependent distortion.)

Level range 2-wire for NEMCA:

- Input : +6.5 to -12.5 dBr
- Output : -1.0 to -20.0 dBr

Level range 4-wire for NEMGE:

- Input : +9.5 to -10 dBr
- Output : +7.0 to -16.5 dBr

Level range 2-wire for NEMGE:

- Input : +9.5 to -6.5 dBr
- Output : -1.0 to -20.0 dBr
Level accuracy (test frequency 1020 Hz, Test level: 0 dBm0, Mea-
surement A → D or D → A).
- 4-wire : ±0.3 dB
- 2-wire: : ±0.4 dB
Saturation limit
A → D at 1020 Hz : +3.14 dBm0, ±0.3 dB
Impedance in the voice band : 600 Ω, balanced and floating
Return loss at the 4-wire
input and output : 0.3 to 3.4 kHz : ≥20 dB
Return loss at the
2-wire interface : 0.3 to 0.6 kHz : ≥12 dB
0.6 to 3.4 kHz : ≥15 dB
Longitudinal conversion
attenuation (balanced earth),
2-wire, 4-wire,
input and output : 15 to 300 Hz : ≥42 dB
300 to 3400 Hz : ≥52 dB

Operation Manual 1-14 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

Frequency response of attenuation

(measurement A → D or D → A,
reference frequency: 1014 Hz
Test level: -10 dBm0)

Frequency (Hz) 4-wire (dB) 2-wire (dB)

to 200 >0.00 >0.00
200 to 300 >-0.25 >-0.30
300 to 400 -0.25 to +0.25 -0.30 to +1.00
400 to 600 -0.25 to +0.25 -0.30 to +0.75
600 to 2400 -0.25 to +0.25 -0.30 to +0.35
2400 to 3000 -0.25 to +0.25 -0.30 to +0.55
3000 to 3400 -0.25 to +0.90 -0.30 to +1.50
3400 to 3600 >-0.25 >-0.30
3600 to 3600 >0.00 >0.00

Suppression 50 Hz / 150 Hz
(measurement A → D,
reference frequency: 1014 Hz,
test levels: -10 dBm0) : 150 Hz : approx. 3 dB
50 Hz : ≥36 dB

Absolute envelope delay

between the AF interface and
Transmit direction (AF interface → HW) : 308 to 452 µs
Receive direction (HW → AF interface) : 303 to 441 µs

If the envelope delay is to be specified in the direction of the

2Mbit/s interface of the MEGIF, the propagation times in the
DXC (CENCA) and in MEGIF must be added together. These

Transmit direction
(HW → 2 Mbit/s interface) : 10 to 125 µs approx. 10 µs
Receive direction
(2 Mbit/s interface → HW) : 10 to 127 µs 29 to 248 µs

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-15 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems

Envelope delay distortions:

Frequency (Hz) A→D D→A
300 ≤1000 µs ≤300 µs
500 ≤300 µs ≤80 µs
600 ≤200 µs ≤50 µs
1000 ≤80 µs ≤50 µs
1800 ≤50 µs ≤50 µs
2600 ≤100 µs ≤100 µs
2800 ≤150 µs ≤150 µs
3400 ≤400 µs ≤400 µs

Basic noise evaluated

psophometrically : A→D : <-67 dBm0p

D→A : <-75 dBm0p, output

levels ≥-7.5 dBr
<-70 dBm0p, output
levels ≤-8.0 dBr

A→A : <-65 dBm0p

Suppression of
out-of-band signals : Out-of-band signals of 4.6 kHz to
72 kHz with level -25 dBm0 fed in
via the analog input are sup-
pressed at the digital output by at
least 25 dB.

Out-of-band interference at
the analog output : Signals with a frequency of 300 Hz
up to 3400 Hz and with a level of
0 dBm0 fed in via the digital input
produce no out-of-band signals on
the AF output with a level greater
than -25 dBm0.

Total distortion including

quantizing distortion : Measurements A → D and D → A

Test level Distance Signal/

(dBm0) Total distortion
-45 >24
-40 >29
-30 to 0 >35

Measurement A → A
-45 >22
-40 >27
-30 to 0 >33

Operation Manual 1-16 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

Non-linear distortion : Measurement A → A, test signal

with frequency 1014 Hz, level
0 dBm0

Level of the test signal

harmonic waves at the
analog output : 2nd Harmonic wave: ≤-40 dBm0
3rd Harmonic wave: ≤-40 dBm0

Level-dependent distortion
measured with sine signal : Measurement A → D or D → A,
Frequency : 1014 Hz,
Level : -10 dBm0

Input level Level variation

(dBm0) (dB)
-55 to -50 ±1.6
-50 to -40 ±0.6
-40 to +3 ±0.3

In the case of D → A, output level range of +6.5 and +7 dBr, the

G.712 requirement is not fulfilled and the following level varia-
tion applies:

Input level Level variation

(dBmo) (dB)
-40 to +2 ±0.3
+ 2 to +3 +0.3/-1.0

If the level-dependent distortion is measured with «band limited

noise signal», these requirements are met for all levels.

