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State University Board of Regents: What am I living for?

A Case Analysis
Submitted to Mrs. Helene Mazzeo

As an Assignment in Man21

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Foundation University
June 18, 2015

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I. Central Problem
Mr. Francisco Bundoc is stucked between the “friendship” of Dr. Agao and Mrs. Bundoc.
Since, Dr. Agao befriended Mrs. Bundoc in exchange of being the food caterer of the university.
Mr. Bundoc could no longer make a fair judgment towards the proposals of Dr. Agao. He could
not oppose to him because his wife has been given a lucrative source of income.

II. Objectives
To determine if there’s anything wrong in the actions of the three personalities.
III. Alternative Courses of Action
 Mrs. Bundoc will cede her catering services to other establishments
 Mr. Bundoc could ignore the “agreement” of Dr. Agao and Mrs. Bundoc and continue

contrasting the campaigns of Dr. Agao.

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IV. Evaluation of Alternative Courses of Action


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In the first alternative, Dr. Agao has no longer claims over the Bundocs. So, Mr. Bundoc
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could now oppose to Dr. Agao and his single-minded proposals. However, taking this
step is a high risk for Mrs. Bundoc especially if her business is not really on the trend yet
or the business doesn’t have the capability to stand on its own. After all, she was only

given a lucky shot by Dr. Agao and saved her in the process of introducing her business
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to the market.
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 Although valiant, the second alternative could result to a messy occurrence. Since, Mr.
Bundoc insisted to resist Dr. Agao, Dr. Agao could end Mrs.Bundoc’s food catering
business in the university.
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V. Conclusion
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Given the circumstances, Mrs Bundoc must cede her business to other establishments.
Since, she didn’t get the job honestly; she must put an end to it right away. Because if she
continues her involvement with Dr. Agao, other members of the board might question her

credibility and this will not only put her career at stake, also her husband’s.

VI. Recommendations
In a normal workplace, it is really natural to have other people opposing us. Before our
anger comes to us, we should bear in mind that not all we think are great ideas. We should

consider the people that might be affected of rushing our decisions. In this scenario, the three
characters have done wrong in reacting to a certain stimulus caused by the intentions of Dr.
Agao. Before we grab an opportunity, we should think first if it is not contrary to law, morals,
good customs, public order, and public policy. If so, then grab the opportunity. If not, then
always decline. The morale of this situation is that we should think first of the results of our
possible actions before actually doing it because it may lead to conflict.

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