Middle East Chronology - 1986-07-16 - 1986-10-15

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Chronology July 16, 1986-October 15, 1986

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Winter, 1987), pp. 75-92
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4327484 .
Accessed: 01/03/2012 15:16

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C hrono
July 16, 1986-October 15, 1986
AN, Arab News
CSM, ChristianScience Monitor
FBIS, Foreign Broadcast InformationService
Daily Report-Middle East & North Africa and
South Asia
LM, Le Monde
Middle EconomicDigest
MEED, East
NYT, Middle
New East
Times Survey
TDN, TurkishDaily News
WP, The WashingtonPost

Arab-Israeli Conflict Palestine (DFLP) and the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) condemned the
(See also, RegionalAffairs,Israel, Pakistan) visit. [7/22 FBIS]
of the meeting.The Lebaneseambassadorto Rabat
1986 was recalledfor consultations.The Iranian,South
July 18: In Ramallah,police arrestedMuhammad Yemeni,and Algeriangovernmentscondemnedthe
Akhras,a US citizen of Palestinianoriginwho had meeting,andthe PLOcalledfor an emergencyArab
overstayed his Israeli visa, and said he would be summitto discuss the matter.[7/23FBIS]
deported, the first American to be expelled for PLO guerrillagroupForce 17 commandoAbbas
nonsecurityreasons. [7/19 WP] Hamid Mahmoudwas sentenced to 14 years in
July 20: IsraeliArmy sources said an IsraeliNavy prisonby the Lod militarycourt for attemptingto
boat had interceptedthe week before a numberof "perpetratea terroristact" inside Israel in 1981.
Palestiniansin a boat off Lebanonflying the Cyp- Threeothers capturedwith him were sentenced to
riot flag and were holding them for questioning. lesser terms. [7/25 FBIS]
[7/22AN] July22: Peresand Hassanheld closed-doortalks at
July 21: Israeli Prime MinisterShimon Peres flew Ifrane, Morocco. [7/23 WP]
to Morocco for a surprisevisit with King Hassan July 23: Peres ended his visit to Morocco. Hassan
II. [7/22 WP] said Peres had rejected the basic Arab conditions
Vice Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir for peace as laid out in the Fez plan. [7/24 WP]
said he had known about the visit but would not
July 24: Jerusalemradioreportedthat in Jericho 13
say whether he welcomed it. He promised to
pursue such peace efforts when he became Prime Israelis had been wounded by a grenade thrown
Ministerif the Peres move was endorsed by the from a rooftop, and that a curfew had been im-
InnerCabinet. [7/23 FBIS] posed on the area. [7/24 FBIS]
Libyan leader Muammaral-Qadhdhafisaid the The DFLP said it was responsiblefor the attack.
visit was a "serious violation" of the Libyan- [7/25AN]
Moroccanunity accord. EgyptianPresidentHusni July 25: Jerusalem radio reported that security
Mubarakaffirmed his support for Hassan. The forces had captured "a gang of Fath terrorists"
Syrian government severed relations with Mo- suspected of the murderof an Israeli soldier 15
rocco. The DemocraticFrontfor the Liberationof monthsbefore. [7/28 FBIS]


Israeli security forces dismantleda bomb near West German officials said a Palestinian sus-
the US consulatein East Jerusalem.[7/25FBIS] pected of providingfalse passportsto the Achille
Hatzofe reportedthat the bodies of two "terror- Lauro hijackershad been extraditedto Italy, and
ists" apparentlykilledwhile preparinga bombhad that anotherwas undergoingquestioningin West
been discovered near the al-Jalazunrefugee camp Berlin. [8/2 WP]
northof Jerusalem.[7/25 FBIS] Rayih Abu Asal, the Anglican Bishop of
Shi'i militantsbelongingto the Hizballahgroup Nazareth, was orderedconfinedto Israel for one
took over andransackedthe MoroccanEmbassyin year because of "links with senior PLO officials
Beirut to protest the Hassan-Peresmeeting, and abroad."[8/4 FBIS]
Muslim areas of Lebanon observed a one-day Aug. 3: Following a visit to Cairo, US Assistant
strike in protest. [7/26 WP] Secretaryof State RichardMurphyconferredwith
July 26: King Hassan resignedas presidentof the Israeliofficialsin Jerusalemon the Tabaissue. [8/4
Arab League because of protest within the Arab FBIS]
world over his meetingwith Peres. [7/28WP] EgyptianTourismMinster Fuad Sultan arrived
Israeliauthoritiesbanneda numberof protestsin in Tel Aviv for a three-dayofficialvisit. [8/4 AN]
East Jerusalem called to protest the policies of Aug. 4: Peres met with 25 Palestiniansfrom the
kings Hassan and Hussein. [7/29FBIS] West Bank and said Israel would negotiate with
Qadhdhafirefused to meet an envoy from Has- "authentic"Palestinianswho do not supportthe
san. [7/28FBIS] PLO. [8/5 FBIS]
July 27: US Vice PresidentGeorgeBush arrivedin Membersof Fath, the PFLP, andthe Communist
Israel at the beginningof an official tour of the party,rivalfactionsof the PLO, met in Moscow to
Middle East, to include Jordanand Egypt. [7/28 discuss reconciliation.[8/2 AN]
WP] Aug. 5: A groupof prominentIsraelirabbiscalled
July28: Israelisecurityforces blockedthe entrance for the constructionof a synagogue and public
to Al-NajahUniversityin Nablusfor a thirdday to prayerson Jerusalem'sTemple Mount, or Haram
prevent a rally protestingthe Hassan-Peresmeet- al-Sharif,an area sacredto Muslimsand forbidden
ing. [7/28FBIS] by Jewish religiouslaw to Jews. [8/6 NYT]
Five West Bank Palestinianswere placed under Aug. 6: The Knesset passed a bill outlawing"in-
town arrest for six months, bringingthe number citementto racism" and one prohibitingmeetings
restrictedin the past week to eight. [7/29FBIS] betweenIsraelisand "leadersof terroristorganiza-
Israeli police arrestedthe head of an East Jeru- tions." [8/6 FBIS]
salem securitycompanyfor plantingthe bombnear Aug. 7: Three Palestinianbystanderswere injured
the US consulate in order to win the tender for by a bombblast outside an Israelipolice stationin
guardingthe consulateby provinghow efficienthis the occupiedGaza Strip. [8/8 AN]
guardswere when they discoveredthe explosives. The Israeli Army barred a group of Jewish
[7/28 FBIS] nationalistsfrom enteringand settlingan old syn-
July 29: Bush met privatelywith 18 Palestiniansin agoguein Jericho. [8/8 FBIS]
Jerusalemand told them the US would not meet Aug. 10: Israelijets attacked targets near Sidon,
with the PLO until it recognizedthe existence of Lebanon, woundingfive civilians. Israeli officials
Israel. The Palestinians argued that Israel must said the raidswere aimedat Fathguerrillasloyal to
accept Palestinianself-determination.In East Jeru- Yasir Arafatand a breakawayPLO faction led by
salem, a numberof Arab shopownersobserved a Col. Said Musa. [8/11NYT]
strike to protest the meeting. [7/30NYT] Three Israeli soldiers were injuredby a bomb
JerusalemradioreportedthatIsraeliforces killed explosionin Gush Etzion. [8/11FBIS]
two "terrorists" in the Israeli-declaredsecurity Aug. 11: Israeli warplanes struck sites near
zone in southernLebanon. [7/30FBIS] Baalbek, Lebanon, and eight people reportedly
July 30: Bush arrivedin Jordanand said he was died. [8/12NYT]
carryinga message to King Hussein from Peres. Aug. 14: Israelipolice preventedabout 30 militant
[7/31WP] Israeli Jews from illegally prayingon the Haram
July31: US officialssaid the Reaganadministration al-Sharif.[8/15NYT]
had decided for the first time to funnel through
Aug. 15: Israeliofficialsexpressed disappointment
Jordan $4.5 million in aid to Palestiniansin the
at the Spanish government's decision to grant
occupied territories.[8/1 NYT]
An Israeli soldier and two Arab guerrillaswere officialstatus to the PLO. [8/16AN]
killedin a gun battlein the villageof Tel Shaqrain Aug. 16: Israeli radio announced that Transport
the security zone in south Lebanon. [8/1 WP] Minister Haim Corfu would attend a transport
Aug. 1: Peres reportedlytold Laborpartymembers conventionin Morocco. [8/17WP]
that Israel must participate in an international Aug. 19: In Alexandria, Mubarak met with
peace conference, but said that agreeingto Pales- AvrahamTamir, Director General of the Israeli
tinian participationdid not imply acceptance of PrimeMinister'sOffice,concerninga summitwith
Palestinianself-determination.[8/1 FBIS] Peres. [8/20AN]