Crosstalk attenuation in
own channel (4-wire) : Measurement
signal : 300 to 3400 Hz,
Level : 0 dBm0
Measurement A → A : ≥66 dB
Measurement D → D : ≥66 dB

Crosstalk attenuation between

two channels
(4-wire or 2-wire) : Measurement signal : 1014 Hz,
Level : 0 dBm0
Transmission crosstalk:
A → A : ≥73 dB
A → D : ≥70 dB
Receive crosstalk:
D → D : ≥70 dB
D → A : ≥73 dB

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-17 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems

Interference on the voice

channel due to the signalling : All signalling channels with signal:
50 ms/50 ms clocked. AF channel
A → A, noise measured at the ana-
log output:
4-wire : ≤-60 dBm0p
2-wire : ≤-50 dBm0p

Balancing-network attenuation
for 2-wire ATBRL : Measured according to G.712, §16,
the interface is terminated with 600
ohm in series with 2.16 µF.
Nominal values:
300 to 500 Hz : ≥13 dB
500 to 2500 Hz : ≥18 dB
2500 to 3400 Hz : ≥14 dB

Signalling Meaning of signalling bits:

Bit a : Input : M (M grounded → a = «0»)

Output : E (a = «0» → E grounded)

Bit b : Input : M‘ (M‘ grounded → b = «0»)

Output : E‘ (b =«0» → E‘ grounded)

Bit c : is set to «0»

Bit d : is set to «1»

Pulse distortions : M/M’ → E/E’: ≤3 ms

Delay : M/M’ → highway: 20 to 250 µs

Highway → E/E’: 20 to 250 µs,

If the envelope delay has to be specified in the direction of the

2 Mbit/s interface of the MEGIF, the propagation times in the
DXC (CENCA) and in MEGIF must be added together. These

Transmit direction
(HW → 2 Mbit/s interface): 10 to 127 µs 4 to 2130 µs
Receive direction
2 Mbit/s interface → HW) : 10 to 127 µs 67 to 380 µs

Propagation time differences

between the two
signalling channels : Transmit direction: ≤±2 ms
Receive direction : ≤±100 µs

Operation Manual 1-18 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

If signalling is not transmitted in TS16 but in an information time

slot, the pulse distortions and the propagation time differences
are considerably smaller because the influence of the conver-
sion to the multiframe are omitted.
Specification of the
E and E’ contacts : Contact open :
max. permanent voltage : -75 V
max. leakage current at -72 V : -20 µA
Threshold voltage of the
protective diode : approx. -120 V,
approx. +1 V
Rating of the
protective diode : -19 A (8/20 µs) or
-3.6 A (10/1000 µs)
+15 A (10 ms)
for polarity reversal

Contact closed :
max. constant current : -135 mA
Voltage drop for 135 mA : ≤3 V
Current limiting : approx. -0.4 A

Any current peaks at switch on are limited to approx. 0.4 A.

Specification of the M and M’

inputs :
Reverse voltage : identical to UTT
Short-circuit current : UTT/40 kohm
Switching thresholds :
Voltage at the M/M’ : is interpreted as:
-5 V to +75 V Contact closed
-24 V to UTT Contact open

The E&M interface of the NEMCA can also be used for the con-
nection of an exchange of the type II with E&M interfaces. The
connection of such an exchange to the transmission interface is
shown in the following diagram.

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-19 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems

Exchange type II Transmission interface

E detector E contact
E wire (SZ1)
-48 V

SG wire

M wire (SZ2)

SB wire
-48 V
M contact M detector

When the transmission interface is implemented with the NEMCA,

the connections as shown below:

Exchange type II NEMCA

E detector SZ1 contact
E wire SZ1
-48 V

SG wire

M wire SZ2
-48 V
SB wire
M contact SZ2 detector

In contrast to the E&M interface, the return is realized via the sys-
tem ground. This wiring brings no electrical disadvantages for most
installations. It is simpler and more economical. However, the earth
potential difference between the two systems must not exceed 4 V.

Maximum line lengths The NEMCA is specially designed for inter-exchange connections.
The attenuation of a 15m cable is considered during the adjustment
of the unit during manufacturing. The allowed attenuation for a fre-
quency of 800 Hz is 0.5 dB. When using the exchange cable U 72
from Daetwyler AG, type 16x4x0.4, then the maximum cable
length is 260 m

Operation Manual 1-20 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

EPROM Position

In order to facilitate the upgrading of the software, the position of

the EPROM is shown below.

Fig. 1.6: NEMCA/NEMGE units

4-wire/2-wire changeover jumpers

4-wire 2-wire
Ch 8

Ch 7

Ch 6

Ch 5

Ch 4

Ch 3

Ch 2

Ch 1
4-wire 2-wire



ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-21 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 Communication Systems


NEMCA/NEMGE cables Wire wrap side


Twisted Twisted

bn b1 32 E’ bn
gb a1 31 M’ gb
Ch 8 Ch 8
gn b2 30 E gn
gb a2 29 M gb
og b1 28 E’ og
gb a1 27 M’ gb
Ch 7 Ch 7
bl b2 26 E bl
1B gb a2 25 M gb 2B
bl bn b1 24 E’ bn og
s a1 23 M’ s
Ch 6 Ch 6
gn b2 22 E gn
s a2 21 M s
og b1 20 E’ og
s a1 19 M’ s
Ch 5 Ch 5
bl b2 18 E bl
s a2 17 M s
bn b1 16 E’ bn
r a1 15 M’ r
Ch 4 Ch 4
gn b2 14 E gn
r a2 13 M r
og b1 12 E’ og
r a1 11 M’ r
Ch 3 Ch 3
bl b2 10 E bl
1A r a2 9 M r 2A
bl bn b1 8 E’ bn og
w a1 7 M’ w
Ch 2 Ch 2
gn b2 6 E gn
w a2 5 M w
og b1 4 E’ og
w a1 3 M’ w
Ch 1 Ch 1
32 bl b2 2 E bl
2w 4w w a2 1 M w

1 a b c

For E&M / E’&M’ operation, FOX-U must have -48 V connected

to UTT either directly (connected in parallel with UP1 and/or
UP2) or via optional fuse unit COBOX.

Operation Manual 1-22 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316

Abbreviations used for signalling lines

SZ1 = SZ11 = E
SZ2 = SZ21 = M
SZ1’ = SZ12 = E’
SZ2’ = SZ22 = M’

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 1-23 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems

EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units


EXLAx The EXLAx (EXchange Line ANalog) units are exchange interface
units. 12 subscriber connections are available on each unit.

The unit simulates the functions of the telephone sets, detects the
corresponding exchange signals, and transmits these to the SUBLx
on the subscriber side.

