Philosophy Paper

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Education is backbone of someones life, without it, it’s hard for someone to “move” in life.


education is such an advantage in life we as educators must make sure we are giving our student our all.

I’ve had many different teachers through my years of school. Some of them were awesome at what they

did and some were not. All the great teachers that I had all had several things in common that I want to

incorporate in my career as an educator.

One of the things they had in common was the love and the motivation to help and influence the

youth. They recognized that the youth of the day will be the ones running this country at some point.

They realize that these students have tons of potential to do great things and all it takes is one person to

lift them up to unlock it. I want to be know as the educator who stresses the importance of education in

todays world but also show students they are more than capable of taking on that challenge

The second thing they had in common was the fact that my teachers and coaches were not just

trying to educate us on how to be better students and athletes but also how to be better people. As an

educator/coach, I want to have an emphasis on building my student to be more than better athletes, I want

to build better future husbands who will have discipline and respect for others. I would rather know I was

apart of building up a strong and faithful husband and father than a D1 athlete with scholarship offers,

though both are achievable.

The last thing that I found to be a focus of all the great educators that taught me was their strong

love for Christ and our community. All of my coaches were involved in the local church and have always

shared they’re love for Christ whenever possible and appropriate in the school setting, even he didn’t

mention anything religious. They showed love, which ties into the community. My high school had such a

strong community that nearly all the teacher would attend any event put on. As a student, it was awesome

to walk in a classroom and have your teacher compliment you on a game or performance you had that

week. It showed me they cared for me. So I will definitely be adopting these things for my career. We are

all called to ministry, we may be educators, but we are ministers first.

Education is a privilege that many take for granted. People don’t realize how behind the curve

someone is without it. As educators it is our job to make it to where we challenge our students but not
blind them to the benefits of education. We must also do this by molding these young men and women

into better future husbands and wives along the way.

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