Aug. 20: Arab workers at East Jerusalem'sArab In an interview, Shamiremphasizedhis opposi-
Electricity Company began a strike to protest tion to an internationalpeace conferenceand said
seizure of the company's assets by Israeli police. he could not understandPeres' supportfor such a
[8/21 FBIS] plan. [9/15FBIS]
Aug. 21: Israeli authorities shut down for three Sept. 16: Jerusalemradiosaid the governmentwas
monthsfor securityreasons the offices of the Arab investigatingclaimsby Amnesty Internationalthat
Council for Public Affairsand Al-Mawaqifnews- Arabprisonersin the occupiedterritoriesare being
paperin East Jerusalem.[8/21 FBIS] tortured.[9/17FBIS]
Israeliforces imposeda curfewon the villagesof Sept. 18: Jerusalem radio reported that Israeli
Hizma and Anata after two Israeli youths were authoritieshadpermitteda Jordanianbankto open
stabbed by an Arab while hiking in Wadi al-Qilt. in Nablus for the first time since the Israeli occu-
[8/22FBIS] pation. [9/18FBIS]
Aug. 22: Israeli securityforces captureda "terror- Sept. 22: Israeli troops massed on the Lebanon
ist squad"in Ramallahanddemolishedthe homeof borderin preparationfor an offensive againstShi'i
one of them. [8/25 FBIS] guerrillasin southernLebanon. [9/23NYT]
Beirut radio reported that Israeli gunboats Sept. 23: Israeli warplanes bombed Palestinian
opened fire on Sidon, killinga woman. [8/25FBIS] targetssoutheastof Beirutreportedlycontrolledby
Aug. 23: Six Palestinian groups making up the the DFLP. Two womenwere reportedlywounded.
PalestineNationalSalvationFront rejectedrecon- [9/24WP]
ciliationwith Arafat'sFath until he denouncedhis The UN SecurityCounciladopteda Frenchreso-
pact with Jordan'sKing Hussein. [8/25 NYT] lution callingon Israel to withdrawfrom southern
Sept. 1: US Assistant SecretaryMurphybegan a Lebanonand permitUNIFIL troopsto move up to
trip to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.[9/2 NYT] the borderwith Israel. The US abstained.Israeli
Sept. 5: Israeli officials said an Israeli soldier had officialssaidIsraelwouldnot comply. [9/24WP]
been killed in southernLebanonin action against EgyptianAmbassadorMuhammadBasyunipre-
"terroristgroups" responsiblefor a katyushaat- sented his credentialsto Israeli President Chaim
tack on Israel. [9/5 FBIS] Herzog. [9/24WP]
Sept. 9: Israeli security sources said Hassan Abd Sept. 25: Israelijets bombedsuspectedPalestinian
al-QadirIlyan, a freed Palestiniancommando,had bases near Sidon. At least one person died. [9/26
blown himself up the week before while working NYT]
with explosives in the Gaza Strip. Ilyan's family Sept. 28: Israeli officials appointed the following
said he had stepped on a booby trapwhile putting mayors in West Bank towns: Abd al-MajidZir in
up a fence. [9/10AN] Hebron, Khalil Musa Khalil in Ramallah, and
Sept. 10: Israeli warplanesattacked a Palestinian Hassan Tawil in El Bireh. [9/29WP]
base near Sidon, woundingsix people. [9/10WP] Yasir Ubayd, head of RamallahHospital and a
The strike came an hour after the Israeli Navy close confidant of King Hussein, was seriously
reportedit had foiled an attempt by guerrillasto stabbednear his home. [9/29AN]
infiltrateinto northernIsrael by sea. [9/11NYT] Oct. 1: Distributionof the East Jerusalempaper
Egyptian and Israeli negotiators agreed on a Al-Fajrwas bannedby Israeliauthoritiesfor 7 days
formulafor settlingthe Tabadisputeaftermeetings for "censorshipviolations." [10/2 FBIS]
with Murphy.[9/11 NYT] Oct.6: Israeliwarplanesattackeda suspectedterror-
Sept. 11: Peres arrivedin Alexandria,and begana ist base in the Akkarregionof Lebanon.[10/6FBIS]
series of meetings with Mubarak.After the first JordanianNizar Hindawi,accused of dupinghis
meeting, Mubarakannouncedhe would returnthe pregnantfianceeinto carryinga bombaboardan El
Egyptianambassadorto Israel. [9/11FBIS] Al airlinerin April, and of "actingin concert with
Israeli troops backed by militiamenfrom the Syria," went on trialin London. [10/7 NYT]
SouthernLebanon Army (SLA) fought a pitched Oct. 7: Arafatconfirmedthat the PLO was moving
battlenearYatar,Lebanon,againstShi'i guerrillas. its militarycommandposts from Tunis to Yemen
Five Nepalese UNIFIL soldiers were woundedin and Iraq. [10/9NYT]
the crossfire. [9/12 NYT] The second Israeli in ten days was stabbed to
Sept. 12: Peres and Mubarakissued a joint com- death in the Gaza City market,promptingviolent
muniquecailingfor 1987to be "the year of negotia- anti-Arabprotests by Jewish residents of nearby
Ashkelon. [10/8WP]
tionsforpeace." Mubaraksaidbothsideshadagreed
on an international peace conference.[9/12FBIS]
Sept. 14:A Palestinianwomanwas shot dead by an
Israeli soldier in Hebron after she reportedlyat-
tacked anothersoldier.
Petroleum Affairs
(See also, RegionalAffairs,Iran)
Israeliofficialsannouncedthe IvoryCoastwould
open an embassy in Jerusalemthe followingday. 1986
[9/15AN] July 20: MEES reported that Saudi Arabia had

raised its oil output to more than five million
barrelsa day. [7/20MEES] Regional Affairs
OfficialSaudi sources denied that the kingdom (See also, Lebanon, Libya, Turkey)
was flooding the market with oil, insisting that
OPEC productionquotas and prices were being General
followed. [7/21AN]
Oil ministersfromSaudiArabia,Kuwait,andthe 1986
UAE met in Abu Dhabito discuss coordinationof July 29: Officials in Genoa, Italy, issued arrest
oil productionpolicies. [7/21FBIS] warrantsfor 20 Arabsthey said belongedto a large
July 28: OPEC oil ministers began meetings in terroristgroup operatingin Europe with links to
Geneva on productionquotas. [7/28AN] the Abu Nidal terroristgroup. [7/30WP]
Aug. 3: The OPEC meeting was "virtually in a EgyptianPresidentHusniMubarakandAlgerian
President Chadli Benjedid were elected by the
shambles," according to the New York Times, Organizationfor AfricanUnity (OAU)as chairmen
amid Algerianaccusations that Saudi Arabiawas of the AfricanLiberationCommittee.[7/30 FBIS]
tryingto depressoil pricesin orderto crippleIran's July31: West Berlinprosecutorssaid AhmadHasi,
war effortagainstIraq,afterSaudiArabiaopposed arrestedin connectionwith the April5 bombingof
an Algerianplan calling for obligatorylower pro- a discotheque in which three persons died, had
duction quotas to bolster prices. [8/3 NYT] been given explosives by the Syrian Embassy in
Aug. 4: OPEC ministers agreed unanimouslyin East Berlin for the March 29 bombing of the
principleto slash oil output to about 16.5 million Arab-GermanFriendshipsociety in West Berlin.
barrels a day. Prices on the European and US Hasi also reportedlyreceived "political training"
marketsrose in responseto about$14a barrel.Iraq in Libya. AnotherPalestinianwas also chargedin
was reportedly excluded from the self-imposed the earlierbombing.[8/1 WP]
outputceilings agreedon by the 12 othercountries Aug. 21: West Berlin police arrestedthree Leba-
for "political reasons." Iranian oil minister nese men suspected of preparingan attack on the
GhulamrizaAqazada said Iran would "control US military.[8/22NYT]
Iraq." [8/5 WP] Sept. 4: Police defused a powerfulbomb discov-
The Kuwaiti news agency reported that a ered in the Paris metro. The Committeefor Soli-
Vienna-basedgroup would be set up to monitor darity with Arab and Middle Eastern Political
compliancewith the agreement.[8/6 FBIS]
Aug. 9: Omaniofficialssaid they would cooperate Sept. 6: French Foreign Minister Jean-Bernard
with OPEC in reducingthe oil glut. [8/19MEED] Raimondsaid two Iraqistudentsexpelledearlierin
Egypt raisedthe price of its top qualitycrudeby the year, whose returnto Francewas demandedby
$3.40 a barrelfollowingthe OPECannouncement. MuslimextremistsholdingFrenchhostagesin Leb-
[8/19AN] anon, were free to returnto France. [9/7 NYT]
Aug. 11: MEES announcedthat OPEC's oil reve- Sept. 8: A bomb at the Paris City Hall killed one
nues fell by 34.8 per cent, or $19.6 billion, during person and injured19.
the first half of 1986. [8/11MEES] Eleven Kurdishmilitantsbriefly took over the
Aug. 31: Omanannounceda cut in oil productionto Paris office of Iraqi Airways to draw attentionto
550,000barrelsa day to cooperatewith OPEC.[9/1 recent Turkishactions againstKurdsliving on the
AN] Turkey-Iraqborder. They surrenderedpeacefully
Sept. 1: Oil productioncutbackswere reportedin after90 min. [9/9 WP]
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Ecuador,and other OPEC Sept. 9: An Arabgroupcallingitself the "Partisans
countries as the new agreementtook effect. [9/1 of Justice and Freedom" and CSAMEPP both
MEES] claimedresponsibilityfor the City Hall explosion.
Sept. 11: An official Saudi source denied reports [9/10NYT]
that the kingdomhad exceeded its oil production Sept. 10: Twelve persons of "MiddleEasternori-
gin" were arrestedin France in connection with
quota of 4.353 millionbarrelsa day. [9/11FBIS] the City Hall bomb. [9/12WP]
Sept. 15: Egypt raised the price of its top quality Sept. 11: The Frenchgovernmentpubliclyrefused
crude by 60 cents. [9/16AN] to release jailed Arab terroristsas demandedby
Oct. 6: OPEC oil ministers began meetings in CSAMEPP.[9/12WP]
Geneva to seek an oil price supportsystem. [10/6 Sept. 14:A bombin a Parispub killeda policeman.
NYT] Prime Minister Jacques Chirac announced strin-
Oct. 7: Kuwait's news agency reported that the gent new securitymeasures,includingvisa require-
OPEC monitoringunit had reportedthat at least ments for most foreigncitizens. [9/15WP]
three OPEC members-Ecuador, Gabon, and the Sept. 15: A bomb inside the main headquartersof
UAE-had not adhered to their quotas. [10/7 the Parispolice killedone personand wounded51.
FBIS] [9/16NYT]

Both the CSAMEPPand the Partisansof Justice July 27: In an articlein Pasdar-iIslam, Speakerof
and Freedomclaimedresponsibility.[9/17FBIS] the ParliamentHuJjatal-IslamHashimiRafsanjani
Sept. 17: In Beirut,CSAMEPPreleaseda statement said Iran would attack any Persian Gulf country
accusingthe US of pressuringFranceinto rejecting givingmoneyto Iraqto hit Iranianoil installations.
the group's demands, and threateneda terrorism [7/28NYT]
campaignagainstthe US and Italy. [9/18WP] July 29: Rafsanjanivowed to avenge Iraqiair raids
In Paris,a bombthrownfroma passingcar killed on Iraniancities after 73 people reportedlydied in
5 and injured50 others. [9/18WP] Arakon July 27. [7/30WP]
In Tripoli, Lebanon, two brothers of Georges The IranianNavy reportedlydetained an Arab
IbrahimAbdallah,who had been jailed in France commercial vessel owned by the United Arab
on terrorismchargesand whose freedomhas been ShippingCompany after Iraqi warplanes hit the
demandedby CSAMEPP,saidthey hadnot been in CypriotPolikonwhich had been workingon Iran's
Francefor some time and hadno connectionto the oil export routes. [7/30AN]
bombingcampaign,despite speculationby French IRNA reportedIranianair raids on Iraqiindus-
police. [9/18CSM] trial installationsnear Sulaymaniyaand a bridge
Sept. 19: Frenchpolice said they had a list of nine west of Irbil. Iraqi radio said the raids had been
suspects in the bombingcampaign,includingfour aimedat residentialareas andcaused civiliancasu-
brothersof Abdallahandfive of his followers. [9/20 alties. [7/30FBIS]
NYT] July 31: Iraqiplanes hit targetsinside Iran, report-
Sept. 25: French police arrested nine people, in- edly killing 15 workers. [8/1 FBIS]
cludingfive extreme Frenchleftists, in connection Aug. 1: A Greektankerwas reportedlydamagedby
with the recent bombings.[9/26NYT] a missile east of Qatar.[8/1 FBIS]
Sept. 26: French Justice MinisterAlbin Calandon Aug. 2: In a Fridaysermon, IranianPresidentAli
saidhe wouldrecommenda publictrialfor Georges Khamaneisaid Iran would attack Iraqi industrial
Abdallah.[9/27WP] centers in retaliationfor Iraqi attacks on civilian
Sept. 30: French officials cited evidence linking targets. [8/4 FBIS]
Syria with the recent bombingwave. [10/1NYT] Aug. 3: An American-ownedtanker registeredin
Oct. 7: In Paris, PLO official Abu lyad (Salah Liberia,the Mercedes, was set afireby an Iranian
Khalaf)said the Syriansecret service was respon- attackin the Gulf. [8/4 WP]
sible for recent threatsto intensifyterroristacts in Iraqisources said Iranianshellingof Basrakilled
France. [10/8 WP] two people and woundedfive, bringingthe six-day
casualty toll in the city to seven dead and 106
wounded. [8/4 AN]
Iran-IraqWar Aug.7: Iraqiradiosaid74 Iraqicivilianshaddied in
an Iranian artillery attack the day before on
Sulaymaniya. IRNA reported that Iraqi planes
1986 bombedresidentialareas in Isfahan. [8/7 FBIS]
July 18: The Iranian news agency (IRNA) said Iraqiplanes attackedIranianoil installationson
Iranianforces repelledan Iraqicounterattackin the Kharg Island and hit two tankers, the Liberian
MajnunIslands sector. [7/21FBIS] Mistra and the PanamanianMagnum, near the
July 20: Iraqi radio reported that Iraqi forces island. [8/8 WP]
repulsed an Iranian attack east of Basra. [7/21 Aug. 11: FBIS reportedthat Iraqi radio had said
FBIS] thatat least 28 Iraqicivilianshad died in an Iranian
July 21: MEES reported that Iran had recently air attack on Diyala Governoratevillages and by
acquired six more vessels for its oil shuttle and artilleryshellingof Basra. [8/11FBIS]
storage services following continued Iraqi air Aug. 12: An Iranianmissile hit Baghdad,and an
strikes on Kharg Island and the shuttle tankers. Iraniantankerand two others were hit in a retalia-
[7/21MEES] tory Iraqiraidon SirriIsland. [8/13FBIS]
July 23: Iraqi warplanesbombed an arms factory Aug. 13: IRNA said Iranianjets struck Iraqi oil
and other targets near Tehran, according to a installationsnear Kirkuk.[8/14 NYT]
military spokesman in Baghdad. Iranian sources
said the raids had killed seven civilians. [7/24WP] Aug. 14: The Iraqi news agency (INA) reported
Jane's Defense Weeklyreported that Iran had that Iraqiantiaircraftfire downedtwo IranianF-5s
begun a massive mobilizationprogram,forming near Sulaymaniya.[8/15FBIS]
1000 new battalionsof RevolutionaryGuards,in- Aug. 15: Survivors from the Iranian tanker
dicatingan end to the six-yearold feud betweenthe Azarpadhit at Sirri Island Aug. 12 said 16 crew
Guardsand the regulararmy. [7/24AN] membershad died in the raid. [8/15 NYT]
July 24: Gulf shippingsources reportedthat Iran's Aug. 16:IRNA saidIranianantiaircraftfiredowned
new crudeoil terminalin the Straitof Hormuzwas two Iraqiplanes over Dezful. [8/18 FBIS]
now fully operational and had taken over from Aug. 17: Two crew membersdied in an Iranianair
facilities off SirriIsland. [7/25AN] attackon the PanamanianWeelek.[8/18WP]