Depending on the EXLAx version, the following functions are sup-


• pulse dialing
• tone dialing
• earth key function
• metering function (12 kHz or 16kHz)
• flash impulse
• polarity reversal
• indication of busy lines
• wide range of factory settable «country specific» parameters to
ensure interworking with different exchange requirements

The following parameters can be individually set per subunit by the

operator using the UCST.

• input voice level

• output voice level
• metering pulse enable/disable
• signalling bit definition
• loop back of voice to the telephone

SUBLx The SUBLx (SUbscriber Line analog) units are telephone interface
units. 12 subscriber connections are available on each unit.

The unit simulates the functions of the exchange, detects the corre-
sponding telephone signals, and transmits these to the EXLAx on
the exchange side.

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 2-1 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Each of the 12 Subunits on the SUBLx can be individually config-

ured for a phone-phone mode of operation to allow a hot line con-
nection to be implemented.

When one or more SUBLx units are installed in a FOX-U subrack,

then one FOX-U ring generator unit RIGEN / MIRIG must be
installed to provide the ringing to the telephones.

When one or more SUBLx units are installed in a FOX-U subrack,

then the power terminal marked UTT must be connected to 48 Vdc
to provide power feeding to the telephone sets.

Depending on the SUBLx version, telephone sets with the following

features are supported:

• pulse dialing
• tone dialing
• earth key function
• metering function (12 kHz or 16 kHz)
• flash impulse
• polarity reversal
• indication of busy lines

The following parameters can be individually set per subunit by the

operator using the UCST:

• input voice level

• output voice level
• metering pulse enable/disable
• signalling bit definition
• operating mode (phone-exchange, phone-phone)
• loopback of voice to the exchange

Depending on the SUBLx version, the following functions are sup-


• interworking with the FOX-U subscriber test unit LINTE

• interworking with Ericsson’s AXE 10 supporting EMS protocol
(2 Mbit/s-level)
• interworking with Switches supporting CAS-Mercury protocol
(2 Mbit/s-level)
• wide range of factory settable «country specific» parameters to
ensure interworking with different telephone set requirements

Operation Manual 2-2 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Applications Examples The telephone connection to a PBX can be extended via a FOX-U
PBX connections network by connecting the telephone interface of the PBX to an

The PBX connection to an exchange can be extended via a FOX-U

network by connecting the trunk line interface of the PBX to a

Phone-Exchange The telephone connection to an exchange can be extended via a

FOX-U network by connecting the telephone to an SUBLx, and the
exchange to an EXLAx.

Phone-phone In the phone-exchange mode SUBLx communicates with an EXLAx

on the far end as shown below:

Fig. 2.1: Phone-exchange operation of SUBLA


FOX-U Transmission Network FOX-U

In the phone-phone mode SUBLx communicates with another

SUBLx on the far end.

The ringing mode (4 seconds ring on «off-hook», or ring with earth

key) can be set individually per channel.

Fig. 2.2: Phone-phone operation of SUBLA / SUBL6 / SUBUK



FOX-U Transmission Network FOX-U

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 2-3 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

ESM ESM is an Ericsson standard for direct 2 Mbit/s access to AXE10

exchanges for telephone interfaces (available for SUBLA and
SUBL6 units).

The FOX-U supporting this standard will be able to interface directly

with AXE10 exchanges via 2 Mbit/s signals. This will make the inter-
face unit on the exchange side EXLAN unnecessary.

This greatly reduces the equipment and wiring requirements at the

AXE 10 exchange.

Fig. 2.3: Direct 2 Mbit/s-connection to AXE exchange

AXE 10 with ESM

4x2 Mbit/s ESM 4x2 Mbit/s ESM

. FOX-U Transmission Network
120 telephones

CAS-Mercury CAS-Mercury is an standard for direct 2 Mbit/s access to CAS-Mer-

cury compatible exchanges.

The FOX-U supporting this standard will be able to interface directly

with CAS-Mercury compatible exchanges via 2 Mbit/s signals. This
will make the interface unit on the exchange side EXLAx unneces-

This greatly reduces the equipment and wiring requirements at the

CAS-Mercury compatible exchange.

Fig. 2.4: Direct 2 Mbit/s-connection to CAS-Mercury compatible


compatible exchange
4x2 Mbit/s 4x2 Mbit/s

. FOX-U Transmission Network
120 telephones

Operation Manual 2-4 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Carrier adapter Fig. 2.5: Description of the application


* 96


slot16 16+1 GMC RT

Carrier system
GMC ET slot9
slot9 slot10
slot10 slot7


slot11 *
5+1 slot11
* 5+1
slot8 * 15
* slot12 slot12
* 1 1


external alarms external alarms

☎ 1

Details are available in the application note document


Conference More than two telephones can be interconnected in the FOX-U net-
work using the FOX-U conference connection facilities. The confer-
ence telephones must have the facility of providing selective in-
band signalling as the FOX-U conferences only the voice, but not
the CAS signalling.

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 2-5 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Versions The following versions of EXLAx and SUBLx are available:

Unit Description
EXLAN 341 (1.x) Basic functionality (See data sheet)
EXLAN 342 (2.x) Basic functionality with the following additional functions:
- Polarity reversal is detected
- All 4 signalling bits are configurable via UCST
- Status of lines available via UCST
- Following parameters can be set by the factory for individual
customer requirements.
Dial and flash pulse parameters,
Ring signal and polarity reversal parameters,
Delay of dial pulse regeneration,
Metering pulse regeneration after on hook,
EXLA6 351 (1.x) Basic functionality but with 600 Ohm line impedance
EXLA6 352 (2.x) Same as EXLAN 342 but with 600 Ohm line impedance
EXLA3 361 (1.x) Basic functionality but with the following difference:
- A higher level of metering pulse detection (>2.8 Vrms)
- No earth key function provided
- No polarity reversal
EXLAN 343 (2.x) Same as EXLAN 342 but with lower off hook DC impedance (780 Ohm)
and lower metering pulse detection (200 mVrms)
SUBLA 321 (1.x) Basic functionality (See data sheet)
SUBLA 322 (2.x) Basic functionality but with the following additional functions:
- Polarity reversal is regenerated
- All 4 signalling bits are configurable via UCST
- Status of lines available via UCST
- Supported by LINTE
- Interwork with AXE-10 (ESM), and Mercury CAS, and various Carrier
Adaptor systems
- Following parameters can be set by the factory for individual
customer requirements.
Dial / flash parameters,
Ring signal and polarity reversal parameters,
Delay of pulse regeneration,
Metering pulse generation after on hook,
SUBL6 325 (1.x) Basic functionality but with 600 Ohm line impedance
SUBL6 326 (2.x) Same as SUBLA 322 but with 600 Ohm line impedance
SUBLA 323 (2.x) Same as SUBLA 322 but with higher loop current generation (44 mA)

Compatibility All EXLAx units are fully compatible with all SUBLx units provided
that all the required functions are available on both units.

Operation Manual 2-6 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Factory settable parameters The following EXLAx/SUBLx versions can be factory adapted for
for EXLAx/SUBLx interworking with special «country specific» requirements of
exchanges and subscriber equipment:

EXLAN 342, 343, EXLA6 352, SUBLA 322, 323 and SUBL6 326

The parameters that are factory settable, and their standard default
values are found in the technical data section at the end of this

When values other than the standard default values are required by
the customer, they must be requested and discussed at the time of

Signalling The SUBLx detects signalling (on/off hook, dial, earth key) from the
Signalling from telephone to a/b line of the telephone, and regenerates it on the signalling bits in
exchange TS16 (CAS).

The EXLAx detects the signalling from the CAS and regenerates it
on the a/b lines of the exchange.

Signalling from exchange to The EXLAx detects signalling (polarity reversal, ring, metering) from
telephone the a/b line of the exchange, and regenerates it on the signalling
bits in TS16 (CAS).

The SUBLx detects the signalling from the CAS and regenerates it
on the a/b line of the telephone.

Polarity reversal detection by Polarity reversal operates in both on hook and off hook states. Nor-
EXLAx mal polarity is when the a-wire is more positive than the b-wire.
Reverse polarity is when the b-wire is more positive than the a-wire.

When there is no voltage on the lines (ie. when the power feeding
from the exchange is removed), then the polarity detector assumes
reversed polarity.

When power feeding is removed during an on hook state, then the

EXLAx can take up to a few seconds to assume polarity reversal.

Metering pulse length genera- The transmission of the length of the metering pulse is not transpar-
tion by SUBLx ent.

When the EXLAx detects 12kHz/16kHz metering signal lasting «x»

seconds, then it generates a pulse «x» seconds (±30ms) long on
the CAS.

When the SUBLx detects this pulse on the CAS, it sends the
12kHz/16kHz signal generated by CENCA. The length of this signal
is determined by the default setting which is factory adjustable.

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 2-7 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Dial pulse recognition by An impulse as received from CAS that has a length of:
• less than 20ms is ignored

• (21ms...30ms is either ignored or regenerated as a dial pulse)

• 31ms...79ms is regenerated on the a/b line as a dial pulse

• (80ms...89ms is regenerated as either a dial pulse or a flash

pulse of 120ms)

• 90ms...140ms is regenerated on the a/b line as a flash pulse of


• (141ms...159ms is regenerated as either a flash pulse of 160ms

or on hook)

• greater than 160ms is regenerated transparently on the a/b line

as on hook / off hook

Fig. 2.6:
Off hook Pause (make)

On hook Pulse (break)

«4» Interdigit time «2»

Dial pulse recognition by An impulse as received from the a/b line that has a length of:
• less than 20ms is ignored

• (21ms...30ms is either ignored or regenerated on CAS as a dial


• 31ms...79ms is regenerated on CAS as a dial pulse

• (80ms...99ms is regenerated on CAS as either a dial pulse or a

flash pulse of 120ms)

• 100ms...140ms is regenerated on CAS as a flash pulse of


• (141ms...159ms is regenerated on CAS as either a flash pulse

of 160ms or on hook)

• greater than 160ms is regenerated transparently on CAS as on

hook / off hook

Operation Manual 2-8 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Front Panel Fig. 2.7: Front panel of EXLAx, SUBLx

Fixing screw

Pull-out handle

Unit label

«Card» LED

Front connector for 12 exchange lines

2x 32 pin male connector

Fixing screw

Features • 12 two-wire telephone interfaces on each unit

• Conversion of the analog telephone signal to a 64 kbit/s digital

signal (and vice versa).

• Software controlled level alignment

• Free time slot selection

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 2-9 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
Block Diagram
EXLAx design

Operation Manual
FOX-U / FOX 515

Test bus


contact IOM2 peripheral
a, b AC Highways
Dialling coupling control
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Test relay circuit A (EPIC)

Polarity Micro- µC-LAN

detector processor
for control Clock

Metering Reset + Reset
pulse alarm
receiver logic HWFAIL

Fig. 2.8: Block diagram of EXLAN, EXLA6 units

Fault LED

Subscriber circuit sub 1

Subscriber circuit sub 2 to sub 12

ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
Communication Systems
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Fig. 2.9: Block diagram of EXLA3




Fault LED

Reset +





Subscriber circuit sub 2 to sub 12


Subscriber circuit sub 1




a, b

Since all versions of EXLAx have the same basic functions, only
EXLAN 341 is described in detail.

The EXLAx unit comprises the following function blocks:

• 12 subscriber circuits
• Microprocessor control

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 2-11 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Subscriber circuit The subscriber circuit is the analog interface to the exchange. It
detects the ringing signal, the metering (call charging) pulse, as well
as the polarity of the wire pair. It produces the dialling pulses, simu-
lates the function of the ground key and closes or opens the DC
loop. Other functions are: Overvoltage protection, switching the
interface to the test bus (CTA/CTB) and electrical isolation of the
exchange lines from the internal logic circuitry.

