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Chronology July 16, 1984-October 15, 1984

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Winter, 1985), pp. 105-121
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 01/03/2012 15:05

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July 16, 1984-October 15, 1984
CSM, ChristianScience Monitor
FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service _;

Daily Report-Middle East & North Africa and

South Asia
JP, TheJerusalemPost 0.
LM, Le Monde E Digest
MEED,MiddleEast Economic Digest
MEES, MiddleEast Economic Survey
NYT, The New YorkTimes
WP, The WashingtonPost
WSJ, The WallStreet Journal

peacekeepingtroops in southern Lebanon and an

Arab-Israeli Conflict expansionof their mission. [7/25 CSM]
July 25: Israel closed its diplomaticliaison office
near Beirut. [7/26NYT]
1984 July 29: The Soviet Union called for an inter-
July 17: An Israeli soldier was killed in a grenade nationalconference on peace in the Middle East,
attack near Tyre in southernLebanon. [7/19JP] with the participationof the US, the USSR, Israel,
Israeli-backedLebanese militiamenkidnapped Arab states and the PLO. The US and Israel
Shi'i religious leader Shaykh MuhammadHasan rejectedthe proposal. [7/30 NYT]
al-Aminin Sidon, Lebanonandforced himto leave July30: Israelitroopsclosed al-NajahUniversityin
the area. [7/18 WP] Nablus for 4 months after raidinga pro-PLOex-
July 18: Muslimsin West Beirutand other areas in hibit on the campusand arresting3 students. [7/31
Lebanon observed a general strike to protest the WPI
expulsion of Shaykh MuhammadHasan al-Amin July 31: PLO ChairmanYasir 'Arafat said the
from Sidon. [7/19 NYT] Palestine National Council would be convened in
The Lebanese government ordered Israel to mid-August.[8/1 FBIS]
close its liaison office northof Beirut. [7/19WP] An Israeliwas sentencedto 3 years in prisonand
Israel said its gunboats had seized a Lebanese 3 years suspendedsentence for conspiringto blow
ship several days before that had been involved in up the Dome of the Rock, illegal possession of
a PLO terroristattemptin Israel. [7/19WP] weapons, and fraud. [8/1 JP]
July21: Israelclosed the only roadlinkingsouthern Aug. 1: Israelihelicoptersand gunboatsattackeda
Lebanonto the rest of the country. [7/21 NYT] Palestinian guerrilla base in the Nahr al-Barid
An Israeli soldier and 5 Palestinians were refugeecamp near Tripoli, Lebanon. [8/2 WP]
wounded in a grenade attack on an Israeli army Aug. 2: An Israeli soldier died of wounds suffered
patrolin Nablus. [7/24 LM] during a grenade attack in Nabatiya in southern
July24: Israelreopenedthe roadbetween southern Lebanon. [8/3 JP]
Lebanonand Beirutbut introducedrestrictionson Aug. 5: An Israelisoldierwas killedand 2 wounded
privatecars. [7/25 NYT] by a mine in eastern Lebanon. Israeli authorities
Lebanese government sources said the Soviet said there had been 25 attacks or attemptsagainst
Union had indicated to visiting Cabinet minister Israeli troops in Lebanon in the last week. [8/6
Nabih Birri its support for an increase in UN NYT]


Aug. 8: A new Jewish settlementwas establishedin Sept. 9: Nabih Birrt said he had ordered suicide
Hebron after receiving the approval of Defense attacks on Israelitroops in southernLebanonand
MinisterMoshe Arens. [8/10 NYT] would boycott Cabinet meetings unless they fo-
Aug. 9: PLO Chairman'ArafatsaidJordanianKing cused on the Israeli occupation. [9/10 WP]
Husaynhad agreedin principleto link his kingdom Sept. 10:A seniorofficerin the dissidentAbu Musa
with a futurePalestinianstate. [8/10 WP] factionof Fath was reportedkilled in an Israeliair
Aug. 12: An Israeli soldier was found killed near attackat Bhamdun,Lebanon. [9/11 WP]
Nablus. [8/13 WP] Sept. 13:One Israelisoldierwas killedand another
The PopularFrontfor the Liberationof Palestine woundedby a bomb explosion in southernLeba-
claimed responsibility for the "execution" of 2 non. [9/13JP]
Israeli soldiers in the West Bank duringthe previ- Sept. 14:The mayorof Rafahin the Gaza Stripwas
ous 6 months. [8/14 LM] shot and killedby a gunmanin a passingcar. [9/15
Aug. 15 Israeli troops stormed the village of WP]
Maarakain southernLebanonand arrestedvillag- Sept. 15:Fourlocal Arabswere arrestedin connec-
ers who had thrown rocks at Israeli soldiers. Pal- tion with the murderof the mayor of Rafah. [9/16
estinians in the 'Ayn al-Hulwarefugee camp near WP]
Sidon protested what they said were continued LebanesePrimeMinisterRashidKaramiblamed
shootingsand abductionsof camp residentsby the Israel for a September14 gunboatattack on West
Israeli-backedSouthern Lebanese Army militia. Beirut.The Israelinavy denied involvement.[9/16
[8/16 WP] JP]
Aug. 16: Israel said its warplanesbombeda camp Sept. 16: The trial of 20 alleged Jewish terrorists
near Bar Elias in the Biqa' used by Syrian-backed opened in Jerusalem.[9/17WP]
Palestinianguerrillas.Guerrillaleader Abu Musa Sept. 17: Seven people were woundedin an attack
claimed responsibility for an unsuccessful car by gunmen on an Israeli bus on the West Bank.
bombingin Jerusalemthe day before. [8/17WP] [9/17WP]
Aug. 17: Lebanese Cabinet member Birri urged Israeli troops clashed with Palestiniandemon-
Lebanese guerrillasto increase attacks on Israeli strators on the West Bank markingthe second
troops in southernLebanon. [8/18WP] anniversaryof the Sabra and Shatila massacres.
Aug. 19: Spanish police identified an Arab [9/18FBIS]
woundedby a gunmanin Madridon August 17as a Israeli authoritiesordered owners of the East
leader of the PopularFront for the Liberationof JerusalemPalestine Press Service to appear at a
Palestine militarywing. A caller claimedresponsi- hearing to answer charges of being guided and
bility for the attackon behalfof the IslamicRevo- financedby the PLO. [9/20 WP]
lutionaryVanguard.[8/20JP] Sept. 20: Twenty-threepeople were reportedkilled
Aug. 20: The 4 leadersof the anti-'ArafatPalestine when an explosives-filledvan blew up in front of
NationalAlliancesaidtheirgroupswouldboycotta the US embassyannex in East Beirut.The Islamic
meeting of the Palestine National Council. [8/21 Jihadclaimedresponsibility.[9/21WP]
NYT] Druzemembersof the SouthernLebaneseArmy
Israel closed the only road linking southern militia killed 13 villagers and wounded 22 in
Lebanon with the rest of the country for 3 days, Suhmurin southernLebanon,to avenge the earlier
citing security concerns. [8/21NYT] ambushkillingof 4 militiamen.[9/21WP]
Aug. 28: Israeli warplanesbombed a Palestinian PLO leaders meeting in Algiers announcedthe
guerrillabase at Majdal-Anjarin the easternLeba- indefinitepostponementof the meetingof the Pal-
nese Biqa' Valley. Twenty-five people were re- estine NationalCongressin orderto allow Algeria
ported killed. [8/29 NYT] to arrangethe restorationof normalrelations be-
Aug. 29: Lebanon appealed to the UN Security tween the PLO and Syria. [9/24 FBIS]
Councilto put into effect past resolutionscallingon Sept. 21: Israeli Foreign MinisterYitzhak Shamir
Israel to withdrawfrom Lebanon. [8/30WP] said Israel would ask the US to mediate between
Sept. 4: Israeli troops turned responsibility for SyriaandIsraelfor the withdrawalof Israelitroops
security in Nabatiya over to the SouthernLeba- from southern Lebanon, and Israel would no
nese Army militia. [9/4 JP] longerinsist on a simultaneousSyrianwithdrawal.
Sept. 6: The US vetoed a Lebanese-sponsoredUN [9/23NYT]
Security Council resolutiondemandingthat Israel Sept. 23: An Israeli soldier and an Israeli security
lift all restrictions on freedom of movement in officerwere killedin an ambushin southernLeba-
southernLebanon. [9/7 WP] non. [9/25WP]
Sept. 8: A caller claimingto representthe Islamic Sept. 24: A callerclaimingto representthe Islamic
Jihadthreatenedto destroy a vital Americaninter- Jihad reportedly threatened to attack another
est in the MiddleEast in retaliationfor the US veto American interest to avenge the September 20
of a UN SecurityCouncilresolutioncriticizingthe killing of 13 villagers in southern Lebanon. [9/25
Israelioccupationof southernLebanon.[9/9NYT] WP]