A Liberian tanker near the UAE coast was Oct. 4: Iraqi PresidentSaddamHussein said in a
reportedlyhit by an Iraqirocket. [8/18FBIS] speech that 100,000newly trainedconscriptedstu-
Aug. 18: Iranianplanes reportedlyset the super- dents were not currentlyrequiredat the front and
tankerAkaritaablaze in the Gulf, threateningthe could returnto their studies. [10/6 FBIS]
UAE's main loadingterminal.[8/19WP] Oct. 5: Iranianplanes bombedresidentialareas in
Aug. 26: Iraqiradiosaid IraqiplanesraidedIranian al-Kut, Iraq, and in Basra, reportedlykillingeight
oil installationsin the Ahvaz and Marunoil fields. civilians. [10/6NYT]
IRNA said Iranianplanes bombed Iraqi oil plat- Oct. 11: IRNA said Iraniancommandosand Kurd-
forms in the northernGulf. [8/27FBIS] ish rebels had destroyed Iraq's oil refinery at
Sept. 1: Iranian sources said two new Iranian Kirkuk, along with pipelines, storage tanks at a
offensives, Karbala 2 and Karbala3, had pene- thermalpower plant, and three surface-to-airmis-
trated "deep inside Iraq" in the Hajj Umranarea sile sites. Iraqi sources denied the reports. [10/12
and had recapturedthe Al-Ummayaoil platform, NYT]
but Baghdadradio said Iraq's army crushed the Oct. 13: Iranian long-range artillery hit Basra,
Iranianattackers.[9/2 NYT] reportedly in retaliation for Iraqi air raids on
Sept.3: Shippingsources saidIranhad stoppedand Isfahanand Shiraz. [10/14WP]
searched two Soviet ships in the Gulf the week
before. One was forcedto unloadat BandarAbbas. Western Sahara
[9/4 NYT]
Iraqi radio said Iraqi forces had recapturedthe
Al-Amiqradarplatformin the Gulf, 24 hoursafter 1986
it was reported seized by Iranian frogmen and July 16: Algiers radio quoted Polisario sources
marines. [9/4 NYT] which said recent Saharanmilitaryoperationshad
Sept. 4: Iranianofficialsreleasedthe seized Soviet caused 516 Moroccancasualties. [7/18FBIS]
freighter.[9/5 NYT] July 23: Spanish diplomatic sources said the
Sept. 9: Iraqiradio said Iraqiplanes raidedand set machine-gunattack on a Spanish trawler off the
afire the oil terminal at Tabriz and destroyed a Western Saharacoast the day before in which a
power station in retaliationfor an Iranianartillery fisherman died, had been carried out by the
bombardmentof Basrathe day before in which 17 PolisarioFront. [7/24AN]
Iraqicivilians died. [9/9 FBIS] July 28: Madridradio reportedthat Polisariooffi-
Sept. 11:IRNA said an Iranianmissilehadhit Iraqi cials had called for the markingof Spanishfishing
secret police headquartersin Baghdad.Iraqiradio boats flying Moroccanflags in order to guarantee
said the missile hadlandedin a crowdedresidential the safety of fishermen.[7/29FBIS]
section, killing21 people. [9/12 FBIS] Aug. 13: A Saharancommuniquecited by Algiers
Sept. 14: The French supertankerBrissac was hit radio said Polisarioattacks had killed 180 Moroc-
by Iranianplanes in the Gulf. [9/15AN] can troops in July. [8/14FBIS]
Sept. 16:Iraqireportssaid Iraqibombershit Kharg Aug. 27: Algiers radio reportedthat 12 Moroccan
Island three times in 45 minutes, inflictingheavy soldiershad been killedby rebels the week before.
damage. [9/17 NYT] [8/28FBIS]
IRNA announcedthat Iranwouldend attackson Sept. 11:A Spanishseamandied afterhis merchant
Iraqicities since Iraqhad ceased attackingcivilian ship was fired on by Polisario guerrillasoff the
and industrialareas in Iran in the past few days. coast of the western Sahara.[9/12AN]
[9/17 FBIS] Sept. 29: Algiersradio reportedthat 10 Moroccan
Sept. 17: An IraqiMirageF-I was shot down north soldiers had been killed on Sept. 21 by Polisario
fightersin WadiChadmia.[9/30FBIS]
of KhargIslandby Iranianartillery.[9/18FBIS]
Oct. 8: Polisariotroopskilled 17Moroccansoldiers
Sept. 18: Reuter reported that Iran had sent 12 at Hausa, accordingto Algiersradio. [10/15FBIS]
battalionsof volunteersto the centralwar front at
the start of a majoroffensive.
An Iraniangunboat attacked a Kuwaiti super-
tanker, the Funtas, off the coast of Saudi Arabia.
[9/18 WP]
US Pentagon officials said three Iranian F-4 Afghanistan
fighterbombercrews had defectedto Iraqover the
past two months. [9/19WP] 1986
Sept. 20: IRNA reported that Iranianwarplanes July 16: "Western diplomats" said Soviet and
bombed a radar center at Ruwandiz, Iraq. [9/21 Afghan troops had razed parts of Herat and that
NYT] hundredsof residentshad fled to Iran. [7/17AN]
Sept. 24: British officialsprotested to Iran over a July 18: The WashingtonPost reported a new
rocket attack on the BritishtankerPawnee in the strategy by Afghan leader Najibullahto escalate
Gulf. [9/25AN] political tensions in Pakistan by aiming terror

bombings against Afghan refugees in the border suspendedas the two sides remainedfar aparton
areas. [7/18WP] the timingof a Soviet troopwithdrawal.[5/9 NYT]
July 21: The WashingtonPost reportedthat hun- Aug. 10: ForeignMinisterShah MuhammadDost
dredsof idealisticArabmen hadjoined the Afghan met with Soviet ForeignMinisterEduardShevard-
resistance. [7/21WP] nadze in Moscow. [8/11AN]
July 22: The French press agency (AFP) reported Aug. 19: Rebels reportedly drove back a major
that rebels from Herat and Kandaharhad carried Soviet-backedoffensive in Logar Province. [8/20
out attacksin Kabulin recentweeks, includingone WP]
on the Soviet Embassy. [7/22FBIS] Aug. 24: Mujahidinsources said rebels had killed
Reportedlya series of explosions, machine-gun more than 80 Soviet soldiers in recent fightingin
battles, and rocket attacks had taken place in Badakhshan.[8/25FBIS]
Kabulthe week before. [7/23NYT] Aug. 25: Afghan militiamenreportedly abducted
July 23: The WashingtonPost reportedthat Paki- two Pakistani Army officers in Baluchistan and
stani officialshad suspendeda programto transfer took themacrossthe borderinto Afghanistan.[8/28
US supplied weapons, includingStinger anti-air- AN]
craft missiles, to Afghanrebels, for fear of Soviet
Aug. 27: A series of huge explosions rackedKabul
reprisals.[7/23WP] when an army ammunitiondepot blew up. Many
July24: FrenchPrimeMinisterJacquesChiracsaid people reportedlydied. [8/28NYT]
Francewould increasehumanitarianaid to Afghan Afghanofficialsblamedthe explosion on "tech-
refugeesin Pakistan.[7/25AN] nical problems."[8/28FBIS]
July 26: Kabulradio announced"successful oper- Aug. 28: Soviet television admittedthe explosion
ations" by government forces against rebels in was the work of rebels. [8/30 AN]
Kandaharand Wardakprovinces. [7/28FBIS] Aug. 31: Afghanauthoritiesheld a rallyin Kabulto
27: Pakistan'snews agency reportedthat six Af- supportdissidenttribes in Pakistaniborderareas.
ghanrefugeeswere killedwhen theircar hit a land [9/1 AN]
mine in Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan. Sept.28:A carbombnearthe Soviet tradecenterin
[7/28NYT] Kabul killed three Afghan civilians, accordingto
July 28: Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev an- Kabulradio. [9/30FBIS]
nouncedthe withdrawalof six Soviet regimentsby Oct. 2: The Afghangovernmentprotestedto Paki-
the end of the year in an attempt to speed the stan over a Sept. 19 incident in which Pakistani
searchfor a politicalsolutionto the war. [7/29WP] forces "with Americanadvisers"fired700 surface-
July 29: Western diplomatsin India reportedthat to-surfacemissiles at an Afghanvillage, killing62
Muslim rebels had taken control of most of people. [10/3FBIS]
KandaharCity, and that governmentforces had Oct. 9: The Hezb-i-Islami group reported that
beguna majorcampaignin the LogarValley. [7/30 resistance leader Karim Shahid had been killed
WP] recently with a number of his men near Kabul.
July 31: Pakistan's Foreign Minister Sahabzada [10/11LM]
Yaqub Khan and his Afghan counterpart,Shah Oct. 14: The WashingtonPost reportedthat a new
Muhammed Dost, met separately with UN USAID "humanitarian aid" projectin Pakistanfor
UndersecretaryDiego Cordovez in Geneva as in- Afghan rebels there was raising fears that some
direct negotiations on the Afghan war resumed. rebels could be corruptedand luredaway fromthe
[8/1 NYT] front. [10/14WP]
Kabul radio reported that the Politburo had
criticized "serious shortcomings"in various state
and party institutionsand dismissed a numberof
officials. [8/1 FBIS]
Aug. 1: AFP quoted reports by a French relief
workerthat 150Afghanvillagershad been killedin
April when governmenttroops launchedan offen- (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Egypt,
sive in the Darreh-yeNur Valley. [8/4 FBIS] Lebanon)
Aug. 3: Bakhtar reported that 23 rebels of the
Hezballah "band" had recently surrenderedto 1986
governmenttroops in Herat Province. [8/4 FBIS] July 16: PresidentChadliBenjedidreturnedfrom
Aug. 5: Western diplomatic sources in Pakistan Belgiumwhere he had undergonean operationfor
said fightinghad intensifiedthe week before with sciatica. [7/17FBIS]
extensive Soviet bombingnear Paghman.[8/6AN] Sept. 10: Cuban President Fidel Castro began a
Aug. 6: Najibullahsaid efforts to get more young workingvisit. [9/11FBIS]
people into Afghanistan's dwindling army had Sept. 13: French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac
failed. [8/8 WP] arrivedfor an officialvisit. [9/16 FBIS]
Aug. 8: In Geneva, indirectUN-sponsorednegoti- Oct. 10: Le Monde reportedthat AbdennourAli
ations between Afghanistan and Pakistan were Yahia, president of the Algerian Human Rights

