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Chronology October 16, 1984-January 15, 1985

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 39, No. 2 (Spring, 1985), pp. 333-347
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 01/03/2012 15:06

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October 16, 1984-January15, 1985

CSM, ChristianScience Monitor

FBIS, Foreign BroadcastInformationService
Daily Report-Middle East & North Africa and
South Asia
JP, TheJerusalemPost
LM, Le Monde
MEED, MiddleEast EconomicDigest
MEES, MiddleEast Economic Survey
NS, NewSpot TurkishDigest 4
NYT, TheNew YorkTimes
WP, The WashingtonPost
WSJ, The WallStreet Journal

the UN-sponsored Lebanese-IsraeliMixed Armi-

Arab-Israeli Conflict stice Commissionset up in 1949. [10/22WP]
Oct. 24: Nine guerrrillaswere killed and 3 Israeli
soldiers were wounded in 2 clashes in southern
1984 Lebanon. [10/26JP]
Oct. 17: Israel announced 4 conditions for its Israeli radio said Israeli police had detained a
complete withdrawal from Lebanon, and called for Palestinianin connection with the execution-style
US mediation with concerned Arab states. [10/18 slayingsof 2 Israeli students2 days before. [10/25
The UN General Assembly defeated an Iranian DamascusRadio said Syria would not negotiate
proposal to contest Israel's seat in the Assembly. directlyor indirectlywith Israelfor the withdrawal
[10/18 NYT] of Israelitroops from Lebanon. [10/25WSJ]
Oct. 20: PLO Chairman Yasir 'Arafat said that the Oct. 28: The Israeli Cabinet adopted a policy on
PLO's policy toward Egypt was "to get closer to it southern Lebanon calling for US mediation and
as far as it moves away from the policies of Camp ruling out a unilateralIsraeli withdrawal. [10/29
David." [10/21 NYT] WPI
Israeli Industry and Trade Minister Ariel Sharon One person was killed and 10 wounded by a
said he would not accept any Israeli withdrawal rocket attackon an Arab bus in Jerusalem.Police
plan that relied on UN forces to protect Israel's said Jewish terroristsseeking revenge for the Oc-
northern border from guerrilla attacks. [10/21 JP] tober 22 killing of 2 Jews were believed to be
Oct. 21: Israel announced the 600th Israeli fatality responsible.[10/29NYT]
in Lebanon since the June 1982 invasion, in a Oct. 29: Palestinianstudentsat BethlehemUniver-
grenade attack in southern Lebanon. It said Israeli sity stonedIsraelivehicles in responseto the attack
troops killed 3 guerrillas and captured a fourth in a the day beforeon an Arabbus in Jerusalem.[10/30
separate incident. [10/22 WP] NYT]
Oct. 22: PLO Chairman 'Arafat said in an interview Oct. 30: The Israeli Knesset adopted a resolution
that both Arab and non-Arab efforts to rectify condemningJewish and Arabterrorismand urging
Syrian-Palestinian relations before the Palestine security services to root it out. [10/31WP]
National Council meeting had "reached a dead Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres defended
end." [10/23 FBIS] the Israeli government'snew policy of improving
Israel rejected a Lebanese government demand the "qualityof life" for Arabs in the West Bank.
that withdrawal talks be held in the framework of [10/31JP]


Oct. 31: The UN announcedthat Israeliand Leba- nese delegate demandedthat Israel pay up to $10
nese militaryrepresentativeswould begin talks on billionin war reparations.[11/16WP]
Israeli withdrawalfrom southernLebanonon No- Nov. 17: Israel released Amal leader Mahmud
vember 5 in Naqura, southern Lebanon. [11/1 Faqih and expelled him from southern Lebanon.
NYT] [11/17JP]
Israeli military authorities closed Bethlehem Nov. 18: An attemptto hold a full meeting of the
University for 4 days after 3 days of rioting.[11/1 PLO Executive Committeein Tunis failed after a
NYT] boycott by Syrian-backedmembers.[11/19NYT]
Nov. 1: Syria announced that it supported UN- Nov. 20: Strikes and demonstrationswere held in
sponsored withdrawaltalks between Israel and southernLebanon to protest the murderof Shi'i
Lebanon but would not guaranteethe security of leader Imam 'Abdullahal-Aminon November 14.
Israel's border. [11/2 NYT] Amal leaderNabih Birriaccused Israel of respon-
Nov. 3: Israeli police arrestedan Israeli soldierin sibilityfor the murder.[ 11/20FBIS]
connectionwith the October22 rocket attackon a Nov. 21: A Palestinianstudentwas killedby Israeli
bus in Jerusalem.[11/4NYT] troops duringa demonstrationat Bir Zeit Univer-
Nov. 4: Israel and Lebanonagreed to delay with- sity in Ramallah.[11/22WP]
drawaltalks afterLebanesePrimeMinisterRashid Nov. 22: The 17thmeeting of the PNC opened in
Karamiwas unableto convene a Cabinetsession to Amman. In the opening address JordanianKing
choose a negotiatingteam. [11/5NYT] Husayn called for a Middle East peace initiative
Nov. 7: One Israeli soldier was killed and 4 based on UN Resolution242. [11/23NYT]
wounded by guerrillasin Sidon, Lebanon. [11/8 A Palestiniandemonstratorwas shot and killed
WP] by Israelitroops in Ramallah.[11/23NYT]
Nov. 8: Israeli and Lebanese militarydelegations Nov.23: The PNC voted to oust its speaker,Khalid
began talks at UNIFIL headquartersin Naqura, Fahfum,who had opposedthe meeting,and elected
Lebanonon Israeliwithdrawalfrom southernLeb- 'Abd al-Hamidal Sa'ih to replacehim. [11/24WP]
anon. [11/9 WP] Nov. 27: 'Arafatsubmittedhis resignationas chair-
Nov. 10: Arabs in East Jerusalem,Bethlehemand man of the PLO to the PNC. [11/28WP]
Ramallahstageda striketo protestthe presenceof Israeliwarplanesattacked2 Palestinianguerrilla
Israeli borderpolicemenon the Haramash-Sharif bases in the Lebanese Biqa' Valley. Lebanese
(TempleMount). [11/11JP] police said 7 people were killed. [11/28NYT]
Fath announced that the Palestine National Nov. 28: 'Arafatwithdrewhis resignationand was
Council (PNC) would meet in Amman later in reconfirmedas PLOchairmanat the PNC meeting.
November, after Algeria and South Yemen re- [11/29WP]
ported the failure of their attempts to mediate Nov. 29: The PNC meetingin Ammanended with
between Fath and Syrian-backedfactions of the the reelectionof 'Arafatas chairmanof the execui-
PLO. [11/11WP] tive committeeand rejectionof any Mideastpeace
Lebanon suspended military negotiations with settlement based on UN Resolution 242. [11/30
Israel until Israel released 4 Amal militialeaders WP]
detainedin Sidon since November8. [11/11 WP] Dec. 1: A member of the Israeli-sponsoredcivil
Nov. 11: Israel proposed a truce arrangementin guard militia was assassinatedin southern Leba-
southernLebanonto the Amalmilitia.[11/12NYT] non, the seventh Israeli supporter killed in the
Israeli authorities destroyed 28 Palestinian region since November21. [12/4LM]
houses in the West Bank,bringingthe totalnumber Dec. 3: Egyptian President Husni Mubaraken-
destroyed in the previous 10 days to 80. [11/12 dorsed King Husayn's peace plan calling for a
NYT] UN-sponsored Middle East peace conference in
The Syrian government-controlleddaily Al- which the PLO would participate.[12/4WP]
Thawrahwarned the PLO not to hold its PNC Dec. 13: Israelitroops raidedseveral Shi'l villages
meetingin Amman. [11/12NYT] in southernLebanonand arrested30 people. Be-
Nov. 12: Schools and businesses were closed as tween 2 and4 Lebanesewere reportedkilled in the
southernLebanonwas paralyzedby an anti-Israeli raids. [12/13FBIS]
Dec. 15: Muslimsand Christiansin southernLeba-
strike called by Amal militialeadersto protestthe
non staged a generalstrike to protest Israeli raids
detentionof Amal officials. [11/13WP] on Shi'i villages on December 13. [12/16JP]
Nov. 13: PLO officials announced that the PNC A manshot to deathin Rome the day beforewas
would meet in Amman on November 22. [11/14 identifiedas PLO memberIsma'il Darwish. [12/16
Nov. 14: Lebanondecidedto resumemilitarytalks Dec. 17:Threepeople were slightlyinjuredwhen a
with IsraelafterIsraelreleased3 of 4 Amalleaders hand grenadeexploded at a bus stop in Tel Aviv.
arrestedthe previous week. [11/15NYT] [12/18NYT]
Nov. 15: Israel and Lebanon resumed military Dec. 24: Israeli Prime Minister Peres visited
negotiationsin southernLebanon, and the Leba- Bethlehemon Christmaseve. [12/26LM]

