Rowan Krs 405s Lesson Plan Day 14

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Lesson Plan


Teacher(s) Name(s): Caitlyn Rowan
Where the Lesson is Taught: Niu Valley Middle School
Grade Level: 6th Grade
Unit: Revisit on Fitness
Day: Day 1
Title of Lesson: Post Fitness Gram Testing
Total Time Planned: 80 mins
Engaging and Supporting Diverse Learning: Applying Principles of Universal Design for Learning
Every student in this grade level speaks English. This is the student’s sixteenth
week at school in a blended setting. This week, the students will be working on
their post Fitness Gram testing to see how much their scores have changed
Sociocultural Details: from Quarter 3 to now. The students that are scheduled to come to school in
person are going to take their test with me in class and collect their data. The
students that are 100% Distance Learning will collect their data from home
using the modifications that are set in place for them.
This is the 17th full week of school and the students are in a blended
fashion where they will attend P.E. class face-to-face once every week.
In this week’s lesson, the students will be collecting their data in their
how they do in their Fitness Gram testing. All the students will be going
through the Pacer Test, Curl-Up Test, Push-Up Test, and Sit and Reach
Students Strengths and Needs Test. The students that will be 100% Distance Learning will have
Relevant to this Lesson: modifications set in place for them to be successful and collect their data
as well. Every student is going to collect their data to see if they have
improved, their results stayed the same, or if their results went down.
This is to help the students see the importance of balancing the four-
active health-related fitness components and which component they
want to improve in the most.
Materials and Digital Tools Needed
Equipment and Set-Up for Equipment:
Lesson:  Basketball court x1
 Mats x4
 Sit and reach boxes x2
 Speaker x1
 I-Pad x1
 To help with the spacing, the activities will be set up in advance
and placed in certain areas of the court so that they are ready to
be used and following social distance protocols
Risk Management Concerns: 1. Students will be aware of their surroundings at all times
2. When needed, the students will stay within in their space as they
are going through each Fitness Gram testing
3. Students will be mindful to not step on equipment to ensure they
do not slip and fall
4. Students will always follow the class rules (to follow COVID-19
5. Students will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior
that respects self and others
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency
in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and
National Standards performance
Addressed: Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the
knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level
of physical activity and fitness
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible
personal and social behavior that respects self and others
PE.6-8.1.1: Use mature (proper) movements forms appropriately in the context
of modified games or activities, such as sports, dance, exercise, and gymnastics
PE.6-8.2.1: Identify strategies to improve performance of movements skills
State Standards Addressed: PE.6-8.2.3: Apply rules and etiquette for safe participation in physical
PE.6-8.3.1: Identify opportunities for physical activity outside of the physical
education class
 Self-Directed Learner: The ability to be responsible for one’s
own learning
 Community Contributor: The understanding that it is essential
for human beings to work together
Hawaii General Learner  Quality Producer: The ability to recognize and produce quality
Outcomes performance and quality products
 Effective Communicator: The ability to communicate
 Effective and Ethical User of Technology: The ability to use a
variety of technologies effectively and ethically
1. SWBAT perform the Pacer, Sit-Up, Curl-Up, Sit & Reach test
(action/behavior) using the correct cues/techniques set in place
(condition) during the given time for each test to collect their
post-test results (criteria) (Psychomotor).
Lesson Objectives: 2. SWBAT collect their post data results from each Fitness Gram
test (action/behavior) to use it in their reflection on their progress
in the Fitness Gram and P.E. class (condition) and apply the
skills that they learned from this project into their own personal
lives (criteria) (Cognitive).
Lesson Assessments:  In this week’s lesson, the students will be going through a post
Fitness Gram testing. At the beginning of Quarter 3, the students
collected a baseline data for each test that covered the four-active
health-related fitness components. Over the course of the Spring
Semester, the students have been learning the importance of
balancing the components of fitness and what are fun ways for
the students to work on them in class and at home. For every test,
the students will follow the correct techniques, so that they are
collecting the correct data and it stays fair across the board for
students that go through this test. Every student will see how
much their hard work has paid off by collecting their post test
data in the Pacer, Sit and Reach, Curl-Ups, and Push-Ups tests.
The students will revisit the data that they collected at the
beginning of Quarter 3 and see what scores they must get to
maintain their scores or be in the “Healthy Fitness Zone”. At the
end of the Fitness Gram testing, the students will have to fill in a
reflection where they would talk about if they did or did not meet
their S.M.A.R.T. goal, how has collecting data and setting goals
for themselves helped the students with their overall health, and
how the S.M.A.R.T. goal process can be used for them outside of
P.E. class. (Psychomotor & Cognitive)
Lesson Sequence (5 minutes)
 As the students are coming into the classroom, there will be a do now
for them to complete. In the ‘do now’, there will be instructions for the
students to start working on their dynamic warm-up. As the in-person
students are working on their warm-up, I will help tee up the online
students and how they are going to be successful in their Fitness Gram
testing from home.
 Once both groups of students are set up for success, I will carry the
iPad around with me to listen out for the online students while taking
care of the in-person students. After the dynamic warm-ups, we will
Lesson Preview: get into the Fitness Gram testing, starting with the Pacer Test, then
Curl Up Test, Push Up Test, and finally the Sit and Reach Test.
 The students are responsible for remembering their scores, as they will
need them to fill out their data chart and use it in their reflections about
this project. Once every student has finished the tests and collect their
data, they will all transition back inside the classroom to fill out their
project. The students will input their data and then move into the