League, free after 11 months in jail, had been
forbidden to leave the country and was being Egypt
harrassedby authorities.[10/10LM] (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Petroleum

July 16: PresidentHusni Mubarakbegan visits to
Bahrain France, Britain, West Germany,and Italy. [7/16
(See also, Qatar) FBIS]
The trip was reportedlya fundraisingtour made
necessaryby lower oil prices. [7/19MEED]
1986 Al-Ahali reported that security forces had re-
July 21: The governmentexpelled a Reuter press
cently detaineda large numberof Muslimfunda-
agency manager for using informationfrom a
mentalists, who had accused the police of using
Qatarijournalist in his coverage of the Fasht al-
tortureto extractconfessions. [7/30 FBIS]
Dibal dispute. [7/22WP]
July 23: Al-Ahramreportedthat Egypt's popula-
Oct. 14:KingHusseinof Jordanarrivedin Manama tion of 50 millionwas increasingby I millionevery
for an officialvisit. [10/15FBIS]
eight months. [8/1 FBIS]
July 29: Mubarakmet with SudanesePrimeMinis-
ter Al-Sadiqal-Mahdiin Addis Ababa, duringthe
22nd summitof the Organizationof AfricanUnity
(OAU). [7/30FBIS]
Cyprus Aug. 4: US Vice PresidentGeorgeBush arrivedin
Cairo and met with Mubarak.He reportedlytold
(See also, Iraq, Pakistan) Mubarakthe US could not increase economic aid
to Egypt. [8/5 NYT]
1986 Aug. 6: Mubarakmet with Jordan'sKing Hussein
July 20: Greek and Turkish Cypriots held rival in Alexandria.[8/7 AN]
anniversaryceremoniesmarkingTurkey'sinvasion Aug. 17: Authoritiesannouncedthat the entry of
in 1974. [7/21 NYT] Tunisians into the country would be restricted
July 22: The New YorkTimesreportedthatthe US followingTunisia'srefusalto grantentry to some
Congress had been allottingat least $15 milliona Egyptians.[8/18AN]
year in economic aid to Cyprussince 1974,despite Aug. 24: Egyptianand US forces began four days
the nation's strongeconomy and high standardof of joint air and sea exercises in the Mediterranean
living. [7/22NYT] Sea off Libya. [8/25WP]
July 24: Former Turkish prime minister Bulent Aug. 30: The Egyptian press agency (MENA)
Ecevit calledfor Turksto settle in the Turkish-held reportedthatfive Egyptianshad been convicted of
town of Varosha,unless the GreekCypriotgovern- receiving Libyan money to commit subversive
ment agreed unconditionallyto a recent UN draft acts. [9/12FBIS]
proposalfor solvingthe Cyprusproblem.[7/25AN] Aug. 31: MENA reportedthat five Muslimextrem-
Aug. 3: The Britishair base at Akrotiriwas hit by ists had been arrestedat Cairoairport.[9/2 FBIS]
rockets and mortarsfiredfrom a car. Two British The New YorkTimes reported that US aid to
women and a Cypriotwere woundedin the attack. Egypt would be reoriented to focus on private
[8/4 WP] enterprise and "self-sufficiency" projects. [8/31
A group callingitself the UnifiedNasirite Orga- NYT]
nizationtook responsibility.[8/4 FBIS] Sept.11:Forty-fivepolicemenwerechargedin Cairo
Aug. 5: In the self-proclaimedTurkish Cypriot with torturingIslamicactivistsinjails. [9/13AN]
state, the Communist Liberation party (TKP) Sept. 21: Al-Ahramreportedthat security forces
pulled out of its rulingcoalitionwith the National had arrested25 leftists for distributingsubversive
Union party. [8/7 AN] leaflets. [9/24FBIS]
Aug. 18: Security police said they had arresteda Sept. 30: The Djibouti governmentannouncedit
Lebanesemanin connectionwith the attackon the would reestablishrelationswith Cairo, severed in
Britishbase. [8/19AN] 1979. [10/1FBIS]
Sept. 2: TurkishCyprusPresidentRauf Denktash Oct. 1: Oppositionpartiesboycotted elections for
approved a new coalition Cabinet made up of the Advisory(Shura)Councilto protest new elec-
members of the Revival and National Unity par- tion laws. [10/2NYT]
ties. [9/3 AN] Oct. 4: In Cairo, the first 106 of 1,324 security
Sept. 20: Formerforeign ministerNicos Rolandis police conscriptswho riotedin February1986went
foundeda new, Liberalpartycommittedto resolv- on trial. The proceedingswere immediatelypost-
ing the Greek-TurkishCyprusdispute. [9/21AN] poned for a month. [10/5NYT]

Sept. 12: Tehran radio denied Reza Pahlavi had
Iran made any broadcast.[9/15FBIS]
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Regional Sept. 18:In Tehran,five doctorswere sentencedto
Affairs,Pakistan,Turkey) up to 18monthsin internalexile for leadinga strike
in July. [9/19AN]
Sept. 22: MEEDreportedthat the Iran-UStribunal
1986 at the Hague had ruled in favor of Iran, ordering
July 16: A draft agreementfor a new oil pipeline the US to handover $500millionheldin an account
between Khuzestanand Iskanderun,Turkey,was set up five years ago. [9/22MEED]
signed in Tehran.[7/17 FBIS] Sept.26: Threemenconvictedof the Qombombing
July 19:MEEDreportedthatformerprimeminister were publiclyexecuted there. [9/27AN]
Mahdi Bazargan,who recently establisheda new Oct. 2: ForeignMinisterAli AkbarVilayatisaid his
opposition group, had recently been briefly kid- government was holding talks with France on
napped,and several of his associates beaten, pos- improvingrelations.[10/3NYT]
sibly with officialsanction. [7/19MEED] Four Iranianweightliftersmissingin Seoul, Ko-
July 25: US officials ordered the third-ranking rea, were reportedto be seekingasylumat the Iraqi
diplomatin Iran's UN mission, Ali Riza Dayhim, consulate. [10/3 FBIS]
to leave the US because of illegalactivities, which Oct. 3: A Syriandiplomatwas brieflykidnappedin
includedthreateningan Iranianexile living in the Tehran.[10/3FBIS]
US because he did not deliver American-made Oct. 8: The West GermanEmbassyin Tehranwas
armsfor which he had been paid. [7/26NYT] attackedby severalhundreddemonstratorsfollow-
Aug. 3: Col. Hussein Hasani-Saadiwas appointed ing violence at a book fair in Frankfurtthe week
commander of Iran's Ground Forces, replacing before duringwhich Iranianstaff had been injured
Col. Ali Sayyid Shirazi,who became a memberof by opponentsof the Tehrangovernment.[10/9WP]
the SupremeDefense Council. [8/4 FBIS]
Aug. 5: IRNA, Iran's official press agency, re-
ported that a bomb in Tehran had killed one
person. [8/5 FBIS]
Aug. 7: US officialssaidan AmericanarrestedJune
18 in Tehranon espionagechargeswas Jon Pattis,
a telecommunicationsengineer. [8/8 WP]
Aug. 16:A car bombkilled 11personsneara shrine Iraq
in Qom. [8/17WP] (See also, Petroleum Affairs, Regional
Aug. 19: A car bomb in Tehrankilled 20 people. Affairs,Pakistan,Turkey)
Aug. 20: London police said a bomb explosion in
an Iranian-ownedshop the previousday that killed
one person was part of a clash between pro- and 1986
anti-Khomeiniactivists. [8/21 WP] July 16:Naim Haddadwas relievedof his member-
Iranianradiosaidall membersof a grouprespon- ship on the Revolution CommandCouncil. [7/17
sible for the Aug. 16 Qom bombing had been FBIS]
arrested.[10/21FBIS] July 19:Jordan'sKingHussein arrivedin Baghdad
Aug. 21: A group calling itself "SYS" claimed for previously unannouncedtalks with President
responsibilityin Athens for the recent bombingsin SaddamHussein. [7/21AN]
Qom and Tehran.[8/21WP] Aug. 2: NationalAssembly SpeakerSaadunHam-
Aug. 25: Following high-level talks in Moscow, madi was appointed to the RevolutionaryCom-
Iranian officials announced they would resume mandCouncil. [8/4 FBIS]
exports of naturalgas to the Soviet Union. [8/26 Aug. 11: Aziz Salih Hassanwas namedministerof
NYT] agriculture,replacingAbd al-LatifYunis. [8/12AN]
Aug. 31: Clandestine Free Voice of Iran radio Abd al-Fattah MuhammadAmin was named
reportedantigovernmentdemonstrationsin Shiraz minister of youth, replacingNuri Faysal Shahir.
following "barbarous"military recruitingefforts
by the RevolutionaryGuards.[8/5 FBIS] [8/17AN]
Sept. 5: Reza Pahlavi, son of the late Shah, ap- Aug. 18: AFP reportedthat an unknown Islamic
peared in an unauthorizedbroadcast on Iranian grouphadkidnappedan Iraqiin Cyprusandoffered
television, declaredhimself leader, and called for to exchange him for two Iraqi opposition figures
the overthrowof the government.Small pro-Pha- recentlyexpelled from France. [8/29 FBIS]
lavi demonstrationswere reportedin Tehranfol- Oct. 2: The Iraqinews agency (INA) reportedthat
lowing the broadcast,and were reportedlybroken an Oil Ministryofficialand six other men had been
up with violence by RevolutionaryGuards. [9/9 hangedfor illegaldealingswith foreigncompanies.
AN] [10/3FBIS]

