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Chronology October 16, 1983-January 15, 1984

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2 (Spring, 1984), pp. 285-306
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 01/03/2012 15:02

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OCTOBER 16, 1983-JANUARY 15, 1984

AN, Arab News

CSM, ChristianScience Monitor
FBIS, Foreign BroadcastInformationService
Daily Report-Middle East & North Africa and
South Asia
JP, The Jerusalem Post
LM, Le Monde
MEED, MiddleEast EconomicDigest
MEES, MiddleEast EconomicSurvey
NYT, TheNew YorkTimes
WP, The WashingtonPost
WSJ, The WallStreet Journal

Oct. 19: A car bomb explosion near the Kuwaiti

Arab-Israeli Conflict Embassy in Beirut injured4 US Marines. [10/20
(See also, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, WPI
Morocco, Syria, Tunisia) .In a news conference, PresidentRonaldReagan
said US Marineswouldremainin Lebanon.He ac-
cused Syria of obstructingnegotiationsseeking a
1983 settlementof Lebanon'scrisis. [10/20WP]
Oct. 16: One US Marinewas killedand 3 wounded US officials threatened to withdraw from the
in repeatedattackson US positionsnearthe Beirut UN if Israel's delegation was evicted from the
Airport from adjacent Shi'i neighborhoods. In GeneralAssembly. [10/20WP]
southern Lebanon, a confrontationbetween Is- Jordan's Prime Minister Mudar Badran held
raeli troops and a large crowd of Shi'as gathered talks in Ammanwith 2 senior officialsof the pro-
to mark the festival of Ashura left 10 people in- 'Arafa-tFatb PLO faction. [10/21MEED]
jured. [10/17WP] Oct. 20: The UN GeneralAssembly voted 79-43,
Italy's Prime MinisterBettino Craxi announced with 19 abstentions,to adjournconsiderationof a
Italy's willingness to participate in a UN-spon- challengeto Israel's credentials.[10/21WP]
sored peacekeepingforce in Beirut. [10/17WP] Oct. 22: Syriathreatenedto fire surface-to-airmis-
Two militant Palestinian leaders, George siles at US planesin responseto an alleged US de-
Hlabashof the PopularFront for the Liberationof cision to "terrorizeSyria." [10/23WP]
Palestine (PFLP) and Nayif Haw&timaof the Oct. 23: A truckloaded with explosives destroyed
Democratic Front for the Liberationof Palestine a Marine headquarters in Beirut, killing and
(DFLP) openly joined the ranks of Palestine Lib- woundinghundredsof Marines. A second truck-
eration Organization(PLO) factions opposed to
PLO Executive Committee Chairman Yasir bombenteredthe headquartersof the Frenchcon-
'Araft. [10/17JP] tingent in Beirut, destroying the 8-story building
Oct. 17: From Damascus, the Head of the Pales- and killing56 French troops. Reagan and French
tine LiberationArmy (PLA), Brig. Tariq Khudra, Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy each condemned
joined anti-'Arafat PLO rebels demanding the attack and reaffirmedtheir determinationto
'Arafat'sremovalas PLO chairman.[10/19WP] keep US and French troops in Lebanon. Middle
Oct. 18: The Syrian-sponsoredPLO organization Eastern and Europeanleaders deplored the inci-
al-$i'iqa said it no longer recognized 'Arafat's dents. [10/24NYT]
leadership.[10/19WP] Three Shi'a were killed and several wounded


when Israelitroops firedto dispersea crowdin the mal inquiryon the October23 bombingof Marine
southernLebanese village of Jibshit. [10/24JP] headquarterswould be opened. [10/30NYT]
Oct. 24: Respondingto the destructionof Marine Oct. 30: Israeli officials said that Lebanese na-
headquartersin Beirut, Reagan said the presence tional reconciliationtalks must not seek to under-
of Marinesin Lebanonwas "centralto [US] cred- mine the May 17 Israeli-Lebanese agreement.
ibility on a global scale," and preventedthe So- [10/31JP]
viet Union or its "surrogates" from dominating Oct. 31: US officialsclaimed Syria might be pre-
the country. [10/25WP] paringto threatenUS Navy ships off the coast of
French President Francois Mitterrandvisited
Kelly called Marinesecurity at the US Marine
Beirutto reaffirmhis country'scommitmentto re- Beirut compoundinadequate,but said the bomb
main in Lebanon in the wake of the explosion at attackwas unforeseeable.[ 1/1 WP]
French military headquarters the day before. US Marinesin Beirutendedtheirsearchfor sur-
[10/25WP] vivors from the October 23 bomb blast. The US
Iran and Syria rejected statements by US offi- death toll in the explosion was set at 241 with
cials suggestingthe 2 countries were involved in about 70 injured.[11/1 JP]
the attack on the US Marine compound. [10/25 In response to a Knesset inquiry, Israel's De-
WP] fense MinisterMoshe Arens said stone-throwing
US Marine Corps CommandantGen. Paul X. on the West Bank had killed one and injured260
Kelly flew to Beirut to investigate events sur- Israelissince April 1983.He said there were 17 in-
rounding the blast at US Marine headquarters. cidents of bombing, arson and land mines since
[10/25NYT] 1977.[11/1JP]
Lebanese Druze leader Walid Junblat said Libya recently orderedPLO representativesto
bombingssuch as that of the Marineheadquarters leave the country,accordingto radioVoice of Pal-
building in Beirut could be repeated if the US estine from Algiers. [I1/1 FBIS]
"continue[d] its hostile policy toward the Arab Nov. 1: Israelsaid it wouldkeep its troopsin Leba-
and Islamic world...." [10/25NYT] non, and restrict access into Israeli-occupied
The Soviet press agency Tass said Reagan in- southernLebanon,if Lebanonabrogatedthe May
tended to "take advantage"of the Beirut bomb- 17 agreement.[11/2 WP]
ing as a "pretext for a further increase" of US Nov. 2: Israelclosed BethlehemUniversityon the
forces in Lebanon. [10/25NYT] West Bank for 2 months following 2 days of
Oct. 25: In Beirut, MarineCommandantKelly ex- clashes betweenstudentsand securityforces. [11/3
pressed satisfaction with the security measures NYT]
employed by US Marinespriorto the October23 FromGeneva, Shi'i leaderNabih Birricalledfor
bomb attack. The death toll from the explosion the withdrawal of US Marines from southern
rose to 216. Vice PresidentGeorge Bush departed Beirut. [11/3WP]
for Lebanon to underscoresupportfor maintain- Nov. 3: Reagan announced the appointmentof
ing the Marinepresence in Lebanon. [10/26WP] formerDefense SecretaryDonaldH. Rumsfeldas
Franceannouncedit wouldhost a meetingof the new presidentialenvoy to the Middle East. [11/4
foreign ministersrepresentingthe 4-nationpeace- WP]
keeping force in Beirut. The talks were expected Syrian-backedanti-'ArafatPLO fightersbegana
to focus on how to react to the bombingof French major offensive against the remainingpositions
and US headquarters.[10/25WP] held by PLO forces loyal to 'Arafft in the Badawi
Greece said it would reconsider dispatching and Nahr al-Baridrefugee camps near Tripoli in
troops to participate in a proposed UN-backed northernLebanon. [ 1/4 WP]
multinationalforce in Beirut. [10/26NYT] Nov. 4: A truck carrying explosives entered
Oct. 26: Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir Israel's militaryheadquartersin southern Leba-
held Syria responsiblefor the attacks on US and non, killing and wounding an undetermined
Frenchinstallations. numberof Israeli troops, Lebanese and Palestin-
Oct. 27: The foreignministersof the Beirutmulti- ian civilians. [11/4 WP]
nationalforce countriesmet in Paris.A US official Casualties in the bombing of Israel's head-
said talks focused on the possibilityof reprisalsfor quarters near Tyre reached 39 dead and 32
the October 23 bombingof US and French head- wounded. Israelijets attacked Palestiniantargets
quartersin Beirut. [10/28NYT] near the Beirut-DamascusHighwayin retaliation.
Reagan said in a televised address that US Up to 60 people were reportedkilledin the attack.
troops in Lebanon were intended to prevent the [11/5 NYT]
MiddleEast frombecoming"incorporatedinto the Anti-'ArafatPLO forces continuedtheir attacks
Soviet bloc." [10/28WP] againstloyalist troopsinside 2 refugeecamps near
Oct. 29: Two US Marineswere woundedin Beirut Tripoli.From the camps, 'Arafatpledged to con-
by unidentifiedgunmen. In WashingtonUS De- tinueresistingthe rebels, saying"we shallnot bow
fense SecretaryCasparW. Weinbergersaid a for- to Syria." [11/5WP]

Nov. 5: Israeli troops continued to seal off south- Israeli Prime Minister Shamir said that Israel
ern Lebanon, prompting a strong protest by the would reduce its military presence in Lebanon "in
Lebanese government. [11/6 WP] the near future" and that a total withdrawal was in
Israel charged Syria with responsibility for re- sight. [Il/1OJP]
cent bomb attacks and threatened sharp retalia- Demonstrations in support of 'Arafat continued
tory action. The death toll from the bombing of throughout the West Bank. [11/10 JP]
Israel's military headquarters near Tyre rose to 60. The leader of a local Israeli-backed Shi'i militia
[1 1/6 WP] in southern Lebanon was shot, the second such in-
Palestinian violence continued in northern Leba- cident in one week. [I t/10 WP]
non. The death toll from 3 days of battles was said Nov. 10: Syrian antiaircraft batteries fired on US
to be over 145, with over 500 wounded. [11/6 WP] Navy jets on reconnaissance flights over Syrian-
Israeli officials said that the troops of Christian held Lebanon. [Il/ Il NYT]
militia leader Sa'd Haddad would be deployed in Egypt agreed to dispatch an official to Israel to
areas limited to those around his headquarters in resume talks on a number of issues dividing the 2
Marj'uyun. [1 1/6 NYT] countries. [11/11 NYT]
Nov. 6: Anti-'Arafat forces captured the Nahr al- Former Lebanese Prime Minister Rashid
Barid refuge camp, I of 2 remaining loyalist out- Kar&misaid in Damascus that 'Arafat should leave
posts near Tripoli. [II1 WP] Tripoli to prevent civilian bloodshed. In Tripoli, a
US Marine positions in Beirut came under ceasefire between rival PLO factions broke down.
heavy fire, temporarily closing Beirut airport. [11/7 [11/11 NYT]
NYT] Israel's Defense Minister Arens said Israel
Nov. 7: Rallies in support of 'Arafat were held in would "probably" extend Israeli law to the occu-
East Jerusalem, Nablus, and in numerous refugee pied territories if autonomy plans could not be im-
camps throughout the West Bank. [11/8 NYT] plemented, according to Jerusalem radio. [11/10
Following a Syrian decision to mobilize its FBIS]
armed forces, Israel reassured Syria it had no in- Nov. 11: The Soviet Union told visiting Syrian For-
tention of mounting an attack. [11/8 NYT] eign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam that inter-
The US urged Syria to show "restraint and pru- nal conflicts within the PLO must be brought to an
dence" in its policies, and denied reports of a US end. [11/12 NYT]
plan to attack Syria. [11/8 NYT] Nov. 12: Israeli border police killed 2 Arab teen-
Some PLO forces loyal to 'Arafat withdrew agers in Tulkarm on the West Bank during a dem-
from their positions in the Badawi refugee camp onstration in support of 'Arafat. [1I1/13WP]
and began taking up positions in Tripoli. [11/8 Newly appointed Middle East envoy Rumsfeld
NYT] left Washington for a trip to the Middle East.
Israel rescinded its requirement that non-resi- [11/13 WP]
dent instructors on the West Bank sign a pledge 'Arafat said guarantees for the security of Pal-
not to assist the PLO. [11/8 NYT] estinian civilians would be necessary before he
Saudi King Fahd bin 'Abd al-'Aziz and Jordan's would leave Tripoli. [II1/13NYT]
King Husayn expressed support for 'Arafat and Nov. 13: Three Palestinians were shot in the Dah-
called for an end to inter-Palestinian feuding. [11/8 isha refugee camp near Bethlehem by 5 men de-
JP] scribed by Israeli military sources as "undercover
A second US aircraft carrier was deployed off operatives." [11/14 WP]
the coast of Lebanon. [11/8 WP] US National Security Advisor Robert C.
Nov. 8: A force of 200 Marines withdrew from an McFarlane said Syria should take a "sober view"
exposed position in southeast Beirut after it came of the US commitment to Lebanon, and that US
under heavy fire from surrounding neighborhoods. forces could not "be attacked with impunity."
[I 1/9 WP] [I 1/14 NYT]
Tripoli's religious and civic leaders appealed to Nov. 14: Rumsfeld met in Beirut with Lebanese
'Arafat to "avert a bloodbath in Tripoli," as Pal- President Amin Jumayyil and other senior Leba-
estinian fighters took up positions in the city. nese leaders. [11/15 WP]
Fighting in the north between rival PLO factions Israeli troops in southern Lebanon shot and
continued. [ 11/9 WP] killed a Shi'i Muslim who attempted to throw a hand-
After 4 days, Israel partially reopened bridges grenade at an Israeli guardpost. [11/15 WP]
across the Awali River into southern Lebanon. Israel's Cabinet rejected a military report on the
[11/9 WP] truck-bombing of Israel's headquarters in Tyre on
Nov. 9: The first high-level talks between Israel November 4. The inquiry had exonerated the mili-
and Egypt in over a year took place in Cairo be- tary of blame for the blast. [11/15 WP]
tween David Kimche, Director General of Israel's Israel's Ministerial Committee for Settlement
Foreign Ministry, and Egyptian Foreign Minister Affairs approved the construction of 6 West Bank
Kamal Hasan 'All. [I 1/10 WP] settlements. [11/15 FBIS]

