Pokemonsoulsilver Walkthrough03

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| P O K E M O N S O U L S I L V E R |
| V E R S I O N |
| |
| "...yes... a not so good looking logo for an FAQ logo by shinno..." |
| "...so plain..." ; "Get over it" |
| |
| |
| Revision v1.1 , by shino11 (shinno11 on GameFAQS) |
| (aka as Negative! on Instantz.net) |
| Copyright 2009-2010. |
| |
| Author: H. Lieng , Email: wtfhax.jack@gmail.com |
| |
DiEpik, Nari, Injectors, Narcotic, FuryZ_X, Santa, FKN_Racist, Ron,
Wolfcake, Prudence, Johnny, Kraven and Turne the Love.
| CURRENT VERSION: | v 1.3 |
| LAST UPDATE: | - |
| NEXT UPDATE: | 30/3/10 - Mid 2010 (TBC) |


* *
* SOULSILVER COMES out on 25/03/2010. *
* *
* Scheduled Release Dates for Pokemon HeartGold/Soulsilver: *
* *
* - NORTH AMERICAN RELEASE: Sunday March, 14th 2010 *
* - AUSTRALIAN RELEASE: Thursday March, 25th 2010 *
* - EUROPEAN RELEASE: Friday March, 26th 2010 *
* *
Version History of FAQ (incl. Revisions)
[Version 1.0. of Pokemon SS Walkthrough] (Beta)
October 07, 2009: Creation of the Pokemon Soulsilver Guide (aka v1.0.1).
- Not initally from the beginning, starting from
Mahogany Town after defeating Pryce.
- Added in detail for section [GRRT01]
- Includes a partial (in progress) walkthrough of the
Rocket Invasion of the Goldenrod Radio Tower with
Rocket trainer info. This includes Pokemon they have
and prize money.
- Finishing of the [GRRT01] section.
- Added in sections [GRRT02], [GRRT03], [SSWI01] and
a partial section of [SSWT44].
- Finished with section [SSWT44] with trainer info
and prize money of Route 44.
- Started partial section of [SSWTIC] (Ice Cave)
- Added in sections (completed) [SSWTIC], [SSWTBC],
- Added in Legal information, Email Information,
Credits and other details.
[Version 1.1. + 1.2. of Pokemon SS Walkthrough]
November 17, 2009: Minor Update
- Addition of TM List from TM01 to TM41.
[Version 1.3. of Pokemon SS Walkthrough]
February 20, 2010: FIRST RELEASE
- Initially scheduled for a January 16th, 2010 release;
but postponed to February 20th, 2010.
- Addition of TM-HM List [TM41-HM08]
- Addition up of the Kanto Side of SS.
- Addition of missing sections from Violet City [SSWTVC]
to Mahogany Gym [SSWTMG]
- Trainer Infoboxes Upgrade.
- Status Boosters Mini Guide inclusion and written in
this FAQ.
- Pokemon Events Update
- Sidequest Section inclusion [SSSQ01-SSSQ08]
- Minor Section Fixes
- Simplification on some areas of the guide
[Version 1.4. of Pokemon SS Walkthrough]
Scheduled release of v1.4. (latest release is likely to be Mid 2010).

| Version History (incl. Revision) || REF NO. |
| GUIDE || |
| || |
| The Johto Side of SS || |
| - The Beginning at New Bark Town || [SSWTNB] |
| - Route 29 || [SSWT29] |
| - Cherrygrove City || [SSWTCC] |
| - Route 30 || [SSWT30] |
| - Route 31 || [SSWT31] |
| - Violet City || [SSWTVC] |
| - Bellsprout Tower || [SSWTBT] |
| - Violet Gym || [SSWTVG] |
| - Route 32 || [SSWT32] |
| - Union Cave || [SSWTUC] |
| - Route 33 || [SSWT33] |
| - Azalea Town || [SSWTAT] |
| - Azalea Gym || [SSWTAG] |
| - Ilex Forest || [SSWTIF] |
| - Route 34 || [SSWT34] |
| - Goldenrod City || [SSWTGC] |
| - Goldenrod Gym || [SSWTGG] |
| - Route 35 || [SSWT35] |
| - Route 37 || [SSWT37] |
| - Ecruteak City || [SSWTEC] |
| - Ecruteak Gym || [SSWTEG] |
| - Downhill to Olivine City via. Rt 38 + 39 || [SSWT38] |
| - Olivine City || [SSWTOC] |
| - Route(s) 40 and 41 || [SSWT40] |
| - Cianwood City || [SSWT41] |
| - Cianwood Gym || [SSWTCG] |
| - Olivine Gym || [SSWTOG] |
| - Route 47, Route 48 and the Safari Zone || [SSWT48] |
| - Route 42 || [SSWT42] |
| - Mahogany Town || [SSWTMT] |
| - Route 43 || [SSWT43] |
| - Lake of Rage || [SSWTLR] |
| - The Assault on Team Rocket's Hideout || [SSWTRH] |
| - Mahogany Gym || [SSWTMG] |
| - The Rocket Invasion of Goldenrod (Part 1) || [GRRT01] |
| - Goldenrod City's Underground Complex || [GRRT02] |
| - The Rocket Invasion of Goldenrod (Part 2) || [GRRT03] |
| - Route 44 || [SSWT44] |
| - Ice Cave || [SSWTIC] |
| - Blackthorn City || [SSWTBC] |
| - Blackthorn Gym || [SSWTBG] |
| - Dragon's Den || [SSWTDD] |
| - Route 45 || [SSWT45] |
| - Route 46 || [SSWT46] |
| - Homecoming to New Bark Town || [SSWTHC] |
| - The Kimono Girls and Ecruteak City || [SSWTKG] |
| - The Whirl Islands || [SSWTWI] |
| - Route 27 || [SSWT27] |
| - Route 26 || [SSWT26] |
| - Victory Road || [SSWTVR] |
| - The Johto Pokemon League || [SSWTPL] |
| || |
| The Kanto Side of SS || [SSKTPR] |
| - Getting there || [SSKT01] |
| - The SS Aqua || [SSKT02] |
| - Vermillion City || [SSKT03] |
| - Vermillion Gym || [SSKTVG] |
| - Route 6 || [SSKT04] |
| - Saffron City || [SSKT05] |
| - Saffron Gym || [SSKTSG] |
| - Route 5 || [SSKT06] |
| - Cerulean City || [SSKT07] |
| - Route 9 and the Power Plant || [SSKT08] |
| - Route(s) 24 and 25 || [SSKT09] |
| - Cerulean Gym || [SSKTCG] |
| - Rock Tunnel || [SSKT10] |
| - Lavender Town || [SSKT11] |
| - Route 8 || [SSKT12] |
| - Celadon City || [SSKT13] |
| - Celadon Gym || [SSKT14] |
| - Cycling Road || [SSKT15] |
| - Fuschia City || [SSKT16] |
| - Fuschia Gym || [SSKTFG] |
| - Vermillion Coast || [SSKT17] |
| - Route 11 and Diglett's Tunnel || [SSKT18] |
| - Route 2 and Viridian Forest || [SSKT19] |
| - Pewter City || [SSKT20] |
| - Pewter Gym || [SSKTPG] |
| - Route 3 and Mount Moon || [SSKT21] |
| - Route 4 || [SSKT22] |
| - Route 1 || [SSKT23] |
| - Route 21, Cinnabar Island and Route 20 || [SSKT24] |
| - Cinnabar Gym || [SSKT25] |
| - Viridian Gym || [SSKT26] |
| - The Kanto Pokemon League || [SSKT27] |
| - The Base of Mt. Silver || [SSKT28] |
| - Mt. Silver || [SSKT29] |
| || |
| - Tin Tower || [SSSQ01] |
| - Suicune's World Travels || [SSSQ02] |
| - The Seafoam Islands via. Route 19 || [SSSQ03] |
| - Zapdos Returns to the Power Plant || [SSSQ04] |
| - Cerulean Cave || [SSSQ05] |
| - Moltres at Mt. Silver || [SSSQ06] |
| - Kanto Starters || [SSSQ07] |
| - Meet Groudon || [SSSQ08] |
| - Hoenn Starters || [SSSQ09] |
| || |
| TM LIST || [SSTM10] |
| || |

Okay. I do guides a little different to how others write it, but this
is my first time writing a guide too. By the way, this guide is written
in AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH. So keep that in mind. Here's the features:
In order to get to where you up to, refer to the table of Contents and
look through the section to find where you are. For example if you are
up to the Ice Cave, break out the Find (Ctrl+F) and type in [SSWTIC]
(stands for Soulsilver [SS] Walkthrough [WT] Ice Cave [IC]). And there
you go to your reference and read on in that section you have chosen.
| Reward: $2100*, ($2310) |
| Dratini | Lv 35 | Exp: 502 pts |
| Dratini | Lv 35 | Exp: 502 pts |
| Seadra | Lv 35 | Exp: 1162 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ice Fang away for Dratini, use an electric type for Seadra.
Here's a typical example of Trainer Info I've picked out from one of
the trainers inside Blackthorn Gym. The "CHALLENGER NO." represents the
countof trainers in the area (for instance, he's the first trainer to
encounter). Reward money with a star means that your opponent coughs
out the original amount, and an extra amount is sent to your mum.
Money being sent to your mum is more like an insurance fund for you.
That way is highly recommended in my opinion, but the money with the
brackets represents the original amount.
Comment from me (normally advice on how to beat the trainer's Pokemon),
and the Pokemon the trainer has is straight forward.
NB: The Pokemon that are on the list do not appear in order as they
seem so take note of that. The Pokemon listed for each trainer is what
you should be expecting to battle.
| Reward: ($6000) |
| COOLTRAINER (M)'s Pokemon: | COOLTRAINER (F)'s Pokemon: |
|Electabuzz| Lv 25 | Exp: 834 pts | Magmar | Lv 25 | Exp: 894 pts |
| | | | | | |
Here's an example of a double or dual battle. Note that it is the same,
BUT experience points given in a double battle will be split in half
towards your two Pokemon.
So example: when you have a Dugtrio and a Feraligatr in battle and
Dugtrio defeats Electabuzz, the rewarded EXP points given to Feraligatr
and Electabuzz will be 417 pts each.
/ 4. NOTA BENEs (NB)s /
Just for advice and reminders here. That's what they practically serve
here and outside of this guide.

----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] PokeGear |
| |
* !! WARNING !! *
* *
* *
* Code: [ESSENT] *
* *
After you have chosen your character, you'll start at your room. Head
downstairs to be greeted by your mother. Who will give you your bag,
your Trainer ID Card and the options to customize your gameplay
(Game speed and Pokemon battle animations, etc.) and to Save your game.
Exit your home and a Marill will bump into you. If your Gold (the boy),
Kotone will come out of Prof. Elm's home on the second level of the lab
and collect Marill (and vice versa). Head over to Elm's lab and you will
see your rival peeping at his window. If you talk to him, he'll just
shove you back. Enter Elm's lab.
Once your in the lab, head over to Prof. Elm. He will tell you that you
could pick your own Pokemon. But he will get a call from Mr. Pokemon
and then you pick your own starter. You can choose from the Grass-type
Chikorita, the fire-type Cyndaquil and the Water-type Totodile.
After choosing your starter, Elm will tell you to go to Route 30 to
Mr. Pokemon's house just beyond Cherrygrove City. Head towards the exit
of Elm's lab and Elm's aide by the door will give you 5 Potions. Go
to the exit.
When you're outside of Elm's lab, you will see your counterpart playing
with their Marill. Soon Gold/Kotone will notice you (your counterpart).
Go back home and talk to your mother to tell that you are leaving on a
short journey. If you don't the woman near the outskirts of New Bark
Town will tell you to do so. So just tell your mum.
Enter your home and tell her, she will be impressed that you have been
assigned with that and she will give you a PokeGear. The Pokegear
has several functions in use for the gameplay in HG/SS. It can call
trainers (and your mother obviously, also Prof. Elm), it has a map of
the Johto region (soon Kanto after gaining access to it), and the
PokeGear allows you to customise it to how you like it. After receiving
the PokeGear from your mother, she will offer you to provide a banking
service. Whereas she will get some money from the trainers you beat.
| |
| Without Service: $1000 as reward money from trainer. |
| WITH Service: $1000 from trainer, +$300 sent to your mum. = WIN. |
| |
| |
Comment: I reckon it's about $300 in that case, because the extra
compensation is more than 20%.
It is entirely up to you if you want to do this. After doing that, head
outside and go towards the outskirts of town by heading west.
Prof. Elm will call your name and heard you have a PokeGear. He will
give you his number so that you can call him to check on your Pokedex's
|ROUTE 29 || [SSWT29] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Green Apricorn (one per day) |
| |
You have just left New Bark Town embarking onto a journey to Mr. Pokemon's
house. Here you can train up your starter (best up to Lv 8-9) so that
you can handle the first battle between you and your rival easily.
Getting through Route 29 to Cherrygrove City is a piece of cake. Just
follow the way and keep going left until you reach the City.
NB: There is a Green Apricorn tree you'll see on the way, but you can't
pick it yet. Because you'll need an Apricorn Case you'll get at Route 30
later on.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Running Shoes |
| |
There's no Gym in this town unfortunately, it's more of a city just to
get you used to the basics of Pokemon. Those who have played the Pokemon
series for a long time, you'll know what to do: Just heal up and skip
onto Route 30.
Once you enter Cherrygrove, you'll be stopped by an old man. Appparently
this old man is a guide for newcomers. He will show you the functions
and basics of a Pokemon Center and a Pokemart. After he has introduced
you to all the basics, he will give you Running Shoes. The good thing
with the introduction of your inventory and main menu being on the
touch screen, means that you can register two items (eg - a Bike and
a Vs. Seeker; too bad they don't have the Vs. Seeker -______-;; , it
is better than the PokeGear imo) and select one each time. However,
with the shoes you can just press once on the shoes and run with the
directional buttons without holding B.
Once you're good to go, head for the northern exit to Route 30.
|ROUTE 30 || [SSWT30] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Potion |
| [ ] Apricorn Case |
| [ ] Antidote |
| |
Go along the grass and you'll see a Potion to your right. Grab it and
let's go. Go up the stairs, past the bug catcher and enter the house.
Talk to the man to obtain a key item: The Apricorn case. It will
become very useful in the game, where as you collect Apricorns from the
trees and they could be turned into custom balls by Kurt of Azalea
Town. Don't forget to take the Green Apricorn next to the man's house.
It's time to head for Mr. Pokemon's house. Go to the right of the
house where you obtained the Apricorn case. Go through the grass and to
the left will be a Antidote. The left side is blocked by two youngsters
going at each other, so don't mind them. Mr. Pokemon's house is to the
right side. So keep going to the upper right until you reach a house.
That house is Mr. Pokemon's house. Before you enter, let's just grab
the Pink Apricorn and enter.
Once you enter, Mr. Pokemon will notice you and he will give you
something to deliver to Prof. Elm (which is a Pokemon Egg). He will heal
your pokemon, and then Prof. Oak will come by. He will check your
starter and then give you a Pokedex. This is the beginning of your
Pokemon Journey. Oak will give you his number. Head outside of
Mr. Pokemon's house and you will receive a call from Elm. He tells you
that he has been raided by someone. Let's head back to New Bark Town.
Follow the path back, jump down ledges as a shortcut back to
Cherrygrove City. If you bump into wild Pokemon, heal up at Cherrygrove
before you head to New Bark.
When you head to New Bark Town... hello new challenger...
NB: RTT [Refer to Table]
| RIVAL: ????? |
| Reward: ($500) |
| Stolen Pokemon* | Lv 5 | Exp: RTT pts |
| | | |
| | | |
Comment: Simple and easy battle. Use Tackle or whatever offensive moves
your starter has.
| Chikorita | Cyndaquil | 5 | - |
| Cyndaquil | Totodile | 5 | 70 pts |
| Totodile | Chikorita | 5 | - |
After you beat him, just head back to New Bark Town and enter Prof.
Elm's Lab...
Once you're in, the Policeman will ask you for Silver's name (your
rival actually). Name him and be free. Once you're done with the
cop, you will show the egg to Elm and he will be astounded. Then
Elm suggests that you compete in the Johto League and says that the
first gym is in Violet City. Okay! Next stop is Violet City! Now let's
get out of Elm's lab first.
|Route 30 (Part Two) |
Once you get to Route 29, Gold/Kotone will be there with his/her Marill.
They'll show you on how to catch a Pokemon, people who know, disregard
this section, but still; you're forced to watch it -.-
Then Gold/Kotone will give you 5 Pokeballs. Wow 5 Pokeballs, not much
You might as well want to catch a Pokemon, its up to you what you want
to get. A Pidgey might be good if you got Chikorita, since Violet City's
Gym is Flying-types. Pidgey will be good against the second Gym too.

Once you've got through Route 29, you might as well get some more
Pokeballs from the PokeMart in Cherrygrove City if you want to catch
some more Pokemon. Once you've geared up and ready, head to Route 30.
Once you're good to go for Route 30, follow the path, past the Apricorn
man's house and to the split section, where one way was blocked before
and to Mr. Pokemon's house.
This time we'll head for the blocked way (where a battle between two
youngsters took place). The first youngster will be in tall grass, run
past him to grab his attention.
| Reward: ($64) |
| Rattata | Lv 4 | Exp: 48 pts |
| | | |
| | | |
Comment: Simple battle. You can deal with him EASILY.
Once you've beaten him, he'll ask you if you want to rego his number.
Accept or decline, it's totally up to you. Go up to grab the second
Youngster's attention.
| Reward: ($64) |
| Pidgey | Lv 2 | Exp: 22 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 4 | Exp: 48 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another simple battle. Deal the situation your way.
Beaten him? Goodie. Run up the steps, past the girl who's not a trainer,
run into tall grass and out and provoke the Bug Catcher.

| Reward: ($48) |
| Caterpie | Lv 3 | Exp: 33 pts |
| Caterpie | Lv 3 | Exp: 33 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Once again, an easy battle. Note that Caterpie is weak against
Fire and Flying-types.
Beat the third trainer and go towards the steps, your mother will call
you and ask if you want her to save money for you. Personally, it would
be great, but I would decline. Answer yes or no to her and run along
towards Route 31.
|ROUTE 31 || [SSWT31] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Potion |
| [ ] Black Apricorn |
| [ ] Poke Ball |
| [ ] Vs. Recorder |
| |
Coming in from Route 30, follow the path through the grass and past
the Dark Cave. Right now, it's not that essential in the game. It will
be covered in the Side quest section.
Run past it and collect another Potion just next to the cave's entrance.
Keep going left and collect the Black Apricorn before you head down
to the tall grass. Annoy the Bug Catcher first.
| Reward: ($32) |
| Caterpie | Lv 2 | Exp: 22 pts |
| Caterpie | Lv 2 | Exp: 22 pts |
| Weedle | Lv 3 | Exp: 33 pts |
| Caterpie | Lv 2 | Exp: 22 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All weak against Fire basically. But mainly just Tackle or
Scratch will do against them.
After you beat that Bug Boy, he'll ask you whether to register his
number or not. To the defeated Bug Catcher's right next to the
tall grass is a Poke Ball. Go left across the tall grass and follow
the path to Violet City.
When you're just about to enter the outskirts of Violet City, your
counterpart (Gold/Kotone), comes along and gives you a Vs. Recorder.
A key item that records your battles from Wi-fi battles between you
and your mates or Battle Frontier finale challenges. Now let's enter
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Yellow Apricorn |
| |
The Pokemon Center is just there as you enter town. There's a Juggler
just next to it. Talk to him to get free berries, but you can't
get any at the moment. Heal up and head north. The gym is busy at the
moment until you fix the problem at Bellsprout Tower. There is a
Pokemart next to the Gym's left, you can buy extra Potions or Pokeballs
if desired. Keep going up until you cross two bridges and enter
Bellsprout Tower.
The Yellow Apricorn tree is on the way to Route 32.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Paralyz Heal |
| [ ] Potion |
| [ ] TM70 - Flash |
| [ ] Escape Rope |
| |
| 1st floor |
Enter and walk up the ladder.
| 2nd floor |
Follow the path and head towards right until you bump into a sage.
| Reward: ($144) |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Bellsprout is a Grass-type Pokemon. Primarily weak against
Fire and Flying-type moves.
When you're done with the Sage, go to the ladder nearby and climb down.
Here you're back onto the first floor. There is an item nearby the ladder
when you go down. Pick up the Paralyz Heal, head a bit back up (not up the
ladder) and go left until you bump into another sage.
| Reward: ($144) |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Same situation like the last battle. Use the same tactics as
you did before.
Once that battle has been concluded, climb up the nearby ladder to reach
another section of the 2nd floor.
Back onto the Second floor, head down and a sage with long sight will
notice you.
| Reward: ($144) |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| Bellsprout | Lv 3 | Exp: 54 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another sage who is the same like the past two battles we've
When this sage has been dealt with, go right and climb up the ladder to
the third floor.
| 3rd floor |
Okay before you go on a battle rampage here, to the left of the ladder
you've just climbed is a Potion. Pick it up before you meet eyes with
the sages on guard. The third floor of this tower is unusual, because
you can encounter wild Pokemon here. Now go up to grab the attention
of the first sage here on 3F.
| Reward: ($288) |
| Bellsprout | Lv 6 | Exp: 108 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Lv 6 Bellsprout... no problem to you guys.
Run past the second one for another challenge.
| Reward: ($288) |
| Bellsprout | Lv 6 | Exp: 108 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Same situation as before.
Now head for the sage on the right-hand side of the pillar.
| Reward: ($336) |
| Bellsprout | Lv 7 | Exp: 126 pts |
| Hoothoot | Lv 7 | Exp: 87 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Bellsprout is the same, but just a level higher. Hoothoot
is a problem especially if you have Chikorita, but it is weak
to Ice and Electric-type moves.
Once you've beaten that sage, go to the left of the pillar and you
will see your rival there. He will then talk about the old man
and jack, then makes his exit. Now talk to the old man.
| Reward: ($1200) |
| Bellsprout | Lv 7 | Exp: 126 pts |
| Bellsprout | Lv 7 | Exp: 126 pts |
| Hoothoot | Lv 10 | Exp: 123 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Same thing as before, but Hoothoot will get annoying quickly
when it is out. It will mainly use Hypnosis to put your Pokemon to
After that battle, Elder Li admits defeat and gives you the TM70
(which is Flash obviously). The cave before Violet City is dark, so
you can go explore there if you want, but theres nothing special
in that cave. After that, pick up the Escape Rove in the right corner.
You could use the Escape Rope and get out instantly, or be cheap and
go down all the way. Just use the Escape Rope.
| Type | Flying |
| Weaknesses | Ice, Electric |
Okay now you're outside Bellsprout Tower. Now the Gym is open, and
Faulkner is accepting challengers. Heal up and buy what you need at
the Pokemart and then enter the Gym. A Mareep can be caught at
Route 32, which is an Electric-type Sheep. Could be useful against
Faulkner and his bird companions.
The gym is similar to Pewter City's Gym if you think about, but its
up high obviously. There are two ways to Faulkner: One is to avoid the
trainers and go to him directly, or two, you can smash the trainers
and then be ready for Faulkner.
Let's go for the trainers first.
| Reward: ($288) |
| Sparrow | Lv 9 | Exp: 111 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another simple, easy fight.
Follow the path and then go for the second trainer before Faulkner.
| Reward: ($224) |
| Pidgey | Lv 7 | Exp: 82 pts |
| Pidgey | Lv 7 | Exp: 82 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another easy battle.
Now its time to reap the Zephyr Badge and the cash... time to tax
Faulkner. Save if you have to.
* Quilava Lv 15 *
* Pidgey Lv 10 *
* Mareep Lv 10 *
* *
| Reward: ($1560) |
| Pidgey | Lv 9 | Exp: 105 pts |
| Pidgeotto | Lv 13 | Exp: 313 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Pidgey is really easy to deal with, no dramas. But
Pidgeotto is annoying on the other hand. He would often use Roost
to heal his HP and stall the battle.
After you've beaten Faulkner, its all over and you've just got yourself
the Zephyr Badge: The first Johto League Badge. Now, that's not just
all: you also get TM51 which is Roost. A healing move for birds
obviously.. Now let's exit the gym.
|ROUTE 32 || [SSWT32] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] HM06 - Rock Smash |
| [ ] Togepi Egg |
| [ ] Miracle Seed |
| [ ] Repel |
| [ ] Great Ball |
| [ ] TM09 - Bullet Seed |
| |
Okay, time to get out of Violet City. But Prof. Elm calls you and says
he's got something for you and his aide is over at the Pokemart in
Violet. Time to heal first and head over there.
Prof. Elm's aide will give you an egg to look after. It contains a
Lv 1 Togepi with Extrasensory. Which is nice and then he'll be on his
way. Buy yourself some gear here, an Escape Rope and maybe a Repel.
They'll come in handy later on. A Kimono Girl will come and say stuff,
but its not that important.We'll see them play a bigger role for the
star Pokemon (Lugia/Ho-oh). The way she went is directly to Route 32,
which would lead to the next town: Azalea Town. If you're planning
to go the Ruins of Alph, its your choice. But I'm going to cover it
in the Sidequest section.
Instead of following the Kimono Girl, follow the path that goes up
and then left to a tollbooth. You'll reach Route 36 and just head left.
Talk to the fat guy to obtain a HM06, which is Rock Smash. If you try
to keep going left, you'll see a "tree" that moves. It can't be
helped at the moment, instead, go back and go through the Ruins of
Just follow the path out and you'll be onto Route 32. Now once we're
back on track, go right until you see tall grass and then head
down. You'll be stopped by a bold man, he'll then give you a Miracle
Seed. It's a held item to boost the power of Grass-type moves.
Not that important at the moment. Just take it and go.
Run down past the wild grass until you see a Youngster looking around.
Let's go and challenge him.
| Reward: ($128) |
| Rattata | Lv 6 | Exp: 72 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 8 | Exp: 91 pts |
| | | |
Comment: This Zubat is highly dependent on Leech Life...
After that little ruckus, behind that little mountain there with
tall grass has a Repel. Grab it and return back to the path. Talk
to the little Picknicker girl to provoke her into a battle.
| Reward: ($128) |
| Nidoran (F) | Lv 8 | Exp: 100 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Poison-type female Nidoran has been brought out. Beware
that it has a Special Ability called "Poison Point". A small chance
done by Physical attacks can poison the attacker.
After you have beaten her, she'll offer you to register her phone
number. Accept or decline, its totally up to you. Moving on,
follow the path and shortly it will split and regroup later on.
But just ignore the stairs for now.
Keep going down and you'll see the monorail tracks, it looks more nice,
back on topic, shortly you'll bump into a Camper.
| Reward: ($144) |
| Nidoran (F) | Lv 9 | Exp: 115 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Same thing, but a male version of the Nidoran series.
After you're done with him, walk into the and back up to collect a
Great Ball. A more efficient ball with a slightly high catch rate
compared to the standard Poke Ball. Go back and ignore the stairs,
but go left into a small cliff and some tall grass. You'll
then pick up a TM09, which contains Bullet Seed (which is one of the
weakest moves in the game). Head back and down the stairs you go,
past some tall grass and catch the attention of another Youngster.
| Reward: ($160) |
| Wooper | Lv 10 | Exp: 111 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Yuck Woopers.
Ugh this kid has a Wooper, disregard and take him out. Good if you
have a Chikorita, bad situation if you have a Cyndaquil/Quilava. Now,
he's done just follow the path and you'll reach a Pokemon Center.
Heal up, but don't enter Union Cave just yet. We've just got a bit
to do before we don't came back here! Heal up and be ready.
Now head back, but follow the path where the Wooper Trainer was.
You'll come to a bridge and see some Fishermen enjoy their hobby.
The first fisherman has his back towards you, talk to him for a quick
| Reward: ($320) |
| Goldeen | Lv 10 | Exp: 237 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Goldeen CAN BE VERY ANNOYING with Supersonic (the move that
makes your Pokemon confused).
After beating him, he'll ask you if you could register his number.
It's an accept or decline situation here, so it's totally up to you.
Follow the path still back up there, until you find another two
fishermen enjoying their leisure time. Time to interrupt their hobby.
We will bother the first fisherman closest to us.
| Reward: ($160) |
| Magikarp | Lv 5 | Exp: 21 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 5 | Exp: 21 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 15 | Exp: 63 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 5 | Exp: 21 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All weak Lv 5 Magikarp, but the only fascinating thing is the
Magikarp that is Lv 15 that knows Tackle, but with a high Defense
Okay! Interrupt the fisherman next to the one you just defeated.
| Reward: ($256) |
| Poliwag | Lv 8 | Exp: 132 pts |
| Poliwag | Lv 8 | Exp: 132 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Two Poliwags... you should be careful if you have Cyndaquil
as your starter. If not, disregard and it is an easy battle.
All right, that's the second last guy in that area. So where is this
last guy? Well, he's at the entrance to Union Cave! Head back down,
heal and you'll find him near the entrance to the cave.
| Reward: ($256) |
| Pidgey | Lv 6 | Exp: 70 pts |
| Pidgey | Lv 6 | Exp: 70 pts |
| Sparrow | Lv 8 | Exp: 99 pts |
| | | |
Comment: If you got a Mareep, you could shock them out of the sky.
If your Croconaw knows Ice Fang, use it.
You might want to heal after that battle, so just go ahead and do that.
Once you're ready, enter Union Cave.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] X Attack |
| [ ] TM39 - Rock Tomb |
| [ ] X Defend |
| [ ] Great Ball |
| [ ] Awakening |
Once you're in the cave, head left and you'll reach a path where it
splits into two. One going up, and one going down. Across that
intersection is a X Attack. Grab that and go up, then you should be
noticed by a firebreather.
| Reward: ($288) |
| Vulpix | Lv 9 | Exp: 121 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Water. Water. Water.
Head down those stairs, then head left to pick up a TM39 which allows
a specific Pokemon to use Rock Tomb. Then go back towards the stairs,
but before you run up those stairs, head north and collect the
X Defend. Now head back up the stairs. Now you can go down, past
the firebreather, and down where you be noticed by a Hiker.
NB: An upper part of Union Cave requires Surf.
| Reward: ($352) |
| Onix | Lv 11 | Exp: 253 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Onix is weak to water obviously.
When you have beaten him, go right and you'll bump into another
| Reward: ($256) |
| Geodude | Lv 4 | Exp: 61 pts |
| Geodude | Lv 6 | Exp: 93 pts |
| Geodude | Lv 8 | Exp: 124 pts |
| | | |
Comment: 3 Geodudes is so old... take them out with Water-type moves.
Follow the path and run into the firebreather's line of sight.
| Reward: ($192) |
| Koffing | Lv 6 | Exp: 145 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 6 | Exp: 145 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Koffing has a low defense rating, so it should be easily
taken care of.
After defeating the firebreather, in the bottom right corner will
be a Great ball. Grab it and go left until you reach a lake, then
go down until you bump into a PokeCosplayer.
| Reward: ($704) |
| Slowpoke | Lv 11 | Exp: 232 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Slowpoke is a tank, high defense rating. This battle might
take a while unless if you have a Dark or Electric-type move ready.
Now keep going right and then down until you reach the exit, by the
exit there will be an Awakening. Grab it and exit the cave.
|ROUTE 33 || [SSWT33] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Pink Apricorn (one a day) |
| [ ] Black Apricorn (One a day) |
| |
This route has very few trainers. Head down a bit and you should be
able to see a Pink and Black Apricorn tree to the bottom right. Pick
those Apricorns off the tree, then head left and talk to the Hiker to
initiate a battle.
| Reward: ($352) |
| Geodude | Lv 11 | Exp: 171 pts |
| Machop | Lv 11 | Exp: 175 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Geodude is weak to water, Machop hates birds and Psychic
The Hiker will be impressed and ask you if you could register his
number. Accept or decline and move on to the left into Azalea Town.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] White Apricorn (one a day) |
| |
Once you're in town, you'll see a confrontation between a man and a
shady man in black. Then the grunt will tell him to piss off, okay,
it doesn't matter to us. Heal up and buy some gear before we enter
to tax for our second badge. But wait... there's another guy in black
at the gym! Now this is personal, the grunt won't move, who can solve
this problem?.
Head left a bit and you'll find a house with a White Apricorn tree
next to it. Grab the White Apricorn and enter the house. It's an old
man... what good can he do? Now head over to Slowpoke Well. (The
place on the right end of town). Enter Slowpoke Well and then talk
to Kurt once you're inside.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Super Potion |
| [ ] Super Potion |
| |
Once you're in, just go into an entrance then go up to grab a Rocket
Grunt's attention.
| Reward: ($360) |
| Rattata | Lv 9 | Exp: 109 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 9 | Exp: 109 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Rattata is vety easy to handle.
After beating him follow the path and just before another Rocket Grunt,
grab the Super Potion, then fight the next Rocket Grunt.
| Reward: ($440) |
| Zubat | Lv 9 | Exp: 103 pts |
| Ekans | Lv 11 | Exp: 145 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Zubat obviously hates Electric types for the moment...
Ekans can be dealt with easily.
Just before head left, just go down and talk to the rock to obtain
another Super Potion. Now head back and go left to fight another
Rocket Grunt.
| Reward: ($360) |
| Rattata | Lv 7 | Exp: 85 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 9 | Exp: 103 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 9 | Exp: 103 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Zubat hates Electricity, Rattata is a Normal-type Pokemon.
Now its time to deal with a different looking member of Team Rocket.
It is no-one other than Team Rocket's Lance!
| Reward: ($480) |
| Zubat | Lv 8 | Exp: 91 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 12 | Exp: 292 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Zubat hates Electricity, but Koffing here is a tank if you
have weak attackers. End the battle as quickly as you can.
After that battle, he'll mumble about Team Rocket's potential and
stuff. Like that matters to you at the moment, but you have a role
against them later on. The old man will come in and introduce himself
as Kurt, then he will take you to his house.
At Kurt's house, he will give you a Fast Ball (which is a Special
Apricorn Ball in Johto), then he will offer to make you an Apricorn
Ball. After you decided to or not, Kurt's daughter will ask you if
you could register her number. Another Accept or Decline situation.
Now, you could either go and challenge your rival now; or go and
take the Second Badge by storm. Let's do the gym first.
| Type | Bug |
| Weaknesses | Flying, Fire |
Exactly the same layout in the Generation II version of GSC. If you had
Cyndaquil as your start, great: You have an advantage in here. Pidgey's
Gust is useful here too. Enter the gym, and you'll reach to three
spiders. The middle spider leads to a Bug Catcher.
| Reward: ($192) |
| Caterpie | Lv 12 | Exp: 135 pts |
| Weedle | Lv 12 | Exp: 133 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Bug Pokemon hate Flying moves and Fire.
If you took him out, ride the "Spinarak" back and take the left one to
another trainer.
| Reward: ($192) |
| Weedle | Lv 7 | Exp: 78 pts |
| Kakuna | Lv 9 | Exp: 136 pts |
| Beedrill | Lv 12 | Exp: 408 pts |
| | | |
Comment: This little boy has the evolution line of the Weedle series.
Weedle and Kakuna are straight forward. Whilst Beedrill is a dual-type
Bug and Flying, but is pretty tank if you're under-leveled. Fire can
solve all of that.
After you beat that trainer, don't hit the blue switch nearby to fight
another trainer.
| Reward: ($208) |
| Paras | Lv 13 | Exp: 194 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric-type attacks aren't a good choice against Paras.
Fire and Flying-type attacks will do the trick.
Now ride the spider back and hit the blue switch to bump into the twins.
| Reward: ($320) |
| Ledyba | Lv 10 | Exp: 114 pts |
| Spinarak | Lv 10 | Exp: 114 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Pretty straight forward with Fire and Flying tactics.
Now, hit another blue switch next to them and then ride the spider and
hit the red switch. This will takr you to Azalea's Gym Leader: Bugsy.
Save if it's necessary.
| Reward: ($1800) |
| Scyther | Lv 17 | Exp: 681 pts |
| Metapod | Lv 15 | Exp: 231 pts |
| Kakuna | Lv 15 | Exp: 228 pts |
| | | |
Comment: The only challenge you got in this battle is the hardcore
Scyther. Scyther can be a difficult opponent, but it is not impossible
to beat. Beware of its U-Turn move, it is basically a hit and run move
(where as Scyther damages your Pokemon and switches with maybe Metapod
or Kakuna). Scyther is very weak against Fire, but it can take a lot of
damage in. Once you got Scyther out of the way, the battle is then
very easy.
Once you've beat Bugsy, you'll great your second badge: the Hive Badge
and a TM89 - which is U-Turn. The hit and run move Scyther used
earlier in the battle. Once you're done, hit the blue switch and
ride the spiders out of the gym.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Revive |
| [ ] HM01 - Cut |
| [ ] X-Attack |
| [ ] Headbutt move (optional) |
| [ ] Ether |
| [ ] TM12 - Taunt |
| |
Okay, gear up at the Pokemart and heal up at the PokeCenter. Once
you're ready, head towards the tollbooth on the left side of town near
Kurt's house. Your rival will come along and challenge you to a fight.
NB: RTT [Refer to Table]
| Reward: ($1152) |
| Stolen Pokemon* | Lv 18 | Exp: RTT pts |
| Zubat | Lv 16 | Exp: 184 pts |
| Gastly | Lv 14 | Exp: 285 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Gastly is something new - of course: its a Ghost-type Pokemon.
Only Special-type attacks would work (like Ember and Water Gun).
Zubat is weak against Rock and Electric-type moves. Whilst the Stolen
Pokemon (Quilava, Bayleef or Croconaw [depends on which starter you
have chosen]) can be a challenge.
If your starter was...
| Chikorita | Quilava | 18 | - |
| Cyndaquil | Croconaw | 18 | 550 pts |
| Totodile | Bayleef | 18 | - |
| Ilex Forest |
Now enter the tollbooth and you'll be in Ilex Forest. Follow the path
and a guy will notice you, he'll tell you that two of his
Farfetch'd have disappeared nearby. Simply you just have to use
the sticks to distract the Farfetch'd and catch them from behind.
During quest you should pick up a Revive.
When that's done, you'll be rewarded with HM01: which is Cut. Teach
it and cut the tree nearby and follow the path. On the way you
will pick up an X-Attack, a Ether, and you'll probably notice a
fat guy there. Before you reach the Kimono Girl at the end of the
forest, you will have a chance to go around a small path and learn
Headbutt off him.
If you decided to or not, just go for the Kimono Girl and say yes
or no, it doesn't matter. Once that's done, follow the path to exit the
forest. At the exiting tollboth, talk to the lady next to the Butterfree
to obtain a TM12 (which contains Taunt).
|ROUTE 34 || [SSWT34] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Super Potion |
| [ ] TM63 - Embargo |
| |
Good, you're nearly there to Goldenrod City. Now, encounter the first
trainer you see - which is a Youngster.
| Reward: ($128) |
| Rattata | Lv 7 | Exp: 85 pts |
| Sandshrew | Lv 10 | Exp: 198 pts |
| Sparrow | Lv 8 | Exp: 99 pts |
| Sparrow | Lv 8 | Exp: 99 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Very, easy battle. Rattata, do anything you like. Sandshrew
hates Water, and apprently Sparrow doesn't like Electric or Ice
After that ruckus, follow the path until you bump into a Pokefan.
| Reward: ($832) |
| Snubbull | Lv 13 | Exp: 175 pts |
| Mareep | Lv 13 | Exp: 163 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Snubull has a fairly high defense rating at the moment, but
it hates Fighting-type moves. Mareep however dislikes Ground-type
moves and Pokemon.
Follow the path again and you'll bump into another Youngster.
| Reward: ($192) |
| Mankey | Lv 10 | Exp: 157 pts |
| Diglett | Lv 12 | Exp: 207 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Drown Diglett with Water-type moves and Mankey doesn't like
Psychic or Flying-type Pokemon.
Alright, after that battle. The Youngster will ask you if you want
his number or not. Accept or decline: it's totally up to you. In
the corner (upper right corner) in the tall grass, the upper tree
has a Super Potion. Grab it and let's go. Alright, let's just run down
in the grass and into a puddle. A female picknicker with long sight
will notice you.
| Reward: ($192) |
| Hoppip | Lv 9 | Exp: 142 pts |
| Bulbasaur | Lv 12 | Exp: 163 pts |
| Hoppip | Lv 9 | Exp: 142 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All weak to Fire, Ice and Flying-type moves.
After that she'll ask you if you want her number. Say yes to her.
Since she'll often call you and present you with a gift -
which that gift can turn out to be a Leafstone!
Now get back on the path and Gold/Kotone will appear infront of the day-care
centre. They will demonstrate about its use and then he/she will give
you their number. Once you exit the place, you'll also receive the
numbers of the Old Man and Lady's numbers for the daycare.
Now let's just be on our way: head up and you'll probably be noticed
by a Camper with a long sight.
| Reward: ($224) |
| Psyduck | Lv 14 | Exp: 240 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric-type or Grass-type moves do good here.
Okay, he'll ask for your number this one too. It's totally up to you
to register or not, and just move on. Before you enter Goldenrod,
to the right of the trainer is tall grass. There is an item in that
tall grass which is a TM63. Grab it and now enter Goldenrod City.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Bicycle |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] Ether |
| [ ] Burn Heal |
| [ ] Accessory Case |
| [ ] Coin Case |
| |
Alright, a bit of errands and goodies to obtain here. Let's stop by the
Pokemon Center and heal up. Across it is the Super-sized Pokemart,
everything that you need is available here [Hyper Potions, Ultra Balls,
the like.] I would recommend you to buy Full Heals at this time, they
will be very useful instead of buying seperate stuff (Awakenings,
Antidotes, the like). And also Lemonade which can be bought from
the top floor.
If you caught a Drowzee earlier (you can catch them at
Route 34 if you didn't), so you can trade it for a Machop. Machop
will be handy against this city's gym. The trade can be made with a
fat guy on 5F.
Use the elevator and go down to B1F. You will see Karate
guys with Machokes, talk to them and the Machokes will move boxes
out of the way.
The first one nearby will allow you to obtain an Ultra Ball. Grab it
and talk to the second Karate guy. Talk to the Karate guy when he is
facing at one of them at a time, that way they'll move the boxes.
One leads to an Ether, whilst the last one leads to a Burn Heal.
Near the PokeMart is the Bicycle Shop from Kanto, they've just moved
into the region and they aren't doing too well. So, let's pay them a
visit. Go around and enter the bicycle shop. Say 'yes' two times and
you'll receive a free Bicycle! Now exit the place.
| Goldenrod Underground |
Let's stop by the Underground, which is the place where it looks like
its going down. There are two entry points, one at the northern end
of Goldenrod and one just west of the Pokemon Center. Go to the one
near the Pokemon Center and you'll be greeted by Gold/Kotone again.
They'll give you an Accessory case, so that you could start collecting
accessories and dress up your Pokemon, like you did in D/P/Pt (Diamond,
Pearl and Platinum).
Now go downstairs, and oh right... there are trainers here, well good
for experience and levelling up that Machop!
| Reward: ($528) |
| Grimer | Lv 11 | Exp: 211 pts |
| Grimer | Lv 11 | Exp: 211 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic-type moves work great here. If you don't have one,
put out your strongest attacks on Grimer.
Head up a bit and shortly you'll bump into a Pokemaniac. Whip out
Machop before you meet eyes with him.
| Reward: ($768) |
| Lickitung | Lv 12 | Exp: 325 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Machop's Fighting type moves against it.
Just next to that defeated Pokemaniac is a Coin Case. Pretty rare
for someone just to ditch it here, but well their loss. Grab it and
let's go.
Keep going up and you'll bump into another Nerd and Pokemaniac
respectively. Intitate a battle with them now.
| Reward: ($432) |
| Magnemite | Lv 7 | Exp: 133 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 7 | Exp: 133 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 9 | Exp: 171 pts |
| Voltorb | Lv 11 | Exp: 241 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Magnemite is a dual Electric/Steel type Pokemon. Steel types
hate Fighting moves, so Machop is great in handling this situation.
Voltorb is a standalone Electric-type which can be easily dealt with.
| Reward: ($704) |
| Slowpoke | Lv 11 | Exp: 232 pts |
| Slowpoke | Lv 11 | Exp: 232 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic-types are resistant to Fighting-types here and can
own them easily. So don't both whipping out Machop here. If you can
Electric-type or a Pokemon that knows Bite or Crunch, great, use
After that ruckus, you can go upstairs and exit the underground. But
to the right here is a dressing room here for your Pokemon. That's
where the accessories come in. If you want to dress your Pokemon, its
totally up to you. I'd prefer not to since its a waste of time. Now
exit the place.
| Goldenrod Radio Tower |
Alright we'll stop by the gym first. You should be at the northern
end of Goldenrod. Head east and what in the world? There's someone
blocking the entrance and she says the gym leader is at the Radio
Tower. Alright, let's stop by there.
Just head down and past the monorail overhead tracks and a left after
the bridge. Keep heading left shortly and you'll see a big black tower
with a Rocket Grunt staring at it. That's the Radio Tower, now enter
the building.
Once you're in there's the reception. However, just stroll right a bit
and you'll see a different looking girl. That's Whitney - the gym
leader of this town (a kid lol >_>). Now, talk to the lady across her
and answer the questions this way:
Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No.
Anyways you'll win the Radio Card for your Pokegear, so you can listen
to the radio on the go. After that, Whitney will be jealous and run
off to the gym. I suggest that you should level up your Machop and
your other Pokemon up to Lv 20 or beyond, so that you won't have any
problems with the gym.
Once you're ready, enter the gym.
| Type | Normal |
| Weaknesses | Fighting |
Once you're in, run up the stairs and go upwards. You'll be noticed by
a beauty and begin a fight. If you've obtained Machop earlier, then
it is your insurance against this gym.
| Reward: ($896) |
| Sentret | Lv 9 | Exp: 109 pts |
| Sentret | Lv 13 | Exp: 157 pts |
| Sentret | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Sentret spam, counterspam with Fighting moves!
Follow the path around and down the steps, there will be a small path
near the steps, enter it and encounter another Beauty.
| Reward: ($896) |
| Meowth | Lv 16 | Exp: 235 pts |
| Meowth | Lv 16 | Exp: 235 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fighting moves ftw here.
Now, exit through that small path you've just entered through. Go past
the stairs and go around. Run down and then left until you're spotted
by a lass when you're just next to her.
| Reward: ($272) |
| Snubbull | Lv 17 | Exp: 229 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Snubbull with Lick and Bite... can be quite problematic.
Fighting moves are solution here!
Now just walk up and you'll be noticed by another Lass...
| Reward: ($240) |
| Jigglypuff | Lv 15 | Exp: 243 pts |
| Jigglypuff | Lv 15 | Exp: 243 pts |
| Jigglypuff | Lv 15 | Exp: 243 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Jigglypuff spam... counterspam with Fighting moves.
Oh that Lass is blocking the path, just go around by going where she
was before. Now let's go and grab the next badge... against Whitney.
| Reward: ($2280) |
| Clefairy | Lv 17 | Exp: 247 pts |
| Miltank | Lv 19 | Exp: 813 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy battle. Both Miltank and Clefairy are weak against
Fighting-type moves. Clefairy can dealt with a Low Kick and a Karate
Chop. Miltank is a heavy enemy, so Low Kick will work very well here,
since Miltank uses Stomp a lot, Revenge will be super effective in
this situation.
You've won, great. But Whitney is crying, damn it. She'll refuse to
give you the badge and let's walk away. When you walk out, a lass will
notice you and tell you to go back to her.
Alright, we'll go back to her. She will now give you the Plain Badge
and a TM45 which contains Attract. Now let's exit the gym.
|ROUTE 35 || [SSWT35] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Squirtbottle |
| [ ] Green Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Parlyz Heal |
| [ ] TM66 - Payback |
| [ ] Quick Claw |
| [ ] TM28 - Dig |
| [ ] Soothe Bell |
| [ ] Blue Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Berry Planter |
| [ ] Oran Berry |
| [ ] Pecha Berry |
| |
| Goldenrod City |
Alright, heal up and stock up if you need to. Stop by the gym again,
but don't enter it. See a small Flower Shop next to it on the right?
Enter it and talk to the lady to obtain a Squirtbottle. We will need
this on while we are on our way to Ecruteak City.
She will also talk about a strange tree on Route 36 and requests you
use the Squirtbottle to wet it. So that is reason why we need it.
Exit the shop and get out of Goldenrod by the northern exit of town.
| Route 35 |
Follow the path and you will noticed by a female picknicker.
| Reward: ($240) |
| Vulpix | Lv 15 | Exp: 202 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Vulpix can be knocked out with Water.
Follow the path and you will probably notice a guy there. Ignore him
for now (we'll get back to him), and keep going until you bump into
a Camper.
| Reward: ($240) |
| Sandshrew | Lv 13 | Exp: 258 pts |
| Marill | Lv 15 | Exp: 186 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Sandshrew doesn't like Water and Marill sure doesn't like
Just next to the defeated Camper is another Picknicker, maybe
his girlfriend.
| Reward: ($256) |
| Pikachu | Lv 16 | Exp: 280 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Muddy Pikachu up so that it can't shock anyone. By all means,
use Ground-type moves.
Shortly at the turn towards Route 36, you'll be ambushed by another
| Reward: ($224) |
| Diglett | Lv 10 | Exp: 172 pts |
| Diglett | Lv 14 | Exp: 243 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 10 | Exp: 115 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Diglett dislikes Water a lot and Zubat doesn't like Rocks or
Now run up until you've been spotted by a Juggler.
| Reward: ($448) |
| Voltorb | Lv 2 | Exp: 43 pts |
| Voltorb | Lv 6 | Exp: 132 pts |
| Voltorb | Lv 14 | Exp: 309 pts |
| Voltorb | Lv 10 | Exp: 220 pts |
| | | |
Comment: They all hate Ground-type moves, but if you don't have
Ground-type moves under your sleeve; then put out your attacks to put
them down quickly.
After that duel, Juggler boy will be impressed and asks for your
number. Accept or decline, since its up to you. Now keep running up
and shortly there's a Firebreather near the defeated Juggler.
| Reward: ($512) |
| Magmar | Lv 11 | Exp: 393 pts |
| Magmar | Lv 16 | Exp: 571 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Extinguish Magmar's flames with Water.
This guy will also be impressed and asks for your number, accept or
decline since its your decision and move on. Now before the tollbooth,
there are two ways into Route 36. One is directly and one is indirect
through National Park, but you'll get more money and experience then.
I will explain both.
| |
| -> Shortcut [Direct to Route 36] |
| -> Long Way [Indirect to Route 36]|
| via. National Park |
| |
| Route 36 - Direct Route |
To take the Direct route, go through the tall grass on the right.
YOU WILL NEED CUT. Run through it until you're spotted by a Bug Catcher
in the tall grass near a cuttable tree.
| Reward: ($240) |
| Venonat | Lv 15 | Exp: 240 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Bug types don't like Flying Predators and Fire Pokemon?
We will get to the tree in a moment, but run down the grass first and
make the first left. Follow the path and grab the Parlyz Heal, run
out and run down the grass again. Follow the path and remember the
Bird Keeper on the other side of the fence? Talk to him to start a
| Reward: ($448) |
| Pidgey | Lv 12 | Exp: 141 pts |
| Pidgeotto | Lv 14 | Exp: 339 pts |
| | | |
Comment: They all hate Rock and Electric-type moves.
From your position, there should be a path to the right. Collect the
item and it contains a TM66. TM66 contains Payback. Now follow the
path back and up to where the Bug Catcher you defeated first and to
the cuttable tree. Cut the tree and go through and follow the path.
Skip the National Park Section and continue reading from Route 36.
| Route 36 - Indirect Route via. National Park |
Enter through the tollbooth and there will be two exits. One leads
to the National Park and one leads to the Pokethlon. The far left
exit leads to the Pokelthon, whilst the one infront of you leads to
the National Park. The Pokethlon will be explained in the Sidequest
sections. Now enter National Park.
| National Park |
Follow the path and head first before the upwards turn. To the right
will be a lady next to a Persian, talk to her to obtain a Quick
Claw. Now head upwards until you reach a big stretch of tall grass
ahead of you. Best to put on some Repels if you don't want to battle
weak Pokemon.
Head towards the Pokefan and battle her.
| Reward: ($1024) |
| Snubbull | Lv 16 | Exp: 216 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Remember Goldenrod's Normal Gym? Remember Fighting-type moves
are their weaknesses? Use it against them!
After that quick ruckus, the woman will be interested in asking you
for your number. Accept or decline, it's totally up to you. Near the
Pokefan is a man in the grass, who would take a picture of you and
your Pokemon in front of the fountain. It is entirely up to you to
get it taken or not. Now let's move on.
Now head east and you will bump into a schoolboy.
| Reward: ($300) |
| Oddish | Lv 12 | Exp: 199 pts |
| Voltorb | Lv 15 | Exp: 330 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Set Oddish on Fire or send Flying prey against it. Muddy
Voltorb with Ground-type moves.
After that school ruckus, the kid will be impressed and asks for
your number. Accept or decline and move on. Now head northwest
into super tall grass and soon you will bump into another Pokefan.
| Reward: ($1024) |
| Raichu | Lv 16 | Exp: 417 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu and is obviously still
an Electric-type. It still hates Ground-type moves.
Now keep heading left in the super tall grass until you bump into a
| Reward: ($272) |
| Oddish | Lv 14 | Exp: 234 pts |
| Cubone | Lv 17 | Exp: 316 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fire for Oddish, Fighting-type moves for Cubone.
This Lass will also be impressed and wants your number. Accept or
decline and move on. Now let's go northeast, so go North-east of the
super tall grass until you see a boy with a DS. Enter through the
opening and go left in there. Follow the path and you will pick up
a TM28 (which is half-covered by a tree but still visible), TM28 is
Now head back by following the path, but go to the right of the
boy with the DS. You will see a rocky ledge, but ignore it for now.
That will have to wait for a LONG LONG time. Keep following the path
and you will shortly obtain a Soothe Bell. The Soothe Bell is a good
held item for your party Pokemon. Follow the path back and get out
of National Park. Head south-east from the boy with the DS towards
the tollbooth entering Route 36.
| Route 36 |
Alright, once you enter there is a Blue Apricorn tree to the upper
right corner, empty it and head south. You will bump into a Psychic now.
| Reward: ($512) |
| Abra | Lv 14 | Exp: 225 pts |
| Abra | Lv 14 | Exp: 225 pts |
| Kadabra | Lv 16 | Exp: 496 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Dark-type moves or any move that is strong against these
Psychic Pokemon.
Now shortly you will go down and make a right, this is also the turn
where the "Direct route 36-ers" enter Route 36. Now keep heading right
until you bump into a Schoolboy.
| Reward: ($340) |
| Tangela | Lv 17 | Exp: 604 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Tangela is a Grass-type Tank. High defense rating, even if
you throw Fire-type moves against it. It is weak against Fire and Ice
After another schoolboy related defeat, he will also ask for your
number. Accept or decline and keep pushing right. Eventually you will
reach where that strange tree was when you came in from Violet City
earlier. And there is a lass infront of it. She tells you to use
the Squirtbottle. Now save the game and use the Squirtbottle.
// Type // Rock //
// Exp when killed: 385 pts //
Comment: Sudowoodo hates Water and Fighting-type moves.

