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CONG TO DIEN 3 PHA LOAI MV THREE PHASE ELECTRIC METERS TYPE Gy: ESMic @ emc 1 THIEU CHUNG. ‘Céng to dign 3 pha loai MV logi san. phém phi hop tiéu chudin ube 16 IEC6052', duge sin xu trén day truyen c6ng nghé va thiétbj hién dai, dam bao chat lugng theo IS09001: 2000. Ercan) ‘Céng to dién 3 pha loai MV cé dac tinh va dé tin cay cao, ding d8 do nang lung hav c6ng (kWh) hoe nang lugng v6 ‘cong (kVARIh) 6 us dién xoay chiéu 3 pha 3 day hodic 3 pha 4 day. Cong to MV gém c6 loal cng to3 pha 2 phan tivaloai ‘c6ng 103 pha 3 phan Cong ta MV duge ché tao dat cp chinh xée 1 hoae 2 theo tieu chudn quéc té IEC60521 vac nhung dac trung sau: + Higuchinh dé. Momen quay Ién. + Masatnhé. + BOnhay cao. +. Ténhaothdp. + Anh huéng nhiét d6 thdp. + BBSndinhcao. * Chiu qua talon, * Chiu aien a + Ca Three: a =a type MV are products complying with the international standard IEC80521. They are manufactured by modern technology line and equipments, ensured quality according to IS09001:2000 Gn Three phase electric meters type MV have high performance and high reliability. They are built for measurement active energy (kWh) or reactive energy( KVARh) in alternating current three-phase three-wire or three-phase four-wire networks. They consist of two-element and three-element meters. ‘They comply with class 1 or 2 specifications of the international standards |EC60521. They are characterized by the following features: + Simple adjustment. ‘+ High torque. + Lowfrition. + Lowstarting current ++ Low powerconsumption. + Lowtemperature coetticient High stability 4+ High resistance to shortcircuits. ole etc grcevonage 4 di oe ac gbit We High dielectric str fe ™ fy chiro) “+ Doubiejewelor jerbeat frsterkom canbe (5. emngeaerectwsrte ) 1) (Cong t-aién 3 pha hit céng(kWh) phan tir( 3 pha 4 day)) (Active three phase meters (kWh) 3 elements (3 phase 4-wire) owc2phén i(3pha Saléy) or2 elements (3phase 3-wire) \Céng tordién 3 pha vo cOng (kVAR) Reactive three phase meter (kVARh) '* Tiéu chudn: teC60s21 - \* Standard: HEC60521 |. ign ap danh dinh: 3 pha day :57,8/100V, 63.5/110V, t20,208v,| _|*Ratedvoltage: 9 phase tire: 7,8/100V, 63,5/110V, 120208, 127/220v, 199230V, 290400V, ‘2401418V. 3 pha diy: 100V,110V, 120¥, 208V, 210¥, 220, 2300, 240V, S80V,400V, 415V. |* Tansédanhdinh: S0Hzhoac60Hz. 127/220V, 138/290V, 290/400, 240/415V. 3 phase S-wire: 110V, 120V, 208V, 210V, 220V, 230V, 240V, 380V, 400V, 415V. |* Rate frequency: S0Hzhosc60Hz. |» Dong dién: (A), 5(A), S(6)A, 5(5.7)A, 5(10)A 5(20)A je Current: 1(A), 5(A), S{B)A, 5(5,7)A, 5(10)A 5(20)A 10(20)A, fats Taba tOG0a io ‘st0) 204008 1O(30}A, 1O(40)A, 15(60)A, 20(40)A, 20,60)A, 20(60)A, 20(80)A,25(50)A, 30(60)A, 30(90)4, 20{80)A, 25(50)A, S0(60)A, SO(90)A, 4080)A, -40(80)A, 40(120)A, 50(100)4. 