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Personal Statement

Throughout my life I have experienced that many people, especially kids, express a
strong dislike for visiting the dentist. Understandably, the sharp tools used, the interesting sounds
that are heard, and staring up at people wearing masks and scrubs are valid reasons to make a
person feel uneasy about visiting the dentist. Luckily I was fortunate enough to have a great
initial experience when I was younger and do not possess the same fear that some have for the
dentist, and I credit this to my dental hygienist.

From the beginning my hygienist made me feel comfortable and relaxed by explaining to me
exactly what she was doing throughout the visit. That, along with many other positive
experiences I have had really helped spark my interest in the dental field. When I attended
Central Washington University, I became intrigued by how nutrition plays such a large part in the
status of your overall health, which lead me to graduate with my degree in Nutrition and Public
Health. The importance of nutrition, personable skills, hygiene, epidemiology, and disease
prevention are all things that I learned and truly love. I believe these are some of the essential
attributes necessary in becoming a successful dental hygienist. Becoming a hygienist would
allow me to utilize and perfect these attributes that mean so much to me, enabling me to develop
a true passion toward my career.

When I decided I wanted to be in the dental field I began shadowing dental hygienists around my
community to gain a better understanding about the job and it’s responsibilities. From watching
the communication with patients to witnessing how detail oriented hygienists have to be, I knew
this is the path I want to follow. Being able to watch hygienists in action really opened my eyes
to how important their role is not only for ones oral health, but also how much of an effect they
can have on a persons overall health. They have the ability to benefit a person’s life and I would
love the opportunity to have positive impact on someone.

I truly believe that I posses the qualities that it takes to become a dental hygienist. Being detail
oriented, personable, and empathetic are all things that I excel at and are necessary for a patient’s
experience to be a positive one. My experiences at a young age with my dental hygienist have
really helped shape the way I would like to treat my own patients some day. Reflecting on the
level of care she showed me by making sure I was comfortable and relaxed makes me realize
how important developing unique and personal relationships with patients can be. Being able to
show and explain to a patient on why they need to continue good oral care by using evidence
instead of just verbally telling them is highly important to me. In some of my experiences
dealing with people in the medical field, I have felt as if some people are just trying to show up,
do their work, and leave, without really investing themselves in truly helping their patients. As a
dental hygienist I would always place my patient’s best interests first, and try my hardest to
provide a great service.

Overall, I consider myself as a hardworking individual who is motivated by challenging work

and I believe that a career as a dental hygienist would be a great fit for me.

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