Six guerrillaswere killed and 9 Israeli soldiers Oct. 2: The Bank of Englandannouncedthat no
woundedin 2 incidentsin southernLebanon.[9/24 licenses would be issued to banks proposing to
JP] accept deposits on an Islamicbasis. [10/5 MEED]
Sept. 26: The US Senate Foreign RelationsCom-
mittee deferreddiscussion of a resolutionto move
the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. [9/21
Sept. 30: Israeli Prime MinisterShimon Peres or- Regional Affairs
dered a halt to a governmentattemptto close the
East JerusalemPalestinePress Service. [10/1WP] 1984
Oct. 1: JordanianKing Husayn rejectedan Israeli July 16: The 6 Gulf CooperationCouncil (GCC)
offer for peace talks. [10/2 WP] countrieswere reportedto be consideringan Ira-
Oct. 2: Israelipolice clashed with some 200 Arabs nianproposalfor a regionalconferenceon the Gulf
outside the US consulatein Jerusalemdemonstrat- war. [7/17WSJ]
ing in supportof prisonerson a hungerstrikeat the July 17: Iraqclaimedto have shot down an Iranian
Nablus prison. [10/3 NYT] jet fighterin the southernborderarea. [7/18 NYT]
Meeting in New York, US Secretary of State July 18: The Islamic Conference Organization
George Shultz told Lebanese Prime Minister (ICO)mediationcommitteeopened a 2-day confer-
Karamithe US was not willing to act as an inter- ence in Jiddaon endingthe Iran-Iraqwar. [7/19JP]
mediaryto obtainan Israeliwithdrawalfromsouth- July 19:Iraqclaimedits warplaneshit a "very large
ern Lebanon. [10/3 WP] naval target" southeast of Kharg Island the day
Oct. 4: A bomb exploded outside the Israeli em- before. Irancalled the report"a lie." [7/20 WP]
bassy in Nicosia, Cyprus, causing little damage. The ICO mediationcommittee announced that
PLO dissidentleader Abu Musa claimedresponsi- ICO PresidentDawdaJawarawould visit Iranand
bility. [10/5JP] Iraq. [7/20NYT]
Eight hundredPalestinianprisonerson the West July 20: MoroccanKing Hassan II said guerrillas
Bank ended a 10-dayhungerstrike after reaching operatingout of Mauritaniahad attacked Moroc-
an agreementwith prison officials. [10/5NYT] can positions in Dakhlain the Western Saharaon
PrimeMinisterKaramisaid in an interviewLeb- July 13 and 19, and warned Mauritaniathat Mo-
anon would not negotiatedirectlywith Israel over rocco would use the rightof pursuitif the situation
Israeli withdrawalfrom southern Lebanon, and continued.[7/22-23LM]
would not agree to a role for the SouthernLeba- July 21: The Polisariosaid its forces had killed 73
nese Army militiain the area. [10/5NYT] Moroccantroopsin attacksin the Dakhlaand Bou
Oct. 5: Three guerrillaswere killed in a clash with Craaregionsearlierin the week. It officiallydenied
Israeli soldiers on the West Bank. [10/7JP] it had mountedattacks on Moroccantroops frorn
Oct. 6: SyrianForeignMinisterFarfiqal-Shar'said Mauritania.[7/23FBIS]
in an interview that Syria would accept a US July 22: Iraq claimed its helicopter gunships in-
mediationrole within the frameworkof the UN to flicted heavy casualtieson Iranianpositions along
end the Israelioccupationof Lebanon.[10/9FBIS] the southern front. Iran said a limited Iraqi of-
Oct. 10: PrimeMinisterPeres offeredto withdraw fensive along the northernfront on July 20 had
Israeli troops from the Lebanese Biqa' Valley if been repelled. [7/23WP]
Syria agreed to their replacementby a UN peace- July26: Iranreportedit shot down an Iraqiplanein
keepingforce. [10/11 WP] Iranianairspace in the Gulf. Both Iran and Iraq
Oct. 12: The UN SecurityCouncilvoted to extend said they had inflictedheavy casualties in ground
the mandate of the UN peacekeeping force in fightingon the northernand southernfronts. [7/27
Lebanonfor 6 months. [10/13NYT] NYT]
An Israeli soldier was killed near Jezzine in the Iraqdenied that one of its planes had been shot
centralsector of southernLebanon. [10/14JP] down over Gulf waters. [7/27 FBIS]
Oct. 15: Seven Israelis were injured by a bomb Japanese oil industry sources said Iranian oil
explosion on the West Bank. [10/16NYT] exportshad risen to an averageof 1.9mbarrelsper
day duringJuly. [7/27NYT]
July 31: Three ships were reported slightly dam-
aged by explosions in the Gulf of Suez on July
27-30. [8/1 WP]
General Agence France Presse reported that the Islamic
Jihad had announcedit had laid 190 mines in the
Red Sea. [8/1 WP]
1984 Aug. 2: The US sent 15experts to look for mines in
July 18: Gambian President Dawda Jawara was the Red Sea. [8/3 WP]
elected Islamic ConferenceOrganizationpresident Two ships reported being damaged by explo-
in Jidda. [7/20 MEED] sions at the southernend of the Red Sea. [8/3 WP]

Aug. 4: A US State Departmentofficial said 15 Egyptian President Mubaraksaid he believed
ships had sustainedminordamagein explosionsin Libyaalone was responsiblefor layingminesin the
the Gulfof Suez or in the Bab al-Mandabsince late Red Sea. [8/14NYT]
July. [8/5 NYT] Aug. 14: British and French minesweepers and
Aug. 5: A Liberian-registeredtankerwas severely supportvessels enteredthe Gulf of Suez to search
damagedby an explosion in the southernRed Sea. for mines. [8/15NYT]
[8/6 NYT] Aug. 15: Two more ships reported being hit by
Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah explosions in the Red Sea. [8/16 WSJ]
al-AhmadAl $abah returnedfrom visits to Libya Aug. 16:A Pakistanioil tankerreportedlywas fired
and Syria where he reportedlydiscussed the Iran- at in the Gulf by Iranianwarplanes.[8/17 WP]
Iraqwar. [8/8 WP] A Cypriotfreighterwas damagedby an explo-
The IranianMinisterfor RevolutionaryGuards sion in the lower Red Sea. [8/17WP]
said in Damascusthat Iranwould not attacktank- Peru became the 57th state to recognize the
ers in the Gulf and would not widen the Iran-Iraq SahrawiArab DemocraticRepublic. [8/17 FBIS]
war, accordingto the officialSyrianpress agency. Aug. 17: Iranian Majlis Speaker 'Ali Akbar
[8/6 NYT] HashimiRafsanjanisaid Iranwould delay trafficin
Aug. 7: Iran's state-runTehranRadio praisedthe the Straitof Hormuzif Egypt or its allies harassed
mine explosions in the Red Sea, saying they were its ships in the Suez Canal. [8/18NYT]
carried out by the Islamic Jihad organization. Iran and Iraq accused each other of shelling
Prime Minister Mir Husayn Musavi denied that civiliansin AbadanandBasraduringthe previous2
Iranwas involved. [8/8 WP] days. [8/18WP]
The US dispatched2 minesweepinghelicopters Aug. 18: A Panamanianoil tankerwas reportedly
and 200 militarypersonnelto the Red Sea to search hit by a missile northeastof Qatarin the central
for the cause of recent explosions. [8/8 WP] PersianGulf. [8/19NYT]
A Greek supertankerwas damaged by Iraqi Aug. 19: Iranian newspapers reported that the
warplanessouth of KhargIsland. Iran said one of governmenthad sent thousands of volunteers to
its warplanesshot down an Iraqijet. [8/8 WP] the front with Iraqand that a new offensive might
Aug. 8: Iran accused the US and Israel of placing be launchedafter the expirationof a deadlinefor
mines in the Red Sea in order to discredit the Iraqto meet Iraniandemands. [8/20 NYT]
Iraniangovernment.[8/9 NYT] Aug. 21: A senior Egyptian militaryofficial said
Aug. 9: AyatallahRuihallahKhumaynidenounced Egyptiansuspicionsthat the Libyanship Ghat was
the reportedminingof the Red Sea and criticized responsiblefor miningthe Red Sea were "almost
TehranRadiofor implyingsupportfor the mining. confirmed."[8/22NYT]
[8/10 NYT] The AlgerianNational LiberationFront (FLN)
Iraqi warplanesattacked an Iranianoil-loading reaffirmedits supportfor the Polisario,and said a
platformsouth of KhargIsland. [8/10 NYT] "greaterMaghrib"could not be set up unless the
Aug. 10: EgyptianPresidentHusni Mubaraksaid Western Sahara enjoyed its full national rights.
Iran and Libya might be responsible for recent [8/24MEED]
explosions in the Red Sea. [8/11NYT] Aug. 23: Two Soviet ships passedthroughthe Suez
Iraq said its naval forces destroyed a "small Canalto join 3 others alreadysearchingfor mines
naval target." [8/1l NYT] near the Straitof Bab al-Mandab.[8/25 WPI
Aug. 11: Iraq said its forces had destroyed5 ships Iraq claimed its warplanes hit a "large naval
and shot down 3 IranianF-14jet fightersin a major target" south of KhargIsland. [8/24NYT]
air and naval battle in the northern Gulf. [8/12 Aug. 24: The Cypriot-registeredoil tanker Am-
NYT] ethyst was set ablaze southwest of Kharg Island
A Polish cargo ship was damagedby a mine at after being struck by a missile. In Iraq a military
the southernentranceto the Red Sea. [8/12NYT] spokesmansaid Iraqijets had hit a "large naval
Aug. 12: Libya denied responsibilityfor the plant- target." [8/25 NYT]
ing of mines in the Red Sea. (8/13NYT] Two French minesweepersended their mission
The US sent 3 minesweeping helicopters to after findingSaudi Arabianwaters free of mines.
SaudiArabiato widen the searchfor the source of
Aug. 26: At a meeting in BaghdadArab League
Red Sea explosions. [8/14NYT] Secretary General Chadli Klibi and the foreign
Aug. 13: King Hassan II and LibyanHead of State ministersof Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Mo-
Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhafisigned a treaty in Oujda, rocco, Tunisia, Iraq and North Yemen failed to
Morocco establishinga unionof the two countries, agreeon proposalsto persuadeoil importingcoun-
subjectto approvalby the people of each country. tries not to buy Iraniancrude oil. [8/28WP]
[8/15 WP] Aug. 27: The PanamaniantankerCleo I was struck
Lloyds of London said 16 ships had been dam- by a rocket northeastof Qatar. Shippingsources
aged by explosives in the Red Sea andGulfof Suez suggestedIranwas responsiblefor the attack. [8/28
since early July. [8/15 FBIS] WP]