Nov. 15: Anti-'Arafat PLO forces resumed their at- Nov. 23: 'Arafat agreed in principle to a Saudi plan
tack against loyalist troops in the Badawi refugee for the disengagement of rival Palestinian forces in
camp and in Tripoli. Over 100 civilians were re- Tripoli. [11/24 JP]
ported killed in the fighting. [11/15 WP] Nov. 24: Israel released 4,500 Palestinian and other
Nov. 16: Israeli jets bombed positions in eastern prisoners in exchange for the return of 6 Israeli
Lebanon suspected of housing militia forces in- prisoners held by the PLO in Lebanon. [11/25 WP]
volved in truck-bomb attacks on US, French and Syrian forces shot down a pilotless Israeli drone
Israeli military compounds. [11/17 NYT] over the Biqa' Valley. [11/25 WP]
In a speech to the UN, Israel's President Chaim Nov. 26: Anti-'Arafat rebels postponed a threat-
Herzog called for Arab-Israeli dialogue. [11/17 ened attack against loyalist positions in downtown
NYT] Tripoli. Rebel spokesman NMjih Ya'quib said the
Anti-'Arafat forces entered Badawi refugee rebel forces would give more time to negotiate
camp in heavy fighting. Nearby, Tripoli came un- 'Arafat's withdrawal from the city. [11/27 NYT]
der increasingly heavy fire as loyalist forces fell Syria claimed to have "forced" back US recon-
back into the city. [1I1/17NYT] naissance flights over eastern Lebanon. [11/27
Nov. 17: One Israeli soldier was killed and 6 oth- NYT]
ers wounded by a bomb in Sidon, southern Leba- Bethlehem University re-opened after being
non. [I1/20JP] closed due to student demonstrations. [11/27 JP]
French jets bombed a military barracks housing Nov. 28: An Israeli settler was wounded in an at-
Shi'i Muslim militiamen near Baalbak. Lebanese tack in Nablus on the West Bank. [11/29 NYT]
police said 39 people were killed and 150 wounded. Nov. 29: In Nablus Arab protests marked the 36th
[I 1/18 WP] anniversary of a UN resolution approving the par-
'Arafat vowed to continue fighting Syrian- tition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states.
backed PLO troops from positions in Tripoli. [I 1/30 NYT]
[11/18 WP] During a visit to Washington by Shamir and Ar-
The Soviet paper Pravda said the US and Israel ens, the US and Israel established a joint military-
were poised to attack "Lebanese progressive political committee to coordinate enhanced co-
forces." [1 1/18 WP] operation, according to Shamir. The US also
Two Palestinians were wounded during pro- agreed to resume shipping cluster bombs to Is-
'Arafat demonstrations in the Gaza Strip. [11/18 rael-embargoed since mid-1982-to increase mili-
JP] tary grant aid to Israel, to allow US funds for the
Nov. 19: Palestinian fighting continued around the development of the Lavi fighter jet, and to nego-
Badawi refugee camp. The city of Tripoli came un- tiate a free-trade agreement between the US and
der artillery attack. The Red Cross put casualties Israel. [1 1/30 WP]
from 2 weeks of violence in northern Lebanon at About 30 Jewish settlers occupied Joseph's
460 killed and 1050 wounded. [11/20 WP] Tomb, an ancient Jewish site in the West Bank
Syrian Defense Minister Mugtafa Tlas said Syria city of Nablus. [ 11/30 JP]
would respond to a US attack with "kamikaze at- Nov. 30: Shamir said recent agreements on US-Is-
tacks on American warships." Tlas called the Oc- raeli cooperation would assist the cause of Leba-
tober 23 truck bombing of the Marine compound nese independence and deter Syrian ambitions.
in Beirut "heroic." [ 1 1/20 JP] Syria harshly criticized the agreements. [12/1
Nov. 20: Israeli jets bombed Syrian and Palestin- NYT]
ian positions in eastern Lebanon. One Israeli jet Arens called for increased political and diplo-
was shot down during the raid. [11/21 NYT] matic pressure to force the withdrawal of Syrian
Nov. 21: Anti-'Arafat troops advanced to within troops from Lebanon. [12/1 WP]
half a mile of 'Arafat's Tripoli headquarters be- Jewish settlers occupying the Tomb of Joseph
fore unilaterally declaring a cease fire [11/22 WP] said they would remain at the site until demands
Soviet state television criticized "fratricidal" concerning security for West Bank settlers had
Palestinian violence in Tripoli. [11/22 NYT] been met. [ 12/1 JP]
Israeli officials released a $1.5 billion plan to re- Dec. 1: King Husayn of Jordan said that US-Is-
settle West Bank Palestinians in new housing raeli cooperation agreements would have a "nega-
units. Palestinian Arabs rejected the plan. [11/22 tive effect" on US credibility in the Arab world.
CSM] Husayn criticized "attempts to subjugate the Pal-
US Defense Secretary Weinberger said Iranians estinian movement to the will and policies of a cer-
exploded the truck bomb in the October 23 attack tain Arab state...." He said 'Arafat was wel-
on Marine headquarters in Beirut, with the "spon- come in Amman to resume Jordanian-Palestinian
sorship and knowledge and authority of the Syrian negotiations. [12/2 WP]
government." [ 1 1/23 NYT] Israeli religious students attacked Arab resi-
Nov. 22: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Sa'ud bin dents and vandalized Arab property in the old city
Faysal arrived in Damascus to seek an end to Pal- of Jerusalem. Border police halted the rampage.
estinian conflict in Tripoli. [I 1/23 WP] [12/2 JP]

Squatters at the Tomb of Joseph in Nablus Greece agreed to dispatch4 passengerships to
agreedto leave if the Armyorderedthem to do so. evacuate pro-'Arafatforces besieged in Tripoli.
[12/2JP] [12/8WP]
Dec. 3: Israelijets bombed positions of "several Arens said Israel would "have to find local
terroristorganizations"in Syrian-controlledLeba- forces" to take over securityoperationsin south-
non, in retaliationfor a "long array" of anti-Is- ern Lebanonif the Lebanese Army were not de-
raeli attacks, accordingto an Israelimilitarystate- ployed there. [12/8WP]
ment. [12/4 NYT] US Secretaryof State Schultz met with Italy's
The UN Security Council unanimouslyagreed Foreign MinisterGiulio Andreottito discuss the
to permitpro-'Arafatforces to withdrawfromTrip- multinationalforce in Beirut. [12/8WP]
oli underthe protectionof the UN flag. [12/4NYT] Dec. 8: The 4 Westernnationsparticipatingin the
In an interview, 'Arafat said he was ready to Beirutmultinationalforce agreedto remainindefi-
withdrawfrom Tripoli. He criticized the "Syrian nitely in the Beirut area, to push for a coalition
regime and its gangsters" for support of rebel Lebanese governmentand the withdrawalof for-
forces and accepted an offerfrom King Husaynto eign forces. [12/9NYT]
return to Amman and resume Palestinian-Jor- Shamircondemnedthe UN SecurityCouncilfor
daniantalks. [12/4 NYT] permittingthe evacuationof PLO forces in Tripoli
Egypt's President Husni Mubarakcalled steps to take place underthe UN flag. [12/9NYT]
toward closer US-Israeli relations "an obstacle" Pro-'Arafatspokesmensaid France and Greece
to peace. [12/4 WP] had offered to provide ships to evacuate about
Dec. 4: US Navy jets attackedSyrianpositions in 4000 PLO forces fromTripoli.[12/9NYT]
Lebanon. Two US jets were downed duringthe In Nablusan 11 year-oldArabgirl was shot and
raid, killingone flierand leavinga second prisoner killed, and her 9-year old sister wounded, by an
of the Syrians. Syrian and Druze artilleryshelled unidentifiedgunman.[12/9JP]
Marinepositions in Beirut, killing 8 Marinesand Dec. 9: Israeli gunboats off the coast of Tripoli
wounding2 others. US offshorenavalbatteriesre- shelled positions of pro-'Arafaitforces, killing I
turnedfire. Reagansaid the US did not desire an and injuring3 others. [12/10WP]
escalation of conflict with Syria, but had acted in Italy rejectedjoining Greece in a proposednon-
self-defense. [12/5 WP] aligned peacekeepingforce intended to monitor
Italy's Defense MinisterGiovanniSpadolinisaid ceasefirecompliancein Beirut. [12/10WP]
that US and Israeliattackson Syrianand Shi'i po- Dec. 10: Israeligunboatsfiredon PLO positionsin
sitions could prompta reassessmentof Italy's role Tripoli.In southernLebanona bomb killed an Is-
raeli soldier. [12/11WP]
as the largest contributorof troops to the Beirut Israel refused to offer guaranteesfor the safe
peacekeepingforce. [12/5WP] evacuationof pro-'ArafatPLO troops from Trip-
Syria's ForeignMinisterKhaddamcalledfor ac- oli. [12/Il JP]
tion againstAmerican"aggression."[12/5NYT] Israeli police expressed the belief that a Jewish
Israeli religious students fought with Arab resi- terroristgroup was operatingin Arab-populated
dents of the old city of Jerusalem.[12/5JP] areas of the West Bank. Five Army hand gre-
Dec. 5: Syria said it wouldnot release capturedUS nades placed around Jerusalem were defused.
flier Robert 0. Goodman until the "war" ended [12/11JP]
and US troops pulledout of Lebanon.[12/6NYT] Dec. 11: Schultz said he "expect[ed]" the peace-
US Secretaryof State George Schultz called on ful evacuation of 4000 pro-'Arafatfighters from
the Soviet Union to pressureSyria not to escalate Tripoli.[12/12WP]
the conflict in Lebanon. [12/6 NYT] Police confirmedthat a Jewish group, Terror
Shamirurged privateIsraelidevelopersto build Against Terror, had claimed responsibility for
on the West Bank. [12/6JP] placing hand grenades at Muslim and Christian
Dec. 6: A bomb explodedon a Jerusalembus, kill- sites aroundJerusalem.[12/12WP]
ing 4 people and wounding43 others. Both pro-and A Jewishsettlerwas detainedin connectionwith
anti-'Arafatfactions of the PLO claimed respon- the murderof an Il-year old girl in Nablus. [12/12
sibility. [12/7 WP] JP]
England'sPrimeMinisterMargaretThatcherre- Dec. 12: Israelisecurityforces blew up 3 houses in
affirmedBritian'sdeterminationto keep its troops Hebron and sealed 4 others in connection with
in Beirut. [12/7 NYT] criminalcases pendingin militarycourts. The de-
Dec. 7: Palestinianfactionsin Tripoliagreedon the molishedhomes belongedto 3 men who had con-
final details of a plan for the withdrawalof pro- fessed to the July 7, 1983,killingof Jewish settler
'Arafatforces. [12/8 NYT] AharonGross in Hebron.[12/13WP]
Five West Bank Palestinianleaders criticized Three IsraeliArmy handgrenadeswere discov-
the bombingof an Israeli bus in Jerusalem.[12/8 ered in the Arab West Bank village of Husan.
NYT] [12/13JP]

