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Lesson Plan


Teacher(s) Caitlyn Rowan
Where the Niu Valley Middle School
Lesson is
Grade Level: 6th Grade
Unit: Hand-Eye Coordination
Day: Day 3
Title of Applying Underhand and Overhand Throwing in Game-Like Situations
Total Time 80 minutes
Engaging and Supporting Diverse Learning: Applying Principles of Universal Design for Learning
Every student in this grade level speaks English. This is the student’s twelfth week at school in a
blended setting. This week’s lesson will be the second lesson on Hand-Eye Coordination and the
students will start off with Underhand and Overhand Throwing. The students at home will be
given appropriate activities for them to practice these skills with the space they can make at home,
Details: appropriate materials they can use to practice, and challenges them to improve on this skill while
keeping them engaged. The students that come in person will follow all social distancing rules and
have their own equipment to limit the number of times they share with each other.
Students This is the 13th full week of school and the students are in a blended fashion where they
Strengths will attend P.E. class face-to-face once every two weeks. In this week’s lesson, the
and Needs students will be learning the Underhand and Overhand Throwing skills. The students will
Relevant to learn the cues needed to perform these two skills and they will be challenged in their
this Lesson: activities at their appropriate developmental level.
Materials and Digital Tools Needed
Equipment Equipment:
and Set-Up  Baskets x15
for Lesson:  Tennis Balls x10
 Cones x20
 Hula Hoops x20
 Bowling Pins x20
 Beanbags x15
 Yoga Ball x2
 To help with the spacing, the activities will be set up in advance and placed in
certain areas of the court so that they are ready to be used and following social
distance protocols
Risk 1. Students will be aware of their surroundings at all times
Management 2. When needed, the students will stay within in their space to practicing their
Concerns: Underhand and Overhand Throwing skills
3. Students will be mindful to not step on equipment to ensure they do not slip and
4. Students will follow the class rules at all times (to follow COVID-19 protocol)
5. Students will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self
and others
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies and tactics related to movement and performance
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others
Standard 5: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity
for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction
PE.6-8.1.1: Use mature (proper) movements forms appropriately in the context of modified games
State or activities, such as sports, dance, exercise, and gymnastics
Standards PE.6-8.2.1: Identify strategies to improve performance of movements skills
Addressed: PE.6-8.2.3: Apply rules and etiquette for safe participation in physical activities
PE.6-8.3.1: Identify opportunities for physical activity outside of the physical education class
 Self-Directed Learner: The ability to be responsible for one’s own learning
 Community Contributor: The understanding that it is essential for human beings
Hawaii to work together
General  Quality Producer: The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and
Learner quality products
Outcomes  Effective Communicator: The ability to communicate effectively
 Effective and Ethical User of Technology: The ability to use a variety of
technologies effectively and ethically
1. SWBAT perform the underhand and overhand throw (action/behavior) in their
practice time and activities planned for them using the 5 critical elements
(condition) throughout the 3 activities that they will play in (criteria)
a. Indicators for Underhand Throwing: Ready Position, Swing Arm Back,
Step, Release Follow Through
b. Indicators for Overhand Throwing: Side to Target, “L” Shape Arm,
Pointer Hand, Step, Follow Through
2. SWBAT explain which of the 5 cues for overhand and underhand throwing is
responsible for power and accuracy (action/behavior) to help them plan a strategy
for themselves/with their teammates (condition) for the 3 activities that are
planned for them to play during the class period (criteria) (Cognitive).
3. SWBAT give 5 encouraging statements to their peers (action/behavior) about their
throwing skills that meets the teacher’s expectation or needs improvement on
(condition) throughout the entire class period (criteria) (Affective).
Lesson  Students will be assessed throughout the class period through a self-assessment.
Assessments: The students will have a chart that they will fill out to track their progress
throughout class. There will be prompts that ask them if they used the 5 cues for
both underhand and overhand throwing throughout the activities they played in,
which cue is responsible for making an accurate throw and which cue is
responsible for putting more power into a throw. The students will also be asked
how they were able to come up with a strategy to help them be successful in the
activities that they played in. (Psychomotor & Cognitive)
 Students will fill out a checklist that assess their attitude and responsibility during
class. The checklist will have sections that the students have to fill out that talks
about the class rules and how they interacted with their peers during the lesson. On
this checklist, the students will give themselves a score between 1 through 4 based
on how they felt they did today. At the end of this checklist, there will be space for
the students to fill in what section they want to improve on for the rest of the
semester quarter. (Affective)
Lesson Sequence (5 minutes)
 Once the students that come in face-to-face are settled and safely separated between each
other in class, I will share a writing prompt with all of them to fill out and share with the
rest of the class in the Google Meets chat box.