Aug. 28: An Italian minehuntingsquadronjoined workers were injured in a September 22 Iraqi
US, French and Britishnaval forces searchingthe attackon BandarKhomeini.[9/30 NYT]
Red Sea for mines. [8/29 WP] Oct. 2: US Secretaryof State GeorgeShultzhosted
Moroccan Ministerof State Moulay Ahmed al- a workingluncheonin New York in honorof GCC
Alaoui said in an editorialthat in signinga treaty foreignministers.[10/3FBIS]
with Morocco Libya had formallyrecognizedMo- Oct. 3: The US State Departmentsaid that "per-
roccan sovereignty over the Western Saharaand suasive circumstantialevidence" indicated that
withdrawn its support for guerrillas fighting for Libya was involved in miningthe entrancesto the
independenceof the territory.[8/29 NYT] Red Sea. [10/4NYT]
Sept. 9: Ayatallah Khumayni reiterated that he Oct. 8: Iraqiwarplanesattackedand set ablaze the
would not compromisewith Iraq to end the Gulf Greek-ownedWorldKnightsupertankersouthwest
war. [9/10 WP] of KhargIsland,killing6 crewmembers.Iraqsaidit
Sept. 10: Iraq said its warplaneshit a "largenaval had attacked2 naval targets. [10/9NYT]
target" south of KhargIsland. [9/11 WP] Oct. 10: GCC military forces began Peninsula
Sept. 11: Iraq said it had attacked2 naval targets Shield II joint militaryexercises in Saudi Arabia.
south of KhargIsland. The Norwegian-ownedsu- [10/11FBIS]
pertanker St. Tobias reported being hit by an Britain protested to Iraq over its October 8
Exocet missile. [9/12 WP] attack on an oil tankerin which 2 British officers
Sept. 12: Iraq said its warplaneshad destroyed a were killed. [10/I WP]
4-ship "enemy convoy" in the northernPersian Oct. 12: Shipping sources said an Iranian jet
Gulf. Hours later it reportedhittinga naval target bombed the Indian oil tanker Jagpari in neutral
south of KhargIsland. [9/13 NYT] waters south of the Gulf war zone. [10/13NYT]
Sept. 13: Iraq claimed it had set afirea "medium- The Greek-ownedgas tankerGas Fountainwas
sized vessel" northwestof KhargIsland. Shipping attacked and set on fire in the central Gulf by
sources said a supply vessel was destroyed. [9/14 warplanesbelieved to be Iranian.[10/14NYT]
NYT] King Hassan II acknowledgedthat his proposal
Sept. 15:Britainsaid 11crewmenwere killedin the for a specialArabsummitin Moroccohad failed to
September12 Iraqiattackon a supplyvessel. [9/16 win majority support among Arab leaders and
NYT] would not be held. [10/13WP]
Sept. 16: The Liberian-registeredoil tanker Oct. 14: The Polisario reported a new offensive
Medheronwas damagedby a missile in the south- begunthe day before in which they said 4 Moroc-
ern Gulf, and the Sri Lankan-ownedtankerRoyal can positions south of Zag were stormed. 110/16
Columbo, was hit near Iran's Lavan Island oil FBIS]
terminal, both apparentlyby Iranian warplanes. Oct. 15: Iraq said its warplanes had attacked a
[9/17 WP] "very large naval target" south of Kharg Island.
Iransaid it had set ablazean Iraqioil installation [10/16NYT]
in the northernend of the Gulf. It also claimedto
have killed or wounded 110 Iraqitroops in border
fighting.[9/17 NYT]
Sept. 19: GCC defense and foreign ministersap-
proved a joint defense charter in a meeting in
Abha, Saudi Arabia. [9/21 NYT]
Sept. 20: A Saudi Arabianpassengership was hit (See also, Pakistan,South Yemen)
by an explosion in the Gulf of Suez. [9/21WP]
Iraqsaid it hadattackedoil installationsat Kharg 1984
Island. [9/21 WP] July 17:The WashingtonPost reportedthat Soviet
Sept. 22: Iraqattackeda petrochemicalplantin thetroops had massacredat least 360 Afghancivilians
Iranianport of BandarKhomeini.[9/23WP] in 3 villages near Qandaharon October 12, 1983,
The Netherlandsannounced2 of its ships had accordingto witnesses. [7/17 WP]
enteredthe Red Sea to searchfor mines. [9/23WP] July 23: Rebel leaderShah RukhGranappealedin
Sept. 26: The foreign ministerof Japanoutlineda New York for more arms, and said cooperation
proposedagreementto end the Iran-Iraqwar dur- amongrebel groupshad increased. [7/24 NYT]
ing a speech to the UN GeneralAssembly. [9/28 July 24: Official sources in Pakistan and India
WP] reportednew Soviet offensives begunthe previous
Sept. 29: King Hassan II proposed that an emer- week in Logar Valley, Shomali Valley and Herat
gency Arab summit be held in Morocco to avoid Province, which were said to be accompaniedby
"escalating tensions" followingJordan'sresump- heavy bombingof villages. [7/25 NYT]
tion of ties with Egypt. [10/1 FBIS] July 26: The US House of RepresentativesAp-
Iraq said it attacked a petrochemicalcomplex propriationsCommitteeapproved$50m in covert
under construction at Bandar Khomeini. Mitsui aid to Afghan rebels, according to intelligence
company officials revealed that several Japanese sources. [7/27 WSJ]

July 31: Westerndiplomaticsources reportedthat soud had killed200 to 300 of his forces on Septem-
heavy fightinghad brokenout in PanjshirValley in ber 5 in the upperPanjshirValley. [9/19 NYT]
the previous 2 weeks when a Soviet attempt to Sept. 19: Afghan rebel sources said French tele-
move deeper into the valley was foiled by rebels. vision reporterJacquesAboucharwas capturedon
[8/1 FBIS] September 17 by Soviet troops as he entered
Aug. 3: Kabul Radio announced that President Afghanistanfrom Pakistan.[10/20FBIS]
Babrak Karmal had returnedto Afghanistanfol- Sept. 22: An Afghan air force transport plane
lowinga medicalcheckupin the Soviet Union. [8/6 landed in Pakistan and those aboard asked to
FBIS] defect. [9/23JP]
Aug. 7: Threehundredciviliansand 200 Soviet and An Afghanairlineron a domestic flight was hit
Afghan troops were reportedlykilled in the third and damagedby Afghanrebels. [9/25 WP]
week of fightingin PanjshirValley, ShomaliValley Oct. 1: Afghanistandenied Pakistanicharges that
and Logar Valley. [8/8 NYT] its planeshad killed 33 people in a bombingraidin
Aug. 11: Officialsources in Pakistanreportedthat Pakistan.[10/2NYT]
an Afghan army unit of 80 men had defected and Oct. 2: Western diplomats said 40 to 50 Afghan
joined the armedresistence. [8/14 LM] soldierk.werekilled in a rebel attack in Kabul on
Aug. 21: Westerndiplomatsand Afghanexiles said September24. Over 200 civilians were reported
Soviet troops killed at least 29 Afghancivilianson wounded in a September 17 battle in Wardak
August 5 in a village near the Pakistaniborderin
provincesouth of Kabul. [10/3JP]
retaliationfor a guerrillaattackon a Soviet position
the day before. [8/22 WP] Oct. 4: KabulRadio reportedthat 9 Afghanrebels
Aug. 27: Afghan rebel leaders Gulbuddin were sentenced to death and one to 15 years in
Hikmatyar of Hizb-i-Islami and Burhanuddin prison for an August 31 bombing of the Kabul
Rabbaniof Jamiat-i-Islamicalled on theirfollowers airport that officials said killed 13 people. [10/5
to join forces againstSoviet troops in Afghanistan. NYT]
[8/28 NYT] Oct. 9: Western diplomatssaid the Soviet Union
The foreign ministersof Afghanistanand Paki- may have sent as many as 70,000 new troops into
stan met separately in Geneva with a UN inter- Afghanistanto combat rebel attacks in Kabuland
mediary in talks on a political settlement to the to seal the borderswith Iran and Pakistan. [10/10
Afghanwar. [8/28 NYT] NYT]
Aug. 28: Westerndiplomatssaid nearly 50 Soviet
helicoptershad left Kabulfor a new drive against
rebels near the Pakistaniborder in southeastern
Afghanistan.[8/29 NYT]
Aug. 30: The thirdroundof talks betweenAfghani-
stanand Pakistanadjournedin Genevawithno sign
(See also, RegionalAffairs,Morocco)
of progress. [8/31 WP]
Aug. 31: Twenty-eight people were killed by a
bomb explosion at Kabul airport, according to
Westerndiplomats.[9/6 LM] 1984
Sept. 1: Afghanrebel leaders said a tribalchieftain Aug. 13: Libyan Head of State Mu'ammaral-
who had supported the Afghan governmenthad Qadhdhafi held talks with President Chadli
defected and entered Pakistan with several hun- Benjedidduringa briefvisit to Algeriafollowinghis
dred followers. [9/2 NYT] trip to Morocco. [8/14FBIS]
Sept. 6: Western diplomatsreportedthat at least Aug. 26: SyrianPresidentHafiz al-Asad met with
100 Soviet soldiers were killed the previousweek PresidentBenjedidin Algiers. [8/27JP]
in a rebel ambushsouth of SalangPass, and thatas Sept. 6: Seven Muslimfundamentalistswere sen-
many as 170Soviet troops were accidentallykilled tenced to up to 8 years in prisonin connectionwith
on August 23 and 24 south of Kabul by Soviet a November 1982 clash between rival student
helicoptergunships. Afghangovernmentradio re- groupsat Ben-AknounUniversity. [9/8 LM]
portedthat 554 rebels were killedin the provinceof Sept. 9: An Iranian delegation led by President
Wardak.[9/5 JP] Hujat al-Islam'All Khaman'iarrivedin Algierson
Sept. 11:WesterndiplomatssaidAfghanrebelshad a "workingand friendship"visit. [9/10 FBIS]
apparentlyregained control of the upper part of Sept. 16:PresidentBenjedidparticipatedin summit
Soviet-occupiedPanjshirValley. [9/12NYT] talks with MauritanianPresident Khouna Ould
Sept. 17: Afghantroops reportedlyclashedwith an Haydala and Malien President General Moussa
Iranianborderforce which enteredAfghanistanin Traorein Nouakchott.[9/17 FBIS]
Nimruz province [9/18 FBIS] Sept. 18: South Yemen's President 'All Nasir
Sept. 18: Western diplomats said Soviet forces Muhammad arrived in Algiers for talks with
trying to capture rebel leader Ahmad Shah Mas- Benjedid.[9/19 FBIS]

