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Chronology April 16, 1985-July 15, 1985

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Autumn, 1985), pp. 797-827
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 01/03/2012 15:08

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April 16, 1985-July 15, 1985

AN, Arab News

CSM, ChristianScience Monitor
FBIS, Foreign BroadcastInformationService
Daily Report-Middle East & North Africa and 7
South Asia o
JP, TheJerusalemPost
LM, Le Monde
MEED, Middle East Economic Digest
MEES, MiddleEast EconomicSurvey
NYT, The New YorkTimes
TDN, TurkishDaily News
WP, The WashingtonPost
WSJ, The WallStreet Journal

Palestiniansin October 1984, in which one person

Arab-Israeli Conflict died andten were wounded.He was also convicted
(See also, Algeria, Syria) of throwinga hand grenadeinto a Palestiniancafe
in Jerusalemin Sept. 1984, woundingfour people.
1985 Israeli planes attacked a reported Democratic
Apr. 15: The Israeli Cabinet voted 13 to 12 to Frontfor the Liberationof Palestine (DFLP) base
permit MinisterWithout Portfolio Ezer Weizman in the Biqa' Valley, and Israeliforces searchedtwo
to go to Cairoas a special envoy of PrimeMinister Shi'i villages in the western sector, roundingup
ShimonPeres. LikudLeaderand ForeignMinister theirmaleinhabitantsfor questioning.ThreeArabs
Yitzhak Shamiropposed the trip. 4/16 NYT were also killedin a clash with IsraeliArmyforces
US AssistantSecretaryof State RichardMurphy in the eastern sector. [4/18JP]
met with Peres and Shamirin Jerusalemas partof Apr. 18: Israeli authoritiesfreed 37 of approxi-
"exploratory"efforts to promotethe MiddleEast mately 1100 Lebanese prisoners held in Israel.
peace process. [4/16JP] [4/19NYT]
Apr. 16: Weizman met with Egyptian President An Israeli court imposedjail sentences of from
Husni Mubarakin Cairo and said afterwardsthat 25 months to three years on three members of a
prospects for an Egyptian-Israelisummit confer- Jewish undergroundorganization who pleaded
ence were "very good." Murphymet a group of guilty to various acts of terrorismagainst Arabs,
Palestinianleadersfrom the occupied territoriesat includingan attemptto blow up the Dome of the
a cocktail partyat the US Consulatein Jerusalem, Rock in Jerusalem.[4/19JP]
where they gave him a petition which said they
consider the PLO to be the sole legitimaterepre- The Israeli military government in the West
sentativeof the Palestinianpeople. [4/17WP] Bank closed BethlehemUniversityafter a raid on
Apr. 17: Murphymet with Peres in Jerusalemand the campus in which "political material" was
said the US would only get involved in Egyptian- seized. [4/20NYT]
Israeli relations if it were requested to do so by A 12-year-oldArabboy was shot and killed and
both sides. [4/17FBIS] another wounded when several hundreddemon-
Murphymet with Mubarakin Cairoat the begin- strators clashed with Israeli security forces in
ning of a three-dayvisit to Egypt. [4/18 FBIS] Gaza. [4/20 WP]
In Jerusalem,an Israelisoldierwas sentencedto Apr. 20: At least 200 Palestinianswere arrestedas
life in prison for a missile attack on a busload of riotingcontinuedin Gaza following Israeli retalia-


tion against a Palestinianwho shot and killed an Israeli troops pulled out of the Tyre region,
Israeli army officeron Apr. 17. [4/21JP] completingthe second phaseof Israel'swithdrawal
Murphyarrivedin Baghdadfor talks with Iraqi from Lebanon, and Defense Minister Yitzhak
officials. [4/22 FBIS] Rabinsaid Israelwouldonly protectvillages inside
Apr. 21: In a speech before the AmericanIsrael the bordersecurity strip. [4/30JP]
PublicAffairsCommitteein Washington,Secretary Apr. 30: King Husayn said in an interview that it
of State George Shultz said that Arableaderswere was up to the US to supportJordan'srecent peace
responsiblefor the continuedsufferingof the Pal- initiativewith the PLO, and that "Americancred-
estinians because they refused to support direct ibility is nearingits finaltest." [5/1 WP]
negotiations between Jordan and Israel. [4/22 May 1: Israeliforces killedfour Shi'i guerillasthey
NYT] said were mininga road inside the Israeli security
Apr. 22: In Washington,Arab League Secretary zone. [5/2 NYT]
General Chadli Klibi called on the US to take May 6: Israeli soldiers distributedleaflets describ-
advantage of "new positive elements" in Arab ing new regulationsin theirsecurityzone. Accord-
attitudestowardsMiddleEast peace and to use its ing to the rules, no one will be permittedto carry
influence to bring about a permanentsettlement. weaponswithouta permitor to huntin the security
[4/23WP] zone. In addition, vehicles are requiredto travel
The Israeli military command announced that with at least two riders, and walking outside vil-
the IsraeliNavy had sunka boat carrying28 armed lages in the zone after darkis forbidden.[5/7 JP]
men off the coast of Israel on Apr. 18, and that 20 May 7: The New YorkTimessaid that the US had
had drowned. [4/22 WP] reportedlyagreed to hold talks with a Jordanian-
The commandoswhose vessel was sunk by the Palestiniandelegationas long as it does not include
Israeli Navy were Fath members loyal to Yasir PLO members.[5/8 NYT]
'Arafat, according to Israeli and Fath officials. 'ArafatandHusaynconferredin Ammanonjoint
[4/23 WP] Palestinian-Jordanian diplomaticaction. [5/8FBIS]
Apr. 23: In an interview,two Palestinianscaptured May8: Five Palestinianguerrillasreportedlyhead-
from the Fath vessel said theirmissionhadbeen to ing towards Israel were killed after their rubber
hijack a bus in order to bargainfor the release of dinghywas sunk by the IsraeliNavy off the coast
150 Palestiniansheld in Israelijails. [4/24JP] of Tyre. [5/9 WP]
President Hafiz al-Asad met with Murphy in Three key PLO officials, Ahmad 'Abd al-Rah-
Damascus. [4/23 FBIS] man, Salah Khalaf,and FarfiqQaddfimi,said only
Apr. 24: An Israelisoldierdied of woundssuffered declared PLO members chosen by PLO leaders
in a Lebanon bomb attack three weeks before. could representPalestiniansin talks with US offi-
[4/26JP] cials. [5/9 NYT]
Apr. 25: Arabsin East Jerusalemstageda one-day Bir Zayt Universityreopened,two monthsafter
strike to protest the apparentrevenge killingof an Israeli authoritiesclosed it following a raid on a
Arab taxi driveron Apr. 22. [4/26JP] pro-PLOexhibition.[5/9 AN]
EgyptianCharged'AffairesMuhammadBasyini May 10: Shultzarrivedin Israel on a two-day visit
told Jerusalemradiothat Egypt would not agreeto and met with Shamir,who affirmedIsrael's oppo-
a summit with Israel until Israel withdrew com- sition to participationby PalestineNationalCoun-
pletely from Lebanon, steps were takentowardsa cil (PNC) members in any Jordanian-Palestinian
comprehensivepeace, and Israel agreedto accept peace delegation.[5/10FBIS]
arbitrationon the Taba problem.[4/26FBIS] Israel radio reportedthat four new settlements
Apr. 26: 'Arafat denied the PLO had accepted would be establishedin the West Bank in the next
Murphy'sproposalfor non-PLOmembersto par- four months. (5/11WP]
ticipatein a dialoguewith the US andreiteratedthe May 12: After talks in Cairowith Mubarak,Shultz
PLO's demandfor a direct role. [4/29FBIS] met with Husayn in 'Aqaba, but the talks report-
State Departmentofficials said Murphy'stwo- edly did not lead to any agreementon Palestinian
week trip had failed to obtain an agreementfor representationin new Arab-Israelipeace talks.
direct talks between Israel and Jordan, but that [5/13FBIS]
Shultz would stop in Egypt and Jordanwhen he The firstgroupof Egyptiantouristsin threeyears
visited Israel in May. [4/27 NYT] arrivedin Israel. [5/14FBIS]
May 13: Shl'a leader Nabih Birrncalled for in-
Apr. 28: The Israeli government announced it creased resistanceoperationsagainst Israel. [5/14
would lift restrictionson currencyimportsby indi- FBIS]
vidualsinto the occupiedterritoriesbeginningMay May 14: In an interview, 'Arafat said he would
1. [4/30 FBIS] accept UN Resolution 242 if the US explicitly
Apr. 29: Peres became the first Israeli primemin- endorsed the Palestinian people's right to self-
ister to tourthe Arabsection of Jerusalemsince the determination.[5/15NYT]
city was capturedin the 1967 war. He promised An Israeli delegation led by Avraham Tamir,
equal treatmentto Palestinians.[4/30 WPl directorgeneral of the Israeli Cabinet, arrivedin

Cairo for talks on various issues, including Taba. May 23: Sharon said remarks by Samuel Lewis, the
[5/15 FBIS] US ambassador to Israel, indicating that Sharon
Israel issued identity cards to residents of the had described plans for an invasion of Lebanon as
security zone in southern Lebanon. [5115JP] early as 1981, were "a blatant lie." [5/23 FBIS]
May 15: Shultz said the US remained opposed to Two Palestinians convicted of terrorism in 1982
Palestinian self-determination if it meant an inde- and released as part of the recent prisoner ex-
pendent Palestinian state, but that he welcomed change, who had opted to stay in the Israeli-
signs the Palestinian attitude toward Israel might occupied West Bank, left for Jordan following
have shifted. [5/16 WP] harassment by Jewish settlers. [5/24 JP]
A woman from Kiryat Arba was wounded when One of the 27 original defendants in the Jewish
a bus came under automatic gunfire between terrorist trial pleaded guilty following plea bargain-
Halhul and Hebron. A curfew was imposed on ing, bringing the number of convictions to ten.
Halhul. [5/16 JP] [5/24 JP]
May 17: 'Arafat and Husayn discussed joint action May 24: The State Department confirmed Lewis'
during talks in Jordan. [5/20 FBIS] charges against Sharon. [5/25 WP]
After three days of talks, Egypt and Israel agreed An IDF spokesman said security forces had
on a timetable to repatriate to the Gaza Strip 5000 recently arrested 30 members of a PFLP cell re-
Palestinians separated from their families in 1982 sponsible for a number of attacks in the Ramallah
when Israel returned almost all of the Sinai to district. [5/24 FBIS]
Egypt, and Egypt agreed to let Israel search for the May 27: Egypt's oil minister arrived in Israel on the
bodies of soldiers missing since the 1967 war. first visit by an Egyptian cabinet minister since
However, talks on the Taba issue failed to achieve 1982. [5/28 CSM]
progress, and no date was set for the next meeting. Jewish settlers in the occupied territories put up
[5/20 FBIS] "wanted" posters showing recently released Arab
May 18: The Phalanges militia announced it would prisoners, and warning all freed prisoners to leave
close its office in Jerusalem, ending 10 years of the area as quickly as possible. [5/28 JP]
collaboration with Israel, and said it was moving its May 28: Israeli settlers began a campaign to con-
fighters from Jazzin and the border area in southern vince Palestinian mukhtars to pressure Arabs re-
Lebanon to Beirut. It also called for a meeting by a leased in the prisoner exchange to leave the terri-
multifactional security committee to discuss a tories. [5/29 JP]
Beirut ceasefire. [5/19 NYT] Israel freed 249 Shi'a detainees transferred in
May 20: Israel freed more than 1150 Arab prison- April from An5ar camp to a prison in Israel. [5/30
ers, including many convicted of serious crimes, in WP]
exchange for the release of three Israelis captured May 29: King Husayn arrived in Washington for
during the Lebanon war. The move prompted talks with Reagan and other US officials on Middle
widespread criticism in Israel, especially from set- East peace prospects. [5/29 NYT]
tlers in the occupied territories and the families and The Knesset defeated motions to set up a com-
supporters of Jews held on anti-Arab terrorism mission of inquiry into the invasion of Lebanon.
charges. [5/20 WP] [5/30 NYT]
May 21: In the wake of the prisoner swap, Minister Husayn told Reagan the PLO is prepared to
Ariel Sharon called for the release of Jewish under- negotiate with Israel on terms that recognize its
ground members. Labor party politicians opposed right to exist, and US officials indicated the US
Sharon, and Mapam leader Elazer Granet said calls might end its objections to peace talks under the
for amnesty were "blackmail." [5/22 NYT] "umbrella" of an international conference that
The Japanese government said it had urged Is- would include the Soviet Union. [5/30 WP]
rael not to release Kozo Okamoto, a terrorist from A special Cabinet committee rejected the advice
the Japanese Red Army. Okamoto's release and of the Israeli state archivist and upheld the contin-
the freeing of other terrorists continued to provoke ued secret classification of state papers dealing
controversy in Israel. [5/22 NYT] with Israeli expulsion of Arab communities and
Defendants in the Jewish underground trial fired expropriation. of Arab property during the 1948
war. [5/30 JP]
their lawyer and said they would not try to defend
Israeli authorities said some Israeli troops would
themselves, a week after three judges ruled that the
remain in southern Lebanon even after the final
defendants' views on security conditions in the
Israeli withdrawal, and that they would retaliate
occupied territories were irrelevant to the case. swiftly against any attacks over the border. [6/1
[5/22 JP] NYT]
May 22: Peres reportedly made clear that he would Israeli officials arrived in Cairo to resume talks
break up the national unity government if the on Taba. [5/30 AN]
Likud forced the Cabinet to free members of the May 30: The Taba talks ended after one day with
Jewish underground or used the Knesset to pass no agreement, and the sides retired to report back
legislation freeing them. [5/23 JP] to their governments. [5/31 JP]

Peres said Husayn's call for an international Rabbi Moshe Levinger was fined for damaging
conference was "nothing more than a device to placards and threateningdemonstratorsat a li-
evade direct negotiationswith Israel." [5/31NYT] censed protest by the Committee for Solidarity
The State Departmentsaid the US wanted to with the Universityof Bir Zayt in July 1983. [6/7
hearthe PLO "publiclyand unequivocally"accept JP]
UN Resolutions242 and 338 before it would meet June 6: The WashingtonPost reportedthat King
with PLO representatives.[5/31NYT] Husayn had outlined in talks in Washingtonthe
May 31: The Jerusalem Post reported that the week before a four-stageprocess leadingto Arab-
Israeli Army had begun to use "iron fist" tactics Israeli peace talks: 1) a preliminarysession be-
inside the security zone in southernLebanonand tween the US and a Jordanian-Palestinian delega-
had demolished at least ten houses belongingto tion excludingPLO representatives,and a public
villagers suspected of "anti-Israeli activities." statementfromthe US supporting"self-determina-
[5/31JP] tion" for the Palestinians in the context of a
Attorney General Yitzhak Zamir decided to Jordanian-Palestinian confederation;2) a second
bring charges againstjournalistAmnon Kapeliuk US meeting with a Jordanian-Palestinian delega-
for illegallyvisitingJordanin March1985.[5/31JP] tion including PLO officials; 3) an international
In a news conference after Husayn's four-day conferenceand 4) direct Arab-Israelinegotiations.
visit to Washington, Shultz said prospects for The US also reportedlyrejecteda list of Palestin-
Middle East peace were significantlyimproved, ians suggestedby the PLO, includinghigh-ranking
and indicatedthe US was willingto meet with PNC PNCmembers,andcalledfor the inclusionof those
memberswho were not affiliatedwith the PLO. [6/1 "truly dedicated to nonviolent, negotiated solu-
NYT] tions." [6/6 WP]
June 1: Several thousandPeace Now demonstra- Senior Israeli defense officials said the major
tors protested in Jerusalemagainst any clemency reason for the delay in the final withdrawalof all
for membersof the Jewish underground.[6/2 JP] troops from Lebanonwas the "sudden and unex-
June2: A groupof Jewishsettlersmet secretlynear pected disintegration"of the SLA. [6/7 FBIS]
Ramallah to discuss ways to derail any future Birri said he wouldjoin forces with Palestinian
peace talks withJordan,andwives of defendantsin guerrillasif Israelkept troopsin southernLebanon
the Jewish terrorismtrial ended a hunger strike, or insistedon maintaininga securityzone there. He
saying they had received assurances their hus- also said Shi'l fighterswould attackacross Israel's
bands would be freed after the trial. [6/3 JP] northernborderif Israel continuedraids on Leba-
Shultz sent a message to Peres, asking Israeli nese territory.[6/7 NYT]
support for projected American talks with a June7: In Washington,JordanianForeignMinister
Jordanian-Palestinian delegationas a step toward Tahiral-Magrisaid Soviet officialshad told him the
direct talks with Israel, and Peres was reportedto USSR would be interestedin attendinga Middle
have given implicit backing for such talks. [6/3 East peace conference, but one held underjoint
NYT] US-Soviet, ratherthan UN, auspices. [6/7 WP]
Peres said Israel would complete its withdrawal He also said the PLO hadgiven up the idea of an
from Lebanon by 2 June, the third anniversaryof independentPalestinianstate when it agreed to a
the invasion. [6/3 NYT] confederationwith Jordan.[6/7 JP]
June 3: Peres said Israel would meet a Jordanian- In an interview, 'Arafatrefused publicly to ac-
Palestiniandelegationwithout PLO membersand cept UN resolutions242 and338, sayinghe wanted
would not "search the mind" of any delegates the US to recognize Palestinianrights first. [6/7
regardingtheir attitudetoward the PLO. In Lon- WSJ]
don, Shamirsaid the PNC could not be separated June 9: During Yemeni-Palestinianmeetings in
from the PLO. [6/4 JP] Aden, PFLP's (PopularFrontfor the Liberationof
AttorneyGeneralZamirrejectedcalls for a stay Palestine) George Habash and DFLP's Nayif
in proceedingsagainstthe defendantsin the Jewish Hawatimahagreed on an initiative calling for ef-
terrortrial. [6/4 JP] forts to foil the Jordan-PLOaccord and restore
Israeli and Southern Lebanon -Army (SLA) PLO unity. [6/11FBIS]
troops raided two villages in southern Lebanon, In a letter to Shultz, Peres said Israel opposes
talks between the US and a joint Palestinian-
demolishingfive houses and arrestingdozens of
Jordaniandelegation because they could jeopar-
men, reportedly in response to an increase in dize direct negotiationswith Israel. [6/10 WP]
violence against the Israelis and their allies. [6/4 June 10: The JerusalemPost said the IsraeliArmy
NYT] was continuingis "iron fist" policy in southern
June 4: Leadersof Jewish settlementsin the occu- Lebanonand that eight homes of suspected anti-
pied territories demanded that Israel annex the Israeli activists had been destroyed in the past
territoriesbeforeit negotiateswith Jordan.[6/5JPJ several days. [6/10JP]
June 5: Three men were chargedin the slayingof An Israelireserve soldier was found dead in the
an Arab taxi driveron April 22. [6/6 JP] westernNegev and was believed to have been the

