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Chronology April 16, 1984-July 15, 1984

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 38, No. 4 (Autumn, 1984), pp. 713-731
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 01/03/2012 15:04

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April 16, 1984-July 15, 1984

CSM, ChristianScience Monitor

FBIS, Foreign BroadcastInformationService
Daily Report-Middle East & North Africa and
South Asia
JP, TheJerusalemPost
LM, Le Monde
MEED, MiddleEast EconomicDigest
MEES, MiddleEast Economic Survey
NYT, The New YorkTimes
WP, The WashingtonPost
WSJ, The WallStreet Journal

May4: A Palestinianwho headedan Israeli-backed

Arab-Israeli Conflict militiawas shot to death in 'Ayn al-H.ulwrefugee
(See also, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, camp near Sidon, Lebanon. [5/6 JP]
Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, United May 5: PLO leader Yasir 'Arafatarrivedin China
Arab Emirates) for 3 days of talks. [5/5 NYT]
May 7: The official New China News Agency
quoted Premier Zhao Ziyang as saying China
1984 wouldprovidethe PLOwith political,materialand
April 19: The UN Security Council renewed the moralassistance. [5/8 WP]
mandateof the UNIFIL peace force in southern May 11: An Israeli soldier was killed by a hand
Lebanon. [4/20 WP] grenade in the southern Lebanese town of
April22: The Israeliarmylaunchedan inquiryinto Nabatiya. [5/12WP]
the April 12 hijackingof a bus by 4 Palestinian May 13: Rabbi Moshe Levinger, a leading figure
guerrillas.[4/23 WSJ] amongIsraeliWest Bank settlers, was arrestedon
Aptil 26: Israelrejecteda proposedUN-sponsored suspicionof involvementin an anti-Arabterrorist
Middle East peace conference that would allow organization.[5/18MEED]
PLO participation.[5/1 WSJ] May15:IsraeliPrimeMinisterYitzhakShamirsaid
April 27: Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens Israeli participationin a conference of Moroccan
appointeda special commission of inquiryto de- Jews was an encouragingsign of growing Arab
terminewhether 2 of 4 Palestinianhijackersof a acceptanceof Israel. [5/16NYT]
bus were killedafterbeingcapturedalive by secur- May 16: Israeli troops stormedthe 'Ayn al-Hulw
ity forces. [4/28 WP] refugee camp near Sidon, destroyed houses, and
April 28: Israeli police announcedthe arrest of a arrested 150 people, accordingto camp residents.
numberof Jews suspectedof belongingto a terror- Hospital sources said at least 20 people were
ist organizationthat plantedbombs on as many as wounded. [5/17NYT]
6 Arab buses in the West Bank. [4/29 WP] May 17: Two women were killedduringclashes at
May2: Syria confirmedit had captured3 members 'Ayn al-Hulw refugee camp. UNRWA officials
of Israel's liaison office in northernLebanon and blamedthe 'shootingson Israeli-supportedmilitia-
accused them of trying to infiltratebehind Syrian men. [5/18 WP]
lines. [5/3 WP] May 20: Israeliwarplanesbombedsuspected Shi'i
May 3: A gunman in Nicosia shot and killed a guerrilla bases in the Lebanese Biqa' valley.
Palestinianjournalist. [5/4 WP] In Sidon, I Lebanese civilian was killed and 2


woundedin an exchangefollowinga handgrenade months in prison for possessing explosives. [6/8
attack on an Israeli army patrol. One Israeli was WPI
wounded. [5/21 WP] Two previouslyunknownorganizations,a Pales-
May 21: An Israeli militarytribunalsentenced 4 tiniangroupcalledAl-'Iqabandan Egyptiangroup
West BankArabsto life imprisonmentand3 others called the EgyptianRevolutionclaimed responsi-
to prison terms for the July 7 murderof an Israeli bilityfor the June5 attackon an Israelidiplomatin
settler in Hebron. [5/22 NYT] Cairo. [6/7 FBIS]
Egypt protested to Israel over "inhumanand June 9: Delegationsrepresentingthe Democratic
illegal practices" in occupied Arab territoriesand Front for the Liberationof Palestine(DFLP), the
southernLebanon. [5/22JP] Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
May 23: Twenty-five Israeli Jews were charged (PFLP),the PalestinianCommunistParty,the Pal-
with belongingto a terroristorganizationthat con- estine LiberationFront and Fath began a PLO
ducted or planned at least 6 violent attacks on dialoguesession in Aden. [6/11FBIS]
Arabs on the West Bank in the previous4 years. PrimeMinisterShamirsaid he would proposea
[5/24NYT] UN bufferforce in the Biqa' valley. [6/10NYT]
May 24: Israeli warplanesattacked a Palestinian June 10: UN SecretaryGeneralPerez de Cudllar
guerrilla base in eastern Lebanon. Two people rejected Israel's proposal to deploy UN troops
were reportedkilled and 5 wounded. [5/25WP] between Israeli and Syrian forces in the Biqa'
Two Israeliarmyofficerswere chargedin a 1980 valley. [6/11NYT]
assassinationattemptagainst3 Palestinianmayors June 12: Lebanese north of Tyre demonstrated
on the West Bank. [5/25NYT] against Israeli troops after a local inhabitantwas
May 27: Three Israeli soldiers were killed and 2 killedby an Israelisoldier. [6/13FBIS]
wounded in an ambush in the southern Biqa' June 13: Defense MinisterArens told visiting UN
valley. [5/28 NYT] SecretaryGeneralPerez de Cudllarthat the UN
May 28: The Israeli Defense Ministryannounced peacekeepingforce would have to start working
that 2 Palestinianswho hijackeda bus on April 12 with Israeli-backedGeneralAntoineLahad'smili-
were beatento deathby Israelisecurityforces after tia forces in southernLebanonif they were to be
their capture. [5/28WP] useful in the region. [6/14NYT]
May29: A Palestinianmanwas foundshot to death Two shells fell withina mile of the Israeliborder
in Limasol, Cyprus. [5/30WP] settlementof MisgavAm. [6/15NYT]
June 1: An Israelimilitaryspokesmanrevealedthat June 14: A US State Departmentspokesmansaid
the maximumpenaltyfor throwingstones at mov- the US would withdrawfrom the UniversalPostal
ing vehicles in occupiedterritorieshad been raised Union if Israel was expelled from the organiza-
to 20 years. [6/1 FBIS] tion's congress. [6/15NYT]
A seniorIsraeliarmygeneralwas reprimanded in Israeliand Syrianforces exchangedtank fire in
the deaths of 2 Palestinianhijackersof a bus. [6/2 easternLebanon.[6/15JP]
WP] June 16: Muslim and Christianradio stations in
June 3: Lebanese Prime MinisterRashid Karami Lebanon reportedthat Israeli and Syrian forces
affirmedin a statementbroadcastby Beirut radio had clashed brieflyin the Biqa' valley. Christian
that he had asked Israel to close its liaison office radio said Syria's troops were on alert and both
near Beirut. [6/4 FBIS] sides had moved reinforcementsinto the valley.
June 4: In a communiqudissued after its 5-day [6/17WP]
meeting in Tunis the Fath CentralCommitteeap- A car carryingexplosives blew up near 3 Israeli
provedthe directiontakenby Palestinianreconcili- armoredpersonnelcarriersnear Sidon. The car's
ationtalksandsaid a Fathdelegationwouldbe sent driver was killed and 5 Israelis were slightly in-
to South Yemen for a furtherroundof talks. [6/5 jured. [6/17NYT]
FBIS] June 20: The leaderof the pro-Israeli"free Chris-
Thousandsof Muslimsclosed businessesin West tiangrouping"in southernLebanonannouncedthe
Beirutand southernLebanonto protestthe Israeli formationof its PoliticalParliament.[6/21FBIS]
occupation of southern Lebanon on the second June 21: An Israeli court sentenced an Israeli
anniversaryof the Israeliinvasion. [6/5 WSJ] reserve army officer to 10 years in prison for
June 5: An Israelidiplomatsufferedminorinjuries involvement in a Jewish terrorist organization.
after being firedupon in a Cairo suburb.[6/6 WP] [6/22WP]
UN Secretary GeneralJavier Pdrez de Cuellar June 22: Reconciliationtalks between Fath and 4
arrived in Cairo at the start of a tour of Egypt, otherPLOfactionsresumedin Aden. [6/22MEED]
Lebanon, Syria, Jordanand Israel. [6/6 FBIS] June24: A Palestinianjournalistwas placed under
Four Palestinianguerrillaswere capturedin the town arrest in Ramallahfor 6 months as he was
Golan Heights after infiltratingfrom Jordan. [6/6 aboutto leave on a US government-sponsored tour
WP] of the US. [6/25WP]
June 7: A defendantin the trial of membersof a June 26: Israeli troops closed the ports of Sidon
Jewish terroristorganizationwas sentenced to 18 and Tyre to all shipping.[6/27JP]

June 27: Twenty suspected membersof a Jewish brief visit to Egypt by French PresidentFrangois
terroristorganizationpleaded innocent to murder Mitterrand.[7/12WP]
and other charges. Their trial was then recessed July 13:Fath,the DFLP, the PFLP, the Palestinian
until September16. [6/28WP] Communist Party and the Palestine Liberation
Israeli warplanesattackeda suspectedPalestin- Front signeda unity accordin Algierscallingfor a
ian guerrillabase on Nakhl Islandoff the northern more collective leadershipof the PLO organiza-
coast of Lebanon. [6/28 WP] tion. [7/15JP]
Israel said 1 Israeli soldier was killed in an
ambushnear Tyre. [6/29WP]
June 28: Israel said a "terroristboat" had been
destroyedand 3 Israelisinjuredin a navalengage-
ment near Nakhl Island. [6/29NYT] General
Israelfreed 291 Syrianmilitaryprisonersand 20
civilian prisonersin exchangefor 6 Israelis in the 1984
firstexchangebetween the 2 countriesin 10 years. April21: The JerusalemCommitteeof the Islamic
The remainsof 5 Israelisand 72 Syrianswere also Conference Organizationcalled on all Muslim
exchanged. [6/29WP] countriesto breakdiplomaticrelationswith Costa
The Wall Street Journal reportedthat the US Rica and El Salvadorfor moving their embassies
State Departmenthad disclosed an FAA warning fromTel Aviv to Jerusalem.[4/22JP]
about an Arab terrorist group operating out of May 16: The US House of RepresentativesArmed
Greece that may have been plotting to blow up Forces Committee refused to approve a $62m
airlineswith suitcase bombs. [6/28WSJ] allocationfor PersianGulfregionmilitaryinstalla-
Five PLO factions issued a joint statementde- tions to be usedby the US CentralCommand.[5/25
claringtheir reconciliationtalks in Aden "a com- MEED]
plete success" and "a historic step" towardPLO May 18: Donald Rumsfeldresigned as US Presi-
unity. [6/29CSM] dent RonaldReagan's special Mideastenvoy. He
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of was not replaced.[5/19WP]
Palestinesaid an Israeliattackon NakhlIslandhad May 27: The sixth congressof the Organizationof
killed an Israeli soldier being held prisonerthere. Solidarityof Afro-AsiaticPeoples opened in Al-
[6/29WP] giers. [6/2 LM]
June 29: The Israeli Navy intercepteda ferryboat
operatingbetween Cyprus and Lebanon and di-
verted it to Haifa. [6/30 WP]
June 30: A Lebanese ferryboatreturnedto Leba-
non afterbeing releasedby Israel. LebanesePresi-
dent Aminal-Jumayyilcalled the diversionan "act
(See also, RegionalAffairs)
of piracy." [7/1 NYT]
July 1: The ports of Sidon andTyre were reopened
by Israel. [7/14WP] 1984
Israel said it was holding 9 passengersfrom a July 9: The Organizationof PetroleumExporting
Lebaneseferryboatsuspectedof anti-Israeliactivi- Countries(OPEC)MarketMonitoringCommittee
ties. [7/2 WP] urged that OPEC prevent a drop in oil prices by
July 2: ChristianVoice of Lebanonradioreported curbingproduction.[7/10WP]
Israeliwarplanesbombedsuspectedguerrillabases July 11: OPEC oil ministers meeting in Vienna
vowed to keep prices and basic productionquotas
in the Biqa' valley. [7/14WP]
unchanged,but SaudiArabiasaid it would tempo-
July 3: Five Arab youths were wounded when rarilycut its outputto give more sales to Nigeria.
Israeliborderpolice opened fire duringan incident [7/12JP]
at a roadblocknear Bethlehem. [7/4JP]
Five of 9 ferryboat passengers being held by
Israel were released. [7/4 WP]
July6: The JerusalemPost reportedthatofficersof
the Israeli-backedSouthern Lebanese Army had RegionalAffairs
temporarilystopped inductingChristiansin an ef-
fort to increase the ratio of Shi'i Muslimsin the 1984
militia. [7/6 JP] April 18: Iraqclaimedits warshipsand planes had
July 10: Pdrez de Cudllarmet with PLO leader destroyed 2 "large naval targets" near Iran's
'Arafat in Geneva to discuss a proposed peace KhargIslandoil terminal.[4/19WP]
conferenceon the MiddleEast. [7/12JP] April 22: The Polisarioclaimed to have killed 63
July 11: Egypt endorseda call for an international Moroccan soldiers in the Western Saharain the
peace conference on the Middle East following a firstreportedclash since January.[4/23WP]

