Automobile Engineering (AEN) : Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Sixth Semester
Prepared by
Mr. Pranit P Mehata

Department of Mechanical Engineering

St John College of Engineering and
(St. John Polytechnic 1602)
Palghar (E), Palghar 401404
❖ Introduction and History:
The word “Automobile” is derived from Greek word “autos” means self and French word
“mobile” which means moving. So, in short, automobile means a self-moving vehicle. A self-
propelled vehicle used for transportation of goods and passengers on the ground is called as

❖ Classification of Automobiles:
The automobiles are classified as follows:
1. According to Purpose (Use)
i. Passenger Cars
ii. Goods Carriage
iii. Special Purpose
iv. Earth Moving
v. Motor Cycle (Bikes)
vi. Mopeds
2. According to Fuel Used:
i. Petrol Vehicles: motor cycles, scooters
ii. Diesel Vehicles: trucks, buses
iii. LPG/CNG Vehicles
iv. Electric Cars
v. Hybrid Cars
vi. Solar Cars
vii. Fuel Cell
3. According to Load Carrying Capacity:
i. Heavy Motor Vehicle: Trucks, buses
ii. Medium Motor Vehicle
iii. Light Motor Vehicle: jeep, car
4. According to drive:
i. Left hand drive: American vehicle
ii. Right hand drive: Indian vehicle
5. According to Number of Wheels:
i. Two wheelers: Scooters, Mahindra Duro
ii. Three wheelers: Autorickshaw
iii. Four wheelers: car, jeep
iv. Six wheelers: bus, truck
6. According to Number of Stokes:
i. Two Strokes
ii. Four strokes

❖ Components of Automobile With their function and location:

Following are the major components of automobile:
1. The basic structure: It consist of the frame, the suspension system, axles, wheels
and tyres.
Function: To support the weight of body and passenger, to cushion the shocks due to
road irregularities.
2. The engine: It is located at the front or depending upon the type of vehicle layout.
Function: It provides the motive power for all various functions which the vehicle or
any part of it, may be required to perform.
3. The Transmission system: It consist of a clutch, a gearbox, a propeller shaft and
Function: To engaged or disengaged the power from engine to transmission system, to
transmit the torque and to distribute the final torque equally between the driving wheels.
4. The auxiliaries: It consist of electrical systems.
Function: To provide spark for ignition of charge, to start the engine by providing initial
motive force, to provide electrical energy for lighting system.
5. The controls: It consist of steering system and brakes
Function: to control direction of moving vehicle, to steer the vehicle according to drivers will.
6. The body: To provide space for passenger and luggage.

❖ Vehicle Layout:
Vehicle layout is important aspect at the time of design of vehicle. It indicates the various
components and assemblies mounted on it. It is defined as the location and arrangement of the
main component such as engine and drive wheels.
Types of vehicle layout:
Some important vehicle layouts used in automobiles. These are based on relative position of
engine and driving wheels.
1. Front Engine Rear Wheel Drive (FERWD)
2. Front Engine Front Wheel Drive (FEFWD)
3. Rear Engine Rear Wheel Drive (RERWD)
4. All Wheel Drive (4WD)

Front Engine Rear Wheel Drive (FERWD)

It is the most conventional type of layout and as the name suggests the engine is mounted in
the front part of vehicle and the drive is transmitted to the rear axle. e.g.- Bolero XL.
The drive chain in this layout is Engine – Clutch – Gearbox - Universal joint - Propeller shaft
Differential-Rear axle - Wheels.
1. Balanced weight distribution in vehicle.
2. Simple front axle design with steering mechanism.
3. Better engine cooling by taking full benefits of natural airstream flowing across
the radiator
4. Accessibility to various engine component is easier
1. It requires long Propeller shaft to transmit the power from gearbox to
2. Higher noise transmitted from front engine to driver cabin
3. The rear floor houses the propeller shaft and hence rear legs space is limited.
4. It requires larger brake pads at front wheels because of higher weight being
transmitted on front wheels while deceleration.
Front Engine Front Wheel Drive

In this layout the engine is located at the front of the vehicle and drive is given to the front
wheel. The propeller shaft length is reduced or neglects the propeller shaft. The drive is
transferred from engine, situated at front end, to the gearbox to the differential with the help of
gear drive. The differential unit is placed in the front axle. Absence of propeller shaft reduces
the chassis height.
1. Good grip with road surface
2. Propeller shaft is neglected
3. The chance of vehicle skidding and slipping is very much reduced.
4. Helps in acceleration
1. Constructions becomes costly and complicated
2. High noise transmission from engine unit to drivers’ cabin
3. Higher shock absorbers required.