victim of a "terroristcell" active in the GazaStrip. 'Arafat and Jordanianofficials denied Kuwaiti
[6/11JP] press reportsthatJordanwas permittingthe estab-
Peres outlined a five-stageplan for peace nego- lishment of Fath military bases in Jordan, and
tiations,criticizingthatputforwardby Ijusaynas a Shamirwarnedthat any such action wouldjeopar-
ploy to gain US recognitionof the PLO, but saying dize peace efforts. [6/24 FBIS]
that a "changeof atmosphere"in the MiddleEast June 24: Israeli security forces said residents of
might make serious talks possible. The Peres plan Druze villages in the Golan Heights had begun
ruled out preliminarytalks between the US and a carryingout terroristattacks against Israeli Army
joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation and called and civiliantargets. [6/24JP]
for a "narrow Jordanian-Palestinianand Israeli A seven-year-oldboy was wounded when he
team" to preparethe agenda for a peace confer- stepped on a bomb hidden near a bus stop in
ence with the "support" of the permanentmem- Jerusalem.[6/25JP]
bers of the UN Security Council. [6/11WP] A PLO group claimed responsibility for the
Two katyusharockets firedfromLebanonfell in blast. [6/25FBIS]
the Galilee, hours before Israel withdrewits last June 27: A Jordanian-Palestinian delegationmet in
combat forces from Lebanon, leaving behind an Paris with French officials, who stressed that the
undisclosed numberof "patrols, advisers and ob- encounterinvolved "a useful exchangeof views,"
servers." [6/11NYT] and not "negotiations."[6/29LM]
The Palestinian Popular Struggle Front and a July 1: A Jordanian-Palestinian delegationmet with
group calling itself the "Border Strip Forces" Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. [7/2 AN]
claimed responsibility for the katyusha attacks, July 4: Husaynand Mubarakconferredin 'Aqaba,
and Israeli troops returnedto the securitystrip to and Husaynsaid he expected a US meetingwith a
search for those responsible.[6/11 FBIS] Jordanian-Palestinian delegationin the nearfuture.
June 12: The Knesset voted to approvethe Peres [7/5 WP]
peace plan. [6/13 CSM] Two Arabs from the Golan Heights were sen-
June 13:Jerusalemradiosaid Husaynhadbrokena tenced to three years in jail for spying for Syria.
promiseto announcean end to the state of warwith [7/6 AN]
Israel as soon as negotiationsbegin, which was to July 5: Police clashed with demonstratorsprotest-
have led to an end to Israelioppositionto US arms ing the closure of a Palestinianconventionin East
sales to Jordan.[6/13 FBIS] Jerusalem.[7/6 AN]
Egypt's foreign minister welcomed the Peres
July 6: Two Jewish men were arrested following
plan as a positive effortbut expressedreservations
about certainaspects of the proposal.[6/14NYT] the discovery of an arms cache in a West Bank
June 14: 'Ammanradio announcedthat the PLO settlement.[7/7 JP]
had officiallyrejected the Peres peace plan. [6/18 July 8: Two Arabswho confessed to the murderof
FBIS] a Jewish couple in June were arrested, and their
June 16: Peres failed to win a majorityin the inner families'houses were demolished.[7/10JP]
cabinet vote on submittingthe Taba dispute to July 10: Beirutradiosaid Israeliplanes raidedtwo
arbitration.[6/18JP] Palestiniancamps nearTripoli.Israelireportssaid
June 17: 'Arafatarrivedin 'Ammanfor talks with the attacks were against guerrilla bases. [7/10
KingHusaynonjoint actionfor MiddleEast peace. FBIS]
The two leaders agreed to intensify contacts in Ten peoplewere reportedkilledand 29 wounded
Europe, beginningwith France. [6/18 FBIS] in the raids. [7/11NYT]
June 18: Israeli and SLA troops arrested19 Shi'a An Israeli court found 15 Jewish men guilty of
men in the village of al-Tayriafter a rocket attack terroristacts againstArabsin the occupiedterrito-
on a militia position in the security zone. [6/19 ries. Three of the defendantswere convicted of
NYT] murder.[7/11WP]
June 19: Peres and Shamirmet for an hour, but July 11: Four young Arabs from the Gaza Strip
failed to reach agreement on the Taba dispute. were convicted of plotting to bomb the US Em-
Shamir rejected calls for internationalarbitration bassy in Tel Aviv. [7/12NYT]
and advocated a nonbindingconciliationprocess Shamir called the convicted Jewish terrorists
instead. [6/20 WP] "excellent boys who erred," and said they should
Ha'aretz reported that 100 Ethiopianfamilies be pardoned.[7/12WP]
would be settled in the occupied territories, in July 13: The PLO reportedlysubmitteda list of 10
contraventionof Israeli promisesto the US. [6/20 to 15Palestinians,to be given by Jordanto the US,
FBIS] for considerationas participantsin talks aimed at
June 23: The JerusalemDistrict Court completed endingthe Arab-Israeliconflict. [7/14NYT]
13 monthsof hearingsin the Jewishterrorismtrial. July 14: Shultz said he had received the list of
Verdicts were expected to be announcedin July. Palestiniansbut declined to reveal their names.
[6/24JP] [7/15CSM]

entering the country with a false passport. [5/11
Petroleum Affairs WP]
May 19:The New YorkTimesreportedthat Islamic
1985 Jihad had rejected a Kuwaiti offer to release 17
May 3: The semiannualOAPEC MinisterialCon- prisonersin exchangefor the release of four Amer-
ference opened in Baghdad.[5/7 FBIS] icans kidnappedin Lebanon. [5/19NYT]
May4: The 3rdArabEnergyConference,"Energy May 30: The PLO denied responsibility for an
and Arab Cooperation," opened in Algiers. [5/7 explosion in front of the residence of the Syrian
FBIS] ambassadorin Rabatthat completelydestroyed a
May 6: After a meeting of OPEC oil ministersin diplomaticvehicle. [5/31 FBIS]
Taif, the Nigerian minister said Saudi Arabia's June 10: Kuwait protested to the Syrian govern-
King Fahd had threatened to pump five million ment over an anti-Kuwait demonstration in
barrelsa day into the oil marketif other members Damascusbecause of Kuwait's supportof Iraq in
refused to curb overproduction.[6/7 AN] its war with Iran. [6/11AN]
July 3: OPECsources denieda Kuwaitireportthat June 11: Syria recalledits ambassadorto Kuwait,
a majorityof its members had agreed to cut the reportedlyafter Kuwaitdeportedseveral Syrians.
price of light crude and trim production.[7/4 WP] [6/12 FBIS]
July 5: In Vienna, the beginningof OPEC's semi- June 18: Two Lebanese Shl'is on trial in Spain
annual conference was delayed as oil ministers admitted they had shot and wounded a Libyan
held informalpreliminarytalkson how to preventa diplomatin Madridin Sept. 1984. [6/20 NYT]
furtherdecline in oil prices. [7/5 FBIS] June 23: Britishauthoritiesdeportedeight Syrian
July 6: At the Vienna OPEC meeting, Saudi Oil Shl'is held since June 12 under the Preventionof
Minister Ahmad Zaki Yamani demanded that TerrorismAct, suspectedof involvementin terror-
OPEC accept a new quota system that would ist activitiesin Bahrain.[6/24AN]
enable SaudiArabiato producemore oil. [7/7 WP] June26: Iraqbrokediplomaticties with Libya, and
The oil ministersfailed to agree on measuresto Iraqi officialscondemned Libya's decision to es-
bolster prices, despite a Mexican warningthat it tablisha joint politicalandmilitarycommitteewith
mightcut its prices the followingweek. [7/7 NYT] Iran as well as Libya's supply of missiles to Iran.
July 7: Afterthree days of consultations,OPECoil Libyan radio urged the Arab League and the Is-
ministersfailed to agree on new productionquotas lamic Conference Organizationto expel Iraq in
to soak up the oil glut and adjournedwithout view of its dealingswith Egypt. [6/27 FBIS]
declaringa formalsession. New talkswere planned June 27: King Ilusayn reiteratedJordan'ssupport
for 22 July. [7/8 WP] for Iraq and condemned the Libyan-Iranianalli-
ance. [6/28 FBIS]
July 1: Gunmenwoundedtwo people in the Madrid
office of Alia, Jordan'snationalairline,just after a
bomb exploded at the British Airways office
nearby, killing a woman and wounding 27. [7/2
Regional Affairs NYT]
July 3: In Beirut, Black Septemberand the Revo-
lutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims
General claimed responsibilityfor Monday's attacks on
1985 airlineofficesin Madrid,one of whichwas believed
Apr. 23: PresidentHusni Mubarakof Egypt, King to have been aimedat TWA's offices. [7/4 WP]
Husayn of Jordan,and Sultan Qabfisbin Sa'id of July 7: Foreignministersof the GCC began meet-
Omanmet in 'Aqaba,Jordanto inauguratea ferry ings in Abha, SaudiArabia. [7/8 AN]
service between 'Aqabaand Nuwayba, Egypt and July 9: The GCC ministerialcouncil concludedits
to discuss Mideastproblems.[4/26NYT] 15th session and reiterated its determinationto
Apr. 24: Athens radio reportedthat a Panamanian bringthe Iran-Iraqwarto a peacefulend. [7/10AN]
ship, the Mariner 2, had struck an "explosive
device" in the Red Sea 350 miles north of Jidda.
[4/24 FBIS] Iran-IraqWar
May 4: The Kuwaiti news agency reported that (See also, RegionalAffairs:General,Iran)
Morocco's KingHassanhadintercededto improve
Tunisian-Libyanrelationsand that his efforts had 1985
led to the end of radio broadcasts from Libya Apr. 16: Iraq said its warplaneshit a "very large
urgingTunisiansto massacretheir Jewish compa- naval target" in the Persian Gulf, and Lloyd's
triots and seize their belongings.[5/6 FBIS] Shipping Intelligence Service confirmedthat the
May 10: In Portugal,a Palestinianwas acquittedof Cypriot-registeredKypnoshad been hit. [4/17WP]
the murderof PLO moderate'I$amSartawiin 1983 Apr. 18:In a speech on IranianArmedForces Day,
but was sentenced to three years in prision for AyatallahRfihallahKhumaynicondemnedcalls for

peace as a "new development" in Iran, and ac- and that Iraqi troops killed 50 Iranians in a raid on
cused those callingfor peace with Iraqof sedition. the Maysan sector the previous night. An Iranian
[4/19 FBIS] communique said Iranian forces repelled an Iraqi
Apr. 19: The Iraniannews agency said Iraq had assault on the southern front. [5/20 FBIS]
used chemical weapons against Iraniantroops on May 18: The Washington Post reported that Ira-
April 16 and 17. [4/22FBIS] nian leaders were split over whether the fall of
Apr. 20: A UN diplomatsaid that a weeklong de Saddam should be a precondition for ending the
facto truce, which had stoppedbombingof ships in war. Speaker 'All Akbar Hashimi Rafsanj&ni and
the Gulf, was due to a unilateraldecisionby Iraqto Foreign Minister 'All Akbar Vilayati were report-
facilitatea new peace initiative.[4/21AN] edly in favor of ending the war without insisting on
Apr. 24: Iraq's news agency said Iraqi planes it, while President Khaman'i and Prime Minister
raideda "largemaritimetarget"nearIran'sKharg Mir Husayn Musavi held that his ouster was nec-
Island. [4/24/FBIS] essary. [5/18 WP]
Iraqi planes attackeda "large maritimetarget" May 20: Iraqi radio broadcasts expressed regret at
near KhargIsland, accordingto a militarycommu- Iran's rejection of a Ramadan ceasefire beginning
nique broadcastby Baghdadradio. [4/25FBIS] May 21, and reported that Iraqi planes hit a large
Apr. 25: Ahvaz radio reported Iraqi artilleryat- naval target near Kharg. [5/21 WP]
tacks on the cities of Abadanand Khorramshahr. May 21: Iraqi planes attacked three pumping sta-
[4/26 FBIS] tions inside Iran, breaking a several-week lull in
The Iraqi Air Force raided two "very large strikes against nonmilitary targets. [5/22 WP]
maritimetargets" near KhargIsland, accordingto May 23: Iranian warplanes bombed Iraq's power
Baghdadradio. [4/26 FBIS] plant at Dukan in Irbil Province, inflicting "se-
Apr. 26: MEED reported an historic mosque in vere" damage, according to Iran's news agency.
Isfahan, parts of which are 1250 years old, was [5/23 FBIS]
seriously damaged in an Iraqi air raid. [4/26 Tehran radio said Iranian planes had launched a
MEED] second raid on Iraqi electrical installations, hitting
Apr. 27: Iraqi warplanesraided a large ship near a power station at Zubayr. [5/24 FBIS]
KhargIsland, accordingto an Iraqireportquoted May 25: Iraqi radio blamed Iran for an assassina-
by the New YorkTimes. [4/28NYT] tion attempt on Kuwait's leader, Shaykh Jabir
Apr. 28: An Iranianstatementwelcomed the UN al-Ahmad Al-$abdhl, and said Iraq would raid tar-
SecurityCouncilcondemnationof chemicalweap- gets in Tehran in reprisal. [5/26 WP]
ons use but criticized the council for refusing May 26: Iraqi planes and missiles attacked Tehran
directly to blame Iraq. [4/29FBIS] and seven other Iranian targets in retaliation for
Apr. 29: Forty-two disabled Iraqi POWs released alleged Iranian complicity in the assassination at-
by Iran were repatriatedthroughAnkara,Turkey. tempt. Iranian spokesmen denied the charges and
[4/30 WP] said Iran had retaliated by staging an air raid on the
Apr. 30: An Iranian military spokesman denied Iraqi city of al-Amara in southern Iraq. [5/27 NYT]
Iraq'sallegationsthatIranhad shelledManddiand May 27: Iran and Iraq stepped up air strikes against
Biyarahin Iraq. [4/30 FBIS] each other's towns. Iranian reports said Iranian
May 1: A Turkishoil tankerin the PersianGulf,the planes raided five Iraqi towns, and Iraqi spokes-
BurakM, was hit by a rocket firedfrom Iraqijets, men said 192 sorties had been carried out by Iraqi
bringingto 67 the numberof ships reportedraided warplanes against Iran. [5/28 WP]
by Iraqin 1985. [5/2 NYT] May 28: An Iranian missile exploded in Baghdad,
May 2: The sister of Iranian President 'All but reportedly caused little damage, and Tehran
Khaman'iarrivedin Baghdad,saying she had fled was hit by Iraqi aircraft. [5/29 NYT]
Iranwith her childrenin orderto join her husband, May 29: Iraqi warplanes reportedly hit Tehran and
dissident Shaykh 'All Tehrani,in Iraq. [5/3 NYT] Tabriz, and a West German cargo ship was hit by
Iranian warplanes attacked two Liberian and an Iranian rocket. The Iraqi news agency said
Japanese supertankersin the Gulf, striking the Iranian attacks on Basra killed three schoolgirls
former, the Nordic Trader.[5/3 AN] and wounded 27 others. [5/30 NYT]
May 5: Iraqi reports said Iraqi jet fighters had May 30: Iraqi planes attacked the Iranian oil termi-
raidedtwo ships in the PersianGulf. [5/6 NYT] nal on Kharg Island and also hit the Iranian towns
May 13: A military spokesman announced that of Isfahan and HamdaRn,while Iraqi spokesmen
Iraqiplanes had destroyeda large maritimetarget claimed Iraqi planes hit a very large naval target in
near KhargIsland. [5/14FBIS] the Persian Gulf. From Tehran, official spokesmen
May 17: IraqiPresidentSaddamHusayn said Iraq claimed successful Iranian attacks on oil installa-
would observe a 31-day ceasefire duringthe holy tions in southern Iraq. [5/31 NYT]
month of Ramadan,providedIran publiclyagreed June 1: A Panamanian-registered Hong Kong
to do likewise. [5/20 FBIS] freighter, the Oriental Importer, was hit by rockets
An Iraqi military spokesman said Iraqi war- from warplanes believed to be Iranian, setting it on
planes hit a large naval target near KhargIsland, fire. One crew member was reported dead and two

missing. Iranianand Iraqisources announcedraids to continue the war until the Baghdad regime was
on each other's capitals, and Tehran'sMehrabad overthrown. [6/14 AN]
airportwas reportedlyhit. [6/2 WP] June 14: Iraqi planes bombed three Iranian cities,
June 2: Iraqi planes successfully raided a large including Tehran, and nine other cities were hit
maritimetarget near KhargIsland, accordingto a with surface-to-surface missiles, killing at least 68.
militaryspokesman,who also claimedtwo raidsof In Tehran, thousands marched in support of Iran's
Tehran on the same day. Iranianreports said "a war with Iraq. [6/15 WP]
numberof people" were killed in the attacks. [6/3 Iraqi President Saddam Husayn announced that
FBIS] Iraq would halt bombing attacks for two weeks,
June 3: Iraqi warplanes hit Tehran and Kharg beginning June 15, to give Iran a chance to consider
Island oil terminaland attackedan Iranianpetro- peace. [6/14 FBIS]
chemical complex at Bandar Khumayni. Iran June 15: An Iranian missile hit Baghdad a few
claimed its artillery destroyed part of the train hours after Saddam's announced ceasefire. [6/16
station at Basra. [6/4 NYT] WP]
June 4: Iraqi warplanesattacked Tabriz, Isfahan June 16: No air raids or missile attacks by Iraq or
and Hamid, according to Iraqi reports, and the Iran were reported after a ceasefire called by Iraq
Iranian news agency said Iranian artillery had apparently took effect, although Iranian artillery
blasted ten Iraqi towns. It also claimed that shelled four Iraqi positions. [6/17 AN]
ground-to-airmissile batteries had been installed June 17: Iranian Prime Minister Musavi rejected
aroundTehranto ward off Iraqiattacks. [6/5 WP] Iraq's halt to attacks on cities and said fighting
June 6: Iraniantroops strucknine miles into Iraq, would continue. The Iranian news agency reported
and Iraqiair raidson Tehranand othercities killed the second offensive against Iraq in four days in the
at least 33 people. An Iranianspokesmansaid Iran Marivan sector and said more than 150 Iraqi troops
would begin using chemical weapons in the war. had been killed or wounded. [6/18 NYT]
[6/7 NYT] June 19: Iran's press agency said Iranian troops
Iranianradio reported"at least 300" casualties staged a raid across the Iraqi border, killing or
in Iraqi missile attacks on two border cities and wounding more than 250 Iraqi soldiers. Iraqi radio
calledfor UN actionto haltIraqiattackson civilian said Iraq had crushed the attack. [6/20 NYT]
centers. [6/7 AN] June 22: An Iraqi spokesman said Iraqi troops had
June 8: The Iranian press agency said Iran repulsed an Iranian offensive on the southern front,
launched a "massive" attack on Iraqi territory killing 20 Iranians. Iran's press agency said Iranian
killing or wounding 500 Iraqis, in retaliationfor bombardment of Iraqi positions killed or wounded
Iraqi air raids, and Iraqi reports said Iraqi war- 20 Iraqis. [6/23 NYT]
planes raidedfive Iraniantowns. [6/9 NYT] The Kuwaiti news agency reported that the
June 9: The Iranianpress agency said at least 78 Iranian Navy had seized a Kuwaiti cargo ship, the
were killedin an Iraqiair raidon a Kurdishrefugee al-Muharraq, in the Strait of Hormuz on 20 June
camp in AzerbaijanProvince, while one person and taken it to an Iranian port. [6/23 AN]
died in Abadan and more in Tehran after Iraqi June 23: Rafsanjani began an official trip to China
attacks. [6/10NYT] to seek backing for Iran in its war with Iraq. Other
A huge explosion shook Baghdad.The Iranian envoys carried messages to Cuba, Nicaragua, Bra-
press agency said it was caused by an Iranian zil, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. [6/24 WP]
missile. IraqiplanesattackedIlam,nearthe Iranian June 25: An Iranian official said Iran would make a
border, and killed 14 in Paveh, Kurdistan.[6/11 decision about the Kuwaiti cargo vessel after thor-
NYT] oughly inspecting its cargo, and that Iran would not
June 11: In an interview, MahdiBazargan,leader allow arms to reach Iraq by Gulf shipping routes.
of the LiberationMovementof Iran, said the war [6/26 AN]
with Iraqhurt"the economic, politicalandmilitary Iraqi warplanes hit a "large military target" near
interests"of Iran,and thatmost Iraniansand some Kharg Island, according to the Iraqi news agency.
of Iran's leaders oppose the continuationof the [6/26 FBIS]
war. [6/11CSM] June 26: Tehran radio said Iran had achieved
Baghdadradiosaid Iraqijets hit a largemaritime successes in the southern marshes, killing over 100
targetnear KhargIsland. [6/12FBIS] Iraqis in the Hawr al-'Azim region. [6/27 FBIS]
June 12:An IraqimilitaryspokesmansaidIraqijets June 27: Iraqi radio reported that Iraqi's 3rd Army
hit nine Iranian towns, includingTehran. Iran's had attacked Iranian forces on the southern front,
press agency reported37 deaths as a result of the killing 108 Iranians. [6/27 FBIS]
attack and said Iranian artillery shelled 22 Iraqi June 28: Iraq's news agency reported that Iranian
bordertowns in retaliation,causing 103Iraqicasu- warplanes hit a large maritime target near Kharg
alties. [6/14 NYT] Island. Tehran radio said Iranian forces repulsed
Iranian authoritiestold foreign news reporters Iraqi counter attacks in the southern region, but
thatmassive Iranianpro-warmarchesbeginningon Iraqi reports said Iraqi troops had recaptured the
14 June would demonstrateIraniandetermination southern Majnun oil field. [6/28 FBIS]