The Polisariosaid Morocco had concentrateda May 12:IranandIraqreportedheavy exchangesof
force of 30,000 men in the region of Zag. [4/23 fire on the southernfront. [5/13WP]
FBIS] May13:A missilefroman unidentifiedwarplanehit
April 25: Fightingthe day before between Moroc- and slightly damagedthe Kuwaiti oil tanker Um
can troops and Polisarioforces in the Zag region Kasabah outside the war zone in the Gulf. [5/14
resulted in 50 Moroccans killed or wounded, ac- WP]
cordingto the Polisario.Rabatdenied any battles May 14:The Kuwaitioil tankerBahrawas hit by a
took place but a Moroccan official said the missile outside the war zone. [5/15WP]
Saharanswere harassingMoroccantroopsbuilding The Iraqi Minister of Defense confirmedthat
a wall to defend Zag. [4/27LM] Iraqi jets had attacked 2 small oil tankers, the
April 26: The Saudi-ownedoil tanker Safina al- Greek-registered Esperanza and the Iranian
'Arabwas hit by an explosion near KhargIsland. Tabriz.[5/17CSM]
[4/27 WP] Lloyds of London insurance underwritersin-
April28: Iraqclaimedits gunboatshaddestroyed3 creased insurance rates for tankers traveling to
Iranian"navaltargets"the day before nearKharg Kharg Island from 2 to 3%. The rates were in-
Island. [4/27 WP] creasedfrom 1.5%on May 10. [5/15WP]
April 29: Iran claimed it shot down an Iraqiwar- US officialsreportedthatan Iranianpilotflew an
plane. IraqreportedIranianartilleryshellingof itsF-5jet to SaudiArabiaand defected. [5/15WP]
southern port of Basra and other border towns. May15:IranianMajlisSpeaker'All AkbarHashimi
[4/29WP] Rafsanj&ni declaredthat "either the PersianGulf
May 1: Egyptian President Husni Mubarakre- will be safe for all or for no one." [5/21MEES]
vealed that Egypt was preparinga move by the May 16: The Saudioil tanker YanbuPride was hit
NonalignedMovementto persuadeIranandIraqto by warplanesnear Saudi Arabia'sRas Tanuraoil
stop fightingand resolve their differencesthroughterminal.US officialsattributedthe attackto Iran.
negotiation.[5/2 FBIS] [5/17NYT]
The Algerianpress service said the Polisariohad The KuwaitiCabinetblamedIranfor attackson
released 10 Moroccan prisoners to the Inter- 2 Kuwaititankersearlierin the week. [5/17WP]
nationalRed Cross in the WesternSahara.It was US governmentofficialssaid the US had offered
the first release of military prisoners by the duringthe previousmonthto provideair cover to
Polisariosince the conflictbeganin 1975.[5/5LM] Gulfcountriesbut no countryhadtakenadvantage
May 2: Iran called Egypt's proposals to end the of the offerat the time. [5/17NYT]
Gulf war "worthless and unacceptable." [5/7 Lloyds of London added Kuwaiti ports to a
MEES] high-riskzone in the Gulf,raisinginsurancerate to
The Polisarioclaimedup to 300Moroccantroops those applicableto ships going to Kharg Island.
had died in 4 or 5 majorbattles southof Zag in late
April. Morocco dismissed the claims as "pure May 17: Foreignministersof the GulfCooperation
fiction." [5/4 MEED] Council (GCC) states meeting at an emergency
May 3: IraqiPresidentSaddamHusayn confirmed session in Riyadh condemned "Iranian aggres-
that the April 26 explosion aboard the Safina sion" against Saudi and Kuwaitioil tankers, and
al-'Arab oil tanker was the result of an Iraqi air
decidedto take theircomplaintto the UN and the
attack. [5/7 MEES] ArabLeague. [5/18WP]
The Polisario claimed over 350 Moroccan sol- US governmentofficialssaidthey hadlauncheda
diers were killed on May 2 in an offensiveagainstdiplomaticeffort to reduce tensions in the Gulf.
Moroccanforces concentratedbehinda sand wall They said a publicrequestfrom Saudi Arabiaand
in the GraretE Moulatarea. [5/4 FBIS] other countries in the Gulf would be necessary
May 4: The foreign ministersof Tunisiaand Mo- beforethe US couldsend militaryforces. [5/18WP]
rocco arrived in Athens to persuade the Greek May 18: Iraq claimed its warplaneshad attacked
governmentto end armssales to Iran,accordingto and set ablaze2 ships in Iranianwaters. [5/19WP]
Arab and Greek diplomats.[5/5 WP] May 19: The Panamanian-registered cargo vessel
May 7: Iraq claimed attacks on Iranian troop Fidelitysanksouthwestof KhargIslandafterbeing
concentrationsacross the easternborder,and said attackedby Iraqijets on the previous day. [5/20
Iranhad shelled Basraand the centralbordertown
of Mandali.[5/9 WP] NYT]
May 8: Iraq said its fighterplanes attacked2 large SyriaandLibyablockeda move by ArabLeague
ships leaving KhargIsland. Shippingsources said foreign ministers to denounce Iran for bombing
the Saudi oil tankeral-Ahudhad been set ablaze. Arab shippingand refusing to talk with Iraq on
[5/9 WP] endingthe war. [5/20WP]
May 10: Morocco announcedits army had com- A Polisariocommuniqueclaimedits naval units
pletedconstructionof a second securitywall begun had destroyedthe port terminalat El-Aiounin the
in the fall of 1983, stretching from Zag to the Western Saharaon May 15. Morocco denied the
AtlanticOcean. [5/12 LM] report. [5/23LM]

May 20: In a resolutionapprovedby majorityvote May31: Iraqthreatenedto destroy KhargIslandif
overrulingLibyan and Syrian objections, the for- Iranianforces began a new land offensive. it said
eign ministersof the Arab League accused Iranof its planes had attacked an Iranianoil refineryat
aggressionin its waragainstIraqandfor attackson Tabrizand a pumpingstation near Khurramabad.
Arab shippingoutside of the war zone, and called Iran said the Tabriz refinery had been slightly
on the UN SecurityCouncilto take "firmandclear damaged.[6/1 NYT]
action" to end the crisis. [5/21NYT] PresidentReagansaid Iran had perpetratedthe
May 22: US PresidentRonaldReagansaid the US Gulfwarby demandingunconditionalvictorywhile
was consultingits allies about militaryaid to pro- also going "beyond bounds" in attackingneutral
tect Gulf shipping but called the possibility of ships. [6/1 WP]
direct intervention"very slight." [5/23NYT] June 1: The UN Security Council condemned
May 23: President Husayn said Iraq would soon attacks on commercialshippingoperatingout of
possess weapons capable of destroyingKhargIs- neutralports, andcalledon all states to respect the
land. [5/28 MEES] internationalrightof free navigation.Iranrejected
Syrian Vice President'Abd al-HalimKhaddam the resolution.[6/2 WP]
and Foreign Minister Faruq al-Shar' arrived in June3: Iraqiwarplanesattackedand set ablazethe
Tehranon a mediationmission, reportedlyat the Turkish oil tanker Buyuk Hun south of Kharg
requestof SaudiKingFahdbin 'Abdal-'Aziz. [5/24 Island. Baghdadsaid its aircrafthad hit 2 "large
WP] naval targets." [6/4 WP]
Oil industry and Western diplomatic sources June 4: US Defense Departmentofficialssaid the
estimatedIranianoil exportshadfallento less than US had sent AWACSplanes capableof detecting
Im barrelsper day from 1.8mbeforeApril25. [5/24 ships to SaudiArabia.[6/5 NYT]
WP] The Middle East Economic Survey reported a
May 24: Syrian Vice PresidentKhaddamsaid he significantrevivalof oil liftingsfrom KhargIsland
had secureda pledgeby Iranto avoidwideningthe in the previous week after Iran agreed to grant
Gulf war. [5/25WP] buyerspricediscountsof $2.50to $3.00per barrel.
Iranian Majlis Speaker Rafsanjani said Iran [6/4 MEES]
wouldleave SaudiArabiaaloneif it "condemnsthe A high Algerianofficial arrived in Iraq and a
Iraqiregimewith regardto the war and puts itself second arrivedin Iran on a Gulf war mediation
outside of the scene of action." [5/26NYT] mission. [6/4 FBIS]
Iraq claimed to have attacked 2 "large naval June 5: Saudi warplanes,guided by US AWACS
targets" leaving KhargIsland. [5/25WP] radaraircraft,shot down an Iranianplanein Saudi
The Liberian-registeredoil tanker Chemical airspace.[6/6 WP]
Venturewas set ablaze near the Saudiport city of IranchargedIraqiwarplaneskilled or wounded
Jubailby an Iranianwarplane.[5/25WP] as manyas 600 Iraniansin Baneh in northwestern
May25: The UN SecurityCouncilopened talks on Iran.Iransaid it wouldretaliatewith air strikeson
attacks on Gulf shipping. Iran refused to partici- 11 Iraqicities. [6/6 WP]
pate in the session. [5/26NYT] June 6: Gulf shippingsources said Iraniannaval
Iraq said it had destroyed 8 ships in Iranian teams were stopping ships enteringthe Strait of
waters. [5/26NYT] Hormuzto search for arms bound for Iraq. [6/7
Lloyds of London raised insurance rates for WP]
ships traveling to Kharg Island from 3 to 7.5%. Iraq said 21 civilians were killed and over 100
[5/26NYT] wounded in Iranianattacks on Basra and other
May 26: The officialSyrianmediaaccused Iraqof towns. Iran said Iraq had shelled Abadan. [6/7
"sabotaging"the recent Syrianmediationmission NYT]
to Tehranwith its attacks on shippingwhile Vice June 7: Iran and Iraq continued to bomb each
President Khaddam and Foreign Minister Shar' other's cities and shell borderregions. [6/8 WSJ]
were in Tehran.[5/27WP] Iranformallyprotestedto SaudiArabiaover the
May29: The US announcedit had sent 400 Stinger downingof one of its planes, sayingthe plane had
anti-aircraftmissilesand an Air Force aerialtanker not been in Saudiairspace.[6/8 CSM]
The Liberian-registeredfreighterDashaki was
to Saudi Arabia out of "grave concern with the hit by an explosionnearthe Straitof Hormuz.The
growing escalation" in the Gulf conflict. [5/30 ship's masterreportedlybelievedit was caused by
NYT] a mine. [6/8 WP]
May30: Iraqannouncedits aircrafthadhit a "large June 8: An Iranian radio communiquetold all
naval target" south of KhargIsland. [5/31WP] volunteerswith militarytrainingto reportto bar-
Iran'sAyatallahRfuhallah Khumaynisaid the US racks. [6/9 WP]
"lacks the courage" to intervenein the Gulf, but June 10: Iran and Iraq announced they would
warned of "US agents who would try to create accept a call by UN SecretaryGeneralPerez de
differences and rifts" among the Muslim clergy. Cudllarfor a halt on attackson civiliansites. [6/11
[5/31 WP] WP]

