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J. S. At,. Inst. Min. Metal/., vo!. 88, no. 5.

May 1988. pp.145-161.

The characteristics of Southern African coals*

by R. FALCONt and A.J. HAM*

This paper summarizes the characteristics of Southem African coals, presents a fundamental approach to the
combustion performance of coal, and reviews some of the recent developments in the fields of technological evaluation
and boiler design for coals typical of this region. This includes a summary of the petrographic constituents of coa~
highlighting the differences between the Palaeozoic coals of the northern and southern hemispheres (Laurasia
and Gondwana respectively), and the effects of these properties on the combustion performance of coal as seen
in terms of laboratory, pilot-scale, and full-scale operating conditions. Recent developments in boiler design linked
to advanced characterization studies and commercial experience have led to unprecedented use, with maximum
effect, of the low-grade, high-ash, high-inertinite coals typical of some parts of this region. In the light of this suc-
cess, more adequate understanding and better methods of assessment of the coals typical of the Gondwana region
are called for, particularly in the light of the price premium for high-grade coal and the more cost-effective lower-
grade coals on the international steam markets.

Hierdie referaat gee 'n opsomming van die eienskappe van Suid-Afrikaanse steenkool, bied 'n fundamentale
benadering van die verbrandingsprestasie van steenkool en gee 'n oorsig oor sommige van die onlangse ontwik-
kelings op die gebied van tegnologiese evaluaring en ketelontwerp vir steenkool wat tipies is van hierdie streek.
Dit sluit 'n opsomming in van die petrografiese bestanddele van steenkool met die klem op die verskille tussen
die Paleoso'iese steenkool van die noordelike en die suidelike halfrond (onderskeidelik Laurasia en Gondwana)
en die uitwerking van hierdie eienskappe op die verbrandingsprestasie van steenkool soos gesien in terme van
laboratorium-, proefaanleg- en volskaalse bedryfstoestande. Onlangse ontwikkelings in ketelontwerp, tesame met
gevorderde karakteriseringstudies en kommersiele ondervinding, het gelei tot 'n ongekende gebruik, met maksimale
effek, van die laegraadse, asryke en inertinietryke steenkool wat tipies is van sommige dele van hierdie streek.
In die lig van hierdie sukses is daar 'n beter beg rip en beter evalueringsmetodes nodig vir die steenkool wat tipies
is van die Gondwana-streek, veral in die IIg van die pryspremie vir hoegraadse steenkool en die meer koste-effektiewe
laergraadse steenkool op die internasionale stoommarkte.

Until relatively recently (the early 1970s), the evalua- investigation into combustion performance have gained
tion of coal, and the parameters used for the cost-effective momentum in many countries of the world, particularly
operation or the design of boilers, were limited to con- those that rely on equipment designed for coals apparent-
ventional proximate analyses and determinations of ly different from their own, or that are obliged to im-
calorific value and ash and, if necessary, ultimate port their feedstocks from other regions in the world or,
analyses. However, with the introduction of large-scale even in some cases, from different collieries in the same
international trading in steam-raising coal, many of the region.
parameters conventionally used in specifications were Problems of combustion performance are confined not
found to be insufficient, and in many cases proved to be only to conventional utility or power-generation com-
inadequate for predicting the performance of coals panies, but also to smaller domestic and industrial users.
despite falling within acceptable limits of the specifica- Similar problems are encountered in the fields of fluidized-
tions. This phenomenon is particularly hazardous when bed combustion and gasification. The combustion per-
one attempts to predict or guarantee, for example, the formance of coal therefore needs to be seen in its widest
combustion performance of coal or the organic efficien- context, Le. in terms of different combustion systems
cy of combustion appliances without prior operating ex- (operating from 800°C in domestic units up to l500°C
perience of the coal type. in furnaces of conventional power-station boilers); and
For too long the view has been held that operational of different-sized products (from pulverized fuel of less
conditions are more important than the nature and than 100 ",m to lumpy coal of up to 35 mm in size) and
properties of coal. Sufficient problems have now been in terms of different grades, ranks, and types of feed-
encountered to suggest that boilers must be designed to stocks, ranging from lignite to anthracite and chars.
match coal types or, conversely, that coals should be One of the main reasons for the problem now being
characterized in greater depth to match the operational encountered is that the origin, nature, constitution, and
characteristics of existing boiler plants. Calls for further maturity of coals vary markedly between different seams,
. Paper, presented at the YGB Conference
was held in Johannesburg in November 1987.
'South Africa 1987', which coalfields, and regions of the world. Conventional analyses
do not provide sufficient information to characterize
t Managing Director, Falcon Research Laboratories (Pty) Ltd, P.O. these variations, because many of the more obvious prob-
Box 41086, Craighal~ Transvaal 2024. lems have been related to slagging and fouling. A wealth
:j: General Manager (Engineering), Eskom, P.O. Box 1091, 2000
of information is available on inherent mineral matter
@ The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1988. SA and the subsequent ash content of the coal. Little cogniz-
ISSN oo38-223X/$3.oo + 0.00. Paper received 13th May, 1986. ance, however, has been taken of the inherent organic

matter comprising coal. Different types of organic con- African coals and those from other Gondwana provinces
stituents have been recognized by petrographers and coal (India, Australia, and South America) have been found
chemists for many decades, and the differences in their to be characteristically rich in minerals, relatively difficult
properties have been fundamental to the applications of to beneficiate, and highly variable in rank (maturity) and
petrography, particularly in characterizing and defining organic-matter composition. These characteristics provide
coals suitable for carbonization and, more recently, the major differences between the Carboniferous coals
liquid-coal conversion routes such as liquefaction, hydro- of the northern hemisphere (Le. the Laurasian region) and
genation, and pyrolysis. those found in the southern hemisphere (the Gondwana
Research-and-development conducted over the past region).
five years has indicated that organic matter also signifi- Such differences have been attributed to conditions
cantly influences combustion behaviour, ignition, and reigning at the time the coal was formed and to the subse-
flame stability. quent history of geological events in each region. For
The purpose of this paper is to review the organic con- example, unlike the hot, humid coastal Carboniferous
stituents of coal, including a brief discussion on the major coal-forming swamps of the northern hemisphere, the
differences between the coals of Palaeozoic age from the Permian swamps in the south formed under cold (increas-
northern and southern hemispheres, and to relate the ing to warm) temperate conditions associated with the
properties of these constituents to the major processes waning of a massive ice age. The coal-bearing sediments
occurring in combustion, and specifically to discuss them accumulated in relatively stable continental depressions
in terms of certain test cases investigated recently. Final- along the margins of glacial valleys, continental lakes,
ly, a revaluation of coal on the basis of petrographic and shallow inter-continental seas. Highly varied topo-
characterization is proposed in order to supplement exist- graphic and sedimentary environments existed, resulting
ing conventional parameters. in various degrees of degradation of the plant matter.
Some vegetation accumulated in situ, while other forms
F ACTORS INFLUENCING COMBUSTION were washed by seasonal floods into open waters such
Combustion is the generation of thermal energy as a as lakes, deltas, and shallow seas. The latter was often
result of the oxidation of the combustible constituents accompanied by much mineral matter washed down from
of coal in the presence of heat. Although heating is mountainous regions in the hinterland.
initially supplied from an external source, the process of In terms of vegetation, the coal swamps of the north-
oxidation is itself a highly exothermic reaction, thus sup- ern hemisphere were characterized by giant water-loving
plying its own continuing source of heat. The process of sub-tropical equatorial types of lycopod horsetails and
combustion is a series of reactions in which oxidation and fleshy-barked trees, with abundant ferns. The Gondwana
heat generation lead to devolatilization of the organic region, on the other hand, was characterized by vegeta-
matter. During this pyrolitic stage, tars and gases escape, tion ranging from sub-arctic through cold-cool-temperate
leaving solid carbon-rich residues known as char or coke; deciduous (probably hardwood) forests to warm savannah-
these, in turn, are themselves oxidized and consumed un- like woodlands with reed-infested swamps. Such vegeta-
til, at elevated temperatures, no organic residue remains tional differences resulted in different types of plant
at all. While each stage of the process requires energy to tissues, and varying proportions of plant organs such as
initiate reaction (also known as activation energy), these leaves, pollen, and waxy plant excreta.
processes produce thermal energy during the course of These combined conditions in the southern hemisphere
reaction; the higher the temperature, the faster the rate gave rise to variable, generally mineral-rich peat-forming
of reaction. swamps, which developed into widespread, relatively
There are many factors that influence the efficient com- thick, coal seams with the passage of time. As they were
bustion of coal. In general, they can be divided into in- subsequently never subjected to any great depth of burial,
herent or intrinsic ones such as the organic and inorganic as was the case with the Laurasian coals, the seams in
composition of the coal, its rank or degree of maturity, Southern Africa are relatively shallow and almost hori-
porosity, exposed surface area, moisture content, degree zontal in dip, and are therefore generally easier to mine
of weathering or heat-effect, size of particle, state of than their Laurasian counterparts.
oxidation, and characteristic initial or ignition temper- With time, temperature, and pressure, vegetation in-
ature, and peak combustion temperature. The second creases in 'maturation' or rank. In the northern hemi- .
category, the external group, includes factors influenc- sphere, increases in rank were relatively consistent on a
ing the combustion process in terms of operating condi- regional basis owing to the rapid subsidence and deep
tions: these include particle size, throughput, environ- burial of the coal-bearing strata and the effects of elevated
mental temperature, temperature and velocity of the com- geothermal temperatures at depth for considerable lengths
bustion air, the nature of mixing solids and gas, the design of geological time. In the Gondwana provinces, however,
and spacing of the burners, and the residence time of the the coal-bearing strata have remained at generally shallow
combustible particles in the furnace. depths, but they have been subjected to frequent intru-
As the external factors are beyond the scope of the sions of hot igneous (volcanic) lavas in vertical and
present review, only the inherent factors are discussed in horizontal streams through the strata. This has resulted
this paper. The significance of these relative to the petro- in highly uneven increases in maturation or rank within
graphic characteristics of coal is then discussed. very localized areas due to the varying sizes and types of
ORIGIN AND FORMATION OF COAL In general, therefore, South African coals are less
In a comparison of coals in a global context, Southern mature than most of their European equivalents. How-