Dec. 13: US warshipsshelledSyrian-controlledpo- Reagandefendedthe presenceof US Marinesin
sitions after US reconnaissanceplanes were fired Beirutas necessaryto preventan escalationof vio-
upon by antiaircraftbatteries.US officialssaid the lence. [12/21WP]
American response initiated a policy of "instant Italy announcedit would reduce the numberof
retaliation"againstthose firingon US flightsover its troops in the Beirutmultinationalforce. [12/21
Lebanon. [12/14WP] WPI
Iran's delegate to the UN, Sa'id Raja'i Two Muslimclerics were woundedwhen a hand
Khfirassani,warnedthat US involvementin Leba- grenadeexploded in an Arab village outside East
non would prompt "furtherretaliations"against Jerusalem.[12/21JP]
In Damascus,PalestineNationalCouncilChair-
US forces. [12/14NYT] man Khalid Fahfimurged reconciliationbetween
Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Yehuda Ben pro-'Arafatand rebel Palestinianfactions. "Two
Meir said Israel did "not have the least intention" PLOs mean the end," he said. [12/21NYT]
of obstructingthe withdrawalof PLO forces from Dec. 21: Arens said Israelwouldcontinueto strike
Tripoli. [12/14JP] at "terrorist gangs" in Syrian-controlledLeba-
Dec. 14:The US battleshipNew Jerseyand 2 other non. [12/22NYT]
warshipsfired heavy artilleryagainst Syrian anti- A truck bomb exploded near a French military
aircraftpositions in the eastern mountains.Syria commandpost in West Beirut. A second explo-
threatenedto "respondto force by force." Israeli sion occurredin a hotel bar in East Beirut. About
gunboats again shelled PLO positions in Tripoli. 19 people were killed and 40 woundedin the ex-
[12/15NYT] plosions. [12/22NYT1
Reagansaid US Marineswould remainin Leba- Dec. 22: 'Arafat and Mubarakheld an unsched-
non until the Lebanese governmentresumedsov- uled 2-hourmeetingin Cairo,the firsttime 'Arafat
ereigntyover its territoryor there was a total "col- had met with an Egyptian leader since before
lapse" of public order. [12/15NYT] former President Anwar al-Sadat's 1977 trip to
Dec. 15: US warships shelled Druze positions in Jerusalem. US officials praised the meeting. Is-
the mountains east of Beirut after US Marines raeli leaders criticized it as a "severe blow" to
came underheavy fire. [12/16WP] MiddleEast peace. [12/23WP]
Dec. 16: Syria criticized US policy in Lebanonas A militant Shi'i organization, Islamic Jihad,
"gunboatdiplomacy" and said there could be no threatenedUS and Frenchforces with furthervio-
"constructive dialogue" between Syria and the lence if they did not leave Lebanonwithin10days.
US until US policy changed. [12/17WP] [12/23NYT]
Dec. 17: The withdrawalof PalestiniansfromTrip- France'sMinisterof Defense CharlesHernude-
oli began with the evacuationof 93 woundedpro- scribed France as "the indispensable Western
'Arafatfighterson an Italianhospital ship. [12/18 power in the Middle East," and pledged to keep
WP] Frenchtroops in Beirut. [12/23NYT]
Dec. 18: Syrianantiaircraftbatteriesbased in east- The CentralCommitteeof the Fath Palestinian
ern Lebanon fired on US reconnaissanceplanes. organizationand other Palestinianfactions criti-
American warships retaliated, shelling the pre- cized the 'Arafat-Mubarak meeting.[12/23JP]
sumed source of Syrianfire. [12/19WP] Dec. 23: Britain'sDefense SecretaryMichaelHes-
The foreign ministers of Lebanon, Syria and eltine arrivedin Beirut to review British units of
Saudi Arabia met in Damascus to discuss differ- the Beirutpeacekeepingforce. [12/23FBIS]
ences over the May 17 Israeli-Lebaneseagree- Italy's PresidentAlessandroPertinisaid Italian
ment. [12/19WP] troops shouldbe withdrawnfrom Beirut.The Ital-
Israeli gunboats shelled Palestinianpositions in ian governmentreaffirmedItaly's commitmentto
Tripoli,damagingsome houses. [12/19WP] the multinationalforce. [12/24NYT]
In Damascus, PLO rebels called for 'Arafat's Dec. 24: In an interview, Reagan said conflict in
resignation.[12/19WP] Lebanon was not an obstacle to movement to-
Dec. 19: Israeli gunboatsshelled Palestinianposi- ward a broaderArab-Israelisettlement. He said
tions in Tripoli, delaying the evacuation of pro-
'Arafat forces on Greek ships. The US said it the 'Arafat-Mubarak meetingcould drawthe PLO
"hopes and expects" Israel to permitthe evacu- into the peace process. In responseto critics who
ation to take place. [12/20NYT] held US Marineofficersresponsiblefor failing to
Dec. 20: US officialssaid Jumayyil'sfailureto form detect and preventthe October23rd truck bomb-
a nationalreconciliationgovernmentcould lead to ing, Reagansaid he took full blamefor the actions
the withdrawalof US troops from Beirut. [12/20 of US troops in Lebanon.[12/25WP]
WP] Israel's military command reported an Israeli
Over 4000 Palestinians,including'Arafat,were soldierwoundedin a bombblast outside of Sidon,
evacuatedfrom Tripolion Greek ships, underthe in southern Lebanon. Press agencies reported
protectionof French warships.[12/21WP] highercasualties. [12/25WP]

In an interview with the Saudi paper al-Yawm, Dec. 31: Lebanon's Foreign MinisterElie Salem
'Arafat called for the creation of a Palestinian gov- protestedto the US over Israel's closure of cross-
ernment-in-exile. [12/25 WP] ing points into southernLebanon,and Israel's re-
An unidentified gunman attacked Israel's charge ported arrest of up to 800 people for undisclosed
d'affaires in Malta, Esther Millo. She was not reasons. [1/1 WP]
wounded. [12/25 WP] Italy informedthe Lebanese government, and
Dec. 25: The Israeli Cabinet charged Mubarak with the other 3 countrieswith troops in Beirut, that it
violating the 1979 peace treaty by meeting with plannedto reduce its forces in Lebanon by one-
'Arafat. [12/26 WP] half, to 1100 soldiers. Two French multinational
Dec. 26: 'Arafat and 1000 PLO forces arrived in force memberswere woundedby unidentifiedgun-
San'a', North Yemen, from Tripoli. [12/27 NYT] men. [1/1 NYT]
Four Israeli soldiers were injured in 2 separate
incidents in southern Lebanon. [12/27 JP]
Dec. 27: Shamir said "the American government is 1984
mistaken if it thinks the 'Arafat-Mubarak meeting Jan. 1: The 11-memberFath CentralCommittee
increases the chances of advancing the Reagan ini- opened meetingsin Tunis. [1/4 WP]
tiative." [12/27 NYT] Jan. 2: France transferred500 of its troops serv-
Reagan again took full blame for failure to pre- ing in Beirutto southernLebanon,to take up du-
vent the attack on US Marines in Lebanon, saying ties with the UN InterimForce in Lebanon(UNI-
he opposed punishing the Marine commanders in- FIL). [1/3 WP]
volved. [12/28 NYT] Israelrestoredaccess to southernLebanon.[1/3
Arens said Israel's Defense Ministry was con- WP]
sidering harsher measures against West Bank Arab 'Arafat again rejected the 1982 Reagan peace
stone throwers. [12/28 JP1 plan and vowed to continue fightingfor an in-
Israeli troops in Sidon killed 3 local residents, al- dependentPalestinianstate. [1/3 NYT]
legedly members of a militant religious group, in a Husayn called for PLO-Jordaniantalks to co-
shoot-out. [12/30 WP] ordinatea joint West Bank strategy.[1/3 NYT]
Dec. 28: The US Defense Department released a Nablus was placed under curfew following a
report critical of administration policy in Leba- demonstrationand a petrol bomb attack on an Is-
non, and called for an "urgent . . . reassessment" raeli patrol. [1/2JP]
of the role of US Marines in Lebanon. The report Israel'sKnessetextendedemergencylaws in the
charged military commanders with responsibility occupied territories,and added a clause permit-
for the October 23 attack on Marine headquarters ting the extension of Israeli law to Jewish resi-
in Beirut. [12/29 WP] dents in the territories.[1/3 FBIS]
Israel's Finance Minister Yigal Cohen-Orgad Jan. 3: Speakerof the US House of Representa-
proposed a 1-year freeze on development projects, tives Thomas P. O'Neill said that without "mea-
including West Bank settlements, as part of a sureable progress" in Lebanon he would take
planned austerity budget. [12/29 WP] steps to revoke congressionalauthorizationfor the
One Israeli soldier was killed and 2 wounded Marinesin Beirut. [1/4 WP]
when their patrol in central Lebanon was at- Israelijets attacked positions held by pro-Syr-
tacked. [12/29 JP] ian Palestinians in Bhamdun, on the Beirut-
Dec. 29: An Israeli Army post in southern Leba- Damascushighway.[1/4 NYT]
non was attacked; one soldier was wounded. In Jan. 4: Israeli planes bombed militantShi'i posi-
Sidon, a general strike was held to protest the Is- tions in Baalbak, causing heavy casualties and
raeli occupation. [12/30 WP] damage. Casualty estimates placed the toll at
Egypt's Assistant Foreign Minister Shafi'i 'Abd about 100dead and 400 wounded. [1/5 NYT]
al-Hamid met in Jerusalem with Shamir and other Israeli-backedChristianmilitiamanHaddadhad
senior Israeli officials, the first high-level Egyptian his formerrankin the LebaneseArmyof majorre-
visit to Israel in over a year. [12/30 WP] storedby the Lebanesegovernment.[1/5 NYT]
Dec. 30: 'Arafat arrived in Tunis for talks on the Egyptian presidential advisor 'Usama al-Baz
future of the PLO. [12/31 NYT] said Egypt would participatein PLO-Jordanian
The Israeli Army closed off all crossing points talks seekinga joint approachto negotiationswith
from northern to southern Lebanon for 48 hours. Israel. [1/5 WP]
[12/31 NYT] The Fath CentralCommitteeconcludeda 5-day
Hand grenades exploded in two Hebron meeting in Tunis. The committee affirmedthat
mosques, injuring one person. Terror Against Ter- 'Arafat'smeetingwith Mubarakhad been a "per-
ror, a Jewish terrorist group, claimed responsibil- sonal initiative." The Fath MilitaryCouncil ex-
ity. [12/31 WP] pelled 5 membersfor "high treason." [1/5 WP]
Muslims throughout Lebanon staged protests Jan. 5: Lebanonrequestedthe US to deploy Ma-
against Israel's occupation of southern Lebanon. rinesalongthe southerncoast to assist the govern-
[12/31 WP] ment in expandingits authoritythere. US officials

expressed doubt that the proposal would be ac-
cepted. [1/6 NYT] General
Israeli police arrested right-wing Rabbi Meir
Kahane for inciting violence against Arabs, but 1983
Kahaneescaped from the police station where he Oct. 17: US President Ronald Reagan named
was being held. [1/6 NYT] MiddleEast envoy RobertMcFarlaneto the post
Jan. 6: The Reagan administrationrejected a re- of NationalSecurityAdvisor. [10/18WP]
quest to deploy US Marines into areas south of
Beirutalong the coast. [1/7 WP]
Senior PLO leader Salah Khalafdeclaredpoliti-
cal rejection of the 'Arafat-Mubarakmeeting in
December. [1/7 WP] Petroleum Affairs
Israel said it was planningto redeployits forces
away from major urban areas in southern Leba- 1983
non, to reduceattackson Israelitroops. [1/7 NYT] Oct. 27: The Organizationof PetroleumExporting
Jan. 7: In Sidon, southern Lebanon, local resi- Countries'(OPEC)MarketMonitoringCommittee
dents reportedIsraeli armoredcrews opening fire met in Vienna to discuss alleged overproduction,
in a main street, wounding3 people. Israel called in contraventionof OPECguidelines, by Nigeria,
the claims "completely untrue." [1/8 NYT] Iranand SaudiArabia.[10/27WSJ]
Nov. 8: The appointmentwas announcedof 'All
Two US Marineswere wounded when an artil-
Na'imi as presidentof Aramco, the first Saudi to
lery shell hit their position near Beirut's airport. hold the post. [11/18MEED]
[1/8 NYT] Nov. 23: The MinisterialCouncilof the Organiza-
Jan. 8: A US Marinewas killed when an unidenti- tions of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
fied gunmen opened fire on a US helicopter in (OAPEC)met in Kuwait.CouncilChairand Saudi
northwestBeirut. [1/9 WP] Oil Minister Shaykh Zaki Ahmad Yamani de-
Israel's Cabinet Secretary Dan Meridordenied scribed Iran's threatto close the Gulf as "a mat-
that Israel would withdrawfrom Lebanonwithout ter for the entireinternationalcommunity."[11/25
a simultaneous Syrian withdrawal. US officials FBIS]
earlier had suggested that the Israeli position on Nov. 24: Iraq said it would request an increase in
withdrawalhad eased. [1/9 NYT] its shareof OPEC's 17.5mbarrelproductionlimit.
The leaders of 3 rejectionist PLO factions re- [11/25WSJ]
fused to participatein a Tunis meetingof the PLO Dec. 6: OPECministersgatheredin Genevafor the
Executive Committeeand returnedto Damascus. annualwinterOPECmeeting. [12/7WP]
[1/9 NYT] Dec. 7: Meeting in Geneva, OPEC ministers
Jan. 9: Gunmenin Beirut attackeda French mili- agreedto maintainthe existingprice ceiling of $29
tary guardpost, killing I soldier and wounding2 per barreland a productionceiling of 17.5m bar-
others. [1/10 NYT] rels per day. [12/8WP]
Jan. 11: The Israeli Army's Central Command At the Geneva OPEC meeting, Saudi Oil Min-
ister Yamanisaid SaudiArabia"will never . .. in-
issued regulationsrestrictingthe use of firearmsby
crease our [oil] prices . . . even if others are talk-
Jewish settlers in the occupied territories.Settler ing otherwise." [12/8WSJ]
spokesmencriticizedthe ruling.[1/12JP] The US JusticeDepartmentdroppeda 6-yearin-
Jan. 12: Gunmenambushedan Israeli convoy in vestigationof allegedcollusionon the partof 4 US
southern Lebanon, wounding 3 soldiers. [1/13 Aramcooil companies.SaudiArabiahad strongly
NYT] criticizedthe investigation.[12/8WSJ]
Jan. 14: Syria's President Asad said the with-
drawalof Syrian troops from Lebanon would not
take place until US Marines and other foreign
troops had pulledout. [1/15 NYT]
Israeli-backedmilitiamanHaddad died in his Regional Affairs
home town of Marj'uyunat the age of 47. [1/15 (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict)
Jan. 15: US Navy warships fired on Druze posi- 1983
tions in hills east of Beirut,after US Marinescame Oct. 17: US Secretaryof State George P. Shultz
underheavy fire. [1/16 WP] said the US could not permitIran or other states
Israeli soldiers came under fire in 4 towns in to threatenthe Straitof Hormuz.[10/18NYT]
south Lebanon.No casualtieswere reported.[1/16 Oct. 19: US President Ronald Reagan said the
WP] "free world" would not allow Iran to close the