Iraq's press agency said Iraqi warplaneshit a can bases in the Aridalregion, killingor wounding
naval targetin the PersianGulf. (6/29NYT] over 250 Moroccantroops. [5/3 FBIS]
June 30: Iraq's militarycommand said its forces May12:A groupof Arab,African,Asian and Latin
hadrepulsedfourIranianattacks,killingor wound- Americandiplomatsbegan a Moroccan-sponsored
ing 140, and threatenedto resumebombingIranian tour of the WesternSahara.[5/13AN]
cities. Iranian officials claimed Iranian soldiers May 16: Morocco lodged an official protest with
killedor woundedmorethan300 Iraqisin an attack Kuwaitaftera Polisariodelegationwas receivedby
in the centralsector. [7/1 WP] officialsof the KuwaitiGeneralUnion of workers.
July 1: The Iranianpress agency said Iraqi war- [5/17FBIS]
planes had attackeda Kurdishrefugeecamp, end- May 17: The Polisariodenouncedwhat is said was
a fifth sand wall being constructedby Moroccan
ing a 15-daylull in attacks on civiliantargets. [7/2
NYT] forces furthersouth along the Mauritanianborder,
July2: Iraqreleased30 Iranianprisonersin a move and said the fourth wall had failed to achieve its
arrangedthroughthe Red Cross. [7/3 NYT] purpose.[5/20FBIS]
July 3: Iraqiplaneshit a "largemaritimetarget"in May 27: The Algerianpress agency reportedthat
the Gulf, accordingto Baghdadradio. [7/3 FBIS] Polisariofighterskilled 56 Moroccansoldiers in a
July 9: Iraqi planes attacked the Turkishtanker battle at Hufrat Wadi al-Guezza in the Western
Vatan south of Kharg Island. The Iraqi news Saharaon 22 May. [5/28NYT]
agency said Iraqitroops had capturedIranianpo- June 6: Algiers news agency quoted an official
sitions in the Mandallarea on July 8, causing 50 Polisario statementclaimingthat its soldiers car-
casualties. [7/9 FBIS] ried out 50 militaryoperationsagainst Moroccan
July 12: Iranian authorities released the positionsbetweenMay 16 and May 26, and that 80
Al-Muharraqafter three weeks, saying it had been Moroccan soldiers had died in the attacks. [6/7
carryingmilitaryequipmentto Iraq. [7/15WP] FBIS]
A Turkishsupertanker,the M. Ceyhan,was hit June23: AlgiersradioreportedthatPolisarioforces
by an Iraqiair strikesouthof Karg,andthe Iranian hadkilledor woundedover 500Moroccantroopsin
news agency said Iranianforces had launchedan recent attacks, and that the heaviest losses came
attackon the southernfront. Iraqireportssaid the duringa 14 June attackat Mahbes. [6/24 FBIS]
assault was repelled. [7/12WP] July 4: The Polisarioclaimed to have caused 221
July 14: An Iraqi militarycommuniquesaid Iraqi Moroccancasualtiesin a July 2 attack. [7/5 FBIS]
forces drove back two Iranian attacks on the
southern front and that Iraqi warplanes flew 72
sorties against Iranianpositions near Basra. [7/15
An Iranianmilitary spokesman said any ships
transportingarmsto Iraqthroughthe PersianGulf
would be seized. [7/15 WP]
(See also, Pakistan)

Western Sahara 1985

Apr. 17: The Saudipress agency reportedthat the
1985 Soviets had launchedtheir largest groundand air
Apr. 18: In an interviewin Washington,Algerian operationof the yearagainstrebelmujdahidin forces
President Chadli Benjedid accused Morocco of near Kabul, and that heavy fighting in Konar
avoidinga political settlementof the WesternSa- Province had resulted in many Soviet casualties.
hara conflict and said that the position of King [4/19FBIS]
Hassan II had "hardened" after Morocco's Apr. 22: In the wake of a series of Pakistani
"union" with Libya in 1984. [4/19NYT] complaints about Afghan planes violating
Apr. 19: In Paris, a representativeof the Polisario Pakistan's airspace, Kabul radio reported that
revealed that he had met in Lisbon with the Mo- Afghanistan'sForeign Ministry had protested to
roccan interior minister on Jan. 27 and had pro- Pakistan an overflight of Afghan territory by a
posed a directmeetingbetweenKingHassanII and Pakistanimilitaryplane on April 17. [4/23 FBIS]
the Polisario. He also indicatedthat Morocco had Apr. 23: PresidentBabrakKarmalopened a grand
rejectedan Algerianproposalfor relationsbetween tribalassemblyin Kabulin a effortto gain popular
Morocco and an independentSaharanstate similar supportfor the government'swar against Afghan
to those between Canadaand the UK. [4/21LM] mujahidin.[4/24]
Apr. 21: A spokesmanof the SDAR said that the Apr. 25: Karachi radio reported that Afghan
Polisario had killed 42 Moroccan soldiers and mujahidinattackeda bankin Qandaharcity, killing
wounded55 others in recent attacks. [4/22FBIS] 15 Soviet-Karmalsoldiers, and that Soviet rocket
May 2: In reports quoted by Algiers radio, the attackshaddamagedtwo buses, killing26 civilians.
Polisarioannouncedit had destroyed two Moroc- [4/25 FBIS]

Apr. 28: Thousandsof Afghanis staged a protest united front against the Kabul government. [5/17
marchin Mashhad,Iran, to markthe 7th anniver- FBIS]
sary of the Soviet-backed coup in Afghanistan. May 22: Karmal returned to Kabul from official
[4/29AN] trips to Moscow and Poland. [5/22 FBIS]
May 5: The Saudi press agency said the Afghan May 27: In an interview, 'Abd al-Rasul Sayyaf
mujahidinhad killed more than 150 Soviet soldiers denied that the US was assisting the rebels and said
in a 27 Apr. attackin ParwanProvince,andRiyadh such reports gave the USSR an excuse to intensify
radio reportedthat 365 Afghan villagershad been efforts to subdue the rebels. [5/28 FBIS]
killedby Soviet forces on April21 in the northeast- May 28: Western sources in Pakistan said Soviet
ern part of the country. [5/7 FBIS] forces had begun a major offensive in Kunar and
May 6: The Soviet ambassadorto Pakistansaid a Laghman provinces in an effort to cut off rebel
numberof Soviet soldiers held by Afghan rebels supply lines at the Pakistan border. [5/29 WP]
inside Pakistanhad been killed after they revolted May 31: Afghan jets reportedly bombed a Pakistani
and blew up an ammunitiondump near Peshawar border village, killing at least seven people. [6/1
on 27 Apr. [5/7 FBIS] AN]
May 8: The French press agency reportedthat an June 1: The State Department announced that US
Afghanguerrillablew up 500 Soviet militaryvehi- and Soviet diplomats would meet later in June for
cles at a base in northwesternAfghanistanon April their first official talks on Afghanistan in almost
30. [5/8 FBIS] three years. [6/2 WP]
A State Department official said the Reagan Afghan rebels said they had been forced by a
Administrationwould ask Congressfor $9 million Soviet napalm bombing and onslaught to retreat
dollarsfor open refugeeaid to Afghanrebelgroups. from the strategic Kunar valley, near the Pakistan
[5/9 NYT] border. [6/2 NYT]
May 9: State Departmentofficialssaid that the US June 2: Afghan rebels said Soviet paratroopers had
had provided $4 million in direct, secret humani- joined the battle over the Kunar Valley. [6/3 NYT]
tarianaid to Afghanrebels in the past year. [5/10 June 6: The French press agency reported that four
WP] anticommunist guerrilla groups from Afghanistan,
May 10: Leaders of three of the main Afghan Angola, Nicaragua and Laos had met in Angola
guerrillagroups told a crowd in Peshawar,Paki- under the auspices of a conservative American
stan, that they denounced an attemptby alliance group and formed a loose alliance called the Dem-
leader 'Abd al-RasulSayyaf to seize controlof the ocratic International. [6/6 FBIS]
allianceby appointinghimselfto anotherfour-year Rebel sources said Soviet forces were consoli-
term as head of the seven-memberAlliance of dating their positions in the Kunar Valley, burning
AfghanMujahidin.[5/11AN] crops and arresting suspects. [6/7 CSM]
May 14: Afghan refugees arrivingin Pakistanre- The Soviet-backed Afghan Revolutionary Coun-
ported widespreadmassacres of as many as 1000 cil approved amnesty for an unspecified number of
civilians by Soviet and governmenttroops during political prisoners. [6/7 FBIS]
an offensive in LaghmanProvince in April. [5/15 June 11: Soviet troops succeeded in breaking a
WP] yearlong seige by rebels of the Barikof garrison
The New York Times reportedthat the Soviet near Pakistan. [6/12 NYT]
Union had increasedair and artilleryattacksinside Fighting reportedly intensified in the Panjsher
Pakistan in an attempt to undermine Pakistani Valley, a former resistance stronghold north of
supportfor Afghanrebels. [5/15NYT] Kabul. [6/12 AN]
May 15: The Iraniannews agency reportedthat a Western diplomatic sources said Soviet and Af-
mujahidinmissile attack had caused heavy casual- ghan troops were withdrawing from the eastern
ties and damageto the USSR's largestair base in Kunar Valley, bringing their three-week offensive
FarahProvince. [5/16 FBIS] to an end. [6/12 FBIS]
May 16: Afghan resistance leader Burhanuddin June 16: Kabul radio announced that 48 rebels had
Rabbaniinvitedthe Soviet ambassadorto Pakistan surrendered their weapons in Konduz Province
to visit rebel camps in order to meet with Soviet and come over to the government side. [6/17 FBIS]
POWs. The invitationcame after reports, denied Rebel sources reported that 140 people, mostly
by Rabbani,that 24 Soviet andAfghansoldiershad Communist party members, died in a bomb explo-
died in an armsdepot blaston 27 April. [5/17FBIS] sion in Mazar-i-Sharif in northern Afghanistan.
May 17: Le Monde reportedthat dozens of Soviet [6/17 AN]
soldiers and pilots capturedby Afghanrebels had June 17: US and Soviet officials met in Washington
been secretly transferredto Pakistanduring1981, to discuss the war in Afghanistan for the first time
with the tacit approval of the Pakistanigovern- in three years. [6/17 CSM]
ment. [5/17 LM] June 19: UN-sponsored "proximity talks" began in
Riyadh radio announced that seven Afghan Geneva between the Afghan and Pakistani govern-
mujahidin organizations had agreed to form a ments regarding the war in Afghanistan. [6/19 WP]

The Washington Post reported that Afghan May 6: 33 persons were condemned to prison terms
rebels had blown up several Soviet MIG fighter for their part in the 26 April disturbances in the old
planes at Shindand Air Force base in western city of Algiers. [5/8 LM]
Afghanistanthe week before, destroying"a signif- May 15: US Undersecretary Richard Murphy ar-
icant portion"of the AfghanAir Force. [6/19WP] rived in Algiers for talks on the Middle East
June 22: Mujahidinsaid their forces had over- situation. [5/17 FBIS]
whelmedgovernmentposts in the PanjsherValley, May 18: Benjedid returned from a visit to Latin
killing or wounding as many as 400 government America and Senegal. [5/20 FBIS]
soldiers. [6/23AN] Reagan nominated Craig Johnstone as new US
June 24: Afghan-Pakistanitalks ended in Geneva, ambassador to Algeria, replacing Michael Newlin.
and were describedas "intenseandfruitful."[6/26 [5/19 AN]
AN] June 10: Benjedid met Indian Prime Minister Rajiv
June 26: The WashingtonPost reportedthat sev-
Ghandi, in Algiers for an official visit. [6/11 FBIS]
eral AfghanAir Force officialshad been executed
after mujahidinsaboteursdestroyed20 jet fighters June 22: MEED reported that about 70 Algerians
on 12 June at Shindandbase. [6/26WP] had been jailed for two to four years for their role
July 4: PakistaniPrimeMinisterMuhammadKhan in clashes over land distribution in southern Alge-
Junejo said Pakistanwanted direct talks with the ria on 5-7 June. [6/22 MEED]
Soviet Union in orderto end the Afghanwar. [7/5 June 24: French Prime Minister Laurent Fabius
WP] arrived in Algiers for an official two-day visit aimed
July 9: Afghan rebels reportedlyincreased their at improving bilateral relations. [6/25 FBIS]
attackson Kabul,hittingthe Soviet embassythere July 1: Benjedid began an official three-day visit to
with rockets on July 2. [7/10WP] Spain, during which Spain and Algeria planned to
July 14: The Afghanistan Foreign Ministry de- sign an economic and industrial cooperation agree-
manded Pakistan return two Afghan helicopters ment. [7/1 LM]
and their crews, saying the aircrafthad got "lost" July 9: Abdenour Ali Yahia, president of the Alge-
and strayedover the border.Pakistansaid the men rian League for Human Rights, was arrested by
had asked for political asylum and wanted to join Algerian authorities, following his demands in sup-
the Afghanresistance. [7/15NYT] port of young members of the Sons of Martyrs
group arrested 5 July. [7/11 LM]
July 11: Algeria appealed to the UN for inter-
national aid for more than 40,000 refugees from
drought-afflicted Mali and Niger in southern Alge-
ria. [7/12 WP]
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Regional
Affairs, Lebanon)

Apr. 16: On the eve of PresidentChadliBenjedid's
visit to Washington,the WashingtonPost reported
(See also, Regional Affairs, Kuwait)
that the Reagan administrationhad decided to
allow Algeriato purchaseUS armsfor the firsttime
since Algerianindependence.[4/16 WP]
Apr. 17: Benjedid met with Reagan at the White 1985
House, where the two presidents discussed the Apr. 16: Omani Sultan Qabus bin Sa'id arrived in
Middle East peace process and possible Algerian Manama on a 3-day official visit. [4/16 FBIS]
armspurchasesfromthe US. It was the firstofficial
May 7: Jordan's King Ijusayn arrived in Bahrain
visit to the US by an Algerianhead of state in 23
for an official visit, reportedly to muster support for
years. [4/18 WP]
Apr. 26: Le Monde reportedthat several days of his peace efforts. [5/8 AN]
disturbancesin the old city of Algiers had been May 21: Sudanese Prime Minister al-Jazuli
provoked by a chronic water shortage and the Daf'allah arrived in Manama for a brief official visit
collapse of a dilapidatedbuildingwhich reportedly and met with Amir Shaykh 'Isa ibn Salman Al-
killed two people. [4/29 LM] Khalifa before departing for Abu Dhabi. [5/22
Apr. 29: In Medea, an Algerian court jailed 83 FBIS]
Islamic fundamentalists,three for life, on charges June 4: The Defense Department announced the
of belongingto or sympathizingwith the clandes- proposed sale of six F-SE fighter jets to Bahrain.
tine Islamic Movementin Algeria. [5/1 NYT] [6/6 AN]

tians were sentenced to death for an armed attack
Cyprus eight years before that resulted in the death of a
(See also, Lebanon) police commissioner near the Libyan border. [4/25
1985 Apr. 27: Omani Sultan Qabfis bin Sa'id arrived in
Cairo for a two-day state visit. [4/28 AN]
May5: TurkishCypriotsoverwhelminglyapproved
in a referenduma new constitutionfor their self- May 3: The Pentagon informed Congress of plans
proclaimedTurkishRepublicof NorthernCyprus. to sell 94 tanks to Egypt, despite its suspension of
[5/6 NYT] arms sales to the Middle East. [5/4 WP]
May 16: The two leadingpoliticalpartiesin Greek May 4: Egypt's parliament voted to review Egypt's
Cyprus rejected an offer by President Spyros legal code "gradually and scientifically" and to
Kiprianou for joint action in negotiations with revise provisions that contradict Islamic law, but
TurkishCypriots. [5/17TDN] ruled out the immediate imposition of the Shari'a.
May 17: Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash [5/5 NYT]
announcedhis candidacyfor presidentialelections May 18: Mubarak returned to Cairo after a four-day
to be held June 9. [5/18AN] visit to Turkey and Romania. [5/20 FBIS]
June 8: Thousands of Greek Cypriots staged a May 19: A judge approved the confiscation of 3000
demonstrationin Nicosia against the policies of copies of an unexpurgated version of A Thousand
Kiprianou.[6/9 AN] and One Nights on the grounds that obscene
June9: Denktashwas re-electedwith 70.5 per cent passages were a threat to Egypt's moral fabric.
of the vote. [6/10NYT] [5/20 NYT]
June 12: Greek Cypriots accepted a UN draft May 21: Mubarak reportedly refused to meet a
agreementaimed at reunitingthe island, and UN Libyan envoy, Ahmad Qadhdhaf al-Dam, cousin to
SecretaryGeneralJavierPerez de Cuellarsaid he Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, saying he
was waitingfor a response from the Turkishside. had "no more confidence in Libyan promises."
[6/13WP] [5/22 FBIS]
June 14: The UN Security Council voted unani- May 23: Egypt's Interior Ministry announced it had
mously to extend the mandateof the UN peace- foiled a Libyan and Syrian-based terrorist's
keeping force in Cyprus, and the UN repre- group's plans to bomb an unidentified foreign em-
sentative of the TurkishCypriots said there were bassy in Cairo. Police and other officials said it was
"substantial and fundamental differences" be- the US Embassy. [5/24 NYT]
tween the agreementaccepted by Greek Cypriots May 24: Libya denied Egyptian charges that it was
and a earlier draft accepted by the Turks. [6/16 behind the embassy plot. [5/25 NYT]
NYT] June 5: Mubarak met Indian Prime Minister Rajiv
June 23: Turkish Cypriots voted in preliminary Ghandi in Cairo during the first visit to Egypt by an
elections. [6/24 WP] Indian head of state in 15 years. [6/6 AN]
June 24: The center-rightNational Unity party, June 11: In an attempt to avert a June 14 demon-
shortof an absolutemajorityin the TurkishCypriot stration called by fundamentalist Hafiz Salama to
elections, was expected to forma coalitiongovern- support the adoption of strict Islamic law, Egypt's
ment. [6/25 NYT] Interior Ministry announced that public marches
July 3: Greek Prime Minister Andreas were not permitted and would be dealt with
Papandreaouheld talksin Athenswith a US official "strictly" by authorities. [6/12 FBIS]
regardingCyprus. [7/4 AN] June 14: Salama cancelled a pro-Shari'a demon-
July5: Turkishofficialssaid they rejectedthe UN's stration moments before it was to begin, as
second draftproposalfor settlingthe Cyprusprob- Mubarak ordered more than 1000 riot police on
lem because Turkey had not been consulted re- alert to confront any marchers. Salama said he
gardingit. [7/7 AN] wanted a peaceful march and said he would wait to
July 8: Kiprianouflew to Greece for consultations see how the Egyptian courts ruled on his petitions
with Greek PrimeMinisterAndreasPapandreaou. to march legally. [6/15 WP]
[7/9 AN] June 15: A special court rejected Salama's petition,
saying his march would cause disturbances and
friction. [6/16 WP]
June 25: Talks between high-level Egyptian and
Iraqi officials began in Cairo, reportedly regarding
Egypt the Iran-Iraq war and strengthening mutual ties.
[6/26 FBIS]
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional June 27: Al-Ahram reported that Egyptian security
Affairs, Lebanon, Sudan, Turkey) forces had thwarted a "foreign-engineered" plot to
carry out acts of sabotage in Egypt. [6/28 AN]
1985 Egypt and Iraq signed a "comprehensive coop-
Apr. 23: In Alexandria,two Libyansandten Egyp- eration" agreement in Cairo. [6/28 FBIS]