- --------
ever, the existence of igneous activity in some regions has the ash begins to soften and then melt. This temper-
resulted in rapid heating effects on coals in certain areas, ature is important to users of coal whose processes
particularly in the proximity of sills and dykes. Such require relatively high temperatures. Molten or semi-
heating effects have contributed to the formation of molten ash can cause considerable difficulties inside
anthracites, burnt coals or, in some cases, just moderately process vessels.
heat-affected bituminous coals. The last-named are some- (c) Volatile matter, which is derived from two sources:
times termed anthracite on the basis of their chemical and organic matter and mineral matter. The organic mat-
proximate analyses. ter produces tars, oils, hydrocarbon gases, hydrogen,
The coal-bearing Karoo Supergroup in South and and oxides of carbon, which are driven off from the
Central Africa is shown in Fig. 1, and the distribution coal as the temperature is increased. The organically
of the main coalfields in the Karoo Basin is indicated in derived voltaile matter in coal has a very significant
Fig. 2. bearing on its ignition and combustion characteristics.
Within Southern Africa, there are also regional dif- The inorganic matter produces incombustible
ferences. For example, the Main Karoo Basin was once volatiles such as carbon dioxide from carbonate
open to the sea. Parts of the shoreline differed from minerals, sulphur oxides from pyrite minerals, and
others in terms of stability, configuration, and nature of water (of crystallinity) from some clay minerals.
the hinterland, thus giving rise to different geometrical These components are driven off with the volatile
developments of the seams, different environments of ac- matter and, if present in sufficient quantities, can be
cumulation, and different suites of minerals and trace deleterious to the performance of a coal.
elements. (d) Fixed carbon, which is that part of the organic con-
The Springbok Flats, Waterberg, and other small tent of coal that remains as solid carbon after the
basins in the northern Transvaal, on the other hand, were volatile matter, ash, and moisture have been removed.
small, shallow, fault-bound fresh-water basins with rela- The forms of carbon remaining after devolatilization
tively similar geological histories. Their restricted environ- may vary considerably in structure (porosity), texture
ments of accumulation permitted relatively consistent (nature of the matrix), and rates of reactivity.
qualities for each specific period of coal-forming times.
As a result of these regional differences, a considerable Ultimate Analyses
diversity of coal types (organic composition), grades Ultimate analyses, as the name implies, divide the coal
(mineral-matter composition), and rank (maturity) is into its ultimate chemical components, which are the
found within the coal measures in Southern Africa. These elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sul-
differences can be of considerable qualitative, quantita- phur.
tive, technological, and economic significance. The coals In addition to these two groups of empirical analyses,
of Carboniferous age in the northern hemisphere are other very important characteristics of coal need to be
much less diverse. quantified. The most important of these are as follows.
CHARACTERIZATION OF COAL Calorific value, which is a measure of the 'heat' content
or 'energy' value of the coal. This is one of the most im-
The multiplicity of coal types and the vast number of
portant commercial parameters for coal, and is express-
possible end-uses calls for detailed characterization, clas-
sification, and evaluation of this commodity. Such ed to a number of different bases (e.g. with or without
moisture or ash). In South Africa, this value is usually
characterization can be carried out on two levels: em-
pirical and fundamental. Some of the tests that are car- expressed in terms of megajoules per kilogram of coal
but, in other countries of the world, units such as British
ried out are simple, while others require involved manipu-
lations, sophisticated equipment, and complex interpre- thermal units (Btu) per pound of coal (United Kingdom)
tations25. and kilocalories per kilogram of coal (USA, Europe, and
the Far East) are also used.
Swelling index is used as a means of determining the ex-
Empirical Levels
pandability of a coal, and therefore its potential suitability
The empirical determinations include two main analy-
tical classifications: proximate (meaning 'first' and not to form 'coke' for the reduction of ore in metallurgical
to be confused with 'approximate'), and ultimate analyses. processes. This particular test demonstrates the peculiarity
of some coals which, when heated under specific condi-
Proximate Analyses tions, become plastic and swell to become porous lumps
Proximate analyses are used to determine the follow- of carbon-enriched char with the simultaneous evolution
ing. of volatile matter.
There are up to sixty analyses apart from those already
(a) Inherent moisture, which is the water that is retain- mentioned that are used to evaluate the physical, chemi-
ed within the pores and fissures of coal after all the cal, and technological properties of coal. These are used
surface moisture has been removed. for specific purposes, e.g. gasification, liquefaction, car-
(b) Ash content, which is the residue that remains after bonization (coke manufacture).
the complete combustion of the coal. The ash is made Of importance to further combustion testwork are ther-
up of oxides of iron, aluminium, titanium, mag- mogravimetric analyses and drop-tube furnace tests. Both
nesium, calcium, and silica. The relative proportions are methods of assessing the rate of devolatilization and
of these various constituents determines the ash- carbon consumption (or combustion reactivity) of coals
fusion temperature, which is the temperature at which under various experimental conditions, each set to emu-

Fig. 1-Dlstrlbution
- Known Karoo deposits
(,:;o,:.:.:.;;!.jSuspected Karoo

of the coal-bearing Karoo Supergroup In South and Central Africa


.Coal L-M ~-r-
D Associated clastic ~~~

!::::=:::I Glacial sediment

; Small

Fig. 2-Dlagrammatlc distribution of the seams In the main coalfields of the Karoo Basin

late boilers of different types. Unless used in conjunc- slow to change (if at all), and they require more heat and
tion with fundamental analyses, these results must be oxygen in order to ignite and a longer time to burn out.
regarded as empirical in nature. The terms reactive and unreactive are relative and not ab-
solute descriptions, and refer mostly to the low to medium
Fundamental Levels ranks of coal.
Apart from characterizing coal in terms of its empirical Reactive macerals conventionally include vitrinite (the
(Le. chemical and physical) properties, coal can be clas- viscous coking-caking component) and exinite (the main
sified according to its basic or fundamental components, tar and hydrogen producer); the unreactive macerals in-
Le. organic and inorganic constituents that are the 'build- clude inertinite. However, recent studies, particularly of
ing bricks' of coal. Unlike empirical tests, the fundamen- coals from the southern hemisphere (Gondwana), have
tal or petrographic analysis of coal is made with a micro- indicated that certain constituents within the inertinite
scope. The fundamental aspects of coal formation are il- group are semi-reactive. These constituents can comprise
lustrated in Fig. 3. up to 60 per cent of the inertinite group, and as such they
The fundamental composition of coal falls into three may represent a very important part of the organic mat-
major categories; organic matter, mineral matter, and ter. Total reactive macerals in the southern hemisphere
rank or degree of metamorphism. therefore include vitrinite, exinite, and part of the inerti-
Organic Matter Content In terms of chemical properties, in low-rank bitu-
The organic matter in coal includes the fragmented and minous coals, vitrinite is moderately rich in volatile mat-
partially decomposed organic remains of the original ter; exinite is extremely rich in volatile matter, and hydro-
vegetable matter. Such microscopically recognizable units gen in particular; and inertinite is relatively impoverish-
of organic matter are termed macerals, just as minerals ed in volatile matter and hydrogen. At this rank, vitrinite
are used to refer to the inorganic constituents of rock and is characterized by some moderately sized aromatic nuclei
orebodies. A wide variety of forms occur, but these can surrounded by peripheral aliphatic groups, the whole
be combined into three groups of macerals: the vitrinite forming molecules that are randomly orientated relative
group, the liptinite (or exinite) group, and the inertinite to the bedding plane. With increasing rank, the aliphatic
group, on the basis of their common chemical, physical, peripheral groups (OH, COOH, CH3) are lost, and the
optical, and technological properties. aromatic nuclei become larger and aligned in a more
For the purpose of combustion assessment, macerals orderly fashion parallel to the bedding plane. Thus, car-
are conventionally separated into 'reactive' types, Le. on bon content and aromaticity diagnostically increase in
being heated, they will devolatilize, change in structure, vitrinite with rank.
texture and form, and ultimately ignite and combust Exinite in low-rank coals is much less aromatic than
rapidly in the presence of oxygen. 'Unreactive' types are vitrinite, and the size of the aromatic nuclei is smaller.

