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We Were Liars

E. Lockhart

Chapter Summary

Chapter 45
As Cady starts her second week stay on Beechwood, The Liars
discovered the roofs of Cuddledown and got a great view of the
island and the sea beyond it. Cady told the others that when she
dies, she wants her ashes to be scattered in the water of the
tiny beach. When they miss her they can climb up at the roof,
look down, and think how wonderful she was. They talk about
funerals until Mirren says that they should plan their weddings.
Gat suggests that Cady can plan the parties she will have if she
wins the Olympic medal and Nobel Prize. Cady felt that life is at
its most beautiful on that day, and told herself that no matter
what happens in the future, in that one moment on the roof of
Cuddledown, they are young forever.

Chapter 48
Cady doubted that Gat has the same book that her mother used
to read to her when she is at her young age, one of the
Chrestomanci stories. Early the next morning, Cady went to
Cuddledown and knocks on Gat's bedroom yet there is no response.
Cady proceeds to Taft's room and there she saw the room full of
decorations like bears and models of the boat. She then left the
book on the pillow.

Chapter 49
Gat and Cady stayed on the roof of Cuddledown, whereas
Johnny is busy taking great care of Mirren since she got sick.
Gat starts the conversation by saying that Cady is beautiful she
then humbly reacts to his comment. They talked about their
personal lives, then Gat asks Cady if she had a boyfriend and
Cady answered yes. Gat was annoyed by Cady's answer and then said
that it is a joke. Gat turned back and told Cady that she is
fortunate. After that, Gat opens up to Cady about the plan of her
granddad that she's going to Europe but, Cady knows that it is
impossible since her granddad didn't have sufficient money to
sustain her in college and to stay in a five-star hotel. They're
still arguing about that trip until Cady opens up to Gat about
what she felt when she had a migraine.

Chapter 50
Mirren is having ill often she can't even play snorkeling,
sailing, and tennis or went to Edgartown. Cady brought her
favorite jelly beans from the new Clairmont then both of them
lied on the tiny beach while reading magazines and listening to
music. Cady pokes Mirren to notice her since she is listening to
music and both of her ears have earbuds. Mirren warned Cady to
avoid Gat because she knows that their relationship will end
badly, she was concerned for both of them and she won't let Cady
be hurt. But the truth is, Mirren was jealous of Cady because Gat
loves her and it is her dream to be loved by someone but she was

Chapter 51
On the third week of Cady's stay on the island, she was
having a migraine. It takes two to three days before it
disappears. She found out that the bottle of her pills is getting
low and, she wondered if her mother is taking it as well or, the
twins came into her room and lifted those things or perhaps, she
abuses it that she didn't take note of because of too much pain.
Cady wondered why Mirren and the other fellow didn't play the
scrabble, at that point, Johnny changes the subject. He told them
to go to Downyflake to purchase Boston cream and jam, but Cady
knows that he's lying since Downyflake offered chocolate cakes.

Chapter 52
Cady ate supper with her mother and the littles, but that
night her migraines hit her, and it is worse than before, she
felt too much pain. When she opened her eyes, she saw Gat
standing over her looking at the graph paper on her wall. Cady
felt awkward with that, then she told Gat to stop looking at
those things. Gat confesses his past relationship with Raquel and
he was frustrated that he hide those things from Cady. Gat lies
on the bed next to Cady, he holds and kisses her for a long time.
Chapter 67
After a few days, Harris summoned Johnny to ask him a favor.
However, Johnny denied to which Harris replied with a threat of
canceling his allowance. To no avail, Johnny denied yet again and
insisted on doing things his way if so. Due to the situation,
Carrie called Gat to tell him not to come to Clairmont anymore,
to which the latter and Johnny couldn’t comprehend. At the study,
where all the liars were, Bess, Bonnie, Liberty, and Taft were
pushing Harris for the Windmere. Their family was full of
achievers. A business-minded one, some who get math grades worth
a Harvard, and frivolous ones. They were the future of the
family. However, Penny confronted everyone about the relationship
that was running within and said that Harry wasn’t so happy with
it. She deemed the love foolish and stupid. Saying that it wasn’t
good enough as a reason to abandon their throbbing future with
Harris. Penny was trying to break the couple off but to no avail.
They both ran out the Clairmont of disapproval.

Chapter 68
One day, the Clairmonts’ descendants thought- what if God
were to struck the Clairmont’s household? Perhaps by lightning or
maybe burned down to flames? What if God were to punish them,
purify their soul and deeds- repent- and perhaps be a family once

Chapter 69
The following day, the family once more gathered to yet
again another supper full of shouting and fighting. Penny
confronted Harris about why she has to get nothing when every
other would receive houses and others so. Bringing to discussion
her love for the latter. However, Harris did not waiver with his
stand. He was so determined of that share and even emphasized
that they were living in the United States of America and that
everything thy want thy shall shed blood for to receive. Such an
argument led Penny to throw tantrums.
Chapter 70
The day after the messy discussion where they talked about
departing from the island, which Harris disapproved of. They were
drunk last night so they tried to recall everything that has
happened. And it was successful. They remember setting the
Clairmont onto a fire. Now all that remains are ashes. Some,
though, were against that idea. Just like how Mirren still pushed
through being once again reunited as a family. But to no avail.
Gat coveted it, of course, to which Johnny called as mere
patriarchy and Gat never denied it. But they all find burning the
palace like a great deed of purifying their family.