If you caught it, good. If you killed, it doesn't matter - but its not
much EXP given anyways. The girl is glad that the 'tree' is gone and
rewards you with the key item: The Berry Planter. This is a mobile
planter that allows you to plant and grow berries on the go.
She then gives you an Oran Berry and a Pecha Berry. The girl then heads
back towards Goldenrod City, and now you can buy mulch/fertilisers
at Goldenrod City's Flower shop. Now that the 'tree' is gone, we can head
east into Violet City to heal up and stock up.
Now head back here and follow the path onto Route 37.
|ROUTE 37 || [SSWT37] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Black Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Blue Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Red Apricorn (one per day) |
| |
| Route 37 |
The path splits into two, one heading left and one heading right, but
still going upwards. Let's head right first... and we will bump into
a Psychic.
| Reward: ($544) |
| Drowzee | Lv 17 | Exp: 370 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Drowzee gets pretty damn annoying when it uses Hypnosis and
then Dream Eater to knock out your Pokemon. Counter it with Dark-type
After beating that Psychic, run up the grass and you will come to three
Apricorn trees. A Red, Blue and Black Apricorn can be obtained here.
Empty those trees and head downwards back to the forked road.
Now head towards the left and battle the twins there.
| Reward: ($512) |
| TWIN 1's Pokemon: | TWIN 2's Pokemon: |
|Marill | Lv 16 | Exp: 198 pts | Mareep | Lv 16 | Exp: 200 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Marill just needs to be shocked with Electric-type moves and
Mareep just needs to be covered with Ground-type moves.
Follow the path around the twins (left or right) and you will rn into
another dual battle with two Beauties.
| Reward: ($1792) |
| BEAUTY 1's Pokemon: | BEAUTY 2's Pokemon: |
|Wigglytuff| Lv 16 | Exp: 372 pts | Clefable | Lv 16 | Exp: 440 pts |
|Clefable | Lv 16 | Exp: 440 pts | Wigglytuff| Lv 16 | Exp: 372 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: All of them are weak to Fighting-type moves.
After that battle, now just head north and you will enter Ecruteak
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] HM03 - Surf |
| [ ] Item Finder |
| [ ] Antidote |
| [ ] HP Up |
| |
Head for the Pokemon Center first, it's just to the right when you
enter town. When you're inside, Bill will get you and talk about his
Pokemon Storage System and heads off back home to Goldenrod City.
Heal up and stock up if you need to. The Pokemart is north-east of
the Pokemon Center and is pretty close. Let's stop by the Kimono House,
its just north of the Pokemon Center.
When you enter, a "Thud" appears on the screen and you will a Rocket
Grunt annoying a Kimono Girl. Get up there on the stage and battle the
Rocket Grunt.
| Reward: ($480) |
| Koffing | Lv 12 | Exp: 292 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Very easy battle. Throw whatever you've got at Koffing.
After that battle, the Rocket Grunt makes a run for it. Walk off the
stage and a Gentleman approaches you. He will give you an HM03, which
contains Surf. We can't use it yet, we'll need this town's badge:
which is the Fog Badge.
If you feel like it, you can stalk Bill back to Goldenrod City to
get a free Eevee, which is at Level 5. To the south-west of the Kimono
house is a small house, inside, talk to the Cooltrainer and say 'yes'
to obtain a Item Finder.
Morty ain't at this gym, so let's stop by the Burned Tower.
| Burned Tower |
Once you're inside the Burned Tower, to the right are Euisine and
Morty. They are just investigating the place, and as we can see,
the three legendary dogs are below us. Follow the path to the ladder
and we see our rival. Well he wants a battle, we'll give him a battle!
NB: RTT [Refer to Table]
| Reward: ($1408) |
| Gastly | Lv 18 | Exp: 406 pts |
| Stolen Pokemon* | Lv 22 | Exp: RTT pts |
| Zubat | Lv 20 | Exp: 231 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 18 | Exp: 342 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another decent challenger once in a while. Gastly is weak
to Dark-type moves obviously, so Bite or Crunch works well here.
The Stolen Pokemon depends on your starter, whilst Zubat is weak to
Rock and Electric-type moves. Magnemite is weak to Fire and Ground
type moves.
If your starter was...
| Chikorita | Quilava | 22 | - |
| Cyndaquil | Croconaw | 22 | 673 pts |
| Totodile | Bayleef | 22 | - |
After that little ruckus, your rival leaves the place. Don't go down
the ladder just yet. Walk upwards past the ladder and challenge the
Firebreather there.
| Reward: ($512) |
| Koffing | Lv 16 | Exp: 390 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 16 | Exp; 390 pts |
| Growlithe | Lv 17 | Exp: 331 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Koffing can easily dealt with Psychic-type moves. Growlithe
is just another Fire-type, but can taken out with Water-type moves.
To the left is an Antidote, grab it and keep heading left. Keep
going left and shortly you'll be spotted by another Firebreather.
| Reward: ($576) |
| Charmeleon | Lv 18 | Exp: 547 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Extinguish Charmeleon's flame with Water.
Follow the path down and use Rock Smash to obtain a HP UP. Follow the
path backwards and now go down the ladder. When you approach near
the legendary dogs, they'll make a run for it. Euisine will come in
and shocked and goes on a rant. We can't get the item in the upper
left corner, since we'll need Strength. Climb up the ladder and exit
the place.
Heal up and stock up if you need to. Now head for the city's gym:
Ecruteak Gym.
| Type | Ghost |
| Weaknesses | Ghost |
The Weakness of Ghost-type Pokemon may be strange, but its the truth.
This also applies to Dragon-type Pokemon as an example. If you don't
have a Ghost-type, bring a Pokemon that knows any Special-type moves
like Water, Fire or Electric will do.
Follow the path upwards until you bump into a Medium.
| Reward: ($768) |
| Gastly | Lv 16 | Exp: 325 pts |
| Gastly | Lv 16 | Exp: 325 pts |
| Gastly | Lv 16 | Exp: 325 pts |
| Gastly | Lv 16 | Exp: 325 pts |
| Gastly | Lv 16 | Exp: 325 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Gastly is a dual Ghost/Poison type Pokemon. So its weak
against Psychic or Ghost-type moves.
The candles of that Medium will go out and the path will be black.
Fall down and you will be at the front of the gym, but the candles will
be back.
Best to follow these steps:
1 Step Up, 3 Steps to the right and follow the path up to the next
| Reward: ($960) |
| Haunter | Lv 20 | Exp: 540 pts |
| Haunter | Lv 20 | Exp: 540 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Haunter, the evolved form of Gastly. The same rules apply
here, Ghost or Psychic-type moves work best here.
Candles go out for the Second Medium. Now go 1 step to the right,
2 steps up and go all the way left until you bump into the next
| Reward: ($1056) |
| Haunter | Lv 22 | Exp: 594 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ghost or Psychic-type moves work against the odds.
Now, now, we're only half way there. Head 1 step down, 2 steps left,
1 step up, 1 step to the left and go all the way up to the final
Medium in this gym.
| Reward: ($960) |
| Gastly | Lv 18 | Exp: 366 pts |
| Haunter | Lv 20 | Exp: 540 pts |
| Gastly | Lv 20 | Exp: 406 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ghost or Psychic-type moves work against the odds.
It's a bit dodgy here, if you want, you can be cheap and fall down
and walk over again with the candles re-lit. Follow the path upwards
and battle Ecruteak's Gym Leader: Morty.
| Reward: ($2760) |
| Gastly | Lv 21 | Exp: 427 pts |
| Haunter | Lv 21 | Exp: 567 pts |
| Haunter | Lv 23 | Exp: 621 pts |
| Gengar | Lv 25 | Exp: 1017 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Same rules apply as before. This is the Gastly evolution
line. Use Ghost or Psychic-type moves here. Note that Gengar has a
Sitrus Berry and will use it when on low HP.
After that ruckus, Morty will reward you with the Fog Badge and a
TM30. TM30 contains Shadow Ball, a good Ghost-type move in the game.
Drop down the holes in the gym to end up back at the front. Now
exit the place.
When you're all good to go, head west of the city towards Route 38.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] White Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Max Potion |
| [ ] Green Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Seal Case |
| [ ] TM83 - Natural Gift |
| [ ] TM60 - Drain Punch |
| |
| Route 38 |
Head west and on top of the tall grass. You will bump into a Sailor
| Reward: ($640) |
| Wooper | Lv 20 | Exp: 222 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy battle if you have a Grass-type handy.
Follow the path around the sailor and you will bump into a Lass.
| Reward: ($304) |
| Flaaffy | Lv 19 | Exp: 475 pts |
| Psyduck | Lv 19 | Exp: 325 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Muddy up Flaaffy with Ground-type moves, but beware of its
Static. Psyduck can be shocked out in no-time with Electric-type moves.
She will ask you for your number, this one you must accept. Sometimes
we will ring your Pokegear and give you a Thunderstone. Keep following
the path near the fence and you will be spotted by a Schoolboy.
| Reward: ($400) |
| Mr. Mime | Lv 20 | Exp: 582 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Bite if you've got it against Mr. Mime, or unleash the
The kid will want your number, of course, accept or decline and move on-
BUT HEY! HE'S BLOCKING THE WAY. Now head back and south-west into the
tall grass. Talk to the Beauty in the tall grass to battle her.
| Reward: ($1008) |
| Hoppip | Lv 18 | Exp: 285 pts |
| Skiploom | Lv 18 | Exp: 523 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All Grass-types. They're weak to Fire, Ice and Flying.
Now head back east, past the Lass and pass the Sailor. Now follow the
path and keep going west to battle a Bird Keeper.
| Reward: ($576) |
| Doduo | Lv 16 | Exp: 328 pts |
| Doduo | Lv 17 | Exp: 349 pts |
| Doduo | Lv 18 | Exp: 369 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Freeze them out with Ice-type moves, or Shock them with
Electric-type moves.
After that little ruckus, there should be a White Apricorn tree just
outside the fence. Grab the White Apricorn and jump off the ledge on
the right to grab a Max Potion.
Follow the path west, up the tall grass, pass the Beauty you've
defeated earlier and get on to the main road. Follow the path west and
you will be on Route 39.
| Route 39 |
When you get on to the Crossroads, you'll be noticed by a Gentleman.
Apparently he's the Safari Zone Manager, and you can say 'Yes' to
receive his number in your PokeGear.
To the Upper left road from where you are leadings to a MooMoo Ranch.
Up there you can pick Green Apricorns from that tree. There is a
bold guy there, who would take a photo of you and your Pokemon in
front of the ranch.
Enter the ranch (the right entrance) and talk to the owners. Then go
left in the house to enter the shed. Feed the Miltank between the
girls - 7 Oran Berries (the count doesn't go back to zero, it stays
wherever you left off).
If the Miltank is better, talking to the girl on the left will get
yourself a Seal Case. A Seal Case can design your Pokeballs like in
D/P/Pt. Talk to the girl on the left again to get a couple more seals
in to your case.
Head right to enter back in to the Ranch's house. Talk to the woman
to get a TM83. TM83 contains Natural Gift. Go outside to where all the
Miltank are and down the hill. Behind the tower is a TM60 - which
contains Drain Punch. Grab it and let's go.
Get out of the ranch fields and get back on to the road. Go down
and distract the Psychic on the right.
| Reward: ($640) |
| Slowpoke | Lv 17 | Exp: 360 pts |
| Slowpoke | Lv 20 | Exp: 423 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock it with Electric-type moves or Bite it out with Dark
-type moves.
Follow the path down and down the steps. You will notice a rocky
ledge on the right, but we can't get to it for a long time. Follow the
path until you get noticed by a Sailor.
| Reward: ($608) |
| Raticate | Lv 17 | Exp: 421 pts |
| Poliwhirl | Lv 17 | Exp: 477 pts |
| Krabby | Lv 19 | Exp: 468 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fighting moves against Raticate, Electric or Grass-type moves
against Poliwhirl and the same for Krabby.
After that little ruckus, you should see Pokefans walking back and
forth in different aisles. Get spotted by the first Pokefan just
below the Sailor you just defeated.
| Reward: ($1152) |
| Pikachu | Lv 18 | Exp: 315 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Muddy up Pikachu with Ground-type moves.
The Pokefan will be interested and wants your number. Accept or
decline and bump into the second Pokefan.
| Reward: ($1088) |
| Pikachu | Lv 17 | Exp: 298 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Do the same thing as how dealt with Pikachu in the previous
Now follow the path downwards and you will be in Olivine City.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Good Rod |
| [ ] Full Heal |
| [ ] TM87 - Swagger |
| [ ] Rare Candy |
| [ ] Ether |
| [ ] Super Repel |
| [ ] Super Potion |
| |
Once you're in town and approach the Gym, your Rival comes out and
there won't be a battle. There is a house just South-east of the Gym
nearby. Go inside it and talk to the Fisherman to receive a Good
Follow the path around and you can heal up at the Pokemon Center.
To the right is the PokeMart, so you can gear up there too. Go right of
the PokeMart and then up, you come up to two houses. There should be a
small little path to the left of the First House, walk it up and talk
to the rock to get a Full Heal.
Head back down and keep going down until you reach the steps on the
right of the cliff. Climb those steps and enter the Lighthouse.
| Olivine Lighthouse |
| 1st Floor |
Enter the place and go up the stairs to the left.
| 2nd Floor |
Walk down and you'll be spotted by a Gentleman.
| Reward: ($4400) |
| Noctowl | Lv 22 | Exp: 763 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ice or Electric-type moves no?
He'll ask for your number, accept or decline and follow the path to
bump into a Sailor.
| Reward: ($640) |
| Poliwag | Lv 18 | Exp: 297 pts |
| Poliwhirl | Lv 20 | Exp: 561 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric or Grass-type moves no?
Another Sailor asks for your number, gee there are a lot of stalkers
in the Lighthouse today.. Let's move on and climb up the ladder to
| 3rd Floor (Part One) |
When you try run past to the ladder beside you, you'll be spotted
by a Bird Keeper in this cramped space.
| Reward: ($480) |
| Pidgey | Lv 17 | Exp: 199 pts |
| Pidgey | Lv 15 | Exp: 175 pts |
| Pidgey | Lv 15 | Exp: 175 pts |
| Pidgey | Lv 15 | Exp: 175 pts |
| Pidgey | Lv 19 | Exp: 223 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Pidgey spam... very unfortunate. Finish the battle with
Electric-type moves.
| 4th Floor (Part One) |
When you're on this level, to your right is a Gentleman looking
down. Don't go east yet, but go down and left to attract the attention
of a Lass.
| Reward: ($336) |
| Marill | Lv 21 | Exp: 261 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another Water-type Pokemon weak to Electric and Grass-type
Go left and pick up a TM87. TM87 contains Swagger. Now head back and go
to where the Gentleman is facing.
| Reward: ($3600) |
| Growlithe | Lv 18 | Exp: 351 pts |
| Growlithe | Lv 18 | Exp: 351 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Extinguish Growlithe with Water-type moves.
| 3rd Floor (Part Two) |
Now head right to drop down a level. You will be outside, follow the
path but don't go inside just yet. To the left of the Lighthouse's
exterior is a Rare Candy. Grab it and enter the inside again.
To the right is a Sailor: battle him.
| Reward: ($640) |
| Krabby | Lv 18 | Exp: 442 pts |
| Krabby | Lv 20 | Exp: 492 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use a Grass or Electric-type here against Krabby.
To the right of the Sailor is an Ether. Pick it up and move on to the
left. Head up and try to make a run for the ladder. A Bird Keeper will
notice you.
| Reward: ($576) |
| Spearow | Lv 18 | Exp: 223 pts |
| Spearow | Lv 18 | Exp: 223 pts |
| Fearow | Lv 20 | Exp: 693 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock them or Ice them, or anything you like. Just avoid
using Grass or Bug-type Pokemon against Bird Matter.
Now climb the ladder.
| 4th Floor (Part Two) |
Just climb the ladder on to the Fifth floor.
| 5th Floor |
Go down and battle the Sailor nearby.
| Reward: ($640) |
| Poliwhirl | Lv 20 | Exp: 561 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy battle. Do whatever you like.
Follow the path around and don't climb up the ladder just yet. Battle
the Sailor next to the ladder going upwards.
| Reward: ($576) |
| Machop | Lv 18 | Exp: 288 pts |
| Machop | Lv 18 | Exp: 288 pts |
| Poliwhirl | Lv 18 | Exp: 504 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Machop is weak against Flying Pokemon and Poliwhirl hates
Electric-type moves.
Just above you is a Super Repel. Grab it and climb up the ladder.
| 6th Floor |
Talk to Jasmine, the girl next to the Ampharos. She says it's sick
and she requests you to Surf down to Cianwood City and grab some
medicine. Alright, let's do that.
Jasmine unlocks the door and to the right is a Super Potion. Now take
the lift down and exit the Lighthouse.
Stop by the Pokemon Center, heal up, gear up (buy some Super Repels)
and head west of Olivine City towards Route 40.
|ROUTE(S) 40 AND 41 || [SSWT40] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM88 - Pluck |
| |
| Route 40 |
Route(s) 40 and 41 at sea is awfully big so...
Go all the way left (while on land) and surf into the water. If you
don't have a Water-type Pokemon, you can catch one a Staryu at the
Olivine Harbour at night.
Surf a little down and you will bump into a Swimmer.
| Reward: ($320) |
| Tentacool | Lv 20 | Exp: 450 pts |
| Tentacool | Lv 20 | Exp: 450 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock Tentacool out of the Water, or Psyche them out with
Pscyhic-type moves.
Now surf South-east to battle another Swimmer.
| Reward: ($336) |
| Staryu | Lv 21 | Exp: 477 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock Staryu out of the Water.
Keep surfing south-east and very shortly, jump on to the dry land and
pick up the TM88. TM88 contains Pluck.
Now surf south-west from the dry land to battle another Swimmer.
| Reward: ($288) |
| Shellder | Lv 18 | Exp: 373 pts |
| Shellder | Lv 18 | Exp: 373 pts |
| Wartortle | Lv 20 | Exp: 612 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak to Electric-type moves.
Surf down three cells and you will bump into another, another Swimmer.
| Reward: ($304) |
| Staryu | Lv 19 | Exp: 430 pts |
| Shellder | Lv 19 | Exp: 394 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak to Electric-type moves.
Alright, now here's the cutter. Route 41 can split into two directions:
West and South. We will take the West Route first. So head south-west
| Route 41 - West |
You're on Route 41 now, keep heading south-west and into some rocks.
Swimming between those rocks is a Swimmer, challenge him to a battle.
| Reward: ($304) |
| Tentacool | Lv 16 | Exp: 360 pts |
| Tentacool | Lv 16 | Exp: 360 pts |
| Tentacool | Lv 17 | Exp: 382 pts |
| Tentacool | Lv 17 | Exp: 382 pts |
| Remoraid | Lv 19 | Exp: 316 pts |
| Staryu | Lv 19 | Exp: 430 pts |
| | | |
Comment: 2/3 of this Swimmer's team are Tentacool... wow. Psyche them
out of shock 'em. It's up to you. Remoraid and Staryu are also weak
to Electric-type moves.
Keep surfing west and you'll notice some Whirlpools. Here are the
Whirl Islands - home to Lugia. It's a long wait for Lugia, but have
patience and keep surfing west. Battle the female Swimmer on the way.
| Reward: ($352) |
| Psyduck | Lv 20 | Exp: 342 pts |
| Goldeen | Lv 22 | Exp: 522 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock them both out of the Water with Electric-type moves.
Follow the path and you'll see land: that is Cianwood City for ya.
You can disembark and heal up at the Pokemon Center. It's a couple
of clicks to the South.
But don't fully settle in Cianwood City yet, we still got trainers to
straighten out there. If you didn't disembark, keep surfing all the way
down and then head east to battle another Swimmer.
| Reward: ($352) |
| Seel | Lv 22 | Exp: 471 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock Seel out of the Water...
Keep surfing east and you should encounter another Swimmer swimming
in circles.
| Reward: ($320) |
| Gyarados | Lv 20 | Exp: 916 pts |
| Gyarados | Lv 20 | Exp: 916 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock Gyarados out of the water...
Keep surfing east and follow the right wall. Now keep going until you
see a female Swimmer looking north to your left.
| Reward: ($320) |
| Goldeen | Lv 18 | Exp: 427 pts |
| Goldeen | Lv 20 | Exp: 475 pts |
| Seaking | Lv 20 | Exp: 727 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock the Goldeen evolution line out of the water...
Now surf north, past the Whirlpool and into the line of sight of
another Swimmer.
| Reward: ($304) |
| Shellder | Lv 21 | Exp: 436 pts |
| Tentacool | Lv 19 | Exp: 427 pts |
| Tentacruel | Lv 19 | Exp: 834 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock Shellder with Electric-type moves. Whilst you can
Shock and Psyche Tentacool and Tentacruel.
Now surf back down and make a left at the nearest Whirlpool you'll come
by. Head left past the female Swimmer you defeated earlier, and to
battle a male Swimmer.
| Reward: ($368) |
| Krabby | Lv 23 | Exp: 565 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock Krabby out of the water...
Now keep surfing west to find another male swimmer in thw middle of
| Reward: ($368) |
| Qwilfish | Lv 23 | Exp: 492 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock Qwilfish out of the water, but be aware of its
Poison Point special ability. Physical attacks done to it many
Poison your Pokemon.
Now keep surfing west (in between the rocks) and you will be on dry
land. Now you are officially on Cianwood City.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] A Shuckle (req. a free slot |
| in your party) |
| [ ] SecretPotion |
| |
Stop by the Pokemon Center and heal up. Empty up a slot in your party
by the way. Exit the Pokemon Center and enter the house next door to
the Pokemon Center.
Talk to the man behind the counter to obtain the SecretPotion. That's
one third of Cianwood done. What are other two thirds here? Don't
forget that we have a Gym Badge to reap and battle a person who we
aren't suspecting.
Exit the Cianwood Pharmacy and go the house to it's left. Talk to the
guy who looks like a Bird Keeper and say 'yes' to obtain a Lv. 20
Shuckle. Now exit his house.
Now go all the way north, north of town. You will Suicune there, but
save the game before you go near it. You will notice Suicune and
then it glances at you for a second, then runs off.
And guess who comes along... Suicune's stalker: Eusine! HE WANTS TO
DUEL! So let's D-Du-Du-Duel!
| Reward: ($3240) |
| Drowzee | Lv 25 | Exp: 546 pts |
| Electrode | Lv 27 | Exp: 867 pts |
| Haunter | Lv 25 | Exp: 675 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy battle coming from a guy who AIN'T even worthy to be
Suicune's owner or stalker. Drowzee is easy, do whatever you like to
it. Eusine then brings out a grenade: Electrode. Electrode hates
Ground-type moves; and Haunter is weak to Psychic mainly.
After that ridiculous ruckus, Eusine leaves and that's two-thirds of
Cianwood done. All that is left is to collect our fifth Gym badge!
Now head south and you would notice a cave there. We will get to that
area after Olivine Gym.
Now heal up and enter Cianwood Gym.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM01 - Focus Punch |
| [ ] HM02 - Fly |
| |
| Type | Fighting |
| Weaknesses | Flying, Psychic |
| Cianwood Gym |
Alright, walk up and you will see the Gym Leader: Chuck. As you walk
up to him and talk to him, he's distracted by a Waterfall. Damn he's
not that cheap. Alright! Let's get rid of the Waterfall first.
Head left and battle the first Karate Guy.
| Reward: ($648) |
| Hitmonlee | Lv 27 | Exp: 804 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psyche Hitmonlee out with Psychic moves, or send in the
Follow the path towards another Karate Guy shortly.
| Reward: ($600) |
| Machop | Lv 25 | Exp: 400 pts |
| Machoke | Lv 25 | Exp: 781 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Refer to the weaknesses of Fighting-type Pokemon.
Now go down the steps back to water level. Head to Chuck's right and
up those steps. Follow the right-side steps to grab the attention of
the third Karate Guy.
| Reward: ($648) |
| Hitmonchan | Lv 27 | Exp: 810 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Refer to the weaknesses of Fighting-type Pokemon.
Ground around the Karate Guy you just defeated and follow the path
upwards to battle the last Karate Guy.
| Reward: ($600) |
| Mankey | Lv 23 | Exp: 364 pts |
| Mankey | Lv 23 | Exp: 364 pts |
| Primeape | Lv 25 | Exp: 798 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Refer to the weaknesses of Fighting-type Pokemon.
Head a level down and cross the bridge under the waterfall. Follow the
path and press the button to stop the water flow.
Go down to water level and batrle Chuck. Don't forget to save.
* Typhlosion Lv 41 *
* Pidgeotto Lv 28 *
* Miltank Lv 29 *
* Slowpoke Lv 18 *
* *
| Reward: ($3720) |
| Primeape | Lv 29 | Exp: 925 pts |
| Poliwrath | Lv 31 | Exp: 1228 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Both are weak to Psychic and Flying. Primeape is easy, but
Poliwrath can be a bit troublesome. It is also weak to Grass and
Electric, and it holds a Sitrus Berry with it. Mainly Chuck's
Pokemon would try to use the two-turn move: Focus Punch.
After that battle, Chuck rewards you with the Storm Badge and a TM01:
which is obviously Focus Punch.
| Cianwood City |
Exit the Gym and Chuck's wife will notice you. She will give you a
HM02 - which is Fly. Teach Fly to your Pokemon and fly over to Olvine
By the way: you can buy Full Heals, Revives and Hyper Potions at
the Cianwood Pharmacy now.
| Type | Steel |
| Weaknesses | Fighting, Fire |
| Olivine City |
Head for the Lighthouse first.
| Olivine Lighthouse |
Now take the elevator up to 6F (it automatically does it) and talk to
Jasmine and say 'yes' to give the SecretPotion. Ampharos is fully healed.
Take the elevator down and now make your way to the Gym. You would
also get a PokeGear call from the Warden of the Safari Zone, he tells
you that he's open for business. We'll visit him after the gym.
| Olivine Gym |
Go straight up, you'll get noticed by two trainers but they won't
battle you. Go up to Jasmine and save. When you're ready, talk to her
for your sixth badge.
| Reward: ($4200) |
| Magnemite | Lv 30 | Exp: 571 pts |
| Steelix | Lv 35 | Exp: 1470 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 30 | Exp: 571 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are mainly weak to Fighting or Fire-type moves. In addition,
Magnemite is weak to Ground-type moves. It is a straight-forward and
mainly an easy battle that ain't too far from Chuck's standards.
After that ruckus, a defeated Jasmine rewards you the Mineral Badge. The
sixth badge already... nice. She also gives you a TM23 - which is Iron
Tail. A fairly useful TM - now fly out to Cianwood City.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Revive |
| [ ] Pearl |
| [ ] Lagging Tail |
| [ ] Nugget |
| |
| Cianwood City |
Remember the cave we saw on the way to Suicune? Enter it and follow
the path and you'll be on Route 47.
| Route 47 |
Ah, a time to train up while we explore a new area... follow the path
until you bump into an unavoidable Hiker.
| Reward: ($608) |
| Dunsparce | Lv 19 | Exp: 508 pts |
| Dunsparce | Lv 19 | Exp: 508 pts |
| Dunsparce | Lv 19 | Exp: 508 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Oh this hiker is cool just having three Dunsparces. Use
Fighting-type moves against it - sinces it's just a Normal-type
Follow the path and shortly you'll come across a cave in front of you.
Ignore the cave for now and cross the bridge. You will bump into a
Camper now. Battle him.
| Reward: ($336) |
| Skiploom | Lv 21 | Exp: 612 pts |
| Marill | Lv 21 | Exp: 261 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Fire against Skiploom and Electric-type moves against
Behind the Camper is a Revive, grab it and let's go. Now head back and
enter the cave and climb the ladder down. Follow the path and exit the
cave. Surf down and then left until you see dry land.
It is a 3 x 4 (row x column) beach. On the second row and second
column: you will find a Pearl. A diagram below shows its location:
1 2 3 4
* * * *
A* *
B* X *
C* *
* * * *
We don't have Waterfall until we reach Blackthorn City, so surf back
right and enter the cave. Climb up the ladder and you'll be on the
same level as the semi-bold man. Climb up the ladder AGAIN and follow
the path to exit the cave.
Meet eyes with a Cooltrainer duo to battle them.
| Reward: ($6000) |
| COOLTRAINER (M)'s Pokemon: | COOLTRAINER (F)'s Pokemon: |
|Electabuzz| Lv 25 | Exp: 834 pts | Magmar | Lv 25 | Exp: 894 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Ground-type moves for Electabuzz and extinguish Magmar with
Water-type moves.
Follow the path and when you cross the third bridge, go down and
pick up the Lagging Tail. Now head upwards and left into another dual
battle with a Young Couple.
| Reward: ($2816) |
| YOUNG MALE's Pokemon: | YOUNG LADY's Pokemon: |
| Cloyster | Lv 22 | Exp: 956 pts | Onix | Lv 22 | Exp: 506 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Use Electric-type moves against Cloyster, and Water-type moves
against Onix.
Follow the path and you'll be shortly on Route 48.
| Route 48 |
Follow the path and the cross the bridge to the left. Run across the
tall grass - heading in a south-western direction. Follow the narrow
path behind the trees to obtain a Nugget.
Now head back and go north. You'll be at the Safari Zone Gate now.
| Safari Zone Gate |
There are shops here and keep going up, you'll be at the Safari Zone
I will give information on what the shops are selling here.
| Desc: The woman with the Butterfree next to |
| her. Her shop is the first left when |
| you come in. It is also below the |
| Pokemon Center here. |
| Air Mail | $50 |
| Nest Ball | $1000 |
| Dusk Ball | $1000 |
| Quick Ball | $1000 |
Comment: She ain't selling that much, but the Dusk Balls are useful
for catching Pokemon at night.
Across the first shop is an old man selling permanent stat boost items
like Carbos and Protein. You could call it the "Old Man's Pharmacy".
| Desc: The first shop to the right with an |
| old man as the shopkeeper. This shop |
| is across the woman's store and is |
| south-east of the Pokemon Center. |
| Protein | $9800 |
| Iron | $9800 |
| Calcium | $9800 |
| Zinc | $9800 |
| Carbos | $9800 |
| HP Up | $9800 |
Comment: It's just a Drug Store for your Pokemon - basically Goldenrod's
Stat Store has come to the Safari Zone.
The other two places don't sell anything. You can heal up at the
Pokemon Center and play at the Safari Zone. When you're all good to
go, fly to Ecruteak City.
|ROUTE 42 || [SSWT42] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM65 - Shadow Claw |
| [ ] Pink Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Green Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Orange Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Super Potion |
| |
| Ecruteak City |
Head east out of the city and on to Route 42.
| Route 42 |
Head east and next to the trees before a cave entrance is a TM65 -
which is Shadow Claw. Keep heading east and shortly you'll bump into a
Hiker. He will give you a HM04 - which is Strength. We'll need
Mahogany's Gym Badge before you can actually use it.
Don't bother going inside Mt. Mortar, it'll be covered in a side
section. We'll need Strength in there, so keep pushing east. Make sure
you have Surf, because we're just gonna keep surfing right.
Surf and jump on to dry land again. Nearby is a cuttable tree: Cut it
obviously Suicune is there and makes a run for it. Suicune's stalker
comes along (aka Eusine) and jabbers on. Grab the Pink, Green and
Orange Apricorns and move on.
Pass the second cave entrance to Mt. Mortar and before surfing, pick
up the Super Potion and now Surf east. Jump on to dry land again and
talk to the Fisherman to start a battle with him.
| Reward: ($608) |
| Qwilfish | Lv 19 | Exp: 406 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Beware of Qwilfish's Poison Point. Use Electric-type moves
against it.
This Fisherman will be impressed and asks your number. Accept or decline
and keep heading east. Pass the third cave entrance to Mt. Mortar and
next door is a Pokemaniac.
| Reward: ($1088) |
| Nidorina | Lv 17 | Exp: 426 pts |
| Nidorino | Lv 17 | Exp: 429 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another species that have the Poison Point special Ability.
Use Psychic-type moves against them.
Below near the tall grass is a Hiker, try running past him and you'll
get spotted by him.
| Reward: ($544) |
| Diglett | Lv 15 | Exp: 259 pts |
| Geodude | Lv 15 | Exp: 234 pts |
| Dugtrio | Lv 17 | Exp: 556 pts |
| | | |
Comment: They all share a common weakness: Water-type moves.
Now head east into Mahogany Town.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Rage Candy Bar |
| |
Not much to do here, the gym is blocked off by fat tax and if you try to
head towards Route 44; a bold guy will block you off sell you a
Rage Candy Bar for $300. Just buy it.
Heal up at the Pokemon Center and the shop here is dodgy and suspicious.
They only sell TinyMushrooms, Potions and Pokeballs. That is truly
useless to us. Now head through the tollbooth towards Route 43.
|ROUTE 43 || [SSWT43] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Black Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Max Ether |
| |
Run north to be spotted by a Camper.
| Reward: ($320) |
| Sandshrew | Lv 18 | Exp: 358 pts |
| Sandslash | Lv 18 | Exp: 628 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 20 | Exp: 231 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Flush Sandshrew and Sandslash into the Ground with Water.
Zubat is weak against Psychic and Electric-type moves.
After that little ruckus, head north through the tall grass. Don't go
through the tollbooth to the north-east, unless if you want to get
taxed $1000 everytime. Keep heading north until you bump into a
Picknicker who's next to Water.
| Reward: ($336) |
| Clefairy | Lv 21 | Exp: 306 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Take out Clefairy with Fighting-type moves.
This Picknicker will be impressed and wants your number. Accept or
decline and surf left until you see a small path with a cuttable tree.
Disembark, cut the tree and grab the Black Apricorn.
Now surf back east to where the Picknicker was and head north-east
through the tall grass. Near the Picknicker is a PokeManiac.
| Reward: ($1536) |
| Nidorina | Lv 20 | Exp: 501 pts |
| Nidorino | Lv 24 | Exp: 606 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Pretty like the same guy from Route 42, but the levels are
slightly higher. Psyche them out with Psychic moves and be aware of their
Poison Point special ability.
This Pokemaniac will also want your number: Accept or Decline and move
on. Head right and down the tall grass, you should be approaching the
tollbooth from it's north. Don't enter it and grab the Max Ether next
to it.
Now head north-east and then up. Follow the path up and you should bump
into another Pokemaniac.
| Reward: ($1280) |
| Slowbro | Lv 20 | Exp: 702 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Slowbro is a bit of a tank. So use Grass, Electric or Dark
type moves against it.
Now head up and then left. But don't battle the Pokemaniac looking
left and right. But keep heading left into tall grass, near a small
pond, down and left into a Fisherman.
| Reward: ($480) |
| Magikarp | Lv 10 | Exp: 42 pts |
| Gyarados | Lv 20 | Exp: 916 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 15 | Exp: 63 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Magikarp is super weak, but all are weak to Electric-type moves.
After that, head back towards the Pokemaniac I told you to avoid
earlier. Now go and battle him.
| Reward: ($1280) |
| Nidoking | Lv 20 | Exp: 835 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psyche Nidoking out.
Now head north towards the "Lake of Rage"
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Rare Candy |
| [ ] A Red Gyarados |
| [ ] Red Scale |
| [ ] Choice Specs |
| [ ] Red Flute |
| [ ] TM43 - Secret Power |
| [ ] TM10 - Hidden Power |
| |
Here is the Lage of Rage. I call it the "Lake of Ragequitters". Enter
the house and talk to the Fisherman. Nothing special there, but you
can fly to/back to the Lake of Rage now.
Head north-east and follow the path, but not too far from the house.
There is a hidden Rare Candy on the ground in between the trees that
form a "/" shape. It is in the gap between those trees.
(To be exact: starting from the House's doorsteps, follow these
4 Steps Left > 10 steps up > 10 steps right > 2 steps up > 5 steps
right > Talk to the ground below you. )
Now surf in the water and time to catch that Red Gyarados!
//Type: Water/Dragon Exp if fainted: 917 pts. //
// //
//Level: 30 //
Comment: Caught it with one Great Ball while it was low of HP. Lucky
ball I'll say :D
After that battle, you'll obtain a Red Scale. Later on in the game
we can trade it to Mr. Pokemon for an EXP Share. Now Surf down and talk
to the red-headed Guy with a Dragonite. It turns out that it's Lance,
now walk down to Route 43.
| Route 43 |
As soon as the Route 43 indicator appears, immediately walk back up
to the Lake of Rage.
| Lage of Rage (again) |
Okay, some Fisherman have popped up now. Let's go and make them catch
some Magikarp.
On the old man's right is a Fisherman, distract him.
| Reward: ($864) |
| Gyarados | Lv 27 | Exp: 1237 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock Gyarados out of the Water.
Now head north-east (or follow the path east) and you'll shortly see
another Fisherman. Battle him.
| Reward: ($704) |
| Magikarp | Lv 22 | Exp: 93 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 22 | Exp: 93 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 22 | Exp: 93 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 22 | Exp: 93 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Super easy battle. Meet the Fisherman with four Magikarps.
Now use Electric or Grass-type moves against them.
Keep following the path north, past the rich boy and towards the steps
into the Lake. You will spot a female Cooltrainer facing towards the
water and kind of hidden by a tree. Go and have a talk with her.
| Reward: ($1500) |
| Mareep | Lv 25 | Exp: 315 pts |
| Ninetales | Lv 25 | Exp: 952 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ground-type moves for Mareep, flush Ninetales out with Water.
Now surf into the water and head north through a arrow alley. Shortly
you'll make a left turn and disembark to obtain a Choice Specs.
Now surf down and then west. Keep heading west through another narrow
alley and get off on to land to obtain a Red Flute. Get back into the
water and just Surf (practically follow the path). The path will soon
split towards a small part of land and towards a house.
Head for the small part of land and collect a TM43 - which is
Secret Power. Surf back down and then make a left, then just follow the
path to enter the House. Talk to the Fat Guy in the house to a get a
TM10 - which is Hidden Power.
That is all for the Lage of Rage. Now fly back to Mahogany Town.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Nugget |
| [ ] Hyper Potion |
| [ ] Full Heal |
| [ ] X-Special |
| [ ] Protein |
| [ ] TM49 - Snatch |
| [ ] Full Heal |
| [ ] X-Special Defense |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] An Electrode (or not) |
| [ ] HM05 - Whirlpool |
| |
| Mahogany Town |
Heal up here and gear up at another town if needed. When you're ready,
enter the shop that is suspicious with a strange looking tree next to
| The Suspicious Shop |
When you enter, you'll see Lance going Jack Bauer on a Karate Guy and
then uncovers a Secret Entrance. Go down the entrance to enter the
Rocket Hideout.
| The Rocket Hideout - B1F |
Head left and you'll be noticed by a Persian Statue that is Red.
Red means alert, Blue means clear, Grey means de-activated. Those are
the colours on the Persian Statues. But saving up our energy first.
Each statue that spots you brings out two Rocket Grunts to battle.
Of course, the main thing is: that they're all weak.
An unavoidable battle occurs now against the first Rocket Grunt.
| Reward: ($760) |
| Drowzee | Lv 17 | Exp: 370 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 19 | Exp: 219 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Dark-type moves for Drowzee; Electric, Ice, Psychic or Rock
against Zubat.
After that one, another Rocket Grunt appears.
| Reward: ($720) |
| Zubat | Lv 16 | Exp: 184 pts |
| Grimer | Lv 17 | Exp: 327 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 18 | Exp: 219 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic for Zubat and Grimer, then use Fighting-type moves
against Rattata.
After the introduction ruckus, the Persian Statue is now deactivated.
Head west until the path splits into one going west, and one going
down. Then you have two options:
1. Go down and follow the path to battle a Rocket Scientist to
deactivate all the alarm systems.
2. Battle it all down.
Both will be covered.
Head west and you'll bump into a Persian Statue. Get ready to
battle another two Grunts.
It's just the same two Grunts before as the first battle. After
that, battle the Rocket Grunt with the Four Rattatas.
| Reward: ($640) |
| Rattata | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fighting-moves away!
After that, head back and then head down. Follow the path and
turn down and follow the path to bump into a Rocket Scientist.
| Reward: ($640) |
| Magnemite | Lv 20 | Exp: 381 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 20 | Exp: 381 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 20 | Exp: 381 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Magnemite's weaknesses are Ground or Fire-type moves.
Now talk to the computer behind him to de-activate the alarm
systems. Say 'yes' to do that and grab the Guard Special there.
Follow the path back and make a right at the end. You will
notice the Persian Statues are Blue, meaning that they are clear
and they won't trip if you pass them.
Grab the Hyper Potion on the right and follow the path to obtain
a Nugget. Keep heading left and you'll notice a teleporter (that'll
take you back to the front) and the stairs.
When you're ready, go down the steps.
Head west to encounter another Persian Statue. Get ready to battle
another two Grunts. Practically you're just battling the same two
Grunts when you pass a Persian Statue each time...
| Reward: ($760) |
| Drowzee | Lv 17 | Exp: 370 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 19 | Exp: 219 pts |
| | | |
Comment: I just noticed that they've repeated the same thing again...
Drowzee is weak to Dark and Zubat is weak to Psychic, Ice or Electric
| Reward: ($720) |
| Zubat | Lv 16 | Exp: 184 pts |
| Grimer | Lv 17 | Exp: 327 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 18 | Exp: 219 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Zubat: Ice/Psychic/Electric/Rock ; Grimer: Psychic ; Rattata:
Head left and then down to encounter another Rocket Grunt.
| Reward: ($640) |
| Rattata | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 16 | Exp: 195 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Pokemon keeping 101: never have four Rattatas in your party.
Their main drawback is Fighting moves.
Go down and you'll encounter these Grey and Yellow tiles. You step on
the tiles you can encounter Geodudes, Koffings and Voltorbs. But
they're all random and all are at Level 21.
You will see stairs to the left and a teleporter that will teleport
you back to the front. Let's head right into another Persian statue,
then after that battle keep heading right to collect a Nugget.
Keep heading right to encounter another Persian statue. Gee, it's tiring
to battle the same two Grunts over and over. But still, more cash and
EXP. Better than nothing...
Follow the path up and to the left is another Persian Statue and to
the right of the T-end is a Hyper Potion. Head left into another
Persian Statue (the last one thankfully), after there head down and
follow the path and you should bump into a Rocket Scientist.
| Reward: ($640) |
| Magnemite | Lv 20 | Exp: 381 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 20 | Exp: 381 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 20 | Exp: 381 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Magnemite spam... muddy them up with Ground-type moves or
heat their Steel with Fire.
Behind the Scientist you just defeated is a Guard Special. Grab it
and follow the path towards the stairs.
When you're all good go down the stairs.
| The Rocket Hideout - B2F |
Lance will be here and he will heal your Pokemon. Head right and
battle the Rocket Grunt near the locked doors.
| Reward: ($720) |
| Venonat | Lv 18 | Exp: 288 pts |
| Venonat | Lv 18 | Exp: 288 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Venonat is a Bug-type, so it's weak against Fire and Flying.
Now head down, make a left and talk to the middle box to obtain a Full
Heal. Head right and when you approach the stairs, you will be spotted
by another Rocket Grunt.
| Reward: ($720) |
| Golbat | Lv 18 | Exp: 658 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Ice/Rock/Electric/Psychic moves against Golbat.
Now head down the stairs.
| The Rocket Hideout - B3F |
Lance will notices and asks you to find a password for the locked doors.
The nearby Rocket Grunt is harmless because he's been interrogated by
Lance. Head up into the room and let's battle some Rocket associates.
Talk to the Scientist on the right.
| Reward: ($704) |
| Koffing | Lv 22 | Exp: 537 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 22 | Exp: 537 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psyche the two Koffings out with Psychic-type moves.
Now talk to the female Rocket Grunt to battle her.
| Reward: ($720) |
| Ekans | Lv 18 | Exp: 238 pts |
| Gloom | Lv 18 | Exp: 508 pts |
| | | |
Comment: They're all weak to mainly Psychic, in addition, Gloom is
weak against Flying and Fire.
Head left in another room and grab the attention of the nearby camping
Rocket Scientist.
| Reward: ($768) |
| Ditto | Lv 24 | Exp: 313 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ditto is a Normal-type Pokemon before transforming. So it's
weak against Fighting-type moves.
After that ruckus, go battle the Rocket Grunt near the electronics
| Reward: ($760) |
| Raticate | Lv 19 | Exp: 471 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fighting-type moves ftw.
Behind him are an X-Special and a Protein. Grab the two items and exit
the room. Head up and grab the TM49 - which is Snatch. Head right and
you'll reach the stairs, but before the stairs: head to down to collect
another Full Heal. Now head back up to the stairs to an isolated part
of B2F.
| The Rocket Hideout - Isolated B2F |
You'll notice some Electrodes... wonder what they're for, but head
down and talk to the server (closest to the PC) to obtain an X-Special
Defense. Now head back up and make a left. Keep going until you're
spotted by another Rocket Grunt camping before the stairs down.
| Reward: ($680) |
| Rattata | Lv 17 | Exp: 207 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 17 | Exp: 207 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 17 | Exp: 196 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Their weaknesses are Fighting, Fighting, Ice/Electric/Psychic.
Now head down the stairs.
| The Rocket Hideout - Isolated B3F |
You'll notice another set of steps nearby, so head up those and grab
the TM46 - which is Thief. Head back and heads the locked room, your
rival will pop up and there's no battle.
He's probably came over to rant in why you're here. Once he's finished
his rant, grab the Ultra Ball nearby and talk to the door to enter
the passwords.
Enter and head up to see Giovanni, but damnit, it's just Lambda. Now
let's beat him for some intel.
| Reward: ($880) |
| Zubat | Lv 22 | Exp: 253 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 22 | Exp: 537 pts |
| Raticate | Lv 24 | Exp: 595 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Zubat and Koffing are no problem with Psychic-type moves
being dealt to them. Raticate is weak against Fighting. But this is a
really easy battle.
Lambda and Murkrow will run off, so let's follow them back. Just follow
Murkrow back and it'll unlock the doors to the Electrodes. Head
inside and you'll be spotted by Rocket Admin Athena and the average
Rocket Grunt. Lance will come your aid. Prepare for a double battle.
| Reward: ($2960) |
| ADMIN ATHENA's Pokemon: | ROCKET GRUNT (M)'s Pokemon: |
| Arbok | Lv 25 | Exp: 787 pts | Drowzee | Lv 18 | Exp: 393 pts |
| Murkrow | Lv 27 | Exp: 618 pts | Grimer | Lv 20 | Exp: 385 pts |
| Gloom | Lv 25 | Exp: 706 pts | | | |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Everyone pretty much weak against Psychic except for Murkrow,
who's weakness is Fighting-type moves. Gloom is also weak to Fire and
Flying and Ice-type moves. Lance's Dragonite is Lv 40, but my Typhlosion
is Lv 48, so I left nothing for him lol :P
After that ruckus, the Rockets packed up and left. But they'll be
back... anyways time to put an end to the Rocket cause. Take out the
three Electrodes, you can kill them or catch them all.
// Level // 23 //
// Type // Electric //
// Exp when killed: 492 pts //
Comment: All three Electrodes are easy and the EXP ain't that great
for a large-sized exploding ball. They are weak against Ground-type
After that rubbish, Lance gives you a HM05 - which is Whirlpool.
It'll be very, very useful when we get to the Whirl Islands and Lugia.
But that'll be covered soon...
Follow the path back, then up the stairs. Take the teleporter to the
front and exit the Hideout. Stop by the Pokemon Center and heal, now
let's get what we came for... THE GYM BADGE OF MAHOGANY.
| Type | Ice |
| Weaknesses | Fire, Fighting |
If you started with Cyndaquil and it's a Typhlosion now, great. If you
don't, remember the Machop we had for Goldenrod? I presume it could
have evolved into a Machoke, so we have some insurance here too. Bring
an Electric-type along if you want to.
| Room 1 |
Now slide up to connect the Ice blocks together. Now go...
Left > Up > Right > Up to enter the next room.
| Room 2 |
Now this room has two trainers and another two iceblocks. To your left
is a female Skier. Go and battle her.
| Reward: ($928) |
| Jynx | Lv 29 | Exp: 850 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Dark or Fire-type moves against Jynx.
After that battle, head right to battle a Snowboarder.
| Reward: ($864) |
| Swinub | Lv 27 | Exp: 450 pts |
| Swinub | Lv 27 | Exp: 450 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Swinub is a dual Ground/Ice type Pokemon. So it's weak
to Water and Fire-type moves.
Now go around the female Skier and push the left iceblock towards the
right. Now slide right and then up into the third room.
| Room 3 |
Three Iceblocks, Three Trainers and Gym Leader Pryce await for you
in this room.
Go left to battle a Snowboarder looking around.
| Reward: ($800) |
| Seel | Lv 25 | Exp: 535 pts |
| Seel | Lv 25 | Exp: 535 pts |
| Dewgong | Lv 26 | Exp: 979 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric-type moves work best against the odds.
Go four steps to the right from the Snowboarder you just defeated and
slide up. Slide right to battle another Snowboarder.
| Reward: ($800) |
| Shellder | Lv 25 | Exp: 519 pts |
| Seel | Lv 25 | Exp: 535 pts |
| Cloyster | Lv 26 | Exp: 1131 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric-type moves here ftw.
Now slide down, left, up and left again into a female Skier.
| Reward: ($928) |
| Dewgong | Lv 29 | Exp: 1093 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric-type moves here mainly.
Now Slide down and then slide right to push an iceblock towards the
Snowboarder you just defeated earlier. Slide right and then up to
make it right infront of Pryce.
Save your game and get ready for an easy battle...
| Reward: ($4080) |
| Seel | Lv 30 | Exp: 642 pts |
| Piloswine | Lv 34 | Exp: 1165 pts |
| Dewgong | Lv 32 | Exp: 1206 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Seel would start the battle with Hail. A cheap weather
damaging move which would last five turns. Seel and Dewgong are mainly
weak against Electric-type moves. Piloswine is weak against Water and
Fire. When Dewgong uses Rest, it would use Sleep Talk and throw attacks
at you still. Pryce is packing Hyper Potions when his Pokemon's HP
gets low.
After that gym ruckus, a defeated Pryce will hand you over the Glacier
Badge - the seventh Johto badge and a TM07 - which is Hail. Of course
the cheap weather damaging move.
Now slide your way out of the Gym.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Underground Key |
| |
After obtaining your seventh gym badge, and completed the Rocket problem
in Mahogany Town you should be able to trigger a phone call from Elm.
He tells you that Goldenrod's Radio tower is up to something. Let's head
to Goldenrod to fix the problem.
Heal up your pokemon, buy any supplies from the Pokemart and head to the
radio tower. The access is blocked, a rocket won't allow you through or
even want to battle you. However, there is a way around it.
Head outside, go right to the monorail bridge, go under it, go left and
into the Goldenrod Underground. Go down the stairs and place is
unusually empty. Go right to the photo shoot where a Rocket Member is.
He will call you over and get you changed into Rocket clothes.
Now head back out to the Radio tower and talk to the Rocket. Just as the
Rocket allows you entry, here comes an old friend... your rival. As soon
as he recognises you and your cover is blown, you will begin a battle.
| Reward: $960* , ($960) |
| Raticate | Lv 24 | Exp: 595 pts |
| Raticate | Lv 24 | Exp: 595 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Just the benchwarmer boy. Shouldn't be a problem.
The beaten Rocket grunt will run upstairs to warn the other grunts of the
situation, then your rival tells you some stuff and walks away (was hoping
for a battle there..)
If your Togepi hatched from the man who gave you the egg south of Violet
City after beating Faulkner and receiving the item from Prof. Elm's aide
in the Pokemart there, and hopefully evolved into a Togetic, its
Extrasensory (Pyschic move) will be useful in wiping out the poison Pokemon
here. Fighting pokemon will be good against the Normals that Team Rocket have
such as Rattata and Raticate.
Head upstairs from the first floor and see the second floor. Here we have
rockets waiting around to catch you. Well, mostly easy fry.
| Reward: $1080* , ($1040) |
| Arbok | Lv 26 | Exp: 819 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Just one pokemon, which is an Arbok. Have Togetic Extrasensory it
or one of your best to knock it out. She is near the first studio you can
| Reward: $920* , ($920) |
| Rattata | Lv 21 | Exp: 256 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 21 | Exp: 256 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 23 | Exp: 280 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 23 | Exp: 280 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 23 | Exp: 280 pts |
| | | |
Comment: 5 pokemon wow... all weak. Hate a stack of weak pokemon in bundles.
This guy is across the first grunt.
| Reward: ($1040) |
| Zubat | Lv 26 | Exp: 300 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 26 | Exp: 300 pts |
| | | |
Comment: This guy is near the chairs. Use Pyschic-type moves against the
Dual-type Poison-Flying Zubats.
| Reward: ($1000) |
| Grimer | Lv 24 | Exp: 442 pts |
| Grimer | Lv 24 | Exp: 442 pts |
| Muk | Lv 26 | Exp: 840 pts |
| | | |
Comment: This guy is just south of the stairs. Muk shouldn't be too hard.
Just have Togetic take the party away.
After you beat these guys, or just lazy to beat them and go ahead up (its
worth to level up your Pokemon before Blackthorn City) the stairs.
Another level of Rocket Grunts lying around to fortify their defense here.
Let's take down some more delivery boys.
| Reward: $920* , ($920) |
| Koffing | Lv 23 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 23 | Exp: 280 pts |
| Zubat | Lv 23 | Exp: 265 pts |
| Grimer | Lv 23 | Exp: 442 pts |
| | | |
Comment: First delivery boy closest to you when you come up from the 2F
stairs. Not bad load of experience.
After defeating the first Rocket grunt, you will see two staircases. One
directly infront of you and one that needs to go around whilst there are
two extra Rocket members watching it. Let's head that way first.
| Reward: $864* , ($864) |
| Magnemite | Lv 27 | Exp: 514 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 27 | Exp: 514 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 27 | Exp: 514 pts |
| | | |
Comment: First fool to guard and watch the opposite flight of stairs. He
has decent Pokemon all which are but Magnemites at Lv 27. Don't bother
using Togetic or Physchic-moves, since Steel renders physical attacks
useless. Use Fighting or Fire-type moves against them, especially if you
still have the Machop and hopefully evolved into a Machoke from earlier.
Head east to encounter another Rocket Grunt.
| Reward: $1040* , ($1040) |
| Weezing | Lv 26 | Exp: 963 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Wow one Pokemon: a Lv 26 Weezing. No Problem. Use Psychic-type
moves here.
After beating the nerd, you'll see a blocked door. Well... it needs a
keycard. Looks like we have to head up the other stairs, still you
won't need to worry about these two goons later on when you have the
card. Head back to the first flight of stairs to 4F.
Hello to 4F. Just a bit of mopping up to do here. First instead of
running left directly, let's take care of the Rocket Female Broadcaster.
Just arriving from the stairs, go down and right into a studio. Talk
to the Female Rocket Grunt while she looks like she is broadcasting and
you will initiate a fight.
| Reward: $960* , ($960) |
| Ekans | Lv 21 | Exp: 279 pts |
| Ekans | Lv 21 | Exp: 279 pts |
| Oddish | Lv 23 | Exp: 384 pts |
| Gloom | Lv 24 | Exp: 678 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All Poison type pokemon with the exception of having Oddish and
Gloom both being dual-type Grass-Poison Pokemon. Gloom will be
somewhat a bit resistant to Pyschic moves, but it will still cause
significant damage.
After beating her, she will say something but that won't really matter.
Let's head out of the studio and head towards the stairs that lead to
5F. But we got two fools blocking the path..
| Reward: $840* , ($880) |
| Zubat | Lv 22 | Exp: 253 pts |
| Golbat | Lv 24 | Exp: 879 pts |
| Grimer | Lv 22 | Exp: 422 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Zubat and Grimer are easy fry, but Golbat will be a pain in the
neck. Since it has a high Speed stat, and will use Supersonic against your
Pokemon to give you a hard time. Use Pyschic-type moves against all of them.
| Reward: $960* , ($960) |
| Porygon | Lv 30 | Exp: 834 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Wow a Lv 30 Porygon. A Normal-type Porygon is, just use Fighting
type moves and it will be no problem.
Head upstairs to the 5F, which is the director's office.
Head upstairs to see an old man. Talk to him and he doesn't seem to be
who he is. That director is a spy and a lie! He reveals his true
identity and it seems to be the fail Master of Diguise! Lambda!
| Reward: $1200* , ($1200) |
| Koffing | Lv 30 | Exp: 732 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 30 | Exp: 732 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 30 | Exp: 732 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 30 | Exp: 732 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 30 | Exp: 732 pts |
| Weezing | Lv 32 | Exp: 1185 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Oh wow what a party. Five Koffings, what a poison balloon fan.
If you sent out Togetic first and used Extrasensory to kill his
first Koffing, then he will definitely send out Weezing the next turn.
The Koffings and a Weezing are definitely worth the experience for
quickly levelling up your Pokemon. Be careful of Weezing though, he can
use Self-Destruct and it will be bad on your Pokemon, since it has a
200 Attack value and kills the user. They are all weak to Psychic-type
After you beat one of the Rocket Boys, he will say something and give
you the Underground Key. Explains the mystery behind the door in
Goldenrod's Underground. Head downstairs, heal at the Pokemon Center and
let's open the mystery behind the Underground's Locked door.
When you head to the Underground from the North end, head downstairs and
go to the right just before the Southern end staircase. You will see
one of the Kimono Girls again. Now let's open the door.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Ether |
| [ ] Smoke Ball |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] Elixir |
| [ ] TM82 - Sleep Talk |
| [ ] Card Key |
| [ ] Amulet Coin |
| |
| Part One |
Open the door and head down the stairs. Oh what? It's a complex with
locked doors and some traps and it's riddled with Team Rocket goons
all over the place! No problem. Let's mop this place up.
If you want to pick some fights and level up your Pokemon, head down
towards the Rocket Goon near the locked door you see.
| Reward: $1080* |
| Rattata | Lv 27 | Exp: 328 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Level 27 Rattata shouldn't be a problem right?
After beating that sucker with the Rattata and getting an only small
amount EXP, go up and left into another goon. But wait! Here's an old
frand, your rival! And he's got another bone to pick! Let's break his
* Feraligatr Lv 35 *
* Ampharos Lv 35 *
* Pidgeot Lv 36 *
* Machoke Lv 31 *
* Gyarados Lv 30 *
* Togetic Lv 26 *
* *
NB: RTT [Refer to Table]
| Reward: $2176* , ($2048) |
| Golbat | Lv 32 | Exp: 1171 pts |
| Sneasel | Lv 34 | Exp: 960 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 30 | Exp: 570 pts |
| Haunter | Lv 32 | Exp: 864 pts |
| Stolen Pokemon*
| Lv 34 | Exp: RTT pts |
| | | |
Comment: A decent challenger and battle for once in a while! Take him
down, Golbat would be a problem again with its high Speed Stat and its
ability to use Supersonic can be a pain up the ass. Use Electric
or Physic moves against it, but Electric moves would be more effective.
For Sneasel, it is a dual-type of Ice and Dark. The easiest way is to
use Fighting moves against it. This also applies to Magnemite's Steel
type, whilst Haunter is a dual-type of Ghost and Poison. Pyschic moves
are very strong against Poison pokemon. And the stolen Pokemon will be
decided on which starter you have chosen and will be at Lv 34. I have
only listed Meganium's EXP Points, because my starter is Totodile.
Meganium is a tank even against my Pidgeot and it's Flying-type attacks.
If your starter was...
| Chikorita | Typhlosion | 34 | - |
| Cyndaquil | Feraligatr | 34 | 1440 pts |
| Totodile | Meganium | 34 | 1515 pts |
After beating your rival you can either head upstairs to heal or
continue. If you are going to heal, head upstairs and go out through
the Southern staircase, since it is closer to the Pokemon Center.
When done healing, head back the way you came from the Underground.
Now we will allow the second Rocket Grunt to graduate.
| Reward: $1000* |
| Muk | Lv 23 | Exp: 772 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 23 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Rattata | Lv 25 | Exp: 304 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Nothing special here. Just a Grunt with toxic sludge, a balloon
and a rat.
After defeating him head left to see an Ether (I believe so, not sure).
Now move on and you will see floors being coloured in Red, Green and
Blue. This is a reference to what coloured doors the buttons you press
to open and close. The switches are just down a door and one left.
When your in the middle room (with the blue floor), which is where all
the switches are, go down (if you want to and level up) to fight a
Rocket Thief (room with the red floor, right below the switch room).
| Reward: $368* |
| Koffing | Lv 23 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 23 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Magmar | Lv 25 | Exp: 894 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Two Koffings and a Magmar with decent EXP reward. Simple battle.
After beating the first Rocket Thief, go left you will find a Smoke Ball
(in the blue floored room to the left corner of the complex). Just an
item to be held by a Pokemon, its infinite use I presume (never
equipped it) and it allows in Wild Pokemon battles, to flee without
fail. Head up to encounter another Rocket Thief who is in the first
column with the Green floor.
| Reward: $384* |
| Growlithe | Lv 26 | Exp: 507 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 24 | Exp: 585 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another simple battle.
Head up after beating the second Thief from T.R. (Team Rocket) to battle
another Rocket Grunt.
| Reward: $960* |
| Koffing | Lv 24 | Exp: 585 pts |
| Muk | Lv 24 | Exp: 807 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Koffing is no problem at all with a good Pokemon or using a
Pyschic-type of move against it. But Muk always has Minimize and
a fair Special Defense and lots of HP which is annoying.
After beating the Rocket Grunt and reaping the rewards, head back to the
small room (blue floored) to control the door switches. Press Green, then
Red and finally blue to allow the blocked door (the bottom green floor
door to the right) will be finally open. You will notice a purple switch
with the locked door and the first Rocket Grunt we battled earlier next
to it. Press it so you don't have to come back again to do the RBG
switches. Head right to battle the last Rocket Grunt in the first
part of the Basement Complex here.
| Reward: $1000* |
| Gloom | Lv 25 | Exp: 706 pts |
| Gloom | Lv 25 | Exp: 706 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Two Glooms, both dual Grass-Poison types. Grass types definitely
hate Ice-type attacks, if you got Feraligatr with Ice Fang, just spam it
away - 1 shot kill.
| Part Two |
After beating her head into the doorway. Now here is the second part. Follow
the path and on the left of the crates will be an Ultra Ball. Pick it up
and move along. Go down along the path and there will be a few obstacles
in our path. Hiding behind the crate to the right will be a Grunt.
| Reward: $960* |
| Raticate | Lv 24 | Exp: 595 pts |
| Golbat | Lv 24 | Exp: 879 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Golbat is a regular who is annoying, Feraligatr and Pidgeot or any
other Pokemon with a high Speed stat (maybe over 50 atm, not sure) will have
no problem in fainting it. Raticate is a small fry too.
After beating the first guard in the second part, to the end of the right
there will be an Elixir (Seems like it, since its a PP recovery item). Pick
it up and head up, you will see a Rocket Guard circling or patrolling in
circles. Your choice to fight him or avoid. If you want to be tank and
ready for Blackthorn, might as well.
| Reward: $920* |
| Grimer | Lv 26 | Exp: 501 pts |
| Weezing | Lv 23 | Exp: 852 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Grimer and Weezing. Wow. Flush them out of the water.
After beating him , you will see a staircase to the right and a Rocket Grunt
and the real Director to the left. Let's battle the Rocket Grunt and save
the Director first. Head left and up to grab the attention of the final
Rocket Grunt here.
| Reward: $1000* |
| Koffing | Lv 25 | Exp: 610 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 25 | Exp: 610 pts |
| | | |
Comment: No Comment. Just finish him.
Head for the director and grab the item just below to the right of him
in the corner which contains a TM82 which is Sleep Talk. Talk to the
Director and he will give you a Card Key. Which is to allow you access to
the other side of the Radio Station which is accessible from 3F of
Goldenrod Radio Tower.
Head back and go upstairs. We are in the B1F floor (Basement) of the
Super Pokemart here. Coming up from the stairs and grab the Amulet Coin.
Head out and take the lift to 1F and head to the Pokemon Center to heal.
Now let's raid the Goldenrod Radio Tower for the second time.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] Silver Wing |
| |
Head up the stairs to 3F and go to the unaccessible door with the Card Key
swipe. Swipe the Card Key and head to the stairs, but you must battle
a grunt first. Prepare for a series of decent (or hard people might say)
| Reward: $1040* |
| Raticate | Lv 24 | Exp: 595 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 26 | Exp: 634 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Get him!
After beating that Grunt head upstairs and we will see a different looking
| Reward: $1320* |
| Golbat | Lv 28 | Exp: 1026 pts |
| Weezing | Lv 33 | Exp: 1222 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Golbat. The usual T.R. annoying customer at your doorstep. Two
ways to handle this pest. Use Pyschic, Electric or Ice moves against it.
Weezing will be Lv 33, holy sh*t, something decent. It is somewhat
resistant to Ice moves, but Pyschic moves are powerful against it.
Jumped him and made him can't get up off the floor? Good. Grab another
Ultra Ball next to him and head up the stairs. Heal up your Pokemon and
you will reach the level heading to the lift. But wait! There is another
T.R. Executive here. Let's finish her once and for all.
| Reward: $2560* |
| Arbok | Lv 32 | Exp: 1008 pts |
| Vileplume | Lv 32 | Exp: 1261 pts |
| Murkrow | Lv 32 | Exp: 733 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Finally a decent battle with nearly equivalent Pokemon levels
to my party. For starters, Arbok can be Psyched out with Psychic moves
or just use Surf and it will phut instantly in 1-2 hits. Vileplume
will be bad, but it still hates Flying and Ice-type moves. Murkrow
can be shocked to death with Electric moves, frozen with Ice moves
or beaten up with Fighting moves since its a Dual Dark/Flying type.
Beat the female subleader and heal up with whatever you stocked up in
your bag. Take the lift up to the top of the tower and you will see the
Team Rocket head of Johto. Go up and talk to him to start a punch on
with him.
| Reward: $3040* |
| Houndour | Lv 35 | Exp: 855 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 35 | Exp: 855 pts |
| Houndoom | Lv 38 | Exp: 1660 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Damn, this guy has high level Pokemon. Don't panic, he has a
Houndour and a Koffing which could be easily taken care of with Surf,
whilst Koffing can be Psyched out of drowned. But Houndoom can be a
problem by being a tank when you water him and he will still bearly live.
Another solution to Houndoom can be Fighting moves. But watch out
Houndoom can cause serious damage to your Pokemon.
After you beat him, the broadcasting of the private signal will stop
and it seems that Team Rocket of Johto is disbanded now. The
director will come towards you amazed that you stopped Team Rocket
and he will reward you with the Silver Wing. Woohoo! Finally access
to Lugia! Why don't we catch Lugia before heading to Blackthorn?
Can't. Lugia doesn't appear (when I checked) after you beat the
Kimono Girls and have the Silver Wing (Yes, HG/SS made it essential
now, because they are part of summoning Lugia). Now let's head over
to Blackthorn City by flying over to Mahogany Town.
|ROUTE 44 || [SSWT44] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Red Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Max Repel |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| |
Starting over from Mahogany Town, the semi-bold guy shouldn't block you
anymore so head east. There will be a trainer there at the split roads
and there will be a Red Apricorn tree there.
| Reward: $928* |
| Natu | Lv 27 | Exp: 421 pts |
| Kadabra | Lv 29 | Exp: 900 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Crunch or Dark moves on them primarily. Natu can be also
knocked out with Ice or Electric-type moves.
After beating this guy pick up the Max Repel behind him. Then the path
splits into two, the one to the left is next to the mountain and
riverside, whilst the other one goes through a bridge. Both paths will
be covered.
Go up left from the split path and continue going east until you see
a fisherman, but if you are running close to the riverside, you will
meet eyes with a Pokemaniac.
| Reward: $1920* |
| Rhyhorn | Lv 30 | Exp: 867 pts |
| | | |
Comment: What else can make you laugh other than a level 30 Rhyhorn? A
Rhypherior can do better :D . Just water him out with Water-type
After beating the Pokemaniac, you can bother the fisherman next.
| Reward: $896* |
| Goldeen | Lv 26 | Exp: 618 pts |
| Goldeen | Lv 26 | Exp: 618 pts |
| Seaking | Lv 28 | Exp: 1020 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Seaking with 1.02k EXP. Yay. They're all weak against
Electric or Grass-type moves really.
Beaten him? He will ask you to add his number to the Pokegear. Continue
along the path (going right) and pick up the Ultra Ball there. The
split roads (or forked roads) will join up together.
Go down right from the forked road and continue going east along the
bridge. There will be a fisherman these enjoying his hobby. Let's
annoy him first.
| Reward: $896* |
| Remoraid | Lv 28 | Exp: 468 pts |
| Remoraid | Lv 28 | Exp: 468 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Two Remoraids with horrendous EXP points >.> . They're both
weak to Grass/Electric-type moves.
After beating him go along and there will be a Cooltrainer with a long
sight range will grab your attention.
| Reward: $1740* |
| Mareep | Lv 29 | Exp: 366 pts |
| Bellossom | Lv 29 | Exp: 1143 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Bellossom with 1143 EXP, that's what I call nice. Ice Fang
it away! ...Or use Flying attacks.
Beaten her? Good. Head over more to the right and bump into another
Cool Trainer. Bah bloody long range sighters.
| Reward: $1740* |
| Charmeleon | Lv 29 | Exp: 882 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 29 | Exp: 552 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Charmeleon is pretty obvious, just drown it. If you're using Feraligatr
after knocking out Charmeleon, just use Surf as that the damage dealt to
Magnemite is still at the regular rate with no reductions.
Or just pull fight a Fighting type to deal with the dual Steel/Electric
Beaten him too? Well that is three trainers on the right side of the
forked road. Hey! The other road joined up! About time to notice. Keep
going right until you head up some steps and on the plateau you will
see two trees and a Rockstar (maybe a bird keeper) and an entrance
to the Ice Path to Blackthorn City. Great another obstacle.
Anyways let's get that Bird Keeper sucker first.
| Reward: $896* |
| Hoothoot | Lv 28 | Exp: 348 pts |
| Pidgeotto | Lv 28 | Exp: 678 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Obvious solution to level the battlefield. Use Ice or
Electric moves to get those birds out of the sky.
After you beat him, he'll ask you for your number (your choice to
add it or not). You can turn back to Mahogany to heal (withdraw a
Pokemon that knows Strength) or if have one in the party already,
just go directly into the Ice Cave.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] HM07 - Waterfall |
| [ ] Max Potion |
| [ ] Full Heal |
| [ ] NeverMeltIce |
| [ ] TM 72 - Avalanche |
| [ ] Two Stat Powerup items |
| [ ] PP Up |
| |
You'll start at the beginning of the Cave with a straight forward path.
Slide along the ice (pretty straight forward) and head down the steps
until. You will see a bold guy standing there. He will offer to take a
photo of you and your party Pokemon. Your choice to take it or not.
When you are done with him, head left and there will be a puzzle here.
(Just sliding along the ice paths with rocks to make your way through).
Go up and hit the first rock, go left, then up, left, down, left, up
and finally right. After that to the right will be another puzzle to
get the HM07 - Waterfall. From the start go right, up, left, down, left,
up and right. Head back and up the steps, there will be another bold guy
there and whine about something but just go. Climb the ladder down.
Now you will see a room with holes and boulders like Seafoam Islands in
RBY or FR/LG on the way to Articuno. This scenario is no different.
The objective is to push those boulders into the holes by using Strength.
A map of the area is shown below:
1 | *****************************|
2 | ** ***** ****** **|
3 | ** ** ---
4 | *** ** ***** ** O ** |
5 | *** ** ***** ** H |
6 | *** O********* ***** *********|
7 - ***** *********** ** * -
8 | ***** ************ ** ** X |
9 | ******X ********X ** * |
10 | ****** X ******** *** -
11 | ********** ******** ******* * |
12 - ** ** ********* **** * |
13 | * ******** ***** * |
14 | * O* * ******* **** * |
15 | * ***** *** * |---
16 - H ** **** *** * |
17 | **** ****O --------
18 | ******** ******* |
19 | ******** |
| Symbol Description |
| O Hole |
| X Boulder |
| * Terrain |
| H Ladder |
| |
Okay use the guide above and the map will help you. The ladder on the
bottom left is where you came from. If you drop down into any of the holes
and try to get to the ladder in the middle with the ice floor, it ain't
possible. This where the boulders help. Let's start with the first boulder
(reference H9).
With the first boulder (there should be a gap between it and 1 space down
at H9), push it up completely to the rocks at G6 and H6. Now head back
to where the second boulder (at L10), but run back all the way around
and turn left (at !17) run up and leave the third boulder alone too. Go
back to H6, but go left of the first boulder (F6). Push it right and down
the first hole (at K6). You will get a message that the boulder fell down.
Next is the second boulder (at L10). Push it 1 space right and 3 spaces
down. Go around it to the right of the boulder and push it 5 spaces to
the left. Go around the top of the boulder and push it 1 down and 1 right
to drop it into the second hole (at I14).
Now to push the third boulder at W9, head over to the it and push it
from the front (the space at W10). Push it 2 spaces up, go to its left
and push it 2 spaces right (right to end), go from behind it and push it
3 spaces up. Appear to its right and push it left into the hole.
The final boulder over at +8, approach it from /8 and push it 1 space left.
Approach from the top of the boulder (+7) and push it 5 spaces down, then
push from the right with 1 space to the left. Appear from the top and push
the boulder 3 spaces down, approach from the bottom of its position and
push 1 space up and finally 4 spaces left to complete the puzzle.
Head back and drop in the first hole and should be infront of the first
boulder you dropped down. Head left for a Max Potion. After getting the
Max Potion, slide up and go up a step and slide right. Go down, left,
down, left, up and right. Pick up the Full heal and head downstairs.
Follow the path you see (or use Rock Smash if you got a Pokemon that knows
it in your party atm, to do a shortcut), and grab the NeverMeltIce. This
held item boosts the power of Ice-type moves. Give it if you have a
Feraligatr with Ice Fang, or any other Pokemon that knows Ice-type moves
cause it will be very handy in beating Dragon-type Pokemon. Head back to
the ladder and climb up.
Follow the path (down) until you reach the Iced-Floor. You can do two
things: climb up the ladder or go around the path and get an item and be
on your way. Instead of going up the Ice Rink, follow the small path
and go up the steps, following the raised platform path, down the steps.
Go 1 step to the left, down and right to collect a TM72 which is
Avalanche. Go left and up the ladder.
Follow the path to the next ladder, but don't climb it. Head left until
you see a boulder (which be in the middle of the place), come from the
top of it and use Strength. Push 1 cell down and go to the mini-path of
the Iced Floor and go up, left and down to get a Zinc? (Someone check
this please). Get out of the Ice Rink, past the boulder and up the ladder.
The nearby raised platform you see will contain another stat powerup
with the Yellow Symbol (Unsure, check please). Go down the steps and to
another Ice Rink before the exit. You will see a Kimono Girl stuck
on Ice. Starting at the Ice Rink (where the Rock is infront of you),
go left, down and right and talk to her. She tells you that she's stuck
and gets the idea (since your behind her) to push her towards the exit).
Say yes and you'll push her. From you current position (where you
pushed the Kimono Girl); go up, left, down left, up, right, down, right
and down to grab a PP Up. Go back to the starting position (with the
rock infront), down, left and down to exit the cave.
Welcome to Blackthorn City, Dragon Trainer land. The Pokemart and
Pokemon Center are in the middle of the town, next to each other. The
Move Deleter's house is next to the Pokemart, which is the semi-bold
guy (1st guy to the left). The old man there next to the book in the
Move Deleter's house (sitting across the granny), can teach powerful
moves to your starter (pretty much like the Old Woman that lives in
Cope Brink in FR/LG).
For instance your Totodile (now a Feraligatr), can learn Hydro Cannon
from the old man (Hydro Cannon has 150 Attack, with a 10% miss rate [90%
hit, still good]. Heal up your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center and there
are Dark Balls available at the Pokemart. The Dark Balls are good to use
when catching Pokemon at night or Pokemon from caves.
After healing or stocking up for the next Gym Battle with Clair. The Youngster
in the middle of the City (or next to a mini mountain), talk to him (by
jumping off the high ledges obviously), and get another Medicine Powder
from him (earlier in the game you have obtained it). Jump down the ledges
and head back up. Now enter Blackthorn Gym.
| Type | Dragon |
| Weaknesses | Ice, Dragon |
The Gym ain't too complicated. The guy will tell you blah-blah-blah.
Okay, the panel infront is a rotating platform and is kinda-straight
forward. Left and right is obvious, but the blue panel rotates the
platform you're on (at a 90?angle). So step on left, step on blue,
step on blue again and go right.
Go up and greet the first trainer.
| Reward: $2100* |
| Dratini | Lv 35 | Exp: 502 pts |
| Dratini | Lv 35 | Exp: 502 pts |
| Seadra | Lv 35 | Exp: 1162 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ice Fang away for Dratini, use an Electric type for Seadra.
Seadra can be sometimes a bit resistant to super effective attacks
and has a probability of avoiding a one-hit KO (knockout).
Go ahead and fight another Cooltrainer and see another platform, and
a tele if you want to go out and heal. But you have to start over again
for the platforms only (and trainers ahead if you didn't battle them.)
| Reward: $2220* |
| Dratini | Lv 35 | Exp: 502 pts |
| Dragonair | LV 37 | Exp: 1141 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ice Fang away.
Another rotating platform after you have beaten the female cool trainer.
Alright, follow these instructions: Go up, rotate, right, rotate,
rotate again and right. This will lead you to bump in another trainer.
(Well if you run and if he's not looking, just grab his attention if
you want to though.)
| Reward: $2220* |
| Horsea | Lv 35 | Exp: 622 pts |
| Seadra | Lv 37 | Exp: 1228 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric type moves or Electric-type Pokemon are the answer.
Horsea and Seadra are just water
After beating the third guy, bump into the fourth cool trainer.
| Reward: $2280* |
| Seadra | Lv 38 | Exp: 1260 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Seadra just needs Electric moves to amplify the damage done
to it.
After beating her, there is the tele to disband and heal. If you want
to go on, rush forward to see the fifth and final cool trainer.
| Reward: $2280* |
| Dragonair | LV 38 | Exp: 1171 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ice Fang away. Or use Dragon-type moves against it.
Beaten him in that battle? Okay. Another rotating platform awaits you.
Here are the steps: Step on left, blue (rotate), rotate, right, rotate,
up, up, up, rotate, right, rotate, up and finally up. You should reach
where Clair is. Save, heal and battle.
| Reward: $4920* |
| Gyarados | Lv 38 | Exp: 1741 pts |
| Dragonair | Lv 38 | Exp: 1171 pts |
| Dragonair | Lv 38 | Exp: 1171 pts |
| Kingdra | Lv 41 | Exp: 1818 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Gyarados is no problem at all if you use Electric-type moves
against it. Dragonair is easy when knocked out with Ice-type moves.
Kingdra is an obstacle yours truly. It is a dual Water/Dragon Type.
Thus rendering Ice moves at half damage and everything including
Electric-type moves at normal damage. Tread carefully and heal if
necessary if your Pokemon are hurt and you should win.
You have beaten her and you will want your badge. However, she refuses to
give it you and she wants you to see the old man from the Dragon Den
(which is the cave at the lake behind the gym.) Go and heal up at the
Pokemon Center and withdraw a Water Pokemon that knows Whirlpool, or teach
it (NB: Whirlpool is HM05). When you're ready head over to the Gym, but
not enter it. Surf in the water and head up until you see the entrance
to a cave (which is the Dragon's Den).
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] (Unconfirmed Item) |
| [ ] Protein |
| [ ] Max Potion |
| [ ] TM59 - Dragon Pulse |
| |
When you enter the cave, go down the ladder and head down the steps.
You'll bump in to an unavoidable trainer here.
| Reward: $2220* |
| Dragonair | Lv 37 | Exp: 1142 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ice Fang is the answer. ...Or break it down with its own kind
(Dragon moves).
After beating him, head left on the first ledge and talk to the lone rock
to pick up an item (Unsure what it is). Head back to the steps. On the
second ledge (after the second flight of steps), go right and pick up
a Protein. Go back to the Broken Bridge and surf on the water. Go
south-west (ignore the trainers at the moment) until you see a Whirlpool.
Cross it and surf to the door of the house. Enter the house.
You will automatically walk to an old man in purple. He will start
asking you some questions now. The answers are:
Third Option, First Option, Second Option, First Option, Second Option.
After these Clair will come in and ask probably "what's taking so long?"
and then she'll be shocked by something and the old man tells Clair you
passed "a test". Now Clair will reward you with the eighth badge: The
Rising Badge. And then Clair runs out for some weird reason. The old man
tells you stuff, but I can't really interpret it. Head out of the place
and let's get some free exp and money.
Exit and cross the Whirlpool. On the left will be a double battle with
| Reward: $1120* |
| TWIN 1's Pokemon: | TWIN 2's Pokemon: |
| Dratini | Lv 35 | Exp: 500 pts | Dratini | Lv 35 | Exp: 500 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Dratini is obvious. Ice-type or Dragon-type moves will knock it
After beating the twins, collect an Ether. Surf out and head to the
next flight of steps you see (3 steps right and 5 steps up in the
water). A lone rock and a female cool trainer are there. The rock has
a Max Potion (certain), when you got that, talk to the female
cool trainer to start a battle.
| Reward: $2100* |
| Horsea | Lv 33 | Exp: 586 pts |
| Horsea | Lv 33 | Exp: 586 pts |
| Seadra | Lv 35 | Exp: 1162 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Horsea and Seadra share one thing in common. Weak to electric
After you have with the female trainer, head over to the steps on the right
(upper right actually) and surf right. You will see Clair there, disembark
and when she sees you, she'll call you and gives you a TM59. The TM59 is
Dragon Pulse, which is Dragon-type but it is very powerful. She'll talk
about some things and Clair will head her way. Climb up the ladder and
exit the cave.
You'll get a call from Elm saying that he has something for you. You can
either fly to New Bark Town to pick it up, or go through Routes 44 and 45
and level up and get some extra cash. I will cover Routes 45 and 46 first.
|ROUTE 45 || [SSWT45] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Ether |
| [ ] Nugget |
| [ ] Revive |
| [ ] Full Heal |
| [ ] Max Potion |
| [ ] Green Apricorn (one per day) |
| |
This route is obviously south of Blackthorn City. Head and there will be
two bridges with will rejoin together in a short distance. The first
left bridge will lead to the Dark Cave (but this entrance is next to
Blackthorn City). However, head towards the first bridge on the left,
head left (past the Dark Cave) until you reach a point to head down.
Pass the grass and collect an Ether. Head back up and go towards the
next bridge you see. You will see some ledges with some tall grass.
Jump down one level and it is your choice to jump off the left or right
ledges. If you head towards the left, you will bump into a hiker.
| Reward: $864* |
| Machop | Lv 24 | Exp: 385 pts |
| Graveler | Lv 24 | Exp: 774 pts |
| Machop | Lv 27 | Exp: 433 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Simple battle. Use flying for Machop and a Water type for
Graveler. Beware that Graveler has Self-Destruct.
If you head towards the right (until you see some steps) and jump
down that ledge, you will bump into a Cool trainer.
| Reward: $1620* |
| Pidgeot | Lv 25 | Exp: 921 pts |
| Electabuzz | Lv 27 | Exp: 901 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy fight. Use an Electric type for Pidgeot and a Ground type
for Electabuzz.
After beating either one of both of them, you will be given the choice
of jumping off the left or right ledges again. There will be a bridge
to cross if you have jumped off from the right side of the river and
want to cross to the left side.
If you choose off the left hand side by crossing the bridge from the
right side, you will encounter another Hiker.
| Reward: $864* |
| Onix | Lv 30 | Exp: 692 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Water-type Pokemon.
After you beat him, he will ask you for your number. Accept or decline
and move on. Jump down the ledge.
Ignore the bridge there and jump down the ledge leading into tall
grass. Moving down and on the right (near the end of the tall grass
will be a Full heal. Grab it and move on.
Sticking on the left side, pass the bridge and jump down another ledge
to grab a Nugget (Yay $5000 cash). Jump down another ledge into another
patch of tall grass and jump down another ledge once again into more tall
There will be a Revive there, take it and let's keep going downhill. Jump
down another ledge and there will be a guy there but he isn't a trainer.
Keep going down until you jump down another ledge. There will be two ways
in proceeding: Going left will lead you to Route 46, going right will
lead you to a dead end. So let's just head left. This is the end of the
LHS of the downhill from Blackthorn City.
Obviously you have beaten either the hiker or the Cooltrainer (or both)
and refused to cross the bridge. So let's jump down the next ledge near
the patch of grass on the RHS. Collect the Max Potion lying on the
bottom right corner and jump down the next ledge. There will be a female
cooltrainer in the patch of tall grass there. Try to run past her to
get her attention.
| Reward: $1440* |
| Marill | Lv 27 | Exp: 334 pts |
| Wartortle | Lv 24 | Exp: 735 pts |
| Wartortle | Lv 24 | Exp: 735 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Two Wartortles are very uncommon. But including Marill share
an Electric-type weakness.
After beating her, don't bother crossing the bridge to the other side.
There will be more trainers on the RHS. Head down and jump down another
ledge, another ledge, another ledge and again a third ledge in a row.
You will see another trainer here (which is a Karate Guy who looks like
they wear glasses).
| Reward: $672* |
| Machoke | Lv 27 | Exp: 876 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic his Machoke out, but never use Dark-type moves on a
Fighting type. Damage done is only half.
After you beat him, he will ask you for your number. Accept or decline,
its your choice. Jump down the ledge and don't across the bridge on the
Left side. Again the paths split into two mini paths with jumping down
at least a ledge and a trainer in between the first and second ledge.
Don't bother jumping down the left, or won't be able to gain EXP from
the hiker on the right side. (Besides you can challenge the hiker on
the left side) because he's on a level below the Right side ledge).
Jump down the right side ledge and run down to bump into another hiker.
| Reward: $800* |
| Geodude | Lv 25 | Exp: 390 pts |
| Graveler | Lv 25 | Exp: 717 pts |
| Golem | Lv 25 | Exp: 948 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All Rock-Ground dual types. Water 'em down.
Jump down and into the tall grass patch. You will see another hiker on
the upper left. Grab his attention by running into his eyesight.
| Reward: $864* |
| Diglett | Lv 27 | Exp: 468 pts |
| Dugtrio | Lv 27 | Exp: 885 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Water-type Pokemon or Water-type moves are the answer.
After you beat that Hiker, head down and jump down another ledge
leading into a big patch of tall grass. Run down the steps you will see
a pond and an Apricorn tree containing a Green Apricorn. Grab the
Green Apricorn and jump down the ledge. (This is the dead end I am
talking about if you went down the Left Side of the Mountainous
terrain.) Cross the bridge and head to the left to enter Route 46.
|ROUTE 46 || [SSWT46] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Dire Hit |
| |
Came from Route 45 obviously. Back in the beginning of SS, you would
have noticed a Tollgate in Route 29 that led to Route 46. But you
couldn't go up because the ledges where high up.
Starting from the entrance point of Route 45, head left and go past
the cave (obviously its the Dark Cave again with the Route 46 (entrance
or exit). Run down and jump down the ledge. There will be a rocky
mountain ledge that requires Rock Climb (unsure on how to obtain it,
someone who knows please email me). Ignore it for the moment and you
will have two options of going which way: Left or Down. Both directions
will be covered.
| Reward: $496* |
| CAMPER's Pokemon: | PICKNICKER (F)'s Pokemon: |
| Mankey | Lv 17 | Exp: 266 pts | Ponyta | Lv 17 | Exp: 552 pts |
| | | | Oddish | Lv 14 | Exp: 234 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Wait a minute... the levels are decreasing! No fair! Just
beat the Picknickers in the middle of no where.
After that dual battle has concluded, one of the kids will ask you for
your number. Accept or decline, your choice. On the left will be
a Dire Hit, a battle booster item. Head down and this place is the spot
I am talking about there you could access from Route 29, but head down
towards the Tollbooth to Route 29.
Heading down has no items, but just a hiker. Run into his line of sight
to battle him.
| Reward: $416* |
| Geodude | Lv 13 | Exp: 202 pts |
| Geodude | Lv 13 | Exp: 202 pts |
| Geodude | Lv 13 | Exp: 202 pts |
| Geodude | Lv 13 | Exp: 202 pts |
| Geodude | Lv 13 | Exp: 202 pts |
| | | |
Comment: 5 Geodudes? Rubbish and ridiculous! Hose 'em down!
After that ridiculous battle, just jump down the ledge and head down
towards the tollbooth to Route 29.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Master Ball |
| |
| Route 29 |
Go in and get out of the tollbooth. You are at Route 29 at the moment.
Head down and jump down the ledge. Run right and up to the to platform
that enables you to jump down the ledges towards New Bark Town.
Obviously head right back to home and go to Prof. Elm's Lab.
| New Bark Town |
WELCOME BACK TO NEW BARK TOWN. Well typically we're just here see what
Prof. Elm called you in for. Enter Elm's lab. You will be greeted by
your counterpart (If you are Gold, Kotone greets you, vice-versa).
He/she is impressed that you have all eight badges of Johto and she
brings you to the Professor. Elm is also impressed and has something to
give you.
WOW ITS A MASTER BALL. What the heck is a Master Ball? For those who
don't know, its a prototype ball that catches any Pokemon without fail.
WITHOUT FAIL = 100% catch rate. Cool. Save it for later. Don't bother
blowing it on Lugia, or some common Pokemon. Save it for a legendary
that is worth the Master Ball. Elm tells you that the next stop is
the Pokemon League, but we have another step to do before attending
the League.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] EXP Share |
| -> Exchange Red Scale with |
| Mr. Pokemon to obtain it. |
| |
Since we have the Red Scale from the Red Gyarados (presumed that you
have caught it or fainted it), that could be exchanged with Mr. Pokemon
for a EXP Share. The EXP Share is a held item that gives half of the
EXP points from a battle to the holder without needing to appear in
battle. Its good for speed-levelling up Pokemon. But it slows down
the levelling of your Pokemon in your front lines. Mr. Pokemon's
House is at Route 30.
The next stop is catching Lugia, but we need to head over to Ecruteak
City first. Fly over there.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Clear Bell |
| |
| Ecruteak City |
Once you have arrived in Ecruteak City, you could visit and gain
access to the Tin Tower, but you won't be able to climb it until you
get the Rainbow Wing from Pewter city in Kanto. So ignore it at the
So, what are we doing here? Well, its a necessity to obtain Lugia
before fighting the Pokemon League. But the Kimono Girls are
responsible in summoning Lugia on the Whirl Islands. How do we
convince them to do that? The only answer is to battle them. First
heal up and stock up on any items you need.
When you're ready, head to the house where the Kimono Girls reside.
You will bump into your rival and he will mutter about something, like
we would care atm (Seems like he got pushed out and beaten by someone).
After he notices you and walks away and says that he had to battle 5
Kimono Girls in a row and probably said it was too tough. He will
shove you out of his way and run off. Save before entering the place.
| The Kimono House |
Once you have saved and entered the place, you will automatically walk
to the stage. You can refuse and save here right now - so its easier.
Talk to them again and to start the five battles in a row.
| Reward: $4560* |
| Umbreon | Lv 38 | Exp: 1602 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Umbreon is a tank. It has a Very, very, very, high defense rating.
It can still tank some Fighting-type moves which are super effective
against it. It is a Dark-type Pokemon after all.
After you beat the first one, here comes a second siege.
| Reward: $4560* |
| Espeon | Lv 38 | Exp: 1602 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Espeon is the opposite of Umbreon. It has a very, very, well
5/5 rating for its Special Attack and Speed Stats. So its Psychic-type
moves can do a lot of damage to your Pokemon. Find a Pokemon with a
Dark-type move like Crunch. It is a Psychic-type Pokemon after all.
After you beat her, the third Kimono Girl will come up.
| Reward: $4560* |
| Flareon | Lv 38 | Exp: 1610 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Flareon is obvious. A fire-type. Water-type Pokemon can deal
Flareon without a problem.
Beat the third girl to bring up the fourth Kimono Girl.
| Reward: $4560* |
| Jolteon | Lv 38 | Exp: 1602 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Jolteon is definite trouble if you don't have a Ground-type
Pokemon to even out the odds.
Finally the final and fifth challenger will be next.
| Reward: $4560* |
| Vaporeon | Lv 38 | Exp: 1598 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Vaporeon is a good all rounder, but not good when its used
against you. Electric-type attacks on it are super effective, but
it can still tank it like Umbreon.
Jeepers, that was a hard as battle. The leader of the Kimono Girls will
reward you with a Clear Bell (this is a Key Item). It seems that
it will be used in conjuction in summoning Lugia. After that, a little
kid will run in and tell something to the leader which doesn't seem
good. It's time to head to the Whirl Islands via. Olvine City, Routes
40 and 41.
|NOTE: It is best to bring a lot of the following if you don't want |
| to read the paragraph below. |
| |
|BRING: - A Pokemon (or two) that knows Surf, Whirlpool and Flash. |
| - Lots of Ultra Balls |
| - Dark Balls (if catching at night) |
| - Heavy Balls (Black Apricorns from Kurt, if possible) |
| - Timer Balls (Red Apricorns from Kurt, if possible) |
| - Healing Items and Revives. |
| - An Escape Rope. |
| |
|WHIRLPOOL WHEN GOING DOWN ROUTES 40 AND 41. Now skip to the second |
|paragraph to continue (or read on if your eager...) |
| |