Sept. 8: TradeMinisterAriel Sharonhelpeddefuse
Israel a Cabinet crisis by formally retractinghis claim
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Lebanon, that Peres' pursuitof peace with Arableadershad
Turkey) contributedto the Sept. 6 massacreof Jews in an
Istanbulsynagogue.[9/8 WP]
1986 Sept. 14: Peres began an official visit to the US.
July 21: Justice Minister Yitzhak Moda'i an- [9/15AN]
nounced his resignationto avoid dismissalfollow- Sept. 15: A new director, whose name was with-
ing critical remarksabout PrimeMinisterShimon held for security reasons, took over the Shin Bet
Peres' handlingof the Shin Bet affairin which the internalsecurityagency. [9/16WP]
1984beatingdeath of two Arab bus hijackerswas Sept. 17:Two Israelidiplomatsarrivedin Polandto
allegedlycovered up. [7/21FBIS] reopen Israel's visa office for the first time since
July22: Defense MinisterYitzhakRabinsaidIsrael Warsawbroke diplomaticrelations in 1967. [9/18
would not cooperate with the US in discussing AN]
alternativesto the Lavi fighterplaneunless the US Sept. 18: Peres met with CanadianPrimeMinister
Defense Departmentstoppeddelayingthe authori- BrianMulroneyin Ottowa. [9/19AN]
zation of contractsneeded for developmentof the A police investigationinto the Shin Bet affair
Lavi. [7/25 FBIS] ended withouta recommendationof charges. [9/19
July 27: Finance MinisterMoshe Nisim became a WP]
member of the Inner Cabinet, replacing Moda'i Sept. 21: Peres met with Soviet Foreign Minister
[7/28FBIS] EduardShevardnadzeat UN headquartersin New
The Cabinet appointed Tourism Minister York. [9/22NYT]
AvrahamShariras justice minister.[7/28CSM] Sept. 29: Accused Nazi death camp executioner
July 30: The SupremeCourtruledthat the govern- John Demjanjukwas indicted in Jerusalem on
ment could expel 45 American-bornBlack He- charges of murderingand torturingJews during
brews for overstayingtheir visas, and the Interior WorldWar II. [9/30WP]
Ministrysaid they would be deportedto the US in Oct. 10: Peres submittedhis resignationto Presi-
the next few days. [7/31NYT] dent Herzog, pavingthe way for ForeignMinister
Visiting US Vice President George Bush told YitzhakShamirto succeedhimthe followingweek,
Peresthatthe US was not conductinga "vendetta" as agreedupon by the Likudand Laborpartiesin
against Israel in prosecutingthe case of accused Sept. 1984. [10/11NYT]
spy JonathanJay Pollard.[7/31WP] Oct. 14: Shamirpostponedpresentinghis govern-
July31: The governmentannouncedthatthe shekel ment to the Knesset because of continuingnegoti-
would no longerbe tied to the US dollaralone but ations between Likud and Labor politiciansover
to a "basket" of five majorcurrencies:the dollar, Cabinetappointments.[10/14FBIS]
the Deutschmark,the pound sterling, the French
franc, and the yen. [8/1 FBIS]
Aug. 5: The US Justice Department withdrew
subpoenas of eight Israelis under investigationin
connection with the illegal export of US cluster-
(See also, Bahrain,Oman, Syria)
bomb technology, in returnfor "pledges of coop-
eration"from Israel. [8/6 WP]
Aug. 6: The SupremeCourtupheldthe legalityof 1986
presidentialpardonsgiven Shin Bet chief Avraham Aug. 1: Authoritiesreportedlyliftedrestrictionson
Shalomand three aides. [8/7 NYT] 11 localjournalistsand a numberof foreigncorre-
Aug. 18: In Helsinki, Israeli and Soviet delegates spondentsprohibitedfromenteringJordanbecause
began the firstformaltalks between the two coun- of theirreportson the violence at YarmukUniver-
tries in 19 years. [8/18NYT] sity in May. [8/1 FBIS]
The talks ended after only one session, but Aug. 29: Egyptian President Husni
rived in Amman for talks with King Hussein. [8/28
Israeli officials denied they had "brokendown."
[8/18FBIS] Sept. 29: KingHusseinreturnedfroma three-week
Aug. 24: PresidentChaimHerzog pardonedseven visit to Britain,where he underwentsurgery.[9/30
more Shin Bet members in connection with the FBIS]
April 1984beatingdeathsof two Palestinianhijack- Oct. 4: InteriorMinisterHasan al-Kayidresigned
ers and subsequentcover up. [8/25WP] and was replaced by Rajai al-Dajani, formerly
Aug. 25: Prime MinisterShimonPeres left for an transportminister.AhmadDakhan,who had been
officialvisit to Cameroon.[8/25FBIS] agricultureminister,was namedtransportminister.
Aug. 26: In Yaounde, Israeli and Cameroonian [10/16FBIS]
officials announced the restorationof diplomatic Oct. 7: KingHusseinbeganan officialvisit to India.
relations, severed in 1973. [8/26FBIS] [10/17FBIS]

Kuwait In Paris, Syrian Vice President Abd al-Halim
Khaddam said Syria was trying to secure the
(See also, PetroleumAffairs) release of Americanand Frenchhostages in Leba-
non even thoughthey were not being held in areas
1986 underSyriancontrol. [7/18NYT]
July 21: MEES reportedthat the new Cabinetset July 18:Al-Naharreportedthat the governmentof
up July 12 included the following appointments: Bulgariahad agreedto contributeto financingthe
ShaykhSaad al-Abdallahal-Salimal-Sabah:Prime multinationalforce in the south. [7/21 FBIS]
Minister July 19: Hizballah leader Muhammad Husayn
AnwarAbdallahal-Nuri:Education Fadlallah rejected the extension of the Syrian-
Shaykh Jabir Mubarakal-Hamidal-Sabah:So- backed security plan into the southernsuburbsof
cial Affairsand Labor Beirut. [7/21FBIS]
KhalidSulaymanal-Jumayan:Communications July 19: Gunmenfiredon an AmericanUniversity
Said Muhammadal-Usayni:Ministerof Statefor Hospitalbus, killingfour people. [7/20WP]
ForeignAffairs July 21: Abdallahal-Rasi, appointedinteriormin-
Dhari Abdallah al-Uthman:Justice and Legal ister in 1984,saidhe wouldassumehis duties. [7/21
Affairs FBIS]
Abd al-RahmanKhalidal-Ghunaym:Ministerof July 22: Muslim ministers belonging to the anti-
State for MunicipalitiesAffairs Gemayel"ministerialcommittee"met with al-Rasi
ShaykhAli al-Khalifaal-Adhbial-Sabah:Oil in Beirut. [7/23AN]
Isa Muhammadal-Mazidi:Ministerof State for July 23: Fresh Syriantroops reportedlyarrivedin
Services' Affairs West Beirut to help the Lebanese Army take
Faysal Abd al-Razzaqal-Khalid:Commerceand controlof the southernsuburbs.[7/25AN]
Industry July 24: Following a meeting with Syrian com-
MuhammadSulaymanSayyid Ali: Planning manderin Lebanon Ghazi Kanaan, Hizballahof-
Nasir Abdallah al-Rawdhan:Minister of State ficialShaykhIbrahimal-Aminsaidhis groupwould
for Housing Affairs[7/21 MEES] "do everythingpossible" to guaranteethe success
July 28: Diplomaticrelationswere establishedwith of the securityplan in the suburbs.[7/25 FBIS]
Bolivia. [8/9 MEED] July 26: Rev. LawrenceJenco, one of five Ameri-
July 31: An Army lieutenantand the leader of an can hostages held in Lebanon, was released un-
extremist religious movement were executed by harmedin the Biqa Valley. He said he had been
firingsquadfor murderand robbery,accordingto held by the Islamic Jihad group with three other
Kuwait'snews agency. [7/31 FBIS] American captives: Terry Anderson, David
Sept. 19: French PresidentFrangoisMitterandar- Jacobsen, and Thomas Sutherland,and that they
rived for a brief officialvisit. [9/19 FBIS] were in good health.In a videotapebroughtout by
Sept. 23: Authorities reported the arrest of five Jenco, Jacobsen appealedto the US to negotiate
Iraqis in connection with a 1985 assassination for the release of the other hostages. [7/27WP]
attempton AmirShaykhJabiral-AhmadAl Sabah. July27: Thirty-onepeople were woundedin rocket
[9/24AN] and mortar exchanges between East and West
Beirut. [7/28AN]
ReaganAdministrationofficialssaid they would
not make any concessions to captors holding
Americanhostages. [7/28NYT]
Lebanon A car bombin the Ayn al-Rummanaareaof East
Beirutkilled32, wounded140,andwreckeddozens
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional
Affairs) of buildings.[7/29WP]
July 29: At least 30 died and 100were woundedin
a car bombexplosionin the Al-Barbirareaof West
1986 Beirut. [7/29FBIS]
July 16: Saudi ArabianofficialSulaymanMuham- US officials said secret messages by Tunisia,
madal-Mubarakwas kidnappedby Shi'igunmenin
Beirut.He was releasedtwo hourslaterby a search SaudiArabia,and Algeriamay have helped secure
team of Lebanese army officers and policeman. Jenco's release. [7/30 NYT]
[7/17 NYT] July 31: A Sunni accused by the Amal militia of
Two Lebanese convicted of trying to kill a tryingto set a car bomb at an Amal headquarters
Libyan diplomatin Spain returnedto Beirut after was executed in Beirut. [7/31WP]
being released fromjail and expelled. [7/17AN] Aug. 1: A car bomb killed 27 persons in East
July 17: A young woman carried out a suicide Beirut.
bomb operation in Jazzin, wounding two other In a speech at the FayadiyaMilitaryAcademy,
people. The SyrianSocialistNationalparty(SSNP) PresidentAminGemayelvowed to remainloyal to
claimedresponsibility.[7/17FBIS] his oath of office and appealedto SyrianPresident