The Israeli High Court of Justice approvedthe defendthe $29perbarrelprice, at the conclusionof
decision of the West Bankmilitarygovernmentnot its emergencysession in Geneva. [11/1 FBIS]
to hold elections in Arab municipalitiesfor fear Dec. 17: OPEC oil ministers began their winter
they would be exploited by the PLO. [12/26LM] meetingin Geneva. [12/20WP]
Dec. 26: Israeli troops arrested 12 people in theDec. 20: The OPECwintermeetingwas adjourned
'Ayn al-HilwarefugeecampnearSidonfollowinga for one week to allow oil ministersto consult with
bomb explosion near a pro-Israelimilitia office. their heads of state. [12/21WP]
[12/26WP] Dec. 28: OPEC oil ministers agreed to set up a
Dec. 29: PLO Executive CommitteememberFahd committeeto police pricingandproductionpolicies
al-Qawasimiwas shot to death in Amman. [12/30 of membernations. [12/29WP]
WP] Dec. 29: OPECoil ministersagreedto adjustprice
Dec. 31: 'ArafatblamedSyriafor the assassination differentialsfor crudeoil in an attemptto keep the
of Fahd al-Qawasmi.[1/1 WP] benchmarkprice of Arabianlight at $29. Algeria
and Nigeriarefusedto cooperate. [12/30WP]
Jan. 7: Israeli and Lebanese negotiatorsresumed
talks at Naquraafter a 17-dayholidayrecess. [1/8
Israel said it had accepted an Egyptianoffer to
begin talks on the disputedRed Sea coastal strip,
Regional Affairs
Taba. [1/8 WP]
Jan. 8: Israelsaid it wouldnot returnto withdrawal General
talks with Lebanon on January 10 and accused 1984
Lebanonof stalling. [1/9 NYT] Nov. 27: Italianpolice said they hadarrested7 Shi'i
Jan. 9: Israeli warplanes attacked a Palestinian terrorists suspected of belonging to the Islamic
guerrillabase in the Lebanese Biqa' Valley. [1/10 Jihadterroristorganizationwho were planningan
NYT] attackon the US embassy in Rome. [11/28WP]
Jan. 10: The Israeligovernmentannouncedit had Leaders of the 6 member states of the Gulf
approvedsites for 6 new Jewish settlementson the CooperationCouncil(GCC)began their fifth sum-
West Bank. [1/11NYT] mit meetingin Kuwait. [11/28WP]
Jan. 13:The US informedIsraeland Egyptthat US Nov. 29: GCC leaders meeting in Kuwait an-
Secretaryof State George Shultz and Soviet For- nouncedthey had agreedto create a rapiddeploy-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko had agreed the ment force to defendtheir countriesagainstexter-
Americans and Soviets would hold talks on the nal militarythreats. [NYT]
MiddleEast. [1/14NYT] Dec. 19: Egypt took its seat after a 5-yearabsence
Jan. 14: The Israelicabinetapprovedthe firstpart at the opening of the annual meeting of foreign
of a 3-stagetroop withdrawalfrom Lebanon.[1/15 ministersof the Islamic ConferenceOrganization
WP] (ICO)in Sanaa. [12/19NYT]
Two Israelisoldierswere killedin 2 bombexplo- Dec. 22: The finalcommuniqueof the ICO confer-
sions in southernLebanon. [1/15JP] ence noted that Pakistan's Attorney General
SharifuddinPirzadahad been elected to succeed
Habib Chatti as secretary-generalin 1985. [12/24

Iran-Iraq War
Petroleum Affairs 1984
Oct. 18: Iran said its troops began an offensive
1984 againstIraqipositionsin the centralborderregion
Oct. 23: The oil ministersof 6 OPECcountriesand of Meymakthe nightbefore. It said it had liberated
Mexico and Egypt agreedin principleto a tempo- hundreds of square kilometers and killed or
rary productioncutback. [10/24CSM] wounded hundredsof Iraqi soldiers. Iraq said it
Oct. 28: The OPEC marketmonitoringcommittee hadrepelledthe attack,killing923 Iraniansoldiers,
recommendedthat OPEC cut oil productionto and had attacked Iranian positions near Khur-
propup decliningprices. Nigeriadeclaredit would ramshahrin the south, killinganother250 Iranian
not cut its production.[10/29NYT] soldiers. [10/19WP]
Oct. 29: OPEC began an emergency meeting in Oct. 19:Iransaid Iraqitroopshadpenetratedabout
Geneva. [10/30NYT] ?/2 mile through its lines east of Basra the day
Oct. 31: OPECannouncedthe allocationof tempo- before but said the attackers had been killed or
raryoil productioncuts of 1.5mbarrelsperday, for captured.Iraq said its forces had begun mopping
a new productionceilingof 16mbarrelsper day, to up operationson the centralfront. [10/20WP]

The presidentof the IranChemicalDevelopment of the Geneva Conventionthreatenedthe survival
CompanysaidJapaneseworkershadevacuatedthe of 50,000 IraqiPOWs. [11/24NYT]
petrochemicalplant at Bandar Khomeini. [10/19 Nov. 24: Iranian Prime Minister Mir Husayn
FBISJ Musaviaccusedthe Red Cross of spyingand said it
An Iranian warplane set the Panaman- must changeits police before it would be allowed
ian-registereddiving supportship Pacific Prospec- to operatein Iran. [11/25WP]
tor afireeast of Bahrain,killing2 persons, accord- Dec. 3: The Cypriot supertankerMinotaur was
ing to US Defense Departmentsources. [10/20WP] struckby a missile southof KhargIsland,aftera 6
Oct. 20: Iransaid it had carriedout limitedattacks week lull in attacks. Iraq said its plane had hit a
to clear the highgroundaroundMeymak.Iraqsaid "largenaval target." [12/4NYT]
the Iranianshad made some progressbut it was Dec. 4: Iraq said its jets had hit a "large naval
readyinga counterattack,andhadbrokenthe origi- target"south of KhargIsland. [12/5NYT]
nal attack. [10/21NYT] Dec. 8: An Iranianwarplanehit a Kuwaiti supply
Iraq said it had handed over 100 Iranian ship in internationalwaters in the northernGulf.
prisoners-of-warat Ankara airport and accused [12/10NYT]
Iranof renegingon a promiseto release73 Iraqisin Dec. 9: An Iraqi warplane hit the Bahamian-
exchange. [10/20JP] registeredoil tankerB. T. Investorsouth of Kharg
Oct. 21: Iran announcedthat it had driven off 5 Island. [12/10WP]
Iraqi groundassaults and inflicted 1100casualties Dec. 10: Iraqsaid its planeshit a "very largenaval
over the weekend in a failed Iraqi attempt to target"near KhargIsland. [12/11NYT]
recoverthe Meymakheights.Iraqsaidat least 2099 Dec. 15:Iraqijets hit the Greek-ownedsupertanker
Iranianshad been killed in the previous 3 days. Ninemiaoutsidethe warzone in the northernGulf.
[10/22NYT] Two crewmenwere reportedkilled.Iraqsaid it had
Oct. 22: Iranreporteda lull in fightingwithIraqand attacked2 "naval targets" south of KhargIsland.
estimated Iraqi losses as 3800 casualties and 30 [12/16WP]
tanks. Iraq said it continued to attack Iranian Dec. 17: Iraqclaimedits warplaneshad hit another
positions, and said total Iranian losses in the "largenavaltarget." Marinesalvageexecutives in
Meymakarea were 2499. [10/23FBIS] Bahrainsaid the planes had instead attacked the
Oct. 23: Iran claimedit had taken 20 squaremiles Ninemiafor a second time. [12/17NYT]
of disputed territory, including 5 hills in the Iraqiwarplanesattackedthe Greek-ownedcargo
Meymakregion. [10/24WP] vessel Aegis Cosmic south of the war zone. Iraq
Oct. 25: Iraq said its navy destroyed 4 ships in a said it had bombeda "naval target." [12/18NYT]
convoy entering Bandar Khomeini canal. [10/25 Dec. 18: Iraq said its warplaneshit a "large naval
NYT] target" south of KhargIsland. [12/19WP]
Western militaryexperts in Baghdadsaid Iraq Dec. 21: Iraq said its warplanesattacked2 "large
had recaptured 1 of 2 hilly areas of Sayf Sa'd naval targets." Shipping sources confirmed that
(Meymak)occupied by Iranon October 17. [10/25 the Norwegian supertankerThorshavetand the
NYT] LiberiantankerMagnoliawere hit south of Kharg
The InternationalCommitteeof the Red Cross Island. [12/22NYT]
said Iranian guards killed 6 Iraqi prisoners and Dec. 22: Iran rejected a resolution of an Islamic
wounded 35 others duringan October 10 riot in a ConferenceOrganizationforeignministersmeeting
detentioncamp northeastof Tehran.[10/26WSJ] calling on Iran to accept Islamic mediationin its
Tehranradio reportedthat Iran had released72 war with Iraq. [12/23WP]
disabled Iraqi POWs to the Red Cross. [10/26 Dec. 25: The Indian supertankerKanchenjunga
FBIS] was set afire 70 miles northeastof Qatarby war-
Oct. 27: Iranian Chief Justice 'Abd al-Karim planes believed to be Iranian.[12/26WP]
Musavi Ardabili said Iran was preparedto drop Dec. 26: Warplanesbelievedto be Iranianset fireto
some of its conditionsto end the war with Iraqbut the SpanishsupertankerAragon 10 miles northof
said "5 or 6 otherlittle satans"could not remainin the Shah OlamShoals. [12/27WP]
power. [10/28WP] Dec. 29: Iraqsaidits warplanesshot down 2 Iranian
Iran and Iraq accused each other of violatinga warplanesin the southernbattlefront.[12/30WP]
Dec. 30: The Iranianpress agency said Iraqiwar-
UN-sponsored moratoriumon attacking civilian planes killed at least 14 people and woundedover
targets. [10/29FBIS] 90 othersin bombingattackson 2 Iranianvillages.
Oct. 28: Iranaccused delegatesof the International [12/31WP]
Committee of the Red Cross of provoking an Dec. 31: Iraq said its warplanes had crippled a
October 9 riot at a POW camp at Gorgan in "largenaval target"in the Gulf. [1/1 NYT]
northern Iran. It said 3 inmates were killed by
fellow prisoners.[10/29NYT] 1985
Nov. 23: The InternationalCommitteeof the Red Jan. 7: Iraq said its warplaneshad hit 2 "large
Cross said "graveandrepeatedviolations"by Iran navaltargets"nearKhargIsland.The Panamanian-