Bahrain Sa'd Muhammad Ahmad: Manpower and Training
(See, RegionalAffairs) SulaymanMutawalliSulayman:Transport,Com-
munications and Maritime Transport
Muhammad Mahir Abazah: Electricity and Energy
Cyprus Muhammad'Abd al-HamidRadwan:Culture
(See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict) MuhammadSabrIZaki:Health
Kamal Ahmad al-Janzuri: Planning 'wid Inter-
1984 national Cooperation
July20: GreekCypriotsobserveda 15-minutework Hasan SulaymanAbuiBasha:Local Government
stoppage in a day of mourningon the 10th an- Yuisuf Amin Wall: Agriculture and Food Security
niversary of the Turkish invasion. Celebrations Muhammad Wajih Shindi: Tourism and Civil A via-
were held in the Turkishsector. [7/21 LM] tion
July 23: President Spiros Kiprianou said the MustfaKamilal-Sa'idIbrahim:Economyand For-
Cyprusgovernmentwas ready to cooperatewith a eign Trade
UN initiative to solve the Cyprus dispute. [7/27 Tawfiq 'Abduh Ismaidl: People's Assembly and
MEED] Consultative Council Affairs
Aug. 7: UN Secretary General Javier Perez de MuhammadNaji MuhammadShatlah:Supplyand
Cuellar completed separate consultations in Internal Trade
Vienna with Greek and Turkish Cypriot repre- AhmadRushdi:Interior
sentatives. [8/9 LM] 'Isam Radi 'Abd al-HamidRadi:Irrigation
Sept. 1: Greek and TurkishCypriotsapprovedthe MuhammadFaraj'Abd al-Wahhab:Industry
workingpoints of a new UN peace initiative. [9/2 'Abd al-Hadi MuhammadQandil:Petroleum and
NYT] Mineral Resources
Sept. 9: UN-sponsored proximity talks between 'Atif Muhammad 'Ubayd: Cabinet Affairs and
Greek Cypriot President Kiprianouand Turkish Adminstrative Development
Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash, mediated by UN 'Abdal-Salam'Abdal-Qadir'Abd al-Ghaffar:Edu-
Secretary-GeneralPerez de Cuellaropenedin New cation
York. [9/11 NYT] Hasan 'Abd al-Fattah Sidqi: Housing and Utilities
Sept. 20: Indirect talks between Kiprianouand Muhammad al-Ahmadi Abu al-Nur: Religious
Denktash ended without any apparentprogress. Trusts
Further discussions were scheduled for October Albert Barsum Salamah: Minister of State for
15. [9/21 NYT] Emigration and Egyptians Abroad
Oct. 4: In an addressto the UN GeneralAssembly Butrus Butrus Ghali: Minister of State for Foreign
Turkish Foreign Minister Vahit Halefoglu urged Affairs
Turkish and Greek Cypriots to engage in direct Jamal al-Sayyid Ibrahim: Minister of State for War
negotiations.[10/5 NYT] Production [7/17 FBIS]
Aug. 14:A protocolbetween Egyptand Turkeyfor
bilateralmilitarycooperationin the area of joint
industrializationwas signed duringa visit to Cairo
Egypt by TurkishDefense MinisterZeki Yavuzturk.[8/15
(See also, Regional Affairs, Jordan, Libya, Aug. 16: A 5-story building in residential Cairo
Syria) collapsed, killingat least 26 people. [8/24 MEED]
Aug. 24: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri
1984 arrivedin Cairofor talks with PresidentMubarak.
July 16: Acting Prime MinisterKamal Hasan 'All [8/24FBIS]
announced the resignationof his Cabinet. Presi- Sept. 6: The Cairo daily al-Ahramreported that
dent MuhammadHusni Mubarakappointeda new Egypt had rejected an offer by Libyan leader
cabinet: Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhafiof $5 billion in returnfor
Mustafa Kamal Hilmi: Deputy Prime Minister,
Higher Education and Scientific Research
coolingrelationswith Israelandreturninga Libyan
Muhammad'Abd al-HalimAbu Ghazala:Deputy pilot who defected 3 monthsearlier. [9/7 MEED]
Prime Minister and Defense and War Production Sept. 29: The People's Assembly extended for 19
Ahmad 'Ismat 'Abd al-Majid:Foreign Minister months the state of emergency imposed in 1981.
MuhammadSalah al-Din Hamid:Finance [10/1NYT]
Amal 'Uthman: Social Insurance and Social Af- Sept. 30: Three people were reportedkilled and 26
fairs injuredin Kafral-Dawar,nearAlexandria,duringa
Hasaballah Muhammadal-Kafrawi:Reconstruc- clash between policemen and demonstratorspro-
tion, New Societies, and Land Reclamation testingfood price rises. [10/1 NYT]

One hundredseven Islamicextremistswere sen- July 29: Iranreportedheavy fightingbetween gov-
tenced to 2 to 25 years of hard labor and 174 ernmentforces and Kurdishrebels in Azerbaijan
acquitted on charges of trying to overthrow the Province. [7/30 NYT]
governmentafter the assassinationof Sadat. [10/1 July 31: An Air Francejetliner was hijackedby 3
WP] men who demandedto be flown to Iran. [8/1 NYT]
Oct. 1: Mubarakcancelledfood price rises follow- Aug. 1: Threehijackersof an Air Francejet which
ing riotingin Kafr al-Dawar.[10/2WP] landedin Iranthreatenedto begin killinghostages
The People's Assembly approved a bill with- unless the Frenchgovernmentreleased5 prisoners
drawing Egypt from the 1971 Union of Arab Re- jailed in France for attempting to assassinate
publicslinkingEgypt, Libyaand SyriEa.[10/2FBIS] former Prime Minister Shapfir Bakhtiarin 1980.
Oct. 2: In an interview in al-Akhbar Mubarak [8/2 WP]
accused Libya of having plotted to attack the Aug. 2: The 3 hijackers of an Air France jet
Aswan Dam and Suez Canal. [10/3 NYT] released its passengersand crew and surrendered
Oct. 3: Saudi ArabianOil Minister Shaykh Zaki to securitymen at Tehranairportafter blowingup
AhmadYamanimet with Mubarakirnhis capacity the plane's cockpit. [8/3 WP]
as an OPEC spokesman, the first official visit to Aug. 3: President Hujat al-Islam 'All Khaman'i
Egypt by a Saudi ministersince 1979. [10/4NYT] warnedFrancethat it shouldexpect furtheracts of
Oct. 4: Mubarakrejected a proposal by Israeli terrorismif it did not change its policies toward
PrimeMinisterShimonPeres that the two leaders Iran. [8/4 NYT]
hold a summit meeting on the Egyptian-Israeli Aug. 4: A foreign ministryspokesmansaid the 3
border. [10/4 FBIS] hijackersof an Air Francejet hadrequestedasylum
Oct. 15:Mubarakand SudanesePresidentNumayri in Iran. [8/5 WP]
praised Jordan for re-establishingrelations with Aug. 5: PrimeMinisterMir Husayn Musavi won a
Egyptin speeches at the openingof the Nile Valley parliamentaryvote of confidence. [8/6 WP]
Parliamentin Cairo. [10/16FBIS] Aug. 7: Twenty-fivedrugtraffickerswere executed
in Tehran,bringingthe total to morethan 100since
May. [8/10MEED]
Aug. 8: Two Iraniansopposed to the Iraniangov-
ernmentwho hijackedan Iranianairlinerthe night
before surrenderedto police in Rome. [8/9 NYT]
Iran Aug. 14: Foreign Affairs Minister 'All Akbar
ValayatiurgedIranto abandonits presentforeign
(See also, Regional Affairs, Afghanistan, policy and take a more active and positive ap-
Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria) proachto diplomacy.[8/17MEED]
Aug. 15: The Majlisapproved15 cabinet ministers
1984 in individualconfidence votes but dismissed the
July 18: Two men pleadedguiltyand 3 others were ministersof defense, health, education, industry
indicted in New York for illegally exportingarms and culture & higher education. Sarraj al-Din
to Iran. [7/19 WP] Kaziruniwas namedhousingminister,Muhammad
July 22: West German Foreign Minister Hans- Muhammadiwas namedintelligenceminister,and
DietrichGenschersaid at the end of a 2-dayofficial Hasan Habib! was named justice minister. [8/16
visit to Tehran that Iran wished tc re-establish NYT]
contacts with the West. [7/23 WP] Aug. 17: The Iranianpress agency said Iran had
InteriorMinister'Ali AkbarNatiq Nirn warned issued a "final warning" to Kurdish rebels to
Iraniansagainsttakingthe law into theirown hands surrenderand receive pardonsor face death in a
when enforcinga dress code. [7/23NYT] "greatpurgingoperation." [8/18NYT]
July 24: Police in Spain arrested 4 [ranianssus- Aug. 20: The Majlisapprovedthe nominationsof
pected of planningan attack on a Saudi Arabian IrajFazl as ministerof culture& highereducation,
aircraftand on opponents of the Iraniangovern- 'All Riza Marandias health minister,and Ghulam
ment, and of havingcarriedout a rocket attackon Riza Shafa'i as industries minister, and allowed
the US embassy in Spain the year before. [7/25 PrimeMinisterMusavi to take over responsibility
WP] for the defense and education ministries for 2
July 25: Some 20,000 people participatedin an months. [8/20 FBIS]
officialdemonstrationsupportingIslamicdress for Aug. 22: An American of Iranian descent was
women. [7/27 LM] indictedin Californiaon charges of illegally ship-
July 26: Spain expelled an Iranian diplomat ac- ping militaryequipmentto Iranfrom 1981through
cused of involvementwith 4 Iraniansarrestedfor 1983. [8/23WP]
terroristactivities. [7/27 NYT] A Baha'lspokesmanin New Yorksaida member
July 28: Iran claimedto have taken controlof 200 of the Baha'ifaith had been executed the previous
kilometers in Iranian Kurdistan near the Iraqi week in Iran and 25 others were under death
border. [8/1 LM] sentences. [8/24JP]