cates that the coals of the northern hemisphere possess,
almost exclusively, very high vitrinite contents (average
80 per cent), and therefore high proportions of reactive
macerals. Those of the southern hemisphere, by contrast,
are variable but on average are characterized by much
higher inertinite contents (some semi-reactive), with
vitrinite contents averaging approximately 40 per cent.
The exinite proportions are highly variable in all coals
but, with exceptions, they usually range from 2 to 10 per
cent in Southern African coals. Thus, the total reactive
macerals of Gondwana-type coals, when the semi-reactive
forms are included, can be almost as high as those of the
northern hemisphere, although the proportion of the
basic constituents may vary considerably.
In terms of combustion, the significance of the organic
matter lies in the fact that the maceral groups possess dif-
ferent degrees of reactivity (Le. volatile emission and char
reactivity) and rates of oxidizability (adsorption and reac-
tion in the presence of oxygen). Vitrinite both in untreated
and in char form has been found to be readily oxidizable,
particularly in low-rank coals, while exinite in its neutral
state, being even more reactive and volatile-rich, is con-
sidered to oxidize at a far more rapid rate than vitrinite;
inertinite in its natural and charred forms, being less reac-
tive and low in volatile matter (and hydrogen in particu-
lar), oxidizes at a far slower rate, particularly in bitu-
minous coals.
The organic-matter content can also be described in
terms of associations of macerals with one another into
layers or bands greater than 50 ",m in width. Such associa-
tions are termed microlithotypes. They may consist of
Temperature and pure macerals, a mixture of two macerals, or all three
pressure affected
maceral groups. The chemical and physical properties of
Fig. 3-Dlagrammatlc summary of the fundamental aspects of the macerals comprising these bands impart to that band
coal formation with specific reference to the following: its basic properties. Where microlithotypes are contami-
Grade: Introduction of minerals resulting In ash content nated with more than 20 per cent mineral matter (or 5
Type: accumulation or degradation of vegetal matter
in various environs resulting In organic matter
per cent pyrite) in an intimate mixture of maceral and
in the coal mineral inclusions, they are referred to as carbominerites
Rank: Increase In maturity Induced by time, tempera- irrespective of the macerals present.
ture, and/or pressure from over-burden Microlithotypes, or the types of maceral associations,
play extremely important roles in terms of the strength,
density, liberation, combustion, gasification, and coking
In general, exinite has an aliphatic-aromatic skeleton with
behaviour of coal. For example, two coals may contain
aliphatic side chains that are extremely rich in peripheral
the same ramounts of volatile ma~ter, fixed carbon, and
groups. On being heated, therefore, this maceral group
ash, and Indeed maceral content, but the macerals may
yields much more volatile matter than vitrinite, including
be associated in well-banded discrete homogeneous layers,
exceptionally high proportions of tar and bitumen. With
or in mixed heterogeneous layers. In the latter case, too
increasing rank, the yield of products changes from pre- many contaminants in a band will prevent the formation
dominantly gaseous to liquid, and then back to gaseous,
of large pores and will seriously affect the structure, and
and finally, when all the aliphatic groups are lost and
ultimately the behaviour, of such bands in coking and
aromaticity has increased, it becomes relatively inert,
combustion. The distribution and proportions of such
stable, and indistinguishable from vitrinite. This stage oc-
bands are now becoming important in the technological
curs in the mid volatile bituminous range of rank.
evaluation of coal!.
Inertinite, in contrast, is much more aromatic than
The nature and proportions of the organic forms deter-
vitrinite and exinite in the low ranks. The aromatic nuclei
mine the type of the coal.
are bigger and randomly orientated, and the aliphatic
chains are fewer and shorter. This explains why inertinite
is denser and richer in carbon-structured molecules, and Mineral Matter Content
characterized by relatively low contents of volatile mat- In contrast to the analyses of macerals and microlitho-
ter. This group does not change significantly in structure types, analyses of mineral distribution are performed on
or in volatile matter with increasing rank. bands of coal (50 ",m in width) or on whole coal particles
A comparison between the Carboniferous coals of (20 to 300 ",m in size). The relationship between the types,
Europe and America, and those of Permian age in forms, sizes, and proportions of mineral groups and the
Southern Africa and elsewhere in Gondwanaland indi- organic-matter host with which the'y are intimately inter-

grown are thus quantified. The proportions of mineral
matter per particle or band of coal can be grouped as VITRINITE EXINITE INERTINITE
follows: 0 to 0,5 per cent, 0,5 to 25 per cent, 25 to 50 (INCL.RSF)
per cent, and 50 per cent. Such mineral matter can take 0,60 44,0 77,5 36,0
the form of finely divided and evenly distributed grains HIGH.VOL.
or aggregates;large irregularly distributed aggregatesor 1 0,80 40,4 68,8 28,2
nodules, lenses or bands; or secondary precipitates in :;)
cracks and fractures within coals. 0
1,00 35,4 51,2 23,0
The total constituents of the mineral matter determine ::::E
the grade of a coal; the size, shape, form, type, and degree :;) 1,20 29,6 43,9 19,7
of intergrowth of the minerals in the organic matrix pro- ii5
vide useful information concerning the hardness and 1,40 25,3 31,5 17,5
abrasiveness index, the pollution potential, and the
possibility of liberating such minerals in the beneficia-
tion of coals rich in these minerals. The identification of
1,60 21,2 21,6 17,2