Buy A LOT of Ultra Balls or whatever balls you like and stock up on
healing items and lot of Revives is a MUST. Btw teach Whirlpool to any
Pokemon, maybe a Water Pokemon that you have left rotting in Bill's PC
System and bring 'em out to action. DON'T FORGET to bring out a Pokemon
that also knows Flash (TM 70) and Strength (maybe) , when we get inside
the Whirl Island Cave, it will be dark and boulders around. When you're
ready, fly to Olivine City and use a Max Repel at the beach (if you don't
want weak pokemon appear on your surfing trip to Whirl Island) and head
along Route 41. Maybe those Custom Pokeballs (the one that depends on
weight) from Kurt will come in handy in catching Lugia. Bring some
Insurance too. If you're catching Lugia at night, bring some Dark Balls,
it will greaten the chance of catching it since its at night and it is
inside a cave.
Remember those big Whirlpools we saw on the way to Cianwood City?
Apparently those Whirlpools guard the entrance to the Whirl Islands.
Since we got the Silver Wing and the Clear Bell, Lugia will definitely be
hanging around for you. Cross that Whirlpool that you first see and go
into that cave.
Use Flash and head down the ladder. When you go down the ladder, jump
down the first ledge and you will see two ledges heading different
ways. The direct route to Lugia is the ledge in front of you, while
the ledge with the ladder means you have to start again and come back
to this entrance.
Jump down the first path ledge and head up to a ladder to go down. See
a fully illuminated place? On the left will be Max Revive. Pick it up and
let's go. But wait! What is this bold guy doing here? Talk to him and you
will show the Silver Wing. He will let you pass. The first cave just below
you is a view of the fountain that Lugia plays in and it has a Rare Candy
there. Pick up the Rare Candy and head back out and down the steps. Until you
reach the bottom of the path, Enter the Cave and Save.
The Kimono Girls should be there waiting for you after you beat them
and present the Silver Wing along with a bell. They will perform a ritual
and watch the cutscene. After they are done, Lugia will appear, then surf
up to it and talk to initiate a battle.
//Type: Psychic/Flying Exp if fainted: 1441 pts.* //
// //
//Level: 45 //
Comment: It's your choice to catch it, or kill it for 1441 EXP Points.
Your best option is to catch it, however, it'll take a bit of a while.
If you are going to catch it, it's going to be a very long battle.
Reduce Lugia's HP as low as possible until it gets red HP. AS MUCH AS
POSSIBLE IS BETTER TO CATCH IT. Spam and (heal your Pokemon when needed),
because Lugia's Psychic and Aeroblast hurts. Keep throwing Ultra Balls
or whatever you got at it. Don't waste your Master Ball. If you faint
it or if it uses Struggle (possibly if no more PP for its moves),
just restart the game (I presume you saved the game before you fought
After you caught or fainted Lugia, it is time to wrap up the situation
and get out of the Whirl Islands. If you got the Escape Rope in your
bag it will come in handy. You can get out of the cave by foot if you
want to get some items, (but in my opinion, its not worth it). Now
fly over to New Bark Town.
|ROUTE 27 || [SSWT27] ||
|REQUIREMENTS: - Bring a Pokemon (or two) that knows Surf, Strength and |
| Waterfall |
| - Handled the situation of Lugia by catching or beating |
| it at Whirl Islands. |
| |
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Rare Candy |
| [ ] Moon Stone |
| [ ] TM37 - Sandstorm |
| [ ] Destiny Knot |
| |
| New Bark Town |
Once you're in New Bark Town, go to Elm's Lab and talk to him. He will
tell you that since you've got eight badges, it's time to head for the
Pokemon League in Johto. So... where is this Pokemon League? Well,
its near Mt. Mortar for starters and we'll have to go through Routes
27 and 26. Mt. Mortar is isolated from Routes 45-46 in HG/SS (as it
appears). So... where is Route 27? Oh btw, if you got Topegi in your
party and show it to Elm, he will give you something*. Make sure you
have a Pokemon in your party that knows Waterfall.
Head outside of Elm's lab and near your house is a path of water. This
water will lead you to Route 27, remember to stock up on gear before
you leave for Routes 27 and 26, it will be a long journey to the
Pokemon League. Keep surfing right until you see land and disembark.
| Route 27 |
A man will notice you and tell you something. Not really sure what he
is saying, since it is in Japanese. However, you can go in the cave to
continue or go right until you see a path of water, and collect a Rare
| Tohjo Falls |
Head back and enter Tohjo Falls. This cave is just a small one with two
waterfalls and a small path leading to a Moon Stone. First get into the
water and use Waterfall. Once you're up there, follow the path and go
down the second waterfall. You will see a small raised path, this leads
to a Moon Stone. To get the Moon Stone, go right until you see a flight
of steps and disembark there and follow the small path (its just going
left) and keep going until you see the Moon Stone. Pick it up, head
back and surf. Head towards the cave exit.
| Route 27 (again) |
Now we are on the other side of the cliff. Walking a step down from
the cave's exit will cause you to battle a trainer.
| Reward: $1920* |
| Bulbasaur | Lv 32 | Exp: 438 pts |
| Ivysaur | Lv 32 | Exp: 966 pts |
| Venasaur | Lv 32 | Exp: 1424 pts |
| | | |
Comment: The most easiest way to dispose Grass-type Pokemon is by
using Ice-type moves.
After beating the female cooltrainer, there will be a house there with
an old woman that will give you a TM37. TM37 contains sandstorm, there's
nothing good about it anyways. Just grab it and go and surf to the right.
It's a quick surf route here, just head right and disembark. There will
be lots of tall grass there and a cool trainer. He'll turn around to
look for trainers, but when you jump off near him, he'll notice you.
| Reward: $1860* |
| Magneton | Lv 33 | Exp: 1136 pts |
| Exeggcute | Lv 31 | Exp: 650 pts |
| Quagsire | Lv 31 | Exp: 908 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Magneton is weak against Fighting-type moves mainly.
Exeggcute is a dual Grass/Pyschic Pokemon whilst Quagsire is a dual
Water/Ground Pokemon. Don't ever use Water-type moves against Quagsire.
It'll just suck the damage in. So you use Grass-type moves against it.
After you beat him, head right and follow the bridge. When you turn
down and head right, there will be a cool trainer heading left and
right. Walk into his path to battle him.
| Reward: $2100* |
| Mareep | Lv 35 | Exp: 440 pts |
| | | |
Comment: I guess it's not very nice to have a Lvl 35 Mareep that only
gives you 440 pts of EXP >.>''
After you have told the CoolTrainer to stay down, its time to continue.
Head right and up the three flight of stairs. Follow the narrow path and
head downstairs. On the left just after the second flight of steps down,
there will be a Destiny Knot (if you can remember it as a held item from
P/D/Pt found at Route 224). Head back and down the steps. You will see
a Psychic looking for trainers and doing this by looking anticlockwise.
Grab his attention by trying to run past him.
| Reward: $1088* |
| Starmie | Lv 30 | Exp: 1328 pts |
| Exeggcute | Lv 30 | Exp: 630 pts |
| Girafarig | Lv 34 | Exp: 1082 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Dark-moves are super effective in this situation.
Head right after beating the Psychic. There will be another cooltrainer
on the bridge to Route 26.
| Reward: $2160* |
| Growlithe | Lv 36 | Exp: 702 pts |
| Staryu | Lv 36 | Exp: 816 pts |
| Nidorina | Lv 33 | Exp: 824 pts |
| | | |
Comment: These guys are easy EXP points. But if you use Physical attacks
(eg - Slash) against Nidorina, it has a slight chance of poisoning you
due to its Special Ability: Poison Point.
After you beat her, she will ask you for your number. Accept or decline
and move on. Keep heading right and up a cliff to enter Route 26.
|ROUTE 26 || [SSWT26] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Blue Apricorn |
| [ ] Max Elixir |
| |
Coming in from Route 26, just keep heading right. Cross the bridge and
you will bump into the first trainer of Route 26, wow, a Fisherman.
| Reward: $TBC* |
| Qwilfish | Lv 30 | Exp: 642 pts |
| Qwilfish | Lv 30 | Exp: 642 pts |
| Seaking | Lv 34 | Exp: 1236 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Quilfish is annoying as hell with its Poison Point Special
Ability. Just zap them.
Head up the bridge and onto the land. Follow the path and bump into a
| Reward: $1152* |
| Espeon | Lv 36 | Exp: 1518 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Of course Espeon is annoying if used against you. Dark-type
moves can help defeat it.
After you beat that Psychic boy just head up. There will be a split
path here. To the left with a path with tall grass, let's just head
there. This is optional, head down and you will see a house, here will
be a sidequest. That will be covered in the sidequest section (written later).
However, just keep going up and enter the house to heal your pokemon.
Once you're healed, exit the house and there is a Blue Apricorn tree
next to the house. But if you run for the tree you will grab the
attention of the cooltrainer first.
| Reward: $2160* |
| Pikachu | Lv 36 | Exp: 630 pts |
| Blastoise | Lv 36 | Exp: 1620 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Pikachu can get owned with Ground-type moves, whilst
Blastoise can get owned with Electric-type moves.
After beating her, grab the Blue Apricorn from the tree and let's go.
Up the steps and you will come to a T-section. Going left and up
the mountain is a dead end, so that leaves going right an option.
Go right and then you will bump into another cool trainer.
| Reward: $1920* |
| Victreebel | Lv 32 | Exp: 1308 pts |
| Flareon | Lv 32 | Exp: 1356 pts |
| Kingler | Lv 32 | Exp: 1410 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Grass/Poison-type, Fire-type and a Water-type. You know what to do.
When you beat him, he will offer you his number. Accept or decline, its
practically your choice. Move on and bump into another cooltrainer.
| Reward: $1980* |
| Parasect | Lv 33 | Exp: 902 pts |
| Vaporeon | Lv 33 | Exp: 1386 pts |
| Golduck | Lv 35 | Exp: 1304 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Straight forward when Vaporeon and Golduck's weaknesses are
Electric-type moves. Parasect can be taken care of by your flying
or Psychic-type Pokemon.
After that battle, follow the path up and turn left when you have to
and you'll bump into the final trainer for Route 26. Which it HAS TO
| Reward: $1860* |
| Rapidash | Lv 36 | Exp: 1478 pts |
| Flaffy | Lv 31 | Exp: 776 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Drown and Muddy up.
After you beat her, she'll ask you for your number. Accept or decline
as I always say, cause its up to you. Before we go in, let's go left and
jump down those ledges to go back and heal and a grab a Max Elixir. Jump
down and head down to the house where you could heal.
Head back up to the Pokemon League gate. Here is the entrance, or I should
say, the badge check to enter the Pokemon League. Once you're all good to
go after the check, just walk straight up. The left and right sides are
blocked off by the Policemen,don't know why. Just continue going up to
enter Victory Road.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Potion |
| [ ] Full Heal |
| [ ] Max Revive |
| [ ] Full Restore |
| [ ] Rare Candy |
| |
| First Floor |
Here is Victory Road, where lots of camping trainers and the final
obstacles that block you to getting to the Pokemon League. Head up to
the boulder and approach it from its south, so that you could push
the boulder up with Strength. Head left and down the steps, then up
and right. Keep going right and up to collect a Potion (Wth is a Potion
doing here? Lol.) Head up the steps and cross the bridge to end up to a
T-section (go left or right). Go left and down the steps and go right to
pick up a Full Heal. This time head left till you reach an end and go
up. Head up until you see some steps and two boulders to the right.
Good thing there ain't no trainers in Victory Road. Saves the hassles.
But the only drawback for having no trainers is that you can't level
up before the Pokemon League and reap their cash :<
First off the boulders are in two positions, one near the upper end and
one near the bottom end. Push the one on the bottom end (1 cell to the
right) and follow the path to grab a Max Revive. Head back and up the
steps to go onto the next floor.
| Second Floor |
Blah my Max Repel just ran out great. A wild Pokemon Safari now. Once
you're on 2F, run down and step the raised platform steps. Follow the
path until you see a ladder and steps heading down to a lower platform
(not level). Climb up the ladder and drop down into a hole (which are
would normally fit for boulders). Once you've dropped down into the
hole, head up and left until you see a boulder blocking your path.
Use Strength, BUT push it 1 cell to the left. However, head down the
steps and back up BUT LEAVE THE BOULDER ALONE FOR NOW. Grab the
Full Restore before pushing the boulder. NOW head back and push the
boulder 1 cell to the right from its left. Now head up the miniture
steps and climb the ladder to the third floor.
| Third Floor |
Climb up and follow the path, but don't drop down the first hole you see.
Run up the raised platform and grab the Ultra Ball been the two
crackers there. You should be able to see the exit from here. Now, head
left and follow the path until you see two holes. 50% chance of getting
it wrong here lol, I'm gonna tell you straight: Drop down the hole
(the bottom one lol). Damnit, took the right guess but didn't get the
item -.-'' . However, get over it, climb the ladder and let's go.
Once you're up that ladder, the path will split into two. One going
up and one going right. The one going up will lead you to a Rare Candy
and a quick jump to the exit. When going that way, be careful NOT to
fall down the hole. Now head to the exit, but we'll notice someone
running. Oh hai Rival.
* Feraligatr Lv 46 *
* Ampharos Lv 40 *
* Pidgeot Lv 39 *
* Poliwhirl Lv 29 *
* Lugia Lv 45 *
* Togetic Lv 33 *
* *
NB: RTT [Refer to Table]
| Reward: $2560* |
| Sneasel | Lv 36 | Exp: 1016 pts |
| Magneton | Lv 37 | Exp: 1274 pts |
| Haunter | Lv 37 | Exp: 998 pts |
| Kadabra | Lv 37 | Exp: 1148 pts |
| Golbat | Lv 38 | Exp: 1392 pts |
| Stolen Pokemon | Lv 40 | Exp: RTT pts |
| | | |
A decent battler once in a while.