Chapter 71
As Cady's aunts were continuously crying, and arguing with
Harris, Gat ran out to escape for some peace. They even thought
of handling the matter with their own hands. Thinking that they
could restore the peace in their family had they handled the
matter on their own. After all, they had someone to protect and
keep safe. They talked about putting their differences, color,
age, hobbies, and all aside to reunite their broken family once
more. They even encouraged others to participate.

Chapter 72
Yet here they reminisced the plan- how to burn the
Clairmont. They planned to soak the whole palace with gasoline
from the spare jugs of gas of their motorboats. Combustible
materials like newspapers and woods shall be spread throughout
the place to fasten the spread of the fire. Gat was in charge of
the basement, Cadence on the ground floor, Johnny on the second
floor, and Mirren at the top. The plan was well-thought- they
shall burn the place entirely. The ingenious plan even came with
a skit of calling the fire department to make it look more like
arson. Although to no avail, the fire-fighters arrived quite
late, the fire had eaten the whole palace already. But that very
same person who caused the fire still dared to back snap at the
firemen. Albeit setting all those devil deeds, the whole family
still denied all the crimes- they were no criminals according to
them. Now that their Granddad's power is gone, the Clairmont,
they accused him of being demented. Still, they identified their
arson crime as a justifiable act- they building a crumbled family
due to greed- to their defense.

Chapter 73
As much as Cady wanted to cover the whole arson crime she
committed, her mother eventually known of the evil crime. Cadence
knew though that her mother did not have enough courage to
confront her. She did not have the bravery to put her daughter at
fault for everything that had happened. Still, Cady could not
stop herself from asking Penny why she wasn’t accusing her of
burning down the Clairmont. Penny's answer put Cady in awe, she
did not want to inconvenience her daughter. She knew about all
the sufferings she encountered. The uncountable stress she went
through from living there. She experienced those too. She knew
enough. It was empathy that had stopped Penny from backstabbing
her daughter.

Chapter 74
Cady was shocked when Mirren’s silhouette greeted her when
she opened the door to her room. Mirren was there to ask if Cady
had stored all the emails they exchanged. Cady denied it at
first, she said that she already deleted everything. However,
Mirren was a bit pushy and still proceeded in opening the
computer. Cady had no choice but to let Mirren have things her
way. The first email Mirren read was from Cady, about her
escapade in Spain. The Spanish boys, Colorado, her dad cheating,
and other details. After they were bored, they both realized they
had read 28 emails already.

Chapter 75
While Cady was browsing through her computer, she has
stumbled upon that one filler puzzle she could never solve. But
as soon as she figured the gaps, it reminded her of the puppies
her Granddad loved so much. Bosh, Grendel, Fatima, Poppy, and
Prince Philip. The naughty dogs that her Granddad loved so much
died at the fire she created. Although Cady hated the other dogs,
she wished that Fatima and Prince Philip is with her. Cady loves
them pretty much and much more if they grew with her.
Chapter 76
Although it was a dark time, it was time for supper, Cady
ran out of the Windemere. She wished someone had rescued the
dogs. She could not face The Liars and was looking for a place to
go. She was now going insane and repents for killing those
innocent dogs. She regretted burning the Clairmont after thinking
of all the innocent beings who were involved in the fire. Cady
was going insane now.

Chapter 77
After running out of the Windemere, Cadence jumped at Gat
when she saw him. Cadence was talking like crazy, she was spewing
that they had killed those innocent dogs. Even with that, Gat
confronted Cadence about being sick. Her family was not able to
tell her because Cadence wouldn’t have remembered anyway. And
after that, even more, shocking news faced Cadence, Gat had to
leave for Cuddledown. Gat crying said how he regretted kissing
Cadence. Gat should not have fallen in love with her in the first
place. It was wrong. But that wasn’t even Cadence’s main concern
for now. Cadence wants to go with Gat. But Gat continuously
refused Cadence’s acquaintance. Gat then went back to the dark
after telling Cadence what he wanted to say.

Chapter 78
Summer, on the fifteen, Cadence was lying in her bed wearing
earbuds, after the unfortunate events when Penny and Harris
visited her. Harris brought a fudge, his ever favorite. Cadence
was touched that it made her remember a song. But when Cadence
took out her earbuds and lifted her body, she realized that she
was bandaged. Her legs, both her feet, and both her hands. She
got burned all over her body, hence the bandage.

Chapter 79
Cadence, while suffering from all those traumas and pain,
remembered a story. It was about a king who had three daughters.
Daughters who were no different from bears. They were greedy.
They wanted everything, and ready to do whatever it takes to
acquire power. The three daughters were monsters, criminals. But
despite how hideous they were, innocence is what they claim. The
daughters just wanted love peace- at least that is how they
justified their monstrosity.