Rear Wheel Rear Engine Drive (RERWD)

This type of layout eliminates the necessity of propeller shaft. The engine is mounted at the
rear and drive is also transmitted to the rear axle. e.g.- Nano. The drive chain for this layout is
– Engine – Clutch – Gearbox-Differential - Universal joint - Rear drive shafts - Wheels.

1. The front axle consists of a very simple design and houses the steering mechanism only.
2. Because of high weight on the driving axle, it provides excellent traction and grip on
steep hills.
3. The rear floor can be made flat due to absence of propeller shaft
4. The driver cabin is well isolated from engine noise.
5. Because of elimination of front engine packaging constraints, the front body can be
design as per styling
1. Natural air cooling of engine is not possible, hence it requires a powerful radiator fan
2. The clutch and gear shifting mechanism is long and complex.
3. Because of higher weight concentration at rear, the vehicle has a tendency to oversteer
while taking a sharp turn.
4. Luggage space at front is restricted due to small compartment that houses the fuel tank
and spare wheel.

All Wheel Drive (4WD)

In this layout the engine is located at front of the vehicle. The drive is provided to all four
wheels. The typical drive chain for such layout consists of engine, followed by clutch then
gearbox. After main gear box an additional transfer gearbox is required to split and transfer the
power to front as well as rear axle.

1. Equal brake force distribution for all four wheels.
2. Better grip
3. Suitable for off-roading
4. Better traction on all four wheels.

1. High manufacturing cost

2. Increase fuel consumption
3. Additional transfer gearbox is required
4. Weight of vehicle increases

❖ Vehicle Body
It is the superstructure of the vehicle that means the body is integral with the frame or bolted
to the frame. The chassis and body make the complete vehicle. In general, vehicle body acts
like cover to the chassis. Body consists of doors, window, engine cover, roof, seats, luggage
compartment, etc. depending upon the type of the vehicle.
Requirements of vehicle body
1. The body should be light.
2. It should have minimum number of components.
3. It should provide sufficient space for passengers and luggage.
4. It should withstand vibrations while in motion.
5. It should offer minimum resistance to air.
6. It should be cheap and easy in manufacturing.
7. It should be attractive in shape.
8. It should have uniformly distributed load.
9. It should have long fatigue life
10. It should provide good vision and ventilation
Types of Automobile Bodies

1. Closed Cars
i. Saloon
ii. Hatchback
iii. Coupe
iv. Limousine
2. Open cars
i. Sports
ii. Convertible
3. Special Style
i. Estate Cars
ii. Station Wagon
4. Transport Vehicles
i. Van
ii. Truck
iii. Articulated Vehicle
iv. Bus
v. Coach
5. Other types of bodies are
i. Tractor with articulated trailer
ii. Half body Truck
iii. Dump truck
iv. Tanker
v. Delivery truck

Fig. Vehicle Bodies

Nomenclature of Vehicle Body

❖ Aerodynamic Shape of Body

The body of vehicle is designed to protect the passenger as well as various components of the
vehicle from the air. An aerodynamic shape of car body is the external shape of car body which
will offer least resistance to air motion. Whenever car is moving there is an air resistance to
motion of car. This air resistance depends on (i) Size of car (ii) frontal shape and area (iii) speed
and (iv) wind velocity. This air resistance is given by
𝑹𝒂 = 𝑪𝒂 . 𝑨. 𝑽𝟐

Where Ra= Air Resistance, Ca=coefficient of air resistance V= Velocity of vehicle (speed).
Now as frontal projected area of vehicle increases then vehicle air resistance increases & vice-
versa. Figure 1. Indicates frontal area of vehicle which is vertical, flat & offers more air
resistance also flat portion at the rear produces drag which pulls the vehicle back reducing the
motion of the vehicle.

Fig 1. Old Type Car Body

So frontal area of car & body of car is designed in such a way that front portion is made inclined
& body is given smooth curves (using curves instead of flat surfaces). This offers a least
resistance to air & called as an aerodynamic shape.
Figure 2. indicates the use of curved surfaces in modern vehicles instead of flat surfaces. This
offers less air resistance.