Comment: Your rival always starts off with Sneasel. Fighting and Fire
moves can knock it out, whilst Magneton on the other hand is no problem
with Fighting, Fire and maybe Ground moves (since its Dual Steel/Electric).
Haunter is weak to Dark and Psychic-type moves, whilst Kadabra is weak
to Dark-type moves. Golbat can be taken care of with Ice, Electric
and Psychic-type moves. However, since I got Totodile as my starter,
Meganium is very tank against Pidgeot's Flying-type moves.
If your starter was...
| Chikorita | Typhlosion | 40 | - |
| Cyndaquil | Feraligatr | 40 | - |
| Totodile | Meganium | 40 | 1782 pts |
Once you've beaten him, he'll say some last words and let's head for
the exit.
Head up the steps to begin beating the Elite Four. However, enter the
building and the place seems more like a mansion than a place for
the Elite Four. Heal up and buy your gear before challenging. If your
Pokemon are under levelled, you can fly to the Pokemon League Gate
(at the end of Route 26) or Victory Road and train there. Once you're
ready, talk to the guard in red and enter to begin your spree against
the Elite Four.
The first challenger you will meet is Will. The guy who kinda looks like
Lucian from D/P/Pt.
| Reward: $5040* |
| Xatu | Lv 40 | Exp: 1465 pts |
| Jynx | Lv 41 | Exp: 1203 pts |
| Exeggcutor | Lv 41 | Exp: 1861 pts |
| Slowbro | Lv 41 | Exp: 1440 pts |
| Xatu | Lv 42 | Exp: 1539 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Xatu is no problem by just using Dark or Electric-type moves.
This also applies to Jynx, but use Dark or Fire type moves since its
a dual Psychic/Ice Pokemon. Exeggcutor can be dealt easily with the
same strategy for Jynx, but the exeception that it is a Grass/Psychic.
Slowbro is the most annoying, especially with its high Defense.
Once you reaped the rewards from Will, its time to flush Koga out of
the darkness.
| Reward: $5280* |
| Ariados | Lv 40 | Exp: 1147 pts |
| Forretress | Lv 43 | Exp: 1086 pts |
| Muk | Lv 42 | Exp: 1413 pts |
| Crobat | Lv 44 | Exp: 1923 pts |
| Venemoth | Lv 41 | Exp: 1262 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ariados is weak against Fire, Flying and Psychic. Well
basically everything in Koga's group is weak to Psychic, except for
Forretress, who is resistant to Psychic attacks. If you don't have
a Fire-type to take out Forretress, just use a move that deals
normal damage to it. Water type moves are still good against it.
Muk, Crobat and Venemoth can just be psyched out.
The next competitor is Bruno.
| Reward: $5520* |
| Hitmontop | Lv 42 | Exp: 1242 pts |
| Onix | Lv 43 | Exp: 994 pts |
| Hitmonchan | Lv 42 | Exp: 1260 pts |
| Machamp | Lv 46 | Exp: 1902 pts |
| Hitmonlee | Lv 42 | Exp: 1257 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Bruno's team mainly consists of fighting-type Pokemon, but
Onix seems to be his exception due it being a Ground-Rock type.
However, Onix can be easily dealt with Water-type moves, while the
others can be taken out with Bird matter (Flying-type moves) and
Psychic-type moves.
Three down, one to go. The final Elite Four member here is Karen.
A new person who specialises in Dark-type Pokemon.
| Reward: $5640* |
| Umbreon | Lv 42 | Exp: 1773 pts |
| Murkrow | Lv 44 | Exp: 1008 pts |
| Houndoom | Lv 47 | Exp: 2053 pts |
| Vileplume | Lv 42 | Exp: 1656 pts |
| Gengar | Lv 45 | Exp: 1831 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A little annoying opponent as a final battle. Umbreon is just
an Eevee with high-end defensive capabilities, and it's just a pure Dark-
type Pokemon. That means Fighting-type moves can take it down easily.
Murkrow is a dual Dark/Flying type Pokemon, Fighting moves will deal
normal damage, but it is vulnerable to Electric attacks. Houndoom can
be extinguished with Water or Fighting-type moves. Vileplume is the
odd one out. Flamethrower or Psyche it out. Gengar is the most annoying.
It would often use Destiny Bond to take your Pokemon along with it when
it faints. (To clarify: When you kill Gengar when it uses Destiny Bond
before dying, your Pokemon will just die too). Psychic is effective in
Gengar's circumstances.
Whew. The Elite Four has been disposed of! What? THERE'S MORE?! Geez.
Head up to fight the Elite Four Champion, and its Lance!
| Reward: $10000* |
| Gyarados | Lv 46 | Exp: 2109 pts |
| Dragonite | Lv 50 | Exp: 2335 pts |
| Dragonite | Lv 49 | Exp: 2289 pts |
| Dragonite | Lv 49 | Exp: 2289 pts |
| Aerodactyl | Lv 48 | Exp: 2077 pts |
| Charizard | Lv 48 | Exp: 2149 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Gyarados is weak against Electric-type moves. The Dragonites
are all weak against Ice. Aerodactyl is weak against Electric and
Water-type moves. Whilst Charizard is just weak against Water again.
Once you've beaten Lance, its over and Congratulations! Register in the
Hall of Fame and wait till it saves. Then turn the game off to skip
the credits and start on the Kanto Chapter.
The following Gym Leaders for the Kanto region of SS are:
1. Brock (Rock) @ Pewter City
2. Misty (Water) @ Cerulean City
3. Lt. Surge (Electric) @ Vermillion City
4. Erika (Grass) @ Celadon City
5. Janine (Poison) @ Fuschia City
6. Sabrina (Psychic) @ Saffron City
7. Blaine (Fire) @ Seafoam Islands
8. Gary Oak (His party from FR/LG) @ Viridian City
The Gym Leader battles are done in this order:
1. Lt. Surge, Vermillion City
2. Sabrina, Saffron City
3. Misty, Cerulean City
4. Erika, Celadon City
5. Janine, Fuschia City
6. Brock, Pewter City
7. Blaine, Seafoam Islands
8. Gary Oak, Viridan City
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Ferry Ticket |
| |
| New Bark Town |
Okay, I will presume that you have beaten the Johto Pokemon League.
However, the game doesn't end there. There's still way more to go
before you officially beat the game. The second chapter in HG/SS is the
Kanto chapter. Actually the best thing about GSC was the Johto-Kanto
border crossing. You will start at your house, head downstairs and
your mum will tell you that Professor Elm has something for you. Now
head over to his lab.
Once you're in Elm's lab, just run up to him and talk. He will tell you
that there is the Kanto challenge and he has a ferry ticket to get you
to Kanto. Receive the Ferry Ticket and fly to Olivine City.
| Olivine City |
When your in Olivine City, head to the docks and enter the building.
Professor Oak will notice your here, He will upgrade your Johto Dex to
the National Dex (493 Pokemon all across Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh)
and talk about you taking on the Kanto challenge. He will exit and talk
to the sailor just below you. Show your ticket and board the ferry.
|THE SS AQUA || [SSKT02] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Metal Coat |
| |
When you're on the ship heading to Vermillion City, an old man will
bump into you. He's looking for something, don't know what, but we'll
find out later. Now there are lots of rooms here with trainers and
the like, but we'll cover that. Your room to rest is on the far right
end, second door to the bottom. It has a bed for rest and a PC to
withdraw and deposit Pokemon.
| 1st Area |
From your starting position, head left and go into the first room you
see (it's so close). Enter and battle a hiker.
| Reward: $1344* |
| Bronzor | Lv 39 | Exp: 601 pts |
| Golem | Lv 42 | Exp: 1592 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Bronzor is the first Sinnoh native Pokemon here. It's a dual
Steel/Psychic type, so Magical attacks other than physical do normal
damage. Golem is easily dealt with Water-type moves.
Exit his room and don't go into the second room on the left. It's empty.
The room across the empty room (on the sailor's left) is just the
jumpy old man. Just go to the room on the sailor's right. There will be
a Pokefan and Twins willing to battle. Go for the Pokefan first.
| Reward: $2560* |
| Delibird | Lv 40 | Exp: 1567 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric attacks are all good?
Once you have beaten him. Just go right to get the twins' attention.
| Reward: $2496* |
| TWIN 1's Pokemon: | TWIN 2's Pokemon: |
| Phanpy | Lv 39 | Exp: 1034 pts| Teddiursa| Lv 39 | Exp: 1034 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Blast away with what you got. Teddiursa is a Normal type,
Phanpy is a dual Ground/Rock type.
Just exit their room and go to the right side of the 1st floor. You
should know where your room is: its the bottom one, 2nd floor on the
right. However, let's go to the room across yours to fight another
| Reward: $1152* |
| Koffing | Lv 36 | Exp: 879 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 36 | Exp: 879 pts |
| Flareon | Lv 39 | Exp: 1654 pts |
| | | |
Comment: I'd reckon calling this guy an arsonist is not really nice.
Koffing can be psyched out whilst Flareon can be flushed with Water.
Head out and back to your room to heal, it's time to head downstairs.
Exit your room, go to the center and head down the stairs.
| 2nd Area |
You're on the floor below, okay, run down the walkway until you reach a
T-section. First let's head left. The first room on the left has a
juggler puking into a bin, let's just interrupt him.
| Reward: $1184* |
| Mr Mime | Lv 37 | Exp: 1077 pts |
| Magmar | Lv 37 | Exp: 1323 pts |
| Machoke | Lv 37 | Exp: 1156 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Mr Mime can be taken down with Dark-type moves. Magmar: Water
type moves and Machoke can be Psyched out.
Once you've beaten that seasick guy, there's nothing more on the left.
Exit the big room and head right. There is a kitchen and a sailor in
there. Grab his attention.
| Reward: $1280* |
| Makuhita | Lv 40 | Exp: 745 pts |
| Raticate | Lv 40 | Exp: 993 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Makuhita is a Hoenn native, but its a Fighting-type so it's
weakness is Flying or Psychic-type moves. Raticate is weak to
Fighting moves.
Exit the kitchen and go right. A sailor will tell you that he can't
let you through, but his shipmate is slacking off again. Bloody hell,
where is this guy? Well practically its a sailor in bed, the room
right next to yours. Head back upstairs and enter the first door on
the bottom right. Talk to that lazy sailor in bed and get him.
| Reward: $1088* |
| Machop | Lv 39 | Exp: 625 pts |
| Machoke | Lv 41 | Exp: 1282 pts |
| Psyduck | Lv 34 | Exp: 582 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Machop and Machoke can be psyched out, but Psyduck is the odd
one out. Shock Psyduck out of the water.
Once you've beaten him, he'll go back to duty. Head down to the lower
decks and go right of the T-section. Once you're in the generator room
will be a ladder and a Picknicker for a battle.
| Reward: $656* |
| Seaking | Lv 41 | Exp: 1492 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Seaking is very, very, very weak to Electric-type moves.
Once you have dealt with the Picknicker, climb up the ladder and enter
the room you see. It appears to be the Captain's room and he's with
a little girl. Now don't get ideas, talk to the little girl so that she
could return to that jumpy man. It appears that he's the father. Great,
where did she off to? She's obviously HIDING. Now, exit the room,
climb down the ladder and head left until you can't. She is hiding in
a corner. Talk to her and she will return to the jumpy man.
The jumpy father will give you a Metal Coat, which evolves certain
Pokemon if held. The PA system will tell you that you have arrived in
Vermillion City. Now exit the boat by talking to the sailor at the
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Rare Candy |
| [ ] Luck Incense |
| |
Run out the boat and the ferry entrance. Follow the path of the docks
and you will notice Suicune in the water, also Euisine running to
Suicune too. Suicune will run off and he'll jibber on about something.
A lot has changed since FR/LG, for those who played FR/LG you should
now the layout. But Vermillion is now more of a small town compared
to it being 3 years ago. Now, Snorlax blocks the Eastern outskirts of
town and listening to the PokeFan Club's President will get you a Rare
Candy instead of a Bike Ticket. The Fanclub is (from the Jetty) just
head west to the last house and you will find the Gym along the way too.
The item you saw when getting away from the jetty and surfing into
the water to get it is a Luck Incense, its a held item for a Pokemon.
It doubles the prize money if the holder joined the battle.
From the jetty, to the left is where the Pokemart is at. From the
Pokemart, going up and to the left has the Pokecenter. Heal there and
go to Lt. Surge's Gym, don't worry about the Pokefan Club there at
the moment. If you don't have Cut, just Surf and enter the Gym.
| Type | Electric |
| Weaknesses | Ground |
The Gym is EXACTLY the same layout in RBY and FR/LG. Three trainers,
a lot of trash cans to find the switch to disable the electric door
and obviously Surge there.
Battle the trainers first before finding the switches. The switches are
always random set, so it's impossible for the switches to be same place
over and over.
| Reward: $1376* |
| Electrode | Lv 43 | Exp: 1381 pts |
| Electrode | Lv 43 | Exp: 1381 pts |
| Electrode | Lv 43 | Exp: 1381 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Three Electrodes, it's just ridiculous. Ground type moves
are the solution.
| Reward: $1008* |
| Jolteon | Lv 45 | Exp: 1899 pts |
| Voltorb | Lv 43 | Exp: 948 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 42 | Exp: 801 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Everything here can be dealt with Ground type moves. But if
you don't have a Ground type, Jolteon can be removed as long if you
don't have a Water or Flying-type in play. Voltorb is the same,
and Magnemite is weak against Fire or Fighting-type moves.
| Reward: $8400* |
| Pikachu | Lv 46 | Exp: 807 pts |
| Flaffy | Lv 43 | Exp: 1077 pts |
| Electrike | Lv 42 | Exp: 936 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak against Ground-type moves.
Fiddle around until you manage to get both doors unlocked. Once you're
done, go up to Surge and save.
| Reward: $6360* |
| Raichu | Lv 51 | Exp: 1332 pts |
| Electrode | Lv 47 | Exp: 1510 pts |
| Electabuzz | Lv 53 | Exp: 1771 pts |
| Magneton | Lv 47 | Exp: 1621 pts |
| Electrode | Lv 47 | Exp: 1510 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All of these Pokemon share a Ground-type weakness in common.
However, if you don't have a Ground-type, then you're in a bit of
trouble and the battle will be challenging, but not impossible.
Grass-type Pokemon are fairly resistant to Electric-types.
Magneton can dealt with easily, if you avoid using Physical attacks
(like Strength and Fly, just to name a few.)
After you beat Lt. Surge, you will get the Thunderbadge and a TM 34
which contains Shockwave. A decent Electric-type move that NEVER MISSES.
Now exit the Gym, heal up and exit the Northern exit of Vermillion City
to Route 6.
|ROUTE 6 || [SSKT04] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM 62 - Silver Wind |
| |
Route 6, Ah memories from RBY and FR/LG. Don't bother with the Pokemon
here, they're only Lv 10 and under. It has slightly changed a bit here
so... on the left (coming out of Vermillion obviously) is your first
trainer to provoke.
| Reward: $672* |
| Cherubi | Lv 42 | Exp: 612 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Cherubi from Sinnoh hates Bug Pokemon for some weird reason...
After defeating that trainer, there is a TM62 next to her. It contains
Silver Wind, a good Bug-type move, get it and save it for later.
Run up the left side of the pond and passing that small lake, just head
right to battle the Twins.
| Reward: $2624* |
| TWIN 1's Pokemon: | TWIN 2's Pokemon: |
| Plusle | Lv 40 | Exp: 1052 pts| Minun | Lv 41 | Exp: 1052 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Ground-type and Grass-type Pokemon are the answer.
After beating the twins, just head left and up to battle another trainer.
| Reward: $688* |
| Slakoth | Lv 43 | Exp: 763 pts |
| | | |
Comment: An annoying Normal-type Pokemon with a big defense rating.
Take Slakoth out of the equation by using Fighting-type moves.
After all three trainers have been dealt with, your next destination
is Saffron City. Just head up to the Tollbooth. You would have noticed
that the Cerulean-Vermillion underpass has been closed down.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM 29 - Psychic |
| [ ] Upgrade |
| |
Time to go for some tax collecting. Once you're in, from the southern
end of Saffron, the Pokemon Center is to the left. (Those who know the
layout of Saffron City from RBY or FR/LG, disregard/ignore this section
and skip to the next paragraph.)
Mr. Psychic's house is on the South-east end of Saffron, a sign infront
of his house is a dead giveaway to where he lives. Talk to him and you'll
get TM29, which is obviously Psychic. A good offensive move for those
Psychic-types with high Special Attack. Silph Co. is still the same,
but it is restricted to the first floor only. Talk to the Policeman
to receive an Upgrade. This held item is for Porygon to enable it to
evolve during a trade.
Now gear up and take Saffron City's Gym by storm.
| Type | Psychic |
| Weaknesses | Dark |
Good old memories of Saffron Gym, it loks more upgraded. Okay let's
cut to the chase. Same format as usual, smaller, just 4 trainers,
easy if you follow my steps. Remember that Dark-type moves and
Pokemon are on the offensive here (very useful here).
Enter the portal and grab the first trainer's attention.
| Reward: $2160* |
| Bronzor | Lv 45 | Exp: 693 pts |
| Hypno | Lv 45 | Exp: 1590 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Smash Bronzong with any attack like Surf. Hypno cannot make a
stand if you use Crunch, Shadow Ball or any Dark-type move against it.
After beating her, go to the upper left (North West) panel to get a
male Psychic.
| Reward: $1440* |
| Mr Mime | Lv 42 | Exp: 1224 pts |
| Exeggcute | Lv 42 | Exp: 882 pts |
| Exeggcute | Lv 45 | Exp: 945 pts |
| | | |
Comment: They are all weak to Dark-type moves. Eggxecute is also prone
to Fire-type moves too.
The next trainer to charge at is another Psychic, so where do we get
to see him? Head for the Bottom Right panel (South East panel).
| Reward: $1504* |
| Kadabra | Lv 44 | Exp: 1366 pts |
| Girafarig | Lv 47 | Exp: 1500 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Both can be taken out with Dark-type moves.
Going to the Bottom Left (South West panel) will get you to the next
spot. Once you're in the room you just entered, go to the Upper Right
(North East panel) to battle the last trainer in this gym before
| Reward: $2208* |
| Slowpoke | Lv 44 | Exp: 933 pts |
| Slowbro | Lv 46 | Exp: 1615 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Both are weak to Electric and Dark-type attacks. But Slowbro
is a tank, so take note of that.
After you've beaten the last trainer of this gym, head for the lower
left panel (South-West Panel) to face Sabrina. Get ready, heal if
necessary and save. Talk to Sabrina to start the battle.
| Reward: $6600* |
| Espeon | Lv 53 | Exp: 2236 pts |
| Alakazam | Lv 53 | Exp: 2191 pts |
| Mr Mime | Lv 53 | Exp: 1543 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Serious Psychic-type contenders here. Espeon is the offensive
Psychic type Pokemon, so be prepared if you're against it. It is
normally first in line, but if you have a Dark-type Pokemon; you will
have no problem against all three. Alakazam is the same as Espeon, but
has a very weak Defense and Special Defense. Mr Mime however, has
a strong Defenses and a fair resistance against whatever you throw at
Sabrina looks different compared to her appearance in FR/LG. But that
doesn't matter, what now matters is that you have beaten her and you've
got your second badge of Kanto! Now step onto the Red Panel to return
to the entrance of the gym and head out.
Head to the Pokemon Center and heal up. We can either head left for
Celadon City or head north for Cerulean City. This time, we'll head
for Cerulean City first.
|ROUTE 5 || [SSKT06] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Cleanse Tag |
| |
Route 5 is simply just an uphill route to Cerulean and downhill route
to Saffron. A very straight forward route, however, the house that is
in the middle is no-longer a day care. But there is an old woman
that would give you a Cleanse Tag. It's a held-item for a Pokemon to
keep wild Pokemon away. But it only works if the holder is the first
one in the party.
If you want the Cleanse Tag or not, it is up to you. Just head up
Route 5 and you'll notice that Cerulean City is more open. Enter
the changed City.
Nothing here to obtain really. It's slightly changed since FR/LG.
As we know from G/S/C, the gym is empty at first, thus Misty ain't
there. How we get her to come back? There's a few bit of things to do
here: and it involves going out of town.
Okay, heal up at the Pokemon Center here and stock up on items if
necessary. Then, find your way by heading east (should be a bit
confusing, but you'll find it). Eventually you'll be on Route 9.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Unconfirmed item** |
| [ ] TM91 - Flash Cannon |
| [ ] Full Restore |
| [ ] Machine Part |
| |
| Route 9 |
Alright start by jumping down that ledge, and follow the path to the
right. You'll get noticed by a female picknicker, but I don't have
her trainer info (She will be put in for the next revision, this also
applies to a camper in the grass near where you entered Route 9).
Follow the path until you get noticed by another Picknicker.
| Route 10 |
Keep going east until you reach tall grass and four trees. Down by the
trees is the Pokemon Center that has always been there, but not
in the Gen II versions. You can heal up here. Unfortunately, you can't
fly to here compared when you could in FR/LG.
Head back up and to the water and surf. You'll be at Route 10-ish.
Follow the path until you reach the Power Plant. Talk to the fat guy
and he'll tell you that here has been robbed. Go out and leave, the
cop will ask you find the culprit. Alright, let's fly back to
Cerulean City.
| Cerulean City |
Heal up if you need to and head for Cerulean Gym. Once you're in there,
you'll bump into a Rocket Grunt who will be shocked to see you. He'll
make a run for the Nugget Bridge. When he sees you, he'll barge into
a couple, talk to him for a battle. He has a Lv 39 Golbat, so its an
easy battle.
| Reward: $1560* |
| Golbat | Lv 39 | Exp: 1428 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric or Ice-type moves can deal with a Golbat in a click.
After that he'll tell you where he hid the stolen part from the Power Plant.
The Machine Part is in the upper left part of the gym, but talk to the
rubber rings nearby to obtain the Key Item.
You can return the Machine Part to the fat guy at the Power Plant,
this will unlock one part of the Monorail Train (whilst the other half
requires a ticket). Now we can head over to ROute 24 and 25 to drag
Misty back to the Gym.
|ROUTE(S) 24 AND 25 || [SSKT09] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Nugget |
| [ ] Protein |
| |