The Kuwaiti oil tanker Kazimah was attacked Saudi Arabia had been sharinginformationfrom
and set afireoff the coast of Qatar.It was the first US AWACSplanes with Kuwait. [6/21NYT]
attack on a neutral ship in the lower Gulf. [6/11 Iran accused Iraq of shelling a civilian site in
WP] Abadan,killing2 children.Iraq chargedIran had
Oil ministers of GCC countries met in Taif to shelled Basra. [6/21WP]
discuss ways of keeping oil flowingin the face of June 21: Iranand Iraqreportednew fightingalong
attacks on Gulf shipping. They said they would theirbattlefront. [6/22WP]
replaceany oil shipmentslost due to air attacksin The Polisarioannouncedthat its attacks in the
the Gulf. [6/12WSJ] northeast of the Western Sahara had killed 91
June 11: KuwaitofficiallyaccusedIranof attacking Moroccansoldiers and wounded 59 on June 17.
the Kazimahwhile it was in internationalwaters. [6/21FBIS]
[6/12FBIS] June 22: Iraq and Iran accused each other of
Iraqand Iran shelled each others' bordertowns violating their agreementnot to shell residential
hours before a moratoriumwent into effect. [6/12 areas. [6/23WP]
WPI The Polisarioannouncedthe deathof 67 Moroc-
TheMiddleEast EconomicSurveyreportedthat can soldiersin 3 clashes on June 19 and 20 in the
Iranianoil exports had returnedto approximately "useful triangle."[6/25FBIS]
1.4m barrelsper day. [6/11MEES] June23: GCCmilitarychiefs of staffended a 2-day
June 12: Iranand Iraqhaltedthe bombardmentof meeting in Riyadhdevoted to discussion of joint
each others' civilian centers. [6/13WP] steps to protectGulf shipping.[6/25WP]
June 13: MauritanianPresidentOuldHaidallasaid June 24: President Mubaraktold the Egyptian
Moroccowas tryingto destablizehis countryafter parliamentEgypt would renew its Gulf war peace
its decision to recognizethe SaharanArab Demo- initiativein comingweeks. [7/2 MEES]
cratic Republic. [6/14 FBIS] Iraq announcedit had attacked4 "large naval
June 14: GCCforeignministersendeda meetingin targets"south of KhargIsland. A Greek shipping
Taifwith a statementcondemningthe attackon the companysaidthe supertankerAlexanderthe Great
Kazimah but not blaming Iran by name. [6/18 had been damaged. Iraq said it would increase
MEES] attackson shipping.[6/25WP]
June 15: Rafsanjanisaid Iran would extend its June25:The Polisarioclaimed3 Moroccansoldiers
recentagreementwith Iraqhaltingattackson civil- were killedon June22 at Ratmiaand40 were killed
ian centers to ships in the Gulf. [6/16WP] on June 23 at Aarraid.[6/26FBIS]
Perez de Cuellarannouncedhe plannedto send June 26: Morocco denied Polisarioreports of re-
UN observersto Iran and Iraqto monitorcompli- cent battles,sayingno engagementhadtakenplace
ance with the moratoriumon attacking civilian in a long time in the WesternSahara.[6/28LM]
sites. [6/16 NYT] June 27: Iraq claimed to have hit 2 "large naval
June 16: Iraqcalled Iran'sproposalto end attacks targets." The Swiss-owned supertankerTiburon
on Gulf shipping"vague," and said it would only was damagedsoutheastof KhargIsland.[6/28WP]
agree if Iraqiports were included.[6/17WP] June 29: Iran said 2 civilians were killed and 3
Iraq accused Iran of shelling an Iraqi border woundedin Iraqi shellingof Abadan, and said it
town in violation of a 5-day old moratoriumand might retaliate for the attacks on its population
said it would retaliateif the violations continued. centers. [6/30WP]
[6/17NYT] The Polisarioclaimed19 Moroccanswere killed
June 17:Irandeniedit had brokenthe cease-fireby on June 25 and 25 on June 27-28 behind the
shellingan Iraqivillage. [6/18WP] defensivewall in the northof the WesternSahara.
Foreigncorrespondentsreportedthat the exten- [7/2 FBIS]
sion of a sand wall in the WesternSaharahad left July 1: Iraq said its air force had destroyed 5
Moroccan troops in full control of Hawza, the "naval targets" in a convoy in the northernGulf
Polisario'sformerprovisionalcapital. [6/18NYT] and shot down an IranianF-14jet. It also claimed
June 18: Iransaid thousandsof its volunteerswere to have inflictedheavy casualtieson Iranin ground
convergingnear Basra. The Gulf News Agency in fightingeast of Basra. [7/2 NYT]
Bahrain reported that in Iraq enlisted men and July 2: South Korea said a South Korean cargo
college studentswere headingtowardthe southern ship had been destroyedby an Iraqiair attackthe
front in anticipationof an Iranianoffensive. [6/19 day before.A Greekbulkcarrierwas also reported
NYT] hit in the attack. [7/3 WP]
June 19:An Iraqicommanderwas quotedas saying July 5: The Japanese-operatedsupertankerPrim-
Iraq had recapturedmore areas of MajnunIsland rose was attacked and slightly damaged in the
from Iraniantroops. [6/20NYT] southernGulf by a warplanesuspected to be Ira-
June 20: US government officials reported that nian. [5/6 WP]
Saudi Arabiahad said it would interceptthreaten- July 6: Rafsanjanisaid Iran's "final attack" was
ing aircraftbeyond Saudi territoriallimits in Gulf inevitableand could occur at any time within the
waters. The US State Department announced next year. [7/8 JP]

July 7: Iran'sofficialpress agency said "dozens of and mortarattackson Soviet and Afghangovern-
Iraqiagents" were killed the day before when the ment installations.Heavy fightingwas reportedin
Iranian-backedIraqidissidentgroupIslamicAmal the westernprovinceof Herat. [5/2 WP]
set off a truck-bombin Baghdad.[7/8 NYT] Western diplomats said rebel leader Ahmad
Iranian Oil Minister Mulammad Gharazi said ShahMassoudhadslippedout of Panjshirvalley on
some "militaryproblems"had occurredat Kharg April 18 or 19 to avoid capture.[5/2 NYT]
Island but oil exports had not been affected. [7/8 May 6: A senior Afghan governmentsource re-
WP] ported that Soviet and Afghan troops had re-
The Polisario claimed to have inflicted "heavy captured Andarab valley in heavy fighting the
humanand materiallosses" on Moroccantroopsin previousweek. [5/8 JP]
attacks in the northeastWesternSaharaon July 2 May 14: The National Olympic Committee an-
and 4. [7/10FBIS] nouncedAfghanistanwouldboycott the 1984Sum-
July 10: The Britishoil tankerRenownwas struck mer Olympicsin Los Angeles. [5/14FBIS]
by 2 missiles in internationalwaters east of Bah- Radio Kabul reported that the government
rain, apparently by an Iranian warplane. [7/11 would arm workers,farmersand civil servantsto
NYT] protect state-runfactories, farms and government
Iraqclaimedits jets had attackedand destroyed buildingsfrom attack. [5/16CSM]
a "large naval target" near Iran. [7/11WP] May 15: Westerndiplomatssaid Soviet forces had
July 11:Iraqsaidits forces destroyeda largeshipin sufferedat least 500 dead or woundedin the attack
the northeasternGulf near Iran. [7/12WSJ] on Panjshirvalley, and confirmedthat the Soviets
July 12: The Polisario claimed to have killed 22 had advanced into Andarab valley and several
Moroccantroops on July 9. [7/13 FBIS] ravinesoff Panjshirvalley. [5/16WP]
July 13: Iraq said its planes had hit 2 "largenaval May 17: US Vice PresidentGeorge Bush visited
targets" south of KhargIsland. [7/14 NYT] the KhyberPass, where he condemnedthe Soviet
invasionand expressed supportfor Afghanresist-
ance. [5/18WP]
May 22: Westerndiplomatsreportedthat a Soviet
delegationhadarrivedin Kabulon May 11to try to
Afghanistan establish contact with rebel leader Ahmad Shah
Massoudto end fightingin Panjshirvalley, appar-
(See also, Pakistan) ently so far withoutsuccess. [5/23NYT]
Western diplomaticsources said Soviet forces
1984 were diggingin for a long stay in Panjshirvalley,
April 16: US intelligencesources reportedthat the building fortified encampments at Rokha and
Soviet military command had moved several Bazarak,but still faced guerrillaattacksalong the
bombersquadronsnearthe Afghanborderin a new main highwayfrom Kabul to north of the valley.
buildup.[4/17WSJ] The Afghangovernmentwas reportedlypressuring
April 23: US officials said the Soviet Union had Panjshirisin Kabulto returnto the valley and had
opened a majoroffensive againstAfghanrebels in jailed 50 who refused. [5/23CSM]
Panjshirvalley using heavy bombersfor the first May 23: Jane's Defense Weeklyreported Soviet
time. [4/24WP] planes were dropping "liquid fire" bombs and
April 24: Radio Kabul reportedthat government fuel-airexplosives on Muslimrebels. [5/24NYT]
forces had captured Panjshirvalley. A Western May 27: Governmentradio reportedthat Panjshir
diplomatsaid Soviet aircrafthad begun high alti- valley was peacefuland reconstructionhadbegun.
tude bombingof the valley on April 21. [4/25WP] [5/28NYT]
April26: Westernintelligencesources said Afghan May 29: Westerndiplomatssaid a Soviet general
rebels were withdrawingfrom Panjshirvalley into was killed in early May when his helicopterwas
the mountains.[4/26NYT] shot down by rebels near Andarabvalley. [5/30
US Pentagon officials said Soviet troops had NYT]
advancedabout halfwayinto Panjshirvalley. [4/27 June 12: Westerndiplomatssaid Soviet forces had
WP] launcheda majorattackon Afghanrebels nearthe
April29: Governmentradiosaid 2 Afghanofficials Iranianborder,and they reportedincreasedrebel
inspectedtroops in Panjshirvalley. Westerndiplo- activityduringthe previousweek in Kabuland the
mats said fightingwas still ragingin the valley and easternprovinces. [6/13NYT]
in Kandahar,300 miles southof Kabul.Therewere June 16: Kabulradioindicatedheavy fightingwas
reportsthat4,000to 10,000people hadcrossedinto continuingin Herat. [6/18NYT]
Pakistansince Soviet bombingbegan. [4/30NYT] June 17: The head of the Jamiat i-Islami rebel
May 1: Up to 15,000 Soviet troops and 2,000 organizationsaidover 1,000civilianswere killedin
Afghan troops reportedly reached the town of a Soviet assault on Herat duringthe previous 2
Rokhain Panjshirvalley. Resistancein and around weeks, and hundredshad been woundedin daily
Kabulwas said to be intense, with frequentrocket bombingsof villages. [6/18NYT]