registeredfreighterTopazExpress reportedbeing Dec.9: The Polisariosaid24 Moroccansoldiershad
hit by a missile. [1/8 WP] been killed in November 22 and December 6
Jan. 8: Iraq said its warplanesattacked 3 "naval clashes. [12/10FBIS]
targets" south of KhargIsland. Shippingsources Dec. 23: The Polisariosaid 135 Moroccansoldiers
confirmedan attack on the South Korean cargo were killedin a Polisarioattackin the Mahbesarea
vessel Hanlim Mariner.[1/9 NYT] the day before. [12/26FBIS]
Jan. 10: Iraq said its warplaneshad hit a "large Dec. 26: The Polisariosaid 100 Moroccansoldiers
naval target" near KhargIsland. [1/11JP] were killedin a December24 attackin the Mahbes
Jan. 11: Iraqsaid its warplaneshit I mediumand I area. [12/27FBIS]
large"navaltarget"nearKhargIsland.[1/11NYT] Dec. 31: The Polisariosaid 107 Moroccansoldiers
Jan. 14: Iran said its air force had inflictedconsid- were killedin Polisarioattacksbetween December
erable losses and casualties the day before in 22-28. [1/2 FBIS]
bombingattacks on an Iraqi militarygarrison80
kilometersinside Iraq. [1/14 FBIS] 1985
Iran said it shot down an Iraqi warplaneover Jan. 2: The Polisario said it killed 65 Moroccan
Iranianwaters in the Gulf. Iraq said its warplanessoldierson December31. [1/3 FBIS]
hit a "largenaval target"near KhargIsland. [1/15 Jan. 3: The Polisariosaid it killed 250 Moroccan
WP] soldiersin January1 fightingin the Mahbesregion.
[1/4 FBIS]
Western Sahara Jan. 11: The Middle East Economic Digest re-
portedthat Morocco had startedbuildinga fourth
1984 defense wall across its border with Algeria to
Oct. 16: The Polisario claimed that its "Great preventfurtherPolisarioattacks. [1/11MEED]
Maghrib"offensive launched on October 13 had Jan. 13: The Polisarioclaimed 311 Moroccansol-
destroyed the entire Moroccan military defense diers were killedand 1 Moroccanaircraftwas shot
system near Zag, and killed75 Moroccansoldiers. down in a Polisario attack the day before. [1/14
Morocco confirmed fierce fighting in an attack FBIS]
which it said was preparedand carriedout from Jan. 14: Morocco announced that 25 Moroccan
Algerianterritory.It said 37 Moroccansoldiersand soldiers and 70 Polisario rebels were killed in
176 Polisario guerrillas had been killed. [10/17 fightingon January12 in the Mahbes region, and
FBIS] that one of its planes was shot down by a missile
Oct. 25: Moroccan King Hassan II warned that launchedfromthe territoryof a neighboringcoun-
Morocco would pull out of the Organizationfor try. [1/15FBIS]
African Unity (OAU) if the SahrawiArab Demo- The Polisario said it shot down 2 Moroccan
cratic Republic (SADR) was admitted to the aircraftthe day before. [1/14FBIS]
plannedOAU summitin November. [10/26FBIS] Jan. 14: Moroccoannouncedthat its armedforces
Nov. 6: The Polisario claimed to have killed 13 workingon the constructionof the last part of the
Moroccan soldiers in the northeast Western Sa- securitywall had clashed with "mercenaries"the
hara. [11/6 FBIS] day before. [1/14FBIS]
Nov. 11: Nigeriaannouncedit wouldrecognizethe
SADR. [11/12NYT]
Nov. 12: Morocco and Zaire withdrewfrom the
OAU summitto protestthe seatingof the SADRat
the summitmeetingin Addis Adaba.Moroccoalso
announcedthat it was withdrawingfrom the OAU
itself. [11/13WP]
Nov. 24: The Polisariosaid 136Moroccansoldiers
had been killed between November 6-20 in the Afghanistan
continuingGreatMaghriboffensive. [11/26FBIS] (See also, Pakistan,Saudi Arabia)
Nov. 28: Morocco said 114 Polisarioguerrillasand
14 Moroccan soldiers were killed in a clash on 1984
November25 in the WesternSahara.The Polisario Oct. 20: RadioAfghanistanannouncedthat French
said it had killed72 Moroccansoldiersin an attack television reporter Jacques Abouchar had been
in the Haouza area on November27. [11/29FBIS] sentencedto 18 years in prisonfor spying, entering
Nov. 29: Morocco broke diplomaticrelationswith the countryillegally, and helping "counterrevolu-
Yugoslaviathe day after the latter recognizedthe tionaries." [10/21NYT]
SADR. [11/29FBIS] Oct. 22: Franceformallyprotestedto Afghanistan
Dec. 5: The UN General Assembly adopted a the 18-year prison sentence given to Jacques
resolutioncallingon Morocco and the Polisarioto Abouchar.[10/23WP]
undertakedirectnegotiationsto achievea ceasefire Oct. 25: PresidentBabrakKarmalsaid Abouchar
in the WesternSahara.[12/7 LM] would be pardoned.[10/26WP]

