English Workshop 10th Solucion

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English workshop 10th grade

1. Write the correct relation word according the sentence

A. I have a cousin, Sam. Sam’s wife’s mother is Sam’s ...mother-in-law…
B. My …great-grandfather… Is 101! he is my dad’s granddad.
C. My sister and I are …sibling… I call her my little sister though, because
she’s two minutes younger than me!
2. choose the correct option.
A. My sister’s husband is my ……………….
A. Sibling
B. Brother- in -law
C. Husband – in – law
B. My female spouse is my …………………….
A. wife
B. Mother – in – law
C. Sister – in – law
C. My father’s son is my ……………………
A. Cousin
B. Brother
C. Nephew
3. Write a short essay about your family. (mention family members
and relation)

On my mother's side I have my grandparents, five

aunts, twelve cousins, a first cousin and on my
dad's side I have my grandmother, three uncles,
thirteen cousins and a first cousin. I don't have
4. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
(brought up, get along, run in the family, look after, look up, make up)
1. My uncle was a very brave man and he is my hero. I always. get
along ….to him.
2. After my parents’ divorce, I was … brought up …by my dad.
3. I often …… look after …. my neighbour’s baby on the weekend.

5.. Complete the conversations with the correct phrasal verb

(brought up, get along, run in the family, look after, look up, made up)
A: Is your family very competitive?
B: we sure are, especially my brother and me. We had a huge argument
over a basketball game last weekend, but we …… brought up ……….
again afterward!
2. A: How often do you have to …… look up …. your younger brother and
B: Not often. they’re both in their teens now so they don’t need adult
supervision in the evening

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