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Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions, Vol.

31, October1998, pp 563-567

Self-sealing, autogenous healing and continued

hydration: What is the difference?
Nataliya Hearn
Assistant Professor,Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSS 1A4

Paper received:April 29, 1997; Paperaccepted:July 15, 1997

A B S T R A C T R i~ S U M i~

It is well known that as concrete hydrates its perme- I1 est bien connu que Iorsque le bdton s'hydrate sa perm&-
ability decreases. Continued hydration, however, is not bilitd ddcrdt. Cependant, I'hydratation continue n'est pas le
the only mechanism which causes such reduction. Self- seul m&anisme responsable d'une telle rdduction. L'imper-
sealing, which is largely attributed to the dissolution and mdabilisation, en grande partie attribu& a la dissolution et h
redeposition of hydrates, and autogenous healing of la prdcipitation des hydrates, ainsi que lafermeture desfissures
cracks, can also significantly reduce the flow. This paper peuvent ~galement rdduire de mani&e significative le flux.
reviews the relative effects of self-sealing, autogenous Cet article passe en revue les effets relatifs h cette imperm&bi-
healing and hydration. lisation, de lafermeture desfissures et de l'hydratation.

!ii i i i i i i

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N (SSE). The term SSE has been used to encompass both

autogenous healing and continued hydration. These three
Durability of concrete structures exposed to different phenomena, however, occur under different boundary
environments has become a predominant concern in the conditions and thus should be differentiated to clarify
concrete industry. Penetrability, which includes perme- water permeability testing and data analysis.
ability, diffusion and absorption, of concrete to an aggres- The interpretation of water permeability results is criti-
sive environment determines the deterioration rate. cal in the design of water retaining structures, estimation of
Permeability testing of concrete, in order to control dura- transport rates of aggressive elements and thus, service life
bility of the mix design on a significant project, is becom- prediction. The reduction in flow is of particular impor-
ing more common. A number of recent projects (such as tance in assessment of the mass transport process in crack
the Channel Tunnel) have included in their specifications damaged concrete. Previous studies have shown consider-
water permeability for assessing durability, even though able reduction in flow through large (up to 0.3ram) iso-
water permeability of saturated concrete is seldom encoun- lated cracks [1] and uniformally distributed drying-shrink-
tered in ordinary concrete construction. Saturated water age cracks [2]. Mass transfer in cracked concrete, in
permeability is chosen as it provides information on the particular chloride ion diffusion, has been shown to
connectMty of the pore structure and is simple and rela- increase [3, 4]. At the same time, the studies on the reduc-
tively quick to test. Saturated permeability of concrete tion in flow in damaged concrete showed improved tight-
involves only one fluid transport mechanism, usually ness of concrete to water [2] and chloride ions [5] with
obeying D'Arcy's law. It has, however, been frequently time. These results are supported by field studies [6] on
reported that, during saturated water permeability tests, marine bridge columns, where significantly lower chloride
the flow decreases in some cases by more than an order of ion levels were found than would be expected from linear
magnitude within the first 24 hours of testing. This time extrapohtion of initial diffusion coefficients.
dependent variation in flow can be due to continuing In the literature, the reduction in flow seems to have
hydration, autogenous healing and/or the self-sealing effect sporadic occurrence, with some specimens exhibiting a

FechnicalCommittee 146-TCF
publishedas a TechnicalReport.