June 27: The WashingtonPost cited Westerndip- July 12: A National LiberationFront delegation
lomatic reports that Ahmad Shah Massoud had traveledto Moroccoto attendthe fourthcongress
returned to Panjshirvalley to direct attacks on of the SocialistUnionof PopularForces. [7/14LM]
Soviet positions. [6/27WP] June 15: Algeriasaid its troops had intercepted60
July 7: Radio Kabul announcedthe nominationof Moroccantroops inside Algerianterritory,killing
MuhammadKabir as Minister of Finance. [7/10 2, wounding2 and capturing31. [6/16WP]
July 8: The US Embassy in Kabulwas hit during
shelling which coincided with reports that fierce
infightingwithin the government'sleadershiphad
erupted in shootings and assassinations. [7/11 Bahrain
NYT] (See also, Iran, Lebanon)
July9: RadioKabulreportedthatPresidentBabrak
Karmalhad arrivedin Moscow for medicaltests. 1984
[7/11 LM] May 1: Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa
July 10: Agence France Presse reported, citing laid the cornerstoneof Gulf University, the first
Westerndiplomaticsources, that duringthe previ- universityin the country,whichhad been financed
ous week CommunicationsMinister Mohamman by the GCC countries and Iraq, and was due to
Aslam Watanjarhad been shot and wounded by open in September1986. [5/2 NYT]
Defense MinisterAbdul Kader, and FinanceMin- May31: Jordan'sKing Husaynheld talks with the
ister Abdul Wakil may have been assassinated. Amirof Bahrain.[6/1 FBIS]
[7/10FBIS] June 24: CypriotPresidentSpiros Kiprianouheld
talks with the Amir. [6/25FBIS]

(See also, Regional Affairs, General, Cyprus
Morocco) (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Bahrain,
April 22: Police broke up a demonstrationin Al- 1984
giers by thousandsof studentsprotestingthe pos- April17: Turkeyexchangedambassadorswith the
sibility that a quota would be imposed for the self-proclaimed Turkish Cypriot govemnment.
baccalaureate.[4/23 FBIS] Greeceandthe Cyprusgovernmentdenouncedthe
April28: PresidentChadliBenjedidreturnedfrom move. [4/18NYT]
officialvisits to Hungaryand Czechoslovakia.[5/1 April 22: TurkishCypriot leader Rauf Denktash
FBIS] warnedGreeceagainstsendingtroopsto the Greek
May 13: Ninety politicalprisonerswere freed un- sectorof Cyprus,implyingthe move mightriskwar
der an amnestyannouncedby PresidentBenjedid. between Greece and Turkey. [4/23NYT]
They included 10 formerministersof the govern- May 4: CypriotPresidentSpiros Kiprianouasked
ment of former President Ahmed Ben Bella and the UN SecurityCouncilfor "urgentand effective
over 30 Muslimfundamentalists.[5/14FBIS] measures"to halt efforts to partitionCyprus and
May 20: La Suisse newspaperquotedAhmedBen createa separateTurkishCypriotstate. [5/4 NYT]
Bella as sayinghe would seek a politicalcomeback May 9: The US House of Representativesap-
and form a new party named Movementfor De- proved PresidentRonald Reagan's request for a
mocracyin Algeria. [5/21WP] $250mpeace andreconstructionfundfor Cyprusto
May 26: Some 265 Algeriandelegatesattendedthe be released when "substantive" progress was
congressof the Movementfor Democracyin Alge- made in resolvingthe disputebetween the oppos-
ria near Paris where, in a taped address, founder ing parties. [5/10WP]
Ben Bella attacked the Benjedid governmentas May 11:The UN SecurityCounciloverwhelmingly
"fascist" andcalledon all currentsof oppositionto condemnedthe breakawayTurkishCypriot state
form a democratic front to work for "authentic and called for new talks on ending the crisis.
democracy"in Algeria. [5/29LM] Turkeyand the TurkishCypriotsimmediatelyre-
May 29: The National Assembly adopted a code jected the resolution.[5/12WP]
governingfamily relations,includingmarriage,di- June 4: The US warned TurkishCypriots not to
vorce and inheritance.[6/1 LM] settle in a former Greek section of the occupied
July 2: The government adopted a 5-year plan town of Famagusta,saying such a move would be
giving priorityto agricultureand hydraulics.[7/5 "unhelpful"to UN effortsto unite the island. [6/5

June 15: The UN Security Council unanimously attend the June 24 session of the People's As-
voted to keep a UN peacekeepingforce in Cyprus sembly and ConsultativeCouncil. [6/21FBIS]
for another6 months. [6/16NYT] June 23: Rifat al-Mahjfibwas elected speaker of
July 6: Rauf Denktash charged Greece was en- the People's Assembly. [6/26FBIS]
gaged in a secret militarybuildupon Cyprus. [7/7 June 27: The Soviet Union announced it had
NYT] reachedagreementwith Egyptfor the exchangeof
ambassadorsfor the first time since 1981. [7/7

(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional
Affairs,Iran) Iran
(See also, Regional Affairs, Iraq, Israel,
1984 Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Syria,
April 16: VladimirVladimirovichPolyakov, direc- Turkey)
tor of the MiddleEast desk at the Soviet Foreign
Ministryand former Soviet ambassadorto Cairo, 1984
met with Minister of State for Foreign Affairs April 25: The US State Departmentsaid the US
ButrfisButrfisGhall duringa visit to Egypt. [4/17 had urgeda worldwideban on the sale of nuclear
FBIS] materialsto Iran. [4/26NYT]
April 21: Egypt severed diplomaticrelationswith Iraniandissidentsstagedanti-Khumayni protests
Costa Rica and El Salvador in response to their in 5 Europeancities. [4/27NYT]
moving their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusa- April 27: IranianofficialsridiculedWesternpress
lem. [4/22WP] speculationthat Iranwas buildinga nuclearbomb.
May 1: President Husni Mubarakthreatenedto [5/4 MEED]
break diplomatic relations with any government April 30: Majlis Speaker 'All Akbar Hashimi
thatmoved its embassyto Jerusalem,including,by Rafsanjanisaid the IranianRepublicwas prepared
implication,the US. [5/2 WP] to "make good all the injusticesinflicted"on the
May27: Elections for the People's Assemblywere Kurdsin the past. [5/11MEED]
held. One oppositioncandidatewas shot to death May 1: A second roundof Majliselections was set
in Upper Egypt by her governmentopponentand for May 11. About half the seats were to be
the wife of another was wounded in a separate contestedagainwhere constituencieshad not pro-
incident. President Mubarak said the elections duced a clear winner. Local press reports said
were a "turningpoint in Egypt's history." New conservative candidates had done poorly in the
WafdleaderFu'ad Sirrajal-Dincalledthe elections firstround. [5/4 MEED]
"the worst" since 1924, and charged the ruling May4: InteriorMinister'All AkbarNatiqNfirisaid
party with tampering,irregularitiesand violence. the second round of Majlis elections had been
[5/28NYT] postponedfromMay 11 to May 17 to give authori-
May 29: In officialelection results the rulingNa- ties more time to investigatecomplaintsabout the
tional DemocraticPartywon 391 of 448 contested firstround. [5/11MEED]
parliamentaryseats, the New WafdPartywon 57, Iranaccusedthe US-Iranclaimstribunalof bias
and the Socialist LiberalParty, the NationalPro- against Iran and pledged to boycott about one-
gressive Unionist Party and the Socialist Labor quarterof the financialcases dealingwith claims
Partydid not win any seats. [5/30NYT] arisingout of the Iranianrevolution.[5/5 WP]
June5: PrimeMinisterFu'ad Muhyial-Dindied of May 6: Governmentforces claimed 12 Kurdish
a heart attack. Mubaraknamed Foreign Minister villageshadbeen "liberated"fromguerrillas.A big
KamalHasan 'All actingPrimeMinister.[6/6 WP] offensive was believed to have been underwayin
June 10: It was announced that Mub;arakhad Kurdistansince April. [5/18MEED]
appointed Consultative Council Speaker $ubhil May 17: Votingtook place for the second roundof
'Abd al-Hakimto succeed the late Fu'ad Muhyi Majliselections. [5/25MEED]
al-Din as secretarygeneralof the NationalDemo- May19:Tehranradiosaid 19Iranianantismuggling
cratic Party. [6/7 FBIS] guardskilled in a battle with internationalsmug-
June 19:Mubarakappointed10new deputiesto the glers and "merchantsof death" in southeastern
newly elected People's Assembly, including4 from Iranwould be buriedon May 20. [5/20NYT]
the SocialistLaborParty,5 Coptsanda memberof May 23: The Majlisapproveda bill concerningthe
the NationalDemocraticParty. [6/20NYT] sale and delivery of preferentialoil supplies to
June 20: Sudan's PresidentJa'far al-Numayriar- Syria and the reschedulingof Syria's debts of
rivedon a 5-dayvisit for talkswith Mubarakandto nearly$1 billionto Iran. [5/28MEES]