Oct. 27: Kabul radio reported that Abouchar had Nov. 1: The official commemorationof the 30th
been released and flown to Paris. [10/28 JP] anniversaryof the Algerianrevolutionwas held in
Oct. 30: Western diplomats reported that Afghan Algiers. Those attendingincludedFrench Foreign
rebels had increased rocket attacks on Kabul dur- Minister Claude Cheysson, Libyan Staff Major
ing the previous week, and shot down at least 4 'Abd al-SalamAhmad Jallud, Moroccan Foreign
Soviet helicopters. [10/30 FBIS] MinisterAbdelouahedBelkziz, Deputy Chairman
Nov. 2: A message from rebel leader Ahmad Shah of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Pavel
Massoud reported by Agence France Presse said Gilashvili, and US Energy Secretary Donald
Soviet and Afghan forces had launched a new Hodel. [11/2LM]
offensive in the Panjshir and neighboring valleys on Nov. 5: Lebanese PresidentAmin al-Jumayyilleft
October 26. [11/2 FBIS] Algeriaafter talks with Benjedid.[11/6FBIS]
Nov. 4: Nine people were executed for the August Nov. 7: UAE PresidentShaykhZayidbin SultanAl
31 bomb explosion at Kabul airport. [11/5 FBIS] Nuhayyan arrived in Algiers on a "friendly and
Kabul radio reported that 5 people were killed workingvisit." [11/8FBIS]
and 16 wounded by a November 3 rebel missile Dec. 13: Elections for local popularassembly rep-
attack in Kabul. [11/5 CSM] resentatives were held throughoutthe country.
Nov. 15: The UN General Assembly approved a [12/13LM]
resolution calling for the withdrawal of Soviet
troops from Afghanistan. [11/16 WP]
Nov. 20: Western diplomatic sources said Afghan
rebels had killed a Soviet general by shooting down
his helicopter on November 13, and also destroyed Bahrain
7-9 planes and 1-3 helicopters at a Soviet base at (See also, RegionalAffairs)
Kandahar on November 10. [1 1/21 LM]
Nov. 24: Radio Afghanistan reported that 4 people
were killed and 18 wounded in a guerrilla missile
attack in Kabul. [ 11/26 WP]
Jan. 13: Jordanian King Ijusayn arrived in
Nov. 27: The New York Times reported that the US
Manamaon a one-day visit. [1/14FBIS]
had earmarked $280m in covert military aid to
Afghan rebels in 1985. [11/28 NYT]
Dec. 3: Kabul radio reported that President Karmal
had appointed Army Chief of Staff Brig. Gen.
Nazar Muhammad to replace Lt. Gen. Abdul Qadir Cyprus
as Defense Minister. [12/4 WP]
Dec. 25: Le Monde reported heavy fighting in 1984
northern Panjshir Valley, according to sources Dec. 12: UN Secretary General Javier Perez de
close to rebel forces. [12/25 LM] Cuellarannouncedthat a summitmeetingbetween
Rebel sources said Soviet and Afghan forces had Cypriot President Spiros Kiprianouand Turkish
launched 2 major offensives in eastern Afghanistan CypriotleaderRauf Denktashwould be convened
in an attempt to seal the border with Pakistan. on January17. [12/13WP]
[12/26 FBIS] Dec. 22: President Kiprianouannounced he was
ending his alliance with the Communist Party.
Jan. 7: Kiprianoureshuffledhis Cabinet:
GeorgiosIacovou:Foreign Affairs
Algeria ConstantinosKittis:Finances
Constantinos Michaelides: Minister to the
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Regional President
Affairs, Saudi Arabia) Rois Nicolaides:Interior
Stelios Katsellis:Defense
1984 Andreas Papasolomontos:Agriculture & Natural
Oct. 19: French President Frangois Mitterrand met Resources
with President Chadli Benjedid during a brief visit ChristosPelekanos:Health
to Algeria. [10/19 FBIS] AndreasChristophides:Education
Oct. 23: President Benjedid signed a pardon decree MichalakisMichaelides:Commerce & Industry
granting the posthumous rehabilitation of 21 Alge- Christos Mavrellis: Communications & Public
rians, including Mohamed Khider and Krim Works
Belkacem. [10/25 LM] AndreasMousiouttas:Labor & Social Security
Oct. 26: Algeria and Mauritania signed an agree- DemitriosLiveras:Justice
ment on ways to redraw their mutual border in the Elias Eliades:Deputy Minister of the Interior [1/1I
Sahara. [11/2 MEED] MEED]

1985 1985
Jan. 11: The Middle East Economic Digest re- Jan. 1: Mubarakfreed Coptic Pope ShanfidaIII
portedthe resignationof 3 ministersof the Turkish from his 3-year banishmentand allowed him to
Republic of Northern Cyprus: Labor Minister resumehis papalduties. [1/2 WP]
Hasan Ozbafli;Ministerof Trade& IndustryFuat
Veziroglu; and Minister of the Interior Oktay
Feridun.[1/11 MEED]

(See also, RegionalAffairs,Turkey)

Egypt 1984
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional Oct. 18: The Majlis rejected Prime Minister Mir
Affairs, Petroleum Affairs, Jordan, Libya, Ijusayn Musavi's nomination of Col. Farrukh
Sudan) 'AZ!miI'timadias defense minister.[10/19NYTI
Oct. 21: The TehrannewspaperKayhan reported
that Iranhad ruledout agreementwith Turkeyon
1984 joint operationsagainst Kurdishguerrillasin bor-
Oct. 21: JordanianCrown Prince Hasan met in der areas. [10/22WP]
Cairo with President Husni Mubarak during a Oct. 25: Col. Isma'il Suhrabiwas appointedChief
4-day visit to Egypt. [10/22WSJ] of the IranianArmed Forces General Staff. He
Oct. 25: PresidentMubarakreorganizedthe politi- replacedBrig. Gen Qasim 'Ali Zahirnezhad,who
cal bureauof the NationalDemocraticParty.Eight became Ayatallah RuihallahKhumayni's repre-
ministers, including Defense Minister 'Abd al- sentativeon the SupremeDefense Council. [10/26
Halim Abu Ghazala and Culture Minister 'Abd FBIS]
al-HamidRadwan, were dropped. New members Oct. 28: The Iraniannews agency reportedthat a
included People's Assembly Speaker Rifat al- bomb exploded at the residence of the Iranian
Malifub and Foreign Minister 'Ismat 'Abd al- ambadassorto the Vatican. [10/21FBIS]
Majid.[10/25NYT] Nov. 5: Isfahanradio reportedthat Iran had final-
Oct. 27: Egypt said it would holdjoint maneuvers ized plansfor the country'sfirstnuclearreactor,to
in the Mediterraneanwith the US Sixth Fleet on be completed at the beginningof the next year.
November 5-7. [10/28JP] [11/6FBIS]
Nov. 2: Mubarakreturnedto Egyptfollowingvisits Nov. 6: Iraniantroops in Tehranstormeda Saudi
to France and West Germany.[11/5FBIS] jet hijackedto Iran by 2 Yemenis and freed the
Nov. 3: The Egyptian Supreme Court accused hostages. The hijackerswere grantedpoliticalasy-
security police of torturingmore than half of the lum in Iran, according to Iranian officials. [11/7
281 Muslimfundamentalistdefendantsin a trialon WP]
sedition and murderchargeswhich ended on Sep- Nov. 8: Tehran radio said Ayatallah Khumayni
tember30. [11/5NYT] would go into seclusion for 2 weeks beginning
Nov. 10: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri November 11. [11/9 WP]
arrivedon a 2-day visit to Egypt. [11/13FBIS] The SupremeJudicialCouncildesignatedspecial
Nov. 22: About 1000students at al-AzharUniver- courts to deal with bribery, embezzlement and
sity protestedthe deaththe day beforeof a student fraud as part of a governmentcampaignagainst
who was struckby a police car. Police detained64 corruption.[11/12NYT]
students. [11/23FBIS] Nov. 21: The TehrannewspaperKayhan reported
Nov. 26: Al-Azhar University was closed for 2 that 5 officialsof the Ministryof Heavy Industry
weeks by the governmentand some 300 students had been sentencedin special corruptioncourts to
were arrestedfollowingdemonstrationsby under- be flogged, fined and sent into internal exile for
graduates.[11/27LM] acceptingbribes. [11/23CSM]
Nov. 26: TahmasbMazahiriwas appointeddeputy
Nov. 28: Mubarakdenied Libyan assertions that primeministerand supervisorof the Foundationof
Egypt was preparingto invade Libya, but con- the Oppressed.[l1/27 FBIS]
firmed that "precautions" were being taken on Dec. 4: A Kuwaitijetliner was hijacked to Iran.
their mutualborder. [12/3MEES] One hostage was reportedkilled. [12/5WP]
Dec. 1: King Husaynof Jordanarrivedin Cairoon Iran said it would replace 2 Iranianjudges on a
a 3-day state visit. [12/2NYT] US-Iranianclaims tribunalwho had assaulted a
Dec. 2: King Husayn denouncedthe CampDavid Swedishjudge on September3. [12/5WP]
accords in a speech before the Egyptian parlia- Dec. 5: Iran said a hostage killed by hijackers
ment. [12/3NYT] holding a Kuwaiti plane in Tehran was a US

