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Multiple Components means that a generate information that will be used by

system must contain more than one part. the users for decision making.
True False True False
2. Information are facts that are collected, 11. _____ refers to the management’s
recorded, stored, and processed by a responsibility to properly manage the
system. resources of the firm.
True False Stewardship Responsibility
3. Information System Framework is a set of Authority
formal procedures by which data are 12. The information system supplies
collected, processed into information, and managers with the information they need
distributed to the users. to carry out their decision-making
True False responsibilities.
4. A common purpose relates the multiple True False
parts of the system even though the each 13. The information system provides
part functions independently of the others information to operations personnel to
Multiple components add as an additional burden on top of their
Purpose daily tasks.
Relatedness True False
Goal Conflict 14. Is a system that a business uses to
5. The process of dividing the system into collect, store, manage, process, retrieve
smaller parts, for users to be convenient and report its financial data so that it can
in representing, viewing, and be used by accountants, consultants,
understanding relationships among business analysts, managers, chief
subsystems. Multiple components financial officers, auditors, and regulatory
Goal Conflict and tax agencies. Management
System Decomposition information system
System Interdependency Transaction processing system
6. The benefits provided by information less Information system
the cost of producing it. Information Accounting information system
Information Technology 15. An AIS can be a paper-and-pencil manual
Value of Information system, a complex system using the
Information Overload latest in It, or something in between;
7. Capacity to make a difference in a regardless of the approach, the process
decision. is still the same.
Completeness Timeliness True False
Reliability Relevance 16. The 6 components of AIS includes:
8. Information is said to be ____ when it Responsibility Management Override
faithfully represents what tis purports to People Internal Controls Data
represent Information Technology
Verifiable Relevant Authority Software
Complete Reliable Instruction and Procedures
9. The ability through consensus among 17. Transaction cycles process individual
measures to ensure that information events that are recorded in special
represents what it purports to represent or journals, and summaries of these
that the chosen method of measurement transaction flow into the GLS.
has been used without error or bias. True False
Understandable Relevance
Verifiability Reliability 18. A source of input to the general ledger
10. Only Financial Transactions are processed Journal Voucher
into the organization’s information system, to Financial Reporting System
Management Reporting System
Transaction Processing System Formalization of Tasks
19. The principal file in GLS database, and is Management of Exception
based on the organization’s chart of 29. This principle refers to an individual’s
accounts Journal Voucher File obligation to achieve desired results and
GL History File defines the vertical reporting channels of
Journal Voucher History File the firm through which information flows.
GL Master File Span of Control
20. GLS is a hub connected only to Financial Responsibility and Authority
Reporting System of the Accounting Formalization of Tasks
Information System through spokes of Management of Exception
information flows. 30. This principle suggests that managers
True False should limit their attention to potential
21. Outside users of information are problem areas rather than being involved
interested in the performance of the with every activity or decision. Span of
organization as a whole, therefore, they Control
require information that allows them to Responsibility and Authority
observe trends in performance over time Formalization of Tasks
and to make comparisons between Management of Exception
different organizations. 31. Reports that are triggered by events:
True False Scheduled Reports
22. Financial Statement must be prepared On demand Reports
and presented by all organization in a 32. Identifying responsibility centers and their
manner that is accepted and understood objectives, developing performance
by internal users. measurement schemes, and preparing
True False and analyzing performance reports of the
23. “Capture the transactions” is a task under: responsibility centers Span of Control
GLS MRS Responsibility Accounting
TPS FRS Responsibility and Authority
24. “Prepare the unadjusted trial balance” is a Balanced Scorecard
task under: 33. A fundamental principle of a Balance
GLS MRS Scorecard is that responsibility area
TPS FRS managers are accountable only for items
25. “Make adjusting entries” is a task under: of costs, revenues and investments that
GLS MRS they control.
TPS FRS True False
26. Management reporting is often called 34. A _____ is a report that provides
discretionary reporting because it is not multidimensional perspective of
mandated, as is financial reporting. organization performance. Responsibility
True False Centers
27. An MRS that directs management’s Responsibility Accounting
attention to each tasks and function on a Responsibility and Authority
timely basis promotes effective Balanced Scorecard
management and thus, supports the 35. A Balances Scorecard measures four (4)
organization’s business objectives. dimensions of performance which
True False includes:
28. This principle suggest that management Feedback
should structure the firm around the tasks if Customer Perspective
performs, rather than around individuals with Internal Operations
unique skills. Span of Control Management Directives
Responsibility and Authority Innovation and Learning
Responsibility and Authority
36. In the balanced scorecard, innovation and
learning handles how well information is
captured and how effectively employees use
the information to convert it to a competitive
advantage over the industry.
True False
37. A profit center manager has responsibility for
cost control only.
True False

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