certain minerals (e.g. calcite, kaolinite) is also important

for qualitative predictions of drops in ash-fusion tem-
perature, the origins of relatively high proportions of inert
Fig. 4- The effect of rank on the volatile-matter content (on a
mineral-derived gases in the volatile matter, and some dry, ash-free basis) of the three majorgroups of macerals (Iscor,
variations in calorific value and inherent moisture con- personal communication, 1981) RSF = Reactive semlfuslnlte
tent. Some clays, for example, possess high proportions RV = reflectance of vltrlnlte
of water within their crystalline structures and, on being The quantitative determination of rank in coals rich
heated, yield very high proportions of their mass in the
in reactive macerals (vitrinite and exinite), as is the case
form of water vapour; similarly, carbonates yield relative-
ly high proportions of carbon dioxide, and pyrite yields in Europe and the USA, can be achieved satisfactorily
by determination of the proportions of volatile matter
sulphur-rich gases.
or carbon content and, within specific ranges of rank,
In terms of combustion, the type, form, and distribu-
the hydrogen or moisture contene. However, the use of
tion of minerals is very important. Small (smaller than
20 t-'m) nodules may be trapped in the host organic matter
volatilematter, the most common parameter, asa measure
of rank is not reliable4.5in coals relatively rich in mineral
and therefore be evenly and widely dispersed. Such forms
can serve as contaminants or inhibitors in devolatiliza-
matter (Le. high-ash, "low-gradecoals). For example, up
tion and swelling processes; they also form globules of to 60 per cent of the volatile matter in coal has been found
slag after melting and coalescing, thus contributing to to be contributed by the thermal dissociation of minerals.
Calcite and other carbonate minerals contribute carbon
coarse ash (if found in the form of large aggregates or
abundantly distributed as carbominerite) or as small dioxide, clay minerals contribute water vapour and basic
spheres in fly ash if very finely divided and well dispersed oxides, and pyrite loses sulphur in the production of
sulphurous gases. In addition, the presence of inertinite
in the original matrix particle. Larger nodules and cleats
are likely to be liberated more easily and to drop out of
macerals introduces a higher carbon and lower volatile-
matter content than vitrinite at the same rank, thus super-
the combustion zone, thus contributing to bottom ash.
imposing another source of carbon from that achieved
by rank alone.
Similarly, the presence of unusually high proportions
Rank refers to the degree of maturity or metamorphism
(Le. coalification) achieved by a coal through the pro- of exinite in a coal leads to anomalously high contents
of volatile matter and relatively low contents of fixed
cesses of time, temperature, and pressure as a result of
depth of burial or proximity to heat following peat ac- carbon. Volatile matter and carbon are thus not reliable
indicators of rank, particularly in highly variable mineral-
cumulation. The progressive change from peat into coal
passes through a number of stages, Le. and inertinite-rich coals such as those characteristic of
many countries in the southern hemisphere.
peat - lignite (brown coal) - bituminous - semi- As a result, a more standardized method of rank deter-
anthracite - anthracite - graphite. mination has been proposed and is now widely used on
the international market, viz the measurement of light
The position (or level reached) in this coalification reflected off the surface of polished vitrinite particles
series is called the rank of a coal. determined under oil immersion. This method has been
With increasing rank, significant and progressive chosen because the optical reflectance of vitrinite in-
changes in the physical, chemical, and technological creases regularly and progressively with increasing rank,
properties of the macerals take place, particularly in the irrespective of the proportion of macerals and minerals
vitrinite and exinite maceral groups. The inertinite group, present. This increase in light from medium grey (0,5 per
however, being a carbon-rich, dense, and relatively inert cent light in low-rank bituminous coals) to white (up to
product as a result of oxidation prior to or during original 10 per cent light in meta-anthracites) is consistent with
swamp accumulation, for the most part maintains its increase in carbon content and aromaticity with rank.
original structure, form, and chemistry and undergoes In comparing the Carboniferous coals of Europe and
very little change throughout the coalification series2. America with the Permian coals of Southern Africa (and
The effect of rank on the volatile matter in a coal is other Gondwana countries), Stach et al.3 established
illustrated in Fig. 4. that, where the coals in the northern hemisphere accumu-

lated in association with large, rapidly subsiding geosyn- (1968), who attempted to establish the optimum operating
elines with accompanying deep burial, relatively intense conditions in a pulverized-fuel boiler and the reasons for
tectonic stresses, and pressures from thick overlying the varying performance of two coals from the Kuznetsk
strata, the rank of the coals is relatively high. Geothermal region.
temperatures at such depths would have also contributed These authors state that calorific value and volatile-
significantly to the processes of coalification or maturi- matter content do not assist in the prediction of the burn-
ty. In contrast, the coals of Southern Africa accumulated out characteristics of the coals; on the other hand, the
on shallow shelves on continental platforms, and have, petrographic characteristics quantified the difference
with very few exceptions, never been subjected to deep between the coals and, furthermore, affected the pro-
burial and mountain-forming processes. Some coalfields, cesses of ignition and combustion and the efficiency of
however, have been permeated by significant numbers of combustion, and variations in the percentage volatiles in
igneous intrusions in the forms of horizontal or vertical the flue gases. The testwork indicated that an increase
sills and dykes, and ultimately by vast outpourings of from 45 to 57 per cent reactive macerals caused a decrease
lavas on the surfaces of the ancient Karoo landscape, in the char, a decrease in the unburnt carbon by 1,6 to
thereby giving rise to the Drakensberg (basaltic) Moun- 2,2 per cent in the flue gases, and an increase in boiler
tains. Localized areas of heat-affected coals are therefore efficiency in certain load ranges from 1,7 to 2 per cent.
common in Southern Africa, progressing in some areas Variations in petrographic composition were also said
up to meta-anthracite and graphite in rank, but the rank to affect the temperature distribution over the height of
of the host coal some distance away from the heat source the furnace chamber. In addition, with increasing reac-
has in many cases remained at a normal unheated level. tive macerals, the flame core tended to shift towards the
In summary, the major differences between the coal- burners and the temperature increased in that region by
fields in Europe-North America and those in Southern 50 to 120°C; high concentrations of reactives also resulted
Africa lies in their ranges of rank, viz the bulk of the coals in an increase in heat release due to higher and more rapid
of Europe and North America lie in the mid to low vola- rates of burn-out. Finally, analysis of the char in the flue
tile bituminous range grading to anthracite, while the gas indicated that those particles were composed of iner-
Southern African and other Gondwanaland coals general- tinite and previously oxidized vitrinite. These results
ly range from sub-bituminous to mid-bituminous ranges, therefore indicated a clear interrelationship between
with the exception of locally heat-affected regions. operating conditions in a pulverized-fuel boiler and the
The rank of coal is a very significant factor in terms petrographic composition of the coal feedstocks and
of combustion. Low-rank coals, being higher in micro- chars.
porosity, moisture content, volatile matter, and reactivi- Two years later (1970), the behaviour of individual
ty, are more oxidizable than coals of higher rank. Thus macerals in a laboratory-scale situation was described.
lignites, sub-bituminous, and low-rank bituminous coals Here, a thin section of coal was heated in a hot-stage
are particularly reactive to oxidation and combustion, microscope and the behaviour recorded by cine photo-
based on their inherent properties. This fact is particularly graphy at the Australian Council for Scientific and In-
significant since most of the coals of Southern Africa and dustrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Under control-
other Gondwana countries fit into this category. led conditions of heating rate and environment, it was
In addition, recent tests have indicated that rank plays observed that, during the initial devolatilization stage,
a direct role in controlling the ignition and peak com- vitrinite and exinite became opaque while inertinite
bustion temperatures of a coal, the rate and degree of became friable and fragmented. Following this pyrolysis
devolatilization, and the reactivity (relative to the carbon stage, the process of combustion in the char stage was
dioxide) of the char ultimately produced from a coal. The fastest in the case of exinite, followed by vitrinite, and
temperatures at which these processes occur increase with finally by inertinite, Le. in decreasing orders of magni-
increasing rank. Such factors are vitally important in the tude.
compatible blending of coals in combustion and in the Following these two initial reports, pilot-scale pulver-
selection of operating temperatures in low-temperature ized-fuel combustion experiments were conducted on two
furnaces and fluidized-bed operations. High-rank burnt West Canadian and one United States coal by Nandi et
coals, like well-oxidized coals and inertinite particles, are al. 7. The combustion performance of these coals was
more difficult to ignite, require higher temperatures, and found to be inversely related to the inert contents of the
possess different peak combustion temperatures, rates of coals, Le. coals rich in inert macerals produced fly ash
devolatilization, and rates of char reactivity from those with higher levels of unburnt carbon because tht;~e
of coals that are lower in rank, non-oxidized, and reac- macerals were found to persist through the flame in a par-
tive in composition. tially reacted form. These authors suggested that such
coals will require a combination of high~r combustion
COMBUSTION BEHAVIOUR AND COAL CHARACTERISTICS air temperatures, higher excess air levels, and longer resi-
The combustion behaviour of the three maceral groups dence times to achieve combustion efficiencies similar to
is listed briefly in Table I, together with their major coals with higher contents of reactive macerals. Higher
characteristics in hard coal. combustion air temperature, longer residence time, and
This section briefly reviews several case histories of finer particles would achieve the same results without
their performance in relation to their organic composi- higher excess air.
tion. In 1983, Sanyal8 documented the results of full-scale
Among the first authors to discuss the effect of maceral horizontally fired, pulverized-coal combustion in a
composition on boiler performance were Yavorski et al.6 350 MW power station using two coals: a Polish reactive-


Reflectance Chemical properties

Maceral Plant Reflected Characteristic Typical products Technological

group origin Description Rank light, % element on heating characteristics

VITRINITE Woody Dark to High vo\. to 0,5 to 1,1 8 Combusts rapidly

trunks, medium grey medium vola- 8 pyrolysis
branches, tile 8 Hydrogenation!
twigs, stems, Bituminous 1,1 to 1,6 Light liquefaction
stalks, bark, hydrocarbons amounts of
leaf tissue, O'Y"Nkh] volatiles 8 Coking
Low volatile Combusts with little
Pale grey Bituminous 1,6 to 2,0 smoke

