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Roll No. 04


Assignment # 2


RAD Model
RAD model is one of the software developments models which is in practice highly.

RAD model is typically an incremental model where multiple developments of small – small
chunks are picked and developed simultaneously to achieve the bigger picture. Also, the
incremental model is processed in which major feature to be developed are divided into smaller,
feasible chunks. These chunks are then developed individually.

A typical RAD model could be divided into five phases which are as follows:

1. Planning and Requirement analysis.

2. Designing Project Architecture.
3. Development and Programming.
4. Testing.
5. Deployment and Maintenance.

Advantages of the RAD Model

Advantages of this model are listed as follows:

1. Rapid development of the product.

2. Development of reusable small components.
3. Repetitive review during development.
4. Integration of reusable components at an initial level hence saves effort in spite of not
adding bigger modules.
5. Constructive feedback.
Disadvantages of RAD Model

Disadvantages are:

1. Requires lots of efforts for gathering all requirements at the initial stage.
2. Modeling skills have lots of dependencies.
3. Not suitable for a low budget project.

So now we are familiar with RAD model advantages and disadvantages. Now let’s discuss when
one should use the RAD model.


The spiral model is a risk-driven software development process model. Based on the

unique risk patterns of a given project, the spiral model guides a team to adopt
elements of one or more process models, such as incremental, waterfall, or evolutionary

Advantages of Spiral model:

1) High amount of risk analysis hence, avoidance of Risk is enhanced.
2) Good for large and mission-critical projects.
3) Strong approval and documentation control.
4) Additional Functionality can be added at a later date.
5) Software is produced early in the software life cycle.
6) Project estimates in terms of schedule, cost etc. become more and more realistic as the
project moves forward and loops in spiral get completed.
7) It is suitable for high risk projects, where business needs may be unstable.
 A highly customized product can be developed using this.
Disadvantages of Spiral model:
1) Can be a costly model to use.
2) Risk analysis requires highly specific expertise.
3) Project’s success is highly dependent on the risk analysis phase.
4) Doesn’t work well for smaller projects.
5) It is not suitable for low risk projects.
6) May be hard to define objective, verifiable milestones.
7) Spiral may continue indefinitely.

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