Hafiz al-Asad to help end the civil war. Muslim determinedto prevent more attacks on UNIFIL.
armycommandersboycottedthe speech. [8/2 WPI [8/25FBIS]
Aug. 2: A car bomb in the Jall al-Dibarea of East Aug. 25: Israeli radio said three "terrorists"had
Beirut killed one person and wounded 30 others. been killed in clashes with the Israeli-backed
[8/4 FBIS] SouthernLebanon Army (SLA) near al-Tayyiba.
A bag of dynamitethrownfrom a passingcar in [8/26FBIS]
Beirutwoundedfive people. [8/3 WP] Aug. 28: Gemayel began a trip to France. [8/28
Aug. 4: A car bombin the Jisr Bayrutarea of East FBIS]
Beirutcaused at least two deaths. [8/4 FBIS] Aug. 29: Syrian officials invited Karami, Amal
Syriantroops and Lebanese soldiers and police leader Nabih Berri, Jumblatt, Parliamentary
entered Beirut's southern suburbsin an effort to SpeakerHusaynal-Husayniand EducationMinis-
impose the four-week-oldsecurity plan there. [8/5 ter Salim al-Huss to Damascus for talks on the
WP] Lebanonsituation.[8/29 FBIS]
Beirutradio said the plan had been successfully French and UN officials opened talks in Paris
implemented[8/5 FBIS] aimedat reexaminingUNIFIL's role. [8/30AN]
Aug. 8: A car bomb near the Arab University in Sept. 2: Christianand Muslim Cabinet ministers
West Beirut killed 25 people and wounded 45 met for the firsttime in nine monthsand called for
others. [8/8 FBIS] a ceasefire. [9/3 WP]
Aug. 10: Nine people were killed in Beirut in Sept. 4: Three French soldiers were killed by a
clashes between supportersof Lebanese Forces landmineeast of Tyre. [9/4 FBIS]
Executive CommitteeChairmanSamirJajaand his Sept. 8: Amal and Hizballahguerrillasbattled in
opponents, including former Lebanese Forces Beirut'sShi'i suburbs.[9/9 NYT]
commanderElie Hubayqa and Lebanese Forces Sept. 9: FrankReed, Americanheadmasterof the
officialMarunMashalani.[8/11FBIS] Lebanese InternationalSchool, was kidnappedin
Aug. 13: The French Foreign Ministryexpressed Beirut. [9/10FBIS]
"deep concern" over Aug. 12 Amal-UNIFIL Sept. 11: Islamic Jihad denied kidnappingReed.
clashes in the south in which three militiamendied [9/11FBIS]
and 13 Frenchsoldierswere wounded.[8/12FBIS] Sept. 12: US citizenJosephCicippio,chief accoun-
Aug. 14: Fighting between supportersand oppo- tant at the American University of Beirut, was
nents of Jaja resumed despite a meeting of the kidnapped.[9/12FBIS]
Lebanese Forces Executive Committee. [8/15 Sept. 13:A FrenchUNIFIL soldierdied of wounds
FBIS] received in a bomb blast south of Sidon. Another
A car bombin East Beirutkilled 15 people. [8/14 Frenchmanwas seriouslywounded. [9/14WP]
FBIS] Sept. 15: A pro-Libyangroup, the Arab Revolu-
Aug. 17: Nine people were injured in artillery tionary Cells-UmarMukhtarForces, claimed to
battles across Beirut's GreenLine. [8/18FBIS] have kidnappedReed and Cicippio,one day aftera
Aug. 19: In Beirut, Prime Minister Rashid al- groupcallingitself the "BaathResurrectionCells"
Karami met with Christian Ministers Camille made the same claim. [9/15WP]
Chamoun (Finance) and Joseph Hashim (Health Sept. 16: Cabinet ministerscontinued reconcilia-
and Communications)in an effortto seek reconcil- tion meetingsin Beirutaimedat workingout a new
iation. Druze leader and TourismMinisterWalid nationalpact. [9/14AN]
Jumblattsaid he too was ready to consider new Sept. 17: Thousands of demonstratorsin Tyre
peace plans. [8/20WP] marchedto express their supportof UNIFIL and
Aug. 20: A car bomb in a bus in East Beirut against attacks on the peacekeepingforce. [9/18
woundedthree. [8/21 WP] NYT]
Clashes between Amal and Palestinianfighters Sept. 18: Lebanese guerrillas killed seven SLA
were reportedin and aroundSidon. militiamen and wounded eight in the
Seventeenpeople were killedin fightingbetween Israeli-declaredsecurityzone. [9/19AN]
Christianmilitiasin East Beirut. [8/21FBIS] The French military attache, Col. Christian
Aug. 22: Between 700 and 900 Syrian soldiers Goutierre,was assassinatedin Beirut. [9/18FBIS]
enteredWest Beirutand the southernsuburbsand The "Front for Justice and Revenge" and the
may move into Sidon, according to Radio Free
Lebanon. [8/22 FBIS] "RevolutionaryBrigades"claimed responsibility.
Aug. 23: Two French UNIFIL soldiers were [9/19FBIS]
woundedin an attackby Shi'i militiamenon a UN Sept. 19: UN Secretary General Javier Perez de
peacekeepingpost in the south. [8/24WP] Cuellarthreatenedto pull UNIFIL out of southern
A bomb in a beach resortin East Beirutinjured LebanonandblamedIsraelfor violence in the area
one person. [8/24AN] because it refused to withdrawcompletely. [9/20
Aug. 24: Beirut radio said Amal members had NYT]
arrested two gunmen who attacked a Finnish Sept. 20: French UNIFIL troops withdrewfrom
UNIFIL post, and Amal officials said they were nine of their positions for security reasons, and

were replaced by Nepalese contingents. [9/21
NYT] Libya
Sept. 24: Gunmenattackedtwo Nepalese UNIFIL (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Regional
posts, slightlywoundingone soldier. Affairs, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan,
In Beirut, the RevolutionaryJustice Organiza- Turkey)
tion said it had kidnapped Frenchman Marcel
Coudre. [9/25 WP] 1986
Sept. 26: British journalist David Hirst escaped July 22: US officials said seven people and five
from would-bekidnappersin Beirut. [9/27WP] companies had been indicted by a federal grand
Sept. 27: Syrian-backed Muslim and Christian jury for attemptingto divert LockheedC130cargo
planes and parts worth $50 millionto Libya. [7/23
forces crossed from West into East Beirutfor the
first time in the 11-yearcivil war, in an apparent July 23: Italianjudicial sources said an investiga-
effortby Hubayqaandhis backersto regaincontrol tion into the activitiesof two formerLibyandiplo-
of the Lebanese Forces. Five people reportedly mats in Rome had uncovered a financialnetwork
died in heavy fighting.[9/28WP] used to supportterrorismin Europe. [7/24WP]
Sept.28: The deathtoll in the Beirutfightingrose to Aug. 5: Maltese Prime MinisterKarmeruMifsud
62. Bonnicisaid Maltahadgiven Libya advancewarn-
In the south, two Frenchsoldierswere wounded ing of the Aprilattackby US planes and would do
in a bomb attack near Tyre. [9/29WP] so againif necessary. [8/6 NYT]
French journalist Jean-MarcSroussi was ab- Aug. 8: Sudanese Prime Minister Al-Sadiq
ducted in Beirut. [9/29FBIS] al-Mahdibegan a one-day visit. [8/8 FBIS]
Sept.29: Supportersof Jajareportedlydefeatedthe Aug. 10: Libya signed an agreementfor Sudanto
attackby Hubayqa'ssupporters.[9/29FBIS] buy Libyan oil with money withheld from Suda-
Lebanese Army officerCol. Khalil Kanaanwas nese workers in Libya, many of whom were ex-
slain in Beirut, reportedlyby members of Jaja's pelled or deprivedof pay last year. [8/11WP]
Lebanese Forces. [9/30 NYT] Aug. 19: Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni
Oct. 1: A Rome appeals court overturned the arrivedfor a state visit. [8/20AN]
acquittalof six Lebanesemen accusedof plottinga Aug. 24: SyrianPresidentHafiz al-Asadarrivedin
bomb attack on the US Embassy in 1984 and Benghazi for talks with Muammaral-Qadhdhafi.
ordereda new trial. [10/2WP] Aug. 25: The Frenchpress agency reportedthat a
JournalistSroussi escaped from his captors in "sting" operationled by a "renegadeWest Ger-
Beirut. [10/2WP] mantrader"hadtrickeda UK airlinecompanyinto
Oct. 2: The Lebanese governmentbegan asserting delivering to Libya two advanced Airbus A-310
controlover Lebanese ports, and officialssaid the aircraft.[8/25 FBIS]
work was proceeding satisfactorily at Beirut, White House officials said Qadhdhafiwas plan-
Junya, Sidon, Tyre, and Tripoli.[10/3 FBIS] ning more terroristattacks and that the US would
Oct. 3: AmericanjournalistTerry Anderson, kid- take "whateveractionis necessary"to thwarthim.
nappedin 1985,appearedin a videotapeon Leba- [8/26NYT]
nese television and appealedto PresidentReagan Aug. 26: Tripoliradio reportedthat revolutionary
to work harderfor the release of US hostages in committees in Tripoli had destroyed "one of the
Lebanon. Islamic Jihad also released a tape of dens" of former prime minister Abd al-Hamid
hostage David Jacobsen. [10/4WP] al-Bakkush.[8/26FBIS]
Oct. 5: Shi'i and Palestinianfightersclashedfor the Aug. 30: StaffMajorAbd al-SalamJallud,Libya's
sixth day in the RashidiyyarefugeeareanearTyre. second-in-command, challengedthe US to produce
[10/6FBIS] evidence of Libyan complicity in terrorism.[9/12
Oct. 6: Islamic Jihadreleased videotapes of three FBIS]
French hostages makingappeals to their govern- Sept. 2: Diplomaticsources in Europe said efforts
ment to seek the release of 17 convicted Shi'i by US Ambassadorto the UN Vernon Waltersto
convince Westernleaders to strengthensanctions
terroristsin Kuwaitin exchangefor theirfreedom. againstLibya were being greeted skeptically. [9/3
[10/7WP] WP]
Oct. 7: ShaykhSubhiSalih, deputychairmanof the Sept. 4: At a speech to the NonalignedMovement
HigherIslamicShariaCouncil,was assassinatedin in Harare,Zimbabwe,Qadhdhafisaid the organi-
Beirut. [10/7 FBIS] zationwas soft on imperialismandthatit shouldbe
Oct. 11: A two-week purgeof opponentsof Jajain disbanded.[9/5 WP]
Christian areas of the country reportedly had Sept. 5: Qadhdhafi began an official visit to
caused 60 deaths so far. [10/11NYT] Uganda.[9/8 FBIS]
Oct. 14: Seven people were injuredin a car bomb Sept. 14: Qadhdhafipaid a brief official visit to
explosion in Zahla. [10/15FBIS] Ethiopia.[9/15AN]

Oct. 2: The WashingtonPost reported that the Sept. 29: Hassan relieved Lamraniof his post, at
Reagan administrationhad in Aug. 1986 begun a Lamrani's request, because of ill health. [9/30
secret campaigndesigned to convince Qadhdhafi FBIS]
that he was going to be attacked again by US Sept. 30: Azzedine Laraki was appointed prime
bombers. The campaign included planting false minister.MohamedHilalitook his place as educa-
informationin the Americanmedia. [10/2WP] tion minister.[10/1FBIS]
Oct. 5: The WashingtonPost reported that the
State Departmenthad urged the Reaganadminis-
tration in August to follow a strategy that could
lead to a coup or assassination attempt against
Qadhdhafi.[10/5 WP]
Oct. 7: The Italiangovernmentreleasedthree Lib-
yans convictedof participatingin "hit teams" sent (See also, PetroleumAffairs)
to Europe to murderopponents of Qadhdhafi,in
exchange for four Italiansjailed in Libya. [10/8 1986
WP] Oct. 6: King Hussein of Jordanmet with Sultan
Qabusibn Said in Muscat. [10/7FBIS]
Oct. 14: Sultan Qabus announced the following
Muhammadibn Abdallah ibn Zahir al-Hanai:
Agricultureand Fisheries.
Morocco Abdallah ibn Hamad ibn Sayf Al Bu Saidi:
Housing. [10115FBIS]
(See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict)

