Definition of Function

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Definition of function: -
If A and B are two non-empty sets such that every element of a set A is related to
at least one element of the set B then the relation is called as a function ( f ) from
set A to set B & is denoted by f : A  B.
i) The set A is called as domain of function f.
ii) The set B is called as co domain of function f.
iii) If x  A then by the function f, x is related to at least one element y  B. The
element y is called the value of the function f at x and denoted as f(x)
[y = f (x)], x is called as independent variable& y is called as dependent variable]
iv) The set of values of y is called range of function f.
v) Function is also denoted by f, g, h,. . . ,, , , . . .F,G,H, . . .or f1 ,f2 , f3 , . . . fn.

Value of a function at a point:-

If y = f ( x ) be the function then y = f ( a ) is called value of f ( x ) at x = a .
If f ( a ) is finite then function is defined at x = a .
0 
If f ( a ) is infinite or imaginary or indeterminate form , or 1 then function is
0 
not defined at x = a .

Types of function:
A] Basic functions
i) Algebraic function – Function in which a variable is raised to a constant is called
as an
algebraic function, the general form is y = xn , n  R .
𝟑𝒙𝟒 − 𝟐
e.g. y=𝒙𝟐 + 𝟏 , 𝒚 = , 𝒚 = √𝒙 + 𝒙𝟐 − 𝟏
𝒙𝟐 − 𝟏

ii) Exponential function – Function in which a constant is raised to a variable is

called as an exponential function, the general form is
𝑎𝑥 +𝑎−𝑥
e.g. y = ax , a  R+& a  1 .y = ex e – Naperian base , y =

iii) Logarithmic function – Function containing logarithm of variable is called

logarithmic function.
e.g. y = logax , y = log x [If the base is not mention then assume base as e ]
𝑦 = log(1 + 𝑥 2 )

iv) Trigonometric function - Function containing trigonometric ratios is called

trigonometric function.
e.g. y = sin x , y = cos x , y = tan x , y = cot x , y = sec x & y = cosec x
[ Here x is an angle and it should measure in radian only ]

v) Inverse trigonometric function -

e.g. y = sin-1x , y = cos-1 x , y = tan-1x , y = cot-1 x , y = sec-1 x & y = cosec-1 x
B] Composite function – Function of a function is called as composite function.
If y = f ( u ) & u = g ( x ) are two functions then y = f [g ( x ) ] is called as
composite function.
e.g. y = sin2x
y = u2 and u = sin x
y = tan( log x) y = etan( 3x + 5)

C] According to variable

i) Explicit function – A function in which dependent variable ( y ) is expressed in terms

of independent variable ( x ) i.e. y = f ( x )
e.g. y = x2 + 3x – 9 , y = sinx – logx , y = ex.tan-1x

ii) Inverse function – A function in which independent variable ( x ) is expressed in

terms of dependent variable ( y ) .x = g ( y ). For given explicit function y = f ( x ),
inverse function is
x = f -1( y ).
e.g. x = y3 – 6y + 9 , x = 5y + tan-1y , 𝑥 = , x = cosy – cosecy

iii) Implicit function - A function in which neither independent variable (x) nor
dependent variable (y) is expressed directly in terms of the other as f ( x, y ) = 0
e.g. x2 + xy + y2 = 0 , sinxy – log(x + y ) = 0

iv) Parametric function – A function in which independent variable ( x ) and dependent

variable ( y ) are expressed in terms of third variable ( t ) known as parameter.
x=f(t) & y=g(t)
e.g. x = at2 , y = 2at ; x = a(1 + sin) , y = a(  + cos)

D] Other functions-

i) Even function-For given function y = f ( x ), if f (– x ) = f ( x ) then f(x) is an even

ii) Odd function-For given function y = f ( x ), if f (– x ) = – f ( x ) then f(x) is an
odd function.

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