Gulf if Iraq attacked Iranian installations with Following a joint meeting of Iraq's Revolution-
French Super Etendard jets. [10/20 WP] ary Command Council and regional leaders of the
The chiefs-of-staff of the 6 Gulf Cooperation Ba'th party, Iraq announced its acceptance of the
Council (GCC) states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, UN Security Council's call for a ceasefire in the
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) met Gulf War. [11/2 NYT]
in Riyadh following 3 weeks of joint military ex- Nov. 2: Iraq's Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime
ercises. [10/21 MEED] Minister Tariq 'Aziz confirmed the arrival in Iraq
Oct. 20: Iran announced a limited assault into of French Super Etendard fighter jets. [11/3 WP]
northeastern Iraq, allegedly to drive Iraqi and Nov. 3: Debate on the question of the Western Sa-
Kurdish forces out of range of 2 Iranian border hara began in the UN Decolonization Committee.
towns. [11/4 FBIS]
Oct. 21: Iraq and Iran issued conflicting reports on Iran and Iraq reported heavy fighting around the
the outcome of recent fighting in Iraqi Kurdistan. Iranian-held town of Panjwin. Both sides claimed
Iran claimed to have captured garrisons at Panjwin advances in the fighting. [11/4 NYT]
and Garmak, killing or wounding 3500 Iraqi Nov. 5: Iraq's elite Presidential Guard joined com-
troops. Iraq said it "completely foiled" Iran's as- bat units on the northern front of the Gulf war, ac-
sault. [10/22 WP] cording to Baghdad radio. [11/6 NYT]
Oct. 22: Iraq announced it had mined the ap- Nov. 6: GCC delegates convened the 4th annual
proaches to Iran's port of Bandar Khumayni. Iran GCC summit in Qatar. Talks were expected to fo-
reported 95 civilians killed and 400 wounded in cus on Lebanon, Palestinian rivalry, the Iran-Iraq
Iraqi missile attacks on the cities of Dizful and war and regional concerns. [11/7 NYT]
Masjid-i Sulayman. [10/23 WP] Iran's leader Ayatallah Ruhallah Khumayni re-
Oct. 24: Iran claimed its troops captured the Kalu jected retaliation for Iraqi missile attacks on Ira-
Heights in Iraq and were advancing on the town of nian towns, saying "The inhabitants of Iraqi towns
Panjwin. Iraq said its forces had halted Iran's of- are as dear to our heart as those of our own
fensive. [10/25 CSM] towns." [11/11 MEED]
Oct. 25: Iraq claimed 19,239 Iranian troops killed Nov. 8: An Iraqi military communique reported
in 5 days of fighting in the northern sector of the 3216 Iranians killed in fighting between November
front. [11/26 FBIS] 2-7. [11/9 FBIS]
Oct. 26: Iraq formally informed Japan that it would Nov. 13: Iran's Majlis speaker 'All Akbar Hashimi
bomb a multi-billion dollar Japanese-Iranian petro- Rafsanjani reiterated Iran's threat to close the Gulf
chemical plant at the Bandar Khumayni port. if Iraq disrupted Iran's oil shipments. [11/14 NYT]
[10/27 WP] Nov. 21: An Iranian military communique claimed
Oct. 27: Iraq reported 2436 Iranians killed in con- over 1500 Iraqi troops killed in recent fighting near
tinuing battles on Oct. 25-26 in the northern sec- Panjwin. [ 11/22 FBIS]
tor. Iranian communiques claimed significant ad- Iraq claimed to have sunk 7 Iranian ships and
vances in the fighting. [11/28 FBIS] downed an Iranian F-14 fighter jet. Iran claimed to
Iraqi missile attacks killed 24 and wounded 17 in have killed hundreds of Iraqi troops and to have
the villages of Sayyid Sadiq and Shandari, accord- shot down an Iraqi jet in clashes near the town of
ing to Iranian radio. [10/28 NYT] Marivan. [ 11/22 WP]
Oct. 26: Iran charged the UN Security Council Nov. 22: Iraq sunk a Greek merchant ship in a
with favoring Iraq and said it would not accept any rocket attack in the Gulf. [11/23 WP]
Security Council resolutions until the Council Nov. 25: The State Department said the US would
changed its stand. [10/29 NYT] view "with grave concern" any attempt by Iran or
Oct. 29: Oman's Information Minister 'Abd al- Iraq to hinder shipping in the Gulf. [11/26 WP]
'Aziz Ru1wassaid Oman and South Yemen agreed Iraq repeated warnings to keep ships out of the
to re-establish diplomatic ties. [10/30 JP] northern end of the Gulf. [11/26 NYT]
Nov. 27: Iran claimed that Iraqi dissidents had ex-
Oct. 30: Iraq reiterated its willingness to support a
ploded 2 truck bombs, one at the headquarters of
ceasefire with Iran and insure security of shipping
Iraq's intelligence service in Baghdad, killing over
in the Gulf. Iran reported that its troops shot down
100 people, and a second near a military head-
an Iraqi fighter jet. [10/31 NYT] quarters. Iraq denied the claim. [1/28 WP]
Oct. 31: The UN Security Council called on Iran Nov. 29: GCC Interior Ministers concluded a 4-day
and Iraq to safeguard passage through the Gulf. meeting in Riyadh. [1 1/30 FBIS]
Iran rejected the resolution. [11/1 WP] Dec. 3: Officials from the Islamic Conference Or-
Iraq reported sinking 3 "enemy naval targets" ganization (ICO) met in Bangladesh to plan a 5-day
in the northern waters of the Gulf. [11/1 NYT] meeting to seek an end to Palestinian violence,
Nov. 1: The Ministerial Council of the GCC held urge a settlement of the Iran-Iraq war, and en-
preparatory meetings in Doha in advance of a courage the withdrawal of US troops from Leba-
scheduled GCC summit. [1 1/2 FBIS] non. [12/4 NYT]

Dec. 7: The General Assembly of the Organization Jan. 12: ICO ForeignMinistersmet in Rabatprior
of African Unity (OAU) adopted a resolution ex- to the opening of an ICO summiton January16.
horting Morocco and the Polisario Liberation [1/13NYT]
Front to undertake direct negotiations. [12/10 LM] Jan. 13: Foreign Ministersof the ICO states ap-
Dec. 8: Iraq reported sinking 6 enemy naval tar- proved a resolutioncondemningthe Soviet inva-
gets in northern Gulf waters. [12/9 NYT] sion of Afghanistan.[1/14WP]
Dec. 10: Ministers concluding a 5-day ICO meet-
ing in Bangladesh did not reach any agreement on
how to end the Iran-Iraq war, or other regional
problems. [12/11 WP]
Dec. 13: Iraq launched surface-to-surface missiles
against 5 Iranian towns, reportedly in retaliation
for December 12 car bomb attacks against 6 sites Afghanistan
in Kuwait. [12/15 NYT] (See also, Iran)
Dec. 15: Iraqi jets struck at 8 border cities in Iran.
The death toll from 2 days of shelling and air at- 1983
tacks was reported at 32 civilians killed and over
Oct. 25: A Westerndiplomatcited reportsindicat-
300 wounded. [12/17 NYT]
ing that "several hundred"civilians were report-
Dec. 16: Iran reported killing 95 Iraqi troops in re-
edly killedin Soviet and Afghanattackson the vil-
sponse to shelling attacks earlier in the week.
lage of Istalif, in the Shomali Valley, from Oct.
[12/17 NYT]
12-17. [10/26NYT]
Dec. 21: The Polisario claimed that 25,000 Moroc- Oct. 31: Rebel sources in Pakistansaid increased
can troops had begun a major offensive in the Soviet bombingattacks had slowed the pace of
Western Sahara. [12/22 NYT]
rebel activities. (11/1NYT]
Dc. 22: Reliable Moroccan sources confirmed that
Nov. 15: Westerndiplomatssaid Soviet helicopter
fighting continued on the third day of the Moroc- gunshipskilled50-80 Mujahidinlast week northof
can offensive in the Western Sahara, 50 kilom-
Kabulon the ShomaliPlain. [11/16WP]
eters from Bou-Craa. [12/24 LM]
Nov. 22: Muj&hidin shot down a militaryhelicop-
Iraq reported sinking 2 Iranian ships and dam-
ter, killingan AfghanArmygeneraland 11 others,
aging a third in the northern Gulf. [12/23 NYT]
includingRussianadvisors, accordingto Western
Dec. 25: lran reported 18 people killed and 92
wounded by an Iraqi missile fired at the town of
Nov. 23: The UN GeneralAssembly called for the
Masjid-i Sulayman. [12/26 NYT]
immediatewithdrawalof Soviet troops by a vote
Dec. 28: Iraq's President Husayn said Iraq would
of 116-20with 16 abstentions.[12/16MEED]
use "new weapons" against any future "aggres-
Dec. 5: Agence FrancePresse reporteda majorof-
sion" by Iran. [12/29 WP]
fensive involvingover 2500 Soviet troops and "a
Dec. 29: Citing concern for a possible Iranian mili-
few" Afghansoldiersduringthe week of Novem-
tary offensive against Iraq, US administration of-
ber 27-December3 in the ShomaliPlain north of
ficials revealed that Iran had begun "a concerted
Kabul. [12/7FBIS]
surveillance effort" over US Navy ships in and
Dec. 6: According to Western diplomats, rebel
near the Gulf. [12/30 WP]
forces pushedback a Soviet and AfghanArmy of-
Polisario rebels claimed to have killed over 100
fensive north of Kabul. The Associated Press of
Moroccan troops in heavy fighting at Khechbiyine,
Pakistanreportedthe defection of Afghan Briga-
in the Western Sahara. [12/31 NYT]
dier GeneralMuhammadRahim,who said the Af-
Dec. 31: The WashingtonPost reporteda shift in ghan Army had declined to about 35,000 troops.
US policy toward Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war. Ac-
cording to the Post, US officials told Gulf states
Dec. 27: The Afghangovernmentsaid it would re-
that an Iraqi defeat would be "contrary to US in-
quest the departureof 105,000Soviet troops if it
terests." [1/1 WP]
received internationalguaranteesthat all opposi-
tion wouldend. [12/28NYT]
Jan. 1: The Polisario Front claimed to have killed 1984
154 Moroccan soldiers and destroyed 40 vehicles Jan 2.: The governmentcalled on all eligiblemales
in large-scale fighting east of Bou-Craa. [1/2 NYT] to enlistin the armedforces underthe threatof im-
Jan. 7: Iran claimed to have captured 30 villages prisonmentfor failingto comply. [1/3 WP]
and killed 230 Kurdish fighters in a weeklong drive Jan. 4: Westerndiplomatsreporteddaily fighting
into Iraqi Kurdistan. [1/8 NYT] in the southerncity of Kandahar,includinga De-
Jan. 8: President Husayn threatened to attack cember22 assault by rebel forces that left 31 gov-
Iran's "vital interests" and "deal heavy blows" to ernmentsoldierskilled.Governmentcontrolin the
Iran if Iran attacked Iraqi-territory. [1/9 CSM] city was reportedto be "virtuallynil." [1/5 NYT]

Jan. 10: Western diplomats reported heavy
fighting January 1-3 in Ghazni and Kandahar. So- Bahrain
viet MIGs reportedly destroyed 11 bridges and (See also, RegionalAffairs,Tunisia)
killed over 100 civilians. Rebel forces were re-
ported to have shot down 3 MIG jets. [1/11 NYT] 1983
Dec. 3: Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott
Trudeauarrivedon an officialvisit. [12/4NYT]