July 1: The Interior Ministry said motorists had Apr. 23: President'All Khaman'icalled for an end
seven days to remove Muslimand Copticreligious to demonstrationsin Tehran in which Hizballah
stickers from their vehicles, followingrecent reli- party members called for observance of Islamic
gious tension in ruralareas. [7/2 AN] dress, saying they might be exploited by Iran's
The People's Assembly approved amendments enemies. [4/24WP]
to the new PersonalStatusLaw to makeit consist- Apr. 24: In a speech, Ayatallah Ruihallah
ent with Shari'a, according to Cairo radio. [7/2 Khumaynicalled for unity between the regular
FBIS] Iranian armed forces and the Revolutionary
July 2: The Egyptian government passed a law Guards, saying divisiveness would ruin their
recognizing certain basic rights for women, in chances for success. [4/25FBIS]
effect reinstatingAnwar al-Sadat's 1979 law on Apr. 25: The West Germanpress agency reported
marriage,but retainingmen's right to polygamy. that about 1000people had been detained in Iran
The government also dismissed Salama and ap- after they participatedin peaceful demonstrations
pointedanothershaykhfor his mosque. [7/3 WP] againstthe Iran-Iraqwar. [4/25FBIS]
The Ministry of Awqaf announced it had ex- Apr. 29: Le Monde reported that the four-year
tended its supervisionto "all mosquesthroughout allianceof the two majorarmedIranianopposition
the country." [7/3 FBIS] groups, the Muj&hidin-iKhalq and the Kurdish
Oppositionmembersin the People's Assembly Democratic party, had broken down over the
withdrewin protest over a measurelifting immu- Kurdish group's refusal to renounce all contact
nity from Wafd party member Mu$tafd Shardi with the Iraniangovernment.[4/29 LM]
because of reports he published regardingviola- Apr.30: IrajIskandarl,founderof the Tudahparty,
tions in the Alexandriaelectorate. [7/3 FBIS] died in Berlinat the age of 76. [5/14 FBIS]
AgricultureSecretary John Block said the US May 12:A car bombkilled 15 people and wounded
would subsidize wheat flour exports to Egypt in 50 in Tehran.[5/13 WP]
hopes of displacingEuropeansales. [7/5 CSM] May 13: A second bomb exploded in Tehran, but
July 5: Salama defied the government ban and no casualtieswere reported.[5/14AN]
addresseda large crowd at his Cairomosque. [7/6 May 14: The Iranian news agency (IRNA) an-
AN] nouncedthatthose responsiblefor the recentbomb
July 8: On appeal by Salama, a high court over- attacksin Tehranhad been arrestedand that sev-
turneda banby the InteriorMinistryandpavedthe eral had been executed. [5/14 FBIS]
way for a largeIslamicrallyin Cairoset forJuly 11. May 17: Motorists created a huge trafficjam in
[7/10WP] Tehranto demonstrateagainstthe governmentand
The Egyptian news agency said Mubarakhad the war with Iraq, in answer to an appeal from
refused to meet with Libya's intelligence chief, Paris by exiled formerpremierShahpuirBakhtiar.
following anti-Egypt remarks by Libyan leader [5/18WP]
Mu'ammaral-Qadhdh&fi. [7/9 FBIS] IRNA reportedthat "a few hundredsupporters
July 14: Salamawas arrestedfor questioningafter of the defunctshah resortedto childishdisplays in
police raided his office and found "antigovern- the capital"on May 17, and that they had coordi-
ment" leaflets.Reportedlypolice hadarrestedhun- nated their actions with "imperialist"news agen-
dredsof fundamentalistsin the pastfew days. [7/15 cies. [5/20FBIS]
WPI May 18: Saudi Foreign MinisterPrince Sa'uidal-
Fay$albegan an officialvisit to Iran, the first by a
Saudi official since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
May 19: In a news conference, Iranian Interior
Iran Minister 'All Akbar Nateqnuri said Iran's only
legal opposition party, the Freedom Movement,
(See also, Regional Affairs, Afghanistan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia,Syria) had been officiallyinvitedto take partin presiden-
tial elections later in the year and could reopen its
1985 Tehran office, ransacked three months before.
Apr. 17: Le Monde reportedthat new demonstra- [5/20AN]
tions broke out in TehranApril 14 to protest the May20: The Iranianparliamentapproveda bill that
death of a young Iraniankilled by securityforces. wouldgive peasantsand squattersthe rightto keep
[4/17LM] parts of big estates they took over after the 1979
Apr. 20: Ajoint statementbroadcastby clandestine revolution, but would allow landownerswho es-
Radio of the IranianToilers, the oppositionTudah caped redistributionto keep their estates. [5/21
party and the Feda'iyan-iKhalq said recent dem- NYT]
onstrationsin Tehranprotestingthe Iran-Iraqwar May 23: Iranian authorities expelled a Reuters
had been brutallycrushed by regime authorities. correspondent,accusinghimof sendingbiased and
[4/24 FBIS] false reports. [5/24 NYT]

May 26: IranianSpeakerHashimiRafsanjanicon- trademissionto Baghdad,originallyscheduledfor
demned the US for linking terrorist attacks in Apr. 20-22, probablyas a result of Iraq's intensi-
Lebanonto Iran and said Iran would close off the ficationof the war. [4/26MEED]
PersianGulfif Iranianportswere "violated." [5/28 Apr. 27: DavidG. Newton, charg6d'affairesat the
FBIS] US Baghdadembassy, was nominatedas the first
June 5: Clandestine Radio Nejat-i Iran reported US ambassadorto Iraq since the resumptionof
thatthreepowerfulbombblasts shook Qom, killing diplomaticrelations.[4/28AN]
11 persons. [6/7 FBIS] Apr. 30: West Germany expelled the second-
June 17: Six members of the Mujahidin-iKhalq rankingIraqidiplomatin Bonn, afterIraqexpelled
were executed in Tehranfor acts of terrorism.[6/18 the West German charge d'affaires three weeks
FBIS] before, reportedly for contacts with opposition
June 22: The Iranianpress agency reportedthat a figures.[5/1 AN]
car bomb exploded in a Tehransuburb,wounding May 2: King Husayn of Jordan ended a 24-hour
five people. [6/23 NYT] visit to Baghdad.[5/3 AN]
June25: Rafsanjanireturnedto Iranaftera five-day May 8: The Frenchpress agency said fightinghad
trip to Libya and Syria. [6/26 FBIS] brokenout in northernIraqbetween Kurdishsep-
June 26: Rafsanj ni led a high-leveldelegationto aratistsand Iraqitroops, and that 180Iraqisand 4
the People's Republicof China. [6/27 FBIS] Kurdshad been killed. [5/9 FBIS]
Iranianradio reportedthat over 100 "leftists," June9: Le Mondereportedthat 20 techniciansand
mostly membersof the illegal KurdishDemocratic expertsfromvariouscountrieswere being held by
party(KDP), hadbeen killedor woundedin battles Kurdishguerrillasin Iraq. [6/6 LM]
with Revolutionary Guards in Kurdistan, Iran. June 17: Libyan Foreign Minister 'Ali 'Abd al-
[6/27 FBIS] Salamal-Turaykiarrivedin Baghdadfor an official
June 29: Kazim Zamani, an Iranianliving in the visit and met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq
Washingtonarea, was arrested on charges of at- 'Aziz. [6/18FBIS]
temptingto exportmilitaryequipmentto Iran.[6/30
June 2: Rafsanjanimet with Japanese officials in
Tokyo. Iran sought repaymentfor fees relatedto
the stalled joint Iranian-Japanesepetro-chemical
complex, and Japan sought compensation for
losses incurredduringthe IranianRevolution.[7/3 (See al'so, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Lebanon,
FBIS] Turkey).
July 4: In Tokyo, Rafsanj&ni called on the US to
take the initiativeon restoringrelationswith Iran. 1985
[7/5 WP] Apr. 22: In Washington,the US and Israel signed
July 7: Hujjat al-Islam Muhammad Musavi theirfree-tradezone agreementthat will eliminate
Khuwayniha,leader of the studentswho took the all tradeobstacles between the two countriesover
hostages at the AmericanEmbassyin Tehran,was the next ten years. [4/23JP]
appointedprocurergeneralof Iran by Khumayni. Apr. 27: In an exchange of letters with US Secre-
[7/9 LM] tary of State GeorgeShultz, IsraeliPrimeMinister
July 8: IranianPrimeMinisterMirHusaynMusavi Shimon Peres outlined a programto reform the
said the USSR's decision to withdrawits experts Israelieconomyin orderto meet US conditionsfor
from Iran had caused "problems," especially at $1.5 billionin emergencyaid. [4/28 NYT]
the Isfahanpower plant. [7/9 FBIS] Apr. 28: The Israeli Cabinet approved Peres's
proposalfor the formationof an "inner cabinet"
composedof five LaborAlignmentand five Likud
ministers,which would have far-reachingand un-
precedentedpowers. [4/29JP]
Iraq CommunicationsMinisterAmnonRubinsteinled
the call for an officialinquiryinto the Lebanonwar
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Petroleum and the role of former defense minister Ariel
Affairs, Regional Affairs, Egypt, Kuwait, Sharon.Sharonalso called for an inquiry,to focus
Morocco) on the "disloyalty" of the opposition, but Vice
Prime MinisterYitzhak Shamir said he was vio-
1985 lently opposed to any inquiry.[4/30 FBIS]
Apr. 20: Iraq temporarilyclosed its border with Apr. 29: Breaking silence on the matter, Peres
Turkey because of an epidemicof a cattle disease called the Reagan visit to Bitburg cemetery in
in Iraq. [4/20-21TDN] Germany"ill-advised."[4/29FBIS]
Apr. 26: MEEDannouncedthatthe US Commerce Apr. 30: Facing mountingcongressionalpressure,
Departmenthad postponedindefinitelyits planned Shultz said the administrationwould support a

two-year $1.5 billion emergency aid programto June 20: Israel's municipal workers returned to
Israel. [5/1 WP] work following a court order, and gas stations
The US Navy accepted delivery of Israeli-built reopenedafterEnergyMinisterMoshe Shahalgave
jet fightersfor use in trainingas the first step in into demandsof the Associationof Service Station
increasedmilitarycooperationbetweenthe US and owners and granted a 50 per cent increase in
Israel. [511NYT] commissionfees. [6/21JP]
May 3: The Washington newsletter Aerospace June 25: Israel's elementaryschool and kindergar-
Daily said Israel had deployed nuclearmissiles in ten teacherswent on strike, three days before the
the Negev and Golan Heights, according to the end of the school year. [6/25JP]
JerusalemPost. [5/3 JP] June 30: In a marathonCabinet session, Peres
The State Departmentsaid it "could not con- clashed with other Labor party leaders who re-
firm" reports that Israel had begun deploying fused to endorse the enforcementof any austerity
nuclear-armedJerichomissiles. [5/4 WP] plan through emergency regulations, and Peres
May 6: The Knesset FinanceCommitteeapproved indicatedthat the governmentwould stand or fall
the transfer of more than 8 million shekels for upon the Cabinet'sacceptanceof the plan. Prices
settlements, includingtwo new settlementsin the of some Israeli goods, such as bread, cooking oil
West Bank. [5/7 FBIS] and milk, rose by 60 to 70 per cent, and were to go
May 13: In Histadruttradeunionelections, Israel's up even more if the plan were approved.[7/1 JP]
Labor Alignmentwon approximately70% of the July 1: The Israeli governmentdeclared an eco-
vote versus the Likud party's 19%.[5/14JP] nomic emergencyand imposeda sweeping auster-
May 14: Duringan official visit to Israel, Zaire's ity plan, includingan 18.8 per cent devaluationof
President Mobutu Sese Seko said other African the shekel, price increasesin subsidizedproducts,
states would renew ties with Israel in the future. public sector layoffs, spending cuts, and a wage
[5115CSM] andpricefreeze. The Histadrutcalledfor a general
May 16: A Los Angeles man, RichardE. Smyth, strikeon July 9 to protestthe measures.All seven
was indicted by a federal grandjury for illegally Cabinet votes against the plan came from Likud
exportingto Israel 800 timingdevices that can be members.[7/2 NYT]
used to triggernuclearbombs. [5/17WP] July2: The Knesset approvedthe austerityplanby
May 17: An Israeli Defense Ministryofficial said a large margin.[7/2 FBIS]
Israel would return the timing devices, or Israel's economy slowed to a halt as 1.5 million
"krytons," to the US if reimbursedfor theircost, workersjoined a one-daygeneral strike to protest
and that Israel had been "unaware"of the export austeritymeasures. [7/3 WP]
ban on the devices. [5/17 FBIS] US officialspraised Israel's economic austerity
May 19: The Israelicabinetagreedon 20 economic measures.[7/3 JP]
measures, including an increased tax on foreign July3: Israeligovernmentandunionofficialsmet in
travel, designed to help Israel's shaky economy. an effortto reach a compromiseon the implemen-
[5/20 NYT] tation of the economic plan. [7/4 WP]
May21: A privatelobbyinggroup,The Washington Reagansent Peres a letter assuringhim that ties
Officeon Africa, said Israel and South Africa had betweenthe US and Israelwere strongerthanever
conductedajoint nuclearweaponstest in 1979that afterthe hostage crisis. [7/4 JP]
the Carter Administrationhad hushed up. [5/22 July 7: Two bombs and two grenadesexploded in
NYT] three separateattacks at a bus stop, a hitchhiking
June 2: Shamirarrivedin Londonfor a three-day stop and a mosquein the Tel Aviv area, wounding
officialvisit. [6/3 JP] five people. [7/8 AN]
June 4: The South African homeland of July 9: Electrical, telephone, communicationand
Bophuthatswanaopened an office in Tel Aviv, marineworkers struck as government,labor and
embarrassingIsraeli officials who fear it could manufactureofficials met to try to resolve the
damage Israeli relations with black Africa. [6/5 dispute over the use of emergency regulationsto
NYT] impose austeritymeasures. [7/9 JP]
June 11: Twenty-onepeople, including17 school- July 10: Israeli unions called off a general strike
children,died after a school bus was hit by a train after Peres promisedto delay implementationof
near Atlit. [6/12JP] emergencymeasures, but the prime minister'sof-
Reagan signed into law the US-Israelfree trade fice said the regulationswould still take effect.
agreement.[6/13JP] Following talks with labor leaders, Peres said he
June 19: Israel's economic package deal was re- could not describethe seriousnessof the situation
portedlyin danger,with unofficialprice hikes ram- "because people would simply up and leave."
pant and vital sections of the economy paralyzed LikudministersattackedFinanceMinisterYitzhak
by a series of warningstrikes.A three-daywarning Moda'i, accusing him of concealingdetails of the
strike by manufacturersbegan, and most gas sta- measures, and the Histadrutstruck Israeli TV to
tions closed for 48 hours to press demandsfor a preventPeres from explainingthe measuresto the
highercommissionon gas. [6/19JP] nation. [7/11JP]