Aug. 23: A carbombexplosion in a Tehranstreet Oct. 2: Ministerof State for ForeignAffairsHamid
during rush hour killed at least 17 people and 'Alwan was dismissed by a presidentialdecree.
injured300. [8/24 WP] [10/3FBIS]
Aug. 24: Majlis Speaker 'All Akbar Hashimi Oct. 12: President $addam Husayn said in an
Rafsanjaniblamed "terroristleaders living under interviewhe was readyto considerreestablishment
Frenchsupport"for the bombingin Tehranthe day of diplomaticrelationswith the US afterthe Ameri-
before. [8/25 WP] can presidentialelections. [10/13NYT]
Aug. 26: Ayatallah Ruhallah Khumaynisaid the
people and bazaarmerchantsshould have a bigger
role in runningthe economy. [8/30WP]
Aug. 28: An unarmedIraniancouple hijackedan
Iran Air jetliner to Iraq, where they asked for
politicalasylum. [8/29 WP]
Aug. 30: Two Iraniansflew an F-4 jet to Iraq and (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional
were grantedpoliticalasylum. [8/31NYT] Affairs,Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey)
Sept. 6: The Iraniannews agency reportedthat 3
people were injured in 2 carbomb explosions in 1984
Tehran. [9/27 FBIS] July 23: National parliamentaryelections were
Sept. 8: Gunmenhijackedan Iran Air jetliner and held. [7/23 NYT]
forced it to fly to Bahrain,Cairoand then Iraq.[9/9 July 24: Politicalpartiesin Israelbegannegotiating
WP] for coalition partnersfollowing inconclusive elec-
Sept. 19: The US asked the American-Iranian tion results. [7/25 NYT]
claims tribunal to dismiss 2 Iranianjudges who Kach party leader Rabbi Meir Kahane said his
attacked a Swedish judge on September3. [9/20 condition for joining a coalition governmentwas
NYT] amnesty for Jews charged with or convicted of
Sept. 27: The Iranianambassadorto the Nether- terrorism.[7/25NYT]
lands was injured by Kurdish protestors who July 26: Final election results were announced:
seized the Iranianembassyin the Hague.[9/28WP] Labor:44 seats
Iraq Shinui:3
(See also, RegionalAffairs,Iran) Yahad:3
1984 Morasha:2
July 16: PresidentSaddamHusayn said Iraqmust ProgressiveList for Peace: 2
have "practical guarantees" from the US that Tami: 1
Israel would not attack its proposed oil pipeline Ometz: I
through Jordan, before Iraq would proceed with Kach: 1
the project. [7/17 WP] [7/27CSM]
July 29: The WashingtonPost reported that au- July 27: The numbertwo man on the Kach party
tonomy negotiationsbetween the governmentand Knesset list was convicted of involvement in a
a leader of the Kurdishrebellionin northernIraq, shootingattackon ArabsnearRamallahin March.
underwaysince November 1983,had brokendown [7/29JP]
in May 1984and remainedfrozen. [7/29 WP] July 29: The Sephardic Torah Guardians party
August6: IraqandTurkeysigneda protocolfor the announcedit wouldjoin a coalitionwith the Likud
constructionof a second crudeoil pipelinethrough party. [7/30WP]
Turkey. [8/13 MEES] Aug. 1: PrimeMinisterYitzhakShamirand Labor
Sept. 5: A Kurdish rebel spokesman said 105 Alignment leader Shimon Peres began talks on
people, most of them Iraqisoldiers, were killed in forminga governmentof nationalunity. [8/2 WP]
6 days of fightingin IraqiKurdistan.[9/6 WP] Aug. 4: Seven thousandJews and Arabs protested
Sept. 9: Iraqgrantedasylum to 2 Iranianmen and in Ummal-Fahmagainsta proposedvisit by Rabbi
their 3 family memberswho hijackedan Iran Air Meir Kahane.[8/5 WP]
jetliner to Iraq the day before. [9/10 FBIS] Aug. 5: LaborleaderPeres was asked by President
Sept. 16: The Iraqi News Agency reported that ChaimHerzog to form a government.[8/6 NYT]
Iraqi security guards killed 3 Iranians who at- Aug. 13: The newly elected Knesset was sworn in
tempted to hijack a plane over Syria the day as 2,000 demonstratorsprotested the seating of
before. [9/17 WP] Meir Kahane. [8/14JP]

Aug. 22: Ezer Weizmansignedan agreementto ally HaimCorfu, Likud: Transport
his Yahad party with the Labor Alignment.[8/23 Moshe Katzav, Likud:Labor and Welfare
NYT] AmnonRubenstein,Shinui:Communications
Aug. 23: The Tamipartyandthe NationalReligious Moshe Shahal, Labor:Energy
Partydeclined to join a LaborAlignmentcoalition Yosef Shapira,Morasha:WithoutPortfolio
government.[8/24 WP] AvrahanSharir,Likud: Tourism
Aug. 25: Israeli government officials denied any Aryeh Nehemkin,Labor:Agriculture
Israeli role in militarytrainingaid to Sri Lanka. [9/14WP]
[8/26 NYT] Sept. 16: Israel devalued the shekel by 9 per cent
Aug. 26: President Herzog gave Peres a 3-week and announcedan austerityplan to cut the budget
extension of his mandateto form a coalition gov- by $1 billion. [9/17 NYT]
ernment[8/27 WP] Sept. 19: The US asked the Israeli governmentto
Aug. 29: Hundredsof Israelipolice barredKahane present it with a budget-cuttingplan before re-
and his supportersfromenteringthe Arabvillageof questinga rise in US economic aid. [9/20 NYT]
Umm al-Fahm. Eight policemen were injuredin Oct. 2: The governmentimposeda 6-monthban on
riotingwhich followed. [8/30 WP] importsof 50 luxury products.[10/3 NYT]
Aug. 31: Peres and Shamirwere reportedto have Oct. 9: Prime MinisterPeres held talks with US
agreed in principleto a nationalunity government PresidentRonaldReaganduringa week-long visit
with Peres to serve as primeministerfor the first25 to the US. [10/10WP]
months followed by Shamir.[8/31NYT] Oct. 15: The Israeli governmentsaid the US had
Sept. 2: Peres and Shamir said serious obstacles agreedto a postponementin the repaymentof $500
were blocking the formationof a national unity million in Israel's debt. US governmentofficials
government.[9/3 NYT] said no such agreementhad been reached. [10/16
Sept. 6: Belize and Israel announcedthe establish- WP]
ment of diplomaticrelations. [9/7 FBIS]
The Mapamparty voted to end its alliancewith
the Labor partyonce a nationalunity government
was formed. [9/10WP]
Sept. 10: The US agreedto lease 12 IsraeliKfirCl Jordan
warplanesto train US Navy pilots. [9/10WP] (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Iraq, Libya,
Sept. 11: The Likudbloc agreedin principleto join Syria)
a coalitiongovernmentwith the Laborparty. [9/12
Sept. 14:The Knesset approvedthe governmentof
August3: Two people were slightlyinjuredwhen a
national unity and Peres was sworn in as prime
bomb exploded at a US embassy warehouse in
Amman.[8/5 NYT]
Shimon Peres, Labor: Prime Minister, Interior,
and Religious Affairs Sept. 18: King Husayn met with British Prime
Yitzhak Shamir, Likud: Foreign Ministerand al- Minister Margaret Thatcher in London. [9/19
ternatePrime Minister
Sept. 25: Jordanannouncedit was restoringdiplo-
YitzhakRabin, Labor:Defense
matic relationswith Egypt. [9/26 NYT]
YitzhakModai, Likud:Finance
Oct. 9: EgyptianPresidentHusni Mubarakbegana
Yitzhak Navon, Labor: Education and Culture,
and Deputy Prime Minister 3-day state visit to Jordan.[10/10WP]
David Levy, Likud: Housing and Construction,
and Deputy Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon, Likud:Industryand Trade
Moshe Arens, Likud: WithoutPortfolio
Yosef Burg, National Religious Party: Without
Portfolio (See also, RegionalAffairs)
Haim Bar-Lev, Labor:Police
MordechaiGur, Labor:Health 1984
Ezer Weizman, Yahad: Minister in the Prime July 18: The Kuwaitigovernmentissued bonds to
Minister'soffice creditorshurt in the 1982collapse of the Manakh
Gad Yaacobi, Labor:EconomicPlanning stock market.[7/19WSJ]
Moshe Nissim, Likud:Justice July 23: The US Defense Departmenttold Con-
Yigal Hurvitz, Ometz: WithoutPortfolio gress it intendedto providetrainingto 150Kuwaiti
YitzhakPeretz, SephardicTorahGuardians:With- pilots. [7/23 NYT]
out Portfolio Aug. 6: An anonymouscaller claimingto represent
Gideon Patt, Likud:Science and Development the Islamic Jihad said that organizationwas re-
Yaacov Zur, Labor:ImmigrantAbsorption sponsiblefor the attemptedshootingof the owner