(See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict,Iraq, Jordan,
Algeria Morocco, Sudan)
(See also, Libya, Tunisia) 1983
Oct. 19: Rumania'sPresidentNicolae Ceausescu
arrivedin Cairofor an officialvisit. [11/21FBIS]
1983 Oct. 29: The SupremeCourt ruled that the Neo-
Nov. 7: President Chadli Benjedid visited France,
Wafdparty was eligible to re-enterpolitics. [11/4
the first visit by an Algerian head of state to MEED]
France since 1962. [11/8 FBIS]
Nov. 1: Egypt was elected to fill a 2-year seat on
Nov. 29: Former Oil and Heavy Industry Minister the UN SecurityCouncil. [11/2FBIS]
Belaid Abdesslam was charged with incompetence
Nov. 8: Sudan's PresidentJa'far al-Numayrivis-
by an Algiers revenue court in connection with
ited Cairo, where he met with President Husni
business contracts approved in the mid-1970s.
[12/9 MEED]
Nov. 15: Special Middle East envoy Donald H.
Dec. 2: Former Agriculture Minister Tayebi Larbi Rumsfeldarrivedin Cairofor talks with President
was charged with misuse of over $410,000 in pub- Mubarak.[11/16NYT]
lic funds during his time in the government from Nov. 22: NicholasVeliotes arrivedas new US Am-
1968-1979. [12/9 MEED]
bassadorto Egypt. [11/23NYT]
Dec. 7: Chief of Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces Dec. 18: US envoy Rumsfeldmet in Cairo with
Marshal Nikolay Ogarkov arrived in Algiers on an Mubarak.[12/19NYT]
official visit. [12/7 FBIS] Dec. 22: Egypt's Trade and Economy Minister
Dec. 9: A visit by Secretary of State George P. MugtafdSa'id announcedJordan'sdecision to end
Shultz to Algeria was postponed at the request of a 5-year trade boycott of Egypt duringa visit to
the Algerian government for reasons of schedul- Cairoby a Jordaniantradedelegation.He said the
ing. [12/1 1-12 LM] 2 countrieswould sign a tradeagreementliftingall
Dec. 13: Mauritanian Head of State Khouna Ould tariffsand importtaxes. [12/23NYT]
Haydala arrived in Algiers to finalize Mauritania's Dec. 28: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
participation in an Algerian-Tunisian friendship ButrfisGhali said 1984 would be a year of "far-
treaty. [12/4 LM] reaching developments" in Egyptian-Arabrela-
Dec. 19: Over 5000 delegates attended the inaugu- tions. [12/29JP]
ral session of the 5th Congress of the National Lib-
eration Front (FLN) in Algiers. [12/20 LM]
Jan. 7: Saudi Arabia's Prince Talal bin 'Abd al-
Dec. 22: The 5th Congress of the FLN ended with 'Aziz arrivedin Egypton a fundraisingmissionfor
the reelection of Chadli Benjedid to the post of
UNICEFand the ArabFund. PrinceTalalwas the
secretary general of the party. [12/24 LMJ first member of the Saudi royal family to visit
Several former close associates of ex-President Egypt since 1977. [1/9 WP]
Boumediene were ousted from the FLN Central
Committee. Mohamed Salah Yahyaoui, Ahmed
Draia, Slimane Hoffman and Mostefa Lacheraf
were defeated in elections held during the 5th FLN
Congress. [12/27 LM] Iran
(See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Petroleum
Affairs, Regional Affairs, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Jan. 12: In national elections, President Benjedid 1983
was reelected chief of state with 95.36 per cent of Nov. 8: Interior Minister 'All Akbar Natiq-Ntiri
the votes. Benjedid was the only candidate. [1/14 won a vote of confidenceby 146-72, with 13 ab-
LM] stentions. [11/11MEED]

Nov. 10: Iran moved to sever economic relations Oct. 23: Governor of Salah al-Din province, and
with France in retaliation for the French sale of relative of President Husayn, Watban al-Tikriti,
fighter jets to Iraq. [11/11 NYT] was dismissed from his post, according to an of-
Nov. 25: Air Force Commander Colonel Muinpur ficial announcement. [12/9 MEED]
was replaced by Colonel Hfishang Sadiq. [12/2 Oct. 26: Egypt's Foreign Minister Kamal Hasan
MEED] 'All arrived in Baghdad on an unscheduled 24-hour
Nov. 28: The Majlis approved a bill making the working visit. [10/28 MEED]
Construction Crusade, established in 1979, a for- Nov. 7: France's Foreign Minister Claude Cheys-
mal government ministry. [12/9 MEED] son said 5 Super Etendard jets had been delivered
Dec. 1: Prime Minister Mir Husayn Musavi nomi- to Iraq on October 8. [11/8 WP]
nated 3 people for unfilled Cabinet posts: 'Abbas Dec. 20: US Middle East envoy Donald H.
'Ali Zilli: Agricultureand Rural Affairs; Husayn Rumsfeld met in Baghdad with President Husayn
Nili-Ahmadi: Mining and Metals; and Muhammad and other senior officials. [12/21 WP]
Muruivat: Housing and Urban Development. Dec. 27: Western diplomats said Husayn had
Three earlier nominations were rejected by the moved closer to Kurdish forces following Iranian
Majlis. [12/9 MEED] offensives into Iraqi Kurdistan. Kurdish sources
Dec. 6: The trial began in Tehran of sympathizers said Husayn made "major concessions" in return
and members of the Tudeh Party. The first defend- for Kurdish support. [12/28 WP]
ants were all former military officers charged with
abetting the Tudeh. [12/9 MEED]
Dec. 7: The Majlis approved 2 of 3 nominations to
fill vacant Cabinet posts, rejecting Muhammad
Muruvat as Minister of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment. [12/9 MEED]
Interior Minister Natiq-Nuiri said 2 people had (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Lebanon)
been killed in south Tehran protesting the pres-
ence of Afghan refugees. [12/16 MEED] 1983
Dec. 8: In a speech to the Majlis Ayatallah Husayn Oct. 6: Nearly one million workers went on strike
'All Muntazari urged governmental reforms, say- for 2 hours to protest proposed economic auster-
ing the Revolution lacked "a certain moral cour- ity measures. [10/17 WP]
age and administrative audacity." [12/23 MEED] Oct. 17: Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir named Yit-
Dec. 12: The trial of 8 Tudeh Party members con- zhak Cohen-Orgad as Finance Minister to replace
cluded in Tehran. No verdicts were announced. Yoram Aridor, who resigned October 13. [10/18
[12/16 MEED] NYT]
Dec. 24: The Iran press agency reported the arrest Oct. 19: By a vote of 61-54, the government of
of 100 members of the banned Mujahidin-i Khalq Prime Minister Shamir defeated a motion of no-
organization. [12/25 NYT] confidence over its handling of the economy [10/20
Dec. 25: Three French diplomats were expelled WP]
from Iran for "activities incompatible with their Over 500 neighborhood activists in Jerusalem
diplomatic status." [12/26 WP] marched to the Knesset. Organizers called for cuts
Dec. 30: France expelled 5 Iranian students it said in aid to West Bank settlements and higher sub-
were trained terrorists. [12/31 NYT] sidies for Jerusalem's poor. [10/20 JP]
Dec. 31: The Soviet paper Pravda harshly criti- Oct. 25: Local elections were held throughout the
cized Iran's leaders and the trial of Tudeh Party country. [10/25 JP]
members, calling the proceedings a "judicial Oct. 26: Voters re-elected Mayors Teddy Kollek of
farce." [1/1 WP] Jerusalem, Shlomo Lahat of Tel Aviv and Arye
Gurel of Haifa. In Jerusalem, 20 per cent of eli-
gible Palestinian voters cast ballots, more than in
any other Israeli election. [10/26 JP]
Oct. 30: Former Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan an-
Iraq nounced the establishment of a new political party,
Tsomet, the Movement for Zionist Renewal. [10/31
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Regional Affairs, JP]
Iran, Kuwait, Turkey) Nov. 1: US Undersecretary of State for Political
Affairs Lawrence S. Eagleburger met with Israeli
1983 officials to discuss US-Israeli cooperation. [11/1
Oct. 30: According to the Wall Street Journal, WP]
President $addam Husayn removed Intelligence Nov. 11: The US Congress passed a foreign aid bill
Chief Barzan Ibrahim Al Takriti from his post in a allocating $1.7 billion in military aid to Israel, half
shake-up of leading officials. He was reportedly re- in grants and half in loans, and $910 million in eco-
placed by $addam's 20-year old son. [10/31 WSJ] nomic aid grants. [I 1/18 MEED]

Nov. 15: The inflationrate hit 21.1 per cent for Oc- was accepted to preventa walk-outby some coa-
tober, the highest monthlyrate in Israel's history. lition members.[1/12WSJ[
[11/16WP] Jan. 12: MinisterWithoutPortfolio Ariel Sharon
Nov. 27: Shamirand Defense MinisterMoshe Ar- heatedly requesteda Cabinetappointmentin the
ens arrivedin the US for talks with administration Shamirgovernment.[1/13NYT]
officials. [11/28NYT]
Nov. 28: Shamir and Arens met in Washington
with President Ronald Reagan. US officials said
Reaganapprovedsteps to increase US-Israelico-
Dec. 3: The Reaganadministrationagreedto an in- Jordan
crease in militarygrant aid to Israel to $1.4 bil- (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict,Egypt)
lion. Congress earlierapprovedlegislationsetting
militarygrantsat $850 million. [12/4JP] 1983
Dec. 4: Reagan reiterated US support for Israel Oct. 21: US governmentofficials said US troops
and promised that the US would withdrawfrom had been traininga secret Jordanianrapiddeploy-
the UN if Israel were ever forced to withdraw. ment force for 21/2years. Estimatesof the size of
[12/5WP] the force rangedfrom 3000to 8000. [10/22NYT]
Dec. 18:At the requestof AgricultureMinisterPes- Oct. 25: In Delhi, an unidentifiedgunman seri-
sah Grupper,the Cabinetremoved DirectorGen- ously wounded Jordan's Ambassador to India,
eral of the Israel Lands AdministrationMeir Muhammad'Ali Khfurma.[10/26WP]
Shamirfrom his post. [12/19JP] Oct. 26: In Rome, two gunmenseriouslywounded
Dec. 22: Deputy Foreign Minister Yehuda Ben Jordan'sAmbassadorto Italy, Taysir 'Ala al-Din.
Meir unexpectedly resigned, citing personal rea- Two groupsclaimedresponsibility,the AbuiNidal
sons. [12/23JP] organizationand the Syrian Front for Struggle.
Dec. 28: Thousands of civil servants held work [10/27WP]
stoppagesor strikes to protestthe erosion of their Oct. 27: Egypt's Foreign Minister Kamal Hasan
salaries. [12/28JP] 'All arrivedin Ammanfor talks with CrownPrince
Several Cabinet members harshly criticized a Hasan, the firsthigh-levelEgyptianvisit to Jordan
proposal by newly-appointed Finance Minister since 1979.[10/28MEED]
Cohen-Orgadto freeze settlement construction. Nov. 1: The US Senate AppropriationsCommittee
[12/29JP] deleted $220mfor a proposedJordanianRapidDe-
Dec. 30: In a specialCabinetsession, Cohen-Orgad ployment Force from the 1984 militaryspending
said "budgetconstraints"might halt construction bill. [11/2 NYT]
of 18 new settlements. [12/31WP] Nov. 5: In an interviewwith the Kuwaitipaperal-
Siyasa, King Husaynaccused Syria of attempting
to destabilizehis country. He also blamedSyrian-
1984 backedterroristsfor recent attacks on two Jorda-
Jan. 1: The Cabinetimposeda governmentspend- nian diplomats[11/6WP]
ing ceiling of IS 1.4 trillion.Accordingto IsraelRa- Nov. 7: Two employees at Jordan's Embassy in
dio, US Secretaryof State George P. Shultz told Athens were shot by an unidentifiedgunman,kill-
Israel'sAmbassadorto WashingtonMeirRosenne ing one and seriously woundingthe second. [11/8
that the US was "not impressed with the steps NYT]
taken so far" and desired stricterausteritymeas- Nov. 10: Police defused a time bomb in Amman
ures. [1/2 WP] near the Saudi Arabian Airlines office. [11/11
Jan. 3: Civil servants disruptedgovernmentserv- NYT]
ices to protest economic austerity measures. [1/4 Nov. 11: Police defused a second time bomb in
WP] Amman.[11/12NYT]
The Ministerial Economic Committee recom- Nov. 12: A car bomb was defused in Amman.
mended9 per cent budgetcuts for every ministry, [11/13JP]
includingDefense. [1/4 JP] Nov. 19: Jordanapplied restrictionson travel to
Former Cabinet member Aharon Abuhatzeira Syriafollowingthe discovery of several bombs in
concludeda 3-monthprisonsentencefor misuseof Amman.[11/20NYT]
funds and returnedto the Knesset. [1/4 JP] Dec. 3: Turkey's PresidentGeneralKenan Evren
Jan. 4: Shamirmet in Jerusalemwith a delegation arrivedin Ammanon an officialvisit. [12/5 FBIS]
of IsraeliArabsto discuss the positionof Arabsin Dec. 12: King Husayn began a 7-day visit to
Israel. [1/5 NYT] France. [12/16MEED]
Jan. 11: Israel's MinisterialEconomic Committee Dec. 13: King Husayn met in Paris with French
backed off from recommendingacross-the-board9 PresidentFrangoisMitterrandfor talkson the situ-
per cent cuts in governmentministries,agreeingto ation of the Palestiniansin Lebanonand Europe's
trim the total budget by $525m. The compromise role in the MiddleEast. [12/14WP]

Dec. 29: An employee at Jordan's embassy in
Madridwas shot and killedand a second wounded Kuwait
by an unidentifiedgunman.[12/30WP] (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Petroleum