 After the we go through the prompt together, the students will be separated at this point.
Since we are allowing more students on to campus, it will be a safety hazard to continue
our warm-up video together. To ensure the safety of the students that come into class, the
Preview: in-person students will be sent outside to complete their dynamic warm-ups and the online
students will be prompted to do follow a warm-up video on their own. Then they will also
be prompted on what they need to complete before the end of class.
 Once the students that come in-person complete their dynamic warm-up, they will be
prompted on the activities that they will be doing to apply their underhand and overhand
throwing skills.
Lesson Warm-up (6 mins)
Development  Dynamic Warm-Up
: o The students will perform a variety of dynamic stretches and locomotor
movements from one end of their designated spot to the other end of the
court. The movements that the students will perform across the court are:
 Skipping
 Cues: Face forward, step forward and hop on one foot,
repeat on the other foot, keep eyes up and forward
 High Knees
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, lift one knee up to your
chest, alternate pattern with the other knee, move at a
sprinting/running pace, light on your feet
 Butt Kicks
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, lift one heel to your
bottom, alternate with the other heel, move at a running
pace, light on your feet
 Cariocas
 Cues: Step to the side, step over with your other foot, step to
the side, step behind with your other foot, repeat this pattern
 Side Shuffle
 Cues: Feet wider than shoulder width, bend knees, sit in
imaginary chair, take a step out, bring feet in, repeat this
 Frankenstein
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, extend on leg out, touch
with the opposite hand, return to starting position as you
walk forward, repeat and alternate sides
 Galloping
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, step forward with your lead
foot, slide forward, back foot comes forward to meet lead
foot, close both feet together
 Lunges with Twist
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, step forward with one foot,
bend the knee making sure the knee stays above the toes,
from the core twist your upper body to the right, come back
to standing position, repeat and alternate sides
 Jogging
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, run tall, bend elbows 90
degrees, moving soft and quiet on their feet
 Running
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, one foot forward and lift
knee to waist, push toes off the ground, bend elbows at 90
degrees and swing hands from pocket to socket, keep head
and chin straight ahead
 Monster Ball
o The class will be separated into two teams and will be on opposite sides of
the field. There will be a bigger ball in the middle of the field and the
teams are challenged to move the “Monster Ball” to their opponent’s side.
Whichever team can get the Monster Ball to their opponent’s side will be
the winner of the game. This activity is going to challenge the students to
see how much power they need to apply to their throw in order to move it.
There will be rounds where the students are only allowed to use either
Underhand or Overhand Throwing.
o Extensions:
 Have the students stand further away from the Monster Ball and
they cannot stand close to it.
 Have more than one Monster Ball that the students have to move
out of the perimeter.
 Have the perimeter that the Monster Ball is sitting in be a bigger
 Encourage the students to use their non-dominant throwing hand
o Refinements:
 Only have ONE Monster Ball that both teams are targeting
 Have the perimeter that the Monster Ball is sitting be a smaller area
 Have the students start off closer to the Monster Ball
 King of the Pin
o In this throwing activity, the students will have their own Kingdom (Hula
Hoop) in a certain playing area and each Kingdom will have a castle
(Bowling Pin/Cone) inside of it. Each kingdom will have their own
cannonball (soft dodgeball/tennis ball) and their goal is to knock down
other castles in different kingdoms. If a student successfully knocks over a
castle, then they will join their kingdom with the kingdom they knocked
over. The students are allowed to move outside of their kingdom to retrieve
a cannon ball. The kingdom with the most castles by the end of the time
limit will be the winner of the game.
o Extensions:
 Increase the playing area, this will make it difficult for the students
to throw their cannon ball
 Increase the distance between where the kingdoms sit
o Refinements:
 Decrease the size of the playing area, making it easier for students
to throw their cannon ball
 Decrease the distance between where the kingdoms sit
 Bean Bag Bucket Tag
o In this final throwing activity, the class will be split into two teams of
taggers and students. There will be empty buckets surrounding the
playing area and beanbags in the middle of the playing area. The students
and taggers can move around anywhere within the playing area. Each of
the students will have a pennie scarf hanging behind them. If a tagger
pulls on a pennie scarf, the student will pick it up and has to move to the
middle of the playing area where the beanbags are. In order be free and
return to the game, the student must pick up one beanbag and use the
underhand throw to place it in any of the buckets. If the student makes it in
the bucket, then they are allowed to come back into the game. If they miss,
then they have to retrieve that beanbag and try again. The taggers will win
the game once all of the beanbags are no longer in the middle of the
playing area. This game can also be timed.