40(120)A,50(100)4. ie CApchinhxac: _ 1hoac2. *Class: tore +v6 + Case 6 va 6 du céng to bang nhya Bakslit den. Cép béo ve Px Co du oft dng ci 6 al dy dune bat vi ode han vt ccubn day dong, Cau néi mach ap trugt trong 6 du day (duge bé tr bén trong hod bén ngoal Nap céng to) dé néi hoe kkhéng ni mach, dé dang cho viéc higu chinh va kiém tra céngte. Nip céng ta bing nhya PO(Polycacbonat) chéng chay hdc nha Bakélit den cé cla sé kinh. Cia s6 trong sudt cho phép nhin thay 86 36, Mat s6 va dia roto. Nip che 6 déu day da hoc ngan bing nhya PC chéng chay mau den. Sa ah déu dav chino ta & ohia trona N&p che 6 ‘The case with its integral block is moulded in a black phenolic resin, Degree of protection :IP5X. Brass terminals are screwed or welded into the current Coil For calibration or testing purposes, the voltage link is provided internally or externally of the meter cover and slided laterally along the terminal block for connecting or disconnecting the voltage circuit. ‘The meter cover is made of PC (flame retardant) transparent plastic or black phenolic resin with the glass windows fit on i ‘The windows allows full view of the register, nameplate and rotordisk, ‘The extended or short terminal cover is made of black PC ee as Se nee a nee 1. Odu day 2. vb 3. Nam cham ham 4. Khung 5. Géi dotren 6. Bosd 7. Réto 8. Phan tirdong dién 9. Co-cdu chéng quay nguge 10. Gi de aust 41. Phan tirgign ap 12. Mat 96 18. Nap 14. Nap che 6 dau day 1. Higu chinh tai day (100%) ‘A2, Higu chinh tai thap (5% and 10%) ‘A3. Higu chinh tai cm tng (cos) ‘Ad. Higu chinh cn bang mémen 42) corso sco a e000 OKT] 13) MAIN CONSTRUCTION = 1. Terminal block 2. Base 3. Brake magnet 4, Frame 5. Upper bearing 6. Register. 7. Rotor. 8. Current element 9. Non-teverse running device 10. Lower bearing 11. Voltage element 12, Name plate 13. Cover 14, Terminal cover ‘A. Full load adjustment (100%) A2. Low load adjustment (5% and 10%) A3. Inductive load adjustment (cos) A4. Torque balance adjustment + Khung ‘Khung céng to;duot ché tao bing hop kim nhom duc p ive, dm bao d6 ciing vimg vang, + Phantiphatdéng Phan tit phat dong gdm loai 2 phan tir va loai 3 phan tir (theo loaicéngto) MBi phan tir phat dong gdm c6 1 phan ti dong dien va 1 phan tirdign ép.Mbi phan tized 1 161 tirva 1 cuon day lap tren 119i de bang thép dan tis. ‘Cac Idi tix dong va ap bang ton silic 6 dac tinh tir tét, duge xtrly chéng gi. Loi dong co bi qua tabling mgt hop kim dc bit, 6 kha nang qua tailon. (Cac Cudn day dong va ap céch dién cao va chéng 4m tt Méi phan ti phat dong dau 06 o9 cau hiéu chinh can bang momen, co'céu hiéu chinh tai thap va cocau hiéu chinh tai ccm tmg 66 hiéu qua tuyén tinh, + Roto ‘Truc réto bing thép khong gi.2 dia roto duge gin vai true réto nh phuong phap ép phun nha dacbiet. ‘Bia réto bling nhém c6 d6 tinh khiét cao dm bao momen quay di cho dai tai rong. Canh bén dia réto 06 du den tai vi ti 0.d6 higu chinh vakiémtra Céngta. ‘Truc vit bang nhya POM (Polyacetal) lp trén tryc roto dé dn dong b6 56. to trénh duge nhing hu hai do van chuyén theo hung {9c true va huéng doc tryc va huting kinh bang cae cu ding cokni. + Géiadtren Be (lp tren tryc f6t0) nhya POM bao ve (laptrén khung céng to). > f i tron ) 1 baenhva POM ih trucuit + Géidedudi Céng toes thé duge cp véi 1 trong2 loa g6i do dui sau: '* Gbid0 dudtloai 2 chan kinh 1 vign bi quay gitfa 2 chan kinh (1 chan kinh lap ¢6 dinh trén khung céngto'va 1 chain kinh quay cing vol truc roto) do do tna stim ding Kb va dc tinh cng to bn dnh t6trgay 8 + Gdidedutiloai gdite Gi do dust loai g6i tit 2 nam cham dong cyc(1 nam cham lap 6 dinh trén khung Ong to va 1 nam cham lp véi truc réto) day nhau. 6 do.gém 1 tructhép Keng gi va bac nha POM (khéng 6 ron), Do 466i mang duge khéi lugng réto trén