8 Combusts with no
White Anthracite 2,0 to 10,0
- ] smoke

EXINITE Cuticles, Black-brown High vo\. -0,0 to 0,5 Early methane gas 8 Combusts very
spores, resin rapidly
bodies, algae Dark grey Bituminous - 0,5 to 1,1
J Oil J 8 Pyrolysis
8 Hydrogenation!
Med. vo\. C,"d,"~'" 8 For bitumen pro-
Pale grey Bituminous -1,1 to 1,6 Wet gases duction
] (decreasing) ]
Pale grey Low vo\.
( vitrinite) Bituminous
to white to - 1,6 to 10,0
shadows anthracite

INERTINITE As for vitri- High vo\. 8 Corn busts slowly

nite, and ox- Medium grey Bituminous 0,7 to 1,6 8 Maintains flame
idized detrital Carbon-rich 8 Relatively inert in
organic Pale grey All coking
humus bituminous hydrogenation
White coals and 1,6 to 10,0 liquefaction
anthracite pyrolysis
Yellow white

rich coal and an inertinite-rich Gondwana coal. Com- per cent inertinite.
parisons between the two coals using conventional prox- Since 1983, several publications concerning power
imite and ultimate analyses did not indicate a substantially generation by pulverized fuel have supported the claims
different combustion performance. However, when the of the researchers cited above. Ryk9, in discussing the
two coals were fired separately and were tested for fur- problems associated with the irregular qualities of im-
nace performance (by measurement of combustion and ported steam coal to Swedish pulverized-fuel power
flue-gas temperatures at various heights in the furnace), plants, stated once more that standard analyses are in-
it was established that the rate of combustion of the two sufficient for the prediction of burning performance. He
coals was markedly different, Le. the combustion of the cites the example of two coals originating from the same
Polish coal was completed earlier than that of the Gond- mine, which were imported on separate occasions. They
wan a coal. As a result, the temperature of the gas near contained the same volatile matter (34 per cent). The first
the top of the furnace in the vicinity of the platen super- coal had a Hardgrove Index of 44 and a relatively poor
heaters was cooler with the Polish coal than with the combustion performance (unburnt carbon in the ash
Gondwana coal. In the latter case, it is concluded that, ranging between 5 and 12 per cent). In contrast, the
as the combustion of inertinite-rich coals takes longer to second consignment was slightly more difficult to pul-
complete, the particles in the vicinity of the superheaters verize (Hardgrove Index 41), but it burnt without diffi-
were still burning, thus raising the temperatures in that culty. The major difference between the coals was the
region. Although these combustion characteristics were proportion of reactive and inert macerals, Le. the poor-
not identifiable or predictable on the basis of conven- ly combusting coal contained much more inertinite and
tional testwork, they could be correlated with the maceral pseudo-vitrinite, while the better-combusting (although
composition, Le. the more reactive Polish coal possess- harder) coal contained more reactive macerals. As the
ed 65 per cent vitrinite, while the Gondwana coal possess- boilers were relatively small, it would appear that the
ed only 30 per cent. The latter was characterized by 64 residence time was too short for the complete combus-


tion of the inertinite-rich coal. composed of partially combusted porous chars (originally
In India, several authorslO.lI recognized the high vitrinite and exinite), non-swollen particles (originally
variability and deteriorating quality of run-of-mine coal inertinite), and swollen and unswollen constituents in
and the need for additional (petrographic) characteriza- heterogeneous bands (originally mixed vitrinite and iner-
tion in order to ensure optimum efficiency in power tinite microlithotypes). Such forms have been described
stations. Inconsistent quality and inferior coal have and named by a number of authors1H5. Kautz and
already resulted in high outages (stoppages), leading to others suggest that such unburnt carbon results from
power failure and erratic power supply in some parts of temperatures that were too low, insufficient mixing of
the country, which have, in turn, disrupted industrial and coal and air, particles that were too large to burn under
agricultural sectors. Apart from the normal chemical and the conditions prevailing in the boiler or, finally, different
ash parameters of coal, Ghosell emphasizes the need for combustion behaviours or reactivities of the individual
boiler designers to take cognizance of the petrography coal constituents.
of Indian coals, particularly at the design stage, and to
ensure that the efficiency of conventional boilers is suited Drop-tube Furnace Investigations
to Indian coal types. Based upon the need to obtain more specialized infor-
In China, the expanded use of low-reactivity bitumin- mation on the combustion of the ever-increasing low-
ous coals for pulverized-fuel firing is an important grade, high-ash and high-inertinite coals of the Gondwana
strategy for modernization. In 1983, more than 10 per region, further testwork was recently instituted on the
cent of the coal used by power stations had more than combustion behaviour of specific types of coal particles,
40 per cent ash and produced less than 16,8 MJ/kg (dry the rates of devolatilization in these particles, the forms
basis). Numerous operational problems were experienced, of char that each produces, and the reactivities of each
including poor ignition, poor flame stability, high carbon type of char. This is an ongoing field of endeavour at
in fly ash, and accelerated erosion of boiler surfaces. present, but preliminary results are now available.
Changes from low-ash to high-ash feedstocks resulted in An example of this type of investigation on particles
reduced boiler efficiency, flame-outs, and boiler 'puffs,12. of pulverized fuel is in the recent drop-tube furnace (DTF)
As the content of volatile matter was found to be un- tests16,11conducted in Sweden at temperatures of 800
satisfactory as an indicator of combustion stability, par- and 1O00°C in air, with residence times from approx-
ticularly when used on high-ash, high-volatile low-rank imately 100 to 500 ms.
coals, other parameters were sought. Two analyses based Two pulverized fuels (K1, a European vitrinite-rich
on thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) were chosen, viz low-ash coal, and K2, a Gondwana inertinite- and ash-
ignition temperature, and average combustion rate during rich coal) were investigated in detail. Their empirical and
the maximum burning period. As both parameters can fundamental analyses are summarized in Tables 11 and
be linked to rank and reactive-inert composition of coal, Ill. The burning particles were extracted from the tube
these results once more prove the relationship of the at intervals of 100 ms, and then quenched and analysed
organic constituents of coal to its combustion. Results microscopically. The results are given in Table IV (results
in China indicated that high-ash, high-volatile bituminous provided by one of the authors prior to international
coals behave much like low-volatile bituminous or anthra- round-robin assessments). See also Figs. 5 to 7.
cite coals during combustion. For the burning of these The results indicated that, at 800°C, K1, the vitrinite-
inferior coals, the following modifications were made to rich coal, was dominated by rapidly devolatilizing par-
the burners: ticles, that produced char forms known as thin-walled
(1) the cone angle of the secondary air port was increas- cenospheres within 100 to 200 ms. They formed even
ed from 9 to 13 degrees in order to increase the quan- more rapidly at higher temperatures (lQOO°C).These char
tity of internally recirculated flame gases; TABLE11
(2) the cone position in a cone-stabilized burner was PROXIMATE AND OTHER ANALYSES OF COALS KI AND K216
changed to increase the coal-exit area (decrease the
primary air velocity); and Analyses Kl K2
(3) the swirl in the primary air-coal pipe on an annular
burner was eliminated to delay mixing of the coal with Heat content
secondary air. Gross calorific value, MJ/kg 31,57 31,8
These modifications have improved the combustion per- Proximate analyses:
formance in many Chinese pulverized-fuel boilers. Total moisture, 070a.r. 1,1 1,6
Ash, % a.r. 8,6 14,3
Kautr explains the relationship of the inherent charac-
Volatile matter, % a.r. 32,5 24,3
teristics of individual macerals, minerals, and microlitho- Fixed carbon, % a.r. 57,8 59,8
types to the combustion performance of particles of pul-
verized coal. Initial tests indicated that particles of Ultimate analyses:
C, % a.r. 75,6 70,1
vitrinite- and exinite-rich coal, on being heated to 11O0°C H, % a.r. 5,2 4,0
in a flow of nitrogen, swelled after one second, forming N, % a.r. 1,9 1,5
large, rounded porous particles (char). Continuous heat- 0, % a.r. 7,1 8,5
ing for one hour at 11O0°C under nitrogen confirmed the
swelling of these macerals. Particles that did not swell
S 1,32 0,44
or change in form on being heated were inertinite mace- Cl 0,26 0,01
rals. Investigations of the char in the fly ash from power
stations indicated that these remnants of combustion were a.r. = as received


K1 K2

Maceral group Average Range Average Range

Vitrinite, 0,10 76,4 73,8-81,0 21,9 17,6-28,0

Exinite, 0,10 7,9 3,0-11,8 6,0 3,0-8,2
Inertinite, 0,10 15,6 12,6-18,8 72,1 65,5-78,0
Semi-reactive iner-
tinite, 0,10 5,8 3,0-6,9 42,0 20,0-70,0