diplomat,and that the hijackershad demandedthe since it broke off negotiationsseveral days before
release of prisonersin Kuwait. [12/6 WP] with Kurdishrebels. [11/4 WP]
Dec. 7: Hijackersof a Kuwaitiplanein Tehransaid Nov. 26: The US and Iraqannouncedat the conclu-
they had killed 2 American and 2 Kuwaiti pas- sion of a meetingbetween ForeignMinister'Aziz
sengers and threatenedto kill 2 Kuwaitidiplomats and US PresidentRonald Reagan in Washington
and an Americanofficialunless Kuwaitreleaseda that they had resumeddiplomaticrelationsbroken
group of convicted terrorists, according to the by Iraqin 1967. [11/27WP]
Iranianpress agency. [12/8 WP] Dec. 12: An interior ministry spokesman said 2
Dec. 8: The Kuwaiti parliamentcalled on Iran to childrenwere killed and 5 people wounded in a
"intervene seriously" to free the hostages of a bombblastin Baghdad,andcharged"agentsof the
Kuwaiti plane in Tehranand backed the Kuwaiti Iranianand Syrian regimes" with responsibility.
government's refusal to meet the hijackers' de- [12/14JP]
mands. [12/9 WP]
Dec. 9: Iraniansecurityforces stormedthe hijacked
Kuwaiti airliner in Tehran, arresting4 hijackers
and freeingthe 9 remaininghostages. [12/10WP]
Dec. 11: The US criticized Iran for having en-
couraged"extremebehavior"by hijackersin Iran
and demandedthat Iranprosecutethe hijackersor
extradite them for trial. It confirmedthat 2 US (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict,Sudan)
Agency for InternationalDevelopmentofficialshad
been killed. [12/12WP] 1984
Dec. 13: Prime Minister Musavi indicated that Oct. 17: US Defense SecretaryCasparWeinberger
hijackersof a Kuwaitiairlinercould only be extra- announcedat the end of a visit to Israelthat the US
ditedif an oppositionleaderin Francewas returned wouldgrantIsraelaccess to technologyneededfor
to Iran. [12/13WP] its Lavi fighterjet. [10/18NYT]
Dec. 18: Iran said it would try 4 hijackerswho Oct. 22: Prime Minister Shimon Peres told the
killed2 Americansaboarda Kuwaitijetliner.[12/19 Knesset thatthe Israeligovernmenthaddecidedto
WP] deferactionon whathe saidwas a US offerto defer
Dec. 25: The Iraniannews agency reportedthat a a $500mdebt payment.[10/23NYT]
car bomb explosion in Tehran killed at least 4 Oct. 23: The government adopted an economic
people and injured50. It accused American"ter- plan which included a wage and price freeze,
rorist agents" of responsibility.[12/26WP] 35-40%cut in real gross wages, and dismissal of
Dec. 26: A bombexplodedin Tehran.No casualties thousandsof civil servants. [10/24JP]
were reported.[12/27WP] Nov. 4: A 3-monthfreeze on prices, wages and
taxes went into effect after government,Histadrut
laborunionand privateemployers'representatives
reachedagreementon an economic plan. [11/4JP]
Nov. 5: South African Foreign Minister Roelof
Iraq Botha met with ForeignMinisterYitzhak Shamir
duringa "privatevisit" to Israel. [11/6 NYT]
(See also, RegionalAffairs,Turkey) Nov. 13: A $50mlibel suit by Industryand Trade
MinisterAriel Sharonagainst Time Inc. began in
1984 New York. [11/14WP]
Oct. 16: King Husayn of Jordan held talks in Dec. 5: PrimeMinisterPeres arrivedin Parisfor a
Baghdadwith PresidentSaddamHusayn duringa 4-day officialvisit to France. [12/5FBIS]
one-day visit to Iraq. [10/17FBIS] Dec. 11: The US Defense Departmentconfirmed
Oct. 18: Foreign Minister Tariq 'Aziz arrivedin that US and Israelinaval vessels were conducting
Moscow for a one-day workingvisit. [10/19NYT] joint anti-submarineexercises in the Mediterra-
Oct. 20: Two hundredfifty memberswere elected nean. [12/12WP]
to the nationalassembly. [10/26MEED] SephardiTorah Guardians(Shas) party leader
Oct. 24: Iraq confirmedthat it had agreedon joint RabbiYitzhakPeretzinformedPeres thatShas was
action with Turkey against Kurdishguerrillasin withdrawingfrom the government.[12/12JP]
borderareas, includinga possible pursuitinto each Dec. 16: Shas leaderPeretz submittedhis letter of
other's territory.[10/25JP] resignationas MinisterwithoutPortfolioto Peres.
Oct. 29: Westernand Arabdiplomatssaid Kurdish [12/17NYT]
separatistsin northernIraq had increasedattacks Dec. 20: National Religious Party leader Yosef
on government troops after a cease-fire ended Burgbecameministerfor religiousaffairsand Shas
earlierin the month. [10/30NYT] leader Peretz became ministerof the interiorin a
Nov. 3: Kurdish rebel sources said Iraq had ex- compromise which averted the collapse of the
ecuted over 37 army deserters of Kurdishorigin coalitiongovernment.[12/21NYT]

Dec. 21: The US State Departmentsaid it would
not grantIsrael's requestfor an $800memergency Kuwait
grant until Israel adopted a more effective eco- (See also, RegionalAffairs,Iran)
nomic austerityprogram.[12/22NYT]
Dec. 25: The Knesset deprivedKach partyleader 1984
Meir Kahaneof freedomof movementgrantedby Oct. 18: The WallStreetJournalreportedthat the
the Knesset membersImmunityLaw. [12/26JP] Kuwaiti stock exchange would begin supervising
Dec. 31: A reportby the State Comptrolleron the the unofficialal-Manakhstock market.[10/18WSJ]
October 1983 collapse of Israeli bank stocks
sharplycriticized the roles of governmentinstitu-
tions and commercialbanks. [1/1 JP] 1985
Jan. 13: JordanianKing Husayn met with Amir
Shaykh Jabir al-AhmadAl Sabah during a short
1985 visit to Kuwait. [1/14FBIS]
Jan. Israelacknowledged thatover 10,000Ethio-
pian Jews had been brought to Israel in recent
years. [1/4 WP]
Jan. 6: A spokesmanfor the Jewish Agency said
the airlift of Ethiopian Jews to Israel had been
halted. [1/7 NYT]
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Algeria,
Libya, Syria)
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Bahrain, 1984
Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Oct. 16:Husaynal-Husayniwas elected speakerof
Arabia) the Chamberof Deputies,replacingKamilal-Asad.
Oct. 20: Six people died in clashes between rival
1984 militiasin Tripoli.[10/20JP]
Oct. 30: King Husayn criticizedUS policies in the Oct. 22: The governmentannouncedit would at-
Middle East and said he plannedto buy weapons temptto close illegal ports. [10/23WP]
from the Soviet Union since the US refusedto sell Beirut radio stations reported that at least 4
arms to Jordan.[10/31WP] peoplehadbeen killedand 1 woundedin fightingat
Nov. 1: 'Abdullah'Uwaydatresignedas ministerof a refugee camp in
Bud al-Barajnahin southern
culture,youth& antiquities,'Abdal-SalamKan'an Beirut. [10/23NYT]
resignedas ministerof social development,andthe Oct. 29: East and West Beirut were hit by shells
Cabinetwas reshuffled: and rockets for the first time in 4 months during
Tahir Hikmat: Culture, Tourism, & Antiquities fightingbetween Druze militiamenand Lebanese
Taysir 'Abd al-Jabir: Labor & Social Development armytroopsfightingnearSuq al-Gharb.[10/30WP]
Farhi 'Ubayd: Transportation Nov. 2: Seven civilianswere woundedin gunbattles
Hisham al-Khatjb: Energy & Mineral Wealth between militiamenwhich forced Lebanese army
'Abdullahal-Nusuir:Planning troops to close all but one crossing between East
Hani al-Khasawinah:Youth and West Beirut. [11/3 WP]
[1112FBIS] Nov. 3: The Lebanese armybegan enforcementof
Dec. 4: A Jordaniandiplomat, 'Azmi Mufti, was a governmentban on illegal ports. [11/4NYT]
shot and killed by a gunmanin Bucharest. [12/5 Nov.9: The heaviestfightingsince Julybrokeout in
WP] Beirut. [11/10NYT]
Dec. 10: KingHusaynheld talkswith BritishPrime Nov. 14: The Cabinetnamed Maj. Gen. Mahmuid
Minister Margaret Thatcher in London. [12/12 Tayy AbuiDarghamas army chief of staff, and
FBIS] approveda planfor the armyto take over security
Dec. 14: Husayn met with French President for the coastal highwayfrom Beirut to the Awali
Fran9oisMitterrandduringa visit to France.[12/17 river. [11/15WP]
FBIS] Nov. 17: Heavy fightingbroke out between Leba-
nese armytroopsand Druze militiamenin the hills
1985 above Beirut. [11/17WP]
Jan. 5: EgyptianPresidentHusni Mubarakmet for Nov. 24: Syrian Vice President 'Abd al-Halim
3 hours with Husayn at Aqaba. [1/6 NYT] Khaddammet in Bikfayya with President Amin
Jordanconfirmedthatit hadpurchasedSoviet air al-Jumayyiland Lebanese Cabinet members on
defense equipmentand said it was trying to buy plans to deploy the Lebanese army in Beirut and
weapons from Britainand France. [1/7 WP] along the coastal road. [11/25NYT]