o Extensions:
 Have the students throw with their non-dominant throwing hand
 Make the playing area smaller
 Make the throwing area smaller
 Choose smaller sized buckets
o Refinements:
 Make the playing area bigger
 Make the throwing area bigger
 Choose bigger sized buckets
Bitmoji Classroom – Super Mario Party
 In this week’s brand new Bitmoji Classroom, the students will be interacting with
seven Super Mario Party Characters. Each of the characters will be linked with a
video for the students at home to complete during class time. The videos that they
will come across will focus on either Fitness, Hand-Eye Coordination activities,
and videos that the students will have to find in order to continue practicing with
their peer assessment. One video will have a person using the underhand throw
and the other will be the overhand throw. The students are challenged to find these
videos and complete their peer assessment as soon as they come across the video.
 Fitness Dice Workout
o The students will need a pair of dice in order to be successful in this
challenge. They will need to roll their dice 10 times to see what fitness
combination they get. There will be a chart for them to follow along based
on what their dice lands on. The students will record what combination
they got in an assignment on Google Classroom.
 Fitness Spelling Challenge
o In this fitness challenge, the students will have to come up with 5
vocabulary words that we have learned during Quarter 3 and 4. There is a
minimum of 5 letters that their vocabulary words need to have. The
students will have a chart to follow along to that gives them a list of
exercises associated with a letter. The students will record what words they
used in order to create their workout in an assignment on Google
 Footwork Challenge
o For this challenge, the students will be working on footwork skills with at
home materials to make their own “ladder”. The students will have 6 drills
of different footwork skills they need to go through. They are challenged to
not take breaks in between their rounds. Once they get through all 6 drills,
they will take a 60 second break and then continue on with their rounds.
The students will have 5 rounds that they need to complete.
 Active at Home: Tossing, Tracking, & and Catching Skills
o In this video, the coach will be leading the students through different
throwing and catching drills that they can practice on their own. These
challenges will get the students to practice tossing their object in the air,
tracking it at all times, and completing a task before their object lands in
their hands.
 PE at Home: “Sock Catcher” Challenge
o This is an underhand toss and catching challenge that the students can
practice on their own. Each student will roll a piece of paper to make a
small pole and need one sock as their throwing equipment. The students
will use the underhand throw to toss their sock in the air and they have to
catch it using their rolled-up piece of paper. For every time the sock lands
on the paper, the student gets 1 point. After every attempt to catch the sock,
the students will have to do one ski jump before throwing their sock again.
This will be a “minute to win it” challenge to see how many points the
students can get. They will record their score in an assignment in Google
Lesson Lesson Review: (15 mins)
Review:  To end this class off, the students are going to fill out an exit pass where they will
be asked questions on the critical elements needed to perform the underhand and
overhand throw:
o Which of the important keys of Underhand throwing will help you throw
the ball with more accuracy?
o Which of the important keys of Underhand throwing will help you throw
the ball with more power?
o Which of the important keys of Overhand throwing will help you throw the
ball with more power?
o Which of the important keys of Overhand throwing will help you throw the
ball with more accuracy?
o Did you have any strategy to help you be successful in these activities?
 Preview for next class:
o In the next class we will be moving on to the next hand-eye coordination
lesson – juggling and cup stacking.
References 1. Coach Gelardi (2021, March 28). PE At Home: “Sock Catcher” Challenge.
and Retrieved April 4, 2021, from
Resources 2. Coach Meger Fitness Games (2020, April 14). Active at Home: Tossing, Tracking
Used: & Catching Skills (Hand-Eye Coordination Practice & Test). Retrieved April 4,
2021, from
3. Darbee (N/A). Agility Ladder. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from http://fit-
4. Ginicola, Mike (N/A). Alphabet Spelling Fitness Challenge. Retrieved April 4,
2021, from
5. PE Shed, The (2016). Bean Bag Bucket Tag. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from
6. PE Shed, The (2016). King of the Pin. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from
7. PE Specialist, The (2015, December 14). PE Games – Monster Ball – Fun
Throwing Activity for Phys Ed. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from


Teacher 1. Describe the portions of the lesson that worked well and why.
Reflection: 2. Describe the portions/aspects of the lesson that did not go as planned and why.
3. Discuss what you would do differently next time to better support your students’
4. Provide evidence from the lesson that allows you to determine whether or not each
of the outcomes for the lesson were met.
5. Describe how you will use data from the assessment portion of your lesson to
inform future lessons. For example, consider what you would do if a significant
portion of the student did not do as well as expected in one or more of the

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