| Route 24 |
Straight forward path, just follow it.
| Route 25 |
The Nugget Challenge is back! When the old leader was ratted out, there
has been a change in management. The objective is beat all 7 trainers,
whilst you keep pushing east. You will bump into the first trainer.
| Reward: $900* |
| Oddish | Lv 41 | Exp: 751 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Oddish is weak to primarily Fire, Flying and Psychic.
Keep going right (basically just follow the path onwards to the right).
| Reward: $704* |
| Wigglytuff | Lv 40 | Exp: 937 pts |
| Granbull | Lv 44 | Exp: 1677 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Both are Normal-type Pokemon and are weak to Fighting-type
| Reward: $840* |
| Tangela | Lv 44 | Exp: 1564 pts |
| Vaporeon | Lv 42 | Exp: 1764 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fire or Flying for Tangela, Vaporeon with Electric moves.
| Reward: $736* |
| Nidoking | Lv 46 | Exp: 1921 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic-type moves work here best.
Follow the path to lead into a dual battle with two lasses.
| Reward: $2656* |
| LASS 1's Pokemon: | LASS 2's Pokemon: |
| Paras | Lv 38 | Exp: 570 pts | Gloom | Lv 38 | Exp: 1074 pts |
| Paras | Lv 38 | Exp: 570 pts | Bellossom| Lv 41 | Exp: 1614 pts |
| Parasect | Lv 42 | Exp: 1152 pts| Pidgeotto| Lv 41 | Exp: 982 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Lass 1's Pokemon are all weak to Flying and Psychic mainly.
This also applies to Gloom, but Bellossom is just weak to Flying.
Whilst Pidgeotto can be knocked out with Electric-type moves.
There should be a cuttable tree nearby, cut it and grab the Protein.
| Reward: $2256* |
| Porygon | Lv 47 | Exp: 1308 pts |
| | | |
Talk to the Cool trainer at the end of the Nugget run, and obviously,
you'll get a Nugget. But you will also have to battle him too.
| Reward: $2760* |
| Rhyhorn | Lv 48 | Exp: 1387 pts |
| Charmeleon | Lv 46 | Exp: 1399 pts |
| Wartortle | Lv 46 | Exp: 1408 pts |
| | | |
I will assume that you have beaten him. Now, head east (past Bill's House)
until you reach up a hill. You will notice a Rich Boy and Misty. The
Rich Boy makes a run for it and Misty calls you a 'pest' for interrupting
their 'lovey-dovey' moment and heads back for the Gym. Now we can
get the third badge: The Cascade Badge.
| Type | Water |
| Weaknesses | Electric |
Heal up and gear up if you need to and enter the Gym. Same layout as
in FR/LG, and let's reap the rewards first before facing Misty.
Go and battle the sailor closest to you.
| Reward: $2752* |
| Horsea | Lv 43 | Exp: 762 pts |
| Seadra | Lv 43 | Exp: 1428 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy battle. Both are weak to Electric-type attacks.
Now surf into the water and battle the first swimmer in Lane 3.
| Reward: $1536* |
| Golduck | Lv 48 | Exp: 1788 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock it with Electric moves.
Surf right and get out of the pool. Run up to grab another sailor's
| Reward: $3072* |
| Azumarill | Lv 48 | Exp: 1572 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another shocker who hates Electricity.
Go left and surf in the pool. Battle the swimmer in Lane 2.
| Reward: $1536* |
| Cloyster | Lv 48 | Exp: 2088 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Thunderbolt! Thunder! Electric attacks!
Surf up into Lane 1 and battle the female swimmer here.
| Reward: $1472* |
| Seaking | Lv 46 | Exp: 1674 pts |
| Seaking | Lv 46 | Exp: 1674 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock the two Seakings.
Alright all good here, trainers are no problem now. All is left is
to face Misty! Heal up if you need to and fight!
| Reward: $6480* |
| Golduck | Lv 49 | Exp: 1826 pts |
| Quagsire | Lv 49 | Exp: 1432 pts |
| Starmie | Lv 54 | Exp: 2394 pts |
| Lapras | Lv 52 | Exp: 2438 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Golduck is weak to Electric attacks, no problem there.
Quagsire is a dual Ground-Water-type Pokemon, so its only weakness
here is Grass-type attacks. Starmie is both weak to Dark and Electric,
whilst Lapras is also weak to Electric attacks.
After you have beaten Misty, she'll reward you with the Cascadebadge.
She will also give you a TM03, which is Water Pulse. A Water-type
attack (obviously), with a small chance of confusing the target. Now,
it is time to head for the fourth gym: Celadon Gym, BUT the LONG WAY:
via Rock Tunnel and Lavender Town.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM57 - Charge Beam |
| [ ] PP Up |
| [ ] Revive |
| [ ] Ether |
| [ ] TM56 - Fling |
| [ ] TM69 - Rock Polish |
| |
| Route 9 |
Go through it to Route 10.
| Route 10 (Part One) |
Surf in the water and stop by the Power Plant. We will need to drop off
the Machine Part we obtained in Cerulean. Talk to the fat guy to give
it back and you will be rewarded with a TM57. TM57 contains Charge Beam,
an average move pretty much. Since the Power Plant is back to normal,
the Monorail is available to be used, but only with a ticket that'll
we will obtain a little later. Now exit the Power Plant and surf back
towards the Pokemon Center nearby.
YOU WILL NEED FLASH FOR ROCK TUNNEL. Once you're ready, enter the
| Rock Tunnel |
Once you're in, follow the path and climb the ladder down. Follow
the path again until it splits into two ways. One going up and one
going down. First go up and then left, follow the path and go down the
steps to obtain a PP Up.
Run back up and head left. Eventually you'll reach a ladder, but don't
go up it yet, go a bit up and then right to obtain a Revive. Now head
back and up the ladder. Follow the path on the upper level and go down
the ladder. Now follow the path until it splits into two. One going
left and one going right. This time we'll head left.
Follow the path and go up the ladder. Go right and the exit is just
there, but go towards the small path in the upper left to obtain a
Ether. Now head back and go right of the exit, follow the path to
obtain a TM56. TM56 contains Fling.
Now head back and exit the cave.
| Route 10 (Part Two) |
Ah, fresh air at last. There is a hiker nearby at the exit of Rock
Tunnel, challenge him to a fight.
| Reward: $1440* |
| Machamp | Lv 45 | Exp: 1860 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy fight with Bird Matter. Flying-type attacks work best
After you have defeated that restless hiker, head east and down the
steps. Battle the Pokefan there.
| Reward: $2752* |
| Quagsire | Lv 43 | Exp: 623 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Grass-types are super effective in this situation.
Alright, now head down and left towards a boulder. Use Strength and
grab the TM69 which contains Rock Polish. Now head towards Lavender
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Expansion Card |
| |
The town has been remodelled a bit here. The Pokemon Tower has been
replaced with the Kanto version's Radio Tower, and the old Pokemart's
location has been replaced with the Pokemon Graveyard. The name rater
isn't here anymore whilst everything remains the same in the town.
Stop by the Radio Tower first, and talk to the old man. He'll notice
you (looks like the Radio Director in Goldenrod), and gives you an
Expansion Card for your PokeGear. Now you can listen to the radio
stations here, it also features a Poke Flute channel. Now exit and
get ready.
Once you're all good to go, head west of Lavender towards Route 8.
|ROUTE 8 || [SSKT12] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Yellow Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] TM41 - Torment |
| [ ] Poke Doll |
| [ ] Monorail Pass |
| |
When you're on Route 8, to the upper left is a Yellow Apricorn tree.
Grab the apricorn and let's go. Head down and follow the path and
shortly you'll bump into an old man.
| Reward: $9000* |
| Growlithe | Lv 45 | Exp: 438 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Water-type moves are the best here.
| Reward: $1920* |
| Magnemite | Lv 40 | Exp: 381 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 40 | Exp: 381 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 40 | Exp: 381 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Steel can be melted with Fire. Certain special attacks like Surf
or Avalanche do normal damage here.
Follow the path into a couple battle.
| Reward: $5504* |
| YOUNG MALE's Pokemon: | YOUNG LADY's Pokemon: |
| Seedot | Lv 43 | Exp: 570 pts*| Lotad | Lv 43 | Exp: 510 pts* |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Another easy battle. Ice-type here ftw.
Now keep following the path and you'll bump into another nerd.
| Reward: $TBC* |
| Grimer | Lv 44 | Exp: 423 pts |
| Muk | Lv 44 | Exp: 1418 pts |
| | | |
Comment: If you have a Psychic-type Pokemon here, great: use it.
Follow the path and you'll reach an item near a group of three bikers.
Grab the item (which is a TM41), and bump into the first biker.
| Reward: $688* |
| Koffing | Lv 43 | Exp: 1050 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 43 | Exp: 1050 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic-type Pokemon again!
Now reap the rewards off the second biker.
| Reward: $720* |
| Flareon | Lv 45 | Exp: 1908 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A similar scenario to the Kimono Girl in Ecruteak... Water
pokemon - I choose you!
Now provoke the final biker into a battle.
| Reward: $656* |
| Koffing | Lv 38 | Exp: 927 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 39 | Exp: 951 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 40 | Exp: 975 pts |
| Koffing | Lv 41 | Exp: 999 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Weird combination of Koffings with a level difference,
but they'll be no drama if you have a Psychic-type Pokemon at
your fingertips.
After all that ruckus, its time to head into Saffron City. Too bad
that the Lavender-Celadon underground tunnel has been shut tight.
| Saffron City |
We have been through here, but let's head for Copycat's house (her
house is South-East of the Monorail Station). Head inside and talk
to her, she'll say that a particular someone gave her a doll
three years ago and she can't find it. Now fly to Vermillion City.
| Vermillion City |
Head to PokeFan Club there and talk to the fat guy. He will give you the
PokeDoll (surpisingly its a Key Item). Now exit the place and Steven
Stone will notice you. He will tell you about himself and his job,
and then shows you a picture of Latios. I did notice that
Latios is roaming around Kanto on my PokeGear. (To get Latias on
Soulsilver, you'll need to be have accessed the Enigma Crystal
| Saffron City |
Now fly back to Saffron and give the doll to Copycat. She will reward
you with a Monorail Pass. This will enable you to take the Monorail
between Goldenrod City and Saffron City. Technically flying to
Indigo Plateau and then to any Johto City from Kanto is faster.
Exit Copycat's house and head for Celadon City.
| Route 7 |
Route 7 is just a pass through route towards Celadon City.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Spell Tag |
| [ ] 3 Accessory Items |
| |
Alright a fair bit to do here. Heal up first and then head for Celadon
Mansion, the big place near the Pokemon Center. Use the elevator and
take it to Level 3. You'll bump into Gold/Kotone here, well nothing
special here... head back to Level 1 and go up the stairs and use the
elevator. You'll be on the rooftop and talk to the guy inside the
house, he'll go on a rant and give you a Spell Tag after that.
Head out and go onto the Ground Floor. Exit the place and head towards
the Pokemart. Go onto the second floor of the Market and talk to
Crasher Wake, then he will give you three accessory items. Once you're
ready, head for Celadon Gym. YOU WILL NEED CUT FOR THIS GYM.

| Type | Grass |
| Weaknesses | Fire, Ice, Flying |
Once you're in the gym (obviously with the gym with an old man peeping
inside), head right first and you'll bump into a lass.
| Reward: $736* |
| Skiploom | Lv 44 | Exp: 1281 pts |
| Hoppip | Lv 45 | Exp: 711 pts |
| Jumpluff | Lv 46 | Exp: 1734 pts |
| | | |
Comment: If you got a bird Pokemon, very handy here. If not, a Pokemon
that knows an Ice-type move is still good.
Now head back to the middle (4 steps north of the exit), go up 4 steps,
then left, then go up the left row. You'll bump into a double battle
with twins.
| Reward: $1504* |
| TWIN 1's Pokemon: | TWIN 2's Pokemon: |
|Vileplume | Lv 47 | Exp: 1850 pts| Victreebel| Lv 47 | Exp: 1922 pts|
| | | | | | |
Comment: Original EXP shown before split. Both are weak to Ice or
Flying-type moves.
After that ruckus, go 5 steps down and right. Follow the path around
and you'll enter into the third lane. Head straight up and you'll
bump into a picknicker.
| Reward: $784* |
| Exeggcutor | Lv 49 | Exp: 2226 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ice and Flying only.
Now just follow the path shortly and go left to battle the Beauty there.
| Reward: $2632* |
| Paras | Lv 44 | Exp: 660 pts |
| Parasect | Lv 47 | Exp: 1288 pts |
| Carnivine | Lv 44 | Exp: 1545 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All Grass-type Pokemon - should be no problem.
From your current position, five steps down and a left. Two steps down
and a left, two steps up and a left. Run up the pathway and cut the
tree. Follow the path and cut another tree. Here is just now straight
forward, Erika is waiting above. Get ready and save for another
gym battle.
* Feraligatr Lv 58 *
* Ampharos Lv 50 *
* Pidgeot Lv 42 *
* Crobat Lv 42 *
* Mew Lv 47 *
* *
| Reward: $6720* |
| Jumpluff | Lv 51 | Exp: 1923 pts |
| Tangela | Lv 52 | Exp: 1849 pts |
| Bellossom | Lv 56 | Exp: 2208 pts |
| Victreebel | Lv 56 | Exp: 2292 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Jumpluff is weak against Flying and Ice mainly. Tangela and
Bellossom are both Grass-types, but they have high Defense ratings. They
can be taken out with Ice or Flying again. Victreebel on the other
hand is weak to Psychic, Ice and Flying.
You will be rewarded with the Rainbow Badge and a TM19 - which contains
Giga Drain. A very decent Grass-type move. Try to make your way out of
here (or refer to the steps above, but going back), and exit the gym.
Heal up and stock up to the trip to Fuschia City via Route 16!

NB: Mostly Poison-type Pokemon here, you can bring a Psychic-type down
here to train before battling at Fuschia Gym.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Nothing on Cycling Road... |
| |
| Route 16 |
Since we're going downhill towards Fuschia City, we'll need a bicycle.
Follow the path and equip your bicycle before you enter the tollbooth.
| Cycling Road |
Alright, follow the path and go down the ramp. You will be automatically
going down downhill now. Grab the first biker's attention, who is looking
| Reward: $752* |
| Gulpin | Lv 47 | Exp: 754 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic-type moves here.
After that battle, the next biker is looking around, but he is on the left
side of the road.
| Reward: $720* |
| Weezing | Lv 45 | Exp: 1668 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic-type Pokemon ftw here!
This biker will be impressed and will ask for your number. Accept or
decline, because its totally up to you. The road will split up into
two now, go on to the right hand side first. Then you'll bump into
another biker nearby.
| Reward: $688* |
| Magmar | Lv 43 | Exp: 1536 pts |
| Magmar | Lv 43 | Exp: 1536 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Extinguish that Magmar with Water-type moves!
After the defeated biker shortly, there is another biker just below him.
| Reward: $688* |
| Magmar | Lv 43 | Exp: 1536 pts |
| Tentacruel | Lv 43 | Exp: 1888 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Water for Magmar, psyche out Tentacruel with Psychic moves.
Just keep riding down the bridge and just shortly you'll bump into
another biker.
| Reward: $704* |
| Teddiursa | Lv 45 | Exp: 1195 pts |
| Marill | Lv 44 | Exp: 546 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Well that's new for a biker to own a Teddiursa... its a
Normal-type Pokemon, so it hates Fighting-type moves. Marill
can be shocked with Electric-type moves.
This biker will also be impressed and asks your number. Accept or
decline, it's up to you. Now let's ride back up hill first, so let's
ride to the left and up! You'll probably bump into the biker looking
west first.
| Reward: $736* |
| Seviper | Lv 46 | Exp: 1626 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic moves here work best.
Challenge his associate too, he is on the left facing northwards.
| Reward: $752* |
| Skorupi | Lv 47 | Exp: 1147 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Sinnoh-native exclusive Pokemon. For those who haven't
played D/P/Pt, Skorupi is a dual Poison/Bug Pokemon. So it is weak to
Fire, Flying and Psychic.
After that, keep riding up hill until you bump into a biker looking
in every direction.
| Reward: $688* |
| Koffing | Lv 39 | Exp: 952 pts |
| Magmar | Lv 41 | Exp: 1467 pts |
| Weezing | Lv 43 | Exp: 1593 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Koffing and Weezing are easily dealt with Psychic-type moves.
Magmar can be extinguished with Rock or Water-type moves.
Keep riding up until you bump into a two bikers facing each other
for a dual battle.
| Reward: $1312* |
| BIKER 1's Pokemon: | BIKER 2's Pokemon: |
|Croagunk | Lv 45 | Exp: 798 pts | Gulpin | Lv 39 | Exp: TBC pts |
| | | | Weezing | Lv 37 | Exp: 1370 pts|
| | | | Weezing | Lv 37 | Exp: 1370 pts|
| | | | | | |
Comment: Surprisingly all these Pokemon are weak to Psychic-type moves.
After that ruckus, to the left is a biker riding up and down. Challenge
him to a battle.