Nov. 26: About 6000 Lebanesearmytroopsmoved holding Rev. Jenco of Catholic Relief Services.
into militia-controlledareas of Beirut in the first [1/12WP]
phase of a governmentsecurityplan. [11/27WP] Jan. 12: Three bomb explosions in West Beirut
Nov. 29: A car bomb in Aley and shellingin East killedat least 4 people and injured46 others. [1/13
Beirut killed 6 people and wounded 19. [11/30 WP]
NYT] The Lebanese army began deploying its forces
Dec. 2: Druze and Christianmilitias engaged in along the southerncoastal road. [1/13WP]
heavy artillery and rocket battles in the Iqltm Jan. 14: Two Frenchmilitaryobserverswere shot
al-Kharrubregion. [12/3JP] to deathin the Beirutsuburbof Bun al-Barajnah.A
Dec. 8: Fighting continued for the third day be- caller claimed responsibilityon behalf of the Is-
tween DruzemilitiamenandLebanesearmytroops lamicJihadand warnedthat it would try as spies 5
aroundSuq al-Gharb.[12/9NYT] Americansit saidit was holdinghostage. [1/15WP]
Dec. 11: Fierce fightingbetween Druze militiamen
and Lebanese army troops continuedaroundSuq
al-Gharband between Druze and Christianmilitias
in the Kharruibregion. [12/12JPj
Dec. 12: A car bomb explodednear a Druze meet-
ing house in West Beirut, killing 2 people and
wounding12. [12/13NYT] (See also, Egypt, Sudan,Tunisia)
Dec. 14:Gunmenshot andkilledDruzeseniorarmy
officerLt. Col. MahmudAbfi Rabi'ahand his aide 1984
in West Beirut. [12/15NYT] Oct. 21: The Libyan news agency Jana reported
Dec. 17: Three civilians were reported killed as that Libyan authoritieswere negotiatingwith So-
artillerybattlescontinuedin the Kharrfub andWest viet officialsfor the constructionof a nuclearpower
and East Beirut were hit by shells. [12/18NYT] stationin Libya. [10/22JP]
Dec. 20: The Lebanese army took over control of Oct. 22: LebanesePresidentAminal-Jumayyilmet
Tripolifrom privatemilitias. [12/21NYT] in Tripoli with Head of State Mu'ammar al-
Dec. 21: A car bombexplosionin the Druzevillage Qadhdhafi during an overnight visit to Libya.
of Ra's al-Matneast of Beirut killed 3 people and [10/23FBIS]
wounded29. [12/22NYT] Oct. 27: Libya announced that former Tunisian
Dec. 22: Five civilianswere reportedwoundedin 2 Foreign MinisterMohamedMasmoudihad been
bomb explosions in West Beirut. [12/23WP] appointedas Libyanambassadorto the UN. [10/30
Dec. 26: The Cabinetauthorizedthe army to take FBIS]
over and reopen the coastal highway. [12/27WP] Nov. 1:Jana reportedthatremainingLibyantroops
had withdrawnfrom Faya-Largeauand Fada in
Chadthe day before. [11/2 FBIS]
1985 Nov. 6: UAE PresidentShaykhZayidbin SultanAl
Jan. 1: Fighting outside Beirut intensified and Nuhayyan met with Qadhdhafiduring a visit to
relatives of missing Lebanese blocked roads be- Libya. [11/7FBIS]
tween East and West Beirutfor the sixth day. [1/2 Nov. 11: Franceand Libya announcedthe comple-
WP] tion of the withdrawalof their troops from Chad.
Jan. 4: The Swiss charged'affaireswas kidnapped [11/11 WP]
in West Beirut. [1/4 WP] Nov. 13: The official Chadianpress agency said
Jan. 7: The Swiss charge was released unharmed. Libyan troops had not withdrawn from Chad.
[1/8 WP] [11/14NYT]
Jan. 8: The American head of Catholic Relief Nov. 14: The US State Departmentsaid a substan-
Services in Beirut, Rev. LawrenceMartinJenco, tial numberof Libyan troops remainedin Chad.
was kidnappedby gunmenin West Beirut.[1/9WP] [11/15WP]
The body of a senior French militaryobserver Nov. 15: Qadhdhafiheld talks with French Presi-
was foundnearthe museumcrossingbetweenEast dent Francois Mitterrandon Crete. Greek Prime
and West Beirut. [1/9 WP] MinisterAndreas Papandreouacted as mediator.
The government sent 200 policemen 10 miles [11/16WP]
southof Beirutto clear the way for the deployment Nov. 16: PresidentMitterrandacknowledgedthat
of troops to open the coastal highway.[1/9 NYT] some Libyantroopsremainedin Chad. [11/17WP]
Jan. 9: A bomb explosion at a Christian-owned Jana reported that a Libyan "suicide squad"'
restaurantin West Beirut killed at least 3 people had killed former Libyan Prime Minister 'Abd
and wounded 13. [1/10 WP] al-HamtdBakkfishin Cairo. [11/17WP]
Jan. 11: A bomb explosion in West Beirutkilled 3 Nov. 17: Egypt announcedit had foiled a Libyan
people and wounded27. [1/12 WP] plot to kill Libyan oppositionfigureBakkushand
An anonymouscaller to a foreign news agency tricked Qadhdhdfi- into announcinghis assassina-
said the Islamic Jihad terroristorganizationwas tion. Egyptian President Husni Mubarak said

Qadhdhafi was plotting to assassinate several
Westernand Arab leaders. [ 1/18 NYT] Pakistan
Nov. 19:Qadhdhafiannouncedat the end of a 3-day (See also, RegionalAffairs,Afghanistan)
visit to Malta that Malta and Libya had signed a
friendshiptreaty. [11/20FBIS] Oct. 17: Five people were killed and 88 arrested
Nov. 22: Libyan Foreign Minister 'Ali 'Abd al- near Hyderabadas police attemptedto search 2
Salam Turayki said Libyan troops remained in buses. [10/19NYT]
Chadfor "technicalreasons." [ 1/23 WP] Oct. 18: The family of banned PakistanPeople's
Dec. 1: The WashingtonPost reportedthata treaty Party presidentGulamMustafaJatoi said he had
between Libya and Maltasigned on November 19 been releasedafter 14 monthsof detention. [10/19
called for Libyan military training of Maltese JP]
forces and Libyan assistance to Malta "in case of Oct. 19: Three universities were closed in Sind
threatsor aggression." [12/1WP] province following the death of 5 students in a
Dec. 20: Qadhdhafimet with SpanishPrimeMinis- clash with police on Oct. 17. [10/19FBIS]
ter Felipe Gonzalez in Majorca, Spain. [12/21 Oct. 22: Karachiradio announcedthat all schools
NYT] and colleges in Hyderabadwould remain closed
until October 26. Agence France Presse (AFP)
1985 reportedthatsecurityforces in SindProvincewere
Jan. 13: Libyan diplomatFaraj 'Umar Makhiyfin put on alert on the fourth day of student demon-
was killed by a gunmanin Rome. [1/14NYT] strations protesting the October 17 shooting of
studentsby police. [10/23FBIS]
Oct. 23: Dacca radio reportedthat Pakistanicivil-
ians were being evacuatedfromthe PunchDistrict
borderwith India as Pakistaniand Indian troops
continueda heavy exchange of fire begun on Oc-
Morocco tober 18. [10/23FBIS]
Oct. 24: Fourpeoplewere killedand38 woundedin
(See also, RegionalAffairs)
3 explosions over 2 days in Peshawar,Pirachinar,
and Islamabad.[10/26LM]
1984 An officialPakistanispokesmandenied reports
Nov. 1: Nine student inmates in prison in Beni- of recent clashes between India and Pakistan in
Mellalwent on a hungerstrikeon October18, and Kashmirand PunchDistrict. [10/25FBIS]
5 of themwere hospitalized,accordingto relatives. Oct. 25: The Wall Street Journal reportedthat US
[11/3 LM] President Ronald Reagan had warned President
Nov. 8: Ministerof NationalEducationAzzeddine MuhammadZia ul-Haqin a September12personal
Larakiresignedfromthe IstiqlalParty.[11/9FBIS] letterthatPakistanriskedlosing US militaryassist-
Nov. 18: UAE PresidentShaykhZayid bin Sultan ance if it continueda nuclear weapons program.
Al Nuhayyan arrivedin Morocco for a visit of a [10/25WSJ]
few days. [11/21FBIS] Pakistan protested to Afghanistanover viola-
Nov. 20: The presidentof a Moroccanhumanrights tions of its airspace and shooting in Chitral in
group said in Paris that 6 prisonerscondemnedto which one person was killed on October 21. Af-
death at the central prison at Kenitrahad under- ghanistanprotestedto Pakistanover provocations
gone a hungerstrikeon November3 in supportof by border troops on October 19 and 22 east of
hungerstrikersat Marrakesh,Essaouiraand Safi. Barikotwhichkilledandwoundedseveralcivilians
[11/22LM] and militarypersonnel,accordingto Kabul radio.
AFP reported that 3 suspected Afghan secret
police agentshadbeen arrestedin connectionwith
the October 24 bomb explosion in a cinema in
Oman Peshawar.Officialssaid the deathtoll in the explo-
sion had risen to 5. [10/26FBIS]
(See also, RegionalAffairs,UAE) Oct. 28: The governor of Pakistan's North West
Frontier Province said that the anti-government
1985 al-Zulfiqarorganizationhad reestablishedits head-
Jan. 11:TheMiddleEast EconomicDigest reported quartersin Kabul,Afghanistan.[10/29JP]
that Sayyidal-Mu'tasimbin Hamadal-Busaydiwas Oct. 29: Pakistansaid 4 people were killed in an
appointedregionalandmunicipalaffairsminister,a Afghanbombingattackon the villageof Aranduin
new post. [1/11 MEED] the Chitralregion. [10/30WP]
Jan. 14: Jordan's King Husayn met with Sultan Oct. 31: The Pakistan Cabinet declared a 3-day
Qabfisbin Sa'id duringa brief visit to Oman.[1/15 period of mourningfor the death of IndianPrime
FBIS] MinisterIndiraGandhi.[11/1 FBIS]

