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Chapter III


This chapter includes the methods of research,

materials, tools and equipment, treatment used in the study

and procedure in making Labog Gummy Candy.

Methods of Research

The method used in this study was experimental method

of research which focused on the extract proportion of Labog

leaves extract in making Labog Gummy Candy.

Materials, Tools and Equipment

The materials, tools and equipment used in the study

were; one (1) piece non – stick pan, one (1) piece wooden

spoon, one (1) piece cheese cloth, three (3) pieces molder,

three (3) pieces small container, one (1) piece weighing

scale, eighteen pieces (18) bowl, one (1) piece measuring

glass, three (3) pieces spoon, one(1) unit stove.

Experimental Design and Treatment

A. Experimental Design
This study entitled Labog Gummy Candy is an

experimental study on the potential of Labog leaves. The

experimental design used was the Complementary Randomized

Design (CRD) in which a group of tests of Labog Gummy Candy

was studied only and subsequent replication was conducted to

determine the cause of change.

The study used four (4) factors experimental in

Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three (3)


Table 1 shows treatment A, B and C with their

measurements of ingredients used in the study. Treatment A

used 100 grams of Labog leaves extract, Treatment B used 75

grams of Labog leaves extract and Treatment C used 50 grams

of Labog leaves extract.

Table 1. Treatment used in the study.

Labog (Leaves
Extract) 100 grams 75 grams 50 grams

Brown Sugar 50 grams 50 grams 50 grams

10 grams 10 grams 10 grams

Glucose syrup 10 grams 10 grams 10 grams

Water 240 grams 240 grams 240 grams

Calamansi Zest 2 grams 2 grams 2 grams

All the ingredients used in the study were constant,

however it varied only in the amount of Labog Leaves extract

in three (3) treatments in making Labog Gummy Candy.

Experimental Procedure

A. Preparation in making Labog leaves extract.

All tools, materials, and ingredients in making Labog

Gummy Candy were prepared. Two hundred (200) grams of Labog

leaves were measured, washed, drained and boiled in a 240

grams of water for about 10 minutes. Labog leaves were

squeezed using cheesecloth to get the extract lastly, Labog

leaves extract was measured. (See fig. 1.)

B. Procedure in making Labog Gummy Candy.

The ingredients were prepared in each treatments. 10

grams of gelatin was poured in a 120 grams hot water,

stirred until dissolved. 120 grams of water was boiled added

with 10 grams of glucose syrup and 50 grams of brown sugar

in a non-stick pan. Then gelatin was poured. Labog extract

was added in the mixture and stirred. Heated for 2-3

minutes. Calamansi zest was added in the mixture. Cooked

until sticky. The mixture was poured in the molder, Chilled

for 1-2 hours. Labog Gummy Candy was removed from the

molder. Packed. (See fig. 2.)

Collection of Data

The main instrument used in collecting the data was the

evaluation sheet. It dealt with the basic and used to

evaluate the three treatments of the product. There were

four (4) factors rated such as appearance, aroma,

chewability and taste.

The product was evaluated by seventy (70) evaluators

composed of thirty (30) students, twenty (20) food vendors

and twenty (20) professors. In determining the acceptability

of Labog leaves in making gummy candy there were three

response categories and each responding scores and weighted

mean. The evaluators were gathered in a room and given the

evaluation sheet for them to evaluate the product.

Scoring Variables

In scoring variables of the study, the researchers used

the Nine (9) Points Hedonic Scale in the score card in

evaluating the product. In this study, the different sensory

qualities such as appearance, aroma, chewability and taste

of Labog Gummy Candy were scored, given weight and

categorized as follows:

Appearance of the product.

Score Mean Score Adjectival Description
9 8.13-9.00 Extremely Appealing
8 7.24-8.12 Very much appealing
7 6.35-7.23 Moderately Appearing
6 5.46-6.34 Slightly Appearing
Neither Appealing nor
5 4.57-5.45
4 3.68-4.56 Slightly Unappealing
3 2.79-3.67 Moderately Unappealing
2 1.90-2.78 Very Much Unappealing
1 1.00-1.89 Extremely Unappealing
Aroma of the product.
Score Mean Score Adjectival Description
9 8.13-9.00 Extremely Pleasant
8 7.24-8.12 Very much Pleasant
7 6.35-7.23 Moderately Pleasant
6 5.46-6.34 Slightly Pleasant
5 Neither Pleasant nor
4 3.68-4.56 Slightly Unpleasant
3 2.79-3.67 Moderately Unpleasant
2 1.90-2.78 Very Much Unpleasant
1 1.00-1.89 Extremely Unpleasant
Chewability of the product.
Score Mean Score Adjectival Description
9 8.13-9.00 Extremely Chewy
8 7.24-8.12 Very much Chewy
7 6.35-7.23 Moderately Chewy
6 5.46-6.34 Slightly Chewy
5 Neither Chewy nor
4 3.68-4.56 Slightly Unchewy
3 2.79-3.67 Moderately Unchewy
2 1.90-2.78 Very Much Unchewy
1 1.00-1.89 Extremely Unchewy
Taste of the product.
Score Mean Score Adjectival Description
9 8.13-9.00 Extremely Delicious
8 7.24-8.12 Very much Delicious
7 6.35-7.23 Moderately Delicious
6 5.46-6.34 Slightly Delicious
5 Neither Delicious nor
Not Delicious
4 3.68-4.56 Slightly Not Delicious
3 2.79-3.67 Moderately Not Delicious
2 1.90-2.78 Very Much Not Delicious
1 1.00-1.89 Extremely Not Delicious
General Acceptability
Score Mean Score Qualitative Description
9 8.13-9.00 Liked Extremely
8 7.24-8.12 Liked Very much
7 6.35-7.23 Liked Moderately
6 5.46-6.34 Liked Slightly
5 Neither Liked nor
4 3.68-4.56 Disliked Slightly
3 2.79-3.67 Disliked Moderately
2 1.90-2.78 Disliked Very Much
1 1.00-1.89 Disliked Extremely

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The data was been collected and collated in a

tabulation sheet for the analysis and interpretation. The

data included evaluated scores on the different factors

considered in the study and the general acceptability of the


Statistical Tools
The statistical tools utilized in analysis the data are

mean and ANOVA. Mean was computed to determine the

acceptability of Labog leaves in making gummy candy in three

treatments with four factors used and ANOVA was used to

determine the significant difference in the general

acceptability of Labog Gummy Candy among three (3)


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