mot “dem tir, gan nhu ikhOng o6 ma sat. Nguyén ly luc déy cia g6i tir phong ngua ‘duge sy sam nhap cla cdc phan tirsat ty'vao khe he gitta 2 nam cham, dém bao én dinh dc tinh cong to. Syén dinh tir ‘cla gbitisduge dam bao bat mét qua trinh ché tao dacbiét. ih vanh khan nap tur * Namchamham Nam cham duge ché tao baing Alnico-S of ye khang tircao duige thiét ké dang chir U c6 4 cyc , 06 vé bao vé baing hop kim nhém dic. Két cau nay lam giam d6 rung, tang tui tho ella cong ta, Met hap kim dc bet dupe gn, ve cue nam cham d6 bu anh huéng cia nhiét d6. C6 co cau hiéu chinh tinh dé higu chinh tirlyecua nam cham. p jay trong 1 ab Ove + Frame ‘The meter frame is die-casted by aluminium alloy of stable property + Driving element The driving element consists of two elements or three elements, which correspond to meter types. Each driving element consists of a current element and a voltage element, each with a magnetic core and a coll, are fixedon asteel frame. ‘The electro-magnetic cores are made of laminated silicon ‘steel of superior magnetic characteristics and given rust-free treatment. The current core is provided with overload ‘compensation. ‘The coils are throughly insulated to achieve high dielectric strength and excellent protection against humidity. ‘The electro-magnet has a torque balance adjuster, a low load adjuster and an inductive load adjuster. There are all linear in effectand readily accessible. + Rotor The rotor spine is made of stainless stool. Attached to this by means of a special resin moulding process are two rotor disks, which is made of pure aluminium sheet. The rated driving torque rotor disk is large enough to cover the wide load range. ‘The edge ofthe rotor disk fs marked with black mark at zero position for adjustment anditesting ‘The worm, which drives the register, is made of POM (polyaceta resin and fixed onto the roto spindle. The meter rotor is protected trom damage due to transportation shocks in axial and radial directions by means cof mechanical stops. + Upper! ! ea Oe Oy lecursdln 8 moulgedcap,Tedio Retire anti ia ‘POM bearing bush ( without lubrication) is integrated with the worm, that attached to the rotor spindle. ¢ Lowerbearing ‘The meter can be provided with either one of two following Lower bearing types at customer's option: + JewelLowerbearing A steel ball rotates between two synthetic jewels. One jewel is fixed to the meter frame while the other rotates with the rotor spindle. Thus, friction is drastically reduced, resulting in ‘excellent long-term meter performance even under low-load conditions. ‘+ Magnetic floating lower bearing ‘Two homopolar-magnetized annular magnet, one attached to the meter frame, the other to the rotor spindle, repel each other. The guide bearing consists of a stainless steel guide pin anda POM bearing bush ( without lubrication). Therefore they ‘carry the weight of the rotor on a “magnetic cushion”, Practically without friction. The principle of magnetic repulsion prevents the penetration of ferro-magnetic particles into the air ‘gap between the two magnets and thus provides unimpeded Meter performance. A special manufacturing process ensures high magnetic stability. * Brake magnet The magnet is made of alnico-5, has a high coercive force and designed