of the Kuwaiti newspaper al-Anba in Spain the Aug. 4: Businesses in Tripoliclosed for the third
night before. [8/7 WP] straightday to protest continuedfightingbetween
Aug. 15: Kuwait and the Soviet Union signed a pro- and anti-Syrianmilitias. [8/5 WP]
major arms agreement to improve Kuwait's air Aug. 5: Fighting broke out between Druze and
defenses. [8/16 WP] Christianmilitiamenin the Kharrubregionsouth of
Aug. 16: Kuwait announcedit had broken diplo- Beirut. [8/7 JP]
matic relations with Liberia following Liberia's Aug. 8: Prime Minister Karami said the govern-
resumptionof relationswith Israel. [8/16FBIS] menthadagreedon a compromiseto send the army
Oct. 3: A KuwaitinewspaperquotedDefense Min- into disputed Shuf mountainareas and along the
ister Shaykh Salim Al $abah as saying "no more country's2 majorhighways. [8/9 NYT]
than 10" Soviet militaryadvisorswould be sent to Aug. 9: Three people were killed and 25 wounded
Kuwaitin connectionwith a recentSoviet-Kuwaiti in a bomb blast in West Beirut. [8/10 WP]
arms purchaseagreement.[10/4 WP] Aug. 12: The governmentpublisheda list of over
700 people being held in militaryor police jails.
Aug. 17: Large-scalefightingeruptedbetween the
LebaneseArmyin Suq al-Gharband Druze militia-
Lebanon men in surroundingtowns, and shells fell on Chris-
tian suburbseast of Beirut. [8/19 NYT]
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Saudi Aug. 19: Shells landednear the presidentialpalace
Arabia, Syria) in Baabdaduringheavy fightingbetween Christian
and Lebanese Army forces and Druze militiamen
1984 in the Shuf. [8/20NYT]
July 17: Christian and Muslim militiamen ex- Aug. 21: At least 30 people were reportedkilled
changedfire across the GreenLine in Beirutin the and 190 wounded in a second day of fighting
first clash since the July 4 ceasefire. [7/19JP] between pro- and anti-Syrianmilitias in Tripoli.
July 18: The Lebanese government decided to [8/22WP]
restore diplomaticrelations with Iran after an 8- Aug. 22: Police said 15 people were killed as
monthbreak. [7/19JP] fightingin Tripolicontinued.Fightingalso contin-
July 20: The Soviet embassy in Beirut was dam- ued near Suq al-Gharb.[8/23WP]
aged by a rocket attack. [7/21 NYT] Aug. 23: ArmyChiefof StaffMajorGeneralNadim
July 22: Police said 5 people were wounded in Hakim, the highest-rankingDruze officer, and 6
fightingbetween Christianand Druze militiamen
southeast of Beirut. [7/23 WP] otherswere killedin a helicoptercrash in northern
July 25: The Cabinetannouncedit had endorseda Lebanon. [8/24WP]
new security plan that would abolish the Green Fightingin Tripolibetween rivalMuslimmilitias
Line separatingBeirut. [7/26JP] continuedfor the fourthday. [8/24JP]
July 26: Prime MinisterRashid Karamimet with Aug. 24: Pro-Iraniangunmenin West Beirutset fire
Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus. He to the Saudi Arabianconsulate and firedgrenades
said before the meetingthat the Lebanesegovern- at the Britishembassy, causingextensive damage.
ment respected guerrillasfightingIsraeli occupa- [8/25NYT]
tion troops in southernLebanon. [7/27NYT] Aug.25: Duringa funeralservice for MajorGeneral
A cease-firewent into effect in Tripolifollowing Hakim,Druze leaderWalidJunblatdenouncedthe
2 days of fighting between pro- and anti-Syrian government of President Amin al-Jumayyiland
militias that resulted in over 20 dead and 80 called Hakim's death a possible assassination.
wounded. [7/27 WP] [8/26NYT]
July 28: Green Line barricades in Beirut were Aug. 26: Karami announced a security plan for
removedin the second stageof a governmentpeace Tripoliwhichthe SyrianArmywouldhelp enforce.
plan. [7/29 NYT] In Beirut,4 LebaneseArmy soldiersand I civilian
The Lebanese Army and Druze militiamenex- were woundedand 3 majorGreen Line crossings
changed artilleryfire on the Suq al-Gharbridge,
closed in fightingbetween Muslimmilitiamenand
ending a 3-week period of calm in the area. [7/29
WP] LebaneseArmy troops. [8/27WP]
July 30: Fightingbetween Sunniand Druze militia- In an interview,WalidJunblatcalledfor negotia-
men in West Beirutkilled 3 people and injured16. tions with Israel to end the Israeli occupation of
[7/30 WP] southernLebanon. [8/28WP]
Aug. 1: The last 2 crossings on the Green Line in Aug. 27: A womanwas killedby a sniperin Tripoli
Beirutwere opened. [8/2 CSM] in a violationof the ceasefire. [8/28 WP]
Aug. 2: Fightingbroke out in Tripoliafter a senior Aug. 28: Heavy fightingbrokeout in Tripoli.Street
member of the anti-Syrian Islamic Unification battles in West Beirut between Sunni and Shi'i
Movementmilitiawas assassinated. [8/3 WP] militiaskilled 2 and wounded3. [8/29 NYT]

Saudi Arabia protested to Lebanon over its Sept. 29: Two Muslimmilitiamenwere killedand 3
failureto preventthe stormingof the Saudiconsu- people were wounded in clashes between militia-
late in Beirut the week before. [8/29CSM] men and LebaneseArmytroops on Beirut'sGreen
Aug. 29: Pierre al-Jumayyil,founder and head of Line. [10/1WP]
the ChristianPhalangistParty and father of the Oct. 8: The Lebanese Army temporarilyclosed all
Lebanese president, died of a heart attack. [8/30 crossings between East and West Beirut for the
WP] third day after militiamen set up illegal check-
Nine people were killed and 20 wounded in points. [10/9 WP]
fightingin Tripoli. [8/30JP] Oct. 9: Junblat announced the formation of the
Aug. 30: Heavy fightingbroke out between Druze NationalDemocraticFront, comprisedof the Pro-
and Christian militias in the mountains east of gressive SocialistParty,the Arab BaathParty, the
Beirut. [8/31 WP] ArabDemocraticFront, the SyrianSocial Nation-
Aug. 31: A general strike was held by Muslimsin alist Party, and the Lebanese CommunistParty.
West Beirut and southern Lebanon on the sixth [10/10 WP]
anniversaryof the disappearanceof Shi'i Imam The Lebanese Forces militiaelected Fu'ad Abi
Mfisa Sadr. [9/23 LM] Nadirto replaceFadi Fremas its new commander.
Sept. 5: Four people were killed and 25 injuredby [10/10 WP]
a carbomb in West Beirut. Education Minister Oct. 11: The Spanishambassadorto Lebanonwas
Salim al-Huss narrowlyescaped injury.[9/6 WP] kidnappedin Beirut and later released after Amal
Sept. 7: The Middle East Economic Digest re- militiaofficialsintervened.[10/11WP]
portedthat Joseph Hashimwas namedministerof Oct. 13: Druze and Phalangist militiamen ex-
posts and telecommunications,health and social changedartilleryfirein a 2-hourbattle southeastof
affairs, replacingthe late Pierre al-Jumayyil.[9/7 Beirut. [10/14JP]
Sept. 8: Fightingintensifiedbetween Christianand
Druzemilitiamenin the Kharrubregion.[9/9NYT]
Sept. 12: President Jumayyil agreed to special
Cabinet sessions on political changes and the Is-
raeli occupationof southernLebanonafter Nabih
Birrnand WalidJunblatboycottedthe weeklyCabi- (See also, Regional Affairs, Algeria, Egypt,
net meeting. [9/13NYT] Morocco, Sudan,Tunisia)
Sept. 13: The Phalangist Party elected Elie
Karamahto succeed the late Pierreal-Jumayyilas 1984
its president. [9/14 WP] July 26: Libya said its aircraft intercepted and
Sept. 15: The American University of Beirut an- chasedaway severalUS warplaneswhichoverflew
nouncedin New York thatCalvinH. Plimptonhad the Gulf of Sidra. [7/30FBIS]
been elected president of the university. [9/16 Norway accused Libyan authoritiesof killing a
NYT] Norwegiansailor duringquestioningin May. [7/27
Sept. 17: The Lebanese Cabinet began special WP]
meetings on the redistributionof political power July 28: The governmentannouncedit was carry-
and extendinggovernmentcontrol beyond Beirut. ing out large-scale militarymaneuversusing live
[9/18 NYT] ammunitionin and aroundTripoli. [7/30NYT]
Sept. 18: Membersof the Cabinetagreedto order July 29: Libya protested to the UN over the
theirmilitiasto release all theirhostages. Renewed presenceof US warplanesover the Gulfof Sidraon
fightingbroke out in Tripolidespite the announce- July 26. [7/30NYT]
ment by Karamiof a peace plan for the city. [9/19 Aug. 1: Libyawithdrewfromthe Olympicgamesin
NYT] Los Angeles after the US refused to allow Libyan
Sept. 20: Cabinet members meeting in a special reportersinto the country. [8/3 FBIS]
session agreedto establisha 16-manconstitutional Aug. 11:The LondonpaperDaily Expressreported
reformcommittee. [9/21 FBIS] that 4 Libyan diplomats expelled from London
Sept. 23: Karami said a Syrian-backedsecurity followingthe April 17 shootingof a Britishpolice-
plan would go into effect in Tripolion September womanwere executed in Tripoli. [8/12 WP]
25 and the port would returnto governmentcon- Aug. 21: LibyanbusinessmanAli al-Giahour,who
trol. [9/24 NYT] was facingtrialin connectionwith bombattacksin
Sept. 24: Heavy fightingerupted between Druze London, was found murderedin a London apart-
and Christianmilitias in the Kharrubarea. [9/25 ment. [8/22NYT]
NYT] Aug. 25: SyrianPresidentHafiz al-Asadleft Libya
Sept. 26: Rival militias began withdrawingheavy following3 days of discussions with Libyan Head
weapons from Tripoli in accordance with a of State Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhafi.[8/24 WP]
ceasefire agreement signed in Damascus. [9/26 Aug. 26: President Asad returned to Libya for
MEEDl furthertalks with Qadhdhafi.[8/28 NYT]