| Reward: $720* |
| Tentacruel | Lv 45 | Exp: 1975 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic type moves here = win.
Alright, this guy will also be impressed and will ask for your number.
Accept or decline, it's up to you. The bikers here are all finished
and left in shatters, so, it's time to ride down the hill to Fuschia
City. Eventually you'll be on Route 17 shortly.
| Route 17 |
There will be a one last biker here looking east. Meet eyes with him
to initiate a battle.
| Reward: $672* |
| Koffing | Lv 41 | Exp: 1000 pts |
| Weezing | Lv 42 | Exp: 1557 pts |
| Charmeleon | Lv 41 | Exp: 1246 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psychic-type moves for Koffing and Weezing, but throw rocks
or water at Charmeleon.
Alright, now ride east to exit Cycling Road. Once you exit the tollbooth,
you can dismount now and go on foot. On the other side of the tollbooth,
there are two bird keepers to annoy... Grab the attention of the one
outside of the grass first.
| Reward: $1536* |
| Noctowl | Lv 48 | Exp: 1665 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Noctowl is a tank here, lots of HP pretty much. It is weak to
Rock, but it is a bit resistant to it. So throw your strongest attacks
at it.
Now annoy the bird keeper in the grass.
| Reward: $1312* |
| Doduo | Lv 39 | Exp: 801 pts |
| Doduo | Lv 37 | Exp: 760 pts |
| Dodrio | Lv 41 | Exp: 1387 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric shocks anyone?
Alright, Route 17 has been cleaned up of trainers. Now exit there and
head east into Fuschia City.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Red Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] 1 Accessory |
| |
Not much to do here before the gym. But it is...
Exactly the same layout as in FR/LG. A bit of redesign here though,
all the Safari Pokemon have been taken away and Pal Park is now in
the place of the old Safari Zone. There is a Red Apricorn tree north
of the Pokemon center, but you'll need to cut a tree to get to it.
Visit Pal Park and if you've played Diamond, Pearl or Platinum; Pal
Park is just the same. Talk to the rich woman up the stairs and she'll
give you an accessory. Exit Pal Park and head for the gym.
| Type | Poison |
| Weaknesses | Pyschic |
Bring a Psychic-type Pokemon here, or any Pokemon that knows Psychic-type
moves. It will be very useful here.
Alright, same thing like in FR/LG, but with a little twist. The twist
is that there is Janine: the Gym Leader, and there are trainers that
look like her! ...And don't forget the invisible walls... First let's
head to the right and go up. Talk to the first fake and it's a
child picknicker! It's time to duel!
| Reward: $768* |
| Nidoqueen | Lv 48 | Exp: 1995 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psyche that dual Ground/Poison-type out...
Head for the upper right corner first and run all the way to the other
side. You should be at the upper left side now. Now you just have to
follow these directions:
4 Steps down, 3 steps to the right, 3 steps down, and 1 step to the
left. Talk to the fake and woah! A Camping Boy!
| Reward: $768* |
| Nidoking | Lv 48 | Exp: 2005 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psyche out that Nidoking...
Alright now follow these steps:
1 Step Left, 7 steps down, 1 step left, 2 steps down and 1 step to the
right. Talk to another fraud and,,, its a lass!
| Reward: $720* |
| Bulbasaur | Lv 41 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Ivysaur | Lv 43 | Exp: 1299 pts |
| Venusaur | Lv 45 | Exp: 2005 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Surprised that this lass has the Bulbasaur evolution line...
they're all dual Grass/Poison types. So that makes their weaknesses:
Fire, Ice and Psychic!
You should be at the lass' left, so to the next trainer; the steps are:
1 step to the left, 6 steps up, go all the way infront of another
| Reward: $656* |
| Gloom | Lv 41 | Exp: 1159 pts |
| Arbok | Lv 45 | Exp: 1417 pts |
| Vileplume | Lv 41 | Exp: 1615 pts |
| | | |
Alright, all those frauds have been cleaned up and that leaves the
Janine to battle. If you need to heal or almost out of PP, you can use
an Ether or head for the Pokemon Center.
From the last lass' position, to get to Janine; follow these steps:
7 steps to the left, 3 steps down, 4 steps to the right and talk from
behind her. Now the battle for the gym badge begins...
* Feraligatr Lv 58 *
* Ampharos Lv 51 *
* Pidgeot Lv 42 *
* Crobat Lv 43 *
* Mew Lv 55 *
* *
| Reward: $6000* |
| Crobat | Lv 47 | Exp: 2053 pts |
| Ariados | Lv 47 | Exp; 1348 pts |
| Ariados | Lv 47 | Exp: 1348 pts |
| Venemoth | Lv 50 | Exp: 1477 pts |
| Weezing | Lv 44 | Exp: 1630 pts |
| | | |
Comment: They are all weak to Psychic - that's the main point. But
Crobat is also weak to Electric or Rock since its a Dual Poison/Flying
type. Ariados is a dual Bug/Poison type, Venemoth is the same and
Weezing is just a pure poison type.
Somehow some thought came to me to go through the Vermillion Coast
before going to Celadon City, since Janine is weaker than Erika. But
that doesn't matter. It's more logical to go through Celadon first,
then Fuschia, go across the Vermillion Coast and to Diglett's tunnel
towards Pewter City.
Now with Janine defeated, she will reward you with the Soul Badge and
a TM84 - which contains Poison Jab. If you watched the Pokemon anime,
Brock's Croagunk uses this technique to stop him from picking up women
(just to demonstrate its relevance). Now to exit the place, follow
these steps:
5 steps to the left, 7 steps up, 2 steps to right, 3 steps up, run to
the left wall, go to the upper left wall and run across to the upper
right wall, and down you go to the exit.
Head for the Pokemon Center and heal up. If you try to head for
the Seafoam Islands (via Route 19), it seems that its closed off for
now due to Cinnabar Island's volcanic eruption. Now head for the eastern
exit of Fuschia City to enter Route 15.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Rose Incense |
| [ ] Calcium |
| [ ] Super Rod |
| |
| Route 15 |
Follow the path and if you're walking near the tall grass nearby,
you'll be spotted by a schoolboy.
| Reward: $800* |
| Voltorb | Lv 36 | Exp: 793 pts |
| Voltorb | Lv 40 | Exp: 882 pts |
| Magneton | Lv 40 | Exp: 1380 pts |
| Magnemite | Lv 36 | Exp: 685 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Relatively an easy battle. They are all Electric-types and
are weak to Ground-type moves. Magnemite and Magneton are dual
Steel/Electric Pokemon, so they're also weak to Fighting-type moves.
Shortly you'll bump into another Schoolboy.
| Reward: $860* |
| Xatu | Lv 41 | Exp: 1501 pts |
| Alakazam | Lv 43 | Exp: 1713 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Both are Psychic-types, but Xatu is also a Flying-type; thus
making it a dual Psychic/Flying type Pokemon. Electric and Dark-type
moves for Xatu. Whilst Alakazam is weak to Dark-type moves too.
Keep pushing right, follow the path and jump off a ledge. Then you
will bump into a Teacher.
| Reward: $1488* |
| Sunkern | Lv 41 | Exp: 456 pts |
| Aipom | Lv 31 | Exp: 624 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fighting moves for Aipom, Sunkern does not like Ice or
Flying-type moves.
After that school ruckus, the teacher will be impressed and asks for
your number. Accept or decline. Follow the path and you will obtain
a Rose Incense. Keep pushing right until you bump into a Pokefan.
| Reward: $2624* |
| Spinda | Lv 43 | Exp: 783 pts |
| Volbeat | Lv 41 | Exp: 1282 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A funny looking-spotted bear called Spinda: which is Normal
type Pokemon. Use Fighting-type moves against it. Volbeat is a Hoenn
native Pokemon, it is a Bug-type Pokemon. Flying and Fire-type moves
work best against it.
Keep pushing right and you will bump into another Schoolboy.
| Reward: $840* |
| Bellsprout | Lv 39 | Exp: 702 pts |
| Weepinbell | Lv 40 | Exp: 1293 pts |
| Victreebel | Lv 42 | exp: 1719 pts |
| | | |
Comment: The complete evolution line of the Bellsprout series. All are
weak to Fire, Ice or Flying-type moves.
Follow the path and jump off another ledge. There is a tree just above
you before Route 14. Cut it and walk up, then go left and follow the
path. Jump off the ledge back towards Fuschia City and bump into another
| Reward: $700* |
| Parasect | Lv 39 | Exp: 1069 pts |
| Poliwhirl | Lv 37 | Exp: 1038 pts |
| Ditto | Lv 35 | Exp: 1290 pts*|
| | | |
Comment: Parasect is a dual Bug/Grass-type Pokemon. It hates Fire and
Flying-type moves. Poliwhirl is weak to Electricity, so no surprise
there. Whilst Ditto can transform into anything, but there is concern
about its true experience offerings. EXP points can be influenced by
level and size of the Pokemon.
After that homework fight, the schoolboy will also for your number.
Accept or decline and move on. Now keep heading left towards
Fuschia City and bump into another Teacher.
| Reward: $2160* |
| Clefairy | Lv 45 | Exp: 655 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fighting-type moves against Clefairy ensures your victory.
Now keep heading left and into a double battle against twins.
| Reward: $1312* |
| TWIN 1's Pokemon: | TWIN 2's Pokemon: |
|Quagsire | Lv 41 | Exp: 1202 pts| Quagsire | Lv 41 | Exp: 1202 pts|
| | | | | | |
Comment: Quagsire is weak to Grass-type moves.
The Twins will also want your phone number, and that is entrirely up
to you to register it or not. Near the Twins is a Pokefan, go and
battle her.
| Reward: $2624* |
| Spinda | Lv 43 | Exp: 783 pts |
| Illumise | Lv 41 | Exp: 1282 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Spinda hates Fighting-type moves, whilst Illumise is the
female counterpart of Volbeat, and is also a Bug-type Pokemon. It hates
Fire and Flying-type moves.
Grab the PP Up nearby and jump off the lesge. Now follow the path back and
keep heading right towards Route 14.
| Route 14 |
When you're on Route 14, there is a Bird Keeper nearby. Go and battle
| Reward: $1408* |
| Fearow | Lv 38 | Exp: 1318 pts |
| Fearow | Lv 44 | Exp: 1527 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Bird Pokemon sure do hate Electricity and Ice moves right?
Now go along the raised-platform path and you will bump into a
| Reward: $2432* |
| Bulbasaur | Lv 38 | Exp: 520 pts |
| Charmander | Lv 38 | Exp: 528 pts |
| Squirtle | Lv 38 | Exp: 537 pts |
| | | |
Comment: You'd expect a true Pokefan to collect all three starters of
Kanto? Well their weaknesses are: Fire & Ice, Water, Electricity and
Grass with respect to each Pokemon.
By the way, stay to the right-side of the path (like literally next
to the coast). You should see Suicune run off and Suicune's stalker
come by. Now follow the path up and to the right is another Pokefan.
| Reward: $2688* |
| Psyduck | Lv 42 | Exp: 720 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock that Psyduck out of the water with Electric-type moves.
Keep going up and shortly you'll bump into another Bird Keeper.
| Reward: $1184* |
| Fearow | Lv 37 | Exp: 1284 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric or Ice-type moves work great here.
After that ruckus, Bird Boy will want your number. Accept or decline
and move on. Now head back down until to the trees, if you have a
Pokemon with CUT, use them. If not, go all the way down the raised
platform and go left, then up. Shortly you will bump into a Schoolboy.
| Reward: $840* |
| Zigzagoon | Lv 42 | Exp: 540 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fighting-type moves ftw here.
Keep going up and shortly you're up against a double battle.
| Reward: $2844* |
| SCHOOLBOY's Pokemon: | TEACHER's Pokemon: |
|Sandslash | Lv 41 | Exp: 1430 pts| Zigzagoon | Lv 41 | Exp: 524 pts |
|Golbat | Lv 43 | Exp: 1428 pts| Roselia | Lv 39 | Exp: 1398 pts|
| | | | | | |
Comment: Let's start off with disadvantages of the Schoolboy's Pokemon.
His Sandslash hates Water and Golbat hates Electric and Ice-type moves.
The Teacher's Pokemon: Zigzagoon avoids Fighting and Roselia hates
Flying, Fire, Ice and Pscyhic-type moves.
Now finally go a bit up and bump into another Schoolboy.
| Reward: $840* |
| Budew | Lv 42 | Exp: 612 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another Sinnoh native Pokemon! Budew is the starting form
of Roselia and is a dual Poison/Grass type Pokemon. So it has the same
weaknesses as Roselia. (Fire, Flying, Psychic and Ice).
Follow the path down (or through the cut trees), and go north towards
Route 13.
| Route 13 |
To the left is a Hiker, go and battle him.
| Reward: $1056* |
| Sandslash | Lv 27 | Exp: 942 pts |
| Graveler | Lv 29 | Exp: 832 pts |
| Golem | Lv 33 | Exp: 1251 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak to Water, but Graveler and Golem are also weak
to Grass.
The Hiker will also want to register your number. Accept or decline
and head right. Talk to the Camper there.
| Reward: $608* |
| Sudowoodo | Lv 38 | Exp: 1098 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another Sudowoodo to flush down the drain with Water.
The Camper will also want number, sure picking up a lot of Phone
Numbers today. Go up and left towards a female Picknicker.
| Reward: $656* |
| Whismur | Lv 41 | Exp: 597 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Whismur is a Hoenn native, it is a Normal-type Pokemon. This
means it hates Fighting-type moves.
| Reward: $640* |
| Buizel | Lv 40 | Exp: 642 pts |
| | | |
Comment: A Sinnoh exclusive Pokemon, it is a Water-type Pokemon and
thus weak to Electric and Grass-type moves primarily.
Walk up and head right into a Pokefan.
| Reward: $4160* |
| Nidoking | Lv 29 | Exp: 1210 pts |
| Slowking | Lv 29 | Exp: 1018 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 65 | Exp: 277 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Nidoking hates Water for sure and Psychic. Slowking is weak to
Dark and Electric-type moves. I absolutely laughed when I saw the Lv 65
Magikarp, but of course: bad experience points.
Head right, go down, left, down, right and into another Pokefan.
(Obviously you follow those steps all the way you can, until you can't).
| Reward: $4096* |
| Pikachu | Lv 32 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Pikachu | Lv 32 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Pikachu | Lv 32 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Pikachu | Lv 32 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Pikachu | Lv 32 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Pikachu | Lv 32 | Exp: 561 pts |
| | | |
Comment: This absolutely reminds me in D/P/Pt, the Pokefan in Sinnoh on
just before Sunnyshore City. Who would go with Pikachu to the Sinnoh
League lol... But, Pikachu is weak to Ground-type moves.
Head down, then right towards the bridge. Before you even make it to the
bridge, a couple will spot you.
| Reward: $5888* |
| YOUNG MALE's Pokemon: | YOUNG LADY's Pokemon: |
| Psyduck | Lv 46 | Exp: 786 pts | Kadabra | Lv 41 | Exp: 1272 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Electric or Grass-type moves for Psyduck, Dark-type moves
against Kadabra.
You can also receive and register their phone number, Accept or Decline
and move on. On the bridge, you will encounter a Bird Keeper.
| Reward: $1344* |
| Farfetch'd | Lv 42 | Exp: 846 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric or Ice-type moves ONLY.
After that quick ruckus, make the turn upwards and shortly you'll be
spotted by a Picknicker hiding in the trees...
| Reward: $640* |
| Spoink | Lv 40 | Exp: 762 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Another Hoenn exclusive Pokemon. It a Psychic-type, so
mainly Dark-type moves are effective here.
Keep going up and ahead is another Bird Keeper. Battle him.
| Reward: $1312* |
| Taillow | Lv 41 | Exp: 517 pts |
| Fearow | Lv 41 | exp: 1422 pts |
| | | |
Comment: What do Flying-type Pokemon hate? Thunderstorms and Ice-storms.
Thus Electric and Ice-type moves are the solutions to fixing the
Keep heading up and you will shortly be on Route 12.
| Route 12 |
Keep following the path and at the nearby left turn is a Fisherman.
| Reward: $576* |
| Magikarp | Lv 18 | Exp: 76 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 18 | Exp: 76 pts |
| Magikarp | Lv 18 | Exp: 76 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric or Grass-type moves here!
The Fisherman will also be impressed and wants your number. Accept or
decline and move on. To the left is a cuttable tree with an item lying
there, cut the tree (if possible) and grab the Calcium. Go up, but
before the left turn, keep going up to come from the behind of another
| Reward: $2368* |
| Gyarados | Lv 40 | Exp: 1833 pts |
| Gyarados | Lv 37 | Exp: 1696 pts |
| Gyarados | Lv 37 | Exp: 1696 pts |
| | | |
Comment: The best solution is shock them with Electric-type moves.
Now head left at the turn and follow the path upwards until you're
spotted by a Bird Keeper next to a house.
| Reward: $1248* |
| Fearow | Lv 42 | Exp: 1458 pts |
| Spearow | Lv 39 | Exp: 484 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Ice and Electric storms are super effective against
Flying-type Pokemon!
Inside the house is a Fisherman that is willing to give you a Super
Rod if you say 'yes' to his question. Grab it and let's go.
Exit the house and head right, then up. Keep going and battle the
nearby Fisherman.
| Reward: $2432* |
| Quagsire | Lv 43 | Exp: 1261 pts |
| Quilfish | Lv 38 | Exp: 813 pts |
| Tentacruel | Lv 38 | Exp: 1668 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Grass moves for Quagsire, Electricity for Quilfish and
Electric or Psychic for Tentacruel.
Go down and then left, then up into a double battle against another
| Reward: $11008* |
| YOUNG MALE's Pokemon: | YOUNG LADY's Pokemon: |
| Sunflora | Lv 43 | Exp: 1344 pts| Magmar | Lv 44 | Exp: 1572 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Fire or Ice for Sunflora, then extinguish Magmar with Water.
Keep heading up and to the right is a Fisherman, go and battle him.
| Reward: $2688* |
| Remoraid | Lv 36 | Exp: 601 pts |
| Octillery | Lv 42 | Exp: 1476 pts |
| | | |
Comment: The Remoraid evolution line, since they are both Water-types,
Electric moves are great here.
To the left of the defeated Fisherman is a Bird Keeper.
| Reward: $2496* |
| Xatu | Lv 44 | Exp: 1611 pts |
| Noctowl | Lv 39 | Exp: 1353 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak to Electric or Ice moves. In addition, Xatu is
also weak to Dark moves since its a Dual Psychic/Flying type.
Follow the path and before Lavender Town, to the left is another
Fisherman. Just go and annoy him first.
| Reward: $1248* |
| Goldeen | Lv 39 | Exp: 927 pts |
| Goldeen | Lv 39 | Exp: 927 pts |
| Quilfish | Lv 35 | Exp: TBC pts |
| | | |
Comment: I got distracted after the battle's conclusion, so I missed
out on Quilfish's EXP points. All are weak to Electricity.
Now head for Route 11. The Eastern Route of Vermillion City, to get
to there: head back to the Young Couple, shortly there will be a left
turn before them. Make the turn and enter Route 11.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Green Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Revive |
| [ ] Sticky Barb |
| [ ] Big Pearl |
| |
| Route 11 |
Head left and into the tall grass path. there is a Psychic walking
around in circles. Battle him.
| Reward: $1248* |
| Exeggcute | Lv 39 | Exp: 819 pts |
| Exeggcute | Lv 39 | Exp: 819 pts |
| Exeggcutor | Lv 39 | Exp: 1771 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy battle, they all share the share weaknesses. Fire and
Dark-type moves.
There a Green Apricorn tree to the left here. Grab the Green Apricorn
and go. We want to head west, so... follow the path up and then left.
You should bump into a Youngster shortly.
| Reward: $672* |
| Sandslash | Lv 42 | Exp: 1467 pts |
| Crobat | Lv 42 | Exp: 1836 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Water for Sandslash, Electricity or Ice for Crobat.
In between the fence, north-west of the defeated Youngster is an
empty spot. Talk to the empty spot to obtain a hidden Revive. Follow
the path downwards (heading in a south-western direction) into
another Youngster.
| Reward: $704* |
| Growlithe | Lv 44 | Exp: 858 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Extinguish Growlithe with Water-type moves.
Follow the path west and you will bump into another Psychic.
| Reward: $1376* |
| Xatu | Lv 43 | Exp: 1575 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Take out Xatu with Dark-type or Electric-type moves.
Before you head west towards Snorlax, go south-west (go south of the
Psychic you just defeated: all the way through the fence. Then
follow the path west.) You will reach into Vermillion, then just
grab the Sticky Barb before you surf into the water. Now surf into the
water, and go down. There should be dry land nearby, in the upper left
corner is a Big Pearl (you can use the Itemfinder if you want).
After that, surf back and head towards the Snorlax we saw earlier.
Remember the Expansion Card we got earlier in Lavender Town? Turn on
the PokeGear Radio, and to the PokeFlute Channel. The Channel is on
the Upper Middle of the tuning globe.
Close the PokeGear and talk to Snorlax.
//Type: Normal Exp if fainted: - pts* //
// //
//Level: 50 //
Comment: A Normal-type Pokemon with lots of HP. Fighting moves work
against it very well, but I couldn't get the EXP points... I would try
to get it in the next update.
After that ruckus, you can head west in Vermillion to heal up (just to
be safe) and stock up at the Pokemart. When you're ready, enter
Diglett's Tunnel. Bring some Max Repels and you will NEED Cut.
| Diglett's Tunnel |
Head down the ladder and just follow the path. Diglett's Tunnel in
HG/SS has been shortened compared to FR/LG. We can't get any of the
items in here, since we don't have Rock Climb.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Carbos |
| [ ] Pink Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Nugget |
| [ ] Sacred Ash |
| [ ] Elixir |
| [ ] Leaf Stone |
| [ ] TM77 - Psych Up |
| [ ] Tiny Mushroom |
| [ ] Blue Flute |
| [ ] Dire Hit |
| [ ] Full Restore |
| |
| Route 2 (Part One) |
Exitting from Diglett's Tunel, to the upper-right corner contains a
Carbos. Grab it and let's go. Head downwards and there will be a Pink
Apricorn tree there, grab the apricorn and enter the house.
Talk to the fat man for a Nugget and leave the place. Keep heading
down towards the tollbooth. A Scientist will be there and gives you
the Sacred Ash. Don't know its use, but we'll find out. Exit the
tollbooth and head down to collect a Elixir.
Cut the bottom tree and go south towards Viridian City.
| Viridian City |
Nothing much here. You can't battle Gary since an old man is
blocking the Gym's entrance. Heal up and stock up here. When
you're ready, head north back up to Route 2.
| Route 2 (Part Two) |
Follow the path towards Viridian Forest, and shortly you'll bump
into a Bug Catcher.
| Reward: $624* |
| Beedrill | Lv 40 | Exp: 1362 pts |
| Butterfree | Lv 39 | Exp: 1336 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy battle if you torch the Bugs with Fire or Flying-type
You can also get this Bug Catcher's number after you beat him,
Accept or Decline and move on. Follow the path onwards and you will
bump into another Bug Catcher.
| Reward: $592* |
| Butterfree | Lv 39 | Exp: 1336 pts |
| Ariados | Lv 37 | Exp: 1062 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Do the same thing as before.
This guy will also offer your number, but let's keep moving. Keep
following the path and you will enter the Tollbooth into Viridian
| Viridian Forest |
This forest has been slightly redesigned. Of course, with the tree in
the middle ahead of you. Go left of it and into tall grass. Follow
these directions (go all the way and make the turns):
[From the tree] > Left > Up > Left, up the two steps
Then just follow the path and grab the Leaf Stone there. Now go...
Down > Jump off the ledge > Right > Down
You should be back at the tree now, go down the nearby steps and follow
the path until you bump into a Bug Catcher. (The steps are South-east of
the tree).
| Reward: $768* |
| Beedrill | Lv 44 | Exp: 1498 pts |
| Butterfree | Lv 48 | Exp: 1645 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Weak to Fire and Flying. Also Beedrill is weak to Psychic.
After that, behind the Bug Catcher is tall grass. Enter it and you will
find a TM77 there. Head up towards the wall, and on the second cell of
the wall: talk to it to obtain a Tiny Mushroom. Now Exit the tall grass
and head up the steps. Keep going up until you see the paths split into
two steps. One going towards tall grass and a Bug Catcher next to the
other. Battle the Bug Catcher first.
| Reward: $800* |
| Ariados | Lv 50 | Exp: 1435 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Quite rare to see a Bug Catcher owning a Lv 50 Ariados...
just flame it with Fire, Psyche it out with Psychic or send in some
Now take the steps (to the right, near the defeated Bug Catcher),
and head upwards until you bump into another Bug Catcher.
| Reward: $960* |
| Metapod | Lv 52 | Exp: 801 pts |
| Metapod | Lv 56 | Exp: 864 pts |
| Metapod | Lv 60 | Exp: 925 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Holy Eisenhower- High level Metapods! Bah, they're nothing.
Fire or Bird Matter works great here.
Follow the path and you should pick up a Blue Flute on the way. The
path then splits going left and right. Head right and you will see a
Bug Catcher walking in circles, battle him now.
| Reward: $736* |
| Weedle | Lv 28 | Exp: 312 pts |
| Kakuna | Lv 38 | Exp: 577 pts |
| Beedrill | Lv 46 | Exp: 1566 pts |
| | | |
Comment: The Weedle Evolution line. Now they are weak to Fire, Psychic
and Flying-type moves.
Now follow the path (heading left and down), and go on from there.
On the way you should pick up a Dire Hit, keep follow the path and
you should see a Bug Catcher facing east. But go down and go up the
steps. Follow the narrow path and at the end, 1 cell before the tree,
you should find a hidden Full Restore.
Now follow the path back and battle the final Bug Catcher in this
| Reward: $704* |
| Butterfree | Lv 44 | Exp: 1507 pts |
| Pikachu | Lv 44 | Exp: 772 pts |
| Beedrill | Lv 44 | Exp: 1498 pts |
| | | |
Comment: That's very rare for a Bug Catcher to own a Pikachu...
Butterfree and Beedrill are easy, you can stop Pikachu with Ground-type
Now follow the path upwards and exit Viridian Forest via the tollbooth.
| Route 2 (Part Three) |
Follow the path and you should get spotted by a Bug Catcher camping in
the tall grass.
| Reward: $688* |
| Burmy | Lv 43 | Exp: 561 pts |
| Beedrill | Lv 43 | Exp: 1464 pts |
| Butterfree | Lv 43 | Exp: 1473 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Burmy is a Sinnoh-native Pokemon, so it's obviously a Bug-type
Pokemon. Beedrill and Butterfree are under the same circumstances
(weak to Flying and Fire), but Beedrill is also weak to Psychic.
Follow the path and you will enter Pewter City.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Guard Special |
| [ ] Rainbow Wing |
| [ ] White Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Blue Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Soul Dew^ |
| |
^ Obtained only if you've obtained the Enigma Crystal via. Nint. Wi-Fi

Heal up at the Pokemon Center and head right and up the steps to
a raised platform. Now go 3 steps up and 2 steps to the right, you
should be standing in-front of White Flowers and talk to it to
obtain a Guard Special. Grab it and head towards the PokeMart.
Don't enter the PokeMart, but talk to the old man on the raised
platform next to the PokeMart to obtain a Rainbow Wing. Go down the
steps, head right and then all the way up: you will find a White and
Blue Apricorn tree.
If you have unlocked the Enigma Crystal Event through Nintendo Wi-Fi
(Japanese Versions), enter Pewter City Museum and go upwards, then
right. You should see Steven Stone at the end of the room with a
Scientist. Head towards Steven and a brief moment, the Scientist will
give you a Soul Dew.
Exit the place and Latias will appear. It will stay there until you
talk to it, so battle it whenever you want. Once you're ready, head
for Pewter Gym nearby.

