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Activity 2 : Read the text carefully and understand it.

1. Who are the characters in the story? (4 pts)

 God
 Adam
 Eve
 Serpent

2. In relation to the value of Stewardship and Obedience, why did God created Adam and Eve?

 God created Adam to take care of all of His creation and look after it and He created Eve so that
Adam won’t be lonely and has someone to help him.

3. What is the purpose of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

 The purpose of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is to let the one who ate its fruit be like
God who knows the difference between good and evil.

4. What are the consequences of their disobedience:

a. Adam - God cursed the ground and Adam will work hard all days of his life. It will be painful for him to
get food from the ground. He will eat plants from the field, even though the ground produces thorns
and prickly weeds. He will have to work hard and sweat a lot to produce the food he eats. He is made
out of the ground and he will return from it when he dies.

b. Eve - God increased her pain in giving birth and she will be in great pain when she has children. She
will long for her husband and her husband will rule over her.

c. Serpent - It is cursed above all livestock and all wild animals. It will crawl on its belly and it will eat dust
all the days of its life. And God put hostility between the Serpent and the woman, and between its
offspring and hers, she will crush its head, and it will strike her heel.

5.Reflection: What are the lessons that you have learned from the story in relation to Stewardship and
Obedience. (6 pts)
 The lessons that I have learned from the story in relation to Stewardship and Obedience is to be
responsible in all of our task and always take care of the creation of God, He created us for a
greater purpose. We shouldn't blame others, accepting our responsibility and facing our
consequences is the best way. Lastly, we should run towards God not away from Him, we should
remember that no sin that is too big that God can’t forgive. As long as we repent of them and do
our best in becoming a better follower of God, then God will forgive us.

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