July 11: EEC officialssaid a Luxembourgcompany May 5: Kuwaiti Justice Minister Salman al-Du'ayj
had sold Israel47 tons of uraniumin contravention Al-Sabah resigned amid a controversy over his role
of internationalsafeguards.[7/12 WP] in handling the 1982 stock market collapse. [5/6
May 6: Kuwait's minister of Islamic Affairs, Khalid
al-Jasir, was appointed Justice Minister, replacing
Du'ayj. [5/10 FBIS]
Jordan King Husayn of Jordan paid a brief official visit
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional to Kuwait. [5/7 AN]
Affairs, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Kuwaiti Oil and Industry Minister Shaykh 'All
Arabia, UAE) Al-Khalifa submitted his resignation. [5/8 FBIS]
May 13: The Kuwait government declared an am-
nesty for people who transferred funds abroad to
1985 avoid paying debts caused by the 1982 al-Manakh
Apr. 23: SultanQabfisbin Sa'id of Omanarrivedin
stock market crash. [5/15 FBIS]
Jordanon a 5-day officialvisit. [4/24 FBIS]
May 21: Sudan's Prime Minister al-Jazfili Daf'allah
Apr. 29: The governmentof PrimeMinisterZayd
stopped in Kuwait for a brief visit. [5/22 FBIS]
al-Rifa'i won a parliamentaryvote of confidence.
May 24: Students at Kuwait University began a
[4/30 FBIS]
strike protesting summer semester schedules, fol-
May 31: Jordanianofficials denied reports that
lowing a police clash with secondary school stu-
King Husayn had cut short his US visit because of
dents several days earlier. [5/25 AN]
the discovery of a coup plot againsthim. [6/1AN]
May 25: A suicide bomber drove his car into the
June 3: A groupof nearly70 Senatorssponsoreda
motorcade of Amir Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad Al-
nonbindingresolutiondeclaringthatthe US should
Sabah in Kuwait city, killing at least four persons.
not sell advanced military equipment to Jordan
The amir escaped serious injury. Islamic Jihad
until it enters direct negotiationswith Israel. [6/4
claimed responsibility for the attack and called for
the release of its members held in Kuwait for a
US Secretary of State George Shultz said the
series of bombings in Dec. 1983. [5/26 WP]
Senate resolution opposing arms sales to Jordan
May 26: Iranian President 'Ali Khaman'i sent a
was "not a service to the peace process." [6/5WP]
message of sympathy to Shaykh Jabir and con-
June 7: Husayn met with PrimeMinisterMargaret
demned the assassination attempt as "a criminal
Thatcherin London regardingMiddle East peace
act." [5/27 AN]
efforts. [6/8 AN]
May 27: Kuwaiti authorities said the suicide
June 16: Husaynreturnedto Ammanaftera visit to
bomber had been identified as an Iraqi with a
the US and the UK. [6/16 FBIS]
Pakistani passport and had been a member of the
June 20: The Senate approvedthe administration's
pro-Iranian group al-Da'wa. [5/28 NYT]
requestfor $250 millionin economic aid to Jordan
May 30: Kuwaiti authorities announced they had
and said it would consider military assistance if
arrested 20 people in connection with the assassi-
Jordanentereddirect peace talks with Israel. [6/21
nation attempt. [5/31 AN]
June 9: The Kuwaiti cabinet approved a tough
July 1: Jordan'smilitaryforces begantwo weeks of
anti-terrorism bill calling for the death penalty for
military exercises backed by US personnel and
any terrorist acts which cause loss of life. [6/15
aircraft.[7/2 NYT]
July 2: Jordan's lower house of parliamentap-
June 15: A Kuwaiti court acquitted nine people
proved a law establishinga "people's army" to
charged in connection with the assassination of an
supportthe regulararmyin wartime.[7/3 AN]
Kuwait'sAl-Watanreportedthat more than 200 Iraqi diplomat and his son in March. [6/16 AN]
Jordanianactivists hadrecentlysigneda memoran- June 24: Bahrain's leader, Shaykh 'Isa ibn Salman
dum callingfor increasedfreedomand democracy Al-Khalifa paid a brief visit to Kuwait. [6/26 AN]
in Jordan[7/5 FBIS] June 26: Kuwaiti officials quietly purged a number
of Arab officials in sensitive government positions
following the 25 May assassination attempt against
Shaykh Jabir, according to Gulf reports. [6/27 AN]
June 30: The Kuwaiti Cabinet approved a draft law
Kuwait that could put ministers on trial and would hold
them responsible for subordinates' misappropria-
(See also, RegionalAffairs, Lebanon, Libya, tions. [7/2 FBIS]
Saudi Arabia) July 7: Turkish Prime Minister Turgut Ozal met in
Kuwait with the amir during a brief official visit.
1985 [7/8 AN]
Apr. 23: The editor of Kuwait's al-Siyydsa daily July 8: A Kuwaiti politician called for the deporta-
was woundedin a machinegunattack. [4/25WP] tion of 23 American Jews working on the 'Abdallah

Harbor refinery, calling them "a threat to the Apr. 22: Druze leaderWalidJunblatsaid he would
country." [7/9 AN] not allow al-Murabituin leader IbrThimQulaylatto
July 11: Bombs planted in two popular Kuwaiti returnto Beirut,afterQulaylatexpressedhis inten-
cafes killednine people andinjured56 others. [7/29 tion to do so. [4/22FBIS]
WP] Samir Ja'ja', the Phalanges chief of staff, de-
clared a comprehensive unilateral ceasefire in
Sidon. [4/22FBIS]
Artilleryexchangesbetween Christianand Mus-
lim militias continued in Sidon, despite the
Lebanon Apr. 23: Christianmilitiamenbegan to withdraw
from hills east of Sidon, reportedlyto help ease
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional fightingthere. [4/24NYT]
Affairs, Israel) Lebanese Muslim leaders, including Karami,
and formerprime ministersSalim al-Huss, Taqiy
1985 al-Dinal-Sulhand Rashidal-Sulhleft for meetings
Apr. 16: In Beirut, membersof Nabih Birri'sShi'i in Damascus with Syrian Vice President 'Abd
Amal militia fought with their former allies, the al-HalimKhaddam.[4/23 FBIS]
Sunni Murabitin, after the latter tried to open a Apr. 24: In Damascus, heads of fightingMuslim
militiaofficein a residentialneighborhood.At least factionsagreedon a planto end the fighting,which
two were reportedkilled in the fighting.[4/17WP] provided for a unified security force to patrol
Apr. 17: Lebanon's national unity Cabinet re- Beirut. [4/25WP]
signed, hoursafterShi'i andDruzemilitiamenwere Khaddamannouncedthat Kardmihad rescinded
reportedin full controlof West Beirut. At least 29 his resignation.[4/25FBIS]
were said to be dead and 120woundedin the wake Rafiq Salim Darbasani, also known as Abu
of fierce fighting between Amal and Murabitfin Nidal, the PLOcommanderof the centralsector of
militiasand their allies. [4/18NYT] southern Lebanon, was assassinated near
Prime Minister Rashid al-Karamiagreed to re- al-Qasimiyah.[4/29FBIS]
main at the head of a caretakergovernment.[4/18 Apr.25: The PhalangistLebaneseForces calledfor
FBIS] a general strike on Apr. 27 to protest continuing
The UN SecurityCouncilvoted to extend by six violence in Sidon and the Lebanese Army's "hes-
monthsthe mandateof the 10-nationUNIFILforce itation" in enforcing its authority in the area.
in Lebanon, to October 19. [4/18JP] Beirut radio said armed militias prevented the
Apr. 18: Karamiwent to Damascusfor talks with army's deployment,even though a ceasefire had
Syrian PresidentHafiz al-Asad, amid reportsthat been concluded.[4/26FBIS]
Karamiwas underpressurefromboth Syriaandhis Apr. 26: Palestinianand Muslimmilitiamenover-
fellow Sunni Muslimsto withdrawhis resignation. ran Christian villages east of Sidon, reportedly
In anotherdevelopment,unidentifiedgunmenkid- looting and burninghomes abandonedby Chris-
napped George Sayigh, the vice presidentfor ad- tians after Lebanese Forces militiamen left for
ministrationof the AmericanUniversityof Beirut Beirut following Israel's withdrawal from the
(AUB). [4/19 NYT] nearbyJazzin area. [4/27NYT]
The MilitaryCommandestablishedby Amaland Apr. 27: As manyas 17,000Christianfamiliesfrom
the PSP issued a statement saying their forces villagesnearSidonhadarrivedin Jazzin, according
would begin patrollingWest Beirut and that all to Lebanese police, and ChristianCabinet mem-
other armedmen were prohibited.Amal and PSP bers called for an emergencymeetingto deal with
gunmen also reportedly raided houses of the situation.Jumayyilconsulted with Asad in an
al-Murabitin officials in the Sunni areas and attemptto secure Syrianassistancein dealingwith
clashed with Palestinians in the Shatila refugee Palestiniansand LebaneseMuslimscontrollingthe
camp. [4/19 FBIS] Christianvillages. [4/28NYT]
Apr. 19: Sayighwas releasedunharmedafterbeing Apr. 28: Forty-twopersonswere reportedkilledas
held for one night. [4/19 FBIS] Muslim militiamenand their Druze allies gained
Apr. 20: In Sidon, 19 people were killed and 48 control of key Lebanese ports and the coastal
wounded in mortar, rocket and tank fire from highwayfrom Beirutto Sidon. [4/29 WP]
Christian militia positions on hills to the east. Clashes broke out as Muslim-Christiantension
Nazih Bizri, a memberof parliamentfrom Sidon, spread to Beirut, and 20 people were reportedly
urged residents to take up arms to defend them- wounded. [4/29FBIS]
selves and said he had ceased contacts with the Apr. 29: Druze and Amal forces halted their ad-
Jumayyil government because of its inability to vance towardsJazzinto give Christiansin the town
stop the fighting.In Beirut,Moslempoliticiansmet time to expel 200 militiamenof the SouthernLeb-
to try to end the violence between Moslemmilitias anon Army (SLA). The Druze and Amal fighters
strugglingfor control of West Beirut. [4/21WP] promised not to attack Jazzin if the Christian

militiamenleft. Meanwhile, InformationMinister thathis forces had seized icons andgold coins from
Joseph Skff said he would resignfromthe govern- a Greek Catholicmonasteryin the Shfif, and said
ment. [4/30AN] they would not be returned until the Vatican
Shi'i militiamenand a token force of Lebanese adopted an "evenhanded"position on Lebanon.
Army soldiers established control in Tyre and [5/13WP]
nearby Shi'i towns, one day after Israeli troops May 13: A rocket attackhit Lebanon'scentrallaw
withdrew. Amal militiamen set up checkpoints courtsin Beirut,startinga firethat destroyedall of
outside the al-Rashidiyarefugee camp, vowing to Lebanon'slegal records. [5/14CSM]
prevent the reestablishmentof an armedPalestin- Birrirejecteda compromisewith the Phalanges
ian presence in southernLebanon. [5/1 WP] militia, saying it was time for a clear victor to
In Beirut, large-scale gun battles took place emergefrom Lebanon'scivil war. [5/15 CSM]
across the Green Line. [5/1 NYT] May 15: The deputy directorof UNRWA, Aiden
May 2: Christianleaders in Jazzin negotiatedwith Walsh, was kidnappedin Beirut. Islamic Jihad
Muslimleadersin an attemptto avert an attackby claimedresponsibility.[5/15FBIS]
Muslimmilitiasseeking to eject SLA fighters.[5/3 May 16: Walsh was freed unharmedin Beirut 36
AN] hours after he was kidnapped.[5/17JP]
Clashes continuedin Beirut, after the Lebanese May17:FiercefightingbetweenMuslimand Chris-
Forces' rejectionof a Birri-Junblatceasefireplan, tian militias raged in Beirut, after a car bomb
according to Beirut radio. In the south, almost explosion wounded eight people in West Beirut.
20,000 Christianrefugees were reported to have SyrianPrimeMinister'Abd al-Ra'uifal-Kasmindi-
arrived in the Marj 'Uyuin area, and the Israeli cated Syriawould move to end civil strife, but did
Armyapproveda plan to transfermanyof them to not say if Syria would intervene militarily. [5/18
Beirut by sea. [5/3 FBIS] AN]
May 6: A bloody 12-hourartillerydual between May 20: There were clashes in the Palestinian
rival militias in Beirut took at least 28 lives and camps of Sabra and Shatila and in neighboring
woundedmore than 100 people. [5/8 WP] areas, between Amal and Palestiniangroups who
May 7: The JerusalemPost reportedthat members had seized Beirut's sports stadium and the
of the SLA had arrestedfive Dutch UNIFIL sol- Ghazzahhospitalearlierin the day. [5/20FBIS]
diers on May 5, releasing them only after Israeli Amalmilitiamenreportedlygainedcontrolof the
intervention.[5/7 JP] Sports City from Palestinianfighters, and Leba-
SLA leader General Antoine Lahd said his nese Army troops from the mostly Shl'l Sixth
forces would not leave Jazzin, noting that the Brigade took up positions in Sabra and Shatila,
IsraeliArmyhadrecentlysuppliedhimwith a large where they reportedlyprovided cover for Amal
quantityof ammunition.[5/7 FBIS] militiamen.[5/21FBIS]
May 8: A precariousceasefire appearedto have A Saudidiplomatkidnappedin Beirutmore than
taken hold in Beirut, after 11 days of fightingin a year before was released. [5/21WP]
which at least 77 died. All six crossings between May 21: Birriaccused 'Arafatof responsibilityfor
East and West Beirutremainedclosed. [5/9 WP] the fightingat the camps and said Amal would
In Beirut, five PLO leaders met with Lebanese never permitthe returnof the PLO as a force in
officialsin an attemptto bring 13 Palestinianrefu- Lebanon. [5/21FBIS]
gee camps in Lebanon under the control of the In Tyre, Amal fighterssurroundingthe refugee
newly-formedPalestine National SalvationFront, campsof al-Buss, Rashidiyah,and Buj al-Shamfli
instead of Fath loyalists. [5/9 NYT] demandedthat Palestiniansget passes to enter or
May9: Officialsof the Phalangesmilitia,reportedly leave the camps. In battles for control of the
underpressurefrom Syria, replacedJa'Ja'as head camps, rival PLO factions joined forces for the
of their executive committeewith Elie Hubayqah. second day againstAmalmilitiamenbackedby the
Ja'Ja' retainedhis post as chief of staff. After his SixthBrigade.Police reportedat least 121deathsin
election, Hubayqahaffirmedthe "essential" Syr- Beirutin four days. [5/22WP]
ian role in Lebanon and Lebanon's place in the May 22: A car bomb exploded in East Beirut,
Arab world. [5/10 WP] killing at least 50 and wounding 172, including
May 12:The WashingtonPost reportedthatin 1984 childrenon a school bus, and fightingintensified
the Reagan Administrationhad approved a CIA between Shi'i and Palestiniangunmen struggling
covert operationaimed at trainingand supporting for controlof refugeecamps, as Palestiniansin the
counterterroristunits in the Middle East, but that hills near Beirut opened fire with long-rangemis-
the operationhad been cancelled after one of the siles. [5/23NYT]
unitshad, withoutauthorization,detonateda bomb May 23: Voice of the Mountain radio said five
outside a Shiji leader'shome in Beiruton March8, Lebanese Army soldiers were killed and 11
killing80 and woundingmore than 200. [5/12WP] wounded in an ambush by SLA troops at al-
Junblatrejectedan appealfor unity and dialogue Maramilin southernLebanon. [5/24 FBIS]
by Hubayqah,saying the leadersof the Phalanges May 24: Fighting continued between Amal and
militia were "criminals." He also acknowledged Palestinianfighters in Beirut despite a ceasefire

agreement announced in Damascus during the June 1: Fightingdied down, and Red Cross work-
night. As many as 250 people were reportedkilled ers entered Bud al-Barajnahto evacuate some of
since the Sundaybefore. [5/24FBIS] the wounded. Birri said Amal fightershad seized
May 26: Witnesses of Shi'i-Palestinianfightingin documentsprovingan 'Arafatconspiracy to pro-
West Beirutsaid Shi'i militiamenhad begunkilling voke national strife in Beirut. Over 460 people
large numbers of Palestinians from Sabra and were reportedkilled in Beirut since 19 May. [6/2
Shatila, keeping Red Cross relief workers away, NYT]
while Palestinianswere reportedto be continuing June 2: Shl'i militiamenstormed the Palestinian
to repel Shi'i attacks on Bud al-Barajnah.[5/27 settlementof Al-Buss, in southernLebanon,aftera
NYT] clash with Palestinianfighters,as a senior Iranian
Kuwait's Al-Watanreportedthat a call by the delegationheld talkswith LebaneseShi'i leadersin
USSR for Syrianinterventionin Lebanonhadbeen Beirut after Tehran publicly denounced Amal's
rejectedby Khaddam,who said that "Syriacan no efforts to disarm Palestinians in Lebanon. [6/3
longer allow 'Arafat to us the refugee camps in NYT]
Lebanonto sabotagethe Syrianrole." [5/28FBIS] Refugees in Bud al-Barajnahreported severe
Two Frenchcitizens were kidnappednearBeirut food and water shortages and a breakdown in
by unidentifiedgunmen. [5/27NYT] hygiene, resultingin the increase of disease. [6/3
May 27: Red Cross efforts to evacuate 250 WP]
wounded Palestiniansfrom Bud al-Barajnahwere The JerusalemPost quotedunconfirmedreports
stymied by renewed fighting.[5/28NYT] that 28 membersof the SLA, reportedkidnapped
Amal spokesmendenied reportsthat the militia on 29 May, had deserted to the Amal militia. [6/2
had massacred Palestiniansin the Beirut camps. JP]
[5/28 FBIS] June 3: Renewed fighting in Beirut shattered a
Libyan officials undertooka series of political two-day lull and prevented Red Cross workers
contacts with Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian from removing more wounded from Bud
officials between 23 and 27 May aimed at ending al-Burajnah.Sabrawas reportedcompletelyin the
the camp battles, and Libyan leader Mu'ammar handsof Amalfighters,while Shatilawas reported
al-Qadhdhafiexpressed his "solidarity"with the ready to fall. [6/4 NYT]
Palestiniansin a telephone call with 'Arafaton 24 June 4: Visitors to Sabra said extensive damage
May. [5/28 FBIS] had made the camp uninhabitable,and that resi-
May 28: Unidentifiedgunmen kidnappedDavid dents were sleeping on sidewalks. In Damascus,
Jacobsen, the Americanhead of AUB hospital,in round-the-clocktalks between Syrian, Lebanese
West Beirut. [5/28 AN] and Palestinianofficialscontinuedas Syriapressed
Palestinianforces launcheda counterattackin an for an end to the violence. [6/5 NYT]
effortto regaincontrolof the camps,killing20 Shi'i The Soviet Union sent a "strongly-worded"
militiamenand Lebanese Army soldiers, but were message to Birri calling for an immediatehalt to
reportedlydrivenback. [5/29NYT] militaryoperationsin the Palestiniancamps. [6/7
May 29: The bullet-riddenbody of Denis Hill, a FBIS]
Britishprofessorat AUB, was found, and Islamic The ArabLeague Secretariatannouncedthat an
Jihadclaimedresponsibilityboth for his deathand emergencysession would be held in Tunis on June
for the kidnappingof Jacobsen. The presidential 7 to discuss the Palestiniancamps issue, and that
palace in Beirut was shelled causing extensive 13 Arab countries, not including Lebanon, had
damage, and Jumayyil narrowly escaped death agreedto attend.The Damascussummitagreedon
shortly before he left for a meeting with Asad in a planto establisha Syrian-Lebanesejoint security
Damascus. [5/30WP] organwith SyrianArmyunits availableto support
May 30: Egyptian representativescalled for an the Lebanese Army, which would merge its 5th,
urgentUN SecurityCouncilmeetingon the fate of 6th, 8th and 11th brigadesin an effort to abolish
the Palestiniansin Lebanon. [5/31CSM] sectarianism.Relative calm continued in Beirut
Jumayyil and Asad conferred in Damascus on with Amalreleasing30 Palestiniansdetainedin the
ways to end Shi'i-Palestinianfightingin Lebanon. Murr building (Bud al-Murr)on 4 June. In the
[5/31 WP] south, the SLA clashed with gunmen near Kfar
PFLP leaderGeorge Habashnoted a "crisis" in Falus. [6/5 FBIS]
his organization'srelationswith Syriaas a resultof June 5: For the firsttime since 19 May, no deaths
the Lebanese camp situation,but denied any rap- were reportedin the continuingseige of the Pales-
prochementwith 'Arafat.[6/3 FBIS] tiniancamps in Beirut. [6/6 WP]
The Amal militia announced a unilateral Accordingto reports,morethan 15,000Palestin-
ceasefirein the Beirutcamps, one day afterclaim- ians or 40 per cent of the populationof Sabra,
ing to have seized the last strongholdof Palestinian ShatilaandBud al-Barajnah,hadfleddue to recent
fightersat Sabra.Jumayyilreturnedto Beirutafter battles, mostly to refugee centers in Beirut. [6/6
a three-dayofficialvisit to Damascus. [5/31FBIS] AN]

