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EDU 280

September 13 2020
Service Learning Package Summary

My name is Betsi Cardenas Mendoza, and I'm a

student-teacher at the College of Southern Nevada. This
semester in my EDU 280 class Valuing, Multicultural
Education. I was required to complete 10 hours of
community service. I decided to volunteer at a food
distribution and shelter center. The center's name is
Epicenter on the Parkway. This center is located at 2000
S. Maryland Parkway; City: Las Vegas, NV 89104,
behind the Episcopal Christian Church. During my
service, I was performing several activities, like helping
with the cleaning task of the center, more specific
mopping and sweeping common areas of the center,
putting away food into refrigerators, and other tasks like
folding plastic bags, breaking down boxes, and carrying
boxes with cloths and other items. The clothes I was
putting in boxes and saving into a mini-warehouse were
from donations of the community and were given to
homeless people who come to the center to shower,
take lunch and dinner, and spend the night. Something
that I would like to point out that at all times everyone in
the center was following the instructions from the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention CDC related to Covid-19. Facemask was required for all visitors of the
center to allow them access, and after a day of working, I was in charge of cleaning
and disinfecting all areas where people were in contact. I had two different
schedules: Tuesday 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, and Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00
am to 12:00 pm. Every day I was assigned a different activity to perform. For
example, sometimes, I did break down boxes and fold plastic bags. Later the
breaking boxes were sold and collected by a truck that will use them for recycling.
The funds with the selling of boxes were used to buy cleaning stuff and other items.
Other times I helped clean and sanitize the communal areas of the center like the
dining room, some classrooms where members of the catholic church have meetings
and give doctrine to children. My voluntary work in the center made more handle and
efficient the service the people at the food distribution center do. They gave canned
food and other personal items to low-income families and homeless people once a
week. Also, they have a community dinner-room that is open Monday through
Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 am. Something that I learned from the experience was
that you do not really need to donate money or food to help someone else. If you
really want to help and do not have funds to support a cause, helping with the daily
task of this type of center will make a huge difference. Because they need
volunteering work to be able to fully cover the needs of people who come to these
centers. I also learned cooperative work skills and to be empathic with everyone. By
last, by being able to interact with people in different economic situations I learned to
appreciate all the little things and services that we have access to and that may
seem nothing to us.
Service hours video

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