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Name: _______________________

11 Chemistry Roll #:
Time: 35Min; Marks: 20
Q1) Choose the most appropriate op on. Cu ng / overwri ng is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Cathode in NiCAD cell is:
A) Ag O
2 B) N iO
2 C) CdO D) Zn
ii) If the salt bridge is not used between two half cells, then the voltage
A) Decreases rapidly B) Decreases slowly C) Does not change D) Drops to zero
iii) The oxida on number of Cl in H ClO is:

A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) 7
iv) Stronger the oxidizing agent, greater is the:
A) Oxida on poten al B) Reduc on poten al C) Redox ponten onal D) E.M.F. of cell
v) Which statement is not correct about galvanic cell?
A) anode is nega vely B) reduc on occurs at C) cathode is posi vely D) reduc on occurs at
charged anode charged cathode
vi) The electrode reac on in the electrolysis of dil. H SO , with P t electrode is:
2 4

A) Reduc on B) Oxida on C) Both oxida on and D) Neither oxida on nor

reduc on reduc on

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Give two applica ons of electrochemical series.
ii) Write down two func ons of salt bridge in a galvanic cell.
iii) How fuel cells produce electricity?
iv) What is electrolysis? Give example.
v) Explain through equa ons how lead ba ery is recharged?
vi) What is func on of salt bridge in voltaic cell?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Explain the construc on and working of fuel cell.
4) Describe the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride and a concentrated solu on of sodium chloride.

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