The Iraniandelegationheadedby Hujjatal-Islam The passengers and crew of the jetliner were
Karruibileft Lebanonfor Syria. [6/6 FBIS] releasedunharmed,and the hijackersblew up the
June 6: In Damascus, KarrfibiaffirmedIran's sup- plane before escapinginto Beirut. [6/12FBIS]
port for Syria's policies in Lebanon. [6/7 FBIS] Israeli authorities urged the UN to meet the
June 7: Voice of Lebanon reported28 casualties SLA's demands and said Israel might agree to a
from violent clashes aroundTripolibetween Sunni broaderUNIFIL role in southernLebanon if the
fightersand the ArabDemocraticParty.[6/7FBIS] UN recognized the SLA and agreed to work
The SLA seized 24 FinnishUNIFIL soldiersand closely with it. [6/13WP]
threatenedto shoot themif 11SLA militiamenwho A hijackerwho triedto commandeera Lebanese
reportedlyhad eitherbeen capturedby or defected jet in Cypruswas arrestedby police. [6/13CSM]
to Amal were not released. Israel's military Amal fightersrenewed their attacks on Shatila
spokesman supported the SLA demand. Two andBurjal-Barajnah,andat least nine people died,
Finns were later released. [6/8 WP] bringingthe death total in the camp battles to 548.
June8: UN relief supplieswere permittedinto Bud Druze forces reportedlyset up checkpoints south
al-Barajnahfor the first time in three weeks, and of Beirut, refusing to let Amal fighters through.
Lahd orderedthe release of four Finns held by the [6/13AN]
SLA, insisting that the others would be held, but Junblat's Progressive Socialist Party (PSP)
not injured,untilhis demandswere met. In Beirut, reachedan agreementwith Amalonjoint measures
Birriofferedto free the SLA men if Israelfreed its to "protect" the Palestiniancamps according to
Shi'l prisonersand orderedthe SLA out of Jazzin. which armedPalestinianswere beingbussed to the
[6/9 NYT] Biqa' from al-Musaytibah,escorted by Amal-PSP
The Syrian foreign minister walked out of the forces, accordingto Voice of Lebanonradio. [6/13
Arab League emergency session in Tunis after FBIS]
'ArafatblamedSyriafor the situationin the Beirut PLO radio condemnedSyria for its role in sup-
camps. [6/9 AN] portingAmalfightersattackingBeirut'sPalestinian
June9: Kar&misaid Lebanonconsideredthe Tunis camps and for beseigingthe al-Yarmukcamp out-
Arab league session "unauthorizedintervention" side Damascus, reportedlykillingover 60 people.
into its affairs. Rabin said UNIFIL forces had [6/14FBIS]
disarmedthe SLA fightersand "handedthemover June 13: The 11 SLA soldiers, all of whom were
to the Amal movement." [6/11FBIS] Shi'i, reportedlyrefused to returnto Lahd when
The Tunis Arab League session ended with a questioned by UNIFIL and Red Cross officials.
resolution calling for an "immediate and com- [6/14JP]
plete" ceasefire and an end to the seige of the The official PLO spokesman condemned the
Palestiniancamps. [6/10AN] evacuation of Palestinians from Beirut as a
Dean Thomas Southerland, of the American "scheme" designedto protect Israel. After meet-
Universityin Beirut,was abductedby unidentified ing with Syrian officials in Damascus, Urquhart
gunmen who apparently mistook him for the went to Israel for talks with Rabin, who said the
university'spresident.[6/10FBIS] SLA would continue to control the security strip
June 10: UNIFIL officialsagreedto meet with SLA and that UNIFIL's role would not change. [6/14
officers in an effort to obtain the release of the FBIS]
Finns. [6/10JP] June 14: Canadaclosed its embassy in Beirut and
June 11: A Jordanianplane was hijacked from moved its diplomatsto Jordan,accordingto Voice
Beirut airportto Tunis by gunmenwho said they of Lebanon. [6/17FBIS]
belonged to the "suicide forces" of Imam 'Ali The Israeli military command announced that
al-$adr.They demandedthatPalestiniansleave the the 21 Finns held by the SLA would be freed on
Beirut camps and that 'Arafat and Husayn end June 15, after a Red Cross-SLAmeetingand after
their "collusion." [6/11FBIS] Urquhartwarnedthat the UN mightresortto force
The jetliner returnedto Beirut after hijackers' if the UNIFIL soldierswere not released.
demands to be allowed to land in Tunis were A suicidecar bomberrammeda LebaneseArmy
rejected, and the hijackersreportedlykilled a Jor- post in West Beirut,killingat least 11 and injuring
danianguard. [6/12AN] 42. A previously unknown group, Khalid ibn
A UN commission of inquiry found that the Walid, claimed responsibilityand called for the
Sixth Brigade to end their siege, with the Amal
Finnish soldiers had acted in accordance with militia,of Shatilaand Burjal-Barajnah.
UNIFIL regulationsand that the 11 SLA soldiers Shi'i gunmen hijacked a TWA jetliner bound
had "wantedto defect." Lahddeniedthatthe SLA from Athens to Rome with 153 persons, 104 of
men had defected and said no more soldierswould them Americans, on board, forcing it to land in
be released until his men were freed. [6/13FBIS] Beirutand Algiersbefore returningto Beirut. One
June 12: UN UndersecretaryBrian Urquhartar- passenger,a US Navy diver, RobertStethem, was
rived in Lebanonfor talks with Jumayyilregarding killed, and 40 passengers were released. The hi-
the UNIFIL hostages. [6/12 FBIS] jackers demandedthe release of one of their com-

rades arrested in Greece as well as release of about more passenger, who was ill, was released. [6/17
800 Lebanese Shl'i Muslims held by Israel and an WP]
end to fighting by Lebanese Muslims. Islamic Jihad June 18: Birri announcedhe had ordered the 43
claimed responsibility for the hijacking, but denied remaininghostages off the plane for their own
it in a later communique. US officials said they safety, and that he had adopted the hijackers'
would not give in to hijackers' demands. [6/15 WP] demandsas his own. US officialssaid they would
June 15: The Lebanese Army said it would pull out not ask Israel to release its Shi'l prisoners, since
of Beirut Airport because it could not carry out its that would be a concession to terrorism. The
duties because of militia intervention. [6/16 AN] governmentof Spain rejected the hijackers' de-
The Greek government released a Lebanese ar- mands that it release two imprisoned Lebanese
rested in Athens on June 14 in return for the release Shi'is. [6/18WP]
of eight Greek passengers on the TWA flight. [6/16 Clashes continued in the camps despite the
NYT] Damascus agreement. Beirut radio reported 59
The SLA released the Finnish soldiers, who said casualtiesin fightingon June 17. [6/18FBIS]
Israeli soldiers had helped guard them. [6/16 WP] Birrnarrangedthe release of three more hos-
June 16: In Algiers, 64 more hostages were re- tages, includingGreek pop star Demis Roussos,
leased on 15 and 16 June, amid reports that eight or and appealed to the US to pressure Israel into
nine had been secretly removed in Beirut. The freeing the Shi'i prisoners. Forty hostages re-
hijackers set a deadline of June 16 for the release of mained in Beirut, held in two separate groups.
Shi'is held in Israel. US officials said they preferred Reagan rejected a general retaliationagainst the
to rely on Algeria and a Red Cross team to help hijackersand indicatedhe was willingto wait them
reach a solution and that the US would not nego- out. In Israel, Peres said Israel had been ap-
tiate or make concessions. Israeli authorities were proachedby the US and had agreed to a meeting
reportedly consulting with US officials. [6/16 WP] with Red Crossofficialsregardingthe hostagesand
Fierce fighting took place around Shatila camp as hijackers'demands.[6/19WP]
Palestinians attacked Amal militia posts. [6/17 AN] ThreeLebanesewere convictedin Italyof smug-
June 17: The purser of the TWA flight said a small gling plastic explosives into Italy for a Lebanese
group removed secretly from the plane in Beirut terroristgroup. [6/19AN]
had had Jewish-sounding names. [6/17 NYT] June19:The IRCevacuated45 woundedfromBurj
Amal, Lebanese National Democratic Front, al-Barajnahand40 fromShatila.Approximatelysix
and Palestine National Salvation Front representa- of the 40 hostages, reportedlythose with Jewish-
tives signed an agreement in Damascus to end the soundingnames, were reportedto be in the cus-
fighting in the Palestinian camps in Beirut. It called tody of Hizballah,ratherthan Amal, militiamen.
for Amal's withdrawal from the camps with the The IsraeliForeignMinistrydeniedthat the deten-
Sixth Brigade, the release of all detainees, and the tion of more than 700 Shi'is in Israel violated
return of homeless Palestinians to the camps, as internationallaw. [6/20WP]
well as a "total or partial collection of arms." The A car bomb in Tripoli killed 75 and wounded
security of the camps was to be included in a more than 150. [6/20FBIS]
"comprehensive security plan for Beirut." A June 20: Five of the hostages said in a news
seven-man coordinating committee, including conference that they feared a militaryrescue at-
PNSF but not PLO members, was set up to imple- temptandaskedthe US not to try one. Reagansaid
ment the agreement and left for Beirut to begin the US had reachedits "limits" on terrorismand
work. [6/18 WP] would consider responses "military and other-
Ayatallah Montazari, the heir apparent of wise" to end the violence. Sources in Washington
Khumayni, denounced the Shi'l militia in Lebanon discounted reports that the half dozen hostages
for their attacks on the camps, as "a brand of being held separatelyhad been chosen because of
shame on the forehead of Islam." [6/18 AN] their Jewish names and suggestedthey may have
The TWA jetliner returned to Beirut, and Amal been selected because they carriedUS militaryID
leader Birri said he had agreed to mediate in the cards. Peres said Israelwas not responsiblefor the
hijacking crisis after the hijackers promised the hostages, and Rabinsaid the US should not "play
remaining hostages would not be harmed. Israeli
games"with Israelover the hijackers'demandsfor
the release of 700 Shi'i prisonersin Israel. Shaykh
officials said the US had not asked Israel to release
MuhammadHusaynFadlallah,the spiritualleader
700 Shl'i prisoners, but that it would "seriously"
of Hizballah,said the hijackerswere from diverse
consider such a request, since it had intended to
groups but he would put pressure on them to
release them anyway. [6/17 FBIS] release the hostages if their demands were met.
Reagan warned the hijackers to release the hos- [6/21WP]
tages "for their own safety," and a special US June 21: More than 1000 members of Hizballah
commando team was reportedly sent to the region, demonstratedat BeirutAirportagainstthe United
but other US officials indicated there was "no States, and Shultzand Peres conferredby phonein
viable military option" available to the US. One an attemptto lessen US-Israel tensions, agreeing

on the importanceof not giving in to hijackers' June 26: The JerusalemPost reportedthat a UN
demands. [6/22 NYT] inquiryinto the Finnish-SLAincident found that
June22: In Amman,MoroccanParliamentSpeaker the 11 SLA soldiers had deserted of their own
AhmadOsman,one of six Moroccanenvoys tour- volition, andthat the FinnishUNIFIL soldiershad
ing the Arab world to invite Arab leaders to an pretendedto "capture"them and hand them over
extraordinarysummiton the Palestiniancampbat- to Amal in orderto assist them. [6/26JP]
tles in Beirut, said the summit might be held as Birriproposedthatthe hostagesbe transferredto
early as July. Christian and Muslim militiamen Syrian control or to a foreign embassy in West
fought in central Beirut as Amal militiamenbegan Beirut if the governmentpledged not to release
lifting a 34-day siege of the Palestiniancamps. In them before Israelfreed its detainees. Switzerland
Bud al-Barajnah,a truce held for the fourthday, and Francereportedlyrespondedfavorablyto the
and truckloadsof food and supplies were moved proposal.Syria sent messages to Birriin an effort
into the camp. A series of explosions rocked to hasten the hostages' release. [6/26FBIS]
Hasbayah and 'Aishlyah, near the Israeli border, June 27: FormerLebanese presidentIlyas Sarkis
and the SLA reportedlycame underheavy attack died in Paris. French officialssaid any transferof
at Qantara.[6/23AN] the hostages to its Beirut embassy would have to
June 23: The WashingtonPost reportedthat the be unconditional.[6/27FBIS]
Syrian Army had begun removingtanks and artil- Birrireleasedan ailinghostage after IRC repre-
lery from Lebanonfor the firsttime since the 1982 sentatives interviewedthose held regardingtheir
Israeli invasion. [6/23WP] condition. In Moscow, Soviet officials said they
Workcontinuedaroundthe Palestiniancampsto would exert influenceto help end the crisis. [6/27
remove all signs of armedpresence, in accordance WP]
with the Damascus agreement, but renewed PNC Speaker 'Abd al-Hamidal-Sa'ih said the
clashes broke out in Beirut between Amal and PLO rejected the Damascus agreement between
al-Murabituin militias. [6/24 FBIS] the PNSF and Amal, and said Amal still intended
June 24: After talks with Syrian officials in to dominatethe camps. [6/28 FBIS]
Damascus, IranianSpeakerRafsanjanisaid that if US officials demanded that seven Americans
Iranhad knownof the hijackers'plansin advance, missingin Beirutbe freedwith 39 airlinerhostages,
"we wouldhave takensteps to preventit." He also and Birri said he was optimistic the crisis would
met with Lebanese Shi'i leaders, including end soon. French and Swiss officials said they
Fadlallah,leading to reports Syria had persuaded would not act as jailers for the hostages. [6/28
Iran to use its influenceto help resolve the crisis. NYT]
[7/1 MEES] June 28: Hizballahrejecteda requestby Birrithat
Israeliauthoritiesreleased31 Arabprisonersbut it release 11 people it kidnapped in Lebanon,
denied any link between that action and the hos- accordingto Radio Free Lebanon. [6/28FBIS]
tage crisis. Birri demandedthe withdrawalof US US officials announced that the 39 hostages
warshipsfrom positions near the Lebanese coast, would be released the following day after being
and Amal releaseda videotapeshowinga dozen of taken from Beirut to Damascus, and that Israel
the hostages. US officials said they believed a would soon afterwardsrelease 735 Lebanese and
groupof hostageswas being held at a Shi'i military Palestiniansin their custody, but that no "deal"
base in Baalbek, an area under Syrian control. had been struck. Reagan held a private meeting
[6/25 WP] withfamiliesof hostagesduringan unrelatedtripto
In Beirut, al-Murabitfingroups continuedto at- Illinoisand reiteratedthat he would not ask Israel
tack Amal positions. [6/25 FBIS] to release the prisoners. In Beirut, an Iranian
June 25: In Madrid, two Lebanese Shil's were freelance photographerwas reportedmissing and
sentencedto 23 years in prisonfor an assassination fearedkidnapped.[6/29NYT]
attempton a Libyan diplomatin September1984. June 29: The release of the hostages was held up,
[6/27 LM] andBirriblamedReaganfor suggestingin a 28 June
Lebanese securityforces begandeployinginside speech that the US planned retaliatory action
the Palestiniancamps. [6/25FBIS] againstthe hijackers.The State Departmentissued
Jumayyil affirmedLebanon's opposition to an a one-sentence statement pledging to support
Arabsummiton the campbattles, in a meetingwith Lebanon's government,stability and security, in
the Moroccanambassadorin Beirut. [6/26FBIS] an effortto allay tensions. [6/30WP]
Reagan reportedly sent several messages to Syrianofficialswere reportedly"astonished"by
Asad askinghis assistancein gainingthe release of the delay, having publicly announced the "full
the hostages. Vice PresidentGeorgeBush said the success" of Asad's efforts to arrangea release.
700Arabprisonersin Israelwere beingheld against [6/30NYT]
internationallaw and should be released, and de The FinnishDefense Ministrydefendedthe role
Cudllaralso urged their release. Mubarakwarned of Finnish UNIFIL soldiers in assisting 11 SLA
the US againstusing force to release the hostages. soldiers to defect to Amal, and accused Israeli
[6/26WP] troops of having watched passively as SLA men

beat the 24 captured Finnish soldiers with iron A ceasefire held in Bud al-Barajnahafter a
bars, hoses and rifles. Israeli militarysources de- three-hour Amal-Palestiniangun battle the day
nied the accusation. [6/30JP] before. [7/5 AN]
June 30: The 39 hostages were released after 17 July 5: Officialssaid the administrationhad failed
days in captivity, drivenin a Red Cross convoy to to gainfirmbackingfromits Europeanallies on the
Damascus,and flown to West Germanyenrouteto Beirutairportsanctions. [7/6 NYT]
the US. The crisis was reportedlybrokenafter US The JerusalemPost reportedrumorsof a "mass
officialsagreedto a Syrianproposalthat it re-issue defection"fromSLA troopsin SouthernLebanon.
an old policy statement affirmingits support for [7/7 JP]
Lebanon in order to reassure the hijackers.The July 7: Karamiand other Lebanese Muslimpoliti-
Israeli Cabinet, meeting to discuss the release, cal and religious leaders met with Asad in
reportedly made no decision on when to free Damascus amid reports that Syria would like to
Israel's Arab detainees. Relatives of the seven clear the way for a broad political settlementand
other Americans missing in Lebanon urged US an end to 10 years of civil strife in Lebanon. [7/8
officialsnot to forget them. [7/1 NYT] WP]
July 1: The Israeli Cabinetdecided to release 300 SLA militiamensaid seven soldierswho report-
Arab detainees over the next two days but denied edly defectedto Amal on 5 July were abductedby
any link to the freeing of the Americanhostages. the Shl'i militia. [7/8 JP]
US officials announceda diplomaticcampaignto July8: Administrationofficialssaid the US was not
"isolate" Beirut InternationalAirport and said trying to punish Lebanon by boycotting Beirut's
Reaganhad decidedto end air service betweenthe airport,but was tryingto find an effective way to
US and Lebanon by Lebanon's two air carriers. deal with terrorism.Reaganalso condemnedIran,
Officialspraised Syria's role in the release of the Libya, North Korea, Cubaand Nicaraguaas mem-
hostages and said they hoped better relationswith bers of an "internationalterroristnetwork" and
Syria might be possible. Druze and Shi'i militias said the US would act "unilaterally,if necessary"
clashed in West Beirut, and 7 people were killed against terrorism. After meetings in Damascus,
and 20 woundedin seven hours of fighting.Chris- Birrnsaid he rejectedthe currentframeworkof the
tianandMuslimgunmenalso exchangedfireacross Lebanesegovernmentand called for the formation
the Green Line, killingtwo. [7/2 NYT] of a new legislaturebased on a constituentassem-
July 2: Reaganwelcomed 30 of the releasedAmer- bly. SayyidMuhammadHusaynFadlallahwas also
icans at a ceremony in Washington.[7/3 WP] presentat the talks. [7/9 WP]
Lebanese leaders denounced US measures The militarycommitteechargedwithformulating
against Beirut's airport, and Islamic Jihad prom- security measures for Beirut airportagreed on a
ised "more blows" againstthe US if the measures plan includinga mixed securityforce, modernizing
were carriedout. [7/3 AN] electronic devices, removing political protection
The PSP announced new measures to prevent from gunmen, and barringairportentry to those
furtherDruze-Shi'iclashes, and Birri denied that withouta permit.[7/9 FBIS]
the July I clashes were betweenAmalandthe PSP. Christianactor Ilyas Ilyas, detainedby Phalan-
An Amal-PSPdelegationreturnedfrom Damascus ges militiamenfor appearingin a playderogatoryto
after meeting with Khaddam. The PNSF an- Jumayyil,was released unharmedafter the Leba-
nounced it had received $1 million as the first nese Forces militiathreatenedto use force against
installmentof Libyanaid to reconstructthe Beirut Ilyas' kidnappers.[7/9 AN]
camps. [7/3 FBIS] July9: The Damascusconfereesissued a statement
July3: Israelreleased300 Lebanesedetaineesfrom announcingtheiragreementon the need to drafta
Atlit prisonandJerusalemradiosaidthe 460 others new constitution,dissolve the armedmilitias,and
would be freed "in the near future." [7/3 FBIS] rebuildthe Lebanese Army on the basis of com-
An aide to BirrIsaid Amal would not play a role pulsory military service. It also said they had
in tryingto obtain the release of seven Americans agreed to withdrawgunmen from West Beirut to
kidnappedin Beirut,and Birrithreatenedto sue the make way for securityforces. [7/9 FBIS]
US in the InternationalCourt for its moves to
isolate the airport.[7/4 WP] Two suicide car bomberskilled at least 15 Leb-
July4: US officialssaid thatIranhadhelpedrelease anese at two SLA checkpointsin the Israelisecur-
the hostages by pressuring its Lebanese allies. ity zone. Two Israeli soldiers and four Lebanese
They also said that Asad had reactednegativelyto were wounded. Leaders of the Amal movement
Reagan'srequest that Syria assist in the release of and the NDF announcedthe formationof a Na-
the seven still missing. Lebanontightenedairport tional Alliance Front, and held talks with officials
security and launched a diplomaticdrive against of the PNSF. Junblat said the PSP-Amal-PNSF
US sanctions. [7/5 WP] alliancewouldwork againstpro-'Arafatfactions in
Jumayyilsaid he would go to the UN to protest Sidon. In Amman, PLO official Khalil al-Wazir
US sanctions,and Syriacalledfor an Arabboycott said the planned moves in Sidon were part of a
of US airlines. [7/5 CSM] Syrianplot that includedthe July 9 expulsion of a

Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) battalion from New York for involvement in a plot to assassinate
Lebanon to Jordan. [7/10 FBIS] Libyan dissidents in the US. [6/6 WP]
The controversial play, Amrak Sidna, in which June 8: Crowds in Tripoli and Benghazi recently
Ilyas Ilyas was to appear, was banned by Lebanese burned thousands of Western musical instruments,
authorities. [7/10 AN] according to MEED. [6/8 MEED]
July 10: In Tripoli, fighting between the Islamic July 8: In Tripoli, Sudan and Libya announced a
Unification Movement and the Arab Democratic military pact providing Sudan with Libyan logisti-
party continued, paralyzing the city. According to cal support, transport, equipment and training. [7/9
Beirut radio, 25 died and 65 were wounded in the WP]
fighting. [7/10 FBIS] July 9: US officials expressed "grave concern"
July 11: The US administration backed away from over the Sudan-Libya pact. [7/10 WP]
its campaign to close Beirut International Airport July 10: A Libyan diplomat in Kuwait said Iraq had
and concentrated on negotiating improvements in declined to participate in a Libyan plan to attack
airport security with the Lebanese government. the Israeli nuclear reactor in Dimona. [7/11 WPI
Richard Herzberg, the only Jewish hostage held by
Hizballah, appeared with his wife at a news con-
ference in Washington and praised the actions of a
German TWA purser who had been falsely accused
of assisting the hijackers pick out passengers with
"Jewish-sounding names." [7/12 WP]
July 12: Beirut radio said Lebanese authorities had Morocco
identified the hijackers of the TWA jet and in- (See also, Regional Affairs, Lebanon)
tended to prosecute them. [7/13 NYT]
July 13: The Kuwaiti press attache was kidnapped
in Beirut. Muslim leaders delayed implementing 1985
the new peace plan until 35 Syrian observers Apr. 13: Moroccan Foreign Minister Abdellatif
arrived from Damascus. Fighting continued in Filali announced Morocco had decided to reestab-
Beirut between Christians and Muslims. [7/14 lish diplomatic relations with Mauritania, broken in
NYT] 1981. [4/16 LM]
July 14: A Finnish UNIFIL soldier died when the Apr. 18: Twenty jailed Moroccan students began a
ambulance he was driving hit a mine in southern 24-hour hunger strike in Marrakesh to protest
Lebanon. [7/15 JP] prison conditions. [4/20 LM]
Apr. 19: MEED announced that Syria's ambassa-
dor to Morocco had returned after a year's ab-
sence. He was withdrawn in protest over Israeli
attendance at an Arab-Jewish congress in Rabat in
May 1984. [4/19 MEED]
Libya Apr. 22: Spanish and Moroccan ships began joint
naval maneuvers in the western Meditteranean.
(See also, Regional Affairs, Egypt, Iraq, [4/25 AN]
Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Apr. 26: In Rabat, US and Moroccan officials
signed a $30 million loan agreement enabling Mo-
rocco to buy extra wheat from the US. [4/28 WP]
1985 May 7: Nine imprisoned Moroccan students who
Apr. 17: Belgian authorities expelled a Libyan began a hunger strike on April 25 were hospitalized
identified as a suspect in the killing of a police- in deteriorating condition. [5/7 LM]
woman in London in 1984. [4/18 WP] May 9: Libya loaned Morocco $100 million as a
Apr. 23: Libyan and Sudanese officials signed an sign of their good relations, according to the Mo-
agreement in Tripoli calling for the restoration of roccan press agency. [5/11 LM]
diplomatic relations and strengthening cooperation May 22: Six of nine Moroccan prisoners on a
efforts. [4/24 FBIS] hunger strike since 25 April were reported to be in
May 2: Louis Farrakhan, head of the black Muslim serious condition in Rabat and Casablanca hospi-
Nation of Islam, said Qadhdhafi had given him a $5 tals. [5/22 LM]
million interest-free loan to help black economic May 24: At a press conference in Paris, the chair-
enterprises in the US. [5/2 WP] man of the Moroccan Human Rights Association
May 30: The Washington Post reported that a said almost 1600 people had been sentenced in
federal grand jury was investigating allegations that connection with food price riots in Morocco in
Qadhdhafi supporters were planning to assassinate January 1984. [5/25 AN]
some of his opponents in the US. [5/30 WP] Moroccan prisoners on a hunger strike sus-
June 5: The State Department announced the ex- pended their fast during the month of Ramadan.
pulsion of a Libyan diplomat attached to the UN in [5/26 LM]

June 24: Relatives of nine prisoners at Marrakesh May 14: Zia ul-Haq said Pakistan would build a
jail said they had resumed their hunger strike. [6/25 nuclear reactor for "peaceful purposes." [5/15
June 25: Moroccan radio announced that Morocco May 15: A statement issued by the Pakistan em-
and Angola would establish diplomatic ties. [6/26 bassy in Delhi denied charges by India that Paki-
FBIS] stan was involved in recent Sikh terrorist bombings
July 2: Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq al-'Aziz ar- in India. [5/17 AN]
rived in Rabat for an official visit. [7/3 FBIS] May 21: The Pakistani Cabinet was expanded, and
July 6: Morocco and Libya set up a joint legisla- six new ministers and a minister of state were
ture. [7/7 NYT] sworn in by Zia ul-Haq:
July 9: The subcommittee on human rights of the Mohammad Aslam Khatak: Interior
European Parliament asked King Hasan to inter- Qazi Abdul Majid Abid: Food, Agriculture and
vene to save the hunger strikers in Morocco. [7/12 Cooperatives
LM] Jamal Syed Mayn: Culture and Tourism
Syed Qasim Shah: Provincial, Frontier Areas,
Kashmirand NorthernAffairs
Malik Nur Hayat Khan Noon: Health
Shah Mohammad Khoro: State Minister: Inte-
Oman rior [5/22 FBIS]
May 26: The National Assembly asked Prime Min-
(See also, Regional Affairs, Bahrain, Egypt,
Jordan, South Yemen) ister Muhammad Junejo to submit within a week a
plan for lifting martial law. In Karachi, distur-
bances continued as crowds angry over power cuts
and a water shortage clashed with police. [5/27 AN]
May 27: Pakistani soldiers in Karachi fired on a
Pakistan crowd of about 5000 Pushtuns demanding the re-
lease of a Pushtun politician, killing two. 50 pro-
(See also, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE) testers were arrested. [5/28 WP]
May 28: Pakistani troops patrolling Karachi were
1985 ordered to shoot on sight persons breaking a cur-
Apr. 15: After a speeding bus hit three women few imposed on the city after two days of ethnic
students, killing two, hundreds of students from violence in which three died. [5/29 CSM]
several Karachi colleges held demonstrations, June 2: Military courts sentenced 53 people to
burning buses and fighting with police. [4/16 NYT] floggings and jail sentences after the Karachi riots.
Apr. 17: Authorities imposed a 24-hour curfew on [6/3 AN]
Karachi after riots in which 10 persons were re- June 3: The State Department condemned an at-
ported killed and at least 55 injured. [4/18 WP] tack by Soviet Afghan warplanes on a Pakistani
Apr. 19: Soldiers and policemen sealed off the border village on May 30 in which 12 people were
western and central sections of Karachi, banning killed. [6/4 WP]
people from the streets, after five days of rioting. June 8: Zia warned the Afghan regime to stop
[4/20 NYT] attacks on Pakistani territory or face retaliation.
Apr. 20: The official death toll in the Karachi riots [6/9 AN]
reached 49, as 9 more bodies were brought out of a June 12: Pakistani women in the National Assem-
curfew-affected area where clashes reportedly con- bly walked out after a Muslim cleric called for
tinued. [4/21 NYT] chaperons for them in accordance with Muslim law
Apr. 23: After a man on a bicycle opened fire on a and condemned the government's family planning
crowd in Karachi, killing one, authorities reim- program. [6/14 CSM]
posed a curfew and sent more troops into the June 27: Pakistan People's party leader Benazir
Oranji district. [4/24 NYT] Bhutto and other party officials criticized the hang-
Apr. 29: Pakistan protested violations by Afghan
ing of a party activist for murder as "political
aircraft of its airspace, saying that the planes had
victimization." [6/28 FBIS]
dropped bombs on and fired rockets into Pakistani
territory, killing at least one person. [4/30 FBIS] July 4: India and Pakistan agreed after talks in New
May 2: Lawyers in Lahore and other towns in Delhi to increase cultural and agricultural cooper-
Punjab Province held meetings to protest President ation. [7/5 WP]
Zia ul-Haq's recent decrees amending the consti- July 6: At least five died as Shi'i protesters clashed
tution. [5/4 AN] with police in Quetta. [7/7 AN]
May 13: The Soviet Union officially protested to July 7: Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi rejected
Pakistan over the deaths in April of Soviet prison- Pakistan's offer of a no-war pact and mutual in-
ers at an Afghan guerrilla base in Pakistan. [5/14 spection of nuclear installations, but said relations
WP] were improving.

Twenty-five people died in a gunfight between June 13: PakistaniPresidentZia ul-Haqarrivedin
police and Shi'i protesters trying to stage a banned Jiddafor an officialfour-dayvisit. [6/13AN]
march in Quetta. [7/8 AN] June 17: The first Arab astronaut, Saudi Prince
July 9: The curfew was imposed on a Shi'i neigh- SultanSalmanal-Sa'uid,went into space aboardthe
borhood in Quetta after two more people died in US space shuttleDiscovery, where he was sched-
gun battles. [7/10 AN] uled to conduct a series of experimentsand ob-
July 10: The State Department announced that the serve the launchof the ArabsatelliteArabsat.[6/18
US was expediting delivery of Sidewinder and AN]
Stinger missiles to Pakistan to bolster its defenses June 19:The Discoveryplacedinto orbita commu-
against increasing Soviet and Afghan air incur- nicationssatellite for the Arab world owned by a
sions. [7/11 WP] consortium of 22 countries, including the PLO.
July 14: A bomb damaged the Pan American offices [6/19WP]
in Karachi. Seven officers were sentenced to long July9: KingHusaynof Jordanarrivedin Taifon an
jail terms for plotting a coup against Zia. [7/15 WP] officialone-dayvisit and met with Fahd. [7/10AN]

Saudi Arabia South Yemen

(See also: Petroleum Affairs, Regional
Affairs, Iran) 1985
Apr. 26: MEED reportedthat South Yemen had
agreedto an Omaniproposalto exchange ambas-
1985 sadors. [4/26MEED]
Apr. 20: An Iranian pilot reportedly seeking asy-
lum abroad was killed when his helicopter crashed
after refueling in Dhahran.[4/26 MEED]
Apr. 24: In Riyadh, King Fahd met with US
Assistant Secretary of State Richard Murphy and
other Saudi and American officials. [4/25 AN]
May 4: Officials of the Saudi Antiquities Depart- (See also, Bahrain, Kuwait, Libya, Saudi
ment said they had discovered the ruins of ancient Arabia,UAE)
"palaces and towers" off the Red Sea coast near
Jidda. [5/5 AN] 1985
May 11: Jordan's King Husayn arrived in Jidda for Apr. 15: New Sudanese leader Gen. 'Abd al-
one day of talks with Fahd on Middle East peace. RahmanSiwar al-Dhahabsaid he had moved to
[5/12 AN] improveSudan's relationswith the USSR, Ethio-
May 12: UAE President Shaykh Zayid ibn Sultan pia and Libya and had received "positive re-
Al-Nuhayyan arrived in Jidda on an official visit. sponses" to his initiatives. He also said a post in
[5/13 AN] the new governmenthad been reservedfor south-
May 18: Two explosions in Riyadh's Sulaymaniya ern rebel leaderJohn Garang.[4/16 FBIS]
district killed one person and injured three, coin- Apr. 16: Cairo's news agency reportedthe names
ciding with a visit by Foreign Minister Prince Sa'ud of 10 civiliansnominatedby the Sudanesenational
al-Faysal to Iran. Islamic Jihad claimed responsi- alliance of trade unions and political parties as
bility, but Iran blamed Iraq for trying to sabotage possiblemembersof the transitionalcabinet.Three
Saudi-Iranian relations. [5/20 NYT] southernerswere nominatedfor the cabinet, which
Libyan President Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhaff ar- would include 15 ministers, 13 civilians and two
rived in Saudi Arabia to perform the lesser pilgrim- militarypersonnel. Southernerscriticized the list
age and meet with Saudi officials. [5/20 FBIS] of nominations,on the groundsthat the northern
May 20: Sudanese Prime Minister al-Jazhli unionsand partieshad monopolizedall the critical
Daf'allah began an official visit to Saudi Arabia. nonmilitaryportfoliosand that all those nominated
[5/21 AN] were Muslims.Followinga meetingwith Egyptian
June 5: Kuwait's ruler Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad President Husni Mubarak in Cairo, Lieutenant
Al-Sabah arrived in Saudi Arabia to perform the Gen. MuhammadTawfiq Khalil, member of the
lesser pilgrimage and meet with Saudi officials. [6/6 Sudanese TransitionalMilitary Council (TMC),
AN] stressed that Egyptian-Sudaneserelations were
June 8: Sudanese Transitional Military Council strong and that all agreementsbetween the two
(TMC) Chairman 'Abd al-Rahman Siwar countrieswould remainin force. [4/17FBIS]
al-Dhahab arrived in Saudi Arabia to perform the Apr. 17: SouthernSudanese politicianspresented
lesser pilgrimage and to meet with Saudi officials, five conditions for their participationin a transi-
including Fahd. [6/9 AN] tional government:the repeal of Islamic Shari-a

law, at least in the south; the appointmentof five MuhammadBashir Hamid: Culture and Infor-
southernersto the 15-membertransitionalcabinet; mation
setting aside for southernerstwo key ministers; Siwaral-Dhahabannouncedthat the term of the
and a lesser role for Muslims in the transitional Cabinetwould last one year duringwhich it would
cabinet. Siwar al-Dhahab announced he would prepare to transfer power to the people. [4/23
revoke the decree dividingthe southernSudaninto FBIS]
three regions because it violated the Adis Ababa A police union statement broadcast by SPLA
accord. [4/18 FBIS] radio said the appointmentof "corrupt" former
Sudan's new governmentoffered to stop sup- chief of police 'Abbas Mad&nias ministerof the
porting anti-Ethiopianguerrillas operating from interiorhad been a "terribleblow" to the police
Sudanif Ethiopiastops backingsouthernSudanese force and called for him to be purged.[5/2 FBIS]
rebels, and LibyanleaderMu'ammaral-Qadhdhafi Apr.23: Daf'allahsaidthe new cabinetwouldwork
reportedlyurged Sudanese rebels to make peace. to obtainthe extraditionof formerSudaneseleader
[4/18 WP] Ja'far al-Numayrito stand trial, and that it was
Apr. 18: The Muslim Brotherhoodheld rallies on eager to hold talks with Garang.[4/23 FBIS]
April 13 and 16, attended by 30-40,000, to show Apr. 24: Garangsaid that contacts between the
supportfor Shari'a,the "only achievement"of the SPLA and junior officers in the Sudanese Army
deposed Numayriregime. SPLA radio said SPLA were "positive," but that the SPLA would con-
leader John Garang had ordered the release of tinue operationsagainstthe SudaneseArmyin the
some POWs to show "solidaritywith the recent Upper Nile region and into the northernpart of
revolutionaryaction of the masses," despite his Sudan. In Khartoum,the secretarygeneral of the
oppositionto the new militaryregime. [4/19FBIS] SudaneseCommunistpartyappearedafter 14years
Apr. 19: An SPLA spokesmandenied reportsthat in hiding.[4/25 FBIS]
Garangwould meet with Siwaral-Dhahab,observ- Apr. 25: Leadersof the SouthernSudanLiberation
ing that recent SPLA militaryoperationsproved Movement(Anya Nya Two) gave a press confer-
that such reportswere lies. [4/22FBIS] ence in Khartoum,saying they had come in re-
Apr. 20: At a meeting with foreign ambassadors sponse to an invitationfrom the TMC in order to
and representativesof internationalrelieforganiza- discuss the southern problem "democratically."
tions, Siwaral-Dhahabappealedfor morefood aid, The Sudanese Council of Ministers appealed to
saying that one million children would starve to Garangto enter a dialoguefor peace. In a separate
death withoutemergencysupplies. [4/21WP] statement,Defense MinisterMuhammadcalled on
Apr. 21: Siwaral-Dhahabissueda decreeforminga Garangto come to Khartoumfor negotiationsand
transitionalhigherexecutive councilfor the south- to recognize that "tyrant Numayri's army" had
ern militaryadministrationsof the Equatoria,Bahr become "the Sudanese People's Army. [4/26
al-Ghazaland Upper Nile regions, underthe Juba FBIS]
militarycommand.[4/22 FBIS] Apr. 26: Siwar al-Dhahab declared a unilateral
Apr. 22: Dr. Al-JazOliDafallah, head of a promi- ceasefirein southernSudanand declareda general
nent doctor's union, was namedprimeministerof amnestyfor rebels, despite the SPLA's refusal to
Sudan'snew transitionalciviliancabinetandcalled end the civil war. [4/28AN]
on Garang to join in peaceful efforts to solve Apr. 27: Siwar al-Dhahabsent an envoy to Ethio-
Sudan's problems. Other appointmentswere as pia for a goodwill mission and talks on problems
follows: between Sudanand Ethiopia.[4/28AN]
Samuel Aru Bol: Deputy Prime Minister and The WashingtonPost reported that rail and
Ministerof Irrigationand Hydrology truckingdelays were preventingUS famine relief
'Uthman 'AbdallahMuhammad:Defense supplies from reaching drought-strickenareas in
IbrahimTaha Ayyub: ForeignAffairs Sudan. [4/28WP]
'Awad 'Abd al-Majid:Finance and Economic Apr. 28: Sudaneseofficialssaid Sudan might stop
Planning food shipmentsfor famine victims in Eritreaand
Sayyid Ahmad al-Sayyid: Trade, Cooperation Tigrayprovincesif Ethiopiastopped aidingSuda-
and Supply nese rebels in the south. [4/29WP]
'Abd al-'Aziz 'UthmanMusa: Energy, Industry Cairo'snews agency said the RepublicanBroth-
and Minerals erhood movement had resumed activities after a
Peter GatkuothKual: Transportationand Tele- two-monthhiatus following the execution by the
communications Numayriregimeof its leader,Mahmuid Muhammad
$adiq 'Abidin: Agriculture and Natural Re- Taha. [4/28FBIS]
sources Apr. 30: SPLA spokesmenrenewedtheirdenunci-
Husayn Abu Saliih:Health and Social Welfare ation of the militarygovernment,calling Daf'allah
Oliver BandaarBattale Albino: Public Service a "figurehead"and vowing not to negotiate a
and Labor truce. [5/1 NYT]
'Abbas Madani:Interior May2: Sudan'smilitaryrulesdismissedsix officials
Amin MakkiMadani:Constructionand Housing appointed by Numayri and placed the official