as U-shapes with 4-pole secured in die-cast aluminium alloy housing. This design reduces the vibration effect and increase life of the meter. A thermal alloy isattached to the magnet poles to compensate the temperature coefficient. There is fine adjustable mechanism so that ea ee ea arer ae ot me ee IVA a @ Emc + Cocduchéng quay nguge Cou chéng quay nguge gdm 1 Dia cam ip trén trucrot0, 1 cd ham quay trén 1 truc thép khéng gi va tru do lap tren khung cng to, Co edu chéng quay nguge lam dimg su quay nguge cia roto va sy dém ciia B6 86 khi cong to bj quay nguge. ¢ BOsé 9 56 gdm khung bing hop kim nhom tém, cée Tang tréng 96, Banh gy, Banh ring, Bac dé, Bac chan bing nhya POM vacdc truc bang thép khong gi. Cac b6 86 06 5 hoa 6 tang tréng 6 (trong 46 c6 hoae khong 06 phan thap phan). Chir 56 ctia Tang tréng mau trang trén nén den tir0 dén 9. (Riéng chisé cia Tang tring 86 thép phan mau dé trén nén tréng tir0 dn 9). Chord ‘cao 5mm, rong 3mm va nét 0,8mm. B66 (khOng boi tron) cé ma sat rat nhs. opener eT CHING ! } m ‘ fl % C6 thé quay theo 2 hung thuan va ngugc. £89 86 thutmg duge lp vol ec edu chéng quay nguge. *B6sé1hudng 886 £6 1 hung 66 thé duge cung dp theo yéu cau dé thay ‘thé cho b6 86 thutng va co'cau chéng quay nguge. BS s6 1 huéng sé chi quay theo 1 huéng( Nh’ co.cdu banh Céc va 4 bang nhva POM), ngay ca khi réto cla cong to bj quay nguge. Serene) F Tt 0 cfc og cu higu chinh o6 thé higu chinh d& dang bang tuédcnovittirphia truce + Higu chinh tai day (100%) Higu chinh tho bang cach quay Nam cham ham song song \V6i dia réto dé thay déitéc d6 danh dinh cla cong to. Hiéu chinh tinh bang cach diéu chinh Sun tir cia nam chamham. + Higu chinh tai thdp(5% va 10%) Cotcduhigu chinh taithap étrén phan tirdién dp. Higu chinh tai thdp bang cach quay dn bay tai thap (Hiéu cchinh tho) va quay Vit higu chinh taithép (higu chinh tinh). + Higuchinh tai cm uing(cose) Corcduhigu chinh tai cdm ung 6trén phan tirdong aién. Bi dong c6 1 86 vong nhém o6 thé ct mé dé higu chinh thd gécléch pha. Higu chinh tinh bang cach thay d6i dién tr cia Vong day bu nh@ sy tiép xuc trugt cia tm kep trén hop day bu g6c l6ch pha. + Higuchinh can bang mémen Cou higu chinh can bang mémen &trén phan tirdién dp. Higu chinh can bang mémen ctia timg pha bang cach van ee eee ¢ Non-reverse running device ‘The non-reverse running device consists of a cam disk fitted onto the rotor spindle, a pawi turned on the stainless steel pin andpillar assembly fixed to the meter frame. ‘The non-reverse running device is designed to stop the reversing of the rotor and counting of the meter register when meter was reverse running. + Register ‘The register consists of a frame which is made of aluminium alloy sheet and digit-drums, pinions, gears, journal bearings and stop collar, which are made of POM resin, and stainless steel spindles. ‘The register have 5 or 6 digit-drums, including or excluding the decimal, with digits printed white on black drum from 0 to 9 (Digits printed red on white drum from 0 to 9 for decimal digit- rum), Digit size is Smm in height, 3mm in width and 0.8mm in thickness. ‘The registers have extremely low friction (without lubrication) oe Can be turned following two directions right and opposite direction, Normal register accompany the non-reverse