1359-5997/98 9 RILEM 563

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol.31, October1998

decrease in flow, while others with similar composition do loose particles in the HCP matrix in a process analogous
not. The reporting of'this decrease has also been sporadic, to sediment transport and formation of a filter cake [8,
as some researchers only recorded the initial flows [1, 2], 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24].
while others [9] waited until constant permeability was The proposed mechanisms may be divided into two
reached. There are merits for both procedures. It can be groups: those that cause non-permanent reduction in
argued that the initial flows, as in the case of absorption permeability, i.e. if the specimen is retested, the initially
tests measuring sorptivity, are more representative of the high permeability level may be re-established; and those
concrete permeability in the "as is" state. The decrease in that permanently modify the microstructure of the
the initial flow, however, can be significantly rapid (several tested specimen, thus changing its permeability charac-
hours), so that depending on the operator and the time of teristics. The latter are of primary importance, as the
the first reading a difference of an order of magnitude can SSE is not a product of a particular testing procedure,
be observed. Measurement of the permeability after flow but results from the interaction between the microstruc-
has stabilized is performed on a pore system which has ture and the permeating fluid.
undergone modification, and may significantly increase
the length of testing, which may not be practical. Both
approaches, however, avoid addressing the mechanism of 2.1 False SSE
the decrease altogether.
This paper reviews the reduction in flow due to SSE, The false or non-permanent SSE includes air in the
autogenous healing and continued hydration. HCP matrix and swelling of the hydration layers and
osmotic pressure. In the literature, as discussed above,
what is often interpreted as SSE is in reality due to
2. SELF-SEALING EFFECT incomplete saturation. In some studies, flow into dry
concrete [14, 15] included both the rates of absorption
The SSE in concrete has puzzled researchers for over a and through flow. In other studies, the curing regime
hundred years [10]. Among dozens of papers on water did not allow for complete saturation. It has been
permeability, very few address the effect of SSE on perme- observed [8, 13] that moist curing in a fog room is insuf-
ability. In most studies, reasons for the decrease are ficient for complete saturation. Vacuum saturation tech-
assumed without theoretical or experimental support. niques are only effective if the sample is initially dry.
Sometimes the apparent decrease in permeability is due to Day et at. [13] showed that evacuation under water (even
the unsaturated state of the specimen at the start of the per- for 30 days) of a partially saturated sample (cured in a fog
meability test, and is incorrectly ascribed to SSE. This room) did not produce any weight gain, while the same
mistake is especially common in investigations where only sample under the hydrostatic pressure of a permeability
the inflow is recorded and the through flow remains test gained weight equivalent to 25% to 50% of the
unknown. The observed initial high flows result from the through flow. The problems of poor saturation are eas-
filling of empty pores [11]. In many research papers on ily detected in permeability experiments. The two key
water permeability, an average permeability over the test indicators are: unequal inflow and outflow at the start of
period is used in data analysis, or permeability is taken at a the test and weight gain during the test (Fig. 1).
specified time, so that the issue of self-sealing is masked. In some experiments, apparent SSE may result from
For instance, Butler [7] suggested that the first 24 hour gas dissolution in the permeant, when the permeant is
period gives a more representative permeability for con- pressurised by gas without an interface. As the pressure
crete, while Dhir et al. [8] recorded only the initial perme- drops across the test specimen, the gas is released from
ability results. Day et al. [13] questioned such practice, as the solution resulting in pore blocking [18, 25]. This
they found that the greatest decrease occurs within the first type of pore blocking is reversible, and Markestad [18]
24 hours of'flow. stated that use of de-aired water effectively eliminates
The possible self-sealing mechanisms proposed in the blockage of pores with air bubbles.
various studies can be summarized as follows: It is well known that movement of'water into or out
1. air in the HCP matrix: of a cement-bound matrix results in swelling or shrink-
a) incomplete saturation of the test specimen [11, 13- age unless the HCP is stabilized by steam curing.
17] or Swelling caused by expansion of the C-S-H gel layers
b) dissolution of air under pressure, into permeating results in restriction of flow paths. The significance of
water [16, 18]; the swelling/shrinkage of the cement hydrate on perme-
2. swelling of HCP [14, 18]; ability was demonstrated by Hearn [27] in the propan-2-
3. chemical interaction of water and HCP: ol/water replacement tests. It was shown that the dila-
a) continued hydration of residual clinker [8, 14, 16, tion process occurred during preliminary saturation
19-21], before permeation was started. Thus, the reduction in
b) dissolution and deposition of soluble hydrates, such flow due to swelling occurs during the saturation process
as Ca(OH)2, along the flow path [8, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23], and not during permeability testing.
c) carbonation of dissolved Ca(OH)2 [13, 14, 16, 20]; Dissolution of alkalies by permeating water may result
4. osmotic pressure [22]; and in concentration gradient causing osmotic pressure.
5. physical clogging caused by downstream movement of Powers et al. [26] indicated that the correction of perme-