Sudan News Agency and the Khartoum dailies femalemembersof the formerrulingSudanSocial-
Al-Sahafa and Al-Ayyam under the supervision of ist Union (SSU) and a fifth will question female
the Ministry of Culture and Information. [5/4 AN] relativesof Numayri.[5/24MEED]
May 3: Sudanese rebels claimed to have killed 20 Qadhdhafimet with Siwar al-Dhahabduring a
government troops with a land mine on April 27. stopoverat KhartoumAirport.[5/20FBIS]
[5/4 AN] May 21: About 35,000Ethiopiansleft relief camps
May 4: 'Abdallah said investigations were under- in Sudan to return to farms in Ethiopia's Tigray
way to determine the facts surrounding the airlift of Province, where rains had begun after a long
Ethiopian Jews to Israel, and the authenticity of drought.[5/22WP]
reports that US nuclear waste was being dumped in May 22: The Sudanesenews agency reportedthat
Sudan. The Arab Socialist Ba'th Party, outlawed Numayri and five of his judicial aides would be
under the Numayri regime, held a political rally in triedfor their role in the convictionand execution
Khartoum. [5/6 FBIS] of MahmuidMuhammadTahaon heresy chargesin
May 5: A Libyan official announced that his gov- January1985. [5/23 FBIS]
ernment had stopped aiding southern Sudanese May23: The TMCappointeda transitionalgovern-
rebels and had asked Garang to support the new ment for the southernregion, consisting of seven
regime. [5/7 LM] ministersanda numberof commissioners.The new
May 8: Abu Dhabi's Al-Ittihad reported that the ministerswere:
Sudanese culture minister has suspended the li- Aryo Oto Stiroi:AdministrationAffairs
cense of the newspaper Alwacnfor publishing "po- WilliamAjak Logali:Services
litical" columns when it was registered only as a HilaryPaulo Logali:Finance
technical and sports paper, after Alwan printed Jama Hasan: Agriculture and National Re-
columns supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. [5/10 sources
FBIS] IsaiahKulangMabior:Transportand Communi-
May 9: After almost a week of high-level meetings cations
between Sudanese and Libyan officials in AndrewMakor:Tradeand Supply
Khartoum, Sudan and Libya signed a series of Nathanial Atai Kur: Culture and Information
cultural and economic agreements and officials [5/31FBIS]
issued a joint communique confirming "fraternal May27: The State Departmentsent Assistant Sec-
and historical ties" between the two nations. [5/10 retaryof StateChesterA. Crockerto Sudanfor the
FBIS] first time since the April coup, for wide-ranging
May 10: Attorney General 'Umar 'Abd al-'Ati said talks on Sudan'seconomic and politicalproblems.
that persons connected with the transport of Ethi- [5/28NYT]
opian Jews to Israel would be brought to trial. [5/15 May30: The Sudanesedefense ministersaid Sudan
FBIS] woulddiversifyits sources of weapons, reportedly
May 11: During its two-day founding conference, in an attemptto decreaseany possible US pressure
the Islamic National Front elected Muslim Brother or leverage. [6/8 MEED]
Hasan al-Tur&bias leader. [5/13 FBIS] About 5000 supportersof the Trade Union Alli-
May 12: The US Embassy in Khartoum announced ance demonstratedin Juba,the capitalof Equatoria
the Sudan would receive $30.5 million in soft loans Province, against governmentmoves to set up a
from the US to buy wheat and wheat flour. [5/13 single regionalauthorityfor southernSudan. [5/31
Sudanese Interior Minister 'Abbas Madani said a June 8: A UN reportsaid the Africanfamine was
new public security organ would be established, worsening, and that in the Sudan the situation
but that it would not have any special powers. could become even more devastatingthan in Ethi-
Omdurman radio broadcast an announcement by opia. [6/9 NYT]
the military authorities banning all processions and June 10: Sudaneseauthoritiesreleased five former
marches in Khartoum as of May 12. [5/13 FBIS] senior officialsof the Numayriregimebecause no
May 17: The TMC officially abolished special crim- evidence againstthem had been found. [6/10 WP]
inal courts set up by Numayri to apply Islamic
An AID administratorsaid only about 60 per
punishments. [5/18 AN]
May 18: Five new committees were established to
cent of food aid to Ethiopiaand Sudanwas reach-
investigate alleged financial and political corrup- ing faminevictims because of transportationprob-
tion in the Numayri regime. One of the committees lems. [6/11WP]
will investigate charges that former vice-president June 11: A UN officialsaid Numayrihad deliber-
'Uman Muhammad al-Tayyib received payments ately suppressed informationabout the growing
from international Jewish organizations for allow- famine in Sudan, contributingto the crisis. [6/12
ing the airlift of Ethiopian Jews from Sudanese NYT]
refugee camps to Israel. Two committees will Sudanese rebels raided a village in Kurdufan
interrogate members of the disbanded State Secur- Province, killing 150people, accordingto SUNA.
ity Organization. Another will interrogate three [6/12AN]

June 12: The SPLA denied its troops had massa- Sudan,especially near the towns of Mongallaand
cred 150 civilians in Kurdufan Province and Bor. [7/15NYT]
blamed the government for trying to conceal a
popular uprising against it. [6/14 AN]
June 13: Sudan's Minister of Public Service and
Labor, Oliver Albino, was dismissed to face trial
on drug charges, according to SUNA. [6/14 FBIS]
June 17: Mubarak arrived in Khartoum on a "sur-
prise visit," his first to Sudan since the 6 April (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional
coup. [6/17 FBIS] Affairs,Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey)
Gunmen killed the chairman of the Eritrean Red
Cross at his home in Khartoum. [6/18 AN] 1985
June 24: During an official visit to Khartoum, Apr. 17: An official rally in Damascus marked
Egyptian presidential envoy Usama al-Baz said Syriannationalindependenceday. [4/18 FBIS]
Egypt would not extradite Numayri to Sudan. Apr. 26: Syria and the USSR signed their largest
'Uthman Ibrahim Ahmad al-Tawil, head of the economic and technical cooperation agreement
Sudan Liberation Front (SLF), reportedly praised ever. [4/29FBIS]
Daf'allah's proposals for solving the southern Apr. 27: In Geneva, two men were arrestedafter
problem and said his 30,000 fighters would accept one of two bombs plantedin cars of Syriandiplo-
the TMC's offer of jobs and would lay down their matsexploded,andthe otherwas defused. No one
arms. [6/25 FBIS] was injuredin the blast. [4/28AN]
A member of the TMC said Sudan and Ethiopia Apr. 29: The WashingtonPost reportedthat more
planned to restore full diplomatic relations "in the than a third of 6,000 Soviet advisers had been
very near future." [6/25 NYT] withdrawnfrom Syria in the past six months,
June 25: SPLA radio said a scheduled meeting apparentlyat the instigationof Syrian President
between SPLA and government officials had failed Hafiz al-Asad. [4/29WP]
to take place because the latter did not show up, May 14: Three Syrians were hanged publicly in
showing the government was not truly interested in Damascus for espionage for Israel, while three
peace. [6/26 FBIS] others were executed by firingsquad. [5/15FBIS]
June 27: Omdurman radio reported that Siwar May 19: Talks began in Damascus on upgrading
al-Dhabab had told Qadhdhafi that Sudan could not Syrian-Libyanrelations.[5/24MEED]
at present consider any form of union with Libya. May 20: Syria and Libya signed cooperation ac-
[6/28 FBIS] cords after talks described by the Syrian news
Sudanese troops were put on alert in anticipation agency as a step towardunity. [5/21WP]
of an SPLA attack on Bor. [6/28 AN] June 3: The PLO said more than 700 Palestinians
June 29: Cairo's news agency reported that Sudan hadbeen arrestedand dozens killedor woundedin
had decided to reopen its embassy in Syria, which a campaignby Syrian security police that began
had been closed since 1981, when ties were frozen. after Palestiniansliving in Syriaorganizeddemon-
[6/30 AN] strationsagainst the camp killings in Beirut. [6/4
July 3: US officials announced they had taken steps AN]
to protect US diplomats in Khartoum following the June 8: MEED reported that the Senate had re-
infiltration of several hundred Libyan agents into moved Syria from a list of countriesbannedfrom
the Sudanese capital. [7/4 WP] receivingUS fundsthroughinternationalorganiza-
Sudan's transport minister, a southerner, said he tions. [6/8 MEED]
had met with rebel representatives, who had prom- June 15: The Syriangovernmentdenied claims by
ised not to obstruct famine relief supplies to the MehmetAli Agca, the Turkon trialin Romefor the
south. [7/4 AN] 1981assassinationattempton the pope, thathe had
July 5: About 40,000 Sudanese marched on the been trainedin terroristtactics by Syrian agents.
Egyptian embassy in Khartoum to demand the [6/15MEED]
extradition of Numayri. [7/5 WP] June19:Asad met with Soviet leaderGorbachevin
July 7: Daf'allah said Numayri would be tried in
Moscow. [6/20WP]
June 22: Asad returnedto Damascus after "suc-
abstentia for "many crimes." [7/8 AN]
cessful, positiveandfruitful"talksin Moscow with
July 9: Sudan's news agency said the Sudanese Soviet leaders, accordingto Damascusradio. But
Council of Ministers had officially asked Egypt to Kuwaiti reports indicated Asad and Gorbachev
extradite Numayri . [7/10 FBIS] differedover the Lebanese issue and over control
July 13: Siwar al-Dhahab said that closer Libyan- of Soviet missiles in Syria. [6/24 FBIS]
Sudanese ties should not affect Sudan's relations June23: IranianSpeaker'All AkbarRafsanjanimet
with the US. [7/14 NYT] in Damascuswith Asad. [6/24FBIS]
July 14: Western diplomats reported heavy fighting July 1: Asad postponedan officialvisit to Czecho-
between government and SPLA troops in southern slovakia. Damascus radio said the decision was

due to "circumstancesin the MiddleEast," but the Ma'arivreportedthatdiscreetcontacts in Wash-
French press agency cited "health reasons." [7/2 ington between Ozal and members of the US
FBIS] Jewish lobby had caused an uproar in Turkey,
despiteOzal'sdenialthatthe meetingindicatedany
change in Turkey's policy toward Israel. [4/17
Five leftist militantsfrom the Dev-Yol organiza-
Tunisia tion were condemnedto death at Adana, in south-
east Turkey,for terroristacts before the Septem-
(See also, RegionalAffairs,Lebanon) ber 1980 coup d'etat. Eleven others were con-
demned to life in prison, 75 to sentences ranging
1985 from five to 20 years in prison, and 88 were
Apr. 15: PresidentHabib Bourguibadissolved the acquitted.[4/18LM]
Society of Young Judges after a judicial strike on May 1: The Christian Science Monitor reported
April 10 and 11. He also suspended a group of that an agreementbetween Turkey and the US,
youngjudges from the bench and referredthem to allowingthe US to use militarybases in Turkeyto
a disciplinarycouncil. [4/16FBIS] store armamentsand for other purposes,would be
May 5: Kuwait'sAl-Qabas reportedthat Tunisian signedthis monthafternearlythree years of nego-
authoritieshad arresteda numberof Palestinians tiations. [5/1 CSM]
for planningthe assassinationof Palestinianoffi- May 2: Five Turkish soldiers and three Kurdish
cials in Tunis. [5/7 FBIS] separatists were reported killed in five days of
May 12: Tunisians voted in municipalelections clashes in Turkey'sBitlis Province. [5/3 AN]
boycotted by opposition parties including the May8: Turkey'sparliamentapproveda law reduc-
Movement of DemocraticSocialists and the Gen- ing sentences for membersof outlawed groups if
eral Union of TunisianWorkers.[5/13AN] they turn state's evidence. [5/9 AN]
May 15: Participationin Tunisia'smunicipalelec- May 15: Egyptian President Husni Mubarakar-
tions on May 12reached92%,despite a boycott by rived in Ankara for an official four-day visit to
opposition parties, according to official figures. discuss the Iran-Iraqwar, Mideastpeace initiatives
[5/15 LM] and other issues, in the first visit to Turkeyby an
All 3,450 candidatesof the rulingPartiSocialiste Egyptianhead of state. [5/16TDN]
Destourien(PSD)were elected for four-yearterms. May 17: The chairmanof the Social Democracy
[5/17 MEED] Party, ErdalInonui,said he objectedto a new law
May 16: Seventy workersin Gabes, southernTu- whichwouldgive moreauthorityto police, andhad
nisia, begana hungerstriketo protesttheirfiringon asked Ozal to withdrawit from parliament.[5/18
May 8 after an illegal strike. [5/21 LM] TDN]
June 12: Bourguiba met with French President May 18:Ozalleft Istanbulfor a six-dayofficialvisit
Franqois Mitterandin Paris to discuss bilateral to Japan. [5/18TDN]
relations, includingthe appointmentof formerLe May 21: President Kenan Evren vetoed the so-
Monde correspondentEric Rouleauas Frencham- called "RepentanceBill" backedby Ozal, sayingit
bassadorto Tunisia. [6/13LM] violates Article 87 of the Turkish constitution,
June 14: Bourguibaarrivedin Washingtonfor talks since not all involved in crimes against the state
with Reagan and other US officials, on subjects could be pardoned, and that the bill condemns
includingUS militaryaid to Tunisiaand the war in membersof clandestineorganizationswithout as-
the Sahara.[6/15AN] certaining whether or not they had committed
June26: TunisianlawyerBechirEssid, secretaryof crimes. [5/22TDN]
the Arab National Rally party, was arrestedand May 23: Five suspected Kurdish separatists, a
jailed after an appeals court ruledhe had played a policeman,a soldier, and a civilian were killed in
role in the food price riots of January1984. [6/27 two shootouts in SanliurfaProvince, accordingto
AN] martiallaw authorities.A Syrian who hijackeda
planefromWest Germanyto Istanbulon March27
was sentencedto eight years in prison. [5/24AN]
May 24: About 30 Kurds occupied the Swedish
consulatein Basle, demandingto speak to a Kurd-
Turkey ish activist, held for 10 monthsin a Turkishprison,
and now in custody in Sweden. [5/25AN]
(See also, Regional Affairs, Cyprus, Iraq, May 26: The trialof five Turksand three Belgians
Kuwait, Qatar,Syria, UAE) accusedof plottingto assassinatethe pope beganin
Rome. [6/4 NYT]
1985 May28: Turkey'smartiallaw commandannounced
Apr. 16: PremierTurgutOzalbeganan officialvisit the arrestof 20 suspectedmembersof an "extreme
to West Germany.[4/17TDN] leftist organization"in a series of operations in

various provinces between 27 April and 17 May. Turkish officials said three encounters in the
[5/29 AN] south between Kurdishseparatistsand the army
June 5: The parliamentapproved a bill ending had resultedin eight deaths, includingone soldier.
martial law in Ankara, Izmir, Artuin, Edirne, [7/4 LM]
Erzincav,and Orduprovincesand institutingState July 7: Bulgarianauthoritiesreleased one of four
of Emergency Rule in them instead. Seventeen Turkishdefendantsin the Rome trialof plottersto
provinces,includingIstanbul,remainundermartial kill the pope, whom they had held for two-and-a-
law. [6/6 TDN] half years, sayingthey consideredhim innocentof
Turkish women were reported angry over a wrongdoing.The Turkreturnedto Istanbul,where
recent decision of the Councilof State thatwomen he was arrested.[7/8 CSM]
could not become local governors. [6/5 TDN] July 8: The Italiancourt hearingthe trial of those
June 7: The minister of the interiorsaid Turkish chargedwith tryingto kill the pope asked Turkey
police had arrested 984 suspected terrorists or to extraditethe manreleasedby Bulgaria.[7/9WP]
extremistssince 19 March,and that 63 had died in July 9: West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl
clashes with police in the same period. [6/8 AN] beganan officialvisit to Turkey,becomingthe first
June 16: The Turkishparliamentpassed a contro- West Europeanhead of state to visit the country
versial bill giving police wide new powers at the since the 1980coup. [7/9 AN]
end of a bitter six-day debate. [6/17AN] July 12: The Turk released by Bulgariadenied to
June 17: Populist party ChairmanNecdet Calp Turkishauthoritiesany involvement in the papal
condemnedthe new Police Law, sayingit violated assassinationattempt.[7/13NYT]
the principleof a state runby laws, andchargedthe
ruling Motherland party with forcing the bill
through by violating parliamentaryrules. [6/18
June 27: Le Monde reportedthat a decision by the
Turkishgovernmentthe week beforeto increaseby
United Arab Emirates
(See also, Saudi Arabia)
49 per cent the price of printingpaperwas seen by
Turkishdailies and publishersas an indirectform
of censorship. [6/27 LM]
June 29: Turkish police reportedlyarrested Nail 1985
Gurman, secretary general of the Turkish Social May 14: Jordan's King Husayn began an official
Democraticpartyand chief organizerof a big party visit to the UAE. [5/15FBIS]
rally in Istanbulon 9 June. [6/30NYT] May 18: Talks took place between Turkish and
Aydin Gurkan,a formerprofessor, was elected UAE officials during Turgut Ozal's stopover in
as the new leader of Turkey'smain parliamentary Abu Dhabiairportenrouteto Japan. [5/21 FBIS]
opposition party, the Populist party, replacing May 21: Sudanese Prime Minister al-Jazuili
Necdet Calp, the man chosen by the military Dafallah arrivedin Abu Dhabifor a one-dayvisit.
regime. [7/1 AN] [5/22FBIS]
July 1: Former ministerIsmail Ozdaglarwent on May 27: PakistaniPresident Zia al-Haq ended a
trial on chargesof receivingkickbacks.[7/2 TDN] brief visit to Dubayy. [5/28FBIS]
July 2: TurgutOzal, on a six-day official visit to July 3: The WorldBankreportedthat the UAE led
China, said PRC officials had assured him they the world in per capita income in 1983, placed at
would not supply arms to Iran. [7/3 AN] $22,870.[7/4 AN]


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