May 28: The Second Majlis held its first session, May 30: A large Turkishtrade delegationled by
reelecting SpeakerRafsanjani.Well over half the PrimeMinisterTurgutOzal ended its visit to Iraq.
Majlis members were new, and most of those [6/11MEES]
elected were said to be radicalsand progressives. June 19: King Husayn of Jordan arrived in
[6/1 MEED] Baghdadfor talks with President$addamHusayn.
June 3: Tehranradio reportedthat senior Foreign [6/19NYT]
MinistryofficialSayyid Muhammad$adr had left June28: Iraqgrantedasylumto 2 Iranianswho had
for Moscow at the invitationof the Soviet Foreign hijackedan IranAirjetlineron June26. [6/29WP]
Ministry.[6/4 WP]
June5: A sweepingamnestywas announcedwhich
would give political and other prisonerspardons
and reduced sentences. [6/8 MEED]
June 7: Foreign Ministry official $adr ended his
visit to Moscow. The Iranianambassadorto Mos-
cow said the main point of the Iranianmessage (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict)
delivered to the Kremlinwas that Iran wished to
improverelationswith the Soviet Union. [6/8 WP] 1984
June 15: Eight Iranianshijackedan Iraniannavy April21: The US State Departmentdeniedthatthe
plane, stopped in Bahrainand flew on to Egypt. US plannedto providemoney to Israelfor covert
[6/16WP] militaryactivitiesin CentralAmerica.[4/22NYT]
Stricterenforcementof Islamicdress and moral- April27: A seniorIsraeliofficialsaid Israelhad not
ity codes began. [6/22MEED] suppliedarmsor militaryequipmentto Nicaraguan
June 19: France said 8 Iranians, 1 a senior naval rebels and, he presumed,would not in the future.
officer, had arrivedin Paris on a hijackedIranian [4/28NYT]
aircraft.Fourasked for politicalasylumafterbeing April 30: Israel Radio said formerPrimeMinister
denied asylum by Egypt. [6/20NYT] MenachemBeginhaddecidednot to runfor Parlia-
June 22: Four Iranianswho were unwillingpas- ment in the July 23 generalelection. [5/1 WSJ]
sengerson a hijackedIranianplanereturnedto Iran May9: The HerutPartycentralcommitteeelected
from Paris. Four others were put under house Minister without Portfolio Ariel Sharon to the
arrestin Paris.Iranhaddemandedthe returnof the fourthspot in the party'shierarchy.[5/10NYT]
plane and defectors. [6/23NYT] May 15: Minister without Portfolio Sharon said
June 26: Two hijackersseized an IranAirjetliner duringa visit to the US that Israel had supplied
and forced it to fly to Qatar,where 142passengers militaryequipmentto Iran soon after the start of
were released, and on to Cairo. Egypt said the the Gulfwarin September1980withthe knowledge
hijackerswere refused asylum. [6/27WP] of the US administration.[5/18MEED]
July 4: Islamic GuidanceMinisterHuijatal-Islam May 17: FormerDefense MinisterEzer Weizman
MuhammadKhatamisaid 150,000Iranianswould announced he had founded a political party,
take partin the pilgrimmageto Meccain 1984.This Yahad,in preparationfor the July elections. [5/18
figurerepresenteda 50%increase over the previ- WPI
ous year. [7/5 FBIS] May20: An EnergyMinistryspokesmansaidIsrael
had given the US a guaranteethat it would not
attack the proposedIraq-Jordanpipelineand that
Israel had proposedlinkingthe pipelineto one in
Israel. Iraqi and Jordanianofficialsdescribed the
Iraq offeras "ridiculousand strange."[5/28MEES]
June 11: Israel's foreign ministry,embassies and
(See also, Regional Affairs, Israel, Jordan, consulates were closed by a strike by diplomats.
Yemen) [6/11JP]
June 12: UN Secretary General Javier Perez de
1984 Cuellar held talks with Prime Minister Yitzhak
April 20: Iraqi First Deputy Prime MinisterTaha Shamir.[6/13FBIS]
Yasin Ramadanended a 3-day visit to Moscow, Prime MinisterShamiraccused the UN of en-
wherehe denouncedthe US for exploitingthe Gulf couraging"terroristsand murderers"seeking the
waras a preludeto militaryintervention.[4/28WP] destructionof Israel. [6/13WP]
May5: DeputyPremierand ForeignMinisterTariq June 17: Election officials voted to prohibit the
'Aziz noted "some improvement"in the US at- right-wingKach partyfrom runningin the July 23
titude toward the Gulf war, but said Iraq would electionson the groundsit openlysupportedacts of
judge its relationswith the US by the US reaction terror and advocated racist and antidemocratic
to Iraq's request for Americanfinancialinvolve- principles.[6/19WP]
mentin a $1.2 billionpipelineprojectto carryIraqi June 19: Election officialsbarredthe Jewish-Arab
oil to the port of Aqaba. [5/14MEES] Progressive List for Peace from participatingin

July elections, saying it included subversive ele-
ments. [6/20 NYT] Kuwait
June 20: Israel and the US held a medical coop- (See also, RegionalAffairs,Lebanon)
erationexercise. The firstjoint maneuverbetween
the 2 countries, it was a result of a strategic 1984
cooperationagreementreachedin November1983. May 18: Membersof Kuwait'sNationalAssembly
[6/21WP] criticized Morocco's hosting of a recent Jewish
June 22: LaborPartyleader ShimonPeres said he congress. [5/22FBIS]
hopedto removeall IsraelitroopsfromLebanonin May 30: The NationalAssembly approveda 39%
3 to 6 monthsif he was elected PrimeMinisterand cut in aid to Syria, Jordan and the PLO in an
would change the settlement policy in the West attemptto reducethe country'sbudgetdeficit. [6/4
Bank. [6/23NYT] MEES]
June 24: Government and public service trade US Defense Departmentsources said Kuwait
union representativessigned a 2-year wage agree- had informallyasked the US to sell it Stinger
ment callingfor pay increasesof at least 16%after anti-aircraftmissiles. [5/31WP]
strikes and work slowdowns by 75,000 civil serv- June 4: US governmentsources said the adminis-
ants. [6/25WP] trationhad told Kuwaitthe US would not grantits
June 28: The SupremeCourt ruled that the Kach requestfor Stingermissiles. [6/6 CSM]
movementandthe ProgressiveList for Peace could June5: Jordan'sKingHusaynmadea briefvisit to
run in the July elections. [6/29WP] Kuwaitfor talkswith AmirShaykhJaRbir al-Ahmad
July 10: Three Israelis were chargedin Londonin Al $abdh. He said he had come to "see whether
the kidnappingof a formerNigerianofficialon July Kuwaitdesiredany assistancefrom Jordan."[6/6
5. [7/11 WP] NYT]
June 7: Kuwait's Ministerof the Interior said 4
Iranianssuspectedof forminga sabotagenetwork
had been arrested with bomb materialsin their
possession. [6/7 FBIS]
June 18: In a press conferencein Kuwait,Foreign
Minister Shaykh $abah al-AhmadAl Sabah ap-
Jordan pealed to the US Congressto approveits request
for Stingermissiles. He disclosed that Kuwaithad
(See also, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Israel, immediate access to information gathered by
Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Saudi-basedAWACSplanes. [6/19WP]
Emirates) June 19:The US State Departmentsaid the admin-
istrationhad informedKuwaitit would be unable
to supplyit with Stingermissilesbecause of politi-
cal opposition in Congress. It said the US was
1984 lookingat more"immediateandeffective"ways of
May 3: PLO leader Yasir 'Arafatresumedtalks in improvingKuwait'sair defense. [6/20NYT]
Ammanwith King Husayn on a joint approachto June 27: The US Defense Departmentnotified
MiddleEast peace. [5/4 MEED] Congress of its plan to sell $82m in anti-aircraft
May 15: Speakingbefore Parliament,PrimeMinis- equipmentto Kuwait. [6/28NYT]
ter Ahmad'Ubaydatblameda recent campaignof July 12: Defense MinisterShaykhSalim Al Sabah
attempted bombings partly on Iran, Syria and said at the conclusion of a trip to Moscow that
Libya, and on Jordanian youths "influenced Kuwait had initialeda $327marms deal with the
against" the governmentwhile studying abroad. Soviet Union. He praisedthe Soviet leadershipfor
He said a group of militiamenand civilianslinked "denyingus nothingin theirarsenal."The Kuwaiti
to the Islamic fundamentalistal-Jihadgroup had press reported that the agreementinvolved the
been detainedby intelligencepolice. [5/17CSM] presence of Soviet militaryadvisors in Kuwait.
May 23: The US State Departmentrevealed the [7/13NYT]
postponementof a programto provide $220min
equipmentto Jordanfor a mobilestrikeforce. [5/24
June 10: UN Secretary General Javier Perez de
Cuellar arrived in Amman for a meeting with Lebanon
Husayn. [6/11 FBIS] (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict)
June 17: Husayn offeredto send Jordaniantroops
to aid Iraq in the Gulf war. [6/18WP] 1984
July 9: French PresidentFranqoisMitterrandbe- April 16: Shellingand sniper fire closed the only
gan an officialvisit to Jordan.[7/10JP] crossing point between East and West Beirut. In

Tripoli, 3 people were killed and 20 wounded in West Beirut Druze and Sunni militias clashed. [5/6
fightingbetween local pro- and anti-SyrianMuslim NYT]
militias. [4/17NYT] May 6: Heavy shelling blocked Lebanon's first
April 17: A cease-fire went into effect between peace march. Twenty-five people were killed and
Christian and Muslim militias in Beirut. Army 100 wounded. [5/7 WSJ]
troops clashed with Druze militiamenaroundSuq May 7: Birni announced he would join the national
al-Gharb.[4/18NYT] unity government after he was named Minister of
April 19: PresidentAmin al-Jumayyilheld a day- State of Southern Affairs and Reconstruction.
long meeting with SyrianPresidentHafiz al-Asad 'Abdallah al-Rasi still refused to become Interior
in Damascus. In Beirut, Lebanese cease-fire ob- Minister. [5/8 NYT]
servers took up positions along the Green Line in May 8: American clergyman Benjamin Weir was
the firstphase of a disengagementplanworkedout kidnapped in West Beirut. [5/9 WP]
by militiagroups. [4/20WP] May 9: A man claiming to represent the Islamic
April 20: Fightingended in Beirut as 1,500 Leba- Jihad claimed responsibility for the abduction of
nese gendarmesmoved in between warringmilitia Benjamin Weir, as well as that of American news-
factions. [4/21NYT] man Jeremy Levin and diplomat William Buckley
April 21: A cease-firecontinuedto hold as Presi- in March. [5/10 CSM]
dent Jumayyilbegan consultationson forminga May 10: The Cabinet met in Bikfaya, east of Beirut.
new government.[4/22WP] Information Minister Skaf was appointed acting
April23: One memberof the bufferforce was killed Interior Minister in the absence of Rasi. [5/11
and 2 wounded by sniper fire near the crossing NYT]
point between East and West Beirut. [4/24WP] May 11: Lebanon broke diplomatic relations with
April 26: Jumayyilnamed Rashid 'Abd al-Hamid El Salvador and Costa Rica for transferring their
Karami Prime Minister, replacing Shafiq al- embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. [5/14 FBIS]
Wazzan. [4/27NYT] May 12: Fighting erupted between Christians and
April 28: The ForeignMinistrysaid Lebanonhad Muslims in Beirut hours after hundreds of children
reopeneddiplomaticrelationswith Libya and was staged a peace march in the Muslim sector. [5/13
tryingto do the same with Iran. [4/29NYT] NYT]
April 28: Police said 3 civilianswere killed and 22 May 14: A child was killed and 21 wounded when a
woundedin Beirutby heavy fightingin the gravest mortar shell hit a school playground in East Beirut.
violationto date of the cease-fire. [4/29WP] [5/15 WP]
April 30: Prime Minister-designateKarami pro- May 15: Militia leaders in Beirut appealed for an
posed a new Cabinetof nationalunity. Shi'l militia end to the bombardment of residential neighbor-
leader Nabih Birrnsaid he would refuse to partici- hoods. [5/16 NYT]
pate. [5/1 WP] May 18: Shooting broke out in Baalbak between
RashidKarami:Prime Minister;ForeignAffairs pro-Iranian militants and Syrian soldiers. [5/20 WP]
Kamil Sham'uin:Finance: Housing & Coopera- May 25: Parliamentary leaders refused to set a date
tives for debate on a confidence vote for the national
'Adil 'Usayran:Defense; Agriculture unity government until the safety of deputies in
Salim al-Hu$$:Labor;Education& Fine Arts Beirut could be guaranteed. [5/26 WP]
Pierreal-Jumayyil:Health; Telecommunications May 27: A US Embassy spokesman said new
'Abdallahal-Rasi:Interior threats of kidnapping or death against US citizens
Joseph Skaf: Information in Beirut had been made. [5/28 NYT]
Nabih Birri: Justice; Electric & Hydroelectric May 31: Kar&mi submitted to Parliament his
Resources government's program for modifying Lebanon's
Victor Qasir:Economy & Commerce;Industry& political structure and ending the civil war. [6/1
Oil NYT]
Walid Junblat: Public Works & Transportation; June 3: In Beirut, thousands of Lebanese demon-
Tourism strated against the Israeli occupation of southern
May 1: Birrimet with Druze leader WalidJunblat Lebanon. [6/4 WP]
and high Syrian officials in Damascus. Syria de- June 6: One French truce observer was killed by
claredits supportfor the proposedKaramigovern- snipers and I wounded along the Green Line in
ment. [5/2 WP] Beirut. [6/7 WP]
May 2: The new Cabinet held its first meeting. June 7: A caller claiming to represent the Islamic
Birrn,Junblatand 'Abdallahal-Rasi were absent. Jihad organization warned citizens of Kuwait,
[513WP] Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE to leave
May5: A Soviet culturalcenterin Beirutwas hit by Lebanon within a week or be targets of suicide
a grenade. A group called Islamic Fajr claimed bombers. [6/8 WSJ]
responsibility.[5/6 WP] Parliament postponed a vote on a government
Christianand Muslimfactions exchangedheavy peace plan amid the third day of heavy fighting. [6/8
shellfireacross the Green Line in Beirut, and in WP]

