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By the name of Allah, the most of merciful and benefiting

Assalamualaikum WR WB

Good morning everyone there,

Also honorable judges, ladies, and gentleman today I'm Will give you important information that I bring
into a speech under the title innovation to increase the economy

The economy is the most important factor in human life. Economic needs are closely related

to everyday life. economic factors are also supported for national development due to

the economic growth of a good country can enhance national development.

And now where I'm standing here want to tell you how worst this world could be as the result of the
coming of a new virus that makes some mess towards our country's economy.

Since the beginning of 2020, precisely in March, Indonesia has been shocked by a phenomenon, namely
a pandemic covid-19. As of August 2020, the total cases in Indonesia reached hundreds of thousands
with more than 7,000 deaths in 34 provinces. The Spreading of the virus automatically increases the
number of Covid-19 cases occurring at a very fast time and thus impacts the economic downturn of
Indonesia. This study aims to determine the policies that have been carried out by the government to
handle the current outbreak and seeing the economic impact that is happening in Indonesia.

But until now the economy is very far from being good, it is very worrying. We must make a change to
help the economy of this country because currently the country is very busy to solve the health problem
and now it's our time to complete the economy.

Do you ever think, how everyone feels out there or just talk about our feeling upon this drastic
economic decline? How we can do to innovate something so that it is worth buying and selling and we
can produce a small economic increase around us, especially to fulfill our daily needs.
We need to know that currently there are several aspects that we can develop to become capital for
economic improvement, namely food, pharmacy, technology, financial services, education, and health.

From food, we can sell crops in the form of staple foods or the results of our creativity to process these
food ingredients so they are easy to get, healthy, clean, and can be eaten directly so that people don't
have to leave the house to buy food.

And if it's from pharmaceuticals, we can sell innovation of vitamin which is currently low in price with
local products that are affordable with the same good quality.

And from technology to education, we can make and share as many videos as material, motivation to
learn, or questions that certainly help everyone who sees it and we also get an economic benefit from

Now we can assess that during this pandemic, it is no longer a country that is required to solve the
economy but what we have to do is innovate about everything that can be used as an economic source,
indeed we don't fully help the country's economy but at least we can innovate to develop the economy
of the surrounding people.

In conclusion, the covid 19 pandemics besides the revival of national food security, also creates home
economic opportunities. What we need now is mapping the problem and factors in all sectors for the
best solves before the food crisis comes. The problem of food security should not be underestimated
because it is related to basic human needs. The problem Will determine the economic, social, and
political stability in a country. The opportunity for food security commodities must be able to restore the
national economy. What's more, saving food and or the home economy. And don't let developing
countries, including Indonesia, as a supplier of food needs for developed countries as food exporters,
are now reversed. Currently, it is importing foodstuffs from developed countries. This fact is reminiscent
of the adage a mouse dies in its barn.

That way, open our golden minds to innovate to create an economy for mutual welfare, do it no matter
how small it is still a hill for us to stand on.

That was my speech about increasing the economy during pandemics, I hope this pandemic will pass
quickly and will be replaced by a more prosperous life.
I'm Robiatul Adawiyah from vocational high school 2 Malang

thank you for your attention

Wassalamu'alaikum WR WB

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