1984 1983
Jan. 5: King Husayn disbandedthe NationalCon- Oct. 29: DelegationsfromSouthYemenand Oman
sultativeCounciland summonedthe Parliamentto resumedbordertalks in Kuwait after a 10-month
a special session, its first meeting since 1974. [1/6 lapse. [11/31FBIS]
Nov. 8: The KuwaitiParliamenturgedthe suspen-
sion of aid to Syriaoutstandingfor 1983and all of
Seven West Bank deputies to Jordan's sus-
1984, in response to Syria's role in Lebanon.
pendedParliamentwere called to Ammanas plans
for the convening of a special session of the Par- Dec. 3: Canada'sPrime MinisterPierre Trudeau
liamentmoved forward.[1/5 JP] arrived from Bahrain on an official visit. [12/5
Jan. 6: SyrianofficialscriticizedJordan'sdecision FBIS]
to re-conveneits suspendedParliament.[1/7 WP] Dec. 12: A truckbomb was driveninto the Ameri-
Jan. 9: Jordan'sParliamentconvened to approve can embassycompoundin Kuwait,killing5 people
a constitutionalamendmentallowinggeneralelec- and wounding 62. Five other truck bombs ex-
tions to be held. [1/9 JP] ploded in other sites in the city. In Beirut, the Is-
Jan. 10: King Husayn appointeda new Cabinet, lamic Jihad organizationclaimed responsibility.
and urgedit to seek a "joint Palestinian-Jordanian [12/13WSJ]
negotiatingposition towardIsrael." [I/Il WP] Dec. 13:Followingthe explosionof 6 truckbombs,
The new Cabinet: security was tightened throughoutKuwait. The
Ahmad 'Ubaydat:Prime Minister& Ministerof NationalAssembly met in emergencysession and
Defense called on Kuwaitisto "foil foreign plots." [12/14
Sulayman'Arar:DeputyPrimeMinisterand In- WP]
terior Iran denied involvementin truck bomb attacks
Ahmad 'Abd al-Karimal-Tarawina:Ministerof against the US embassy and 5 other sites. [12/14
State for Prime MinistryAffairs & Justice NYT]
Dec. 16: The driverof a truckbombthat exploded
Tahiral-Masr:Foreign Affairs at the US embassy was identifiedas a pro-Iranian
MuhammadGhaufibal-Zabn:Communications Iraqi national. Iraq said the man had
IbrahimAyuib:Supply been sentencedto death for "criminalactivities."
Hikmatal-Sakit:Education [12/17NYT]
Juiwadal-'Ainani:Industry,Tradeand Tourism Dec. 18: Ten Shi'i Muslimswith ties to Iran were
TahirHikmat:Transportation arrestedfor involvementin 6 recent truck bomb-
Hanna 'Audah:Finance ings. [12/19WP]
Layla Sharaf:Information Dec. 19: A state security court was establishedto
Hamadallahal-NablOsl:Municipal& Rural Af- try 10 people arrestedin connectionwith the De-
fairs and Environment cember 12 truck bombings. The 10 were report-
'Abd Khalaf Dalidiyya: Awqaf & Islamic Af- edly membersof an anti-IraqimilitantShi'i organi-
fairs zation, al-Da'wa.[12/20NYT]
MuhammadBashir:Agriculture Dec. 27: Authoritiesarrested7 more people for in-
Taysir 'Abd al-Jabir:Labor volvement in the December 12 truck bombings,
ShawkatMahmfid:OccupiedTerritoriesAffairs bringingthe total arrestedto 17. [12/28NYT]
Kamil 'Ajlumni:Health
Ra'if Najm:Public Works
'Abdallah'Uwaydat: Culture& Youthand An-
'Abd al-SalamKan'an:Social Development
Marwanal-Kasim:Chief of the Royal Court Lebanon
'Adnan Abu 'Afudah:Minister of the Royal (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Kuwait,
Court[1/11 FBIS] Libya, Morocco, Syria)
Jan. 11: King Husayndissolvedthe JordanianSen-
ate and issued a decree forminga new Senate ef- 1983
fective January 12. Thirty new Senate members Oct. 18:The governmentsaid talkson nationalrec-
were appointed. The first ordinary session of onciliationwould begin October 20 at Beirut air-
Jordan'sParliamentwas set for January16. [1/12 port. The Druze ProgressiveSocialist Partycalled
FBIS] the proposed meeting site "completely unaccept-

able." Near the airport, Shi'i militiamenclashed Nov. 6: Lebanon's Army exchanged fire with
with Lebanese Army troops. [10/19WP] Druze and Shi'i forces in and aroundBeirut. [11/7
Oct. 19: The governmentannouncedthe postpone- WP]
ment of nationalreconciliationtalks due to objec- Nov. 7: Heavy street fightingeruptedbetween the
tions to the proposed meeting site by some fac- Lebanese Army and Shi'i militias southeast of
tions. In the mountainseast of Beirut heavy artil- Beirut. [11/8NYT]
lery exchanges between Druze militias and the Nov. 11: Participantsin national reconciliation
Lebanese Army killed 8 people and injured 27. talks in Geneva adjournedfollowing a week of
[10/20WP] talks. Proposalswere producedfor legal, political
Oct. 20: Lebanesefactions agreedto hold national and electoralchanges. [I1/12 NYT]
reconciliationtalks in Geneva. It was agreed that Nov. 14: Heavy clashes occurredbetween Leba-
Syria and Saudi Arabiawould send delegationsto nese Army troops and Druze militias aroundthe
the talks. [10/21NYT] village of Suq al-Gharb.Fightingalso occurredin
Oct. 22: Lebanese Army forces clashed with East Beirut. [11/15NYT]
Muslim militias in west Beirut and the Shuf re- Nov. 15: Shelling hit both Christianand Muslim
gion. The government said ceasefire violations sectors of Beirut as fighting continued in and
could lead to civil war. [10/23WP] aroundthe city. [11/16WP]
Oct. 26: French Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy Nov. 23: Lebanonbroke diplomaticrelationswith
criticized US policy in Lebanon. [10/27WP] Iranand "froze" relationswith Libya for interfer-
Oct. 27: Fightingbroke out between the Lebanese ing in Lebanon'sinternalaffairs.[11/24JP]
Armyand militiaforces in southernBeirutand the Nov. 25: Lebanese Army troops clashed through-
Shuf region. In Damascus, WalidJunblat,Rashid out the night with Shi'i Muslimmilitiasin Beirut.
Karami, Sulayman Franjiyyahand Nabih Bir-i, The governmentannouncedit had orderedIran's
representing Druze, Sunni, Christian and Shi'i envoy to leave the country within 3 days. [11/26
communities,respectively, met with Syrianleader NYTI
HafiZal-Asad to discuss upcoming talks on na- Nov. 26: Lebanese Army troops in Suq al-Gharb
tional reconciliation.[10/28NYT] came underartilleryattackfrom Druze militias.In
Oct. 28: A bomb explosion on the coastal road southern Beirut, Shi'i militiamen clashed with
near Tyre killed 2 Lebanese. Israeli forces inves- LebaneseArmyforces. [11/27NYT]
tigatedfollowingthe blast. [10/30NYT] Nov. 27: Druze and Chrisitianmilitias traded ar-
Oct. 30: Eight leading Lebanese politicians, rep- tillery barrages in the southern Shuf region.
resenting4 majorfactions, preparedin Genevafor Jumayyilleft Beirutfor officialvisits to Rome and
schedulednationalreconciliationtalks. [10/31WP] Washington.[11/28WP]
Oct. 31: A national reconciliation conference A delegationfrom Tripoli travelled to Damas-
opened in Geneva with a speech by President cus to work out the details of a plan for the with-
Amin al-Jumayyil.[11/1 WP] drawalof rival Palestinianfactions. [11/28NYT]
Nov. 1: Syria's Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Nov. 28: Artilleryshells woundedone US Marine
Khaddam, participatingas an observer in the nearthe Beirutairport.[11/29NYT]
Lebanesenationalreconciliationconferencein Ge- Meetingin Rome, Italy's ForeignMinisterBet-
neva, demandedthat Lebanoncancel the May 17 tino Craxi told Jumayyilthat Italy hoped to con-
agreementwith Israel. [11/2WP] vene a meetingof the 4 states participatingin the
About 1000 of 30,000 Christianrefugees from Beirut multinationalforce to speed reconciliation
the besieged town of Dayr al-Qamarwere permit- amongLebanon'srivalcommunities.[11/29NYT]
ted to leave on orders from Druze leaderJunblat. Nov. 29: Heavy shellingbroke out in the Shuf re-
[I 1/2JP] gion and spreadto the suburbsof Beirut. Shi'i mi-
Nov. 2: Franjiyyahproposedto delegates meeting litiamen temporarilydetained over 60 Christian
in Geneva that the May 17 agreementbe tempo- workers.[11/30NYT]
rarily "frozen" to promote national reconcilia- Nov. 30: After 3 days of heavy shelling around
tion. [11/3 NYT] Beirut, the internationalairport was closed. In
Nov. 3: Lebanese leaders in Geneva authorized Tripolilocal militiasclashed, killing2 and wound-
PresidentJumayyilto re-opennegotiationswith Is-
rael on the May 17 agreement,to seek an end to ing 6. [12/1NYT]
Israel's presence in southernLebanon. [11/4WP] Dec. 1: Jumayyilmet in Washingtonwith Presi-
Nov. 4: Delegationheads at the nationalreconcili- dent Ronald Reagan, who reiteratedUS support
ation conference recessed for 10 days to permit for the Lebanesegovernment.Reagandid not en-
Jumayyil to explore opportunitiesfor modifying dorse a proposalto seek Israel's withdrawalfrom
the May 17 agreement.Talks continuedat lower Lebanon without a concomitant Syrian pullout.
levels. [11/5 NYT] "We stand by the May 17 agreement," Reagan
The Soviet press agency Tass chargedthat the said. He encouraged Jumayyil to work more
US was planning a "massive attack" against closely with Israel to achieve the withdrawalof
Lebanon. [ /115NYT] foreignforces. [12/2WP]

A leading Druze religious figure Shaykh Halim doubtful about "reaching any agreement with
Taqi al-Din was killed in his home in Beirut by an Amin Jumayyil." [12/29 WP]
unidentified gunman. [12/2 NYT] Dec. 30: Radio Voice of Lebanon reported clashes
Dec. 2: US Secretary of State George P. Shultz between the Islamic Unification Movement and
said the US and Lebanon had agreed to establish leftist militias in Tripoli. [1/3 FBIS]
joint economic and military committees to add
4"structure and coherence" to US-Lebanese ties.
[12/2 NYT] 1984
Anti-'Arafat forces around Tripoli shelled loy- Jan. 1: Druze and Christian militiamen clashed in
alist positions as negotiations over the withdrawal the southern Shuf region. [1/2 WP]
of 'Arafat's troops faltered. [12/3 NYT] Jan. 3: Jumayyil sought the agreement of rival fac-
Dec. 4: Druze leader Junblat agreed to lift the siege tions for a 2-stage plan to enlarge areas under the
of 25,000 Lebanese Christians trapped in the Shuf government's control, according to US officials.
village of Dayr al-Qamar since early September. [1/4 WP]
[12/5 WP] Jan. 4: Lebanon's Intelligence Director Simon
Dec. 5: A car bomb exploded in west Beirut, kill- Kassis flew to Damascus to present a plan for ex-
ing 14 people and wounding 83. [12/6 NYTI panding the authority of the Jumayyil govern-
Dec. 6: US officials said Lebanon's President ment. [1/5 WP]
Jumayyil would try to form a "national reconcili- Jan. 5: The government said all but one of the
ation Cabinet" including members of rival fac- country's major factions had accepted a disengage-
tions. [12/7 WP] ment plan intended as the first step toward enhanc-
Dec. 7: Foreign Minister Elie Salem travelled to ing the government's authority. Junbl&tcontinued
Damascus to seek the resumption of national rec- to call for a "basic political solution" and said his
onciliation talks in Geneva. [12/8 JP] militia would refuse to permit Army troops into
Dec. 11: Heavy fighting broke out south of Beirut "our areas." [1/6 NYT]
between Lebanese Army troops and Shi'i militias. Jan. 6: Druze militias clashed with Christian forces
[12/12 NYT] in the Shuf region and with Lebanese Army units
Dec. 12: Druze artillery shells ceased falling on in Beirut. Expressing support for new disengage-
Suq al-Gharb after the Lebanese Army warned of ment proposals, Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam
retaliation. [12/13 WP] told representatives from Lebanon's major com-
Dec. 13: Jumayyil arrived in London for talks with munities to reach agreement on the plan quickly.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. [12/14 NYT] [1/7 WP]
Dec. 14: A 3-month seige by Druze forces of Chris- Jan. 7: Saudi, Syrian and Lebanese foreign min-
tians in the Shuf village of Dayr al-Qamar ended isters met in Riyadh to discuss proposals for the
with the start of an Israeli-supervised evacuation. disengagement of Lebanon's warring factions. [1/7
[12/15 WP] WP]
Dec. 16: In Damascus, Lebanese factions an- Heavy shelling broke out south of Beirut and in
nounced a new ceasefire. Beirut airport reopened. the Shuf region. In Damascus, Khaddam met with
[12/17 NYT] Birri, Lebanese negotiator Rafiq Hariri and
Dec. 19: The Lebanese Army fought with Shi'i mi- Junblat, to discuss Junblat's objections to recent
litias southeast of Beirut. [12/20 CSM] disengagement proposals. [1/7 NYT]
Dec. 24: Lebanese Army troops fought Shi'i mi- Jan. 9: Christian and Druze militias clashed in the
litias for control of positions evacuated by French Iqlim al-Kharrfib region north of the Awali River,
troops in southern Beirut. In the Shuf region, ar- killing 6 civilians and wounding 8 others. [1/10
tillery battles broke out between the army and NYT]
Druze militias. [2/25 WP] Saudi, Syrian and Lebanese foreign ministers
Dec. 25: Lebanese Army troops took control of ended a meeting in Riyadh without reaching agree-
former French positions in the Sabra and Shatila ment on the implementation of security proposals.
refugee camps. At least 13 people were killed in [1/10 FBIS]
the heaviest fighting since the December 13 ceas- Jan. 10: Junblat said major differences remained
efire was declared. [12/26 NYT] between Lebanon's factions and that no agree-
Dec. 26: Intense fighting continued in Beirut be- ment could be expected soon. [1/11 WP]
tween the Lebanese Army and Shi'i forces, Jan. 11: Lebanese Army troops and Muslim mi-
spreading into east Beirut. Government radio re- litia forces clashed in southern Beirut and the sur-
ported 53 people killed in 3 days of heavy clashes. rounding hills. [1/12 NYT]
[12/27 WP] Jan. 12: US envoy Donald Rumsfeld met in
Dec. 28: Five bombs exploded near Christian- Damascus with Syrian officials to discuss a pro-
owned properties in West Beirut, killing I person posed security plan for Lebanon. In Beirut, Druze
and wounding 3. A security committee composed militias engaged in heavy artillery battles with
of delegates from rival factions held its first meet- Lebanese Army troops and Phalangist forces. [1/13
ing in Beirut. From Damascus, Junblat said he was WP]