Fig. Streamlined Car Body

Thus, Aerodynamic shape of car body
1. Reduces fuel consumption.
2. Air eddies are not formed behind the body.
3. Increases road traction.
4. Good on-road stability
Forces acting on the vehicle body related to aerodynamics
As a result of air stream interacting with the vehicle, the following forces and moments are
imposed on vehicle.
Direction Forces Moment
Longitudinal Direction (X- Drag Rolling moment
axis, positive rearward)
Lateral Direction (Y-axis, Slide force Pitching moment
positive rightward)
Vertical (Z-axis, positive Lift Yawing moment

It is the largest and most important aerodynamic force encountered by vehicle at normal
highway speeds. Air drag is given by the equation,
𝐷𝑎 = ½ 𝜌 𝑉 2 𝑐𝑑 𝐴
ρ= Density of air
V= Speed of Vehicle
𝑐𝑑 = Coefficient of Drag
A= Frontal Area of vehicle.
The major factors included in aerodynamic drag are-Induced drag, profile drag, Friction drag

Fig. Drag Force

Slide Force:
Lateral wind component also impose the side force on the vehicle attempting to change the
direction of travel. The exact effect depends on the vehicle and nature of cross wind. The
equation for side force is given by
𝑆𝑎 = ½ ρ 𝑉 2 𝐶𝑠 A
ρ= Density of air
V= Total wind velocity
𝐶𝑠 = Side force Coefficient
A= Frontal Area of vehicle.

Lift Force:
The pressure difference from top to bottom of vehicle causes the lift force. The lift force is
measured at the centerline of vehicle at the center of wheel base. The lift force given by
𝐿𝐴 = ½ ρ 𝑉 2 𝐶𝐿 A
ρ= Density of air
V= Total wind velocity
𝐶𝐿 = Lift Coefficient
A= Frontal Area of vehicle.

Fig. Lift Force

Pitching moment: The moment of vehicle along x-axis due to forces in Z direction is called
as pitching moment
Yawing Moment: Lateral force caused by side wind does not normally act at the mid wheel
base position, thus the yawing moment is produced.
Rolling moment: The lateral force caused by a side wind acts at the elevated point on the
vehicle, thus the rolling moment is produced. The moment has only a minor effect on stability
of vehicle.

Fig. Moments on Vehicle

❖ Alternative Fuels:
The increase in energy consumption particularly in the past several decades has raised fears of
exhausting vital natural resources. Rapid industrialization and population growth has increased
the dependence and use of natural fuels. Approx. 90% of our energy requirement are met by
fossil fuels. Studies suggest that if exploited at same rate coal reserves will deplete in the next
200-300 years and petroleum deposits will deplete in the next few decades. So, it is important
for us to engage in research and development of alternative fuels so we may not face scarcity
of natural resources in the future. Following are the alternative fuels: CNG, LPG, Alcohol fuels,
hydrogen etc.

Advantages of CNG and LPG operated engines:

1. Low cost of fuel.
2. Less pollution and more efficiency.
3. It is safer for vehicle. The LPG/CNG fuel tank is made of thick wall so they can
withstand dynamic explosion, crash test, and direct gunfire.
4. Increased life of lubricating oils, as LPG/CNG does not contaminate and dilute the
crankcase oil. No need of oil change frequently which reduce vehicle maintenance

5. Due to its antilock property, CNG can be used safely in engine with compression
ratio as high as 12:1 compare to gasoline engine. Because CNG has a higher-octane
number than petrol, CNG engines operate at higher compression ratio without
6. CNG/LPG fuel systems are sealed, preventing fuel losses from spills or evaporation.

❖ Disadvantages of CNG and LPG operated engines:

1. Space Required for LPG/CNG Cylinder is more.
2. LPG/CNG tank is bulky.
3. More current rated battery is required.
4. Eats entire boots space of vehicle.
5. Easily not available in rural areas.
❖ Hydrogen Fuel Cell:
A fuel cell is a device which produce electrical power through a chemical reaction by
converting a fuel (hydrogen) into electricity. A hydrogen fuel cell consists of three main
components an anode, the negative post of the fuel cell, cathode the positive post of the fuel
cell and polymer electrolyte membrane to create the chemical reaction between hydrogen gas
(H2) and oxygen gas (O2) as fuel.

Fig. Hydrogen Fuel Cell

First a hydrogen fuel is channelled to the anode through flow fields. Hydrogen atoms become
ionized and carry only a positive charge. Then oxygen enters the fuel cell at the cathode, where
it combines with electrons returning from the electrical circuit and the ionized hydrogen atoms.
Here the oxygen atom picks up the electrons then it flows through the electrolyte to combine
with the hydrogen ion. The combination of oxygen and ionized hydrogen serve as the basis for
the chemical reaction. A polymer electrolyte membrane permits the appropriate ions to pass
between the anode and the cathode. If the electrolyte gave free control for all electrons or ions
to pass freely, it would disrupt the chemical reaction. At the end of the process the positively
charged hydrogen atoms react with the oxygen to form both water and heat while creating an
electrical charge.

1. Provide power and storing them
2. Two to three times more efficient than IC engines.
3. Provide electrical power for remote location
4. Environmentally friendly
5. No leakage of hydrogen gas
1. High cost
2. It is dangerous

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