June 11: Parliamentcontinuedto debate a govern- July 7: Relatives of civil war kidnap victims
ment peace plan. Over 100people were reportedly blocked the only crossing between East and West
killed in the heaviest fightingin Beirutin 6 weeks. Beirut with burning tires. [7/8 WP]
[6/12WSJ] July 8: Beirut Airport opened after 5 months but its
June 12:The nationalunitygovernmentwon a vote access roads were blocked by continuing protests
of confidencefromParliamentfor its planto divide by relatives of kidnap victims. Most businesses
power between Muslims and Christians, rebuild closed in West Beirut in a general strike called by
the army, force Israel from Lebanon and end the Muslims in support of the protesters. [7/10 NYT]
civil war. [6/13NYT] July 9: The Libyan charge d'affaires was kidnapped
June 15: Officialsbriefly closed the Green Line in Beirut and released several hours later in eastern
crossing afterrival militiashijacked19 semi-trailer Lebanon. The Imam Muisa $adr Brigade claimed
trucks. [6/16NYT] responsibility and demanded that all Libyans leave
June 17: In an interview in Monday Morning, Lebanon. [7/10 WP]
Karfmi ruled out invitinga Syriandeterrentforce July 10: All crossing points between East and West
back to Beirutto enforce a cease-fire. [6/18CSM] Beirut were opened and activity at the airport and
June 18: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim seaport resumed. [7/11 NYT]
Khaddammet in Beirutwith Lebanese leadersfor July 11: A bomb destroyed the Libyan embassy in
talks aimed at reconcilingChristian-Muslim differ- Beirut. The Imam Musad Sadr Brigade claimed
ences within the Cabinet.[6/19NYT] responsibility. [7/12 WP]
June 23: The Cabinet approved a security plan July 13: Police said at least 27 people had been
reorganizingthe armyundera 6-manmilitarycoun- killed and 72 wounded in 3 days of fighting between
cil headedby GeneralMichel 'Awn, who replaced the militias of former President Sulayman
IbrahimTannuisas armycommander.[6/24NYT] Franjiyya and the National Syrian Socialist Party
June 23: Unidentifiedgunmen shot and killed the in the northern Lebanese district of Koura. [7/13
Austrianconsul in Beirut. About 10 gunmenkid- NYT]
napped a Libyan diplomatand his 2 bodyguards. July 17: Syrian army troops moved into several
[6/24WP] Christian villages in northern Lebanon to enforce a
June 25: A Libyan diplomatkidnappedtwo days cease-fire between 2 pro-Syrian militias. Leaders
before was rescued in Beirut by Amal militia of the militias agreed in Damascus to withdraw
forces. [6/26 NYT] from the battle zone. [7/16 NYT]
June 26: The UN Relief and WorksAgency said it
mighthave to suspendits workin Beirutbecauseof
threatsto its foreignstaff. [6/27FBIS]
June 30: Druze militiamen began withdrawing
heavy weapons from Beirut. [7/1 NYT]
July 1: The Lebanese Forces militia joined the Libya
Druze and Shi'i militias in acceptingthe govern- (See also, Regional Affairs, Jordan,
mentpeace plancallingfor deploymentof the army Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey)
in East and West Beirut. A spokesmanfor Birri
said he had orderedthe Amal militiato remove its 1984
heavy weapons from Beirut. [7/2 WP] April 17: A gunman inside the Libyan embassy in
July2: One manwas reportedkilledand 1 wounded London fired on a crowd of anti-Qadhdhafi protest-
in gunbattlesbetween pro- and anti-Syrianmilitias ers, killing one British policeman and wounding 11
in Tripoli. [7/3 WP] Libyan students. British police surrounded the
July 3: The Lebanese Forces withdrewtheirheavy building, and within hours the British embassy in
weapons from Beirut. [7/4 NYT] Tripoli was surrounded by Libyan troops. [4/18
July 4: Clashes between Muslim fundamentalists WP]
and Syrian-backedgroupsin Tripolicontinuedfor April 18: Libya lifted its siege of the British em-
the thirdday. [7/5 JP] bassy in Tripoli. [4/19 WP]
April 19: Head of State Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi
Nine thousandLebanese armysoldiersbeganto
accused Britain of provoking the shooting incident
take over positions in East and West Beirutfrom in London by storming the Libyan embassy, and
militiaunits. [7/5 NYT] demanded that London police withdraw from the
July 5: Bulldozersbegan tearingdown GreenLine Libyan embassy. In Tripoli, several hundred Liby-
barricadesdividingBeirut. [6/6 WP] ans demonstrated outside the British embassy.
Forty-onepeople were reportedlykilled in artil- [4/20 WP]
lery duels betweenrivalmilitiasin Tripoli.[6/6WP] April 21: British police investigated a possible
July6: The LebaneseArmycompletedits takeover Libyan connection to a bomb explosion at Heath-
of Beirut from militias, but the port and airport row Airport in London in which 25 persons were
remainedclosed. [7/7 NYT] injured. [4/22 NYT]

Two senior Libyan officials confirmed that 2 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and that of
Libyan students had been publicly hanged at Trip- 10 gunmen, 8 were killed and 2 were captured.
oli University on April 16 after being convicted of [5/10 NYT]
treason by a student revolutionary committee. In the US, 2 Libyan students were arrested near
[4/22 WP] Philadelphia for allegedly attempting to buy 2 pis-
In a press conference Head of State Qadhdhafi tols with silencers from an undercover agent. [5/13
said "Chad is an extension of our country and we WP]
are an extension of Chad," according to the Libyan Diplomats said at least 5 Libyans and 1 Ethio-
press agency Jana. [4/24 LM] pian were killed in an explosion at a house in Addis
April 22: Britain broke diplomatic relations with Ababa the day before. [5/10 NYT]
Libya and ordered all persons inside the Libyan May 10: Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister 'All
embassy to leave the country by April 29. Libya Akbar Valayati expressed Iran's strong support for
expressed "surprise and indignation" at the action. Qadhdhafi during a visit to Libya. [5/18 MEED]
[4/23 WP] Sudan and Tunisia denied Libyan allegations of
April 23: Britain deported a Libyan student for involvement in the May 8 attack in Tripoli. [5/11
alleged "covert activity." [4/24 WSJ] NYT]
April 24: Libyan-backed Chadian rebels loyal to May 13: The Libyan press agency said Libyan
former President Goukouni Oueddei denied press security forces had killed the leader of the May 8
reports that Libya had annexed the area of north- attack in Tripoli. It said Tripoli's legislators had
ern Chad held by them. [4/25 JP] decided to form suicide squads to avenge the
Libyan Foreign Minister 'All 'Abd al-Salam attack. In Tripoli, thousands of Libyans rallied in
Turayki said Libya was prepared to accept support of Qadhdhafi. [5/14 NYT]
Britain's decision to break relations and to "imple- May 14: French officials said France was consider-
ment the decision peacefully." [4/25 NYT] ing proposals by Qadhdhafi for the withdrawal of
Britain deported 'Abd al-Ghadir Baghdadi, a French and Libyan troops from Chad. [5/15 NYT]
Libyan described as Qadhdhafi's personal rep- May 23: Turkish Prime Minister Turgut Ozal met
resentative in Britain. [4/25 WP] with Qadhdhafi during an official visit to Libya.
April 26: The Mauritanian government daily Chaab [5/25 MEED]
published documents allegedly proving that Libya The director general of the International Atomic
had tried to destabilize the government of Presi- Energy Agency disclosed that Libya had signed the
dent Khouna Ould Haidalla. [4/28 LM] nuclear nonproliferation treaty. [5/23 FBIS]
British diplomatic dependents left Tripoli and the
Libya suspended relations with Liberia and
families of Libyan officials left London in the first
Zaire because of their resumption of relations with
phase of a simultaneous repatriation. [4/27 NYT]
Israel. [5/23 FBIS]
April 27: The 10-day police siege ended as 30
Libyan men were flown to Tripoli and 12 British May 27: Diplomatic sources said the Libyan am-
diplomats arrived in London. [4/28 NYT] bassador had been recalled from Tunisia the day
April 28: Le Monde reported that the Libyan army before. [5/29 FBIS]
had encircled Oueddei forces in Bardai in northern May 28: The Libyan news agency Jana said Libyan
Chad, several dozen of whom were said to have peoples' congresses had decided to form suicide
deserted to Chadian government forces. [4/28 LM] squads to destroy "sabatoge and assassination
April 30: Qadhdhafi said Libya would open rela- training camps" in Sudan. [5/30 JP]
tions with the Irish Republican Army unless there June 4: Libyan radio announced the execution of a
was an "agreement" between London and Tripoli. member of the Muslim Brotherhood. [6/6 LM]
[5/1 WSJ] June 11: State-run radio quoted Qadhdhafi as say-
In an interview QadhdhfTi said he was ready to ing he had the capability to stage assassinations
withdraw his troops from Chad if France did the and other attacks in the US. [6/13 WP]
same. It was his first public acknowledgment of the June 14: Amnesty International said 7 Libyans had
Libyan army presence in Chad. [5/1 WSJ] been executed between June 3 and 7 and hundreds
May 4: Britain expelled 2 Libyans and denied a had been arrested and perhaps tortured since May
Libyan claim that weapons were found in the 8. [6/14 NYT]
former British embassy in Tripoli. [5/6 JP]
June 21: A gunman shot and killed a Libyan
May 8: At least 12 anti-Qadhdhafi dissidents were
killed in a shootout in Tripoli with Libyan security shopkeeper in Athens who had reportedly been an
opponent of the Qadhdhafi government. [6/22 WP]
forces, according to reports from Tripoli and West-
ern officials. The National Front for the Salvation June 22: A Libyan businessman believed to be
of Libya claimed responsibility for the attack. [5/9 anti-Qadhdhafi was shot and killed in Athens. [6/23
May 9: Qadhdhafi accused the US, Britain and June 28: Libya freed 3 members of the Tunisian
Sudan of supporting those responsible for the at- national guard seized on the Tunisian border on
tack the day before. He said it was carried out by May 8. [6/30 LM]

