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I. Public warned vs.

chickenpox ( Article from ABSCBN News)

MANILA, Philippines - With many Filipinos getting chickenpox (bulutong tubig)
nowadays, the Department of Health (DOH) warned the public to be wary against this
contagious disease. The DOH has reminded pregnant women to take extra precaution
as contracting chickenpox during the first trimester of pregnancy may result in
abnormalities in the fetus. "Maaaring maapektuhan ang ipinagbubuntis, congenital,
maaaring lumaki o lumiit ang ulo," said Dr. Eric Tayag, spokesperson of the DOH.
According to the DOH, chickenpox is a viral infection and is one of the most
infectious ones around. In fact, it is already contagious even at the onset of the first
symptoms of fever and body aches, and more so when the chickenpox blisters appear.
To help prevent further spread of infection, the DOH asked those with chickenpox to
remain at home. "Sa mga may bulutong, 'wag na lumabas ng bahay para di na
makapanghawa at dapat din ang mga magbabantay sa may bulutong ay
nagkabulutong na para di na sila mahawa," said Tayag. Those who have already had
chickenpox are immune for life, he said. Hospitals are now observing extra measures
in treating patients with chickenpox so as not to spread the infection to other patients.
In San Lazaro Hospital in Manila, patients with chickenpox are confined in isolation
rooms. The virus is spread via droplets in the air as a result of coughing and sneezing
by an infected person. It is also passed on easily when the skin of an infected person
comes into contact with a non-infected person. At San Lazaro Hospital, 300
chickenpox cases are recorded every year. Three cases have resulted in death as a
result of complications. Almost 50 cases of chickenpox has been recorded since
January, according to latest data. Tayag said, however, that there is a vaccine against
chickenpox. -- Report from Sol Aragones, ABS-CBN News
Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease and can easily transmitted through direct
contact (direct contact in the skin, saliva, kissing) and indirect contact with blister
fluid that touches a surface or an object. It is also an airborne disease which spreads
easily by coughing and sneezing. One of the most vulnerable people are children ages
10 and below, also those who have never had chicken pox and those were never
vaccinated. As a student nurse, it is important to be knowledgeable about the disease,
what its causes and symptoms, how it is contracted, how it is prevented and what are
the treatments in order to give a safe and appropriate care to the patients in the future.
San Lazaro is known a known public hospital which has a large number of contagious
and infectious cases. In the future we will be will be working in the ward with severe
types of diseases like San Lazaro Hospital, and as a future nurse, I must be equipped
with skills and knowledge, be versatile and ready to accept any job that is given to me
no matter how challenging it is.

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