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Christine Holloway

EDU 214-1003
December 12, 2016

Final – Part 1 – Multicultural Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title: A trip around the world

Concept / Topic To Teach:

Culture, Race and Ethnicity of countries from around the world.

General Goal(s): Using the computer, the students will create a visual presentation about an

assigned country which they will then present to the class.

Specific Objectives: Students will be able to learn about their assigned country and provide the

following information on their tri-fold poster board. The students can use index cards when

giving their presentations to remember their facts when giving their presentation.

On the left side of the board, the students will post pictures of the types of foods that are eaten in

their country, what languages are spoken, and what clothing they wear in the country.

In the middle of the board, the students will post a map of the country, add a picture of

something they are famous for, the flag of the country, the type of currency they use and a

moveable clock so that when the student is giving a presentation it can be moved to the current

time that it is in that country.

On the right side of the board the students will post pictures of the types of musical instruments

the country likes to play, cultural traditions, and a cultural custom.

Required Materials:

Computer with internet access

Printer (preferably color)

Tri-fold Poster Board



Index cards for presentation notes

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): To lead into this project, the teacher will explain to the class that

we will be learning about the world map and the different countries. The teacher will explain that

each student will be given a country to research and that the information will be printed and

displayed on a tri-fold poster board. To store all the information, the teacher will explain that she

is now passing out a manila folder that will be kept in class. This folder will also list the country

that the student will research. On the tab of the folder the student is to write his or her name on it

so that they can easily find it as they work on this project each day.

Step-By-Step Procedures: This is a 5 week assignment as I anticipate it will take time to get the

students to complete each task. If the students complete them faster than expected, we can move

up some of deadlines, which would give the students more time to practice their presentations.

Week 1 – The teacher will explain the project in detail, using power point presentation. The

teacher will use a country that wasn’t selected to show how the research was conducted, printed

and what the tri-fold poster board will look like when it is complete. The teacher will also have a

slide to explain how the project will be graded (please see the rubric below). The students will

being by going to the computer, opening the web browser, going to and typing

in the country name. Each student will pick a map of the country, print it out and place it into

their manila folder. The student will then do the same thing for the countries flag and currency.

Week 2 – For this week the students will continue their google search looking for pictures of the

types of food that they eat, the language they speak, the clothing they wear, and something they

are famous for (like a monument, famous location, or a travel poster). They will also have an art
project creating an analog clock that will be glued to the poster board. All of the completed work

will be placed in the manila folder.

Week 3 – The students will finish their google search looking for pictures of the types of musical

instruments that the country likes to play, the type of cultural traditions (holiday traditions) they

celebrate and their cultural customs (such as did you know that in Argentina it is considered rude

if you yawn?) and place them in the manila folder.

Week 4 – The students will take their manila folder and their tri-fold poster and glue the pictures

onto the board. They will then quietly write their notes on the index cards and practice their


Week 5 – Presentation week

Plan For Independent Practice: Students will be working independently on gathering the

pictures for the projects. They can ask for assistance if needed.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): After the students have completed their presentations they

will complete their reflection paper. This paper will include three questions “What was the

favorite thing you learned about your country?” “What was your favorite activity?” “What was

the hardest part of the project?”

Assessment Based On Objectives:


4 – The knowledge of the content was accurate as it relates to the country. When the student

gave the oral presentation they did so in a loud and clear voice and made eye contact. The

student remained focused, was prepared and understood the content in which he/she was

speaking of.
3 – The knowledge of the content was somewhat accurate as it relates to the country. When the

student gave the oral presentation the speaker mumbled or quietly spoke at times and/or didn’t

make eye contact to all students. The student didn’t remain focused, wasn’t prepared or didn’t

understand all of the content in which he/she was speaking of.

1 – The knowledge of the content was questionable and or missing as it relates to the country.

When the student gave the oral presentation the speaker constantly mumbled or spoke so quietly

that people in the back couldn’t hear the speech. The student didn’t remain focused, wasn’t

prepared and didn’t understand the content in which he/she was speaking of.

Possible Connections To Other Subjects: This assignment could be a social studies assignment

if additional research is completed on the country. I only touched based on the music by asking

for instruments that the country likes to play, however if this subject is extended to include the

type of music they like to listen to, and the type of dances they are known for this could be used

for music class.

Christine Holloway
EDU 214-1003
December 12, 2016

Final – Part 2 – 10 Web Resources

Lesson 1

Title: All about Me!

Grade level: K-2

Description: In this lesson the students will take four class periods create an all about me book.

As a class they will discuss the meanings of self, community, diversity, respect and

responsibility. With each topic they will be given activities to add to their books by pasting

photos from a magazine, drawing pictures or writing about it. When they are finished with the

book they can staple the pages together to form the book and then share their book with their


Web address:

Lesson 2

Title: Beyond Pink and Blue: The Impact of Gender Stereotypes

Grade level: 3-7

Description: In this assignment, students will be read a fairytale where the gender has been

switched. Upon conclusion of the story they will be asked questions about the story, and then

asked to define stereotype and discuss the topic. They will then be asked to select one of the

stories or media pieces that is explained in the assignment and rewrite it to make it more gender-
equal. What I like about this assignment is that it can be done as individuals or in small groups.

