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Name: Bautista, Joshua-Lyn B.

Course & Section: BEED-2A

Your Response to Curriculum Implementation

As a teacher it is our job to implement the curriculum. We are the only one
who can play an active role in defining and implementing the curriculum. This
entails understanding and participating in the curriculum development process,
taking on new roles as advisors, facilitators and curriculum developers.

We teachers are the major pillars in the teaching and learning process.
Without doubt, the most important person in the curriculum implementations is the
teacher. With our knowledge, experience and competencies we teachers are central
to any curriculum improvement effort, we are the one who is responsible for
introducing the curriculum in the classroom and outside the classroom as well.

As a teacher I have my own techniques and method on how to handle my

own students. Even there is a change in curriculum I will try my best to give them
a lot of knowledge and to help them improve their cognitive skill, affective skill as
well as their psychomotor skill. As long as these changes have a positive effect to
my students I will surely take a part in implementing the new curriculum. It is also
our duty to implement the new curriculum if this is what the officials in the fields
of education is requiring us to do. I will take part in its implementation also
because as teacher we are also considered as a curricularist. Wherein we are also
the one who should create our own curriculum and we should know what
curriculum is all about because we are the one who will implement it. Another
thing is that when there are changes to the curriculum, it is our job to implement
these changes. As a teacher I need to look at what is changing and plan how to
meet these goals.

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