Creating Course Leaders 2 Workshop

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26 – 29 June 2017
Paul Robeson Campus Center, Rutgers University
Newark, New Jersey USA




The Creating Course Leaders 2 Workshop (CCL 2) will make a significant contribution in identifying and
equipping you with what it takes to reliably produce the promise of Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of
Leadership: An Ontological / Phenomenological Model (referred to as the “Leadership Course), which is, “You
will leave this course being a leader and exercising leadership effectively as your natural self-expression”, as
contrasted with identifying and being equipped with what it takes to produce amazing positive effects for your


This workshop is about you mastering the distinctions of the Leadership Course and about you reliably delivering
on the promise of the Leadership Course. We have outlined four Areas of Mastery that, when mastered, leave
you being an instructor effectively creating the access necessary for your students to discover the distinctions for

1. Mastering the content of the course: Discovering for yourself the distinctions that constitute the course.

2. Mastering the effective delivery of the course: Reading the slides so as to deliver the meaning of what is
on the slides, PLUS delivering whatever commentary is required along with what is on the slides to create
for the participants the opportunity for them to discover for themselves the distinctions that constitute the

3. Mastering the interactions with the participants: Dealing with questions, comments, objections and
resistance in a way that loses you nothing with the rest of the group and leaves the person unburdened with
whatever was in the way of discovering for themselves.

4. Mastering your own growth and development: Living that you are always climbing the mountain with no

© Copyright 2008-17. W. Erhard, M. Jensen, Landmark Worldwide LLC. All rights reserved.

Leading this course is not for everyone, and unless you are willing to do what it takes to develop yourself as an
effective course leader, you should not be in this training program.

Moreover, leading this course effectively requires being willing to conduct your day-to-day life consistent with
being a leader and exercising leadership effectively as your natural self-expression. And, leading this course
effectively requires you to master all aspects of the course. This takes ongoing work; there will never be a time
when it is “over”. Everyone who is successfully leading this course has discovered for themselves that there is
no “place to get to”, no “comfortable stopping place”. Unless you are willing to reinvent who you are as an
effective leadership course leader, and, unless what you are up to is leading the leadership course at your
university, you should not be in this training program.


Our personal experience and our observations of others attempting to lead this course has demonstrated that to
succeed in developing yourself to lead this course effectively, you will need to be an active demand to be trained
based on seeing yourself actually leading this course (as contrasted with “teaching” this course), rather than
waiting for the training to come to you. The success of your training will be equal to your “pulling the training
toward yourself”.

“Demand to be trained” and “pulling the training toward yourself” includes getting yourself clear 1) from both
your perspective and our perspective in what you need to be trained to be effective in leading the course, and 2)
from both your perspective and our perspective where you need personal coaching to be effective in leading the

The speed and effectiveness of your training will be equal to a combination of 1) the quality of your demand to
be trained, and 2) the authenticity of your openness to being coached. Consider this pre-workshop assignment to
be your first opportunity to be trained and coached, and notice the authenticity of your demand to be trained and
your openness (willingness) to being coached.


Please read all of the assignments below before beginning any aspect of the assignments. Create occasions in
your calendar now to fully complete all the assignments in the requested time frame.

If you have questions regarding any of the assignments below, please email them to Jeri Echeverria at:

In addition, you are welcome to send Jeri any questions or challenges you are dealing with regarding your delivery
of the leadership course prior to the workshop. Your questions and comments will be addressed in the Conference
Call discussions before the Workshop begins, in the Workshop, and/or with an email response.

© Copyright 2008-17. W. Erhard, M. Jensen, Landmark Worldwide LLC. All rights reserved.
1. Leading the Leadership Course

a. Create for yourself a realistic opportunity to lead this course by the end of 2018. You will need a
minimum of 40 hours to lead this course whether it is accomplished in consecutive days or over several
weeks or months (for instance, in a semester).

Many of us have found the chapter entitled, “Creating Leaders: An Ontological / Phenomenological
Model”, in the Handbook for Teaching Leadership, (2011) Sage Publications, to be of use when sharing
the course with others. This reading can be downloaded at the following URL on SSRN:

b. By 1 June, 2016, please send an email to Jeri Echeverria at stating what you
have planned for leading the Leadership Course by the end of 2018. Please include courses you intend
to offer as well as courses that are already scheduled, and any information about the course (name of
class, name of university, instructor(s) of record, number of possible students, and the like).

NOTE: Your responses will be compiled and reviewed by your CCL 2 Instructor Team.

2. Read, study, and discover for yourself the newly revised and developed section on “Conversational Domain”
from the most recent Leadership Course. Then, for a minimum of 15 minutes, read a portion of these slides
fully effectively (as distinguished in the CCL 1 Workshop) to yourself in the mirror. Notice when you are
successful (or not) at impacting the listener (that person in the mirror).

The “Conversational Domain” section begins on slide #40 and ends on slide #74 in the Slide-Deck Textbook
called ‘Abu Dhabi Faculty Slide Deck FINAL 940 JE.pptx’ which is available for downloading on the
assignments page at:

NOTE: The section on “Conversational Domain” has expanded from one blue-slide title at the Clemson
Leadership Course to the three blue-slide titles at the Abu Dhabi Leadership Course as listed below:

A. “What is it that allows us to deliver on our promise to you? You will leave this course being a leader
and exercising leadership effectively as your natural self-expression.”

B. “What provides me with access to leaving this course actually dwelling in the world of being a
leaders and exercising leadership effectively?”