Mean random reflec-

tance, VOJo 0,81 0,71-0,88 0,75 0,69-0,85

(Source: Falcon Research Laboratories, Inhouse report, 1987)

Coal Transition Char forms

Unch. Unch. Unch. Por. Devol. Thin Thick Honey- Melt Micr. Mineral
Classif. Exin. Vit. Int. Vit. Int. Cen. Cen. comb Mixd coke Disr. matter


6 1,2 15,6 35,6 14,8 11,2 15,7 2,7 2,2 - - - 1,0

7 - 3,0 12,0 16,0 25,2 18,2 9,0 9,6 4,5 - - 2,5

. .. . .
8 - - 5,1 0,7 4,3 31,6 9,3 27,0 20,0 - - 2,0

9 - - 3,0 0,7 1,7 23,0 10,6 25,0 32,6 - - 3,4
10 - - 5,0 - - 20,0 9,3 19,3 41,3 - - 5,1

. ".
~.1iJ .::..0::';
: :',:::.
0 D @ I)

fJ; 0 Reactiv

Key to coal types: Key to the sampling time intervals:

Coal (normal, non-heat-affected) particles: 6 100 ms
lUnch. Exin. Unchanged exinite 7 2ooms
11 Unch. Vit. Unchanged vitrinite 8 300 ms
III Unch. Int. Unchanged inertinite 9 4ooms
Transition (porosity beginning) particles: 10 500 ms
IV Por. Vit. Porous vitrinite
V Devol. Into Devolatilizing inertinite and mixed particles
Char (highly reflecting, porous, semi-porous) particles:
VI Thin Cen. Thin-walled cenosphere
VII Thick Cen. Thick-walled cenosphere
VIII Honeycomb Honeycombed multiporous char
IX Mixd Inert and reactive material mixed/in association

forms were consumed and broken up at very fast rates, in association with the remaining thin-walled cenospheres
from 400 ms onwards. In contrast, preliminary results and some unfused inert particles. By that stage, all forms
from K2 (the inertinite-rich sample) indicate that, at of char, with or without pores, showed signs of increased
100 ms, a relatively high proportion of intact unheated reflectance (white colour), some degree of anisotropy (in-
coal was still present, accompanied by some thin-walled ternal molecular change), and oxidation in response to
cenospheres and particles with incipient pore formation. temperature and the oxidizing atmosphere.
At 200 ms, thin-walled cenospheres, vitrinite, and semi- These results, in association with those conducted
reactive inertinite with pore formation and unfused in- simultaneously on a 10 MW boiler, indicate the following.
tact inertinite (least reactive forms) dominated the assem-
blage of particles. From 300 ms onwards, the more dense, (a) Known macerals give rise to specific forms of chars:
thick-walled and less porous forms of char dominated, . vitrinite to thin-walled cenospheres

Fig. 5-Particles of pulverized-fuel in a typical feedstock to a South African power station
A Particle of unchanged vltrlnlte
B Single cenosphere (from a vltrinlte particle)
C Lacy cenosphere (from vltrlnlte and exlnlte)
D Semi-porous or lacy char (from heterogeneous particle with mixed reactive and semi-reactive components)

.semi-reactive semifusinite to thick-walled ceno- . at a load of 80 per cent, Kl produced 22 per cent
spheres carbon and K2 40 per cent carbon
. non-reactive fusinite or semifusinite to unfused . at a load of 40 per cent, Kl produced 0 per cent
char carbon and K2 28 per cent carbon.
. mixed associations of reactive and inert macerals (f) Ignition conditions were more critical for K2 than for
to honeycombed and mixed, partly porous chars. Kl.
(b) At similar temperatures, vitrinite-derivedforms burn
In general, therefore, quantitative assessments of the
out faster than inertinite-derived forms (Fig. 6): combustion performance of various particles relative to
. at800°C (400 ms), Kl had less than 10 per cent their temperature and varying combustion conditions
combustible matter left, and K2 had more than were provided. In summary, the results proved clearly and
70 per cent quantitatively that both coals burn out faster with increas-
. at looO°C,Kl was completelydevolatilizedat ing temperature, that the combustion reactions begin
100 ms, and K2 from 200 ms onwards; at 800°C, earlier with higher temperatures, that all but the absolute-
the devolatilization of K2 was still far from com- ly non-reactive coal particles react at higher temperatures,
plete at 500 ms. and that the overall combustion reactivity of K2 was
(c) The proportions of unfused non-reactive chars are slower than that of Kl both in the 10 MW boiler and in
relatively low in the final samples of K2 (5 per cent the drop-tube furnace.
at 500 ms). The remainder of the particles show vary- The application of these results is self-evident especially
ing degrees of porosity, thus indicating that all but to the combustion conditions necessary for widely vary-
a very sm~l part of the inertinite group of macerals ing coal types, and, more specifically, the low-grade high-
are reactive to some extent on being heated. ash coals of the future.
(d) The proportions of thick-walled chars were lower,
and the thinner-walled varieties higher, in the lOoo°C Thermogravimetric Analyses
samples relative to the 800°C samples. Recent investigations into thermogravimetric analyses
(e) With higher loads, higher proportions of unburnt of coals of different ranks, types, degrees of oxidation,
carbon resulted from K2 than from Kl: and sizes have indicated that all these factors contribute


Fig. 6-A Two particles of pulverized fuel In
feedstock to a drop-tube furnace
-vltrlnlte (V) and Inertlnlte (I)

B Two particles of char at 200 ms in

a drop-tube furnace, showing a
thin-wailed cenosphere develop-
Ing from a vltrlnlte particle M and
an unchanged Inertlnlte particle

C Two particles of char at 500 ms In

a drop-tube furnace, showing a
very thin-wailed cenosphere al-
most completely oxidized and
consumed, and a particle of un-
changed Inertlnlte. Note the high
reflectance and whiteness of the


Fig. 7-A Unchanged particle of vltrlnlte
8 A single cenosphere (from a particle of vltrlnlte)
C Lacy cenosphere (from vltrlnlte and exlnlte)
D Semi-porous or lacy char (from a heterogeneous particle of mixed reactive and Inert components)
E A partially fused semi-porous or solid char (from a particle with semi-reactive and Inert components)
F Unfused semi-porous to solid char (from Inert fuslnlte)

significantly to the activation energies required to effect the coal described in Table V is safely and effectively
changes during combustion; the temperatures of ignition, utilized without oil support above 45 per cent MCR. The
initial combustion devolatilization, and peak combustion, loss of unburnt carbon in the dust amounts to less than
and burn-out times. The results indicate that increases 0,5 per cent. These boilers incorporate several design
in rank and inertinite content, and the presence of large features specified by Eskom, some of which are reported
particles and oxidized particles (including oxidized by Ham and Dickson21.
vitrinite), cause increases in the temperatures at which
ignition, devolatilization, and peak burning take place. TABLE V
Conversely, smaller particles, more reactive particles, and PROXIMATE AND PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSES OF LETHABO POWER
lower ranks of coal begin the combustion processes STATION FEEDSTOCK
earlierI8-2o. Some of the results are illustrated in Fig. 8.
Analyses Range of 'Design coal'
- - - -t.-t. t. Proximate
(air dried)
and other analyses
.A -t.t. - ..!:Infused Calorific value, MJ/kg 12-17 16,96
0,8 \
\ --- Moisture content, 0,10 2,5-6,0 4,8
--4- Ash, %
Volatile matter, %
.... \
Fixed carbon, % 19-39 39,2
-0 \
\ Petrographic analyses (including
E 0,6 \ .
-.§. \ 0 mineral matter)