The PCM circuit digitizes and multiplexes the analog signals. In the
opposite direction it demultiplexes and converts the digital signals.
The principal components are the EPIC and SICOFI chips. On com-
mand of the microprocessor the EPIC connects an individual high-
way time slot to a specific subscriber.

The impedance matching and level matching can be performed in

SICOFI under software control.

The connection between FOX-U (EXLAN) and the exchange nor-

mally does not leave the exchange building and is consequently
much shorter than a normal telephone line. For this reason the
demands placed on the following technical parameters are less

- Overvoltage protection
- Ringing impedance
- Metering pulse level sensitivity
- DC resistance in voice and dialling condition

Microprocessor control Controls the entire EXLAx unit and communicates with the CENCA
central unit. The microprocessor control reads and sets up the con-
figuration data obtained from the CENCA unit.

The microprocessor control also processes the signalling. The sig-

nalling criteria of the analog subscriber interfaces are transmitted
from EPIC to the microprocessor, processed, and then returned to
EPIC for transmission. When the board is plugged into the subrack,
a reset of the entire board is automatically initiated. These functions
are executed by the microprocessor based on its own unit-specific

Operation Manual 2-12 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
HENF 91 221 (99.02)
Block Diagram

Test buses Ringing signal

SUBLx design


Communication Systems

ABB Power Automation Ltd.

SICOFI IOM2 peripheral PCM
control Highways
Ringing Signalling (EPIC)
relay SLIC
driver control
filter Micro- µP-LAN
Ground processor
a,b control Clock

Over- 2/4-wire key
voltage Ringing interface detector
protection Test relay relay
polatity Metering A Reset + Reset
inverter Loop signal alarm
detector filter D logic HWFAIL

* for Line Voice TX

Fig. 2.10: Block diagram of SUBLx

SUBLA 322 voltage

SUBL6 326 Voice RX Metering
signal feed

Fault LED
Subscriber circuit Sub 1
Subscriber circuit Sub 2 to Sub 12


FOX-U / FOX 515

Operation Manual
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

pulse signal
FOX-U / FOX 515
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

The SUBLx unit comprises the following function blocks:

• 12 SLIC subscriber interfaces

• 12 SICOFI A/D and D/A converters
• EPIC multiplexer and demultiplexer
• Microprocessor control

SLIC subscriber interface The SLIC circuit is the analog interface to the subscriber. It com-
prises: Overvoltage protection, channel switching to the line test
bus LTA/B and circuit test bus CTA/B, detectors for loop closure
(off-hook), dial pulse and ground (earth) key, as well as ringing sig-
nal generation and feeding of the metering pulses.

SICOFI A/D and D/A In SICOFI the voice signal is digitized. The signalling criteria are
converter converted and supplied to the EPIC multiplexer via the internal
IOM-2 interface. In the opposite direction SICOFI converts the digi-
tal voice signal to an analog signal and creates the signalling
information for the subscriber interface. Level adjustments can be
made under software control in the SICOFI.

EPIC multiplexer and demul- In this block the voice channels and the signalling information are
tiplexer multiplexed. EPIC has access to two 2 Mbit/s highways with 32 time
slots each. The time slots are assigned in accordance with the
CENCA commands via the microprocessor control. In the opposite
direction EPIC demultiplexes the digital signals in the voice and sig-
nalling channels, and transmits them via the internal IOM-2 inter-
face to the SICOFI unit.

Microprocessor control Based on the unit-specific software stored in ROM, the micropro-
cessor controls the SUBLx. All parameters and channel configura-
tions which the microprocessor receives from the CENCA central
unit via the µC-LAN communications bus are set by the micropro-
cessor in SICOFI, EPIC and SLIC. The individual channels are con-
trolled by the unit-specific software, and their alarm state is cycli-
cally scanned. Alarm messages are transmitted to the CENCA
central unit.

The microprocessor control also processes the signalling.

The signalling criteria of the subscriber units are transmitted by

EPIC to the microprocessor, evaluated, processed and then
returned to EPIC for transmission.
These functions are performed by the microprocessor circuit based
on its own specific software.

The content of all configuration registers is periodically checked

(self-test). If an error is detected, the information is reloaded and
subsequently checked. If the register cannot be overwritten with the
correct value, the «Card» LED lights and an alarm message is
transmitted to the CENCA unit.
When this unit is plugged into the subrack, a reset of the entire
board is automatically initiated.

Operation Manual 2-14 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

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FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Configuration of EXLAx/SUBLx

The units are automatically initialized when power is switched on

(ie. when the unit is plugged into the subrack). The microprocessor
obtains the configuration data from the CENCA database and sets
these parameters in SICOFI and EPIC. The assignment of the
channels to the timeslots and highways is explained in the CENCA
description under «Connection point» and «Connection». The
parameters can be modified and read in the UCST masks. These
masks are located in the branch: «Objects» → «Units».

Setting the Parameters From the «OBJECTS», «UNITS», «SUBUNITS» MENU:

Select: the desired subunit

Press: «PARAM»

Depending on the unit and the version, various masks, each slightly
different allow the operator to enable/disable some or all of the fol-
lowing functions:

Fig. 2.11:

This mask shows for example the SUBLA mask. The EXLA mask is
not illustrated.

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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Level Fig. 2.12:

• Level
By defining the relative input signal level at one end of the
FOX-U network, and the relative output signal level required at
the other end, both relative to the zero reference point (0 dBr),
an attenuation (or gain) of the signal transmitted across the
FOX-U network can be set as desired.

- Input:
the relative level of the input (TX) signal to the unit from the
exchange for EXLAx or from the telephone for SUBLx.