Chapter 80
Now, it is time for the truth behind the Sinclair family’s
life. Or at least the truth that Harris had new and what they
wanted newspapers to about. The fire during the summer on the
fifteen was a pure accident. Everyone was there, but no one
barely noticed. The burned flesh and agonies were no evil scheme,
it was a coincidence. But it did not matter now, everything shall
be forgotten. They have mourned, they drank, and the family fell
apart. What is there that is left? Cadence Sinclair Eastman had
no memories of the incident she caused. It was as if it that she
committed no crime- innocence. Perhaps because of the amnesia.
However, her greed prevailed. Cadence was no more afraid to show
her evil, dark, and shitty past. Cadence now had all the power
she needed and wanted. No one can stop her.

Chapter 81
Even though everything had passed, Cadence could not forget
how fitting their plan to burn the Clairmont was. “Soak the linen
cupboards, the towels, the floors, the books, and the beds.
Remember move the gas can away from your kindling so you can
grab it. See it catch, see it burn. Then run. Use the kitchen
stairwell and exit out the mudroom door. Remember, take your gas
can with you and return it to the boathouse. See you at
Cuddledown. We’ll put our clothes in the washer there,
change, then go and watch the blaze before we call the fire
departments.” Cadence could remember clearly what she instructed
the others for the crime they were to commit at that time. But
with those devilish memories was the reminiscence of how she
burned herself. She was caught in the fire. Her pants were
burning, everything around her was set onto the fire and she had
nowhere to escape to. She tried calling Gat and the others but to
no avail. No one could hear her as they all had run down already.

Chapter 82
Now, Cadence’s remorse grew even bigger. While she was
sitting in the doorsteps where Gat disappeared into the dead of
the night, she felt a cold breeze, somewhat squeezing her heart,
it was deep remorse. She regretted every decision she ever made.
Had she not soaked the whole Clairmont into the depth of the
gasoline, Gat, Johnny, and Mirren would have not been into an
early death from being unable to escape the Clairmont during the
fire. Had she not burned the whole Clairmont into gasoline, the
family would have been happily doing what every family does to
date. Now, she’s feeling deep condolence. Condolence to her aunts
who lost their firstborn children. To Will, who lost his brother.
To Liberty, Bonnie, and Taft who lost their sister. To Harris,
who saw not just his palace burn to the ground, but his
grandchildren perish. Now, all that is left is to cry in vain. To
mourn for all the souls that have ascended to the heavens, and
for all their possessions that burned into ashes. As Cadence
reminisce every dream her cousins had, Mirren was to experience
having sex, Johnny wanted to run in a marathon, and Gat desired
to graduate college. Now, all of those are just useless dreams.
They are now criminals. Their aunts hugged in vain, they
committed a felony.

Chapter 83
As Cadence was experiencing grave condolences and remorse
for the souls of the demised, she isolated herself and
experienced for herself all the sufferings. Her mother tried to
comfort her but to no avail.

Chapter 84
The feeling of grieve went deeper and deeper. Now, she was
already seeing and hearing things. Mirren, Johnny, Gat, they all
showed into her consciousness, Cadence was as if a madwoman,
begging the air to not go, hallucinating. The souls of her dead
cousins were telling her that it wasn’t her fault. They all
agreed to that crazy and abominable idea, to what happened,
Cadence should not spite herself. But, yet again, to no avail.

Chapter 85
Cadence slept for days and days and days- no one could wake
her up. Finally, she came back to consciousness. As she opened
her eyes, the darkness fades off. Cadence went to the mirror, and
what she saw shocked her. A girl whose hair was not black at all,
freckles are visible on her face, and her lips are burned. It was
as if it wasn’t herself in the mirror. She now went out of their
house as Bosh, Poppy, and Grendel were following her out, wagging
their tails in the process. The whole family was preparing for an
outdoor picnic. Ed and Penny are busy packing stuff for the
upcoming event. But to fully assure that Cadence is now doing
well, they all talked to her and consoled her.

Chapter 86
Now that Cadence was all and well, she went with Harris to
the Edgartown. Harris even bought her books as a present. Cadence
went into Mirren’s room to clean it. She vacuumed the crushed
potato chips, swept the broken glasses, wiped the dusty window,
and scrubbed the sticky floor. However, she left the furniture be
as it is. Those are Mirren’s favorite after all. Out of impulse,
she took some sketchpad and draw Mirren, Gat, and Johnny. They
mere stick figures, yes. But Cadence valued them so much. They
were her Liars after all. They loved and protected her.

Chapter 87
A story about a king who had three beautiful daughters was
told by Cady. Women who committed a felony. They were criminals,
it was stupid, but to the king, it was something forgivable.
Cadence Sinclair Eastman. A girl who lives in Burlington,
Vermont, with her mother and three dogs. A girl who was barely
eighteen and loved reading books at the library. But a
perpetrator of a devilish and stupid crime that caused the demise
of her loved ones.

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