July 4: Two Libyan studentssaid to be supporters June 22: The communistdailyAl Bayane reported
of Qadhdh5fiwere found slain in Athens. [7/5 tha 2 people had been sentencedin Tetouanto life
NYT] in prisonin connectionwiththe Januaryriots. [6/28
July 11: The Greek governmentprotested to the LM]
Libyanambassadorin Athens about the killingsof June29:Le MondereportedthatSecretaryof State
Libyansin Greece. [7/12NYT] for ForeignAffairsAbdelhaqTazi was nominated
to replace M'HamedDouiri as Ministerof Plan-
ning. Minister of Equipment Mohamed Kabbaj
becameMinisterof Equipment,StaffTrainingand
(See also, RegionalAffairs,Kuwait, Syria)

1984 Oman
April 18: The officialnews agency announcedthat
a man had been sentencedin Oujdato 15 years in
prisonfor participatingin food-priceriots in Janu- 1984
ary. It said 1,800 people had been arrestedin 13 May 1: Sultan Qabus bin Sa'id issued a decree
villagesand most of themwere condemnedto from establishinga Ministry of Environmentand ap-
2 monthsto 10 years in prison. [4/20LM] pointing Sayyid Shabib Taymuirbin Fay$al, for-
April 24: Morocco severed diplomatic relations merlyMinisterof State, to head it. [5/20FBIS]
with El Salvadorand Costa Rica for movingtheir May20: US Vice PresidentGeorgeBushleft Oman
embassies in Israel to Jerusalem.[4/27MEED] after a 3-dayvisit. [5/4 MEED]
April 25: Legislative elections, which had been June 12: Jordan'sKing Husaynarrivedin Salalah
postponedtwice, were set for September14. [4/27 for a 2-dayvisit. [6/15MEED]
April 30: Five leaders of the MuslimBrotherhood
were arrested after meeting in Casablanca. [5/4
May 13:A conferenceof MoroccanJews openedin
Rabatwith 35 Israelisin attendance.[5/14JP]
May 14: Crown Prince Sidi Mohamed hosted a (See also, Qatar,SaudiArabia)
dinnerfor delegates to the conference on Moroc-
can Jews. [5/16NYT] 1984
May 17: US Defense SecretaryCasparWeinberger April 16: Qatar's Shaykh Khallfa bin Hamad Al
arrivedin Fez to participatein a Moroccan-Ameri- Thani arrivedon a 3-day state visit to Pakistan.
can joint militarycommittee. [5/18FBIS] [4/17FBIS]
May 18: In a speech King Hassan II defendedthe April 25: Pakistaniofficials said at the end of a
holding of a Jewish conference in Morocco and 4-day visit by Saudi Crown Prince 'Abdallahbin
said that duringthe conference Morocco did not 'Abd al-'Aziz that they had been assured of con-
"undertakeany commitment,nor was Morocco tinued supportfor guerrillasfightingSoviet forces
unfaithfulto any of its existing commitments." in Afghanistan.[5/4 MEED]
[5/25MEED] April26: The governmentbannedmembersof the
May 24: Abdeslam Yassine, head of the Islamic Ahmedia religious sect from calling themselves
fundamentalistorganizationAl Jamaa, was sen- Muslimsand using Islamicterminologyor preach-
tenced to 2 years in prisonand a finefor publishing ing to Muslims.[5/17WP]
articlesin his dailyAs Sobh criticizingthe govern- May 9: The governmentbanned all reportingon
ment. [5/30LM] outlawedpoliticalparties. [5/11CSM]
June 12: Le Monde reportedthat 62 persons had Studentsin all majorcities boycottedclasses and
received prison sentences of 3 monthsto 12 years marchedto protest a governmentban on student
for participatingin riots in Ksar El-Kebirin Janu- unions and the detention of about 100 students.
ary. [6/12 LM] [5/11CSM]
June 15: The Minister of Interior confirmedthe May 11: TurkishPrime MinisterTurgutOzal ar-
deaths in the Casablancaregion of 6 Moroccans rived on a 4-day officialvisit. [5/14FBIS]
contaminatedby a radioactiveiron pellet on June May 15: US Vice President George Bush held
9. Twenty other people were also contaminated. formaltalkswith PresidentMuhammadZia ul-Haq
[6/17-18 LM] duringa 4-day visit. [5/16FBIS]
June 16: Moroccoconfirmedits forces had clashed May 21: Thousandsof Muslimsfrom 2 rival sects
with Algeriansoldiers, and said they had entered clashed in Lahore. Thirty-five were reportedly
Algeriaby mistake. [6/17WP] injured.[5/22NYT]

June4: At least 18 people were killedin gunbattles May 26: US governmentsources said the US was
between the Janwariand Chandiotribes in south- preparingto supply airborne tankers to Saudi
ern Sind province. [6/5 NYT] Arabia.[5/27WP]
June 17: Pakistanprotested to Afghanistanabout May 28: The US sent an emergency shipmentof
an air attack at a border crossing that killed 6 400 Stinger missiles and 200 launchers to Saudi
Afghanchildren.[6/18NYT] Arabia.[5/29NYT]
June 21: US SenatorAlan Cranstonsaid US gov- June 12: Fahd agreed to Iran's request to send
ernmentsources had told him Pakistanhad devel- 150,000 pilgrims to Mecca in September. [6/14
oped the ability to make nuclear weapons after WSJ]
obtainingdesign assistancefrom China. [6/21WP] June 13: Sudan's PresidentJa'faral-Numayriar-
June 26: An Indian Defense Ministryspokesman rived in Jidda on a private visit. He stressed the
said Pakistaniand Indian troops had clashed on "positive attitude"of SaudiArabiatowardSudan
June 11alongthe borderin Kashmirstate, resulting since SudanadoptedIslamiclaw. [6/22MEED]
in 1 Indiandeathand "heavy" Pakistanicasualties. June 26: Pakistan'sPresidentMuhammadZia ul-
[6/27WP] Haq arrivedon a privatevisit. [6/29MEED]
July 9: PresidentZia deniedallegationsby Senator June 27: King Husayn told Fahd duringa visit to
Cranstonthat Pakistanwas developinga nuclear Saudi Arabia that Jordan would stand by "its
bomb. [7/10 WSJ] brothersin defendingtheir lands, waters and sov-
July 12: Legal sources said 41 people had been ereignty." [6/29MEED]
chargedwith conspiringto overthrowthe govern-
ment in 1980with Libyanhelp. [7/13JP]

South Yemen
(See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict)
(See also, Iran, Pakistan) 1984
May 24: The Yemeni OlympicCommitteesaid it
1984 would not participatein the 1984OlympicGames
May 6: Amir ShaykhKhalifabin HamadAl Thani in Los Angeles. [5/25FJ3IS]
returnedto Qatar after official visits to Pakistan, June28: The Kuwaitipaperal-Siyasareportedthat
India,the Republicof KoreaandJapan.[5/7FBIS] 3 ministerswere elected duringthe Presidiumof
June 11: The QatariConsultativeAssembly held the Supreme People's Council on May 21-22:
the final meeting of its 12th ordinaryterm. [6/12 Ahmad MuhammadQa'tabi: Minister of State;
FBIS] MuhammadSa'id 'Abdallah:Ministerof Housing;
June 13: King Husaynof Jordanheld officialtalks and Mahmud 'Abdallah 'Ushaysh: Minister of
with the Amirof Qatar.[6/14FBIS] State. [7/2 FBIS]

SaudiArabia Sudan
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Regional (See also, Egypt, Libya, SaudiArabia)
1984 April 29: PresidentJa'far al-Numayriimposed a
April 18: Health MinisterGhazi 'Abd al-Qusaybi state of emergencythroughoutthe country, citing
was dismissedfromhis post. No reasonwas given. the need to combat labor unrest, corruption,op-
AgricultureMinister 'Abd al-Rahmanbin 'Abd positionto Islamiclaw, and rebel uprisingsin the
al-'Aziz bin Hasanal-Shaykhwas appointedacting south. [5/1 CSM]
Health Minister.[4/30MEES] April 30: President Numayri granted sweeping
April24: King Husaynof Jordanarrivedin Riyadh powers to police and the armywhich he said were
for talks with King Fahd bin 'Abd al-'Aziz. [4/27 necessary to control a growingthreat "inside the
MEED] countryand abroad."[5/1 NYT]
April 30: North Yemen's President'Ali 'Abdallah May 1: Numayrireshuffledhis Cabinet,dismissing
$alih held talks with King Fahd. [5/1 FBIS] nearlya thirdof the ministers.New appointments
May 23: The US government told members of were:
Congressthat it plannedto revive an offer to sell Saghlrin al-Zayn:Irrigation
1,200Stingeranti-aircraftmissilesto SaudiArabia. KamalHasan Ahmad:InternalAffairs
[5/24NYT] 'Awad al-JidMuhammadAhmad:Ministerof the

