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Ariana Luna

EDU 214

Can O’ Your Town

What I Learned: I enjoyed this project because it reminded me of when I did an advertising

project in high school. I really enjoyed it and made me want to go into business marketing before

choosing secondary education. I like this project because it allows us to use information we

already know and organize it. It also lets students express their creativity. I learned that I do not

have to go to google and save pictures in order to add them to my slide. I can just click “insert”,

search for a picture, and click it. It will automatically apply it to my slide.

Standard: Creative Communicator (6b) communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by

creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations

Applications of Skills Learned for the Future: This project is great for organizing information

that students have already learned. For my future class, students can use this project to advertise

a political party. This way they can describe what each political party does, what they stand for,

and people who affiliate with that party. This gives them freedom to express their creativity and

opinions. It is great for senior students taking government because they will be old enough to

vote. They must know the difference between political parties and what they stand for. This will

prepare them for adulthood and is easy for them to remember facts.

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