Jan. 13: Beirut experienced its heaviest fighting in Nov. 19: King Hassan 1I named MohamedKarim
several months as heavy artillery battles and rifle Lamrani,DirectorGeneralof the MoroccanOffice
fire broke out in the downtown area. [1/14 NYT] of Phosphates,as primeministerin a new national
unity government.[11/22LM]
Nov. 30: King Hassan II announcedthe formation
of a nationalunity government:
Libya Ministersof State
Ahmed Osman (National Assembly of
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Lebanon,
AbderrahimBouabid(Socialist Union of Popu-
1983 lar Forces)
Nov. 29: In its November 21 issue Zahf al-Akhdar, M'HamedBoucetta(Istiqlal)
the official organ of the Libyan "revolutionary MahjoubiAhardane(PopularMovement)
committees," called upon the Arab countries to MohamedArsalane El Jadidi (National Demo-
break relations with France and "spill the blood of cratic Party)
the French" to avenge French crimes against the HadjM'HammedBahnini
Arab nation. [1/29 LM] MoulayAhmedal-Alaoui
Dec. 16: Lebanon's President Amin al-Jumayyil ar- Ministers
rived in Tripoli on a brief official visit. [12/19 MoulayMustaphaBelarbiEl Alaoui:Justice
FBIS] Driss Basri:Interior
Dec. 21: Libya officially asked to become a party AbdelouahedBelkziz:ForeignAffairs
to the March 19, 1983, Treaty of Fraternity and AbdellatifFilali:Information
Accord between Tunisia and Algeria. Mauritania HachmiFilali:Endowments& ReligiousAffairs
became a party to the treaty on December 13. M'Hamed Douiri: Planning, Staff Training&
[12/21 LM] VocationalTraining
AzeddineLaraki:National Education
1984 Taieb Bensheikh: Minister Delegate to the
Jan. 5: Head of State Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi PrimeMinisterin Chargeof EconomicAffairs
threatened to boycott French products and pre- AbdellatifJouahri:Finance
vent French investments in Libya if France failed Azeddine Guessous: Commerce, Industry &
to change its policy toward Libya. [1/7 LM] Tourism
Jan. 11: Responding to Tunisian accusations, Abbas El Fassi: Handicrafts& Social Affairs
Libya denied involvement in the explosion of a liq- MansouriBenali: Transport
uid natural gas pipeline, but offered to pay the cost MoussaSaadi:Energyand Mines
of repairs. [1/3 LM] RahhaliRahal:Public Health
Jan. 13: Mauritius ordered the Libyan embassy Bensalem Smili: Maritime Fisheries & Mer-
closed and expelled all but one member of Libya's chant Marine
diplomatic mission. No reasons for the decisions Abbas El Kaissi: SecretaryGeneralof the Gov-
were announced. [1/14 WP] ernment
Said Belbachir:CulturalAffairs
M'Fadel Lahlou: Housing & Development of
National Territory
Morocco AbdelkrimGhallab: Minister Delegate to the
(See also, Regional Affairs) Mohand Laensar: Postal Services &
1983 OthmaneDemnati:Agriculture& AgrarianRe-
Oct. 21: United Arab Emirates President Shaykh form
Zayid bin Sultan Al Nuhayyan arrived in Rabat on Ahmed Belhadj: Minister in Charge of Rela-
an official visit. [10/28 MEED] tions withParliament
Nov. 5: King Hassan II dismissed Prime Minister AbdellatifSamlali:Youthand Sports
Maati Bouabid and announced the imminent for- AbdelouahedRadi:Cooperation
mation of a national unity government. [11/11 MoulayZine Zahidi:Labor & National Promo-
MEED] tion
Nov. 13: Egypt's Foreign Minister Kamal Hasan AbdelhaqTazi: Secretaryof State for Foreign
'Ali arrived in Rabat, the first high level Egyptian Affairs
visit to Morocco since the signing of the Camp KhaliHannaOuldRachid:Secretaryof State to
David Agreements in 1979. [11/18 MEED] the PrimeMinisterin Chargeof SaharanAffairs

Mohamed Tougani: Secretary of State to the people and woundedover 60, accordingto oppo-
Prime Minister in Charge of AdministrativeAf- sition sources. A governmentstatementclaimed 1
fairs killedand 8 wounded.[10/20WP]
AbdellatifHajaj: Secretary of State for Hous- Oct. 23: A governmentspokesmansaid that over
ing & Development of National Territory[11131 4000 people had been arrestedin 10 weeks of civil
FBIS] protest, with 2527 remainingin jail. [10/24NYT]
Dec. 11: In Rabaton a short visit, US Secretaryof Oct. 25: PresidentMuhammadZia ul-Haq urged
State George Shultz met with King Hassan II and the election commission to accelerate prepara-
Minister of State and opposition leader Abderr- tions for nationalelections. [10/25FBIS]
ahim Bouabid. Concludinghis visit to North Af- Oct. 26: Over 10,000 people participatedin anti-
rica, Shultz admitted that he had encountereda government demonstrations in Lahore. [10/27
"very sharp reaction" in the Arab world to the FBIS]
American-Israeliagreementon strategiccoopera- Nov. 10: InteriorMinisterMahmoudHaroon said
tion. [12/13LM] 61 people were killed and 4691 wounded in anti-
Dec. 15: Lebanon'sPresidentAminal-Jumayyilar- governmentdisturbancesin Sind over the past 3
rived in Morocco on a brief official visit. [12/19 months. Unofficialestimates put the death toll at
FBIS] 300 and woundedat over 8000. [11/1I1WP]
Dec. 20: Moulay Abdallah, 48, only brother of Nov. 12: Police fired into a crowd of protestors
King Hassan II, died following an extended ill- duringan anti-governmentdemonstrationin Sind
ness. [12/19FBIS] Province.[11/14NYTI
Dec. 27: In a televised addressKing Hassan II an- Dec. 3: Police in Kashmirarrestedabout 450 par-
nounced new economic measures. He revealed ticipants in an 80-mile anti-governmentmarch.
that he had signed a decree providingfor legisla- [12/4NYT]
tive elections to be held at the beginningof the Dec. 24: PresidentZia extended a ban on mem-
new year, and said the new Parliamentwouldmeet bers of the PakistanPeople's Party for 10 years,
on April 13, 1984. [12/30LM] saying the PPP had broughtPakistanto the brink
Jan. 8: Anti-governmentdemonstrationsbrokeout of crisis and would not be allowed to rule again.
in Marrakech.[1/24 LMJ [12/25NYT]
Jan. 13: Unrest reachedNadorand El-Hoceimain
northernMorocco, and interventionby the Army 1984
resultedin "manywounded,"accordingto the As- Jan. 7: Police firedon riotingprisonersattempting
sociation of Moroccans in France and the Asso- to escape from a Sindjail. One inmatewas killed
ciationof MoroccanWorkersin France. [1/26LM] and 5 wounded.[1/8 NYT]

Oman Qatar
(See also, Regional Affairs, Kuwait, South
Yemen) (See also, RegionalAffairs)

1983 1983
Nov. 16: Sultan Qabus bin Sa'id opened the sec- Nov. 6: Financeand Oil MinisterShaykh'Abd al-
ond 2-year term of the Majlis. Hamud 'Abdallah 'Aziz bin Khalifa Al Thani said Qatar's 1983
al-Harz4was namedPresident.He was replacedas budgetdeficitmay reachQR5billion.He said con-
Ministerof Electricity and Waterby Khalfanbin trols on governmentspendingwere necessary to
Ndsir. [12/2 MEED] avoid "superfluousexpenses." [11/10FBIS]
Nov. 17: Sultan Qabuisreleased 55 prisoners to Dec. 10: The annualsession of the nationalAdvi-
mark the 13th celebration of Oman's National sory Councilconvenedin Doha. [12/16MEED]
Day. [I 1/18FBIS]

Saudi Arabia
Pakistan (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Petroleum
(See also, Afghanistan) Affairs,RegionalAffairs,Egypt, Lebanon)

1983 1983
Oct. 19: A gun battle between securityforces and Oct. 22: King Fahd bin 'Abd al-'Aziz appointed
villagers in Lakhat, in Sind Province, killed 5 'Abd al-'Azlz al-Zamilas Ministerof Industryand

Electricityand Ghazi 'Abd al-Qusaybias Minister Dec. 20: Vice President 'Umar Mubammadal-
of Health. [10/28MEED] Tayyib said Army troops broke a rebel siege of
Oct. 25: Prince Bandar bin Sultan presented his Nasir township in southern Sudan, killing 480
credentials as Ambassadorto the United States. rebels. Al-TayyibchargedLibyaand Ethiopiawith
[10/28MEED] responsibilityfor unrest in southern Sudan and
said Sudanwouldrespondwith "deterrentblows"
if necessary. [12/21FBIS]

South Yemen
(See also, Regional Affairs, Kuwait, United
Arab Emirates) Syria
(See also Arab-Israeli Conflict, Jordan,
1983 Kuwait,Lebanon)
Oct. 27: Aden radio reportedthe formalestablish-
ment of diplomatic relations with Oman. [11/28
FBIS] 1983
Oct. 29: Followingtests for newly-receivedSoviet
SS-21missiles, Defense MinisterMu$tafdTlas said
the weaponshad been successfully"absorbed"by
Syrianforces in preparationfor the "comingfate-
Sudan ful battle." [11/31FBIS]
Nov. 7: Syria declareda generalmobilizationand
(See also, Egypt) put its armedforces on alert. [11/8NYT]
Nov. 10: ForeignMinister'Abdal-HalimKhaddam
1983 travelled to Moscow for a brief working visit.
Oct. 18: Egypt's PresidentHusni Mubarakarrived [11/11NYT]
in Khartoumfor talks with President Ja'far al- Nov. 13: The US Congressvoted to cut off previ-
Numayri. [10/21MEED] ously approvedaid to Syria. [11/18MEED]
Oct. 22: Rumania'sPresident Nicolae Ceausescu President Hafiz al-Asad was hospitalizedfor an
arrivedin Khartoumfrom Cairo. [11/24FBIS] undefinedailment.[11/14WP]
Oct. 28: President Numayri said selected provi- Nov. 20: US special MiddleEast envoy DonaldH.
sions of Sudan's recently-introducedIslamic leg- Rumsfeld met with Foreign Minister 'Abd al-
islationwould apply to non-Muslims.[11/1FBIS] HalimKhaddamin Damascus.[11/21NYT]
Nov. 8: Numayri left Khartoumfor visits to Eu- Nov. 26: Soviet MiddleEast specialistPavel Dem-
rope and the United States. [11/9 FBIS] chenko wrote for the Novosti press agency that
Nov. 13: EthiopianMIGs bombedareas in eastern "Syria enjoys [the] all-around support of the
Sudan, killing I person and injuring9 others, ac- USSR, [and]cannotregarditself alone in any situ-
cordingto Sudan's press agency. Ethiopianover- ation." "AggressionagainstSyria is an extremely
flightson November 11 were also reported.[11/17 dangerous venture," Demchenko wrote. [11/27
Nov. 14: PresidentNumayribegan a 5-day visit to Nov. 27: PresidentAsad appearedpubliclyfor the
France. [11/18MEED] firsttime since he was hospitalized.[11/28NYT]
Nov. 17: Army troops freed 2 foreignworkerskid- Dec. 13: US Defense SecretaryCasparW. Wein-
nappedby rebels in southernSudan who had de- bergerraised US estimatesof Soviet personnelin
mandedthe repeal of newly imposed Islamic leg- Syria, saying8000technicians,advisorsandtroops
islation. A second anti-governmentgroup contin- were in the country. Earlierestimates set the So-
ued to hold 9 other foreignworkers. [11/18NYT] viet presenceat 7000. [12/14NYT]
Nov. 19: An Army raid freed the 9 remainingex- Dec. 14: US MiddleEast envoy Rumsfeldarrived
patriatehostagesheld by anti-governmentrebelsin in Damascusfor talks with Syrianofficials. [12/15
southernSudan. [11/20WP] WP]
Nov. 21: Numayriarrivedin Washingtonfor meet- Dec. 15: US envoy RumsfelddepartedDamascus
ings with President Ronald Reagan and inter- after 2 days of talks with Foreign Minister
nationallendingagencies. [11/25MEED] Khaddam.[12/16WP]
Dec. 6: An Americanoilmanwas shot and killedby Dec. 19: The governmentdissolved 6 religiousso-
robbersin the upperNile valley. [12/7 NYT] cieties, citing concern for the spread of "a reli-
Dec. 17: Governmenttroops reportedlyrecaptured gious entity" withinSyria. [12/20NYT]
the town of Nasir in the southern province of Dec. 25: US presidentialcandidateJesse Jackson
Sobat, after it was occupied for 2 days by forces was invited by the Syriangovernmentto discuss
of the Sudanese People's LiberationArmy. [12/23 the release of captured US pilot Lieut. Robert
MEED] Goodman.[12/26NYT]