Presidencyfor Legal Affairs forces had "liberated" the town of Bidore in
'Abd al-Salam$alih 'Isa: Health southeastSudan,andthat400 governmentsoldiers
Hashim 'Uthman:ForeignAffairs were killedor had escaped. [6/27FBIS]
FarahHasan:Labor & Social Insurance
Ja'far Hasan Salih: Cooperation, Commerce &
'All MuhammadShummo:National Guidance &
Ministersof State:
Yfisuf Hasan al-Hajj:Defense (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional
All 'AmirTaha: Transport& Communications Affairs,Iran,Jordan,Kuwait,Lebanon)
'Umar MuhammadYasin: Political Affairs in the
President's Office[5/4 MEED] 1984
May 3: Westerncreditorsmeetingin Parisgranted May 14: Syriarecalledits ambassadorto Morocco
Sudan a reschedulingover 16 years of its foreign for consultationsin the wake of a Jewish confer-
debtsof about$300mfallingdue in 1984.[5/7FBIS] ence in Moroccoattendedby an Israelidelegation.
May 5: Sudanese security forces arrested 1,540 [5/15 FBIS]
people on drug and alcohol charges in the past 2 May 20: The Washington Post cited reports that
days, according to Egypt's Middle East News violence between troops of Vice PresidentRif'at
Agency, quotingthe Sudanesedaily al-Sihdfa.[5/7 al-Asadand his rivalsresultedin at least 8 soldiers
NYT] killedin Latakiaon April23. [5/20WP]
UN and Ethiopian officials said about 40,000 May 21: Syria announced it would suspend its
Sudanesehadfledto Ethiopiaduringthe previous6 membershipin the Islamic ConferenceOrganiza-
months to escape hungerand fightingbetween the tion (ICO)JerusalemCommitteeunder the chair-
armyand rebels in southernSudan. [5/6 NYT] manshipof MoroccanKing Hassan II, calling the
May 14: Interior Minister Kamal Hasan Ahmad recent Jewish conferencein Moroccoattendedby
was dismissed for "attemptingto influence the Israelisa flagrantviolationof ICOprinciples.[5/22
course of justice." He was replaced by chief of FBIS]
police General'All Yasin Ibrahim.[5/18MEED] May28: Vice PresidentAsad left for Moscow on a
May 18: The right hands of 2 convicted armed workingvisit accompaniedby SpecialForces chief
robberswere publiclyamputated,makinga totalof 'Ali Haydarand ThirdArmy division commander
9 such sentences since September.[5/20JP] ShafiqFayyad. [5/29FBIS]
May 25: Two West German aid workers were June 1: Vice PresidentAsad flew to Geneva at the
kidnappedby rebels in the Bahr al-Ghazalregion. conclusion of a visit to the Soviet Union which
About 60 soldierswere also reportedkidnappedor includedtalkswithSovietleaderKonstantinChern-
killed. [6/1 MEED] yenko. [6/2 WP]
May 28: Numayri advised foreign companies in- June7: VisitingUN SecretaryGeneralJavierPerez
volved in oil projectsin southernSudanto resume de Cuellarheld talkswith PresidentHafiz al-Asad.
their operations now that "security prevailed [6/8 FBIS]
throughoutthe region." [6/4 MEES] July 2: Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas said on
May 29: A martiallaw court bannedall forms of French television that Vice President Asad's
European style dancing throughoutthe country, 25,000-mandefensecompanieshadbeen integrated
according to the Egyptian Middle East News into the regulararmedforces. [7/6 MEED]
Agency. [5/31JP] July 5: In Geneva, Vice President Asad denied
June 7: The Sudan News Agency reported that reports that he had been exiled from Syria by
ChevronOil Companyof the Sudan had resumed President Asad, saying he was in Geneva for
its oil explorationoperationsin southern Sudan. medicaltreatment.[7/6 JP]
[6/11MEES] July 10: Iranian Foreign Minister 'Ali Akbar
June 13: The official press agency reported the Valayhtiheld talks in Syria with Syrian Foreign
army had repelled 2 rebel attacks in Upper Nile MinisterFarfiqal-Shar'.[7/11FBIS]
Province. Eight soldiers and 255 rebels were re-
portedlykilled. [6/14NYT]
June 13: Numayri released and deported in re-
sponse to an Italiangovernmentpetitionan Italian
citizen who had been flogged andjailed on liquor
charges. [6/14 FBIS]
June 17:The armydeputycommander-in-chief said
the army was in full control in southern Sudan. 1984
[6/19FBIS] April 16: The Tunisianambassadorto Francesaid
June 26: The Libyannews agencyJana reporteda PresidentHabib Bourguibahad recovered his vi-
Sudanese LiberationArmy announcementthat its sion completely following an operationfor cata-

racts during the previous week in Paris. [6/17 June 28: Three Tunisiannationalguardsmencap-
FBIS] tured by Libya on May 8 were released. [6/29
April 17: The reportof the commissionof inquiry FBIS]
into food-price riots in Januarycited negligence July 3: Bourguibainstructedthe Tunisianambas-
and corruptionwithinthe police force and accused sadorto Libya to returnto his post. [7/5 LM]
Interior Minister Driss Guiga of exploiting the The independentweekly al-lan said former
violence for politicalends. [4/27MEED] EconomyMinisterAhmedBen Saleh hadreturned
The report said the casualty toll from the riots to Tunisiafrom Paris after an 11-year exile. [7/6
was 89 killed and 938 injured,including348 law FBIS]
enforcementtroops. [4/20LM] July 10: The price of bread and other grain prod-
May 2: University teachers went on strike to ucts was increasedby 10 to 12%.[7/11NYT]
protestpolice brutalityat a universityceremonyin
Tunis on April 27. [5/11MEED]
May 8: PresidentBourguibadismissedMinisterof
State for the InteriorAhmed Bennourin connec-
tion with the Januaryriots. [5/10LM]
May 9: Tunisia officiallydenied its territoryhad
servedas a base or place of departurefor any act of
aggressionagainstLibya. [5/11 LM] (See also, Cyprus,Libya, Pakistan)
May 10: Tunisia accused Libya of kidnapping3
Tunisiannationalguardsmen.[5/10FBIS] 1984
May 15: Former Tunis Chief of Police Ezzedine April19: Ten Kurdishmilitantsaccused of waging
Driss and former Director of National Security violent separatist campaigns were sentenced to
AbdelhamidSkhiri were arrested in connection deathand 176to longjail terms. [4/19NYT]
with the Januaryriots. [5/17LM] April28: A Turkishbusinessmanwas fatallyshotin
Seven youths were sentenced to hard labor Tehranon the sameday thatPrimeMinisterTurgut
terms of from 5 to 30 years in connectionwith the Ozal arrivedfor a visit. Armenianterroristswere
Januaryriots. Le Mondereportedthat 1,000people suspected. [5/4 MEED]
had been arrested,a large numberwere released, May 8: Turkeywas readmittedto the Council of
and 300 were waitingto appearin court. [5/17LM] Europe3 yearsafterbeingsuspendedfollowingthe
May 16: Tunisiarecalledits ambassadorto Libya. 1980militarycoup. [5/18MEED]
[5/17NYT] A militaryappeals court overturnedthe prison
May 18: Tunisian officials said Tunisia had terms of leadersof the bannedMuslimfundamen-
strengthenedits forces on the Libyanborder.[5/19 talist National SalvationParty. They were to be
NYT] retried.[5/9 NYTI
May24: A reportby the local humanrightsleague May9: The US House of Representativesvoted to
blamedthe Januaryriots on social disparitiesand cut PresidentRonaldReagan'srequestfor military
lack of initiativeby the government.[5/27-28LM] aid to Turkeyin 1985from $755mto $670m.[5/10
May 26: Ten people were sentenced to death for WP]
voluntary homicide during January riots, and 2 AmnestyInternationalpublisheda reportsaying
were sentenced to hardlaborfor life and 20 years thousandsof detaineesundermartiallaw in Turkey
respectively. [5/29LM] were being tortured.[5/11MEED]
May30: The TunisianCommunistParty,the Move- Turkey rejected the Amnesty Internationalre-
ment of Socialist Democrats,the TunisianHuman port and said no governmentofficialorderedtor-
RightsLeagueand the Associationof YoungLaw- ture. [5/10JP]
yers expressed concern at recent death sentences May 15: Martiallaw authoritiesblocked publica-
and, in an open letter, askedBourguibato grantthe tionof a petitionsignedby intellectualsdenouncing
youths clemency. [6/1 FBIS] press censorshipand other aspects of martiallaw.
June6: The Councilof Lawyersdeclareda boycott [5/16NYT]
of the president of the criminal court over his May22: Martiallaw authoritiessaid 13peoplewere
response to criticismby the Associationof Young sentencedto death and 94 to prisonin the trial of
Lawyers. [6/9 LM] 191leftists. [5/23NYT]
June 16: Driss Guigawas sentencedin absentiato May25: PrimeMinisterOzalreturnedfroma 3-day
10 years hard labor and 5 years in prison for a visit to Libya. He said he had renewed an invita-
series of offenses related to the January riots. tion for Libyan leader Mu'ammarQadhdhafito
AbdelhamidSkhiri received 5 years in prison for visit Turkeydespiteoppositionfromthe US. [5/27
complicity and Ezzedine Driss was acquitted.In JP]
London, Guiga rejected his conviction as "un- The Middle East Economic Digest reported that
just." [6/19 LM] 163 Kurdishrebels had been sentenced to prison
June 19: Bourguibacommutedthe deathsentences terms of up to 25 years following a trial of 625
of 8 youths to life terms of hardlabor. [6/20NYT] defendants.[5/25MEED]

May 29: The WashingtonPost reporteda Turkish of State Richard Murphythat persistence in its
Radio announcement that 7 persons had been sen- presentpolicies would cause the US to lose many
tenced to death and 129 to prison in a mass trial of of its friendsin the region. [6/17FBIS]
199 leftists. [5/29 WP] April 24: The National FederalCouncil approved
June 11: More than a dozen prisoners were re- the draftof a federallaw regardedas the first step
ported to be in serious condition in Istanbul hospi- to conductingcivil transactionsin accordancewith
tal after a 60-day fast to protest jail conditions. Islamiclaw. [4/25FBIS]
[6/12 NYT] May 13: The Presidentof the UAE returnedfrom
June 12: Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash official visits to Kenya and Bangladesh. [5/17
arrived in Ankara on a 2-day visit. [6/13 NYT] FBIS]
June 14: Ten leftists were sentenced to death for June 13: Jordan'sKing Husayn held officialtalks
killing political rivals and 95 received prison terms. with the Presidentof the UAE. [6/14FBIS]
All were accused of belonging to the outlawed July 5: The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company
Turkish Workers and Peasants Liberation Army. announcedplans to build a $500mpipeline to the
[6/15 NYT] ArabianSea, bypassingthe Straitof Hormuz.[7/6
June 19: Ozal said 106 inmates in military prisons FBIS]
were fasting. He rejected their requests for better
conditions, an end to the death penalty and treat-
ment as political prisoners. [6/27 WP]
June 20: A Turkish diplomat in Vienna was killed Yemen
when his car exploded. The Armenian Revolution- (See also, Saudi Arabia)
ary Army claimed responsibility. [6/21 WP]
June 21: Twenty-seven people were sentenced to
death and 132 to prison in a mass trial of leftists
April 30: Head of State 'Ali 'AbdallahSlih re-
accused of murder before the 1980 coup. [6/29 turnedfromofficialvisits to SaudiArabia,Iraqand
MEED] France. [5/1 FBIS]
June 23: Martial law authorities said 10 leftist
prisoners had starved to death in early June while
on hunger strikes. [6/27 WP] SOURCES
June 25: Eleven Turkish leftists were arrested in AN, Arab News (Arab News Building,P.O. Box
Athens after occupying the UN mission in support 4556, Jiddah, Saudi Arabia). CSM, The Christian
of prisoners on hunger strikes in Turkey. [6/26 Science Monitor(1 Norway Street, Boston, MA
NYT] 02115). FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information
June 28: The government decided to lift martial law Service Daily Report: Middle East and North Af-
in 13 additional provinces, according to the rica & South Asia (NTIS, US Department of
Anatolia press agency. Martial law would continue Commerce, Springfield,VA 22151). JP, The Je-
in 41 of the 67 provinces for at least 4 months. [6/29 rusalem Post (The JerusalemPost Building, Je-
NYT] rusalem,P.O. Box 81, Israel). LM, Le Monde (5,
July 6: The Social Democratic Party began its first rue des Italiens, 75427 Paris Cedex 09, France).
conference since 1980. [7/13 MEED] MEED, Middle East Economic Digest (21 Johns
July 14: The Parliament approved a 5-year eco- Street, London WCIN 2BP, England). MEES,
nomic plan designed to cut inflation, increase ex- Middle East Economic Survey (P.O. Box 4940,
ports and prepare for full membership in the Euro- Nicosia, Cyprus). NYT, The New York Times (229
pean Economic Community. [7/15 NYT] W. 43rdStreet,New York,N.Y. 10036).TDN, The
Turkish Daily News (Tunus Cad. 49/7, Ankara,
Turkey). WP, The Washington Post (1150 15th
Street, N.W., Washington,D.C. 20071).WSJ, The
Wall Street Journal (22 Cortlandt Street, New
United Arab Emirates York, N.Y. 10007).
(See also, Lebanon)

April 16: UAE President Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan
Al Nuhayyan told visiting US Assistant Secretary


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