July 16: Rabatradio announcedthat King Hassan
II had been advisedby doctorsto rest, andthat his
tripto the US, scheduledto beginJuly22, hadbeen
postponed. [7/16 FBIS] (See also, Afghanistan)
July 19: Spanishpolice broke up a demonstration
by supportersof the Christiananti-Muslimgroup, 1986
"Strugglefor the Liberationof Melilla," arresting July20: The New YorkTimesreportedthatofficials
20 people. The Christians were demanding a of the Pakistan People's party (PPP), led by
stricter interpretationof a new nationalitylaw to BenazirBhutto, had called for a nationwideseries
exclude most Melillaresidentsof Moroccanorigin. of protestsagainstthe governmentof PresidentZia
[7/21AN] ul-Haq. [7/20NYT]
Aug. 9: MEED reported that King Hassan had July 26: The National Democraticparty, Awami
authorizedKarimLamranito returnto his dutiesas Tehrik, and the Mazdoor Kisan party merged to
prime minister, following an improvement in form the AwamiNationalparty. [7/27AN]
Lamrani'shealth. [8/9 MEED] Prime Minister MuhammadKhan Junejo re-
Aug. 29: KingHassanannouncedhe was cancelling turned from a two-week trip to Turkey, West
Morocco's treaty of union with Libya because of Germany,the US, and France.He said Francehad
Libyan criticismof his meetingwith Israeli Prime agreedto resumetalks on buildinga nuclearrepro-
MinisterShimonPeres in July. [8/30NYT] cessing plantin Pakistan.[7/27AN]
Aug. 31: Authoritiessaid they had arrested"four Delhi radiosaid PPP leader ShaykhMohammad
foreign Arabs" carryinga load of explosives who Rashidhadreturnedfromexile in London,andthat
had confessed to belonging to an international 25 persons were injuredin clashes with police at
terroristorganization.[9/1 AN] Lahoreairportwhen he returned.[7/28FBIS]
Sept. 2: Authoritiesimposed visa requirementson Aug. 5: About 7000truckdriverswent on strikein
visitors from Arab countries. [9/3 AN] Karachito protestincreasinghighwayrobberiesin
Sept. 5: Two Tunisian women were reportedly Sind Province. [8/6 AN]
among those arrested carrying explosives the Aug. 14: BenazirBhuttowas arrestedfor speaking
monthbefore. [9/6 AN] to a bannedrally in Karachi.
Sept. 24: Hassanmet with an internationalgroupof At least four people died in Lahore during
Moroccan-bornJews, includingfour Israeli politi- antigovernmentprotests. [8/15WP]
cians, and urged them to pray for peace. [9/25 Aug. 15: Police fired on protesters as political
NYT] violence continued in Karachi. Leaders of the
Sept. 27: US officials said Moroccan authorities opposition Movementfor the Restorationof De-
had foiled a planned attack on a synagogue in mocracy(MRD)called for mass demonstrationsin
Casablancathe week before. [9/28 NYT] PunjabProvince. [8/16WP]

Aug. 17: Police shot and killed two demonstrators Sept. 8: Bhutto and other oppositionleaders were
in Karachi. releasedbut were warnedagainstfuture "interfer-
At least five membersof an eight-personEuro- ence with law." [9/9 WP]
pean mountain-climbing expeditiondied in a bliz- Sept.9: The deathtoll in the Karachihijackingrose
zard after scaling Pakistan's K2 mountain. [8/18 to 19. [9/10WP]
WP] Sept. 10: Twelve more opposition leaders were
Aug. 18: At least 14 persons died as violence freed. Bhutto met with MRD activists to map out
spreadto Sind Provinceon the openingday of an an antigovernmentcampaign.[9/11 NYT]
oppositioncampaignto force new elections. [8/19 US officials said the Abu Nidal terroristgroup
WP] was involvedin the hijacking.The death toll in the
Aug. 19: Opposition militants sabotaged railway incidentrose to 20. [9/11CSM]
lines, halting rail trafficinto Karachi. Opposition Sept. 11: Pakistaniofficialssaid they had detained
sources said over 10,000personshadbeen arrested about two dozen Palestiniansin connection with
in the recent disturbances.[8/20WP] the hijackingand massacre. [9/12WP]
Aug 20: One man died as protesters and police Sept. 14: Iraqi Vice Consul MahtarAbd al-Salam
exchanged fire in Jhuddo, in Sind Province. In was killedin Karachiby a bombplantedin his car.
Lahore,four PPP officialswere accused of murder [9/15 WP]
in connectionwith the deathsof four protestersby Sept. 15: Chinese and Pakistaniofficials signed a
police the week before. Authoritiessaid the offi- nuclearenergy cooperationpact. [9/16AN]
cials were responsiblebecause they had organized In Beirut, the Al-Rafidaynorganizationclaimed
the protests in which the four died. [8/21WP] responsibilityfor killingal-Salam.[9/15FBIS]
Aug. 22: Two personsdied andfourwere wounded Sept. 16: A Soviet diplomat was killed in
in police-protesterclashes in Sind Province. [8/23 Islamabad.[9/19FBIS]
AN] Sept. 18: In Lahore, police fired on curfew viola-
Aug. 23: PresidentZia returnedfrom two weeks in tors, killingtwo, and raisingthe death toll to 12 in
Saudi Arabiaon pilgrimage.[8/25CSM] two days of clashes between Sunniand Shi'i Mus-
Aug. 24: Officials said they had filed sedition lims. [9/19NYT]
charges against Bhutto and eight other PPP lead- Sept. 29: Junejo appointed Wasim Sajiadjustice
ers. [8/25AN] minister,replacingIqbal Ahmad Khan, who took
Aug. 30: GhulamMustafa1Ihan, a leading oppo- over the portfolioof religiousand minorityaffairs.
nent of Zia, was arrestedat Karachi'sairportwhen FormerreligiousaffairsministerMir HajjiTareen
he returnedafter nine years in exile in Europe. was namedscience and energyminister.[9/30AN]
About 1600 followers of former prime minister
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto founded a new party, the
National People's party, in oppositionto Benazir
Bhutto. [8/31 AN]
Sept. 5: Four men dressed as security guards
stormeda PanAmjumbojet at Karachiairportand (See also, Bahrain)
demanded to be flown to Cyprus. One airport
workerwas reportedwounded.About 380 passen- 1986
gers, includinga numberof Americans,were said July 21: Manama'sGulfDaily News reportedthat
to be aboardthe jet. [9/5 WP] nine Bahrainisdetainedin Qatarthe week before
AFP reported that the "Libyan Revolutionary while on a pleasuretrip near Fasht al-DibalIsland
Cells" had claimed responsibility.Pakistanioffi- had been released. [7/25FBIS]
cials said the hijackershad called for the release of Aug. 9: MEEDreportedthat Francehad agreedto
friendsin Cyprus. [9/5 FBIS] provide four Mirage fighterjets, missiles, and a
Sept. 6: MRD leader Mawlani Fazlur Rahman radarsystem to Qatarin exchangefor 10.8 million
announcedthe suspensionof the MRD'scall for 10 barrelsof oil. [8/9 MEED]
days of antigovermment agitation.[9/8 AN]
Sixteen peopledied and "scores" were wounded
when the Pan Am hijackerspanickedand began
shooting passengersand detonatinggrenades. Pa-
kistani commandos outside the plane killed two SaudiArabia
hijackers,and two otherswere takeninto custody. (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Petroleum
[9/6 NYT] Affairs,Lebanon)
Sept. 7: Zia said the hijackerswould be tried in
Pakistan. Reportedly the men were Palestinians 1986
but did not appear to be connected with any July 19: ArgentinePresidentRaulAlfonsinarrived
government.[9/8 WP] in Jiddafor an officialvisit. [7/20AN]

July 22: South Yemen's President Haydar Abu July 24: SUNA reportedthat the Armyhad turned
Bakr al-Attas arrivedin Jiddafor an officialvisit. down a ceasefirerequestby rebelforces nearJuba.
[7/23AN] [7/25FBIS]
Aug. 7: US Justice Departmentofficials said a July 25: A spokesman for the Maryknoll religious
"senior Saudi Arabianprince" had agreedto pay order said two American nuns which the SPLA
$150,000and stop internationaltraffickingin rare said it had "rescued" from the fightingnear Juba,
US falcons in orderto avoid prosecution.[8/8WP] had been released. [4/26WP]
Aug. 10: Iran's news agency reportedthat Saudi July 27: The two nuns were declared persona non
authoritieshad arrested 113 Iranianpilgrimsupon grata by the Sudanesegovernmentand orderedto
their arrivalin Jidda. [8/11FBIS] leave the country, for violating orders banning
Aug. 27: Tehranradio said the pilgrimshad been civiliansfrommilitaryareasnearJuba. [7/28NYT]
released. [8/28 FBIS] SUNA said eight policemenhad died in a clash
Oct. 1: SudanesePrimeMinisteral-Sadiqal-Mahdi with rebels on the Juba-Mandariroad the week
met with King Fahd in Jidda. [10/2FBIS] before. [7/28FBIS]
Oct. 6: NorthYemen'sPresidentAli AbdallahSalih July 31: PrimeMinisteral-Mahdiand rebel leader
held talkswith KingFahdin Jidda.[10/7FBIS] John Garangopened talks in Addis Abada, Ethio-
pia. [8/1 WP]
Aug. 1: The talks ended with no apparentbreak-
through.[8/1 FBIS]
South Yemen SPLA radio said rebels had recently killed over
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Saudi 140governmenttroopsin attacksin the Bentiuand
Arabia) Gogrialareas. [8/1 FBIS]
Aug. 3: Two state-ownedpapers, Al-Ayyamand
Al-Sahafa,were closed for two monthspendingthe
1986 formationof a private company to manage their
July 19:Aden radioannouncedthat600 "detainees financialaffairs.[8/4 AN]
involved in the events of the bloody 13 January Aug. 5: Seven membersof the Sudanese Journal-
plot" had been releasedfromjail. [7/22FBIS] ists Association were arrested in Khartoumfor
Aug. 15: Reportedlythe trial of 48 officialsof the protestingagainst plans to denationalizethe two
regime of ousted presidentAli Nasir Muhammad papers. [8/6 AN]
opened in Aden. [8/17AN] Aug. 6: Al-Mahdireportedlyhad decided to post-
Sept. 14:Thirty-fourSouthYemenidiplomatsin 15 pone a visit to EgyptuntilCairoexplainsits refusal
countries reportedly declared their rebellion to extraditeformer Sudanese presidentJaafaral-
againstthe Aden government.[9/15WP] Numayri.[8/6 AN]
Aug. 11:Al-Mahdiarrivedin Moscowfor an official
visit. [8/11FBIS]
Sudan Aug. 12: SUNA announcedthat a state of emer-
gency had been declaredin easternSudanbecause
(See also, Egypt, Libya, SaudiArabia) of crop-threateninglocusts. [8/13AN]
Aug. 14: Red Cross officialssaid a majorairliftof
1986 food had begun to relieve the remote, famine-
July 16: Sudan People's LiberationArmy (SPLA) strickentown of Wau, in the south. [8/15AN]
radio announcedthat 17 governmentsoldiers had Aug. 15: The SPLA accused the governmentof
been killed by rebels in Blue Nile Province the conspiringwith Libya to use food airliftsinto the
week before. [7/17FBIS] south as part of a "majoroffensive" against the
July 20: Authoritiesclosed Juba airportfollowing rebelsandthreatenedto shoot downall planesover
an attackby SPLA rebels. [7/21AN] rebel-controlledterritory.[8/18FBIS]
Sudan'snews agency (SUNA) announcedthat a Aug. 16: A Sudan Airways plane with 60 people
special investigatingcommittee had begun a law- aboardwas shot down by rebels nearMalakal.No
suit against the US's Citibankfor contributingto survivorswere reported.[8/18 NYT]
Sudan's economic crisis by promotingblack mar- Aug. 18: The Red Cross haltedits airliftinto Wau.
ket currencyoperationsand other schemes. [7/22 [8/19WP]
FBIS] Aug. 19: SUNA reporteda large demonstrationin
July 21: SUNA said attacks by "outlaws" had Khartoumby Islamic National Front membersto
caused large numbersof tribesmento flee south to protestthe downingof the plane. [8/20FBIS]
JubaJuly 15-16. A UN officialsaid 50,000 people The governmentsaid it would no longer negoti-
had arrivedin Jubaand needed food. [7/21FBIS] ate with the rebels. [8/20WP]
July 23: SPLA radio reported a "devastating" Aug. 21: All Sudan Airways workers were sus-
rebelattackon governmenttroopsin Kodok, in the pended for taking part in a three-day strike to
Upper Nile area, and said 10 governmentsoldiers protest the official news blackout following the
had died in fightingat Kurmuk.[7/24FBIS] downingof the plane. [8/22FBIS]