Aug. 29: Qadhdhafiinauguratedwork on a $20 ment for plottingto overthrowthe monarchydur-
billion water pipeline system in a ceremony in ing the Januaryriots. Twenty-fourothers received
Sarir. [8/30 WP] sentences of 4 to 20 years in prison. [8/3 MEED]
Aug. 31: The GeneralPeople's Congressapproved Aug. 21: The ParisorganizationAssociationfor the
the proposed treaty of unity with Morocco. [9/1 Defense of HumanRights in Morocco announced
NYT] that hunger strikes by political prisoners in Mar-
Sept. 8: Iranian President Hiujat al-Islam 'Ali rakeshhad spreadto prisonsin Oujda,Casablanca,
Khaman'i met with Qadhdhafiduring a visit to Tetouan, Fez, Rabatand Beni-Mellal.[8/24 LM]
Libya. [9/10 FBIS] Aug. 22: King Hassan II grantedamnesty to 354
Sept. 12: Gunmen wounded a Libyan embassy prisoners,a majorityof whom were believed to be
employee in Madrid.Two men carryingLebanese politicalprisoners.[8/23LM]
passports were arrested. The Imam Musa $adr Aug. 23: United Arab EmiratesPresidentShaykh
Brigadeclaimedresponsibility.[9/13FBIS] Zayidbin SultanAl Nuhayyanarrivedin Morocco
Sept. 17: France and Libya announceda mutual on a privatevisit. [8/24 FBIS]
phased withdrawalof their troops from Chad to Aug. 29: The thirddeath of a hunger-strikersince
begin September25. [9/18 WP] July 4 was announcedby his family. [8/31 LM]
Sept. 20: A Libyan man registeredas Muhammad Aug.30: FrenchPresidentFrancoisMitterrandmet
Khumsiwas found murderedin Rome. [9/21NYT] with King Hassan II at Ifrane during a surprise
Sept. 22: A Mauritanianopposition group said it privatevisit to Morocco. [8/31 FBIS]
had killed a Libyan found dead 2 days before in Aug. 31: In a national referendum, Moroccans
Rome because he had cut off aid to the group's approvedthe treatyof unity with Libya by 99.7%.
rebel forces. [9/23 NYT] [9/23LM]
Sept. 23: Greek Prime Minister Andreas Sept. 1: PresidentMitterandreturnedto Morocco.
Papandreouheld talks with Qadhdhafiduringan [10/2-3 LM]
officialvisit to Libya. [9/24 FBIS] UAE President Shaykh Zayid met with King
Sept. 24: GreekPrimeMinisterPapandreousaid he Hassan II. [9/5 FBIS]
had signed a $1 billiontradeagreementwith Libya Sept. 4: Twenty-eighthungerstrikersin Moroccan
duringhis visit to that country. [9/26CSM] jails ended their fast after receiving government
Sept. 26: TripoliVoice of GreaterArab Homeland assurancesthat their demandswould be met. [9/7
radio reportedthat Qadhdhafihad condemnedthe MEED]
Jordanianresumptionof relationswith Egypt and Sept. 8: Moroccoannouncedthat Algeriancitizens
called for materialand moralmeasuresto be taken wouldbe allowedto enter Moroccowithouta visa.
against Jordanif it did not withdrawits decision. [9/9 WP]
[9/27 FBIS] Sept. 14: Parliamentaryelections were held. [9/15
The Libyan officialpress agency said the simul-
taneous withdrawalof French and Libyan troops Sept. 15: The official election results were
fromChadhad begunthe previousday. [9/27NYT] announced:
Sept. 28: Chad's informationministersaid Libyan ConstitutionalUnion: 55 seats
troops had not begun withdrawingfrom Chad as NationalGroupingof Independents:38
called for in an agreementwith France. [9/29NYT] Socialist Union of PopularForces: 34
Oct. 4: Libya denied Egyptian charges that it PopularMovement:31
plotted to bomb the Aswan Dam and block the IstiqlalParty:23
Suez Canal. [10/5 NYT] NationalDemocraticParty: 15
Oct. 6: French Defense Minister Charles Hernu Partyof Progressand Socialism:2
said Libyantroopshadevacuatedseveralpositions Organizationfor DemocraticandPopularAction: 1
in Chadin compliancewith a Libyan-Frenchwith- [9/17FBIS]
drawalagreement.[10/8WP] Oct. 3: The list of the new House of Representa-
Oct. 12:Two Libyanswere sentencedin New York tives, including indirect election results, was
to 7 and 8 years in prison for buying handguns announced:
equipped with silencers from an undercoverFed- ConstitutionalUnion: 83 seats
eral agent. Libya protestedthe ruling.[10/15NYT]
NationalGroupingof Independents:61
Socialist Union of PopularForces: 39
Morocco NationalDemocraticParty:24
(See also, RegionalAffairs, Libya) MoroccanLabor Union: 5
Partyof Progressand Socialism:2
1984 Organizationfor Democraticand PopularAction: 1
July 31: A Casablancacourt sentenced 13 Islamic Partyof Unity and National Solidarity:I
fundamentaliststo death and 34 to life imprison- [10/4 FBIS]

Oct. 6: Prisonersin Safi, Essaouiraand Marrakesh border,accusingit of havingkilled 104people since
jails were reportedto have resumed their hunger the beginningof the year. A governmentspokes-
strike. [10/9 LM] man said 3 Afghan refugees were killed and 5
Oct. 11:Le MondereportedthatArmycommander wounded in a fifth Afghan artillery attack the
MajoubTobji, formerlyaide de camp to the late previous day in Teri Mangal.The Afghanforeign
General Ahmed Dlini, who had been held in a ministerdenied that his country had shelled Paki-
Rabatjail since March 1983, had escaped and fled stani territory.[8/23 NYT]
the country. [10/II LM] Indian news agencies reported that Pakistani
Oct. 15: AhmedOsmanwas elected speakerof the troops had clashed with Indian forces across the
Chamberof Representatives.[10/16FBIS] border in Kashmir. They said 6 to 10 Pakistani
soldierswere killed, and 4 wounded. [8/24 WP]
Aug. 24: An IndianAirlinesplanehijackedby Sikh
militants landed in Lahore and Karachi before
flyingon to Dubai. [8/27 FBIS]
Pakistan Pakistanaccused Afghanistanof killing3 people
during a bombing raid on Teri Mangal west of
(See also, Afghanistan) Peshawar.[8/26-27LM]
A Pakistani official charged that 2 Pakistani
1984 soldierswere killed in an unprovokedshootingby
July 16: Three Pakistaniswere indictedin Houston Indiantroops in the Kargilarea. [8/24 FBIS]
for trying to ship nuclear weapons parts to Paki- Aug. 26: PakistandeniedthatPakistaniofficershad
stan, accordingto court records. [7/17WP] providedSikh hijackersof an Indianairlinerwith
July 28: A car bomb exploded outside the head- guns after it landedin Lahore. [8/28 FBIS]
quartersof the AfghanrebelgroupHezb-i-Islamiin Aug. 30: Afghanrebel groupsbeganmovingout of
Peshawar near the Afghan border, killing 4 and Peshawar.[8/31NYT]
wounding12. A second explosionin Saddakilled6 Twenty-twosupportersof formerPrimeMinister
and wounded29. [7/29 WP] Bhutto,including2 formermembersof parliament,
July 30: A senior refugee officialin Pakistansaid were sentenced in absentia for aiding the under-
Pakistaniauthoritieshad orderedall Afghanresist- groundal-Zulfiqarorganization.[8/30 FBIS]
ance forces to leave Peshawarby August31. [7/31 Sept. 14: Pakistanprotestedto Afghanistanover a
NYT] bombing raid by Afghan planes in northern
A Pakistaniofficialsaid 3 recent bomb blasts in Waziristanon the same day. [9/17 FBIS]
Pakistan's Northwest FrontierProvince were the Sept. 28: Pakistan charged that 32 people were
work of Afghan secret police. [7/31NYT] killed and 48 wounded by an Afghan bombing
Aug. 6: Two supportersof the outlawed Party of attackon a Pakistanibordertown the previousday.
the PakistaniPeople were hung in Lahore for the [9/29WP]
murder of a policeman in December 1982 and Oct. 1: Three oppositionpoliticians,includingthe
membershipin the terroristgroupal-Zulfiqar.[8/10 leader of the bannedTehrik-i-Istiqlalparty, were
LM] releasedfrom house arrest. [10/2 WP]
Aug. 9: Over 50 women defying a ban on demon- Oct. 4: Forty students were arrested as several
strationsprotestedapprovalof a draftbill revising hundred students at Baluchistan University in
the law of evidence to conformwith Islamic law. Quetta protestedthe recent expulsion and arrests
[8/10 CSM] of students for engagingin union activities. [10/5
Aug. 13: Pakistansaid 3 Afghanaircraftbombeda NYTI
Pakistani village along the northwesternborder, Oct. 6: Five people were reported killed and as
killing 1 and injuring5. [8/14WP] manyas 300 woundedin fightingbetween Shia and
Aug. 14: Militarycourts beganhearingevidence in Sunnisin Karachi.[10/7NYT]
the trial of over 70 people accused of plottingto Oct. 7: A 24-hourcurfew was imposedon Karachi
overthrowPresidentMuhammadZia ul-Haq.Forty followingreligiousriots the day before. [10/8JP]
others, including2 sons of formerPrimeMinister Indian Prime Minister Indira Ghandhi warned
ZulfiqarAli Bhutto, were being tried in absentia. Pakistanthat if it did not meet India'sdemandsfor
[8/15 CSM] a treaty to reduce bordertensions, Indiawould be
Aug. 19: Pakistansaid 18 people were killedand 11 prepared"to meet any eventuality." [10/8WP]
injuredthe previous day by Afghanarmy shelling Oct. 8: PresidentZia ruledout the returnof opposi-
near Parachinarin Pakistan'sNorthwest Frontier tion politicalpartiesafter elections for an Islamic
Province. [8/20 WP] democracypromisedby March 1985. [10/9 NYT]
Aug. 20: Pakistan reported that a second day of Oct. 9: Six Muslim leaders were arrested in
shelling near Parachinarby Afghan army troops Karachiafter a demonstrationcalling for the re-
had killed 16 people. [8/21 NYT] strictionof Shi'i processions. [10/l LM]
Aug. 22: Pakistanformally protested to Afghani- Oct. 13: West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl
stan over air raids and artilleryshellingacross the said after a meeting with Zia that West Germany

could not help Pakistandevelop atomic energy as Sept. 29: South Yemen and Afghanistanagreed to
long as it refused to sign the Nuclear Non- establishdiplomaticrelations. [10/1 FBIS]
proliferationTreaty. [10115WP] Oct. 2: PresidiumChairman'All Nasir Muhammad
Oct. 13: Solidaritymovementleader AsgharKhan held talks with Soviet leader Konstantin
said he had been bannedfrom touringSind prov- Chernenkoin Moscow. [10/3 NYT]
ince for 30 days. [10/14WP]
Oct. 14: The BBC reported that Karachi was
seriously affected by an October 13 general strike
by Sunni Muslims. [10/15FBIS]

