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2.4. 2.2, Bate Employees of Nels. ‘his scheme shall be known as "Medical Care insurance schene for Retired employees of N.L.C.° and will come into fo; with immediate effects The scheme is intended to extend medical cover to the NIC Executives, employees and. workers and their spouse TES EOS SRS cGncitions ‘mentioned mane the scheme will be implemented through the medium of Tasarence Companys . This scheme will apply to the following categories of N.L.c. Baployees:~ (a) Regular employees who retire from service on attaining the age of guperannuation after rehdering a minimun of 10. years continuous service in the Company? (o) Other regular employees who had opted the N.L.C voluntary Schene of 1986 after rendering a mininum of 10 yeers sSntinucus service with company but whose wards exe not employed in the services of the Company? In case the NIC retired employee who is availing the benefits reset *Enis scheme dies, his/ber spouse will continue to avait thechenefits under the schené subject to his/her continuing t° wre oh criteria of eligibility mentioned in the scheme, ihe benefits under this scheme will not be applicable to:- (4) such of these wha are reemployed in the company 2s Consultants, etc. if the terms of such sppointrent provide for free medical treatment during the. period o£ consultancy, or reemployed ¢lsewhere. (41) such cases where medical cover is available to him and Spouse, in Consequence of their employment, spouse and or the warde. =, 1 retired employee who intends to avail the post retirement Redical facility under this scheme shall apply in the form Given in atnexure-I to the Director(Personnel) after surrendering given aoa! identity Book of the compeny at the time of retirement, for registration, The PéA Department, will errange to issue, = hedical Tdentity card to the Retired employee in the fom given HedicOumureiI. In the first insterica the N.1.C. will be valid $e a period of two years and will be renewod on request for subsequent years. The Medical Identity Card will be valid for the period for which the prescribed premimum has been paid end will peay 1° gutomati+ Saiiy invalid in the event of death of the beneficiaries; qhe venéficiarieswill toke the Insurance with any of the following TiSurence Compaies under the "MEDICLAIN for the benefit of Heecitalization and Domiciliary Hospitalization Schene" (1) M/s United India Insurance Company Lihited. (2) M/s New India Assurance Company Limited. 3.5. (3) M/s National Insurance Company Limited, ‘ (4) M/s iriental Insurance Company Limited. The beneficiarigs will pay the Annual premium co the Insurance Company direct and claim refund of the Company's ( c) Contribution towarés the Insurance Policy duly producing receipt and copy of such policy taken, The same procedur will be followed for renewal of policy for subsequent years also. The Company's (i.e. NLC) contribution towards the insurance policy will be as given below, irrespective of the category to which he/she belonged while in service:- (1) 8s,200/- psa. for retired employee along. (2) Ks,260/~ pea. for retired employee and spouse. The Corporation may not have any objection if the retired employee opt for any category of cover under ‘:iediclaim; but the reimbursement will be restricted to the amount notified under Para-3.4 of the scheme. The beneficiaries can take the insurance with any of the four Insurance Companies mentioned in Para-3.2 above, situated near the place which is given as their present address in the form of application (i.e. in Annexure-I) Benefits under The insurance company will settle the claim for the hospitilization/medical treatment for those beneficiaries covered by the insurance scheme directly. The notice of claim with requisite particulars should be given to the concerned insurance company by the beneficiaries directly. The beneficiaries will be subjected to the rules ani provisions of the Mediclaim Scheme of the concerned Insurance Company, from time to time, =0000000- ANNEXURE-I. To The Director/Personnel, PSA Department, NsL.C Ltd., Neyveli. Dear sir, Sub: Medical care Insurance Scheme for Retired employees of N.L.C. Ref: + hereby axptess my willingness to join the scheme on Medical Insurance for retired employees of N.L.C and request that Medical Identity Card may be issued in my names The necessary particulars are furnished below:~ 1, Meme of the retired employee , and CPF Nos . 2. Wh) Date of Birth (44) Date of regular appointment in NLC (did) Date of Retirement 3. Designation (at the time of retirement) 4, Basic pay on the date of retirement . Unit/aranch from which retired 6. Permanant address : 7, Present address 8. Whether spouse is also to be covered. If s0, (4) Name of spouse (4i)Date of Birth of spouse (documentary proof to be enclosed) 9, Passport @im photograps of retired employee and spouse (2 copies each) yours faithfully, Name and signature of the retired employee. Name and signature of the spouse. ANNEXURE- ID Medical Care Insurance scheme of Be. for Retired Employees MEDICAL IDENTITY CARD Wor ' Space for affixing of . 1, Name of the retired employee and CPF No, (a) Date of regular appointment in NLC (b) Date of retirement + Designation (at the time , of retirement) - 4, Basic pay on the date of retirement : 5, Unit/Sranch from which retired 6. Permanent address 7. Present address 8, The date from which the Medical card is valid : 9.° valid up to . Name of the Seneficiaries:- . » (Employee) AGE syeeerege (i). (0.8. + (Spouse) Age 2 (it). (i) Specimen signature of the Retired cmployee & spouse, Issuing Officer, Place: Date:

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