\ . Vitrinite, %
Exinite, %
<0 \0
E \ Inertinite, % 43-66 61,8
0,4 Cenosphere Total reactive macerals, % 8-33 18,9
0" 0 Mineral matter 18-31 19,3
a:; \
a: Mean random reflectance, V % 0,51-1,8 0,52
0 \
0,2 \
The mechanisms involved in the processes of combus-
\ tion and the differential rates of reaction have been well
0 \
\ documented in the literature and fall outside the scope
0,2 0,4 0,6 of this paper. However, it appears that the theories are
often confusing and contentious, and much has still to
Furnace residence times, s be investigated. For this reason, the observations and in-
terpretations by Kautr and Shiboaka and Ramsden1 of
Fig. a-Kinetic plots for the bum-out of the three types of char
In coal at a gas temperature of 1323 K (after Unsworth20)
coal behaviour in relation to the hot char emanating from
a burner flame are important, and may be applicable in
principle to most types of combustion.
The significance of these results lies in the new appre- As particles of vitrinite and exinite in bituminous coals
ciation of such interrelated factors as type, rank, size, are rich in volatile matter, they degasify and swell rapid-
and oxidation state. This information also indicates the ly when they reach the flame of the burner, increasing
necessity of ensuring the compatibility of various blends their microscopically observed porosity, and therefore
of coals; alternatively, the advantage of blending accept- their surface area, and they begin to burn-out in the prox-
able and unacceptable coals for mutual benefit may now imal and hottest zones of the flame (1200 to 1500°C ac-
be better understood. Of further interest is the possibili- cording to the type of burner). These hot zones are pro-
ty of being able to predict the combustibility of wide duced by the combustion of volatile components at the
ranges of coals on a relative scale based on their organic point of entry.
composition and rank, and confirmed by thermogravi- Inertinite macerals, on the other hand, fail to degasify
metric analysis and drop-tube tests, provided that reason- and swell, thus producing a limited surface area for igni-
able control is kept on the size distribution, that the coals tion and combustion. Such processes begin to take place
are not oxidized, and that the ash contents are not too on the outer surfaces of the particles as they pass through
different. the hottest zones, and continue as these particles have
passed into the lower temperature zones in the distal por-
Design of Power-station Boilers tions of the flame. If the particles are too large or the
Recent developments in the design of power-station time in the hot zones is too short, complete burn-out can-
boilers for the combustion of low-grade coals have not take place before the particle passes into the cooler
demonstrated that high ash (more than 42 per cent), regions of the furnace and ultimately through the con-
inertinite-rich coals can be effectively burnt in conven- vection banks in the boiler, and the particles pass through
tional opposed fired pulverized-fuel boilers. For exam- as unburnt carbon or char in the fly ash.
ple, at Eskom's 6 x 600 MW Lethabo Power Station, This description suggests that, contrary to much pub-

lished data, combustion is largely a surface reaction, can be summarized as follows.
limited mainly to the exposed outer surfaces of coal par-
ticles and the inner surfaces of the pores created during The Significance of Coal Characterization in Combustion
swelling of the vitrinite and exinite macerals. Although F or general as well as practical purposes, the coals of
sub-microscopic porosity is often invoked to explain the Southern Africa differ from European and other Laura-
diffusion mechanisms in combustion, it does not appear sian coal in being variable between regions and seams,
to play as important a role as originally proposed, at least and in generally possessing relatively high ash-fusion
in coal particles larger than 0,1 mm in size2. temperatures, characteristically low sulphur, sodium,
In terms of reactivity in relation to oxygen, it has also potassium, iron, and chlorine contents, and relatively
been accepted that oxidation attacks the aliphatic chains high ash and inertinite contents. These qualitative dif-
of the coal molecules first. Thus vitrinite and exinite, ferences impose specific characteristics to these coals,
being considerably more aliphatic than inertinite in all many of which have recently been turned to advantage,
ranks, are the first maceral constituents to react to the as shown in one of Eskom's power stations (Lethabo).
processes of both oxidation and devolatilization. In these The significance of these differences lies in the com-
cases, bond breakages on the aliphatic chains during early bustion performance of the coals from each region. In
oxidation create active sites on the aromatic units, which terms of boiler design, the inertinite-rich, lower-volatile
react further at elevated temperatures by absorption and coals of Gondwana have been shown to burn well with
desorption of oxygen, carbon monoxide, and carbon a strong hot flame but, for maximum ignition and com-
dioxide during the combustion of char. In the case of iner- bustion, they require slightly finer pulverizing, i.e. not
tinite, however, the aliphatic components are reduced as less than 75 per cent below 75 t-tm, slightly higher second-
the macromolecules are composed mostly of carbon-rich ary-air temperature, and longer residence times in the
aromatic nuclei. Owing to the lack of swelling as a result furnace.
of low volatile content, and to the low proportions of Such modifications, when applied to high-ash coals,
active sites as a result of fewer aliphatic chains, oxida- have the added advantage of thermally cracking the ash-
tion is limited mainly to the margins of the particles, with rich and detrital forms of coals, thereby imposing self-
the result that combustion is initially far slower than that inflicted breakdown into size ranges and so enhancing
for vitrinite and exinite. combustion performance. However, of concern under
These conclusions are drawn from the process of ox- these circumstances is the ash-fusion temperature of in-
idation as outlined by Van Krevelen2 and others, and dividual particles of ash at these elevated temperatures.
from a comparison drawn between the processes of Under these conditions, minerals may begin to melt, and
hydrogenation and combustion based upon the recent in this viscous condition have been known to adhere to
work of Shibaoka'5. the burner surrounds and furnace walls within the fur-
Although the description given above pertains to the nace zone, and even the convection bank inlet zone. Ade-
combustion of pulverized coal, the principles are the same quate spacing between the burners and furnace side walls
for other forms of combustion. For example, in industrial has been found to prevent such effects. This provision
boilers such as chain-grate stokers, recent research in serves to provide additional burn-out time for the par-
South Africa has highlighted the importance of a consis- ticles and therefore a cooling-down effect prior to con-
tent petrographic feedstock of reactive macerals relative tact with any surfaces21,24.
to inert ones in order to ensure timely and efficient igni- In terms of pollution, the relatively high ash-fusion
tion and burn-out. This is in addition to the normal speci- temperatures, lower sulphur and chlorine contents, low
fications of non-coking coals with low swelling indices sodium, potassium, and iron contents that are charac-
(important for permitting free air flow through the bed), teristic of the Southern African coals render them accept-
moderate ash content, and restricted fine sizes. able for utility purposes. Coals with such characteristics
Similar problems in combustion performances have preclude the need for costly removal of pollutants,
been encountered in gasification processes22and in fluid- whether by mine benefication or atmospheric methods.
ized-bed combustion in Southern Africa13,23. In many The evidence summarized in this paper indicates that
cases additional testwork using thermogravimetric ana- the coals of the Gondwana region, and Southern Africa
lyses has been employed. In some instances, however, the in particular, are not necessarily poor-only different.
correlation between these results and performance has Their fundamental nature has brought about an evolu-
been in question. In such cases, petrographic examina- tion in the form of improved boiler-plant design and fuel
tion and mineral analyses have highlighted the problem. processing for third world countries. Such developments
Differences in parameters such as coal size, operating con- are likely to be more evident as the remaining high-grade
ditions, and air-mix requirements are well known; how- feedstocks for the international steam-coal trade are used
ever, recent research investigations have now shown that up and the use of low-grade products becomes more cost-
the organic composition and rank are as applicable in effective in the longer term.
these fields as they are in the combustion of pulverized
coal. Characteristics of Laurasian and Gondwana Coals
The characteristics of coals in the Laurasian and Gond-
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS wana provinces can be summarized as follows.
This paper has reviewed the differences in fundamen- (I) Sufficient evidence exists to prove that conventional
tal composition between Palaeozoic coals of the northern analyses, as defined by ASTM, ISO, and other stan-
and southern hemispheres and has related these aspects dards organizations do not reveal the true nature and
to combustion, especially of pulverized fuel. These points performance characteristics of coal, Le. coals of
similar proximate and ultimate analyses may exhibit REFERENCES
completely different technological behaviour.
(2) Coals from different regions of the world, and in- I. SHIBAOKA, M., and RAMSDEN, A.R. Microscopic investigation of
deed within one coalfield or one seam, may vary con- the behaviour of inorganic material in coal during combustion. Ash
siderably in their fundamental composition, and deposits and corrosion due to impurities in combustion gases. R.
Bryers (ed.). Hemisphere Publications Corporation, 1978.
therefore in their performance, despite similar results 2. VANKREVELEN, D.W. Coal typology, chemistry, physics and con-
from chemical or empirical analyses. stitution. Coal Science and Technology No. 3. Oxford (England),
(3) The petrographic characteristics (Le. organic com- Elsevier, 1981.
position and rank) of coals have been shown to play 3. STACH, E., MACKOWSKY, M-Th., TEICHMULLER, M., TAYLOR,
G.H., CHANDRA, D., and TEICHMULLER, R. Stach's textbook of
a very important role in combustion behaviour, and coal petrology. Berlin, Gebruder Borntraeger, 1982.
they therefore need to be considered as equally im- 4. SNYMAN, C.P., VAN VUUREN, M.C.J., and BARNARD, J.M.
portant as those of minerals and their resultant ashes Chemical and physical characteristics of South African coal and
in the combustion assessment of a coal. a suggested classification system. Pretoria, National Institute for
(4) Changes in environmental regulations, the exhaustion Coal Research, Coal Report no. 8306. 1984. pp. 1-63.
5. KAUTZ, K. Importance of maceral content in regard to the
of reserves, and changes in transport economics all properties of coals in worldwide origin, and its effects on combus-
present opportunities for changes in the sources of tion chamber design of large dry furnaces. V.G.B. Krafts-
fuel supply both domestically and internationally. werktechnik 62, Heft 3, Mar. 1982. p. 205.
This results in potential exposure to widely variable 6. YAVORSKI, LA., ALAEv, G.P., PUGACH, LI., and TALANKIN, LP.
types of coal. Information of the petrographic composition of coals in the effi-
ciency of a pulverised fuel fired boiler furnace. Teploenergetica,
(5) As present tests are inadequate for the full charac- no. 15. 1968. pp. 69-72.
terization of coals, and as sources of supply may vary 7. NANDl, B.N., BROWN, T.D., and LEE, G.K. Inert coal macerals
more readily than in previous decades, it is extreme- in combustion. Fuel, vol. 56. Apr. 1977. pp. 125-130.
ly desirable to expand the tests to be carried out on 8. SANYAL, A. The role of coal macerals in combustion. Journal of
the Institute of Energy, Jun. 1983. pp. 92-95.
coals from new sources before any design or construc- 9. RYK, L Quality aspects of current imports of steam coal to
tion work is begun on proposed combustion systems Sweden. Journal of Coal Quality, vol. 3, pt. 3. 1984. pp. 40-43.
or, conversely in the case of existing systems, to en- 10. MUKHERJEE, A.K., CHATIERJEE, c.N., and GHOSE, S. Coal
sure that coals are selected on the basis of compatibili- resources of India-its fonnations, distribution and utilization. Fuel
Science and Technology, vol. I. Jul. 1982. pp. 19-34.
ty with the requirements of a specific system.
11. GHOSE, S. Impact of quality on non-coking coals in the power
Despite the fact that modern combustion equipment generation problems in India. Dhanbad (India), Central Fuel
can be designed to accommodate any type of fuel, thus Research Institute, Internal report, 1983.
12. LEE, G.K., and LAU, I. T. Current coal-fired boiler technology in
overcoming the ever-increasing problem of the poorer China. Canadian Boiler Society, Annual Technical Meeting,
qualities and lower grades of coal being mined, it is Toronto (Canada), Apr. 1985.
necessary to establish better evaluation, characterization, 13. FRAZIER, G.C., MASON, c., and BADlN, E.J. Thermogravimetry-
and specification of feedstocks than has been the custom combustion characteristics of high-carbon fluidised bed cyclone
ashes. Fuel, vol. 63. Apr. 1984. pp. 499-504.
in the past. Towards this end, new characterization tests
14. LEE, G.K., and WHATELEY, H. Modification of combustion and
and analyses are already playing a very important and fly-ash characteristics by coal blending. Journal of the Institute of
integral role. This development has been substantiated Energy, Dec. 1983. pp. 190-197.
by the fact that, in the newly proposed International 15. SHIBAOKA, M. Response of inertinites to hydrogenation. Fuel, vol.
Classification for Hard Coal, three new specifications 64. May 1985. pp. 600-605.
16. BENGTSSON, M. Report EB 85/74. Studsvik, 1986.
have now been added to the conventional ones of volatile 17. COMBUSTION WORKING GROUP. Reports.
matter, calorific value, and caking-coking capacity- 18. CUMMINGS. Personal communication.
namely, the petrographic parameters of 19. ANDERsoN. Personal communication.
20. UNSWORTH. ICCP Working Group. Report on TGA relative to
(i) vitrinite reflectance, determining rank, petrographics, 1986.
(ii) distribution of inertinite, determining the proportion 21. HAM, A.J., and DICKSON, AI. Furnace geometry and slagging-
of inert organic matter, and South African experience. International VGB Conference, Feb.
(iii) blend characteristics of a coal, determining the com- 1984.
22. CLARK, D. Coal gasification in South Africa, Pretoria, Symposium
patibility of the various ranks within a blend in order on Energy Today and Tomorrow, 1977.
to maintain efficient quality control. 23. STUBINGTON and VLEESKENS. Personal communication.
24. HAM, A.J. Experience with the use of unbeneficiated Iow grade
In terms of technological importance, coal petro- bituminous coal in Escom's large pulverised coal fired power
graphy, thermogravimetric analyses, and drop-tube fur- stations. 9th RSA/Israel Binational Symposium on Coal Tech-
nace tests have now become recognized as functional and nology, May 1984.
fundamental tools in the evaluation and characterization 25. FALcoN, LM. The complexities of coal. Review; Gold Fields of
of coal for combustion purposes. They provide a further South Africa, 1987. pp. 64-67.
dimension to the understanding of its constitution, and
a supplement to the empirical analyses conventionally
used to characterize this important fuel commodity.

