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(Devi Oktavia Uno-SMKN2 MALANG)

Assalamualaikum wr. wb
Good Morning everyone!
I want to ask you a question.
Have you ever imagined living in Zombie world where we can not go outside or where you can get infected
by zombie virus anytime and everywhere? maybe most of us believe that it can not happen in real life.
But don't you think within these 11 months our life is quite similar to the zombie world? Yes, it is Covid-
19! It is an ongoing infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus.

Well, when we watched the zombies movie what we all have to do is only 'how to survive/ how to not
get infected by the. But in vid-19 our mission is much more complex than just ‘survive’. We have to deal
with problems from health, education, social, political and, so on. And that makes covid-19 scarier than
the zombie movie, right?

But among all of those aspects, economics is the most challenging problem that we have to deal with.
According to the Ministry of Manpower's records, the Covid-19 has affected 1.7 million workers in
Indonesia. And this condition is also directly proportional to the increase in the poverty rate. In early
November of 2020, an article on also said that Indonesia started to face recession. A
recession is a slowdown or a massive contraction in economic activities. During a recession economy will
suffer, the unemployment rate rises and the companies will reduce their output and sales.

Maybe now, some of us will think, ' So What?!’ Because It is not news that Indonesia has to deal with
Poverty and jobless. So, how actual recession during the pandemic affected us the millennials in our
economy? what we can do to increase our economy during this ongoing pandemic?

Well, my name is Devi Oktavia Uno from XI VHS 2 Malang

I am here today to talk about this topic

Ladies and gentlemen, The Great Recession has had a lasting ng effect on Millenials, including fewer jobs
available and decreased savings. Many Millenials who graduate at the height of the crisis, will leave suffer
to pay high levels of student loan debt, and many millennials who already work will be less paid or even
fired due to the crisis economic conditions.

We can see here that the recession during this pandemic has a big and serious impact on us, the

And now what can we do to increase our economy?

Today, I would like to tell you tips to increase our economy as millennials during this pandemic that was
written by travel blogger and writers named Alexander Thian.
Alexander Thian said there are 3 smart ways to face the recession. And I made the simple abbreviation of
it so we can remember it easier, these tips called SPY. S-P -Y

So What is the spy?

1. First is S, S stands for Smart Spending.

Smart spending means that we have to buy something according to our needs, Alexander said knowing
the difference between what we want and what we need is important. Because by knowing the difference
of it we can know the priorities that we have to buy and what is not. And it will help us to reduce our
money spending on unnecessary things

2. And the second one is P, P stands for Productivity.

What Alexander Thian means here, that we, as millennials generations have to do productive things during
this pandemic to prevent ourselves from impulsive buying. Alexander also shares his own experience
being productive during the pandemic, by takes several jobs such as a speaker, personal branding class
teacher, book writer and he was ready to launch his merchandise.

Alexander also said that as millennials we have to spend our time during the pandemic by doing something
positive. maybe we can do a self-development thing or we can do a side job or we can use this time to
start our own business maybe we can start our online business, write a blog or even write a novel so we
also can get paid if our book is published by the publisher, Or we can make our youtube channel video
with various content that we like such as singing, dancing, talking and so on.

3. And the last one is Y, Y stands for EmergencY

Alexander always warned us to maintain our monthly budget by saving money for an emergency fund,
because it is an important strategy to help us through the recession.

Alexander also added that pandemics actually can bring positive effects on our financial, because the
money that we usually spent for traveling we can save for emergency fund. So it means there will be more
money to be saved.

And alexander also mentioned that we as the millennials generation who has knowledge And potential in
using and operating technology have to use that to gains our knowledge in financial so we will be more
aware of our finances in daily life or even in economic crisis such as in this recession

Well, ladies and gentlemen,

All of the Alexander Thian tips that I told you before actually will not help us to fix the country's economy,
but they will help us at least to survive in our economy in the middle of a global economic crisis.

Furthermore, if you want to help our country out from the crisis this is the important and the easiest thing
that we can do, which always follows the health protocol, by sanitizing our hand, and do social distancing
and wear our mask on. Well ladies and gentlemen that’s all from me, stay safe all. Wassalamualaikum wr.

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