1st Lecture MCQs

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Pure substance

Element Compound Homogeneous Heterogeneous

Colloids Suspension
Metal Non-metals Metalloids
˂ 1-10nm ˃ 100 nm
1 nm
Covalent compounds
Ionic Compounds Ions

Formula Units Energetic
Atomicity Size

7 N , 614C
19 K ,20 40 Ca
17 Cl , 17 37 Cl

Same N, different A/Z
Same: Z, P, Chem prop, EC, Place in PT
Different: A, N, Phy prop, half lives, Same A, different Z
Rex Rate

m N V %age of element
n     Molarity  Volume ofsolution (dm3 )  Molality  Mass of solvent (kg )
M N A Vm Atomic mass
1. Number of water molecules, number of H atoms, O atoms, Number of bonds, number of electrons, number of
neutrons protons in 9 gram of water.

2. Number of molecules, H atoms, O atoms, P atoms, phosphate ions, H ions, positive charges, negative charges in
49 g of phosphoric acid.

H3 PO4  3H   PO3 4

Molecular Formula=n*Empirical Formula

Concept of Mole
31 What is the mass of one mole of iodine solid?
a) 53g b) 74g c) 127g d) 254g
32 A ring is made up of 6.0g diamond, Diamond is pure carbon. How many carbon atoms are present in the ring?
a) 6.02  10 23 b) 12.04 10 23 c) 1.003 10 23 d) 3.01 10 23
33 0.5 mole of H 2 SO 4 contains X moles of oxygen atoms X may be
a) 0.5 b) 1.0 c) 4.0 d) 2.0
34 One mole of SO 2 contains
a) 6.022  10 23 atoms of oxygen b) 18.1  10 23 molecules of SO 2
c) 6.002  10 23 atoms of sulphur d) 4g atoms of SO 2
35 The mass of one mole of electrons is
a) 1.008mg b) 0.55mg c) 0.184mg d) 1.673mg
36 1cm of hydrogen gas at STP contains about
a) 1.67  10 24 atoms b) 1  10 20 atoms c) 6  10 23 atoms d) 5.3  1019 atoms
37 Which of the following has maximum mass?
a) 20g of phosphate b) 5moles of water c) 12  10 24 atoms of H d) 2 moles of Na 2 CO3
38 How many gram atoms of oxygen are present in 0.16 moles of water?
a) 16g atoms b) 8g atoms c) 0.16g atoms d) 1.6g atoms
39 The smallest collection of ions in an ionic compound is called
a) formula unit b) chemical formula c) formula mass d) molecular
40 Which has maximum mass in grams?
a) 2 moles of N 2 b) 1mole of O 3 c) 2 moles of O 2 d) 2 mole of CO 2
41 What are number of ions Ca 2 in 100g of CaCO 3 ?
a) 6.022  10 23 b) 1.806  10 23 c) 1.204  10 24 d) indefinite

42 Which one has the mass equal to 1 mole of water?

a) 24dm 3 of water b) 1 mole of steam c) 1 molecule of water
d) 2 moles of hydrogen molecules and 1 mole of oxygen mole
43 The number of electrons in one mole of H 2 is
a) 6.022  10 23 b) 3.01  10 23 c) 12.04  10 23 d) indefinite
44 The concept of molar volume of gases helps to relate solids and liquids in which manner
a) quantitative manner b) qualitative manner c) symmetrical manner d) none of above
45 In gaseous state the approximate distance between molecules is how many times greater than their diameters?
a) 400 times b) 600times c) 300times d) 900times
46 When 0.01kg of CaCO 3 is decomposed the CO 2 produced occupies a volume at STP.
a) 2.241dm 3 b) 22.41dm 3 c) 2241dm 3 d) 222401dm 3
47 What is the ratio of volumes of 2g of hydrogen to the volume of 16g of methane, if both volumes are at STP?
a) 1:8 b) 1:2 c) 1:1 d) 2:1
48 One molar volume of gas at STP is occupied by
a) 1g of gas b) 6.022  10 23 molecules c) 22.4m 3 of gas d) molecular mass of a gas
49 Equal volume of CO and N 2 are taken in identical conditions, the correct relationship between masses of
two gases
a) CO=N 2 b) CO<N 2 c) N 2 <CO d) CO  N 2
50 The volume occupied by 1.4g of N 2 at STP is
a) 22.4dm 3 b) 2.24dm 3 c) 1.12dm 3 d) 112dm 3
51 11.212dm 3 of O 2 has number of atoms equal to
a) 3.01  10 23 b) 6.02  10 22 c) 2.46 10 23 d) 12.04  10 24
52 10g of H 3 PO4 on complete dissociation in water produced the number ions
a) 3.01  10 24 b) 6.02  10 22 c) 2.46 10 23 d) 12.04  10 24
53 500cm 3 of an ideal gas has number of moles at STP, equal to
a) 0.25mole b) 0.0223moles c) 0.223moles d) 2.23 moles

8 Which of the following statement is correct?
a) number of isotopes with even atomic number is more abundant than that of odd atomic number
b) number of group of atoms with negative charge is greater than number of group of atoms with
positive charge
c) number of cationic molecular ions is greater than number of anionic molecular ions
d) all of the above
a) properties which depend upon mass b) arrangement of electron in orbital
c) chemical properties d) position in the periodic table
11 Many elements have fractional atomic mass. This is because
a) the mass of atom is itself fractional b) atomic masses are average masses of isobars
c) atomic masses are average masses of isotopes
d) atomic masses are average masses of isotopes proportional to relative abundance
18 Which of the following property is always in whole number?
a) Atomic mass b) atomic radius c) atomic volume d) atomic number

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