C. “What Is Required Of Me To Master A Conversational Domain? Mastering a conversational domain

leaves you actually dwelling in the world constituted by that conversational domain. Dwelling in a
world leaves you being and acting in that world at a high level of effectiveness as your natural self-
expression. This is the way we deliver on our promise to you.

3. After completing the assignment directly above (#2) watch the 1 hour and 50-minute video of Werner leading
“Conversational Domain”. Read the slides (the same slides you used in the previous assignment) along with
the Reader. Notice when you see the presence of mastery. And when you see the presence of mastery, notice
in which of the Four Areas of Mastery you are seeing it in: mastery of content, mastery of delivery, mastery
of participant interactions, and mastery in one’s life (or some combination).
The video is located at and the password is: ccl2video

© Copyright 2008-17. W. Erhard, M. Jensen, Landmark Worldwide LLC. All rights reserved.
4. Mastery of Content: Developing a Glossary of Specialized Terms

Read the section on “Conversational Domain” again in the Slide-Deck Textbook called ‘Abu Dhabi Faculty
Slide Deck FINAL 940 JE.pptx’. This time, as you are reading, note each of the Specialized Terms in the
section. Create a Glossary of the Specialized Terms found in this section. Write or type the Specialized
Terms and define each.

5. Mastery of Delivery:

Identify up to three distinctions or topics within the section on “Conversational Domain”. Have at least three
interactions with others about the distinction(s) you identified in which you impact the listener in some way.
In so many words, you are not to deliver the slides to others, rather you are to impact their listening with the
distinction you are delivering (a distinction in the “Conversational Domain” section). You can complete this
exercise over a morning coffee break, at lunch, playing with your children, or walking with a colleague – the
only requirement is that you impact the listening of your listener with the distinction or topic. Do this
successfully with three different people. Write down whom you impacted, with what distinction or topic you
impacted them, and anything you saw for yourself in this exercise.

6. Mastery of Participant Interactions

Write five questions regarding what is presented in the slides found in the “Conversational Domain” section.
These questions can be yours, or they can be those you anticipate from your students. Once you have them
written out and set them aside for a day or two, come back to your five questions. Look at each question as
if you had not generated it and then develop a powerful response to each question. Once you have that
powerful response, write a few notes under or beside each question so that you will be able to recall and share
your responses if asked to share them in the CCL 2 Workshop.

7. Mastery of One’s Own Life

Inquire into the impact that this section of the Leadership Course might have on the quality of your life and
living. Come to CCL 2 prepared to share your responses to the following:

 What does the material presented in the section “Conversational Domain” contribute to my own
growth and development? Are there actions steps to be calendared and taken?
 What opened up for me as a result of completing the above exercises on “Conversational Domain”?
 What impact has distinguishing “World” and “Dwell” (or any other Specialized Term in this section)
had on the way I am going through life and “the way I wound up being”?
 What access do I provide for myself when I consider that every aspect of my life is part of a
Conversational Domain?
 What does mastering this section of the Leadership Course (or any other section) look like in my
life beyond the simplistic or obvious?

© Copyright 2008-17. W. Erhard, M. Jensen, Landmark Worldwide LLC. All rights reserved.
8. Optional Pre-Workshop Conference Calls

To support you in getting the most out of your assignments, we have scheduled three one-hour optional
conference calls to provide you an opportunity to ask any questions that come up for you and discuss with
each other what you are discovering, as well as one 90-minute call after the completion of the CCL
Workshops. You can attend these calls by either telephone or internet.

Optional Pre-Workshop Conference Calls are scheduled for the following dates and times:

Thursday, 9 March, 2017: 9:00am – 10:00am Eastern Standard Time (New York City, USA)

Tuesday, 4 April 2017: 9:00am – 10:00am Eastern Standard Time (New York City, USA)

Wednesday, 3 May 2017: 9:00am – 10:00am Eastern Standard Time (New York City, USA)

Optional Post-Workshop Conference Call:

Thursday, 13 July 2017: 9:00am – 10:30am Eastern Standard Time (New York City, USA)

You will receive an email 24 to 48 hours in advance of each conference call with the URL and phone number.
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to the start time of each call as we will begin on time.

See the handy checklist directly below!

© Copyright 2008-17. W. Erhard, M. Jensen, Landmark Worldwide LLC. All rights reserved.
APPENDIX 1: Assignment Checklist for CCL 2

Note: These shorthand checklists are written to support you in fulfilling all your required assignments and events
for CCL 1. Please do not rely on this checklist alone to ensure you have completed all of the CCL 1 requirements.
The checklist is not a replacement for being clear about what is stated above.

Complete? 2017 CCL 2 Assignments Date

Read this document and entered the sufficient occasions in my calendar to complete
all of the assignments as designed? (p.2)
Sent a note to Jeri on or before 1 June regarding a realistic opportunity to lead the
Leadership Course in 2018? (p.3)
Read and discovered for myself what is written on the slides in the “Conversational
Domain” section? (p.3)
Read and delivered some of the “Conversational Domain” section in the mirror for
at least 15 minutes and impacted the listener? (p3)
Noticed presence of mastery and distinguished areas of mastery in video of Werner
leading “Conversational Domain”? (p.3)
Developed a Glossary of Specialized Terms found in “Conversational Domain”?
Impacted 3 different people with distinctions found in “Conversational Domain”?
Written 5 questions and provided powerful responses to each? (p.4)
Inquired into the impact of “Conversational Domain” on my life and am prepared
to share these discoveries at CCL 2? (p.4)
OPTIONAL: Participated in Optional CCL Conference Calls? (pp.4-5)

© Copyright 2008-17. W. Erhard, M. Jensen, Landmark Worldwide LLC. All rights reserved.

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