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RESPECT- Music Scale in English

Source: Boer, D., Fischer, R., Tekman, H. G., Abubakar, A. A., Njenga, J., & Zenger, M. (2012). Young
people’s topography of musical functions: Personal, social and cultural experiences with music across
genders and six cultures. International Journal of Psychology, 47, 355-369.

Translation: Original (Boer, 2010)

Instruction and response scale: Please indicate the degree to which each of the following statements
applies to your experience with music from “1 – not at all” to “7 – to a great extent”

Variable Items
RM_emo1 Feelings conveyed in a song can make my heart melt.
RM_emo2 Some songs pluck my heartstrings.
RM_emo3 Some songs are so powerful that they are able to bring tears into my eyes.
RM_emo4 It's important to me that music transports feelings.
RM_emo5 Music is emotion flowing in sound.
RM_sb1 I meet with friends and listen to good music.
Through music my friends and I can commemorate happy past moments
RM_sb2 together.
Listening to music with friends is a way of sharing good old memories of our
RM_sb3 lives.
Going to concerts and listening to records is a way for me and my friends to get
RM_sb4 together and relate to each other.
We live these moments of true connection when I listen to music or go to
RM_sb5 concerts with my friends.
RM_fa1 Music allows me to have a common interest with my family.
RM_fa2 Our shared music taste is something that brings my family together.
RM_fa3 I like talking to my family about music.
RM_fa4 I enjoy listening to music with my family/relatives.
RM_ven1 Music is what alleviates my frustration.
RM_ven2 Music is a means of venting my frustration.
RM_ven3 Through listening to music I can let off steam.
RM_ven4 Music seems to reduce stress.
RM_ba1 I need music in the background while doing something else.
RM_ba2 In many situations I need music in the background.
RM_ba3 Whatever I do, I listen to music in the background.
RM_da1 I like dancing to certain music.
RM_da2 Some music makes me want to dance.
RM_da3 I like to go dancing, and the type of music is essential for this.
RM_fo1 I can keep my focus on a task while listening to the right music.
RM_fo2 Music helps me to focus.
RM_fo3 Listening to music allows me to concentrate.
RM_val1 Music is very important in the process of developing my values.
RM_val2 Somehow music steers my approach to life and my values.
RM_val3 My personal development was positively influenced by music.
RM_pol1 My favourite music is often political.
RM_pol2 I usually listen to music that goes somewhat with my political beliefs.
RM_pol3 Music plays an important role in my life as a means of political engagement.
RM_pol4 I like political content in songs.
The music of my country represents an image of my country to the outside
RM_id1 world.
RM_id2 The music in my country is part of building our identity.
RM_id3 Music is a reflection of a country's culture and history.
RM_me1 Music gives my friends and me lots of memories.
RM_me2 Memories are connected to songs I used to listen to.
RM_me3 My friends and I think of our memories, when we hang out listening to music.
RM_me4 Certain tracks evoke memories of particular situations in my life.
RM_spir1 My favourite music is often spiritual.
RM_spir2 I usually listen to music that goes somewhat with my spiritual beliefs.
RM_spir3 Music plays an important role in my life as a means of spiritual engagement.
RM_spir4 I like spiritual content in songs.

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