running device + Uni-directional register ‘An optional unidirectional register may be provided on request Which is substituted for the normal register ang non-reverse running device. The unidirectional register will turn positively €ven wen the rotor is running in reverse direction. (By ratchet ‘and paw mechanism) DET All adjustments are accessible from the front and can be reached easily by hand with a screwdriver. * Fullload adjustment (100%) Coarse adjustment is obtained by moving the brake parallel to the rotor disk, there by changing the rated speed. Fine adjustments obtained by adjusting the magnetic shunt + Lowload adjustment (5% and 10%) The low load adjustment mechanisms on the voltage element, Adjustment is obtained by turning the low load lever (coarse adjustment) and rotating the low adjustment screw ( fine agjusment) * Inductive load adjustment (cose) The inductive load adjustment mechanism is on the current element. ‘The current core has some aluminium loops, which can be cut open asa coarse adjustment for quadrature. Fine adjustment is achieved by changing the resistance of a compensating wire-loop by means of a sliding contact in the inductive load adjustment former. ¢ Torque balance adjustment ‘The torque balance adjustment mechanism is on the voltage element ‘Torque balance adjustment is obtained by moving of two adjustment screws, thereby diverting magnetic lux across the © ENC eo: Mv KY HIEU CONG TO BIEN 3 PHA) N Tee rf Ty) fihigu | Ten gol - Name hang ky higu dae bigt - Special regulation NO! Nomenclature ie a = . dud Logi bo Cong to ign 3 pha 2 phan wat tiriuot ign 3 day =m: ner: not ;3T 1 | MV2E3 nnn, | Three phase 3-wite G6i da tir BO 56 1 hutng Cong t0'2 biéu gié hose - element ‘Magnetic bearing | Uni-directinal register ‘3 bidu : a tariff or Stanitt (Cong ta didn 3 pha v6 cong lust den 4 day are Sees & 2 | MV3E4R nin.n, | Three phase 4-wire ee Yong . Khong Ey S-element reactive meter a a Without Géi debi va 2 thudng va co to bie ga conauctae ay chan kinh fu eng quay ngage one 3 | MVEA nan, | 09 d an [aera eemere. an Cee evon) 127 Mv-4 Ban vé sé : MV-3 Céng to'c6 nap che 6 dau day dai Ban vé s6 : MV-4 Céng to c6 nap che 6 dau day ngan Drawing No. : MV-3 for meter with extended terminal cover Drawing No. : MV-4 for meter with short terminal cover if lessosdeestuoscpeseesdeestcosecesd]ere]erv]eve vecpesdcesdiesd] ov ih oeoa onl sae es | ° oo ‘am nyoy om Option vegune funy | 72 sso] | s9] so |sso rs0] -99| 59] ssopesopsofao] (| sca|evs|eso|eas| ow bee ee ¢ ™ weenie set [oe 5 wi ‘Wat Oak oto ev | Bt : e aospaang [er tomo] THES Fenster gogo boar | 2b x S09 “Abend dup os ay am sens] tam ane rad Memestoe ~ ” mereka ete ak ne Ree) ape es rats | SSS averacvelacve] ae ceed ‘oar | osy |osz | osze ose | oar | osr | on ie eeae | of or | of o a6) ee [ee] unio ‘weal emmerear Ton i cout | 6 BT =0 | ‘ ae arent |Z con ‘ou tre es Sia Yocdmsandan | ° ove [oes Jone [oct Jone | oz: | oo] one | cx | vz | oe | ox | 0g pe [coz | oor Jone [ccs] eae o | elo) 9] | 9 | ol] a | 9 | on] o | o | o we] oz] olor | 9 v Beso ee sfwfel we ; ¢ ¥ Toalnreae| 08 a ‘Tepid | © cwcxe | onxe | ooixe | soemaixe a A neers ere | ere | MWVaEWOCrPT com> WWSEASCT com> 72000 150 9001 & H.10

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