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Course Instructor: Dr.

Sheikh Muhammad Ishtiaq

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Erum Liaquat
Dept: ME, EE, CS, MS Section: ____
EE-5ADSU ID (Reg #): ___________
ee181032 Dt of Submission: Next Class Lecture Max. Marks:10
Note: Answer the questions as brief as possible
1) What is the difference between Nabi and Rasul?
 Nabi
Nabi is the person who is appointed by Allah to inform his nation about the unseen and persuade them to believe in and
and practice upon them. ______________________________________________________________________________________
 Rasul
Rasul is the person who is appointed by Allah with Scriptures and/or a Book that contains fresh Commandments
of Shari’ah [Religious Law] and inform his nation about the unseen and persuade them to believe in and practice
upon them. Every Rasul [Messenger] was also the Nabi [Prophet]; but, every Nabi was not necessarily the Rasul [Messenger].
2) What do Prophets and Messengers claim? (write any three)
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
They claimed that the hidden world was unveiled to them only as much as their Lord willed.
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
They claimed that there is no contradiction in their teachings.
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
They claimed that they can answer to every question in the light of wahi with Allah’s permission.
3) What do the Jews believe about Ezra [Uzair (a.s)] and Jesus [Essa (a.s)]?
The Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah…[Taubah 9:30]
(Jews say) We killed Messiah Essa, son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah… [Nisah 4:157]
4) What do Muslims believe about Ezra [Uzair (a.s)] and Jesus [Eesa (a.s)]?
And because of their (Jews) saying (in boast): "We killed Essa, son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah," -but they killed
him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of Essa was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those
who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely;
5) Note:they killed him not. But Allah raised him up (with his body and soul) unto Himself, and Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise.
 Look up the following verses in the Holy Quran, learn by heart and write translation
[Nisah 4:157]
 Must mention name of the translator/commentator against each verse

(Surah Zukhraf 7:43)

And not came to them any Prophet any Prophet but they used to mock at him. mock at him.

(Surah Taubah 9:30)

And said the Jews, "Uzair (is) son (of) Allah". And said the Christians, "Messiah (is) son (of) Allah".

(Surah Nisa 4:157)

And for their saying, "Indeed, we killed the Messiah, Isa, son (of) Maryam, (the) Messenger (of) Allah". And not they
killed him. And not they crucified him but it was made to appear (so) to them.__________________________________________

(Surah Nisa 4:80)

(He) who obeys the Messenger then surely he obeyed Allah, and whoever turns away then not We (have) sent you
over them (as) a guardian.

Signature: _______________________
Erum Liaquat DSU ID: _______________________
ee181032 Date: __________________________

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