Aug. 24: SPLA radiosaid rebels had killed27 gov- met French President Frangois Mitterand and
ernmentsoldiersin fightingnearRenk. [8/25AN] Prime Minister Jacques Chirac in Paris. [7/17
Aug. 25: SUNA reportedthatrebelshadkidnapped FBIS]
41 natives of a southern tribe and were holding July 17: PresidentHafiz al-Asad received former
them hostage for a ransomof food. [8/26FBIS] PDRY Chairman Ali Nasir Muhammad in
Aug. 27: SUNA announcedthatUgandahadclosed Damascus. [7/18FBIS]
its borderwith Sudanfollowingallegations,denied July 16: King Hussein of Jordanmet with Asad in
by Sudan, of Sudanese assistance to guerrillas Damascus. [7/27WP]
fightingthe Ugandangovernment.[8/28FBIS] Sept. 19: Vice PresidentRifaatal-Asadreportedly
Aug 28: Rebels killed or woundedover 70 govern- returnedto Damascusafter a long stay in Europe.
ment troops in an assault on Bentiu, accordingto [9/23FBIS]
SPLA radio. [9/3 FBIS]
Officials of the World Food Program said a
convoy of food truckshadreachedJuba,the firstto
reach the south by road since July. [8/29CSM]
Sept. 5: SupremeArmy CommanderMaj.-Gen.Ta-
juddin Abdallahand Chief of Staff Tawfiq Khalil
were dismissed,alongwith fourothergenerals.[9/6 Tunisia
AN] (See also, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco)
Sept. 7: Gen. Abd al-Azim Siddiq was appointed
Chief of Staff. [9/8 AN]
Rebelsreportedlykilledthreeof the 41 tribesmen 1986
heldhostagefor a ransomof food supplies.[9/8AN]
July 19: President Habib Bourguiba raised the
Sept. 9: Libyan leader Muammaral-Qadhdhafiar- industrialminimumwage by 10 dinars a day, and
rived in Khartoum.[9/9 FBIS] the agriculturalminimumwage by 260 millims a
Sept. 15: Two persons reportedlydied in violent
day, to 2.9 dinars. He also abolishedthe Ministry
demonstrationsin Darfur by students to protestof Tourismand Handicrafts.[7/21FBIS]
price increases. [9/16FBIS] July 23: Chinese Prime MinisterZhao Ziyang ar-
Sept. 17: UN officials said they had reached arived in Tunis for an officialvisit. [7/24AN]
tentative agreement with rebels to allow the re-
July 24: Bourguibadismissedformerprime minis-
sumptionof food aid flights. [9/18 NYT] ter MuhammadMzali from the Politburo of the
Sept. 20: Relief workers reportedthat with food
ruling Destourianparty and Mzali's wife Fatiha
supplieshaltedfor over a month,hundredsof thou-
from the party's CentralCommittee.[7/24FBIS]
sandsof peoplewere starvingto death. [9/21NYT]July 29: The US governmentinformedCongressof
Sept. 22: Kampala radio reported a Sudanese- plans to sell $60 millionin arms to Tunisia. [7/30
Ugandanaccordon measuresto controltheircom- AN]
mon border. [9/23 FBIS] July 30: AmorChadliwas appointedto head a new
SPLA radio said the town of Kapoetahad beenministrycombiningthe Ministryof National Edu-
"destroyed"by rebelattacks.Omdurman radiosaid
cation and the Ministryof Higher Educationand
governmentforces had repelled the rebels. [9/24
FBIS] ister Abdelaziz Ben Dhia was appointedto head
Sept. 24: The governmentbannedan airliftof relief
the Social AffairsMinistry.[7/31 FBIS]
supplies to the south, citing security problems.
Aug. 11: Bourguibadivorced his wife Wassila,
[9/25NYT] "because of her announcementsand stands which
Sept. 29: Rebels said they would not permitfood
violate the constitution."[8/12FBIS]
airlifts into Juba and Malakal, since food needs
Aug. 20: Prime Minister Rachid Sfar announced
there were not as urgentas those farthersouth in
economic reform measures, includinga devalua-
rebel-controlledterritory.[9/30NYT] tion of the dinarby 10 per cent. [8/20FBIS]
Oct. 12: Two planes carryingfood supplies from Authorities restored the visa requirementfor
Khartoumlandedsafely in Juba. [10/13WP] Egyptians.[8/21FBIS]
Oct. 13: SUNA announcedthe governmentwould Aug. 25: Diplomatic relations were established
reopen its embassy in Tehran.[10/14FBIS] with the Seychelles. [8/26FBIS]
Sept. 2: The death penaltywas carriedout against
MuhammadLazrag,convicted head of an Islamic
fundamentalistgroup. [9/2 AN]
Syria Sept. 7: Mzali's family said he had been smuggled
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Cyprus, out of the countryfour nights earlier. [9/8 AN]
Iran, Lebanon, Libya) Sept. 8: Bourguibacalled for legal action against
Mzalifor "illegallyleavingthe country." [9/9 AN]
1986 Sept. 15: Hedi Mabrouk was appointed foreign
July 16: Vice President Abd al-Halim Khaddam minister,replacingBeji Caid Essebsi. [9/15 FBIS]

Sept. 23: The National Assembly lifted Mzali's and the NorthernArab League, claimedresponsi-
parliamentaryimmunity,clearingthe way for legal bility. The PLO condemnedthe attack. [9/7 WP]
action againsthim. [9/24AN] Sept. 16: The EuropeanCommunityresumedfor-
Oct. 2: Authoritiesreportedlyasked Switzerlandto mal ties with Turkey, frozen following the 1980
extraditeMzali. [10/2FBIS] militarycoup. [9/17AN]
Oct. 11: The Movement of DemocraticSocialists Sept. 17: The Ankarasecuritycourt indictedthree
(MDS)said it wouldboycott legislativeelections in IraniansarrestedSept. 13 at AnkaraAirportcarry-
November. [10/14FBIS] ing an explosives detonator.[9/18 FBIS]
Sept. 23: Ecevit was acquittedof the first charge
against him but faces another trial on similar
charges. [9/24TDN]
Turkey Sept. 28: By-elections were held throughoutthe
country, and returnsindicatedthat the True Path
(See also, Cyprus, Iran) partyof SuleymanDemirelhadmadea strongshow-
ing behindOzal'sMotherlandparty.[9/29WP]
1986 Oct. 11: Ankarapolice said they were holdingsix
July 7: Iraq agreed to repay a $1.5 billion debt to confessed Palestinianmembersof the Abu Nidal
Turkeyover two years, partin cash and partin oil. groupin connectionwith the assassinationof Jor-
[7/18TDN] daniandiplomatZiyadSati in July 1985.[10/12WP]
July 17: Seven Muslimfundamentalistswere sen- Oct. 13:An Ankaraappealscourtorderedthe retrial
tenced to variousjail termsfor propagatingreligion on moreseriouschargesof two Libyansconvictedof
and holdingsecret meetings. [7/18TDN] possessingexplosivesin an allegedplot to attackan
Former prime minister Bulent Ecevit went on Americanclub in April.[10/14WOP]
trialin Ankarafor violatinga law banninghimfrom
politicalactivity. [7/17NYT]
Chinese PremierZhao Ziyang began an official
visit. [7/17TDN]
July 27: Prime Minister Turgut Ozal began an UAE
officialvisit to Moscow. [7/28TDN] (See also, Petroleum Affairs, Regional
July28: AnotherchargeagainstEcevit was brought Affairs)
for his speech at a DemocraticLeft partyrallythe
Sundaybefore. [7/29TDN] 1986
Aug. 5: Admiral Emin Goksan and Gen. Cemil July 26: Dubai police said they had arrested
Cuha were appointedto head the Navy and Air people so far this year for
entering the country
Force, respectively. [8/6 TDN] illegally. [7/27AN]
Aug. 7: In Athens, Greekpolice arrested17 Turks Aug. 12: Jordan's King Hussein arrived for an
who seized the TurkishAirlinesOfficeto protestthe officialvisit. [8/13
decisionby the Turkishgovernmentto execute nine Oct. 15: President Shaykh
Zayid ibn Sultan al-
membersof the TurkishCommunistparty.[8/8AN] Nuhayyan was re-elected president for another
Aug. 14: TurkishAir Force planes attackedKurd- five-yeartermbeginningDec. 2. [10/20MEES]
ish sites along the Iraqi borderfollowing an inci-
dent Aug. 12 in which "bandits"ambushedTurk-
ish soldiers, killing 12. [8/15FBIS]
The governmentof Iraqwas reportedlyinformed
Aug. 19: Baghdadradio said 165 Kurdishseparat-
ists had died in the raids. [8/20TDN] (See also, SaudiArabia)
Aug. 22: Former president Celal Bayar died in
Istanbulat the age of 104. [8/24AN] 1986
Aug. 27: Iranian officials criticized the raid on July 16: Sanaa radio reported that presidential
Kurds inside Iraq. [8/28FBIS] decrees had relievedAhmadQaid Barakat,minis-
Sept. 6: Two Arab men killed 22 Jewish worship- ter of economy and industry and Fuad Qaid
pers, includinga visiting Israelirabbi,in a suicide Muhammad,ministerof supply and trade. These
attack on a synagogue in Istanbul. Three other two ministries were merged, and Muhammad
worshipperswere wounded.Israeliofficialsvowed Khadim Al-Wajihwas named to head it. Alawi
to retaliate.Three groups-the IslamicResistance Salih al-Salami was named minister of finance.
Movement,the PalestinianRevenge Organization, [7/17FBIS]


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