water. This results in the increased rate of hydration, and

dissolution and re&position of hydrates causing pore
blocking and thus reduced permeability. Analysis using

solvent replacement [26] and SEM [27] confirmed disso-
lution and re&position process as the major mechanism
[ L Saturation behind the SSE. Physical clogging has been the most
commonly quoted reason for the SSE; the evidence, how-
5Q. ever, has been scarce [8, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 24].

The term autogenous healing refers to the ability of
32.[ cement to heal cracks in fractured concrete. This heal-
ing process is common in concrete water-retaining
2.3 L- structures, culverts and pipes. First detected by the
French Academy of Science in 1836, it has been studied
2.4 ) in detail, especially in connection with pipes and other
Din water-retaining structures [29, 30]. The white crys-
talline precipitate which fills and forms scar tissue over
~ 1.6 cracks results from either the reaction between calcium
~. D out hydrogen carbonate (Ca(HCO3) 2 from water and cal-
cium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) from the concrete, or the
carbonation of calcium hydroxide on exposure to the
0.8 %%,..-'.. ......
atmosphere [1].
-- ~ "e"~ ~ ~ - o . e . o . o ~ . o . o . o _ e . o . i . o ~ ~ L~e@ o o. o,e
0.4- Analysis of the literature, however, has indicated that
the systematic investigations of autogenous healing phe-
0 I I I I I I I I nomenon have presented conflicting autogenous healing
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
TIME (hr) b) mechanisms. In the studies by Sorker and Deson [31],
Brandeis [32], and Turner [33], it was assumed that
Fig. 1 - a) Inflow and outflow rates for unsaturated concrete.
b) Inflow and outflow permeability during the self-sealing
autogenous healing was due to continuing hydration
process. Typical data from Hearn [28]. which bridged cracks with growth of hydration prod-

ability data for osmotic pressure is less than 10 percent.

Hearn [2] found it to be on the order of 2 percent. 2.5
26 Year Old Concrete in a Virgin State

2.2 Permanent SSE 1.5

The potential reasons for the permanent SSE include:
chemical interaction of water and HCP, osmotic pres- 0.5
sure, and physical clogging. Prior to previous work by 0 -
the author [2], the only thorough analysis of the self- 0 50 100 150
sealing phenomenon was published by Glanville in 1926 TIME (hr) o)
[14]. Glanville concluded that, depending on the applied 3.5
pressure used during testing and the amount of cement 26 Year Old Concrete After Drying

in the mix, the SSE is due to silting under high pressures

and continued hydration and swelling in the case of rich 2.5
mixes tested under lower pressures. Sixty-five years
later, Kermani [19] also stated that "the amount of SSE
attributable to each cause depends upon the conditions ~ 1.5
of the test and constituents of the concrete" (at high
pressures, physical clogging, and at lower pressures, i 1.0
swelling and continued hydration). ~ 0.5
Lawrence [16] found that drying and resaturation
results in a substantial increase in the SSE. Hearn [2] 0 50 100 150
confirmed these results (Fig. 2), attributing the "trigger- TIME (hr) b)
ing" of the SSE after drying to the shrinkage cracking, Fig. 2 - Typical permeability vs time data for virgin (a) and oven
which exposes previously unexposed hydrates to the pore dry/resaturated (b) concrete [28].

Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions, Vol. 31, October 1998

ucts. Loving [29] was the first to pos-

10"1sI~_ 50% Hydration

tulate the carbonation reaction, after
discovering that calcium carbonate
deposits in cracks of pipe culverts. " D'F" \ \ Powers
Lauer and Slate [34], in their work on
the effect of autogenous healing on ~E"
~ ,,,.,e ~- ~,
,' ,x v \\
the strength recovery of cracked con-
"i - :co "-..,. "~ .......
crete, confirmed that the sealing
material was indeed crystals of
CaCO 3 together with Ca(OH)2 ~\.. /60% Hydration ~---...~ ~Mindess and Young
deposits. The effect of continuing ~. ~ + ---.e...~c = o.m
hydration, however, was not analyzed 0 "20
-I __ XI Hearn "---....,..
" # ~ ~ W t C = 0.40 -o
even though the test samples were 67% Hydration--~,
young (1 to 28 days). Moreover, their
1r I I I I I I
investigation was conducted in non- 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
flowing water, and thus may not CURING TIME (hrs)
directly correspond to the autogenous
healing mechanism for the flow Fig. 3 - Permeability vs e x t e n t o f h y d r a t i o n [2].
through concrete cracks. Clear [1]
conducted an in-depth investigation
of autogenous healing of cracks using
flowing water conditions. He found that CaCO 3 crys- 5. SUMMARY
tals appeared only after prolonged exposure to water
flow (over 7 days), and attributed the initial substantial SSE, autogenous healing and continuing hydration
reduction in flow to mechanical blocking of cracks. He can reduce the permeability of concrete by more than an
did not present evidence to support the mechanical order of magnitude during permeability testing. In the
blocking hypothesis. The rate of healing depended on case of SSE and autogenous healing, the decrease is most
the initial effective width of crack, with narrower cracks significant in the first 100 hours of testing. For mature
sealing faster than the wider ones. specimens, continued hydration has a minimal effect
Review of existing research indicates that the carbon- during the course of permeability testing, and it is uni-
ation reaction model is that favoured to explain autoge- formally distributed.
nous healing. Other possible mechanisms such as con- The major distinction between the three phenomena
tinuing hydration or mechanical blockage by is the conditions under which they occur. The hydra-
water-borne debris have received scant attention, even tion will proceed as long as water is available and can
though they may well make a considerable contribution access the unhydrated material, and there is space for
to the healing process. deposition of hydration products. The SSE becomes
The two major differences between autogenous heal- significant after extensive microcracking, usually caused
ing and SSE are (a) major cracks are not a prerequisite for by drying. Autogenous healing is of importance where
SSE; and (b) SSE is observed in a system closed to CO2, most of the flow takes place through cracks exposed to
where carbonation of dissolved Ca(OH)2 is not possible. the atmosphere. Both SSE and autogenous healing are
Although carbonation cannot occur in a closed system, flow dependant, while continued hydration may pro-
other mechanisms, such as continued hydration and/or ceed under stagnant conditions.
water-borne transport of loose particles, may partially There is also significant interdependence between
contribute to both autogenous healing and SSE. the three phenomena. The dependence of SSE and
autogenous healing on cracking is a function of the
increased dissolution process, once the previously unex-
4. HYDRATION posed hydrates come into contact with the pore water.
Ifunhydrated material is available, the hydration rate will
The effect of continuing hydration on the reduction also be affected, as cracking of hydration shells will pro-
in the permeability is shown in Fig. 3. The permeability vide a path to the unhydrated material.
drop due to hydration can be four orders of magnitude, Since these three phenomena reduce flow in intact
between the initial permeability of young paste and a and crack damaged concrete, analysis of concrete's
well hydrated system. In saturated permeability tests, impermeability should take this internal healing into
however, unless the specimens are tested at an early age, account. In assessment of permeability data, initial and
it is expected that significant hydration has taken place, final readings become significant, as they represent the
so that the reduction in flow due to hydration would potential "immune" system of the material.
have a minimal effect (Fig. 3). Such decrease is unlike The understanding of these phenomena is not only
that found in SSE curves (Fig. 2b), where initial perme- significant in the analysis of saturated water transport
ability decreases rapidly. through concrete, but also in other mass transport mech-
anisms. Interaction between water molecules and the


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i i i i!i i i i~


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