Nov. 1: PresidentZia offeredIndianPrimeMinister its secretary-generalGhulam Ahmed Bilour had
RajivGandhihis full supportin effortsto createan been arrested.[12/28NYT]
atmosphereof trust between the 2 countries.[11/2 Dec. 30: The deathtoll rose to 6 people in the third
NYT] day of demonstrationsby Biharisin Orangitown-
Nov. 18: A lawyer's groupsaid 31 Pakistaniswere ship protestingan anti-Bihariremarkby Zia. [1/2
staginga hungerstriketo protesttheirmilitarytrial FBIS]
in Lahore on chargesof plottingto overthrowthe
government.[11/19NYT] 1985
Nov. 20: The governmentacknowledgedthatpoliti- Jan. 12: Zia announcedthat elections would be
cal prisonersat Kot-Lakhpatprisonin Lahorehad held on February 25 to replace the Parliament
been staginga hungerstrikefor morethana month. disbanded in July 1977 with the imposition of
[11/23LM] martiallaw. [1/11 NYT]
Nov. 24: A Pakistaniofficialsaid that about 10,000
unmarriedAfghanrefugeeshadbeen expelledfrom
Peshawar and 5000 would be expelled the next
month. [11/25NYT]
Dec. 1: Zia announceda December 19 referendum Qatar
on his Islamic policies, approvalof which would (See also, RegionalAffairs)
mean his reelection as president for another 5
years. [12/2 WP]
Dec. 5: The 11-partyoppositionallianceMovement
Jordanian King Husayn held talks with Amir
for the Restorationof Democracy(MRD)calledfor
ShaykhKhalifabin HamadAl Thaniduringa brief
a boycott of the December 19 referendum.[12/5 visit to Qatar.[1/15FBIS]
The governmentsaid that those who boycotted
an election or referendumor incited others not to
participatewould be fined or jailed or both. [12/6
FBIS] Saudi Arabia
Dec. 6: AFP reportedthat Sunnimobs burnedShi'i (See also, RegionalAffairs)
mosques and homes duringclashes in Karachion
the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet
Muhammad.[12/7 FBIS] 1984
Dec. 9: The Jamiat Ulema-i-Islamreligious party Nov. 12: AlgerianPresident Chadli Benjedid left
defiedthe governmentban on campaigningagainst Medinaat the end of a one-dayvisit whichincluded
a Decemberreferendumby repeatingits call for a talks with King Fahd. [11/13FBIS]
boycott. [12/10JP] Dec. 2: King Fahd said in an interview that he
Dec. 12: The KarachiBar Associationcalled for a intendedto set up a consultativeassemblywithin3
boycott of a December 19 referendum. [12/13 or 4 monthsand give the countrya writtenconsti-
NYT] tution. [12/3NYT]
Dec. 20: Governmentelection officialssaid the Zia
had won 97.7% of the December 19 referendum 1985
vote with a 62%turnoutof registeredvoters. The Jan. 1: JordanianKing Husayn met with Fahd in
MRD denouncedthe result as "an unprecedented Riyadh during an official 2-day visit to Saudi
fraud" and said only 5-10%of eligible voters had Arabia.[1/2 FBIS]
Dec. 21: AFP reportedthat several thousandop-
ponents of Zia clashed with police following a
meetingcalled by the MRD. [12/24FBIS]
Dec. 24: At least 6 Pakistaniopposition leaders Sudan
including Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi and MRD (See also, Egypt)
secretary-generalKhwaja Khairuddinwere ar-
rested priorto an oppositionrally. [12/26FBIS] 1984
Dec. 26: KhanAboul WaliKhan, principalopposi- Oct. 23: PresidentJa'far al-Numayrireturnedto
tion leader in North West FrontierProvince, was Khartoumafter a 10-day stay in Cairo. [10/24
placed under house arrest. Jatoi and Khairuddin FBIS]
were released in Karachi.[12/27FBIS] Oct. 29: Sudanese radio said security police had
Pakistansaid 6 Afghanwarplaneskilled 4 civil- thwarteda Libyan-backedplot to overthrow the
ians in a bombing attack in the Chitral region. government. It said the conspirators included
[12/28LM] membersof the army. [10/30NYT]
Dec. 27: A spokesmanfor the oppositionNational Oct. 30: The Sudanesenews agencyreportedthata
DemocraticPartysaid 34 partymembersincluding dissident group of the southern Sudanese rebels

known as William Shol Deng Wing had begun a December25 battle on the Bor-Jubaroad. [12/28
peace talks with army officers. [10/30FBIS] FBIS]
Nov. 2: The clandestine Radio SPLA (Sudanese Dec. 28: The SPLA denieda governmentclaimthat
People's LiberationArmy) began transmittingin 600 rebels were killed on December 25. It said
Englishand Arabic. [11/5 FBIS] anotherrebel ambushon the Bor-Jubaroad on the
Nov. 7: Sudan said that the number of Chadian same day killed 117 governmenttroops, and 27
refugeesin the Darfurregionof Sudanhadreached soldierswere killedin a December27 rebelambush
94,000. [11/9 FBIS] in the Bentiuarea. [12/31FBIS]
Nov. 26: President Numayri announcedthat the Dec. 30: The governmentannouncedthat 83 rebels
Council of Ministers had been abolished and a and 3 soldierswere killedin a December28 attack
PresidentialCouncilhad been set up. [11/28FBIS] on a rebel camp in Bentiu. The SPLA said 73
Dec. 3: A militaryspokesmansaid southernrebels soldiersand 15 rebels were killed on December29
had ambushed a Nile river steamship carrying when rebel forces capturedthe town of Mabanin
militarypersonnel near Bor and were driven off. UpperNile region. [12/31FBIS]
Rebel spokesman said they had killed scores of
soldiers in attacks on 2 steamshipsand a govern- 1985
ment convoy in the previous4 days. [12/4NYT] Jan. 5: Sudan cancelled its cooperationwith the
Dec. 8: The Sudanese NationalOil Companywas airliftof EthiopianJews to Israel. [1/6 WP]
established. [12/12FBIS] Jan. 6: The SPLA said it killed 133 soldiers and
Dec. 13: SPLA guerrillas announced they had capturedthe towns of Wankaiand Tonga in the
launchedan offensivein westernUpperNile region UpperNile region. [1/7 FBIS]
on December8. [12/14FBIS] Jan. 7: The Sudanese news agency reportedthat
Dec. 17: Sudan said 7 crewmemberswere killed Numayrihad pardonedall 209 defendantscharged
and 6 were missing after rebel attacks on steam- with plotting to overthrow the government the
boats in southernSudan. [12/19FBIS] previousfall. [1/8 WP]
Dec. 18: Al-UmmahParty leader Sadiq al-Mahdi Jan. 8: ForeignMinisterHashim 'Uthmanwarned
and 14 of his supporterswere releasedfromdeten- Ugandathat Sudaneseforces might have to cross
tion. [12/20LM] the borderto pursuerebels who had been staging
People's AssemblySpeaker'Izz al-Dinal-Sayyid attacks in the Equatoria region of Sudan. [1/9
said there were 1.lm Ethiopianrefugeesin eastern FBIS]
Sudan. [12/19FBIS] Numayrimerged the ministryof industry with
Dec. 22: SPLA rebels reportedheavy fightingin the the ministryof cooperation,commerce& supplyto
southern town of Juba. A Sudanese spokesman form a ministryof commerce, industry& cooper-
denied that Juba had fallen to the rebels, and said ation. [1/9 FBIS]
the army was sweeping the rebel areas in Bor Muslim opposition group RepublicanBrothers
township. [12/26FBIS] leader Mahmfid MuhammadTaha and 4 other
Dec. 24: Numayriset up a 3-mantribunalto try 208 members were sentenced to death for opposing
political opponents charged with attempting to Islamiclaw in Sudan. [1/10LM]
overthrowthe government.[12/25WP] Jan. 11: The SPLA said 21 government soldiers
Dec. 25: Muhammadal-Bashir al-Waqi was dis- were killed in a January6 rebel ambushin Lakes
missed as ministerof industry,'UmarMuhammad Provinceand 37 soldiers were killed near Bentiu.
Yasin was dismissedas ministerof state for politi- [1/14FBIS]
cal affairsat the presidency, and the cabinet was The SPLA said it had killed 92 soldiers in an
partiallyreshuffled: attackon the Juba-Toritroadin Equatoriathe day
'Abdal-Raham'Abdal-Wahhab:Finance and Eco- before. [1/15FBIS]
nomic Planning
Fawzi lbrThim Wasfi: Cooperation, Commerce
and Supply
'Uthmanal-ShaykhMuhammad:Minister of State
for Finance & Economic Planning
YfusufMuhammad'Abdullah:Minister of State for
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Iraq,
Cooperation, Commerce & Supply Lebanon)
'Abd al-Qadir Sulayman: Minister of State for
Industry 1984
[12/26FBIS] Oct. 16: PresidentHafiz al-Asad met with Soviet
Dec. 26: SPLA rebels said they had killed 109 leader KonstantinChernenkoin Moscow. [10/17
Sudanese soldiers in an ambush on the Juba-Bor NYT]
road the day before. [12/27FBIS] Nov. 8: GreekPrimeMinisterAndreasPapandreou
Dec. 27: A Sudanese army spokesmansaid about arrivedin Damascus on an official visit to Syria.
600 rebels and 18 Sudanesesoldierswere killedin [11/9FBIS]