- Output:
the relative level of the output (RX) signal from the unit to the
exchange for EXLAx or to the telephone for SUBLx.

Operation Manual 2-16 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

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FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Mode of operation (only Depending on the unit and the version, various masks, each slightly
SUBLx) different allow the operator to enable/disable some or all of the fol-
lowing functions:

Fig. 2.13:


Select: one of the listed parameters

Press: «EDIT»

Depending on the version of SUBLx, the following modes of opera-

tion can be defined independently for each channel.

• Phone-Phone:
operation with another SUBLx at the far end for telephone hot-
line connections. One of 2 modes of ringing the far end tele-
phone must be defined.

- 4 seconds (ringing for phone-phone mode):

the called telephone «B» rings for 4 seconds when the calling
telephone «A» goes off hook.

- Ground key(ringing for phone-phone mode):

the called telephone «B» rings when the earth key is pressed
on the calling telephone «A».

• Phone-Exchange:
normal operation with another EXLAx at the far end for connec-
tion to an exchange.

• Mercury CAS:
operation with digital exchanges with the Mercury CAS protocol.
This allows connection to the exchange via direct 2 Mbit/s sig-
nals instead of via EXLAxs.

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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

The signalling bits are appropriately pre-defined for the Mercury

CAS protocol, depending on the type of equipment that is con-
nected to the SUBLx:

- Direct line:
A normal telephone is connected to the SUBLx

- Loop calling PBX:

A loop calling PBX is connected to the SUBLx

- Earth calling PBX:

An earth calling PBX is connected to the SUBLx

- PBX extension:
A normal telephone is connected to the SUBLx, and a PBX is
connected to the far end via an EXLAx.

• Carrier Adapter (or ESM):

operation with various carrier systems. The signalling bit defini-
tion can be defined to adapt to the specific carrier system using
the signalling bit definition mask.

For versions displaying ESM (instead of Carrier Adapter) the

signalling bit definition is pre-defined and can not be displayed
or changed.

The ringing and metering signal to the telephones are detected

using the same signalling bit «b».
Ringing when b = 1 for >250 ms.
Metering when b = 1 for <200 ms.

Operation Manual 2-18 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Parameters Depending on the unit and the version, various masks, each slightly
different allow the operator to enable/disable some or all of the fol-
lowing functions:

Fig. 2.14:

• metering pulse
• metering pulse on answer for SUBLx operating with the Mercury
CAS protocol
• polarity reversal

Signalling bits Depending on the unit and the version, various masks, each slightly
different allow the operator to configure the EXLAx/SUBLx to inter-
work with exchanges, carrier equipment, or subscriber equipment
that require specific signalling protocol formats.

For certain modes of operation (for example for the Mercury CAS
protocol), the signalling bit definition is pre-defined for correct inter-

The parts of the mask that are blanked out do NOT display the ac-
tual signalling bit definition that is used.

ABB Power Automation Ltd. 2-19 Operation Manual

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Fig. 2.15: example of signalling bit mask for EXLAx

Fig. 2.16: example of signalling bit mask for SUBLx

Operation Manual 2-20 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Displaying line status When the UCST is connected to the FOX-U, the status of EXLA6
352, EXLAN 342, SUBL6 326, and SUBLA 322 can be inspected
and displayed to show the idle/busy status of each subscriber.


Select: Subunit 0
Press: «STATUS»

Fig. 2.17:

The «SUBSCRIBER STATUS» MASK displays the traffic on the unit

by giving the idle/busy status of each of the 12 subscribers (sub-

Press: «GET» to read the latest status.

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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Setting Diagnostics From the «OBJECTS», «UNITS», «SUBUNITS» MENU:

Select: the desired subunit

Press: «DIAGN»

Fig. 2.18:

• Loopback:
Digital Loopback

The «digital loopback» allows the maintenance personnel to

loop the 64 kbit/s received signal, back to the remote station.
The Loopback is on the analogue circuit of the unit.

The signal from the remote end is transmitted transparently to

the local output.

Only the voice signal is looped back, the signalization is not

looped back.

• Test relay:
Enable Test Relay

The exchange or telephone is disconnected from the EXLAx/

SUBLx unit, and the unit is connected to the internal test-bus.

To activate loops See STEP 16 of the UCST Description (Operation Manual Part 1).

Operation Manual 2-22 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

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Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Summary of Loops Fig. 2.19:

2 Mbit/s

analog digital
side side

Setting Alarm Categories The necessary procedures for setting the alarm categories are
described in «Setting the unit alarm categories» in STEP 2 of the
UCST Description (Operation Manual Part 1).

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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems


The subscriber lines are not monitored. Errors are only detected by
the CENCA central unit.

Alarm indication A «Card» LED is located on the front panel of this unit. This LED is
switched on by the CENCA unit via a separate line under the follow-
ing conditions:

• unit does not respond «normally»

• unit self-test terminated with errors
• unit does not contain the correct version of the unit-specific soft-
• unit plugged into a FOX-U subrack slot that is not allowed for
EXLAx/SUBLx unit (ie slot 9, 17 and 18).

Alarm messages to the In addition to the above errors that cause the «Card» LED to light,
CENCA the active state of the test loop is also indicated as an alarm to the
CENCA unit.

Alarms Text SbU No. Text Meaning

0 0 Hardware fault Unit self test fail

1-12 0 Hardware fault Subunit self test fail

0 0 Hardware fault Unit self test fail

1-12 0 Faulty seize Fault in the line seizure (off hook)

detection sequence

1 Hardware fault Subunit self test fail

2 Loop active Digital loopback set

3 Path Test Fail Connection to far end exchange is

* faulty. The detection of the dial tone
from the exchange is faulty. Test is per-
formed by LINTE.

4 Circuit Test Fail Faulty SLIC (Subscriber Line Interface

IC) and codec. Test is performed by

5 Line Test Fail The subscriber line a/b is shorted,

grounded or has abnormal dc/ac volt-
ages. Test is performed by LINTE.