| Type | Rock |
| Weaknesses | Water, Grass |
Same layout like in FR/LG version of Pewter Gym. You can walk around
the trainers and go straight to the Gym Leader like in Faulkner's
Gym. But we ain't that cheap right? Let's battle the minions first.
Follow the path upwards and shortly you'll bump into a Camper.
| Reward: $800* |
| Rhydon | Lv 50 | Exp: 2185 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Surf Rhydon out of the show with Water-type moves.
Keep going upwards and you'll bump into a Hiker.
| Reward: $1600* |
| Golem | Lv 50 | Exp: 1896 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Evict Golem out of the house with super-effective moves.
Now walk up the stage and battle Brock now.
| Reward: $6240* |
| Graveler | Lv 51 | Exp: 1464 pts |
| Rhyhorn | Lv 51 | Exp: 1474 pts |
| Kabutops | Lv 52 | Exp: 2217 pts |
| Omastar | Lv 53 | Exp: 2259 pts |
| Onix | Lv 54 | Exp: 1249 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Super, easy battle if you've got Meganium or Feraligatr to
help you here. Graveler, Rhyhorn and Onix are no problem at all.
But Kabutops and Omastar are dual Rock/Water types. So, this rules
out that their weaknesses are only Grass.
After that old school ruckus, a defeated Brock rewards you with the
BoulderBadge and a TM80. TM80 contains Rock Slide. Now exit the gym,
heal up and head east of Pewter City towards Mount Moon!
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Big Root |
| [ ] Revive |
| [ ] Max Revive |
| |
| Route 3 |
Bring some Max Repels before you start another Road Trip towards
Cerulean City. Gear up, heal up and once you're ready, head towards
Route 3.
The objective is to push east. Now keep heading east and you should be
spotted by a Youngster.
| Reward: $640* |
| Golbat | Lv 40 | Exp: 1465 pts |
| Electrode | Lv 40 | Exp: 1285 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Easy battle. Golbat is weak to Ice and Electricity, whilst
Electrode can be rendered harmless with Ground-type moves.
Now there are two ways: head up towards another Youngster to battle,
or go downwards into a double battle with Cooltrainers.
If you keep going down, you will notice some meteors. For those who
have played D/P/Pt, you would know. But for those who didn't: these
meteors allow Deoxys to change forms. Deoxys can change into
Normal, Speed, Attack and Defense forms. But Deoxys is a rare and
hard to get Legendary only through Action Replay in Emerald or FR/LG,
and then migrating it. But let's keep going.
First, we'll take on the Cooltrainer duo. Gee their encounter music
sounds awesome! (Remixed Trainer Encounter Music from FR/LG). Catchy.
| Reward: $11280* |
| COOLTRAINER (M)'s Pokemon: | COOLTRAINER (F)'s Pokemon: |
|Electabuzz| Lv 47 | Exp: 1568 pts| Dugtrio | Lv 47 | Exp: 1538 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: Muddy up Electabuzz with Ground-type moves, flush out Dugtrio
with Water-type moves.
Now head back all the way up, past the defeated Youngster and head
right into another Youngster.
| Reward: $672* |
| Fearow | Lv 38 | Exp: 1318 pts |
| Raticate | Lv 42 | Exp: 1044 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Electric, Rock or Ice-type moves against Fearow. It has
been a while since we've seen a Raticate. Knock it out with Fighting
type moves.
Keep pushing east and you will be spotted by ANOTHER ANOTHER
| Reward: $672* |
| Raticate | Lv 42 | Exp: 1044 pts |
| Parasect | Lv 42 | Exp: 1152 pts |
| Arbok | Lv 42 | Exp: 1323 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Raticate - easy. Parasect - easy with Fire or Flying-type moves.
Arbok - psyche him out with Psychic-type moves.
Now follow the path east and then down. Head right and shortly you
will be spotted by a Firebreather in the tall grass.
| Reward: $1504* |
| Magmar | Lv 43 | Exp: 1537 pts |
| Weezing | Lv 40 | Exp: 1482 pts |
| Camerupt | Lv 47 | Exp: 1762 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Magmar is weak to Rock and Water, no surprise there. Weezing is
weak to Psychic, whilst Camperupt is weak mainly to Water.
After that, head down the tall grass and go up the steps on the left.
Follow the path and pick up the Big Root and move out.
Keep heading east and follow the path up the steps. Shortly you will
bump into a Hiker.
| Reward: $1440* |
| Graveler | Lv 39 | Exp: 1119 pts |
| Rhydon | Lv 44 | Exp: 1923 pts |
| Clefairy | Lv 45 | Exp: 655 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Own Graveler and Rhydon with Water-type moves. And fend off
Clefairy with your best moves, or Fighting-type moves.
Follow the path and you will eventually bump into a Karate Guy.
| Reward: $1128* |
| Poliwrath | Lv 47 | Exp: 1863 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Reminds of the Gym Battle against Chuck in Cianwood City...
Easy battle. All you have to do is use Psychic-moves against
Keep going east and you'll bump into another Karate Guy shortly.
| Reward: $1056* |
| Graveler | Lv 39 | Exp: 1119 pts |
| Primeape | Lv 43 | Exp: 1372 pts |
| Machoke | Lv 44 | Exp: 1375 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak to Psychic moves?
Near the defeated Karate Guy is another Hiker we can annoy!
| Reward: $1408* |
| Magneton | Lv 44 | Exp: 1518 pts |
| Steelix | Lv 44 | Exp: 1848 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Don't ever use Physical moves against Magneton. Use
either Fighting-type or Special moves (like Surf and Flamethrower).
For Steelix, it is weak to Water and Fire.
Follow the path upwards, up the steps and you should be spotted by a
| Reward: $1440* |
| Weezing | Lv 42 | Exp: 1557 pts |
| Magcargo | Lv 45 | Exp: 1485 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psyche Weezing out with Psychic moves and extinguish
Magcargo with Water-type moves.
Now head upwards and into the Pokemon Center to heal. Once you're all
good to go, save the game before entering the cave of Mount Moon.
Enter and... wth! Your rival spotted you! DOOR CAMPER! Oh well, time
to fight him...
* Feraligatr Lv 63 *
* Ampharos Lv 52 *
* Pidgeot Lv 48 *
* Crobat Lv 45 *
* Mew Lv 60 *
* Snorlax Lv 50 *
* *
NB: RTT [Refer to Table]
| Reward: $3200* |
| Sneasel | Lv 46 | Exp: 1300 pts |
| Magneton | Lv 46 | Exp: 1587 pts |
| Golbat | Lv 47 | Exp: 1722 pts |
| Alakazam | Lv 48 | Exp: 1912 pts |
| Gengar | Lv 48 | Exp: 1953 pts |
| Stolen Pokemon | Lv 50 | Exp: RTT pts |
| | | |
Comment: Really easy battle if your Pokemon are over Level 55.
Sneasel is a Dark-type so its just weak to Fighting-type moves.
Magneton can be dealt with Special moves, Golbat can be shocked
with Electric, frozen with Ice-type moves or psyched out with
Psychic-type moves. Alakazam is weak to Dark-type moves and Gengar
can be psyched-out too.
If your starter was...
| Chikorita | Typhlosion | 50 | - |
| Cyndaquil | Feraligatr | 50 | - |
| Totodile | Meganium | 50 | 2227 pts |
| Mount Moon |
After that battle, your rival mutters a couple of phrases and then
runs off. You can exit the cave and heal up and re-enter. Since we
don't like bumping into weak Pokemon, let's put on some Max Repels and
be on our way.
The cave is a bit cheap in design and a bit simpler in my opinion.
Since you can just follow the path down and to the exit, thus reaching
on to Route 4 easily. Do that if you're cheap and skip the Mt. Moon
paragraph. But we're going inside anyways.
For those who don't want to be cheap, go right towards the ladder.
Don't go up the ladder just yet, in the bottom right corner is a
Revive on the rock. Talk to the rock and grab the Revive. Now go up
the ladder.
Exit the cave and there is a house to the left. It's locked at night,
but it sells drinks during the morning and the day. Head right and then
up, talk to the flower before touching the wall to obtain a Max
Now head back left, jump off the ledge and enter the cave to the
right. Climb down the ladder, jump off another ledge and exit the
cave onto Route 4.
|ROUTE 4 || [SSKT22] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] HP Up |
| |
An absolute downhill course - which is Route 4. Good old Generation IV
game engines kicking a good impression on it. Now head downhill
and shortly you will bump into a Picknicker.
| Reward: $704* |
| Flaffy | Lv 44 | Exp: 1102 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Flaffy is weak to Ground-type moves no?
Go up the path behind the Picknicker and there is an Ultra Ball on the
ground here. Go 7 steps behind the Picknicker to the right, and then
5 steps up to pick up the Ultra Ball.
Now jump down the ledge and keep going right. On the bottom right of the
second hill, there is a Bird Keeper there.
| Reward: $1408* |
| Pidgey | Lv 13 | Exp: 153 pts |
| Pidgeot | Lv 44 | Exp: 1621 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock them or Ice them, it's up to you.
Follow the path north-east and battle the Picknicker there.
| Reward: $688* |
| Furret | Lv 41 | Exp: 1018 pts |
| Rapidash | Lv 43 | Exp: 1768 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Deal Furret with Fighting moves, and extinguish Rapidash with
Water-type moves.
Above you is a HP Up - grab it and jump off the ledges towards Cerulean
| Cerulean City |
We've been here and done our job here. Let's fly to Viridian City.
|ROUTE 1 || [SSKT23] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM85 - Dream Eater |
| [ ] Black Apricorn (one per day) |
| |
| Viridian City |
Alright, let's do some tax collecting since we didn't bother during
the Route 2 expedition. To the left of the Pokemon Center is a
cuttable tree. Cut the tree and talk to the fat man to obtain a TM85.
TM85 contains Dream Eater.
There's nothing much in Viridian, except for the battles at the
Pokemon School here. You don't get any EXP from those battles, and its
only once per day. So it's not really worth it in my opinion.
Heal up, stock up, and when you're ready: Head down towards Route 1.
| Route 1 |
Head left and jump down the ledge. Grab the Black Apricorn and jump
down another ledge. Head right (all the way), and up the tall grass,
then make a left to grab the attention of a Schoolboy.
| Reward: $860* |
| Furret | Lv 43 | Exp: 1068 pts |
| Pidgeot | Lv 43 | Exp: 1584 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Fighting moves for Furret, use Electric or Ice-type moves
against Pidgeot.
Now jump down the ledge and head left. Try jumping down another ledge
and you'll be spotted by another Schoolboy.
| Reward: $860* |
| Jynx | Lv 43 | Exp: 1261 pts |
| Magmar | Lv 43 | Exp: 1537 pts |
| Electabuzz | Lv 43 | Exp: 1437 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Dark or Fire against Jynx; Water for Magmar and Ground
type moves against Electabuzz.
Jump down the ledge and to your right is a bold man willing to take
a picture of you and your Pokemon. Do that if you wish. But now
head down the steps and go right to bump into a Cooltrainer.
| Reward: $2820* |
| Absol | Lv 47 | Exp: 1752 pts |
| Alakazam | Lv 47 | Exp: 1872 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use a Fighting-type against Absol, while you can take out
Alakazam with a Dark-type.
After that ruckus, keep heading right and then down to jump off
another ledge. Now head down and left to bump into another
| Reward: $2820* |
| Ivysaur | Lv 47 | Exp: 1419 pts |
| Starmie | Lv 47 | Exp: 2083 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Psyche Ivysaur out with Psychic-type moves, whilst you
can use Electric or Dark-type moves against Starmie.
Now jump off the ledge and down the tall grass to enter Pallet Town.
| Pallet Town |
Ah Pallet Town. The beginner's town in FireRed and LeafGreen... good
old memories. Anyways, to the right is Gary's house (we all know that,
I presume). You can get massages from Daisy for your Pokemon, and it's
actually one of the requirements to get Gary's phone number for a
Daisy will allow massages for your Pokemon between 3pm - 4pm. So take
note of that. The purpose of the massages is to raise your Pokemon's
happiness. Like in FR/LG, D/P/Pt with the Veilstone woman and the
Ribbon Club.
Professor Oak's lab is at the bottom-right. You can just get Pokedex
ratings, but that's not important in my opinion. Just head south of
town and surf down to enter Route 21. Put some Max Repels on so you
don't bump in to super-weak Pokemon.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Stardust |
| [ ] Stardust |
| [ ] DeepSeaTooth |
| |
Surf down to bump into a female Swimmer.
| Reward: $672* |
| Seel | Lv 37 | Exp: 792 pts |
| Dewgong | Lv 42 | Exp: 1584 pts |
| | | |
Comment: The Sea-Lion (aka Seel) evolution line. Shock them out of the
Water with Electric-type moves.
Surf South-East from here on to dry land. You will see a bold guy and
a Fisherman here. Talk to the bold guy to get your photo taken of you
and your Pokemon. Then talk to the Fisherman on the right to battle him.
| Reward: $1408* |
| Shellder | Lv 44 | Exp: 913 pts |
| | | |
Comment: There's nothing special about a Level 44 Shellder, all he's
weak against is Electric-type moves.
Surf to the next island (which is to the left) by surfing a little
to the South-West. You should encounter a Bird Keeper first.
| Reward: $1184* |
| Farfetch'd | Lv 36 | Exp: 724 pts |
| Fearow | Lv 36 | Exp: 1249 pts |
| Pidgeotto | Lv 37 | Exp: 895 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Attack them with either Rocks or Thunderbolts. That is all.
Just near the defeated Bird Keeper is a Fisherman. Why don't we ask
him for a battle?
| Reward: $1216* |
| Corsola | Lv 32 | Exp: 774 pts |
| Corsola | Lv 34 | Exp: 822 pts |
| Corsola | Lv 36 | Exp: 871 pts |
| Corsola | Lv 38 | Exp: 919 pts |
| | | |
Comment: I'm surprised that a Fisherman has a Corsola collection...
but they're weak mainly to Electric-type moves.
Surf down to encounter a female Swimmer swimming left and right.
| Reward: $640* |
| Azumarill | Lv 40 | Exp: 1311 pts |
| | | |
Comment: No comment needed if you know that their weakness is
Electric-type moves.
On the bottom right of the defeated female Swimmer is a large lot of
dry land. There is a Stardust on the ground, it is mainly on the
upper part of the sand. Pick it up if you will, but it's not important
so you can skip. Surf down to encounter another Fisherman just below
| Reward: $1344* |
| Seadra | Lv 42 | Exp: 1395 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Seadra is mainly weak to Electricity.
Surf right to encounter a male Swimmer having difficulty to swim,
since he's being carried by the tide.
| Reward: $672* |
| Quagsire | Lv 42 | Exp: 1233 pts |
| Octillery | Lv 42 | Exp: 1476 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Take out Quagsire with Grass-type moves, whilst Octillery is
still weak against Electric-type moves.
Surf down on to some dry land and annoy the Fisherman fishing west.
| Reward: $1280* |
| Lantern | Lv 44 | Exp: 1470 pts |
| Mantine | Lv 40 | Exp: 1440 pts |
| | | |
Comment: use Grass-type moves again Lantern (since it's a Dual
Electric/Water-type Pokemon), and then use Electric-type moves against
Now surf south to grab the attention of a swimmer facing west.
| Reward: $608* |
| Golduck | Lv 38 | Exp: 1416 pts |
| Poliwhirl | Lv 38 | Exp: 1066 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Electric or Grass-type moves are handy here.
Surf south-west and disembark on to a small island. Grab the attention
of a Bird Keeper facing north here.
| Reward: $1152* |
| Doduo | Lv 35 | Exp: 720 pts |
| Doduo | Lv 35 | Exp: 720 pts |
| Dodrio | Lv 35 | Exp: 1185 pts |
| Dodrio | Lv 36 | Exp: 1218 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Knock those birds out cold with Electric or Ice-type moves.
Now surf east of the island, past the rocks and encounter a Swimmer
facing north.
| Reward: $640* |
| Seaking | Lv 40 | Exp: 1456 pts |
| Kabutops | Lv 40 | Exp: 1705 pts |
| | | |
Comment: They're all weak against Electric-type moves...
Surf down until you find a female Swimmer in a corner of rocks and above
Cinnabar Island's wreckage.
| Reward: $688* |
| Slowking | Lv 43 | Exp: 1510 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Surprise Slowking with Electric or Dark-type moves.
Now surf west and then down towards Cinnabar Island's remains.
| Cinnabar Island |
When you disembark on to the island, you will see Gary Oak above the
Pokemon Center. Talk to him and he won't do anything. So that leaves
our only option to head east.
Heal up at the Pokemon Center here. Now surf east on to Route 20.
| Route 20 |
Surf north-east past the rocks and you should encounter a Swimmer.
| Reward: $704* |
| Azumarill | Lv 44 | Exp: 1441 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Grass or Electric-type moves.
Keep surfing east and come up to the female Swimmer from behind
to battle her.
| Reward: $656* |
| Luvdisc | Lv 38 | Exp: 895 pts |
| Luvdisc | Lv 39 | Exp: 918 pts |
| Luvdisc | Lv 41 | Exp: 966 pts |
| | | |
Comment: She's infatuated by Luvdiscs! Find the cure with Electric
type moves!
After that ruckus, surf down behind the female Swimmer you just
defeated. Disembark on the dry land to battle a Bird Keeper.
| Reward: $1376* |
| Wingull | Lv 46 | Exp: 630 pts |
| Fearow | Lv 43 | Exp: 1492 pts |
| | | |
Comment: You can't lose here with Electric-type moves.
Head east and try to run past the Picknicker here. You should be
spotted by her to have a battle against her.
| Reward: $720* |
| Shinx | Lv 45 | Exp: 577 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shinx. A Sinnoh-native Pokemon. It is weak against Ground
type moves.
Head north-east and in the middle line, two steps before the water,
talk to the ground to obtain another Stardust. Head back down and go
right to battle another Bird Keeper.
| Reward: $1536* |
| Starly | Lv 48 | Exp: 576 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Starly is another Sinnoh-native Pokemon. Use Electric or
Ice-type moves against it.
Head east after that battle and surf into the water. Keep surfing east
until you bump into a female Swimmer.
| Reward: $704* |
| Bidoof | Lv 44 | Exp: 546 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Bidoof is a Sinnoh-native Pokemon. It is a Normal type, thus
it is weak against Fighting-type moves.
Gee, a big introduction of 4 Sinnoh exclusives so far now. Keep surfing
east and disembark at the cave entrance. Before you even enter the cave,
you'll be spotted by a Picknicker.
| Reward: $720* |
| Shroomish | Lv 45 | Exp: 625 pts |
| | | |
Comment: This time it's a Hoeen exclusive. Shroomish is a Grass-type
Pokemon. It is weak against Bug, Fire, Flying and Ice-type moves.
From the cave entrance, 9 steps to the right will get you a DeepSeaTooth.
Head back and enter the cave of the Seafoam Islands.
| Seafoam Islands |
We're here for the Gym Badge, so there's no time to waste. Climb up
the ladder you see.
| Cinnabar Gym |
| Type | Fire |
| Weaknesses | Water, Rock |
Head up and talk to the Scientist ahead of you.
| Reward: $1600* |
| Arcanine | Lv 50 | Exp: 2281 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Water-type moves ftw.
After that, the Scientist moves out of the way. Follow the path and
talk to another Scientist to force him out of the way too.
| Reward: $1600* |
| Ninetales | Lv 50 | Exp: 1906 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Water-type moves.
After that, he won't budge anymore. So let's head right and battle a
Nerd facing west.
| Reward: $2544* |
| Torkoal | Lv 53 | Exp: 1828 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Water-type moves.
After that ridiculous ruckus, follow the path bump into another
| Reward: $1600* |
| Magmar | Lv 50 | Exp: 1788 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Water-type moves.
Follow the path to bump into another Nerd.
| Reward: $2544* |
| Numel | Lv 53 | Exp: 999 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Rock or Water-type moves.
Keep following the path to bump into the Nerd who will lead us to
| Reward: $2544* |
| Magcargo | Lv 53 | Exp: 1749 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Water-type moves against Magcargo.
Now head right towards Blaine. Save the game, and when you're ready:
Battle him for the Volcano Badge.
| Reward: $7080* |
| Magcargo | Lv 54 | Exp: 1782 pts |
| Magmar | Lv 54 | Exp: 1932 pts |
| Rapidash | Lv 59 | Exp: 2427 pts |
| | | |
COmment: All are weak towards Water-type moves. Margcargo and Magmar
are very easy. However, Rapidash is a fast Pokemon with a high Speed
stat. It will use Bounce and it has a chance of paralyzing your
Pokemon. Blaine's Pokemon would also use Overheat, but his Pokemon
have a held item to prevent the drawbacks of the move. However, this
is another easy battle that Kanto can throw at you.
After that epic battle, Blaine rewards you with the Volcano Badge and
a TM50 - which is Overheat. Exit the gym and fly towards Cinnabar
| Type | Various |
| Weaknesses | Various |
Since Giovanni disbanded Team Rocket, Viridian Gym is pretty much
different than it was in FR/LG. Under Gary Oak's leadership, the gym
doesn't specialise in any type at all.
| Cinnabar Island |
Heal up at the Pokemon Center here and talk to Gary Oak. He will head
back to his gym at Viridian. Let's fly over to there now.
| Viridian City |
Gear up at the Pokemart if you need to and head towards the Gym. The
old man ain't blocking it anymore. Now enter the gym,
| Viridian Gym |
Argh spinning tiles in a redesigned gym.
Talk a step up past the blue arrows at the start and take 3 steps to
the right. Walk up towards the blue arrow point west and you should
spin yourself into a Cooltrainer's line of sight.
| Reward: $3120* |
| Stantler | Lv 53 | Exp: 1873 pts |
| Tauros | Lv 52 | Exp: 2350 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are Normal-type Pokemon. They are weak against Fighting
type moves.
Take the tile below you and go to the far end right tile. Follow it and
walk down to be spinned to the left and into another Cooltrainer.
| Reward: $3180* |
| Slowking | Lv 50 | Exp: 1756 pts |
| Lickilicky | Lv 53 | Exp: 2191 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Dark-type moves against Slowking, whilst Lickilicky is
weak towards Fighting-type moves.
Walk up to be spinned back to the entrance. Now, go to the far right
panel again and walk left. Walk up to be spinned again and take a step
to the right and up to be more deeper into the gym.
Walk to the right and walk two steps to the left to bump into a dual
battle with two Cooltrainers.
| Reward: $12000* |
| COOLTRAINER (M)'s Pokemon: | COOLTRAINER (F)'s Pokemon: |
| Porygon2 | Lv 52 | Exp: 2005 pts|Azumarill | Lv 50 | Exp: 1638 pts |
| | | | | | |
Comment: This is a really annoying battle. Since Porygon2 has a move
to turn things upside down. Porygon2 is weak against Fighting whilst
Azumarill is weak against Grass or Electric-type moves.
Walk to the right to be spinned into another Cooltrainer.
| Reward: $3120* |
| Spinda | Lv 50 | Exp: 910 pts |
| Sudowoodo | Lv 52 | Exp: 1503 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Fighting-type moves against Spinda, while you can freshen
up some rocks with Water-type moves against Sudowoodo.
Walk a step to the right and up. Now walk two steps to the right and
you will be spinned at the steps up to Gary Oak. Go up to him, heal
your Pokemon if you need to, save and battle him for the Earth Badge.
* Feraligatr Lv 66 *
* Ampharos Lv 56 *
* Pidgeot Lv 49 *
* Mew Lv 62 *
* *
| Reward: $9600* |
| Exeggcutor | Lv 55 | Exp: 2497 pts |
| Gyarados | Lv 52 | Exp: 2383 pts |
| Rhydon | Lv 58 | Exp: 2535 pts |
| Machamp | Lv 56 | Exp: 2316 pts |
| Arcanine | Lv 58 | Exp: 2646 pts |
| Pidgeot | Lv 60 | Exp: 2211 pts |
| | | |
Comment: One of the best gym battles in Pokemon History in my opinion.
Exeggcutor is weak against Dark and Ice moves, but it has a fair bit
of resistance against them. However, Bug-type moves work very well
against Exeggcutor.
Gyarados is easy, weak against Grass or Electric-type moves. Rhydon
is also easy, weak against Water mainly. Machamp has a fairly-decent
Defense rating and is weak against Psychic or Flying-type moves.
Arcanine can often use ExtremeSpeed (which is like Quick Attack, but
powerful), but is flawed against Water-type moves. Pidgeot is the last
one who's weak against Electric, Ice or Rock-type moves. Note that
Pidgeot is packing a Sitrus Berry.
After that epic ruckus, Gary rewards you with the Earth Badge and a
TM92 - Which is Trick Room. Trick Room is where the slowest Pokemon
move first for 5 turns. Not really useful in my point of view.
Now spin your way out of the gym towards the exit.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] HM08 - Rock Climb |
| [ ] GB Player |
| |
| Viridian City |
You'll get a phone call from Prof. Oak. He wants to give you something
so let's fly over to Pallet Town.
| Pallet Town |
Head towards Prof. Oak's lab and talk to him. He will give you a HM08-
which is Rock Climb. He says that Red is training over at Mt. Silver,
and that you should go visit him for a battle.
Well, we will take care of Red when we toughen up a bit. We can do that
by visiting the toughened up Elite Four. But let's grab another item
at Celadon City.
| Celadon City |
Head for the Celadon Mansion. It's a large building two clicks away
from the Pokemon Center (head west). Now enter the building.
Go up and take the elevator to 3F. Talk to the Schoolboy near the
large globe to obtain a GB Player. This key item allows you to play
the oldschool G/S/C 8-bit music in game. Now exit the place and fly
over to Indigo Plateau.
| Indigo Plateau |
Gear up, stock up and talk to the guy in red to be permitted to battle
the Elite Four.
Enter Will's room and talk to him for another battle with his "improved"
| Reward: $7440* |
| Bronzong | Lv 58 | Exp: 2335 pts |
| Gardevoir | Lv 61 | Exp: 2718 pts |
| Jynx | Lv 60 | Exp: 1761 pts |
| Grumpig | Lv 59 | Exp: 2073 pts |
| Slowbro | Lv 60 | Exp: 2107 pts |
| Xatu | Lv 62 | Exp: 2271 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Will's "improved" team is more of a challenge now. Bronzong
is dual Steel/Psychic type. So it's weak to Fighting-type moves mainly.
But it is a tank. Gardevoir also is a tank and is a pure Psychic-type
so it's weak towards Dark-type moves.
Jynx, Grumpig, Slowbro and Xatu are weak against Dark-type moves.
Slowbro and Xatu are also weak against Electric-type moves, but Jynx
can be fed with Fire too.
After that ruckus, move on to Koga's room for a battle.
| Reward: $7440* |
| Skuntank | Lv 61 | Exp: 2731 pts |
| Toxicroak | Lv 60 | Exp: 2326 pts |
| Venemoth | Lv 63 | Exp: 1863 pts |
| Swalot | Lv 62 | Exp: 2232 pts |
| Crobat | Lv 64 | Exp: 2797 pts |
| Muk | Lv 62 | Exp: 2085 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Skuntank is a native Sinnoh Pokemon, it is a dual Dark/Poison
type Pokemon. So it is mainly weak to Fighting-type moves.
Toxicroak is weak against Psychic. Venemoth is weak to Psychic and
Flying-type moves. Swalot has a decent Defense rating, so does
Crobat and they're weak towards Psychic moves too. Muk is also on
the same boat as Crobat and Swalot.
After that ruckus for the second time, move on to Bruno's side of the
Elite Four.
| Reward: $7680* |
| Hitmontop | Lv 62 | Exp: 1833 pts |
| Hariyama | Lv 62 | Exp: 2443 pts |
| Machamp | Lv 64 | Exp: 2646 pts |
| Lucario | Lv 64 | Exp: 2797 pts |
| Hitmonlee | Lv 61 | Exp: 1816 pts |
| Hitmonchan | Lv 61 | Exp: 1830 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All of them are weak against Psychic-moves pretty much. But
Lucario is an exception, since it's a dual Steel/Fighting type. So
Psychic-type moves do normal damage towards it. Note that Hariyama
is packing a Sitrus Berry.
Weak to Psychic: Hitmontop, Hariyama, Machamp, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan
Weak to Flying: All except Lucario (normal damage)
Weak to Fighting: Lucario only.
Now move on towards beating Karen.
| Reward: $7680* |
| Weavile | Lv 62 | Exp: 2643 pts |
| Honchkrow | Lv 64 | Exp: 2563 pts |
| Spiritomb | Lv 62 | Exp: 2232 pts |
| Houndoom | Lv 63 | Exp: 2754 pts |
| Umbreon | Lv 64 | Exp: 2701 pts |
| Absol | Lv 62 | Exp: 2311 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Weavile is pretty strong and fast, whilst Honchkrow is okay.
Spiritomb is average, whilst Houndoom is easy if flushed down with Water.
Umbreon is ridiculously overpowered whilst Absol is easy.
Weak to Fighting: All, except Spiritomb receives normal damage.
Weak to Electric: Honchkrow only
Weak to Fire: Weavile only
Weak to Water: Houndoom only
| Reward: $15000* |
| Salamence | Lv 72 | Exp: 3363 pts |
| Gyarados | Lv 68 | Exp: 3117 pts |
| Garchomp | Lv 72 | Exp: 3363 pts |
| Dragonite | Lv 75 | Exp: 3502 pts |
| Altaria | Lv 73 | Exp: 2940 pts |
| Charizard | Lv 68 | Exp: 3045 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Salamence is a difficult one who's weak against Ice-type moves.
Gyarados is easy with Electric-type moves. Garchomp is weak against
Ice-type moves, whilst its fast and can cause a lot of damage.
Dragonite is also weak against Ice-type moves whilst Altaria is in
the same boat. Charizard is weak against Water.
After that, the credits roll and we're done with the Elite Four rematch.
Let it save and turn it off, then turn it back on. What's left is to
battle Red at Mt. Silver. When you're ready, head for Mt. Silver.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM47 - Steel Wing |
| [ ] TM35 - Flamethrower |
| [ ] Rare Candy |
| [ ] Reaper Cloth |
| |
When you're all good to go, fly to the Route 26 gatehouse to Indigo
Plateau (or the Pokemon League).
| Route 26 |
Enter the gatehouse and make a left. This will lead you to Route 28.
| Route 28 |
Make your way west and you'll be at the base of Mt. Silver.
| Mt. Silver - Base |
You'll come shortly towards a Pokemon Center here. You can heal and
take a picture of you and your party here. Before we enter Mt. Silver,
head east of the Pokemon Center.
| Route 28 |
You'll go downhill and come across a skinny tree. Cut it and keep
pushing east. Shortly you'll come into a house: enter it. A lass will
notice you and start to freak out, but then gives you a TM47. TM47 is
Steel Wing. Exit the house and keep heading east.
You'll come across a TM35 - which is Flamethrower. A very good Fire-type
move. Keep heading east and you'll come to a dead end of trees. However,
before you touch the end, 1 cell before the end is a Rare Candy.
Grab it and head back west towards the Pokemon Center.
| Mt. Silver - Base |
Don't enter Mt. Silver yet, but go south of the Pokemon Center and Surf
on the water. Surf left, go through the tall grass and pick up the
Reaper Cloth. Jump down the ledge and back towards the Pokemon Center.
Enter the Pokemon Center and break out a Pokemon that knows Rock Climb
and heal up. Once you're ready, exit, jump off the ledge to the left
and enter Mt. Silver.
|MT. SILVER || [SSKT29] ||
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Dire Hit |
| [ ] TM76 - Stealth Rock |
| [ ] Full Restore |
| [ ] Revive |
| [ ] Max Elixir |
| [ ] Max Revive |
| [ ] Calcium |
| [ ] Iron |
| [ ] Protein |
| [ ] Pure Incense |
| [ ] Rare Candy |
| [ ] Hyper Potion |
| [ ] Dawn Stone |
| [ ] Max Revive |
| |
| Mt. Silver - GF |
Use Rock Climb on the rocky ledge you see to your right. Head up and
talk to the lone rock in the upper left corner to obtain a Dire Hit.
Exit the inside cave and head out.
| Mt. Silver - Outer Mountain |
To your 6 o' clock (south) is an Escape Rope. Grab it and head up
north-west through three sets of steps. After the third set of steps,
go south and you'll pick up a TM76: which is Stealth Rock.
Head back up towards some steps on the upper right end. Go down those
steps and enter the cave nearby.
| Mt. Silver Small Cave |
Follow the square-circular path around to obtain a Full Restore. Now
exit the cave.
| Mt. Silver - Outer Mountain |
Go down the steps and follow the path around to enter another cave.
| Mt. Silver - GF |
Follow the long path around and you'll later come across a flight of
steps. Ignore it and go to the right. Shortly you'll come to a
lonely and pointy rock. Talk to it to obtain a Revive and head back
towards the flight of steps.
Go up the steps and enter the cave.
| Mt. Silver - 1F |
Go up the steps and head northwest to another flight of steps. Go around
the path and you'll come across another flight of steps. Go left and
pick up a Max Elixir snuggled in the corner and head back right towards
the ignored steps.
Go all the way around and you'll come to the fourth flight of steps,
this time go right and pick up the Max Revive. Head back and go up the
steps, but go left.
Head south and you'll come across two crackers. Break them and go south
to obtain a Calcium. Head back up and go right towards the cave exit.
| Mt. Silver - Upper Mountain |
Follow the path around and enter the first cave entrance you see shortly.
| Mt. Silver - 1F |
To your north is a lonely rock surrounded by two crackers. Use Rock Smash
on either one of them, and talk to the rock to obtain an Iron. Go south
and you'll pick up a Protein. Head back up and exit the cave.
| Mt. Silver - Upper Mountain |
Head south and enter the second cave entrance here.
| Mt. Silver - 1F |
Head south again and exit the cave.
| Mt. Silver - Upper Mountain |
Follow the path around you'll see a cave entrance and a rocky ledge.
Go up the rocky ledge, then another one to the left, then go right
towards a Pure Incense.
Head back and rock climb the third rocky ledge and talk to the lonely
rock on the right to obtain a Rare Candy. Now head back down towards
the cave entrance.
| Mt. Silver - 1F |
Head left and you'll come towards another cave exit.
| Mt. Silver - Upper Mountain |
Go up the rocky ledge just next to you and you'll come across THREE
rocky ledges. Wow. Rock Climb the far right one twice, and talk to the
upper right corner to obtain a Hyper Potion.
Rock Climb your way down and head towards the far left rocky ledge.
Rock Climb up twice again and pick up the Dawn Stone in front of you.
Climb back down and go up the middle one to enter another cave.
| Mt. Silver - 2F |
Head west and rock climb up a long rocky ledge. To your right - about
10 cells east is another lonely rock. Talk to it to obtain another
Max Revive. Go back left and exit the cave.
| Mt. Silver - Peak |
Walk up the snowy path and you'll see a red-capped kid in front of you
looking north. Now... save your game and talk to him. He turns out to
be mute and it is no-one other than Red!
* Feraligatr Lv 78 *
* Ampharos Lv 73 *
* Pidgeot Lv 51 *
* Mew Lv 78 *
* *
| Reward: $16800* |
| Pikachu | Lv 88 | Exp: 1545 pts |
| Snorlax | Lv 82 | Exp: 2706 pts |
| Lapras | Lv 80 | Exp: 3753 pts |
| Venusaur | Lv 84 | Exp: 3744 pts |
| Charizard | Lv 84 | Exp: 3762 pts |
| Blastoise | Lv 84 | Exp: 3780 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Probably the hardest battle I've ever encountered to be honest.
Now it gets really challenging here. Hope you brought a fair bit of
healing items here, you'll need 'em.
Pikachu is a sneaky little rat here, it is way too likely that'll it
will spam Volt Tackle all the way. Volt Tackle is a strong, Electric-type
move that has 120 power and unbelievely, remarkably: 100 accuracy -.-''
However, the move is sort of stuffed with a fair bit of recoil. However,
having a Ground-type Pokemon will render it harmless. But Red might
pull out Blastoise to counter that. (My Amphy vs. Pikachu, my Discharge
killed it after surviving Volt Tackle with 4HP left. Then fainted from
After that, it's likely to be Snorlax if you used Ampharos like me.
Snorlax has a high Defense rating: one word: TANK. Lots of HP, a Pokemon
that wide can take a lot. Use Fighting-type moves against it and it'll
be on its knees for your pardon.
If you pulled out a Water-type against Snorlax, Venusaur is definitely
after Snorlax's humiliating defeat. Venusaur is easily defeated if you
got a Pokemon that knows Avalanche (we can use the Hail to our advantage,
and abuse it since its 100% accurate in this weather). Psychic-type
moves will also beat it easily.
If you used a Psychic or Ice-type, Charizard is definitely next on the
VIP list. Use a Water-type against it, but Charizard can still do a lot
of damage and of course: it is faster at level 84.
Lapras can cause hell with Avalanche and spam it like crazy. However, we
can take good care of it with an Electric-type. Don't bother using a
Grass-type. Since the weather is Hail and it is using Avalanche: very
high chance of your Grass-type being KO'ed.
Blastoise is another tank, but can be rendered harmless with Electric-type
moves mainly. Like Lapras: it has Avalanche too up it's sleeve.
After that battle, Red will go away and you've beaten Pokemon Soulsilver.
Well done for being the best Pokemon Trainer and Congratulations
NB: Hey! We ain't done here! There's still plenty to do at the Sidequest
Section below me! ;D
A sidequest section on optional things you can do post-game in
Pokemon Soulsilver. This section will be updated, so be patient.
These events are normally able to be accessed with or without the
Earth Badge. Below is a table on which legendaries require the Earth
Badge or not.
| - Seafoam Islands | - Tin Tower |
| -> Articuno | -> Ho-Oh |
| - Power Plant | - Route 25 |
| -> Zapdos | -> Suicune |
| - Mt. Silver | |
| -> Moltres | |
| - Cerulean Cave | |
| -> Mewtwo | |
| - Hidden Tower | |
| -> Groudon | |
NB: Table to be completed.
|TIN TOWER || [SSSQ01] ||
- Rainbow Wing
What you need:
- Tons of Ultra Balls
- Tons of Dark Balls (only if catching at night)
- Healing gear (Hyper Potions, Full Restores, Full Heals)
- Max Repels (if you don't want to bump into weak Pokemon)
- An Escape Rope
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Full Heal |
| [ ] Max Potion |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] PP Up |
| [ ] Escape Rope |
| [ ] Rare Candy |
| [ ] Max Potion |
| [ ] Full Heal |
| [ ] Max Revive |
| [ ] Nugget |
| [ ] HP Up |
| [ ] Full Restore |
| [ ] A Captured Ho-Oh |
| |
You can get Dark Balls from the Pokemart in Blackthorn City. Ultra
Balls can be bought from any Pokemart across the Pokemon continent.
Buy some Healing gear at any Pokemart.
When you're ready, fly to Ecruteak City.
| Ecruteak City |
Head for the Tin Tower, it's on the upper-right side of town. Enter
the building and talk to the Sage guarding the stairs. Talk to him to
be permitted through.
Follow the path to enter Tin Tower.
| Tin Tower - Ground Floor |
Head for the upper-left side of the tower and the sage will permit
you through. Climb the ladder.
| Tin Tower - 1F |
Follow the path and climb up another ladder towards 2F.
| Tin Tower - 2F |
When you're on this floor, you'll see ramps on both sides. To your left
is a ramp, run towards it to obtain a Full Heal. Head right and follow
the path. North of the pillar is a ramp facing right to a 5x2 platform
and a two ramps heading to a ladder that leads to 3F.
Talk to the ramp leading to the 5x2 platform to obtain a Max Potion.
Grab it and head towards the ladder leading to 3F.
| Tin Tower - 3F |
Take one ramp down and hop left and follow the path. To the right is a
Ultra Ball. Head and jump right, then just follow the path towards the
ladder. Grab the PP Up next to the ladder, but don't go up it just
Head left and follow the ramps to another ladder and grab the Escape
Rope next to it. Take the ramps on the upper right towards middle
and jump left. Go up this ladder.
| Tin Tower - 4F |
Follow the ramps to a hard right and then follow the ramp that leads
to the middle pillar. Grab the Rare Candy nearby and take the ramp to
the right. Jump your way and take the ladder down.
| Tin Tower - 3F (again) |
Follow the ramps to where we took the ladder up to 4F in the upper
left corner of this floor.
| Tin Tower - 4F (again) |
Head right again, but halfway heading right, take the ramp going down.
Hop a left and down. Hop two downs and go fully down the right side
towards a ladder leading to 5F.
| Tin Tower - 5F |
Above you is a Max Potion, grab it and let's go. Follow the bridge to
the right and head up. Head for the upper bridge to grab another Full
Heal. Jump down the ramps down nearby and climb the ladder.
| Tin Tower - 6F |
I see teleporters - unusual for a building like Tin Tower. Anyways
bunnyhop right past the teleporter to grab a Max Revive. Bunnyhop back
and take the teleporter.
Follow the next two teleports towards more ramps. Take the first left
and bunnyhop around to a teleporter. Take the teleporter and grab the
Max Elixir. Teleport back, bunnyhop back and take the first left
Hop three left, a down and three lefts again and take the teleporter.
| Tin Tower - 7F |
NB: I'll just presume we're teleporting up a level.
Head left and grab the Nugget there. Head back right and teleport back
down to 6F.
| Tin Tower - 6F (again) |
Follow the path to the right and teleport back to the first teleporter.
Bunnyhop right and down towards a teleporter south of the pillar. Take
the teleporter up.
| Tin Tower - 7F |
Go down the bridge and into another teleporter.
| Tin Tower - 8F |
Head left and grab the HP Up there. Head left into another teleporter.
| Tin Tower - 9F |
Go up and left, but don't take the teleporter near the bridge. Keep
heading left across the bridge to obtain a Full Restore. Head back
and take the telporter nearby the bridge.
| Tin Tower - 10F |
You will be teleported to a the middle pillar platform. Climb up the
| Tin Tower - 11F |
Follow the path and climb up the ladder.
| Tin Tower - Roof |
Ho-Oh is waiting there. Go up to him, save the game and talk to him for a
long battle...
//Type: Fire/Flying Exp if fainted: 2200 pts //
// //
//Level: 70 //
Comment: Ho-Oh is weak against Water mainly. I don't really like Ho-Oh's
battle music, some parts of it sounds horrendous. People might not agree
with me on that, but that's just my opinion of it.
It sure can take a lot of Pokeballs being thrown at it. It took 7 Ultra
Balls, a Dark Ball and a Quick Ball before being caught with an
Ultra Ball.
After that battle and if you've caught it: Congratulations. You can use
Fly or an Escape Rope to get out of the Tin Tower.
Requires Earth Badge? : No.
What then? : Two encounters of Suicune at Vermillion City and Route 14
eastern coast.
What to bring:
- Lots of Ultra Balls
- Lots of Net Balls
When you've encountered Suicune twice in Kanto at Route 14 and upon
your arrival from the SS Aqua in Vermillion, then you're elligible to
catch yourself a Suicune!
Bring lots of catching gear, when you're ready, head for the raised
plaform on the right of Bill's house. When you approach Suicune, Eusine
will pop up and allow you to battle Suicune for keeps or death.
//Type: Water Exp if fainted: 1228 pts //
// //
//Level: 40 //
Comment: Suicune is weak against Electric-type moves. But you can may
overkill Suicune if you use Electric-type moves. It is stubborn when
it comes to being caught in a Pokeball.
Requires Earth Badge? : Yes.
What to bring:
- Lots of Ultra Balls
- Lots of Dark Balls (best if catching at night, but still good since
we're catching in a cave)
- Max Repels
- A Pokemon that knows STRENGTH
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Water Stone |
| [ ] Ice Heal |
| [ ] TM13 - Ice Beam |
| [ ] Big Pearl |
| [ ] Revive |
| [ ] A Captured Articuno |
| |
When you're ready, fly to Fuschia City.
| Fuschia City |
Head south of the Pokemon Center and into the tollbooth to enter Route
| Route 19 |
The construction workers are at the shore and Route 19 is open. Go down
to the shore and surf down to be noticed by a Swimmer.
| Reward: $608* |
| Seadra | Lv 36 | Exp: 1195 pts |
| Tentacool | Lv 38 | Exp: 855 pts |
| Tentacruel | Lv 40 | Exp: 1756 pts |
| Goldeen | Lv 38 | Exp: 903 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak to Electric-type moves. In addition, Tentacool and
Tentacruel are weak against Psychic-type moves too.
Now surf south-west and into another Swimmer swimming up and down.
| Reward: $640* |
| Remoraid | Lv 42 | Exp: 702 pts |
| Seadra | Lv 40 | Exp: 1327 pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak against Electric or Grass-type moves.
Surf south-east to find a male and female Swimmer. The male Swimmer seems
to be struggling... let's annoy him!
| Reward: $704* |
| Shellder | Lv 40 | Exp: 831 pts |
| Cloyster | Lv 44 | Exp: 1914 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Shock both out of the water.
Now talk to his 'girlfriend' beside him.
| Reward: $736* |
| Clamperl | Lv 46 | Exp: 1399 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Electric-type moves.
Surf west and you'll be on Route 20.
| Route 20 |
Keep heading west and you'll bump into a female Swimmer shortly.
| Reward: $672* |
| Marill | Lv 39 | Exp: 484 pts |
| Marill | Lv 39 | Exp: 484 pts |
| Lapras | Lv 42 | Exp: 1971 pts |
| | | |
Comment: use Electric-type moves on all.
Keep surfing west and you'll bump into another female Swimmer swimming
left and right, then looking around.
| Reward: $672* |
| Starmie | Lv 42 | Exp: 1863 pts |
| Starmie | Lv 42 | Exp: 1863 pts |
| Starmie | Lv 42 | Exp: 1863 pts |
| | | |
Comment: I'm surprised that this swimmer has three Starmies. Anyways
they're weak against Electric and Dark-type moves.
Head north-west and you'll bump into another Swimmer.
| Reward: $672* |
| Poliwhirl | Lv 46 | Exp: 1290 pts |
| Tentacruel | Lv 42 | Exp: 1845 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Poliwhirl is weak against Grass and Electric-type moves.
Whilst Tentacruel is weak against Electric and Psychic-type moves.
Keep surfing north-west, but don't get off on to the dry land just yet.
Keep heading west and you'll find a lone swimmer in a corner facing
east. Go up to him for a battle.
| Reward: $672* |
| Seadra | Lv 46 | Exp: 1527 pts |
| Quagsire | Lv 42 | Exp: 1233 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Electric-type moves for Seadra, whilst you can use Grass
type moves against Quagsire.
Now head back and disembark on to dry land. Follow the path near the cave
entrance and you'll be spotted by a Camper.
| Reward: $720* |
| Linoone | Lv 45 | Exp: 1233 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Linoone: a Hoenn exclusive. It is a Normal-type Pokemon, so it
must be weak against Fighting-type moves!
Now go and enter the caves to the Seafoam Islands.
| Seafoam Islands - Ground Floor |
Just go down the steps you see.
| Seafoam Islands - B1F |
You will see two boulders apart from each other, go the one on the right
and use Strength. Push it and go down the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B2F |
When you're here, pick up the Water Stone and jump down the ledge to
be shown to a ladder going up. Now go up the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B1F |
Go up the steps to grab a Ice Heal. Follow the path and go down the
| Seafoam Islands - B2F |
What in the name of? Trainer's in Seafoam Islands having a ski around!
Anyways head left and skid on the ice towards a female Skier.
| Reward: $1696* |
| Delibird | Lv 53 | Exp: 2077 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Just use Electric-type moves against Delibird.
Slide down and then east to bump into a Snowboarder.
| Reward: TBC* |
| Cloyster | Lv 55 | Exp: 2392 pts |
| Dewgong | Lv 50 | Exp: TBC* pts |
| | | |
Comment: All are weak against Electric-type moves. Ugh got distracted
for Dewgong's EXP points and this Snowboarder's reward money =-=''
Slide your way around and bump into another Snowboarder shortly.
| Reward: $1600* |
| Dewgong | Lv 55 | Exp: 2073 pts |
| Lapras | Lv 50 | Exp: 2346 pts |
| | | |
Comment: Use Electric-type moves here.
Slide to the right and go down the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B3F |
Head South-west and down the ladder you see.
| Seafoam Islands - B4F |
Follow the path and pick up a TM13 - which is Ice Beam. A very useful
move. Head back up the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B3F (again) |
WIth the iceblocks on your left, go to the far left one, but approach
it from the bottom. Push it up and slide back down. Now go around and
approach the far right iceblock from above and push it down.
Go on the same row as the middle iceblock and the ladder and approach
it from the left. Push the middle iceblock to the left and slide over
to there (to the left).
Ignore the ladder for now and go towards another ice rink with three
more iceblocks. Push the iceblock closest to you up, then go to the
top-left corner on dry land and push the top-left iceblock right.
This will cause the two to lock together. Now go to the bottom right
just below the ice rink and go:
Up > Right > Up > Left > Down > Right
And you'll obtain a Big Pearl. Now head back and go down the ladder
we ignored earlier.
| Seafoam Islands - B4F (again) |
Surf your way and you should see Articuno below. Bingo! But we ain't
fully there yet. But go up the ladder now.
| Seafoam Islands - B3F (again) |
Climb up the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B2F (again) |
Cross the bridge and go down the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B3F (again) |
Climb down the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B4F (again) |
Surf on the water and head left. When you're midway of the water path,
disembark and go up to what we've came for: Articuno. Save the game
and talk to it to begin it's capture.
//Type: Ice/Flying Exp if fainted: 1535 pts //
// //
//Level: 50 //
Comment: Just use Electric-type moves here, it ensures no KO here.
You can use Dark Balls here, since we're catching in a cave (even better
in a cave AND at night). However, if the Dark Balls don't do too well,
there are always Ultra Balls as backups.
After that if you've catched it, talk to it (where it was) to obtain
a Zinc. Surf on the water and head left - keep going and climb up the
Articuno is a well-balanced legendary. So it's a good Pokemon to have
on your team or not.
| Seafoam Islands - B3F (again) |
Follow the path and don't go up the ladder you see after. Head right and
pick up the Revive. Now head back and go up the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B2F (again) |
Climb up the ladder.
| Seafoam Islands - B1F (again) |
Go up and use Strength to push the boulder to the left. Follow the path
left and go up the steps.
| Seafoam Islands - Ground Floor |
Exit the place and go where ever you please.
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] A Captured Zapdos |
| |
Requires Earth Badge? : Yes.
What you need to bring:
- Lots of Ultra Balls
- Lots of Dark Balls (if catching at night)
| Where to? |
Fly to Cerulean City.
| Cerulean City |
Head east of town and enter Route 9.
| Route(s) 9 and 10 |
Make your way through towards the Power Plant.
| Power Plant (outside) |
To the left of the Power Plant's entrance is Zapdos. Save your game
and talk to it to begin it's capture.
//Type: Electric/Flying Exp if fainted: 1542 pts //
// //
//Level: 50 //
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] TM24 - Thunderbolt |
| [ ] Nugget |
| [ ] PP Up |
| [ ] Hyper Potion |
| [ ] Full Restore |
| [ ] PP Up |
| [ ] Big Pearl |
| [ ] Max Elixir |
| [ ] Sea Incense |
| [ ] Max Revive |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] Dusk Stone |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] Nugget |
| [ ] Electrizer |
| [ ] Black Sludge |
| [ ] A Mewtwo |
| |
Requires Earth Badge?: Yes.
What to bring:
- A Pokemon with FLASH.
- A Pokemon with ROCK SMASH.
- Lots of Dark Balls (better at night AND since in a CAVE)
- Lots of Ultra Balls
| Where to? |
Fly to Cerulean City obviously. YOU WILL NEED FLASH AND ROCK SMASH
| Cerulean City |
Head north out of town towards the Nugget Bridge and on to Route 25.
| Route 25 |
At the T-intersection, where it mainly goes right only. Make a left and
head down into the tall grass. You'll be back on to Route 24.
| Route 24 |
Go down the tall grass and surf on the water. Follow the path until
you're in town and disembark at the cave you see shortly. Now enter
the cave.
| Cerulean Cave - GF |
Once you're inside the cave, remember to use Flash, since it's dark
Go up and surf into the water. Surf to the second ladder to your right,
disembark and climb it up.
| Cerulean Cave - 1F |
Follow the path and use Rock Smash to crack the two "crackers". Grab the
TM24 - which is Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt is a must have move anytime,
anywhere. By the way, sometimes after breaking a rock, you might have a
random chance of finding an item.
Head back and go down the ladder.
| Cerulean Cave - GF |
Surf in the water and head west. Follow the path and disembark. Nearby
is a ladder to your north and a Nugget near it. Grab the Nugget and go
down. Climb the ladder you see.
| Cerulean Cave - 1F |
Follow the path and grab the PP Up. Head back and go down the ladder.
| Cerulean Cave - GF |
Go down and you'll see some shattered rocks here. To the left are three
rocks that look like a triangle pointing east. Break the middle rock
and talk to the wall to obtain a Hyper Potion.
Head east and follow the path. On the way, there is a Full Restore in
between the large crystals. Keep following the path and climb up the
ladder you see shortly.
| Cerulean Cave - 1F |
It's a big room in here. Head south-east and talk to the lonely crystal
you see. You will obtain another PP Up and then head west. There is
another lonely crystal, but it doesn't have anything. BUT, head two
steps north and talk to the left to find a Big Pearl on some yucky
looking floor.
That's all in this big as area, now head down the ladder.
| Cerulean Cave - GF |
Head left and go around the raised platform. Go up the steps, but ignore
the ladder (that'll lead us to our objective) and head north of the
Keep heading up and to the right is a Max Elixir. Head back and up, but
to the left is another connecting bridge. Follow the left bridge and
around to obtain a Sea Incense. Head back and go down the bridge towards
the ladder we avoided earlier.
| Cerulean Cave - 1F |
Head west and then up. When you reach a T-intersection, head right and
follow the path towards a ladder in the North-west corner of the room.
When you're there, go down the ladder.
| Cerulean Cave - GF |
Climb down the ladder.
| Cerulean Cave - B1F |
Follow the path around and you'll see some rocky ledges. However,
ignore it for now. When going down, to the right is a narrow path
leading to a Max Revive.
Head back and continue heading south. Follow the path until you reach
some water. Surf left and disembark to obtain an Ultra Ball. Go right
of where you got the Ultra Ball and use Rock Climb. Head right of the
small area to grab a Dusk Stone. Head back, use Climb and now get
back on the water and surf right. Follow the water path and disembark.
To your left is some crackers (aka rocks), break one and to the top
left is an Ultra Ball on the ground (1 cell to the right before the
dead end wall). Head back and up, then just follow the path. On the
way you should see a single cracker next to a crystal, suspicious
looking eh?
Crack the rock and talk to the crystal and you'll obtain a Nugget.
Head back up a little to the raised platform and use Rock Climb to the
right. Rock Climb again and grab the Electrizer (a held item for
Electabuzz to evolve into a Electavire). Follow the path to the left
and rock climb down.
Head south and you'll see water again... surf all the way south and
head east to pick up some Black Sludge. Disgusting looking, but surf
left and up a little bit, then surf right.
Disembark and head up, but oh! Gave me a fright, it's just Mewtwo.
Save your game and prepare for an annoying battle.
//Type: Psychic Exp if fainted: 2200 pts //
// //
//Level: 70 //
It's a fairly average battle, BUT when it comes to catching it: Dark
Balls are good against it. Caught it with 3 tries, and a Dark Ball
Once he's been caught or killed, climb up the ladder behind where Mewtwo
used to be.
| Cerulean Cave - GF |
Jump down the ledge and surf south to get out of Cerulean Cave.
Requires Earth Badge?: Yes.
What to bring:
- An Escape Rope
- A Pokemon with ROCK CLIMB.
- A Pokemon with ROCK SMASH.
- Lots of Dark Balls (better at night AND since in a CAVE)
- Lots of Ultra Balls
- A fair bit of Max Repels, wild Pokemon just waste our time
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Expert Belt |
| [ ] Ultra Ball |
| [ ] A Moltres |
| |
| Where to? |
Fly to the Pokemon Center at Mt. Silver.
| Mt. Silver - Base |
Head for Mt. Silver's cave entrance and enter it.
| Mt. Silver - GF |
Okay, there's the left with a waterfall and the right with the rocky
ledge. Head left and surf on the water. Go up the waterfall and surf a
little up to see a cave to the right. Enter the cave to pick up an
Expert Belt and exit it.
Surf back on to the water and surf left. Disembark on to a narrow ledge
and use Rock Climb. Once you're on the upper platform, there is a lonely
rock there. Talk to it to obtain a Ultra Ball. Head north-east a bit and
rock climb your way down.
Surf on to the water above you and surf up the waterfall too. Surf up and
disembark. You will see some stairs here leading to a cave. Enter the
| Mt. Silver - Cave |
Alright, a big cave with Moltres in the middle. Make your way to either side
and rock climb down towards Moltres. Save your game, and get ready for a
long battle....
//Type: Fire/Flying Exp if fainted: 1550 pts //
// //
//Level: 50 //
Comment: YUK YUK YUK YUK YUK! The sprite for Moltres is even more horrible
than in FR/LG... but still a Level 50 Firebird shouldn't be a problem
for you.
It's mainly weak to Water and Rock-type moves, but it's resistant to Ice.
You're way more likely to overkill it with Water-type moves. So tread
Once you're done, use an Escape Rope to get out of here.