Once complete they will share their stories and then debrief on the topic.

Web address:

Lesson 3

Title: Celebrations Around the World

Grade level: K-5

Description: Depending on the culture, people celebrate New Year’s, Cinco de Mayo,

Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. This is a printable where students can cut out, color and

create a book of the different holidays. The teacher can discuss which culture celebrates each

holiday and how the celebrate it.

Web address:


Lesson 4

Title: Organizing to End Bullying

Grade level: Grade 3-5

Description: In this activity students will watch two video’s on bullying. In the video people

who are considered different are sometimes considered poorly by other people. After the video is

over the students will be divided into small groups in order to complete the assignments. There

are a couple of activities that they will first complete. After that they will brainstorm ways in
which they can help people understand why bullying hurts everyone and why it’s not OK to

bully people for being different. The students will then create anti-bullying posters that can be

shared with the school.

Web address:

Lesson 5

Title: Looking at Race and Racial Identity through Critical Literacy in Children’s Books

Grade level: This lesson can be customized for PreK to K or 1-2 or 3-5

Description: In this activity the students will look through picture books in the library with a

partner. They will look at the illustrations for physical appearances such as skin color, facial

features, and hair texture. They will take notes and write it on the graphic organizer, which will

be provided to them. Once the students return from class they can share what they noticed about

the illustrations. The lesson also suggests that this is a good start for discussing stereotypes.

Web address:


Lesson 6

Title: Everyone’s a Helper (Primary Grades)

Grade level: I chose grade K-2 for this lesson

Description: In this lesson students will learn about tolerance. Each student needs to write down

what their strength and struggles are. They will then discuss it either with one of their neighbors,

or with their table. They can then determine if there are ways in which they can work together to
help each other using their strengths and struggles. Once they have worked it out them will draw

a picture on construction paper. They will then share their drawing with the rest of the class and

explain how they can help each other.

Web address:

Lesson 7

Title: Anti-Racism Activity: ‘The Sneetches’

Grade level: 1-2 or 3-5

Description: In this lesson the book The Sneetches by Dr. Suess is read to the students. The

students are then divided into two groups so that they can discuss the experiences that were

experienced in the book. It then suggests to pair two students up who are outside their circle of

friends to become “Fairness Teams” for several days. These teams will observe other students in

the school and keep a journal to determine how they can help end discrimination. After several

days the class will share their journal entries to reflect on their observations.

Web address:

Lesson 8

Title: Peace Calendar

Grade level: Preschool and up

Description: For this assignment the book Peace Begins with You will be read to the students.

They will then brainstorm how they can apply ideas from the book in their everyday lives. The

students will then be given twelve blank calendars where they can draw a picture to show how
they can apply peace in their lives. When they are done the pages can be stapled together so that

they can use the calendar for the year. They give additional ideas like wrapping the calendar as a

gift for their families or making copies to distribute to local businesses and community


Web address:

Lesson 9

Title: Prejudice & Respect

Grade level: K-5

Description: In this lesson the students will watch a video Getting Along with Groark. This

video covers many different areas of diversity that various people face every day. When they are

done with the video there is a list of questions to use to create a classroom discussion. For the

younger students, they can draw a picture to show something they learned from the video. For

the older students they can write an essay on what they learned from the video. There is also a

letter for the parents, a homework assignment and Groark’s rules for How to Overcome

Prejudice, which I think is a great addition to this assignment.

Web address:

Lesson 10:

Title: It’s Okay to Feel Different

Grade level: 3-5

Description: This lesson has multiple activities in one lesson as it teaches students differences

and diversity. In one activity it has students creating word webs on ways in which people or

things might feel or seem different from one another. In another activity it has the students

discussing how they feel different from others, such as speaking a different language, having a

unique pet, or eating different types of food. It then suggests reading the book It’s Okay to Be

Different and discusses the book while reading it. On another assignment it suggests writing their

name on a jigsaw puzzle piece and assembling it in class. At first this lesson seemed all over the

place since they have the different assignments, but in the end the result is the same, which is

getting everyone to realize that they have differences from one another and to learn about


Web address:


I liked lesson 3, but because it as a simple lesson, meant for the holidays I wanted to add another
one. I saw this one when I found my tenth lesson and couldn’t decide between the two. So I hope
you don’t mind, but I added an eleventh.

Lesson 11:

Title: What Can We Learn from a Box of Crayons?

Grade level: Pre K to K or Grades 1 to 2

Description: In this assignment the students are given a sheet of paper and one crayon and

asked to color a picture of anything they want. On a second sheet of paper they are then given the

whole crayon box and asked to color another picture of whatever they would like. After they are

done, the teacher will ask which picture they like best, to which most students will pick the

colored picture. The teacher can read The Crayon Box that Talked which will open the subject
to talking to kids on how boring the world would be without color in it, and why it’s important to

accept people who are different.

Web address:

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