* For SUBLA 322, 323, SUBL6 326

Operation Manual 2-24 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

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Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Interfaces for EXLAx/SUBLx

EXLAx The 12 subscriber interfaces on the exchange side are located on

the front connector. Their electrical characteristics conform to the
following recommendations:

• ITU-T : Q.552 (Z-Interface)

• ETS 300 004 (K2-Interface)
• ITU-T K.21 (surge protection)

SUBLx The 12 subscriber connections on the subscriber side are located

on the front connector. Their electrical characteristics conform to
the following recommendations:

• ITU-T : Q.552 (ZT Interface)

(excepted variation of gain with input level)
• ETS 300 004 (L2 Interface)
• ITU-T K.20 (surge protection)

Variation of gain with input level Reference : own

Measurements A → D and D → A with the test signal: 1,014 kHz /

-10 dBm0

Gain variation
Input level [dB]
Own Q.552
-55 ... -50 ≤ ± 1,8 ≤ ± 1,6
-50 ... -45 ≤ ± 0,8 ≤ ± 0,6
-45 ... -40 ≤ ± 0,6 ≤ ± 0,6
-40 ... +3,0 ≤ ± 0,3 ≤ ± 0,3

for the input levels between -45 to +3,0 dBm0, the ITU-T Q.552
norms are fulfilled.

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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Technical data for EXLAx

Voice level ranges Input: (Exchange → EXLAx) adjustment range: -5 to +4 dBr

Output: (EXLAx → Exchange) adjustment range: -7.5 to -3 dBr

Exchange supply current to the

a/b line Is: ≤40 mA (thermic limit)

Impedance In the frequency range from 300 Hz up to 3.4 kHz, the impedance
corresponds with the equivalent circuit diagram:

220 Ω 820 Ω
for EXLAN 341, 342, 343
and EXLA3 361
115 nF

600 Ω
and for EXLA6 351, 352

Off hook DC impedance 1 kΩ ±10%

(backbridge impedance) 780 Ω ±10% (EXLAN 343)

Ringing detection The ringing pulses with a period from 200 up to 370 ms are regen-
erated with the length of 320 ms ± 5 ms. Longer ringing pulses are
transmitted transparently.

Ringing impedance Ri ≥ 3.5 kΩ at 25 Hz (measuring voltage 30 V)

Ri ≥ 1.8 kΩ at 50 Hz (measuring voltage 30 V)

Response sensitivity (20 Hz to Reliable response : Uab ≥20 Vrms at T =

50 Hz) -5°C to + 65°C
Reliable non-response : Uab ≤8 Vrms
Minimal ringing time : ≥120 ms
Ringing signal distortion
with ringing pulses
longer than 320 ms : ± 40 ms

DTMF dialling DTMF dialling is transparently connected in the AF path. Transmis-

sion of the accompanying signal is not supported.

Pulse dialling Circuit blocked : Rab ≥ 2 MΩ

Circuit conductive : 1 kΩ ±10%
: 780 Ω ±10% (EXLAN 343)

Operation Manual 2-26 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

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Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Transmission of the The UBUS interface detects and correctly receives the following
pulse dialling dialling digits:

Pulse frequency : 9 to 20 Pulses

Pulse length : 31 to 80 ms
Break length : 20 to 99 ms
Dialling break : ≥110 ms

The regenerated dialling digit is transmitted with:

Pulse frequency : 10 Pulses (±1%)

Pulse length : 58 to 62 ms
Break length : 38 to 42 ms
Dialling distortions : 140 to 420 ms

Flash pulse generation Pulse length : 120 ms ±5 ms

Metering pulse detection EXLAN 341, 342,

EXLA6 351, 352 : UABTAX ≥400 mVrms at
12/16 kHz
EXLAN 343 : UABTAX ≥200 mVrms at
12/16 kHz
EXLA3 361 : UABTAX ≥2.8 Vrms reliable
response (only 16 kHz)
: UABTAX ≤1.3 Vrms reliable
Metering input impedance : ≥170 Ω at 12/16 kHz

The metering pulses are regenerated with the length of 120 ms.

Earth key (not functional with Effect on : a-wire

Polarity : polarity dependent, the earth
has to be on the +pole.
Voltage drop : ≤2 V at 200 mA
Leakage current : ≤25 µA at 100 V

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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Maximum line lengths for It is assumed that the EXLAx units are installed in the same building
EXLAx as the switching equipment. For this reason cables longer than
100m are not catered for and should not be used. The conductor
diameter plays a negligible role.

If longer cables are needed, their influence must first be investi-


EXLAN 343 EXLAN 343 can detect metering pulses as low as 200mVrms and
has lower off-hook DC impedance (780 Ohm).

This makes it suitables for remote installation.

Gas tubes for lightning protection of the a/b lines must be externally
mounted on the MDF (Main Distribution Frame).

Typical distance of a/b line is up to 5 km.

Signal handling The EXLAx are delivered with the following default parameters:

EXLAN 342, 343
EXLA3 361
EXLA6 352 (2.x)
EXLA6 351 (1.x)
Parameter Description Standard Default Fixed Values
Dial timing pulse/pause length regenerated on the 60ms/40ms for 60ms/40ms
a/b line EXLAN, 70ms/30ms
for EXLA6
Interdigit time time between the dialled digits (pulses) 400ms for EXLAN, 340ms
regenerated on the a/b line 600ms for EXLA6
Delay of pulse Start of regenerating dial pulses on the 4 pulse/pause pairs 3 pulse/pause pairs
regeneration a/b line after recognizing the first CAS
pulse/pause pair. This is useful to
accommodate slow dialing telephone
NOTE: Flash impulses are not delayed
Ring signal Ring is detected from the a/b line only if 200ms FW ≤1.6 120ms
detection it persists for a set time interval. FW ≥1.7 200ms
Polarity reversal Polarity reversal is detected on the a/b 300ms Not supported
detection line only if it persists for a set time
Metering pulse The time during which a metering pulse 4s 2s
detection after on will still be detected after the subscriber
hook goes on hook