Nov. 10: A presidentialdecree publishedby the
governmentannouncedthat Vice PresidentRif'at Turkey
al-Asad had been entrustedwith nationalsecurity (See also, Iran, Iraq)
affairs. [11/14LM]
Nov. 26: French President Franqois Mitterrand
arrivedin Syria on a 3-day state visit. [11/27WP] 1984
Vice President Asad returnedto Syria after a Oct. 16: The Anatolian news agency announced
5-monthabsence. [11/27WP] that Turkish armed forces had launched a new
Dec. 11: The Syriannews agency reportedthat the offensiveagainstKurdishguerrillasin easternTur-
Soviet Union had agreed to help Syria build a key. [10/17JP]
nuclearreactor. [12/11FBIS] Oct. 17: Prime MinisterTurgutOzal told Parlia-
Dec. 27: Lebanese President Amin al-Jumayyil mentthatrecentKurdishguerrillaattackshadbeen
arrivedin Damascusfor talks with PresidentAsad. organizedand encouragedby the Turkish Com-
[12/27FBIS] munistParty.He saidTurkeyandIraqhadreached
an agreementin principleon coordinatedaction
1985 againstthe guerrillas.[10/19CSM]
Jan. 5: PresidentAsad denouncedPLO Chairman Turkish newspapers reported that Turkish
Yasir 'Arafat during his opening speech to the troopshad recentlygone 15 kilometersinside Iraqi
Ba'th Partygeneralcongress and said the PLO no territoryin pursuit of Kurdish guerrillas. [10/19
longer represented the Palestinians and Syria MEED]
would lead the Palestinianstruggleitself. [1/6 WP] Oct. 18: A Turkishforeign affairsspokesmanan-
nounced that Turkish armed operations against
Kurdishrebels would be limited to Turkishterri-
tory. [10/23LM]
Oct. 25: PrimeMinisterOzal announcedthat Inte-
Tunisia rior Minister Ali Tanriyarhad resigned and Fi-
(See also, Libya) nance MinisterVuralArikanwould offerhis resig-
nationthe next day followingwhat was described
in the Turkishpress as a customs scandal. [10/26
1984 JP]
Oct. 29: PresidentHabibBourguibanamedGeneral
Prosecutorat the SupremeCourtof AppealsRidha FinanceMinisterArikansaid he wouldnot aban-
Ben Ali as ministerof justice. DirectorGeneralof don his post unless he was fired. [10/27LM]
National Security Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was Leftist undergroundDev-Yol member Hidir
appointedsecretaryof state for nationalsecurity. Aslan was hung in Burdurfor attemptingto over-
[10/30FBIS] throwthe constitutionalorderby violence. He was
Nov. 5: President Bourguibawas admittedto the the 27th extremist executed in Turkey since the
cardiologyward of a Tunis hospital. [11/6FBIS] September1980coup. [10/26LM]
Nov. 22: Bourguibaleft the hospitalafter 17days of Oct. 26: YildirimAkbulutwas appointedminister
treatmentfor heart trouble. [11/23WP] of interior affairs and State Minister Ahmet
Nov. 29: The Chamber of Deputies passed an Kurtcebe Alptemocin was named minister of fi-
amendmentto the nationalitylaw reducingfrom 10 nance and customs. Tekirdag Deputy Ahmet
monthsto 1 monththe time permittedto a Tunisian KaravelireplacedAlptemocinas ministerof state.
to renounce employment with a foreign govern- [11/2 NS]
ment before losing his citizenship. [12/1LM] Nov. 14: The first meetingof the PermanentCom-
Bank employees reportedlywent on a 24-hour mitteefor EconomicandTradeCooperationof the
strikefollowingstrikesin the transport,metallurgy Islamic Conference Organization opened in
and highereducationsectors. [11/30FBIS] Istanbul.[11/16CSM]
Dec. 25: Tunis Afrique Presse reportedthatformer Nov. 19: TurkishdiplomatEnver Ergunwas killed
Foreign Minister Mohamed Masmoudi had re- by a gunmanin Vienna. Callersclaimedresponsi-
nounced his post as Libyan representativeto the bility on behalf of the Armenian Revolutionary
UN in order to retain his Tunisian citizenship. Army. [11/20WP]
[12/27LM] Dec. 17: Greek Prime Minister Andreas
Papandreousaid Greece was deploying its forces
1985 along its Turkishborderbecause it regardedTur-
Jan. 5: Studentsat the Universityof Tunisstageda key rather than Warsaw Pact countries as its
strike to commemorate the anniversary of the primarymilitarythreat. [12/18WP]
January1984food riots. [1/5 LM] Dec. 26: Turkey and the Soviet Union signed 2
Jan. 11:The science andlaw colleges in Tuniswere economic accords duringthe visit of Soviet Prime
reportedcalm following 2 days of violent clashes Minister Nikolai A. Tikhonov to Ankara. 112/28
among students. [1/14 FBIS] LM]

Dec. 31: Relatives said several dozen inmates of Nov. 1: The UAE announced it had established
military prisons in Adana, Gaziantep and diplomatic relations on the ambassadorial level
Karamanmarashad recently gone on a hunger with the People's Republic of China. [11/2 MEED]
strike to protest conditionsof their imprisonment. Dec. 25: Sultan Qabfis bin Sa'id of Oman arrived on
[1/2 LM] a short visit to UAE. [12/26 FBIS]

Jan. 6: The Anatoliannews agencyreportedformer
Ministerof State for EnergyIsmailOzdaglar,who
resignedthe day before, was asked to quitbecause
he faced a corruptioncharge. [1/7 JP]
Jan. 11: The Middle East Economic Digest re- Yemen
ported that Energy MinisterCemal Buyukbashad (See also, Regional Affairs, Iran)
been namedministerof state for energy.Buyukbas
was replacedby Ministerof State Sidi Turel, who
was replacedby MustafaTinazTitiz. [1/11MEED]
Nov. 24: The Cabinet was reshuffled:
United Arab Emirates 'Abd al-Karim al-Iryani: Deputy Prime Minister
and Foreign Minister
(See also, Regional Affairs, Algeria, Libya, Ahmad Salih al-Ruayni: Minister of State for Cabi-
Morocco) net Affairs
Muhammad Ahmad al-Asbahl: Minister of Social
1984 Affairs
Oct. 26: UAE diplomat Muhammadal-Suwaydi Husayn 'Abdullah al-'Amri: Minister of Education
was woundedand an Iraniancompanionkilled by Fu'ad Qa'id Muhammad: Minister of Supply &
gunmenin Rome. [10/27NYT] Trade [11/26 FBIS]


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