Requires Earth Badge?: Yes.
What to have:
- An empty slot in your party for the Kanto Starter
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] A Kanto Starter |
| |
| Where to? |
Fly to Pallet Town, make sure you have an empty slot for the Kanto
| Pallet Town |
Enter Professor Oak's lab. You will automatically walk up to him and
he says to choose one of the Kanto starters. Make your choice from...
| Bulbasaur | Grass/Poison |
| Charmander | Fire |
| Squirtle | Water |
Oak guides you to the table to the starters, from left to right are:
Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur
Once you've got your starter, feel happy and exit the lab. You're done
for this section.
Requires Earth Badge?: Yes.
Requires obtainment of a Kanto Starter?: Yes.
What to have:
- A Pokemon with ROCK SMASH.
- A Pokemon with SURF.
- A Pokemon with WATERFALL.
- Lots of Ultra Balls
- A fair bit of Max Repels
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] Green Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Pink Apricorn (one per day) |
| [ ] Red Orb |
| [ ] Big Pearl |
| [ ] Stardust |
| [ ] Wave Incense |
| |
| Where to? |
Once you've beaten Red on top of Mt. Silver and obtained a Kanto Starter
from Prof. Oak in Pallet, then you're ready to get yourself a Groudon.
Fly to Cherrygrove City now.
| Cherrygrove City |
Head north out of town towards Route 30.
| Route 30 |
Head in a north-eastern direction towards Mr. Pokemon's house. We will
need to head to his house to grab something.
On the way you can pick a Green Apricorn off the tree next to a house
and a Pink Apricorn just next to Mr. Pokemon's house.
Just go through the tall grass in a NE direction. Enter Mr. Pokemon's
house now.
He will notice you and grabs something out of his cupboard. Pokemon will
then give you a Red Orb, and tells the theory behind the Hoenn legendary
We're done here, now fly over to Cianwood City.
| Cianwood City |
Head for the cave in the middle of town and enter it. Chuck will greet
you brief you on something, but let's just push left for now.
Follow the path and you will see a rocky ledge, go down it and surf on
the water. Go to the upper right corner, and talk to the rock to obtain
a Big Pearl.
Surf back and climb back up the rocky ledge. Head down to exit the cave.
| Route 47 |
Follow the path and enter the cave above you before the bridge crossing.
Climb the ladder down and follow the path to a shore. Surf on the water
and head west. Keep going and surf past a small little 2-cell wide
opening between the rocks.
Shortly you will reach a shore with a rocky ledge. Climb up the rocky
ledge and head left to talk to a lonely rock to obtain a Stardust.
Head back right and use rock climb again. You will see a hiker next to
a cave entrance.
Ignore the cave entrance for now and keep pushing left. Rock Climb down
to obtain a Wave Incense. Rock Climb back up, head right and enter the
cave where the hiker is next to.
| Hidden Tower |
Head up, stand next to the legendary and save the game. Talk to them
when you're ready for a big battle.
//Type: Ground Exp if fainted: 1556 pts //
// //
//Level: 50 //
Comment: Hoenn Legendary music - meh. It's okay, but just a bit over
emphasised. Groudon is mainly weak against Water, but you're way likely
to overkill it that way.
Keep tossing balls and you'll eventually catch it.
Once you're done, head out and the hiker will tell you more about the
Hoenn legends. That's all for here.
Requires Earth Badge?: Yes.
What to have:
- An empty slot in your party for the Kanto Starter
----------| o |----------
| ============= |
| |
| [ ] A Hoenn Starter |
| |
| Where to? |
This is like the same thing as how we got our Kanto starter from
Professor Oak. But this time we're getting it from our ex-Hoenn Champion
who's in the Kanto region at the moment: Steven Stone.
Make sure you have a spare empty slot in your party. Once you're all good
to go, fly to Saffron City.
| Saffron City |
Head for Sliph Co. and enter the building. Head right towards the counter
and you'll see Steven Stone facing the receptionist. Talk to Steven
and he'll give you a choice between Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip.
Choose one (personally I'll choose Torchic cause it owned in R/S/E)
and Blaziken is a good offensive person). Once you're all good to
go, you're done here. Be free.
NB: The walkthrough progresses and records the events that have taken
place. These events are over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection only.
The Original trainers (OT) and Pokemon names are in Japanese, I
cannot provide it in Japanese, only in English translation. I
apologise if it caused any problems.
NB 2: The dates are set to meet Australian (GMT +10) and Japanese
times (GMT +8), for other countries like the US and the UK,
the date is one day before (but GMT timezones are diff).
UK (GMT +0)
US (GMT -4 to GMT -8)
When: Tuesday February 16th 2010 - Sunday February 28th 2010
Shareable: No.
Description: This is another chance for those who missed out in 2009 to
obtain the Pokewalker course: The Yellow Forest. This course allows you
to obtain a special Pikachu that knows Fly, Surf and Volt Tackle.

When: Wednesday November 11th 2009 - Monday November 23rd 2009
Shareable: No.
Description: This is obtained through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
The Mew doesn't unlock anything in particular, its just a Mew given to
you to mark the 10th Anniversary of HG/SS.
Pokemon: Mew [Lv.5]
Ball: Cherish Ball
ID Number: 11219
Hold Item: None
Nature: Random
Ribbons: Premier Ribbon
Moveset upon obtaining:
| Pound | PP: 35 |
| | |
When: Saturday November 28th - Tuesday January 12th 2009
Shareable: No.
Description: This is obtained through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Once you receive the Enigma Crystal, this will unlock the event of
obtaining Latios and Latias in Pewter City. But this can differ if
you have HeartGold (Latios) and Soulsilver (Latias).
Latios and Latias are obtainable after talking to Steven Stone at
the Pewter City Museum.
| Latios | 40 | HG Only |
| Latias | 40 | SS Only |
or Latias) will be at Lv 35.
| Latios | 35 | SS Only |
| Latias | 35 | HG Only |
When: Wednesday January 13th 2010 - Wednesday January 27th 2010
Shareable: No.
Description: A two week event for those who legitimately own Pokemon
HeartGold or SoulSilver. This is a PokeWalker Course which allows
you to encounter Pokemon on your PokeWalker such as Munchlax with
SelfDestruct and Magikarp with Bounce as examples.
When: Friday January 29th 2010 - Thursday February 11th 2010
Shareable: No.
Description: For those who missed out on the 10th Anniversary Mew
Giveaway from November 2009, here's your chance in 2010 to get one
over the Japanese Nintendo Wi-Fi. Both for Legit and Pirated versions
of HG/SS, Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. You must have Mystery Unlocked.
Pokemon: Mew [Lv.5]
Ball: Cherish Ball
ID Number: 11219
Hold Item: None
Nature: Random
Ribbons: Premier Ribbon
Moveset upon obtaining:
| Pound | PP: 35 |
| | |

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/ TM LIST // [SSTM10] /
The TM List is for Pokemon HG/SS and D/P/Pt vice-versa. A lot has
changed for TMs and HMs since RBY to HG/SS, so keep that in mind.
Let's start off with the TMs first. Don't forget that TMs are one-time
use only (pretty obvious). There are 100 in total (TMs and HMs together)
in HeartGold and SoulSilver. I will write notes next to TMs that I
approve useful in battles (S). First, I will write a brief list of TMs
and HMs, then go into detail after.
----- -----
| TMs | | HMs |
----- -----
TM01: Focus Punch HM01: Cut
TM02: Dragon Claw (S) HM02: Fly (S)
TM03: Water Pulse HM03: Surf (S)
TM04: Calm Mind HM04: Strength (S)
TM05: Roar HM05: Whirlpool
TM06: Toxic HM06: Rock Smash
TM07: Hail HM07: Waterfall (S)
TM08: Bulk Up HM08: Rock Climb
TM09: Bullet Seed
TM10: Hidden Power
TM11: Sunny Day
TM12: Taunt
TM13: Ice Beam (S)
TM14: Blizzard
TM15: Hyper Beam
TM16: Light Screen
TM17: Protect
TM18: Rain Dance
TM19: Giga Drain
TM20: Safeguard
TM21: Frustration
TM22: SolarBeam
TM23: Iron Tail
TM24: Thunderbolt (S)
TM25: Thunder
TM26: Earthquake
TM27: Return
TM28: Dig
TM29: Psychic (S)
TM30: Shadow Ball (S)
TM31: Brick Break
TM32: Double Team
TM33: Reflect
TM34: Shock Wave (S)
TM35: Flamethrower (S)
TM36: Sludge Bomb (S)
TM37: Sandstorm
TM38: Fire Blast
TM39: Rock Tomb
TM40: Aerial Ace (S)
TM41: Torment
TM42: Facade
TM43: Secret Power
TM44: Rest
TM45: Attract
TM46: Thief
TM47: Steel Wing
TM48: Skill Swap
TM49: Snatch
TM50: Overheat
TM51: Roost
TM52: Focus Blast
TM53: Energy Ball (S)
TM54: False Swipe (S)
TM55: Brine
TM56: Fling
TM57: Charge Beam
TM58: Endure (S)
TM59: Dragon Pulse (S)
TM60: Drain Punch
TM61: Will-O-Wisp
TM62: Silver Wind (S)
TM63: Embargo
TM64: Explosion
TM65: Shadow Claw (S)
TM66: Payback
TM67: Recycle
TM68: Giga Impact
TM69: Rock Polish
TM70: Flash
TM71: Stone Edge
TM72: Avalanche
TM73: Thunder Wave (S)
TM74: Gyro Ball
TM75: Swords Dance (S)
TM76: Stealth Rock
TM77: Psych Up
TM78: Captivate
TM79: Dark Pulse (S)
TM80: Rock Slide
TM81: X-Scissor (S)
TM82: Sleep Talk
TM83: Natural Gift
TM84: Poison Jab
TM85: Dream Eater
TM86: Grass Knot
TM87: Swagger
TM88: Pluck
TM89: U-turn
TM90: Substitute
TM91: Flash Cannon
TM92: Trick Room
| TM01: Focus Punch |
| TYPE | Fighting |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 150 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Has a drawback in using this. This attack only |
| | works if your enemy didn't hit you and the attack |
| | comes last. |
| WHERE | After beating Chuck at Cianwood Gym |
| | |
| TM02: Dragon Claw |
| TYPE | Dragon |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Normal attack, but Dragon-type. |
| WHERE | Route 27 |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM03: Water Pulse |
| TYPE | Water |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 60 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Water-type attack, has a 20% chance of confusing |
| | the targeted foe. |
| WHERE | After beating Misty at Cerulean Gym |
| | |
| TM04: Calm Mind |
| TYPE | Psychic |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | The use of this move increases the user's Special |
| | Attack and Special Defense by 1 during the battle |
| | only. Not permanent increases. |
| | |
| TM05: Roar |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | The use of this move has two ways. If used during |
| | a wild Pokemon battle, Roar ends the battle right |
| | away. If in a trainer battle, the trainer is |
| | forced to choose a random Pokemon to send out. |
| | |
| TM06: Toxic |
| TYPE | Poison |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 85 (15% miss) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Poisons the target. Eventually the poison damage |
| | caused by this move increases every turn. |
| | (eg - 1st Turn: 25 hp loss, 2nd turn: 52 hp loss |
| | etc.) |
| | [180-25-52= 103 hp left over 2 turns due to Toxic]|
| | |
| TM07: Hail |
| TYPE | Ice |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | All |
| DESCRIPTION | Wreaks havoc obviously. The weather: Hail will |
| | damage all Pokemon except Ice-types for 5 turns |
| DURATION | 5 turns |
| WHERE | After beating Pryce at Mahogany Gym. |
| | |
| TM08: Bulk Up |
| TYPE | Fighting |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | Increases the user's Strength and Defense by 1 |
| | during the battle only. Not permanent increases. |
| | |
| TM09: Bullet Seed |
| TYPE | Grass |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 10 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 30 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | The attack can hit 2 to 5 times. It is randomly |
| | determined for the amount of hits of one turn. |
| WHERE | Route 32 |
| | |
| TM10: Hidden Power |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Strange move. Its type depends on the user's and |
| | type and power changes. |
| WHERE | Lage of Rage |
| | |
| TM11: Sunny Day |
| TYPE | Fire |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | All |
| DESCRIPTION | Makes the weather Sunny. Boosts up the Power of |
| | Fire-type moves. Removes the two-turn delay of |
| | certain moves that require sunlight like |
| | Solarbeam. |
| DURATION | 5 turns
| WHERE | Goldenrod Radio Tower, after getting rid of |
| | Team Rocket there. |
| | |
| TM12: Taunt |
| TYPE | Dark |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move prevents the enemy from using attack |
| | moves for up to 2-4 turns. |
| DURATION | 2 to 4 turns |
| WHERE | Route 34 Tollbooth |
| | |
| TM13: Ice Beam |
| TYPE | Ice |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 95 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Strong move with 95 power and 10% chance of |
| | making the target frozen. |
| WHERE | Seafoam Islands |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM14: Blizzard |
| TYPE | Ice |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 120 |
| ACCURACY | 70 (30% miss) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | 2 Targeted Foes |
| DESCRIPTION | Strong move with 120 power, but 30% miss chance. |
| | Surprising that this move is weaker if used during|
| | a double battle. |
| | |
| TM15: Hyper Beam |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 150 |
| ACCURACY | 90 (10% miss) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A two-turn move. One turn is used for the attack, |
| | the second move is to recharge. A pretty much |
| | of an overpowered move, but with a big drawback. |
| | |
| TM16: Light Screen |
| TYPE | Psychic |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 30 |
| RANGE | 2 allies |
| DESCRIPTION | Halves Special Attack damage for 5 turns. Damage |
| | reduced is also weaker in a double battle. If the |
| | user of Light Screen is withdrawn from battle, |
| | the effect is removed too. |
| DURATION | 5 turns |
| | |
| TM17: Protect |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | The user protects itself from the enemy for the |
| | turn that it has used it. A very risky move if |
| | used frequently to try and "stall". The chances |
| | of this move failing you increases. |
| | |
| TM18: Rain Dance |
| TYPE | Water |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | All |
| DESCRIPTION | Changes the weather to be Rainy for 5 turns. |
| | Water-type moves are strengthened by this move. |
| DURATION | 5 turns |
| WHERE | Slowpoke Well B1F |
| | |
| TM19: Giga Drain |
| TYPE | Grass |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 60 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Absorbs and restores the user's HP equal to half |
| | the damage done to the foe. |
| WHERE | After beating Erika at Celadon Gym |
| | |
| TM20: Safeguard |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 25 |
| RANGE | 2 allies |
| DESCRIPTION | The user is protected from status problems like |
| | paralyze. If during a double battle, both Pokemon |
| | are protected from status problems. If the user |
| | is switched out, the effect still remains. |
| DURATION | 5 turns |
| | |
| TM21: Frustration |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is stronger if your Pokemon hates you |
| | a lot or if the friendship is not so good. |
| | |
| TM22: Solarbeam |
| TYPE | Grass |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 120 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A two-turn move, charges on the first, then |
| | attacks on the second. If the weather is Sunny, |
| | the two-turn delay is removed and can attack |
| | right away. Solarbeam's damage is halved if the |
| | weather is not normal or sunny (eg- Hail and |
| | Rainy.) |
| | |
| TM23: Iron Tail |
| TYPE | Steel |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 100 |
| ACCURACY | 75 (25% miss) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move has the ability to lower the targeted |
| | foe's Defense value by 1. |
| WHERE | After defeating Jasmine at Olivine Gym |
| | |
| TM24: Thunderbolt |
| TYPE | Electric |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 95 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | When this move is used, it has a 10% chance of |
| | paralyzing the target. |
| WHERE | Cerulean Cave 1F |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM25: Thunder |
| TYPE | Electric |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 120 |
| ACCURACY | 70 (30% miss) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Can even hit targets that are using Fly or Bounce.|
| | Has 30% chance of paralyzing the target, in |
| | addition to weather conditions: in Sunny weather, |
| | Thunder has a 50% chance of hitting the target; |
| | in Rainy Weather, Thunder never misses. |
| | |
| TM26: Earthquake |
| TYPE | Ground |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 100 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | 2 enemies, 1 ally |
| DESCRIPTION | Normal attack, flying-types are immune to this |
| | attack. If the enemy is using Dig, the damage |
| | done to the user of Dig is doubled. In a double |
| | battle, Earthquake's power is lowered. |
| WHERE | Victory Road |
| | |
| TM27: Return |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | The damage done by this move increases if the |
| | friendship of the user with you is higher. |
| | |
| TM28: Dig |
| TYPE | Ground |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A two-turn move. First turn is to borrow, then |
| | the user attacks on the second turn. If the user |
| | of Dig is attacked by Earthquake, the user |
| | receives double damage. |
| | |
| TM29: Psychic |
| TYPE | Psychic |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 90 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Psychic has a 10% chance of lowering the target's |
| | Special Defense by 1. Thus rendering the target |
| | more prone to the damage done by this move. |
| WHERE | Mr. Psychic's House at Saffron City |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM30: Shadow Ball |
| TYPE | Ghost |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move has a 20% chance of reducing the |
| | target's Special Defense value by 1. |
| WHERE | Given to you after beating Morty at Ecruteak Gym. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM31: Brick Break |
| TYPE | Fighting |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 75 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move can still do full damage and disregards |
| | damage reduction moves like Reflect and Light |
| | Screen. |
| | |
| TM32: Double Team |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | Double Team raises the user's Evasion value by 1. |
| | Does not increase the base Evasion permanently. |
| | |
| TM33: Reflect |
| TYPE | Psychic |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | 2 allies |
| DESCRIPTION | The use of this move halves the damage done by |
| | enemies' physical moves for 5 turns. In a double |
| | battle, the effect of Reflect is reduced. If the |
| | user of Reflect is taken out of battle, the |
| | effects of this move is automatically negated. |
| | |
| TM34: Shockwave |
| TYPE | Electric |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 60 |
| ACCURACY | - (Never Misses) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Shockwave never misses, always hits. |
| WHERE | Given to you after beating Lt. Surge at |
| | Vermillion Gym. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|

| TM35: Flamethrower |
| TYPE | Fire |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 95 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A strong flame is produced by the user and is |
| | fired towards the enemy. The chances of the |
| | target receiving a burn is at 10%, and if the |
| | target is frozen, they are unfrozen then. |
| WHERE | Route 28 |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM36: Sludge Bomb |
| TYPE | Poison |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 90 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | The use of Sludge Bomb against the foe has a 30% |
| | chance of poisoning the target. |
| WHERE | Route 43 |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM37: Sandstorm |
| TYPE | Rock |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | All |
| DESCRIPTION | Turns the weather into a Sandstorm. All Pokemon |
| | that aren't Rock, Ground or Steel will take |
| | damage from this move for 5 turns. |
| DURATION | 5 turns |
| WHERE | Route 27 |
| | |
| TM38: Fire Blast |
| TYPE | Fire |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 120 |
| ACCURACY | 85 (15% miss) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Fire Blast has a 10% chance of burning the foe |
| | and defrosts the target if they were frozen. |
| | |
| TM39: Rock Tomb |
| TYPE | Rock |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 50 |
| ACCURACY | 80 (20% miss) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Rock Tomb has a 100% chance to lower the target's |
| | speed by 1 if successfully hit. |
| | |
| TM40: Aerial Ace |
| TYPE | Flying |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 60 |
| ACCURACY | - (Never Misses) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Aerial Ace never misses its target. Always lands |
| | a hit regardless if the foe raises its evasion |
| | to the maximum. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM41: Torment |
| TYPE | Dark |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Torment prevents the enemy from using the same |
| | move twice in a row. For example: You cannot use |
| | Aerial Ace twice if you used it before Torment |
| | was used after it. |
| WHERE | Route 8 |
| | |
| TM42: Facade |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 70 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move can deal double damage if the target is |
| | either poisoned, paralyzed or burned. |
| | |
| TM43: Secret Power |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 70 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This Normal-type attack has a 30% chance of |
| | giving the targeted foe side effects, varies by |
| | terrain. |
| | |
| | IF IN.. |
| | - Tall Grass/Water Puddle: Causes foe to Sleep |
| | - Sandy Ground: Causes foe to lose Accuracy by 1 |
| | - Rocky Ground/Cave: Causes foe to flinch |
| | - Marsh: Causes foe to lose Speed by 1 |
| | - Water-surface (surfing): Causes foe to lose |
| | Attack by 1 |
| | - Snowy or Icy Ground: Causes foe to be frozen |
| | - House Floor/Normal Floor: Causes foe to be |
| | Paralyzed. |
| WHERE | Lake of Rage |
| | |
| TM44: Rest |
| TYPE | Psychic |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - (Never Misses) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | The HP of the user is fully restored, but the |
| | user goes to a Sleep status for two turns. |
| | |
| TM45: Attract |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | If this move is successfully used, the foe has a |
| | 50% chance of failing to attack you. However, |
| | this move will only work if the user and the foe |
| | are different genders. |
| WHERE | After beating Whitney at Goldenrod Gym. |
| | |
| TM46: Thief |
| TYPE | Dark |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 40 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move only works if your Pokemon doesn't have |
| | a held item, but the enemy does. All this move |
| | does is a hit and run "mug". So basically, hit |
| | and steal the enemy's held item. |
| WHERE | The Rocket Hideout of Mahogany Town B3F |
| | |
| TM47: Steel Wing |
| TYPE | Steel |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 70 |
| ACCURACY | 90 (10% miss) |
| PP | 25 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move has a 10% chance of increasing the |
| | user's Defense by 1. |
| WHERE | Route 28 House |
| | |
| TM48: Skill Swap |
| TYPE | Psychic |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | The user swaps his/her abilities with the foe. |
| | Wonder Guard voids this move. |
| | |
| TM49: Snatch |
| TYPE | Dark |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Depends |
| DESCRIPTION | If the foe used an effect of a recovery or stat |
| | boosting move (eg - Swords Dance), this move |
| | gives the user the effect. |
| WHERE | The Rocket Hideout of Mahogany Town B3F |
| | |
| TM50: Overheat |
| TYPE | Fire |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 140 |
| ACCURACY | 90 (10% miss) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A powerful move, but it has a drawback to it. |
| | It will lower the user's Special Attack by 2 |
| | and if the target is frozen, they are defrosted. |
| WHERE | After defeating Blaine at the Seafoam Islands Gym |
| | |
| TM51: Roost |
| TYPE | Flying |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | This move restores half of the user's max HP, but |
| | the user's Flying-type status is removed (not |
| | permanently) |
| WHERE | After defeating Faulkner at Violet Gym |
| | |
| TM52: Focus Blast |
| TYPE | Fighting |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 120 |
| ACCURACY | 70 (30% miss) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | An "ish" move, but if succesfully hits, it has a |
| | 10% chance of lowering the target's Special |
| | Defense by 1. |
| | |
| TM53: Energy Ball |
| TYPE | Grass |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A good move that has a 10% chance of lowering the |
| | target's Special Defense by 1. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM54: False Swipe |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 40 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 40 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move nullifies a KO. Meaning that if your |
| | Pokemon uses this move and expects an overkill, |
| | False Swipe will leave the target with 1HP left. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM55: Brine |
| TYPE | Water |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 65 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | An "ish" move, but this move can deal double |
| | damage if the user's HP is less than half. |
| | |
| TM56: Fling |
| TYPE | Dark |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A move that requires a held item from the user. |
| | The power of this move depends on the held item, |
| | however this move will obviously fail if there is |
| | no held item from the user. |
| WHERE | Rock Tunnel of Kanto |
| | |
| TM57: Charge Beam |
| TYPE | Electric |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 50 |
| ACCURACY | 90 (10% miss) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | An "ish" move, but this move has a 70% chance of |
| | raising the user's Special Attack by 1. |
| WHERE | As a reward from the fat guy at the Power Plant |
| | in Kanto, for retrieving the Machine Part. |
| | |
| TM58: Endure |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | This move prevents a KO if the enemy does so and |
| | leaves the user with 1HP left. However, this move |
| | will become more likely to fail if used more |
| | often. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM59: Dragon Pulse |
| TYPE | Dragon |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 90 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A powerful Dragon Attack, but a normal move. |
| WHERE | After beating Clair, passing the Dragon Den |
| | challenge and obtaining it from Clair personally. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM60: Drain Punch |
| TYPE | Fighting |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 60 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | An "ish" move, but this move restores HP equal to |
| | half the damage you done to the target. |
| WHERE | Route 39, Moomoo Farm. |
| | |
| TM61: Will-O-Wisp |
| TYPE | Fire |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 75 (25% miss) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move has a 25% miss chance, but if successful|
| | it inflicts a Burn status on the target. |
| | |
| TM62: Silver Wind |
| TYPE | Bug |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 60 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This Bug-type move has a 10% chance of raising |
| | all of the user's stats (Atk, Spd, Def, Sp. Atk |
| | and Sp. Def). |
| WHERE | Route 6 |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM63: Embargo |
| TYPE | Dark |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move just basically blocks the use of items |
| | by the target and it's trainer's use of items on |
| | them too. |
| WHERE | Route 33 |
| | |
| TM64: Explosion |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 200 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | All |
| DESCRIPTION | Pretty much a suicidal move on the user and |
| | everyone around. The user is knocked out after use|
| | and the damage is dealt to all. Explosion treats |
| | the damage rate as if everyone's Defense fell by |
| | half of their Defense stat. This move is also |
| | weaker in a double battle. |
| | |
| TM65: Shadow Claw |
| TYPE | Ghost |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 70 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Shadow Claw, keep in mind, has a high-crit ratio. |
| | Just like Slash, but with a Ghost-type touch. |
| WHERE | Route 42 |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM66: Payback |
| TYPE | Dark |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 50 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move can do double damage if the target |
| | attacks the user first. |
| WHERE | Route 36 |
| | |
| TM67: Recycle |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | This move can make a used held item in a battle |
| | (like a Sitrus Berry eaten before due to low HP), |
| | be reused again. |
| | |
| TM68: Giga Impact |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 150 |
| ACCURACY | 90 (10% miss) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A Two turn move with a 10% miss rate. Powerful, |
| | but like Hyper Beam, the user must recharge on the|
| | second turn. |
| | |
| TM69: Rock Polish |
| TYPE | Rock |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | Rock Polish, just in a box, raises the user's |
| | Speed stat by 2 in the battle. The effect will |
| | wear off until the battle's end, or if the user |
| | is drawn out of battle. |
| WHERE | Route 10 (Lavender Town side) |
| | |
| TM70: Flash |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move can lower the target's Accuracy point by|
| | 1 in battle only. |
| WHERE | After beating Elder Li at Bellsprout Tower. |
| | |
| TM71: Stone Edge |
| TYPE | Rock |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 100 |
| ACCURACY | 80 (20% miss) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move has a high Critical hit ratio. |
| | |
| TM72: Avalanche |
| TYPE | Ice |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 60 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | If the user has been hit or damaged by the target |
| | in the previous turn, this move will do double |
| | damage. |
| WHERE | Ice Cave |
| | |
| TM73: Thunder Wave |
| TYPE | Electric |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move just makes your foe have a Paralyzed |
| | status. Or "Paralyz" in the game as they call it. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM74: Gyro Ball |
| TYPE | Steel |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | - (Capped at 150) |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | The power of this move is unknown, but it is |
| | stronger if your Pokemon is faster than your foe. |
| | However, this move's power is capped at 150. |
| | |
| TM75: Swords Dance |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 30 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | Swords Dance just basically raise's the user's |
| | Attack value by 2 in battle. It is a good move. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM76: Stealth Rock |
| TYPE | Rock |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | 2 foes |
| DESCRIPTION | It's kinda like Poison Spikes without the Poison |
| | part. Stealth Rock pretty much just damages your |
| | Pokemon when you bring them out. The damage is |
| | also influenced by Pokemon types. |
| WHERE | Mt. Silver - Outer Mountain |
| | |
| TM77: Psych Up |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move just copies the stat increases that the |
| | foe has used on themselves, towards your Pokemon. |
| WHERE | Viridian Forest |
| | |
| TM78: Captivate |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | 2 foes |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is like Attract. Requires the user and |
| | the target to be opposite genders. If this move |
| | works, it lowers the enemy's Sp. Attack by 2. |
| | |
| TM79: Dark Pulse |
| TYPE | Dark |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A great move that has a 20% chance of making the |
| | target flinch. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM80: Rock Slide |
| TYPE | Rock |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 75 |
| ACCURACY | 90 (10% miss) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | 2 foes |
| DESCRIPTION | This move has a 30% chance of making the target |
| | flinch. Of course this move is weaker in Dual |
| | battles. |
| WHERE | After defeating Brock at Pewter Gym |
| | |
| TM81: X-Scissor |
| TYPE | Bug |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | Just a normal Bug-type move. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| TM82: Sleep Talk |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Depends |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is a bit random for starters. It |
| | apparently only works if your Pokemon is asleep |
| | and any move in your moveset is chosen to attack. |
| WHERE | Goldenrod Underground |
| | |
| TM83: Natural Gift |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is heavily reliant on the type of berry |
| | your Pokemon is holding. The berry determines the |
| | type and power of your attack. Unfortunately, this|
| | move will fail if your Pokemon isn't holding a |
| | berry. |
| WHERE | Route 39 |
| | |
| TM84: Poison Jab |
| TYPE | Poison |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move has a 30% chance of poisoning the target|
| WHERE | After defeating Janine at Fuschia Gym |
| | |
| TM85: Dream Eater |
| TYPE | Psychic |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 100 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move works if the victim is asleep. Also it's|
| | like Leech Life. |
| WHERE | Fat Guy in Viridian City |
| | |
| TM86: Grass Knot |
| TYPE | Grass |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is stronger if the foe is heavier. |
| | |
| TM87: Swagger |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | 90 (10% miss) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move increases the enemy's Attack by 2 points|
| | but makes the target confused too. |
| WHERE | Olivine Lighthouse 4F |
| | |
| TM88: Pluck |
| TYPE | Flying |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 60 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move steals the effects of a berry that the |
| | foe has used. (eg - If the foe used a Sitrus |
| | Berry, using Pluck will also heal the user too. |
| WHERE | Route 40 |
| | |
| TM89: U-Turn |
| TYPE | Bug |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 70 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is more like a hit and run move. It just|
| | attacks and then after you switch to another |
| | Pokemon out. |
| WHERE | After defeating Bugsy at Azalea Gym |
| | |
| TM90: Substitute |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Self |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is a pretty random one. All it does is |
| | create a decoy of you by sacrificing 1/4 of your |
| | HP. |
| | |
| TM91: Flash Cannon |
| TYPE | Steel |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 10 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is a decent Steel-type Special move. It |
| | has a 10% chance of lowering the foe's Sp. Attack |
| | by 1. |
| WHERE | Route 9 |
| | |
| TM92: Trick Room |
| TYPE | Psychic |
| KIND | Status |
| POWER | - |
| ACCURACY | - |
| PP | 5 |
| RANGE | All |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is more like an on/off move. All this |
| | move does is make the slower Pokemon go first for |
| | five turns. First strike moves like Quick Attack |
| | still go first if this move's effects are active. |
| | If you use Trick Room will the effects are on, |
| | you just turn off Trick Room basically. |
| WHERE | After defeating Gary Oak at Viridian Gym |
| | |
| HM01: Cut |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 50 |
| ACCURACY | 95 (5% miss) |
| PP | 30 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is just a normal attack. But it can be |
| | used outside of battle to cut small trees. |
| WHERE | After finding the Farfetch'd in Ilex Forest |
| | |
| HM02: Fly |
| TYPE | Flying |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 90 |
| ACCURACY | 95 (5% miss) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A two turn move. First flies up to avoid all |
| | attacks, then strikes on the second. |
| WHERE | After beating Chuck and talking to his wife |
| | of Cianwood Gym. |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| HM03: Surf |
| TYPE | Water |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 95 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | 2 foes and your ally |
| DESCRIPTION | This move is just a normal Water-type move. But |
| | Surf can deal twice the damage against enemies if |
| | they are using Dive. However, obviously, this move|
| | is weaker during Double Battles. |
| WHERE | Obtained from a Gentleman after defeating a |
| | Rocket Grunt at the Kimono House in Ecruteak City |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| HM04: Strength |
| TYPE | Normal |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A Normal, powerful attack |
| WHERE | After bumping into a Hiker on Route 42, east of |
| | Ecruteak City |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| HM05: Whirlpool |
| TYPE | Water |
| KIND | Special |
| POWER | 15 |
| ACCURACY | 70 (30% miss) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | A somewhat terrible move. This move has a 2-5 |
| | hit duration and is terribly weak with a 30% miss |
| | chance. Double damage is dealt to those using |
| | Dive. |
| WHERE | The Rocket Hideout of Mahogany Town |
| | |
| HM06: Rock Smash |
| TYPE | Fighting |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 40 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This "ish" move is has a 50% chance of lowering |
| | the target's Defense by 1 in battle. |
| WHERE | Talk to the fat guy on Route 32 (north-west exit |
| | of Violet City). |
| | |
| HM07: Waterfall |
| TYPE | Water |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 80 |
| ACCURACY | 100 (Standard) |
| PP | 15 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This decent move has a 20% chance of making the |
| | target flinch. |
| WHERE | Ice Cave |
| | |
| |----------------------------------------------------|
| HM08: Rock Climb |
| TYPE | Fighting |
| KIND | Physical |
| POWER | 90 |
| ACCURACY | 85 (15% miss) |
| PP | 20 |
| RANGE | Normal (Targeted Foe) |
| DESCRIPTION | This "ish" move has a 20% chance of confusing the |
| | target after damaging it. |
| WHERE | Talk to Professor Oak in Pallet Town after beating|
| | Gary. |
| | |
This is a small section in the Soulsilver Walthrough by me to help
the understandings of Stat Boosters. These include Permanent status
increase items like Protein and Carbos. The details in here include
information about them.
NB: Permanent status increase items can only be used outside of battle
to enhance the target Pokemon's stats.
| LABEL COLOUR | Yellow |
| INCREASES? | Attack (+1 permanently) |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the base Attack stat of |
| | one Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | $9800 |
| SELLING PRICE | $4900 |
| | |
| IRON |
| LABEL COLOUR | Green |
| INCREASES? | Defense (+1 permanently) |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the base Defense stat of |
| | one Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | $9800 |
| SELLING PRICE | $4900 |
| | |
| INCREASES? | Special Attack (+1 permanently) |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the base Special Attack |
| | stat of one Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | $9800 |
| SELLING PRICE | $4900 |
| | |
| ZINC |
| LABEL COLOUR | Light Green |
| INCREASES? | Special Defense (+1 permanently) |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the base Special Defense |
| | one Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | $9800 |
| SELLING PRICE | $4900 |
| | |
| LABEL COLOUR | Light Blue |
| INCREASES? | Speed (+1 permanently) |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the base Speed stat of |
| | one Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | $9800 |
| SELLING PRICE | $4900 |
| | |
| HP UP |
| LABEL COLOUR | Double Arrow, Light Blue |
| INCREASES? | HP (+1 permanently) |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the base HP stat of |
| | a single Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | $9800 |
| SELLING PRICE | $4900 |
| | |
| PP UP |
| LABEL COLOUR | White increase symbol, blue circle |
| INCREASES? | Selected Move's PP (+2 permanently)|
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the maximum PP of a |
| | selected move used on the Pokemon |
| | by 2. |
| COST (BUY) | - |
| SELLING PRICE | $4900 |
| | |
| PP MAX |
| LABEL COLOUR | Purple Increase Symbol |
| INCREASES? | To the Maximum possible (+??) |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the maximum PP of a |
| | selected move used on the Pokemon |
| | by as much as possible. |
| COST (BUY) | - |
| SELLING PRICE | $4900 |
| | |
These temporary increase items can only be used while you're in a
Pokemon Battle.
NB 1: IF the "X-Stat Increaser" is used on the Pokemon in the battle,
and is withdrawn, the effect of the Temporary Stat Increase item will
wear off.
NB 2: The effects of these items aren't permanent.
| TOP COLOUR | Red |
| INCREASES? | Attack temporaily |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the selected Pokemon's |
| | Attack in a battle temporaily. The |
| | effect will last until the battle |
| | ends or when the Pokemon is |
| | withdrawn from battle. |
| COST (BUY) | $500 |
| SELLING PRICE | $250 |
| | |
| TOP COLOUR | Dark Blue |
| INCREASES? | Defense temporaily |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the selected Pokemon's |
| | Defense in a battle temporaily. |
| COST (BUY) | $550 |
| SELLING PRICE | $275 |
| | |
| TOP COLOUR | Turqouise / Baby Blue |
| INCREASES? | Speed temporaily |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the selected Pokemon's |
| | Speed stat in a battle temporaily. |
| | withdrawn from battle. |
| COST (BUY) | $350 |
| SELLING PRICE | $175 |
| | |
| TOP COLOUR | Dark Gold |
| INCREASES? | Special Attack temporaily |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the selected Pokemon's |
| | Special Attack stat in a battle |
| | temporaily. |
| COST (BUY) | $350 |
| SELLING PRICE | $175 |
| | |
| X SP. DEF |
| TOP COLOUR | Dark Light Blue |
| INCREASES? | Special Defense temporaily |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the selected Pokemon's |
| | Special Defense stat in a battle |
| | temporaily. |
| COST (BUY) | $350 |
| SELLING PRICE | $175 |
| | |
| TOP COLOUR | Purple |
| INCREASES? | Accuracy temporaily |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the selected Pokemon's |
| | Accuracy stat in a battle |
| | temporaily. |
| COST (BUY) | $950 |
| SELLING PRICE | $475 |
| | |
| TOP COLOUR | Orange |
| INCREASES? | Critical-hit ratio |
| DESCRIPTION | It raises the selected Pokemon's |
| | Critical hit chance in a battle |
| | temporaily. |
| COST (BUY) | $650 |
| SELLING PRICE | $325 |
| | |
| TOP COLOUR | Lime / Light Green |
| INCREASES? | Nothing |
| DESCRIPTION | Guard Spec. is an item that |
| | protects the user's party from |
| | stat reduction for five turns. |
| COST (BUY) | $700 |
| SELLING PRICE | $350 |
| | |
NB: PP Recovery items can be used in or outside of battle.
| CASE COLOUR | Grey-Blue |
| TOP COLOUR | Purple |
| DESCRIPTION | Ether restores the PP of a chosen |
| | move on the target Pokemon by 10PP |
| | points |
| COST (BUY) | N/A |
| SELLING PRICE | $600 |
| | |
| CASE COLOUR | Grey |
| TOP COLOUR | Green |
| DESCRIPTION | The Max Ether fully restores the |
| | PP of a chosen move on the target |
| | Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | N/A |
| SELLING PRICE | $1000 |
| | |
| CASE COLOUR | Grey-Light Brown |
| TOP COLOUR | Orange-Red |
| DESCRIPTION | Elixir restores 10PP of all |
| | learned moves by the target |
| | Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | N/A |
| SELLING PRICE | $1500 |
| | |
| CASE COLOUR | Light Yellow |
| TOP COLOUR | Aqua |
| DESCRIPTION | This item fully restores all of |
| | the learned move's PP on the target|
| | Pokemon. |
| COST (BUY) | N/A |
| SELLING PRICE | $2250 |
| | |

This Walkthrough/FAQ written by Henry Lieng, 2009-2010. It is against the
law to steal someone's work and publish it saying that's it your work.
Pretty stupid for starters, don't even go there, cause I wrote it
geez >->.
Btw, for plagarisers, the spotlight will be stolen from you pretty
quickly. If a plagariser steals my work, you're gone.
| The ONLY TWO SITES able to have this walkthrough is GameFAQs and |
| INP (Instantz.net). |
| |
| |
| www.gamefaqs.com |
| www.instantz.net OR www.inpforums.com |
| |
| |
Email: wtfhax.jack@gmail.com
Since its tight around school, I only check my emails 1 day a week.
Before you send in an email, make sure it doesn't go with these:
1. Rhetorical Information/Questions
2. Irrevelant or off-topic with SS
3. Trolling, douche mail, or being an idiot
Since school demands a lot now and writing FAQs takes up a lot of my
time and its fun though, I might take up to a week or even a month to
respond back. I won't respond to emails that are covered or not even
relevant to Pokemon Soulsilver.
I read my emails 1 day a week and update anything if I'm corrected.
You'll be credited, but that depends.
I have used the following sources to aid me in writing this FAQ.
And here are thanks to certain people.
* Pokemon Platinum Version, Offical Pokemon Guide (by Pokemon USA)
-> For TM and Move information. Thanks guys!
NB: US Version of the Pokemon Platinum Guide is originally by the
'Pokemon Platinum Official Clear Guide' published by Media
Factory in Japan, 2008.
* Nintendo
-> Great job in doing a remake of one of the best series in the
Pokemon Line. HG/SS remake: Well done, I enjoyed it. Looking
forward to the Australian release in 2010.
* serebii.net
-> You guys are just damn awesome, super awesome really. Provided
information about upcoming events of HG/SS. And various other
load of useful info.
* Bulbapedia
-> Great community wiki-style information on Pokemon, stats and
various information.
* DiEpik
-> Supporting me to writing this FAQ, Proofreading and provided some
* FuryZ_X
-> For Proofreading, nein?
* GameFAQs
-> For hosting this FAQ on their sites.
* Instantz.net (INP)
-> A nice anime community group with broad interests. Personally thank
Wattup to allow the hosting of this FAQ on Instantz.

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