(See also, Egypt)
(See, RegionalAffairs) 1984
July 22: President Ja'far al-Numayri announced
that Sudanese forces had regainedcontrol of the
country's southeasternborder and driven rebels
Saudi Arabia back into Ethiopia.[7/23 NYT]
July 28: The official Sudanese news agency an-
(See also, Regional Affairs, Egypt, Iran, nounced the arrest of 10 persons suspected of
Lebanon) plottingto assassinatePresidentNumayri.It said 4
of them had received money, arms and training
1984 from Libya. [7/31 LM]
July 26: Ex-US State Departmentofficer Walter Aug. 2: ForeignMinisterHashim 'Uthmanadmit-
Reed Martindale III and Arab businessman ted in a press conferencethat the armedrebellion
Ibrahim al-Rowaf were indicted in the US on in southern Sudan had blocked oil exploration
charges of conspiring to smuggle firearms into activitiesand the Jongleicanal project. [8/3 FBIS]
Britain in 1983 to murdera memberof the Saudi Aug. 4: The Sudanese armed forces newspaper
royal family. [7/27 WSJ] reportedthat 663 southernSudaneserebels and 21
July 28: Lebanese Prime MinisterRashid Kar&mi governmenttroops had been killed in fightingin
met with King Fahd in Jidda. [7/29 WP] Upper Nile Provinceover the previous 2 months.
Aug. 20: Saudi Arabiaestablisheddiplomaticrela- [8/6 FBIS]
tions with the Central African Republic. [8/21 Aug. 20: The governmenturgedrebels in the south
FBIS] to abandonviolence and open talks with authori-
Aug. 21: Fahdinaugurateda new navalbase on the ties. [8/21NYT]
Red Sea. [8/22JP] Aug. 21: The Kuwaitipaperal-Watanreportedthat
Sept. 1: SaudiArabiaclosed its embassy in Beirut. Sudaneseoppositionpartiesabroadhadformulated
[9/4 FBIS] a charterto unite in a National Salvation Front.
Sept. 11: King Fahd appointedLt. Gen. 'Abdullah [8/24FBIS]
Hamdanas Air Force commander,replacingGen. Aug. 26: The state of emergency was extended
MuhammadSabri, who became an advisor to the until November30, 1984. [8/27 FBIS]
Defense Minister. [9/12 NYTI The MiddleEast EconomicDigest reportedthat
Sept. 14: A Saudi man was shot and killed and AmnestyInternationalaskeda UN Commissionon
anotherwoundedby a gunmanin Marbella,Spain. HumanRightsto urge Sudanto halt amputations.
[9/16JP] The organizationsaid 58 amputationsentences had
Oct. 9: Saudi Arabia and Brazil signed a 5-year been carried out since September 1983. [8/24
militarycooperationagreementto jointly manufac- MEED]
ture weapons. [10/12MEED] Aug. 28: Southern Sudanese rebels attacked a
riverboatcarryingSudanese troops up the Sobat
River. The Sudan People's Liberation Army
claimed 274 soldiers were killed. The Sudanese
South Yemen military command said only 4 soldiers were in-
jured. [8/20WP]
(See also, Algeria, Syria) Sept. 2: The Sudannews agency said formerMin-
ister of Energy & Mining Ma'muin'Awadh Abu
1984 Zayd was arrestedfor possessing and consuming
Aug. 6: North Yemen's Prime Minister 'Abd al- alcohol. [9/3 JP]
'Aziz 'Abd al-Khaniled a Yemeni delegationto a Sept. 11: Rebels attackedthe oil town of Bentiu in
Joint Ministerial Council meeting in Aden. [8/7 southern Sudan and kidnapped3 priests, among
FBIS] them a Britishman and an American.[9/12 WP]

T* 0
Sept. 23: Numayriannouncedhe wouldnot impose
Islam on southern Sudan and would accept the Tunisia
wishes of its inhabitantsregardingeither dividing (See also, RegionalAffairs)
or reunifyingthe 3 southernprovinces. [9/24WP]
Sept. 29: Numayrilifted the nationalstate of emer- 1984
gency and suspended special courts set up to July 26: A medical communique revealed that
oversee the applicationof Islamiclaw. [9/30WP] President Habib Bourguibawas sufferingfrom a
bronchialinflammationand was confinedto bed for
several days. [7/28 LM]
Aug. 1: Seventeen Islamic militants,among them
the presidentand secretary-generalof the Islamic
Tendency Movement, were granted amnesty by
PresidentBourguiba.[8/3 MEED]
Syria Aug. 3: The MiddleEast EconomicDigest reported
that a Tunis appealscourt had sentenced 3 people
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Algeria, to 10 years of hard labor and 10 others to jail
Egypt, Lebanon, Libya) sentences of between 2 and 7 years in connection
with the December-January riots. [8/3 MEED]
Aug. 14: Libyan Head of State Mu'ammaral-
Qadhdhafi held talks with Tunisian officials in
1984 Tunis followinghis visits to Morocco and Algeria.
July 25: US Assistant Secretaryof State for Near [8/15FBIS]
Eastern and South Asian AffairsRichardMurphy Aug. 16: United Arab EmiratesPresidentShaykh
told a Congressionalsubcommitteethat Syria was Zayidbin SultanAl Nuhayyanmet with Bourguiba
playinga helpfulrole in restoringstabilityin Leba- at the PresidentialPalace in Sqans. [8/17 FBIS]
non. [7/26 NYT] Aug. 25: Bourguibanamed Mohamed Sayah as
Aug. 29: Le Monde reported the arrest of 30 ministerof equipment& housing. [8/26 NYT]
membersof the Partyof CommunistAction. [8/29
Sept. 3: Lebanese PresidentAminal-Jumayyilheld
talks with President Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus.
[9/4 JP]
Sept. 6: Iranian President Hujjat al-Islam 'Ali Turkey
Khaman'imet with PresidentAsad in Damascus. (See also, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq)
[9/8 NYT]
Sept. 11: Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas was 1984
quotedby the West GermanmagazineDer Spiegel July 24: Prime MinisterTurgut Ozal decried the
as saying that Vice President Rifat al-Asad was armsrace betweenTurkeyand Greece and offered
"personanon grataforever"in Syria,andif he had to undertake a joint venture on nearby Greek
not gone abroadthe "Army would have struck." islandsto ease the strainin relations. [7/26 WP]
[9/12 NYT] Aug. 8: United Arab Emirates President Shaykh
Sept. 12: Rifat al-Asad denied that he had been Zayid bin SultanAl Nuhayyanarrivedon a 2-day
banishedfrom Syria, saying he was in Geneva for visit. [8/10MEED]
medicaltreatment.[9/13 WP] Aug. 14: Four Istanbuloffices of the Motherland
Sept. 18: South Yemen's PresidiumChairman'All Party were damaged by bomb explosions. [9/21
Nasir Muhammadheld talkswith PresidentAsad in MEED]
Damascus. [9/18 FBIS] Aug. 15: Fifty-six intellectuals went on trial in
Sept. 24: US Assistant Secretaryof State Richard Ankarafor breakingmartiallaw by signinga peti-
Murphymet with Hafizal-Asadin Damascus.[9/24 tion demandinggreaterdemocracy. [8/16JP]
Aug. 17: Turkishsources reportedthat attacks by
Kurdishguerrillason August 15in the provincesof
Sept. 25: Syria denounced the Jordanianresump- Siirt, Hakkari, and the localities of Sirvan and
tion of diplomaticrelations with Egypt, and said Sirnakhad killed 12 and injureddozens of people.
the Syriangovernmentwas studyingways to "con- Anotherattackby an unknowngroupin the prov-
front the situation." [9/26 FBIS] ince of Diyarbakirreportedly killed I person.
Oct. 8: North Yemen's President 'All 'Abdallah [8/19-20LM]
Salih arrivedin Damascuson a workingvisit. [10/9 Aug. 22: An Istanbul military court ordered 9
FBIS] leadersof the leftist TurkishUnion Confederation,
Oct. 15: President Asad travelled to Moscow for charged with plotting to overthrow the state, re-
talks with Soviet leaders. [10/16NYT] leased from detention. [8/23 WP]

Sept. 10: The mass trialof 701 alleged membersof Oct. 7: A member of the Dev-Yol organization
the left-wing Dev-Yol undergroundorganization convicted in October 1982 of a 1980 murderwas
resumed. [9/21 MEED] executed in Izmir. [10/9LM]
Sept. 15: Prime Minister Ozal warned that US- Oct. 9: Eight Turkish soldiers were killed in a
Turkishrelationscould be harmedby US congres- Kurdishrebel ambushnear Curkurcain southwest
sional discussion of the alleged 1915 massacre of Turkey. [10/12LM]
Armeniansanda proposedcut in US militaryaid to
Turkey. [9/16JP]
Sept. 18: A shipyardunion said it would apply to
authoritiesfor permissionto strike, the first such
decision since the 1980militarycoup. [9/19NYT]
Sept. 20: Four Turkish parliamentarydeputies
United Arab Emirates
were threatenedwith expulsion from the Populist (See, Regional Affairs, Morocco, Tunisia,
Partyfor visiting Israel. [9/21JP] Turkey,Yemen)
Sept. 21: A member of the Dev-Yol organization
was sentencedto deathand2 othersto life in prison
for murderand terroristacts. [9/23-24LM]
Sept. 26: The Middle East Economic Digest re-
ported that martial law authorities granted ap-
provalfor a strikeby shipworkersoutsideIstanbul.
(See also, Regional Affairs, South Yemen,
[9/26 MEED] Syria)
Sept.27: Twenty-twoallegedmembersof the leftist
Brigadeof Armed Propagandawere sentenced to
death, 45 to life in prison, and 185to lesser prison 1984
sentences for murdersand assassinationspriorto Oct. 1: United Arab Emirates President Shaykh
1980. [9/29 LM] Zayidbin SultanAl Nuhayyanarrivedin Yemenon
Oct. 3: PresidentKenen Evren said Kurdishrebels a 4-day officialvisit. [10/5 FBIS]
had attackeda unit of the army assignedto guard Oct. 9: President'All 'Abdallah$alih and Soviet
him and killed2 soldiersshortlypriorto his visit to PresidentKonstantinChernenkosigned a 20-year
Semdinlinear the Iranianand Iraqifrontier. [10/5 treaty of friendshipand cooperation in Moscow.
LM] [10/10 WP]


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