reflection portion. This is where the students will talk about if they did
or did not meet the healthy fitness zone, how has setting a goal and
collecting data helped improve their health, and how can they use the
S.M.A.R.T. goal outside of the P.E. classroom.
Lesson Development: Warm-up (6 mins)
 Dynamic Warm-Up
o The students will perform a variety of dynamic stretches
and locomotor movements from one end of their
designated spot to the other end of the court. The
movements that the students will perform across the court
 Skipping
 Cues: Face forward, step forward and hop
on one foot, repeat on the other foot, keep
eyes up and forward
 High Knees
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, lift one
knee up to your chest, alternate pattern
with the other knee, move at a
sprinting/running pace, light on your feet
 Butt Kicks
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, lift one
heel to your bottom, alternate with the
other heel, move at a running pace, light
on your feet
 Cariocas
 Cues: Step to the side, step over with your
other foot, step to the side, step behind
with your other foot, repeat this pattern
 Frankenstein
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, extend on
leg out, touch with the opposite hand,
return to starting position as you walk
forward, repeat and alternate sides
 Lunges with Twist
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, step
forward with one foot, bend the knee
making sure the knee stays above the toes,
from the core twist your upper body to the
right, come back to standing position,
repeat and alternate sides
 Running
 Cues: Feet shoulder width apart, one foot
forward and lift knee to waist, push toes
off the ground, bend elbows at 90 degrees
and swing hands from pocket to socket,
keep head and chin straight ahead
Fitness Gram Testing
 Pacer Test
o In the Pacer Test, the students will be working on their
Cardiovascular Endurance. The students will be starting
off at one end of the basketball court (cones must be 20
meters away from each other). They must run to the other
side where the cones will be before they hear the beep.
During the first round, the timing between the beeps will
be longer, so that the students can find their rhythm and
pace that works best for them. As the rounds go up, the
timing between the beeps will get shorter and shorter.
This will help the students start off finding their pace and
maintaining it during the test. The student’s test will
finish if they do not make it to the cones 2 times or if they
get too tired and stop.
o Technique Skill Cues:
 Focus on your breathing – regulate it
 Pace yourself to be able to last
 Arms bent 90 degrees – hands move ‘pocket to
 Light on your feet
 Sit and Reach Test
o In the Sit and Reach Test, the students will be working on
their Flexibility. The students will be sitting on the
ground with one foot flat up against the box, their leg
straight on the ground, and their opposite foot is up in a
triangle and outside of their elbow. With their foot up
against the box and leg straight on the ground, the
students will take both of their hands, place it on top of
each other, and then place their hands on top of the box.
Their fingertips will be touching the knob as they glide
their hands across the board, seeing how far they can
reach before their knee comes up. The students will get
two tries on both sides of their feet. They will record their
farthest reach for both feet. The score that they get will be
however far they can move the knob or right as their knee
comes up.
o Technique Skill Cues:
 One leg straight/flat on the floor
 One knee bent – Foot flat near knee
 Two hands together
 Slowly reach (no bouncing)
 Curl Up Test
o In the Curl Up Test, the students will be working on
Muscular Strength/Endurance. The students will be lying
on a mat with their back flat on it, knees bent with their
feet flat on the mat, and their fingertips will be right
above the curl up marker (5-inch strip). Following to the
cadence, the students will move up and down when the
recording says to. As they come up, their shoulders will
come up while squeezing their core and their fingers will
glide over their marker and come past it. The student’s
test is done when their fingers do not go past the marker,
they grab their legs, lean on their elbows, or do not follow
to the cadence.
o Technique Skill Cues:
 Knees bent and feet flat on the floor
 No one/nothing holding feet down
 Arms straight – start fingers at the closest side of
the strip
 Slide fingers across to the other side of the 5-inch
 Use your core – not your neck
 Stay with cadence
 Push Up Test
o In the Push-Up Test, the students will be working
Muscular Strength/Endurance. The students will start off
on the mat and they will have both of their hands flat on
the mat, their arms will be right under their shoulders,
arms are shoulder width apart, their body is in plank
position with their core tight and bend their elbows at 90
degrees. Just like the Curl Up Test, the students will be
following to a cadence during their test. They must follow
and move with the cadence to claim their score and they
must come all the way down with their chest close to the
mat. The students’ test is done when their belly/knee
touches the mat, their elbows do not go to 90 degrees, or
they are not staying with the cadence.
 Technique Skill Cues:
 Arms/wrist directly under shoulders
 Belly, back and bottom flat in a straight
o No mountains or valleys
 90 degrees bend in elbows – making an L
 Stay with cadence
Lesson Review: Lesson Review:
 After the students are brought back into the classroom, we will
go over what to expect for the rest of the week. I will also prompt
the second group of students that they will be taking their test
when we see them later in the week. The students that are in-
person now and 100% distance learning will hear of what they
are expected to do for the last half of the week. Before the end of
class, I want to see how everyone did in their Fitness Gram
testing by asking them to share:
o How did they feel about the tests that they did?
o Did they do better compare to the last time they took this
o Which test do they want to improve on for their 7th grade
References and Resources 1.
Teacher Reflection: 1. Describe the portions of the lesson that worked well and why.
2. Describe the portions/aspects of the lesson that did not go as
planned and why.
3. Discuss what you would do differently next time to better
support your students’ learning.
4. Provide evidence from the lesson that allows you to determine
whether or not each of the outcomes for the lesson were met.
5. Describe how you will use data from the assessment portion of
your lesson to inform future lessons. For example, consider what
you would do if a significant portion of the student did not do as
well as expected in one or more of the assessments.

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