Operation Manual 2-28 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
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Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Technical data for SUBLx

Voice level ranges Input (subscriber → SUBLx) Adjustment range : -5 to +4 dBr

Output (SUBLx → subscriber) Adjustment range : -7.5 to -1 dBr

Impedance In the frequency range from 300 Hz up to 3.4 kHz, the impedance
corresponds with the equivalent circuit diagram:

220 Ω 820 Ω
for SUBLA 321, 322, 323
115 nF

600 Ω
and for SUBL6 325, 326

Ringing generation The ringing signal is generated centrally in the RIGEN unit and
coupled into the subscriber lines as required.
The following values apply to the a/b connections of SUBLx:

Ringing frequency : 25 ± 3 Hz

Ringing voltage (URing): 66 to 70 Vrms (quiescent) superimposed

on UBat (UBat = -40...-58 V)
Unbalanced feed: a = ground
b = UBat + URing

Ringing cycles : Short ringing pulses (120 ms to 440 ms)

are regenerated to 320 ms, longer ones
(from 460 ms up-wards, i.e. also the stan-
dard 1 second pulses) are transmitted

Ring cut off : The criterion for ring cut off is based on
the current criteria of the loop closure
(subscriber goes off-hook: Transition ring-
ing → conversation phase).

Loop conditions Polarity : a-wire: earth

b-wire: negative battery potential
Current limitation for
short subscriber loops : 26.5 ± 2 mA (44 mA ± 2 mA for
SUBLA 323)
Loop detection : 10 ± 2 mA

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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Pulse dialling receiver Dialling digits detected and received with:

Pulse frequency : 7.5 to 20 Pulses
Pulse length : 31 to 79 ms
Pause length : 20 to 100 ms
End of dialling pause : ≥110 ms

The regenerated dialling digit is transmitted with:

Pulse frequency : 10 Pulses (±1%)
Pulse length : 58 to 62 ms
Pause length : 38 to 42 ms

Flash pulse detector Pulse length : 90 to 140 ms

DTMF dialling receiver The DTMF signals are transmitted transparently via the AF path.

Metering pulse generator Frequency : 12 kHz / 16 kHz ± 80 Hz

Pulse rate : Max. 4 pps
Signal duration : 120 ms ± 20 ms

Transmission level :
For the SUBLx (with a tax voltage of 1 Vrms on CENCA):
- Tax voltage with
load of 200 Ω : = 1,8 ± 0,2 Vrms

For the system (SUBLx + CENCA):

- Idle tax voltage : = 5 Vrms
- Tax voltage with
load of 200 Ω : = 1,6 ± 2,5 Vrms

Operation Manual 2-30 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)
FOX-U / FOX 515
Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

Signal handling The SUBLx are delivered with the following default parameters:

SUBLA 322, 323 SUBLA 321

SUBL6 326 (2.x) SUBL6 325 (1.x)
Parameter Description Standard Default Fixed Values
Dial timing pulse/pause length regenerated on CAS 60ms/40ms for 60ms/40ms
SUBLA, 70ms/30ms
for SUBL6
Interdigit time time between dialled digits (pulses) 300ms 300ms
regenerated on CAS
Delay of pulse Start of regenerating dial pulses on CAS 4 pulse/pause pairs 3 pulse/pulse pairs
regeneration after recognizing the first pulse/pause
pair from the a/b line. This is useful to
accommodate slow dialing telephone
NOTE: Flash impulses are not delayed
Ring signal Ring is detected from CAS only if it 200ms 100ms
regeneration persists for a set time interval.
Polarity reversal Polarity reversal is detected from CAS 100ms Not supported
regeneration only if it persists for a set time interval.
Metering pulse The time during which a metering pulse 4s 2s
regeneration after will still be regenerated after the
on hook subscriber goes on hook
Metering pulse pulse length generated on a/b line 125ms (factory 125ms (factory
length adjustable) adjustable)

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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems

Maximum line lengths for The maximum cable length depends on several factors. The first
SUBLx rule of approximation is that the ohmic resistance of the two con-
ductors should not exceed 2x1000 Ω including the telephone set.
The telephone set is typically 200-600 Ω. This results in the follow-
ing maximum cable lengths:

Conductor diameter [mm ] Length [km]

0.4 5
0.6 11.3
0.8 19.9
1.0 31.0

The above values are calculated with the assumption that the tele-
phone set has a resistance of 600 Ω .

Longer cables are basically feasible, however the following criteria

should be investigated:

• Influence of the cable length on the function of the subscriber set

(national standards for telephone sets),

• cable attenuation for voice transmission, and

• transmission of metering pulses.

Operation Manual 2-32 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

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Communication Systems EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units

EPROM Position

To facilitate the upgrading of the software, the position of the

EPROM is shown in Figure 2.20.

Fig. 2.20: EXLAx/SUBLx units



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EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface units Communication Systems


SUBLA, EXLAN, SUBL6, Wire wrap side

EXLA3, EXLA6 cables
Ch 12 Lb bn
La s 24
Ch 11 Lb gn
La s 22
Ch 10 Lb og
La s 20
Ch 9 Lb bl
La s 18
Ch 8 Lb bn
La r 16
Ch 7 Lb gn
La r 14
Ch 6 Lb og
La r 12
Ch 5 Lb bl
La r 10
Ch 4 Lb bn
La w 8
Ch 3 Lb gn
32 La w 6
Ch 2 Lb og
La w 4
1 Lb bl
Ch 1
La w 2
a c

FOX-U must have -48V connected to UTT either directly (connected

in parallel with UP1 and / or UP2) or via optional fuse unit COBOX.

Operation Manual 2-34 ABB Power Automation Ltd.

HENF 91 221 (99.02)

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