Dec. 28: Ministerof InformationAhmadIskandar Dec. 7: The CommunistParty's weekly publica-
Ahmad died of an "incurable disease." [12/28 tion Attariqal Jadid was suspendedfor 6 months
FBIS] for publishing informationabout the embezzle-
Dec. 29: PresidentialcandidateJackson left on a ment of funds by a Tunisianembassy emloyee in
self-proclaimed"pilgrimage"to Syria, seekingthe Paris. [12/10LM]
release of US prisonerGoodman.[12/30WP] Dec. 9: US Secretaryof State George Shultz ar-
Defense MinisterTlas said in an interviewthat rivedin Tunisfor a briefworkingvisit. In his meet-
Asad had been hospitalizedwith hearttrouble,not ing with Shultz, President Bourguibacriticized
appendicitisas announcedearlier. [12/30WP] US-Israelities. [12/13LM]
Dec. 16: The first congress of the Socialist Demo-
1984 crats Movementopened in Tunis. [12/17LM]
Jan. 2: Jackson met with Asad outside Damascus Dec. 29: Riots broke out in Nafgawa region of
to discuss Goodman'srelease. [1/3 WP] southernTunisia protestingincreases in price of
Jan. 3: In response to Jackson's request, Syrian bread and other cereal commoditiesas result of
authoritiesfreed Goodman.[1/4 WP] cuts in subsidies. [11/4WP]
Jan. 13: US envoy Rumsfeldand PresidentAsad
met for 3 hours in Damascus. The talks were de-
scribedas "fruitful."[1/14WP] 1984
Jan. 1: Riots broke out in the town of Kasserine
in southwestTunisia.[1/3 LM]
Jan. 2: Police and nationalguard units in Gafsa
opened fire on demonstratorsprotesting cuts in
Tunisia governmentfood subsidies. Unconfirmedreports
said 8 people were killedand 40 wounded.The In-
(See also, Algeria, Libya)
teriorMinistrysaid 4 people were killed in rioting
in the Kabili,Hamma,Kasserineand Gafsaareas.
1983 [1/3 NYT]
Oct. 18: President Habib Bourguiba reaffirmed Jan 3: A nationwidestate of emergency was de-
Prime MinisterMohamedMzali as his successor. clared and a 6 pm-5 am curfew imposed in Tunis
[10/28MEED] after rioting over sharp cuts in food subsidies
Oct. 20: A Cabinetdecision was announcedend- spread to the capital city. Prime Minister Mzali
ing governmentsubsidieson the retail sales of ce- said the protestswere aimedat "topplingthe gov-
reals. The price of bread was expected to double ernment." Up to 25 people were reportedkilled.
as a result. [11/4MEED] [1/4 WP]
Bahrain's Prime Minister Shaykh Khalifa bin Jan. 4: Anti-governmentriots subsidedas military
Salman Al Khallfa arrivedin Tunis on an official and police troopsenforcedemergencyregulations.
visit. [11/21FBIS] [1/5 WP]
Oct. 27: French PresidentFranqoisMitterandar- Jan. 5: The governmentreportedthe arrest of "a
rived in Tunisia for a 3-day official visit. [11/27 great numberof criminalsand professionalagita-
FBIS] tors" in the wake of country-widefood riots. [1/6
Tunisia and Algeria signed a defense coopera- NYT]
tion agreement at the close of a 5-day visit by The General Union of TunisianWorkers'Sec-
Algeria's Secretary-Generalof the Defense Min- retaryGeneralHabibAchour threatenedto call a
istry MustaphaBelloucif. [11/4MEED] generalstrikein responseto governmentausterity
Nov. 1: The first women were appointed to the moves. In Tunis, police firedover the heads of ri-
Cabinet.FethiaMzaliwas namedMinisterof Fam- oters protestingthe measures,as smalldemonstra-
ily and Women's Promotionand Souad Yaacoubi tions resumed.[1/6 WP]
was appointed Secretary of State to the Health Jan. 6: Bourguibarevokedcuts in basic food sub-
Ministry.[11/11MEED] sidies, ending nation-widedisturbances.Demon-
Nov. 19: PresidentBourguibalegalized two oppo- strators
sition political parties, the Socialist Democrats celebratingthe announcementcalled for
Movement, and the People's Unity Movement. Mzali'sresignation.[1/7 WP]
[11/20NYT] Jan. 7: Bourguiba dismissed Interior Minister
Nov. 25: BourguibaappointedSabokBen Jemaaas Driss Guigafor the conduct of security troops in
Minister of Public Works, replacing Mohamed recentfood riots. PrimeMinisterMzaliwas named
Sayah. Ben Jemaawas succeeded as a Ministerof ActingInteriorMinisteruntila permanentappoint-
Transport and Communication by Brahim ment could be made. [1/8 NYT]
Khouaja.[11/27-28LM] Jan. 9: The governmentprotestedto Libya over a
Dec. 2: Algeria's Press Minister Mohamed Ben commando attack on the Algerian-Tunisiangas
Ahmed Abdelghani arrived in Tunis for a brief pipeline.The attackersreportedlyoriginatedfrom
workingvisit. [12/5 FBIS] Libyanterritory.[1/10NYT]

Jan. 10: The establishmentof a commissionof in- Nov. 14: A militarycourt sentenced 23 leaders of
quiry to investigate the failures of police forces the Turkish Peace Association to prison terms
during the riots of the previous week was an- from 3 months to 8 years for establishinga sedi-
nounced. Bourguibadissolved the police depart- tious organization.[11/15NYT]
ment in Tunis District until the commissioncom- Nov. 18: A militarycourt in Izmir sentenced 111
pleted its investigation.[1/13LM] members of the leftist Dev Yol organizationto
varyingjail terms. Four others were sentenced to
death and 68 were acquitted.[11/19NYT]
Nov. 19: US special Middle East envoy Donald
Rumsfeldmet with Evren. [11/20WP]
Turkey Nov. 21: The Anatoliapress agency said 89 people
( See also, Jordan) were indicted in recent months on charges of at-
temptingto "establish a Communistregime" in
1983 Turkey.[11/22NYT]
Oct. 19: Martiallaw authoritiesbanned publica- Nov. 24: The newly elected Parliamentheld its first
tion of a right-wingpaperMilli Gazete. [10/20WP] session. [11/25WP]
Oct. 20: Iraqi and Turkish delegations agreed in Dec. 1: Militaryauthoritiesin Istanbulclosed the
Ankarato build a pipelineto carry Iraqiliquidpe- nation's largest daily paper, Hurriyet,for an in-
troleumgas throughTurkey to a terminalon the definiteperiod. [12/2WP]
Mediterranean.[10/21WP] Dec. 5: Hurriyet resumed publication. [12/9
Oct. 22: President Kenen Evren said martiallaw MEED]
wouldcontinueafterthe November6 generalelec- Dec. 6: Turkey's military government stepped
tions, saying "there is a need for the continuation down after 3 years in power. [12/7NYT]
of martiallaw in our countryfor some time more." Dec. 13: Appointmentsto the new civiliangovern-
[10/28MEED] ment were ratified.
Oct. 27: A militarycourt in Diyarbakirsentenced GeneralKenanEvren:President,Head of State
94 Kurdish separatists to prison terms up to 24 TurgutOzal:PrimeMinister
years. [10/28JP] Kaya Erdem:Deputy Prime Minister,Minister
Oct. 30: A majorearthquakekilled between 1000- of State
1500 people in the eastern province of Erzurum. Necat Eldem:Justice
[10/31WP] Zeki Yavuzturk:Defense
Military authorities banned the daily papers
Ali Tanriyar:Interior
Gunaydinand Tan. [10/31NYT]
Nov. 6: Generalparliamentaryelections were held. Vahit Halefoglu:ForeignAffairs
Three parties competed: the Nationalist Democ- VuralArikan:Finance & Customs
racy Party, favored by the militarygovernment, Vehbi Dincerler:Youth,Education& Sport
the MotherlandPartyand the PopulistParty. [11/6 Safa Giray:Construction& Housing
NYT] MehmetAydin:Health & Social Security
Nov. 7: The MotherlandParty, headed by Turgut Veysel Atasoy: Communications
Ozal, won 44.8 per cent of the vote to take con- Husnu Dogan: Agriculture,Forests & Village
trol of Turkey's government.The Populist Party Affairs
received 30.5 per cent of the votes and the Nation- CahitAral:Industry& Commerce
alist Democracy Party, received 23.5 per cent. CemalBuyukbas:Energy& NaturalResources
[11/7 WP] MukerremTascioglu:Culture& Tourism
Nov. 8: PresidentEvrencalled on all Turksto sup- MustafaKalemli:Labor
port the new government.Officialelection results Ministers of State: Kazim Oksay; A. Mesut
gave Ozal's MotherlandParty a majorityof 212 Yilmaz;Sudi N. Turel;AbdullahRenekeci;Ismail
seats in Turkey's400-seat unicameralParliament. Ozdaglar;AhmetAlptemucin.[12/16MEED]
The PopulistPartywon 117 seats, and the Nation- Dec. 21: Bomb explosions, apparentlydirected at
alist DemocracyPartywon 71. [11/9 NYT]
Nov. 10: PrimeMinister-electOzal said he planned Iraqi targets, occurred in Istanbul and Ankara.
to emphasize economic growth and an aggressive Threepeople were woundedin the blasts. Turkish
pro-Westernforeignpolicy. [11/ 1 NYT] authoritiesarrested2 men in connection with the
Nov. 11: The militarygovernmentextended mar- incidents.[12/22NYT]
tial law for 4 months. [11/12NYT] Dec. 24: The governmentof Prime MinisterOzal
Nov. 12: The militarygovernmentapprovedpress won a parliamentaryvote of confidence. [12/25
restrictionsseverely penalizingeditors, publishers WP]
and writers convicted of publishingarticles harm- Dec. 29: Ozal introducedeconomic liberalization
ful to national security or public morality. [11/13 proposals calling for less restrictive import and
NYT] currencycontrols. [12/30WP]

Jan. 12: Turkeyand Iranagreedto renew a lapsed
(See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict)
Regional Cooperation for Development trade
agreement.Turkeywas Iran'slargesttradingpart-
ner in 1983. [1/13 WSJ]
Nov. 13: A new Cabinet was sworn in: 'Abd al-
'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani:PrimeMinister
Ahmad 'Abd al-Malikal-AshbThi:Foreign Af-
United Arab Emirates fairs
(See also, RegionalAffairs,Morocco) AhmadQayd Barakat:Economyand Industry
1983 MuhammadAhmadal-Junayd:Development
Nov. 12: South Yemen's first ambassadorto the AhmadLuqman:Municipalitiesand Housing
United Arab Emirates arrived in Abu Dhabi. 'Abd al-Wahid'Aziz Zandani:Education
[11/14FBIS] Al-Qadi Ahmad Muhammadal-Jawbi:Justice
Nov. 15: Accordingto the London paperal-Sharq [I 1/18MEED]
al-Awsat, the first Soviet trade exhibition in the
UAE was scheduled to open in February 1984.
[I 1/17FBIS]

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