Workshop on applied measurements
The 1st IFAC Workshop on Applied Measurements in mond Research Laboratory, RSA.
Mineral and Metallurgical Processing is to be held in Sabi- Sensing techniques in ore sorting, P. Wolf, Flow Elec-
Sabi Game Park, Transvaal, South Africa, from 11th to tronics (Pty) Limited, RSA.
14th October, 1988.
Realtime measurement of the size distribution of rocks
This is the first workshop of the IFAC's Application
on a conveyor belt, T.B. Lange, Mintek, RSA.
Committee's Working Group in Mining, Mineral and
Metal Processing, which is specifically concerned with the The feasibility of an on-line measurement of size distri-
application of process measurements in mineral and bution of a slurry, P. de W. Mailer, Mintek, RSA.
metallurgical processing. The feasibility of on-stream X-ray fluorescence analy-
It is intended that this meeting will provide the plat- sis for precious metals, P.J. J erman, Bateman Pro-
form for researchers, developers, and users to discuss cess Instrumentation, RSA.
details of the techniques that can lead to wider use and In search of on-line process measurements in gold ex-
benefit in the industry. The meeting is also intended to traction, D.A. Vetter and Q. Lyon, Mintek, RSA.
help identify shortcomings and possible areas of research
in this important field. 2. Measurements in Metallurgical Processing (2 Sessions)
The Workshop will be of interest to technologists, Modern blast furnace instrumentation, Y. Yoshitani,
engineers, and metallurgists concerned with the imple- University of Nagaoka, Japan.
mentation of measurement and control techniques in the Measurement and control techniques in a basic oxygen
mineral and metallurgical industry, and to research and furnace, G.F. Rautenbach, Iscor, RSA.
development personnel who wish to make their science
The management of energy in an integrated steel
and knowledge available to the benefit of the industry.
works, De B. Cilliers, Iscor, RSA.
Sabi-Sabi is set in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin (Game Park),
one of the World's largest private game reserves, adja- Wall thickness measurement of hot tubes at 1230°C
cent to the famous Kruger National Park and situated with a laser ultrasonics system, R. Keck, Betriebs-
in 70000 hectares of Lowveld bushveld, 500 kilometres forschungsinstitut, FRG.
northeast of Johannesburg, near Skukuza. All African Non-intrusive on-line measurement of mass flow for
species indigenous to the area are to be found in the pneumatically conveyed solids by using correlation
reserve, including lion, leopard, rhino, buffalo, hippo, measuring techniques, T. Boeck, Endress & Hauser,
giraffe, cheetah, hyena, wild dog, and many antelope FRG.
species. Digital signal processing procedures in eddy current
The provisional programme is as follows: test instrumentation, J.O. Gray and M.R. Bahram-
1. Measurements in Mineral Processing (3 Sessions) parvar, University of Salford, UK.
Media charging based on Kalman filter estimates of Enquiries should be directed to
volumetric mill filling, J .A. Herbst, Control Inter- Workshop Secretariat
national Inc., Utah, USA. Mintek
A computer-based automatic flowmeter calibration Private Bag X3015
rig, B.E. White, Rustenburg Platinum Mines, RSA. Randburg 2125
Flow measurement in slurries with switched d.c. field, South Africa.
R. Schaefer, Flowtec, Switzerland. Telephone: (011) 793-3511
Unique conveyor mass flow measurement and mass Facsimile: (011) 793-2413
balancing techniques, J. H. Potgieter, De Beers Dia- Telex: 4-24867 SA.


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